DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1004, bj tat Prank Qoen Publishing Company (Limited). Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1863. NEW YORK, DECEMBER 3, 1904. VOLUME LII.-No.41. Prloa 10 Cant*. CATXXfl * HMliHtHQ fWtA. 950 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. MI55 (Tipper^ Anecdotes, Personalities and CoDHDeots, CONCEBNINO ST1GE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY J OSEPHINE) GEO. At the flrtt evening meeting of the Century Theatre Club, recently, msny a good etory of stage folk waa told, all pertinently Illus- trating points which the different 'speakers ■ought to Impress upon members and guests. Among these waa one giving a abort conver- sation between Maurice Barrymore, one of tha "hlghest-flylng wits," whose smart say- ings are ao widely quoted at the present time, and Bteele Mackaye, the eminent play- wright. "You're a pretty good actor, Barry," aald Mackaye, one day to him, "but you will never be a really great one until you have suffered Intensely, or until you have gone through aome great disappointment," "Then," replied Barrymore quickly, "write me a play — that's a good fellow." 9 Among the rich and varied collection of head gear worn by Lillian Russell la a beau- tiful turban of Russian aable, the price paid for which waa not far from a thousand dol- lars. On her return from a drive a few days ago she toasted the bat upon the cushions of a big divan In her library, whence It rolled unnoticed to the floor. A moment later a caller In the person of tiny, piquant Edna Wallace Hopper waa announced, and the two stage favorites were aoon deeply engaged In me discussion of Miss Russell's gorgeous gowns which are being built for her forth- coming production of "Lady Teazle." The interesting talk waa, however, Inter- rupted by the angry yapping and anappy little growls from the small throat of Mia* Ruasell'a Japanese spaniel, Mookale, which haa recently been christened "Lady Teazle" for obvious reasons. The tiny animal of Japanese origin was strenously shaking the costly turban of her mistress, dropping It for an Instant, then viciously biting at It again. "Look at that little Jap chewing your sables I" exclaimed Mlsa Hopper In coaster nation. "Yes," said Miss Russell, with her calm, sweet smile, as she crossed the room to rescue ber valuable possession, "like the I'ttle lighters of her country, she Is trying to do up all things Russian." • Tom Wise, the genial comedian, tells of an amusing reply that a brother comedian once received from an Indiana villager. The town waa a small, alow place In the Hoosler State, where the actor bad played for several successive seasons. Instead of Increasing In population like most places, this little town seemed to the actor to be growing smaller et each visit. In conversation with a typical townsman wbo waa lounging near the hotel entrance Wiae's friend said: "Your village ben hasn't grown much since last year — In fact, It seems smaller. People die here frequently, don't they?" "Nope," answered the man, at the ssme time aiming a mouthful of tobacco Juice at the curb ten feet distant, "they die only once in Ibis taown." V J, J. Rosenthal, wbo ts managing "A Chinese Honeymoon," besides looking after the interests of Kathryn Oiterman, shortly to be seen In "The Girl That Looks Like Me," met with a laughable Instance of In- genuous honesty. It was at a matinee per- formance at the Broadway Theatre, Denver.. A stout little woman leading two small boys of five and seven presented one ticket at the door. "Where are the tickets for the boys?" asked Rosenthal. "I never buy tickets for them," protested the mother ; "you see, I don't keep a girl, so have to take them when I go anywhere. They alwaya go to sleep as soon as they get Inside, and why should I pay for tbem when they don't see the show 1" With a backward thought at his own boy- hood matinee days, though on the contrary be never "batted an eye" when he waa fortu- nate enough to attend a performance, Rosen- thal quickly decided to let the little woman and ber sleepy progeny go In on one piece of pasteboard. After the first act one of the ushers came to tbe manager and handed him twenty-five cents. •What's that for?" asked Rosenthal. "A little fat woman asked me to give It to you," waa the reply ; "she told me to tell you that one of the kids woke op." James Royal, who was with Harry K. Daly's Company last season, aenda for this column tbe following laughable occurance which took place during bis engagement. Daly was playing a part In which he wore a pair of long side wlskers, known as "Dun- dreary's." It waa tbe actor's custom to nightly apply to tbem the tbtn glue which attached them to bis face Just before begin- ning to make up for bin part By tbe time his make up was completed the glue would be "set" sufficiently to stick tnst. One night as usual Daly bad prepared the whiskers, and contrary to bis habit of plac- ing tbem on the mnko up shelf, glue side up- ward, be put them on n chair. A moment later a friend happening to call at his dress- ing room, he became deeply Interested In conversation. When the cnll boy rapped at tbe door In warning of his cue for bis en- trance, Daly turned to tbe table to adjust bts whiskers. Not finding them In their ac- customed place he searched throughout tha place In vain. Hearing hla cue be rushed frantically upon the stage, as he supposed without his facial adornment. But they were with him— tbe Dundreary's— greatly to tha amusement of the audience end the playera also. Firmly attached to bis coat tails were tha missing whiskers. 9 The Bemsays, * popular vaudeville duo, appearing in their laugb provoking sketch, "The Gal from Bkowhegan," recently played an engagement In Redding, Csl. Bo real waa Mrs. Bemsey'a make np, and ao convincing ber portrayal of the girl of backwoods type, that she became tbe subject of a cast of mis- taken Identity. Mrs. Remsey wss awaiting her husband's return In the parlor of the hotel. Near ber sat two ladles of the place in friendly gossip, "By tbe way," said one of tbem. "Did you go to tbe. show, and did yon see that funny woman?" "Yes," aald tha other, "and she done ber pert real well." - "Nothln' of the kind," aald the other, "aha wasn't actln' out a bit — aba was only doln' herself. The playbill aald she waa from a place called Bkowhegan, but 'taint any such thing. She's from right out here In Shingle town — I've seen ber there lots of times." Mrs. Bemsey declares the mistake of the Redding lady la a tribute to her realistic work In the clever little sketch. 9 Victor Herbert, the composer-musical di- rector, baa recently come Into the possession of a handsome baton, tbe object of a wager between himself and a friend. His friend declared his opinion that a struggling com- poser without fame had a amall chance of receiving recognition or having his work accepted by the popular music publishers. Herbert took tbe opposite side of the argu- ment, declaring that "merit alwaya wins," and that a name Is not the whole require- ment Tbe result of tbe conversation was ODB LONDON LETTER. (raoat ooa own cwnBtrorois?.) Clipper Bnrean, 48 Cranfconrme Street. Leicester Maust*, Loudon, W. O. NOV. 10. Lewis Waller desires to deny the state- ments that have been spread aa to his play- ing In America next Autumn, during which time tbe Imperial Theatre waa to be occu- pied by Mrs. Langtry. Instead of going to tbe United State* next Autumn he Intends to appear In "Macbeth" at tbe Imperial. Mr. Waller wss entertained at supper but week by tbe members of his compsoy to celebrate his birthday and tbe first ennl- versary of bis management of tbe Imperial. Eleanor Bobson, whose performances In "Merely Mary Ann," st tbe Duke of York's Theatre, Is tbe cause of crowded houses at every presentation of that play, leave* for tbe United States Dec 16. She will be greatly missed by London playgoers. Mr. Molllson will play the principal part In a dramatic version of "Beside the Bonnls Erler Bush" at tbe Shakespeare Theatre, Liverpool, April 3 It la an American play and one that haa met with success In that country. Mr. Molllson secured the plsy on Sir Henry Irvlng's advice. An announcement In tbe suburbs tbla week that la of much Importance la that of the commencement of a suburban tour by Mrs. Ijngtry at tbe Camden Theatre, with Percy Fendall's play, "Mrs. Deerlng'a Divorce," which she baa already played for over a year In America. In this Paul Arthur will resume the cnaracter be originated In tbe United Statea. With the gradual modernization, of the Old Drury Lane Theatre, a number of quaint old portions of the theatre, links with tbe psst, many of them celebrated by their association with great actors and actresses, have been awept away. Tbe green room as a green room exists no longer, although for a time the tra- ditional green paper and tbe old fashioned clock and busts of eminent tragedians were kept on tbe walls. Nine years ago, when tbe box office waa enlarged, a circular staircase had to be removed, the stairs of wbtch, In tbe to the Strand. The piece has made a tre- mendous success at tbe former house and does not want to change Its location. H. Vernon Harconrt, who la attached to the foreign office, and wbo la a son of the lste Sir Wlli;«rD Harcoart, has written a play, which he calls "An Angel Unawares." Tbe rights have been secured by Fanny Brougb, who will produce It In London when she returns irom America. The "Angel Un- awares" la a woman from New York, wbo reconciles two young lovers. "The Flute of Pan,' 1 which was put on at the Shaftesbury Theatre last Saturday, by Olga Netbersole snd compsny, was most se- verely handled by the critics aad others wbo saw the first performance. The story In a way suggests the leading Idea of "His Highness, My Husband," a reigning princess determ'n- Ing to marry one who cannot share ber throne, with all the troubles which flow therefrom. The princess, In this case, Is no bread and butter lady, but one fond of ad- venture, whose sctlons are so much under control that, although she loves her husband, he suspects her of a serious flirtation, and hence comes a complication that a few simple words would Immediately have cleared away. but which remain unspoken until the final curtain. Mrs. Brown Potter's newest offering, "For Church and Stage," which was shown to the public on Saturday afternoon of last week, only met with fair success, and the real en- joyment of the afternoon was derived from the presentation of "Cavallerla Rusticana," which followed tbe first named production. I am Informed by Louis W. Jones, press representative of tbe Kilties Bond, that the organization gave a special performance Nov. 9, before the king, at Sandrlngbam. The same success attended this concert as the Initial appearance of the band before the king. I nave also learned from other sources tbat tbe band has played to capacity business during Its provincial tour. Lll Hawthorne, an American who haa made a great name for herself In this coun- try, commenced an engagement at tbe Em- pire, Cardiff, on Monday last, with Swansea, Newport, Nottingham snd Leicester to fol- low. Then Miss Hawthorne goes to Bristol to start rehearsals for pantomime st the Prince's Theatre. SISTER9 DE FAYE. The above cut represents thla trio, known aa tbe "Three Little Musical Maids," and their pet cat, "Karama," at their home In Cleveland, 0. tbe wager which was won by the popular composer. A few dsys later M. Wltmark as Sons, the music publishers, received a manuscript, en- titled "Al Fresco," signed with the name, Frank Roland. With It came a letter asking the consideration of the composition. In course of time the piece of music with a number of other compositions was given a bearing by the Wltmarka. Out of the lot, only one, "Al Fresco," was accepted tor pub- lication. So pleased was Isadora Wltmark with the beauty and Jingle of the piece that he recommended It to Victor Herbert as a number very fit to be placed upon his pro- grammes. Apparently to please bis publisher the composer had the music rehearsed and played at the tint Victor Herbert Sunday night concert. It met with immediate suc- cess, being loudly and repeatedly encored. During tbe Intermission Iaadore Wltmark, who bad attended the concert with hla family, approached Herbert and referred to tbe gratifying effect that "Al Fresco" had produced on the public esr. Herbert then explained the loke — how he himself bad sent in the msnuscrlpt under an unknown name, to prove his opinion tbst merit and not name alone is necessary. The success of the piece which won the new baton for Herbert has necessitated an expensive change on scores of music plates on which has been engraved the name of tbe unknown compoaer, "Frank Roland," whlcb Herbert temporarily used as a nom it plume, <« » — New Association Hall, at Concord Junc- tion, Mass., replacing tbe one burned a little over a year ego, was dedicated by a concert and n. ball on Nov. 14 and IB. — A. E. Davidson haa secured for his territory the rights to produce tha plsy, "A Young Wife/' from T. H. Wlnnett. ♦ ■ » Pennsylvania Railroad Company will . Iaane Clerical Orders for 1005. Pursuant to Its usual custom, the Pennsyl- vania Railroad Company will Issue clerical orders for the year 1005 to ordained clergy- men having regular charge aa nettled pastors of churches located on or near Ita lines. Clergymen desiring such orders should make Individual application for same on blanks furnished by the Company and which can now be obtained from tbe Ticket Agents. Applications should be sent to the General Office of the Company as soon as possible. In no caae later than December 15, so that orders may be mailed by December 80, to all clergymen entitled to receive tbem. §erlod Just before Waterloo, had been trod- en by many a fair and frail visitor on tbe way to tbe saloon above, a meeting place which, if there bad been a County Council In those days, would have been characterised by them aa a promenade. More recently, with the erection of the new offices over what waa once tbe Vinegar Yard, It baa been found necessary to transform one of the ante rooms of the boxes Into an entrance to tbem. This apartment waa known as Mrs. Qarrlck'e. the widow of the great actor having survived him for many years, and owned a box on this tier of the present National Theatre. It ts announced that A. W. Plnero Is writing his next new play for George Alex- ander. The piece will be one of serious in- terest, and will be produced at the St James Theatre after Mr. Alexander's provincial tour in the Autumn of next year. It haa been un- der Mr. Alexander's management that much of the finer work with which Mr. Plnero's name la associated, has been produced. At present Mr. Alexander la giving himself a rest, but will shortly appear In aome after- noon productions. "The Clngalee" reached Its two hundred and fiftieth performance at Daly'a Theatre Not 10, and was received with ss much en- thusiasm as on the opening night, last March. Thla tuneful, amusing and beautifully staged musical play remains one of tbe best examples of the skill of George Edwardes, and la one of the beat drawing cards In London today. At the Court tbe Christmas production will be a musical play, written by Lawrence Haus- man and Granville Baker, the music by Joseph Moorat It is to be called "Prunella, or Love In a Dutch Garden." At the Terriss Theatre, Botherbllthc, last Monday night, F. Melville presented s new melodrama, entitled "The Ugliest Woman on Earth." The play la In four acts and ten scenes. The scenes Include a view of Naples, (he steamship Osprey and the docks of Lon- don and Tilbury. "Le Prince Consort," which has been run- ning at the Athenee Theatre, in Paris, for three hnndred nights, and which, under the title of "His Highness My Husband, u is now running st the Comedy Theatre, Is likely to be brought Into court. Tbe MS. has been seised by a commissary of police, st the Instigation of the widow of the late Edouard Cadot, wbo was for twenty years reader of plays to the Comedle Francalso. It appears tbat Mr. Cadol wrote plsys him- self, snd wss afflicted with a curious mania, having the Idea tbat he was being constant- ly made a victim of plagiarists. He had drawers full of published or unpublished plays, written by himself, and aa soon ss a play waa produced In Paris he unearthed one of these works and claimed that the cblef Ideas hsd been taken from his work. It is stated tbat the new musical plsy which Beymour Hicks baa written to follow "The Earl and tha OlrHat tbe Lyric will be entitled "A Bed of Rosea" Owen Hall and Frank Corson are going to law about "Sergeant Brae" and Ita ^trans- ference from tbe Prince of Wales' Theatre It Is finally stated that James Welch Is to take the place of the late Don Leno In tbe coming Drury Lane pantomime, and bis donkey. Ping Pong, whlcb has been associ- ated with Elm In the comedy, "The New Clown," for three years, will also have a part In the coming production. Hayman and Franklin, who arrived In England Nov. 4, opened on the Barrasford tour Nov. 7, at tbe Grand Pavilion. Man- chester^. and made "a tremendous bit," aa tbey express it They are negotiating for a London opening for March of next year. Again I hear from Radford and Valentine, who are playing at Norwich thlB week. Their letter reads sa follows: "We sre doing our best here and everybody seems satisfied. Even the orchestra laughs, and this Is our third visit here In about eighteen months." Blnns snd BInns were at the Empire The- atre, Nottingham, last week, and their musi- cal work was said by a local paper to be "very smart" Belle Stewart and Dave Fltsglbbons ar- rived In London last Saturday and left on the Monday lollowlng for South Africa, where they are to ploy an engagement. They rame over on the Baltic and had a very rough passage. The following epistle cams from Al. Law- rence too late for last week's letter : "Pardon this communication, but It's my desire to Inform you that my Initial appearance here at tbe Pavilion (Glasgow) lost night was one long to bo remembered. My turn ran twenty minutes, and I was obliged to take Ibree bows and then was compelled to step ont In front of the curtain and make a siteech end also give the audience more of my work. Consequently my turn ran twen- ty-six minutes, and I could have done more, Fudging from tbe applause I received. 1 nve been highly complimented by the man- agement, which has Issued extra advertising matter regarding my act Everything con- sidered, I feel highly elated over my success, which seems complete. No doubt you will learn of It other than direct from me." The Parros Brothers were Clipper Bureau callers on Monday last. They Just finished an eight months' engagement on the conti- nent and will open at tbe London Pavilion Nov. 28. with other first class halls to follow. Their head balancing speaks for Itself and needs no additional recommendation. Dave Meier, of Meier and Mora, writes as follows from the Lyric Theatre, Liverpool : "Just a line as promised. The weather out here Is something nwfuU We haven't seen the sun ahlne for two weeks, but It makes the show business great, as tbe balls are packed every nlgbt Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hughes were with us at Oldham last week, and their act la one scream from start to fin- ish. Tbey are topping the bill here next week. Imro Fox Is at the Hippodrome and Is a big card. Charlie Wballen, of Wballen and Doyle fame. Is featured at the Royal. Mr. Wballen, who la late of the Buffalo BUI Show, has a great chance of a favorite In this coun- try. His dancing at the finish of bis set gets tin two and three curtain calls every night. Gersldo, tbe club Juggler, waa at the ein-. , drome last week, and Is at the Tlvoll, Leeds this week. He Is producing a new comed'v act I aaw tbem practising snd the new art is a corker. What they don't do with tue clubs Is not worth doing. Tbe comedy part Is Immense and original. Mabel La Blanche the first one to alnx 'Blue Bell,' In this coun- try, Is scoring heavily with It here. Well i think tbat will about all for the present'' Phroso, who Is st the Bedford Palace this week, called lost Monday. The offering still contlnuea to bewilder all wbo see It A trio to America Is contemplated. Jim Young, who Is manager of an Amer- ican restaurant In this city, and who Is well known by the theatrical folks In America states that he has an offer to bring over James Thornton to appear exclusively at one of the best halls here. Nat Wlxon, Harry Thornton, Bert Eaton and William Fuller, who comprise the Trou- bsdour Four, arrived In London last Satur- day on the Baltic. They open on the Stoll tour, at Cardiff, Nor. 28. As they played up to tbe week they left the United Btates tbey bad some very Interesting news of things theatrical In that country. The four Is also booked for the Coliseum In the near future. Others who came over on the same ship and who were with the Barnum Show In America; Sutcllffe Troupe, Scottish bag pipers snd dancers: Frlsky's clowns snd r'rldkin's Troupe of Russian dancers. Post Mason Is sn American wbo has been over here so many years that he bos been almost forgotten by his countrymen on tbe other side of the pond. Mr. Meson has an excellent tenor vonce, snd has worked stead lly for the past three years on the principal tours In thlB country. He would like to re- turn to America, but solid booking prevents him from doing so. Frank Whitman, the dancing violinist wbo Is here on a eight seeing trip, has had a good offer of work and has accepted Bame He plays the Oxford Music Hall next week' and If be Is successful In putting back some time already booked In America, he will re- main la London for some time. One of the big cards nt the Alhsmbra, Paris, Is the Manhattan Comedy Four. Like all good acts they have been there some time and age seems to Improve their drawing powers. After an absence of nearly seven years Hart and Leo returned to America last Thurs- day. The trip Is partly for pleasure, and a return voyage frill be made In January. Mr and Mrs. Hart are accompanied by their son Have Just heard of Flake and McDonough's opening at the Bordealey Palace, Nov. 7. The following Is from a leading paper In that dis- trict : "Another clever turn Is thst of 0. T Flske and Nellie McDonough. In the'r one act comedy drama, "Brocky's Temptation" It Is more corerctly described as melodrama they give evidence of considerable histrionic ability. The sketch, too, Is thoroughly enter- taln'nir." Juat before the raising of the curtain for the performance of 'The Flute of Pan," at I he Shaftesbury Theatre, last Monday night, a gas gridiron at the back of the stage fell, and In falling fatally Injured the head gas- man, Mr. Plgott. The unfortunate man was nt once taken to the Charing Cross Hospital, hut died from his Injuries soon after. He lived In Walpole Street, New Cross, and leaves a widow and six children. Mr. Plgott was n great friend to the members of "The Prince of Pllaen" Co., when thst organiza- tion hod Its long run at the Shaftesbury. McPhee and Hill are at the Empire, Glas- gow, this week. They began a twenty weeks' season on the Moss tour at Newcastle-on- Tyne Inst week. Marks and Verity finished the Moss tour last Monday and commence on Monday an en- gagement at Sunderland. James Marba, who Is considered one of tbe best acrobats In this country, was recently Interviewed as to his views on tumbling, snd the article, which was In an Edinburgh paper, was a very lengthy and Interesting one. Mr. Marba Is sa American, and his partner In the act Is also his partner In private life. Mrs. Msrbs Is a native of Leeds, England, and made her first appen ranee on the stage as a ballet girl In the pantomime. Mr. Marba first visited this country with s ma ! e partner, Billy Heeley, with whom he played for over eight years, but four years ago the Idea of combining the knockout business with a dancing show caught his fancy. The Gotham Quartette sailed for South Africa last Monday on the same ship with Belle Stewart and Dave Fltxglbbons. Dave Msrlon called today. He. was billed for Glasgow, but bad to cancel because of sickness. George W. Leslie and company. In "Chums," top the bill at the Alhambra, Brighton, this The Four Lukens, Charles T. Aldrlch, Whistling Tom Brown snd Morris Cronln sre American acts still reaping tbe honors at the Empire Theatre. 4 » » OKLAHOMA. Oklahoma City. — At the Overholser Opera House (Ed. Overholser, manager) the Lyric Opera Co., Nov. 14-17, came to fair business. "Why Women Sin," 19, pleased. Lyman Twins, 20, did the usual big Sunday night business. ««» DOROTHY TENNANT, Who Is now appearing In tbe role of Jane Wlthcrspoon, In ''Tie College Widow," at the Garden Theatre, New York City, Is a native of San Francisco, and has been on the stage but three seasons. Her first professional en- gagement was with "Lovers' Lane," and later she was Robert Edcson's leading woman, In "Soldiers of Fortune." Last season, when Mr. Edeson starred In "Banson's Folly," Miss Teonant succeeded Sandol Mllllken in the leading female role, and later played Mary Stuart, In "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall/' In support of Bertha Galland. In the title role of "The College Widow," Miss Tennant Is charming and Is winning marked success. «»» — Notes from the "Your Neighbor's Wife" Co.. J. I, McGovern, manager: Bus'ness still contlnnes good, and have had several S. n. O's. Played a ten daya' engagement at Mitchell, 8. D., two performances dally, to enormous business. Master Wilfred Dun- bar still continues to be a feature. Our roster Includes: C, R. Mauzy, A. J. Hobble. F. W. Menrs, C. H. Bye. E. W. White, J. T. White, J. M. Dunbar, E. E. Peck, B. J. Stanley, Charles Lampke, Trlzle Stanley, JoBephlne Dunbar, Master Wilfled Dunbar and Baby Norms. We are carrying seventeen people and a band and orchestra. Hugh Ettlnger and C. Daly are In advance. Master Dunbar rendered two solos st the Corn Palace Exposition, at Mitchell, & D-. during the engagement of the company at the Opera House, tbat city. J. T. McGovern, as Happy, the tramp, and Master Dunbar, as Buster, sre dividing tbe honors with tbe company. The show is booked to tbe Pacific coast. — Alda Lawrence Informs us thst she closed with the "For Mother's 8ske" Co. (doing the lead) Oct. 27, In Oklahoma Ter- ritory, In order to open Nov. d, with C. 8. 8ulllvan's "Dors Thorns" Co., as Lady Char- terlB. 4 ■ » There la only one Empire State Ex- press, and It runs over the Ifew York Central at the most rapid rale for the distance of any train la the world. - December 3. THE 1STEW YOBK CLIPPER. m John Philip Bonsa will conclude bis twen- Fbanch H. McNish, Ihfant son of Frank tyflfth seml-annoal concert tour with hla McNith Jr., died In New York City Not. IB. Mod at Cirne gie Hell, New York, on Dec Coittbacts HAVS id> aiaxaD with 4 Arm 4. Thla U hli seventh transcontinental trip, of archltecta for the addition of • new en- nnd It haa taken the band to such localltlea trance to the kfoste Hall, Boston. This an- as Booth Dakota, Oklahoma and the Indian trance baa a frontage ot thirty feet on Territory, aa well as the more frequently Washington 8treet and Is on* hundred and turning of each opera, and scenic and elec- has juat composed, and he will also offer a trical effects will be right up to the minute, new orchestral suite from bis own pen. The a feature of unusual strength, which Is an soloists at the Carnegie Hall concert will be Innovation In the operatic field, will be ibe Estelle Llebllng, soprano: Jessie 8traus. vlo- superb ladles' orchestra of Boaton, under the iinlst, and Herbert L. Clarke, eornetrJst Mr. l*rsonal direction of Norma Porter. We jus Soaea will then Uke a short vacation before giving to the American theatregoing public sailing for Europe on bis fourth foreign tour a musical attraction for_ which there has with his band. T. B. Harms Co., In their new quarters. 126 music and Sojjj. Notes from the Castleton Opera Co. — This will be one of the strongest musical organl- latlont, thoroughly equipped, with two band- . , . pome Pullman cars, special lithograph iand visited cities of the Pacific coast Mr. Bousa seventy-live feet long. When completed It block paper In greatest profusion. Bpeclsl will slgnsllse his return to New York by plsy- will be one of the handsomest and most attention ^has been given to the correct cos- ing for the first time s new march which he costly entrances ever constructed for the use ot Tsndevllle purposes. This will give tho Music Hall three distinct entrances, the latest acquisition being one of the busiest thoroughfares In the city. Work haa al- ready commenced, and It Is expected It will be opened on Christmas Day. John M. Ibwim writes.— "I played the Howard, Boston, week ot Nov. 7-12. and was , immediately re-booked for a return date on West Forty-Fourth Street, New York, Jan. 28. My latest story, The Reconcilia- tion,' met with instant success at the Bow- doln Theatre recently." Majob and Mas. S. H. Roach entertained the Patmatler Sisters at a dinner on Nor. 9, at their home In Dallas, Tex. sirs. Roach Is known professionally as Pearl Carleton. Died at Jackson, Tenn., Nor. 11, lira. D. Goebel, a non-professional, and mother of Earl Ooebel, cornettlst and violinist of Jackson, Tenn. Tn Richabds Slants ere playing a re- turn engagement at the Butte Theatre, Butte, Mont Chas. E. Botal writes: "After the show at the Auditorium Theatre, Cedar Rapids, la.. Nov. 14. Mrs. Taylor gave the company a supper. The party consisted of: Edward Curran, Madge Milton, Ray Clough, Florence Taylor, Sylvia 8anford, Jack and Helen Davis, Miss Grayce, Young Qulnn Trio and Charles B. Royal." Mast Williams, of the sketch team, Wil- liams and Padre, now manager ot Cnrlay's Curiosity Hall, In 8t Panl, was presented on Nov. 14 with a handsome gold beaded walking stick by the performers and attaches of the music hall, It being bis forty-second birthday. Miss Psdre la in tbe stock at the Orpheum Music Hall In Bt Paul. James Looce, tramp Juggler, writes that been a long felt want. The company la a very large one, receiving high salaries, thus learning tbe production of tbe various op- eras In the nlgbeat artistic manner. The stason will Include a tour of the United States and Canada and the company will very likely he taken to Australia and throughout continental Europe. No. 2, with a like organization and equipment, will go out about the first of the year. Roster of the Castleton Opera Co., No. 1 : Onr Buperb Ladles' Orchestra consists of Norma Porter, leader, and twelve of Boston's most thor- ough lady musicians ; Claudia Castleton, Madame Emma Bcrger, Louise Moore, prima donnas: Sylvesta Cornish, character con- tralto; Joseph W. Smith, J. C. Abdlll, ten- era* Robert E. Clark, Ed. Flavelle, oarl- tones: David Yost, William H. Brown, bas- sos ; E. C. Reed, character basso ; Judith Le Moyne, Christine Le Lance, soprano and alto. Business staff- E. Drexel Castleton, manager: B. F. Htgglna, business manager: *~suszjBr*JSsrs±sr &££ &**>«&* »• vat™,*™ * Friday f- have a new song success In "I'm Juat Crasy 'Boot You." A. H. Knoll Is to furnish a ladles' orches- tra at Majestic Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark., lor the season commencing Dec. 187 Warren B. Walker, a pianist and song writer, was married to Jennie Qardenler, at Buffalo, N. Y., on Nov. 10. Uaaaeuille and minstrel Talbot and Boobs* have finished It. C Anderson's houses at Cincinnati, and opened over the Kohl & Castle circuit Nov. 21. They report big success with their comedy singing and conversational set and are booking re- turn dates. They have la rehearsal a new act for next season. Haest Dctall writes: "I have been en- to er, Philadelphia, official costumer. Bupernu merarles : George Howard, electrician ; Mrs. Elisabeth Harris, wardrobe mistress; Robert Foster, stage carpenter; L. B. Harris, mes- senger; J. C. Abdlll and Joseph W. Smith, stage directors ; E. C. Reed, master of trans conation ; H. L. Baker, master of properties. The rehearsals for the new opera In which Lillian Rnsssll Is to star, entitled "Lady Teosle," are now well on the way, and the musical score, by A. Baldwin Sloane (lyrics by John Kendrlck Bangs) Is already In the hands of Jos. W. Stern ft Co., who are to publish It May Irwin, In "Mrs. Black Is Back," has secured a new coon song success, entitled "I Love To Two-Step with My Man." Stern a Co. are publishing this song as well ss several others by its author. Hughle Cnnnen. The presentation of Klaw * Erlauger's pantomime, "Huropty Dumpty," at the New • Amsterdam Theatre, New York, gives Jos. W. Stern A Co. another successful produc- tion In which the music la published exclu- sively by this house. Bert E. Gregory and Will H. Barry, the iernoon. Nor. 11, I was presented with a solid silver shaving set by my local profes- sional friends, In the presence of a crowded house, in bonor of my twenty-eighth birthday. Tbe following were Implicated: Blanche Bailey, Tony Baker, Pamabasika, Cbadwlck Trio, John Bray, Geo. M. Stapf, Jos. West and Ida May Lewis, Since tbe above theatre has been opened the attendance haa been far beyond the management'a most sanguine ex- pectations." Fbank Cast, "Tbe Manipulator." has closed with the BroUerton W. W. W. Min- strels, and will spend the holidays at his home in Bay City, Mich. He has some good dates booked after the holidays. Hakbt E. Dalt writes : "I am atill having success over the Eastern circuits In my Im- personation of the opium fiend, snd am booked solid until Sept 1, 1905," Elwood and Mamie Benton played a successful engagement Nov. 7 at tbe London Theatre, London, Ont, and are booked for the next ten weeks through the middle States, after which they will open on Feb. 6, for nine weeks on the Bijou circuit, with the he has closed a successful engagement on the _ in the Hagei cult at the Lyric Theatre, Denver, Col., Not Crystal circuit and opened on the Ha gen clr- 14. An. Cablisls writes from San Francisco, Cai. : "I am In my eighth week on the Or- pheum .circuit and have ten more weeks with the Orpheum people. I am pleased to state that my ponies have never felt better or looked better than they do at present, and I have been making lumps from New York to Omaha, Kansas City to New Orleans, New Orleans to Minneapolis snd Denver to San Francisco. Tom, my talking pony, baa caused a great deal of talk along the route. While In St. Louis the mayor of that city came upon the stage and asked the pony several questions, which be answered cor- rectly. On leaving the stage the mayor stated that he was worth hla weight In go! ?d Charles MeAvoy is featuring " 'Cause I Only Had a Quarter to My Name," In Prim- rose's New Minstrels. The song Is also being sung with success by May Roslyn. "I'll Be Your Dewdrop, Rosfe," never falls to call for an encore when sung by Charles Burkhard, Arthur Williams, the Manhattan Comedy Four and T. Blaset. "Sonny Boy" has been placed on tbe re- pertory of the following vocalists : The Young American Quintet, Albert Merrill, Holden ana Florence. The fame of "Goodbye. Little Girl, Good- bye," Is spreading. The following prominent singers are '"Ing It: Tbe Wilson Trio, John Clark, Imperial Comedy Four, Estelle Ward, Victor Belmont and many others. "Let's All Go Up to Maud's," "My Sweet Little Eskimo," "When the Bees are In the Hive," "Don't Cry. Katie, Dear." Hero's My Friend." "Heinle, "My Prairie Queen, 1 ' "You Must Think I'm Santa Clans," "For a Little While," "Just for tbe Sake of So- ciety" are being sung by leading balladlats, IIIWll/. I are beading tbe bill this week at the Krystal Palace, Leipzig, and are a big success. In December we are at tbe Apollo, Berlin, and In January at Carries Theatre, Amster rapacity, notwithstanding the strong oppo- sition encountered and the excitement due from the election. Roster: Jas. E. Henry, proprietor and manager: Dorothy D. Young, dam, Jan. 1-15, going to the Apollo Theatre, proprietor ana manager: uorotny v. xoung, Dusseidorf, lft-30." *P"'"» ""'"» contralto soloist, featuring Illustrated songs Bobby Da Res, comedian and monologlst, Is In bis seventeenth week with Ted E. Faust's Minstrels, as principal comedian and stage manager. Tbe show la touring the Southern States to big business, Mr. De Rue Informs us. Camille and Fona, contortionists and equilibrists, open on tbe Casto circuit Nov. 28 for three weeks, with London, Can., to follow. They report success wltb their act C M. Eaton Is leader of the band with Guy Bros.' Minstrels, having Joined Nov. 14. He reports business aa being big. 8ei.bi.vi and Gbovini recently arrived from Europe and will play dates. , Thi Adonis trio, Scanlon, Stevens and Schuster, played tbe Qarrlck Theatre, Wil- mington, Del., week of Nov. 7 t as a_epeclal comic and coon singers In vaudeville, end as feature. ' They played the Broadway Theatre, interpolated and big numbers In combine- Brooklyn. Sunday, Nov. 20. » on A » n «j "»««<«*• Tbey are published by Kittm Harbison will spend the Winter F. A. Mills,. wltb her folks In Brooklyn, snd in June, 1905, and moving pictures; James E. Henry, ec- centric comedian and dancer ; Irvln D. Giant, character comedian : Maye Giant, singing snd dancing soubrette; Henry and Young, travesty act; Frank McFarland, character Impersonator and Juggler; Chas. T. Mscky, tramp crayon artist ; Irvln and Mays Giant, comedy sketch duo; Prof. J. P. Kauffman, pianist Tua Old Reliable is a welcome visitor weekly, and Its news esgerly devoured. The Electric Clauk Sisters write from Victoria, B. C. : "Our alster, Haiel, having ioined us, we will be known aa the Three Slectrlc Clark Sisters, Alice, Maud and Hazel. We opened tit the Savoy Theatre here four weeks ago and will remain until the first week In February. We then leave for Alaska, to remain during the Summer. On our return from Alaska we go direct to New York, our home." Geo. Stcbblefisld, of the Stubblefleld Trio, writes: "Last week JNot. 7-12) Eugene "isaye, violinist, arrived In New win* rail 'fo'r'Euro'pTw'lth her hus'banU/ She' $*J<* the Empire Tneatre. Colorado Bprlngs. " will hereafter be known In the profession as Col.. On. Friday night. Annie Stubblefleld York from abroad recently for a concert tour under the management of R. B. John- ston. Hla last appearance In America was six years ago. Anton Hekklng, a well known 'cellist, has come over to tuts country to make a six months' tour under the management of Henry Wolfaohn. The Parker Music Co. has lately opened offices In New York. The list of their pub- H^J ,?". r 1 ?? ud S s i„ T £l B H r ?! 1 F 8 J d *!* E. Taylor, press agent of the Thoroughbreds. Child," "Little Bailie Coben," T *The Boys in Blue are Turning Gray," "One Sweet Kiss," "Resurrection Morn" and "If You and I Had Never Met" Mrs. Dora Archer has recovered from In- juries received last Summer, and will return to Germon opera. She will study In New York. Another musical comedy to be published by tile House of Hnrrls — "His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery," starring Dan Me- Avoy book and lyrics by George Totten Smith and music by George A. Nichols. Among the new songs published by the F. B. Havlland Pub. Co., are: "Can't You See My Heart Beats All for You," "Make a Fuss Over Me," "A Little Boy Celled Tapa," "Oysters and Clams," "Everywhere," "My Old Sweetheart," "Danuel" and "What the Brass Band Played." Eddie Leonard will feature "Lyna," his latest composition, with Primrose's Minstrels. Tne lyrics are by Ed. Rogers and Henry Frantzen, and the music by Mr. Leonard. Frank Clermont, bandmaster, has closed fell from tbe trapese and fractured a rib on her left side, and Is laying off thla week. Addle snd myself are working double, but we hope to put on our triple trapeze next week. We were booked at Fischer's Theatre, Ban Francisco, Cat, for Nov. 21-26, but were, on account of accident, forced to put onr date one week later, milking It Nov. 28-Dec. i. We have plenty of goooftlme to follow." Billy Boston writes: "I am In my fifth week with tbe Arnold Stock Co. and meet- ing with success doing specialties and parts. I have Joined bands with Bert Beasley. who la now in his seventeenth week with the company. The team will be known as Bos- ton snd Beasley, and will have fifteen die- Mr. Dunbar writes that he haa bad f!.°J*L2S u, «!.!2? n H!* e 7iJ n ? Tl f l ilFi5 tn !?A Kittle Burke. The Thbee Mitcvill Sistxbs closed tbe season with tbe Great Wallace Show, and have signed with tbe Ramblers Barlesque Co. Fbanklin and Hopkins have replaced tbe Sisters Clausen with Frank B. Carr'a Thor- oughbreds, and will work with Tim Healy. Tbe act will be known as the Unique Trio. Louts J. Oberworth Is manager, and Charles Goldeb 'and Lxslie have signed with Marks Bros.' Dramatic Co. for the rest of the season, to do their comedy musical spe- cialty. DiJNBAB'9 HeSD OF EDUCATED BELGIAN Goats, under the personal direction of Harry J. Dunbar, are booked solid until October. 1005. ■ several offers to go to Europe, but will fill bis American contracts before considering the offer. Habbt Abxch, musical director, la now with the New York Stars. Bbookb and Youno, musical team, have finished nine weeks on the Crystal circuit Illustrated songs, the aerial sphere and eleven single and double singing snd talking acts. We will tour Florida for five weeks, then coma North again and start booking parks for the Summer season." While plating the Stab Theatse, Hsnt- ..... . llton, Can., week of Nov. 14, the Wood Bros. with success, and are now on Hagen clrcnlt "« ' «iVVasi S «3 , 14TBl i SfinS opening at New Lyric Theatre, Denver, CoL, ffJJJ.?"!* 1 N ,?,• n Ji e .• T "2 K*|JS* BtSS NW 14, and are hooked Eastward. ttJ^wA^»ri«i^ E£S^.*n5K Chab. Huebnib, singing and dancing come- £"».: t^kI' p.i™ tt v.^..^?. t „ , S. : SSL dlan. Just finished fSurfeen weeks on ths g r la ° d i ( I A m E^'J,*™! ^SSSLT'JlSSn Goldsmith circuit and Is at bis home In New- M< £ ?£L?!; i"! 8 * tJ!55 e ,% G ,?f "fe^STEBj ark, N. J., rehearsing a new act £0- Irw i n ' 0oorBe otroud, John Hogan and Job Bubto Is In bis tenth week on the Thomas Dean. New England circuit with fourteen weeks Bob McGinlet, of Bob and Eva McGlnley, booked South. writes: "We take a lay off and go to the i U ., bandmaster, a contract to take' his big concert band Melville and Azell, 'Tbe Bon Ton Duo," World's Fair, St Louis, Thanksgiving week, abroad. He sails for Paris tbe latter part of report success with the Fays. This Is their to visit the vaudeville shows and friends, February. eighth week with tbe company. and return to work again opening at Pres- J. Saunders Gordon writes : "I have re- McGinnib and McGinnib close with Price's ton, Minn. (Tibbett's House), under tbe man- cently concluded the organization In New Floating Palace Nov. 26, and have four weeks agement of Cosh Tlbbetts. We opened up at work In and around St Louis, with tbe Coast circuit to follow. Fox and Wabd hove Just finished sn eight York of the Mantelll Operatic Co., headed by Mme. Eugenia Mantelll. Other prominent members are: Slg. Archllle Albert!, bari- tone; Mme. Helene Noldl, dramatic soprano; Walter H. Wheatley, tenor, and Slgnor Gae- tano Merc'.a, musical director. Selections from 'Carmen,* 'II Trovatore' and 'Faust' will be rendered, all In costumes, snd with special scenery for each. Tbe tour opens Nov. 28, snd Includes a trip of the leading cities to and from the Pacific coast" Belolt Band, with headquarters at Water Grand Rapids, Mich., Sept 16, and have played return dates to banner business. Eva McGlnley has a new line of specialties which months' engagement In California, and are have made a bit thla season, and my new returning East Capt. Sidney Hinuan's new Idea of street advertising Is proving a success In thla city. He uses his four life saving dogs, who pa- rade the streets carrying signs, while he wears one of bis rubber suits. Chick, wbo styles himself "The Wizard of the Wheel,"' reports success at Pastor's songs bring from three to four encores nightly. Llzette Hosklns' illustrated songs are a feat- ure with the show, and she signs them ss they should be sang. The show Is booked up to June. 1905, through Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, and North and South Dakota and Canada. We get Thi _ ™. ^.™, „. LIJ UC au WU ».».. » ,...«.- v. vu C nmo, .«*»>• .!■»«•■ « i .o.u. . Old Reliable weekly. The weather haa loo, la., la booked for ten solid weeks. The Theatre recently In bis new unlcyele act It been fine and eveHrwody Is happy." . members are: T. H. Webb, manager; J. H. was his first appearance In New York, and Mcxbat, Cbauee and Raihond write: Brown, Arcb. Webb, Leo Sternberg, Cbas. be received a return date. He la well booked "We are working at dubs In Philadelphia Harden and Ed. Nngle. up. and meeting with success. We were on tbe Pletro Mascagnl has finished a new opera. Gebtie Da Milt Is with tbe Gly Masquer- opening bill of the Winter season of Blaker'a In one set and two scenes. It Is entitled aders, playing leading parts and doing ber Auditorium, at Wlldwood, N. J., on Nov. 19, 'Arnica," and will be presented first at specialty with entire success, she Informs as. and were immediately hooked for a return Monte Carlo, with Emma Calve In the title Notes nou the Cbackm Jacks. — We are date. Our minstrel act entitled 'The Re- role. In our fifteenth week In the Northwest hearsal of William Tell,' made a decided hit" Helnrlch Knote, German Wagnerian tenor, The weatber Is like Spring, In fact have bad of Munich, has sailed for the United 8tates. no cold weatber up to date. Our business He Is under a four months' professional con- has been phenomenal all along the line. At tract here. St Louis we broke all records and at all On tbe occasion of tbe visit of President points we have left behind a winning band, Roosevelt to the World's Fair, St Louis, on which would require a royal flush to dupll- . Nov. 26, the Exposition Orchestra of eighty cate. The papers ipeak In tbe highest terms booked solid on Instrumentalists, will perform Rudolph Aron sons latest composition, "Our President' march, dedicated by permission to the presl- Raymond A. Browne, tbe well known writer and composer of songs, hss Just signed with sol Bloom, for a term of years, to write songs and devote part of bis time to Mr. Blooms office. This does not mean that Mr. Browne has left tbe firm of Harry Von Tllzer, with whom be bas been assoclsted for the past three years, as he still retains hla position as advertising manager. ot tbe Cracker Jacks, and managers ssy tbe show Is one of tbe best seen this season. A few more weeks, then for a visit to tbe East, where we expect to repeat former successes. Mothex Savage writes from ber borne In Louisville asking ua to assure ber friends that she Is not dead, as some one bas re- Owuro to ths ssaious illness of John R. Gleason (of John and Bertha Olaason and Fred Houlihan) they were compelled to can- cel week of Nov. 21 at Washington and week of Nov. 2A at Pittsburg. They will open at Ioulsvllle, Kt., week of Dec S, and are June, 1005. Rawls and KAcruAN write: "We have played twenty consecutive weeks on ths Nov- elty snd 8 L circuits. In California, and onr act, 'Mush,' baa proven • fine success. We sail for Portland, Ore., Nov. 28, to open at Cordray's Theatre for eight weeks. Then we return to San Francisco In January to ported, and will be glad to bear from all her open at Chutes for two weeks and return friends. Scott and Johnson were st Keith at Hyde _ booked until 1905. week of Nov. 14. [eltb's. Providence, B. L : Nov. 21 A Beh m ens, Chicago. They are til 1905. :. V dates over the same clrcnlt The Old Bb> lublb Is always welcome on Tuesday.'' Ths coinbt dcwts, by J. B. Lnder and his sister. Bos* Lucler, sua one of tbt fea- tures with Lucler's Minstrels. J Ths demand for FEATURK FILMS ts waproeedeated. We fcawe all ap to date SELECTED FILMS ORIGINALS ONLY ll«w Feature Films Always in Stock Wo do aot sell Seeoad Hand Goods of any | description. Pathe Palev & Steiner Melies Ellison jDJJ LUU LUL' LUJ UUU -Ail!i jjjj 'JJJJ Pi !Sj jjj! fflB \.x sjj uj j « JoTt KLEINE OPTICAL CO. Sfxaalut: in PROJECTION APPARATUS SVSSSS 52 State St..CHICAGO,ILL. MAILED FREE.-Sew edition of our catalogue, describing Moving Plotore Machines, atereoptloons, Films and Slides. Pasbon Jos Hunt writes: "The week of Nov. 7-12 was a very unlucky week for us, Lavada May Hunt meeting with a fright- ful accident on Monday, 7, Trot la recovering as rapidly as could be expected. To make matters worse I lost a very One 2H karat diamond stud on 10. All possible efforts are being made to recover the same. We are booked up nntll April. I attended four meetings In four different lodges of IT. O. E. two weeks ago. and witnessed the Initiation of one hundred and eight candidates. Louis- ville hss a fine new lodge room and a fine bunch of birds." , . _ _ _ . Tua La Vibds played the Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., week of Nov. 14 wltb their new act, entitled The Toorbe Stones," a singing and talking act, and met with suc- cess. They are working their way West Babnbi Fiest, Hebrew comedian, reports meeting wltb success over ths Western cir- cuit Qudxi Middlbton opened at ths Orand Theatre, Butte, Mon., Nov. 6, for one week, and Is engaged at the Family Theatre, Butte, beginning Nov. 20, for four weeks. Blaxkb's Acditobium, at Wlldwood, N. J., opened Its Winter season Nov. 19. The "opening bill included: Murray, Cramer and Raymond, in "Tbe Rehearsal of William Tell :" Samuel Llngerman, ventriloquist i Phil Bado, acrobatic dancer snd contortion- ist; Jay Raymond, monologue, and Lucy Llngerman. Each act waa well received. Jaueb R. Pobvis, tbe Irish tenor. If in his slxteentb week with John W. Total's Big City Minstrels, doing Onely. MANAon Habbt 8. Uealt will open Ban- ger Hall, Elisabeth. N. J. for Sunday con- certs, commencing Nov. 27, for the Winter Hbnbi Pbsnch opened Nor. 27 at Cleve- land's Theatre, Chlcsgo, for a three weeks' eD Qao. W. Leslie was obliged to cancel fonr weeks' work on account of being called to hit home, Buffalo, N. 7., to settle some busi- ness matters. While there he was made a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 46. . . ^ Fbank Kibk, tramp musical acrobat, bas Joined hands wltb Wm. Cooper, snd the team will be known as Cooper and Kirk, In their comedy musical sketch, "Tbe Photographer and the Tramp." All properties and Instru- ments used In this act are of their own manu- facture. Jas. Mulligan, "The Irish Swede," Is In his twenty-sixth week st tbe Central Theatre. Hurley, wis. Tbe following people appeared last week : Tbe Edward Bisters, Maud Adams, Rita Gibson, Grace Adams, Hattle Arnold, May Briers, Jennie Pierce, Philip Fields, Chss. Scobey and Jas. Mulligan. Ribbell and Bimclaib report success with tbelr act "Tbe Choir Boy. r ' Miss Sinclair has added a new wardrobe and Is making three changes In ber dance. Abtiiub Btoabt, late of the Musical Stu- arts, Is now working slone, presenting a singing, dancing and talking act which, he Informs us, la meeting with pronounced suc- cess wherever It la presented. He la this week st the Main Street Theatre, Peoria, III. Edith Helena played In Genoa, Italy, Nov. 18-27. and bas thirty weeks to follow In otber cities In Italy. Pets Detzel, eccentric dancer with tbe Ted Faust Minstrels, after being 111 In hos- pital for seven weeks wltb typhoid fevsr, nt Sumter, 8. C, bas returned to bis home at Erie, Fa., where he will remain until the first of January. John B. Nalon played Bheedy'i Theatre, New Bedford, last week. This week he la playing In Woonsocket, B. I., at tbe Hob Theatre. Tub Bobbbts Fori, sfter a successful year on the Pacific coast, are again beaded East and are booked solid up to Msy, 1905. Their bookings Include tbe Kohl-Castle clr- clrcnlt snd tbe Keith and Shea circuits. Tbey nave In preparation a new act. Mb. and Mas. Feed J. Titos were en route for Australia at Isat advices, dated Csps Town, 8. A . Oct. 20. Dow net and Willaed are playing the Kohl « Castle circuit They are booked up solid nntll March 20, 1005, playing s return date on ths Kohl ft Castle circuit In March, wltb their new set, entitled 'The German and ths Widow." CALL. McMAHON'8 Famous Thculrlcal RESTAURANT 47a eUXTil AVENUE. Between 28l)i and nth St., NBW YORK CITY. Best ot Food, Perfectly Cooked, Dellclously served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining ltoom for Ladles, Mmunawaror canvassu FRED ZOBEDIE. the great: HAND BALANCER Proctor's Theatre, Newark, W. t ., this week. FIri Magical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRIORS, Etc. Orand End of Century, fully Illustrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, 2oc, free by mall. Catalogue or Parlor Tricks free MARTINKA A CO.. MfrS., 493 Blxth Ave., N. Y. y> PISO'S CURE FOR BBa» Al-TOSM, flBUIU u4 rVSUU ,PJ tfXABBBS aw rt*0-» CVBB UHrMflAM 1*9 is< sake asi Efssssl Sir,— w. |a^J CONSUMPTION 952 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 3 PROCTOR'S F. F. PROCTOR, Sol* Proprietor and Msnsgtr. J. AUSTIN FYNE8, flonoral Manager. I BEAUTIFUL THEATRES 6 Devoted to R«a»d Entertainment. Proctor'* sth At*. Theatre. Praetor** 23a It. Theatre, Praetor'* 68th It. Theatre. Proctor'. 186th it. Theatre, Proctor'. Newark Theatre, Proctor'. Albany Theatre. PROCTOR S STOCK CO. Presenting Best Plays. WASTED, BEIT AOTS HT VAUDEVILLE. It 70a do not reesivs a reply. It may be btcaoM the tine 1* filled ; you art therefore advised to write inin la (oar week*. Do MOT melon stamp lor reply. Instructions to artists booked: ss. plot* of acta; complete "pros'' Hat; It can open and cloee In one ; EXACT Urn* of acta, and of "cloee In;" billing for newspapers and erofrsmmes: end CLEAN PHOTO- GRAPES for LOBBIES TWO WEEKS in ADVANCE OF OPENING DATS AT BACH HODBE, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- STBUCTION8 WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to tht BIBS OF CANCELLATION. VATJDB- VILLB BEBBABSAL8 MONDAYS, 9 A. kL, BHABP. Playwrights, Antbora and Play Agents, Vaudeville Artlata and Play era, address J. AUSTIN VYNRS, General Manager, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, H. T. CI TY. & WEIL, 77-61 WOO8TIR 8T. ' tBat. Spring and Brooms), Niw York Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints, . Tights, Wigs, . THEATRICAL JEWELRY) Gold A Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo lend goods C. 0. 0., subject to Impaction, but require a deposit on all Orders. SEND i eta FOR CATALOGUE No. a. Bend tote, for Cstalogue SO. 6. Bend tots. for Catalogue No. e. ru.ll.HID ■< TMI Case Publishing company. IOOKFOKT, MW VORH Jtdt r M GLOOAU'S Alfohol-Gas Stove •1 BXP. PAID. Can do everything a Sag Btove does. In- Ispensable for nursery, slot room, Chafing Dish. shaving; for tourlBia, boarders, or wherever in la not available or desirable. Vapor- Ires alcohol Into gas. Portable, weighs hot 8 or. Consumes bat ■ cent.' worth of aloohol an hoar. Will boll quart of water In t minutes. Bmokeleaa and odorless. Ubob either wood or grain alcohol. Simple; cannot get ont of order. Safe. Extin- guishes lnstanti j (blows est like a candle). Son- explosive. Solid Span Brass and NICKEL PLATED. Eip. paid, Si. Agentt wanted. C. P. LOG A U » CO. , 40 Dearborn St. , Chicago. C . W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. Larseat exclusive manufacturer of Amusement Do- ric*. In the D. S. MERBY-OO. HOUNDS ■BOOTINO GALLEHlEt, Military Band Organs, Or Under Pianos, Nloklo-in-Biot Pla&os,eto 4 UNIFORMS For BANDS.SCHOOLS. FIREMEN, HIIIIABV and .11 others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish several Hats. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 250 CIsrk Street Chicago 111. ROYALTY FLAYS, MANUSCRIPT. PARTS] AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS SIND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX.. BYERS.I •.44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL] HOWARD BROS FLYING BANJOS* OWING TO THE DEL* Y IS THE OPENING OP THE A I DITOIUl M THEATRE, N. Y, CITY, 1 COMBINATION MANAGERS WANTING A STHONO NOVELTY TO 8TBENGTHKN THEIR SHOW FOR ABOVE DATE, CALL AND BEE THIS ACT AT TUB PLAYINQ ANVIL CHORUS, AS 8BOWN IN ABOVE OCT. NOV. »B, VICTOHI*. HRW YORK CITY. DEC. S, CIRCLE. NEW YORK CITY. DEC. 11, OBFHECn, BROOKLYN, N. Y. DEC. 19, OPEN. • "* UNTOD STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make 70a a fortune. If yon bare a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK tbatls worth anything, yoa should copyright It. Don't take chances when yon can secure oar aery- Ices at small cost. Bendfor oar SPCCUL OTTER TO NVtNTORS before ap plying for a patent, it mil fay you, gUNDSOW on paUnlt text THE. We advise If patenta- ble or not. 1"RCE. Wa Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small lees. Consult nt, WORMELLE ft VAN MATER, Caleeaili Ceeyrlgbt ■ Patent Co. tec. WASSMST0N.D.C. ■llkoline Tights, ta.OOj Worsted Tights, la.ODt Cotton Tights, •I.O0) Silk Tights, fkorn ta.9S np; ■hlrta to match all same price as tight. 1 Pumps S49c*nt. 1 Salt- an, si. 00; Rlaatle Supporters, 111 Cloth Supporter., AS rent.. Send for catalogue and .ample. of tight* free. Positively a d«- po.lt required. Satisfaction guaran- teed or money ref nnded. BPIOER BROS., St Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand bat new address. OPEN TIIVIE AT TWO GOOD 0PB1U H0D8BS, Edwards and Utica, Mississippi. Large stages; seating capacity, 400; popnwtfbn, l.ooo; good snow towns, write for dates. New management. Everything new. Address B. H GRAFTON, Mgr. Opera Boose, mica, Miss.; FREDERIC W. WAJBLI NGER, hgr. Opera House, Edwards, Mies. MRW YORK. CHICAGO. HEFsHEiaEl, WIO MAKER, MM W. aSS STREET, NEAR BROADWAY, N. T. CHICAGO BRANCH. CHICAOO OPERA BOUSE BLOCK, A. KERhHAW, Resident Partner. Bend for Catalogue 0, either offloe. STEREOPTICONS FROM SI2.II JafflNK* M HANDS FILMS, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND BONO SLIDES. PEAROE j 80BE0K, 2U N. Calvert St., Balto.,Md. FILMS § MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,O0OfL FILM, FROM 8 to Seta. PER BOOK. Bookings with c'.abs, theatres, etc., for Moving Plotnro Entertainments. Popular prices. F. H. DEUKKR A CO., N. Y. Entertainment Bureau, lie eta Avenue, N. T. City. BABODA DIAMONDS Just discovered. Brilliant as the genuine: one-thirtieth the cost; Bland acid test and PUZZLE EXPERTS; BOL1D GOLD MOUNTING; thorough examination allowed before payments. Write for cata- logue and apeclal terms. Agents wanted. THE BARODA CO., Dept.s.61-7 1 Wabaeb Ave., Chicago, 111. ODD FELLOWS' HALL DuLnJlOa Pa. 1 New Building, every convenience, Including Electrice Light and Steam Heat. Beau 400. Busy co si town; good money for email shows, medicine men, eto. Address it Liberty, ADVANCE AGENT. Largs experience, thoroughly up In all details. State salary; Join at once. Write or wire, 1). M. c, Nlemeyer's Hot»l,«or. Washington and Hilary Streets, Brooklyn, N. Y. TENTS. WRITE US fir Mew. Lirgi Stock New and Second Band TENTS always on band. TBS CHARLES P. SIEDKK TENT AND AWNING O0.,8nooeeaore to T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dopt, Detroit Bag and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Mich. "I WARTS AKICtTI ™! DIR.' to be a AINutL -c-o- ..-,_ FREE COPT AND ORCHESTRATION. WULSCHNEB MUSIC CO., Indianapolis, lad. PLAYS, Reading and Recitation Books. Catalogue Free. All dramatlo papers on eale or mailed. chab. Mcdonald a co., 18 Washington St, CHICAGO. M^at^Sc^VScroB Importers of Theatrical Hose and Tights. We have ju.t received large Importation* of Theatrical and Silk Hosiery, comprising Tight, of every deacrln- Hon, 1b all aualltle.) Opera Length Stockings, In all grades) Silk Stockings, in every conceivable .hade and In varlou. qualities) Symmetrical, for all shapes. Oar price* are the Terr lowest, and entire aatl. faction guaranteed with every sale. NOTE— Special care taken In measurements of tight* to order. E s tim ates tarnished by mall or as desired. Theatrical Silks and Satins. In onr collection of "Theatrical" Silk* are to be found many dl.tlne tly new effects, including Persian, Dresden and Self Colored Brocade., Roman Striae* sued new coloring* In Sunaet Silica. We have added to oar staple line* of Linen and Cotton Back Satins many of the new and much needed ahades. Oar prices are a* follow. t 211n. Linen Baek Satin, none better made, f 1.18 yd. 241n. Cotton Back Satin, very strong, and bright finish. ... .69 yd. For many year* we hare successfully catered to the theatrical trade, and onr reputation for correct styles and complete assortment* 1* widely known to the profession all over the country. Having acquired this reputation by selling only the "best qualities at the lowest prices," we still adhere to that policy. Special Diiceut to the Profession. Orders by Rail Pilled the Day Received. BROAD WAT, EIGHTH A NINTH STREETS, WARDROBE FOB SALE CHEAP IS Pairs of Ladles' Solid Spangled Tights, SIS ; 26 Pairs of Ladles' Woolen Tights, dif- ferent sizes and colors, $10 ; 80 Ladles' Fancy Waists, different size* and colore, $20; 10 Ladles' Gimps, with Skirts and Aprons, gold braid, $6; 8 Fairs of Ladles' Striped Knee Pants, $6 ; 8 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, as- sorted colors, $S ; 6 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, white, with red stripes down side, 13 ; 7 Red Shoulder Jackets, $5; 8 Wide Blade Swords, f2 ; 12 Fancy Belts, different colors, and 12 airs of Ladles' Slippers, different sixes, $5. All these articles have been In nse and will need some repairing. Yon can buy any of the above lot separately, at the price given, or the whole lot, together with three trunks, for $65. You mutt call and see this lot of wardrobe; cannot explain by mall. Here la the Greatest Bargain on Record: $300 Royal Photo-optlcon. double lens, finest lantern made, with trunk and a urge canvas for pictures, all complete, with 60 to 60 views ; will take $120. Over 80 of the finest B. S. Stewart and 3. B. Recall Banjos, and other makes, with leather cases for same, will sell at a great sacrifice. Also sleigh bells, ataS bells, wooden xylophones, organ pipes and wire dulcimer. CHCAQO— 142 W. Madison St— CHICAGO. PBIYATa DANCING SCHOOL, 191-198 8. ClSTk St BOACH Cut This Ont ROACH. A Sweet Little Home in the Country. APPLY TO THE SUBURBANITE. Keith's Theatre, Cleveland, this week. Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenic, Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED BONG BETS RENTED. Write for list. Terms right C. E. VAN DUZEE VS^X~iSSi PAD SAI.C ONE MAMMOTH RHESUS IUB DAIlA. — MONKBY. Does about fif- teen good tricks and willing worker, Including a back somersault Price, fifty dollars. ONE SMALL REAL MULE. Price, seventy-five dollar*. CHAB. B- RICE, New Albany, Ind. Second Hand BAUD IRSTBDHENTS BOUGHT, SOLD and EXCHANGED. Send for com- plete list PRANK HOLTON A CO., 107 E. Madison Street, Chicago, 111. ACROBATS, NOTICE. Wanted, a young man that la a good tumbler. Good amateur considered. Butte toil particulars. Address O. Comedy, care Pen. Del.. Columbus. O. wig; Sei 8. SHINOHELH, Thiatrteti Wig MAKER. Good work for low prices. 118 West asm street, New Tort, nd stamp lor price list Edison Picture Hichlnis, Stiriepllcons, Song Slides, Films, Lensee, Gaa Outfits, Electrical Goods, eto Send for catalogue and circulars. L. MANA8BB CO.. 88 Madlaun Street, Oblcsgo, III. BOSTON FILM BXCHANGE. second Hand Films, Pong Slides and Machines Bought, So'd and Exohanged. 6«4 WASHINGTON BT., Room st, Boston. Mai., opp. Adsms House. AT LIBERTY, C01IIT, CLAEI01ET aid T10U0I1, FOR B. aid 0. Address OLARENOE 0. BROWN ("Brownie"), BooweU, Ind. Fir Sill, Ertra Wall Midi, Viry Fim 30li. R0LL1NQ GLOBE. Very light with padded ratan canvas and hair cover. Writ* for partlenlere CLYDE PHILLIPS, teg 6th Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. PLAYS For Sale or To Rent A Woman's Love Melodrama In Four Acts. Cast eleven. Seven men and fonr women. Copyrighted. The Cave of Paradise A Beautiful Drama In Four Acts. Copyrighted. Lured From Home Melodrama In Four Acts. Oaatten. Copyrighted. Trinity Chimes Melodroma In Four Acts. Oast fourteen. Runs from 8.16 to 11 P. M. Copyright Scenery com- plete. Large assortment nf paper, four colors; bill and frame trunk. Props., Organ, Chimes, Choir Salts. Complete for the road. Slaves of the Workshop Sensational Drama In Fonr Acts. Copyrighted. Eleven people. The Sunset Limited A Resllstlo B. B. Corned y Drama. Ten people. O'Hooligan'B Wedding Farce Comedy. Ten people. Tim Mahoney's Frolics Faroe Comedy In Three Acts. 383 Pearl St., Brooklyn, Sew York. Have on hand (0 Comedy Sketches that can be played with 2, 8 or < people. Burlesques to order; nave ISO on hand. ft*--"*"™"!! Uleve i_A n-I 144 BOWEI1 Y, SEW YORK CITY For a half centnry we have been giving real bargains In diamonds. It Is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with us. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VALUE I11S3. NOW S68. This is the ring we have been selling for $12*, but for qnlok action we offer a limited number at $68. Diamonds will be reset In gent's rings If desired. Chance of a lifetime. Bend for onr Forfeited Loan Catalogue. Mall Orders Filled. Inquiries Solicited. ! Calcium Gas and Moving Picture Outfit You Can M.k.BllM.n.r Ent.rt.lnlni III. Public. We start you.f urn lBhln(rrompleteont6t» with .Imple sad explicit Instruction.. The Field Is Large, comprising the regulartheitre and lecture circuit. il»o loc.1 field. Id Churches. Pulillc Schimlr, Lodge, and General Public Gathering*. Nothing affords better opportunities fur sn^rdipitaL Our Outfit Comcrises the C. P. CO. '8 model, PURE CALCIUM OA8 OUTFIT, the greateat oandle power, the safest and most economical gas-making outfit ever Invented. Wetf.tsoi... Stirtoptlcoi, Moling Plcfuri Hichlces, nin. eti... »nd every scceswry NIBI, 511011 seeded for complete entertainment!. Absolutely the UteU (lima and views on the market, Including all subjects for the public's enjoyment. FREE entertainment supply catalogue and SPECIAL OFFER fully explains everything. CHICAGO FMJECTIabCO.. UJDnrbeni St.. Dipt. 20L Chlcsgo. ''How To Illustrate' SI.OO AND "ArtcfC-ricature" 9> .bo Te^ii UKroerblr drawta i and IUo» tratlag. to all It. brmocbea. Prk*. both booka, SLAB pcrt-p*id. II pg- Illaa. Catalogue on r*GQt«t. BROWN fUBLISHINC CO., Root. 833 IM HfthAvclfewrerk. MONES8EN, PA. Wanted, Good Repertoire Co., FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK. New house; jost opened. Dec 7 first Rep. show tn bouse. Guar- antee good business. Write or wire. A. N. 8HUSTER, Manager. JUST OUT, I24PA8E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOGUE, Sac,; SUP. OATAL., SO, NOSM ttf. Only N. B. Agent for Makattaa, 18c W. D. LEROT, 10S Ooart St, Stallman's Dresser Trunk rEasy to get at everything without disturbing anything. No faUsM In packing and unpacking. Lis"'-. atrong, roomy drawers. Holds as much and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand-riveted j strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chlffonlsr. C.o.D. , with privilege of examination. to. ata&P for Catalog. - y.AITlIIsUI.WT.trllagla, WgM Electric Caraljoit DIAMONDS. The Latest Scleatiuc Uisrotrry ssssaV •MSsaa.awssM •■' brUllaucr th»7 rq*U Uk- rtoits-, atui.ll.it all Ml »ad |S*W. SSS"** On.lvcQIIfth tba til-en*. Baa. ttw Willi rrlillea. cfMaminall «T' City. — "Eight Bells," at the AmJcrrfy, was Just as enjoyable as of yore. ■••'Tricked Around the World." at the BIJou. jirufnd u mclodramn calculated to entertain ibV tniiHt exacting, and the Dainty l>ucbess, with.. the -Kugstrom Sisters and a host of cleycr entertainers, at the Bon Ton, pleased imtueaiioly. . 'Acauemv (Frank E. Henderson, manager). —For week of Xov. 28, William Bramwell. Iff "Capta|n Barrlngton." "Two Little Bailor llby*" next week. llliJOU ( Joliu W. Holmes, proprietor). — The Bays. In "Down the Pike," i'S and week. "His last Dollar" next week. Bo,* Ton (T. W. Dlnklns, manager). — The New- York StHrs JS and week. Cherry Blos- soms follow.. . -. . a Trenton. — At the Taylor Opera House i Montgomery Moses, manager) "Qulncy AjJaros Sawyer." Xov. 10, bad big business. The Oitbway Indians, 22, did fairly well, l.cw Fields' . Stock Co.. SB 24, had good business.- "Plff: Patf!! Pouf!!!," Selma. — At the Academy of Music (Long A Itees. managers) Warde and Kidder, in "Salammbo." Xov. 17. played to a full house. "At Cripple Creek." 1U. pleased. "The Burgomaster, S3, played lo a good house. "Her Lord and Master" 24, "Uolly Varden" C. B. Hnnford a Sun Bros.' Circus U due a. .... «■>» . , . MINNESOTA. s Isyed "to big business. Coming: Vogel's llnslrels 'JC. Win. Faversbam 29, "The clglb" Dec. 2, Cecilia Loftus 3. "Parsifal" 1). Statu Stobkt Thkatrr (Frank B. Shelters, manager). — "Sherlock Holmes." Xov. 21-23, had, fair business. "The Little Church Around the Corner." 24. played to standing room. . "The Minister's Daughters" 20, "fast -Life |n New York" 28-30. "A Mid- night . Marriage" Dec. 1-3. "David liarum" 0-F. ;'A Wife's Secret" 8-10. jiStEST . i Edward Renton, manager). — lm- tutSSc business last week. Bill Xov. 28 and week: JlcCrea and Poole. James 11. Cullen Oordon, -Vidocq and Cohen, Kennedy and Uooney,. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins I'lsher, Burke and Dempsey, "The Sunny South" and the bjojrapb. .--^.j .• - - ■ i llobokeii — At the Lyric (II. P. Soulier, manager) "Down by the Sea" Xov. 27-30, George -P.. Hall, lu "A Bagged Hero." Dec. 1-3>.. r 'Why. Girls Leave Home" 4-7. "The Unwritten-. Law" 8-10. Business continues sai ^factory. /fmumrlA. M. Bruggeniann. proprietor). — Another fine offering 28 and week, com- prising Pan. Sherman. Mabel De Forrest and Co.. Victor Moore and Emma Llttlefleld, Del torellrr trod Oll'ssando, Crawford and Man- nlpg.Mlguon Gilbert and Nellie Burt. Ray t'ox.'Callando and l'rof. Bristol's ponies and horses.' Ellanbetb.— At the Lyceum (L'lroy & Dta|)e, -. managerb) "The Flaming Arrow" came iXov. 21-23 to etcellent returu8. "The Stglnof.-Gullt" followed 24. to big business. Tq cotpei: ''A Game of Hearts" 28-30, "Es- caped, from Sing Sin?" Dee. 1-3. "A Fleht tor.Ijove". (Boberl Flttslmmons) 3-7. "Be- cuusu-Bhe Loved" S-10. Sf)l«flI>liS.— :"Brown'K In Town" 21. "Circus Day" 22. "From Rags to Riches" 24. "Uuclc Jnsliv:8priieeby" 20, "Across the Rockies" U& "KaW" Dec. B. If-."! t ' ■Aflah'llc City. — At Ocean Pier Theatre (W.Tfl Shackelford, -manager) good patron- age favored the Uenuett-Moulton Co. week of Nor. -20.. Coming: "A Funny Side of Life" !M>, "A . Koxy Boy" Dee. '1. 2, "AcrosH lbf» Itorklt*" :t. This house will then be closed Bad 'Will be .turned over to the bands of the workmen, who will be in possession until ubpuf'the first of the new year. It will be complftely remodeled and put in first class condition 'Inside and out. Xo expense will bc'jmai'ad to -make it one of the llnest theo- trff^u 4 1he State. With the closing of the Ocean-' 1'lcr Theatre Atlantic City will be wltlioiit-Ja', Winter playhouse, as ihe new Su- voy.-iTbeotre Is not yet completed and will not' be' in a finished condition until about the 'Christmas holidays. By the beginning of thl) 'new j-ear thU city will have two elegant theatres' dud with them u strong line of theatrical attractions for some time to ronie. Camden,— At the C'auideu Theatre (M. W. Taylor. -manager) "A Ragged Hero" and "A Lost Boy." With funny Edward Blondell and a pSvy of pretty chorus girls, got uood money ''urifli the week of Xov. 21. Week of 28. i"ho$ Shea. In repertory: "At Plney Ridge" Dec". 3-7, "Why Girls Leave Homo" 8-10. »«» • V. . : ALABAMA. MoiitfEomcry. — At the Montgomery The- ulM Ullrscber Bros., managers) "A Royal Slave." Nor. 10. pleased. "At Cripple Creek" '-•': Herrmano. 23. gave a creditable per- fOraiace.' "The Burgomaster" 24, Helen Grautly 20, "Dolly Vnrden" 28, Chaa Haw- tiny 31'- Awftl- ICK A. Xeul. manager^.— "Why lie HU-ntctd Her." 21, 22, bad good bnaluess. CokalBg. "Two Little Walfa" 24-2(1. Obntby'b IVm ant) Pont Show exhibited bete in to fair business. St. Paul. — At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. X. Scott, manager) "Tbe-Bllllon- alrc" did well .Nov. 2U-2:l. 'The Eternal Cltv," 24-20. came to very heavy business. Ezra Kendall, In "Wcatherbeaten Benson." comes 27-30. and be should draw well : Walker Whiteside l>cc. 1-3. Eva Tanguay 4-7, and nil star cast. In "The Two Orphans." 8<1U. Manager Scott was In Chicago last week. - Grand (Theodore L. Hays, manager). — Kellar did capac'ty business week of 20. Week of 27, "Wedded, But No Wife." "The Curse of Drink" next. Star i J. C. Van Roo, manager): — The High Rollers Extravaganza Co. came In for liberal patronage week of 20. For week of 27,: the Cracker Jacks. The Rentz-Santley Co. nest. Empibr (A. Welnholzer, manager). — Busi- ness wan good week of 21. Week of 28. the usual hill will be given. Holding over : Helen Stewart, Ineatallc Nltram, Kittle Ransom, Otto Flechtl's Tyrolean Quartet, Lou Smith and Itockway and Conway. Xotk.— John Duke Murray, in advance of 'The Two Orphans" all star cast, and Xeal Daniels, in advance of Ezra Kendall, spent Thanksgiving in this city. a MlnnenpolU. — At the Metioisilltau opera House (L. X. Scull, manager) Walker Whiteside Nov. 27-30, F.zra Kendall Doc. 1- 3i "The Two Orphans" 4-7, and F.va Tan- guay 8-10. "The Eternal City" was well re- ceived Nov. 20-23, as was "The Billionaire" 24-20. Buor Oi-era IIouhk (Theodore L. Hays, manager). — Kellar Is here 27 and week. "Wedded. But Xo Wife." follows. "By Right of Sword" drew fair houses 20 and week. I.ycei.m (Dick FerrlB. manager). — "Shall We Forgive Her 7" Is on 27 and week. "Fight- ing Bob" next. "The Henrietta" drew the usual big houses 20.26. .Orphel'm (Martin Beck, general mana- ger). — For 27 and week: Dorothy Russell. Tluckey and Nelson. Burton and Brooks, the Three Dumonds, Robert Mone, Lem Welcher and the Melrose Troupe. The same big houses ruled 20-26. Dkwet (M. II. Singer, manager). — The Kentz-8antley Co. 27 and week, and the Fay Foster Co. next week. The Cracker Jacks drew well 20-20. i i i Dnloth — At the Lyceum (C. A. Marshall, manager) Walker Whiteside, .In "David Gar- rlck's I/jve," Nov. 23, 24, came to good busi- ness. "The Real Widow Brown," 19, bad fair business. Coming: "York State Folks" Dec. 9, 10, "Cousin Kate" 12. Metropolitan Opera House (J. T. Con- don, manager). — "Joshua Slmpkius," 21-23. and "Wedded, But Xo Wlfe, ,r C4-2C, fared well. Parlor Thbatre (W. J. Wells, manager). —Business, 21-20. wan excellent, and tbe show was one of the best of the season. People opening 2S : /.am and May Razlle, Clara .Marlon, Les Zunoz, Alice Howard, the Plrrise, John Blakesiey, Mlanlo Stewart, W. J. Wells and the stock. The new comedy Is called "An Innocent Sinner." 4 ■ » KENTUCKY. Louisville. — At Macaulev's (John . T. Macauley, manager I Dockstader's Minstrels came Xov. 22, 23, Attracting large audiences. Wilton Lackaye followed 24-20. presenting '•The Pit." to crowded houses. Jeanne Tow- ler. in "Iris," 28-30. Masonic (Chae. A. Shaw, manager). — "A Olrl from Dixie," w0 values. • ■ Send for samples, fashion cards and measuring outfit. ARNHEIM, i. i ■ Broadway and 8th St., New York. .—.Minnie Howard produced her new play, "How Women Itulti Men," for the first time at'Flshklll-'un-Hudsiin. X. Y., and It will be sent out as u production after tho holidays. — Notes or tho Mack Hwnln Theatre Co. : The company has been playing to Al busi- ness all season. Fur the next four weeks return. dates will be played. Boater: 'i'heo f.orcii, Martin Frmklln, Cecil Pay. Mack Swam, Corn King Swain. Julia Hell William Hutchison, Hurry Fabrney and Martin Frank- lin. A. II. McAdnin Is musical director, with Chas. IlartsoUKb In ndvnuce. -.*— K J. and Lydln Kane Joined tho 1)11- PXT-Cornoll Co. Oct. 21. at Parkersburg, W. Vs., I. yd In' Knnc rcplacelng Martbu Drake In the leads. —-'Marie Weeks uud Lylllan Lotghton write that they arc touring the Northwest with their own company and nre meeting with ' marked success. Miss I«lghtou ex- pects to be ready to open with her uew play, v/ulrh bus 'been written especially for her, irf February. They will carry all' now scen- ery, two horses uud the two bloodhounds. Max mid ' Jack, wilt hlso hu used in their new tfroductlon. — Ivy Williams. Hie daughter of Odell Williams. Is still with Bert Whitney's "isle of Spies" Co. .— Notes from the CbaseLlstcr "A Hun- awdy Match" Co. : At St. Joseph, Mo., tho company was cntertulued by Mrs. Frances KrurYt, niotlwr of Edwin Krnffl. a member of bill' couipnuy, with u o'clock dinner at their home. The company met at tbe the- atre and went iu a body to Mrs. Krafft's bime, where they had luncheon, music and refreshments. After dinner tho men en- joyed a smoke with Mr. Krafft, and every- body present wished blm good luck. Tboso present were : Ulanrho Ulgden, Bessie Rob- bins,' Criue Burdctte, Adeltna Rockburn (Marie ICi.ifft Kenoon). Ella and irma Krafft, Frances Kcnuon.' Mrs. Frances Krafft, Glenn F. Cbnse, Ray A. Brown, Clint Hob- hlns and Edwin Crafft. . — Kdward Hi ration writes from Hoiyoke, Mass. : " 'Shadows on the Item Hi,' from (he pen .if Lonls Kagan, and under the manage- ment of Arthur Alston, wss given Its Initial performance at tbe opera house this evening before au r.iiilleiicc that packed the house to its fullest capacity. Tho plnv and plsyors Were enthusiastically received,' — Clma.'rt. Schsil writes: "Tuo Xallonsl Stock Co., supporting I'nul Brady, will con- clude their Canadian tour in two weeks, then play New York Statu for tbe remainder of this season; Our repertory of plays includes : ' Track,' 'Monte Cristo.' 'Struck 'The Inside XUV imiUC lltlin, .1UU1U '-IIDIV, "u uv. Gay,' 'World Against Her,'. 'Blow for Blow, 1 "Two Orphans/ 'For 'Love's Sake,' 'East Lynne.' 'The Gamblers,' 'The Wife,' 'Jesss Janes and a new melodrama, entitled 'The Dure Devil of Japan,' written by J. A. Grit- tin, who bus been engaged for leading heavies for the remainder of this season. Roster: Paul Brady, Chas. Belied, A. L. E. Rhine, Geo. X. Van, A. Denning. W. II, McDougal, Cgrrluau La Vaunt, Fraukle Partridge. Minnie Gordon, Chas. Whltehuuse, Leo Brown, 3. A. GrlBlrt, Barn' Miller, Gerald Cameron and the feature, Brown and Doyle." — Hurry II. Vlckers writes: "Tbe busloeu of tlie Fenberg Btoek Co. stilt remains most excellent, and so strongly arc managers Im- pressed with the excellency of the organiza- tions that the attractions will do eight weeks of. repeats this season In -the big cities of Xew England. Notwithstanding the, strength of thltr company, Manager Feu berg bus se- cured the sen-Ices of Clifford Storch for lead- ing business, and Morris Burr for characters. While the attraction played Taunton the past week the members of the organization visited the grave of l'vu Gruy (n much respected member of the company lust season) and ex- pressed u token of sorrow for one we kuew for' her goodness of heart, Tim grave was strewn witli floral pieces, one u magnificent design from Manager Fenberg and Mnrlc Mc- Neil."- --Edwin' Holland has left Robert Hllllard. — It K. Ht.'vcni: Joliiud It. B. Muntell, as manager, Xov. '8. Max ZocIukt being III, but expects to rejoin Mr. Mantel) on Dec. & ' — flbra Kuolt left the "Dealers lu While Wontou". Co. • .Nov. 10. — Marie Fulls leaves the "Mrs Mac, the Mayor." Co. Dec. 8, ufld will, be replaced by Neva. Harrison, . , - — • I'm! Itnwmati reports mj'Ctlnic with suc- cess lis I hippy Hool'gati, with "Peck's Had Boy" (Western), cu ivula for. the Paclli'j eohst. — Sidney Angeles. i:ugei,i- Purklss and I'red-t.'amjihi.'ll o)M.'n wlili "In Ibe Shadow of u Night" Co.. commencing next week under the. auuiiige incut of . Hurry Homers. ; — will i-'. Gardner closed his. second sea- son with ltlugllng Bros.' Car Xo. 1. and Is tiuw visiting with his people at West L'ulou, In. Ills fullier, J. W. GuTdner, died Sept. ill. at bis home lu West Union, lu, Mr, Gardner has signed -with Henry U. Muck's "Out of tin- Fold" Co., us agent. --Pott en & Perry Notes: Wa arc doing n splendid business everywhere we pluy. Our new -llthos are beautiful, aud our baud and orchestra Is u big feature. — Ulllle Lackaye, who bus been ' playing Ihe principal comedy lu-tbn "Mr. Plaster, of Purls," Co.. I'nder the direction of K. Willis, met with a serious ^accident Oct. 21. While hunting nt Okotoks Alts. Can,, be sustained u dislocated unkle and a broken leg. He has been .confined to his bed since then and will Is- unable to walk for several weeks. Us would be pleased to bear from friends. — Julia 'L'. Spies has been granted an In- terlocutory degree or divorce from John J. !4rrit«!. In San Francisco. — Notes and roster of "A Romanes of Coon Hollow" Co.: Wo have: Just finished four weeks on the Ores! Northern Railroad. from Seattle to st, I'aul, and tbe business, To Get to Philadelphia Quickly USE THE READING ROUTE NEW JERSEY CINTRAL , A Train Every Hour On the Hour Direct to Reading I f&.&i, Terminal. P.rlM C«k NEW VOMC STATIONS, Ft. Um A . N . R. sss S«k Fw>. NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store In the World. That is because it is the most popular. W« Allow ProUiUon.ls A SFBCIaL DIBCOOHT OP 10 PBB 08HT. 01 Ihelr Kehuw 11 titlr nimet in h w Utrillon looks.' NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTF1ER STORK iw. ks snat aarrinoo; ^ smsi Xs»»l ■ U "" ,BU ' • — ta> '«rn«rt > i.a>Jf V «Wa* ITstntfu NBW YORK. MAISON BERNARD MODES. Stage and Street Half. Exelnilve Designs. . , Seven West Thirty-first St., mw YORK. u Par Cant. Off to the Profeisloo. WaVTED, Al Sketch Testa, man and Wife. Change for week. Irish and UufcD; Novelty Aot. Ho boozers, Tloketi if not too fsr. lieoatds to friend t. Wellington duos., Ilriniaeld, III., euro of Wellington fun Makers. AT 1.IBBHTV. A U00l> MONO HOOK KELLER, and willing lu sunlit on props, and canalile of pitying small parts. Knr this season or next tcusou. flUAKLKH J. JollNwiN, II Orient Ave., Jersey OKr. N. t. FULL »IZE (islates Illusion, lieu; Life olzn Bunt (ialstts, |7i; Hecretaand I'luos, $i: Fspler Maohe Btatae, |li; Hint, »7; Flying Ludy Quint, |i'>t;Wax ITgures, Ulsck Art, VentrHoQiiHt I'lg- ii res, etc, Ijsts for * i am p, W. Bhsw, Victoria, Mo. U' ANTED— Mlnttrol Foople, Hnilcsi Team, Cornet, Trio.,' Hsrltone, tais and Tonor Sing- ers; slso comedian; those donlillegllrsss given preference. Btsto all ilrm letter; imsll,' sure ssiarlus: unst have dreis oust; all street persdn stuff freei oanalwsjs place inaelclau* ihstsrc good singers; dou't ask for ticket*; qooc-lo suy- ody: Bicker, wont last; have all I waut. I.. M. 110 VER.y gr. Ch i li.tr Bros. Mln*trel», Oxford, N.C. ronnlderlng the *hv nt the tuwos, wus won- derful. We ascrlhu It to the fact Ibat com- panies playing the larger cltleu have never gone over tbe road. In .fifteen towns -out of the last eighteen we nruke the house record. Hester : A. C, - Allen, manager; Chas. 8. Cnllahau. aUvitnce: Kutn 'Gaines. carpenter: (1. W. Hnuwdsn. property man; 'leu. V. fliiliieN, I.ouIh Hklimi'i', Junies Hur- ley, KraukUu Hiiiilshur.v, Arthur Vomer, Akin Gurdnei,' Kstelle Kerry, Loin liavls and tlia i.'uioliuu tjuiiilct. : 954 THE NEW YORK CUPPER. December j. THE NEWXOBK CLIPPER . <»» THc FRANK QUEEN NBLISMfNO C*. (LlfMhW. PROPRIETORS. ALBERT J. EOBIE, ; Editorial a»T> BtiBrNEflS MAwAOts. SATDpOAY, DECEMBER 8, 1904. RATES. Advertisements— 12.80 per Ineb, single col- ■mo. ' ' Advertisements Kt with bordtr, 10 per tent, extra. •CBSCniPTIOW. Ons war In advance, 94; ilx months, 82 1 three month*, $1. Foreign pottage extra. Singie copies Will be sent, postpaid, on re- ceipt of 10 cents. Onr Terms are Cask. THB CLIPPER le lisued every Wednesday morning. The lest four (advertising) pagM 20 TO PRESS on Baturday at 11 a. m„ and le other page* on MONDAY and TUESDAY. The Forms Closing; Promptly, Tow dsr, at 10 o'clock A. II. In A'siavqr, ns there are seven cards out of the suit better than tlie seven spot Hi .Flat Iron, Katttas city.— Four .Vm and *3 count twenty-font points, and not twenty points, ns the type* made It appear last week. BASEBALL. J. 1,-fL-r-F. SI. Knowles, secretary N. Y. It. B. Clolu St. Jam** Building. Broadway nnd Twenty-sixth Street,- this clly, might procure you the desired . Information. MISCELLANEOUS. Ji II. O, Oma&a.— B wins. P. J. McG., White Mills.— Address the At- torney General of the State of New York. OCR CHICAGO LETTER. FROM OUR OWN CORRrSFONDEST. Western Bureau, , OC the Hew York Clipper, Boom SOS, Ashland Block, Chicago. Mre. Gilbert, In "Granny." at Powers', opening Monday evening, Nov. 28, provides the only novelty of the week. Kyrle Bellew, lit the Grand; " ' Way Down East." nt SIc- Vleker's; Lulu Olaser, at the Illinois, and Ward and Yokes, at the Great Northern, begin final weeks. "The Clngalee," at the Htudebakerj "Fantana," at the Garrlck, and "Ills Highness, the Bey," at the La Salle, are continued attractions. Openings Sunday afternoon: "Billy" H. Clifford moves over to the Criterion, Nellie Mcllenry conies to the P. O. order or registered letter. All cash en- p , ayg the Acaaeroy of Music providing pop- ular priced amusement^ '*wbeel"_bnrle_»que closed with letter it at the risk of sender. Address All Communications to TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER, j vV 47 West 28th Street, New York. -, JTeflUreredCfllilB Aidrein -AVTBOtm." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of IBM CMrPga I* located at Boom IWJZ« f current entertainment. Ashland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where adver- tisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne St., London, W. C, shows ore:- The High Boilers, at Trocadero, find l'hll Sheridan's City Sports, at the Folly. Stock company dramas are provided at the Bosh Temple of Music and People's Theatre, and stock burlesque contlnnes the attraction at Ham T. Jack's. Vaudeville at the Olympic Chicago Opera House, Ilaymarket, Hyde & Hehman'B and Cleveland's complete the list of current entertainment, on Saturday night, 20, William Collier closed n fortnight of "The Dictator" at Powers'. Nett Sunday Blanche Walsh opens In "KreuUer Sonata," at McVIcker's, and on Monday night, Dec. r>, Mme. Bejane opens at the Grand Opera Hotise, and Maude Adams begins a single week at the Illinois, reviving "The Little Minister." lu.tNors Titeattik (Will J. Davis, mana- John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, B e r ).— Proving a most attractive comblna when advertisements and subscriptions are received at our regular rntes. 'I'm Clifvbb can M obtain sc, whoub- bilk and retail, at our agents, Brentano'B news depot, 87 Avenue de 1'Opera, Paris, France; M. Llllentbal, Frederick Strata* 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond News Co., 97 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kicoitn, Manila, I*. 1.; Albert k Bon, 187- 139 King St, Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER publishes onlr one edition, and that Is date* from New York, . . tlon, artistically and financially. Lain Glaser find "A Madcap Princess" remain for a second nnd final wees, starting Monday night, 28. Muudc Adams appears In "The Little Minis- ter" Cor week of Dec. D, to be followed by Ham Bernard and Hattle Williams, In "The Oirl from Kays." Powers' Theatre (narry J. Powers, man- ager). — Mrs. Gilbert, after many years Of valiant service In the ranks, gives us our first views of "Granny," on Monday night, Nov. 28; ns a star In her own right; William Col- lier closed a fortnight of "The Dictator" Sat- urday night, 28. Leon Wacbsner'B German Stock Co., from Milwaukee, will have the house Sundny night, 27, for a presentation of "Mensclillches, Allzu Menschllches." Guano Opera IIuush (Harry Askln, busi- ness manager). — I wbitb to THOSE WHOM THAT SEEK, IN CA8B Of THE CLIPPER Post Ovficb. Am. lbttbbs will bb .advertised one week only. It iui ROOT! Of AST THEATRICAL COMPANT IS BOUOIIT. REFER TO otlB LIST Or BODTM ON ANOTHHB PAO>. W'B CANNOT BEND BOOTH BX MAIL Og TELEGRAPH. DRAMATIC. J; 3„ EanMvllle.— Wt» have no knowledge the first time here. iibatrh (Geo. C. Warren, business manager). — " 'Way Down East" re- mains for a third and last week, starting Sunday night, Nov, 27. The seventh Chicago engagement of this pastoral play will end in a duplication of previous successes, as packed houses are ruling. Next Sunday Blanche Walsh Wilt open In "Kreutrer Sonata," for of* the present whereabouts of the party. Address a letter In our care and we, will advertise It tt» ThbClippmk letter list, C. M„ Toledo, Man. -G. 0., Albany, IS. N., San Francisco, MlSB H. D, Haxeltou, J. 8., Pittsburg, L. M. K., Brooklyn, Miss M. K., Wheeling, L. T. P., Savannah, k. V., Brooklyn, G. 8. 0„ Albany, Mas. B. O.j Cincinnati, D. M. B., EI Dorado. Mrs. I. O., Chicago, DR. J. P. K., KaiiKus City, 1.. J.. Pittsburg, and . , It. W. M., Peoria— See answer to J. J., above. C. it., Hopklnsvllle.— Make application to the Commissioner of Patents, Washington, *P. B. K, Mhlone.— Walter Perklaa did play the lend In the play you mention. D. J. JI., Perry— Address the manager of the company for the Information. :T> 8. M., Albany. — We have no means of knowing the Balary paid the Bcxtette. . . MV?S7 G., Topeke.— Inquire of some itnge hano; In' your city.. , . J. A. M., Washington.— We have no knowl- edge of any such publication. K. H. '&. New York.-— 1, 2, 3. Address Stnley nnd Blrbeck for the information. 4. Krotn $U0 per week up. Mrs. W. H. . B., Hudson.— Address the party you mention as he Is beat able to give you the Information. Q. H. Y., Albnny.— We can not aid you Gariiick Theatre (Sam P. Gerson, busl- fiefts manager). — "Kantana/' on Sunday, 27, iM'gloH Its ninth Weeks. Jefferson De Angel's, Katie Barry and the other favorites grow stronger In esteem as the engagement lengthens. Prosperity has surely spread its wings over the Messrs. Shnbert Rtupeuaker Theatre (R. E. Harmeyer, liuslnoss manager). — On Tuesday, ,22, "The Clngalee" wrs given here for the first time in Chicago, and It met with Immediate suc- cess. The run Is thns far Indefinite, and suc- cess Is assured. Chicago's army of whistlers and pianola players are puckering and pnmp- rLE's TitEATnB (Fred G. Conrad, man- ater) —Harking a . raise In prices "Tb« arlstlan'.' Is presented by the atock foT.cet this weak. "Two Little Vagrants'' won cspcdal^favor last week, a noticeable feature of tbe performance being the work of, Coral Armln, a new member of the company. Next, week. "The Starbucks.". ' OLTMPiC TnrATBB (Kohl & Csstle, malia- KPrg) . — The bill opening Monday afternoon, liKKHlbbsrd and Werren. rRosa 'bee Tyler, Kennedy and James, tbe American- Trumpet- ers. Werden and Uladdlsb, Geo. E. Austin, l'olk and Collins, Lawson and Xamon, Plerco and Mazle, Theresses Bnd company, "Happy Jack" Gardner, Tbornq and Carleton, Hayes and Healey, the De Haven Quartette and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrooe. Rejuvenated In Interior construction, restored to Its wonted popularity and presenting ideal bills this resort has come Into a new era of prosper- ity with capacity business ruling. -• HxbB & Bbhman's (Archie Ellis, manager). — An extra attraction In tbe bill opening Mon- day afternoon, 28, mil be Jules and Ella Gar- rison, In tbelr tragic burlesques, tbe feature number being Henry E. Dixey, In "David Qarrlck," held over from last week. Stuart Barnes, the Marvelous Tasmaolans, Almont and Dumont. Bertie Fowler, Rosttlno and Stephens, Wilson and Kelley, and Rose Aguln- aldo complete tbe offering for the current days. Tbe Dollar Troupe, scoring a succession of successes with their skillful acrobatics, were tbe feature of an "acrobatic" bill last week, other tumblers and twisters being Smith and Cook, their second week ; Scott and John- son, and Blocksom and Burns. Lulgi Del Uro's artistic musical novelty was one of the best features In the bill. Geo. H. Wood, tbe "somewhat different comedian" scored a laughing success In his monologue treat. Francelll and Lewis made good. Chicago Opera House (Kohl A Castle. managers). — Large crowds, good bills and great satisfaction are the amiable conditions ruling here. Opening Monday afternoon, 28 : Charlotte Havenscroft, Forrest and Forrest, Dorothy Kenton, Ventello and Nina, Mitchell and Love, Herbert Deveau, Smlrl and Ress- ner, Grace Palett and her Millinery Maids, Frank and Jen Latona, Urbanl and Son, Clarice Vance, Spesardy's bears, Mclntyre and Heath, and rrobst. Except Probst tbe eight last mentioned acts comprise tbe Or- pheura Show. Tbe renown won by this most excellent organization during its two previous Chicago weeks Is sure to culminate In over- flowing houses this week. Hatmarket Theatre (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl A Castle).— Current enter- tainment will be furnished by Ashton and ICarle, Josephine Coles, the Juggling Mathleus, John A. West, the Esmeralda Sisters, Uowley and Leslie, Harry La Rose and company, Klelne and Clifton, Lee Olopas, Talbot and Itogers, Crcssy and Dayne, Irving Jones and company, \& Carmen Troupe, and tbe Geo. K. Spoor klnodrome. Westslders are wit- nessing here the bests acts In vaudeville from week to week, and business maintains a capacity standard, which must be most gratifying to the managerial heart. Ham T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, manager). — "Lilies and Lobsters" mingle here upon this stage for another week. This stock title Is a general cloak for introducing the stock company In "Miss Plum's Recep- tion" and "Miss Clover." a burlesque and first part, staged by Harry Montague. Alleen Vin- cent. Helen Russell, Carrie Seitz, Chris. Lane, Ed. Morris, James Thompson, Charley Banks nnd tbe other favorites will be cast In con- genial roles — the ladles, of course, being both figuratively and literally cast In tights. The olio will Introduce Capt. Alex. Georgian's troupe of ncrobats, a marvelous and sensa- tional' number : Merrltt and Rozella, the Jack- sons and Fred Nchmohl. Business keeps up splendidly and a good entertainment Is al- ways provided. Cleveland's Thbatrb (W. S. Cleveland, manager). — This week : Henri French, Caron and Farnum, Castallett and Hall, Rentfrow and Jensen, Marcus and Flora, J. J. Rehan and others. Trocaprho Thxatrb (Robert Fulton, man- ager). — Woodhull & Waldron's High Rollers open Sunday afternoon, for their second Chi- cago dote, continuing twice daily throughout the week. Millie De Leon, the "girl In blue." will be an added feature. Frye and Fergu- son, the Three Hickman Brothers, Mosher. Houghton and MoBher and Ada Buttner will be leaders in tbe entertainment. During the past week the Fay Foster Co. held forth to excellent returns, giving a lively show and winning approval. Louise Dacre scored an individual success . through her personal cleverness and adaptability. Millie De Leon was an added feature, much commented upon nnd exceedingly attractive In a box office way. Folly Tdteatbb (Robert Fulton, manager). — Pbll H. Sheridan's City Sports come to this bouse Sunday afternoon for fourteen Serformances on "The Levee." Crlssle Sherl- nn will, as usual, head the delegation of feminity, and All, Hunter and All, Mills and Beecher, the Barrett Bros., the Scbacfer Trio, Adelaide Mareden and the Pan-Amer- ican Four will provide the olio. Al. Reeves' Co. was In profitable evidence last week, with Mr. Reeves and Andy Lewis providing the leading comedy element and carrying the burlesque between them. London Dims Miheim (Wm. J. Bweeney, manager). — In curio hall: Miss Taylor, long haired woman ; the Schwartz Sisters, bag punchers; Mungo's alligators, and Elmer Sheppard, fat boy. On the stage : Itose Bar- ron. Babe Paige, Trixle Black and Prof. How- ard. Clark Street Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager). — Freaks and curiosities and an oft- repeated vaudeville bill provide the amuse- ment here, bnt tbe details are not at hand. Business Is excellent and the house seeme to be evenly prosperous at all times. Aftermath. — Richard Pltrot, the "globe trotter" representative of vaudeville head- liners, was in Chicago two days last week, transacting business with the Western Asso- ciation of vaudeville Managers. He went to St. Louis to have a look In at the World's Fair before returning to New York The Camllle Comedy Trio, who have Just closed tho season with the Blngllng Show, and are re-engaged for another season, have been In town for the past few days. They left Saturday for Kansas City to begin a tour of the Orpheum circuit, after which they will go to Europe for a brief vacation be- fore opening with the Rlngllng Show Billy Carter, still active with his banjo In vaudeville, will celebrate his seventieth birth- day Dec. 16 Greetings come from Fred- erick Titus and wife, Lydla Yeamans Titus, on shipboard, bound from England tor Aus- tralia,- where they are booked for an extend- ed engagement John Fogarty came In from T 'Tho Prince of Pllaen" Co. to attend the sickbed of his wife, returning In time to join the show on Thanksgiving Dny Mllward Adams, manager of tbe Auditorium Theatre, has been appointed United States Commissioner to the international exposition nt.Uego. .Belgium, to be held next Summer- In 1882 Mr. Adams superintended the dedica- tion of the World's Columbian Exposition In this city , Edward Shayne booked these special Thanksgiving Day bills: Opera House, Elgin. III.: Athns Family. Maude Alice Kellv, Raymond Teal, Cnstellat and Hail. Anita Bun, the Racket! Bros., D's and D's. and Geo K. Spoor's klnodrome. Opera House, Menomlqce. ' Mich. : Lavender and Tomson, Wesson. "Walters add Wesson, the Mtrtlne Bros., Mile. Ln tins, Chas. HecloW. and Mar- tin and Qttlgg Cbas. H. RosBKatu, man- ager of tho Chicago Stock Co., sent me nn Invitation to attend tho wedding, at James- town; N. Ys, oh Nov. 24. of Ada Melrose (Adrla Letty Hmlth) to Moore, tbe magician (Ernest Joseph Limhcrger). both members nf Mannger ItosaKam'n romjlnny .... Merrltt nnd Roxclln are In Chicago, laying off for a fort- night, whUe Mr. Merrltt recovers tr™**-"- u5tof lltwss which caaspd blm to csBcjinev- eraLweett 1 bookings . , . . «*•»*»»" S'-; *»" of May Howard, w 'ntly fell while atteMlng his stable Of rurffiin* horses, broke tw6 ribs nnd will be laid up for some little time. May Howard, by. tbe way, is still in, town. ondj. elded as to what she will do. She may possi- bly plav a few weens for Manager, Sidney J. Euson In bis burlesque stock nt Sam T.-Jack s. Flulay and Bnrke, Merrltt and Rozella, Russell and Locke. l>ynn Welcher. the Texaha Sisters, and Mildred Orover appeared Thanks- giving Day ot the Opera House. Applcton, Wis., booked by Arthur Fablsh, of the West- ern Association of Vaudeville Managers. . . ... Allen Curtis, who went to St. Louis with Howard and Emerson, appeared with them nt the Columbia Theatre nntll Wednesday nlghr, 10, when he was taken to a hospital danger- ously III. Howard and Emerson finished the week alone and played their date at the Chi- cago Opera House fast week with Mr. Curtis still 111 In St. Louis AH. Wood- bull reached town last Tuesday ahead of the High Rollers, and signed "The Gold Dust Twins," to open with his show at Trocadero. replac'ng the Escher Sis- ters. Mr. Woodhull, who only recently re- turned from a pleasure trip nround the world, joined tbe High Rollers during their Folly Theatre date, in this city, reconstructing and changing the show Tom North, who is managing "Billy" Clifford's Show, won his way into the good graces of Chicago newspa- per men, last week, and secured for his star more and better prew notices than Is usually the lot of attractions playing tbe outlying popular priced houses In this city Geo. C. Mlin, the Shakespearean actor and divine, Is In Chicago for a few weeks, having come to America from England for tbe purpose of delivering several lectures. He recently ad- dressed the Chicago Press Club and Is booked for several other lectures In this city within a month The owner's of tbe Columbus Theatre property have completed the altera- tion In the building, as required by the new ordinances governing theatres, and nave with- drawn then* bill of injunction against the city. The Great Northern is now the only theatre operating by virtue of Injunction pro- ceedings without having "conformed" to tbe new conditions '.The Josseltn Trio called at the Western Bureau ot The Clipper last week, en route lit San Francisco, to begin a tour of the Orpheum circuit OlTle Mack, of the theatrical firm of Murray and Mack, filed a petition ln bankrupcy in this city last week. His debts amount to 118.000, of which $1.1,000 Is for printing bills. His assets total $250 Eva Tan- guay, ln "Tbe Sambo Girt," will be the Christmas attraction at tbe Great Northern. Two weeks of the Chicago Live Stock Show, on annual event at the Stock Yards, Is bringing great throngs to town and bene- fitting the theatres accordingly. .. ."Wnlly" McCutcheon, just past his twentieth birth- day, is Mr. Frohman's youngest stage mana- ger. He is with William Collier, In "Tbe Dictator." Fritz N. Huffman will be the soloist at Turner Hall's weekly concert. Sunday, 27 Thomas' Orchestra Is giv- ing Its final concerts at the Auditorium, pre- vious to moving Into Its newly constructed home on Michigan Avenue. The dedication exercises and Initial concert In tbe new building will be given about Christmas. . . . "A Woman's Reward" Is being presented by a stock company at the Calumet Theatre, South Chicngo, this week The work of re- constructing the Marlowe Theatre, In 1'ngle- wood, Is. going forward as rapldlv as possi- ble. The house will be turned over to its new lessees about Christmas. Harry G. Somers and W. D. Russell will manage the house, with Stnlr & Havlln's bookings Plnys underlined for production by the stock company at the People's Include : "The Pris- oner of Zends." "Called Back," '.'The Holy City," "Lover's Lane" nnd other high royalty plays Mannger Fred G. Conrad Is making a success of the venture and the stock com- pnny Is gaining in favor From Robert Fulton, at Hot Springs, comes a cheerful let- ter telling of his rapid restoration to health. He expects to remnln there two weeks longer before returning to Chicago to resume nctlve charge of Trocadero and the Folly His friends In Chicago and everywhere will join In the hope that ho may return fully re- stored In health and strength The Oarrlck claims to have In Its chorus a nephew of Russell Sage. A series of poster matinees begin this week, autograph pictures of Adele Ritchie. Katie Barry, Julia Sander- son and Winnie Selgrlst being promised The Empire Comedy Four, the Transatlantic Four, tbe Bijou Comedy Four and the Re- liance Quartet held a pleasant session In a local cafe, the other evening, It being worthy of mention that four quartettes, all In active service, seldom meet ln one town. There was much melody and more substantial exchanges of good fellowship to pass the hours Edward Marsh, of Marsn and Sartella, writes me that they bave signed a three years' con- tract, to bo featured In muaical comedy, by Will E. Nankevllle. They arc this season with "Beauty and the Beast," Miss Sartella playing the Beauty and Mr. Marsh the presi- dent of the republic. As a result of their con- tract with Mr. Nankevllle they have been com- pelled to cancel thirty-two vaudeville weeks In England and South Africa "Billy" S. Clifford 1b booked for several weeks lu South African vaudeville, nt the close of his present starring tour ln "How He Won Her." lie will return in time, however, to open in a new musical comedy for next season. In which his present manager, Charles F. Wblt- takcr, will star him ln tbe better class of popular priced houses An unconfirmed rumor was printed In the local papers last week that Stair A Havlin were soon to take possession of .Hyde & Behman's, the theatre formerly known as the Iroquois, and conduct it as a popular priced dramatic combina- tion house. This rumor, however, is only one of a dozen which has toyed with destinies of a house which Hyde A Behmnn are gradu- ally winning back to popularity. the Caldwsladcr Trio. Mr. Rlckards also announces the arrival of .Hackenschmldt, the Hnwian Urn. by tbt Barbarosaa, who will show before the nnblto to a few. days At Melbourne Harry James' American Tfii- vesty Co. Is doing fair business, but expects io fill bumper houses during race week next week.' ££ .' vJ •-.".'.. Nellie Stewart, heading George Musgrove's Co., has made a great success In "Pretty Peggy," white .the first performance wis an- nounced of "The Orchid," by Williamson's Opera Co., at Her Majesty's. •♦»» ■ - MASSACHUSETTS. OUR AUSTRALIAN LETTER. FB0M OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. . . „ Stdnet, Oct. 81. At the Theatre Royal Bland Holt revived "Sporting Life" before a really fine house, tbe representation of Earl's Court Exhi- bition, with the view of the big wheel, being especially brilliant. The scene showing the training stable at New Market was also ad- mirably marked out In detail, and the real- istic working of the Interior of the National Sporting Club, with genuine boxing matches, crcnted the usual excitement. At Her Majesty's Theatre the last nights ot "L'Alglon" are now in progress, where tho romantic comedy drama draws large audi- ences. Tlttcll Bruhe's next Impersonation will be in "Homeo and Juliet," In which J. C. WIII'nmflon'B company will open on Satur- day, Nov.. 12. Saturday saw the close of the season of musical farce at the Criterion, where George Stephenson's American Comedy Co. gave its llnnl performance of "Brown's In Town " The laughable piny went briskly, the audience being n bumper house. Chat. J. 8tlne made n happy speech, during which he mentioned that be was coming back, and hoped to see Ills friends again. The Blcknells stay on ", E ,h ,y,, a . rL ' . II. Batchcllcr, man- user). — Tho Thoroughbreds sre paying their unnuul visit this week. "Looking for a Duke" and "The Thoroughbreds on a Lark" are the suappy burlesques. The vaudeville part of the show consists of : Washburn and 1'lynn, Four Thoroughbreds, Coyne. Ardell, Lawrence and Edwards; Mile. Ln Totka, Tim Healy and Clausen Bisters. Willie Weston, the Dancing Mitchells and Franklin and Hopkins. Last week large crowds saw J. Herbert Mack's World Beaters. ... Austin & Stone's Museum (Stone & Shan-, managers). — The Hovarth midgets arc feat- ured m the curio hall the present week. They arc four tiny people nnd should prove a strong attraction. Other c.trds arc: Tlll'a marion- ettes, Trlxlc. snake queen : Sweet Marie, the fat girl, and Punch und Judy. Stage sbotv : Helen Parr, "Jack" Stewart, Hogun and Ho- fan, Vera Hart. Paniy Trio, Parsons Slsti>rs, lartln and Rldgeway. Humes aud I.cwIk, Pbllbrook and Reynolds, and the Bradys. Bnslness Is ahead of all records of previous seasons. Nickelodeon (L. B. Walker, manager). — Carlo hall leaders: Will Carfington'u Geor- gia Minstrels, Anger Bros., trapeze act. aud others. On tbe stage are: "The Black Statue," a comedy sketch : George West. Rar Ellis, George Lovaine, Annie La Jolc, May Hall and Irene Campbell. Patronage was good last week. Walker's Star ''tmBW — This rc- Bort, which was formerly Walker's Museum, opens Monday afternoon, Nov. 28. There will be no curio hall attractions, a continu- ous vaudeville bill being given at the admis- sion price of five cents. The Initial bill In- cludes: Donna Dean, the Durants, Billy Na- smyth, Alice Jordan, Adams and Healy and the Hartford Sisters. Noras. — Similar concert bills Nov. 26. — Globe Theatre: Simon-Gardner Co., Buseh- De Vere Trio, Dixon and Holmes, Brooks Bros, and company, Mudgc and Morton, Ar- delle-Bayard and company, Golden Gate Quintette, Harper and Stout, tlank Whit- comb and the Globoscope. .lfusfc Hall: Ken- nedy aud Booney, Smith and Campbell, llloom and Cooper, Hclenc Glrard, Anion Hccucr, Wei eh- Montrose Troupe. Ritchie Duo nnd the klnetograph. Uoston Theatre; Goldea Gate Quintette, Mac. .Flower. Gard- ner, West and Sunshine. Butler and Murpliv. Hatch' Bros., Jennie Dc Hann, Hovt and Burke. Cole and; Warner, Happy Jack Lylo und the blogranb. Columbia: Duffin-Redcay Troupe, Teddy Simonds and Company, Gulden c.atc Quintette, Hoyt and Burke, Cole aud Warner, Mclntyre and Primrose, Mine. Flower, Gertrude Reynolds and the klucto- graph. Botrdoln Square: Bedlnl and Arthur, tho St. Felix Sisters, Maddox and Proutv, Charlotte Stammers, Morrlsey and Rich, Vera King. C. E. Johnson, Ilogun Bros.. John Walsh, the La Moines. Hugh BIcVcv, Martin nnd Rldgeway and Say-mans nnd way The Theatrical Mechanics' Rcneflt will be held at the Bostou Theatre Sunday evening, Jan. 8 Tho AVomon's Charity Club hos- pital benefit will be held on the afternoon of Dec. 10, at the Trcmont Theatre The Symphony Orchestra's pension fund concert takes place at Symphony Hall Sunday even- ing, Nov. 27. » Springfield. — At the Court Square The- atre (D. 0. Gllmorc, manager) "Hiawatha." Nov. 21, presented by Indians, for the benefit of tho Springfield branch of Massachusetts Indian Association, drew two packed houses. Savage's English Grand Opera Co. gave "Par- sifal, 22, to a lurgc audience. Jumcs K. Uackett was seen In his new play, "Tho fortunes of the King," 23. Mr. uackett has n role well suited to him, and praise was given him and his production by our people. ■Tiff! Paffl! Pout!!!" 24. bad sow! busi- ness. V. W. Mace played Eddie Foy's role, and did .well. Alice Fischer and Vlnulc Daly both met with approval. "Shadows on the Hearth." 20, 26, a new play, drew fair houses. Gertrude O'Mnlly, Adeline Mann and James M. Brophy arc the best In the company. Local production of "Louis XI" 20, Annie Russell 30, "The Yankee Consul" Dec. 1, "The Secret of Pollchlnclle" 2, "Our New Minister" 8, "The County Chairman" 0, 7, Dc Wolf Hopper 8, "The Isle of "Spice" 9. New GluionF. Thbatre (Sylvester P. Cal- lanan. manager). — "The Parish Priest," 21- 23, played to good returns. «Sadlc Da I ley was vivacious as Miss Corrlgan. .Frank M. Rain- gcr and Nana Carlcton found much favor. "Escaped from Sing Sing," 24-26, drew big business and was a stirring play. Fred Mou- tngue, Blanche Rowlaud and Elizabeth Sedley were among the most prominent In the com- pany. "Because She Loved" 28-30. "Too Toud to Beg" Dec. 1-3, "Tho Child Wife" 3- 7, "Dora Thorne" 8-10. Pom's (Chas. W. Fonda, resident inana- ?er). — The house has been filled at cvory per- ormunoe. Bill week Of 28: Louis Simons, Grace Gardner and Co., In "The New Coach- man;" Orpheus Com:dy Four, Mr. nnd Mrs. Jimmy Barry, Eckhoff nnd Gordon, Prof. Al- vcnlc's monkey, Allan Shaw and the electro- Graph. Nkmiok 17s. T. Damon, manager). — The Thoroughbreds, last week, had good sized houses. The olio was one of the best features of the show. The Bohemian BurleMpicrs week of 28. Sam Dererc's Own Company next week. Notes. — All of the theatres drew large houses on Thanksgiving. Louis Tay- lor, who has been acting as leader of one of tbe burlesque companies during tbe -ej sun, jojmjip inoisnm sit jo ssauih turned to this city '.Mr. and Mrs. George V. Mnthleson. wbo have been with, l-'orc- pangli & Bells Brothers' Circus the past Summer, bave sailed for Jamaica and South America, where they are to appear in a number of bicycle carnivals. They expect to tour the world before they return to this country Eddie Foy was unable to ac- company the "Plff! Yaffil Poufl!!" Co. on Its tour last week. F. W. Mace, his I'ndcrstudy, filled the -role of Peter Ponffin well The Springfield I.odge of-Eno kept open house on Thanksgiving and enter- tnlned munr vlsltlog Elks. . .Isabella M. Hall. «f the "Winsome Winnie" Co., was tendered a reception at the Wendelf Hotel, Plttsfield, last week, by a number of her local friends. i' Miss Halls mother, Mrs. Mary A. Llall. who Happened to-bo visiting in tbe ctty. was one of the -guests John Nary and Thomas Ilanity, of the International Stage Employes' Alliance, were In this vicinity lait week Negotiations between the Whiting Paper Company and D. O. Gllmorc and I'.T. Shea, for the ttle of the llolroke Opera, were closed it»t Tuesday. The house, It Is under- stood, will be given over to medium priced attractions of the best quality Flora Bowtey, a graduate of last year's class at smith College, Is a member of James K. Hficketfs Co Roger Connor, who has been visiting his parents In Cbleopee Falls, hit returned to tbe Casino, Bar Harbor, Me. ■ ■ ' > Lowell. — At the Lowell Opera House (l-'ny .Bros, ft lloafprd, managers) the Ben- nett-Monlton Co. drew excellent business last week. The company was good and the plays well staged. The featured specialty per- formers were Month and Hodd, very clever performers. Coming: "A Chinese Honey- moon" 28, Ryan Stock Co., In repertory, 20- Dec. 8. Academy of Music (tllchard F. Murpby, manager).— only one attraction latt week, "The Rack Mask," a play new to this city, was given by a very capable company of players. It was well staged and proved a niefodramii of much merit. The company ln full : 11. Emery Groenwcll. Chas. E. Gllson, J. Duke Saione, Edwin Nlner, Clarence Lyn- don. Jiit.. S. Cornell, C. E. Lyndon, Phyllis lii-lmu, Beatrice Tyson, Alice Wrcnn, Ernil Stuart, Lillian M. Volkinau. Coining: Robt. Fltzslinnions and JuUa Glfford, In " A Fight for Love," Nov. 28-30; "A Factory Girl" Dec. 1-3. Cahtu Tilkaiou (Al. llayucs, manager). — Business was very good last week. Current : Wlllsrd Newell and company, In "Ills Night Out ;". Marie .Glrard, Tom Armstrong, Vern and O'Brlea, Marvelous Spauldlng, Smith and Smith. Con wo! I and Swan, and Prof. C. L. Edwards' educated horse, Bonner. . Boston (J. H. Tcbbetts, manager). — The usual big business and a good bill last week. The Boston bioscope Is still a pleasing feat- ure, and the- amateur burlesque of "Uncle Tom's Cabin" was very funny, current: Castle aad Collins, Billy Chamberlain, May Morris, Mackey aud Clarke, tbe Dcmacos, and the Boston bioscope. Amateur ulght, "The Country Store." Pkoplk's (Harry A. Woodward, manager). — Capacity business .at all the evening i>er- foruiauces hist week, with good matinees. Harry Burns, Jim Daly and Harry Wood- wards moving pictures were tbe pleasing- features, and. the burlesque, "Who Died First?" was very humorous. BUI 28 and week :' Ben Johnson, Harry Rums, Burkbart. juggler; Kittle Hart, Mamie Lee. William Austin. George Kaln and Harry Woodward's moving pictures. Burlesque, "The City Hos- pital. Mkntioy. — All houses gave extra matinees 24, to S. II. O Shepard's moving pic- tures entertained well pleased audlenrcs at the Opera House 20. Tho same company gives concerts 27 The Boston Theatre Annex (J. H. Tcbbetts. manager) opens for. the season 28 Charles J. Gllpatrlek, the osslQed man (T. H. Flowers, manager), Is exhibiting to big crowds here. Tbe en- gagement will extend through current week. "The Jungle" (John T. Benson, man- ager), a very excellent collection of trained and wild birds, beasts nnd reptiles, opened in tbe Parker Block for an Indetlnte stay 24. There will also be a continuous stage show, with weekly changes. Carl Fritzs trained dogs for current week Carrie Hirschmau. pianist, will give a recital In Colonial Hall 20, Jean t\ . Sherburne and Osmond Long assisting. .. .Lowell Lodge of Elks will hold Its memorial services at their lodge rooms Dec. 4, Rev. Bro. George I". Kenngott. ufuVlallog The first recital of the Lowell Orchestral Society will be given at the Opera House 27, afternoon. The stars will be the Schucker Trio. Lillian Blauvelt. • 'url Bnrlebcn. Rudolph Krassclt, Anita Rio, Jacq Benncrcntc and Prof. Merrill. Wk Day by Day.'/ 21-23, und "Tbo Parish V'rlest," 24-20, played to satisfactory Imtlue**. Booked: The American. Vltaarapb. Co„ with moving pictures. 2S-.UI ; "Bccuuso Sko Loved" FuoTtiuitTH.— Tlio llolyoke Opera House wan purchased Nov. 23 by Dwlgbt 0, QlTmorO and P. F. Shea, the well known theatre own- ers nnd managers, o' Springlleld. Tho 'price, paid to tlio former owner, Hx-Congressman, William Whiting, was aioo.ooo. The sew own- ers will run the Opera House at popular prices. Tho hou«c was erected by Mr. wnltltig about twenty-five .years ngo. It is one of the finest and best equipped In this part of the State: m,d posftenses oho of Utc- largest states of any theatre In New England outside of Bos- ion. ' The new owners take possession Jan. i, ioor.. I " Fall Hirer.— At the Ai-ndcmy of Music (Calm & Grant, managers) Mav Klske's Com- edy. Co.. week of Nor. 21. came to good busi- ness, with the exception of 2.1, when "A Chi- nese Honeymoon" was enjoyed by a fair audi- ence. $liepard'B moving picture* pleased large houiies 27, Including mitlnee. Dtie: "The. Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 28-30, Fenherg Stock Co. Dec. 1-3, Tburber and Naslirr Stock Co. R-tO. Buou (Henry Myers, manager). — There Is every evidence tbat the new policy with which this theatre Inaugurated last week will be a success. "Whoou.Dco-Doo." with the Mutlcal Rennets. Kitty Rlng'iAin, Fred Zohedie. Grace- lyn Whltelmimc, Kcno, Walsh and Melrose, and Lcclalr and Huwim. was enjoyed by well tilled hoilHes, and trace great snllsfaetion week of Nov: 21. . "Tho Jsiwkys" Is tho bur- lesque this week, with a strong olio, Including .Itilmtioii, Ouvcnuort nnd Lon-lla, the Majestic MUslcul Four,' the Tlirce Polos, Llbble Hlon- dcll und Bennett and Rich. Casto. (Al. llaynes, manager). — Good houses were the rule hero last week, with an Interesting bill, headed by Robert Henry Hodtce and company. Booked 28 and week : Frederic Bond and company. Edward Gray, Maurice Hart, Wood and Ray, Jeannette Brooks, Mr, and Mrs. Calhoun, Camlllo nnd Fona, and Mudge and Morton. Siieedy's (M. F. O'Brien, manager). — Business last week was big, and the bill offered greatly pleased. Week of 28 : Helen Austin, Mort Franklin. Adams OHIO. Lynn — At the Gem Theatre (Charles W. Sb.cs.ie, manager) business last week was big. This week : The Baylors, William Juni- per and Ella Hayes, Mlko Scott, Adeline and "Rubber," Dan Lacy and John Earl and tho bioscope. Cole's (Georgo A. Cole, manager). — All performances were witnessed by large bouses last week. Tbe current bill: F. Alan Coo- gan, lienry aud Sadie Daly, Hall and Pray, the Murquauds, Elizabeth Miller and the blo- granb. The closing sketch Is "Take It Back." Nickelodeon (Victor Bros. & Vatcber, man- agers). — This Is the latest addition to Lynn's list of -playhouses. Harry Harrison is stage manager nnd Arthur Bodett musical director. The Eonse opened Nov. 21, with minstrels. Tbls week : Daisy Weber's Dainty Soubrettca and the Dexters, In transmission Of thought; Daisy Allen, ln coon songs, and Emma Bur- ton, in buck and wing dancing. Salem Theatre, Salem (Geo. H. Chcetbam, manager). — The plays presented by the Myrklc-Itarder Co. last week, were witnessed by lurgc audiences. This week the Bennett & Motuton Co. appear every afternoon und evening. Mechanic Hall, Salem (F. L. Munsey, manager). — -Vaudeville continues to draw- large houses to great satisfaction. Rose Stabl Is tho headllner this week, and others arc: Harper, Desmond and Bailey. Mile Cannon - tella, Ada ArnoldBon, Gregory and Wood, Raymond and Caverly, the Btereoptlcon views nnd the blograph. Notes. — tjcorgc Dauphin, at Cole's last week, was successful Faddcn's Flats" hud big houses week of 21. "Tilly Olson" next. Kt: nil's (I,. M. El rick, manager).— 1)111 28 and week : Chas. Hopper, Ton Icbl Troupu, Clius. Bi'udshaw- and compuny, Mclltnan Trio, Nqlsun-Farnum Trounc, Matlmws and Ashley, nnd Ut-tuuU uud Miller. Business continues good. Star (Drew & Campbell, managers),— Tho 'Transatlantics this week. Tho 1/ondon Holies had fair houses week of 21. Tho Kentucky Belles week of Dec. 5. manager). — This week, Joe Welch, In "Cohen's Luck. I^ist week Ross and Fenton, In "Twlrly Wlilrly." had crowded audiences. "Girls Will Be Girls" (return engagement) next week, Acadkmy ok Mrsic (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger). — This week, the Hanlona', in "Su> nti-bu." Lust week "Happy Hooligan" packed tile house at every performance. "The Flam- ing Arrow" next, CHASB'M Tiieatuk (Mm H. Wlnnlfred Do Witt, niunager).-rTbls wock: Tho [-"Odettes. Aerial Sbawa. Edmind Day and Co., Howard and- Bland, Paul Birnes, Coakley and Mt- Brldo, and Mr. and Mrs. Watrous. The Lo Bas/tuc Guartct head°d the usual flno bill and crowded houses ruled. Tbe Thanksgiving per- formances worn entirely sold ont a week ln advance. • ., • .•■.••••: LvctuM (Eugene Kcrnan, manager).— Tola week Rice and Barton's Big GakljCo.-Usf week, the Tiger Mil M made good to big bual» nisi. Vanity Fair next, , , .. ,. „, Note.— The Ions by. fire of.tbc gummier homo* Of George Deonam, Walter. Allan. Jamas T. Galloway nnd Morgan Shsrwood, all prominent pi-ofestslonnls, has been adjusted by tho. Insurance cuthnaii'f,: at nbont 14,000, but this Finn will he Inadequate ;o rtunpennati! (hem for tho lyas of the ninny valuable ine- H muck's (lemiA IhicsH (Houck, Stair A 1'enncssy. managers). — "Across Hie Pacltlc" will arrive Nov. 27. Last week "After Mid- night" seemed to please the good sited uudl- eneea, "Charity Nurse" Dec. 4. Lyceum- Tiikathk (Ilodck, Stair & Fen- ucaay, managers). — Charles A. Taylor's "Es- caped from the Harem" la the attraction Nov. 27. Nellie MeHcnry, In "M'llss," playsd to good business last week, "The Span of Life" Dec. 4. People's Tiieatbb (Hubert Hcucb, man- ager). — Berlbncr's Morning Glories will hold tho boards Nov. 27. The Imperial Bur- lcsquers drew well last week. Tiger Lilies Dec. 4. Gossip op TUB Lobby. — E. A. Well ar- rived last week to look after the lutercst of tho ''A Girl from Dixie" Co Florence Randolph, of Viola Allen's Company, was removed to the City Hospital from her hotel. She Is suffering with an attack of appendici- tis, but her condition Is not regarded as serlodR. As soon as her condition will per- mit she will bo taken to her homo ln New York David Baxter, tho Scotch basso, glvo a song recital at tho Auditorium last week Maud Powell, tho violinist, will be.tlio soloist for the opening concert of tho Orpheus Club in December. . ..Manager Wm. A. Brady was hero between trains. . . .Georgo R. Alexander, of Newport, Ky„ lias Joined tho Lufayette Co Members of tbo Lafayette Co., playing at the Walnut last week, nnd n host of local friends were feasted at tho Majestic Thanksgiving Night by Lafayette. s Colombo*.— At the Great Southern The- utre (0. M. Ilcffncr, manager) Blanche Walsh. In "Resurrection," drew good hou*oa Nov. 22, 2!l. Lew Dockstader's Minstrels played to 8. R. 0. 24. Coming: Week of 28, "Tbe Maid und tho Mummy ;" Savage's Grand Opcrn Co. Dec. 0-7, "Tho American Prln- eeW 8. E«rtnu (II. A, Wclsmnn, mannger). — Tbo Empire Stock CO. madu a decided success, In "Lost. Twenty-four Hours," and drew good business. The Jungle Imps Minstrels, Nov. "!it drow to 8. R. O. Tbe staging aud cos- tumes were excellent Tho company was us- Hlxtrrt by tho following local talont: HII (Ulthet-agc, In his clever buck and wing dancing; Borch and Bern, In a German act; Jay Qulgley, Wilton Taylor, tho Eagle Quar- tet, James Naglo, aud Frank Camp, formerly tho lcadlug mnn with the Empire Stock Co., who won the house with his monologue. "Lieut. Dick, 1!. H. A.," will be presented week of 28, und "Moths" week or Dec. 4. Guano Opera Ilui'au (A. 0. Ovens, man- ager), — "The Fortune lluuters" and "Ml Cupllan" divided week of Nov. 21, to good liiiNlucss. Coming: "Tho Sign of the Four" 2X-!!0, "Under Soul hern Skies" Dec. 1-1I, tin; Great Lnfnvcltc 0-7, "An American Gen- tleman" 8-10. Ifiuu Stjou.t Tiieatiii: (A. G. Ovens, mali- nger). — "A Midnight Marriage" uud "Across Hie PnelUc" divided week of Nov. 21 to Mnndlng room only business. Coming: "Hbndows of a Great City" 28-110, "No Wed- ding Bells for Her" Dec. I ■'■'>. "Queen of tho lllgliwoy" r>-7. "Her First False Step" 810. Nutks. — Bluuehe Walsh suffered a nervous collapse here Nov. 22 Willie playing In "Resurrection." Forepauirh-fiells Bros.' Circus returned hero to Its Winter (iiiurlers 24. .... .Hurry Clay Hlaney, of "Across tho Pacific" Co., who Is un old Columbus boy, was rornlly entertained by old friends dur- ing, his Htny Stuart Muyue, Jiivcnllo man with the Empire Slock Co., Iihs re- signed and has been succeeded by Guy Combs. Canton.— At the Grand Opera House (M. C. Harbor, mnnngur) tbo Savage English Grand Opera CO, sang "Lohengrin," "II Tro- vntorv" and "Tonnnauftcr" Nov. 22, 23, to Immense audiences, at advanced prices. "A Child of the Blums," 24, had 8. It. 0., mati- nee and night. "A Double Deception," 23, bv ii mat en rs. Coming: "Dora Thorne" 28, •■The Awakening of Mr. Plop" 2(», Burns-San- tell wrest Hug match Dee. 1, Cnstleton Opera Co. a, "Near tho Throuo" 3, "Rachel Gold- stein"' (1. Gaiipkn Theatre (M. Manning, manager). —Bill for week of Nov. 28: The Cleodoras, Cbna Wll llnrt, tho Taylors, Mile. Zaanore, Maggie Myers and the stock co. Notes. — Geo. J. CUofOn, for several sea- sons speelnl agent for Ulngllng Bros.' Circus, Is nt Ills home hero nnd will be advertising agent for tho Grand Opera House during tbo thentrlcnl season. . . .Arthur H. Herhst, agent tor Conrny A- Mark, made a flying trip to bis homo Nov. «*, Joining IUh attraction at Fair- mont, W. Vn Chas. Dolus Is at hia homo here, having completed the season wltlr Gollmar Bros.' Circus. This waa tho fiftieth season of this work done by Mr. Bolus, It being probably tbo longest parlod covered consecutively by any circus man In Amirlcs. Mr. Bolus will retire from tho business per- manently. a Yiionitntuivn. — At tho Opera House i Peter Rico, manager) "Sluves of tho Mines" iilaved lo big business Nov. 10. "What Women Will Do" played to good returns 22, 2.1. "Flood Tide,* 25, drew well. "Young Tobo lloxlo" 2l», "Siberia" 28. Peoples' In- stitute Iifrtnra Coursn Dee. 1, "(Jiteen of thn White Slaves" 2,' ."Tlu< Power Bchlnilthei Throne" S. "llncbel Goldstein" D, Mildred Holland 10. Pauk Thkatrh (Cbns. L. Lllllnn, raanu- ifcrl.— Week of Nov, 21. Charles Orapcwltv lit "T'lio Awiikenlug of Mr. Flpp," (Irow bltf houses and pleased Immensely. Week of 28, tbo Great Lafayette. ■ Notes.— T. K. Albiuah, of Akrou, p., la In tbo city, nnd, with Manager Rico, Ib con- templating Improvements on the Opera House In tlic way of additional dressing rooms, etc. Mr. Albnugh has purchased Frank Burt's In- terest In the leaso of the Oner* Hou*e, and expresses himself as w«U pleased with his Interests here and proapeets for tho futuro. .T, C. Matthews, ahead of tbo Great J.nfnyctto Show, was here making prepara- tions for this attraction. . ... .J. Clyde Uigby. connected with tho Shuberts, of Now York, Is bero visiting Ills parents. i Toledo At the Valentin* (Edw. E. Fly, manager) Savage's Grand Opera Co. Not. 24. 20. :■ IVrcWM (Frank Burt, manager). --"Ingo; mar" was well received 17-lw. "Arlitonn had capacity 20-23. "The Liberty Belles' 21-20, Itoynl Llllputlnna 27-30. , _ Damn (Abn Shapiro, manager).— Thn Ti-uns-Atlnntlc Kxtrnvagania Co. proved ono uf the best offerings of tho current season, nnd dirt a record breaking business 20 and week. Kentucky Belles 27 o»d week. AiifAim fjl. II. Lttukln, manager). — Good business. Bill 27 nnd week; Fanny Rice, Four Madcaps. Five Juggling Normans. Wm. II. Wlndom, Wood aud Bohm, aud Pocard HtJni'H (Frank Burt, manager), —"Tho White Tim-ess of .Innnn," 17-10, nnd "Tlio Charltv Nurse," 20-2,'i, provod popular nt- tractions. "For HI* llrotlior's Crlmo" 24-20, 1)«> t..n — At the Victoria (C. *i. Sillier, manager) Bluucho Walab presented "Tlia KretifiEcr Simula" Thanksgiving mallnco and nlulii to splendid business. Lew Doi-kstud- er s Mlnstrol* utipearcd Nov, 2.1 to a good sized uudlencc. Coming, Harry Bcrcsford Dec. 0, 7. .... National (Gil Burrows, manogcr). — "My Wife's Family." Nov. ai-83, bad good pa- troaagc. "Under Southern Skies'' did splen- did business 24-20. Coming : - "Quooa of tbo Highway" 28-30. "Under Southern Skies" did splendid Dual- not* 24-20. Coming, "Queen of tbe High- war" 28-30. . . Park (Gil Burrows. . manager). — Llttla Egypt's London Gaiety Oll-ls appeared 21-23 atiA proved -ono of the best burlesque coin- BaaJts ever . se'ca at this bouse. "Tho Younger Bros." appeared 24-20 to good pat- ronage. • _ .'- ■ , SoLBtEus' Home Tiieatui:. — "Tba Hooiiar GlrL" 22, bad big bu*io««*. Coming, "Art- aolfi- Dec. 2. • - " ' - Oreo;* (Jar. T. Cnrran, mnnoger)^— Good patronage week of Nov.- 21. Jiiaitlln Hush,' Mark Field, Jessie -Phillip*, John A. logan nnd Cluts. and Jcimui Welch .complete tho bilk "What Women Will Do" 27-30. Kit urn v!He_At Weller, Theatre (J. 0. Hnglund, manager) "The Midnight Flyer pleated Nov. 10. "Siberia," 18, hud a f a r liuuse. "Thou Shalt Not Kill," 17, did fair l.iislness. "Ml Oapltnn" 23. "A Midnight Marriage" 24, "Tho Johnstown Klood" 2(1, "Tim Holy Clly" 20, "Hla Majesty und tho Mn Id" DO. HprlnwllclU At the Grand Opera Houso (L. J. Dalle, manager) "Slborln" en mo to fulr bualnesu Nov. 17. "Obcininm'.'rgau" had a well lilted houso 24. Blanche Wa ah, in "Resurrection," -0: "The lloosior Girl' ML "Why Ho Divorced Hor" 28, Nat M. a-iiIh •'» ••llmlr.i- Hiiiirhni-n Skies" 30. Wills 211, 'Under Houtheru Skies' *>■» nilODB ISLAND. l'rovl(l«in«c. — A eontliuuillon of tho almost perfect weather which has prevailed throughout tlio greater purt of Novuniber proved good for tho theatres week of Nov. 21. ul! of them reporting excellent business. Thanksgiving Duy audiences were, us always, tin lo l lie capacity of the house. A rumor bus been circulated that a Boston ilrm m trying to lunsp the Park MUsle Hall with the Intent of turning It into a large nrnrket. Spltii & NHthanson, tho tnonrlotorB, admitted that there had beuu talk along that line, but siild thut tbo Boston people would not uccept tho terms offered. . _ _. ■ Pjiovipusch Ophoa HotiHii (Follx B. Won- delscliuofer, mnnngerl. — "Tlio Sleeping Beauty oast," 21-28, did good business. Wll- nnu tho Roast,' Hum If. Thompson null coinimny, In "The So- cret of PollvlllUttlto," 2S-U0. "Tlio . Tender- foot" Dec. 1-3. Suvnge's compony will pre- sent "Parsifal" 6-7. Rubin (loldiimrk will lec- ture on tho music of "Parslful" 1 und 0. l-;»i'im; (Spitz & Nathiiiihoii, managers).— Georgo W. Monroe scored u success In "Mrs. Mun, tho Mayor," Nov. 21-20. A solisutloiial melodrama, ''Dealers In White Women," 28 aud weak. "Sky Farm" next week. i.Mi-mtiAi, (Felix It. Wondolschaofer, miin- nger). — The Provldcnco Druniatlc Block Co. pluycd "Tlio Prlvato Secretary" 21-2(1, beforo good utidlanc.es. Tha pluy fur 28 and week Vs "Tho Wife," mid HiIh will ho followod bv "The Coinpiorors." Business during tho week of .1-1, when "School for Scandal" was given, was tbo heaviest the company him (lone, as ii result of which It has boon de- cided to giro four more old Fngllsb pluys. KkitiCh (Cburlcs Lovonborg, manager).— t'hrystul Home, In a ono act pluy, "Botwcen thn Acta," beads tho bill 28 und week. Others uro: Tbo Nichols Sisters, Callahan and Mack, Al. Fields, Lcs Dahlias. Georgo W. Duy, St Ooge Brothers, Uurdlng and Ah Sid, tho Norcross Mlnstrols, Mile. Olive. Lauru Conrntoek, tho Nohrens, Murphy und l-'ruiicls nnd Barrow*, Lancaster and Co., in "Wlieu Gnorglna Was 18." Fabk Munic Ham. (Harry Young, resident lnunager). — "Flddlo-Dcc-Dcn," 21-2(1, furcd well, It Is followed 28 and week by "FousKn cafe," which boasts of a pony ballet aud some excellent olio features. ■ Wkhtminhyhr (Georgo H. Bafchollor, man- nger). — Miner's American Burlcsiujitrs guvo u good showing Thanksgiving week. Tbo Dluo Ribbons 28 and weok. i * Woonsookeit. — At tbo Woonaockct Opera llniiso. (Josh K. Ogden, manager) Henrietta CroBmun, In "Hweot Kitty Bollslrs," Nov. 28 ; "Tho Black Mask" Dec. 1 and "A Clilnesn HoBoymoon !l. "Escaped from Sing Slug" played to good returns Nov. W. Aubrey Stock Co. bad good avcrugo business. Booked: Qulnlun A Wall's Minstrels Dee. 8, "A Foxy Boy" 0, Tburlxr * Nasbor Stook Co., with Florence Hamilton, week of 12, oxcept 15, when "The Girl from Kay's" will bo with us. Uvti (Jas. W. Conklln, manager). — James A. Nalon'a All Star Specialty Co. this week. Tbo bill last week draw good business. « i » — Roster of the Record Stock Co., sup- porting Cora Lawton Mltcboll: J. Wnllaco Clinton, George Salisbury, Frank P. Haven, John K. Dvorak, Fred Barker, Harry Sloan, Mildred . Barker. Bertba Davidson, Luetta Salisbury and Mile. Sou**, the lady with tbe doves. Executive staff: Frank P. Haven, manager ; Sam S. Black, advance represonta* tlvej George Snlljhliry, ntoge director; Jai, Phillips, luiulcal director; Fred Darker^ eleos trltlnd. 956 THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. BELASCO TBEATBE 42d st VkhRWIIW Ev. 8.1». Mats. Sat. »t 2. W ABPIBIiO COMEDY DRAMA, Th« tVluatlo ajlsmsvt.Br, By CHA RLES K LEIN. Direction of PAVIP BELASCO. PASTOR'S neir 3d At*. lu'acrt CO CENTS. 14th St CONTINUOUS. TBH BROOKE. LAMBERT A; CO., PAJAMA HOYS. McINTYHK Si KICK, THE HIM KLRYR TUNTIC BBB THIS WEEK. THE MATHIEUS Thli week, Ha. vm.rket Theatre, Chicago, 111 . Harry H. UMOUHT and PAULETTE Louise AND DOG BBNOHIE ALWAYS MAKK QUOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAVIES, 47 W. 28th St., New York. WALTER BEEMER, AND CelO RUODKS AVE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. TUB GERMAN INVENTORS, DEVINE and WOOLEY, I n tfcelr AIR SHIP, with Al. Reevea' Co. ORVILLE AND FRANK THIS WEEK ARRIVE 11 MEXICO. RUF and CUSICK Iflth WEEK VAUDEVILLE FEATURE MADBL PAIGE CO. CHRIS CHRISTOPHER. YOIIL1NG 8IN0KR, VIOLINIST and COMEDIAN. Velvet Voiced, Supple Fingered and Artistic. CLIFTON COMEDY CO. Grace and Victor Belmont ARE DOING FINE IN THEIR ORIGINAL ACT. Weeks of Nov. 2S and Deo. 6, at Eimlra, N. Y. Harry Holman SINGING AND TALKING COMEDIAN. Bn route Harvey > Gage Co. HARRY THOMSON, THE MAYOR OF THE BOWERY (Tltlo Protected). Under the Management nf fil'S HILL. IP. World's Greatest Tambourine Juggler PLAYING THE OASTO CIRCUIT. TUIS WEEK, I.AWRENOB. MASS FUR OPEN TIME address WM. MORRIS. "A CORKER IN CORK," CEO. ATKINSON BLACK FACE COMEDIAN. CHAS. H. DUNCAN. TONY PASTOR'S LAST WEEK. RE-KNGAGED. Permanent addre.B. 217 K. getli St., N. Y. WANTED. Half' ic Pwple At All Times. Can vlaetatonoe. 8. and D. Dutch Comedian, Sketch Team. Explain all first letter Permanent ad- dress WBITE SPEAR MEDICINE CO., 234 So. Tenth Street, Philadelphia, Penna. WANTED, ORGAN PLAYER, Al Fakir; lilllBt do specialties and Work In Ante. Alao Want ortlco Worker. 8»l*ry or per cent. Join on wire. No iioczera. Wlroor write. VANK. THE WONDER WORK K R, Cross Forks, Putter C o., Pa. I HAV R 3 C IMP OUTFITS FOR SUM* MRU LEFT. I'urtlfs Imudllng my reinedlee litis Winter will get one ontflt free. Prof. John Staler, write. DR. c o. spang leu, Indian Med do., Mlllerslowu, Pa. WANTED, Sketch Team, man and wife. Sin- ties .nd doubles; change for week. Good After- piece Workers that m.ko acta go. Salary paldreg- ul «riT every SondNy. No ticket, unless jou mean to Join. Dr. T. c. Warner, 3x2 Madlaon St., South Des Koines, In. • wanted, Good Piano Player (have good voice to sing Illustrated sougi i. Loaf engajre- lhenti money sure. Write or wire loweet .alary. Charley Little anil Carl Jacobaon, wire nnlck. Othor good people, write. Golden Ghost Show, Dr. B.J. Fountain. Prnn.. Pnlioan Rapids, Minn. I WANT TO BUY Hraai Tuba and Alto, aet or Punch Figure, and Ba.« Drum. Must he In Brst class couillt Ion and cheap for ra.li. Barry Smith, lot mo hear fmm yon In regard to banuers. WILL BnirflHTnw, P.lir.»r. South Carolina, WANTED— Man for General Business, Woman for General Kuslne... T»o*e doing apri laltle. iircfened. Can plait, a good team. Must change tor nun w»ek. Musi jolt, on wire. TDK UAKK1NGTON stock CO., Pawnee, lit, EUGENE CO. 59 DEARBORN ST., CHICAGO. » That's tho Numbtor, ik* No rVllstak». S.«" - We Will Ship Any nina Advertised in Thli Paper Same Day We Get Your Order. EUGENE CLINE * CO., 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. BOW TO START IN SHOW BUSINESS !eopyrlgbt), S different books, 10c All kind. act. lORPHET'S 80HOOI., 837 N. 13th St., Ph RaLPa. I 6 M MUSIC COMPOSED AND AKKA.10ED for any instrument or number of In.trumenu »)ong*,word* and muslo, sketches, etc. send .tamp CHAS. L. LEWIS, 4M Richmond St, Cincinnati, 0. CHEAP FILMS, Moving Picture Machine*. Cameras, Lantern., Lenses, Song elides and supply MM and bought. Special dim. and slide, made. Shows famished Expert mechanic. Repairing. German-Am. Cine. A Film Co.. lot K. 12lh St., N.i . LI iRR to Throw Your Yoioe. Ventriloquism taught. For term, and fnll particular., address Prof. Ltngerman, 706 N. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER. 641 West Madison St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and quiet. Branches and facilities In other States. WANTED TO BUY, MOVING i'lLTl'RE MACHINES, with up to date films. Will employ you to operate same. Conld use large quantities of mnvuig picture lithographs. Address 0. B. TOOMEY. 74 Wlnthr op St.. R o.t bory, Mass. "WAITED, Al MKI). PERFORMERS. Salary ■ore. Must he able lo change for week, and tan pSanii or organ. Dublw keep off. THE M. A N. CHEMICAL CO., I-oo* Box 39. Baxton, Pa. Ooqd Med, f erformerB write at »'l time.. WANTED, BONO AND DANCE MAN AS PARTNER. Professionals only. Address F. W. BARRETT, 137 West 16th St. N. Y. WANTED Quick, Gosd Wild Catting Agent, not afraid lo work. Salary, $10 and ex.; must lie able to Join on receipt of wire. No ticket. -Add. Parker's Empire Mlnatrels, Little Valley, N. V., Mon., Dec. 6. Other Minstrel people write. on SALE— Group of Animal.; all go togetjiea, la arena, 1 Bengal Tiger, 2 Leopard., 2 Pnmu. 'J Hyen.s, 2 llrown Bean, 1 Himalayan Bear anr! 2 Shetland Ponies. Alao 2 Zebra., broken to har- ness. A).o2 forest-bred male lions. Also to ar- rive. In a few day., 1 Rhinoceros ana 1 remale Indian Elephant. Thousands of Shooting Pigeon, always on Wd, and also Flying Homer*. GROSS, King of Wild Beast Merchant., Liverpool. Rug. THE CASTLB INN, Niagara Square. Buffalo, »N. Y. Rates, $2 to $4 per day. MR, 0. F. DUNBAR, Prop.; MRS. M. F. HAIR, MgT. WHY NOT-THE GREAT PILE CURE. 8utrerers from Pile, who have failed to obtaining relief or cure, make a final effort. Try the only and beneflolal "Great Pile Core." Bleeding, Itch. lag and Protruding Piles are cured by this remedy which baa been upon the market for the patttfty years. A trial will convince vou of It. wonderfal merits. Money cheerfully refunded If Immediate relief 1. not given. Price, u cents per box. UNIVERSAL REMEDY COMPANY, Glrard Insurance Building, N. E. Oor. 7th and Chestnut Sis., Philadelphia. Pa., V. 8. A. ; WASTED. JUVENILE WOMAN. ONE DOING SPECIALTY PREFERRED. Must have good ward- robe. Alio SCENE PAINTER that can play parts. Other Useful Actors, write. FRANK J. DEAN, Mgr. Lillian Lyon. Co., Pontiac. Mich., Not. 28- Dec. 8: Chesanlng, Mich., Dec. MO. -WANTED, A good Singing and Darning Eoubrette that can change for ten night*. Salary every night If you want It. Don't misrepresent yourself. Salary $16 a week. Answer at once, to DR. THOMAS A. WALLACE, nindsboro, IJJ. WASTED, AN EXPERIENCED AND RELI- ABLE AGENT TO BOOK CHURCHES with act Ka- tabllshcd Entertainment. Catholic preferred. Ticket- "NO." A good engagement here If yon know your business. AIM a Lady or Gentleman to slug Hlu.lrated Song*. One that can piny own music. Wepayallexpau.es. Stats lowest salary. GEO. DRUHMOND, "Moving Picture.," Hotel Victoria, 670 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. WASTED- For the National Stock Co., sit];- ^ n rtlng the favorite actress Lizzie Cr.an>Ucrs, II * R ACTE K AMD OBN. BUS. AND J C V- BNILB MANi long se.son. Address J. M. BODY, Bn.. Mgr., Fillmore, N. Y. iT L.II E. D. McMillan Chincteri, Comedy. Gin. Bit,. Strang - Singing Spiclilty RESPONSIBLE REPERTOIRE ir ONE PIECE. Address Mineral OHy. Ohio. Dec. 1; Salem, Ohio. Deo. 0. ere of "FOGG'S FERRY" CO. THEATRICAL HOTELS and B0ARDIH8 HOUSES. |7-»13 double. ElllnL Ainei Wabash A Madison, CHICAGO. O. c. Vaughan, Prop, strictly American Flan, $8-116 single; Holt's New Hetil Cafe SW SS X. Booms 60o. to 76c. per day; %2M and f&oo a week. Ladle.' Restaurant on second Coor. No. 6 E. 4th »u, Wilmingto n, Del. 0. R. HOLT, Prop. ST. JAMBS HOTEL, TOLEDO, 0. Ametl- jnPian. Theatrioal Headquarter*. $1.2* single. it donble: is and. $7 per week. VICTOR HOUSE, 274 E. Indiana St., Ohloago. Room and Board, $8 week. Italian and French OnBlne. Cent rally located. Y. OaateUaxL Pro p. PALACE HOTEL, in N. Oterk St, Ohloago. European, $$ per week: with pMvate bath, $7. TttrkBh Bath, too. H. B. HTJMPHRET, Prop. WM. TELL HOUSE, Howard and somertet St.., Boston, Mais. Central location. Excellent meals. EMILY T. BANNWAKT, Prop. LAFAYETTE HOTEL, ALLENTOWN, PA. THEATRICAL HBADdUARTBRS, $1.2fl Single, $1 Double, $6 and $7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTE L, 116-117 E. 14, N. Y.,nr. Onion 8q., Academy, Dewey. Room. 6eo., 76c, f 1, $1.60 day; Bjjj to i» week. W.D.HANN10AN, Prop. BERNARD HOTEL, »th and Pine, St. Louis, near all theatres. European plan. Room with Lath, $8.10 to $7 week. Give trial. B. F. CAH1LL, Prop The LeSure, FTNK8T PROFESSIONAL HOUSE IN PHILA. 8. W. CORNER 13th and LOCUST. Performers ATTENTION. When in town come end look me over before going elsewhere; nice clean rooms; bjard first class: rates $600 per week; single or double. EAGLE HOTEL. WM. WEltiBRECUT, Prop., 186 and 187 W. Main St., Springfield. Ohio. HOTEL VELEY ■CHOP PLA". SB- Special weekly rates to the profeasl on. It* Clark fit., Chicago. Most central location In City 47th CONSECUTIVE WEEK OF The National Stock Co., Featuring PAUL BRADY. VIHTPli Good looking young Juvenile Lean- nAIHuVt log Woman; specialty preferred; Character or Good Gen. Boa. Man, who can di- rect; a Man with Strong Danclngor Feature Act, who CAN play responsible parts. Mention lowest .alary flint letter. Pay own board. Morrlsburg, Ont.'io, Dec. l, 2, 3; canton, N. Y., week of Dec. 6. Address OHAS. SCRAP, Manager .1 VAUDEVILLE ACTS Fjr next week and later. Can use Picture Machine an l operator. WALKER'S STAR VAUDEVILLE, 8 Bowdoiu Sq.. Boston, ' Wanted, for Dr.MjllanOr.HjdeCo. Character Woman, Character Man/Juvontlo Lady, Oharaoter Comedian and Entire Cast. Make your siuarte. low. MATT. KUSBLL, 140 w. siat St., New York Oity. PURE FOOD SHOW. HASSBY HALL, TRONTO, CAN., to be held January S-14, 1006. Space. of al l-klnds i to let, alao want to hear from nrst Class lAaiar Orchestra. A. 0. BYERT, Manager, • 81 Richmond St., Tronto, Ont. Theatre Burnad. ALL CONTRACTS OANCBLBD. Wires like this worry the "old man," bul not the agent who iirs the gap with first money. 1 DO THAT. Incidentally I get you better priest, belter showing and closer contracts tbaa-yea- ever had. At liberty. $28 and transportation, wire. WALTER LEE. 1323 Charlotte, Kausas City, Mo. Agantat Liberty. Good dresser. One appearance, thoroughly un- derstand the business ami am not afraid of work; -. !>'«,■ »nd reliable', etate .alary. EDGAR 0. STKPATH. 164 West IJJdSL, N. Y. C. ' WANTED. SKETCH TEAM That can change for three nights and pot on act*. Must be sole to do strong specialties. Tlcket.it 1 know you. Jack Davis, Tnree Rays, Prrf, Tom Hums, Mitchell and Edna, write me. Show open. Dec. 6 or 12. Address, quick, BEN. P. IMHOF, Gen. Del., Kansai City, Mo. HOTE. TREATBICAL IAHA6EBS, YOUNG MAN, wide awake, good appearance, age IS, wlshe. a position In any capacity, taking tickets, etc., or ssslst in advance on the road. P. S.— For the last 10 year, have followed the acribatlc profession for a livelihood. Address M., care AUGUST SCHMIDT. 641 B°r*en Ave., BROSX, NEW YORK CITY. VA2? 3T1 CO, DYKE & EATON (OLLIE EATON), WANT MAN FOR PROPS. { Capable of plarlng parts. P. MACK > Week Nov. SB. Paduo'b, Ky.: Deo. 6, Hen- > derson, Ky.: Deo. 12, Ft. Wayne, Ind.: Dec. 1$, z*nesvli:e,0 ; De;. so, Bnnfington, W. Vs, -J-^-^a^>»^_ Waintod, for Mystic Shriners f CLEVELAND. 0.. ONE NIGHT, DEC. 15. FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS. R. D. MORGAN, 2382 Wtllson Ave., Cleveland, 0. Union Carpenter AT LIBERTY AFTER DEC. 4. Address OHAS. FILLMORE, No. 11* N. 6tli.Watertown.W I.. XHAS 6IFTS FOR THF BOYS, TOY Magic LaDtuos, Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. Catalogue K mailed free ty request. L. kUNASSt, Chicago, in. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLAUF Manager ANDERSON « WALLACE TRAVESTY and TRAGEDY STARS. MARIE BARRISON, THE GIRL WITH THE YELLOW HAIR. BILLY NOBLE, THE SEAL COON SHOOTER. BELLE WILTON, THE DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OF GERMAN NONSENSE, FARRON and FAY, In "THE LAST QUART OF BEER." LARRflcCALE. THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY GUN. 5-SISTERS BELLATZER-5 Europe's Premier Lady Gymnasts. MAUDE EVELYN HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. Aba Lrewltt'. Famous RENTZ-SANTLEY CO, LEO LEAVITT Bnslness Manager, BIJOU COMEDY FOUR. Peer of All Comedy Quartettes. — CUuSTWlTEZ-™" Singers and Eccentric Bock Dancers. CLIFF "FASRELL, The Merry Musical Minstrel. THE NOVELTY DUO, erneitthe RAGKETTS claba Introducing the Steeple on the Hill. HAWTHORhTs BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancer*. CHAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monolognlng Parodist. | Some or the Olio ir eat urea With ROSE BYDELL'S LONDON BELLES. W. S. CAMPBELL. Manager NOVELTY, COMEDY Mi HARMONY BIJOU C01EDY TRIO, 0*0. L. Doraey, Harry Waltjen, Edward Wright. RELYEA, World's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. A HITI JACK and BERTHA RICH, Singer*, Talkers and Wooden Shoe Dancers. KENNEYlmf BOLUS, Comedians, Vocalist* and Impersonator*. Feature* wltn L. LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN.... Manager CHAS.l0B,NS0N. The Laugh Maker. BESSIrTcUFFORD, Startling Sensation Is Tight*. JAMES SSADiELEONrRD, In "The Wrong Tib." IRWIN'S BIO SHOW. FRED IRWIN Manager °-- "THE KLEINS - ,i Dutch Comedian and Sonbrette. CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp, with the Funny Voice. THE RAT8ELBENDER8 An Anstrlan Drill. A Specialty In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Extra Feature. WATCH FOR U8 AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLY8-4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JE88IE MOORE Contralto. "THEM FELLOWS," WIL80N & 80RC Talking Humorists. ROBERT GORDON MANAGER t'Harphy '. M.iiioer.de." Prodnced by BEID and GILBEBX. An Uproariously Funny Farce Comedy. TERRY and BLHER and iPEL In "THE DANCING MISSIONARY,' HARMONIOUS SELECTIONS. RELIANCE aUARTET. THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RBY, CHAPPE LI- CHARACTER ENTERTAINERS. BRODERICK andJESSICA. CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. THE GINGER GIRLS, ALLEENE and HAMILTON, ACROBATIC DANCERS. RENRATIONAL ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Before Uie Public. VAUDEVILLE FEATURES WITH ED. F. RUSH'S BON TONS. 8IM WILLIAMS Acting Manager. graceTeonard, THE AMERICAN VEST A TILLEY. iOSIOAlTsTMPSONS, ARTISTS PREMIER. BCIv-COOIvTcOOK-Ben Mirthful Blending of Comedy and Song. THE MONTE CARLO MILLIONAIRES. WILLIAMS and ADAMS In Black Face Style* and Habit*. THB MARVELOUS LIVINGSTONS, SOCIETY ACROBATS. WANTED QUICK. REO.RL.E: p-on "DB. JE1YLL AND IB. HYDE." ABBOTT * HBKSBL, Mgr*., FREDERIC RELLA. Address as per ronte. . WHO WANTS HI) Fred Spires, ADVANCE AGENT. Can join at once. One night stand co. preferred. Addresacareot BILLBOAHli. 172 Washington Street, CHICAGO ILL. It Liberty after Dee. 5, '04$ TwoAt BAND MEN. Solo Cornet and Baritone. Baritone can double violin, Address ■ W. P.. RICE, Dodge Center, Minn. December 3. THE ISTEW YOBK CLIPPER. 957 t\BI.E OK contents. r ° n Bertha Galland. hi "Dorothy Yer- rapr nuu -' had »n excellent bouse at the Milmtlr. MlssOluper's Anecdotes. Etc »3o ..Otis Skinner. In "The Harvester." miE,|.un*iTi Letter. . IM (•DO nr.i Mi fir.:: M I listers De raj* f l.iTsiih,r Tcin»nt Music and Kong VnuAcTllle arsl Minstrel VMM of Players Queries Answered I sir. Chicago totter Our Australian totlrr <;ii|t,*>r Po-t Olflce Latest If Ts-legrai I hi Ihe Kosil 037. 1)38. 03!l Yandetllle limit© Llsl New York Clly — Review mul Comment With II* BUI Poster* OIK Joltings Deaths In trip Profession fader the Tents THEATRICAL ■JOMOKRONBCOK o|s»ned his second week at the Park prc-per- "«sly Popular priced attractions hav- ing umial crowds were : "Me, Him and I." at the (Hobo, and "The tSrcnt Automobile Mys- tery." at the Grand Opera limine. .. .Stuck. vaudeville nnd burlcMjue bouses had big sf lertiiHin nnd evening audiences OwIdk _.. .■.....,, .iii.i ncuiuri tiniicm '.-> l'SIO£ ■■11 !,-,1 I" the death nf Paul Schumann the husband flim °' Mow. Scbuninnu-Ileink. there was mi pcr- *.'.'.' '.'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'j'.' ».*.7 formnnee nf " fa wrt Lottery" at the t'.itoolal. iHin nr.n 003 903 Oklahoma • New Jersey Alalsiraa ...:. ■MM ,.... Kentucky flail KaiwitK Massachusetts District of Gdiiuibls. • Hiki Rliode Inland pprdmylvanls , Canada MnrTliincl ....... Malls> Wnshltigton ..'.., Virginia 1MM Indiana ,..-.,... Ir-wa ,• New York State. I'oullCCtlcdt •««■ Trj)s ..... . liolaware ....... Wlscouslp .. • ... ••• Michigan .. California !• •.-■■■•■ Missouri Vest Virginia . . (leorghi ;.., Illluol* ,...-..... I'ulora.l o ,--■-,-•• LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Monday M«cht'« Opening* in All the Big Show Towns. ?v " (.OLDEN G Vl'E GLEANINGS. CINCINNATI, Xor. 20.— (Jood hills . !>,-•». tuhi oftYr.-il ut all Ihe lio.ines, and the openings no;, iwa Sunday were a sue.-?**. At - lhe Walnut "A •Jlrl Irotn Dixie"' opened, to crowded lions—. The vaudeville bill at the Columbia RrntN n hearty welcome "Kscaped from the Harem," at the Lvceittn. nail "Across the I'ncille." at lleuck'-i. plnyed tn nso the usual good Sunday crowds The 933 Horepnngh Stock Co. gave a creditable -iter-' OKI fonnr.nce of "Man's Knemy" at Robinson's. liny Mornlr-g (ilorles tested the seal- In^ rapacity of People"* A; Ilia Orand "The Pit" opened Monday night to good business. Kan'has City. N'ov. 21). — "The Two Or- phans," preyented.by the nil stjr i-nst, wus Riven at the Willis Wood last nigh!, lo a large audience. ... ..Geo. Sidney. In "lliwy Iizv." had n big house ot the Unnd. ..... "Sweet I'lover" pleased the patron* of the Auditorium The Merry Maidens Hur- lenque Co.. at the Century, drew well Sousn's Hand gave two well intended fnttlosj la Glrea by Ihe We eli'* Ope»lii|t«. ,-ptviul hitiwlchrt I'lTur. Xrw Vuuk Clipped. SfAX KbaxCIsco. -Xot. 20. — At the Colnm- 1'ift Theatre'thls In the eecond week of Max- 1^' I'.lllott; 'In "Her Own Way." The en- gagement is. for three weeks. MAJK8TIC. — "In Mlzzoura" Is the current MIL' ■■■■• ALCAZAn.— "The Chrlstlon" Is given this week,. • . . OR-VX-j OPntu Hoisi:. — 1'hls is th»> seeond «W lnat week ot "The Show Girl." Wll- !laut| and Walker will follow. CAMtfoBSlA. — "Flnnlgan's Ball" Is here 1 IiIh vwck «:i-\'TBAL. — "Tuo Little Churcii Around the Corner"- Is given this week. Tivoi.i .Opeiia HbL'8t'.-r- "King Dodo" this' week's bill. Urwikum. — 3111 opening Sunday. Si, In iludps: The Three Josslyns. Ciement He V'sonle "After Midnight" opened nt the Avenue Sunday, drawing the usual crowds The Imperial Burlonqtteni packed the Bucklngltam Sunday, nnd vaudeville, at Hopkins*, played to crowded houses Sunday. Milwaukee Xov. S«. — Lew Dockstader's Minstrels, nt Davidson, was the favorite nf this week's ouenlngs "Alone In ' the World," at the Albamhrii, nnd "Queen of the White Slaves," at UIJou. had rapacity hunl- :i«ib Opiienheimer's Kay Kostcr Co. turned iieople uway nt the Hfar. . ..Both Wuchsner nnd Tbsnhouser stock comimnles drew Hue audiences Sunday. ♦ a » AVI-< ON«>I\. is Milnaukie, — Kxcollent attendauce fs- voix-d local theatres the past week. At the Alhamtra the ltcyul Llllputianr mad.' their annuel nppearante Nov. 20-20. jit "Sinbad." The iiertirtakncv was hljhly satlslnctory. Maty "iaker n clever singer and dancer, scored n pronounced success. Manager ti. K. Miller offers "Alone in the World" 27 and week. "How He Wt,n Her" follows. Davidson". — Manager Suerninu Brown dl- i.lon, Sam Klton, \jh Rov and Itlccl, Tyce vlded ;:>at week between Frank Daniels, 2IL r.nd" Jcrraon,- De Wilt, Burns and Torrencc. 21 : Kirc Ketdall. 22, 2a, und "The Wizard Mr. _ nnd Mrs. Sidney Drew, Webb's teals of Oz" 2-t-M, All three attractions were and the blogrsph. well received. Lew Dockstadtr's Mlnstrids Guutks. — Progiamme this woek names: -7. 2H. Sonsu and his band JO, "The Kternal 'Ihe Flying Flumes, ltanion and Tracy. Ma- City" Dec. 13, anti "Commoti Sense Brackett" Lei .Lamson, Clarence Sisters, Bentley, Hand 4-7.. Smith nnd the anlmatsscope. Acadkmv.— Manager Edwin Ttianhouser Virrni.—The sixth annual benefit in aid aril*, put on "Twelfth Night" Xov. 28 and of the Eharttv Fund of Up! Associated The- week, nnd "The Turning of Helen" next, iitriroj Managers of San Frnudsco will take Business continues Ural class. "Hearts of place on Friday afternoon. Dec. 1), ou which Oak" held the stage the past week: occasion cverv 'theatre In San Francisco will Bijou Opeh\ Hoisi: (John It. Pierce, resl- con.tnH?ute Iti quotn of beat nets Beu dent manager).— "Hearts Adrift" was well OiePtVR Players will present the new luiraclt; received 20-20. K. I„ Snader, W. D. Ingram play,' "The Star of Bethlehem" for one week, aud Alleea Merlelle won vulhuslastir np- luriudlPg uiatluees. ot Lyric Hall, beglunlnj? proval. "Queen of the White Slaves" 27 aud Mondnv evening. Xov. 28. under the man- week, and James J: Corbet! next week. agement of -Will L. Crecnbauro At a Pabst iLeon Wnchsner, manager). — recent meeting of the Theatre Managers' As- "Tnnte Kcglnc" will lie given Its second nro- Koclatkh It was decided to stop the laauance ducllon by. the Wnchsner Co...i!7, and "l»er of All lithograph passes. It has been the custom for the theatres lo give passes In rc- tnrb, for the advertising given nt store doorn nml |n show windows. ■ lliese aro to lie cut w& ■ PROM OTHER POINTS. I'rueue fcwclg." 'Ml. Attendance, since Its brace of several weeks ago, Is Holding up good. St.mi (Krank li. TroUuan, mauoger). — (ippenheltuer's l-'av Poster Co. week of 27. nnd the City Sports Co. will follow. The UentZ'Sontlcy Co. fared well week of 20. "Looping the World" offered many opporluhl- ,_._•,.,., . , ... •,., _ ties to the members of the company. , »- 9 . p " e 1 f f KT i? ok , V5 >ov Sj* VS"' Graxu.— People week of 28 liudude : Mll- Boslnoss for the Week Opeua Well. lnr(J „ nj|1 _ < M| j ^ liOUV Morr , H Mju ,| ev> Chicago, Xov. 29. — The sudden death lu a. K. Caldera aud llunlcy. Logan und Hanley. Manager J. W. Keeuey reports excellent busi- ness. Crystal.— Manager F. II. Winter, as usual, has n high class bill for week of 28. The lleqzllt Trio arc the top liners. Notes'. — Manager Oscar F. Miller returned Xew York ou Sunday night, of Fred It. ll.imiln. who was, until recently, for maay years 'business manager of his father's Grand « 'pern House- In this city, mme as a great ■wllot!;- to his friends wheu thi fact wns n-.ade kno'«il In Mutuloy's papers. Wheu the pi-odurlng, linn of Humlln, Mitchell & Fields from Xew. York Inst Wednesday, uud ufter wna OfganlA.'d Mr. lluiulln retired from his the performance at the Alhnmbra. Thursday, lie gave a banquet to the LUIputluns Edwin. Tbanhouser announces the engage- ment of Austin Webb to succeed Mace Green- leaf as leading man ut Ike Academy, com- mencing Dec o The second annual ball of the 1. A. T. S. K. will be held Dec 8 George II. Wilson, manager of the Pittsburg Orchestra, was In the city recently and made arrangements for a concert at the Pahst Feb. 9 The Uulncr troupe of T'yrolese slugers, who appeared on the Pike at St. Louis, have been secured by !.eou Wnchsner for three concerts. Dec. 1-3. — ■ ■ ' ♦«» I'hlpago. ^tbt-atrlcal Interests and moved to Xew . York, tims severing his connection wltll the Grand Uuera House Kyrlc l!el||jw r.tnrted his third and -JuhI week ut ihe.'Tlbovc house Sunduy night Mrs. <;Ub i !rl..'in "Granny." it Powers', Is the one !"jportant Theatrical novelty and down town fl"lwi|ig<. '_H»it inulng down tow. 1 : for this week Phil Sheridan's Cltv Sports, nt the-'Folly, arid Woodhull's High Hollers, at the rrg--ad>»ro. are the new burlesque shows 'hl< u-eek, their Sundny offerings being to c'lUJU'lty Our vaudeville houses hud their accustomed big Sunday and the bur- iiRtjue stock el Sam T. Jack's filled the house.' "Hilly" .-.'llfford. nt the Criterion . "UoarU- Adrift." at the Albunibra: Xelllc Mcllen'ry. ut the Uliou: Howard Hall, nr the Columbus, and 'The White Tigress of -."pan.." at .the Aendcniy. were the Sninlny MU'HIIJ.W. KnlsinaiOii. — At the Academy nf Music (It. A. Bush, manager) "'Way Down Kasl" came to good business Nov. 10, while Harri- son J. Wolfe, In "Hamlet." pleased 22. "On the Suwuuei' Itlver" drew big business 23. Patrice, lu "Driven from Home." 23 : "Darld Ilumm" 2H, llosellc Knott 28. "Qulncy Aduins Suwyer".2t>. "An American Gentleman" 30, Sousa's Baud Dec 1. P.\I.Aii: 01' AMl'SKMKXTS MV. 'K. Muuger. 'iffcrliias at- the popular priced houses. Dru- niunugerl. — This .house continues successful mqllit'siock at the Bush Temple aud People s as 'p. skating rink. Don and Mac Gordvu. far»(lwell. lu a bicycle and unleycle 'act, were good Philadelphia. Xov. 20. — With an array drawing cords week of Nov. 21. The Aherus, 'f uew offerings the week opened well with equilibrists, week of'28. the -local biuses Richard Manstleld. in . » ■ "Ivan the Terrible." had a large and uppre- j« c u«oa. — At the elallve audience at the Garrlck An- other large Catherine greeted Wllllum ttll- letuPi' In 1 "The Admirable Crlchlon" at Ihe Brond. : . i. .-.An audience testlne the capacity of tUp house «tis attrncled by '"ITle Shepherd King," -at the Chestnnt Street 0]>era House. T'ZlJ';" ..,,.. A.dellghted gathering welcomed "Plff '. ^avVet" "I ' Pa*.': roufi!.'" at the Chestnut Street K„rill n Wo if, On tit Road. All Roafea Must Reach la Xot Inter Tlinn V.inriS). . . DRAMATIC. A Ailam«. Mamie iChsrle* Fnsuaan. nisr. i- Sjrra- ruse. X. V.. SO. itulTaUi Hiv. 1-3, Chlcagu, 111.. MM, Allen. Vlila iClmrles W. Alton, mtr )— St. I.oub. Mil. aa-Hw. .'., Pa-lucali. Ky., 3. Aiitflln. il«n:.iiTt |Fm:iI I'erlej. rngr.l— lliiltnlo, X. V.. 1S-30. Indliina.'nlU. Iiul., He-v 7. Atilwv Stnk. Kawteni. Mlltrnihsl Hruttier*' tW. II. Kltigeralil, mgr.)— New Heilfnnl, Mass., 2S- PM 3, A^htanil ilramntlc tllnyman * flloi'ker. mgrs.) — Madison, lml . 3S-30. t'unnnraitlle Dec. 1-3. "Arltrsitt." Fji^lera, M. It. Haymnml's ill. O. Be Mnlli. nur. I — Marhsi. (I.. '10. Heluwarc Dec. I. IMiylvA i', lliiniiltin :|. Rtehmond. tail.. 3, Port- ' Isiut it, lluntinfloa "i. Pern s. Port Wayne 0, KenilxilTllle 10. "Arltous." Western. M. It. Kaynmuira (Wilson S. li ■-*. invr.i — Vi.iiriuiviT. I'.. 0:. 3. 1 >u r Im mi to. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllrny k Hrllton. ingr*. i — -Poplar Ulna'. Mo.. 30. West Plains lice. 1 . aprliisfleUl 3. Joplln 4, Mlmlen Mines 5. I.lh- erly V, KiChiaotnl 7, Trenton S, Macon 0, faitils- luua 10. "AL ltlak of His Life" (Murk K. Swan, lugr.)— Biirllnk-tini. N. J.. On: U>. "Aerus* the Rockies"— Atlantic City. N. J.. Dee. "An American llentleinaa" — Kalaiuuzon. Midi., . 30, Coliualnu. O.. s-10. B Ilhuielie Bates (llavh! Ik-Usen. isgr.)— St. l^iula. .Mo.. 251 Dec. 3. ' Barryniorc. Ethel tChurlw Fruliiuau. nigr. \ — N. V. City 28. ImleOnPc • Bingham,. .Amelia (l.lovil lllu«Uaru, luxr.) — N. V. City 28-Dei-. 3. Button. Maaa., 3-17. L'ellew, Kjrlc tl.lelil«r * Co.. mgrs. i — Chicago. III.. !8-lUx-.:i, tirtriaml. O.. 3-lti. ni—a | II William (lleurl Urvsalll, mgr.)— Jersey City.' N. J.. 3MfM, 3. AUii.ua. IV. 3. lllnlr. Kiiwnle iileorge A. Blunieutlial. ingr. > — Xew Harm. Ooiiu.. 2S30,. llartfonl Dec. 1, lrrldansxt 2. 3. llronklvn. X. V., 3-10. Brrrsfonl: Harry (J. J. Culeuiaii, si»r.) — Nash- ville. Tim.. 30. lxialsvllle. K).. Dec. 1-3. M«ill- mh. lml.. 3. Darton, U.. 0, 7, llnmlltuu s, Sprlngilvht P. Mhldletoiru 10. Ueaion, r.ailie lA. II. Wood*, mxr.l — Ulrniliig- Ii-iiii. Ala.. ">-!!«■ . 3. MeiupUls. Term.. 3-10. Itludley, Floream (Forrester & Mltlenthal, luiin". ) -Brooklyn, ft. Y.. •HiUtv. 3. minting, r.nuna IKnrl Burgeas. mgr.) — Cheater. I'n.. 2S-Uec. 3. llruwii. Kirk (Appell k Deshou, uigrs.) — Erie, Pa.. . SS-Dee. 3. Ixx-k|a,rt. X. Y.. 5-10. Brci'keurbkre Stock (Charles Breekenrldge, rngri. — Monett. . Mo.. 2*-Dec. 3, Ualena. Kan., 4, Wi-bb City. Mo., 3 7. Carthage 8-10. Burkc-MeCauu tM. MrOanu. mgr.) — Oneida. X. Y.. 28-Dee. 3, lIorucllaTllle 5-10. Belcher's Cvnieilluua (W. M. Belcher, roar.) — Ellsworth. Kau., 2S-30. Oeueseu, Dec. 1-3, Sterling 3-10. ' "Beu Hnr" (Klaw ft Erlauger. mgra. ) — Dallus, 'ret., 28-Dee. 3, Austin 5-10. "Bonuic Briar Bush," Jamea 11. Stoddart (Klrke I. a Sheik-, mgr. i— Detroit. Mlcb.. 28-Dee. 3, Ray City 5, Saginaw 0, Lanslug 7, Jackson 8, Klvvuod 9, Ilamlllon. (J., 10. "Buster Brown." Eastern, M. II. Itaymooira (W. S, Bntterflekl. >ugr. | — Waahuictuu. Pa.. So. Butler Dec. 1. .lobinwuburg 2. Dn Rota .",. Brailfonl •!. Okiau. N. Y>. 0, Horuellarlllc 7, Warsaw 8. uBtarlu 3, Nlucorn Fulls IV. . "Buster Brown." Western. M. 11. lbiynioud'a IJctT Ferosletu. uur.) — Cleteloml. O., . "3-Dac. 3. ClDclnuall 5-in. "llerause She I.uveil" (Martin Jullnu. mgr.) — Sprtmnielil, Mass., :s.;xi. Holyoke Dec. 1-3, Elluheth. X. J., 6-10. "Baueh «f Keys" (tins Botliner. ' mgr.)— Falr- laiiy. Xebr.. .*M). ('MK-onlla, Kan., Dw. 1. Man- hattan 2. Lawrence 3. "Break tor Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs, inar.i — Spriugtielil. 0-. Dec. 3. Tippecanoe City 3. Ham- ilton 7. Connersvllle. IwL, 8, Urveuville V, New Castle 10. "llreeay Thhe," liiateni (K. Webster Fits, nurr.) — TslUlioase. Flo.. 30. 'i'uouis,avllle. lis- 9mt. 1. Moultrie li. VuldmU 3. High Spring*, lis., n. . Qalnesvllle 7, Ocola 8, St. Peteralsirg 0, Tamiia 10. ' . . "Bnwsy Time." Western (K. Wcbater Uli. m'gr.l— Alllaiav. Nehr.. 3». Sidney Dee. I. North Plette 2, liulhenbunc 3. Islington 5. Khiik-t it. (Sruiul Island 7, Hastings 8, St. Panl 0. Oril 10. • Bauker'a CUIUI" (llarre SUaunuu. mgr.) — Os- wego. Knn.. 30. Neudnlm, Dei 1 . 1, Curlryvllle 3., Sislan B. Wlntklil 0, Newklrk. Okhi.. 7. Hlackvrell S. Poiica City 0. Perry 10, Prreell, hul. Ter.. 12, Paula Valley 13. "Buy of the Streets ' (Herbert Tuson. max.) — Fanner City. III., 30. Montlccllo Dec. I. Mount PiiUiski 2, Lincoln .'« I'elersburg 5. Jacloon U. Vlnlen 7. Curllnavlllc 8, EdwardaTllle V, St. Charles 10. "lleautv Doilor." Fred K. Wright's (Tiros. W. Prior, mgr.)— Norfolk, Vs., IM-Dec. 3. Blch- umihi ;io. "lllaek Musk" IW. II. Duller, mgr.)— Newark, X. J., 3-1U. c Crane, Wai. II. (Charles Frobouu, mgr.)— X. Y. City 28-IK-c. 3. Crusnian, Henrietta IDaThl Relasco k. Maurice Campbell. mgrs.>— Albniij. X. Y.. Dec. 1, llarl* font. Couii.. It. Altnoy. X. Y'.. 3. Caiunliell. Mrs. I'atrles (Charles Prubman, mgr.) — hHoMBj Mil.. 28-Dee. 3. Conistoek, Nanette (Jaues K. Hackett. mgr.) — Wllllunisport, Pa., 30. Altooua Dee. 1. Treu- ton. X. J., 2. Wlhuluglou, Del.. 3, Phlladelplila, Pa.. 31li. Collier. William (Ch-.rlen Fruhmuii, mgr.)— St. Ijiula, M».. VS-Dee. 3, Kaiisus City 4-7, Crwtoii Onrke (Jules Marry, ingr.1— Hmilmry. Pa.. 30, Wllllamapvrt Dei'. 1. Altuuuu 3, Johus- lowii X. , _ _ Cohan, lieorge M. (Sam Harris, mgr.) — N. Y. City 38. Imleanlte. , . . Corlctl. Jauies J , nu.l ln« Mncauley (Hal Davis. mgr. i- -1'en'rla. III., •')", Burllugloii. la., Dec. 1, Mllvaukes-, tl'k. 4-10. i'o'.iV-i;iii..'c-ii HI. W. Taylor, mgr. I— MerMcii, limii..' 28-Dee. 3. Curisnitcr. Frankh- ( lere ■ (irailr. mgr.l— Haver- hill; Mass.. 28-Duv. 3. Cliu»eLIHjr Tlieulre. A (Joaeph Farrell, mgr. i —Norfolk. Kan.. 28-Dee. 3. Elk Point, S. Dak., "Child Wife." Wm. T: Keugh's— X." Y. Clly 2S- Dee. 3. .spriii/nrlu. Maaa.. 3-7. "Chllil tUarrs nf Xew York" (J. II. Isaac, mgr.) — Memphis. TVnn.. 2X-Dre. 3. Naalivllle. 3 1". "niartty Nurse (tleorav II. lAisianl, mgr. i— ilranil Rapids. .Mich.. 27-3". South Iteml. Iml.. Dec. 1. Fort Wswie 2. 3. Cincinnati, ll..-4-lo. '-Ciaiatty Kid" ill. B. Whlttaker. mur.)— (>ilar linis. la.. 3'i. Waterly i>rc. 1, liampiuii 3. Ms'isi Cltr 3. Fort Drslgv 5. Iliinitsihtt 0, Katie drove «. Sac t.'lty s. 9mm \«. "(>r»«'of Drink," Charles K. Illaney's—Kaiisaa OlF. Mo.. 27-lltv. 3. SI. Psnl. Mian.. 4-lu. "Clfens Hav" ill. M. Itelss, mgr.i— t'nnujo- kariV. N. V.. 3». St. Johnsrllle Uss-. I. Mo- rhaniestllli' 2. ilhirersillle 3. Johnslo.tn 3, llntb >l. Saratoga 7, Fori Plain s, lliens Fnlia P.. Fort 1-lwnnl 1». _ n Dan, Jnhii il'Jiarles Froliuiiiu. uuir.)--N. \. Vtllly 2S, ImU-r.nlti' "Fi»ms' Ferry" (Cliarla* W. Brimrr. mgr.)— ha- I'.nei llle. f*. 30. Mineral Clly Dec. "J. nalesi J. •Fiinnv Shle of Life." I3»arle» A. Loder (Uartla l.aniWrg. mgr. i— Atlantic City, N. J.. 30. •Fiisl Life In New York" (A. II. WooOs. mgr.i — •llvnlon, X. J.. 2S-3U. Wilmington. Del., Dec. 1-3. Ibatlun. Maaa., 310. "Faldo Romanl" (Oscar Jisies. mir.l— Clareniont. bat. D«e. I. Kurt tllbsoa 'J. Fori Smith, Ark.. "Fau«l." IMrter J. While's— Kearney. Xebr., 3o. Ilrnml Islaml Dei-. I. Fremssil 2, Nedraska • tliv 3. Crcston, la.. 4. Perry •>. Atlantic 0, Shiiu City T. I.e Mars a. •Foxy luiy" --Atlanile City. N. J.. !>«'. I. J. "Fkldle-Dn-Di*"— Monl real. Can.. 'Jajtre. 3. t> llmalwln. X. C. (Onr,vJ. AWselMi. mgr.)— X. V. Cllv 28, Imlrnnlle. , ,„ „ ilillei'te. William tl'liarles Froliinau. mgr.)— Phil- « filly -s, ltiik*rinltc. rlelnliln I'n "s-]mv. 10. "'»»♦*■. • M "? e "v^ ^''ul-nifloo^lvn ivT.'T flllber . Mrs. U. II. (Charles MM, mgr rtdcbesler. N. •.. 30, Hamilton, Can.. Dec. 1, Oihar". III., 38-l>ei'. t». *r,, Thomas 2. Mfigi •'• . _ t „ „__ 0ri _, .. H | iii, piarrrs illeiil. <;ns-l, mgr.) — Ortrt ami Ills Players iltenj. Ureel. mgr.)— San FruHclscrf, Cal„ 28-ltn-. 3. (Inlbiod, Bertha (J. P. /Imiurrinnn Jr.. mtr-l — IkMinu. Mass.. HM-lVe. 10. lillwore, I'anl (Jules Miirry. aurr. I - Pine lllug. Ark.. 3». lirrenvllle. Mlas.. Her. I. Cnlumlais J, Hlrinhigiisni. Ala., 3. flrimih, John UeJin M. Illckey. nwr.l— Troy. Alii., :ui, Montgnniery I hi-. I, Aiml'l"" ?• '*■ ' ton. (la.. 3. Clinilniuaign. TVnn., 3. Mietllehl. .tin., n, lluntavllle 7. Fnyettevllle, Tenn., s. rnlumbla I". lllrmliiKliniii, Ala., in. Oilaiore, Barney (Harry M.aiij.Hiirrv. mor.l-- I'nttsrllk-. Pa.. '30. Mnhnnof Clly lkn\ I, La- lnmhla S. York 3. Baltimore, Mil.. S-lo. lirapewlu, Charles (John J. Kelraits. mgr. _> - Ha«- .hiaky. ti.. 2S. Canliai 20. Maaslllnii Mi, J anal . Hover Dee. I. Alllnaee t, StenheiiTllle 3. WUrellng. W. Va.. 3 Sr, IIHKIIMH ». I^MMllNI .,. Daly. Arnold (Wlnehell Smith, mgr.)— Toronto, I m 1 . 2S- 1 1. - 3. Hsalav." Sanfiml- Wbynot. X. Dsk.. Dee. I Dv Orntse, Jnse|.li (Fml A. llaywant, nuir.). — South MeAllsiir. lml. Ter.. 20, Shawnee. '.)kla.. .Ill, •liliknsUn. lml. Ter.. Dec. 1. KhiMosoer 3. KnlA 3. Iilrrkwell 3. Caldwell. Knn.. it. poom City. I'kla., 7, Perry s, sillluatt-r n. lijtlirm Dnvlilsou Stock I A. K. Davidson, mur. I — Tay- IvrvHItf. HI.. 28-liei- 3, Sircator 3 III. IMj>|r Ham II I alllMIH !»•. SM** ••• lu " De%e»'-riunWte Slock iTh.muia K. IK- Pew. mar.)— Roanoke, Vs., 2s Dee. 3. llrlatul. rrna., Dale!"'. Marl-. W. R. Martin, mgr.)— Winona, M(ss.. 3S-:iu, Kurani Dee. 1-3. l-allay W. n.. Stoek-SL .Join V IL. 3S^ . a ^Tuff^ „*„" K :k ',,V„„er ft Krr. .mgr..)- Dn Vrlrs Slock (Sura Dii \riea. mar. )— jouna onlnrv III.. 271)is'. 3, Spr ngUebl 4-10, loan X. Y.. SkOn, .3. •^'«"'V.' t " : , N „ nila gS'' Lllimulans. ThcIiii.II*- - MlUbank. S. ■Bownwn— llooiiville. >lo., Dec. 1J. .^ernua , ((( JpjJjJJ | kV- lt uriiton 2. Abmleeu ,1 V Itrdtleid 3. Huron tl, Mitchell 7, Madison N, i:Uwr!™Ya*iJ» , a 1 nI C "loIk-^'level.a.l. O.. !9, Indrll- "lilrl'from Kay's." Sam llernant t«»arle» Prok- rann. mgr.)— Cleveland, t).. 28-Dee. 3, X. Y. "Olrl* friim' Kay'a" (Charles Froliraan)— North- amnion, Maas., 30. Fllchlaira Dr.'. I, Man- ihe.sler, X. II.. 2. l\«wnril 3, Lawrence, Mass.. "(lame Kreier." Thoiuna J. Smith l"»w'» m J.* Clifford, uigrn.)— ilaplner. Jln«-.. .HI. Man- "ll'lfi"of r 'tbe Sl'rcels?"' l.ljilaii Morllmer (J. I.. Verisiee. .ugr.l— Ptilladel|ilila, !■».. 28Dee. .1. '•«llme«.t n ifi«ta" > (A. J. Poltoek. rogr.)-Kll»- •■(Iriniea Cellar' Ihs.r'"-'-Se.itle. Waah.. S/JJ*-^- •drcat Attlon-d'lle Myalery"— Boalou, Mass.. J8- Dee. 3, Pldla.lelphlii. Pa.. "'•••.. ,' . "Illrl and the BaiHlll"- Troy, X. V. Dee. I. Hackett. James K— Washington. U- C 2S-Dec. 3 X. Y. City 3, hulctloltc. . . HaHaiid. Mlldril i lalvraH C W l.lle. lugr.)- .1- lonna. I'n.. 3ii. YaniijaloWM. «.. 1». r . Hawlrey. Charles . (Chnrlcs 1'r.Hiinaii, m»r)- Munlgoaiery. Ala.. 3U. Ailanla. •'•••.'•»•-■ I '.' llMit.mi. CI.. .les II. IF. 1 siirenee })*}*"• "E, 1 — VlekH.urg, Miss., no. Jis-ksnn He. 1 . 1. >'" "' Jj S, Ala., .1. Itlrulliutlialli 6. Colunl.ln. Tenn, (L Na-h»llle 7, Meii.pl.l- •-. «• J"""- HiIwMil A |1"ii '(llenrj Plerwa., mgr Clilnis". 111., 27-1 N-c. 3. S-T, (lalec.i. Koa... 8-10. "Hnrld llarum." No. I (Jnllns Culm. ni«r.)_ Phlladelplila. Pa.. 28-Drr. .1, Treaiua, S. J., ,1-7. Wilmington. Del.. 8-H>. "Dntld llarum.'? Nu. 2. (Julius t ahn. mgr.) — Jurkaoa. jllih.. 30, Coldwater Di-c. 1, Ui Purte. ■•lL*H'. a A«lb.'L" !, «'l«rlei. II. Yale's (M. Wise, mgr.)— Porlland.- Ore.. 30. Ijec 1. Taconui. Wisli.. 2. Vlelorlfl. II. C, 3. Natwmlo ... \ au- ..xryiT 0. 7. New Westminster 8. New W Imlnsii. Wtili. n. F.verelt l». Seattle 11-14. Kllenfllle 1B.-X.irih' Yoklma 10. Walla Walls '•• "Hora lliona-." Eastern (Knwlnud ft t.llffor.1. lugrsl— Salem. O.. 30. Oil City. Pa.. He.-. 1. Corning. N. Y.. 2. Wsverly 3. Troy 3-7, Sprlno- Meld, Mass.. S-10. , , "Injra Tbdrne." Westrrn (Heorge I-.. Lroffiler. „l«r.)— Co.rn.ll Bl«rr». Is.. 30, Sluuv Clly Iks:. "Dr "Jekyll and Mr. Hyle" (L. K. P.m.1. lugr.;— Aahhisl. O.. :»>. Akron Dec. 1-3. Klyrls .., l/>- rain 0, Holly. Mich.. 7. Saglunw S-lo. "Dealel-s In- While Women" lA. II. «i-«ls. mgr.i ^PnTvldeu*; ,11. I-. 2»"ec. 3. Phlla.lel|«ila. '•llarkea't Rsssla'' (W. C. Cunnlnghiiui. mgr-\— Taiimia, Wash.. 38 30. Olruiplu Itv- }•>'<>■ ,,nloin 2. l Ahenleen 3. Chehslls 4, Portland. Ore.. ■laWWaV nt the Altar" (Percy «. Wnilama. iVapV)- Hen.ll.ig. I'n.. 283H, Seronlou Dee. 1-3, Wlkeslsirre 3-7. llairlalsirg »-lo. "INjwn ou the Farm" IP. •■. J.irrls iugr.1 — Mount Pleasant. Ky.. 30. Itlehmond _Dee. 1, WlfSiester 3. Shelliyvllle 3. Da.irllle 5. F.Ilia livthlowa li. Biiwllng llreea 7. Russellvllle 8 Clarkstllle. Tenn.. 10 ^^Vorknig im.." (A. II. WoasJs, aegr.) uE&'SZ* }M£?9&tt t £& " uwrs. .-Cuba. 111.. Dee. I. Athens 2. Kdwanta- ville 3. rhester 3. Marhm li. Du Qolu ., Mar- rlinu H. llnsoivllle P. EUlugham .10. •Ifcisii t.v the Sen" (Phil Hnnl, mgr.)— tlol.iken NV.J.. 2T : »0. Clly 28U-C. 3, Jersi-y Clly. V J- "'"■.„ lleiidrlekl. Ben. (William «»'«,>•.. «■«'•. - ' J,' Molnis. la., 28-30, Perry Dec. 1. Itouiie -. wmt HahTfleorge F. (W. J Klejillng. m«o -Wllmbia- l.ui. Did.. 2B-30. ltobokcn, N • J-- „'» • '; • Voilker,. X. y.;.". Ponghk. r »U.... Alha. •l&n^me.'' Forrester ft MltteaUi.l's- „.£», E-SSW «. ■**- »• «« * • llcrllT PJinV'' M (Ku dee Vl**. mgr. )-Ia-ilng- Utag^MMilM-A. HhnnuHeln. mgr.)- "iJn^'fromHiime. " Putrlee j WM I— g. » »g- thentbil. ingrs.l— Kansas Clly, Mo., Dec. 4-10, K Sbaiuuklu, Pa., 28-llix'. 3. Hnw'nl IhirM* U. M. » r. has. 'ugr.l-Sls. terTllle, W. Va.. 38-18V. 3, (;larksbnrg 0-i, Itariiwvllle, (>.. . 810. _ liariiisoiiic, ii., o-i". ii i iw i El.ki.i. Muxluc ,C. 1L Dllllnghaia. mgr.,-San H.rconrt £»%*$*£• Z™ W &1& { \ FranchH'". Cal.. 28-Dee. .J. HovPa Pumeily III. <• Allen, mgr. — Bllokl. OSSZ Hubert (Henry II. Harris. mgrO-New Hoy jji «^J*W i JlerUUn 5 70. I"So« "dislers^M H hiymoud's iMII.on Uum- Uuejler Hliuw (J«ek lloelller. Mgrl-ApakWi. "SCJ^.^!-'. T*:- * .«=?«•!!?.»* n^.^JffSni (W. M. (la... mtr 1. UldJlelioro. Ky.. 3. ChstUiKsiga, Teun lltraitagham, Ala., 510. Ewhig. (icrtru*; »m» llarrlnglon. Isls. mgr.)— Wjnwrlgbi. Te*.. ■ SH-Hee. ,3. Deonm o-»0. Eilljw Sl.ek (Lk.v.1 ft Center, mgrs.i— Port | (a I ■ 14 'l'f V «i I "■' , '- Fdwanla Slotk (Jelter-uiu Hall, mgr i— Sew Km- slailon. Pa.. 3M-30. Mois.iigHbeU Dec. l-.t. Krn2od, II. J., Stock— Waslilngliai. X. J.. 28-.IO, lleMleM Dec. I. '.'. MWdletown. Dri„ 8-5, LelKilt Vk Hawkins. I.lods— Kemuierer, Wyn.. 28- . 30. Mout|ieller, Ida., 5-H Ij|sall-Wlnlhn-|»- (Edncy llhlge. mgr. I— Martina- . vtlte. Vs.. 28-Dee. •"•■ .. , , "F.ti-nial i3ly" (l.lelrter * C«i.. nigra. )—l.a Crta*e. Wb... 30, Milwaukee Dee. 1-3, Pills- uiin. Pa., 3-10. "Krraod Boy," Billy II. Van (Sullivan. Harris ft m'SkIs, nigra.)-- X. t. City 28-D-c. 3. Hruuk- •>jght"Bells,'' U Bro's. Byrne— rtlea. X. Y., .Dec. I. "Kse«p«d from Hie llsruui." J. II. Wollleks (Harry Karl, mgr.i— Lliwlunatl, n.. 3i-Dee. 3, Chlragn, III., 410. "Elsai llolileii"— Frankfort, lml. . 30, , Aiiih-raon Dei, 1. "131 und Jam;"— Mouut Sterllug, O.. Dec. 1 Sdl'lna' 2. Jaiiti-tl.iwu 3. "Eacatssl from Sing Sing," James II. Piirker's— KlliaK-tli. X. J., Dee. 1-3. Biuiklyn, .N. 1„ »»!► . v Flake,' Mrs. (Harrlsou Grey Flake, lugr.)— X. Y {•Air 38. hl'lerlillle. Ilm-Oler. Jack, Kaaleru («. >'■«!''"'■ , m|,r 'J" 7 Oiuuha. Nehr., 3K-Dcc. 3. IK- Molisf. lo.. 37. nigra. I— Myailc. in.. 2* Dee. 3. Moravia S-10. Henry 4 <:»«>' Cnuie.1)- N.-tr Braiiawli-k. V J.. 38De.'. 3, llnveralrnw, X. Y„ 3-H. Puiigllkeeisilii UarrlnVlon St.a-k (Ernest llarrlnalnu, mgr.)— Powaee, III.. 'JH-Dcc. 3. Aulsirn !i 10. "Heart < if Maryland" (David Be a.w mgr.i— Hurrah., X. Y.. 28-li-s., 3..Ch^land..li. ; 3-IO- "llumptr Dimuity" (Klaw ft hrlanger. mgrs.)— X. v. Clly 28. ludenlie. ,_ , "Heart of Chicago." l.ln.s.hi .1. I arler a ( » ■ uaiud Manky. mgr. I- Denver. ^}"^.£j\vli«.,' "Her Only Sin." .hi.iilu J. Carter s— Waho. , Nel.r„ 30. i^lunilnis Iks-. 1. York 2. Ik-ntrlea 3. ■ Fulls City 3. Marysvllle. M.... n. Trenton .. l.fillllcollie 8, St. Joseph V. 10. "Holy Clly." Kaslem. Ilwrdun ft Ik-uncll a (FsJ- Wnl Tuybtr, mgr.i - CainbrHge. O.. JO, X™- urk D-c I. New Pklla.VI.sila 2. UhrlehsTllle " WeMobiirg. W. V.I., '•, Wnslilnglim, Ha„ «. >Vayaeslwrg 7, Scltihile *, (;.innellaTllle 0. M'cKeeainrt HI. ' ^ • ,.,_ , u _,,. "Ili.ly City." Western. ..'.ii.l.m ft I mi net « {Hjiify llarrbasi. mgr.i— Js.:k*.ntllUi. III.. ■«'■ .*», i town I>iv. 1. Peoria 5. a**ag *,£■!* Prlncelisi 0. Mendo'.ia T, Vlvm ». ••"' t """ lll . "Hearta Adrift" (8uen-er ft Alsini, nigra.)— Cbl- — Xowark. X. Y., '». Lyo.|S_l>ec. I. 'Palmyra .. WuterU.au .3. ygik-mhurg ... l>««;eg» 0, Cort- liiinl 7. Xorirleh s. Hlnglinuloii ». 10. • .. . .. . ..... ........... 1. llrawliMlni. lull. I I. .sorwirn ". #iiiia...,M,,v.- — •-" \x\j in., iii-iroiiiw. -M»r U..I Marrlaire" (MnH-l"ft (Irgsholni, mgrs.) Favepdmrn. William (Charles Frobmun, uigrl- ^ r Bo S«?w K. V., 28-30 Hvrnrtin- Dec. 1-3. UlCjaler. Pa.. 30, Essl.m Dec. 3, Washing- ^Y^SSTtiM " Kali ^ Wats-n niif/Colmn. mgr' luu, D. ti.. 3-10. -Jjilnlsis b. :W Lima Dec. l. T Bowllnc Oreea 1'iankeuDeld. l.anrn (Santord Dodge, mgr.)— -~^T' l !""-. "v. •'".• ..!:'_'!'? . ,.-.i— ..-«. ii n>r. .J._.TT7. ... %i -u. Kim, ...I ftl li.' — Xorf. :-lb. ' 'Jliilliv... ■. .. ."Checkers," ot Oie Walnut, p.'Oj*M,.«'pii|iir. . . ."The Merry Shop lilrls. ' at' the Casino, and other combination offer- i n«v > fared' well Patrons did not neg- lect stock houses, where meritorious nro- iluctlrjns prevailed. .. .Vaudeville at Kclth'a bad-' oVertlowlog attendance Burlesque houseg siird'-iHl crowds, and the Bon Ton. with fboil vaudeville, prospered The Eleventh Street Opera Honsc end the Mu- Btnoj bad the'r usual good attendance. Athenteum (II. J. Porter, manager) '"Way Down Kabt," Xov.. 17.' had good busln-ss. Sam T. Jack's llur- lesijuers IS. "Kben lloldeu," • HI. slid well. Howe's moving pictures. 20. 21. came to big business. Itoselle Knolt, In "Cousin Kale." large house. VQulucy Adams 'On the Suwanee Itlver" 25. Harrison Wolfe, lu "Hamlet." 26: "Au Amer- ican Gentleman" 2!L "David Harum" 30. "Human Hearts" Deo. 1, Blanche King ". 3. II. Stoddart S, Ward und Yokes tl, "Uncle Hex" 10. - Bar Cltv. — At the Washington Theatre (W. J. Dauot. manager) "David Haruoi" pleased a large audience Xov. id. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" gave good satisfaction IT. Haskell's Indian Hand (Y. M. 0. A. coursei packed the house 18. "The Mummy and the ay I, . ..... .ntlr. Vi'ianm. Humming Bird" did good business 10. Wm. of.^ 8 ir^««. OT Wo 9 ^U„1, , s, e ia , S r , e Stffrt ^ W^^MrierlSfiaS openings .were the most brllUaut of the Ken- »*••;„ ^ffitt" 7. NOn: 'the Sutliorn.Msrloh'i' .oniulunlli.ti, in ' "flsuuno Olid .lllltel," llllisl Ihe Holll*.. "I'atsltol." . In UiiKllsli. 3t the Tremmit. "Hielied nt Ore-thirty, with a good house. . . . Oco.-rriuirose's Mloslrel Co. packed the Bos- .: ' % '4: o)a » Jojix Y. Ci.Ani: played sueereasfully the Gotham Xov. 27. lie is Introducing much uorel materia). Gun-ivy and Mackr J'smm-tle, Pa.. Dr*.-. 3. Xew Knisiiiu-ion 5, (.unniwhuni 0. Washington 7, Uuloutuai-n S, Fulrmont, W. Vs., 0, laist Pales- Hue 0.. 10. Curls Pruuisllc (M. 11. Curls, mgr.) — Ouelila, Kan., 30. Dec. 1. Ci-ntrallu '.', 3. Couroy ft Mack's Comedians — Fslrmonl, W. Va., 3SDee. 3, Kast Lii-'.uool. O.. 3-10. Cutler A Williams 81-H.k (W. It. Culler ft J. W. Wlltlnra*. ' nigra. t—(!tcvoMd, O.. SS-Dec 3, Wellslou 4-10. Carroll Conwrdy (Ion Carroll, mgr. 1— Montguoi- ery. W. Vs.. Dee. 1-3. Uleu Jean 5-10. . College Dramsthr (C. W. Wallla. mgr. I— Fuller- ton. Neh.. -6-30. Corhln. Floreuec (T. V. Bonnie ft J. C. Schcm-k, uigrs.i— Llveruioic I'slU. Me., 28-lKv. 3. Hid- deford o-IO. Crelcent Comedy (Bvrvmun ft Cummbigs. mgra. I — Mailetta. Ga.. 'Js-biv. 3, Cclartown 5-10. Cliuou Comedy — 1'oo.a. Okla., 28-Dec. 3. Tulsa, Hid. Ter.. 3-10. Chleain suck (CharlM If. K»*< Kaui, uigr.!-- Brsdford. Pa.'. 28-D.-C 3. Oeaevs. X. Y„ 3-10. "County Chairman." Esate.ru (Henry W. boruge. mgr.) — Xew Hurjn. Couo.. 29. 30, Ilaitfurd Dee. 3, Spilngfleld. Mnaa., 6, 7. "Couuty Chairman," Weateru (Henry W. Sav- age, mgr.) — Los .Uncles, Cal.. no-Dec. 3. "Checker..." TUnnou. W. Rims (Klrlo La Suelte. laar. I— 11illailel|ihla. Pa., 28-Dee. lo. "Cullpae Wl.k>w" (Henry W. Huvsgr. mgr.) — X. Y. CPy 2S, linlednlle. "Cisinn'Si 8e«H. Braekell" (Henry IV, Savage, mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wb... Dec 4-7. 'iiirntovlijis., "MJiin., 30, Mllbauk, S. Dak., Dee. -0. . Kllnuuamon*. RolaTt. nnd Jnlla May OltTor.1 (Joa. KduuUHlvti. mt-r.i — Isiwell. Mass., 28-30, 'rniui- lon T)ec. 1. Norwich. Cuiin.. 3. Mlikllelown 3, Kllcabelh. X. J.. 3-7. ' ' Funbrrg Slock (Ris.rge M. Feuberg. mgr.)— Fall lll»«r; Mass.. 28-Dec. 3. Kewport. -R. Li .old. Pleasing, .Mamie. (W. II. Oracey. mar. I— I'.mgh- lieepale, X Y„ 28-H«. 3. Kiakc; May (J. P. Coagrote. awr.i— laitrrrnre. Uas's..' 28- Dec. 3. ,., , Ferris a.misllaiis I Hurry lluMi, mgr. I— Llyrla, (►. t "8-Dev. ■■'.. AahtolMila 4-10. Flak., ft Stock IE. II. I'lske ft T. V. Sto.;k, mgra.) — Ilolyi.k'. Mosa.. 'JS-Dh.-. 3, lllianealer 3-10. I'rsnkllii' St'-* (II. F. Sluipsou. nigr. I— Sweet- waKr. TVi.. 38 mi, (ailorado Clly Dee. 1-3. Fnv. Ivliin (Kdnln Weaver. uigr.)-^!lefelanil, Xeum. "8-3(>. "Flgailug -Arrow." l.lu.ruln J. Carter's (W. F. .laegsou. mgr. )— Bultluiore. Mil., 28-Dee, 3. Wjaillngtwi. D. I.'., 5-10. "FnUil Wtddlug," <>-.itral. Sullivan. Ilagrls ft Woods' (Cury MeAduw, mgr.) — X. 1. City 38- Dec. 3. Pittsburg. P«.. 3.|0. . "Fatal Wedding," Mm, lulllvaii, Harris * Woods: lW. X. Halltbary. uigr.) — Tempi.'. Tel., 30. Illllaboru |l«s-.. I, Goraleuua 2. Tyler 3. (Jreenvllle 3. MeKlimey 0, Ihmhsm 7. P-rls 8, DiSilwni II. Sbeiuisii I". "Fatnl Wtskllng." W'Stern, Sullllvan. Harris * Woodi' (E. I'. Klegl.-r. mgr.)— 4Iuih" (Geo. X. Bellinger. rugr.) — Clereluud. ■).. 38-Dee. 3. Ilvclicstrr, X. V. 5-7, Syvacuae « 10. "Foclory Olrl." Kaatern (Phil B. Isaac, mgr.i— Brooklyn, X. V.. JS-Dec. 3. Scraatou, Pa.. 5-7, WUkrabarre 8 10. "Factory Olrl," Transcontinental (Charles II. Wuerg. mgr. i--Xew Bedford. Slas,.. 30. Lowell. Dec. l-'i. Lawrence 3. Portsmouth, X. II., U, liiater 7. Rockland. Me.. 8. 2. Sa»iasky'3."'A4liiaad 5. ' Wadiwarlh 0. Bar- •-M..H 7. Uhrlelisville ti. New««. '° . .„ . "Her First False BUT." C F. Whlttaker'* IB. A. Khlller, mgr.) — Colunilins. O,. 810. "111. SI iin.r I." Bor.-r ft U.irke's (nakeimloe ft llaiulllisi, mgrs.)— Arisnlnle. (»., Dee. J. <-■»• laston 3. Fbrlehavllle 5. Ca.lls U, Toronlo .. East PalcMhie 8. ISHitunla li. Suliin 10. "How Un W.m Her" (Tom Xorlh. mgr.)— Cldea- on, III.. 27-Dis-. 10. "Hiimnu Hearts." Western (Claisl Saulsk-rs, mgr.i - -Jarksou. Mich.. Iks-. I. Bailie llreek 2, Bay ••IliuVld Time," I in- Hill's Mlsrry Hill, ragr.l , -llenihrson. Ky., 30. K.vaiisvllbi. hid., He.-. I. Torre. Hanlr !S, C.Milralla, III., 3. St. Isiuls. '•Hmi'iy ilis'illgnn." Kaalern. On- "Ill's (••.;*• Kelly, mgr.)— Bullluiurr. Mil.. 28-Dee. 3. Pitts. Iii tr*' I*iti> *i" I". * "llomespuu Heart" IF. L. Hunt, mir.l— Toleil-i. I).. IK-.-. 1-3. Oruii.l Rapids, Mich.. 1-7. "liana Hanson" Uas. T. Me.Mpln. mgr.i— Boh;- iihiii. Kan.. 30. Ilerlnjt.si I)"'. j. (tounell ilrove 2. Osage Clly 3. Muillsun .1. Strong Clly II. Flnn-nce 7, IValmdy 8. MePberaou U. Lyons 10. . "Heart of Te«ua" (A. Vlllslr. mar.)— Teeuraaeh, Mick., SO. Wuii.ion. ')■■ \ >•■••■ I. "Holly Tolly" — Vlacennea, Ind., 30. Irwin. May fKdwanl R. Sailer, mgr.i— X. Y. Clly 'Jh.lluledulle. Inter-Ocean Coinedy— Tucqla, III.. Dee. 1-3, Pi- "In Old 'Kentucky." Jacob Lilt's— (Julncy, HI., Dr.-. 11. St. Louis. Mo.. 4-10. "Irish Pawn brokers" .Ollle Mack ft Joseph W. Sucara, nigra.) — Xewiuu. la.. 30. AlMa Dee. I. i.vnir.illu 3. Oltumwa 3. Furl Mudlsost 4, Fair* grid 5. Obkalooaa II, Wssblngdw 7. Klrk-vlliv. Mo., 8, Quliicv, III., u, Hannibal. Mo.. 10. "In' list Far East" (Uumutou ft Hopkins, mgis.i •llouiistuu. 111.. 30. Danville Dec. |. Llm.-oln 3, Alton 3. Kl. Charles. .Mo.. 4. Mundiysbon,. ill.. C, Anna o. Cenlerrllle 7, Murlon 8. Ilcrrhi li. Mount Vernon 10. "In the Shadow of the Gallows" (Morgan D. Wil- son, uur.) — Wllllauuporl. Pa.. V. "Iris." Jeanne Towler— Louisville. Ky.. 2830. 958. THE ISTEJW YORK CLIPPER. DEOEMBEB 3. "Jercy from Kerry," Patten ft r«rry's~Witer- ford, Cin., 30, Slmcoe Dk. 1, Tliltonhurj 2, St. Thorn's 3, Oleocoe 6, Dresden 8, Chatham Mb "Jme Janm"— Wllllimsport, Pi., Dec 6. K Knott, Bonelle (Fraik L. Perley, mgr.)— Biy Clir. Mich.. Dec. 3. Kendall. Ran (LlebJer ft Co., mars.)— St. rial, Mlira., 37-80, Minneapolis Dec. 1-3. Keltic, Harry — Minneapolis, Mien., 27 -Dec. 3, Ceat Boy" — Easton, Pa., Dec. 5. -X Mansfield. Richard (B. D. Stevens, mgT.)— Phila- delphia, Pa.. 28-Dec 10. - - May, Edna (Charles Kroliraan, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28, Indefinite. Mack, Andrew (Rich ft Harris, mm.) — N. Y. City 28, indefinite Miller, Henry (Clmtles Frobmsn, Inge.) — N. Y. City 28-Dec. 3, Baltimore, Md., 6-10. Mann, ' Louis- (0. B. Dillingham, mgt.)— N. Y. City 28, fcidrllnlte. Murphy, Timothy IT. H. Blunders, mgr,)— Springfield, III., Dec. 1, Bloomtnirton 2, Burl- ington, la., 6, La Crosse, Wli., 0, Owatoooa, Minn., 9. Mayhew, Stella (Stair ft Nlcolal, mgta.)— Brook- lyn., N. Y„ 28-Dec. B. . ' Morrison. Lewis (Jules Murry. mgr.)— Philadel- phia, Pa., 28-Dec. 3, Eaaton G, Hamilton, Can., 10. -. -• Murphy. Jeseph (George Kenney, mgr.)— Selms, Ala., 30, Meridian. Miss., Dec 1, Mobile, Ala., 2. Penaarola, Fla., 3, New Urleins, La., 4-10. Murray uml Mock (Ollle Mack ft Joseph W. Spears, mgrs,)— New Orleans, La., 27-Dec. 3, Morgan Clly 4, Jennings S, Franklin 0, Sour Lake, Tex., 7, Beaumont 8, Galveston 8, Hous- ton 10. Mintall. Bobt. B. (Mix Zocllner, mgr.)— N. Y. City 5, Indefinite. Melville, Bum (J. It. Stirling, mgr.)— Victoria, B. C, 30, Seattle. Wash., Dec 1-S, Tacoma 4„- Portland, Ore., 6, U, Eugene T, Oakland, Cal., 8, 10. McHaury, Nellie (Spencer ft Aborn, mgra.)— Ohl- cajro. ill., 27-Dec. 3. McAntlrTe. Jerrc (Col. Wllllird Stinton, mgr.)— Manchester. X. II., 28-Dec. 3, Wilthim, Miu., 3-10. Myrklt-Harder Stock, Eastern (W. H. Birder, ingr,)— Portsmouth, N. II., 28-Dec 8, Port- laud, Me., 3-10. Myrkle-Harder Stock, Western (Eugene J. Ball, mgr.)— Port Cheater, K. Y.. 28-Dec. 3, Dan- bury, Cons., 6-10. Moug, WlllliiOi V. ((Pwrge J. Curtis, mgr.)— Bow- hells, N. Dak.. 28-H0, Kounisre Dec. 1-3, Velva 5, fl. Balfour 7. 8. Marks Stock (Tom Marks, mgr.) — Medicine Hit, Asai., Can., 28-Dec. 3, Calgary, Alta., 510. Edmonton 12-24. Marks Bros. (Joe Marks, mgr.)— Berlin, Cin., 28- Dee. 3, Qnelph 0-1O. Marks Bros., May A. Bell Marks (B. W. Marks, mar.)— Plntuburg, N. Y., 28-Dec. 10. Morey Stock (I j- Comte ft l'lceher, mgre.) — Okla- homa City, (Ikla.. 28-Dcc. 3. Myers, lrcno, Big Stock (Will B. Myers, mgr.)— Eaat Liverpool, 0., 28-Dec. 3. Myers, Will II.. Stock (81m Allen, mgr.)— Ni- agara Fills. N. Y„ 28-Dec. S. May, Vi-rim (II. A. Du Bols, mgr.)— Nllea, 0., 28-Dec. 3. Morgaltown, W. Va., B-10. Murray & MaCkey (John J. Murray, mgr-) — New Caslle, Pa., 28-Dec. 8, Du Uols 6-10. Mnson, Lillian, Stock (W. M. Vedder, mgr.)— Dodge Olty, Kin., 28-Dec. 8. Larnctl 5-10. - McDonuld Stock (deorm W. McDonald, mgr.) — Mulberry, Ark,, 28-30. Alma Dec 1-3, Sallliaw, I ml. Tor., 6-10. Melville Dramatic (M. Melville, mgr.) — Green- ville. Ark., 28-Dcc 3. Mack ft Armour Comedians (Chas. Drew Mack, mjtr. )— Hancock, Mich., 28-Dec S. Mnttlce Stock (W. B. Matttoe, mgr.)— Montour Fills. N. V.. 28-Dec. 3. Phelpa 8-10. Mnlin-Magnitli (Job. A. Magratb. bus. mgr.) — Tacoma. Wash., 28-Dec. 3, Wllkeson B-10. Manners Htock (Harry Manners, mgr.) — Stockton, Kan.. 28-80, Belolt Dec. 1-3, Minneapolis B-10. Mortimer. Charles (F. F. Keith, mgr.)— Emlenton, Pa., 28-Dec. 3, New Bethlehem B-10. Murray. W. S. (Arthur Bsruey, mgr.)— Ludlow, Vt, Dec. 1-3, Springfield 6-7, Keene, N. II. , 8- 10. "Marriage of Kitty" (Julen Mnrry, mgr.)— Wlcbl- U, Kan., 30. Wlnflcld Dec. 1, Albuquerque, N. Mex 11 "Mrs. \Vliss of the Csbbaje Pitch" (Llebler ft Co., mgra.)— N. Y. City 28. iiidcUulle. "Mummy nnd tbe Unumlng BlM" (Jules Milrry, mgr.) — Skult Stc. Mirle, Mich., 30, Marquette Dec. 1, Calumet 2. Hancock 8. "Maod Muller" (L. 1». Blondell. mgr.)— Blllra- vllle, Pa.. 80, New Kensington Dec. 1, Vinder- grift 2, Connellaullc 3, MeyersxlRle 5, Latrone n, Indians 7. "Midnight Marrlige." Forrester ft Mlttenthsl'e (Frank C. Rhodra. mgr.) — Trenton, N. J.. Dec 1-S. "Moonshiner's Daughter," Eastern (W. F. Mann, mar.) — Washington Court House, 0., 80. Lan- r liter Dec 1, new Toxlnston 2, Zineerllle a. "Moonshiner's Daughter." Western and Strainera (Frank Dodge, msjr.) — Blue Rapids. Kin., 30, Clyde Dec. 1. Kalrhury. Neb.. 2, Hinting* 3. St. Psul 5. Fulerton 7, Albion 8. Midlaon ft. - "My Wife's Family" (I. Reldeuberg, mgr.)— Fort Wune. lnd.. 28-30, Delpho*. 0., Dec 1. St. Mirra 2. Lima 3. Colo-Grove 6, Ottawa 0. North Baltimore 7, Defiance 8. Mnnnlngtnn Bowling Oreen 10. "Midnight Flyer" (Kd. Anderson, nurr.) — Sten- henvllle, O., 3ft. New Comerstown' Dee. 1. Pleas- ant City 2. Marietta X Bt. Mirys, W. Va., R,- New Martinsville (I, Snilthtlelil 7, Mannlngton 8, Weslon U, Grafton 10. "Me, Blm and I," Hurtlg ft Seaawo'i (Edwin J. Conn, mgr.)— Boston, Mass., 28-Dee. 3, Worces- ter 610. "Missouri Girl." Eastern, Fred Raymond's 'Geo. Bedee, mgr.)— Columbia, P«„ 30, York Dec. 1, Hanover 2, Frederick, Md., 3, Brunswick S, Winchester, Va., 0. llagrrstnwn, Md., 7, Mar- tlnsbnrg, W. Vn., 8.- Hancock, Md., 8. rrost- ljurg 10. "Mlssmirl Girl." Western. Fred Raymond's (Harry S. limping, mgr.) — Bedford, lnd.. 30, Hloomlnrton Dec. I, Spencer 2. BlcomOeld 3, Linton 5, Olney, 111., «, Shelburn, lnd., 7, Vlncennes g. Henderson. Kr., 9, Cerml. III., 10. "More to be Pitied Thin Boomed;" Charles E. Blaney's— Philadelphia, Pa.. 28-Dec. 3. "Mlssourlans" (L. M. Ooodstadf, mgr.) — Pitta- bars, P».. 28-Dec. 3. N. Y. City 6-10. "McFadden's Flats," Eaatern, Ons Hill's (Charles K. Barton, mgr.) — Detroit, Mich., 28-Dec. .1, Chicago. HI., 4-10. "Minister's Daughters" — Syracuse, N. Y., Dec A-7, llDChester 8-10. "Mags*a Landing," Leroy J. French's— Atchison, Kan., 30. H . Kelll, Janes (Edwin II. Nelll, mgr. )— Seattle, Wash., 28-Dec. 81. North Brothers' Comedians, Western (Freak C. Carter, nurr.) — Gainesville, Tex., 28-Dec 3, Ardmore, lnd., 6-10. Neville, Margaret (WlUtam Cndoc, mgr.l--Flnd- lay, 0., 28-Dec. 3, Marlon, lnd., 510. North Brothers' Comedians, Eaatern (R. J. Mack, mgr.) — Jacksonville, 111., 28-Dec 3, Loncoln 8-10. Natlooal Btock (Charles R. Schad. mgr-)— Pem- broke, Ont.. 28-Dec. 3. Canton, N. Y„ 5-10. Nye, Tom Franklyn — Holdenrllle, lnd. Ter., 28- Dec 8. National Stock (H. P. Clements, mgr.) — Greeley Center, Nebr., 28-30. "Ninety md Nine" (White t Ashman, mgrs.) — Hartford. Conn., 28-30, Boston, Mass.. 5-10. "New York Day by Day," T. H. Wlnnett'a^ — Syracuse, N. Y., 28-30, Rochester Dec 1'3. "No Wedding Bells for Her." Forrester ft Mlt- tenthal'a— Indianapolis. lad., 28-30, Colum- lras, (>., Dec 1-3. "Next Door," Rovers Brothers (Jos. H. Arthur, mgr.) — Beaver Falls, Pa., Dec 10. O Oicott, Chauncey (Augusta* Pltoo, mgr.)— Pltts- liiirg, Pa., 28-Dec. 3, Baltimore, Md., C-10. O'Xell, Nance (John B. Scboeffel, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28. Indefinite. "Other Olrl" (Charles Frohmin, mgr.) — Newark, N. J., 28-Dec 3, N. Y. City 6-10. "Our New Minister" (Miller ft Conyera, mgra.) — Bridgeport, Conn., 30, Northampton, Mass., Dec 1, Gardner 2. Springfield .1. Bellows Falls, Vt, r>, Brattleboro G, Cllaretnont, N. H., 7, Li- conla 8, Concord 9, Woodstock, Vt.. 10. "Over Nlumra Fills," A (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.) — Troy. N. Y., 28-30, Amsterdam Dec 1, Little Falls 2. Colioea 3, Glen Fulls 6, Schenectady 0, 7, New Haven, Conn., 8-10. "Over Niagara Falls." B (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs,)— Tama, In., 30, Belle Plalne Dec 1, Marengo 2, Iowa City 3r Mollne, III., 4, Erie 6, Sterling G, Amboy 7. "Over Niagara Falls," (Rowland ft Clifford, mgra.) — Los Angeles, Cal., 27-Dec 8, Bakers- field 4. "One Night In Jane" (Henry B. Marks, mgr.)— Altoona, Pa., Dec. 3. "On tbe Bridge it Midnight," Eaatern (Frank nazzolo, mar.) — Newark, N. J., 28-Dec. 3, Reading. Pi., 6-7, Morrlstown, N. J.. 8, Pater- son 9. 10. "On the Bridge nt Midnight." Western (Frank ilamolo, mgr.) — Leavenworth, Kan. (Soldiers' Home), SO, loll Dec. 1. Pittsburg 2. Chanute .1. Webb City. Mi. 4. Carthage .>. Sprlng8eM n.' Joplln 7. Nevada 8, Atchison, Kan., 9, Chit- llcothe, Mo-, 10. "Old Arkensaw," Fred Raymond's (Merle H. Norton, mgr.)— Warren, lnd., 30, Portland Dec. 1. Albany 2, Hartford City. 3. Alblan 6, Gar- rett 0. Auburn 7, Decatur 8, Van Wert, O.. 9, nolpbm 10. "Only a Shop Olrl." Lottie Williams (H. H. Wlnchell, up.)- Terre Haute, lnd., 29. 30. "Out of the Fold" (Henry B. Marks, roar.) — Mo- berly. Mo., 20. Macon 30. Ottamwa, )a„ Dec. 1. Burlington 2, Peoria, HI., 3, Jollet 4, Aurora 6, K1l'I:i 0. "On the Suwanee River" (Stair ft Nlcolal. mgrs.) — Saginaw. Mich.. 27-30. Hamilton, Ont., Dec. 2. 3, Bualo. N. Y , 6-10. "Other People's Money" (M. A. Moseley, mgr.)— Dillon, On., 30. P Perkins, Walter E. (Claxton Wllstach, tagr.)— Meudellle, Pi., 30. Wnrren, Dec. 1, Frunklln 2. OH City n; Hist Liverpool, O., 5, Sharon n. New Castle 7, Youngstown, O., 8, Mansfield 10. Patton, W. B. (J. M. Stout, mgr.)— Austin, Tex., SO. La Orange Dec 2, Caere 6, Brenbam 7. Pavton. Corse. 8tock (Dsvld J. Rnmuxe. mirr.)— Saratoga. N. Y.. 28-Dec 8. Oloveravllle B-10. Pav(on, Corse. Comedy (A. O. Bonney, mgr.) — New London, Conn., 28-Dec 8, North Adams, Mass., 6-10. _ ^ Psvton SUtere (Col. Frank Robinson, mar.)— Durant. Miss., 28-30. Utlca Dec 1-S, Brook- haven 5-7. Crystal Springs 8-10. Talge. Mabel (nenry F. Wlllard ft Co.. mgrs.)— AuguaU, Ob., 28-Dec 8, Anderson, 8. C 6- Phelan's. E. V., Stock (Ralph A. Ward, mRT.)— Reading, Pa.. 28-Dec S. Parks, a W., Stock— Fltigerald, Ga., 28-Dec. 3, Jacksonville. Fli.. 6-10.- • Powell-Portello, Eastern (Halton Powell, mgr.) — Green Bay. Wis:, 27-Dec. S, Oahkosh 4-10. Powell-Portello, Western (Halton Powell, mgr.) — Rockford, N. Oik.. 80, Dec. 1. • Powers Comedians (John T. Powers, rnrr. ) — Silt Lake Clly, V.. 28-Dec. 3, Ogden 5-10. Prlngle, Johnnie, Comedy Ideals— V Ictorla, B. C 28-Dec. 24. "Peiidler," Sam Thorne — Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (Fred Block, mgr. )— Uulontown, Pa., SO. Morgantown. W. Va., Dec 1, Grafton 2, Clarksburg 8, Marietta, 0„ 5, Pirkeraliurg, W. Vs., 0. Nelsonvllle. O., 7, Zinesvllle 8. "Price of Honor" (D. L. Sutherland, mgr.) — Ot- tiwi. III., 30. Btoomlngtou Dec 1, Logans- port. ln(L. 2. Elwood 8. "Parish Priest" (Wm. H. O'Neil, mgr.)— Liw- re((ce, Msas.. 28-30, Lowell Dec. 1, 2, Exeter, N. H.. 0, Keene 0, Bellows Fills, Vt.. I, Brockton, Mass.. 8. ..„.,, , . "Peck and His Mothcr-ln-I.aw"— Marlon, lnd., 30. Anderson Dec. X _ '__ _ "Paris by Night''— St. Uuls, Mo.. 27-Dec. 3. Chicago, III.. 410. a "Queen of the Highway" (W. McGowan, mgr.) — Dayton. 0.. 28-30. Plqus Dec 1, Urbaua 2, Union City. lnd., 3, Columbus, 0., 6-7, Indian- "Qulncy Adams Rawycr." Central (W. O. Snell- Ing. mgr.)— Wlnaton-Salem, N. 0., SO, Char- lotte Dec. 1. Greensboro 2, Durham 3. Raleigh ' 6. Wilmington 0, Sumter. 8. O, 7, Columbia 8, Charleston 9. Savannah, Gi.. 10. "Qulucy Adiraa Sawyer." Western (Frank M. Morgan, mgr. 1— Fort Dodge, li.. 80, Cherokee Dec 1. Le Mirs 2, Sloax City 3, Norfolk. Neb.. 6. Columbus 0, Council Bluffs, Is., 7. "Queen of tbe Whlto Slaves." Eastern (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Wheeling, W. Va., 28-30. Bha- ron, Pa., Dec 1. Youngstown, O.. 2, Asbtabuli 3. Oreauvllle. Pi.. 5. New Castle 8. Beaver Falls 7, Canton, O,. 8, MasstUoo 9, Msnstleld 10. "Queen of the White Slaves." Western (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wis., 27-Dec. U, Akron, 0.. 6-7. Kvle. Pa., 8-10. ■ Russell, Annie (Charles Frohraan. mgr.)— Spring- field. Maiw., 30. New Haven, Conn., Dec. 2. N. Y. City 5, Indrftalte. Rehan. Ads (Sim S. Sbuhert, mgr.)— Utlca. N. Y.. 30. Syrinse De\ 1. Rochester 2. 3, BnlTato 6-7, Detroit, Mich.. 8-10. Rocers Brothers (Klaw ft Erlangcr, mgrs.) — Brooklyn, N. Y., 24-Dee. 3. N. V. City B-10. Retenc (Llebler ft Ov., mgrs.)— N. Y. Clly 28- Dec. 3, Chlesgcc III.. 6-17. Itobson, Kleinor (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.)— London, Kog.. 28-Dec. 7. Roberts, Florence (Fred Belasco, mgr.) — 8ilt Like City. II.. 28-Dec 3. Rav*, John and Emma (Stair ft Nlcolil, mgra,) — Jersey Oitv, N. J.. 28-Dee. 3, Newark- n-10.- Ruuell. Louis J. (Felix Blel, orr.)— Grsntllle, N.-Y.. SO, Fort Plain Dec 1. Onrttfa 2, Cbrt- lind 3, RoMuefaihna, Pa., 5, Laniford 7, Resil- ing 8i Nantfeoke l». Relln, Freilerlc (Aliuott ft Herorl, mgrs.)— 1> Queen. Ark.. Dec. I, Texsrkshi 2, Plttshnrg, Tnr., 8, Marshall (I. Rualon, Li., 0. Monroe 7, Opelmtss* 8, Franklin 9. Patterson 10. Ross ami Fenton — N. Y. Clly 6-10. Rvnn. Daniel— LAwell. Mass., 28-Dee, 3. - Roberta, Genrwle (Morrow ft Arnold, mgrs.) — Oaletnn. Pa., 28-30. Austin Dec 1-3, Brock- wiyrllle 6-7, Fills Creek 8-10. Roe Stock (C. 1. W. Roe, mgr.)— PIttsfleld, • Mass.. 28-Dec 3, _ Rober, Katherlne, Stock— Blnghamton, X. Y.. 28- Dec 3. „ Rice's Stock (W. S. Bates, mgr.)— Bath, Me., 28- Dec. 3. Ruble' Theatre (C. S. Knble. mgr.)— Frankfort. Kin., Dec. 1-.1. Concordia 6-7,- Downs 8-10. Record Stock (J. Willice Clinton, mgr.) — Srceth- port, u., 28-30, Wilcox Dec 1-3. Ranee's Own (Frank Ranee, mgr.) — Cashing, Wis., 27-30. Royal Comiques (Mix Zimmerman, mgr.) — Carl- ton, Minn., 30- Dec 1. Runkel. Corlone, Stock (H. K. Hexter, mgr.) — Ltnclng, Mich., 28-Dec. 3. Port Heron 6-10. "Running for Office," George M. Cohin's — Ro- chester, N. Y.. 28-30, Sjracuae Dec 1-3, Phila- delphia, Pi.. 5-10. "Runaway Mitch," Clint ind Bessie Bobbins (Chase ft Lister, mgrs.) — Preacott, Ark., 30, Fredonli, Kan., Dec 6, CoSejvllle 6, Inde- pendence 7. "Romance of Coon Hollow" (A. C Allen, mgr.) — Clartsvllle. la.. 30, Fairmont. Minn., Dec. 1, Pipestone 2, Madison 3, Sioux Falls, 8. Dak., 4. Flandreau G, Dell Baplds 0. Elk Point 7. Yankton 8. Vermilion 9. Sioux City. la., 10. "Royal Slave," Northern, Gordon ft Bennett's (Teddy Thomas, mgr.) — Princeton. Wis., 30, Rlpoa Dec. 1, Stevens Point 2, Marahfield 3. Grind Rapids 5, Artlgo 0, Merrill 7. Wiusiu 8, Dubuque. la., 10. "Royal 81ive," Southern, Gordon ft Bennett's (H. M. Blickaller, mgr.)— Lebanon. O., 29, Union City, lnd., 30, Alexandria Dec 1, Marloo 2. Anderson 3, Richmond 6, I.lmi, O., 8, Marlon 9, Cam) Dover 10. "Race for Life," Sullivan, Barrls ft Woods' (Leon Victor, mgr.)— Newark, N. J.. 28-Dec 3, Brooklyn, N. Y.. 5-10. "Rachel Goldstein." Sullvan. Harris ft Woods' (.Tames H. Rhodes, mgr.) — Butler, Pa., 28, Vnndergrirt 29. Rochester 30, Salem, 0., Dec 1, Sharon, Pa., 2, Beaver Falls 3, Youngs- town. O., 6, Canton 6. "Rabbit's Foot" (Pat Chappelle. mgr.)— Greens- boro, Ga., 30, Washington Dec. 1, Sparta 2, Mllledgerllle 3. Macon 4, Hawklnsvllle 6. Dub- lin 0, Wrlghtville 7. Louvile 8, Samjersville 9, Augusta 10. S Sntbern, E. H., and Jnlla Marlowe (Charles Froh- man, mgr.) — Boston, Msas., 28-Dec. 24. Skinner, Otis (Joseph J. Buckley, mgr.) Bos- ton, Mass.. 28-Dec. 3, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 6-10. Shea. Thomas E. (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgra.) —Camden, N. J., 28-Dec. Z, Wilmington, Del.', fi-10. Stuart, Ralph (Edward Thurnauer, mgr.) — Du- huqne, In.. 30. Sidney, George (Stair ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)— Kansas City. Mo.. 27-Dec 3. Snow, Mortimer, Htock— Troy, N. Y.. 28, Indefi- nite. Summers Stock (W. B. Sherman, mgr.)— Bran- don, Man., Can., 28-Dec 4, Beglna, N. W. T., 0-11. Stanley's Metropolitan Stock (Win. Stamford, mgr.)— Maysville, Ky., 28-30, Lexington, Dec Swain, Mack, Theatre— Rawlins, Wyo., 28-30, Rock Springs Dec 1-3. Evanston R-IO. Stlllwell Comedy (Harry Stlllwell, mgr.)— Win- tbrop, Me., 28-30. Kteelsmlthn, Tbe (C. M. RteeUmlth. mgr.)— Marissa, 111., 28-Dec :i. ColllosvUle 6-10. "Sky Farm" (S. T. King, mgT.) — Providence, R. I. Dec 6-10. "Secret of PaJIcbioetle" (James K. Hackett, mgr,) — Providence, B. I., 28-80, Worcester. Mass.. Dec. 1, Springfield. Mass., 2, New Ha- ves. Conn., 3, Newark, N. J., 6-10.. "Shore Acres" (William B. Gross, mgr.) — Boise. Ida.. 30, Pendleton, Ore., Dec. 1, Walla Wal- la, Wash.. 2. North Yakima 3. Seattle 6-7. "Sweet Clover" (Victor H. Schafer. auy,)- Kansas City, Mo.. 27-Dec 3, St. Ixmls 4-10. "Shadows of a Great City" (O. B. Jefferson, mgr.) — Columbus. O., 28-30. "Sign of tbe Cross," No. I (R. G. Craerln, mgr.) — Ixmlsvllle, Ky., 27-Dec. 3. Terre Haute. Ind.. 6. Decatur. 111., 0, Bloomlngton 7, Peoria 8, Galesbtirg 9, Qulncy 10. "Sign of the Cross." Western (Fred Berger.Jr., mgr.) — Decorab, la., Dec 1, Charles City 2. Mason City 3. Albert Lei, Minn., S, Red Wing 0, Rochester 7, Owitonni 8, Mankito 9, Fari- bault 10. "Sherlock Holmes" (Bothner ft Campbell, mgra.) — Charlotte, N. C, 80, Columbia. S. C. Dec 1, Augusta, fla., 2, Charleston, S. C, 3. "Slnhad," Qua Hill's (Thomas R. Henry, mgr.) —Toledo, 0.. 27-30. Grand Rapids, Mich., Dec. 1-3, Rochester, N. Y.. 6-7. Syracuse 8-10. ' "Struggle for Gold" • (Joseph Martlno. mgr.) — Montreal, Can., 28-Dec 3, Manchester, N. II., 6-7. "Slaves of the Mine" (L. J. Slerln, mgr.)— Barnesvllle, O.. 30, Wbeeltng, W. Va., Dee. 1- 3. Mannlngton 6, Fairmont 0, Weston 7, Clarks- burg 8, Belle Vernon. Pi., 0, Monessen 10. "Sunerba" (Wm. ft Edward Hanlon. mgrs.) — Washington, D. C, 28-Dec. 3, Baltimore, Md., 6-10. "Stain of Guilt" (Havlln ft Garen. mgrs.)— Brooklyn, K. Y.. 28-Dec. 3. "Sign of tbe Four." W. A. Edwards — Columbus. O.. 28-30, Chicago. 111.. 4-10.. . "Siberia." Brsdy ft ilrlsmei's — Johnstown, Pa., HO, Altocna D«, 1, Lancaster 2. Hirrlsburg 3. "Secrets of the Subway"— N. Y. City 28-Dec 3. "SI Stebblns" (Dan Dsrlelgh ft Bob Mick, mgra.) — Huntington, W. Vs.. Dec 8. Charleston 5. Point Pleasant 7, St. Marys 8, Blsterrllle 9, Weliaburg 10. "Shadow on the Heart'i" (Arthur O. Alston, mgr.) Troy, N. Y„ Dec 2, 3, Hamilton, Can., 8, 9. "Strange Adventures of Amos Skeeter" (Robert Grntt. mgr.) — Slatlngton, Pa., 28, Boston 29, Bethlehem 30. "Span of Life" (Lewis Donsxetti, mgr.) — Cincin- nati, 0., 4-10. T Yanguiy, Era (F. M. Norcross, mgr.) — Winona, Minn., Dec 1, La Crosse. Wis.. 2, Eau Claire 8, St. Paul, Mlun., 4-7, Minneapolis 8-10, Appleton, Wis., 11. Thurston, Adelaide (Claxton Wllstach, mgr.) — Philadelphia, Pa., 28-Dec 3, Norrlstown 5, I.ebenon 0, Lancaster 7, York 8, Wllllamaport 10. Turopp, Clara (Shaw ft Flelaher, mgrs.) — Wood- Htock, 111.. 29. Dlxoh 30, SterllngDec. 1. Mor- rltcu 2, Clinton, la., 3. Rock Island, ill., 6. Mollne 0, Muscatine, la., 7. Cedar Rapids 8, FilrOcld 0, Burlington 10, Fort Madison 11. Turner, Olara (Ira W. Jacksou, mgr.) — Augusta. Me., 28-Dec' 3. Taylor Stock (Albert Taylor, mgr.) — Texarkana, Ark., 28-Dec. 3, Mount Pleasant. Tex., 6-8, Snlpbnr Springs 7. 8, Wlnnshoro 9. 10. Thurber-Nasher— Newport, It. I., 28-Dec 3, Fall River. Mass.. 5-10. Thorne Dramatic (Frank A. Thorne, mgr.) — Flab- kill, N. Y.. 28-Dcc. 3. "Two Orphans" (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.) — Kansas City, Mo.. 28-30, St Joseph Dec. )., Omaha, Nebr., 2, S, Minneapolis, Minn., 6-7, St. Piul 8-10. 'Two Little Wilfs." A, Lincoln J. Carter's (J. L. Bafonl, mgr.)— Nashville. Tenn., 28-Dec. 3, At- lanta. Ga., 5-10. "Two Little Waifs." B, Lincoln J. Carter's (C. Arthur Alston, mgr.) — BikersBeld, Cal-. 80, Hunford Dec. 1, Fresno 2, Stockton 3, San Jose 4, Santa Clara 6, Montgomery 8, Haywood 10, Woodlund 14. 'Too Proud to Beg," Lincoln J. Carter's (Fred- eric Klmbnl, mgr.) — Springfield, Mass.. Dec. 1- 3, New Britain, Conn., 6. 0, Hartford 7, Bridge- port 0. 10. "TUelma" (Spclden ft Van Cook, mgrs.) — Ish- pcmlng. Mich.. 30. Negnunee Dec. 1, Gladstone 2, F.srsnaba 4. MsnlMlque 6, Bault Ste. Marie (I, Sanlt Ste. Marie, Can.. 7, St. Ignice, Mlcb., 8. Petoskvy 9, Boy City 10. Saglnsw 12. "Tilly Olson," Gertrude 8wtggett — Syracuse. N. Y.. 2S-.10, Rochester Dec. 1-3, Cleveland, 0., 6- 10. "To Die it Diwn" (E. Laurence Lee, mgr.) — Burlington, la., SO. "Two Little Sillor Boys" (George H. Brennsn, nurr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y-, 28-Dec. 3, Jersey City, N. J.. 810. "Trscktsl Around the World" (A. H. Woods, i.icr.)— N. Y. City 28-Dec. 3. Baltimore, Md.. C-10. • " . "Texis Steer" (M. Rice, mgr.) — Colorado Springs, Colo.. 30. Denver Dcf. 1-3. Central- City 4, lireeley 6, North PUtte. Nebr., 7, Kearney 8. Hastings 9. Orlnd Islind. 10. ; "Tw.'> Johns" (a; O. Allen, mgr. J— St. Johus. Mich.. 80, Ovrosso Dec I, Flint 3, Port Huron .1. Saginaw 4-7. Wlncbester 30. Bradford. 0.. Dec 1, Own- vine 2, Rlchraoud.lnd., 3, Ellon. O.. 6. , Nevr Castle, Ind.. 6. Hsgeritown 7, Brookvllle 8, St. Paris. 0'., 10. • "Town Oracvr" (Edwin F. Wentwortb, mgr.)— Chsrlerol, Pa,. Dec. 1. Monongsbela 2. "TWdic-Det Wlnk,s"— Onebec Can.. 28-30- "Trolley Party" (Tinder ft Co.. ■f"-)- ;««""• doah, Pa.. 30. York Dec 1. Mlddletown 2. Cbamb>rsborg 5, Ma.-tlnsburg, W. \0., 0. Alex- andria. Va.. 7. Winchester 8, Bedford City 9, Blackstone 10. ■ "Tried tor lief. Life" jtf. H. Hoot, mgr.l— Vincennen, Ind.. 30. Olney. III.. Dec. 1. Pirns 2. Pekln 4, Clinton 5, Mittnon 0, KBIngham 7. Decatur 9. Pans 10. 'Ten Nights In a list Rnom" (Mitchell ft Law- mail, mgrs.)— Decatur, lnd., 2s, Dunkirk 20, "Under Soothers 8kles." Eastern (Harry Doe! Parker, mgr.) — Galveston. Tex., 30-Dec. 1. "fader Southern Skies." Western (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.)— Springfield. 0„ 30. "Under Southern Skte»." Central (Harry Doel Parker, mgr.) — Salisbury. Mo., 30. "I'ncle Tom's Cabin," Al. W. Martin's (Ed. S. Martin, mgr.)— Dunkirk. N. Y.. 30. Hornells- vllle Dec. 2, Pltutou. Pi., 3, Brooklyn, N. Y., 5*10 "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Stetson's. Central (L. W. Washburn, mgr.)— Wellsbcro, Pa., Dec 1, Lock Haven 2, Bennefonte 3. .J. "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Stetson's, Northern (Chas. Gerlech, mgr.) — Golden, Colo., SO, Windsor Pec. 1, Fort Collins 2, Greeley 3, Cripple 5, Victor 0, Pueblo 7. La Mar 8, Las Anlmss 9. "Unwritten Law" (VSdward Mordant, mgr.) — MWdlctown. Conn.. 30, New Hiven Dec. 1-3, Hobokcn. N. J.. 8-11. 'Uncle Josh Perkins" (Frexee ft Biy, mgrs.) — Peoria, HI.. Dec. 4. . _. • "Uncle He*" (Frank Adams, mgr.) — Chicago, O., 28, Kenton 29. Upper Sandusky 30, Lima Dec 1, Van Wert 2, Fort Wayne, Ind., 3, Jack- son, Mich., 10. "Uncle Josh Sprnceby" (T. P. Donohne, mgr.) — Oxford, Miss.. 30, Water Valley Dec 1, Sir- dls 2, Senatobta 3. "Uncle Si Hasklns" (C. S. Primrose mgr.) — Oco- nomowoc, Wlc, Dec S-10. V Vinton. Dirrell— Brooklyn, ft Y.. 28-Dec 3. Vin Dyke ft Enton (F. M^ack. mgr.) — Paducab, Ky., 28-Dec 3, Henderson 5-10. Vernon Stock (Benj. B. Vernon, mgr.) — Auburn, N. Y., 28-Dec 3. Penn Ysn 5-10. "Vlrglnla,n," DtraUn Farnum (Kirke I* Shelle, mgr.) — Selms, Ala., Dec 1. "Vivian's Pipas," Blanche Ring (F. E. McKay ft Stewart Mthgow, mgrs.) — Indianapolis, lnd., 30, Toledo, O., Dec 1, 2, Jackson, Mich., 3, Detroit D-7. Buffalo, N. Y., 8-10. "Vllllge Poitmaster" (Frank G. Cotter, mgr.)— Fond du Lac, Wis., 30, Keenau Dec. 1, Port Washington 2, Racine 3, Kenosha 4, Belvldere 6, Belolt 0. "Volunteer Organist" (Harry Martell, mgr.)— Newark. N. J., 28-Dec. 3, N. Y. City 6-10. "Vacant Chair," Forrester ft Mlttenihal's— N. Y. City 28-Dec. 3, Newark, N. J.. 5-10. W Walsh. Blanche (Wagenhals ft Kemper, mgrs.) — Fort Wayne. Ind., 30, Marlon Dec 1, Mans- field, 0., 2. Toledo 3. Chicago, III.,. 6-24. Wyndbam, Charles (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — N. Y. City 2S. Indefinite. Warde, Frederick, and Katbryn Kidder (Wagen- hils 4 Kemper, mgrs.) — Houston, Ter., 30, San Antonio IH-c. 1. Austin 2, Corslcans 3, Fort Worth 6, Dallas 6, 7, Greenville 8, Sbreveport, Li.. 9. Wnlnwrlght, Mnrie (Jules Murry, mgr.) — Jollet, III., 30. Aurora Dec. 1, Streittor 2. Rockford 3. Wardeld, David (David Belasco, mgr.) — N. Y. 28. Indefinite. Wilson. Al. H. (Yile ft Ellis., mgrs.)— Grand Hapida. Mlcb.. 27-30, Toledo. O., Dec. 1-3, Buf- falo, n. y.. r.-io. Welch. Joseph (Dlngwell & Nncolal. mgrS.) — Washington, D. C, 28-Dec. 3. Philadelphia, Pa., 6-10. Wills, Nat M. (Broadhurst ft Carrie, nigra.)— Marlon. Ind., Dec. 3. Word ft Vokes (Stair * Nlcolal, mera.) — Chicago, III.; 27-Dcc. 3, Grand Rapids. Mich., 4-7, Jack- son 9. . Walker Whiteside— Mlnneni>oll9, Minn., 27-30, St. Paul Dec. 1-S. Williams ft Walker murtlg ft Scamon, mgrs.) — Denver. Colo.. 27-30. Wood. Fannie (lister ft Davis, mgr.) — Berlin, N. 11,. 28-Dec. 3. Wright, Frederic E. lAult-Belganle Amusement Co., mgrs.)— South Norwalk, Conn.. 28-Dec 3, Stamford ' 6-10. Whyte Dramatic (Charles P. Whyte, mgr.)— Van Bnren,' Ark.. 28-Dvc. 3. Fort Smith 6-10. Wiedemann's Big Stoca (J. R. George, bos, mgr.) — Sesttle, Wash.. 28. Indefinite. Wilson Theatre (K, 0. Wilson, mrr.)— St. James. Minn.. 28-Dec. 3. Wlunelxigo City 5-10. Wilson-Waterman Sincx (Will R. WUson. mgr.) — Houston, Tex., 28, Indefinite. Wilson-Waterman Stock (Clmnle T. Prescott, mgr.) — Dallas; Tex.. 28, indefinite. " "Way Down EoBt." Central, Wm. A. Brady's — Chicago, 111.. 27-Dec 3. " 'Way Down East." Kistern, Wm. A. Brady's — Ithaca. N. Y.. 30, Cortland Dec. 1, Utlca 2. 3. •' 'Way Down East." Western. Wm. A. Brady's — Ashland. Wis., 30, Superior Dec. 1, Dulutb, Minn.. 2. 3. "Wedded and Parted,"' Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' — Buffalo, N. Y.. 28-Dcc. 8. Toronto, Can.. 5- 10. "Working Girl's Wrongs" (noward Wall, mgr.) — Baltimore, Md.. 28-Dec. 3. "White Tigress of Japan," Wm. T. Keogb's (A. C. Abbott, bus. m?:.)— Chicago, 111., 27-Dec. 10. "Wife In Name Only" (Garland Gaden. mgr.) — Oakaloosa. la., 80, Maral'nlltown Dec 1. Cedar Falls 2, Waterloo 3, Rock Island, III., 4, Iowa City, la.. G, Cedar P.apldi 7, Waverly 8, Oel- weln 0, Fort Dodgo 10. "Why Women Sin," Western. M. W. Taylor's (J. B. Murray, mgr.) — Slirevoport, La., 27, Alex- siidrla 28, New Ib.-ria 29, Crowlev 30. Lake Charles Dec. 1. Beaumont 2, Soar Lake 3. Gal- veston 4, Houston 5. San Antonla 6, Temple 7, Beltou 8, Taylor 9. Brehom 10. "Wlfh'a Secret" (Silencer ft Aborn. mgrs.) — Philadelphia, Pa.. 28-Dec. S, Wllmlogton, Del., 5-7, Trenton, N. J., 8-10. "Wedded, But No Wife." Selma Herman (W. J. Fielding, mgr.)— St. rani, Minn., 27-Dec 3, Mlnneunolls 4-10. "Waif of the Sierras'' (C. B. Whitney, mgr.) — I'ocomoke City. Mil., 2S. Crlsfleld 20, Salisbury 20, Berlin Dec 1. Laurel, Del.. 3. Seaford 5, Cambridge. Md.. 6. F.aetoa 7, Dover, Del., 8, Newark 0, Elkton, Md.. 10. "Why Girls Leave Home" (Vance ft Snlltvan, mgrs.)— Philadelphia. Pa., 28-Dec. 3. Hoboken, N. J., 4-7, Camden 8-10. "Wayward Son" (J. Hnrwood Springer, mgr.) — Brooklyn. N. Y., B-10. "What Women Will Do" (H. M. Bolden, mgr.)— Toledo, O., 27-30. "Wheel House" (A. J. Davenport, mgr.) — Fair- field. 111.. 80 "When Women Love," Eastern (Frank W. Nason, mgr.) — Haverstraw, N. Y.. SO. Saffern Dec 1. Goeheu 2, Port Jervls 3, Ellenvllle 5, Flshklll 0. SaugerUes 7, Cat* kill 8, Kingston 9, New- burgh 10. "When Women Love," Western (Frank W. Nason, mgr.) — St. Louis, Mo., 27-Dec. 8. "Was She to Blame?" No. 1 (Jed Csrlton. mgr.) — Blalrstown, la.. 80. Brooklyn Dec. 1, Deep River 2. What Cheer 3. Montexamn 5, Knox- vllle 0, Pratrlc City 7, Monroe 8, Pella 9, Ed- dyvlllo 10. "Was 8be to Blame!" No. 2 (E. L. Paul, mgr.) — 1-eabody. Kan., 30, Strong City Dec 1, Hert- ford 2. Burlington S. "Who's Brown?" (Morris ft Hall, mgrs.) — Port- Isnd, Ore., 28-Dec. 8. "When the Bell Tults" (J. H. Maur, mgr.)— Wellston. O.. 28, Jncteon 20, Chllllcothe 30. Sahlne Dec. 1. Wilmington 2. Lebanon 3. Plo.ua G. Fort Wayne, Ind., 8, Hartford Clly 9, Muncle 10. " 'Way Ont West" (Charles 0. Meyers, mgr.)— Ksthervllle, Is., 28, Spirit Lake 2ft. Spencer 30. ■ Woman's Struggle" (N. L. Jelankn, mgr.) — N. Y. City Dec. 510. Y "Yon Yonson" (E. V. Olroux. mgr.) — Helena, Mont.. 30, Missoula Dec. 1, Wallace, Ida.. 2, Colfnx. Wash.. 3. Spokane 4-0. "Yolir Neighbor's Wife" (J. T. McGovern. mgr.) — Shiikopec, Minn.. 28, Anoki 29, St. Cloud .10, Buffalo Dec. 1. Delano 2, Howard Lake 3. Litch- field 6, Willmar G. "Yonngcf Brothers" (A. A. Jack, mgr.) — Bluff- inn. O., 30, Sandusky Dec. 1, Bellevue 2, Tort Clinton 8. ■• »•* MUSICAL. Black PattI Trooblilours (Voetekel ft Nolan, ingrsl) — Colfax. Wash., .10. Spokane Dee. 1-3, Seattle 4-10, Taeorai 11, Port Townsend. Oie.. 12. Victoria. B. P.. 13. Vancouver 14. "Italics In Tnylnnd." No. 1 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgrs.) — Bloomlngton, 111., 30, Decatur Dec. t, Springfield 2, 3. "Raroaess Fiddlesticks" (McDonald ft Sullivan, uvgrs.j— N. Y. City 28, Indefinite. "Babes In Toylsnd," No. 2 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgra.) — Memphis, Tenn., Dec 2, 3, Piducih, Ky.. 0. "Burgomaster" (W. W. Tlllotson, gen. mgr.) — Chattanooga. Ten., Dec 2. . CastkMon Opera (E. Drexel Castleton, mrr.)— Marietta. (>., 29, Athens 30, Zaneavllle Dec. 1. Canton 2, Cinil Dover 3, Misslllon 6, Scott- dale, Pa., 0, Unlonlown 7, Piedmont, W. Va., 8. Canadian Jubilee Singers (W. T. Cary, mgr.) Coboconk, Con., 30, Klrkfield Dec. 1, Stonffville 2. Button 3, 4, Mount Albert 5, Markham e Whitby 7. Pickering 8. Canadian Colored Concert (Will lam Carter, mgr.) — Coudersport. Ps., 30, Hirrlson Villey Dec 1, Knoxvllle 2. Westfield 3. 4. Nelson 6, Law- rencevllle 0, Tioga 7, Mansfield 8. "Chinese Honeymoon," Eastern (Sam 8. Sbubert mgr.) — Clinton, Mass., 30. Brockton Dec l' Taunton 2, Woonsocket, R. I., 3, New Lonl don. Conn., 5, Norwich 6, Mlddletown 7. New Britain 8, Merlden 9, New Haven 10. "Chinese Honeymoon," Western (Sam 8. Shubert mgr.) — Sin Jose, CiL, 30, Stockton Dec. 1 Los Angeles 4-7, Riverside 8. Fresno 9, Sacramento 10. San Francisco 11-17. "Clngslpe" (Daniel Frohmin, mgr.) — Chicago 111., 28. Indefinite. "Cupid ft Co." (J. Fred. Zimmermen Jr.. mrr ) —Montreal. Can.. 28-Dec. 3. "China Doll" (S. Gooilfrlcnd, bos. mgr.) N Y City 28-Dec IT. Daniels, Flunk (C. B. DUllnghsm. mgr.) Mem. phis, Tenn.. 30, Dec 1. Little Rock. Ark. " Hot Springs 3, Dallas, Tex., 5, Fort Worth u' Waco 7, San Antonla 8, Houston 9, Galvestoti English Grind Opera (Henry W. Savage, mgr )— Detroit. Mich.. 28-Dec 3, Columbua. o 5-7 Indianapolis, Ind., 8-10. ' Ellery Baud— El Paso. Tex., 27-30, Demlng V Mex., Dec. 1, 2. Douglass, Arls., 3, BUbee V Tucson 5. Phoenix 0, 7. ' "Fantana," Je?ferson De Angells (8am S. ft Loe Shubert, mgre.) — Chicago, ill., 28, Indefinite "Fortune Teller" (Milton ft Sargent Aborn, mgrs' ) Albany, N..Y., 29-Dcc 3. Montreal, Can., t-lb "Forbidden Land" (Dearborn Theatre Co., mgrs i —Peoria, III.. Dec 1. Bay City, Mich. 7 Grand Opera (Helnrlcb Conrled, mgr.) N V City 28 indefinite. *' Glaser, Lulu, Opera (G B. Dillingham, mgr )— Chlcngo. III., 28-D3C 3. ^ ' "Glittering Gloria." Dorothy Milton (Fisher ft Ryley, mgrs.)— Denver, Colo., 28-Dec 3. "Girl from Dixie" (George A. Klngxburv, m gr i —Cincinnati, O., 28-Dec 3, Lexington Kv ?' Cb 5 rle kff°!?' w -, Vs.. 0, Covington 7, Lynch- hnr:: 8. Richmond 9, Norfolk 10. Hopper. De Wolf (Sam S. Shubert. mrr )_ N. V. City 28-Dec 3. New Haven, CoSu.. 5. Merlden (!. Hartford 7. Springfield, Mass K North Adams fl, Glens Falls, N. Y., 10. ' Irmn Opera (J. P. Wbeadon, mgr.) — Brltt. Wis 30, Forest City Dec 1, Armstrong 2. Estber- vllle 3. Milfard 6, .Spencer u. Hartley 7 West Bend 8, Iowa Falls 9, Hampton 10 "Isle of Spice" (C. B. Whlteny, mgr.)— Rrook- SS »T.W» 8. BrlugVporT ConiHTn. Waterhury 0, New Haven 7, Mlddletown S Springfield, Mass., 0. Hartford, Conn,, 10. "Jewel of Asia" (John P. Slocuni, mgr.) — Alex- andria. La., 30, Sbreveport Dec. 1, Marshall Tex.. 2. Little Rock. Ark., 3. Hot Springs S Pine Bluff ii, Helena 7, Clarksdale, Mhw.. H. (ireenwooil 0. Greenville 10. Kilties Band (T. P. J. Powers, mgr.)— London. Eng., 28, Indefinite. "King Dodo" (David Traltel, mgr.) — Montreal. Can.. 28-r>ee .3. Lnmphnne Bnnd— Amsterdam, N. Y.. 30. "Liberty Belles" (Fred Berger Jr.. mgr.) — ^To- ronto. Can., 28-Dec. 3. St. Thomas 0, LooUun •:. Hamilton 7. Kingston 8. Ottawa 8, 10. Mnntclll. Operatic, J. Saunders Gordon's (B. K. liregory. mgr.) — Belolt, Wis., 30, Appleton Dec. 1, Oslikosli 2, Wesson :i, oreen Btiy ft Marl- notle 0, Marquette, Mich., 7, Calumet 8, Han- cock fl. "Miss Bob White" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — Fort Worth 30, Hot Springs. Ark., Dec. 1. Pine Bluff 2. Memphis, Tenn.. 5, Paducnh. Ky.. 0. Evansvllle. Ind., 7. Owenslwro, Ky., 8, Madisonvllle 9, Lexington 10. "Mother Goose" (Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs.) — Pittsburg, Pa.. 28-Dec. 10. "Maid ar.d the Mummy" (Charles Marks, mgr.) — Columbus. O.. 28-Dec 3. "Mr. Wlx of Wlckham." K. E. Rice's— Philadel- phia. Pa., 28. Indefinite. Phelnu's Opera (E. V. Phelan, mgr.) — Portland, Me., 28-Dec S. "Parsifal," In English (Henry W. Savnge, mgr.) — Boston. Mass., 28-Dec. 3, Providence, R. r., 6-7, Trenton. N. J., 9, Wilmington, Del., 10. "Peggy from Paris" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Joplln. Mo.. 30, Wichita, Kan., Dec. 1, Chanute 2, Qulncy, III., 7. "Prince of Pilsen" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Baltimore, Md.. 28-Dcc 3, Wsshlngton, D. O, 6-10. "PUT. raff, Pout" (P. 0. Whitney, mgr.)— Phila- delphia, Pa.. 28-Dec. 10. "Princess Cnlc" (Frank Burrell, mgr.) — Spokane, Wash., Dec. 1-3. "Princess of Panama" (Geo. W. Gotthold, mgr.) — Anderson, lnd., Dec. 2, Marlon 3, Pittsburg, Pa.. 6-10. "Professor Nepoleon" (R. Wade Davis, mgr.) — Sandusky, O.. Dec 2-5. "Royal Chef" (Sim 8. Shubert. mgr.) — St. Jo- seph, Mo., 30. Kmsis City Dec. 1-3. Qulncy III.. 8, Burlington. Is., 9, Cedar Rapids 10. "Runaways" (Sam 8. Shubert, mgr. )— San Diego. Cat.. 30, Riverside Dec 1, Fresno 2, San Ber- nardino ii, Stockton 5, Sacramento 6, Salt Lake City. U.. 9. 10. Scheie. Fritxl (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— N. T. City 28, Isdefinite. Schumann-Helnk, Madame (F. C. Whitney, mgr.) — Boston, Mass., 28-Dec. 10. Sotisa and his Band (Frank Chrlstlaner, mgr.) — Milwaukee, Wis,, 30, Elkhart, Ind., mat., and Kalamazoo, Mich., Dec. 1. Detroit, mat, and Ann Arbor 2. Cleveland, 0., 3, N. Y. City 4, Newark, N. J.. 5. "Saltan of Sulu" (nenry W. Savage, mgr.) — Austin, Tex., Dec 1. "Sliver Slipper" (John C. Fisher, mgr.) — Hot Springs, Ark., 30. Texarkana Dec. 1, Shreve- port. La., 2. Alexandria 3. "Sho-Gun" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— N. Y. City 28. Indefinite. "San Toy" (John C. Fisher, mgr.) — Cripple Creek. Colo., 30, Victor Dec. 1, Pueblo 2, Colo- rado Springs 3. "Strollers" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — Rldg- arauy, Pa., 30, Kane Dec. 1. Olean, N. Y.. 2, Bradford, Pi., 3, Jamestown, N. Y., 6, Fro donla C, Warren, Pa., 7, Corry 8, TltuavIIle ft, Oil City 10. "Show Girl" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.) — San Fran- cisco. Cal., 27-Dec. 3. Sou Jose 5, Santa Cms u, Salinas 7, San Luis Oblapo 8, Santa Bar- bara 9, Ventura 10. "Sergeant Kitty" (George White, mgr.) — Charles- tou, S. O, 30. Dec. 1. "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" (Rosenbaum ft Nonkevllle, mgrs.)— Fall River. Mass., 28-30. 'Trip to Chinatown" (A. W. Dickerman, mgr.) — Bclefor-.talne. O., SO. Urbana Dec 1. Ottawa 2. Plqus 3, Maryavllle 5, Shawnee 6, Logan 7, Alliance 8. "Tenderfoot." No. 1 (W. W. Tlllotson. gen. mgr.) —Providence, B. I., Dec 1-3, Philadelphia. Pa., 5-10. Van Stiidillford, Grace (F. Zlegfeld Jr.. mgr.) — Washington, D- 0., 28-Dec 3, Easton, Pa.. 8. Victor's Royal, Venetian Band (8. J. Hudson, mgr.) — Jamestown. N. Y„ 30, Meadrlllr, Pa., Dec. 1. Franklin 2. Alliance. O., 3. Akron 4, Canton 6. Mansfield G, Marlon 7, Newark 8. Wills Musical Comedy (John R. Wills, mgr.)— Peeksklll, N. Y., 28-30, Stamford. Conn., Dec 1-3. "Winsome Winnie" (Sam S. Shnbert, mgr.) — Troy. N. Y.. 30. Glens Falls Dec. 1. Granville 2. Burlington. VL, 3. Manchester. N. H.. 6, Dover 0, Portsmoutu 7, Portland, Me., 8. I,e»- Islon 9. Berlin. N. II.. 10 "Woodland" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— N. V. City 28, Indefinite. "Wizard of Ox." No. 1 (naralln ft Mitchell, mgrs.) N. Y. City 28. Indefinite. "Wltard of Ox." No. 2 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgrs.) — Neenah. Wis., 30, Green Bay Dec. 1, Apple- ton 2, Oshkosh 8. "When Jolinnv Comes Marching Home," F. O. Whitney's— Detroit, Mich. 4-19. "Yankee Consul" (Henry W Savage, mgr.) — Hartford, Conn., 30, Springfield. Mass., Dec I, Worcester. 3, Boston, 3-10. .. BlltLL-Sn.lt: AND VAUDEVILLE • SHOWS. Americans (E. D. Miner, mgr. )— Providence, R. I.. 28-Dec. 3. Boston. Mias.. 6-10. . Bryant's Hsrrr C, Extrajagani* (C. H. Kenyon, inrr. I— Brooklyn, N. Y., 28-Dec 10. Blue Ribbon Girls (Jack Singer, mgr.) — Albany, N. V., 28-30. Troy Dec. 1-3. Bowery Bnrlesqnen, Hnrtlg ft Beemon's (Joe llnrtlg. ragr.l— S. Y. City 28-Dec. 3, Brook- lyn, N. Y.. 617. December 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. fc59 Bohemlaus (Thomas W. Miner, mgr.) — Sprlug- deli. Mass., 38-Dec H. Boston B-10. ^ ljou Tons (Rush 4 Weber, mars.) — Toronto, Can., 2S-Dec 3. Montreal 5-10. •■ Brigadiers (Hsrry.Msrtcll. roar.) — Newark, N. J., 28-Dec. 3, Paterson 5-10. City Spurts (Phil Sheridan, mar.) — Chicago, 111., 27-Dec. 3, lUlwsukec, Wla., 4rl0, Cracker Jocks (Hsrry Lccnl, mgr,) — St. rani, Minn.. 27-Dec 3. Chicago. IIL/Wo. Cherry Blossoms (Butler. Jacobs * Low ry. mgrs.) — X. Y. City 28-Dec a. Jersey City, N. J.73-IO. Dcvcre. Sara — Troy, X. Y„ 28-30, Albany Dee. 1- 3. Springfield. Mass.. D10. Dainty Duchess (Rush 4 Weber, tnrrs.)— Phila- delphia, !'»., 28-Dec 3, Reading 5-7, r - 810. Scraoton Deooso Broa.— McArthur, O.. 30, Dec. 1, Jack- son 2. Chlllleotbc 3. Kay Foster Burlesqners (Joseiih Oppeubelmer, rogr.) — Milwaukee. Wis., 27-Dec. 3, Minneap- olis. MJun.. 4-10. Unv Morning Glories (Scrltncr A Drew, mgrs.) — Cincinnati. ()., 27-Dec. 3, Louisville. Ky., 4-10. Gay Macquei-jJors (Joseph 11. Barnes, mgr.) — Philadelphia, l'a.. 28-Dcc 3, Baltimore. Md., 5-10. High Rollers (Woclhull 4 Waklron. mgra.)— Chicago, HI., 27-Dec. 3. Detroit, Mich.. 4-10. Uopktn's Trans Oyeaule — rittsbnrg, l'a., 23 Dec Inrin's Big Show (Fred Irwin, mgr.) — Rochester, X.. Y., ' 28-Dec 3, Toronto, Can., 0-10. Imperials (Williams 4 Burns, insrs,)— Loulsrille, Ky., 27-DSC.3, St. I.oul*. Mo.. 5-10. Innocent Maids (T. W. Dlnklss. mgr.)— New Castle. Intl., 30, Terrc Haute Dec. 1. Bratel 3, Jascovillc 5, Bedford 0, Bloomlugtos 7, Salem 8, 1'rlnecton •■>. F.vnnsvillo 10. Jolly Grass Widow* (Robert Fulton, mgr.)— Reading, Pa., 28-30, Scrauton Dec 1-3, N. Y. City 3-10. Knickerbockers (Louis Robie. mgr.) — Brooklyn, N. Y.. 28-Dcc. 3. Albany 5-7, Troy 8-10. Kentucky Belle* (WliBllen Bros., mgrs.) — Toledo, (i.. 27-Dec. 3. Ckrreland 0-10. Lafayette, the Great — Youngstown, O., 28-Dec. 3, Columbus 5-7. Lcc's, Chan. V., Vaudeville — Poeomoke City, Md., 28-Dec. 3, Smyrna, Del., 5-10. Merry Maidens (Butler. Jacobs A Lowry, mgTs.) — Kansas City, Mo., 27-Dec. 3, IndUnapotls, Ind., 5-10. Majesties (Fred Irwin, rum-.) — Montreal, Can., 28-Dec 3. Troy 6-7, Albany 8-10. Moonlight Maids (Sullivan & Kraut, men.) — N. Y. City 28-Dee. 10. Sew York Stars (John S. Raynor. rogr.) — Jersey City. N.J., 28-Dec. 3, Philadelphia. Pa.. 5-10. Xcw Biz Sensation (E. A. Shafer. mgr.) — Dayton, 0.. Dec 1*3. Anderson, Ind., 9. Orpbcum Show, Martin Beck's — Chicago, 111., 27- Dec. 3, Indianapolis, Ind., 5-10. Orpbeom Burleaquera fl<'Sel's (John W. Vogel, mgr.)— Pottstown. Ps., ;U), Alleutown Dec. 1. Reading 2, PotUvllle 3, 1 reclaad 5, Ashlaud n, Mount Carmcl 7, Sham- okln 8, Suntmry 0, Danville 10. TENT SHOWS. Canada Frank's (F. M. Myers, mgr.)— Rogers, Tex.. Dec 1. Mlluno 2, Caldwell 3. Lyons 5, Soiuinerville 0, Pluntersvlllc 7, Montgomery 8, Carroll 9. Cllnesborg 10. Mackay'K (Andrew Mackay, mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo.. 28. lndeflalte. Orion's, Mites— Sparks, Gs.. 29. Nashville 30, tjeel Dec 1, ValdosU 2, Jasper, Fla., 3, White Sprlnga 5, Lake City 0, Live Oak' 7. MISCELLAMJUIS. - Alvln & Davis Moving pictures— BichiaoDdvllIe. R, Y.. 30-Dec 1 . Brludamour 4' Xalada (W. 7* Ferris, owr.) — Uoxsacklc, N. Y.. 28, Saturertles 20, Kings- ton 30, Dec t, Wnlden 2, Xyack 3. Buynanl 4 Whitney's Troubadour* (Wm. McCar- lan, trtgr.) — Sbaiuokin, Pa.,, 30, Dec. 1, Mil- ton 2. .-...,. Rerkcll Show, Xo. 1 (Charles Berkell, mgr.)—. _ Ludlow. Mo.. 28-Ilec. 3. ' " Berkell Show. Ko. 2 (C C. Matthews, mgr.)— , Ursymer. Mo., 28-Dec 3. t-r.ratalplex Carnival (M. Henry Walsh, mar.— _ Ware, Mnss.. 28-Dcc. 3. I*vmlnsler 0-10. t>c Sautsnelll Attraction (X. C Melton, mgr.)— Solan. Kun., 30, Dec. 1, Cauey 2, 3. Hints. Mr. hnd Mrs. (II. L. Flint, mgr.)— Cedar llnitlds, I,,., M-Dec :». DaveniKirt 6-10. Coy's Rkctrtc ^On? Billings. mgr.>— Lone Tree. Is.. £8-30. Kslona Dec 1-3, Slgourney 5-7, Bello Plain 8.10. Hewctt— Red Dear. N. W. T., Can., Dec. 1, 2. Perkins, Ell— Xercklrk, Okla.. 30. Preseelle (F. Wlllard Magoon. mgr.)— Machias, Me., 28-Dec 3. Ellsworth 5-10. Reh's Entertainers— Chaptico, Md., 28-30, Hurry Dec 1-3. eiienard'B Pictures (A. L. Sheparil. mgr.)— Dan- vlllc Va.. 30. Wlnsted-Salcm, X 1 . a, Dec 1, Salisbury 2, Greensboro 3. Sbr-part's Picture* (A. L. Shepard. mgr.)— Brook- haven. Miss., 30, Port Gibson Dec. 1, Xatchei 2. 3 * ' *' MM0)* to,,!,,, Movliuj Pictures (B. b Knight, mgr.)— Oreenrllle. N. C. 30. Anderses Dec 1. Oaffney 2, llrndersonvllle. N. a. 3, Asheville _ ■'• 0. Dayton. Tenu., 7. Slarretf* — Pouglikeepsie. X. Y., Dec 1-3, ■SSS. } ' au ' l J (Burt Steele, mgrO-r-Coa, Mich., _ 28-Dee. 3. Tennessee Warblers (0. H. Pu«*Uy, mgr.)— Loa- ikm. Can.. 28.30. Cbsthsm Dec 1-5. . , Willie Mabalmait— \- eorate as It is possible to suite * Hat of thai theatre or ssJurlc sis Well as the city- or town, MUST aecosBpany each avooklats sent as. Adler. Flo. Cook. K^. heater. N. r., 28-Dec. 3. Shea's. Buffalo. 5- 1 J. Adonis Tr'o. Columbia. "Boston, 28 Dec 3. Adams L Mack. Hub. Mlirurd, Mass.. 28-Dec. .1. Adams, Edwards A Co., Empire, Pittsburg, 28- Dec 3. ■ Adair 4 Dohn. Keith's, N. Y. 0.. 28-Dec 3; Keith's, Pblla., 5-10. Adeline 4 'Rubber," tiers, Lynn, Mass.. 28-Dcc. 3 Adsma A White, Sbeedy's. Fall River. Mass., 28:. Dec. 3 Palace, Worcester. 5-10. Adelman, Joseph, Apollo, Nuremberg, Ger., Dec 1*15. Adamlol 4 Taylor. Keith's. I'hlla., Dec 1-3; Chase's. Waahlogton, D. C. 5-10. Adlton 4 Livingston, Unique. Winnipeg, Man., 28- Dec. 3j. L'DUjue, Minneapolis. Minn., B-10. Aherns. The. Palace. Kalamasoo, Mich., 28-Dec 3: Vaudeville. . Springfield. III.. S-10. Abefn & Baxter. Oncograph. Spokane, Wish., 28-Dec. 3; D'Alene, Spokane. 5-ljO. Allen, Searl 4 Viola-. Proctors 5Stb 8trect, N. Y.-C. 28-Dec 3. Allruon. Joe. Umpire. Oaklsnd. Cal.. 28-Dec 3. Alhnrtus 4 Millar, Colombia. Cincinnati. 28- > Dec 3. , - Alburtus 4 Bartram. Empire. London, Kng., Dec Alpboii'so. Alfredo, Manliattsn, Xorfolk. Vs., 28- Alllson, Mr. 4 Mrs.. Jlnore's, Portland. Me., 28- Dec. 3; Salem. Mass., 5-10. AlNton. Edith, Palate, Worcester, Mass.. 28- Dee. 3. Allenc's Monkeys, Poli's, Springfield, Mass., 28- Dec. 3. Aliuont 4 Dumout II. 4 B.. Chicago. 28-Dec 3. Albany. Mons.. Shea's. Buffalo. X. Y.. 28-Dcc 3. Alexis & Schawl, Bon Ton, Pblla.. 28-Dec 3. American Trum|wters. Olympic. Chlcsgo, 28-Dcc 3: Haymsrkd. Chicago, 5-l». . America Qolntette, Empire. Nottingham, Eng., 28- Dec 3: Empire, Manchester. 5-10. Amelia A Manila. A.' A 8., Boston, 28-Dec 3; Gem. Lynn, Mass., 5-10. Aiuorss, Poll's. Bridgeport. Conn., 28-Dee. 3. Anderson 4 Brlcgs, Howard. Boston. 28-Dec 3. Anger 4 Hauley, Palace, Worcester, Mass., 28- Dec 3. Anderson. Madge, Casto. Lawrence. Mass.. 28- Dec 3; Casto. Lowell. Msss., 5-10. Aiiulnaldo. Rose. H. 4 B., Chlcsgo, 28-Dec. 3. Armstrong A Vera, Huber'a, X. Y. C. Dee. 5-10. Armolette, Berths, Pulace, Worcester, Mass., 28- Dec. 3. Arnistrong 4 Holly. Orphean, Kansas City, Mo., 28-Dcc 3: OrpheuM. New Orleans. 5-10. Armstrong. Will II., Orpbeum, Kansas City. Mo., 28-Dec. 3. Armsln-nar. Tom, Casto, 1-owcll. Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Aix-Ucr's Flllpmo GIris, 1L 4 S-, N. Y. C, 28- Dec. 3. Arnoldson, Ada. Mechanic Salem, Mass., 28-Dec Ashton 4 Earl, Hsymarkct. Chicago, 28-Dec 3. Alalanta. La Belle. SloJI Tour. Eng.. Dec 1-30. Austins, Houlg Pavilion, Glasgow. Sept. 5-10. Atkinson. Geo., BIJou, !.a Croix. Wis., 28-Dec 3. Austin, leo. E.. Olympic, Chlcaga, 28-Dcc 3. Aug, Buna. II. & B., Bklyn, 28-Dec 3. Aubnrns (3>. L'nlqne. Salt Lake City, U., 28- Dcc. 3, UnlntHr. Ogden. 5-10. Axtell 4 Early, Colnuilna. SL Loula. 28-Dcc. 3; G. O. II., Chicago, 5-10. Bnrr. Twlu Sisters. Star. Plttsbur*, 28-Dec. .1. Iti.rry Mr. 4 Mrs. Jlminlc, Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 28'Dec 3. Bnrringtnu 4 Martelle,, Drsdenburgh's, Phils,, 2H.Dec 3. T>nrm-s. Paul, & Co., Chase's, Washington, D. ""O., 28-Dee. 3 Barrett Sisters. Victoria. X. Y. C 28-Dee. 3. Baailer-Lu Vcllc Trio. Battle Creek. Mich., 28- Dcc. 3. Barnes 4 Wnshbum. Grand. Victoria, Can.. 28- Dec 3; Gram*. Vancouver, 5-10. Bi rrowa-l-aucantcr Co., Keith's, Providence, R. L, 28-Dec. 3. Barry Marlon, Palace, Worcester, Mass., 28- Dec S. Bayes, Nora, Victoria, N". Y. O.. 28-Dec 3 ; How* ard, Boston. 5-10. -" . Barnes, Stuart. It. 4 B., Chicago, 28-Dec. 3. Tlarlow 4 Nicholson. Star, Pittsburg, 28-Dec 3. Hen tier, Chutes, San Fran.. Cal'.,' 28-Dec. 3. Heuner, Emlllc. Howanl. Boston. 28-Dec 3. Bclfonl, AL' G. 4 Maxle. Cnlqnc, Indianapolis, 28-Dec 8, Orpbeum, Springfield. O.. 5-10. Besn 4 Davis. Broadway, Butte, Mont., 28-Dec. 3. Kcllclaln Bros.. Columbia. Boston,' 28-Dcc. 3- Bean 4 Hamilton, Star, Hamilton. Can., 28-Dec. 3 Bellman 4 Moore. Keith's. Boston. 28-Dec 3. Bell. Dlgby. Keith's, N. Y. C, 28-Dec 3; Mary- land, Baltimore. Md.. 0-10. RernBUlns. The, Crystal. Denver, Colo,, 28-Dcc. 3. Beeuer, Waller, 4 Junjllug Girl. Dea Molucs, la., LaTJec.", : nockronT 1IL. 5-10, Resnah 4 Miller. Keith's. Cleveland, 28-Dcc 3. Beutty 4 Price, Lyric, Denver, Col., 28-Dec 3; Lyric Salt. Lake Utah, 6-10. ' Bell, Scuutor 1'rauk, BJJou, Dululb, Minn., 28- Dec. 3. ' r-r 7 "- '.•- -. Bciithsm 4 Freeman, Unique, Minneapolis, Mlnu., Dec. 5-10. ' Bijou Comedy Four. ' Dewey. Minneapolis, Ulna., 28-Dec 3 : Star. St. Paul. 5-10. Bird,- Geo. A. 4 Llxxle, Great Falls, Mont., 28- Dec. 3. lllKSelt 4 Scott, Circle. N. Y. C. 28-Dcc 3. Birch. Johu, Mechanics. Salem. Mass., 28-Dec 3; Portlnud. Portland. Mc, ''-lO. Bingham. 'Unique, Salt Lake, Utah, 28-Dec 3; Unique, Ogden. 0-10. Biff. Hair, Burr, Huthaway's. Xcw Bedford, Mass., 28-Dec. 3. : . ■ ' " Tllngliam, Kitty. Columbia. Boston, 28-Dec 3. Blo.-sliut A; Kerr. Criterion. Tampa, Fla.. 28-Dec. :): Mascot, Mobile, Ala.. 5-10. BusUjii.Ktus., O. O, IL. lnJIanaiKills. 28-Dec S. Ronton. Karl. Manhattan. Norfolk, Va., 28-Dec. 3. Boyd, Harry E., Comlque. Seattle, Wash., 28- Dec 3.' Ilolscs. Four. II. 4 a. Bkln:. Deo. 5-10. - notlomly-TrbU|>v, Iluwsrd, Boston, 28-Dcc 3. Brnmt. Tom, Cnslno, Ijwrcnce, Mass.. 28-Dcc. 3. Bryant, 4 Seville, Bon Tou. Pblla.. 28-Dcc 3. Bradna, Kllu. Temple. Detroit. 28-Dec 3. Brooks, .leunette. Casto. Fall River, Mass., 28- Dcc. 3: Casto, Lawrence. 5-10. Bristol';., 1'rof., Poulcs, F.mplrc, Hobokcn, N. J., 28-Dt.c. X - Brlttons, The, Oniheum, Bkln., 28-Dec 3. Brown, Chas., Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 28- Dcc 3. Bryant, Tom. Pawlucket. R. L, 28-Dec 3. Brabam, Michael 4 "Mickey." Tractor's 6th Are,, X. Y. C. 28-Dec 3. Brad™, The. A. 4 S.. Boston. 28-Dec 3. Brud»haw. Chs*.. 4 Co., Keith's, Clct eland. O., 28-Dec. K ; Maryland. Baltimore. Md., 5-10. Bruce 4 Dolcneau. l'nictor's Newark, N. J., 28- Dec 3. Brady 4 Hamilton. Minneapolis. Minn.. 28-Pec. 3. Brown. Harry, Howard, Boston. 28-Dec 3. 28-Dec. 3 ' ' Eroisn, jack. 4 Lillian Wright, London, London, Can., 2S-Dec. 3. . Brooks, Herbert, Mojc.-'k. Portland, Mc, 28-Dec Brockway.'' Florence, I'ublllones, Havana, Cuba, 28-Dcc 10. „ „ . T.urks, Juggling. Lyric Portland. Ore, 28-Dec. :i. Burns 4 Totrance, Oridieum, San Fran.. Cal., 28- : D*c 3. i Burton 4 Urooks, Orpbeum, Minneapolis. 28-Dec. 3 Hurk 4 McCann. Bon Tun. Pblla., 28-Dec 3. Burt. Frank. Bon Ton. Pblla.. 28-Dec. 3. liucldcy, Mr. 4 Mrs. L., 4 Lsoaio, Paitor'a, N. Y. C. 23-Dec 3. Burke 4 La Rue. Circle, N. T. C. 28-Dec 3. Hurtln, Al. IL. Keltii'j Boston, 28-Dec 3. Burdock Sisters, G. 0. IL. Ottawa, Can.. 28- Dec. 3: FrancalK, Montreal, B-10. Butler 4 Lamar, Hub, Mllford, Mass., 28-Dec 3; Casino. La'Trencc, 5-10."' Rabies, The, Palace, Worcester. JIass., 28-Dec. 3. Burns 4 Gordon. Trent, Trenton, X. J., 28-Dec. 5. Rvrne 4 West. Bmpln:. Seattle, Waali,, 28, Hi.' l*ml*. 5-10, C.aobell. (3) , Main St.. Peoria, III.. M Dec. 3 ; oSmple, Colcato, 5-Mh: . '. • CanneW ft- Catletou, Orpbeum, Loa Angeles, Cal., 29 Dee. '3. - ,-. - ^^ Carroll. Rouhf. Gaiety. Springfield, ill., 28-Dec. 3; Csstle, Bhxm ngtun, 111.. B-10. Cnroti 4 Famnra, Cleveland'*. Chicago. 28 Dec. 3. Cain 4 D», Forrest, -Keith's, lajSE 28Deei a. Cased 4 De Vegne. Ofand. JolmLUL, Dec. 5-10. Carter. Robert, 4 Co.; Proctors 23 St., 17. Y.'C, 28-Dec. 3. Campbell ' 4 Johnson, ColumbJs, Cinclsantl, 28- Dec. .3. Caslell.at 4 Hall, Cleveland's, Chicago. 28-Dec. S. Carter 4 Blufonl. 11. 4 B.. Bkln.. 28Dcc. 3. Carson 4 Yale, Bon Too, Phils., 28-Dec. S. Carl ft Kelly, Empire, Terrc Haute, Init, 28- Dec 3. - Cherry 4 Bates, Avenue, Detroit, Sllch.. 28- Dec. 3. Chtmeroya. The. Unique, Bkln., 28-Dec. 3. Chatham Slaters. Unique. Indianapolis. CS-Dec. 10. Cliasslno, Victoria. N. Y. O., 28-Dcc 3. Chamherilos. The, Keith's, Boston, 28-Dcc 3; Keith's, Phira., S-10. Cbampalgne Dancers, Bnctor's. Newark, N. J., 28-Dec 3. Clloe. Maggie. Yorkvllle, N. Y. C 28-Dec. 3. Clarence. Sisters, Chute*. Han Fran., Oat., 28- Dec. 3. CillTonl 4 Raymond, Orpheum, Sprlcgfleld, 0.. 28-Dee 3. duties. Eugene, Music Hall, Boston, 28-Dec. 3. Clifford' 4 Burke, Keith's, X. Y. U.. 2S-Dtc 3. Coogan, F. Alan, Cole's, Lynn. Msss., 28-Dec. 3. Cohen. Carn, BradenburgU's, Phils., 28-Dec 3. Coakley 4 McBrlde, Chase's, Washington, D. C, 28,Dcc 3. Cole, Dolllue. Pastor's. X. Y. C. 28-Dec 3. I'ov. Kay, Empire, Hobokcn. N. J„ 28-Dec 3. Cohtsluck. Laura. Keith's. Providence, R. 1.. 28- • .Dec. 3. Colby 4 Way. Yorkvllle. N. Y. C- 28-Dec 3. Cooper 4 Robinsou. Poll's, Hartford, Conn., 28- Dec. 3. . Cook 4 Cook. Pulace, Worcester, Mass., Mm 3. Cook 4 Uarcls, Gctmau'e, llllou, N. V., 28- Dec 10. ' Corrlgan, Emmett, 4 Co., Orplumm, Bkln., 28-Dec. Collins 4 Hart, Watson's. Bkln., 28-Dcc. 3. Cole, Josephine, Haymarket, Chicago, 28-Dcc. 3. Cole 4 Johnson, Keith's. N. Y. C. 28-Dec 3. Corbett 4 Forrester. Odeon, Dayton, O., 2S-Dec Crawford. May. Bradcnbnrgh's. Pblla.. 28-Dec. 3. Courtboiie. Jane, 4 Co., Moore's, Portland, Me,, 28D«\3. Cotton, l.ooln. Yorkvllle, X. Y. C. 28-Dec. 3. .. Creasy 4 Daync, llavmtrket, Chicago, 28-Dec 3; Columbia, St. Ixnila. 5-10. Crawfonl 4 Maunlag, Empire, Hobokeo, N. J., 28- Dec. 3. Crane, Mr. & Mrs. Gardner, Cleveland'*, Chicago, 28-Dec 3; Orpheum, Utica, 5-10. Criilkshaiik, Korthfleld, Mass., Dec 1, Williams- town 2, West Topham 3. , .. Curtis. Beta. Praetor's 23d St.. X. Y. C, 28- Dee. 3. Cunningham 4 Lord. Keith's. Boston, 28-Dec 3. Cullen. Jsb. IL. Trent. Trenton, X. J., 28,Dec. 3; Emulre, Uoboken. ,'>-10. D's 4 D's, Smith's, Grand Rapids, Mich., 28- Dec. 3.. Dories Duo. Oak Park. Sacramento, Cal., 28-Dec. _ 3; Xorelty, San Jo*e, 6-10. Dawson 4 White, Keith's, rhlla., 28- Dec. 3; Keith's. Providence, 3-10. Psvts, Geo., Auditorium, Norfolk. Vs.. 28-Dec. 3. Dawson, Ben, Star. Hamilton. Can., 28-Dcc. 3. Hay, Geo. W., Keith's. Providence, IL 1.7 28-Dec. 3. Darow, Mr. 4 Mrs. Stuart, Poll's. New Haven, Conu., 28-Dec. 3. Davis 4 Walker. Chester. Pa.. 28-Dec. 3. Dsyne, Dorothy. Terro Haute, Ind., 28-Dec. 3: Star, Muncle, 5-10, ■ DsVtelle. Midge, Empire, Terrc Haulc. Ind., 28- _ Dec. '3 : -Unique, Indianapolis, 5-10. Dnbilss. ThcrKcltlTs. Providence, 28-Dec 3; KolUi's. PhUa., 5;W. Day. Eilmnnd. 4 Co . Chase's, Waablngton, D. 0.. 28-Dec. 3. ,- DagweU, Auric, Poll's, Watcrbury, Conn., 28- ^Dec. 3; Poll's. Springfield, Mass., 5-10. Duly. .Harry 4 Sidle, Cole's, Lynn, Mass., 28- Pec. 3. • ' Dacey 4 Chase, Grand. Jollet. 111.. 28-Dec. 3. Dairson 4 Booth, Wnndrle'a, Logansport, Ind., 28- Dec 10. Fisher, Mr. 4 Mr*. Perkins. Trent. Trenton. N. .J.. 28-Dec 3; Proctor's 23d St., X. Y. a. 5-10. Fltsgibbon McCov Trio, Poll*. Bridgeport. Oono., 28-De.'. 3, . First. Barney. Crystal. Danrar. Col., 2k-D*C. 3. Flak Maj lube). rroclor'S 5lh, Af»., ft Y, C. 28-Dee. ■ 3 : H. 4 B., Chicago, 5-10. m tma BB K iL i.. . 28-Dae. 8. a. Wilmington, Del., Field.. AL. Keith' Fisher 4 Johnson, Dooksui 28-Dec 3 FllVn 4 Krrol, Ori'hrum, Kanaas City, .'Mo., 28- Dec' 3. s • Klorsoco Slsteri (3>. Ornhcnm. Bkln.. Dec. 6-10. rtoretta, Mauhsltaa, Norfolk. Va.. 28-Dtc, 3. names. Flying. Chutes, San Fran., Cal., 28- Dec. 3. -i ... Fletcher, C. L.. Grand, Indianapolis, 28-Dec 3; Columbia, Cincinnati. 5-10. Forrest 4 Forrest. C. 0. II.. Chicago, 28-Dec. 3. Ford 4 Gebruc, Yorkvllle, X. Y. O. 28-Dec. 3. Fox, Delia, Circle. N. Y. C. 28-Dec. 3. Foy 4 Clark. Temple, Detroit, 38-Dec 8; Fox 4 Ward. Lyric. Denver, Col.. 2S Dec. 3; O. H., Colorado Spgs, 5-10. Foster. Kd., Orpheum, Now Orleans, La.. 28- Fowler, Bertie, H. 4 B.. Chicago, 28-Dec S. Fontluclles (3). Fair. Lake Charles, La.. 28- Dec. 3; Carnival, Lafayette. S-10. Folkert, Arthur O., Empire. San Fran., Dec 6-10. French, Henri, Cleveland's, Chicago, 28-Dec 3. Freeie Bros., Bloomlugton, 111.. 28-Dec S. Franklin, Irene. Columbia. Cincinnati, 28-Dec I). I'rencelllaa. The Star, Hamilton. Can., 28-Dtc. a. 1'rayne 4 La Monte, Star, Hamilton, Can., 28- Dec. 3. , - , Frank 4 Little Bob, Orpbeum, Ban Fran., Cal., Dec 3-10. Fuller. Ida. Circus Bunch. Berlin. Oct., Dec. 1-21. Hume, lto>s 4 Lewis, Empire, Bristol, Kng., 28- Dec 3. Huntings. (4), Shea's, Buffalo. N. Y., 28-Dec 3; . SheaV. Toronto. Oan„ 6-10, „ Hiierji. Bros., .Lyceum. Han Fran., Cal., 28- llugbta, Cha«. O.. BUod, Fall River, Mass., 38* iKbT 3 1 ttltunlla.^otton. 0-ML "^ * Hyrte 4 Hrath, Tnlaao. Salt Lake City, IS-Dcc. 3. lhaan. The GreaVafsohattan, Norfolk, Vs., Dec Jaekson A Duuslaa, Empire. Terr* Haute; lad,, 28-Dec 8- JtnaMag Guard, Imperial, Keith's, Boston, 28* Jackson. Ben, Oollsenm, Wallace, Ida.. 28-Dec 8. Jackaosja, The (3). Juk's, Chicago, 28-Dee. 8. Jennings 4. Jewell, Electric, Waterloo, la,, 23- Jcneli'V MauUlu, Proctor's 23d St.. N. X. 0., Jenn iSiDec 3. Dte"-8 :' Smith's, Grand Rapids, Ulch a 6-10. Rentfrew, London, London, Can., 28- Putgoru, Robert, Kcltli's, Boston, j!8.Dec. 3. ""-Dae 3.J Co- Unrdiier. Jack. Olympic. Chicago, 28-1 Iniubla. SL Louis, 9-10. Osy. Great, Crystal, Rqckrord. III., 28 Dec, 8. Gardner 4 Stoddard, lullsoti, Great Falls, Mont., 2b Dec. ". : Empire, Anaconda, B-10. Gardiner Children, Poll's. Brldeporl, Conn., 28- Dec 3: Poll's, Watcrbury, 5-10. Uardnrr 4 Uolder. Smith's O. IL, Grand Raplda, Mich.. 28-Dec. 3; Weasts, Peoria, 111., 6-10. Gascnian, Jcscphlue, Music Hall, Boulou, SB- Dec. :i. Gasch Slslers, Howanl, Boston, 28-Dec. 3. Garrison. Jules 4 Ella, 11. 4 B., Chicago, 28- Dcc 3. Gnrsoo, Marlon. Temple, Detroit, Mich., 28-Dec - 3: Keith'*, Cleveland. O., 0-10. Gardner 4 Vincent, Keith's, Boa tou, 28-Dec. 3. Uallnahor 4 Wild, Moss 4 Thornton Tour, Eug„ 2Sl)ec. 13. ' ChIIoiilo, Empire, Hoboken, X. J.. 28-Dec. 3. Garner. Grace. Shea's, Buffstn, 28-Dec. 3. Usylord. Bonnie, Mala St.. Peoria, 111., 28-Dtc 3: Palace, Sioux Olfy, la.. 5-10. Gardner. Wist 4 Sunshine, Wutrou'a, Bklu., 28- Dec 3; A. 4 S„ Boston, 5 10. aagnoux. The. Richmond. North Adams, Mass,, 28-Dec. 3. Germinal, Moos.. Victoria, N. Y. C. 28-Dec 3. Ueorge, Lima, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 28- Dec 3. Geiiaro 4 Bailey, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 28- Dec 3. George, Edwin, Hub, Woonsockct, R. L. 28-Dcc. 3. Ulltwrt 4 Burke. Empire, Hoboken, X. J., 28- Dec 3. Gilbert, Allle. rcsser. Louise, Shi<*. ToruutO, Osii.. 28-TKc 3. Duncan. A. o., Orplieum. Bklu., 28-Dec. 3. Duimil. Mury, 4 Co., Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 28-Dec 3. Dunbar, lurry J.. Bradenburg's, Phils.. 28-Dcc. 3: Slur, Pltlsburg. 5-10. Dunbar's Goats. Brudenburit'*. Pblls., 28-Dec 3, Duprec, Geo. ft Llbblc, Music Hall, Gloucester, Mass., 28-Dec 3. Esrlc 4 WIUou, Msrylaud, Baltimore. Dec C-10. Laric 4 Karle. G. 0. IL, Pllutburg. 28-Dcc 3. Eckboff. 4 Goolou. Poll's. S|>tlngOeld, Mass., 28- Dec 3;' Colonial. I*iv.rence, Mass,, 5-10. F*kert 4 Berg, Shea'*. Toronto. Can., 28-Dec. 3. F*lgertons. The. O. O. IL. PKlsburt. 28-Dcc. 3. Edrr.oiMlu 4 Roderick. Auditorium, Norfolk. Va„ 28.Dec. 3. ~-. Kdmoad*. Joe, Howard. Boston, 28-Dec 3. Ktdiiilgc. Press. Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 38- Dec. :»: Poll's, Watcrbury, B-10. L'lltworlb 4 Burt. Proctor's, Albany. N. Y., 28- Dec, 3. Kltou. Ham. Orpbeum. San Fran.. Cal., 28-Dec. 3. Lilts. Melville, II. 4 B.. Kklu.. 28-Dec 3. Lniplre. Comedy Four, On'beum, Omaha. Neb., 28- Dcc. 3 ; Orpbeum. SL Joseph, Mo., 5-10. limructt. Grace, ft Co., Shea's, Toronto, Can., 28- Dee. 8. Empire City Quartet. Orpbeum, Bkln,, 28-Dec 3, Yorkvllle, N. Y. C. B-10. ■ Epps. The, Park. Worcester, Mass., 28-Dec. 8. I'.rcllu Family. Hlpu*lrome, Paris, Dec. 1-16. Kxfdlc, Elizabeth, Empire, Pittsburg. 28-Dec, 3. Esmeralda Slaf rs, Haymarket, Chicago, 28-Dec. 3: Olympic, Chicago, 5-10. Evans, Geo., Proctor's 23d BL, X. Y. C, 28- Dsc ' 3. Ethsrdo. Xaoml, Proctor's 5ti Ave., N. Y. C.. 28- I*ec 3. ' l"ulk. Eleanor. O. O. H., Indianapolis. 38-Dec 3. Fadttte Orchestra. Chase's,' Waahlncton, 0- O. ■MMaL-sJL • • • ~ ' — " ■ *P • Falrchllda, The. Grand, Missoula, Moat,; 28-Dec. 3. .:...- • - - '. . ... Faust Trio. O. O. H,, Pltlaabsrg. 28-Dec 8. , Fshtas "18), . Broadway, San Jr*8-, CaL, -28>, OKs S. ' . ". " FerrvP Bros.. O; O. H„ I*!., 88-DtC 4, Fell*", Barry ft Barry, Orphean, 8L' Joseph., Ma. , 38.De* "'3. FerraH Bros,, Grand. ImlianapoHs, 38*Dte. St H,. *D>, Chlengo. 5-10, Fiaka ft McBor.oucti. P.midre. l^eda. Ecsj., 28* Dot- 3: -' Flhnlgan, air. 4 Mrs., Empire, Terro Haule, lad., 28-Dcc. 3. Grayee, ' MargareL BIJo'tL Dea ~Molne«,"la'., 28 Dee. 3. ' ararlt, Sydney, Proctor's C8th St., N. Y. O., 28- l>ee. 6. Guise, Dick 4 Effy, Crystal, SL Joseph, Mo„ 28- Dec 3. Hall. Bessie May, Bradeiiburgh's, Phlla., 28- Dec. 3. Hart, Great, Lyceum, Han Fran., 28-Dec. .1. Hall 4 Pray, t^ile'i,. Lynn. Ma**., 2H-I)ec 3. Huna-r, Desmond 4 Bailey, Mechanic, Salem, . Mass., 23-Dec 3. Hart, Veils, A. 4 S„ lluslou, 28-Dcc 3. Ilathawuy 4 Walton, Poll's. Uartford, Ooliu., 28- Dec. 3; t'oll'r. Brlilgriwrt, ,",-lit. Hawkins. Ia-w, Keith's, Boston. 28-Di-c 3, Uarl, Maurice. Ciisto. Fall itlvrr, Mass., 28- Dec 3: ('.into, Luwren-'o. 6-10. Uaiircy 4 Doane, Vaudeville, l*jgan, U„ 28- Dec 3; Ikm Tun. Halt I.ske, 5-lit. Hole 4 Francis. Pror.ur's 23d St., N. Y. C, 28- Dec 3. llnliii-s 4 Vlducq, Proctor's, Newark. X. J„ 28- Dec. 3. Hnyniun 4 Falrchlld, Pavilion, 01a*guw. Scot- laiHl, 28-Hec. 3; HIpiaslrunM!, Blrmlujhaiu, Kiq;., 5-1-I. Hsrrl* 4 Wallera, Moliawk, Hclicnrctady, N. Y., 28- De.'. 3. . Hart, Kitty. Palace. Worcester, Mans., 28-Dec .1. Hanilc, Turn, Audlturluui, SL Loula, Mo., 28- Dec 3. Hsrcourl, Win., II. ft B . Bkln.. 38-Dec .1. Harding 4 All Sid, Keith's. Providence, R. I.. 2«Dcc 3. Ilamirmud 4 Forrester, Orplieum, St. Joseph. Mo., 2t-Dec. 3: Orpbeum, Denver, Oil., 0-10, Hamilton, Wiley,' Criterion, Tampa, Via., 28- Dec 10. Uartwf. W. S.. 4 Co., Casto. Lawrence, Maaa., 2H-De<-. .'!; Casio. Lowell. .1.10. Hall. Artie, park. Wurvniu-r. Mhk*„ 28-Dec 3. Haskell. Lmiey, Proctor's 5th Ave, N. Y. C, 28-Dc:. 3. Haiiilllon. Wolf. Proctor's, Albany, X. Y„ 28. Dec. 3. Hsyes 4 Holy, Olympic. Chicago, 28-Dee. II. Harrington, Daniel. KeeucyV. Bkln.. 28-Dec 3. Uerne, Chryatal, Keith's, Provlueuce, IL L, 28* Dec. 3. Herrmann, Adelaide, Empire, Pittsburg. 28-Dec 3: Park. Yoiiugstown. O.. 6-10, Ucdrlf 4 Prcacoll, Prictor's 6Ui Ave., N. Y. C, 28-Dcc 3. Ilcrnnann, the Great, Orpliium, Kew Orleans, La., 28-Dtc. 3, Ueelow. Clia*., Bcim. Eecanaha, Mich., 28-Dec 3; liljou CaluuV'1. 5-1". Hera. Chsrle*. Circle. X. Y. C, 28-Dee. !l. Ilrary, I*hiI»c, 11. 4 M„ X. V. C... 28-Dec. 3. Henry, Eugenic. Wimdrle'*, l*ig>ns|iort, Ind,, 28- Dec. 3: Unique. Indlanai"'!!*. 5-)0. Hrskllt Trio. Crystal, Milwaukee, 28-Dtc 3, Bl*'ii. Duliith, Minn.. 5-10. Hciqder Sisters, Auditorium. Norfolk, Vs., 28- Dec. 3. H'.irn 4' f*swla, Pnatlmc. Ogden, Utah, 28-Dec 3: Bon Tou, Halt l-skc. 5-10, lletberL'Carl, Pastor's; N. Y. 0.. 38-Dec 3. Herren. Turn. Unique. Mlnnlpeg. Man., 28-Drc 10. Hlbbard 4 Warren. Olympic, Chicago, 2S-Dec. 3. Hlrelns 4 Phelps. Pastor's, X. Y. C., 28-Dcc. 3. llllllard, Robert. Columbia. Cincinnati. 28-Dec. 0. Hopper, Chas., Kelth'a, Cleveland, 25-Dec. 3. Hooker ft Davis. Columbia, cincloknll, 28-Dcc 3. lloliMu, Geo., Proctor's 125th St., N. Y. 0., 28- DtC 5-H». llowahl Bro*.. Victoria, N. Y. '0., 28-Dec 3; Circle, X. Y. C. 5-JO. Howard. West 4 Shafer, BIJou. Norfolk, Va., 28- unvn niiiNP, asicu., w-.w Jim 4 Sam, BUou. Marlnetto, Wit., 38-Dec. 3 Johnson. Sabel7uV4 R.. Bkln.. 38-Dec 3. Johnson 4 Dean. Lelblih, Brealan, Ger., Dec. 1-31. Johnson 4 Wells, Orpheum, Lot Angela!, 28* Dec. 10. Josselln Trio, Orpheum, 8aa Fran., Cab, 28* Dec 3. Jordan. Harry. Howard. Roalon, 38-Dec. 3. Johnstons, Musical, Tlvoll, Sydney, X. 8. W., Dec. 1-31. Jones, Irving. Haymarket, Chicago, 28-Dee. 3. Jones 4 Walton, Howard. Boiton, 28-Dec. 3. .lur.e* 4 Sutton, Salem, Mass., 38-Dee. 3. Jones. Ida, Palace, Worctalar, Mtai,, 28-Dec. 3. Janl|ier 4 Hotel, Oera, Lynn, Mass., 38-Dec 3. ICehian. Frank, ft Co.,.0. O. U„ PltUburt, 28' Kenued.v 4 James, Olympic, Chicago. 28-Dtc. 3. Kcun, Walsh 4 Melrose, Columbia, Bostcu, 28- Dec 3. Kenton. Dorothy, C. O. tL. Chicago. 28-Dtc. 8. Keatan* (3), Temple, Detroit, Mich., 28-Dcc. 3i Sliea's. Buffalo, N. Y„ 5-10. Kcauc. J. Warren. Keith's, Pblla,. 28-Dec. 3. Keiiiu. Chas.. G. 0. IL, Pittsburg. 38-Dec. II. Kelly, .May, Palace. Worcester, Mnn.. 28-Dtc. 3, Kelly 4 Asliby. Shea'*, Buffalo, 28-Dcc 3. Kennedy 4 QuatrolU, Moorc'i, Portland, Me., 28* Dec. 3. Kelt A llualk. Proctor'* 33d SL, N. Y. 0„ 28- Keougii 4 Ballard, Proctor's 23d SL. N. Y. 0.. 28-Dee. 3. Kennedy 4 Kennedy, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, 28Dcc 3. Khcrns 4 Cole, Castle, Blooiulngton, III., 28* Dec 3. Klimeson Slsleri, Empire, Ttrre Haute, ItrL. 28> Dec 8. Klmhnll 4 Douovan, Keith'*. X. Y. 0.. Dec 0-10. Klppy, Palace. Hlnux City. la.. 28-Dec. 3. Klein 4 Of tun, Haymarket, Chicago, 28-Dec. 3; Columbia, St. Louis. 5-10. Klein, Ott Brothers ft Nicholson. Proctor's 881 1) Hi, , N. Y. C, 28-Dec. 3 ; Cook's, Rochester, N. Y.. 5-10. Klein 4 Klein. People'*, Leavenworth, Kan., 28* Dec 3: Lyric, Lincoln. Nebr.. 5-10. Kuler ft Seymour, Unique, last Angeles, Cat., 28« Dec. 3. Keiiiu* 4 Wll*cn. Fisher's, San Fran., 28'Dec 3 ; Novelty, Oakland, 6-10. Kohl, Ous * Marlon, Grand, Butte, Moat., 28- Dc. 3: Anaconda. 6-10. Kuril*. Prof,. 4 Don, Richmond, North Adams, Mna*.. 28-Deo. 3, Park, Worcester, B-10. La Clair 4 West. Rlk, Pocatello. Ida., 28-Dcc, 17. Lamolues. The, IlnUiaway* Xaw Bedford, Mass., 2R-DCC. 3 ; Poll's, Xrw Itaven. Ctmn., 6-10. Lamar. Harry. Bradeiiburgh's. rhlla.. 28-Dec. 3, La Tell Ilidi.. Keith' i, Boston, 28-Dec. 3; Port- land. Mc. 5-10. La Toska, Phil., Unique, Walio ivllle, Oil., Dec 1-3. Lareilo 4 Rlike. II. 4 P- N. Y. C, 38-Dee. 8. ' L* Tour, Irene, Columbia, Bath, Me., 28-Dtc 3; O. II. . Ulddeford, 6-10, Lr.iell. Ed.. Sliea's, Torontn, Can.. 28-Dec 3. ' Latlua, Mile, Orpheum. New Orleans, Dec. 5-10, Laile 4 Huxluetta. Button's, Anaconda, Mont,, 28- Dcc. 3.; Sutton's, Mlsooula, 5-10. fjiueaaler, Freda, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Mass., 28-Dtc B. la /et'e, Kd., O. O. H.. Pittsburg. 28-Dec. 3. La Rose ^larry, ft Co., Haymarket, Clilcago, 28- l>ec. 3. Lsinsoii, Mabel, Chutes, San Fran., Cal., 28- Urine ft Wallnne, Empire, Plttabarg, 38-Dec. 3. I.c ' Vine, CUnaron Trio, Uowanl, Roalon, 28- Dec. 3, I.o Vanlo 4 Hoard, Now Russell, Marlboro, Mass., 28-Dec 3. ^ Lane, Arthur, O. IL, Butte, Mont.. 28-Dec. 0. I„i. y 4 Karle, Gem, Lyuu. Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Lawsou 4 Naniou, Olympic. Chicago, 28-Dec 3; Haymarket. Chicago, B-IO. Lloyd. Herbert, Empire, London. Eng., Dec. I-3I, U Clair ft Bowen, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 28- Dec. 3. l* Bur, Gem, La Snlle, III., 28-Dee. 3. I.'-*, The. Crystal. Marlon. Inc. 28-Dec 3. l*~lh'. Gen. w„ Lnmlon, l-nnduii, Cau., 28-Dcc. 3: Hrmik, Mnrlon, Ind . 6-10. 1* Ihiy*.* UlccL Orplieum, San Fran., Cal., 28. !*■ Clair ft Bowen, Proctor's, Newark N. J., 28. Dm, 3. I.cllc. F-lillr, BIJ.cj, Cnlutuet. Mich,, 28-Dec. 3| Flom'*, Mudlsuii. Wis.. 6.10. lasdno 4 Alius. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va„ 28. I»ec. 3. Usiiibarilt. Crystal, Crlntik) Crock. Col., 28-Dec. , 3; Crystal. Victor. C-10. Leyter A Moore, Ilofklii*', Jlemphle. Tenn., 28- In .. a. f« Roy, Lillian. Keith's. N. Y. 0., 28-Dec 3. Uaassaf ft Drake, Garlek, Wilmington. Del.. 28- Dee. 3; Galotv, Springfield, HI., 610. I*> Vanls, Tlic, Ostssawta, Ullea, N. Y„ 28-Dcc 3. LltlletleM, <1. W., Pastor's. N. Y. ci'. I. Lyne 4 l^onard, Alratar. Denver, Col., 38-Dec. ,*l. Lyjier 4 Cooke, Fisher's, Sau. Fran., Cal., 28- Dcc 3. Lvlc, llupnv Jack, Empire. I'lttsliurg, 28-Dec. .'I, Miiw.ii 4 Keelcr, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conu., Dec May, Olive, ft J. W. Al laugh Jr., 0. 0.' II, , In* dlnn.inoll*. 28-3. May 4 Miles, Family, Hu«e, Mont., 28-Dee. 3 : , Chirograph. Spokane, Waali., 5- 10. MaeilimaM, Jna. P., Orpheuin. Bkln.. 28-Dee. Is lb S ' H,,,,,c *^ ^ • Bu,r ' Isamllwn. Can., 28/ Marcus A Flora, Clev.'lnpd's, Clilcago, 2,«-D*c. 2. Marts (a), Bliou. Eau Claire, Wis., 28-Dtc 3. t Mnnnellmi. "Die. More'*, Portland, Me., 28-l)cc .'/, Msrius 4 Gartelle. Hopkins, fxiulsrlllt, Ky., 2£- Dec. II, iV»lumbln, Cincinnati. R-10. Marreuaa (3). Mlllan. Poll's, Bridgeport, Corn.. iffl'ffis* *"* MIUw,i 1 '' J ' ,,, ' Brla w»«. c? iin.! H itUiewH ft'Aaliley. Keith's. Clevtlsnd, 28-llir/e. 3. Marshall 4 Lorr-slne. Howsrrl Boston. 28-rjgc. a, Magtv. Clem. C. Hlsr, Pittsburg,. 28-Dec/. 3. Jin-Vcy 4 Stabrlg'it, Unique, ludlampona, 28. Dec n. Marquands. The. Ode'a. Lynn, Mssi.. 2J-Dtc. 3. Madcaps (•!). Arcade, Toledo, O;, 38-Ofc. 3. Miinafiel'l, WUbur. Co., IL. ft 8.. X. Y..C 28- sDiWs aj. . Majestic Musical Four, BIJou, Fall P.tvtr, Mass.. 28-Dec. .1. Msrvpllc ft Olesson, Pastor's, N. Y. C„ 28- Dec S. Martin ft Rldgeway. A. ft 8.. Boston. 28-Dec. 3. Marco Twins. II, ft fl„ N. Y. C, 28-Dec 3. Martin A Qolgs, Mala Street, Pcorlt, III., 28. I>ec », . Marcel's B» Helitfs, Victoria, Jf. Y. C, 28. . I>ee. 3, . . MagJiileys, Til*. Sbeedy's. New Bedford. Mass., *D»c. d; Richmond, North Adstnv. 0-10. Mbsuti, Jack. Shea'*, Ruffalo. 38-Dei!. 3. Dec, 3. _ „:,-._ „ a*u_- .. «. Msawt 4 Misttte, Oduinbla. Cincinnati, 2»-Dec. 3 U< X*r,*. l ' lB,ler ' *•*••• ktnaas CHy. Mo.. 28- Marvellea (4>, Temple. Detroit. 2s-Dec. .'•'• UoriiMft Lauocbmcrc Atlantic Gardes, X. Y. 0.. . DatV'tVM-.- flowlay 4 Leslie. Hajmarket, Chlcsgo, 28.1>ec. 3, Howi^ft'Vcdtt. ColrmVRL -ft. Mnls, 88-Drc 3; ft'0. H™CTk^ira/5-10. • "" " J " ITogan 4 Ilngaq, A, 4 8„ Boalnn, 38-Dec. T- uSSfCEEF* Tobies, frrpbeum. Saa Fran., Oafc', Dec. fi'17. * ' " Howard ft BJnnd, Chase's, TTaalitnglon, D, C, 28- Jlnwe '4 'Decker. Grand, Vancouver, B, C., 38- Dtc 3; Victoria 6-10. 1 . Malblfu*, The. Ilayrunrktt. Chicago, 28-Dvc. 3; Columbia, Ht, Louis, 5-10. Miinnlna; ft Lang, CnlirnMa. Boston, 38-DtC. 8. Mcrtirtny, Hylt* Pr-xtor'a, Newark. N. J., 28- Dec. H: Star, Bkln.. MO. MrRrlde V Oclville. Yale's, Kanaas Clly. Mo., 38* Dec,' 3, " McCrei-4 Poole, Trent, Trenton, N. 3.. 28-Dec .1. McWatcrs 4 Tyson Co.. ProrlAr'a 6Sib St.. N. X. 0.. !*D»e. 3v' MeCord, Lewis ft Co., Olympic, Chicago, Dec. 3. l», • Mclutyrc 4, Bice, PulOi'g, I). X, 0., SS-Dw, 3, . c S60 THE "NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. All Singers Mentioned Have Made a Tremendoni Tint Night Hit With the Greatest Song andChorntof thenar, Mutlo fex^SSISSfcE •■4 V>mit le. Th« Klagatone OlrU, »• Veaal Hlatars, n»rry and tVllaon. Ivmi, DadltT »nd VhMlyn, Billy Malm, Barn.y Rellly, Jof flrKmn., Ilatlle. !Vorih TIE THKATKICAL MIJSIO SUPPLY CO., 44 w..«^» t . 1 H,.v. rt . McKlnnun i Davis. IInlqiH>. Indlnnaiwlls, 28-Dec. 3; Orpbrum, Springfield, O-.n-lO. Mcilabon's Watermelon dlrla. Victoria. N. T. C, 28Dec. 3. .«__.•» »■. McUrutli hros., Pro-tor s, Albany, «. «.. *o- ftS ™ ; Proctor's 121th St.. N. Y. CMC McKlnley. Mabel, Moore's, Portland. Me., 28- MirSl I Orsnt, Unique. Bllllnghan), Wash., 28- MeOV *Knlirl>t. Bmnlre. Boise. Mi.. 28-Dec. Hj. Merrill. F.vo. Proctor's Oth Are.. S. Y. C, *■• Melv!l'lo"A Stetson. Psstor's. N, T. C., 28-Dec. 3. Messenger Boys Trio, Circle. It Y. JV0**fc * Mellch. Alhertlne, Orpheum,' Kansas City. Mo., Meier A Mors, Hippodrome. Manchester, Eng.,»2S- Dec. ;l: Haymarket, {MM, 0-10. Mitchell A SS* CO. H.. Chl««o, M-Dec. 3. MlUer * Krcsko, Watson's rtkln.. 28-Dec- 3. Mldeeley 4 Carlisle, Yorlrrllle, N. Y. 0., Z»- Milliard.' Jessie. Kewiey's. Bkln.. 28DM. . Miller. Elisabeth, Cole's, Lynn, Mum.. 28-Dee. 3. Mills * Morris. Keith's, Boston, 28-Dec. 3, Keith'*, Providence. rt-10. „ Minor & Oalhrnltb, BIJoti, Ran Claire, Wll., 28- MoNoVinmes J.. Kelth'si Boston. 28-Dec. 3- Mortons 14), Victoria, N. Y. C, 28-Dec. 3. MoOncy A llolheln. Pastor's, N. V C. 28-Dec. 3. Morris, Joe. Shea's. Buffalo. 2BDec. 3. Mologlrl. Mrennore. lour. Brig.. Dec 1-21. Morris H Morris. Comlipie,. Seattle, Wast., 28- Km *J Morris, May. Sbeedy's. Pall River, Mass.. 28- Dec 3 Moore' it' Llttlefielil. F.mplre. nobnken, N. J., 28-Dec. 3; Yorkrllle. If. Y. O., B-10. Mnrnhy, Mr. * Mm. Mark. Orpneotn, Los An- in>lea. d!„ 28-Dec. 10. „ Vuruhy ft WlUerd, Orpnenm, Omaha, Neb, &• Murray.' Elisabeth, Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo., Vnrpby * Frances, KMIh'a, Providence. 28-Dec. 3; Keiths, Boston, 0-10. . Murrav, Thns., Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 28- Mndge, Bra. Orphenm, Kansas City, Mo.. -8- Dec. 3: Orphenm,, New Organs. La., 15-10. Nuvnli. fllrla, Orpheum, Ix>s Angeles, Cal.. 28- Dec 3. Nauihs* (3). Ornhcitm. St. Joseph, Mo.. 28-Dec. 3. National Trio, Tructor's 2311 St., N. Y. C 38- Dec I Newton '»* King, Acme, Norfolk. Vs.. 28-Dec. 3. Nelson ft Fanium Troupe. Kellh's, Cleveland, O., °S-Dcc 3 Nhvik. The. C. O. n.. Pittsburg, 28-Dec. 3. Newell ft NIWo. Temple, Detroll. 28-Dec. .1; O. a. n„ Pittsburg. n»o. - Nello. tlrent. Empire,. Terr* naute, lnd., -»• NlhhT' KrV(l, Circle. N Y. C. 28-Dec. 3. Nichols Hlsters, Keith's, Prortrtence, K. I„ *>• NoVt™ ft Nicholson, -lilies, N. Y., 28-Dec. 3; Poll's, Watcrtmry. Conn.. r,-10. Nnhrens. The, Keith's. Providence, B. Ii Z»- Nome,' Kohert, Orphenm, Mlnneapol^ Minn.. 28- N-JrwiU!" Blair ft r.a Mars, Keith's: 28-Bec. 3; Klelinionrt. Nnrlli , Adams^ MM. 5-10. Normans, .lrantlln? ' (B ) Toledo. O.. r «S»J 5 Norworth. Jnck, Hhes's. Toronto. SBcSnt^aT Niigent. J. C. ft Co.. Poll's. HprlngBeld, Maas,. •Jx-Dce. 3; Poll's, nrldgeiwrl. Conn., B-10. OKcrstelrers. The. CleTelQn.T'K. . itwiey ft Ronilnll, Orphenm. New Organs. U., ~B- O'lSrle'n ft Havel, Orphenm, llkln.. 28-Dec. 3- 1 antler Trio, Keith's. N. Y. 0„ 28-Dec. 3. vSSSm* Doil?y. O'. O. H.. Plttsbuni, Pa., 28- TnSw ft Wilcox, Park. Worcester, Mass., 28- fin* 3 J'nrr'lleien. A. ft R.. Boston, 28-Djc.a. .,m»V Trio. A. ft 8.. Boston, 28 ; Dec. 3. Pansuis HlKters„A. \ ?.. .Boston. -28-Dec. 3 . MS Boys. Pastor';. N. \. C-. 28-Dei. ,;>■ Pnituer ft Itoblnson. Arch, Cleveland, O.. 28-Dec, Pn'ii'ln ft Alvorn. Columhla. Boston, 28-Dec. .1. Frwttt. Shea's. Toronto. Ojgw #*» .% . Prlclilng Bros., Orphenm, New Orleans. I.a., Dec. Pliei'ns" (81. Oem, I* Salle. tlL, 28-Dec. 3; Chi- I tSSm * * Beynobls. A. ft 8., Boston. 28- Pl£T Comical <2). Kcency's. Bkln., 28-Dec. * Pierce ft Malaee. Olympic. Chicago. 28-Dcc. J, Ilnvmsrket, Chicago. S-10. Plcnrd Bros., Arcade. Toledo. O.. 28-n»c. 3. Powers 4 Freed. Keith's. N. Y. ttT 28-Dec, 8. p,.-'el's RleclMc Theatre, Ctcele, N. Y. C. -8- Polk ft Kol'lns, Olymnlc, Ohicaito. 28-Dec. 3. Pn-Tott ft Prevost. H. ft B^, Bkln.. 28-Dec. 3. I'rolist, 0. 0. H.. Chl.-cco, *-Dee. 3. Pr'or ft Norrls, I'hipnlx, Tocoma, Wash., 28- Dec 10 Prosper Tronpe. H. ft B., BVln., 28-Dec. 3. Punks (2). Orpljcum, 81- Joseph. Mo.. 28-Dec. 3. "Oncen's Fan.'' Proctor's Mth Street. N. Y. 0., "S IV" ' .1 Qniiilan ft Howard, llowaa-rt. Boston. 28-Dec. 3. Silglcv Bros.. Cook'a. Rochwtcr, N.Y., 28-Dec. 3. llavmoiul ft Caverly, Meebr.nlc, Salem, Mssb.. 28- 'I**- 3. • _ - . Mjrira ft Von Kanfman. Cortray's, Portland, Ore.. 28-nec. 10. IlnynoN Dull Dors, Chester.' Pa., 28-Dec. 3; P.MI-vlllc. S-10. . BacVett ft Hatard. Crystal. Marlon, Ind., 25- Dec. 3 ; London. Ix>udon, Chn.. B-10. ltoclne • Raymmut, Rochester 1 , N. Y,. 2B-Dec. jj. It isr-ift. Charlotte, O. 0» II., Chicago, 28- Dec. 3. Rndtord ft Valentine, . Hlppodut-me. Stoke-on-Trent, Kliu.; 28-Dec. 4: Ornnd..- Flallfax. 0-10 : Hip- piklrome, Blrmliighani, 12rl'J. _ • , „. Ramon ft Tracy. Chutes, fipn Fran.. Cnl.. 28- Dec- 3- r in Hum I3i, Crystal. Milwaukee. Wis.. Dec. 3-10. Rc«l ,1- . TrocBor's B8th St* R. Y. C SRDec. 3. Illi-hardson, Carrie. Palace. Worcestctv Mass.. 28- Dee. 3. [_ nice. Fanny. Arcnde. Toledo. O.. 2S4r)ec. 3. RoMnsolis. T/ie. OgdVn, Utah, SS-Dsr. 3; P»tU City. ITtnlr. B-10. ,' Rooney ft Rrfnt. O. 0. JI.. Indianapolis, 28-Dec. 3. Rolfes. Thr, Proctor's 120tb St.. N., Y. C. 28- Ro'^rt's fit, Broodwar. lx»s Augelrs. Cal., 28- Dec. J: 8an Bemsrrtlno. S-17. Rolsriv.' Troui>e. Shea's. Toronto, Can.. 28-Dec. J. I'.ncMor. SlsterH, Lyceum, Pawaicket. R. I., 28- DerJ 3. Ilnnltfiu ft Stevens. H. ft B., Chicago* 28-Dec. 3. ItorsL. rims. R.. Family. F» SI. l«»ll. 111.. 28- D«r. 3: Pnlaee. Sli-m Olty. la.. 'B-10. Ru-*»11 ft Dimbsr, Crystal. St. .losv^h, Mo., 28- Dt>.". .1. Ruosell, I'MI ft Carrie. tBIJou, Oslik4»1i, Wis., 28- Dec. 3. Ryon.' Tester ft Ryan, f'alace, Kslateisfmi, Mich., SB-Dtc. 10. ^ Ryan A Rlchflrld. Keith's. X Y. C, 28-Dec. 3; Keith's, Phlla.. B-IO. Santos ft Rill, Palace. Worcester, Mass., 28-Dec. 3 Sato, 0. K., Apollo, Vienna, Ans„ Dec. 1-30. Sniitcll. Oreat. O. H , E. Liverpool, 0., 28-Dec. 3 : I"ottatown. Pn.. 5-10. Hnnford, Flotilla, O. O. R„ Otlowa, Can., -28- Dcc. 8. Raodor Trio. Victoria. N. Y. C, 28-Dec. 3. • , • Savage*. The, Crystal. St. Joseph, Mo., 28-Dec. 3. Saylors, The, Gem, Lynn, Mass., 28-Dec. 8 M VV . Sawtrllt * West, pilace, Worcester. Maas., 28- Dec. 8. Mabel, Josephine, 0. O. H.. Indianapolis, 28- Dec. 8. flcntt. Mike, Gem. Lynn., Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Semon, Chas., Keith's, PblU., 28-Dec. 3 ; Kelth'i, Boston, 0-10. Sherman A De Forest. Empire, Hohoken, N. J., 28-Dec. 3 ; Chase's, Washington. D. C, B-10, ••She," Poll'i. Bridgeport, Conn.. 28-Dec. S. Shaw. Allen, Poll's. Sprlngdeld, Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Sliaws, Aerial, Chase's, Washington, D. C, 28- Dec. 3. Rhea, Rutb, Empire, Pittsburg, 28-Dec. 3. Slmon-Qardner Co.. Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 28-Dee. 3. Sldoala ft Barlow, Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 28- Dec. 3. Sinter ft Williams, Empire, Pittsburg, 28-Dec. 3. .Slater ft Finch, Emporium, Urbana, O., 28- Dee. 3. Smith. Rnnd, Chnles. San Fran., Cal., 28-Dec. 3. Smcdley Sketch Club, Kelth'i, M. Y. 0„ 28- Dcc. a. Smltb A Fuller, Mmlc nail, Boston, 28-Dec, 3. Smith A Baker, Proctor's 5th Ave;, N. Y. C, 28- Di". 3. ' Snyder A Bnckley. Keith's, Boston, 28-Dec. 3: Keith's, Providence, 3-10. Sotankla. The, Bradcnbiirgh'ai Phlla., 28-Dec. . Spadonl, Paul. Yorkrllle. N. Y. C. 28-Dec. 3. Spanldlng. Canto, Lawrence, Mass., 28-Dec. 3. Spelsael Bros.. Bon Ton, Phlln., 28-Dec. 8. StiriiblfOelil Trio, Fischer's, San Fran., Cal., 28- Dec. 3. Rtitart, ArUinr, Avenue, Chicago, 28-Dec. 8., St. John A Le Fevre, 0. O. H„ PIttahnrg, 28- Dec. 3. Staley ft Blrbeck, Circle. N. Y. ft, 28-Dec. 3. Stnnrt, arcle, N. Y. C, 28-Dec. 3. Rtewnrt, Jack, A. A 8„ Bolton. 28-Dee. 3. S Starr Sisters, Novelty. Redding, Cat.. 28-Dec, -8 : Emplie. Oakland, B-10. •'••:. Stlnwn A Merton. PriK-'tor'a, Newark. N. J„ 28- Dec. 3. Steely. Doly A Co.. Howard, Boston, 28-Dec. 3. Stewart. Belle, Empire, Terre Haute, Iml., 28- Dec. 3. Ptnhl. Rose, ft Co., Mechanic, Salem. Mass,, 28 Dec 3 . Stewart, '.Jessie, A. ft 8., Boston, 28-Dec.t»3. Stqoe. Belle Temple, Detroit, 28-Dec. 3. ' St. John A Le Fevre, Alvln, Pittsburg, 28 Dec. 3, Olympic, Chicago, B-10. St. Onjre Bros.. Keilh'i. Providence, -R, !., 28- Dec *3 Sully Family. H. A B„ Bkln., 27-Dec. 3. Sullivan ft I'aaqnelena, Orpbeam, St. Joseph, Mo., Dec. B-10. Swow ft Westbrook, Unltin». Santa Oral, Cal., DfC. BIO. Syraonds. Lottie' West. Keeney's, Bkln., 28-Dcc. 3, Sylvester, Jenes A Pri-igle, Voncourer, Can., Jft Dec. !l: Victoria. S-10. Talbot ft Rogers, Hnyninrkrt, Chicago, 28-Dec. 3: Columhla, St. I«nls. B-10. • Tnrlton A Tarlton, Palace, Stout City, ' Ia„ 28- Dec. 3. Taylor, Mae, Ottawa, Can.. 28-Dec. 3; Montreal, Cop.. B-io. Taamanlana (8). H. A B„ Chicago, 28-Dec. 8. ' Teal, R'lymoud, O. O II., Bntte, Mont,, 28- Dec. 10. • . . Te^Brooke..rAinbert A Co., Paaror's, N. Y. 0„ Ten Icbl Troupe, Keith's. Cleveland. 28-Dec. S. Tmna Sisters, Orpheum, Kanaaa City, Mo., Dec. Thome. Mr. A Mrs. Harry, Clarrlck, Wilmington, Del., 28-Dec. 3; Pastor's, N. Y. C. S-10. Thompson Slaters, Lyric, Loa Angeles, Cal., 28- Dec. 10. * ^ ' Tliome A Carleton, Olympic, Chicago, 28-Dee. 3. Thomas A Williams. Trent, Trenton. N. J., 28- Dec 3. Therlsses A Co., Olympic, Chicago, 28-Dec. 3. Thurslnn, Howard, Olvmplc, Chicago, 28-Dec. 3: Hay mar Wet, Chicago, B-10 Thitrbtr. )>eona. Shea's. BnlTalo. 28-Dee. 3. , Tllson, Rthel. Bon Ton, Phlln.. 28-Dee. 3. Tomklna. William, Park, Youngstown, 0„ 28- Dec. 3. Toubey, Pat. Irish. St. Louie. 28-Dec. 3. ' : Tooipoliln Arabs, Procior's C8th Street, N. Y. C, 28-Dec. 3. . Tronhnilour Foor, Emnlre. CsrdlP. Wales, 28-Dec. _ S; Empire, Swansea, Eng., B-10. Treloar. Hopkins', Lo-.iIsvilTe. Ky„ Dec. B-10. Trask A Gladden. Keith's, N. Y. C. 28-Dec. 3. Trovollo, G. O. II.. lndlanapolla. 28-Dec. 3 J Columbia, Cincinnati, B-10. £« *3 Iiol " nrt rttul,r - E - st - r -° nI s. HI., 28- Turners, ' The, Unique, Indianapolis, Ind., .28- Dec. 3. ' * Vy S? * Jermon, Orpheum, Snn Fran., Cal., 28- Dec. 3: Orpheum, }j» Angeles. 0-10. r!™ Cll " ,v turned out In full force as there was filenty of work for them to finish for tbe com- ng convention aud tbe aunuat ball which was held Nov. 21. During tbe meeting Bros. Chas. Joseph and Joe M. Brell. who it here with 'Shadows of a Great City." detlvered very ' interesting addresses for which thev were loudly applauded. Our annual ball was held -Monday night, Not. 21. The boys on- Kembled at headquarters at awven oelock,' where they formed In line for parade headed by -a. band of twenty pieces, and mRrched through the principal streets of Pittsburg and Allegheny to Sltisonlc Hall, Allegheny, where they found everything in good shape to have a good time, which they certainly had. from all reports. The ball was a big success and those who had charge of ar- rangements deserve great credit Tbe of- ficials were : D. T. Judge, ticket seller ; Jack Kcsseli and Burt Bennett, ticket takers; John Varley, Denny Butler C. J. Rhodes, Chas. Joseph, Harry Joseph, Joe M. Uriel, Val Klncald ond F. L. Bahr, floor managers ; Joe Howard, Dan Fallon, Len Owens, Jobn McCoy, C. W. Hood. Lew Houser, Oliver Burr, Wm. Owens, I. Houser and Chas. lisker. refreshments; Chas. Joseph, John Varley and F. L. Bahr, committee of arrange- ments; Bro. Fred Mauer, of No. :i, ' ar- rived In Pittsburg 24 to spend Thanks- giving with the boys. Bro. Sam Fisher, of No. 18, passed through tbe city last week and said "Hello," to tbe boys. Bro. Joe Howard, of No. 3, arrived borne Nor. 14, having closed with the Porepaugh A Sells Sbow, where he bad charge of the opposition brigade the past season. Ballots for the election of officers are being sent to all road members by Secretary G. W. Lowery, and all members should send addresses at once. Notes from Brooklyn Local, No. 33. — Tbe annual election of officers of Local No. :t3 will be held Sunday afternoon Dec 4. The following have been nominated : For firesldent, Leo Solomon ; for vice president, Sert Simmons: for treasurer, J. 0.- McCor- mlck ; financial secretary, Bert Russell ; re- cording secretary, Kd. Schalback; corres- ponding secretary. William McCarthy; busi- ness agent, Leo Burns and Chas. Atkens ; sergeant at arms, T. Kyan and H. Irving; e.islstant sergeant at arms, W. Montrose; heard of trustees, Jobn Jacques, W. Pratt and A. Van Slyke. All brothers on the road should send their votes Immediately to the secretary, Bert Russell, No. 80 Carlton Ave- nue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Bro. Shorty Turner Is doing well as agent of "The Prh-e of Honor" Co. The following will please send their present addresres to Secretary Rus- sell: August Helismlth, Thomas Walsh. Phil. Taylor. A. Port inn, Charles Rurke. Louis Kpsteln. Otis Beach. J. Conoley, B. Pearson, J. Michael, B. Roden, F. Carroll, Hal Law- rence and D. Sllbcrstone. Joseph R. Dorney and J. C. McCormlck will leave Saturday for Pittsburg as delegates to the National Convention. Brooklyn will have four votes in the lonventlon. Notes from Ix>enl No. 17, Boston, Mass. — Considerable enthusiasm prevailed at tbe meeting Snnday, Nov. 27. A call hod been Issued for a special meeting and several matters of Interest In regard to our annual social were gone over by the chairman, James Gammon. Quite a large number of delinquent members were in attendance and were placed in good standing. Among tbe advance men In lown ore Fred Young, for Bertha Gallnnd ; Leon Berg, for "The 'ireat Automobile MyBtery ; II. Antolne D'Arcy, for "Me, Him and 1," and Jobn A. Sbean. for Geo. Primrose's Minstrels. Bros. Oscar Klevenaar Is the new blller nt tbe Grand .Opera House. Bro. Chas. Carroll has re- turned from Lawrence, Mass. Bro. John IlAlpIn and Bro, A. Rich spent Thanksgiving at Marblehead. Mass. Bro. Geo. Collier Is at Pawtucket, R. I. and Bro. Harry Peyser r.t Worcester. Mass. Bro. Jim Orr is w..u tbe. "Boer War." at St. Louis. Nat Whlte- btone, of Local No. 33, here with "The Krrnnd Boy" Co., was a guest of Bro. Sandy Monro Thanksgiving Day. Word was re- ceived yesterday of the marriage In London, Eng., Nov. 10, of Isabella Morrow and Jobn 11. Carney, manager of the London Bureau of The N. Y. clipper. Mr. C'arnev was formerly a resident of Boston and 'was a great favorite with the boys of Local No. IT;' Mrs. Carney was a Dorchester, Mass., fin. Bro. Geo. Collier, our delegate to Ittsbtirg, was presented with a traveling bag and silk umbrella by the members of this local Sunday, Nov. 27. Bro. Joe Vokes entertained the officers at his residence In Roxbnry after the meeting. Members at this local must send their addresses ton. M. Peyser, corresponding secretary, . 14 W. Dedham Street. Boston, Mass. Notes from I-ocM No. 24. Buffalo, N. Y. — Bra. Chas. I,nckwood. of Local No. 1. who l-.ns been working for the Whitmlre A Fllbrtck Bill Posting Co. here, left last Saturday night for Chicago, where be intends to stay for the remainder of the Winter. Bert .lacobe, of Local No. 1. Is here this week, as manager of the "A Little Outcast" Co., at tbe Academy. Jake Bensenger, who has been here paying a visit to his friends of Local No. 2, has gone to work for the Whitmlre A Filbrick Co. Ed. Sbantle. of Local 24, la Hi at his home, a Bro. Sullivan, of Local No. 2. is here with the "Mother Goose" Co, at the Star Theatre. Notes from Local No. 12, Milwaukee. — The regular meeting was held Sinday, Nov. 20. Bro. Mick was allowed his expenses to the coming convention. Local No. 12 do- nated $2.", to Omaha Local, No. 13. to pay part of the funeral expenses of the late Bro. Fred Hyde. Bro. Fred Stevenson, of Local No. 3. Brooklyn, was here ahead of Lew Dockstader's Minstrels, and was given an enjoynble time by the brothers of Local No. 12. We have succeeded In taking In twb new members, Rdward Hoefert and John ltytin. Bro. Deegan, of Local No. 1, who has been In tbe shop for tbe past four months, Is suffering from Inflammatory rheumatism, and has been In bed for tbe past two weeks under the care of Dr. Taugler, of the Broth- erhood of Faglcs, as Bro Deegan Is a mem- ber of the Eagles. The boys here are doing their best to help blm. Any local having business with Local No. 12 will kindly send It to the rec. sec., Bro, Wm. Mlck before Dec. 3, 1904. Notes from Local No. 10, Wilmington, Del. — At our lost meeting Bro. Starr resigned as secretary, as he lias uccepted a position with "Buster Brown" Co. Bro. Bukett was elected secretary and business sgent. and all dues should be sent to him, 527 West 7th Street, Wilmington. Bro. Scott, of Local No. 3. who has been working nt the Grand, left todav to go ahead of the "Uncle Josh Spruceby'' Co. Bro. Bukett would like to bear from all roncl members. Joe Nlhill. of Local IB, of Springfield, Maes., has resigned his position with the Springfield Bill Posting Co.. to boom tbe "Green Dog" cigar. Ernest Elsenfleld. of the Denver Local, lu advance of "Too Proud to Beg," was In 8prlngti»)d, Mass.. last week. «■» Thu White Rats op Amemca, at a regu- lar meeting, held Nov. 27, at their lodge rooms, elected the following officers : Presi- dent. Ktra Kendall: vice president, Jaa. F. Dolan: secretary, J. E. Burk: treasurer, Mark P. Murphy: chaplain, Chas. T. Al- i'Hi-Ii ; note rat, Geo. Evans : rap rat, Sam Morton : Jest rat. Junle McCree ; proo rat, Geo. E. Delmnre : nectar rat, Chas. McDon- ald: guard rat, Ed. Keough : trustees. John. Le Clair, Geo. Monroe antf Walter Le Roy. CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles. — At the Mason Opera House. (H. C. Wyatt, manager) . "San Toy" attracted fine business week ending Nor. 19. Wm. II. West's Big Jubilee Minstrels 24-2X, "The County Chairman" 80-Dec. '3. Moaosco'S Bi'BBank Theatre (Oliver Mo- rosco, manager). — "My Friend from India" attracted good business week ending 10. Good attendance saw "A Midnight Bell," 20, as presented by the Burbank Stock Co., sup- porting L. R. Stockwell. Underlined, "The Magistrate." Belasco Tnr.ATRB (John H. Blackwood, manager). — The stock company presented •The Girl I Left Behind Me 1 ' to good busi- ness week ending 20. "The Christian" opened to a crowded bouse 21. "The White Horse Tavern" 28. Ghaxd Opk!ia Hocse (Clarence Drown. manager). — "An Orphan's Prayer" bad good hualness week ending 10. "Two Little Waifs" follows 20 and week. "Over Niagara Falla" underlined. Casino Theatrb (Wyatt & Morosco, man- agers). — Jane' Corcoran attracted' fine busi- ness 17-10, In "Pretty Peggy." Nor. 20 anil week, "A Friend of the Family." OnrntXTt Theatre (Martin Beck, genera! manager). — Features 21 and. week: John T. Kel'y nnd Co.. in "Senator McPhec :" Navajo (iirls. Canfleld and Carlton, In ''Toe Hoo- doo :" Petching Brothers, In "A Musical Flower Garden;'" Holley and Meeban. Reed and Sbaw. Watson, Hutcblngs snd.Edvmds. in "The Vaudeville Exchange," and motion pictures. Unique Theatre (Hentz & Zalle, pro- prletors).; — Features Nov. 21' and week: Jar.. t. Kelly and Lillian M. Massey, In "The In tmder • ' Bernard Williams, the Man from London ; Davey and Everson, Dutch comedy : Koler and Seymore, talking comedians; the Victorlnes, electric dimcers : Clirlstv and Willis, eccentric Juggling, and Unlque-o-scopc. Broadway Theatre (a J. Morgnnstem. manager). — Features 21 and week: KouselR Uoman rings; Claude Kelly, monologbu; the Wlilagrees, jugglers; Margie Addis, sou- brette ; Ellis and Tnloma. duettlsts ; Wells Bros., banjohts; John C. Turner, Illustrated songs. Notes— E. D. Price, of the Belasco, Meyer A Co. staff. Is spending a few days in Los Angeles Tbe .Santa Ana, Cal., Lodge of Elks gave a minstrel performance Nov. Ill Early in the morning of Nov. 17 Mlna Rudolph, ploying "San Toy," was seri- ously Injured In .in automobile accident anil one of her companions almost Instantlv killed. Miss Rudolph Is condnod t-.i her room in a local hotel and tbe company ban gone East, her place being acceptably filled by Florence F. Smltb. Miss Scotten. of the company. Is playing the part of Yung Shi. Manager Fisher was in Los Angeles for tbe first time in msr.y years when the drowning of isndore Rush, at Coronalo Beach nhd the accident to Mlna Re opened on Grand Avenue, between Klevenlh and Twelfth Streets, In a couple of months. First, the Rernatelns, Chas. Maurettees, Ives nnd Murphy and Kdison's klnetoscope. This week: Howard and Lindner, Sedonla and Barlow,, colvllle and McBrlde and Chas. St. i.onln — The World's Fair practically rinses Dec. 1, but in nil probability tome "f the concessions, and the buildings will remain open as long ns the weather permits President Roosevelt arrived In due time and Vtus generously welcomed. Olympic (B. Short, manager).— Viola Allen, in "Winter's Tale," called out lovers of Shakespeare. iMPKtui, (D. C. Russell, manager). — Blanche Bates brings her long and success- ful run In "The Darling of the Gods" to a close Dec. a, hav>ng firmly established her- self as e<\ s P. J. PAl>Ha>B, Haaager, BOOK v^ir U £0TTTE Represent yon In New York. Prompt, honest service. Katablltned seven tears. Terms VERY MODERATE for IMMEDIATE business. PIiasllTY OP GOOD OPBIT TIME. Will book several desirable attractlona on the PERCENTAGF. PliAM. A. 0. DORNBR, Booking Office, Knlukerbocker Theatre Bonding, Ne* York. EMMA BOXTLTON, Juvenile Leads, Second Rut., Hniiorettea, Special- ties. Hi., tit. tin.; wgt., lsolb. Quick atndy, good wardrobe. H. S. RODENBOUGH, Musical Director (Pianist), Arranger. Bus. Mgr., or Agent. One piece or responsible Rep. only. 121 8. Division St., Buffalo, M. Y. AT L1BKKTV. J. XX. GATE 8. 1UBA. DOl'ULK BA88. TROMBONE, B. anrtO MUST HAVE T10HRT8. G ATES and BDRBEOK, St erling, 111. At Liberty. BHi LOBBAIIE, EmoOoBaf, Light Comedy and Hsobrette Leads. Fine Hoe of special paper. Have been atarrtng at ttie head of my own Co. for several seasons. Closing be- cause the work of managing In connection wltn man-lag la to > great a strain^ Floe Wardrobe. Would like to hetrfrorn . re'snonaltii* manasers only. Address - JOHNAEN'RORO, Pa. WASTED, ALL KIHDS OF VAUDEVILLE ACTS TO OPEK UP TUB GRAND THEATRE, DEC ». Also a PIANO PLAYER. Add. CABL COOKnON, Manag er , Grand Tueaire, New ^rt, R. I. WANTED AT ONCE, TWO USEFUL' MEN and WOMEN for General Bnsluest. State lowest. (I pay am. Join on wire. 0. D. HKNRY. Marr. Stock Co., Bkaneatelca Falls, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, CHARACTER SIN6IN6 HU- 810AL ACT, Punch, Noveltv Act: change for two weeks: play organ; any gold show that pavaael arlee. GUS. MILLET, Urslna, Pa. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WANTED AT OlfCP. Tliove doing tpeotaltles preferred. Salary low and sore. 8ELBY COMEDY 00.. Waterto wn. N Y. m \ i\[ 1 MUSIC ARRANGED By the o/l Reliable. Note the change In addreas. KftWlu fllflKY. m. W.lttli m . New York Oily.. 6E0B6E and L1BB1E DDPBEE, Retined German Comedv. OPRMTIMte. Week Nov. n. TBRATRK, Gloucester, Mavs. Week Dec. 6, York. St. Jono, N. it. HOW TO CUT ON TBE 8TA8E, A book of Inatmttlon (ail branchesl. Copyright For Prof-eslonata and Amateurs. Price 36c.. ix»h or stamoe. Harry aaon. Box Ijfc Scraoton, Pa. LAREDO ■ BLAKE COMEDY ACROBATS. ,; - HURTBC &. SEAMON'S THIS WEEK. \#V REPERTOIRE PEOPLE, Leading mien to direct: Leading Woman, Comrdlan, with Ked Hot. upeclaiiiea ; suuineitti *& repertoire people In all lines, aunt be thoroughly capable actors and do olever apetlaitlti,). rlao planlttand agent. No Tickets. Just been Uoorched. Throe night Hutifila. Join on wire. Bind photos and atate all. ^^^ ^^^ j MARIBTTA, OHIO. ■"] •1 Wanted, for j. w. gormans indoor circus OPENING 1)KC. 8. KINDS OP" CIROU8 Inelitdlng Trained Anltnnls nnil llldera, with and without Block, Will buy Circus 'Heats, Hlack Tent. J. VY. ilorinitn. Cnlonlnl HuildliiK. lln«lou. Moss. . FILMS FILMS FILMS Feature Filmi for Me. Train Bobbery (Bdlton), 740ft.', S. B„ 185; Es- caped Lunatic (Bio. Oo.), slightly used, tuft.. 176; Skirmish Between Jap and Rimlan (Kdtson), (•sort., t.o; The Widow and Only Man (Bio. (Jo.). This dim' la mil length, oooit., S. II., .*;». And ten thousand feet of short subjeota from three cents per toot up. Send for circulars. To rent, all the latest headline Dims, six hundred foot reeit. Also one tooussnd foot reelt rented by day, week or month. We can Hi you nut with a complete Moving Picture Snow and Illustrated Song Rildes at a verv reasonside price. Write to ns and get our Dgure. or when In New York Cliy calL Bend for rental list. I PALEY'X KALA-TRCIINO-HCOPE. 40 W«at 31th St., New York City. Tel„»T«31Iadlton8q. ' TOPstOUSTER. Must tie good Gronnd Tumbler who don single act and- whooati work Id aerial act, Also Trap or Double Drummer, one Oooil Bill- Poster. rState lowest salary. Never close. Yon can't hoo/e here. State where you can Jolu, candy B'and for sale. Address or wire Kiogsville, 8. C. Mall anil telegrams will Ira forwarded. Sober, reliable Hoes Canvas Man wanted. WILLI AM TO DTSAMOPb BI10W . TOP TENOR AT LIBERTY for First Class Quartet or Minstrel*. Will nlose with uay Me-ijoursdera Co.ireet or Nov. 2f< at Lyceum Theatre, Philadelphia. Big hitasBDBTKHBRnWN. Addrca JOHN J. BAR R ETT. LvcenmThottre.Phllsdelphia. THE SCOTTISH TlIO Big 8uccs«» Last Wssk at Tony Psttor't. Re-enraged. Perm tnent address oare DUNCAN, SIT K. smii St., New York. WANTCO. PERFORMER WHO PLAYS PMN0. mate salary. I pay all. AddressO. w.PAKDKT, Nlclemon, Kansas, Deo. t.0, 7, or perm, add., BLAlKSTuWN, la„ thereafter. . WANTED. TOM PEOPLE (All llneii). Getitn hat double brats. Musicians tliatdonbleaURtt. L j with tihlld forRva, Lady Bugler or Uruni Maji r, State lowastturo salary. Wilt buy Band Unifoini . Pony slid Dogs. Hotels. THose w bo- wrote bed IS, write again. B. 4j .LMOH, Fremont, Ohio. A NO. I WANTS VIOLINIST POSITION lllali Oiado Orchestra or Concert tfAKKY 8ANUMH, a?« No. Qark Bt., Chicago. FOR SALE. TROUPE OF TRAINED 008S (6 dosai, all small, new Patterson Trunk. Dog Box and Props. Very cheap. PROK.M.LSWpKTH. - ... -Jm Bedford Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. REPERTOIRE PIANIST fBMlalty People Who On oo Piiti. Other useful pennie, write, state all Id itrl letter. Hour. HaINSKI, Manager, MISS JDNo IIARRET CO,, L twltton.lll.. Den. 1, g it: Havana. Ill,, He m 1. 1. T. WANTED, Leading Man, Character Womj, ImlcIfiDB for B. aod 0. ■J2 oTiiBR noou itKp, rcopur, AVBITB,. WILL LB^T BR -S 'HTOdK 4Wi , Li.VclaMl.0hl6, MASONIC OPERA HOUSE. Route ti/>. Up lo Data Big Stage, OpeaTlnw In ixcomber and January tor Hood, one Night M*nd«. Y. L. RAYMOND, Manager. Adams, N. T. HUOtt K. -MINIM AT LIBERTY. Juvenile, i.imdliiK nnil Heavy HualnrM. ; Stock or om; piece. KenjuiiiHlljli- ingm. only., 477A HI. UiiiIn Ave., Mt, Louis,-. Mo. ADVANCE AGENT AT MDKItTY, , , Thnrouglilv Kxperlen !t)il lligliu«t n'ftrencts. Wilt accrpt auy proposition, bnd make salary right. Don't need ticket advanced. Wrlto or Wire. H ■ Boom to, Terminus Hotel. , , it Mnnhrninsrv ^t.. .larscy ony, N. J. V»/ ANTltD, CHAMBERLAIN'S BIQ SNOW Playing thrte nlglit atauds, Man wltliAl Moving Picture and IliuairatedBniigGutil' sketch Teams' Yaudevllls and Musical Aula to change. Address L J.UIIAMBHRLAIN. Loikllevep, Pa. The Et/ort. Musical Belkalds. »me. Slot Maohinea. aoHETIIINO "BOW. OrJ* of «w Souvenir Postal Uard Mechlnse hts earned gio.ot |u two days. Nevr tiefot e known. Price, fit 6v, with l.Ouit beautiful cards. Other machine* at. bottom prl'-es '• • tOUKHs HPU.co.. HI West tiad St., New York. see THE NEW YOBK CLIPPEB- . S55I " r; Sa — ".;/■• ; ■■ ■ ~ , ■■*■ — : - — Decembeb 3. NBW lOIlIC CITY. He view iud Coaintiit. — Another week ot activity In local theatricals marked the ecn-nlglit . Just passed, .frith the '. present acnufiii^lhreejniontha bid, there is *ti)l a Urge T'W brw protjucMons, n condition, lit about, of course, by the unusuftj »t ot unsuccessful presentations which, have been given. Business With many of the theatres has been good, nnd In some cases big, and, In spite of the disappointments ■uffcrcd by some of our managers, there Is little ground for complaint from any. The thief event of the week of Nov. 21, from the viewpoint of the thorough New Yorker, was thor opening, on that date, of the grand opera season nt the Mbtbokimtan Opbra House Rarely baa tbc opera season opened wjtti such tclnt, attd never- to a larger audi- ence, tlio opera bouse being packed to. Its capacity...... The four, following' produc- tions were given Monday night, Nov. 21,'for Hid first time In New York C'ty: At the Ni:v>' Your Tmbatbb, "Woodland," a two act imiB'ral fantasy, book by Frank I'lxley and music by. Gustavo T.uilers ; at tbc Bboad- w^v TiiemE Frltzl Scheff appeared In "The Two Hoses," a two act comedy opera, founded upon "She Stoops to Conquer," book by Stanislaus Stango and- music by Ludwlg Englander ; at tbc Criterion Thbat.rr Louis Mann appeared In "The Second Fiddle," a three act comedy drama, founded,- by Gordon Blake, on bis story of the same title ; at the Casino "Baroness Flddlest'cks," n two act musical satire, book by George de Long and music by Emll Brugulerc. . . .. .At Halt's Tiiiuthe, on the same data, Nance O'Nell inude ber metropolitan Btcllnr dehut, pre- senting Budermnnn'B -"MaRda." She failed to meet with any great degree of success. Thursday night, 24, she changed the bill to ''Hedda Oabler." Another Monday night offering was at the Lyric Tiiea-mr, where Madame Gabriel le Rcjano, made, her .first American appearance in "Zaza," a play made fainlliar to us by Mrs. Leslie Carter. With tiitf' high standard set by the American actress, It was Impossible not to draw cam- par'sops, but, tlio consensus of .critical opluWh was that tliero was little choice be- tween^ the Work of the two actresses At the Inviira Place TiibatM!, Tuesday night, 22, 'won given the first American pro- duction ot "Dcr Ilocbtourlst" ("The Moun-- tft'h 'Climber"), a three net farce comedy, by Curt KruaU and Max Nou), a further meu- tvou'oi which will bo found, otsewboro In thls^ Issuo .Tlio continued attractions for the/ week ending Nov. 24 wore: "Baroness JUL dlcsllcka" at the Casino, Louis Mann at the CRITERION, Frltzl Schclt nt the Dkoavwav, r\nncp. O'Nell nt Daly's, "Woodland" at the. Nmv toBK, .Charles Wyndham at tlio- New Lyceum, "Ilumpty Dumpty" at the New Amsterdam, Amelia Bingham at the'Fr.ix- enss, Mine. Gabrlelle Rejnue at the Lyric,- JUJuol Barrymore at the Hinsos, "A Chlnn Doll" at the Majestic, Edna May, In "The School Girl,"- nt tbe Hgbald Square ; "Hlg- glcdy-Plggled'y" at tho Weber Mi:si.c Hall, Henry .Miller at the Gabrick, May Irwin a'^the Bijou, "The Sbo-Gun" at Wal- iIack's, David Worfleld at Bblasco'b, "The College Widow" nt tho Garden, Mrs. Fiiko and stuck company nt . the Man- imttan, "Mrs. WiggB of tho Cabbage Patch" nt .- the Hayuy, John Drew ut the Hit- i'Hik, Andrew Mack at tho FucfiTBDNTU Street, David Ulgglns at tho Amkiiican, tho Gcruuiu Stuck Co. ut the InviNU l'l.ACK, "Tlio Wlriu-d of Vx" ut the ACAUUMY uud H. II. SOIhcru. and Julia Marlowe at Urn Knickkii- l-.oL'KEii, the iitst' uuiued 'closing on Hint dale. At 1'imuTOit's l'n in Avunuk uud (J.m: Ilt'NbllBU AMU TWiiNTY-IWXll Sllll.lir Tiikatiikh stuck productions, with vaude- ville between,' tbo nets, continued. .....The one week all ructions closing 2tl were : "Bo- ciiiilejsbp. Lo'yed'' at tbo Tiiiiid Ayunuk, •The Fajctiiry 'Ulrl" at the Windsor, Ray- mond Hllchcock,. Ill "Tho Yankee Consul," at the Grand Opkra Huusk; "Supcrba" at rsjbcTiiu'H Fiktv-kiiiiitii Strkkt, William Fnvcrsliam at the Hari.hm. ' Ophba IIouhh, "F^-KkV'-at tlio Wbst Hnd, Florence Hind- leyMh "The Street Slugcr," at the Msittoro- lib, uud "A Race for Lift;" at the Star. ...... Variety entertainment was furnished at , Keith's Union Sul-aui:. tbe Chicle, rilOCTOlt'S TWKNTT-THIIIU STIIIXT, TONY Pantou'b, Uie Victoria, 'the Yokkvimx, tho London,' the 1 m:\vuy, Miner's Eiuutii Avis- NVK, MlNWl'H HOWHIIY, HllllTlO & SUASION'S, i ho Gotham and tho di.yMi'ic At nuuuit'a. Mrsru.H tlio usual long list of curios and vaudeville wnB offered. . ... .Tho bills at Hie' .ui:t!im'omta!» OrnitA Horsi:, for tl\o week ending Nov. 20, were: Monday night, £i, "Aldu;" Wednesday night, 28, "Luola dl Ivammcrmoor," with this cast : I.uela, Mar- cel la Scmbjtlch : Alisa, Mathlldc Baucrmels- ter; lCtlgardo, Knilco Caruso; Lord Knrlco Asbton, Taurlno Purvis ; Rnlmondo, Marcel .lonniet : 'Arturo, Jacques, Bars, and Nor- liiunno, Eurico Giordan). This was the first American appearance of Taurlpo l'arvls, and ho. made a favorable Impression, exhibiting n' good baritone voice. Arturo Vlgua con- ducted. Thursday night, 24 (Thanksgiving), ■'1'arslfal" was given. It marked tbe first appearance, on auy. stage, of Lillian Nordlcn us .Kundry, in which she gave entire satis- faction. Tlio rest of tbe cast was -. Parsifal, Alois Burgstaller; Amfortas, Anton Van Roy; Gurnemnux, Robert Ulass; Kllogsor, Otto Gorlts; Tlturcl, Marcel Journet; a Voice, Josephine Jacoby. Alfred Herts con- ducted. Frldny, 25, "Carmen" was Bung, with Olive Frcmstad In tbe title role, her first appearance In the role. Her Carmen differed from the Carmens we are fam'llar with, but It found favor. The rest of the cast was: Mlcaela, Alno Acktc; rrasqultu. rauia Ralph: Mercedes, Josephine Jacoby; Don Jose, Albert Balaza: Escatulllo, Marcel .lournct : Morales, Tan rlno l'arvls: Znnlgu, lleruard Begue; Pancalra, Uugene Uiifrlrlix. nnd Romnndado. Albert Relss, Arturo Vlgun I'uiidiieted. Saturday matinee, 2U, "t.ti Trn- vlnta" was sung, with ib'u cast : Vlol.ctta, Mnrcellu Scmbrlch ; Auulna, Mathllde Ba.uer- mclster ;~ Florji BcrvblN, Josephine Jacoby; Alfredo, fcnijeo Caruso; Giorgio Gsrmont, Antonio Scottil liarone Duphol, Jaajuei Bars'; Dottore. Orenvll, Eugene Dufrlch*; Marcheie . DJOtilgay, Bernard Begne, &pd ^aiitonfr Knrjco Glordanl. ArturasjiVlgna cbn^Ufted. Saturday night, 211, "Tann- Procter's Firth Avenue Tlientre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). — "Frii lids" Is rcvlvecl this week by the bouse stock com- ptrnj.', Ilugli Ford reappeared Nov. 2« and dldieapltal work as linns Otto, while Mwln Arden, Marlon B*rg. <:ertrade> Berkeley, Ger- ald Griffin and Isal-ollc Bresson nil m-ored big suectsses/ The caEtr:'U,8rkii"rltc Otto, Isabella Bvesson ; linns Otto/llugh Ford; Harold Hunting, ilnli McAIIIhit : John , raden- Sr., Gerald (irlffln : John l.'nilna Jr., hneiujcr"- wo» rendered, Alois BurgstaUer Hs5s*«i" making his first appearance, on any stage. trden : Admin Karje," Wallui- lu tbe title role. Itto-rest of the. cut waa> Kllsabcth,' Emma 'JSames ; Venus, 5 ' Marlon Weed ; Bin Illrt, Mnrguerlfe Lemon ; Wol- fram, Otto Gorltz; Landgraf Hermann, Robert Blass; Waltber, Albert Relas; Heln- rlcii, Mr. Bayer; Bltcroff, Adolpb Mubl- mnnn, nnd Itcinmar, Mr. Greder. Alfred Hertz conducted. Daly's Theatre (Daniel Frohman. mona- oger). — Nance O'Nell appeared 'I'bunksglviug evening In "Hedda- Oabler." making on that day her first Bppearancc In this city In- .the title role. His work fell abort of the mark and there was little to praise la her concep- tion of the role. The cast: George Tesman. Loulu IMassen; Assessor Brack, Charles Bol- ton ; Elbert Loborg. Charles M 111 ward ; JlUa Julia Teaman, Clara Thompson : Mrs. Elv- sted, Gertrude Blnlcy ; Berla, Rleca Allen ; Hedda Gabler, Miss O'Nell. On Monday night, Nov. 26, Miss O'Nell gave New York City Its. first view of "Fires of St. John." the play, being an English translation by. Chop. M. Swlckord of Herman Suder- nisn's foui-.net work, called "Jonannlsfeur," which received Its tlrst rendering In this country at Pahst Theatre, Milwaukee, Wis., on Jan. 2U, 100),,. It tells with great frank- ness an unpleasant story ot human weakness nnd passion and belongs. to that eatagocy ot plays that contain nothing worth retaining In. memory and arouse no welcome senti- ments. It was well constructed, however, and offered some chances for effective acting, which were well token advan- tage of. In the main. In tbc story Miuie. the heroine, has been adopted by a Prussian, Mr. Bnuer, and the. scenes are nil laid In his home In Prussia. Marie Is the daughter of bo abandoned gypsy woman, itndT she fnlla In love with George Van Hnrten, a. i nephew of Brauer, who Is be- trothed to the tatter's daughter, . Gertrude. On, the eve of the wedding, and while the fires, of, SL John ace burning, Marie ana George succumb to their love for each other, nnd the following day Marie leaves tbe house* nnd George marries Gertrude. In tbe rolo el the Gypsy girl. Miss O'Nell did ouiotlosnl work or repressed force nnd. conviction, particularly In the second nnd third acts. In her scene with ber mother, the abandoned and besotted gypsy thief, her work was. most symp»tbetlc add ef- fective, and In the scene with her lover she gave a gleam of emotional force that earned 'for ber several hearty curtain calls. Her wig, however, was hideous, ac-i handicapped Iter very much by its obvious thoatrlcallsm. McKcc Itnnkln made the artistic, success of the evening as tbe rotund and Jovial Prus- sian father, Mr. Brauer, who Is bubbling over with human. nature- and bluff good hearted- Hess, Mr. Rankin's work was superb In Its naturalness and charm. Gertrude Blnley, as Luc daughter, Gertrude, was ingenuous uud convincing, and Charles Ualton- did well at tlnica, when hu dropped his declamatory man- ner nrid satisfied himself with simple earnest- ness in delivery. Louis Masscn conveyed completely the Impression of goodness and hlBoerc, desire to uplift humanity In tho role of. the Pastor, and scored a, decided suc- cess) while Joseph Wheelock did. well what little fell to, his lot. Ricca Allen was given hearty : applause for her scene with Mario, in which, .as the. Gypsy, sho fulls before the lustlnctivc desire to pilfer. Clnra Thomp- son »dld creditable work as Mrs. Brauer. Tho cast : Mr. Brauer. McKco Rankin : Georgo Van Hnrten, Charles Dulton ; Pastor Manner, Louis, Mnsscn. ; Paul. Joseph Wheelock; ; Mrs. lirnuer.' Clara Thompson; Gertrude, Gert- rude Blnley : Gvpsy Woman. Illcca Allen ; Kutlo. Mrs. Scott; Marie,- Miss O'Nell. Next Monday, Uee. ."., "Judith of Bcthullu,-* will be given by Miss O'Sell. Lyric Theatre (Sam S. & Lee Shubcrt, niauBuersl.wJiino. Ucjane revived "Supho" on Mondnj-t Nov. 2» to an Interested audi- ence. The performance, sturllng on time, lasted until nearly midnight, with seemingly no excuse, as thustagu. settings were, by -no. means henvy. In the years since this. nctresB first appeared us Fanny tueRrand she ha«> mel- lowed in her urt until now her perforitaucs Is well night, perfect allhougli her concn|rtlon Is wld'.'lv , different from tbut given In Eng- lish As !» usual she was delightful in tho comedy scenes, and from thcui rose gradually In path"*, intensity and emotion until, lu ber siniiiious pleading with Jean. In the fourth act, sho drew tears i-nslly from her listeners. The stnlrcuso scene forms no part of this production, which does not suffer thereby, nnd the: suggcivtlvcncss Is fuhy enough murked without It M. Duraciiy did not ul- wflvs siicveed In fllrlklng the key note in the tlrst two acts, but rose admirably with Mine. RejEiie toward tho end ; In fact, her work Is sulllclcnt to lift anyone to greater heights than would otherwise be attained. M. Kelia Itlne; Jennie Merry Weather.' Marlon Uerg; Mrs. Strauss, Gertrude. Berkeley : Henry, a servant, John Dillon In tbc vaudeville were May Isabel- Flsk, whoso ironoloauc act Is commented upon In our notice this week on Proctors Twenty-third Htcet Theatre: l.oney Haskell, wbo made n big success; Hedrlx and I'reacott, In their capital duaclng act; Michel Brahuni (tlrst time here), whose trained dog, "Micky." proved a aright canlna and went t). rough pome good feats ; Naomi I'.thar- do, contortionist; Oison Brothers, bsnjolsts; Eva Merrill, i-ontrulto. and Smith and Haker, sinrlng comedians. The motion pictures con- tinue. »-•»-.- Ksltckerhpokor Ihenlre (AI. Hay- man k Co., managers) .-rOn Monday evening, Nov. - 28, i Nat C. Goodwin appeared In the first New York City performance of "Tbe Usurper," a four net comedy drama, by I. N. Morris. The play, which was originally Ectti Sept. 30. last, nt Power's Theatre, Grand Rapids, Mich., tells tbe story of John Mjaddox, who, In a few years, has amassed a fortune of over twenty millions In mln'ng. Jn his early mining days, when he was a poor man, he met and learned to love Bea- trice Cllve, a young English girl of birth and social standing. When he becomes wealthy be determines to win the woman he loves, nnd goes to England for that' purpose, and it Is in that country that the scenes ot the play aro laid. Fortune favors blm In bis quest for be learns that the Dulverton Castle sod estates presided over by Lady Dulver- ton and her son, Lord Dulverton, aunt and guardian of Beatrice, are heavily encumbered. Maddox Rases the castle with the proviso that tbe family, of which Beatrice Is a mem- ber, shall remain for six months nt least and introduce him and his slater Polly into so* clety. Maddc-x toon learns that Beatrice is- betrothed to Sir George Trenery, a e cona- drel nobleman. Beatrice does not love Sir George but she Intends to marry blm and carry out the wishes of her father. Rob. Qucnttn, the father of Margaret, whom Sir George has betrayed, tells Maddox, In tbe presence of Beatrice, of the. villainy of Sir George, end the latter is dismissed by Bea- trice, who then acknowledges she loves Mad- dox. Basil wins the love of Polly and all ends well. - The- work suffers by compar'son with tome of tbe plays In which Mr. Good- win has uppeared,, but it is, nevertheless, an excellent; vehicle. for him, and It will doubt- less. serve him for some time. As John Mnd- dox, tbe. self made man and millionaire, Mr. Goodwin gave another example of his pleas- ing work. He makes tho character a una of force who knows no obstacle too difficult to overcome. His methods are quiet, yet ef- fective, and he loses no point or- opportunity. He was cordially; received and his success was well deserved. Ruth Mockny gave good support to the star and made a thoroughly pleasing Beatrice. She has been blessed by nature with a pretty face nnd figure and has a flue stage presence. Gcorgie Mendum pave a good performance of Roslna Brlggs, a typewriter girl. May Sargent, as Polly Maddox, and Norman Thorp, as Basil, were satisfactory The cast In full: John Mad- dox, N. C. Goodwin ; Basil, Lord Dulverton, Norman Tharp : : Sir George Trenery, Elite Nprwaad ; Bob Quentln. Felix Edwnrdes ; Ser- gesnt Dole:' -XV. H. Post ; Tlmmons. Nell O'Brien ; Lady Dulverton, Ina Goldsmith ; Beatrice Clive. Ruth Mackay ; Polly Mad- dox, May Sargent; Roslna Brlggs, Georgian Mendum ; Margaret Quentln, Ethel Beale. Metropolitan Opera House. — "La Glo- conda" was revived nt this bouse Monday night, Nov. 28, to a large audience. The cast was: Ln Gloconda, Lillian Nordlca, Laura, Louise Horner: La CIcca. Kdyth Walker; Al- vlse Badvero. Pol I'lancon ; Barnaba, Eugenlo Glraldonl: Enzo Grlmaldo, Enrico Caruso; ghost. The"MyllU8 family has "returned "to Zuane, Bernard Beguc: » Cantorc. Bngene. civlllxntlon. In the confusion at the InnMjllus Dutrlche, nnd IseiKi. Knrleo Glordsiri. Ar- escapes exposure. Alice Is cured of her turo Vlgnn conducted. It Is the first appear- infatuutloa for young Rhaiuthaler and dls- Proctor's Flftj-elghlh Street The- atre (J. Austin Fyncs, general manager).— Vaudeville Is the offering this week and the house waafall Monday,* Nov. 28, to enjoy the cxcclleneoCof the GOttrtalmnent supplied by the management. Tha-Toozoonla Arab Troupe, ns usual, mndfl n decided and pronounced hit with tbelr wonderful* -Oflenfal acrobatics. George -Bvons was billed as-' making his re- turn to. "vaudeville, and repeated his former success without any apparent" 'effort on bis psrL Allele Archer, oi i.«kn .Warden and Jes- snralne Child revived n dainty conceit in "Tho Queen's Fan." Tbc scenery and cos- tumes caught the eye by their attractiveness, thcslnging and glliifiW poses of, the three participants, comllried with their sweet sing- ing voices, calling forth many favorable comment?. Adole Archer made a particularly attractive ■' yontb, .Che Six Heed Birds, ln their comedy success, "Dodging the Dodges." likewise Improve with age and won a notable success. McWatters, Tyson and Co. was another turn which proved to be favorites with tbc audience. Sydney Grant, ln bis clever imitations, found favor. Other num- bers on the programme- which pleased were: Klein, Ott Bros, and Nicholson, musical per- formers :, Four Itianos, In their comedy sketch, "In Africa ;" Sear) and Violet Allen, ln their tklt, "The Sign Painter," and the motion pic- tures being continued. Sunday's concert ot the continuous order line attracted tbe cus- tomary full, houses. Next week vaudeville will be continued, tbe bill being headed by Isabel Irving and a bill of favorites and John. C. Fisher's "Champagne Dancers" as •n added feature. Irvine Place Theatre (Hclnrlch Con- tied, manager). — A three act farce comedy, entitled "Der Hochtourlst" ("The Mountain Climber"), by Curt Kraatz and Max Neal. which has been presented, over four hundred times In Berlin, without Interruption, bad. Its' first American production at this house Nov. 22. The play was received with laughter and applause throughout The plot Is simple but a number of Interesting char- acters help to amuse. Herr Myllus Is a well to do man of business, .who Is cele- brating tbe anniversary of his birthday. His brother-in-law, August • Mertens, calls to congratulate him, and Myllus confides to him that during a recent holiday tour he has deluded his wife Into supposing that be has scaled some of the most lofty Alpine peaks, while In realty be was amusing, him- self and masquerading as a theatrical mana- ger In Munich. To spare himself trouble lie has copied tbe accounts of a famous mountain climber's exploits from a book and -sent them to bis wife la a series ot letters. Delighted at bearing of his Alpine heroism she has secretly published the pirated letters sent her In book form, nnd Invited two guides, .named Rhalntbaler, who are sup- posed to have accompanied Myllus on his as- cents, to bla birthday festivities. Myllus Is in consternation wbea, after receiving the congratulations of his daughters and friende, he Is Interviewed on bis Imaginary' advent- ures by Dr. von Stueckwltz, a journalist, and asked to be photographed. The arrival of tbe guides adds to his embarrassment He does bis best to suppress the whole edition cf the book with which he Is credited, and tribes tbc Bhalntbalera to keep silent To sustain the reputation he has stolen Myllus has been compelled to undertake an Alpine tour, accompanied by bis family and by the two Rhaiuthaler.-, vhe younger of whom has fallen in love, while in Berlin, with Myllus' atrongmlniled daughter, Alice, and thereby aroused the Jealousy of a village maid named Regcii, who has prior claims on his affection. Myllus, the sham mountaineer, grows dizzy at .the mere sight of the peaks which be Is expected to ascend, this time ln earnest. To bis consternation, at tbe Inn In which he Is staying, he meets tbe author ot the work which he has pirated ln his letters— a Dr.' Llndenburg, who fails In love with Lore, bis second daughter. He Is also worried by Amanda, an actress to whom, In his assumed character o£ theatrical manager, he had promised an. engagement With the con- nivance, of the elder Rhaiuthaler, however, he succeeds In evading the necessity of making tbc ascent, and, on appearing at a window In bis njghtgown. Is mistaken for his own ancc lu these rules of. the first four men- tioned singers while It was the American debut of Sig. Ulruldoui. Third Avenue Tlientre (Mart III J. Dixon, manager). — "The Secret of the Subway," a melodrama, In; live ucts uud seven scenes, by Jean Calwell, was presented. -for the. tlrst time In- New Yi»rk ' Nov; ■ 2bV The cast In- cluded the authoress. The charm-tors were apportioned as lollows: Jim. Master Jack Sidney: Mrs. Forsyth, Ilerliert Colby.; Hurry Sterling. C. Van Dyne ; Richard Ilardeu, Ro- land Osborne : Dennis Mahoney," W. J. Mc- Gruw ; Jack Tar, Jack Out ley : ('has. Deanc, Bi II. Smith; Jack Martin, Wm. Seward; Red Mike, T. Hognn; Sullivnn, P. Mtuphy:' lietro. W. Kay: Rose, Carrie Kckbsrt, Va- lencia Cuxzoleltl. Ann Slnglt-ton : Cordelia • I'F'aherly. St. George Hussy : 5leg. Grace Murdoch: ; May Hardee, Jeon Caldwell. The scenery Included a set represeut'ug a New York underground railroad station. Next week, "A Girl of the Streets." Miner's Bowery Theatre (Thus. W. Miller, manager).— .The Trocadero Buries. lierforniamre of Joseph, n striking contrast to the general run ot children. The oilier mem- bers of the cast, which follows, weru fully equal .to requirements: Jean Gaussin, M. Diuiumy; Cesairc, Mi- Kclm; Dcchclcttc. M. Gtttluu*; Cnuudul. M. Monll : De Potior, M* Itsuoux: La Bordcrle, M. Thiinilri ; M. Hot- tcjuu, M. Bcrthlcr; Lo Pcrc Legruud. M. BohUinn : En Employe de la Gare, M. Duo; Fanny Lcgrand, Mme. Rcjane: Devoune, Mile. Aviil : Madame Hottema, Mile. Jeauuin- Kc'ni ; Trleu Vilales, Mile. Boi-nou : It.is.irl6 Saiicbcz. Mile. Lion; Alice Dorc, Mile. Clnry; La Petit Joseph, La Potltc Baudry; Fran- uorle. Mile. Dcylla. Mme. Itcjune appears In' •Incognito" and "La Petite Marquise" HO, "Mn ■ Couslne" Dec. 1; "IiU Douloureuse" y. "La Dame aux Camellas" 3. James K. Bucket t, In "The Fortunes of the King," 5. Circle Theatre (Percy G. Williams, man- ager I. — Tlio UBual big Monday audience was In evidence here Nov. J8 and likewise the iiRtial excellent bill was bolng en.loycd by nil who partlclpnted In Ha unfolding. Delhi Fox. the petite comic opera tavorlte. holds the topline position, In her vocallsmn ; Stuart, "tho nuiio Puttl," was heartily welcomed In an net- which Is exquisitely costumed, and he was In line voice; Fred Niblo was also made ' welcome ujion this his return to vaudeville, and his monologue scored strong- ly: Staley nud Blrbeck are In tbelr second week, In their clever transformation act; ("has. Burke, Grace La Rue and the Inky Bros.. In nn original skit, "The Silver Moon, hold the sketch position oC, the bill most cnpnbly : the Three Ynscarya. comedy aero- Iwls. created laughter and applause : Chns. Hera, one of the best Jugglers In vaudeville : tbe Messenger Hoys' Trio (their debut here) . In comedy and scngs. proved worthy of any programme; Prof. Paul Powell's Electric Marionettes were .a prominent feature of tho strong bill : Bluett and Scott singers and dancers, uud tho vltugrapb complete the bill ror tbls week. victurlu Theatre (Osenr Hammersteln, ma nagcr L-n-Thi) bill far week of Nov. 2S In- cludes: Tha.Fonr Morion*. Marcel's Bus He- llefs, Slg. Geriiinnnl, McMultons Wnlcnuelcu Girls, i rune llros., I'linsslnn. N'urn Haves. Sandor Trio, Howard llros., Watson and Hill, uud vltugrapb. Ian, Wilbur Dobbs. Ida Walling, Grace Gra- ham, Mart? Swald, Cora While, Wm. Con- Ion, Frankle Lewis and Anna Hill giving good biipport. . Wm. Bnrtell, musical performer nud parody singer; Frank and Grace Gra- nain, in "Tho Lady Electrician;" Ibe Broth- ors Duinm. acrobats. ' nnd Cunlou, Ward Dobbs and Leigh (The World's Comedy Four), presented their uet. "The Genuine, * a travesty oa "The Virginian," which closed tho show. Next week, Clark's Runaway Girls. Windsor Theatre (A. H. Woods, mana- ger). — "The Fatal Wedding" Is this week's ntlractlou. It Is presented by the following east : Howard Wilson, Nestor I.cnuon : Robert Curtis, Berton Churchill ; Toto, Frank Mont- gomery : Peter ■ Schwartz, Howard Kcreey : covers that she reully loves the son of Au- gust Mertens. I.orc Is betrothed to Dr. Llndenburg. Regcrl wlus back her sweet- heart, and Myllus abjures mountains forever. The play. was. well acted by the company, which was cast as follows: Frledrich Wll- helm Myllus. Max Ilanselcr : Johanna, his wife, Gnxrgiiu! Neuendorff: Alice, Agnes Bun- gar; Lore, Msrgnrcthe Runs; August Mer- tens,, Otto Meyer: Dr. Carl Mertens. Paul Hagemunii : Von Stuekwltz, Richard Schlag- hamer : Hans Llnd,enberg, Bruno Schonfeld ; Dcr alto Ithalnthaler, Friinz Kterscbner; Hepp. his sou, Jacques llorwltz; Regerl, his daughter, lleilwlg v. Ostcrtuaun; Hfttenbuh, Lugen Hohenwnrt: Amanda Dumnr. Mario v. Wegern ; Photographer. Hclnrlch Habrlch ; Beneilikt, lleriiiiiini (Jcrold:- Minns, Llna Hansclcr. Iledwlu Von Ostermann made a hit as Regcrl, a rather Improbable, awk- ward mountain girl In trousers. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus.mun- agcrs).— The. Cherry Blossoms Burlesqucrs, under tbc management of Maurice Jacobs, the current entertainment The were bouse. "The from ._ sparkle and was well iierformtd bv the company. The olio Includes : Tbc New York Comedv Four, in their one aet sketch. "The Toadies Trust •, Seymour und Hill, acrobatic act; Burt Fuller, eomediun; Carlysle and Perry, singers and dancers, and the Mound City Quartette, who wing themselves Into favor. The closing piece Is called "Lookout Below," and was cleverly performed by tho following cast: Con McFadden. Frank Riley: Herman Schmaltz, Chas. Crollus; Simon Slide, Frank Seymour: S ettlt E?,? ) ''.. Lydla Carlysle: Fidelity ' Sal, Emma Hill: Mrs. Schmaltz. Addle St. Alva: Joe Morgan, J. A. Perry: Salvation Sam, Jim Gayior : " Charlie Burt Tho scenery, mechanical and electrlcal'effcc'tsl torgun, j. a. rerry: Salvation Sam, aylor: Cutting CapetB. Lillian Terry; e Toodthlng. Tiny Graff ; Fig Blossom. Fuller; Mrs. McFadden. Emma Hill O'Reilly, Richard Quiltor: Rev. Dr. Lance- costumcB and other adjuncts'are exceedingly v*-«t- handsome nnd very appropriate. Next week Frank B. Carr's Thoroughbreds Co. Holler's Museum (John It. Anderson, manager). — This Is one of the interesting places where one can always get bis money's worth in amusement. Each week brings forth some new freaks of nature and curios from every pnrt of the globe. Among tho eurlo hnll attractions this week are: Mad- ame 8chell and her wonderful troupo of lions : third successful week of Lionel, the Hon face boy: Billy Weils, the Iron skull man: Ole Olscn and Cnpt. Austlh. midgets; Grace Gilbert, the bearded ledv ; Brown, the skeleton man, and Geo. Bobbins, styled the champion bag puncher. In : tho ttieatre a specially arranged vaudeville programme was well received by an audience that filled the house. Yorkrtlle Theatre (M. R. Blmberg. man- ager). — Vaudeville continues the vogue here and prosperity has attended the new thea- fortl. rharlea Western ; Mabel Wilson, Vessle Kan ell : Cora William. Julia Ralph ; Bridget. May Thurston; Jessie, Cora Qulnton and Zone Kclte. alternating: Frank Wilson. Charles Richards ; Jerry Dolicrty. J. C Price; John Kclley, P. .11. West: Patttc Mal- louc, Jnuies Curtlu : Little Stross, Mattle Franks. Gertrude Hayaes with her Choir Celestial, Is specially featured. Next week, "A Woman's Struggle." Grand Opera Hoaae (John II. Springer, manager). — De Wolf Hopper, in tbe ever popular "Wang," appeared here Nov. 28 and received a royal welcome. Mr. Hopper la very well liked by the West alders and be and the supporting company lived . up to expectations. The cast: Wang, regent, of Siam, De Wolf Hopper; Col. Robert Fran- casse, Frank Belcher : Pepat. Frank Cnscy ; Lleutneant Jean Boucher. Bert Young: Chow Knry, Mark Sennntet Panoplm, valentine Roman : Malaya, Margaret Clark : Lc Veuve Frlniousso, Ada Dcaves; Marie, Snbry D'Orsell : Gillette. Muybelle Rowland : Nan- nette. Ruth Findlay; Messenger No. 3A5, Lucille Johnstone: Clarence, Harry Wright. Next week." "The Other Girl." Belasea Theatre (David Belnsco, wan- inwrL— DaTld Wanieid, In "The Music Mas- ter"' began his tenth week lo capacity busi- ness Nov. 28. : ". Milieu tic Theatre ("John 9. Flaherty, niiiiiagei-1. — "A China Doll" began Us second week and last fortnight Not. 28. tre share Its opening during the present sea- son. Tbe ennounrcments for this week are: Paul Spadoni, Maggie Cllne. Ford and Gehrue. Colby- and Way, Lola Cotton, Mldfja- l?y and QarljBl.e, Wilkes and Aie^andet and the vlthgraph. 7?- - - T7.* "" Prlneen'M Theatre (Sam S. & Left Shn- ben, manngnrn). — Amslla Rlnghanv began ber lli'rd aiul Inst week Sov. 28, ln.."Th» Climb- vis." Tsahelle Irving, lu "Sis Petsons," precede* the longer play. Robert B. Man- tell tollows Dec ft. . - Praetor's Twenty-third Street The- atre '(J. Austin Fynes, general manager). Aj capital bill tbls week has as itr-beadliner •The Girl: with the Auburn Hair," whoso beJtatituUy aet act won Instant -recognition No*. 28 'George Evani. Is another big feii- tnrc, and- be) drilled the gallery boys into one of -bis new songs ana scored heavily Jewell's Manikins, n moat elaborate ami charmingly ' arranged feature, won marked appreciation, und May Isabel Flsk, society entertainer, mode on the above date, her debut In vaudeville. She won only a fair amount ot success because her monologue, while Interesting of Itself, was delivered slowly Und monotonously. Her costume also militated agalns: her. Edwin Keough and Dorothy Ballard, In "A Vaudeville Surprint- " carried pleased attention with them during tho. progress of the act and made a complete success, while Gcnaro and Bailey, la tbelr new offering, "A Cigarette Case, brought their well known cleverness to bear upon some good material ln the act and the re- sult was a success most emphatic. Thu new specialty is better tfasn their old one and Is full- of merit. Carter A Waters Co. gavo Mr. Carter's sketch, "The Wise Mr. Conn." wblch-had Intrinsic merit and which Mr. Car- ter, assisted by Katheryn Waters and Wlllard Hex ter, brought to a laughing success. Oth- ers on the bill were Hale and Francis, hoop rollers; Beta Curtis, a violinist of marked ability; Kelt end Ruslk, hand to band bal- ancers ; Kennedy and Kennedy, singers and dancers, and' the National Trio, ring perform- ers. The motion pictures continue. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger). T-r"Evcry thing sold out" constantly greets the lato comer nt this bouse, and au excellent bouse greeted the bill Nov. 28. Tbe Initial position was strongly held by Tenbrooke, Lambert A Co., In "Prof. Schoiatz's Academy," which, though old, Is always new and cleverly done. Melville and Stetson reappeared after a long absence and delighted wttn their absurdities. They arc always a strong card Mr. and Mrs. Buck- ley, and Vic Leonso, In "A Busy Manager." have a. hard working, laughable . act, which awoke tbe audience from Its lethargy. The Pajarna Soys went well and won applause for clever work. Mclntyre and Rice gave a little farce comedy out of tbe ordinary ran and scored well. C. W. Llttleflcld, alwavs good ln his mimetic monologue, scored bet- ter than ever, rushing to "catch bis train," to the enjoyment and applause of the audi- ence. Ulgglns and Phelps did excellently in a comedy sketch ; Dolllne Cole surprised and delighted as a lady basso; Mooncy and Hol- bein scored again In tbelr grotesque song and dance act; Glldu and Fox, the eccen- tric Hebrews; Wilkes and Butler, song nnd dance ; Mnrvclle and Gleason, ln "Brother Tom's Friend ;" Carl Herbert, tbc conjuror, and the vltagraph complete tbc bill. Keith's Theatre (E. V. Albee, general manager). — While the streets of tbc city were experiencing tbelr first touch of Winter weather, on Monday, Nov. 28, all was bright- ness and jollity within the portals of this coxy house. A crowded bouse fully enjoyed an excellent programme, beaded by Harry Clifoll, in his capital imitations of men, ani- mals, et?., ln which he Is a past master. Ryan and Richfield were well to the fore in their sketch, "Mike Hagcrty'a Daughter;" Dlgby Bell, in bis original monologue, found Ins usual favor; Cole, and Johnson arc held over to.- this week, ln their vocallsms: the Wilton Bros., clever horizontal bar perform- ers ; the I'antzer Trio, exnert gymnasts ; the Smedley-Arthur Sketch Cliib, presenting "The Little. Mother;" Clifford and Burke, eccentric comedians ; Campbell nnd Caullield. In songs and dances ; Trask nnd Gladden, nimble danc- ers : Lillian Le Roy, styled "the Little Olrl with the big voice r' Ada'r and Dulin, nov- elty tight wire performers, Powers and Freed,- In a refined musical act, and the American olograph are' Included ln the bill for this week. Miner's Eighth Avenne Theatre (Ild- wln D. Miner, manager). — The Moonlight Maids Eurlesouers offered a varied lull of great excellence to a good bouse Monday, Nov. 28, consisting of two musical farces, entitled "Tld Blts"and "Chill Sauce." 'those in the olio Included : Ford and Dot West, Mills and Burns, Ezler and Webb, tbe Wil- son Trio, nnd tbe Marvelous Macllanns. The offering will undoubtedly do a good week's business. The cast: Jim Bieetlso, W. Mills; 1'ut-y Casey, Maurice Burns : Otto Kalbfirsh, Arthur Wilson: Karl of Pawtiickct, Jack Reldy: Izny Graftenstcln, II. Stewart; Walk X. Ride, Harry Wilson: Shy lock Bones. J. IMUtBanu; Blinks O'Brien, E. Clemens; Mile, De Rlvolh, Mies Webb; Mrs, Speedway. Nellie Sylvester; 'Maggie O'Haru, Carrio Exier : Euumellnt! • De Smith, Els]c Currier. Next .week, the' Utopians: . . London Theatre (James II. Curtlu. manager). — Tbo World Beaters appeared Monday. 2S. The programme Included "One Night Out," a- fuuny tlrst part; Bohannou and Corey, lu the Illuminated grotto; Mc- Karlnnd uud McDonald, comedians: tho Three Nudos, with many novel aerial tricks; Harnett, and Wcycrson, lu u clcvor comedy act; Dtrscli and Russell. In their musical net, "Tho It R. Crossing" and "Ping. Pang, l'ong," tho burlesque. Next week, tbo Jolly Grass Widows. ■ Manhattan Theatre (narrlson Gray Fluke, manager). — Mi-b. Flake began bur third week uod last fortnight ln "Hedda Gulilcr" Nov.- 28 to Interested audiences. Herald Square Theatre (Charles Frnh- mau, manager). — Edna May. ln "The School Girl," i began her sixth week Nov. 28 to continued, good attendance. Crlterloa Theatre (Charles I'mhinan, manager). — Louis Mann commenced. Nov. 28, his second week In "The Second Fiddle." Casino (Sum S. & Lee Shubcrt, mana- gers). — "The Baroness Fiddlesticks" opened lib second week Nov. 28 to good business. Liberty Theatre (Klaw & Erlanger, manugers). — Geo. M. Cohan continues to ca- mity business hi "Little Johnny Jones," ginning bis fourth week Nov. 28. Empire Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager). — John Drew, In "Tho Duke of Kll- licrankle," reached his one hundredth per- formance Nov. 30, und began his thirteenth Weak, Not. 26. fiaurrlek Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager) Henry Miller began his eighth and last week In "Joseph Untangled" Nov. 28. Annie Russell follows Dec. r.. Savoy Theatre (Frank McKcc, mana- ger). — 'Mrs. WIggs ot the Cabbage Patch" began Us thirteenth week Nov. 28. Academy of Mnslo (Gllmorc & Tomp- kins, managers). — "The Wizard ot Oz entered Nov. 28 Its fourth week. Wallack's Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Moss, manager).— "The Sbo-Gun continues to aood on sin ess, and entered its eighth week Nov. 28. - New York Theatre (Klaw A Erlanger, managers). — "Woodland" has settled down to a successful run, and began Its second week Nov. 28. - Atlantic Garden (W. Kramer's Son;, managers). — Shorty and Lillian De Witt. Mirthful Midget and the Merry Maid: the Morellos, hand and head balancers; Russell llrundow and 8tella Wiley, colored enter- tainers: Geo. and Mav Woodward, Sunburned Robes; tbe Two Alnorgs. comedy acrobats: Pllnton and Kebser, comedy jugglers, arc the vaudeville performers for this week. Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, manager). — "The College Widow" continues to capacity business, ond entered Its eleventu week Nov. 28. -' . . „„,. Sew Lyceum Theatre (Daniel Froh- man. manager). — Cbnrles Wyndham, In 'Da- vid Oarrlck." began bis third week Not. 28- "Mri. norrlngp'e Necklace" Dee. 7. Vonrteeuth Street Theatre (3. If«- ley Kosenquest, manager).— Andrew MncB, m The Way to Kenawre," began bla fourth week Nov. 28. Co" DECEMBER 3. TEDE ISTE^T ;YOEK CLIPPER. 963 A COMEDY ENGAGED TO TAKE JAMES THORNTON'S PLACE 1(1 AS ALL STAR BILL AT HlllTIQ «i SKAMII.VS MUSIC HALL, X. V. CITY. OAOED FOR CHRISTMAS WEEK E10UGH 8AID. OBPHEDI THEATER, OTIC A, N.-Y., THIS WEEK. BDflPEY and 1C0LAN. ABOUND THE GLOBE. American Theatre (Klaw, Krlanger & Wels manager).— David Hlggtns. In "Ills ] n«t Dollar, bosun bis fourth nnil last week \ov 28, on MM occasion tlie three hun- dred and fiftieth performance was eommem- nmreted with souvenirs. Next week, 'More .. be Titled than Scorned." Weber Monte Hall (Weber & Zlogfeld, lennogers).— "Higgledy-Plggledy" began Its S ' X BrJadw»y T Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, mnnaKCr).— Frltzl Scheff started her second rVck In "The Two Hones," Nor. 28. Sew Amsterdnm Theatre (Klaw &Er i-uiger, managers).— "Humpty Dumpty" com- menced Nov. 28 Its third week. Hudson Theatre (Henry B. Harris, mnmcer).— Ethel Barrymore, In "Sunday," ESTSr third week Nov. 28. Hljon Theatre (Henry B. Sire, tnaqi- Ber . Mav Irwin, In "Mrs. Black is Back," began her "fourth week Nov. 28. Harlem. — At the Harlem Op-jra House (Alex Ltchtensteln, mnnager) Wm. II. Crane uresented "Business Is Business" Nov. 28, aai was warmly received by n large audi- ence. Business so far I ills season Is beyond < xpectntlons. Next week, the Rogers Bros. West End (George A- Blunenthnl, mnna- [, f . r i — Billy B. Van nnd company, In "The iWnd Br.y," made tlielr flrxt Harlem ap- pearance to a crowded house 28, and found lavnr from the start. A well trained chorus r.nd a score of pretty women add miuh to ilio attractiveness; of tlie production. Next week Ross and-Fenton, In "Twlrly-Wbirly." Mbtbofoms (Henry Itosenberg. manager). "The Vacant Chair." a four act comedy diamn, by Theodore Kremer, was originally mesented to a. New Tiork audience here 28, i. fore a packed house. It was a satisfac- tory performance from every .standpoint. 'I he piav was first produced at Scrnnton, la., Nov. 7. The cast: John Piitman, George Heath ; Charles 'Mnnafleld, Franklin Ritchie; Mike Muldoon, \\. Blacklock Woodhall ; illnton, Richard West; Isidore Ssrdou, Ritd- ilv Struck : Francis Valk, Frank Cmrk; Raymond Kuss, Benjamin Taylor; Ralph Jordan, Louis Bond: Fred Hayes. Harry Mcers; Huth Putnam, Ruth Holt: F.lla, l'.aby Abbott; Susan Crawford, Belle Gatf- Ei-y: Lizzie Slapion, Lola Morrlse; Mrs. ( harles Itoltz, tirace Kruse: MIhm Mamie Vlnn*tte. Fanny Abbott ; Miss Vivian Lee, Ionise Henrn. The play Is well staged and cast. Next week, "The Volunteer Organist.'.' Stab (Wm. T. Keough, manager). — "The Child Wife" opened to a packed house 28 nnd should liave a big week, ns it i.ns proved a record breaker In the past. Next week, "From Rags to Riches." Proctor's One Hundred and Twicktv-fhtii Street Tiie.vtbb (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). — "An Enemy to the . King," one of the old Lyceum Theatre production's, Is Hie offering for this week, nnd it was heart- 'iv applauded 28. The play was most elab- orately equipped In regard to scenery and r.tnge effects and It was welt cast with the house favorites. The vaudeville contribu- tions were : Levlne and Leonard, Lillian Ash- ley, the Rollers nnd Barry and Wilson, with new pictures on the knlntcchnoscope. Hi.'ktio & Seamon's Music. Ham. (Ben Hurtlg, manager).— A most excellent pro- gramme wns offered for the approval of n large audience 28. nnd Included the follow- ing: The Mnusfleid-Wllbur Co., Louise Henry. Marco Twins Four Bolscs, Arthur Whlte- inw, Hal Godfrey and Co., Fllipplno Girls, Go'den and Hughes and Laredo and Bluke. Gotham (Sullivan & Kruns. managers). — Hurtlg ft Seamon'B Bowery lluriciei'iers opened to a packed house 28, delighted all from start to finish, and was most royally received. Next week, the Dewev Extrava- ganza Co. Olympic (Fred Schnefer, manager).— This Is the last week of burlesque. On Dec. this house will be under the management of Al. Woods, when It will be ruu as n popu- lar price combination house, and present melodramas. Moats'* Franco-Amebicax Baxd (Henri Morln; conductor) giive a grand Innugural concert In Carnegie Hall, Saturday evening, Nov. 27, assisted by Theresa Dofgeval, so- prano, nnd I'nnla Woehntng, contralto. The numbers were well selected and delightfully rendered, though occasionally the brass was flight ly too much In evidence. The waltz song from "Romeo et Juliette," was charm- ingly snog by Mme. Dorgeval, who generously responded with an encore. Mme. Woehnlng received two overwhelming encores : for her excellent rendition of the aria "Mon Coeur N'ouvre a ta Volx," from "Samson et Del'la." A good; sized audience voiced Its apreclatlon and approval of the concert, and thoroughly enjoyed it. ■ . ■ . . Geobge Edwarpes, manager of tlie ■ Lyric Theatre In London, who ' will present his Lyric Theatre Co. in "The Duchess of Dant- sdc," at Daly's Theatre Jan. 10, has espe- cially engaged Lomprler Prlngle for the role of Lefebvre. CITY JOTTINGS. Henrt Millkb will stay at the Garrlck in "Joseph Entangled" until Saturday, Dee. 3. Annie Russell will follow him on Dec. .">. Sam 8. Shi'ukbt has decided that seats for the opening performance of "Ludy Teazle," by Lillian Russell, at the Casino night of Dec. 2(1. will be sold nt auction. Robebt Maxtell will follow Amelia Hlng- ham at the Princess Theatre, opening Dec. •"• In "Richard III." On the same night James K. Hacketr, In "The Fortunes of the King," will be seen ot the Lyric. Felix Wkixoabtner, of Munich, has been reengaged this season to conduct the four mneerts of the Philharmonic Society, the llrst of which will be given at Carnegie Hull, Feb. 0. David Bi.lasco has planned to present both "The Darling of the Gods" and "Sweet Kitty Ilclla'rs" on the stage of the Academy this season, and both plays will begin with at least eight weeks' time, which will be extended should the engagements prove profitable. Mrs. Leslie Cabtub's first performance of "Adrea" will occur at the Belasco Theatre, Monday, Jan. 0. On the same date David Warfleid, who Is now appearing on the home stage with great success in "Toe Music Mat- ter," will more to the Bijou Theatre, In order to give him an uninterrupted run In this city. Klaw & Erlanorb will make an elaborate production next season of a new musical comedy, book by C. M. S. McClellan, music by Gustave Kerker called "The Buttertiles of Fashion." Mr. McClcllun, under the pen name of Hugh Morton, wrote the scries of nnnunl reviews which were a feature at the Casino some years ago. The New York ; Police Basd, Fife and Drum Costs will, benefit Tuesday evening, "ec. 6, by a dramatic performance nt the Grand Central Palace, Forty-fourth Street nnd Lexington Avenue., In which the char- acters wlh bo taken by policemen. The play, entitled "Under the Green Lamps," Is given to secure new uniforms and Instru- ments for the organization. Policemen wrote the piece and the scene In laid In the ieiidtrloln police station. The scenic artist ot the Belnsco Theatre painted the scenery, and the entire performance Is managed by itoundsman Daniel J. Fogarty, of the band. Tub fihst National Cisinksh show will i>e held at Madison Square Garden, Dec. 12- U, when the largest collectlou of ofllce furul- 'are, typewriters and miscellaneous office ap- pliances ever collected will t>e' exhibited; There will be a Bpeed typewriting coutest for the world's record. Tire fibs* PErtFOBMAKCFi nv. the American Academy of Dramatic Arts this season will take place "Two Little Sailor Boys," a popular melodrama, this week. A large aqd capable company Is in evidence. I-ast week big busi- ness ruled. Next week. "A Race for Life." Park (Wm. Hyd?, manager). — This week "The Stain of Guilt," a melodrama of note. Is given a good hearing. Excellent business last week. To follow, "Escaped from Sing Sing." Bi.rou (Mary o. Hpooner, manager).— Kdnn May Hpooner, In "Hands .Across the Sea," is given this week. Miss SpooDer does excellent work, while AuQlxt Phillips Is the hero. Hal Clarendon shares la.. Ilia honors. Other memliers of the company are well placed. Lust wvek's' business was ei- (•ellent. Next wirk, Cecil Spnoner, iu ".My Sweei heart." Coi.tMiniA (Dnvp A. Wels, manager). — "Vii'glnliis" Is presented here this week. Richard Buhler Is Vlrglulns. .Miss Rodgers plays the part of Virginia. Last week big business ruled. Next week, "Dora Thome. Orpiikum (Percy O. Williams, manager). — This week presents George Fuller Golden, who makes his first appearance here after an nbsenee of two years. Mr. Golden'n stories nf ••Casey" always plo.-tso. Others are; Fmmet Corrlgan and company in n sketch, "Jockey Jones:" the Seven Sisters Grunaiho, O'Brien nnd Havel, in "Ticks nnd Clicks:" the Empire City Quartet, Reno and Richards, A. O. Duncan, James F. MacDonnld, the Britons and the vltogrnph. Hyde & Behman's (Nick Norton, mana- ger).-r-Wllllam Ilarcourt presents his farce, "A Dakota Widow," this week. Others on the bill are: VInella's . educated horses and boxing iranles, Ettnn Aug, the Prosper Troupe of six European acrobats, Melville Kills, Provost and Prevost, the Sully Family, Sabel Johnson and Carter and Bluford. Keeney's (Frank W. Kceney, manager). — This week the bill contains: Jessie Mill ward, who presents "A Quean's Messenger;" Looso & Camp's electric scenic production, "The World That Was and Noah's Ark;" the Golden Gate Oulntcite, Lottie West Symonds, Daniel Hnrlngton, the Maxsmlth Duo. Cos- more and Florenc?, Tom Olllen and the Keeneyscope. Star (Al. Schonberg, manager). — Harry Bryant's .Extravaganza Co. with a double bill. Is here this week. The special feature is the Welsh Montrose Trio of comedians, dancers and acrobats. The two burlesques are j "Wild Oats" and "Hotel Glrly-Glrly. 1 ' Watson's Cozy Corner (W. B. Watson, manager). — Manager Watson has secured as the headllner for this week's bill Collins and Hart, who have added to their act many new, features. Others are: James B. Donovan, Gardner, West and Sunshine, Etta Victoria, Miller and Kresko, Leo Pardello, the Italian wrestler, who will meet several local wrest- lers. The burlesque offering is entitled "A Female Seminary, nnd It Is a potpourri of nonsense and music, m which the full strength of the company appears, assisted by a largely augmented chorus of show girls. Broadway (Leo C Teller, manager). — "The Isle of Spice" week of 28. The policy of giving the tbeiitregolng public the best that can be bad, which Mr. Teller has In- augurated here, lias been productive of most gratifying results. Big and highly pleased audiences All the house. Last week the bouse was crowded. Next, Otis Skinner, In "The Harvester." Folly (Bennett Wilson, manager). — "The Street Singer." with Florence Bindley, Is this week's offering. Miss Bindley Is a prime favorite here, and seldom fulls to draw crowded houses. The play Is well staged. Big business last week. Next, Billy B. Van, in "The Errand Boy." Gayety (James Clark, manager). — Roble's Knickerbocker Burlesquers, In "Rlley'B Speech," this week. It Is a two act farce, Interlarded with musical numbers and spe- cialties. The specialties are contributed by Frank Finney, Srir Green. Oscar Lewis, William Patten, Marie Richmond, Clara IIIIs- dale and Marguerite Wagner. The opening house was large. Big business last week. Amphion (J. William Schmidt, representa- tive). — Tlie strain of conducting two thea- tres has [iroven more of a burden than Mrs. Hpooner cares to assume, and for that rea- son she has discontinued her management of this house. Messrs, Hyde ft Bellman will again resume the management. I'AYroN's (S. 8. Allen, manager).— This promises to be an extremely prosperous week. The piny Is "Rosedalc" nnd all the members of the company nre In the cast. Rig business last week. "The Holy City" next: Novelty (Dnvld Itoblnson, manager). — "The Factory Olrl" tells Its tale of love nnd. devotion this week. The play Is well calcu- lated to please the patrons Big business last week, "t'ncie Tom's Cabin" next Gotham (Charles Williams mnnager). — "The Little Church' Around the Corner" this week. Business continues good. Next, "The Wavward Ron." ' Unique (Frank n. enrr, manager). — Some new faces are seen' In the stock burlesque company this week in addition to those who have been there; The chorus lias been added to until now It has nearly forty members, all of whom are go>d looking and who sing arid dance well. The burlesques are "Rip Van Winkle" and 'Queen for a Dav." The olio! The -chadwlck Trio. Adams and Drew, the Cain Sisters, the rhameroys, Sir. and Mrs. Hodges, and Young Kaejenschtnidt, who meets nil comers In a wrestling bout. Business continues large. Lyceum (Louis. Phillips, manager). — "The Orphan nnd the Heiress" this week. Business continues roost saiR'actory. Notch. — At a meeting, on Nov. 21, of the Incorporators of the new Brooklyn Academy of. Music, the corporation was organised by the election of these officers : Kx-Mayor Charles A. Srheeren, chairman ; mills L. tiaden. rice chairman; Kdwln C. Ward, sec- retary ; Crowell Hodden, treasurer ; board of directors, Abraham Abraham, Frank L. Bnh- bolt. Frank Bnlley, Henry B»'.ieriaan, Simeon It. Chittenden, Carl II. De Silver, A. A Healy, Martin Joat, J. A. Mollenbauer, H. A.' Metz, J. M.- Mnscr. Alexander E. Orr, I,owell M. Palmer. Charles M. Pratt, Henry Koto, Samuel, Rowland, Edward M. Sbepard. Alfred T. White, Robert K. Woodward and Borough President! Littleton. Chairman Schtoren. who presided at the meeting, said that up to to the present five hundred and ► eveniy-ono persons save subscribed $0.02,300 of the slock. In outlining what find been accomplished, and what It Is hoped the or- ganizers will eventually be able to do, he said : "A false Impression has gone abroad th.it with $HQ0,00i> subscribed, Die work of obtnlnlng subscriptions wnB completed, , This Ik; not the case. The turn of $000,000 was flled as an amount that must lie subscribed before any subscriptions were binding. We Intend to go on with the work ot obtaining subscriptions for the whole $1,000,000 of the. authorized capital, >ind call for whatever- portion of the amount may he necessary. The site committee are Investigating territory In several sections of the city, which they think would lie most suited for our purpota. . . , v . Pauline llnll has lost, her suit against Percy G. Williams, manager of the Orpheum. *■ »■ » MICHIGAN. Kdrsnn, In '/Hanson's Folly," nlnved to blc business 'S3, 21. Hooked: "The Virginian" 28. 21). Cliiis. Hnwti'jl Dec. 2. 3. Bijou (Jake Weils, manager) — Louise Beaton, in "Rachel Goldstein," 21 nnd week, played to crowded rnusee. "At Cripple Creek" comes 2S, for one' week. * Star (J. B. Thompson, manager). — Oood business prevailed week of 21. The bill In- cluded: Downey and Thomas, Madelynn line- nurd, Phillip Sisters, Lowmnn Sisters, Parker ami Florence, Graca and May Mllburn, Oh kni-a and Orapetsa, Frank 1*. Baldwin, L. Al- len, Mse Kcnnn, Gils Mc.Vitlty. Hal tllnlr nnd moving picture*. Manager Thomprnn enter- tnlned the entire company at Thanksgiving dinner. 4 •* ILLINOIS. Detroit. — At the Detroit Opera House IB, ft Whitney, manager) "The Maid uud the Mummy" was received by large, ami -ap- preciative audiences Nov. '21-20. '.Havuge s Grand Eugllsh Opera Company week of 2tt. LvrftUM (E. D. Stair, manager). — "Buster Ilrnwn" packed the 'house at. every perform- ance 2'>-2«). The enlertulnmenl was appre- ciated from beginning to end ami elicited much npplnuse. "The Ronnie Hrler Hush" week of 27. "When Johnny Comes March- ing Home" next week. Lapaykttb (It. A I'limmlngs, mnnager).— The Ciimmliiss Sloe's Co. presented "Uncle Tom's rabln," to gmd returns. 20-28. The same company will !>e seen In "Cnmllle" week of 2T. Wiiitnky (E. D. Stnlr, manager). — "The White Tlcress of Jipan" entertained large r.rid appreciative audiences 'JO-'JO. "McFnu- den's Pints" week ot 27. "Lights of Home" pcxt week. Templd (J. II. Moore, manager). — Last week's bill was up t.» the usual high stand- ard and S. R. O. wns the rule. The attrac- tions for week of 2S : Hymn Donglass, Ella Ilrndna. Foy and Clarke, Mnrlon Gorson, tho Three Keatons, Newell and Nlblo, Belle Stone, the Four Mnrvellcs and the American kineto- graph. Avicnte (Drew ft Campbell, managers). — The Kentucky Relies offered n first class en- tertainment .and drew Inrge audiences after- noon nnd evening. Al, itceves' Dig Show week of 27. reorla.— At the Grand (Chamherlln, Har- rington ft Co.. managers! one of the funniest shows of its kind sver given In this city wns Gut on by Ward and Voltes Nov. 10, to a full ouse, "Vivian's Papas," 20 (return engage- ment), came to good returns. "A Royal Chef," 22, filled the house nnd pleased. Eva Tnngunv delighted n Rood house 23. "Ilolty T'olty. Thanksgiving, had excellent returns. Com- ing: James Corbetr. ::t», "The Forbidden Laud" Dec. 1. "The Holy City" 2, "Out of the Fold" .Ti, "End.! Josh Perkins" 4. Main Sthfxt IE. P. Churchill, manager). — The house Is not Inrge enough for opening nights. For the current week) Marlon and Denne, Don and Mae Gordon, Ronnie Gay- lord. James W. Thompson and Hughs and Illlg|)S. . . 'Wbaht (C. F. Ilartson, manager).— Busi- ness la (lne here. For the current week : Three , Campbells, Lnraltie and Dandy, i.e- nioyne Sisters, Petet Family and Lambert and l'lercd. ;, Jacobs' (A. V. Jacobs, manager). — Satis- factory business here. For the current week : The Allynn; ths Merediths, Fillmore and Adnms, 1 Qnlnn Trio nnd Mlagleys. - Clips. — Rudolph (lauz, pianist, and Mme, Van Hfhnlckigave n concert at the tlruud, 21, to (i very fair audience Adele Alls Her Olie, plauisle, appears before Women's Club 22 liadsUI and Marie Nldiofs bad a Hue outlook for 2.1, at Coliseum. »«» •'» COLORADO. Grand . Itaplds. — At Hie Sew Powers (Harry G. Sommers k Co.. miin.-igcrsi com-' lne: "Eben Holden" Nov. 2.">. 20, Roselle Knott, in "Cousin Kale." 27; Harrison J. Wolff, In "Hamlet." 28, 20 ; nil star cast. In "Two Orphans ;" William Gillette, in "The Admirable Crlchton:" "The Royal Chef." Majestic (Orln Blair, manager). — "Bus- ter Brown," week of 13-10, played to S. It. O. "David Hsrum," 20-22, played to crowded houses. Coining: "The Mumn'y aud 'he Humming Bird" 24-20. Al. II. Wilson, iu "The Watch on the Rhine," 27-80 : the Lillputians Dec. 1-3, Ward and Vokes 4-7. GitvNU (Orln Stair, manager). — "For His Rrother's Crime," Nov. 20-23. played to- fair business. Coming: "The Waff's Parndise" 24-20. "The Chnrltv Nurse" 27 30. Smith's Opkka llousu (Mrs. W. II. Smith. manager). — Week of 20 Snm T. Jack's Own Co. played to cxcclleat business Coming, the Quaker Maids Iturlesiiuurs week of 28. S B i ■ I Untile Creek At the Post Theatre n. lie wns In. Paris with his band, having comnlelnd n proineiintle dance ronrerl. lie repaired lo his hotel, whnre be wns nttacked liy what nt llrst seemed to be n mild Illness, hut 11 proved to lie, . apoplexy, nnd he died shortly lifter. He wns for years lender And - major i.f tho First Regiment, O. N. 0. ,1 LnoNAnn Giiay, n former thentrlcnl mana- ger, of Newark. N, J., died In that city Nuv. 24. from Hright's disease, agei) slxty-lhree years. Fur n HMsket of yenrs lie managed nt unci Ions nnd principal theatres th'Nuwitrk, 'ncliidinx ibe Grand Opera House and Park Thentre. one son survives him. ■ ■■'" : Baiiv Wii.sun, aged .four uenrs,,, a child wooden shoe ilaucer,.dled ilu>li(iliak4>i. N. J., Nov. 2.1, from dlpbtherln, r)n« Wa born la Missoula, Monl., nnd was the daughter, ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Goo, II. Wilson, vaudeville per. formers, Her Inst performance was Satur- day afternoon, Nov, 12, al Dockstadsr's, .Wil- mington. I le|, Denver. — At the Tabor Grnnd (E. F. MiCotirt, manager) Williams ami Walker Nov. 27-3(1.' "A Ti'xns Steer" Dee. 1-3. "Shore Acres" gave a line show and parked the house Nov. 20-2(1. Broadway (H. F, McCourt, manager). — Week of 28. 'Dorothy Morion, III -■'Glittering Gloria." • Nov. 2s), "Hweel Clovcr.T with (Ills It. Thayer and Gertrude Hondhlll. N'F.VV CiinriM (A. It. 1'elton, oiillioger), — Week of 27. "The Heart of Chicago.'^ Week of 20 Stetson's "Undo Tom's Cabin," with a very strong company, played to packed houses. OapmruXc (Mnrtln Beck, general mana- ger), — Week of 28 : Mary Normnn. the Mys- leHous Zanclgi, Madame Avery Slrackoscli, Sullivan and Pasiiuelenu, Vernon, Horn and Mabel Ford, Harvey Comedy Co. and klno- drome. Business Is gbodt Novklty (Henry Litbelskl, mnnnger). — Week of, 28c. Dorofha Reitton, tjie Sloans. Hush -ind Daughter, K. Fl.dier, John Morri- son, Slapion nnd Penrose, nnd the Southern ounriettc Duslness Is good.. > „ J.vinc (Frank Lcary, manager). — Week of 28: lle.itty nnd Price, Two Keplers, Mnrson nrid Tllbtirn, the Comars, Illrschorns, II. A. Williams and Eslello I.n Rose, lluslness Is good. •• i • CavsTAi. (George Ira Adams, manager). — Bill week of 28 • Bolile Thompson nnd Unby Hniel, the Rernsteins, Barney First, the Fit oils, Sims and Murphy and Hurry Osu- Under tbe Cents. +«» DEATHS 1\ THIS ntOFEHSIOV, - XuMhrllle.— At the Grand (.Mrs. T. J. Boyle, manager) weit of Nov. 1, "Cinderella," by tbe Boyle Stock Co,, wus up to all expec- tations ns a scenic iiroductlon. and tbe spirit thrown Into the acting by the members of the company made If a charming entertain- ment and one long to bo remembered by tbe large audience who Jaw It Miss McCaull, as Cinderella, was dainty, pretty and grace- ful. J, Francis Klrke and C'aro Miller were very funny in make up and Interpretation of tlie characters uf f he two sisters. Clarlnda and Thlsbe. Mr. Da Ue.vn, as the Prince, played cleverly. The production was under the direction of V. C. Alley and Cam Miller, and reflects much credit upon both. Week of 28, "Jim Hie Westerner," Bi.toi.' (Allen Jenkins, manager). — Week ol 21 Lottie Williams, In "Only a Shop Girl," (nlked, danced and sang herself into the appreciation nf large audiences, Other niembcm of the company were clever, and a well balanced performance resulted. Week of 28, -Two Little Walls." Vc.wuii: (W. A. Rheetz, manager). — "Ghosts " with Chins Bngell, gave the many people present during tbe engagement some- itdug lo remember 21, 22. I Paul Gllmore. Iu 'I'll" Mummy nod the Humming Bird, iiod big unslness imtllnpe and night 24. •The Sign of the Censs". drew good houses ■ ««> OKOItOtA . Atlanta.— At the Grand (H. Ta ft J. L, De Give, managers* Jos. Murphy Nov. 2D, 20. Paul Gllmore pltssed large audiences 18^ HI. Helen Grantly, In "Her I^rd mil Mi* ter," was received with favor, 21, 22. Robert Fiikd R. Hamlin, of the theatrical firm of Hamlin, Mitchell 4 Fields, died suddenly nt his home In New York (,'lty Sunday night. Nov. 27. He had been ailing for about two months and had been ordered by his phy- sician to Hot Springs, Vu., where lie went for a time. - Mr. Haiiilln was forty-one years old and was tie son of John A. Ilamlln. pro- prietor of the Grand Open. House, Chicago. nnd his family whs Wolf known In theatrical circles. After he- graduated from Vale bo became associated with his brother, Hurry- H. Hamlin, In the management of tho Grand Opiru House, Chicago. His llrst theatrical venture wns with Klrke La. . Hlui.lu, in tho production of "Arizona." Then lie and Jul Inn Mitchell produced "The Wizard of Ok." He was iiIko Interested In the production of "lliibes In Toylund." The linn then becuinn lluinlln. Mitchell & Fields, which wns the lessee of tho Lew Fields Theatre, New York, the opening of which was announced for Thursday. IHc. ], with "It Happened In Nordlnr.d." The op-nlng of the ilieutw will be postponed. Mr. Hamlin was married last April to Mrs. Mary Barton cadow, who sur- vives him. . . Muh. M.tar B. Wt.kb, who was the oldest actress In- America, died Nov. 2r> In tbe Prince, of Peace Hospital, In North Marshall , Street, Philadelphia. She had been In that Institution about ilircc months, debilitated iilrmst completely bv tbe Infirmities of her eighty-elgbl yenrs. Situ was boru lu Phila- delphia on. July 4. 1810, and her maiden lame was PacKurd. Her first appearance oi the stage was made In 1434, al ins Walnut Street » neat re. Philadelphia, In the oar]" dv bullet. Later she acquired .1 reputation far playing old women characters, and for leu years was engaged at the Arch Street Theatre, Philadel- phia. Mrs, Wllka . played nt various times with Forrest, Mncrendy, the elder Booth. Cuarlotte < Cushman. Kdwln S, Connor and Joseph Jelferion. Shortly after her adoption of the stage she married Ilcnjumlu II. Willis, who was a musician In tlie orchestra of tho Waldut Street Theatre, and who subse- quently became one of the leaders of Deck's Philadelphia Hand No. 1. They enjoyed a happy married life of more than fifty years. Mrs, Willis retired from tho stage almost forty years ago anil >ias since lived In Phila- delphia. ', One son, IMwarfl P. Wllka, a pro- fessional, survives htir alkbrd Wav.vi:, of Wayae and Lamar, died suddenly al St. Vincent's Hopsltal, Worcester: .Mass., Nor. 2(1, -from, a throat. troubla. Ills doom was unsxpected. nnd. he was playing nr. engageaunt at tbe Casino Thaatw, jn, that rtty> .at^he time,. ^Thi team hod tacontly returned from' England nnd were iKiokeil for a return there, begin- ning nekt Heptetnoer. niienKAN IIauuih, a theatrical manager, who baa been touring tho Orient with ills company for about' 'two years, committed an I ride Nov. -4, In San Francisco. R. F. iTniiYI Hamilton wrlles: "An Im- poi-innt .iriinsni'tlou nuiong circus magnates litis Just been consummated whereby at least (lie two liiigesl slum's In Hie world liuvo come lo mi uiiiIchuIk iiiulvrsltindliig lu re- gnrd to route and other hnruoiilous methods nf action, .liimeii A. Bnlley and tlie Messrs. Itlngllng Brothers hnvn met mid ngreed upon a programme that Is likely to confer lasting benefit upon everyone ctigngedjn the circus business, While lliere Is no foundation for oven a suspicion that any merger or combi- nation Is Involved, sulllcleut has transpired to warrant the statement that n most thor- ough iiudei'stiiiiding hits been arrived at, by which the vast iititl important Interests of these two great shows will bo conserved, Foe some tlmo pnst (lie lending showman nf the country have contemplated a sott of 'gentle- men's agreement' that would permit of eon- eerled action and enable them to forinulnte plans that would Increase the dignity of the c'i'cus profession, and, at the same time, put them in n position to unitedly and success- fully combat any impositions that might lie forced upon them. By these arrangements nnd the mutual understanding u* to route* ami general operation, It Is reasonable to ex- pect Improved results, as all semblance of warfare will be eliminated, and eaoli shew strivo to reach tbe public by Its individual strength mid attractiveness, It Is also • part .of the compact to correct many abuses which ha vo' seriously uffocttd the operation of. theso great amusement concerns, and even made then) n prey to the unscrupulous, it being the Intention to practically uuol- tsh the free ticket nuisance as for ss possible, mid, lo this end, window lithographs will, to u great extent, bo dispensed with, and the newspapers used more oxlcnslvely! other unfavorable conditions will be, met ns they arise, nnd nil unjust dWcrlmtnlnntlons or attempts to Invy Illegal and oxccsslve fees of any kind will receive prompt and proper attention Soma of theso matters hflvn now grown to >ucii unbearable proportions that It has prompted Messrs. Itlngllng itrothors and Mr. Bnlley to tnku tho Itmlatlva and apply the forces severally at their command In ef- forts to effect a remedy. In this they Invite Die nid of other show men through which It Is expected that these vexatious mutters mav be proporly and satisfactorily adjusted. There, nin he no discounting the fur teaching ef- fects of I lie agreement between the proprie- tors or I he two lilg shows. For It conlein- plntcs the regulation of routes and other Important affairs, tho correction of all abuses .'inu the ndoptlon of methods for general bet- terment of the circus rolling. While the con- cordat arranged between flwse two big shows ran Iu no wise be considered] n combination, It may correctly be oonsttae.il as an asso- ciation for mutual benefit, Into which nil otlu-r shows may enter, as the purposes are comprehended In tho motto of the muske- teers, 'One for nil and all for one.' " Wi: have been. Informed by Chas. L. Basse, the representative of Antonio V. Puhlllones Knterprlsos in Cuba, that the season opened nt tlie 1'ayret Tbealro, Havana, on Knturday. Nov. is. Business, Mr. Sasse udds, has been something phenomenal, and on Sundays many are turned uway. Mr. Piililllones has also leased the Teatro Nnelonal,. beginning Dec 19, Here mo a few of tbe attractions now appear- lug ot Die ClrcM Publllonea, lluvana; Clarke Family nf riders, Hi.! Clarkonlnns, aerial act: Rscsmlllo tiros., tight W'ro act; Leu Trole l'olrlers, French ring! Bertlna, contortionist: Florenee Hrorkw»y, In looping tho loop; Jack Cousins, principal act ; Jolly and Velio, French dancers mid panlomlmlsts ; Ostrndo and Ca- price Lewis, aerial combination act; Alfred llannnek and Hon, musical eccentrics and rpwus; Coslrlllon Family of acrobats, and, the Todd Judge Family of acrobats. Per- formers will tin sent to Havana every week. Mr. Piililllones has also organized a show to So on i he rood, and a number two show will e wiit out within a week's time, J. II. Mowon writes: "I am' at home In Knnxvllle, Tenn.. lo spend the Winter, after eight years of '.rouplng, twelve months to the season. ' I shall put out a one ring clrcun from this point next season," Tun h*bbk Oahcinrtti Family have closed, a successful season as tho special i suture with the Sella & Dowds Show. The* soiled lust vyeok to open with the rublllonea Circus In Imvnha for twenty weeks. Intro- ducing their novel four high act and otbttf sensational tricks. 964 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 'Me, mark. ALL (UK FILM 8 COMK WITH ABO TITLE*, AMD SHOW OlHl THADE MARK. FATHE FILMS Latest Novelties, 12 Cents Per Foot. COMB AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPES." SELUHQ AGENTS, KLEINE OPTICAL CO. CHICAGO. SALUTING THE FUG ■ • - 114 feet FROM CHRISTIANA TO THE NORTH GAPE 426 feet ASCENDING MOUNT PIIATUS - -■ • 508 feet NEW SERIES OF RUSSIAN-JAPANESE WAR. Wi Sill Oily Oir Original Films. P. (A Very Pr.t i > Fairy Tale), A PRINCESS IN DISGUISE BULL FIGHT Holt Reaitetl/ Kver Oat;. AUGUST, THE MONKEY «~£=U. THE STRIKE iR.all.tlc Social Scene), 557 feet 377 feet 246 feet 442 feet A CHEEKY TRAVELER Via. - - 164 feet INDIANS AND COWDOYS ■ ■ ■ —* - - 180 feet JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS mAXZSL* 623 feet ., 42 E. 23d Street, New York, Harstn's Stereoptieon Offer: I THB SAFEST 8TERE0PTIC0N INVESTMENT IN THB WORLD. Through the neat buying and selling faclll- (let of HARSTN ft CO.. and tho Unique HARSTN BTBREOPTICON I'LAN the pos- session of en artlitlc and reliable stereoptieon le within reach of every exhibitor. We Offer 100 Cele- brated Now Profes- sional Siereopf icons Jch from every standpoint represent tho result of perfection In modern stereoptieon if jon take advantage of an; Which from every standpoint represent tho tfo - ng. If voo take advantage of any aj(JsUU 15x15 Sheet, 2 Seta of Beautl - »red Bona: Slides and Carrying Care, in complete, WB ARE constantly told by friends that we need more stylish offices, and to move op- town. Our answer wae, we are satisfied with our present quarters and there Is no need for anything better, for If we moved In more stylish offices our rent and expenses would be higher and we would havo to charge more for our goods. The lack of Style Is a part of the Satem by which we sell high grade goods at e lowest figures. Call or wrlto today and satisfy yourself that yoo can do more with little money at than In any other place In the city. Our price* are so attractive that you will not buy elsewhere but here, as you can see from tbe prices below: r, ' Edison C.mblntllgn Machine, Lite miii, • $70.oq Lobli CimblBitiiR, Lata Midi, 50,00 EdlSGi CmiIuHh, '99 Midil, 40.00 FEATTJBE FILMS SLIGHT!. Y US£D)t List Child, • (538ft.) $70,00 PlrtlBll, (37 lit.) 40.00 every Stereoptieon we glvo full In- We advise you to Stereontlcon as the orders, - we know, Aeetj line Stereoptieon, With otic Powerful 8-Tlp Burner, 1 Box of chemicals, 10x13 Sheet, 2 Sots of Beautifully Colored Hong Slides, and nn AJA AA Acotyllno Ubs Generator, Car. epa#B|.fJ tying Case, nil complete - ^waww With at met Ions how to run It. tHko advantage of these great offers Immediately, as the ordel will- be • tremendous, and prompt action on your part will be tho only means of your being sure of .securing one of these Stereoptlcona Immediately. BvtfillOieflrA your old Stereoptieon for EsAwHlIllgB a new one and pay the Balance on Delivery. We Manufacture HST Cloak and Serpentine Slides. Song Slides, Write for Lists. Escaped Lunatic, . • Tba Terrible Railway Tragidj, - - Out Id tie Struts, • Train Robbery. Bask Ribbiry, Edison Pirsmil, • EdltiB Train Robbery, • Yegg Bank Robbery, Blue Beard, Life Savers' Response, - Battle «f • (617ft.) 80,00 (310ft.) (640ft.) (600ft,) (600ft.) (675ft.) (740ft) (840ft.) (800ft.) (720ft.) (670ft) 30.00 80.00 60,00 60.00 67,00 80.G0 110.00 50.00 50.00 50,00 ' AND fi.OOOFT. OP OTHER FILMS AT CENTS TUB EX. AND -LT. WE RENT MACHINE.FILMSANO SLIDES With, or Without Operators, -- AT THE LOWEST RATES. We take old Films and Machines In ex- change for new ones. Wc make a specialty of High Grade Sheets. FROM 93 .00 VP. . we still sell uad1cm buttons, *■> cents each. ALFRED L. HARSTN & CO., ! 138 EAST 14th ST., NIW YORK, N. Y. TBI*. 3818.GBAM. FOR THE Vol' tlie Traveling Season or 1V03, Touring the Europeim Continent, \ Kiting Era iu«, Italy, Swltasrland, Uertnan) , Au.lrin, Hungary, Belgium and Holland. CANVAS MEN. SEAT MEN, TRAIN MEN and 4. 6 and 8H0RSE DRIVERS. i (nmi wage* wlih long, xieady employment oil'ered to irustworthv, sober, reliable, experienced men, alL 4,r whom, II engaged, will Barolhetriraniponailou paw from New York to ^e Show, anf last season. Managers, fcn.l in opou'llnie for one. Iwo and ihtvcDlght stand*. Can tiso a few more flood Col"rtd Perfornnrf. l hose playing brass preferred. Address L. BKAUSSCllwi;ii;ER Jn„ Mgr„ U W. 8Mb 81- y. T. City. < US£ Vr» Hart's New Theatre l RILA., PA. Adores* STAIE A- H AVL'N, 1441 Broadway, or JOHN W. H ART, Pulla. N. B.- AoyHooil Melodrama can do from |-.\iun to f.'.soo. mm Will hereafter lit' controlled l.rMr. S. 1)1 Or*; la. Wa.STpi.ri> a» Treasurer, nlao lAdy Character liii).sr»,>nator, Motion llctuita, Magician and Advance Agent. Address LAKKWOOI), N. J, : FILM SAFETY - HOW ASSURED. POWER'S FIREPROOF 1A3AZI1E8 AID TAKE-OP DEVICE. WILL FIT ANT EXHIBITION MODEL MOTION NCTCRE MAOHINl. An entirely new mechanical principle by which absolute safety to the 11 Un from loss by„ Ore Is assured. Tbe only do- ' vice of Its kind which baa re- cetved oyngtttv ■nceps. MMBJaa it oh. Write for prloes. WANTED, Jl FOR THE a, AT BARTONS AUDJTQRIUiVI THEATRE BORFOLK, VIB01NI4 , Sketch Teams, Sister Acts. Chorus Ladle* nud Novelty Acts of All Kinds. Mouse open the year round. '•■ .1AMKS M. BAUTOX. Manager. RELLAGDLE COMPANY. Wnutetl Qtxiok, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINES. PAY OWN. A. J. COLK, Nornisn, Okia. Wanted, for REPERTOIRE ixs&dlnat Man and a good Leading Woman. Jlau fir Responsible lius., character woman, t'ome- dltn ano Soubrette with Specialties, state loa est salary; send photos; no time for correspondence, ou.y tho best ueod apply. Address AL 01. ARK. General Delivery, Albany, N. T. Performers That An Will Up In ths MtClclne Builnasi, And can change oflcn, wanted at once. If you c«n Vamp Organ pleas* note, "late aal.fT.when can Join and aU you do. NATURE'S REMEDY CO . U-'x sia, Philadelphia, Pa. CHAS. SCHOFIELD, COMEDIAN. I8ADORE MARTIN, SOVBHETTE AND nVGKME. Joint engagement preferred. Hesiionslblc managers only sdilrcs" ' : CI1AS. SCHOFIELD. 1 1'.rfea St, Biilcm, Mats. WANTED FOR SEASON 1905, For FRANK P. SPELLMAN CIRCUIT of FAIRS SILENT ACT8 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION To work In front of Grand Stand. Ten weeks, starting AL'O. 1. Wc pay ALL tratispor- tstlon after oiienin?. All Acts work as sptclal attractions. Ciin use High wire Acts. Ad- dress FUAXK I'. SlIlILLMAX, (Jon. Manager Cleveland Theatrical Exchange. , - K'ssras ll> nnd 41, Lyceum Theatre Building, Cleveland. Ohio- EDNA FOY COMPANY GOOD ItEI'EKTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, a GOOD MAX POR PROPS ami SMALL CASTS who Is not afraid of work. Send full ruitlciilars and lowest salary in first letter. Write or wire sspcr route. EDWIN WEAVER. Manage*. ! One Btil Mult, Five Mini a lure Cage* ail Other Clrooa Propel ty, Oheap. PROF. Oil 48. E. RICK, Now Albany. Inn. MUttfeMKatf mmmo, Kntertaloere Extraordlaary, Singing and Conver- satlon Uialoguhus oluelcs and Doubles. Addreis COL LIN S, lows. P.M.— Jialoioaouwunm . HUMES and LEWIS' Big Hit at Uoukstadar's week Nov. u Same a»» oward, Boston, week Nov sliirch ai. a. Return date, ■ilDV C PRU8PBRT Til A V Kit, ■ ail I Cs Wriu, aou.Soiim-, Etc. send •^■iltatapoi'Nu.Raiily. Al Rereren,-,-.. Sample Parody and It Cags. 10c. 274 Pint- St., Prov., K. I. WANTED QUICK, RELIABLE REPERTOIRE PEOPLE ALL LINES; THOSE D0IN6 SPECIALTIES PREFERRED; PAY OWN; DON'T MISREPRESENT. BBS F 1 . gIMPSUN , Manager Franklin Stack Co., Abllenf .' Texas- 8 C0RNALLAS ACROBATS, KEITH'S NEW THEATRE, PHILADELPHIA, THI8 WEEK. NEXT WEEK OPEN. ADDWEBB ALL i*. V- AGENT*. NTE D, A CRACKER JACK MEDICINE LECTURER* I want ths beat that can be (ot In the Med. business: one with Picture Machine perfsnad. wl!h plenty ot KougSlldea and Pllma; state what you have; Piano Player (light reader), toD«b!eTron- bonc or Alto; Musical Team th.i Double* (must read); also Performers of all kinds that Double. W**' ihlN Is a city nlion, Boprepare to deliver the goods; eat, hU?cd and travel I nan elegant Pullman ear ; Stair what you rati ami will do In first letter, will, lowest .alarv. Week Nov. IvBaiif'OC.It, .Mil. - week Dec .'., Ouiiil.eriand, Mil. JOLL1FFE it LaHEANE, Managers, 4A December 3. THE TX-ETW YORK CLIPPER. fi65 INSTANTANEOUS SONG SUCCESSES. JUST THE KIND YOU NEED 19 YOUR ACT. I PHOEBE SNOW of BUFFALO. The Great March «ong or "Th* Girl In White." It Clings Right to Yon-Cant Oft Away from It. WOULDYOU? 'DEED I Out of the Prettiest, Cleaneit and Catchiest Spider and Fly Soar Ballad*, A Big Hit from the Start. JOIMSO* and WEI1S ^- u -,- r , I "A'.?°£t* «•"' ' ,,a - n *"- SOUTH CAROLINA SADIE An Ecor* Winner from the Start. The Una of All Coon Song*. It*» a Hammer. MR. IIL'OO O. MIHK« will be pleated to play and teach yon theie aoaga at oar New York Office, tl W. 38th Street. Come and see us, If possible; If not, tend for them. DO If TODAY. Onr MR. HOSALES will greet you, at a00>8 Wabaih Avenue, Chicago. WINDSOR IVIUSIC COMPANY, *ftl W. 2Bth St., NKW VORK. 266-8 WabRSh Ave*., OHIOi Wanted, for Faust Co. Rot I re Cast. Prefer those who have worked In ilie piece. Most have wardrobe. Singers given preference. Fires to those known only. Sena photos, ir possible. Can use a few Useful People fumy "In Louisiana" Co. Lowest salary, all yon can do (well), Brat letter. Can'tdrlok here. Note that. OLIVER LABADIB, 0. P.. Oklahoma City, 0. T. WANTED, FOB i Leading Woman, Character Man and other lieful Repertoire People, one to direct pieces. Address WALTSR AHINGTON. lead City, Soath Dakota. WANTKD, Good Heavy Man, Capahle of Handling Leads. A good actor who '•an play In hand, will receive special considera- tion. Competent people In all lines, for repertory work. wrue. Address WARREN NOBLE, Manager NoMe'a Theatre Co.. Btltton. S. D. PICTORIAL PRINTING FOR ALL, NEW DESIGNS. The DiQald soa LttBo. Co., Hswpoft, Kt. " AT LIBERTY AFTEK DEC. T, OGARITA HATFIELD. Leads Heavies, Emotional or Light Comedy. CHAS. HATFIELD, Character I.eada, Emotional or Light Comedy. JJ1NT KWOAOBMENT. STURQIS. 80DTH DAKOTA. Wanted Quick, DILGER-CORNELL CO, Tall, Yooog Juvenile LEADING MAN, alio Good CHARACTER Mas', one with Specialty preferred. Other useful peoiie. write. State lowest salary; pay own. D1LGER i CORNELL. X o». ii- Dec. 3, Leech burg, Pa. ; Dec. 6-10, Toronto. rv. «'h<0Sgn 111. t Liberty, Men .Valdron. In a big rao« leal act. Fake piano and organ; utility parts. Anything thtt pay> nln'r. Tln««t It long jump. Write or wire to CARDTHER8V1LLE. MO. OPssn i i.tssc. DONGES' NEW TWATFE, Mejirsdile, Pi. Month of January and Xmas Week. One or two nigh t stand. Prefer repertoire. OSCAR ALLEN, aVeasee and Manager. NAVE 600D OPEMINB FOR PIANO PLAYER. If you nave any specially mention 1L Write all Hist Utter, oeo. p. woop, Mt. Clemens Ad. Co., Howard city. Mt. Oatoi Co., Mice. Slot Machine Parlor For Sale. Rare chanee.. Everything up to dale. Ooed reason for selling. Address PARLOR, care af CLIPPER. JAMES T. KELLY, LUCILE PHELPS, STRONG CH A RACTBIt LK ADS anil HEAVIKS, STACK DIKKCTOR. CHARACTERS and (IKN. BfTS. Both capable or playing anything rast 'or. Best of modern sod iqoare cut wardrobe. Addren JAMMHT. KBLLV, car* of Grand Opera llonie, Evan. vllle, lad. Tkia Week it T01T PABTOB'S THSATBE, at 3.15 and B P. 1., MR. AND MRS. BUCKLEY AND VIC. LEONZO llsvlng to repeat two and three times the greatest of all Indian Honga, mo hit NEEMAH ■» «* Ry I808ELRRYS 01,1)8 and COLOMIilNOAKOS A. Also snug with grent sucoeis last week St Ike EMPIRE TIIKATKK, PHILA.t by ail.LKimilll' »ISThB8. Solid for Hal once Pti'f. cortea free; nrcbtltratloa, lUO. UASCOT MUSIC PUB. CO., 62d Eighth Ave., New York. ' ' TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! J. d. ciii'NN is no longer connected In any wsy with Terry's I'nrie Tnm's Cabin Co,, or Terry's Ten Nights In a Bar Room. Any one using the nanio (Terry) will he prosecuted to Die full extent of the law, as above name , e, ?; Carthage, Mo.. Dec. 0, b, 10. SKETCH TEAM, SISTEH^ MMOUBNETTE AND ALL AROUND COMEDIAN That can ntit on closing acts for small show making one or i wo week standi,, We pay H.R. fare only. Address, until Dec. 10, BABOOCK. A OORMAIf, Atiguata, Uu. WANTED AT ONCE. HEAVY MAN, JUVENILE MAN, SOUBRETTE and CHAB ACTEB WOMAN. Other Useful People write; those doing specialties preforreilj mutt join at once, state all. Ni>< mono advanced. Salary low hot sure. Address J. U. TORR, Manager, OOLOM1AI. stock co , Salem, Mass., until Dec. in. Or EVERT DESCRIPTION EXCEPT 1.ITIIOOHAPHB' THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHIIXIPI. Manager. 3«0 PEARL BT. (Vox Hnlhllng), W. Y- CITY. k Paper For "When We Were tl,»» Wealth and l'overu,""Relle or ltiohiinw4," "Spotlesi Town. BOOKING 811EBT FOR IKCo-luM NOW HEADY. stock CIRCUS PRINTING A SPBOTALTY. BARTLEY RICE, J C YEN U.K. AMD LIOHT COMEDY LEADS. GERTRUDE DODD, SOl'BRETTE AMD IVOEME LBADS. Sand) K. K. PRWNiill. INnsrer. Double and Single Specialties. This season with Hampton A Hopkins' Sandy Bottom Co . now In its . third snccesifui season. Regards to friends. MISSES uONDERLHID fii FOOBL THE DAINTY LITTLE AHTNTS, Fjr Vaudeville or Pint Class Fane Coneily. Bojh Play I'ntlM unit do fpeilalty. Address Academy lit tel, Kait 14th St., Now YorK (Hy. or alt First niaas igaota. MA1V AaV j±j*i ted 'or a high class vaudeville house In New York. Mast undersiaLd suede In every detail and conspe- -•-iPf axpected. cninmuiilcailont confldenliHl, >fANI»«iH>««T II •wee> « ,..,,< rt.l ppjJR. tail ti tao. hot ncross pond yi>l. FRED AND ANNIE PELOT, JUVENILE COMEDY Jlf'OLKItS. ,. ^KORL A CASTLE 01UCUIT. THIS WBBK. COMJMUIA. ST. LOUIS. Chris CAS AD C De VERNE Craw COMEDY MUSICAL ENTERTAIN ERR. (IRANI). jni-IKT ILL.. THIS WF.KK. ■ I .I I IIIU I I f II —I— HI ■ '■ AT LIHW.HTV. VK»«»"II.H, CHAR. A(TKIl AND DILI0T COMPIHAN. X.JJ. l^JkLlCAOOlJCala It! 963 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3 o. Clipper Po$( Of f Hit. . Ia or*tw to arel* mistake* and to ln«o»*«h« protont delivery ot the letter* advertiser in ihle Hit, an envelope plainly addreiied Utttlt.be aent for each letter, and a written order lor the letter, sinned with the **U name nil address and the llae ot>M«l»e«» followed bjr the lender, mslst also be e.cloacd. Please mention the date (or num- ber) ol TUB CLIPPER In which the letter, sent for were advertised. LADIES' LIST. Alice, Mailgo Alloa, Miss 0. Anfflle, Jeanne Ashton, Mar .Mole, Mrs. K. Aldcu, I'.lvie Andrews UUdoE Avuk). Jenny Alltkiri*.-, Kitty Arilsttli, Eslclle Au*> .iriclll, Flora Anlclcno, l/or» AnieMI. Mile. Ilrimu, Ksla liiinm, Mantle nigger, Lvla lkwii, Lulu JUfaW. lnrx Jt.ll. DoL Urtoneck,' i- -.-• Carrie llroinie, II, a Loolh, 111 tUc liluiiL-uuni,- Nelllc Hrleli, Pantile JlHurttraan. Dora lltnuM, Kdttii Hrannlgan H.tIIc Ucckwlth I.lMlc Iirlatol, Jessie UurtmjD, Oorlle Hurts, Martha linker Mra.l'ete Hell Mn, B. \V Butler. Klluorc Under, ISdythc IIIIUII Katierliic Ctistlgnaoo Pearl Cooke, Julia Cbledtln, Lillian Ctinrell, May CurWn, Llllon cjrestryn. Alice ttion Blanch flatter; Aunlo Cnrry, IuA amis, Jenny Ctinmuucy, &' - Agues Cox, -'Ray , Dclvluo, Sosle Pel Habs Lllllnn Davenport, Edna Dally, Queens Urlmir, . .'.. V Charlotte Denltam, Bessie Ditiry, Mrs. Jns. WlM Eleanor Daly, Bcnrtlce Davenport Mary l>e SuiIm. May Dcinpscy, Mme. Dressier, Vlvlnn He Viae, Kittle Deny, Maud Djtlwll. Flora Dpiine, Amy Iniulisr. Miss E. Dolly, Aimy Deer. Mm, J. Do Vnv, Maudo M Venn, Mac lh- Hylfn. Lou DcVerc, Carolta Ih-ltans, itosiua Dean, Bliindt Kluerson, Mrs, Mm Nellie Mm*, Virginia KVerliart. Sis to 1 'rauklhi, Ray Ponder, I'loro Power, Anna riimoiv, Nellie Corrcslor, • Murcella Sir*. M. E l-'letchcr. Hello FIllOll. Zollll 1 l''rencli, |*oiiKy PTankllii. Irene Ootliu. Winifred Gordon, Grace Gladstone, - • Minnie E. flagiiniit. Bello Olrt|ell, Dollle tlowloii, Louise Gllimerol lo Nlua Goth, Jli-«. Kurl Gamble.-,, Hen I rice IJII'HOM, ItCHftU' Gllmm, Nellie Herbert, Mabel Howe'l, Daisy Mamllloii. Mlal M. Iloar.llit, Mm. O. II Ha ring;, M». llctitah Hoffman, . • Nellie D. flnydcn Virginia llerfurd, Joule Hayes, Mabel H 11 yen, Urrlle Hurley. Jullh llnrkli ■», J. II, lliin-nnl. IllPllll) IlnvlUllil, Allp'lllll lluuiiiwiil. I 'ii 11 line Hyde, Jicltlo Hanson, (lei lie ilnmraer. ■■ Cliarlotte L. Herbert, Kettle llrasl(y, Mare!) Howlliorne,' ,..,'. •. Vcllna Hunter. Hello llownrd, Nellie Ilorlon, ., . Beatrlw I roll, Marlon Irlah, Annie Jolmaoti, Grace Jobuatou, ' EateTle •lolinalnn, Mrs. J. A. Joliuatiiii. Mm. A. V.. Kraoiae Alma M Kearney, • . Mildred KenfW.l Mlldree Klrkliam, Kitty Kirk, Celene B. iilllliu UntellcL Koinchin. May Kelly, Mn«. T.K Kliemr, Knlrnn Lewla, Mar- ■• turcl P. M. Llnrtni. Florlne i.aMortp. lila ' l.ewla MtsaM.M laWslle. Frances l.lltkUnlt, •• Lillian l.atcll. Florence l.akolu. Carrie Ultoy Mm.Wnll Mr». M'altcr l.rwh. Victoria l«e. Lulu Lane, Ida Lawrence, llolile E. Lawwii, Laura Lgng, Ocrttude l3 - LaMirr, Irene Lee. Mm. U. H. l.jni"ful'il, Arn belle Ln Toaka, Mine. Lanrouev. Alice M. I.nwnMiL'c, Mae Lamoinlic, • Benale Italic. Etna La Buy. Ray , l^umlem Sod.B. Lnt-ler Mra.l'reil 1. aw rin 1 -e, Jexale Leoimril Sisters Melruw. Nellie MeDoiinld-Mnrlc Maee, Florrlu Mudgc, Era Mortem, Betale Morclla. Edna Maskell. Nellie .Vlll-Mfck-Snil .^nnolile. Walter Alien, Charles AllHTU Mr. Allen, J. Awiley. Herbert Aiulruna, C. II. Allvn, Leon Alfunzo, Mgr, Ailiiilnillll. A.F. Austin, J. a. Ahlllullll Dritmiitic Co. Allen, V. H Allen, W. B. ,Alkn, W. V. Audri'tta, L". lUllhig. W. II. Ualdwlu, Liigeno Bareni, Joe Ilntivard, Bert lllckett, W. K. ■llallcy, Frederic Laker, Wllllmn lleekcr. Kdille -•lluiinell, Gcurue llenwon. A. B. ■ Breiilor. J. K. Bryant. Johnnie BtlM. J. M. _ Krolli^ftoti, C.r Burger. O. It. Utillirlelt. D. B. •Tecchcr, J. \V. Laitlno & . • Ilumlngton Uraunaeli- . .' welver, K , Bond', Frederic Belmont, Harry : lioon, J. C. ' llMaee. J. L. Bradatrect. W. D. Jr. Ili'ondow .VWiley rS : I* ltcrker, Eewel, Mnry SIClinena, fieortrlk .School. Untie Shydor. Llaxle pioneer. Nelllo Kmllli. J otic Hyruomlit,. Lottie W. Xtcatl, POvthn .Sharp, Besaln Xinforif, Maud ml Hi. Mm. Josle Stewart Belle C Mmltli, Dolle 8t.Fellx Hlslera rteoot. .Millie \V. i'letre.nl, llattle Sutton Ploy Texnna Mlatem Titus, Mme, Ij-dla X. Taylor. May Tboinpaon. Boitlah Tliompfon, . jlnrglo Townwnd Smile Urguliarl, Mnrcurlte Verne, Ella Vem & O'Brlcu Venio, Prlscllla VniiBurcn, llattle Wliltbcck, . Fannie Wynn, Morui Walter, Anfln J. Warner, Edith Washburn. Blanch Wllnon. Delta Wot ton, Fanny M. Woodford. Mrs. John Westerly, Pauline ".•nlloi-, Mildred Wellington. Einllle Wllks. Anna Wallers, Mrs. Elmer WUIlesldes, Ethel Wella. Nrron Wnlthnnt, Crlulo Wilbur D)lly V Vouug. Cllila U. Benson, B, 11. Brixton, L. T. Bums. T, • P. Browiielle, J. D lluvnl.. IjOuIh Billing, II. II. Buker, Clias. Bonnie Matliew Bennett, II. S. Ilouiie. 0. A.' Lowers, Will Ittnioll, Geo. • Crater, Hanmol Mn». "II" Cobber. Harry Chirk Al'loreuce CbrlsloidieV Chris Cooper C. T Coupnm ft Bacon Cnnliv, gain (V)iiley. J. R Cnrseii, Georgo Clirroiil ft Burke Coilalr. Harry t'nnilcld Charles (Mark. C A. Clifford ft Raymond Curl Is, M. 0. • Chirk. Bert Cearaa, Frank Callahan Jlmiiiy CuriK'ntor, D. K Corleii Hernando Castle, J. F. Chick, Maurice ( !um libel I, W. A Cullnhau. Jos. Ciiroil. Frntlk Onart, Jnmca Carr, Leon Cromwell, K. A. Crawford, Jack tVnlon, Harry Cater, Mr. . Caslltla. . Richard Cooke, Herbert Clements. I Chamberlain. Frank Cooiir. E. J. Olargo*. Vernon Church, F. A. Cniup. J. Chusscnd. Mons Cantor. Henry Car keek. Jobs Cdlte. Huary Coyne Proa. Clark C. B. Claman, Mr. Chirk, Hert Casey, John Clinndlw. J. II. Clrnvnt, Win. Iiolildiis. J. It. Dawson, T'. P. iDeavcs, Uoirmau ItuiHigliue, J. W. Itiaine. Sam Jinley, W. R, belnln. Harry Heaven, Bowman Iliirul. J. F. Hiirrell. GOorgo I.tarln, W. C UeVonile. Chester Drumond, M. V Hen n. W. .1. Duffy, Janiea USES, w. l. Drew. J. E. DunCurlb ft lliucc DnTls, T. Itlxey, II. E. Devcmatix, Robert Drtvcii|K>rt, A.J, H:iy, Billy Halo, W. U Heluviiy. W. IK'ivs, Nut N. IH-Cnsllllo .Lick Davenport, II. J. Hnwcs, W. K. Dll, C. II. Dleksnn, A. Deer, t!. W. Doer limn. Holey. Georgo Dcumiiug ■ Arthur D.infmth 4r . Bruce Dnwson ftWhlle Duly ft Kelso Hrilke, 1 Inward Do Korreit. Harry Drawee, (ins Dc Kstang. .. ... Marcy Dono:rtta; Alfrlda Del Oro. Lulgl Knlgmarelle El'BaltO EsQictulila, Mabel Emerson, J. B. Emeraon, Janiea l"jners"n, Frank KUwunls, 0. L, Edwards, Al ■ Kdmomls, 8. W, I'dlUOUOi, J, 0, Esant. X. W, RdtMHg «. H. Eartc. WhreUr K.vorsolr, WBV ElrtrwU. Tli* F.ldrhUv, J'ress P.dsall Win- Ihron Qa, Eraua. Kid Emuictt, 'Com, Florence, Eddie Fagan ft • . Metrlam Eltlier ftJMmutt FonJrlbj, Hirry Kg Fleming Carroll Fay. O. II. Freete Brot. Promo, Chas rittgeralfl, I. H rosier. Jean I'ahmey, Harry rarrcll, Charles rordlir.ni, A. 1'ied, raaw Karrrll. L. J. Ference, G. Fubas. Victor Frlnk, Eildle I'errell, Fred Funds, G. C. Free, J. Martin Grnne, Harry Okie, Tom Glynn, Nlcblos Uranlicb. Cbarlen Gardner. Frank (Iraat. W. K. ilaylor, Robert Ullleit, Kdrard aanor.Mr. Jean (Iiirdaer. Dsnlrl flrlhrs, T. J. Urndull Richard Grant, Culoruds dates. J. II. tllllraorc, Boyd dllllliau. Earl flrant. W. H. Illpliel. 'I. J. (ileesmi, John Guy, U. It. Gtsrard Bros. Gordon, A. O. Grimes, Tom (;tfDdOn,,W»ller UfoTlnl ft HelUnl Glnulran, V. It. I lath. Karl Grand I, Bob Cumella. Bob Ollle*. J: M. Grotonl, Mdbter Hodges, Frank Hull. G. A. Harrison, C. H Hotter, Lou Hauler. E, C. Hunter, Frank Bluff, Arthur Haunt ft Dean Hemphill, K. A. Huntley, Gordon mil o. a. Huiitlngton, W. Hottc, Den Wayea,' George Harrlgcn Frank Hunt, Herbert Hall, Franklyn liealy, Tin Huelmer, Fred lloeret, Al Ha mood, F. II. San-Is, Tommy orriec, H. J, Hnller. S. C. norland, Paul Ilnlleu. I 'red Hasty, Charles Hollway, Eddie Ilatcli Bros. Huntings. Four liealy, Tim HuikT. Georgo Heath, Tom Ilolrrea, P. W. Husbacd*-aV Shelton Eenry. Lea ■ ntiivwa, H. K. Hale, II. N. llitc, G. W. Harris,- V. 0. Haskell, l-uii.'y Keruaiiden, Etren Hall, Frank Hennlna. Lewis ... ft llcuuliig llo-lRklim ft um Hnrrlson: T. V. liares, W. C. ltaydin. llnlpli Hunt. II. Hawsrl, Lynnc HonTmnii. Dick mil. nun Howard, G. P. Iliiiiiiielelu. J. A. 1pp. Mnrlln Irtrln, J. M. 'Imrln, Jack lew I it. Jack Juckatn, Adnli'li Jordmis. Flying Jarrls. I 'roil Jl*y Lumnilt, Rbca LalcIL Edwin Lktyil. Horn Limbcrt. . . F. ft Lcillc Lloyd, Charles Unit. Jack LcigUton ft Lelgbton l.strretieo, «. B UVerrc. II. Line, Arthur \a Monte Bros. lion ft Adeline Lewis, Ihibe I .coke. W. H. Ultiii-r. Anion Lambert ft Brooke Lydell ft . Bntterwortli Leslie, Bert LlrlngHione, J.P, l^roy ft Clayton I-ce. Kobt. IL . Llewellyn, Geo. IJjocastor. Jack La Vim. Harry Liimlianl Bros. Ijiwreuoo, Mlephcn Lewis, J. 0. Ltnre, Grant I*o, F. W. Leatjh M. A. Isxm ft Adeline Lyale." ft Couke Sinlth, II. B. I.stell, BdjHf iJiVanlii, Henry Lawrence. W, A Ljtiilnes, The Morrlsuu, W. I*. 5lns.it;. Mam Mllllkcn. Win. Mjlill. M. V.. Monlnne. Mux Moiistlelil. , Wilbur Co. -VcFailund ft Morray oforton, Messrs. Manley, Chas. Jlarlon. Dare Iiartis. w. H. Merrill. ' Boston (2c.) Melanl Trio Miller. R. A. Miller, W. W. Madison, T. II. Mundcn, 11. O. Mart In. W. K. XlcKee. Harry Mortimer, . Charles Mllllkcn, Win Morton Mr.Jess Manny. Eilwnrd Melrose, W. H. Mnchs, Two Am Muijthe, O. O. MalOard, C. 8. Mean. Tom Matnlock, Leon Horrify, T, P. Murphy ft ' Andrews Jfneft. J. 3. Miller,. F. P. Montn, II. N Hoirtj Burke Slurpliy, Mr. Miller ft Kresko S4 under*. C. It Smith, tl. P. Stiolr-s, W. H. Hllvem, E. P. sharinii'lns The Shifcr. Edward Scu'.hi rn, C, L. si one, George Swunson, C. E, eaunuer*. Chalk Spcltnnn. M. F. Sfhroeder, Geo. Kpauldlng, A. fct. Belme, James fthlelds. Prank steel, Harry 8lo«art, II. M. Smith, C. E. fcearey, Frank Stlckocy. Bob Smith, Charles Hilrk ft Hiulllon Bweet, Eugene Stutcmaa, c. E Sandusky James KnllWau. John kit. Ongc, Fred Rmlth, H. O. Pwor, Billy bant, Lonut. SulltTOll, D. If. r'-hen*er, C. II. ScboU, Eugeno Klillllog, Carl Staoley, Mart Steicin Com.Co. Sheldon, A. II. Blotrell, F. II. Sun Bros. Kblroer, B. P. Thermos, B. A. Trers. Cbaa. E. Teauy.-C E. McDonald, Mike Tilt, W. M. Melville, eJiitt klagluTeyi, • The klllaril Bros. Maaaey. G. K. Mnrtlny, E. V. McCole, Larry JIcQratb. T. J. Users, aThe Miirron, ■}. ■ F. McBrlde, Harry Hack, Wilbur Marshall, Jack Morrow, J. A. Mack, Ollle Mortin, J. J. M Irani, Ernest Mudgo, R. O. McCarthy. J. II. Mattleo Stock Co Nelson, Clip Nelson, Joe Nlrhols, J. 0. Nobles, Milton ft. y. Nowb- loy'a Qoart. Nelson. Harry Nugent, Howard Norrls. Wesley Melville, F. Nuun, W. D. totoft' NnrtoV Russell Norton, Joe (>l>el. Ilenry tsflTer. J. W. tJlos ft Knlo Ohnnia, Mr. Provost, Kihlle Phillips. Will Peek. George Pippin, Eugene Phillips ft Merrltt Plant. J, D. Phillips. Tom I'ngsoiii Percy Powell Clnrenco I'reTost ft I'rOTOBt Pooler. 3. % . Pelersoit, J. J. Plrcher, Joseph I 'uiilti.ii ft Duley Pilgrim. Joe t'lekert * : . Whliiiiler Peerc.'. G. I'lekert, Willie Pnrmlter. C. J. Pascos, W. II. Penhy, George IMllo, W. C. Parker. Hurry l"otrs), Waller Parker. Will Pnrmlter. C. J. l'ltasey, Alfred repprv Twins Paten, Joe Qiilnliin, Dan Qulgley, Doc Heady, J. P. Itcnu ft ltlchanla Bobbins, F. S. irccves, Hurry Kay. J. ' Bobbins. C. ft Bessie Rutnsdetl, Louis llnyiuoiid. Al lloileiv, Wl |u nm llonaldo. Bruce Itaymoml. It. R. lteae, Ia>w Rcynolila, • . Bnruoy itiiih, ii. n. Roberts. Sam Pale). John Rnndsoiir, Casey Reap. Wm. Rockwell, J. 0. Ilotnour, J. D. Rood. C. 8. Ritchie Dim Reynard. E. F Rio. Al C. Rulnsoh, . ir*05. Our "nil." Inst week In your rulunhlo paper l.rouglit iw inure let- lets than wc could answer, nud gnvc us what we wliiiled, Philadelphia. — Last week the nggrc- gatc of -builness undpubtcdly broke all. rec- ords for the ctirrcnt season. Throughout the week tbe,attielldniice w«a of capacity slie, while on Thursday evening It was Impossible to accomnodtte amusement seekers. Thous- ands were turned away to amuse thcrasNves promenading the streets, while every theatre In town wna crowded to the doors. AiMnr.uy ot- MiHic. — There was nothing here last week, br>t ibis week the Iahllndel- phla Urchcstra resumes lis Krldny afternoon nod Haturday evening conrerts, having Vlad- imir dc P.icbmann ns soloist on both occa- sions. Next week tuo opera Season oiwdb With the performance of "Homco Ct Juliette" on Thursday evening, Riioad annex TnUTM (Niton & Zimmer- man, managers}. — William Gillette begins n fortnight's engagement nt this Douse this week, presenting "The Admirable Ctlchton." The large attendance last week brought the engagement of Wm. H. Crane, In "Business is Uuslucss," to a close with a wealth of prosperity. Coming Dec. 11!, William Paver- sham, in "Lctty." . .Oabrick TiDmtbB (Prank Howe Jr„ man- agvc).— This week brings Rlchird MansfleM for a fortnight's engagement. Xbe repertory during the current week Includes: "I»an. tho Terrible ;" "Beau Brummcl." "The Merebant of. Venice,'" "Itlchard llf," "A Parisian Itorouncc" and "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde." Annie Ktissell's very successfitj engagement In "Brother Juc<|Ues" closed last week. , Chestnut Strebt Otero, Hoase (Nixon ft /.Irumernuin. manngcrs). — The cngagemcDt of Wright liorimcr, la "The Hbephcrd King," begins at this bouse tbls week... Crowded houses continued to greet the lingers Broth- ers last week. .Ciieshct Stueet Emma ISIion & Zim- merman, managers). — P. C Whitney's musi- cal production, "pifr. Part, Pouf." opens at this bouse tbls week for a fortnight's stay. "An American Princess" Is announced to fol- low Dec. 12. Last week closed a prosperous engagement for Grace Van Studdlfoid, In "ifexf Feather." Walni;t BTkEET Tiieatrb (Frank Howe Jr., manager). 1 — "Clnckers," which, was one of the successful offerings at this bouse last season, returns for this and the coming week. No diminution was discornablc last week in the large attendance accorded "The liarl of Pawtuckct" Coming Dec. 12, "Homo Folks." Casino (Ellas. Kocnlg & Ledercr, mana- gers), — Rice's "Merry Shop Girls" Is still entertaining Immense crowds at this house, and shows no signs of diminishing popular- ity Lederer's production of George Uobart's "Smiling Island" is underlined for early pro- duction. Park Theatre (F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllnger, manager). — The large attendance and en- thusiastic applause for Creston Clarke, in "Monsieur BcincaliT." last week should have proved very gratifying to tbls young star. The current week's offering Is Adelaide Thurston, la "Polly Primrose," with "The Tenderfoot" scheduled to follow. .National Tuiaibk (Joseph M. Kelly, manager) — The melodrama. "Why Girls Leave Home," holds the boards this week. Last week's business tor "Fast Life In New Work" was all, that could be desired. Next week, Joe welch, In "Cohen's Luck." Grand Ortav, Horse (G. A. Wegcfartb, manager). — After a record breaking week with the Rays, ln "Down the Pike," this house now has Lewis Morrison, in "Faust." ."Running tor Offlco." Is scheduled tor the coming week. I People's Theatrb(F. G. Nlxon-Nlrdllng- er, manager). — "A Wife's Secret" Is the melodrama which provides. thrills for the pa- trons this week.. The patrons turned out In force last week and appreciated the per- formances of "A Child Wife." The com. log attraction Is "Dealers in White Women." Blajyev's Ancit Sthekt Tiieatrk (ft s, Bchlesiugcr, managcrl. — The current offering at this house Is "More to be Pitied than Scorned. The performances of "A Working GUIs Wrongs'* were heavily patronized last week. "The Great Automobile Mystery" is underlined for the .coming week. Gibarh. Avr.NirE Theatre I Miller ft Kauf- man, manager-it. — 1'ugenle' Blair and her company. Ill "Iris," proved to he a good Thanksgiving week attraction at this house, and as n result attendance wns of eapaeltv size. This week the card is "David Uarum, with "The Crisis" -coming next week. Uart*h Nkw Tiik.vws (John W. Hart, manager). — Lillian Mortimer, who played an extended engagement at this bouse last . Spring, returns this week, appearing In the melodrama, "A Girl of the Streets.' 7 I.arge Audiences greeted "Deserted at the Altar" last week. FORBPADOn's Theatre (Miller ft Kaufman, ntanagersl. — The stock company Is present- ing for the first time here Lincoln Carter's "AloBko." Rehearsals ore also being held for "Her Marriage Vow." to be presented next week. "Out of the Fold" wns capitally presented by the'- stock last week, and fully earned the commcudatious and heuvy pnt- rouuge hoslowcd. ' Saakk'r Bijou Theatre (Carl Sauke, ruuu- Bgqr). — The German stock company at this house Is appearing this week In '"flic Little Nothing" and "The Merry Wives of Windsor." StAnuaki) Theatre (Harry ft Speck, man- agers!. — The members of the stock company acquitted themselves well last week, In "Jim Hludso,!' and we're rewarded, by crowded attendance. This week the offering Is "Wo- tnuu Acatust Woman.'! with "On the Stroke of Twelve" In rehearsal for the coining week. Keith's New TntUTau (H. T. Jordan, resident nmnagcr).— So many patrons were In attendance lust week that they could not all lib accommodated, on Thursday especially thousands being turned away. Tills week's programme Includes: Fred Hallcn and Molllo Fuller, W. II. Sloan and company, the Five Mownts, Charles F. Semon, Lew Sully, Eight t'ornallns, Le Basque Quartette, tho Savons, Puffy. Snwtcllo and Duffy, Radio Furnum, May Stub, Ariel Smith, J. Warren Kcatie, the Taylors. Julson, Palmer and Jolson, and tho olograph. Bon Tos Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co.. manuger). — The bill tbls week Includes: Lorra Trio. Raymond and Clay ion, CarM>u nnd Ynlc. Alcxos and Schull, the Great Yogi, Frank Hurt. Bryant and Sdvlllc. Gibson and Countess, the Splssel Bros., .Kthfl Til- t-on, Metropolitan Trio. Bertha' Clelghtonand muring' pictures. Excellent business pre- vailed last week. ... Eleventh Utueet Oi'Eua Horsy; (Frank Unniout, ninnnger). — "Mrs. Smlth-Illddlc's Servant Girl" and "Croxy for Trading Stumps" arc both continued this week, while a new burlesque, "Who Stole Varc's Big Mule." Is presented for tho first time. The •programme Is decidedly entertaining and the patrons who kept the house crowded last week gave every evidence ot finding It so. Lxcel-m Theatre (John G. Jcrmon. mana- ger). — The Gay Masqneraders furnish the entertainment for the patrons tbls week. The Jolly Grass Widows attracted enough IHrople last week to fill the house ,to over- flowing. Next week, New York Stars. . TnocADEr.o (Floyd Lauman, manager).— capacity business last week was the result of the excellent entertainment furnished by the Vanity Fair Burlcsouers. The boards nrc heldi tbls week by the Dainty Duchcsi Burlcsqutrs. . Ninth and Aitc'tt Mcsecm (C. A.Bradea- bhrgh,. mansprcr).-— A female walking match uutT m.tby other teaturoi . In th» curio halU WW ' Slrons this wiVk. 'DtiUng Hie itant week the management hail ull iney could do to linndle the crowds. , . JJoits— On.lfrldny afternoon ot tiiU week n profeasioual matinee of "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned" Js.to be given at Blaocy's Arch Street Theatre B. F.. Keith gave a dinner to the employes of the New. Theatre on ThanksglvlniTJ"! M AB**?? 1 ? 1'rlnccM" is schednled to receive Its first Srodtictlon on any stage at the Chestnut treet Theatre Dec. 12 "Parsifal,"' Bav- flics production in English, la scheduled for the Cnestnut Street Opera House Christmas and New Wear's weeks Mrs. Mary B. Wllks, once a well known actress, died In this city last Friday, aged eigbty-elgbt years. s Pittsbnra- At the Nixon Theatre (Tbos. F. Kirk Jr.. manager) a two week's engage- ment of "Mother Goose" opens Nov. 28. Nat C Goodwin, In "The Usurper," closed a very successful engagement of one week 20. Lnrge audiences greeted the polished work of the star nnd bis r.plendld company with well merited npblnuse. The staging of the play- Wis magnificent. Altin (Harry Davis, manager). — The stock company presents as this week's at- traction "The Milage Postmaster." '(Robert Emmet," last weeks offering, was an ar- tistic production from every pDfnt of view and played to big business. The various mem- bers of the cast distinguished themselves. Next week, "A Fool and Ills Money." • (Utety (James E. Orr, resident managcrl. —For week of. 28, Theodore Hamilton, In "The Mlsaourlans." Brady & Grlimer's Co., in "81berla," drew satisfactorily Isst week. This Intensely interesting story of Russian life was presented In an able manner. Those who were especially successful were: Carl Eckstrom, Elliott Dexter, Darilel Gllteatber, Felix Haney, Sylvia Lyndon, Margaret Ken- more and Marian Chapman. The Three Hcldos (Xlcolnl, Victor and Nathalie), as the court dancers, also won much favor. B. J. Morgan, In "The Eternal City," next week. . . Bijou (R. M. Gullck, manager). — Cbauncey Olcott 28 and week,, In "A Romance of Ath- lone." A week of crowded houses was the remit of the visit of "Shadows of a Great City" which terminated 28. A clever com- Sany portrayed this vivid melodrama In a nlshed manner and received rounds of ap- plause. "The Fatal Wedding" next week. Di-qi.-eske (IL M. Gullck, manager). — Ross and Fen ion, ln "Ttvlrly Whlrly." 28 and week. "Running for Otnce," last week, played to the capacity. The company la high class nnd Was enthusiastically applauded. Much of the ruccesa was due to the well trained, hand- some chorus. Bobby Harrington was a dis- tinct success. "Happy Hooligan" next week. . Kurins.dS. J. McCullougb, manager).— The management has switched to vaudeville this week, presenting Madame Herrmann and company. The programme Includes Mme. Ade- laide Herrmann, Adams, Edwards and com- pany, Elizabeth Estelle, West and Van Sic- Ion, Lavlne and Waltonc, Happy Jack Lyle, Slater and Williams and Ruth Shea and Iter Choir Transformation. Last week Walter Edwards and a good company. In "The Sign of the Four," played to business of satis- factory proportions. Gotthold'a Vaudeville Celebrities next week. Avenue (Harry Davis, manager). — The Travesty Stock Co. offers this week "Bar- bara Fidgety." "Flddle-De-Dee" proved a winner as a Thanksgiving week attraction. The company was largely augmented and showed a decided Improvement over Its pre- vious-efforts. Mesvrs. Rice, Cody, West and North and Misses Kent, Fay. nope and Moyer won particular favor, while the splen- did chorus was not overlooked In the matter of applause. Academy (Harry W. Williams, manager). — The Tiger Lilies week pf 28. The patrons turned out In force last week to see the Moraine Glories nnd received full valne for their money ln the shape of a splendid en- tertainment. Fnn, laughter and continuous applause was the rule from start to finish. The company Is sure, of a warm, welcome on Its return,. Rice ft Barton's Big Gaiety Co. next week. - Grand Opera House (Harry Davis, man- ager). — Big business was again the rule last week. The bill this week : Liquid Air, Went- worth's horses, Frank Eeenan and company, Faust Trio, Allic Gilbert and her Four South- erners, Charles Kenna. Van Fossen and Mc- Cauiey, Rarle and Earle, Poplton and Doley, Helen Belnior. the Edgertone. the Nessens, St. John and Lafevre and kinctograpb. Star (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- gers). — Good business prevailed throughout last week. The hill this week : Milt G. Bar- low Jr. ontl Harriet Nicholson. Ed. F.' Dil- lon, Twin Sisters llarr, Clem C. Magce and the Ftarogrnplt moving pictures. Notes. — Win. Ingersoll and Eva Taylor, who led (he Harry Davis Stock Co., at the Grand Opera House for several seasons, made their first appearance here nt that theatre last week since entering vaudeville. No two people on the stage have a firmer hold on the affections of the theatregolng public of this eitv, a tnef that was clearlv manifested by Die reception extended to them during their too brief engagement.... Madnmc Mclba nnd her company apjieur Monday evening. Nov. 2S, nt Carnegie Music Hull. ..... .Anns Eva Fay is again exliihltini her powers of mind rending at Old City Hall this week. Her mysterious demonstrations lust week created a decided interest, and drew large crowds to the various performances. ......Ono of the features of the Grand Opera House bill this week. Liquid Air. underwent a private experiment on Mondsv morning. 28, In the presence ot an audience composed largely of professional and scien- tific men. and mechanical experts, who at- tended at the special Invitation of Manager Davis. lard, in "The Power Behind the Throne" drew a good house Nov. 21. F. and M. Co'l- legc Green Room Club presented "Richelieu " tinder direction of Rev, Edwin h. Tanner 'a former actor, to a large audience 2L*T Lll- linn MofHroor, In "A Girl of the 8treota," HA well f>4 : "fthArlfieV ttnlmoe" „*/>L-„.i .,' An American former actor, to a lar Hnri-liburir. — At the Lyceum Theatre (M. Itcis, manager) the Lew Fields Stock Co. played to good business Nov. 21, 22, ln "It ilitpiiened ln Nordland." Tho piece was a big success musically, the costumes fine and the libretto was good, hut the usual drag of a first night wob In evidence. The piece wns given personul stage direction by Julian Mitchell. Victor Herbert, who wrote the music, and George Rroadburst, were also present Creutoru's Band had fair business 2a. This organization closed at Washington, D. C. 2tt, until Jim. 0, when It will resume its lour across the continent. L. W. Guy In business representative of the organiza- tion, "Buster llrown," with -Giovanni In the title role, had S. R. O. 24. Tho week closed, to good business, with Mildred Holland, in "The Trluulph of an Empress." She was given a warm welcome by the local Shrlners, members of the Zcmvo Temple, In which Miss Holland Is Interested. Coming: "The Serlo Comic Governess," with Cecilia. Loftus. 20: "Girls Will Bo Girls," return engagement, Dec. 1 ; "Slberlu" 3. * Opera Hocuk (M. Rcls, manager). — The John Hlmniclein Ideals, Including the How- son band nnd orchestra, did big business week of Nov. 21. Tho Bcnnett-Moulton Co. conies week of 2S. Notes. — Edward C. White, manager of Mildred Holland, was here 27. Kafnerlne wiliurd, also under tils management, ln "The Power Behind tho Throne, closed at linlontown, Pa., 26 "In the Shadow of Night" ulaytd at Mlddletown, Pa.. 20 Fred C. Cbauncey, of this city, and a mem- ber and stage director of the Kirk Brown Co.. will marry Grace btlcffer, of tho same company, at Erie, Pa., Dec. I Paulina He Vere. of tbls city, is a member of the St. Louis Stock Co, .....The production of "My Partner," at- Mt. Joy, Pa.. 24, by local talent, was a big success. The company will take the road after the bolMays. starring with the", capital, wutluuoug . vaudavflle Jo; Maude Reber, of this city, In "The .Lost tjie tuNitre. Shottjd ptrtve rMwomjMa the Ilelroks, ' and will be managed by Vansdalen Lnnoaiter — At the Fulton Optra Bouit . (Chas. A.. 1'ecker, manager) Kau«rlnt> Wu- did well .23. - ^Sherlock Holmes" packed the house Thnnkcglvlng. Mrs. Gilbert, i n "(irnnnv," delighted a large bouse 25. iv Wolf Hopper, In "Wang." came to good busi- ness 20. Coming: Mildred Holland 28, "The Missouri Girl" 2!>. Wm. Faversham 30, Na- nette Comstock Dec. 1, "Siberia" 2, "Girls Will Be Girls' 3. Note. — A correction is due the "Cncle Josh Spruceby" Co. In reporting a light house 8. Though playing against election night excitemen t they.had a very good house. Willlamiport. — At the Lycoming Opera House (Lyman J. risk, manager) Mildred Holland, In "The Triumph of an Empress," played to B. R. O. Not. 24. Robt Mantcll, In '•Othello," pleased 25. "Her Mad Marriage" 20, Stetson's ':U. T. C." 29. "The Crisis" an. Creston Clarke Dec. 1, "A Llttlo Outcast" .'!, "Jesse James" fl, "SI Plunkard" 8. "In the Shadow of the Gallows" tt, Adelaide Thurs- ton 10. Note. — The Elk lodges from Wllllamtport, Milton, Sunbury, Danville and Lock Haven will Join in. a union, memorial service with ltenova Lodge, at that place, Dec. 4. ~" i i so ran ton. —.u the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, manager) Brothers Byrne, In "Eight Bells," Nor. 28 : Creston Clarke 20. "Ulrbt Will He Girls," 24, had large bouses. Lewis Morri- son, In "Faust," 26, was well received. Academy (A. J. Duffy, manager).— "The Minister's Daughter" 28-30.- "From Rags to Riches," 24-20, played to good houses. Star (Alt G; Herrlngton, manager).— ltclllv & Wood's Co. 28-30, Jolly Grass Wid- ows Dec J -3. The Trocaderos, Nov. 24-26, drew large bouses. Ottpngult (D. D. 8ears, manager). — Vaude- ville, 23-26, bad good houses. Dark week of 28. • . : T a ■ Erie.— At the New Majestic (Eric Amuse- ment Co.. managers) Savage's English Opera Co.. In "Lohengrin." Nov. 21, was favored with a packed house at advanced prices. Walter E. Perkins, with fine support, In "Who Goes There V" won many encores 24. anil had very large attendance, pleasing every bodv. Due: Victor's Band 28, Nanette Com- atock, In "The Crisis," 20. PARK Opera Hovsr (J. L, Gllsou. mana- ger). — The Myers Stock Co., 21 nnd week, at popular prices, was favored with good business. Billed: Kirk Brown Comedy Co. 28 and week. a Attoono. — At the Eleventh Avenue Opera nousc ( I. C. Mlshler, manager) "Queen of the White Slaves'' had a big house Nov. 21. Katherlno Wl'lard, ln "The Power Behind the Throne," did good business 22. "Buster Brown" filled the house 23. Sam Thome, In "The Peddler," pleased a full house 24. Do Wolf Hopper, In "Wang," 25: "Bachel Goldstein" 20. Coming: "in the Shadow ot the Gallows" 28, "A Midnight Marriage" 20. Mildred Holland, In "The Triumph of sn Empress." 30: "Siberia" Dec. 1, Creston Clarke, In "Monsieur Beaucaire," 2; "One Night ln June" 3, William Bramwell 5 Kaiton, — At the Able Opera House ( w. K. Detwlller, manager) Henry Ludlam, in "Borneo and Juliet," enjoyed very good busi- ness Nov. 11. "A Prisoner of War" played to fairly good business 12. Margarei An- f;lln. In '*The Eternal Feminine,' drew a arge and well pleased audience 10. The Payton Stock Co. played to good business 14. 15, 17-19. "A Wife's Mlatakc" canceled 23, Due: "The Strange Adventures of Amos Skeeter" 29, Cecilia -Loftus 30, Wm. Faver- aham Dec. 3, "A Lost Boy" S, Lewis Mor- rison C, "Red Feather" 8. «» » CANADA. Montreal.— At His Majesty's (U. Q. Brooks, manager). — House was da'.;: Nov. 21- 26. "Cupid ft Co." 28 and week. Academy of Music (H. C. Egerton, man- ager).— "Me, Him nnd 1" played to S. It. O. 21-20. "King Dodo" 28 and week. "The Fortune Teller" follows. Frascais Mdsic Hall (F. W. Howarth, manager). — Vaudeville and burlesque. "The Japskvs" bad fair business 21-20. "Fiddle- Dec-Doe" 28 and week. . Tiieatm: Royal (F. W. Le Clair, mana- {[cr). — "A Woman's Struggle" played lo good todses 21-26. "A Struggle for Gold" 28 and week. ... Tiieathe National I'hancais (Geo. Gauv- rean, manager). — Tho permanent French stock company, ln "Pocbarde," came to good business 21-26. "Madame Sans-Qenc" 28 and week. . ......... Theatre pes Nouveaetes. — The permanent Freuch stock company. In "La Robe Botige," had good business 21-26. "Le Secret dc I'ollchlncllc" 28 and week. ' i Toronto, — At tho Princess (0. Ii. Sbep- pard, manager) "Cupid & Co.," Nov. 21-26, played to big business. Arnold Daly, In "Can- dida" aud "A Man of Destloy," 28 and week. GuAXti Opeqa House (A. J. Small, mana- gcrl.— "The Crisis." 21-20, came to large audlcnccE. Week or 28, "The Liberty Belles.' Majestic (A. J. Small, managcrl. — "On the Bridge at Midnight" came to fair busi- ness 21-20. Week of 28. "A Little outcast." Biiea's (J. Shed, manager). — A capUal programme did big business last week. Bill week of 28: Pcwltr, Harry Gllfoll, Edwin Latell, Robert Troupe. Oracle Kmmctt ft Co., Louise Dresser, Eckcrt and Berg, Jack Not- worth and kinctograpb. Masse* Music Haxl (Stewart Houston, mnnagei). ; — Eugene Ysayc, assisted by Hope Morgan and M. Jules de Bcfve, filled the hull to capacity 21. . Coming: nope Morgan and Melster Glee 81ngers Dec. 1, Mclba "<■ , Stab (F. W. Stair, manager). — Majestic Hurlesquers, Nor. £1-20, played to tbo ca- pacity. Week of 28, Bon Tons. i i Hamilton. — At the Grand Opera House (A. R. Loudon, manager) ".On the Bridge at Midnight," Nor. 18. 19, bad big audiences: "Human Hearts," 21, 22, drew'hlg business: "The Prince of Pllsen," 23, bud a capacliy house. Guy Bros.' Minstrels 25, Victors Venetian Band 28. "The Earl of Pawtucket Dec 1, "On the Suwanee River" 2, 3, "Can- dida" (Daly Co.) 6, "The Liberty Belles" i. "Shadows on the Hearth" 8, 0, "Faust (Louis Morrison) 10. , Stab (J, .0. Apnlcton manager).— W cck of Nor. 21 big buBlncas ruled. Bill week of 28: Martlnette and Sylvester, Bean and Hamilton, Frank Waldo and company, the Francclllas, Frayne and La Monte, Bcu Daw- son and Vlrdcn and Dunlsp. i London, — At the Grand (F. X. Kormsn, manager) Guy Bros., Nov. 18, gave a very satisfactory minstrel performance. Nanette Comstock. In "The Crisis," 19, bad two fairly good bouses. "The Prince of Pllsen, lu packed the house. Marks Bros." No. 1. Co-, 22-20, pleased. _ _ LONDON VATOEVr_LE THEATRE ( TV. C. Fleming, mnnager). — For week of 28: Tnj Rtanfords, George W.. I>ealle. Bobbins and Trenamnn, Mardo, Jack and Lllllsn Brown, Jeanlngs and Renfrew, Beeker, Wilkes and Co., Illustrated songs and the klnetograpn- St. John.— At the Operia nonse (A. 0- Sfelnner, .manager) the Dalley Stock C*. opened week^T N4V. 21 with "The Mori* trnte" to a good house. "Boldlew of* 01 * tune" 24-20, "The New Dominion" 28^>0- Xobs (Bobt D. Hyde, manager).— \auae- December 3f Tim -maw ircms ma&p$sa. i% wfi liilo III catching on with the' people. For week of 28: Prof. WaJbert'e horse, Dahl • Mr. iud Mrs. Fred LuclTr, Crowley and Foley. Honette Bros.. Nichols and Croli, Ma June and HydT a nd Leola. St. Catharines. — At the Grand Opera noute (Chat. H. Wilson, manager) "The way of the Transgressor" had (rood business Not. t American vltagraph had fair houses ll, li Edna Llndon Stock Co. pleased week of 14' "Human Hearts" bad full house 22. Hooked : Guy Bros.' Minstrels had a good ad- vance sale 24. American vltagraph 25. 26. Irene Jeavon's Stock Co. week of 28. James liropbv, In "Shadows on the Hearth" Dec. 10. 1 « «■ • OREGON. WasiiixutOJI. Portland. — At- tho Marqunm Grand fCal- \!n Helllg, manager) the Marino Concert Co. did fair business Nov.- -14. The Metalakatbln (Alaska) Band afternoon of 15. White Whittlesey did fair business 1.1, 16. "The linnewavs" played to S. B. O. 17. Florence • isle did fair business, with "As You Like It." 18, 10. "Candida" 21-23. Haverly's Minstrels 24, "Arizona" 2."), 26. Thomas Jef- icrson 28, -20, "The- Devil's Auction" 30, Dec. 1, "Who's- Brown?" 2. 3. . Colcmbia (George L. Baker, manager). — The Columbia Theatre Stock Co. nut on "Led Astray" 20. "Th» Gay Parisians was given week of 13. "The New Dominion" 27. Empire- (George L. Baker, manager). — •Grimes' Cellar Door." which w«b booked for I'ordray's Theatre, will be seen at this bouse 24-26. Grand -(F. Lincoln, manager), formerly Cordray's Theatre; • was opened as a vaude- rllle house by Sullivan & Consldlne, 20. Many people- were turned away. Two per- formances will be given Saturday afternoon nail Sunday afternoon and one performance each ■ other afternoon and two performances each evening. Bill for week of 20: Mus- liner's. trained sheep, the Four Ollfans, Frye and Allen, the Elliotts, Sam and Ida Kelly, Arthur O. Folkerr. William Gross, Frank Melton and the Grandlscope. Baker's (Keating & Flood, managers). — Rornald's dogs and cats, the Dor Family, Jim Calvin, {ne Voltern, the George Family. Raymond 8, Baldwin and olograph. Stab (8. Morton Cohen, manager). — Four Klving Banvards, Cowles and Alden, Schil- ler Bros., the Great Zang, Hickman and Mor- ton, Harry Brown, Brown and Edmunds and the projectoscope. Arcade (S. Morton Cohen, manager). — Herat-Hues, Harvey Children, the Edwards, (ieorge Wilson, hate C'oyle and American bioscope. Ltbic (Keating & Flood, managers). — Hanford and Hart, Young and Brooks, Nancy nice, the Aldeanes, Harry Hoyt and the vltascop*.'. Bijou (Fred T, Merlll, manager). — HMder- brandt, Elmore and Bartlett, Zelma Sum- mers, Zerelda, Audrey Sisters, I'earl Gray- son and vltascop*. Make (A. Shapiro, manager). — Helen De tarraln, Elaine Forrest, Amy Dnmaurler, Ada Orlando, Kose Reene and Campbell. Obphegm (W. A. Simons, manager). — Mae Vernon. Amellla, Ida Roslter, Irene Allen, May Emmerson, Fmnds Venlta Grey, Nellie Moore, Imogen Mansfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Iieon Errol, M'sa Cecil, Ixittle Iieonnrd, Gertie Kleth, Vln Moore, W. C Winn. Clif- ford Trnlnor Parker, W. J. Muck anil .Mamie West. Fbitjs'b New Tiiratrr (J. J. West, mana- ger). — Hooncy ahd Forrester, Carrie Win- cheil, LIHie Stetson. Birdie Wrenn. Josle Myers, J. J. West, Derry and Whlttlng, the Great West In, Florence Russell, Florence West, Mullan and Kenny. Baxter and South- wick, Leslie Stirling, Connors and Connors, and Ida Miller. Blazier's Concert Halt. (Ell B. Davis. manager). — Anita Desanrhcz. Wilson and Leicester, Stella Clair, Lulu Thels and Gene- vieve De Forrest. Erickson's Music HAr.t (II. D. Grlffln, manager). — Fay Leslie, Edle Lnurendau, the Devlne Dodson, Mabel Maltland and Jennie Ripley. ♦ « 1 ■ MARYLAND. Baltimore. — Thanksgiving week witnessed a succession of crowded bouses at all local theatres. The entire season up to date has lieen such as to. bring; Joy to the managers, the usual nnte-electlon dullness being notice- able by Its absence. Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford, manager). — "The Prince of Pllsen" returns Nov. 28 and week. Business was very large last week with "The Serlo-Comic Governess." Chauncey Olcott Dec 5. Academy of Music (Nixon A Zimmerman, managers). — Mrs. Patrick Campbell comes Nov. 28-Dec. 3, In "The Sorceress," its first production here. Wright Lorlmer's two weeks' engagement, In "The Shepherd King," was marked by full houses. He is booked for an additional two weeks beginning Jan. 2. Dec. 0, "Joseph Entangled," with Henry .Miller. ".. .•""'• Chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). — "Held By the Enemy" the current week. Big business was accorded "The Henrietta" week ending Nov. 2a "Lend Me Your Wife" Dec. 6. ArDiToniiiM (James L. Kernan. manager). — "Happy Hooligan," Nov. 28. follows "The Beauty Doctor," which had well tilled houses week ending 26. Dec. !>, Hanlons' "Superba." .Maryland (James L. Kernan, manager). — Nov. 28 and week : W. H. . Murphy and Blanche Nichols, Le Roy and Clayton, Bruno nnd Russell, the Moullere Sisters, the Italian Trio, Gus Williams, the Three Westons, H. V. Fitzgerald and a new lot of biograph pic- tures. Last week's bill was one of the best of the season. Harry Ullfoll and the Nichols Sisters carrying off the honors. Holliday Stbekt (George W. Rife, man- nger). — "The Flaming Arrow" Nov. 28 and week. "Why Girls Leave Home" turned people away, closing 26. "Tracked Around the World" comes Dec. 0. lli.ANET's (Charles E. Blaney, manager). —"A Working Girl's Wrongs" Is the bill for Nov. 28 and week. 8. R, O. wbb the rule nil week 21-26, with "A Wife's Secret" nee. B, "Kidnapped In New York." Monumental (James L. Kernan. mana- ger).— Bob Manchester's Tanlty Fair Co. Nov. 28 and week. Rice & Barton's Gaiety Co. nude good to full houses 21-26. The (•ay Masquerade™ come Dec. 5. ■«■»» , MAINE. Portland, — At the Jefferson Theatre (Cahn 4 Grant, managers) the attractions amnrlng Thanksgiving week gave excel- lent satisfaction to good attendance. "Sky •nrrn" came Nov. 21. "The Secret of Po- lchinelle," 22, 23, was much appreciated. llortha Galland, In "Dorothy Vernon of Had- | on Hall," was the pleasing attraction thanksgiving matinee and night, continuing -'• r >- Qulnlan k Wnll's Minstrels 26, mat- inee and night. The Phelan Musical Com- •dy Co. 28-Dec. 3. Portland Theatre (James E. Moore, man- ager).— Rote Stahl and . Co... Raymond, end • uverly. Mile. Ollv?. Al. H. Burton, Crowley and Foley, May Evans, and Hording and Au sirt comprised, the attractive Thanksgiving week offering, drawiig satisfactory business. Booked week of 28-Ilec. 3 • Mabel McKlnley, the Allisons. Kennedy and Quarttrelll. the Mannellos. Herbert Brooke, Jane Couttbope and Co., and John Birch. , Citi Hah. (Ira Stockbrldge. manager).— In the Chad. A. Ellis course, the Hess Quar- tette and Mme. n. D. R. Moss appear Nov. 20. »«» ' — Alma Powell did not Join the Vernon etock Co. on Nov. 14,' as was stated. xi lu co "I*< "^ At ..J^* Il lC S 8, *'■ Theatre , (C. Heillg. manager) "The Tenderfoot,". Nov. 14, 15. drew large booses. Arthur Dunn, In ;1 he Runaways," ill, had a big house. Tliomns Jefferson, in "Kip Van Winkle," 18. did well. Marinl 19, White Whittlesey 20-22; "Who's Brown?" 23. 24. Haverly's Minstrels 26, "Candida" 20. 30. '. :.' 2 Lrcecx (Geo. Shrceder. manager). — The Four Martens. Salllc Btisscll, McCune and Grant, Eldredge. the Remseys, Murpliv and Andrews, O'Neill Sisters, Lillian Abbey and Sallte Randall. Business Is fair. Orphecm (W. H. Harbeck, manager).— The Malan-Magrath Theatre Co. opened a two weeks' engagement 20. Others are: Clipper Quartette. Gr>ne King;, George Har- rison. Rice and Walters, J. A. Dunn, Barnes and Washburn. Empire.— Week of 20 : rrof. J. O. Wise, Charles Allman. the Fowlers, M. K. Hill, Young and Brooks. . . . Cbybtal.— Week of 20:. The Burchs,- Louis Mendenhall, Clifford and. Smith, the Lorettas and moving pictures. ... Phoenix. — Week of 20 1 Hayden and Mar- tin, Maude Clarke. Leo and Monroe, Loveland Sisters, Grace Armstrong, Maude • Clarke, Laurence Lynton, Cora May, Daisy Holton, )lc Cook, Frankle Gale, Bea Hall. Business Is good. ' • . Edibox.— Week of 20 was dark. The house Is being remodeled sod will reopen 28, with a new vaudeville show. Notes. — Work has commenced on the new $40,000 vaudeville theatre at the corner of Ninth and Pacific Avenue. The old Grand Pacific Hotel, on C Street, will also be turned Into a 10 cent vaudeville house Sallle Randall left "The Runaways" here to go Into vaudeville nt the Lyceum, and Bessie Platter Joined "The Runaways" here. ■ Seattle. — At the Grand Opera nouse (John Cort, manager) Philip Ryley, Nov. 20- 23, In "The Tenderfoot;" Thomas Jefferson, In "Rip Van Winkle," 24-26 ; Htverly't Min- strels 27-30, Rose Mclvllle'Dec. 1-3.. Seattle (J. P. Howe, manager).— ^Week of Nov. 20, James Ncill Co.. in Shenandoah "The Amaions," by the same company, 27 and week. Third Avenue (Russell it Drew, mana- gers). — Week of 20, "Darkest Russia." Week of 27. "Grimes' Cellar Door." To follow, the Black Pattl Troubadours. j Alcazar (Bettia & Keogh, managers). — Week of 20, Wiedemann Co., In "His Way- ward Son" and "A Soldier's Sweetheart." OiiPitEuji. — New: The Two Great Fowlers, the Kiltie Trio, Barnes and Washburn, James Dunn, Howe and Decker, , Arthur Jackson nnd moving pictures. Pantaoes. — New: Sylvester, Jones nnd Prlngle, the Three Avnlos. Lotus, I/ois Men- denbnll, Howe nnd Edwards, Leo White and moving pictures. Empire. — New: Douglas and Douglas, Will C. Young and L. May Brooks, Will 0. Brown, Leona Clifton and moving pictures. Crystal. — New : Adams Bros., Waldron Bros.. Bell and Ferris, Kellogg nnd moving pictures. . Comkiue: (Mose Goldsmith, manager). — New : The Keeslngs. Mr. and Mrs. Burrh, Clifford and Smith, the Three Kellys, Dutch Walton, Paul La Croix and Pete D'Orsay. • ■ » VIRGINIA. Norfolk. — At the Academy of Music (Cof- bln Shields, mannger) Vogel's Minstrels, No*. 16, came to very good business. "Sergeant Kitty" followed 17, delighting a well filled house. Chas. Hnwtrey pleased, in "A Sles- sage from M«rs." 18. 10. "The Virginian." 21, had a packet! house. "Quinry Adams Sawyer." 2C, "Sherlock Holmes'' 28, "A Girl From Dixie" Dec. 10. Granuy (Jake Wells, manager).— Business, week of 21. was unusually good. "The Beauty Doctor" 28 nnd week. Bijou (Abb Smith, manager). — People for week of 28 : Mamie Burcaw, Helen howler, May Ogden, Alice I.omnz, Trixlc Le Grande, Hose Melvery, Florence Leroy, Jlmmle Welch, May Romlg and Howard and West and Shafer. Business Is ffood. acme (Chas. M. West, manager). — People for week of 28 : Newton and King, May Pal- mer, Watson and Irving and Prof. Weston's moving picture, "The Escaped Lunatic." Busi- ness Is good. j Manhattan (C. A. & J. M. Crlnhlan. man- agers). — People for week of 28: Flo Temple, May Roche, F. Cameron, Sophie Blnnchnrd, Lemuels and Crouch. Emma Wallace. Maggie Penman, Alfreda Alphonse, Mabel Delmore, Master Earl Boston, Levlne and Alma, Flo- retta and C. R. Brandon. Business Is good. Auditorium Theatre (J. M. Barton, man- ager). — People week of 28 : Florence Ed- wards, Mell Grant, Edmonds and Roderick. George Davis, Alice Hemingway, Johnson and Sullivan, McGrevy and Marshall, the Hep- pier Sisters, Minnie Patterson and Eltna George. Business Is Rood. Note. — Benjamin Yearsley, cornet player at the Bliou, died at St. Vincent's Hospital here, on Nov. 22. Richmond.— At the BIJou (Wells k Mc- Kee, managers), week of Nov. 21. the Ellnore Sisters, in "Mrs. Delaney, of Newport," played to standing room only. "The Light- house by the Sea" 28 and week. "The Beauty Doclor" follows. . - Academy or Music (Chas. W. Hex, mana- ger). — "The Virginian" played, to standing room only, 22. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" 24. Shepard's moving pictures 25, 20, "Sherlock Holmes" 29. . ♦» • » TENNESSEE. \: '1 ■■!::'■:' iNdlAsjA. . . :■. V.. ' ii' 1*-'i" '■••■■• £_,•« ' " Ind inaarol Is.— A< English's OMra UbtUK Id. F. Mlfleri manager) Viola Allen. Nov. F. Mlliert manager) Viola .0, teitfea tlie citpecliv of Wilton Lncknye, in "The Pit." 2T, (Ad. IK, 10, a « tninou. mnnsgers). — ," 17-10, had cnpaelty luisl- e 1'aclflo." 21-23, stood them ^rmnnce. "l'srla By Night" *!(»"■ of the'liouse. . 22, lind very big. business. Frank Daniels, In "The iifflce Boy," '.'S, 24. had raprielty houses. Cincinnati German Theatre Co. 2u, Itlnnclic Walsh. -in "Krtntxer Soh.tta." 26: Ysaye 28, Fl.inche Blnir 29.;30. Mnrjr.iret Anglla^Dec. 7, Savage'l English Grand Opera Co. 8-K». , P.iRK (Dickson & Tnlbott. managers). — •'After Midnight." " nesa. "Across the up at every performance. 24 26, "No Wedding Bells for Her" 28 :S>. Grand Ornu Hosse iShafer Klcsler, man- ager). — Capacity business week of 21. F"or week of 28: Olive May and John AU baugb, Trovolo, R.nney and Bent. Boston Bros., Eleanor Folk. . Chas. L. I'letcher, Jo-, sephine 8nbel. Farreil Bros. Week of Dec, 5, the Orpheum Show. New Unique (R. B. Rhorbus, manager). — People appearing week of 28: McKlnnon and Reed, the Turner!, McVey and Sea- hr.gbt. Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. Belford. Good business prevailed week of 21. Ejii'Ihl (Chas. Zimmerman, manager)^-" Sheridan's City Sports furnished one of the beet bills of the season week, of Si to very big hus'ness. Rose Hill English Folly Co. week of 28. t ; ' 1 , v ,. Marlon.— At the Indiana (E. L. Klnne- man. mannger) Harrison J. Wolfe gave a most pleasing presentation of "Hamlet," be- fore a large aud'eoce. Nov. 17. He was ably supported, and the stage settings were a feat- ure. "The Liberty Belles" brought out a large house 22. The topical songs of Will Cooler wtre the success of tbe evening. Homespun Heart," with Helen Castle and Jack Ellis, had standing room houses, both matinee and night, 24. "Escaped from the Harem" 2.1. "Queen of tbe Highway" 20, "Eben Ilolden" 20. "Resurrection" Dec, 1. "A Son of Best" 3.; . Grand (R. L. Klnnomnn, mannger). — The Innocent Maids played a return date, to big business. 18. ''Hooligan's Troubles," 10, faced two standing room houses. Martin's "I'ncle Tom's Cabin" played to capacity 22. The London Gaiety Girls. 24, 25. turned hun- dreds away. "Old Arkansnw" 26. "Peck and 'lis Mother-ln-Law" 30, "Tbe Princess of •nnnma" Dec. 2.. 3, tbe Margaret Neville lock Co. week of S. Crystal (John. 11. Amnions, manager).— Business continues to more than meet ex- pectations and the bookings are giving ex- cellent satisfaction. For week of 28: The Lee. Children. Irene White, Racket t and Ha- zard. Mark Fields, illustrated songs^ and the klnodrome. ' j. Brook (Dugnn * Cahlll, managers). — The box office was kept unusually, busy MM week and everyone was pleased with the offer- ings. Week or 28: Ooldle Melville, the Ed- wards Misters. Lillian Marr, Frank nnd Erallv Young, Leonn Alfreds, Agnes Ather- lon and Buskey and Burton. Note.- -Thanksgiving Day was a record breaker In Mnrlon In the amusement line. '>'•:' >it;w YORK Wltf. .. v.l ; "!- •.-» ■■ •;. ' ■ • -■■■■ -'* BarfaUi.— At the Btar Thentre (P. C. Cor- Blanche Ring divide week of Dec. ft. "Mother 1 loose"- delighted big throngs last weeV. TEck'TnEATRR (Walter 8. Baldwin, mana- ger). — "Paul Revere" Is the current week's draran. It tvns fnV stroogest card lOffs red L.t this orgaalratlon her* a yea? ago, and hence has bright prospects. "Du Barry" next .iteck. ."The Prodigal Daughter" was very successful last week. Concjsnti'in hail ( Henry L. Mcech, ctis- todlan).4-Metba and company hnd a magnifi- cent reception Thanksgiving night. Ysaye is on early Visitor. Shea's Oardrn Tiibatrx. — Present appear- ances are Jack Mason's Society Belle*, In- cluding Grace Garner, Dolan and I.enharr, Waterwiry Bros, nnd Tenny, Four Huntings, Joe Morris, Lena Tlmtber, Mens. Alhahy and Kellv ^nil Ashby. l'ewltt and the Carter de Haven Sestettc scored last week. The Thanks- givlhg'apkee was all gone a week In advance. Acadrmx (0. C. Stevens, manager).— "WedflW and Parted" comes this week. "On the Buwanee River" next week. "A Little Outcast"- dUl splendidly last week — deserved- >y- Lkecm tmi-atrk (J. Langhllo. managtr). — '.'ThB jllcart^of Maryland 4h« current weak. Al. H. WiIrod. In "The Watch on the , Rhiw». , 'lieif #eek. "Lights of Home" sbohe brightly to good business last week. LAi'AYvrrTK Theatuk (Charles M. Hogs. manager). — Rose Sydell's London Belles this week, Fred Irwin's Big Show pleased good sited turnouts last week. Nora. — At the Academy "pop" Sunday concert, Nov. 2, there appeared Vice and Vloln, Reach and Bench, Dolly Blnml and Prof. Hart, magician Bench nnd car- roll Bros., In songs and new biograph pic- tures, constituted tho Lyceum entertainment ou the same day. . . s TWdt*— A* *"* Lyceum TheatT* (Burns niUam, manager) the ftnow Stock; played to B. fi. 0. all last week, In "When Knight- hood Was In Flower." and so popular was the production that tbe play wilt be retained week of Nov. 28. (iuiswni.n nrKRA (M. Rels, mantger),— Mme. Bchumnnn-IIelnk, In "Love's Lottery," played- to. 8. R, O. 22. "Tbe Isle of Spice" packed the bouse 24. George Primroses Minstrels drew a big house 26. Ada Ilehan. lu "Taming of the Shrew," 20; Paula Ed- wards 30, "The Girl and the Bandit" Dec. I, "Shadows on the nearth" 2, 3, Rand's Opera House (M. Rels, manager). — "A Struggle (or Gold" drew fairly well Nov. 2M3. "Tbe Great Automobile Mys- "Over Niagara Ei ami I He. — The Grand ( Pedley ft Bitrch, managers). The Elk llulldlni; Fund drew an enormous crowd Nov. 21, In hear Jessie Bart- lett Do vis, assisted by other good entertain- ers. "The Pit," with Wilton Lackaye, had a packed bouse 23. - Adelaide Thurston, In "Polly Primrose." was the Thanksgiving at- traction and did splendidly. Al. 0. F'eld's Minstrels 2.1. Frank Daniels 28, "The Sleepy Princess." iwltb local talent, 20 ; "A Hot Old Time" Dec. 1, "'Way Out West" 3, Viola Alien 6. "Miss Bob White" 7, "Babes In Toy- land" 8, Robert Edeson 0. People's (Pedley 4 liurcb. managers). — "Humpty Dumpty, nt popular prices. 17-10, drew lilieral pntronnge. The van Dyke & Eaton Co.. 20-23. did well. "Only n Shop Girl" 27. Broadway Burlesiiuers 20,. Innocent Maids Dec. 10. . Evans' Hai.i. wns filled 17. Tor the Cramp- ton Concert, the first of the Y. M. C. A. star course. Thomas MrClnry 28, Royal Hun- garian Octette Dee. IS. ■»,•♦■ Torre Haste. — At the Grand Opera Houce (T. W. Barhydt, mnnager) Prank Daniels came Nov. 26. to capacity business. "Tried for Her Life" 28. "Only a Shop Girl" 20, 30. Innocent Maids Dec. 1. "A Hot Old Time" 2. "The Little Red. School House',' 3. t Empire (Tbos. Flnnegah. manager). — An exceptionally strong bill for week of 28 In- cludes : The Great Nellos, Waldon and Holmes, Klnneson Sisters, Jackson and Doug- Ins, Belle Stewart, Madge Dnytell. Mr. and Mrs. Flnnegan. Millie De Forest and Carl and Kelly. Business continues good. Vlncennea. — At MvJImsey's Theatre (Frank Grum, manager) "The Holy City" pleased a large bouse Nov. 12. Al. II. Wil- son, In "The Watch oh tbe Rhine," pleased. Joe Jr. and Win. W. Jefferson lu "The Rivals," hnd fair liuslheas 17. Edw. N. Hoyt. In "Hamlet." 24 : "Tried for Life" 20, "Holtv Tolly" 30, Broadway flurlesn,uers Dec. 1. 4«» IOWA. Memphis — At the New Lyceum (Frank Gray, manager) "Tbe Sultan of Sulu" came Nov. 18, 10, to packed houses. Tbos. Whlf- fen, as Kl-Ram, pleased. Jos. Murphy, 21, 22, had fair bouses. "The Sign of the Cross," 23, played to good business. Com- ing: "Human Hearts" 28, 20, Frank Daniels 80, Dec. 1. "Babes in Toyland" 2, 3. "Miss Bob White" 5, Robert Edeson 6, 7, Chas. B. Hanford 8, 0, "Happy Hooligan" 10. Hopkins' Grand Opeba House (A. B. Mor- rison, mannger). — "Hearts of Oak" was pre- sented week of Nov. 21 to large audiences. Mr. Jossey, the new leading man, as Teddy Den- nlson', made a favorable Impression. Miss Moore, Isabella Bowman and Nera Rosa came In for applause. Scenic artist Dwyer merits special mention. Between nets were tbe Musical Goolmans and the biograph. For week of 28, "The Stowaway." Biiotr (BenJ. M, Stnlnliack. manager). — "A Hot Old Time." 21-20. played to packed houses. Mile. Anl's performance on the tra- peze was excellent and occasioned hearty ap- plause. "Child Slaves of New York'' 28- Dec. 3. Persica's New Garden Tiieatbh (John Perslca, manager).— The bill offered week of 21 was tbe strongest of the Season. It In- cluded: Little Egypr. Belle Dayton. Mayme Curry. Chas. Helston, Nellie Brlto, Rogers and l.avlgne. Theo. Wilson, Hood Sisters and I f II- lery C. Sloan. , • - s Chattanooga. — At New Opera' House (Paul R. Albert, manager) Warde Ind Kidder drew well Nov, Id. >'Jrl»" played to .« full boose 18. Herrmann did well 21. Robert Kdeson bad a full house 22. Jos. Murphy 28. "Tbe Sign of the Cross" 24, "The Virginian' 1 2B, "Tbe Burgomaster" Dec % Ellnore Sla- ters 3, Elks' Memorial 4. John Griffith ft. 1 ,. n~" a v a - a v.~ir .-i — D. M. Hall has recovered from the acci- dent which laid him up for tbe oast Ove weeks. His Wife. Lillian Clifton Hall, has been made an honorary member of the Den- ver T. M. A. U*a Mtflnc's^-At Foster's Opera . House ( Wm. Foster, manager.) ward and V^iN^tn "A Fair -of Pinks,-" played to B. II. W W W 18. Tim Murphy iileused 20-24. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer'' 2.'p. 211, Richard Golden Dec. 2, Dochstader's Minstrels a. , GBAKp^OtBBA.HQURB (Wm. Foster, mana- ger).— "Her Only^Hin;" with Jtilln Cray, pleased large audiences Nov. 17-10. "To Die nt Dawn" drew well 21-23. "A Desper- ate Chance" 24-26. "Ole Olson" 28-30, ''At the Cross Roods" Dec. 1-3. Auditorium (Wm. Foster, manager), — "Babes In Toyland," Nov. 23, 24, Sousn and his band 28. Lyceum (Nellie Wlllard Nelson, manager). — Popular repertory draws big crowds. Hi. mi- (C. W. Buchanan, managed. — The opening of this House was postponed from Nov. 21 to Nor. 28, owing to the delay of building. Cedar Kaplda At Greene's Opera House (Will M. Coiller, business manager) Porter J. White's "Kuust," Nov. 10, hod two food bouses. Montavllle Flowers, In tbe Y. I. C. A. course, drew a big crdWd. "A Del- pern te Chance," 22, had a top heavy bouse. Adams Sawyer" 23, "Rudolph and , 24, "Babes 'n Toyland" 23, "York State Folks!! 26, tbe Flints 28-Dec. 3, Keller "Qulncy Adai Adolpb" 24, Hlil. PnlW' piute ruisH.: au, mo riiuis »o*fcc. «, .»rnB, 5, Soma's Band 8, "Wife In Name- Only" 7, Clara Thropp 8, "A Royal Chef" 10. Auditorium (Edw. Curran, manager). — Bill week of Nov. 21 Included : Jennings and Jewell, Froato and Harvey, Ray W. Cloiigb, tbe De Pontes and tbe polyscope. Burlington. — At tbe Grand (Chamber- lie, Harrlugtnn & Co., managers) "The Sign of Ibe Cross" pleased Nov. 17. "Dora Thorne" had light attendance 18. Evn Tdn- guny, In "The Sambo Girl," did good business. "Vlvlan'it Papas" bad fair houses 22. "01* Ol- son" 2.1, "The Irish Pawnbrokers" 24. Tim Murphy 25, /'Wife In Name Only" 2fl, "York State Folks'' 28. To Die at Dawh" .10, Jas. J. corbett Dec. 1, "Our of tb* Fold" 2. B. P. 0. E. memorial 4. Tim Murpby &."'Kat-- lenjanhner Kids" 11. the Jeffersons 8, 'Tbe Royal Chef" 9, Cldra' Thropp 10. • ■ ■■ ■ «»♦ ■■ ■ t-j ,- ■ m — Stan* Mr >$bi Little ted SchfedWus** Co.: J. A. Weal, manager: Edward C. Panius, stage manager: Jean De Causaln, carpenter: Joe II. Logan, master of- trans- portation ; Earle Long, agent. - Ran terv" had big houses 24-26. Falls" 28-80, Joseph Santley, In "From lugs io IllcheCjJec. 1-3 U .. ; Foli.t. (W. II, Buck, manager).— Bohe- mian Butlesnuers drew well Nov. 21-23. American Burlesquers packed the house 24- 2IL. ..Ham. Devere's Burlesque ri, 28-30, Blue Ribbon Burlesquers Dec;, 1-3/ ' '' I "' 1 Rnckester.— At Hie Lyceum (M. E. Wiilff, manager) Clmuncoy Olcntt, In "A Romance m' Athlone," turned hundreds away Nov. 22. The star's singing was mucU en- joyed and (he company and production were eicellehi. "The Prince of Pltaen'' did ca- pacity business for three performances 24, 2.1. The company find production Is still up- to Its original fine standard. Jess, Dandy scored heavily In the leading ciunedy rote. A word or praise Is due the most excellent nnd hard working chorus. All our local critics were most lavish In their praise. Maude Adams. In "The Little Minister." 20; I.nwreneo D'Orsay. In . "The Earl of Paw- tucket," 20. 80; Ada IteUan, supported by Cliss. Rlrliinnn, In repertory, Dec. 2, 3. National Theatre (Max Hiirtig. niana- fen. — "The Missourlans," with Theodore Inmllton In the lead, did fair business Nov. 21-2.1. . It proved to he an excellent play, well given, "The Heart of Maryland" did very good business 24-20. The company on the whole wns satisfactory and the produc- tion was very good. ."Running for Oillcc" 28.10, Tilly Olson" Dec. 1-3. Baker Theatre (J. H. Boyle, mannger). — 'The Way -.of the Traasgressor" fared well Nov. 21-2.1. The company proved to he a most excellent one. "Wedded nnd Parted" proved to be a thriller, and attendance was good 24-28. A word of praise Is due Frances Whltehouse, Mary Cunhrd and Lawrence Finch. "Her Mad Marriage" 28-30, "New York. Day by Day" Dec.. 1-3. Cook Oi'ERA llotsi: (J. H. Moore, mann- ger). — One of the most attractive hills of the . season Was presented week of 21. 1'ralne Is due Marlon Garson, a Rochester girl, for her most excellent singing. Bill 28 and week : Henry J»e, Rice and l'revost. Emmet Devoy and company, the Qulgley Bros., the Four Musical Avulos, Flo Adler, the Yamnmoto Bros, and klnetngrnph, Corinthian Theatre (Henry C. Jsiiihs, mauager). — ^Tlie Bon Ton Co. gave a pleas- ing show week of Nov. 21. Two amusing burlettns were given. Among those who plessed In the olio were: Grace Leonard, Williams and Adams. Hie Livingstons, the Cook Bros, and the Hlmpsous. Fred Irwin's Big Cm. 28 mid week. \otk;— Emlllo De dorgozg gave a pleas- ing *0ng recital, to an Immense audlenci', at Lyceum- Theatre, '22. Ailiniiy. — At Hurmanus Bleecker Hall (II. it, Jacobs, niaiiuger) Mme. Hchumunn- Helnk, lu "Love's l/jftery," had a crowded house Nov. 21. "The Volunteer Organist," 22, 23, Pleased many. George Primrose Min- strels showed to completely packed bouses 24. Dan Sully, la "Our Pastor, 20, 26, came to fair business. Duo: Ada Rehon 28, "The Fortuna.Teller" 20-Dcc. 3. Empire (H. R. Jacobs, manager).— The Rujsell Brothers, In "The Female Detectives." kept large audience* Interested Nov. 21-23. ''over Niagara Falls," 24-26, had excellent business. "From (tugs to Riches" 28-30. PaocToa's (Mown id Graham, resident man- ager).— H. R. O. all last week. For 28 and Week : Tbe Six Gllnserettes, Yorke and Adams, Mary Dupont and Co., Gillette's dogs, Mc- Graih Bros., Ellsworth and Hurt, Wolf ami Hamilton, the Tbre* Greg-sons, and the pic- ture machine. Sunday night, 27, opera recital of "Parsifal." Henrietta Crosuiun Dec. 1-3. Gaiety (II. U. Nichols, manager) Mi- ner's American Burlesque™. 21-23, gave nn ex- cellent performance The Bohemian Bur- lesquers, 24-20, also gave a superior show, A return of the Blue Ribbon Girls 28 .10. a Syracuse. — At Wletlng Opera Bouse (John L. Kerr, manager) Chauncey -Olcott, In "A Romance of Athlone," played to crowded [Hbhses Thanksgiving, ['aula Ed- wards; -In "Winsome Winnie." Nov. 20; "The Prince of Pllsea" 20, Maude Adams 30, Ada Rehnn Dec, 1. Uastaih.e Tiikatre (II. A, Hurtlg, mana- ger).— 'The MlsHoiirlans"cora# to large busi- ness Nov. 24-26. "Tilly, Olson" 28-110. GRAitn Opera Hoi'SE, — "The Way of the Transgressor," 24-26, came to big business. Now York Day by Day" 2S-30. 'Her Mad slarilage" Dec. 1-3, "The Minister's Daugh- ters'.' 0-7, "For Ills Brother's Crime" 8<10. I Ilea.— At the Majestic Mrs. Gilbert was deserving of * larger audience Nov. 21. Prim- rosfc's '/Minstrels drew big 22. "Tbe Isle -of Bplce'' Hrew big 23. "Winsome - loose 24, . "Naw -York Brothers/ Norlon, Frank llusb, Furlc'y and Uutkc, Ida ElAeier, Cartwell and Hkrrls, and Polk and Tresk., . y. -.......•.■«•.,. » •» , 1 ■ v ;. ,' ■Rtar;— Mat week's. bill drew well. Star Thealro Stock-Co.. In "AiFlgbt f«r-aM|ne" and "Three \\'lvcs to Ono Husband," this week; ;-,, '•. •:■ -t •■ ' ,, ^ : ,,' -i l 11 I »i a 1 • 1 • .inmrstmvn. — At the Sstoueis vQpera HotiSe-dl.'iKcls. manager) tho Cbltago Stock Co. sppearM Nov, Jl-afl, to satisfactfiry buil- hesa. . Coming : lladlcy's moving pictures 28, Martln'a RJ. T. C." 29. , Note.— Moore, magician, and Ada Melrose, coon shonter, of tbe Chicago Stock, were mar- ried here Thnnkiglv'ng morning. w»» . .. CONNECTICUT. Hartford.— At Parsons' (Herbert C Par- sons, manager) James K. Hackett played to fair houses Nov. 21, 22. as did Schumann- Hclnk, 211, 10 "Love's Lottery." "The Tender- foot" hail big business 24. Savage's "Parsi- fal" was well patronised 2A, 26. Annie Rus- sell 28. Raymond Hitchcock. In "The Yankee Consul," 20, 30 ; "liie County Chairman" Dec. 2, 3. lUnTt'oKn Opera Housn Jennings A Graves, manager). — "The Black Mask, Nov. 21, and "Over Niagara Falls," 22. 23, bath played to fair houses. "DaVld Harnm," In- terpreted by William H. Turner, plnved to Sacked houses 24, "Down by the. Sen." 25, 6, did well. "The Ninety and Nine" 28:10, Eugenie Hlalr, In "Iris," Dec. I ; Henrietta Crosman 2, II. Foot Guard Ham.. — Gllckmnn's Yldd'sh Opera Co., In "Tbe Golden Country." 24, bad a fair audience. "Jacob and Esau," hy ibe same company, drew a good house 2>'. 'lays were in Yiddish. null Tiieatrm (I*ouls C. Kllby, mana- ger). — Week of 21 tbe house wns well pat- ronized. For week commencing- 28 : Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Darrow, John Ilnihawny, Wal- ton-Fay, Emu Much, Jane Elton ana com- pany, George W. Cooper nnd William Robin- son, the Eight Vassar Girls, Press Eldrldge, Brothers Homo and the elrctogrnph. s Nev* Uneven — At tbe Hyperion (Shu- bert Bros., managers) "PUT t Pall 1 1 Pour 1 1 !" drew large audiences Nov. 21, 22. Richard Carle, In "The Teuderfoot," come to a good house w.1. Mme; Schumann-Hclnk had a large Thanksgiving audlencu 24. James K. Hacked played to good returns 211, 20. Due: "T|ie Yankee Consul" '28, "Tb« County Chairman" 20, 30, Annie Russell Dec. 2, "The Secret of rollchlnelle" ,1. ItrNKtiM.'N N««v Haven Theatre (0. II. Ilunucll, manager). — "DavUl llarum" camu to good business Nov, 21-23. "The Ninety and Nine" drew largo houses 24-26. Due : Eugenie BIntr 28-30, "The Uuwrliten Law" Deo. 1-3; "The Female Detectives" A;7. j Poll's (S. '/,. Poll, manager).— Bill for week of Nov. 28: Hill and Hylvalnl, George Wilson, Brown, Harris aud llmwn, Monroe, Mack anil Lawrence, Ardeli, Bayanl nnd company, Ethel Robinson nnd Bnrto and Lnrferiy. '» Hrlilaeport — At Smith's TUeatro (Ed- Ward C. Smith, manager) "The Ninety and Nine." Nov. 22, 23, played to good business. James K. Ilnckett, In 'The Fortunes of the King," uiailiice and evening 24. plnyed to tho capacity of I he house. "Dnvld llarum," sift, 20. hnd good business. Booked : "The Count v Chairman" 28, 'Our New Minister" 20, 30, "Brother Jacques" Dec. 1, Eugenie Blair, In "Iris." 2, 3. Fun's (Joseph Orlddle. mannger), — Bill for week of 21 did big business. Booked for week of 28: "She," Josephine Aiuoras, trn- tiezist; Swift and llnrtom musical cumedtans ; Tony Wilson nnd Helolse. bar perfortnors : Martlne and Maxmllllan, German humorists, and the Pltzglhbon-McCoy Trio, In "A Mis- chievous Boy. W W TEXAS. Snn Antonio. — At the Grand Opera House (Hid W. Weiss, manager) "West's Minstrels, Nov. 17, ' drew two large audiences, ('has. II. Hanford, 18, 10, drew largo and nprecla- tive audiences. "Miss Bob White" 20, 21. Emi'wI: Opera House (T. K. Brady. mnn< agen.— Harry Corson Clarke opened this popular priced theatre 20, in "My Friend From India." The Ki.i.K.nv Band opened an sight nights' engagement 20, at Beethoven Hall. The OariiKt'M, which has been one of the brat paying theatrical places in tbe city, was reopened 10, by A. J. Locker, and, lodging frqm Iho reception given the Initial perform- ance, It haw loat non« pf lis popu larity, Wnco— At tbe Auditorium (Jake Gar- (Inkle, manager) Al. (I, Field's MlnstMH, Nov. 10, had 8. It, O. "Happy Hoollgnu," 18, did excellent business. Chiis. II. Hanford 22. Note. — John Full was recently .made a Ufa memtier of the Elks order, without clues, and this action of tho Elks was the wish of all. Mr, Fall Is not only nn enthusiastic Elk, but a worker, und succeeded alone and single- handed In securing sixty members for the organisation. s tin Ives ton — At the Orflhfl Optra HouM (Fred (I, Wols, mauager) Wm, H. Waat'i Mluslrels pleased Nov. III. "Miss Bob White" drew a good sized house 18, '"Ilia James KOys In Missouri" did fairly well 20. "Tho Marriage of Kitty" had an appreciative audi- ence 21. Charlotte Burnett, In "Twelfth Night," had a fair house 22. AriiiToiitVM.— The Kllery Band closed a sit days' stay 10. 1 ■ 1 s Dallas.— At tbe Dallas Opera House (Geo. Abzy. manager) "The Forbidden Mind" was well received Nov. 15, 10. "Tlia Village Par. sou" pleased 17, "Peggy from Pans" drew pnilHvn nf((K, ii*>,oi|iii ' '^H^r-^bkllvlng week drew big. Bill Nov. 28 and Week: . Jeoriaron and pumas, Pkul Nicholson aha Mite t attractions Week : Ore Ce.cj.Pe Btmil Tijih-le (W, A. Mt'Daulel, manager). —Week of 21 the (.rattan De Vernon Stock Co. conilhti ed to drew jood bus iness. DEL AU' ARK. w lint 1 iikI'hi.— A t the Grand Opera House (Nikon & Zimmerman, lessees) Vogel's Min- strels' gave an excellent performance, to a largo audience, Nov. 21. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer" did a fair business, "uncle Join Hhrurehy" drew two large nudlenres 24. "Sherlock - Holmes" was well attended 26. Hooked : . Thorn bb E. Shea Dec. 6 0, Bavafe's "PaHlfai" 10. -y DocKSTAuea's OABRica (W. L. Docketader, manager). — Week of 21 was tbe most success- ful In the history of tbe new playhouse. Thanksgiving Day between 1.B00 and 2,000 were turned away. Of the several strong at- tractions ob the bill of 21 the Village Choir ijunrtet milde such a greet success that It has been beld over for another week, 27- Dec. 3, and with It will he Mayme Reming- ton anil her Bungalow Rabies, Allen Doona ami company, Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Thorne ami company, In "She Awoke:" Fleher end Johnson. John Le Clair, Mcaklb, Lawrence nnd company, and the klnntograph. Lvi'r.i'ii (Burt k Nicolal, lessees).— "TJy» Flaming Arrow" did good business Nov. 24 , -Mr and Mrn. James P. I.ce and Little aladeitbe fef« again with the "Charity Nurse" Co:, this making their third season with the) company.' 069. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3. JEW FILM PO OKaVT EDITION', Mo. «!#.». Si K W FUJI BtJPPLEMKBTS, Hot. 830, Hi 4i ftlffl. EDtgOK BXHIBITIOM KMNETOHC0PE. EDISON FILMS nk-t PRIOI CLASa A riLMf, 19 CCHTlPlft FOOT CLAM B FIUU, la CENTS PEA Foot] EDISON mSnSSSL KDIETOBCOPk. .. «1 xs.oo PARSIFAL" THE EX- Wagnei'a Blasterplee.. The Greatest Rtllglotit Production In Moving Pirtnrra slace the Passion Play. • Complete in nitrated Leetnre aad Musical score Fumiilml wiih Each Film. IKJOTM, l.PTflft CLANS SPECIAL ;., PRICK, §335.75 A Bsaali fa 1 Path* tic Story In Eight Seen mi "Leaving Home," "Dl« charged," "Looking r.. Employment." "Ttoe Rescue," ••Olsconraged," •'naeperatloa," "The Burglary ," "A Prlead at li.J Z LEfiGTH. oUUft CLASS A..... PRICE. *"oo SHANGHAIED BY PIKATKS riOOft. It ILI.l-HTHATED HON08 IPJof t. B 8U00TINU RAPlDH, KII.LAKNKV, IRELAND l.V.ft. D KJ.F.CTltIC DOOH HELL. . . 120ft. B IC'K CREAM EATIXO : 73fl. B V/lrVA S ( H'.IIHTMAS iJIr'T 140fl.lt IAiVK Wil.l, MXJ) A WAV....;... l-tlin.ll DON'T BUTT IN 100ft. It LIFE OF AKACE HOKHK Nlltft. B BKSL'LTOFTOO M "CH JKALOL'SV 245ft. B CHILDREN AND BABBITS 100ft. B WAR BALLOON AHCEND1N0 AND IIIOHCE.VDINO 12.-ift.Jl OIILO AND HIS TRAINED D008.. 135ft. B HiiFFIANH'.DAN'CE , 125ft. B l'L'HH BALL ON II0H8E HACK, No- 2 100ft. B MISEK'K DAi;YS . . . : CIRCUS ROMANCE nest robbers...!;.;!:;;".;;'.;; i-jjaS 303ft. n ••io:.ft. r 120ft. It «0fLB 27r,f t . M «0ft. It 470ft. It 830ft. I! 00ft. It 125ft. It 100ft. R l'JBft. It •110ft. It 300ft. 1! 100ft. I! 725ft. It 850ft. It 385ft. It looft. n 4"0ft. i; Bui b r! EDISON COMPANY. Desire to notify their Customers, the Trade and General Public that they HAVE ESTABLISHED A WESTERN OFFICE, where they will carry a complete etock of latest Edison Films, Projecting Klnetoscopea, Parte and Supplies. 304 WABASH AVENUE. CHICAGO. .11 (KB ETHEL OREKNE, lader til. Direction of MR. JOS. SCHWARTZ, Is i - Blkln{ a Pli«noin, n.il HIT Willi NEW YOB KS CRAZE, BEULAH LEE. Al.o being .ung with gr.at. success by IIATTIE HOPKINS and LAWflEVtE CHENAU1.T, with "SMART »E T " CO.; MISS MADUK RUSHTOJV, of th. "Itoshton Comedy Co.t" "WHITMAN SINTERS and other.. FllSK-I'rofrulonMl Copies to recognised artlatt enclosing lata program. JULIUS A. J. FRIEDRICH, Publisher, ORASD KAP1DI, MICH. W.VNTiiii, for On: circus senxoii uf 11105, for Gollmar llroa.' EnorinoUH New Railroad SIjow. now ono of Auwrku'K toiTiuust tcnlod Hmuurmetit Instltutlonn: People In all lirfliu-lii-H of i|ii; "irlK-us IiuhIiicks for Ibr udvumi', Kobor, rellablo and thoroughly iwmed mJi'iitB, rnllroud and local rontrartoiH, twcniy-four hoar auent and lifts' (MO sober and ImliibtrloiiH bill posters, for the IHb Show: ArtlslH In all braucbes doing any act or outs Miillubtc for tlie rlugs. stages or in the air: high clam aels and novelties given, .prefer- ence, No net too good or' novelty too startling to be featured with this all star aggrega- tion Male and female riders, with -and without stock, aerlallata, acrobats, contortionists, nei-liil bui-N, sti-oug return or casting act. big ucrobatic acta, thirty (30) talking, slaglng nud pantomime clowns, etc. For the Hide Show: Curiosities and freaks of all kinds, cl range and curious. people from all parts of the earth, dwarfs, giants. and vaudeville acts of nil kinds. For Concert: A high class feature set, song nhd dance teams musical nets, etc : a' Japanese troupe of dexterous performers. Musicians for Nos. 1. 2, nnd 3 Hands, master of transportation who Is sober, understands c-ar repairing and the handling of trains, boss property man, capable of erecting and taking care of all klnda of iierliii rigging, canvas men, seat men. six and eight bone drivers, 1 grooms, proncrtv men. wardrobe men. chandelier men. animal men, ear porters, etc. Consider two weeks ali- enee a , polite, negative. Address ss follows: Musicians address Men Horner. -;l*qftlatid, Mich. Hide Hhow people nddresa (Jeo. II. Irving, Haverhill, Muss. Drivers address ^Oeo. Holland. Ilarnboo, WIh. Animal men address Emery Stiles, ltaraboo. Wis. Canvas 'and Heat men address Doc Parkliurst. 0H7'£ N. High St., Columbus, Ohio. All others ad- dress Qolliuar HroK.. Haraboo, Wis. Eon HALE-— One YVorklogmen's Hleeper, In .good, con- dition, sleeps eighty-four people: one sixty foot stock car, six cross cages, one sixty foot round top with three thirty font middle pieces, all in fine condition. * Also smaller,, tops, etc. Atldreim; UOLLMAK 1IU0H., Bamboo, Wis. :-• ' • F;.j : DuVRIES STOCK CO., Buppretlng Harry ■. HoKee, And Featuring the Great AMBTA. c.ijotl character msn to run Btkgo, iloglng and dancing comedian. Salary most be low as It is sure. MCHT be sober. Good people always write. We me all letters. Johnstown, N, Y.; week 8; Auburn N. Y. Torcat and Flor D'Aliza, IN THEIR NOVELTY ACT. ' ThU week, HYDH & BBHMAH'B. CHICAGO . . , Address ALL 0OOI> AOKSTb, or care) NEW YORK CUPPER. "WAWTKIV 1TOR LeROY STOCK CO., Al-VerMillle Leading Womaht l|cavt Van who can nt«y aeme Leads: Al Sttge Dlrootor to play Hue ofpsrls: good s. and 1). Hnulirntn. lion, litis. Woman, Ultsraoler Han, Speolatly Team (m»u and woman:; Musical Ac! prefe'n c.d; also People in other lines to fill above Co.; preference given those doing SpcclallicB. Htate all Dtst lottor. Incompetents olwd Brst rehe»r»»l. Upon Jan. 1, IBM* BIAWAGBR LeHOY STOCKCO., Oreeatfleld. Did. WANTED, FOR THE TOM MARKS STOCK CO., For Balanoe of Season and Next Summer, Xeading Man and Leading Woman. Abe People Doing Un«io-|iate *|ici'-lalll*s that can act. Isad photo aad lowest salary. . TOM- MA HK.a, Hgr. llarka Bros.' Co,, I'alfaiy, ». C.Beci 10 31. MOST 81 CCKB81 I L MBDICIKH CO. KVKlt OBUAMZBD. 0000 PEB FORMERS WAITED AT AIL TIMES who do Specialties aad Pit; Parts. "W A TU^MIb no0l) WOMAN, oapablo of piiytug a line of lead! in modern fUre* act " «■"$■ A-BOJBiro ,i rH nui», emotional and otberwue, ullb specialty preferred. No Halt lo salary; all you are worth. No tlokets unless known. ZAMBA CO., WolllngloD, 0„ Nov. to week; Delaware, 0., Dec. 1 week. AT LIBERTY--!. S. THOMPS01T, tiood, soiiei, rcll*lde,liuatllug AOt.vr. Rep. orooo Bighl. Can join at one. Address ^in NSEB'S HOTEL, Toledo, Ohio. oUSZtt JESSE JAMBS CO.. Ta]l. Clever Juvenile Man; one who van sing, lead in au«rietanddosoMlalty nreterred. IV. K.DeWltt wr Theodore Doticet, wire. aLVAHg/ d> k.BnNGX, ■ ■ -- • -■ -3, MlnenvIIle, !'«.;», Tower city, !*».; »,YVUll»uisport,ra» PARTNER WANTED. lust Hav< $3,000. Have a crcat Vaudeville House. So Rent, Ko license First Year ADDRKBS, CROSHBN, 404 Lipplncott llldg.. Mth and Kllbert ats., ■ I'UII.ADELPHIA, PA, WANTED, FOR "UNCLE SI Hn»" CO., Actors -t hut double brass, I 'In no Player to -doublo tuba or clarlonot. Can place good peo- ple ut alt times. Company pays board. Must join on'reeelpt of wire. Add: ■ C. B. l'KlMHOSt:, Manager, 0'.-onomowoc, Wlsconaln. JOHN A. WKBT, •'The Haaloal Browale." IIAYM4KKMT. CHICAGO, Ftor. US. 1KB, 14 AUG 10 OPK.V. Permaaent i 970* Armoar Avs,, Chicago T.l.phaa. I6*a South . HABBICH'S IDEAL CALCIUM LIGHT 90DEL B 0X7. LITHE. HANDY. HEADY OCICKLY. BRILLIANT ILLUMINATES TILMB OR SLIDES. 0Z7. LITHB, w. $1.15 per Cin. I809FILKRTSI LAST CHANCE TO GET. -*- BANKS' IDEAS * In 7 7".? l, *T KST BO °K oct, and^con- Nll, I lalni all live matter. Monologues, Paro dies, Sketches, End Gags, etc. PttlCB iwt. No*. 0, 6, 7 for f l; any '.' books for 80c. Thero are only » few No. 6 left, so place orders now. THIS AD. WILL "tor APPEAR AOAI5, so order quick If you want the best w>n ever put up for vaudeville sots. OUS BANKS, •M Lockwood si., Providence. K. I. WENT, A Sweet Little Home in the Country. AI'I'I.Y TO THE SUBURBANITE, Kslth'i TheHre, Boiton, thti week. STAR THEATRE, ATLANTA, OA., NOW BOOKING FOR SKASON. Blnfle LiiIm, Sister Teems, Rovelt j Acts all Sketch Teams. Good Pe.pl. Kept In Stock from Two to Twelve Weeks. J. B. Thompson, Mgr. and Proprietor. Musicians Wanted. ST tl.AHM VIOI.1K l.KADRIt. •t ELLO AND CLAHION'ET. oitiers wriie. Permanent engagtraem. ■ "THE OARDKN" RKSTADUANT. BESSIE BURN ELL'S LAUDS' OR0HKSTRA. 316 St. Oalr Street, Toledo, Ohio. JESSE W. FOSTER. Now in Saw York, sod will remain, coniuunlraltons will receive Immediate attention. U0L. JESS KOBTM, careS. Y.OLIPI'KR, City. IT CIRCULATES ILL OVER THE M OHL1). "THE S0IRW1AT DIFFERENT IAC,.ZI.\F." FAVOpUTES; The Only HUBOrOBB Miguine Devoted Eielulvely -TO- Vaudeville. Pabserlptlon 1 Tear fl.00 Slnalii Copies 10c. VAUDEVILLE FAVORITES Will make Its flriat CALL uron the General Publi« and tie Vaudeville proftmion in pir- tlcular, upon JANUARY 1. Its lultlal appearance lias al- ready been heralded byi*j,coo advance circplars throughout the world, and anbaenpiions are pourtug In dally, from all parts of the globe. Among these supporters or onr REAL VAIDEVILLI. Magazine are many prominent UsnsKers, Agents apd Top- liners. Join them, by at once sending In your subscription: ODE AD7EBTIS1RS F01IS CLOSE 01 DEC. 10. 8ESD 10 CENTS IN SILTF.R, OR STAMPS FOR A SAMPLK COPT. Publlihed by THE AET1ST PDBLI8B1H6 H0D8E, 12 Pnloa 8qnare, New York City. CIRCO-TEATRO, PUBILLONES ALL ARTISTS desiring to play 4 week, or lancer, are requested to write to MR. CHAD. L. BASSE, at H31 SECOND AVE., Raw York, If. Y., Sole M.|irea.ata(l ve. alTOlIO V. P0B1LL0BE8, Proprietor and EaBager, Cafe Central. Etvua, Cata. "A GIFT OF CAB," AS SUNG LAST WEEK AT THE OLYMPIC THEATRE, CHIC AGO, BY ' ASHTON and EARLE 'THE WHISTLING MICKS/* la their exclusive property. Short lead pencils, keep away. Week of Not. 38, llaimarket, Chicago; Dec. 6, Columbia, St. Louis; Dec. 12, Chicago Opera House; Dec. is and later op 9 ropen. ^LLl. AGENTS. DOT • » JIIVEMLE LKAD1NO WOMAN, HEAVY MAN. OHAKACTEB WOMAN, SPECIALTY' MAN. KOR OhN. IICM., WOMAN FOR ILL. XONOS and PARTS. Al C01iEl>Y FEATLHE ACT <8lDgtte ard Doubles) TO CHANGE THREE T1MRH ON WEEK. PLAY I'ARTS. Wardrobe and abllliy must be the Vest. RELIABLE DRAMATIC PEOPLE In ALL lines, with socd hpcoUHtei, write. Slate all Urst letter. Pay own. J. c. WELSH. Keene. N. ll„ IS; Manchetlcr, N.ill..*-19. WAJBMfl&I* 9 FOU TUB -J— • ' MOST SUCCESSFUL REPERTORY SHOW ON EARTH Pooplo 1b All Lines, for Balance of Winter and Snnmer. Never closes. Company returns North lo April. Good Pianist, n-rlto. Address :• C. W. PARK, Manager U.W.PAUK BIG STOCK OO,. . Fitzgerald, C»., week of Not. 3a; JacksonTllle, Ha., week Dec. 6. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. PLANTS, PALMS, TREES. ISS PLOTS, VOLU.CE and EVERYTHING 1-OR STAGE and LOBBY BSE CONSTANTLY IK STOCK. GRASS SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRI0E LIST. DECORATIVE PLANT CO.. 67 LaUyittt Place, N. Y. AXTELL and EARLY One of the best Grotesque sketches In vaudeville. Week ol Nov. S3, Columbia Tbesiro, Si. louu. Mo. Week of Jan. a, luos, and later open. Wanted, for East Lynne Co. rr.svKrt isn attraiTIVK woman for laky Isabeu Moat be good riretier on and on. (.mail; no'tlvely sure salary. ErpunRes after Joining. Send photo. Also ADVANCE ATlRNT. OTHEK PEOfLE, WRITE. State all first letter. Address SYLVESTEB-BROWMUDQE, Canada, Lindsay, Out. DECEMBER 3. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 969 LUBIN'S FILMS. MEETMEIFOUNTAIN' COPYRIGHT 1904. Tha Bright.*!, Ennnleit and Bait Com> dy Chnae Film, Up fllll, Dowi Willi, Aft.v ■treat Car., Op TlMI. Ohi Fence.. >nd Through Wat.r. Th. Km.uL.t Sanations. Kr.ry Sana, li Fall af U'proarloni n.n-lm.at. LENGTH. 475 FEET. PRICE, S52.25. ILLUSTRATED CATiLOaCK SOW RE ADV. PRICK OF ALL OlIU »ILH8, He. per foot. ♦ 21 South 8th Street, Philadelphia. (COPYRIGHT 100*.) A P.triotlo El« Prom St.rt to Finish. Clear, 8h«rp and DUtlnot UCNQ7H, GOO Foot. PRIG A Oraat Honey bc, $ee. GHEAT TRAIN ROBBERY. Copyright 1B04. Moit Popular Picture Brer 'liown. Length, 600 Fast. Price, |00. BOLD BANK ROBBERY. Copyright 1904. Maat S.a.atloual film Ewer Had*. L.ngth. eoo raat. Pric, 8«6. 1 EXPOSITION MODEL CIHEQ8RAPH WITH 5TERE0PTIC0H COMBINED, iBCladiiK GilcliB Lup, EUctrlc Lamp, AijBSte.le flnustit, Fills ud Slidis. « 21 S. ElKhti Strati, PbIIi.iIp.Ii Pa. 5/5 ••.?'.'.:.'>.•'•,« -■,- ' +* ■;.-.'. :^.S ;1 i.: ! '.v'?'-'.--^ ;&^V/"i- '>; - J- -41 - ■■'•• '-v^t-^^-'H^-^vr'a. ;•£&£•.£ ••.-•' ■• XT <^'3iV' ^ ;'= ; ''- ;; ''VV-;^' .-5-w? BIG SELLING Again we wlah ta bring before the notice of oar friend. In the tented (how bn.ln. ii the fact that we are equipped to manufacture anything needed In the line or Tent ♦, Ktc, for tlrcu.e., IV lid West Showi, Black Tent, for Moving Picture Work, .Merry- go-round 1 op*. Bowling Alley Tent., Candy Topi, Flag. of all kind*. Kldd and Baker Light., Rope, Duck aU wldtk. and weight, Drift, Twine, Needle., Palm., Ktc. ' If yon are desirous of placing jour order where roar instructions will be carefully carried oat snd where your work will be properly and promptly executed, and where your Inquiries will receive oar special consideration and your business will be appreciated, send it to oa. Write (or oar 16 page list of 8EC0ID HAND Tenia. BAKER & L0CKW00D MFG. CO., 415*417 Delaware Street, Kansas CHy. Mo. For Miles Orton Show, One who la a hostler and Is not afraid of the br nab, and wbo la sober and reliable and will work for in- terest of show. If yon oannot fulfill the above requirement* don't write. Can also place GOOD, USEFUL OIB0D8 PROPLE. Show runs all Winter. CHAS. ELLIS, write. Address NORMAN ORTON, Route: Spark,, 0»., Nov. 29; Nashville, Oa., Nov. SO; Cecil, Oa., Deo. 1; Yaldoata, Oa., Deo. 3; Jasper, Fia., Deo. 8; White Springs, Ga., Dec. 6. Contain Hon gi, Jo k.a, Parod I.., Hec I ta t Ion., K te., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Caih with order. Ho O. O. D. Samples, 10 Cents. WEHMAN BROS., 1M PARK ROW, W. T. FILMS! FILMS! And Hovlng Picture Haorunea, all makes, bought and for sale. PHILADELPHIA file bxobaisb, 1808Hortb 15th St., Philadelphia, Pa., U. B. 4. MAGICIAN'S Sapplles and Stage Illuilon.. TOBTA COMPANY, IS N. Ninth St., (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. 4aT* Large new catalogue for sump. STERE- OPTI- CON, x> ; $15. With Eeetrlo Aro, OsHcum or AartyUae Lrghl, >nc Slides, hvs, colored. yiLMS ■OUGHT AJiD SOLD illustrated 801 U B«TL »M 1. NM Btmt, »aw Tork City. T00200NIN ARABS. "The greatest troupe of acrobats In the world, and this beyond any question of doubt, Is per- forming at Shea's this week, and yesterday set two big audiences wild with enthusiasm, of the 1 ort that Is rarely heard in a theatre; this la Hassan Ben All's Toozoonln Arab Troupe, whose members ■et all lawa of equilibrium at defiance, and get through space upside down as easily as they do In the rlght-alde-up positions. Their feats are peculiar to themselves, every member of the troupe bas been trained from babyhood by 8ie Hassan Cen All. They ore whirlwind performers, and aside from their marvelous tumbling, they give a great exhibition In human pyramid work."— THE GLOBE, Toronto, Out, Oan., Oom, 1904. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS SIE HASSAN BEN All. 117 W. 13th STREET, N. V. CITY. ERNST BOECKER SEW YORK (FROM COLOGNE, OERMANY) 433 KA8T 17th STREET NEW YORK Manuficturars ef ORGANS FOR MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, SHOWS. ETC. Playing by ROLLER OR CARDBOARD MUSIC. NEW ROL-UERS A SPBOIAL.TY. Mr. Kremer, North Beach, s*ys: "The tunes of my organ, made by yon. are to my greatest satts- factlon. Undoubtedly tb» finest and most excellent mnsic I ever heard. Arrangement and toning are of the highest degree. Everybody Is speaking about my organi" FREDERIC HAWTHORNE, J. E. LESSIG, LKADINO JOIN IMMEDIATELY. UEAVIEJ. EMPORIUM HOTEL, Buffalo, If. V. UfllDDIC II A III CV POPULAL 81K8I-8 mUnlflo mAnLCT, ud talking coiediah. THIS WEEK ORABD TUEATBE, JULWAIKXK, WIl, RENT, A Sweet Little Home in the Country, WA. IV T E> r> , FOR BORDO&DILLAC SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR. BIGHT ACTS EVERY MOM II. Acts of All Description. Nothing too good Salary no object: a/1 yon are worth. From two to flvo month* In llueno. Ayre.. The he.ltliiest city In the world; beautiful climate. A delightful voyage; passage paid Drat olaaa If direct ; good safe boats; baggage and customs free. Money advanced If necessary. Also from eight to alxteen weekB In England In combination with above firm. Treat ua as well km wo treat you. MR 0.(1. BE VMOUR, who will represent us as well as the English tour, will arrive In Now York about Deo, 10. Reap. • BORDO «& I3I1V1VAO, P. S— All communication, to be addrei.ed to MR. O. O. SEYMOUR, Care CLIPPER office, New York City, until further notice. NTBD, FOR THE PEOPLE'S THEATRE CBDAR RAPIDS. IA., NEW CONTINUOUS VAUDEVILLE HOUSE, The BEST Vaudeville Aets Obtainable— lister Team., Sketch Teams, Single., Novelty Acta, 1 rlo., Uuart.lt.., Etc. Grand Oponlng Ohrlstmi Wa»k, D««o. II Addrass HOWARD CUHHAN, Leasee and Mgr rcope'i Theatre, Cedar l'aplda, la. NOTE —I have given up tbe Auditorium, lo take my new theatre. All artists booked Tor weeks of Deo. and 12, please oanoel contracts. Respectfully, KDWAIll) ijuhkan, CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAT MORE T 0nr xxx Trunk baa do Equal. It. Superiority and Lou Price give. It every advantage orar any trunk mad*, be Ing built on wall seasoned uaaswood, with a Continuous APPLY TO THE SUBURBANITE. Keith's Theatre, Providence, this week. flood Space far Legitimate Privilege., Shooting Gallery, Wire Jewelry, While Show., Etc. Address L. B. WALKER, Oare of Walker's Muieom, t Bowdoin Square, Boston, Man. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PA8SES, CARDS, Eto. SAMPLES. WEBB PTQ. GO.. 8M Dearborn St., Chicago, lb . Streetieajrala Agents & Canvassers Supplies We Alwaya Have the Latest Novelties. Bend for cur New catalogue. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., PUlCiaft 14» La Belle Itr.et - - UalU4UU. FOB LBABB, BALE 0B 8T0BAQB. . . . CARS Repairs and Alterations Mads. NEW JERSEY CAB WORKS, CllfllBj.J. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmer Park ARTISTS 0P ALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL, THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 111 W. 23d ST., NEW YORK (old Roster A Rial's), BALLET? THOMPSON, Manager (lata Wood's Oym.) Special rates to p«rformera, fj a week. VAN FLEET Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Rivets ian, Heavy B.wuTda Handles, Yale Lock. Sin. Tray, mads t* Swing in the top, making In all tba Best Theatrical Trunk Guaranteed Year*. 28, |io.75 : 80, $11.26; 82, 111.75, 84, 112.76; 81, 113.70 ; 88, 114.76 , 40, f 10.76. . Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatric. Trunk Made. Built on Uaaswood Box, Covered with Sal. Duck, Oluad on, Bound with Heavy Steel, Y.I. Lock Dowel, and Double Hinge., Angle Edging, 1 Sin. Tray, 1 tin. Tray. A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, 17.25, 80, 17.76; 82, 18.26; 84, 18.76; 86, 10.20; 88, $9.76 1 40, 110.26. BTKHL CLAD.— Raaawood Boa. Covered with Cold Roll* Steel. 1 Deep Tray, Y.le Lock, Large Bolt, and Dowel. Tbe Best Cheap Trunk on tba MARKET. 28. 15.00 ; 80 16.00; 82, 18.60 ; 84, 17.00; 80, 7.60 : 88, 18.00; 40, 18.50 , ._ C. O. D. on receipt of 15.00. Write for Catalogue. H. S. CABBY, 441 6lh Awe., Bat. 20th and 27th 81... N. Y. Established 47 Yeara Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then use Buckingham's • Dye H your druggist oannot anpplr ran send 80 cents to K. P. Ball > Oo.. rTarttun, IT. B "Just To Be With You." BALLAD, WITH CATCHY WALTZ HHaTRAIN. Bung with Tremendous Bucoct s by • The Auiher. At Bllou and Ampblon Theatre, Broollyn, N. Y. Now being taken np by all the headllners. Address S. J. MOON K V, Manager, 281 fan lluren St., Brooklyn, N. Y., or 63 W. 2»tli St., New York. 47 .TREAT, NEW TSRE, 8EHBATIONAL HIGH LADDER AMD TABLE 8OMER8AULTIST. THE GREAT LA FLEUR. MAS Y IMITATORS BUT NO ECIU ALU. Cloaed with tbe Oaaklll Greater Carnival Co. Nov. W, at Charleston, 8. C, a season nf 82 week*. BaVBIwlaaCDIA-TK TIIVIBC OPEN. Address, ..... Oare of ED. BHAY5B, 87 Washington St.. Chicago, 1U. »70 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembee 3. *H4XNI1H 9 A?a SIONVHJ NO a NOT XdOA VW31N ', **WT 7W 9BI 'OO SIAIMVH ■3N01V 8QMVJ8 XI , '«W X «T »WI MB • V»H. •JL *^i p»M«ll^«« 1 jioa inoa Azvuo isnr hij PP -•- »!■ •XI OMI8 OX Q3XVO0 3H OX 3AVH I.HOAV. 0OA 30fiO XI HV3H DOA JI aVM"U31iae S.Ad01S"aooo s. «:- -*- "A WOBLD WIDE CIRCULATION." 1MB OLDMT AND HOST lsTLtTINTIAL TBRATBJOAL AID VAUDBVILLB JOURNAL THE ERA. BSTABUSHbD 1M1. 40 WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. O. rOBKIOK SCBSORirTIOHS, SB.. p,r HBUI. IWMM Ala ADVERTISEMENTS, 84. pel lis*. 4MSBHJAI imilll YISITDia THE BE7B0P0US DBB TBI UU irTKU U THBD PEHMAIEMT LOXDOI ADDBBtt. 1,000 ARTISTES ADVERTI8E IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. FOR SALfE, THE TITLE, 600D WILl 1RD PBOPEBTY OF THE Adam Forepaugh & Sells' Brothers Shows, Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome. One ot tbe Largest, Oldest and Host Successful Tented Exhibitions, Including R. R. Oars, Wagons, Homes, Animals, Osges, Tenia, Seats, Properties, eto , etc NOW AT C0LTJMBU8, OHIO, WINTER QUARTERS Can be rented (If wanted). No options, first come, first served. For further particulars address or call on ADAM FOREPAUGH & SELLS' BROS.. Colnmbna, O , or 11113 Broadway, Heir York, Wben the property baa been Bold notice will be published In this paper over oar signature. THINK TWICE BEFORE BUYING- ARE VOL: PAYING FOB A THINK OB TALK1 TAYLOR TRUNKS Haw* for nearly fifty years stood on their own merits. D- yon wonder the old standard la Imitated, and what they cannot copy they try to make np In'.'knooks" and talk. Don't bo oanght by talk. Get the goods. Manufactured and Sold Only by C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, 39 K. Randolph St., CHICAGO. 131 W. 38th, St.. HEW YORK. Watch this Space for a Few Pointers. MAHLER BROS., 6th AVE. and 3 1st STREET, NEW YORK. THE PROFESSIONAL DHDERWEAR HOUSE OF AMERICA TO MANAGERS 111 THOSE IBTERESTED II THEiTBIGIL E1TEBPBISES. WE ABB 1TOW PREPARED TO FCRNISH ESTIMATES OS IANCE SKIRTS AND BLOOMERS IN QUANTITIES, ALSO STA8E MILLINERY, HOSIERY, FOOT WEAR, ETC. SEND FOR INQUIRY. Spool*! for On* Waek Only. Christmas t New Years DEC. 96. JAIT. 9. Open AT UlSrlELD. OHIO. Last season, gross, 11,400 00 and 1800.00 respec- tively. Address H. L. BOWERS, Mgr. Writs for Catalogue. It yon don't get an an- swer In ten days write again as probably Soar mall has been Clayed. If any otber stores otber than these three say they sell TAYLOR'S It If S deception. f fir P rftM nne "o'tosf Orouttd Hand finished Razor rtih rnth for * Umttml J,m *' *• Btn " Fr ~ '* £ ** ry f^"^ h *— r <>" h * Radiumite Dollar Razor Strop , W« faak* thli ftmirkabU free offer of « molt tied lent rsior. thai Mils at 92-00 it fMrll, lo tcoollnt ill with ihe marvelout and initinUncout honlnc and Aobhlnf properties of iIm RADlUMITB STROPS »li.ch will not harm ids finest snd most delicate ntor. Thvbu>* shivlTW iconvenlencttnd idellcht.even to men hiving- the hardest beards. THE STROP THAT HONES II Mil j. Each Rwilumlte Strop Ijaold under til. po.illva nuante. that If It It «*___._ i.m i±_._ai|i_i j_Lj (ea^'actory your dollar will b.r»luiided. fn»r«f.hr .liner Ordinary or vnna'iniw.iwripr-^aaavamarwesar. Mr Ruorp. Moil dt.kn handle Ihr RAD1UMITB product., TboM who do not are rapMly taking them on. dtutnll. Sirolf-aOo to $3. BO. RmdlumHm »»iw»..|I.OO la S9.00. Radlumll. Calalog Iree 10 .11. SaS a4 amto a* latradaxter/ ■ > .uh a lanjt acqutlnunca I THE PETER L. FROST COMPANY ST" tt ""»" | 0Ml j g »B.gj. M .,o|$.CIIIllo«SL.CMe.»O.U.S.». DEALERS, WRITE FOB TRADE DIBCOt'NTSI CATAI.OOIIK FIIKF WIGS, PLAYS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETO. And Uis Latest snd Most Populir Stylst In Lsdlts' Hair Drtsilng. A. JH. BUCH & CO., 119 If. ninth Street, ■•_••■ FhlladelpMa. K. T. Rep. : H. HALL1WBLL, MS E. 13th 81 Fir Stick Ciipiilis, fir Ripiittln Geipinlii, fir Antiirs LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WOULD. Books for home amusement, Negro Plays, Paper. Scenery, lira. Jarley's Wax Catalogue Free I lTree I Free I ■ AMUBI. FRENCH, Works. IT W. BSdl St., Hew York. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importance to Evorj Sufferer of Blood Poison. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BELOW VISE STREET, OPEN OCT. II. Blah Olaaa Contlnnons Vaadewttle. All persons most send photos and billing matter two weeks In advance. Artists be prepared to do two or more a day. Acts always wanted. Write to above Theatre. SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET GOWNS. Ws bars on band a large assortment of slightly worn Evening Downs, Sinner, Reception and Tea Downs. These robes are perfect In every respect, and an especially soluble for wear In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATio PRODUCTIONS. We have a full Use of Seal Skin Coat* and Fore of all kinds. MRS. H. STARR, 867 Sonth State St. CHICAGO. NOW MAKING l9o5 l906 I LETTERHEADS! {RoydlPtoCo \ 334 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO ILL. - (Siunplos ( — Do You WART MILITARY GOODS ? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or NATT SUITS, TENTS, DUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can supply It New or second hand. Bend for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, rzi Bontb St., Philadelphia, Pa. OUR MAKE-UP BOXES Hade from tbe very best tin, are black enameled. Especially made for professional use, having a Iray with compartments for Grease Paints, Powders Comb and Brash, Wigs, Etc, Eto. Has double action look, with two keys, at !" XUIlJUi, 45° Onr cold cbkam, expressly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pure and never become rancid In any climate. Put np In in Screw Top Tin Cans at ftSe. ; nib at asc. SAMPLES OP CREAM BENT FREE. All mall orders must be accompanied by money order. None sent 0. 0. D. Wanted, 3 Al. Steele Big One Ring Circus, MUSICIANS AND PERFORMERS OF ALI. KINDS (except riders), FOR THE SEASON of 1905. Show opens at Vandergrlft Heights, Pa., about May 1. Comedy acts preferred. Perform- ers doing two or more acts, wbo can double In band or concert, given preference. Want a first cIbss side show man. who can take charge of side show, Punch and Judy and freaks of all kinds write. Give full description of acts, lowest salary and all particulars in first letter. LABAN A STEELE and WOODY VAN, Propiietars. Address all communications to WOODT VAN, General Manager Al. Steele's Big Clicns, Box 810, Mtnch I hunk, Pa. QUICK, CULHANE, CriACE S WESTON'S MINSTRELS, BARITONE PLATER (capable of claying solo), any donble: 1ST VIOLIN, double Cornet or Alto; VIOLA, double Cornet or Alto; 8INQERS, that double brass; THREE MAN BROTHER ACT (straight). Singers and Musicians danot black. StopathotelB Tell ail. WELL8VILLE. N. T., Dec. J; FRIENDSHIP, N. T., Dec. 6. LONDON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, London, Ont., Canada. \W~ A WriTR Is Vaudeville Acts at All Times— Musical Acts, Aerial Acts, Casting Acts, Dog ww tm.X'm M. MMMFsj and Pony Acts, Singing, Dancing and Talking Comedians, and Sketch Teams. State lowest In first. We pay no fanoy salaries. Break your Jump between New York and Chicago. We are on tbe main line of all roads. No Sunday shows. Ala. T yhrell, write. BBNNETT Si FLEMING, Manaa;ert, London Vaudeville Theatre. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos of yourself for selling or lobby, $3 per 100. Edena CARBON A finish. SampiM. CIITIIDC HUSBAND OB WIFE PHOTOSTiS.OO rll I UnC per 1,000; FORTUNES, 40c.; Samp. loc vlflT HlPUIIICC Per Future Photographi OLUI ITIHIjIIIIILu and Lovers' Post Office EDENA CO.. 1917 W. WlUard Bt, Phila., Pa. FACT OVE- It takes time to tell wheth- er you are permanently cured by a treatment or merely patched up for the present FACT TWO— Tbe Cook Remedy Co. Is the only company or medical association In ex- istence that has been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that Its patients are cured to stay cured. FACT THREE — Tbe Cook Remedy Co. has many patients who were cured by Its magic remedy eighteen yean ago who are today sound and well. FAOT FOUR— The Cook Remedy Co. In the world that makes the ears of Bloos Poison a specialty. FAOT FIVE!— Patients cured by Cook Rem edy Co. are constantly passing suueasfullj tbe various rigid examine tl one of tbe moei conservative life Insurance companies, and are passing the examinations for sdmlssloe to the army and nary ot the United Btates. FACT SIX— If you take Cook Remedy Co. 1 , treatment under their guarantee you are ah aolutely sure of a cure or your money back FACT seven— Every other method oi treatment known to the medical profsaaios gives but temporary relief. Is the largest and the only successful company FAOT BIGHT — Good health Is the most Important thing In the world to any ABOVE EIGHT FACTS ABE ABSOLDTELTT DBDE1IIABLE. The Cook Remedy Co. solicit the most obstinate cases, and challenge the world for a case they cannot cure. T~is disease has al- ways baffled the skill of the most eminent physicians. For many years the Cook Rem edy Co. have made a specialty of treating this disease, and they have unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. lou can be treated at home for the same Brlce and with the same guaranty. With lose who prefer bo go to Chicago the Cook Remedy Co. will contract to care them or pay railroad and hotel bills, snd make ne charge If they fall to cure. It you hare pimples, eruptions, mucous pntches, pains, rheumatism, etc., write for Cook Remedy Co.'s free home treatment book, and learn all about contagious blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your case, and their physicians will furnish all tbe Information you wish without any charge whatever. Your salvation depends on Cook Remedy Co.. and on them alone. They will surely cure you. No other method of treatment will cure yon. Wkf Itdttto On lay ti feiliii.1 till WMtsrtil Cart I WRITE FOB FBBB 10O-PAGE BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO. 1111 Maaonic Temple, CHICAGO, TJ. 8 A. I V2J*P WatahM, Jewelry, SUverware, sua. Brilliants, Weolclne and out Show Goods. Prof. W.raenon'. Oram fulDt., Burnl Cork, Faoe Powder, ete. Roasltar'. Sons Books. Foil lis. ot E>si« EavMew. Bead far C.to l.«.e. Tke Old Kell.ble .. _b. e. runs a oo„ S4 Wa.uk Ave., Cala***, BE, s J. G. GOSS CO. A Builder, of ^1 HOW CANVA Catalogue and I Cm.. DETROIT tad Hand List, MICH. THE (3) GRACES A PINNY KID, A BIO KAN, A LITTLE WOMAN. VAUDEVILLE FEATURE WITH MEYERS' STOCK 00. Not working Jnit playing. Educating the Kid, and Making Projectiles for the Spring Campaign. Do YOu Writ* ? m g7SSS m Relating to the calling of a Writer of ONE ACT PLATS, SKETCHES, MONOLOGUES, or almost any thing Suitable for Presentation In Vaudeville, oommnnlcate wltb BOOKLET FREE. THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHORS' BUREAU, !S! East Rich St., Columbnr, Ohio. A NEW DISCOVERY-THE SELF-FEEDINO POWDER HANDKERCHIEF. Made of Fine Linen and Lace, its folds contain a small pocket and French Powder Pair. It can be used at all times without creating the slightest suspicion that you are powdering yourself. 1 Self Feed- ing Powder Handkerchief, 1 Box of Complexion Powder, 1 Bottle of American Beanty Extract, 19.00. Agents wanted. Write for particulars. American Beanty Co., 40 W. SStb St., N. V. SHOES FOR STAGE, STREET AND EVENIN8. EXCLUSIVE STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Snort Vamp and Stage Lasts always on hand. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WILUAI Tel. ees Madison Square. I BBRNblBair., 60S Sixth Are., near Slat Street, N T. HOW ABOUT A NEW ACTf-SSL^S rfflSFJWul dy, and still I hare 8,888.888 parodies tin sets of ten) which I will sell at 2Sc. per set, excepting one set, which I have promised tbe coal man for last week's milk bill. Communicate with Regards from Heinle. BD BOBB (of ROSE A SNYDER), Oare ot F. A MILLS, 48 West 39th Street, New York. SLIGHTLY DBBD Also Large Stock of SEALSKIN JACKETS and FDBS. AJDRBWB, 34S State St., Chicago. m o ' PL7VTS LOW HOYAHV A.W.BROWNtl a" 1 OS I, Hl'k'OM St RIPASB TABULtS *n lie ben dy»> mpaia medicine ever nude. Ahuo- dred million, ot thorn b». boon ao|d tnaainglejeu'. Oonitlutlon, oMrt- burn ajok butUoln, rfininsm bad breuh.Kro throat and .Trrr llliiaa. arising from a dlaorderM atomwk arereileTed or curod by KlpuaTab- DIM. One will gencraJlr sire relief ilnutei. loo BTa-een» nuui, u enooi* onoMloa. AU drassVt* a*U tbaav^ KIDNEY CAPSULES TROUBLES CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cores all Discharges In 48 Hours *ad,t»[«a!« "THEIR FIRST QUARREL." A Society Bketch. Played by WILSON snd MORAS. Managed by M. MAGNUS, 87 Clark St., Chicago MAMIE FLEMING OO. SECOND 8BA8QN. With all Good Wishes and Good WU1- We Bay it Still- Cross LETTER HEADS CROSS PRINTING CO., 358 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. Samples HIOH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. List of 400 bargains In One apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. BOTERBERQ, 170 Ontario St, Chicago. Wanted A* Or.ce. For Repertoire Company LBAniNO WOMAN, BONO AND DANCE 60U- BRBTTE BONO AND DANCE COMEDIAN, GEN- ERAL BUSINESS MAN, MALE PIANIST. CALL MS WEST 16th STREET, New York. Long and successful engagement. FILMS WANTED In any quantity, and EDISON EXHIBITION and UNIVERSAL MODELS. We Pa; Highest Prices for Good Machines and Films. L. M. SWAAB &, CO., 338 Spruce St., Philadelphia, Pa. THE ONLY LEGITIMATE BARGAIN HOUSE. TO MANAOERS THEATRE". PARKS OR CIRCUS. After Deo. 6. Bloycle on High Wire, Head Bal- ancing Trapeze and Contoitlon; three good acts. Address WM. J. IRWIN, esa B. Broadwa y, St. Loots, Mo. Immediate and Future OF>EINI TirVlE AT ACADEMY OF MUSIC. __ mm LAKEWOOD. NEW JERSEY. Good Repertoire Mnslcal Farce Comedies and Any Al Companies can do business. Snaps keep off. 1. B. DICKINSON, Manager. Deoembeb 3 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. »71 ALL THESE 80NQ8 ARE COMPOSED BY HARRY VON TILZER THE LTBIOS WRITTEN BY ANDREW B. STERLING TO MY OOUNTlvBSS FRIBNDSi I take this moment to moat heartily tbonk jou for jour co-operation in the pnet, ami lo call yonr attention to this advertisement, particularly to the eong, "GO ON AND COAX ME," which in absolutely tha biggest of my career. Don't fail, no matter what Bijle of song you HAVE naed to get this big novelty HIT, My record as a provider of songs that yon have raooeeafullv used, is well known, and I think I nay safely say that no other writer has given yon so mnch enoore winning material for your acts. Yon also know that I nave never asked yon to Bing a bad song, and that when I have said thit a song was a hit that it has invariably been bo. Again this applies to ' GO ON AND COAX ME." With this in n,ind, I want to assure yon— in the strongest possible manner— that I bave never offered you as great a collection of songs as these, and I ask that, in justice to both of us, yon try ont these numbers. Remember also, that I am constantly producing sew songs, and if there is something special that yon need, let me know and I will send it to yoa. When in town do me the favor of calling in and seeing me— I will be glad to meet yon. Thanking yoa again, I am yours vety sincerely, HARRY VON Tir,55KR. HMA6GIE RILEY? The more than positive success of this novelty Irish Waltz Song baa more than verified our prediction. Positively the biggest thing of Its kind ta the country today. Itemember that this Is the original, aad don't waste ' BSlsnl i--'i^«»nJ«iii . .i.,^i.i.i»l,i«i,j»h^ your time on unsatisfactory Imitations. J a MY PRETTY LITTLE KICKAPOO » The subsiding of the flood of Indian songs has left Just one high and dry on the pinnacle of popularity : "MY PRETTY LITTLE KICKAPOO." The only song on the market today that Is giving the satisfaction to audiences that performers require. Equally good as a solo, concerted, or production novelty. "WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE PUMPKIN MB The overwhelming favorite In rustic ballads, and, in fact, the only one that has anything like a National reputation. The limit of this song's popularity Is only spoken the song Is known. Wonderfully Illustrated by tbe BTEKEOPTICON and FILM EXCHANGE, of Chicago. Slides, 18.00 per set. bounded by tbe English language, for wherever It Is ii DOWN AT THE BABY STORE" Tbe most appealing story song now before the public. A dainty and pathetic theme with a beautiful melody Striking slides, by the 8TERE0PTIC0N and FILM EXCHANGE, Chicago, $5.00 per set. ii DOWN 7 SWANEE RIVER FLOWS 19 Another tremendous favorite wltb the vast public who like VON TILZEK'S rustic ballads In this beautiful narrative of love and nature. Slides, especially created for this sons by the 1 II ■' EXCHAr-' BTEKEOPTICON and FILM IANOE, Chicago. $6.00 per set. TO SINGERS. Pick ont whit 70a need, and write for iime, enclosing lOo. and lata programs, no Cards, to the home office of tbe HURRY (01 TILZER IS. Pi CO., 37 W. 28th STBEET, I. T. CITY, 67 CLARK ST., CHICAGO. (Branch). ALEXANDER 33 It seems almost superfluous to speak of this coon song as It Is probably tbe best known In the country today. Written by VON TILZER, who hns given the public more successful songs of this typo than all the other writers combined, It Is even bigger than any of tbe others. Beyond tbe shadow of a doubt tbe mammoth coon song hit of the dny. NECRESCOU HAIR CO.'S Wigs s Toupees W street Wear • Popular Prices. 162 State Street, Illustrated Catalogue Free. 5th Floor, Chicago, 111. "THAT 18 WHY I LOVE BUT YOU" By P. G. S LOTH ROW KK . (Whoever heart It will sing It to their sweetheart). "The Song I Long to Hear," u By HYDE and ROSS. (Heart Interest abounds In this song). 1> By HILL and DEW. (Great] Send for It wlthont delay). send late programme and postage for Professional Copies of latest Inst and Vocal Hoslo Orcaestrauons 100. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., S08-S09 Baltimore Dldg., CHICAGO, ILL. THX oaaUT DBQLIBH TAVDBVUjUB PAPBBU RK RKVICW, TIE A ND 40 1 StiiTtA-a-a.*-*., xjujuuvjut rORBIGH STJBSCaiFTIOS, Is. Sd. PBOFESBICAL ADVEHTISEHXRTS, ... %m. »4., Single C.I.bi NEW TORE. COR RESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CARLE, OFFICE T0t ST. JAMES BUM. advertisements will be received. Copies on tie. A 3S12!' DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Wny handle rocky goods when you can handle goods that will sell themselves f Electric Belts from $1.00 per aoi. up. Large variety to select from. Hectrlo Jars, : 750. dot: Electrto Insoles, STXcdos. pairs; Soap, »110 gross; Fine Medical Batteries. 1 Send Teo. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- Iulred. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers of Electrto Belts and ppllanoes In V. 8. A. Established 1878. Lecture and price list tree. THE ELECTBIO AF'LUIOE 00., Burlington, Kai. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 26:n„ |7.60 ; 28ln., IS .50 ' I2in., $0.60 ; 88ln.. $10.50 ; lOln., $12.00. Circus Trunks, 24x18x18, 17.60. BUI Trunks, 80x28x10, Inside, $12.00. Lltho Trunks, 42^x28^x12. Inside, $16.00. Sh'pped on receipt of $3.00, bal. C 0. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount SIMONS 4 CO., CENTRAL TBTJNK FACTORY, Est 1864, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch Bis., Phils. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS "' ™» ™SLJ° RTJBKB STORED FREJ. Wrtsi er tslsffnou and we wm meet tou stthe7 . US nORTH CLARl STREET. CHICAGO. wrwtvitea iheoepoL CAOO. vita wumo or IRELAED, Thar* Is as sinch BAD In the most of us. That It bard iv 1BHOOVII any of us And sossuohOOOD In the WORST otuj. Vo talk about the REST of rs. D0I50 WELL, TBABK TOO. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, not up In moisture proof packages that keep it fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all placea of public amusement We also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIBS and the RELIABLE POPCORN BRICK. Inform us where yen held a confectionery concession and we will send samples and prices. RUBOIBBIM BB08. fc EOaSTEDi, CHICAGO. FOR QUALITY Cse "Cnrnellan" Grease Paints, Fare Powders, Rouges, Creams, etc. Guaranteed In purity. Our different shades always tbe same. No deviation, as is usually fonnd In moat paints and powders. Ask your dealer for Camel Ian and take no other, or send direct to us If he does not carry it VAN HORN ii MICHL, Mfrs. of "Oarnellan" Grease Paints, Etc. Office 121 N. 9tb St., Factory BIS Arcb, PHILADELPHIA, PA. SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOB SUDBB BE80RT. Most liberal terms to right parties. Address TOLCOE8TER COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. A Sweet Little Home in the Country. APPLTTO THE SUBURBANITE, Keith's Theatre, Philadelphia. WANTED AT ONCE, Photographer with Outfit. Good Haa with Jewelry Spindle, Three Palmiit 1, i Shooting Gallery MB with Ontfl t. Rare opportunity year around. Other privileges write, win buy Jewelry Spindle, also Wheel of Fortune. State all flrat letter. RIG08 AMUSEMENT 00., Columbia, S. 0. it GIANT TELESCOPE. HOST POWERFUL IN WORLD. For Parka, Fairs and Carnivals. Pan for Itself In one week, any live place; day and night $100. DR. ART. BOND, ag Llpplncott Bt, Toronto, Panada. DICE a FTTZOE ■ PIN Catalan* of puts aad an" Mak* Vt, for PTofas. ilonels and an* tsars, seal oa application. EBALD.tlAaal Great Discovery. Experts can not detect It from gen- uine diamond. Costs bnt In brliiisnoy and cut It has no equal. Bet ting sol Id goid. Write for illustrated catalogue. BOWK A CO., DeptO., IM Dearborn St, Chicago. ZAMBEZI GEM one-tenth. AWAY nil ALL OTITIS. 1IU HD8IC MO CLEAR OOBDT. THE MUSICAL LAU8H MAKERS, FRED ECKhlKOHN ANNA In 24 Minutes of Solid Laughs and Applause. Address WW. HOHRIB, Agent. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, jflLtlctntlo Oitv. XV. *T. MANAGERS WEITE FOR OPEN TIME. TOOIG'B PIBB OOBPOBATIOB, W. B. 8HACKLEF0BD, Baj.gir. iCHTO ATF Half-tone 91 If J\ 1 t PROCESS CO. ' PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.| ~ lir - ,8cts. SQUARE INCH- ™ j cul f Willy Ziiniiieniiaiiii, WEEK NOV. S8-HOPKINS' TI1KATUB, LOUISVILLE. Bole Representative, BICHAUO PITIIOT, FUNK«CO.Y11*^o^ atoVICKEB'S THEATRI3, Chicago, ill. Telephone — Cen»--.l, 604. Be. for Catalogut. Tas Oily Theatrical Supply Horn* In Philadelphia. ptr- OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, OUR CELEBRATED COLD CREAM, POUND CAN, 35c. Booda sent everywhere 0. 0. D. when deposit aeoomDanles order. Bend for Booklet. WAAI M BOS, 9 wo North Eighth St., PHIL.A., between Baoe and VlneBta, I A VI YOUR Our Steel, Combination Lock. Trunk Safe Weight SSft), ^Mj«ns # ln yonMrunk^ It to a_ great worry «aver. tend for rtetAlJA. FHICH, t*>O0. TIIKILOWRIK 8AFB AND 1.0UK CO., Oalesburg, III., or 11 W Platlron Bldg., N. T. DELL and FONDA '£!&$& »%? Company Managirt Wanting a Strong Failure Act to Clois In Ont, writ*. Both Vinatlli. Address BBBT DILL. Representative. Western Bnrean OLlPPKR. ODIcago. III. JMBLERS SUPPLIES.-4SSSi®;SS ; 972 THE 2STEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembeb 3. EUGENE CLINE *CO. FILMS FOR REIT We he. v* made It possible for all m»Btgni t<» K«it a picture pro- gramme that la not surpassed by any Vaadewllle Theatre In America. INSTALL OUR SERVICE. II IS HOir PERFECT. hum. 10 E. 14th St, New York City. 69 Dearborn St., Chicago. A Sweet Little Home in the Country. APPLY TO THE SUBURBANITE, Trent Thcat.ro, Trenton, N. 3., this week. XADBIOl S Boaimwiio LAW rBH. PROFESSIONALS MANAGED. (11-68 Park Bow (World Blag-) New York. "The Girls in the Overalls" (COPYHIUIITKI) ■ Tne Beet Advertised Film on Karth. See S-Paeje lllnetrated Article In IflDW YORK JO»n»AL, SAW FK.ANOISCO KXlHINKEl, UOSTOK AHSjaiOAN, CHICAGO TfUBCNK and CHlOlQO AHBKICAIf, Kle., Bandar. ©et. »«• LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, 142. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. TRACKED er BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHIN6 | HEADLIN Eft OF ALL I The Host Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES.I Film Ever Hade. NegetWe Actually made in Colorado. Length, 460ft. Price $64. „^r;^V-reuL_i- fioht at juarez, in/iezxioo Three nails KlUed end Biz Horace Qored la e-roat of Camera. LBNOTH, 600ft. PRICB, STS.OO. WATCH FOR UHKATKST SBNBATIONAL FILM KVKR MADE. HKADY BOON. BBND 1TAMK FOB ADVANOB 1RFORHATION. SELI6 POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. H. BVOKWAUVH, General Western Agent, Denwer, Cole. II >• the Orlglnaton of "THE ESCAPED LUNATIC," "PERSONAL" and "THE LOST CHILD," THE SUBURBANITE FIFTEEN MINUTES OF SOLID LAUGHTER. (Copyrighted 1904, by TBE AMERICAN MUTO80OPE A BIOGRAPB CO., both M a picture and M a plsj.) "Why Pay Rent in tbe City? Own a Sweet Little Home in the Country!'' NOW FEATURED AT Keith's, - - Mew York Keith's,- - - Boston Keith's,- - Cleveland Keith's, - - Providence Keith's, - Philadelphia Trent Theatre, Trenton "WHEN A MAN MOVES IN, HIS TROUBLES BEfilN." SPEC.AL--"THE ADVENTURE OF SANDY McQREQOR." A Scotch Screamer. offlSv klbine optical co., cuicaqo, AMERICAN MUTOSCOPE & BIOGRAPH CO., Wherein ire Shewn the Trials aid Tribilillns if i Cfly Mm who is Enticed from Ills Cesy Flit by the Suburban Rill estate Agent. LENOTB, 731 FEET. GLASS A, Bpeolal gelling Agente. 11 B. FOURTEENTH KTIIKKT, NBW YOllK C1TT. SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With Roving Picture Attacbment. For showing both Moving Pictures ss woll aa Lantern Slides, end producing beautiful Dissolving Emote. Nuco. n»rr whorotlio best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS and F-IL.IVIS ^'OSS^iSU. Illustrating ever; anbject of Art, Travel and Literature and all timely topics. Latest warsconea, m. Louis World's Fair. Cta. Popular and Kellgioua Illustrated Pongs, Kio. In fact, anr subject adapted for the giving of Publlo Entertainments. 9VA PfiOFITlBLB BUSINESS FOR HEX WITH SHALL CAPITAL"**! • BBND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE — l'roo— which telle the cost of an outfit, explains and InatruotB you how to con- duct paying entertalnmonu. McAllister, Mfg. optician, 49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. AWE RELIABLE ANFWMGHT BRIGHTER THAN i, ThanEIFf^ M 111b IT IslMll I /,,/iUM: - C !" IC AMET5 OZO-CARBI. CA M'.«r Hew P.ATLNTCD. hah&eI'no 7 - kerosene} ; . w.b.MOOHE MANAGER. ■ ...j gasoline OR mantle. I IOO FRANMLIK ST.CHICA&O, I OH ETHER Mm ejEHD FOR CIRCULAR ARE OUR SPKOIALTY. TRT US FOR PRICES. ALL ODR LAMPS ARK NBW CODE 8TTLE, AND WILL FASB IMPIO T10N IN ANT 8TATE. Send lo. stamp for Catalogue. WE ARE THE PATENTEE AND MANUFACTURERS OP TBI OLEN1N STAGE POOKXT. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TAGE LIGHTING CO., ■ LBCTHO-UPTICAL STAUK LIGHTING APPARATUS. Telephone 8l0t-Mth St. IB WBST tttn STREET, NEW TORE. SITln S8.TB, CASH SOU ...fO.50. 301a io 00. WITH «Uln fr.BO. 331n iO.BCI. OHDBR lead for cnti. BBLBBH TRUNK AND BAG CO., IS)) Columbia Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. * SUCCESS SUCCESS * 1 f-i L-IVI AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE —IN 40 TABLHtUX— THE LATEST AND MOST 60RBE0US SPECTACLE IN MOVING PICTURES LBNOTH, ISSOfl. PRICB, IS10.O0. Write for our Supplement 23, whloh oontalns Half Tones and Full Desorlptlon. LATEST "URBAN" FILM SUBJECTS Cnss Chan ml Meter But Race, Calais ti Dm. 250 The Russian Miunlid Pitnl Starting Off, Round Harbin . 75 Reinfercininl of Infantry and Artlflei, On the Way ti Mukden 200 Bill Fight it Sir -Sebastian 300 Write for Bulletin No. 8, whloh contains a full list of latest Urban subjects. * «3rA®T01V Ml^UKS, not BAST 38TH ST., NBW TORE CITY. FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL BUREAU Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WHITE FOR IT FILM RENTAL BUREAU, 64 H. CLABK STBBBT, CHICAGO, ILL. %4£ fROFESSIONAL ■WmIB*. TRUNKS %WRbre Absolutely the Headline, of Trunks. They are Different from All Others SEND FOR CATALOGUE "O" WJxvLvJUVJVI HAL, lVIairaufttotLxrer, BIB Uroaewar, Hear Third Street, Bew Yorat 'ABOIB McftALLY, Theatrical lUpresantaUve, MILITARY GOODS 2 n,fo " m, ' 0nM ' Swords, Revolvers, Cannons. Tents, Etc. „■,■„.. MWVifO ETerjthlnglntheElliUrrLlne-tnujaeBcrlbetilnonrierge Magaains Oatalogoe, containing net eash prloos with upwards of 1000 Illustrations Price of catalogue " °* l il*^:?.*l!23,2, n .J[ e i*JP.l2! ?■£??.'.* ,n eiempe, mentioning this advertisement. Customers write na that our ' CATALpOCB IS WORTH ITS WR10HT IN GOLD." We nave th- largest atoo* in the world of military goodi from Qovernment anotlona. ;Dealers Supplied. Frances Bannennan, 670 Broadway, New York. KSWUSS" WHOLESALE, 8AVLNCI OP 10 to M PER CENT., ANY LENGTH. Swell Electa for Shirt Waist Suits, flKo. up , . .. . , Exquisite shapes in Crepe do Chene, too. np. Oil Boiled Taffetas. S?int n HS&bZlSjSA BSftSafi? hmfijim, and all the newest, best weaves at liberal SS count. Bead loo. for fall Une samples, refunded Brat order. RICHARDS * FHIPPS, 80 BTATI STREET, CHICAGO. • "HARBACH'S" • ... BCLLHTIIf ... LARGE CATALOGUE FREE. REX • STEREOPTICON WITH EVERY FORM OF LIGHT. BEST AND 0HEAPK8T BONO BTBREOFTIOON. STEREOPTICON AND OXY. RYD. JET $10 BE8LBR SWIVEL HTEROI'TIOON d>Oft K LENS AND QAS O0TF1T $011 Optigraph No. 3, Stereopticon, \V) tft SLIDES AND OEY. HYD JET. WL.VV Oxy. Litiie Oas Oatfit $29.50 MANY OTHBR SPECIAL OPFBRB. ONLY TOE BEST. SON, POSE Ml SERPEMTIHE HIDES GET ODR SPECIAL PRICES. -ALL THE FEATURE- EDISON AND BIOGRAPH ¥FILMS* PERSONAL-ESCAPED LUNATIC, PARSIFAL, TRAIN and BANK ROBBERY, ETC. BEND FOB ODR MAMMOTH CATALOGUE. ALSO WE HAVE 8. H. Films $2.00 Up. Many 1,000 Feet. WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, 8TEREOPTIO0N8. FILMS. SLIDES. Etc. «sa» .PLEASE SEND LIST AND PRICES. FILM BOXES, REELS, Bianchi Cement, tf 1 EUREKA SINGLE DISSOLVER LATES T AND BEST MOTION PIOTDBB MACHINES, $» HP. nAKljliLil fi u(l. v phila.. pa largo Ltit of Now Profeeitoiiel and Amateur Pl.ri. VagderliM Bkelohom Openttee. Mealrel I'lrccM.erMUl EeterialBei.au, ___,_^ . _ . BoctUUoet. UlaleceM, Seeek' T. B. PEHlflttW. i-.bll.tiM-, Dent, IT, OkleamJU. PLAYS THREE PARCELS Or GROUND, All In good locations, and SUITABLE for LARGE ATTRACTIONS, to let. H. POPNB A BBO., Surf Ave., CONEY ISLAND, N. T. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1904, by the Prank Queen Publishing Company (Limited). Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1853. 1STEW YORK, DECEMBER lO, 1904. VOLUME LII.-No.42. Prioo 10 Cent*. CMncMfft « MAliWNtt mmiA. 074 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 10. Mi55 Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments, CONCEBNINO ST1GE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY J OBBPHINB OEO. Of the many Jolly little coteries of the- atrical folk located In New York, the Jolllest one centrei at the pretty home of Mettle Ferguson (Mr*. Fred Belchelt), whose char- acter Impersonation! In "What Happened to Jonei," "Are You a Mason?" and "Wllklion'i Widows" are blta of artistic work never to be forgotten, Among the frequently fortunate ones per- mitted to enjoy her festive hospitality are Tom Wlae, whose rich hnmor and spon- taneity, both on and off the stage, keep his frlenda In roara of laughter, hla wife, Gert- rude Wbltty, and sister, Adelaide Wlae. Then George Richard! and hli wife, Florence Earle, are often on band to add the iparkle and wit of tbelr separate talents." Koland Henncasy, the proprietor of The Stage, with hi! wife, Flo Brandon, are usually to be found at the Relcbelt fireside, or, to be more exact, regarding metropolitan ways of heat- ing — steomslde— on these evenings of merry making. On last Sunday night, after several rounds of anecdote! and experiences, related by these witty souls, some one In the party proposed charades as a factor to promote the enter- tainment of the evening. "Charades 1" exclaimed one of the group, "why, they're a remnant of our boy and girl days — awfully old tlmey, there'* no up to date fun In them." After an argument on the subject the party concluded to try the old fashioned amusement, and, as It afterwards proved, they got far more fun out of It than they expected. It was arranged that each of the company should "charade" the name of a popular play, the fortunate guessers to be suitably rewarded. It was Tom Wise's first "turn," and, after a visit to Miss Ferguson's property trunk In the store room, he returned with a portion of a wig worn by the hostess In "Are You a Mason}" Assuming bis most serious ex- pression the Jolly comedian placed the hair carefully on the floor, then, as carefully, dis- posed bis rotund person at full length beside It, closing his eyes. After several wildly incorrect guesses by the whole party, Flo Brandon waa the one finally to get the name of the play — "Asleep at the Switch." Bbe was awarded an Invi- tation to the next Sunday night party. The next charade "star" was George Rich- ards, who vanished for a moment, reappear- ing, with mincing walk, In his wife's picture bat and feather boa. Taking two olives from a dish on the table he placed them in the hollows of bis eyes, close to the nose, holding them there by tight contraction of the muscles about tbe eyei. (Try It, you can do It). The comic picture presented by the comedian, which, by the way, was a clever burlesque on the "three sheet" posted for the play, brought down the bouse, and sev- eral minutes passed before the party could get down to the serious work of guessing. "The Girl with the Green Byes" was at length given as the solution of this clever charade, Tom Wise solving It. These are only two of the really very bright examples of spontaneous thought which the clever Thespians offered that even- ing, and are mentioned In this column as a suggestion to those other theatrical folk on the road — end at home, too— who might like to know a jolly, as well as an Interesting way to pass an hour, when tbey can think of nothing elae to do. It sharpens one's wits, anyway, and Is bound to amuse. Lew Dockstader relates an Instance of an angry scramble between another minstrel, member of a company be once traveled wltb, end the man whose room at the hotel ad- joined that of tbe minstrel. The fight was brought to an end by the hotel proprietor, who demanded the reason of the trouble, which bad gathered a small crowd In front of this place. "He picked on me first," exclaimed the minstrel, "just for practicing a little bit on my banjo." "No such thing I" exclaimed the other, "he was the first to pick this fight." "How was that?" asked tbe hotel proprie- tor. "He kept me awake long after twelve o'clock last night by picking his banjo." t Amelia Bingham, now playing a return engagement of "The Climbers," a play that has made for her a mint of money, expends large sums in tbe gratification of her love for things artistic and rare. Miss Bingham saw a certain One picture In the collection of nn acquaintance that so pleased her fancy that sho made a very good offer for tbe possession of It This the owner refused, and when the actress doubled the amount he somewhat crustily declined. A week or two later Miss Bingham, still long- lug for tbe picture, met the possessor of It. After pleasant greotlngs, the actress archly said: "By (he way, Mr. Blank, I wish I could persuade you to make an exchange of some of my pictures for that one of yours that I like so well," Now, tbe actress has two or three In her collection that the collector coveted, so when die made this remark ho saw visions of them In his possession. "What pictures have you reference to?" he nuked, Interested nt once. "Why, these," smiled the actress, taking a hugh roll of yellow backed bills from her wrist bag, "these are the pictures which may bo exchanged for almost anything under the sun." The clever ruse of tbe actress so pleased the collector that tbe wished for exchange was duly made. 9 Chsrles Klein's play, "The Music Muter," written for David Warfleld, has made such a wonderful success that extra time has been secured at tbe Bijou Theatre, where his first big hit was made, In "The Auctioneer. " When Klein was less well known than be now Is, he was granted permission to read one of his playi to a certain New York manager. Daring the reading the playwright was frequently annoyed by Interruptions, some of them being not far from really rude. Several good points and lines were thus lost to tbe ear of the manager, who was trying to attend to two things at once, tbe play thereby being tbe loser also. Klein was reading some particularly dra- matic lines, when the Inattentive manager made a loud remark to one of tbe men In the room, thus spoiling the effect tbat the play- wright hoped to make on the hoped tor pro- ducer of tbe play. Klein paused abruptly in bis reading at tbls rude Interruption. "Go on," exclaimed tbe manager, "why don't you finish V "When an Influential manager baa the floor, all others should be silent," said Klein with quiet meaning, which tbe clever mana- ger was quick to see. "AH right," laughed he, "yon may have the floor now— go on with yonr play." And the arbiter of the fate of many a playwright gave closer attention to the reader for at least the following ten minutes. * Little Boh Westford, son of Owen West-' ford, who has a part in Miss Russell's com- . the character! of clown and Indian. The former approached tbe actresses aa they pissed through tbe entrance, and, In wheed- ling tones, said : "Say, Ladles, pleas* won't yon give ns fellers sorbin' for Thsnksgiv'nT The "Indian," however, with a look of su- perior disgust upon his painted face, rushed forward, and grabbing hla "girl" chum by the arm with one hand and pointing to the sign, "stage door," over the entrance, ex- claimed : "Awl what do yoose want— stage money?" e»» OUR LONDON LETTER. will bsve to remain bis wife whether she likes it or not, she gives in and the curtain falls on a loving couple. On tbe evening of Dec 6 Mrs. Brown Potter will produce an original dramatic ver- sion of Leoncavallo's opera, "I PagUaccL" the music of which will be nsed by special arrangement with Messrs. Aieberberg. The book has been written for Mrs. Potter by Charles Brookfleld. Tbe play la already In active rehearsal, and will be produced for Mrs. Potter by Gilbert Hare. Edward Terry, who Is sailing early In De- cember to make bis first appearance in Ameri- ca, will be entertained at a farewell dinner at the Savoy Hotel, on Sunday evening, Dec 4, under the presidency of the Duke of Ab- ercorn. All the prominent theatrical people In Europe are on the committee. Rehearsals sre In progress at the Dnke of (raoit out OWN COBXISPOKDBNT.) Clipper Bureau, 48 Oranbcrarate Stieet, Leicester Square, London, W. O. NOV. 26. "The Freedom of Suzanne, " a light comedy, In three acts, by Cosmo Gordon Lennox, was given its first performince at the Criterion Theatre, Nov. 15, by Marie Tempest and com- Seny. The success of tbe play waa immo- late, and as there is, or rather was, a con- troversy regarding originality of story, the following will be of interest to theatrical people In America. Story: The opening scene Is In Mrs, Trevor's (Suzanne) drawing room In Curaon Street, and ber husband, her mother-in-law, her family solicitor, who Is an old friend, Lady Isobel Bury, also a friend, and ber uncle, Fltsroy Harding, are waiting for ber. The last named bas been mixed up in a divorce case and pathetically complains tbst bis portrait In The Btar wss a libel. He bad clearly a suspicion it was meant for him. It la past midnight, and tbey are wondering what has become of ber. She Is tired of ber husband. He Is a good fellow, but naturally objects to ber doing quite as she likes. Suzanne Is an empty-headed little York's of s new Barrle play, written ex- pressly for the children, which will be pro- duced one day In Christmas week. Mrs. R. H. Elkln bas been commissioned by Messrs Blcordl to prepsre an English version of the libretto of Puccini's "Madame Butterfly." At Leonard Rayne's Opera House, Cape Town, Oct. 26, there was copyrighted a new three act comedy, entitled "The Triumph of Deceit," which Is tbe work of R. Brighten Salisbury, nephew of tbe late Charles Bright- en, who was for some time manager of tbe Oxford Music Hall In this city. Tbls was said to have been the first copyright perform- ance ever given In Cape Town. It la said that "Tbe Triumph of Deceit" will soon be done In England. The fiftieth performance of "A Wire With- out a Smile" took place at Wyndham's The- atre Nov. 28. On the previous day "Tbe Earl and tbe Girl" was given for the three hundred and fiftieth time at the Lyric The- atre. December 10 la the date selected for tbe Production at the Prince of Wales' Theatre, of be new musical play, which was written by Paul Rubens and Lieutenant-Colonel Newn- ham Davis, with music principally by the first named. Tbe piece will be called "The Madcap." The principal players will be G. P. THE DOLLAR TROUPE Have Just closed their second season as one of the sensational features of Rlngling Bros,' World's Greatest Shows. This troupe of finished gy mnaats has Increased In number, and Is doing at present more tricks than tbey have ever done before. Their routine Includes double full twister on shoulders and other equally difficult feats, and they do an entirely different act and work in an alto- gether different style than any acrobatic troupe before tbe public. They jumped direct from the Rlngling Show, when Its season closed, to Hyde & Behman's, Chicago, where they began a series of vaudeville bookings, which will keep them continuously en- gaged oil Winter. Their plans for next Summer are not fully completed, but they have under advisement a number of offers for the circus and Summer pais season. Ing production of "Lady Teazle," has a keen sense of the fitness of things. For Instance, not long ago he did not think tbat certain rough language which he had heard should be repeated to bis two girl cousins. Ruby and Helen were expecting several girl friends to call Inst Thursday afternoon, their day "at home." To tbelr annoyance, on looking out of the window of the apart- ment, they saw the sidewalk In front of the house covered with a load of coal, which was scattered close up to the steps, making the approach thereto rather unpleasant Tbe coal carrier seemed In no hurry to begin his job of disposing of the big, black heap, so the girls prevailed upon Bobby to go and ask htm to hurry. Watching from the win- dow they saw the little fellow approach the coal heaver and present their request It was met with loud and uncouth remarks from the half Intoxicated man, plentifully Intermixed with oaths of strenuous charac- ter, much of which the girls could not fall to hear. A moment later Bobby, breathless with baste, burst Into the room. "Well," said Helen, "Is be going to hurry nnd clear the sidewalk before our company comes?" Bobby's mind was full of tbe torrent of oatho to which he had been mistreated, and which ho was about to repeat to his cousins, when It occurred to him that the enormity of the language was far from fit for tbe eara of girls. "No," he stammered tamely, "he said — he said — he — he wouldn't." 9 The aptitude possessed by the New York street gamin In slaing up values and people was amusingly Illustrated on Thanksgiving afternoon. Three members of the "Baroness Fiddlesticks" company were emerging from the Casino stage door, after the performance, Just as three street urchin* were passing. The latter, following the Thanksgiving cus- tom of the youngsters, were dressed In rag- mufltn costumes, much the worse for street mud and rough usage. One was fixed up in feminine attire, while the other two essayed woman who wants to do as she pleases, and her Immediate object is to Induce her husband to let her divorce him. She goes out In search of adventure, and when she returns home the trouble begins. The trouble Is ag- gravated by Lady Charlotte Trevor, the mother-in-law, between whom and Suzanne sparring matches are continually In pro- gress. Ultimately the family solicitor per- suades her to recount her proceedings. They Include a call upon an aged peer, Lord Dat- chet, to take her out to supper, but Is 111 with a bad cold; attempts with other admir- ers, and finally an exciting adventure on the pavement in Piccadilly after midnight Act- ing on tbe solicitor's advice, Mr. Trevor trie* kindness and humoring his wife after the visitors have gone. This takes ber back a bit, but he soon talks of his authority. Re- membering the solicitor had told her she could not get a divorce on unsupported tes- timony she Installed her companion, Mlnch- Ing, In tbe room a* a witness of the shaking she ultimately provokes her husband Into giving her. In the next act three months have elapsed since the decree nisi waa pro- nounced. She I* spending the time before tbe decree Is made absolute traveling about with Lord Datchet, her aged admirer Fj Harry Cecil, a middle aged one, and Tommy Keaton, a very young one, continually dangling about her. They are all at a seaside hotel, where her husband, bla mother and tbe rest of the characters are ataylng, a* well as a Mrs. Tostall. whom Trevor's mother Is anxloni he should make Mrs. Trevor num- ber two. The heroine finds that her free- dom Is more circumscribed by lover* than by a husband, end when Harry Cecil fluently neks her to go away with him, bnt not as his wife, she tiegins to realise the awkward- ness of her position and longs for a hui- bend's protection. Trevor I* very polite and kind, and determined to put all right be- tween them, hut In hla own way. So be meets her tender advances rather coolly. Finally, when she learns that he I* accom- panying Mrs, Tustall to London, and be- lieve* that lady I* going to sup wltb him at hi* flat, she rushes after him. The last train being gone, she accompanies Lord Dat- chet In his motor. Her husband is waiting for her In hi* flat, having first secured an emissary of the King's Proctor to watch It, so that bis evidence that she has visited him shall prevent the decree nisi being made absolute, when Susanne arrives she look* for the other woman, but only finds the char woman. Then she has some supper, her husband takes off her shoes, and they are on the highroad to reconciliation. His remark tbat he has been sure of her all along sets her biasing, but when be tell* her of the King's Proctor's man and that she Huntley, Madge Crlchton, Delia Maaon, Geo garde. Many of them were member* of "The Three Little Maids" Co., which had a long American tour, but not a very successful one from a financial viewpoint It Is announced that Coleridge Taylor will pay a visit to the United States shortly and conduct performances of some of his own works, LaBt Saturday afternoon, at the Lyric Theatre, a performance was given of a new musical play, entitled "The Maid and the Minstrel." Sydney cubltt Is responsible for the book and Carl St. Amory for the music Captain Robert Marshall haa been com- missioned by Charles Krohmon to write an- other play on the order of "The Duke of Hllllcrankie," for production later on In the season. During the ran of "Lady Windermere's Fan," at the St. James', George Alexander Intends to stage a aeriea of plays of mat- inees, commencing with an adaptation of M. Antolne's "L'Bnquete." Mascagnl has resigned the position of di- rector of the Musical Lycee In Pesaro, and his successor (s Amlllaro iSanello, who for the past two years has been at the head of tbe Conservatory at Parma. Last Monday Martin Harvey made bis Brat appearance at Dublin as Hamlet, and made a notable success. Hermann Sudermann's "Johannlsfener" was given at the Great Queen Street The- atre by the German company this week. This play haa so far not been done In En- «llsh, although the rights have been acquired y a well known English actress. "Lady Hamilton ; or, the Last Signal," a new three act play, produced at the Isling- ton Grand Theatre last Tuesday, deals with the Nelson-Lady Hamilton story. Tbe author. H. F. W. Wood, confines himself to that portion of the famous Emma's career whlcb was directly associated with Lord Nelson. The fiftieth performance of "HI* High- ness, My Husband," took place at the Comedy Theatre Nov. 17, and there Is every pros- pect for a long and prosperous run for the prettiest comedy tbe London stage has seen for some time. The French Chamber of Deputies have lust reduced the Budget of Fine Art* by eight hundred dollars, the salary of the Censor of Plays, as an Indication that bis office should be abolished. The action makes for freedom of speech, the French censorship being purely political in Ita application to new plays. According to Berlin news, Richard Strauss will not complete his new opera, "Salome," until next Summer. Douglas Crlchton, who Is on the editorial staff of The Playhouse, a new local tbeatri- cal publication, was a Cmffbb Bureau caller last Wednesday. Mr. Crlchton Is well known In America as he was for three years Inter- viewer, special article writer and chief com- missioner of The Kra. The stage of tbe Coliseum, which Is marly finished, has three revolving tables, the re- spective diameters of which are seventy-five fifty-one and twenty-seven feet. These can be used Independently or locked together Above Is an overhead railway, fed by three traveling cradles, which run suspended from the overhead railway. These cradles measure sixteen feet, six inches across and four feet deep, and also can be used together or separ- ately. The railway has a carrying power of about twenty tons, so that anything, a ship grand stand, a street of houses, and many other great properties may be erected on these cradles and brought on to tbe stage 111 the course of panoramic scenes. Paul CInquevalll bas Just completed a tour of South Africa, of which very enthusiastic press notices appear In The Colonial Press. Mr. CInquevalll returns to England early in December, In fulfillment of a pantomime en- gagement wltb Frederick Moulflot, at Btlf and Dublin. Conn and Conrad arrived In London last Monday and will begin work Immediately. Tbey are booked for an Indefinite period on this side of the water. Dr. H. D. Backer returned last Saturday from a trip to Amsterdam, and will remain in London for a week, after which be will go to Paris, and from there to Rome. He expects to sail for America about Dec ID. The Bohemian Twins, Rosa and Jolefa Blayek, whoso bodies are joined together somewhat In the manner of the late Siamese Twins, made tbelr first appearance In nub- ile at the Hippodrome, Brighton, laat Mon- day. Tbelr appearance in London will be at the Metropolitan, Nov. 28. H. E. Moss celebrated, Nov. 18, the three thousandth consecutive performance at the London Hippodrome. There are few, if any, other places of entertainment In the world that can boast of having openca to such enormous sized bouses. It was rnmored that Hackenschmldt, who is in Sydney, N. S. W., had been compelled to undergo a serious operation. Hacken- schmldt's agent cabled to him and received tho following reply: "Old damaged arm ne- cessitates Immediate attention. Otherwise very well. When arm attended to shall be better than any time this last two years." Edward and Nettle Masse, comedy Jugglers, are meeting with much success In their act, "Frolics In a Dining Room." They are at the Pavilion, Newcastlc-on-Tyne, this week. Mlnola Mada Hurst Is showing the magic kettle at the Hausa Theatre, Hamburg. The young lady sent me a photograph of her- self, but no word as to tbe success of tbe offering. Laura Burt, who bas been playing In Denrv Irvine's company, sailed for America recently to join tho Bellows Stock Co., of St Louis, as leading woman. She returns to London next May to appear with Lewis Waller In a new production. The Deer Family are In town after a long season in South Africa wltb Texas Jack. The family opens at tbe Metropolitan Nov. 28 May Moore Dnprez has made such a de- cided hit In Australia that her engagement has been indefinitely prolonged. She will he seen In London about the beginning of next year, but wlllgo to America first. The Troubadour Four, who open at Cardiff next week, are considering an offer to go to South Africa, and there Is every prospect of the deal going through. Robert Baker, of the Robinson-Baker Trio, was a Bureau caller last Wednesday. He Is rehearsing a new act wblch will be about right In a fortnight Frank Whitman made his London debut at tbe Oxford last Monday night When the dancing violinist bad finished bis act there was no question as to how he bad done. Al- though Frank had a great many friends In the audience, they wisely allowed others to do the applauding. As the great hand his novelty received was real, the management and agents, nnd they were all In front the opening night, were fully satisfied of tin suc- cess of Mr. Whitman's first appearance. Aside from Mr. Whitman'* cleverness with his feet sod fiddle, he has a pleasing per- sonality bound to win his audience over. Collins and Hart, who are now In America. are to sail for England Dec 14, and will open at tbe London Empire for a two months' run. It 1b said that tbey are to return to England with new acts, and will remain here for about two years and a half. Another comedy juggler Is In town and bas iolned the staff of Americans on the Empire III. The latest arrival Is Herbert Lloyd, wboBe strides to the top of the ladder have been tremendous during the past few years. Mr. Lloyd will be at this London palace of vaudeville until Jan. 14. The length of the engagement shows how strong the act Is with the management Other American jugglers on the same bill, who are of "some renown," are Morris Cronln and Charles T. Aldrlch, whose disappearance from the show would bs strongly felt Tom S. Stead, who was assistant manager of tbe Empire, Glasgow, has been appointed manager of the Borough Theatre of Varieties, North Shields. Some rumor circulator has spread tbe story tbat Alf. Meers, of the Three Meers, Is work- ing alone. This Is not so. Mr. Meers snd bis two assistants are doing their very amus- ing and entertaining act at the Empire, and will continue to be a big feature at that house until Dec 24, making In all a nine weeks' stay. Jan. 1, they commence a six months' continental tour, then a fortnight's rest, to be followed by a eleven weeks r tour of the English provinces. They sail for America Oct. 4, and will play the Keith circuit be- ginning Oct 23. Banks Winter, who has been a dally Clip- per Bureau caller since he arrived In Lon- don some six or more weeks ago, I* sadly missed this week. Banks and bis clever daughter, Winona, are at Cardiff this week, whlcb prevents blm from calling at his Lon- don office, as be terms the Bureau. Tbe team Is meeting with the warmest kind of approval all along tbe line. Mr. Winter has tbe whole Winter family with him, but has decided to have Mrs. winter and the two boys remain in London during the Winter. Whistling Tom Browne Is resting this week, but returns to tbe Empire next Monday to whistle for three weeks, after which be va- cations himself again for a short time to be followed by another engagement at the Em- pire. I understand, however, that Tom has arranged to play at Blackpool during this second vacation. His wife, Eva Westcott, has booked a week at Blackpool, to get ber new act In shape for tbe Palace engagement, wblch commences Boxing Night, and Tom ar- ranged to play on the ssme bill. The chronophone, a combination of ani- mated photography, vocal music and mechani- cal Ingenuity, Is a new card at the London Hippodrome this week, and Is meeting wltb big BUCCCBS. Alice Pierce Is still a headliner at tbe Lon- don Pavilion, and her Impersonations are going better tban ever. Tbe Dumonds are working hard on their new act, which they hope to have ready now In ft fpw wppltM. Byron snd Langdon are at the Empire, Hollo way, this week. I journeyed out to tbat house last nlgbt and It Is hardly necessary for me to asy "The Dude Detective" was a knockout I met Mr. Byron before and after tbe show, and he related some very funny tales of his experiences In Belfast a few weeks ago. I would tell one, only I am afraid readers would think I am Mr. Byron's press representative. DEOEMBEE 10. THE NEW YOKK^OLIPPER •75 J^g^greji lira " ■ ■ ' ". ■ ■■ HOWARD BRO FLYING BANJOS. NOTICE TO IMUEI1-JP ft MOKE WEEKS BE POKE SAILING TO EUIIOPK. APRIL k ft OPEN SEE Week of Dec. 5, CIRCLE THEATRE, New York Olty. IT WE USE TEE WASHBURN \ A,./ .»«fl ^t^ *? BftHJO EXCLUSIVELY. WW &I H X EXCEL ALL TONE AND WORKMANSHIP. BECAUSE othsks !•- Prank Gerth, manager of Creatore ana his band, Bailed tor America last Saturday. He had several good offers for his band, bnt Is undecided a. to which engagement he will accept. I bad a few lines the other day from cenlal Alf. Holt, who Is now In America. Alf. wishes to be remembered to all his friends on this side, and says that he will soon be with us sgaln. He returns In February to Dl«y the moss and other tours. Al. Lawrence 1. at the Regent. Salford, Manchester, this week, and Is going better than be did during bis opening week, which Is saying a great deal, as a performer who can do twenty-six minutes on a vaudeville stage In this country must be a little out of the ordinary, Lowell and Lowell are at the Hippodrome, Liverpool, this week. Lew Wells is on the same bill. Good American cards at the Middlesex this week are Martlne and Son, Bonnie Good- win's pickaninnies and Princess Pauline. Gloria of Players. — Notes from the "Hans Hanson" Co.: Martin Bowers Is In his sixteenth week with tils company, playing the tramp part and managing the stage. Business Is good and we are playing to 8s It. O. every night The show Is making a success. We are beading for the South. While laying over In Hastings, Neb. (going to Howard), we met several members of the Chase-Lister Co. and bad • nice time. Frank Feblman, our trap drum- uer, was taken ill and bad to go to his home, In Falrbury, Neb. He was replaced by Skeets Woods, trap drummer of Elk Point, 8. D. Tub Old Remadlh Is with us every week. — On Nov. 19 James W. Evans Joined Jas. H. Wallack's attractions as press rep- resentative. — Notes from the Lillian Lyons Stock Co. : Everything looks prosperous for the Winter season. Our company Is a good one, num- bering twelve neop'e, as follows: Lillian Lyons, Frank J. Dean, manager ; Mr. and Mrs. Francis Green. Mr. and Mrs. Frank 3. Dean, Aldula St. John, Raymond Ketchum, May Dean, James O'Meara, Prof. Carlyle Walker, Shorty Dold and Joe Prlntlss. We have been touring Michigan all Summer to good business. Two of our members joined the Owosso Aerie of Eagles, No. 861, while tbere, and a good time followed.' The mem- bers are Shorty Dold and Prof. Carlyle Walker. The aerie Is young but growing fast, and at present has over one hundred and fifty members. — Roster and Notes from the Stlllwell Comedy Co.: We are In our eighth week, everybody well, and playing to very big busi- ness. Roster: Harry Stlllwell, manager; Jerome Nyhan, B. S. Thompson, Frank Laf- fery, Violet Mahar, Bell Donald, Nellie Stll- well, Louise Clifton, Little Violet Stllwell, lien Johnson, advance. — Notes from the "A Hoosler Daisy" Co.: Business with the company, which Is at pres- ent playing In upper New York State, Is most excellent, and the play and players giving the utmost sat'sfactlon. Bessie Clifton, as the Indiana waif, has scored a success In ber original conception of Daisy Thompson, a character of the "Sis Hopkins" order, but withal an original role. — Paul Brady writes: "The Big National Stock Co. Is nearlug its fiftieth week, and Is booked solid until April 28, 1005. Our busi- ness Is Canada has been very good, and, while we have not broken all bouse records, we are very well satlseftd with the results of our twelve weeks up there. With two ex- ceptions our company Is Just the same as at the opening, the first of last January. We are busy rehearolng J. A. Griffin's new play on tbe Japanese-Russian war, 'The Little Brown Man of Japan.' which he wrote for this company, we have an exceptionally strong line of plays, all new to repertory, most of 'them being the property of the com- ?any. Corlnne La Vaunt continues to head be vaudeville list, and her magnificent dances are a feature everywhere we play." — Notes from Conroy and Mack : At Wes- ton, W. Vs., on Saturday evening, Nov. 19, Messrs. Conroy and Mack and their company were tendered a banquet by tbe proprietor of the Camden Hotel after the performance of "Flnnlgan's 400." A pleasant time was spent both by the company and tbe host until the small hours of the morning. Business this season has been big at every stand, and both Pat Conroy and Dick Mack are making bits In this piece. It looks as If this will be the biggest season since they have been stars. , — Mazle Ritchie and ber husband, Leopold Mueller, have Joined "An American Hobo" Co. Miss Ritchie plays the leading; soubretto part and Mr, Mueller Is musical director. — Mamie Lincoln Plxley, at present the star of the "New York Day By Day" Co., will open early next season with ber own company, under the management of ber bus- band, Starr L. Plxley, in a musical farce com- edy. Time Is rapidly filling and special paper la about completed. — Notes from Btanley's Metropolitan Stock Co. ; Business is beyond the expectation of the management Harry V. Wlnslow, our ad- vance agent, Is doing good work. Managers are offering us return dates this season, but t Is impossible to accept them as we are booked solid up to June 17, 1905. Time Is tilling fast for season 100500, and only the larger cities In the States of Ohio, Pennsyl- vania and New York will be played next season. _ — Roster of "The Little Red School House," j. a. West, manager : William Fiti- slmmons, Clarence Kent, Joe H. Logan, Kd- ward Oj Plains, Edes Campbell, Harry Clarke, UarryWaters. J, A. West, Minnie Pearl West, Jean Da Cousin, Eleanor Knight, Floyd Web- «ter, Lillian Campbell, John F. Hill, Mrs. Lyon, Elllhue McKeever and Helen Leslie. . — Mrs. Lltsle and Maudle Brown, wife and •laughter of Benjamin H. Brown, orchestra leader of Vogcl's Minstrel Co.. left Chicago hurriedly to open In 'Woodland," Nor. 28, In New York City. — Notes from Chas. Mortimer's Will F. Crockett Co. : Our opening exceeded all ex- pectations, despite a number of disappoint- ments and obstacles that were discouraging for a time. The company is one of even strength and excellence, while our vaudeville features have been pronounced Incomparable. The roster : Chas. Mortimer, Will F. Crockett, Frank. Albert!, P. J. Primrose, Chas. Adolphus, Will J. Smith, Walter Bralnard, F. A. Krot- zer, Elmer Howell, Rolla Leslie, Helen Ban- croft, Octavla Ritchie, May Waldron, Stella Clarke Howell, F. F. Keith, manager ; Rolla Leslie, advance : Elmer Howell, musical di- rector. Specialties : The Great Bob Adolphus, Will F. Crockett, Carlton Sisters and Prof. Krotzer'a moving pictures and Illustrated songs. Our mascot Is the St. Bernard acting dog, Duke. — Notes from Morgan's "U. T. C." Co.: Business has been phenomenal since the show opened, and everything now moves nicely. Harry McCletlend Joined at Gouverneur. That we are giving satisfaction Is evidenced by the business and requests for return dates. George 8. Cole visited Dr. Morgan In Nor- woods His stories of early circus experiences Interested and delighted the whole company. — The Harvey A Gage Co. opened the New Lyceum Theatre, at Terryvllle, Conn., Nov. 17, presenting "The Parish Priest." — Notes from the Edna Foy Co. : Charles Garfield bas recently joined the company for juvenile leads. The roster Is as follows : Edna Foy, Florabelle Malcome, Jewell Har- rington, Mazle Devereanx, Walter Stewart, , Chas. Garfield, James Harrington, Louis Mandel, W. H. Cole and Edwin Weaver, with Col. It. B. Marsh In advance. Tbe company Is playing to good business and becoming quite a favorite In the South. — W. E. Flock sailed for London. Eng., Nov. 26, to complete arrangements for the tour of the Brothers Leopold, In their latest English trick pantomime. The Leopolds will tour this country In 1905, 1906 with a com- pany almost exclusively of English acrobats, pantomlmlsts and novelty features. May B. Abbey Is not with "The Queen of the White Slaves" Co. this season as bas been reported, but Is with the "Two Little Sailor Boys" Co. — Roster of the Grlswald Co., now playing Texas, under canvas: Lewis Grlswald, man- ager; H. Rossmyns, business manager; J. v. Brock, stage manager; George Ewers, or- chestra leader : Holly Rossmyn, band leader ; Will Fesenden, boss canvas man; W. C. Wertlsnd, Clarence Adams, Bobby Brolller, S. T. Hackley, Levi Heater. J. G. Miller, Jack C. Turner, Robt. Rudlsll), Orteilo flcor- rano, Will Dumas, Everett Heald, Chas. Fuller, Winston Eastwood, John Burleigh, Fred Rice, Richard Reed, Myrtle Mae Wil- liams, Fay Norton, Mrs. Clarence Adams, Baby Viola, and I. Cohn ahead. Tbe outfit Is entirely new. The tent Is now lighted with the latest gas lamps.- Business Ts big and the show Is pleasing everybody. — Notes from Frank Adams' "Uncle Hex" Co.: We played at Barberton, O., Nov. 19, tc a packed house. The following members of tbe company were Initiated Into the Bar- berton Aerie of Eagies, No. 062: I. Brown, treasurer of tbe company; Chas. A. Wood- come, orchestra leader; Harry Ward, band leader ; Bert H. Davles, trap drummer ; F. E. De Brune. Harry L. Fetters, stage carpenter, and Frank Pur tie, cornet. Geo. Harris, of Aerie 404, Chlcopee Falls. Mass.. stage man- ager of the company, piloted the members through and did not forget to see that each Sot bis "deserts." The members were ten- ered a banquet after tbe show, and after a hearty goodbye, the company left for West Salem. Business wrh ua Is very good. — Joe B. Sawyer Is in his ninth week with the "Breezy Time" Co., playing the Dutch comedy role, also introducing his big shoe Dutch song and dance and high kicking. — The Columbia Palm Garden at Wausau, Wis., opened Nov. 6, for tbe season, to a big business. 0. R. Schoehow is proprietor; 0. F. Rockafield, amusement manager; B. F. Scbulta, musical director, with an orchestra of twelve pieces. — Notes from tbe Garslde Stock Co. : On the concluding day of our engagement In Du Bols, Pa., Mrs. James Garslde tendered an anniversary dinner to several members of tbe company at the Hotel National. The affair took place In the private dining room of tbe hostelry, which wna tastefully decorat- ed with cut flowers and holiday greens. An elaborate menu was served and thoroughly enjoyed by the following: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Warren, Pauline Seymour, Messrs, Layne Morris, Percy Warren, Herbert Schaeffer and James Phillips. Baby Lotus graced the head of tbe table. — Virginia Harned's new play, "Tbe Lady Shore," Is by Mrs. H. B. Smith and Mrs. Vance Thompson. Tbe first performance will be in Philadelphia Christmas week. — Elsie De Wolfe bas been engaged by Charles Frohman for "A Wife without a Smile." — Edward Terry's season in America will begin on Dec. 24 Instead of Jan. 9, a fort- night earlier than was expected. — Notes from C. B. Whitney's "The Waif of the Sierras:" This attraction, with • handsome uniformed band and orchestra, opened Its season Nov. 28, at Pocomoke City, Md., and tbe play was a big success. The roster of the company Is ea follows: C. B. Whitney, sole proprietor; HI Warde, business vanager; Will 8 Beecber, stage manag*r; A. H. James, leader of band : Prof. Weather- sllne, leader of orchestra; Phil J. Campbell, master of properties : Dot Bruce, Maud Ste- vens, Alma Plunkctt, Harry Mack, Geo. H. Miller, James Chest, Phil J. Campbell, Leon Stafford, Dan Bodder, Philip Eschenbacb, Billy Dantorth, Will Stevens, John Hall, Geo. Orton and Joe Rellly. —The management of the I lion, N. Y., Opera House was changed at the opening of the season. M. M. Kane Is now business manager, and M. Foley has charge of elec- tricity and bill posting. Good attractions have been played, and business has been sat- isfactory, we are Informed. — Charles Frohman has arranged a forty weeks' season next year for B. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe, who will likely be seen In a repertory Including three new plays. Uaudwille and minstrel. Tea Thus Bounding Pattbbbonb write: "Since leaving America we have played four months in Sooth America, at Buenos Ayrei, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and met with big success. Before going to South America we played one month at the Olympla, Paris, and a month at the Hippo- drome on our return to Paris from South America. Also engagements at the Casino Municipal, Nice; Casino Prado, Pledge-Mar- seilles, and the Casino at Lyons, and met with fine success in all those cities. We are now finishing a five months' tour of Germany and have been a success everywhere we have played. We go from here to tbe Casino Carre Varlete, Amsterdam, Holland, Dec 1, for fifteen days, then to London, at the Coli- seum, opening Dec. 19 for four weeks, then return to tbe continent again to fill other en- gagements. We meet American acts every- where we go and all are doing finely. Mel- lire's Motor Girl Is on the bill here this month with us. She Is a big card. It la an American act also." The teah of Gbboobt and Lind dissolved last August Francis Wood Joined Mr. Greg- ory, Harry H. Llnd retiring. Gregory and Wood report success and are booked up to April 10, 1005. . , Goooim and Davis have separated, owlnj to the 111 health of Mr. Goggln, who arrived here Nov. 2, and will go to Washington, D. C to rest BUJjX JBNNIN08 AND 8 AM RBNTBBW are doing a new act this season, In which they s'ng their own songs, and they have been a success from the start. They open on the Kohl-Castle circuit at the Olympic Theatre, Chicago, Dec. Vt „ „ . _ „ Phil B. Rose, late manager of Music Hall, Worcester, Mass., was a recent Clip-fib caller, the above house having closed Oct 29. He will work in vaudeville with Rene Bordeaux, as Rose and Rose. Tbi Obiginil Dancing Mitchells, tbe American whirlwind dancers, write that tbey are w'th Frank B. Curr'a Thoroughbreds Co., and not on tbe Kohl A Castle circuit. Potteb and Hahiiis opened at the Garden Theatre. Steubenvllle, O., week of Nor. 14, and their ring act was such a success that they were held over for anotber week. On Sunday, Manager Mackay took them for a ride up tbe Ohio River In bis steam yacht, Elliott and Nsb-f report success on the Casto circuit, They were recently at Fall River, Mass., with Lawrence and Lowell to follow. _ _-, Jacobs and Vantilb were recent CLirraa callers. They are with the "Because Sb* Loved" Co., and will open on the Keith cir- cuit for a return engagement In January. Thomas R. Irving has joined hands with his brother, J. W. Irving, after being separ- ated two years. The team will be known as the Irving Bros., and bas some good book- ings. Al. Q. Field Notes. — The members of the company were entertained by Phil King and Jim Belly with a smoker, at Del Monte oafe, In Dallas, Tex., last week. Among those pre- sent were: Tommy Donnelly, Al G. Field, Billy Clark, Boardman Carnes, "Doc" Qulg- ley, Eddie Conard, Charley and George Avolo, Reese Prossw and others. Messrs. King and Relly proved most excellent hosts, and tbey will be long remembered by tbe min- strel men. Everbart, who bas represented Mr. Field's interests In Europe tor several years, bas engaged Julian Sbapo, a tenor singer, for the Field forces. This gentleman has made quite a success upon tbe European vaudeville stsge In an entertainment called "Modern Classics." It la a singing turn, 8bapo sing- ing solos from the popular operas with an Invisible chorus. Mr. Shapo Joined the Al. G. Field Minstrels at Terre Haute, Ind., Nov. 24. Tbe members of the company spent Nov. 20 and 21 at St Louis, and had several hours at the Exposition grounds. Capacity business continues. Fbanc Binnit, of the team of Blnney and Chapman, was taken very ill after their first performance In Salt Lake City and Is still unable to work. His little five year old daughter. Eatell Irene Blnney, bas been very 111, but Is Improving slowly. Tbe team is booked to the coast Mabtinb and Balno, novelty Chinese comlqucs, have dissolved partnership. Fred Martine has Joined Sam Burns, of Burns Brothers. The new team will be known as Martlne and Burns, In a new act, entitled "The Fool and tho Limber Fellow, or Turn- Ingthe Tables." , Willabd and Clack are rehearsing their new act, "Her Ambitions," written tor them by J. W. Davidson, and will put It on Im- mediately after the holidays. Roscob and Silts, having closed their own company, are playing dates over the unique circuit, with the Castle houses to follow, opening In Chicago, Jan. 2. William Gbobs, German comedian, opened successfully at the Grand Theatre, Portland, Ore., Nov. 20. Tub Musical Johnstons finished a tour of the principal cities of New Zealand, and sailed for Sydney, Australia, Nov. T, closing In Perth, West Australia, on Dec. 26. They then sail for London, and will arrive In New York about Feb. 20, 1005. Vivian and Alton write. — "Onr new com- tdy acrobatic act, entitled 'Pastimes In a Chinese Laundry,' Is meeting with success. Manager C. H. Peckham, of the Oncograph Theatre, Spokane, Wash., claims It I* tbe best act of Its kind that has ever played his house. Hsve played twelve weeks In the Northwest, with four weeks more to follow on the Sut- ton circuit We opened at the Grand Opera House, Butte, Mont., Nov. 20." James lultow, of the Dalton Bros., writes: "I am not tbe James Dalton who was divorced recently from Vic Lewis.'* Dor Delmat will hereafter work with Wm. Arto, alio using a pickaninny In the act They will be known as the Eagle Trio. Tux Davibs Duo, novelty gymnasts, re- pert meeting with success In their act through California. Clacs Am Hoistbi (Ella and Myrtle) are still meeting with success with tne Rents- Bantley Co. J I MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, STEREO PTICONS, SLIDES. SELECTED FILMS Pale* & Steiaw ) Meiies \ ORIfllHALS Edison ' ""^ \ Hw Feature Films Always in Stock W. do not s.U Second Head floods of »»r V d.K>riptlo>, Si^SiBMlUBiiiKlilcsUttlWa"^^ KLEINE OPTICAL CO. S,,,M,/,/* PROJECTION APPARATUS KSS 5» 52 State St.. CHIC AGO. ILL. 1 WHY NOT HAVE 1 BEAUTIFUL HAIRP IVI INI HAIR Rl Produces JUY SHADE in ORE Application. It does not Destroy the Curling and Crimping, and It is the only preparation which satisfactorily Restores Bleached, , Oray .and Faded U.lr to any natural sonde desired, giving Hfo and lustre to the hair, leaving It sort, silky and olean. It fa Harmless, Port, Effective and Sure. For bale at Leading Uslr Dressers »nd D»- nartment Stores. Price One Dollar a Bottle. *"""" SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED BOOK LET C. AftlPRBia MFC. CO., MB and TUT Broadway, W. ¥, CALX. McMAHQN'8 Famous Theatrical RESTAURANT 4TJI SIXTH AVBNUK. Between S8ih and Mth St., NEW YORK OH*. Best of Food, Perfect* y Cooled. Deilciously served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining Room for Ladles, Tub Two Picob write : "We laid off week of Nov. 21, our flrat since we opened our season early In October. Our new act made good at the Empire Theatre, Ho- boken, week of Nov. 14. Our date at Keeney s Theatre, Brooklyn, bas been put off a few weeks to oblige Mr. Keeney. We have an offer of twenty weeks for the Lang-Edison Western circuit" Lkwis and Dclmobb report success and still have several weeks to fill before opening on the Eastern circuit . _ . Tun Tubbb Campbells played the London vaudeville theatre week of Nov. 14, with tbe Brand, at Jollet, III.; Main Street, Pe- oria, III., and the Kohl A Castle circuit to follow. ... Davbt and BvinsoN report success with their new Dutch comedy set, entitled "A Crazy House," written by Mr. Davey. Tbey have closed on the Qrauman circuit, ana opened Nov. 21, on tbe Three L's circuit for five weeks through California, after which they will open at the La Robeme, Ban Fran- cisco, for an Indefinite engagement. Tub Lou Lib Lono Tbio opened at El- mlra, N. Y., Nor. 21, for one week at the New Casino, and after their first perform- ance were re-engaged for a second week. Tablton and Tablton report meeting with splendid success In their comedy musical act, and bavs just finished ten weeks, Including SDrlngfleld, III. ; Peoria and La Salle ; the Elite Theatre, Davenport, la., anu Sioux City, la. Tbey open on the Lang circuit at Butte, Mont., Dec. 11, for twenty weeks. Mas. Wm. J. KfiNNar, wife of Wm. Kenney Mac, or the Two American Macs, presented her husband with a baby girl on Nov. 20. Mother and child are doing nicely. .. , „ Ciiab. and Fannisj Van are In their fif- teenth week with the Merry Maidens Bur- lesque Co., and their act, tbey write, Is well received. Tub Two Ricbabds (Agnes and Flo), fe- male bag punchers, played fit Cincinnati, week of Nov. 28, with Dayton, 0., and An- derson, Ind., to follow. 8ombb and Wiblb, eccentric comedians. Joined T. W. Dlnklns' Innocent Maids Co., at Dayton, O., Nor. 9, to do their specialty and play tbe principal comedy in burlesque. IUrto and LArrBBTT have Just finished their second successful engagement over tbe Proctor circuit. Tbey are booked op to March, 1005. Lakbivis and Lax In "lit Bnrglar and tht Lady," will tour tbe West, over the Crystal, Lyric and Lang circuits, filling thir- ty-one weeks' booking, after which tbey will return East to fill their engagements. \ lam JohnPTacUmtoshv the Toffee Kin?; Mackintosh's Toffee Th« Pore and Dellolons OLD ENGLISH CANDY It Is an excellent sweetmeat for theatre, oandy stands and circuses. It is a unlok seller. Ask for dealers' quotations and prices. I0HN MACKINTOSH, Dtpt. 15, T8 HID JO* HTIIKKT, !»KW YOIIK, WASHBURNE'S » FASTENERS TtM ratt.a.r with a BULL-DOG CRIP . MHSMaafcrtwilaUIII/UUi^iaM. J(|Uk l,jU,la,i>4lll,f,tS>. — Ur,w,r*H,i.porl,r,,IO,, 1 " .» Ut Ik I J. r., 10*. Surf llaUin, lOt, ItairM^la. i L Aswrlcss Bl.f | Crapssy, n»pi. it W,t.,bBrj, MBS, SoM " PISOS CURE FOR B».a, ii-roux, Kisukft* u4 ruiiuu •U-IAKHS «m riHU'H ('I'll, leilmftbia $76 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 10 JUST TO LET YOU KNOW. GEO. PRIMROSE Under the Pertona.1 Management of JA8. H. DECKER. POSITIVELY THE LARGEST, MOST COSTLY AND ELABORATE ■INSTREL ORGANIZATION IN THE WORLD, A COMPANY OF 103 PEOPLE. AMERICA'S GREATEST BLACKFACE COMEDIANS. SINGERS, DANCERS and MUSICIANS. AND NIKL08 8CHILZONYI AND HI8 HUNGARIAN BAND OF 40 BOY MUSICIANS AS A SPECIAL FEATURE. k MASSIVE SCENIC Rod ELECTRIC PRODUCTION, Far Surpassing Anything Ever Before Attempted In this Field of Amutmtnt. NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF MINSTREISY HAS SUCH A NOVEL AND ORIGINAL ENTERTAINMENT BEEN OFFERED. WITH NOTHING BUT REAL MINSTRELSY FROM IIS BIRTH IN 1843, TO THE PRESENT BAY THE GREATFBT HI1HTBBL HIT EVER MADE IB BOSTON. mas ' a »J /% rn GLOBE — A moat complete auccess, a ml great minstrel show. WW ■ » ^^ ■»■ HERALD — The largest and most finished aggregation of minstrel, that ever visited B_^_ ^—— ^^_ __«^ ^_^ Boston. «?F"^ OJG L "■ ■ OT B TJal POST — Overshadows anything ever before aeen In minstrelsy. ^L^ m*~W .aa. ^^ ^*B AMERICAN— Fleaeed from start to finish. A b!g hit ^__ ^ _, _ TRANSCRIPT — Most origin*! and novel minstrel entertainment erer seen In Boston. BJJ ^%. ■— > »■. fc #X ^M TRAVELLER — A revelation In minstrelsy. A fine cerformsnce. ^ m ^•^ m ^ ^^^-— — »■ JOURNAL— A moat agreeable .access, fall of mirth, melody and humor. Si.* ■ ■ a... RECORD — An evening crowded with fine music, new Kings, joke* and up to date /\1.AJ« novelties. The Boiton Theatre, one of the Largest in America, Packet to the Doors lightly, nt Advanced Prices, 86c. to $1.60. THE ORIGINATORS OF ALL, THAT It GOOD IB HHfOTRBI.iT. a Bunoue of the old with the new. A mm MATCHLESS MASTERPIECE OF f E OLD THE AND MODEM MTRELSt , Conceived in Originality, Projected on Lines of Grandeur. Backed by Unlimited Capital. Guided by Years of Experience, OVERTOPPIM, OUTRINKIHB ANB UTTERLY DWARFING ALL OTHERS. MAHLER BROS., 8th AVE. and 3 lot STREET, NEW YORK. THE FR0FEM1L UMBWEiR HOUSE OF ASERICi II IMUEIS III TIKE IITEIESTH II TKOTIHIl -EITEINISB. Wl ABB VOW PREPARED TO FTRBIIB ESTIMATE! OB UUi mm AND BLOOMERS II QUANTITIES, ALSO STME NIUIIEIY, HOSIERY, FOOT WEAR, ETC. SEND FOR INQUIRY. our" maSp BOXES Made from the rery beat tin, are black enameled. Especially nude for professional use, having a tray with compartments for Grease Paint*, Powders Comb and Brash, Wigs, Eta., Etc. Has double action look, with two keys, at 3 CARLOADS OF SPECIAL SCENERY and EFFECTS. Playing HI the first Class Theatres Throughout the Country. TRAVELING BOW SPCOIAL TRAIN Or** PnVK OARS. I SAID I WOULD BT XHAO. ABD I BBAT IT FOUR WEEKS. JA8. H. DECKER, KLAW & ERLAHCER'8 New Amsterdam Theatre Building, N. Y. BOBBY FOUNTAIN'S Successful Amusement Enterprises. MARIE FOUNTAIN THEATRE CO., Eastern (GBORGB DOS AH VE, Manager). MARIE FOUNTAIN THEATRE CO., Western (BOBBT FOUNTAIN, Manag.r). BAND AND OPtOHCBTRA. Wants fox- lVext Season, GOOD Pi.ji tor Both Cos., with PrtntlDf; GOOD Repertoire People, thoae Doubling BBA83 given preference with Western Co. WANTED, for Block in a Western Olty, next Stunner. GOOD Sensation- al MELODRAMAS for ONB week with BTBONO Line of Printing Per, addreis, BOBBY FOUNTAIN, Ollatoa, Ho. FRED # ANNIE PELOT Playing the Kohl A Castl. Clre.lt. It AVE OPBB TIHB IB FBB. BABODA DIA10NDS Just discovered. BrlUlsntas the genuine; one-thirtieth the coat; stand acldtettand PUZZLE EXPERTS; SOLID GOLD MOUNTING; thorough elimination allowed before payment.. Write tor cata- logue and « pec tal terms. Aaeuta wanted. THE BAKODA CO., Dept. 4. 67-71 Wabash Ave., Chicago, 111. IMTIiIjWR T,IK LEADING • l llllJl i Plt . HABDVACTURBR Of Theatrical Boots A Shoes. All work made on short notice. No dlaaappolnt- meut; we make from 1 pair to l,O0Opalr..-E»l- -^■naww- ■ let Shoe, a IP*. dalty. KB w. m tt, Haw Tort. Tel. lWR chelaSL 10 ruuu, 45 c Our GOLD CREAM, erpreaaly prepared for the The- atrical Profession, guaranteed to be absolutely pore and never become rancid In any climate. Put np In IB Screw Top Tin Oant at tse.i KB at use. SAMPLES OF (REAM BBBT FREE. All mall order, most be accompanied by money order. Sons sent 0. 0. D. Again we wish to bring before the notice of our friends ta Use tented .how bsilsrii the Cast that we are equipped to m anufarture anything needed In tbe line of Tent., Etc., Car Circuses, Wild We.t Show., Black Tents for Moving Picture Work, Merry-go-round Tows, Bowling Alter Teats, Candy Tops. Flag. of all kinds. Kidd and Baker Light., Rope, Duck all width, and weight, Drill, Twine, Beecuea, Palm., Etc. If von are desirous of placing your order where your Instructions will be carefully carried on' and where your work will be properly and promptly exeonted. and where your Inquiries will receive our ipeclal eonalderatlon and your business will be appreciated, send It to na. Write for enr 16 page Hit ol 8EG0ID HARD Tents. BAKER & L0CKW00D UFG. CO., 415-417 Delaware Street, Kansas City, Ho. C"v£T*.wD 144 BOWBRT, NEW TORK CITY For a half century we have been giving real bargains In diamonds. It la ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevsll, can compete with us. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. value $ia». how 0e». This is the ring we have been selling for tias, but for qulok action we offer a limited number at l&S. Diamonds will be reset in gent's rings if desired. Chance ol a lifetime. Bead rer ear Forfeited Loan Catalogue. Ball Orders Filled. " nqulrtes Solicited Wantid. Taytor Tint Mist Bi li Gaed Cti diUon. State price and alas. Ed. J.D.,care CLlPPxa. KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES IN JERNATIONAL PLAY EXCHANGE ROYAllYPlAYHEAuONMlEIIENIS WLa.Saiu 5r,CHICAGQ.IIl. WUchw, Jewel™, Srerw«rt, 8l»fl» BrUUuav, MtaMa. .oil GUI Show Ooodi Pror. W»mmon'i Qnaw PiInU,BojntOorlr,Fao. Powder, ete. Roanler 1 . Bobs Books, rail Un. M K>«le Eakleau. Btwl for Cli» l^oe. TIM Old BfJl.blo .. _D. O. rilHIA CO., M Was** Ave* OBawBai Hk mm BPiB- Catalog*, of Play, aad natT lux, tr» for Frofaa. tloaala and aaaBBBB seat sa application. 1HALD, B ai OL, Brw Terr. HAVBIOI h. Boaiviwua LAWVER. PROFESSIONALS MANAGED, U-00 Park Row (World Blag.) Mew Tort. Films Films EDIT «■ POT The Best On the Market OXTLTTHB OCT PITS, Model B. *».60 OXTLITHE COMPOUND, 30 Cares in a Box, fir box.. Mi BF9T IMPORTED CONDENSERS, each 1.00 THE BANK ROBBERY, 000ft 1777. VIM GIANT CEMENT, per bottle tt RBBLS and FILM BOXES, CARBON 8 and L I M E S at lowest prion. One Set of McINTOSH OAS BAOS. with Rubber Pre-sure Bands and Stop Cocks. Cost 134.00 two weeks ago: onr price. 110.00. THE O1NEO0RAPH. with Stereoptlcon com- bined, 1005 Model, with 000ft. of Film and a Traveling Trunk, $77.w. We Hots HEAL Bargalnj All tie Time, 338 8PBDCG STBEET, PHTXADELP^"*, PA. urtrrtD STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. Ifyoa tare a PLAV, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worthaoytnmr. yon aboald copyright It. Don't take chance, when you can secure oarserT- Ices at .mall coot Sendfor oor SrTWL Of fU TO WYtNTOIS before ajrmlylns- for a patent, HjnUMrycm. BflM *» fatenlt umi mi. Weadvlsalf pateaU- ble or not, TRXt. We Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Saudi fees. Contaltaa. W0RME11E& VAN HATER, CaarriaM « rata* IsVaaai »ASBWTO«,P.«. M. 8TRA8SMAN, ATTOBNET, 853 Broadway, New York City. o • .. - • December 10. THE ^E¥ YORK CLIPPER. Newark, — At the Newark Theatre (Lee fltiolengui, manager) W. H. Thompson, la 'The Secret of PoMchlnelle," Dec. 6-10. "The Other Girl"- was well enjoyed last week. lllchird Mansfield 12-17. KiiriR): (II. M. Hyams, manager). — The Ray?, lt\ ••Down the Pike." this week. "The Volunteer Organist" received fairly good at- tention last week. "Two Little Sailor Boys" ia-17. .. ;00!.rMr.u (M. J. Jacobs, manager). — "The Black flask" this week. "On the Bridge at Midnight" drew moderate business last week. HI Girl of the Streets" 12-17. Manager JSMtur has placed this house in the chain of rhns|cal extravaganza bouses lately formed urto, beginning Dec. 19, the Weber A Fields productions will be given each week, aup- plicoented by a vaudeville programme It will M' a novelty in Newark. wavey's (J. - II. Bucken, manager). — Anoihfr sensation, "The Vacant Chair," this weeji "A Mace for Life" drew good houses laH week. "Too Proud to Beg" 12-17. Hfres of Blaney'x, Waldtnann's, the Empire una Colnmbla have formed the Attaches So- cial Club, and will hold a masque carnival, at' Dodger's Park, Dec. 10. *w "1, "Ca; t Jersey City.— At the Academy, lain .Harrington" showed Sne results. Wl 'ISP JSrsmwoll did brilliant work. "Down t-be Pike" had very large business at the I'licu and the Roys received a evry warm wel- come. -The New York Stars had satisfactory business' at the Bon Ton. AcApsmy (frank K. Henderson, manager). —Week of Dec. 0, "Two Little Sailor Boys." "The Vacant Chair" 12-17.. BtJBU-. (John \V. Holmes, proprietor). — Fqr 8 And week, David Hlgglns, In "His Last D3jj»r.T' "A Itace for LlfT'. 12-17. 'Ton, (T. W. Dlnkins, manager). — 10J tbe Cherry Blossoms Burlesquers. JojtouRUbreds 12-17. ,.*».— At tbe memorial services of the J«r«ey City Kike, 4, pt tbelr hall, York and n«nder»nn ' Streets. ' the Kalteoborn String Qrarteu6:'the Montauk Ladles Quartette and tH .Cecllun Male Quartette assisted motcr- . ItrlyW. making tbe services Impressive. Past Oread Exalted Ituler Jerome B. Fisher, of jjqititewo. N. V., delivered the eulogy Thi Prink A. Bobbins Co., capital stock, »iflwM*ny Shop Girls" 13, 14. "The 1m- PvTOppiwrce" 10. Henry Sillier 17. tM' Strkf.t Thbatsb (Frank B. 8hal- , manager). — "The Minister's Daughters," . 2o, had big buklnesn. "Fast Life In "art." ,£8-.in, played to good business. inl|ht Marriage,'! Pec, 1-3, did veil. "David Harum" 5-7, "A Wife's Secret" 8-10, "At Risk of Her Life" 12-14, "Because She Loved" 15-17. Trent (Edward Renton. manager). — Busi- ness continues big. The first anniversary of this popular playhouse will bo celebrated 7, for which event Manager Renton baa pro- vided a handsome souvenir. BUI for 5 and week: Jack Theo Trio, Harry Thompson, Burrows and Travers, Macy and Hall, Melanl Trio, Princess Chlnquella, Athog Trio and the Ylograph. Hoboken — At the Lyric (H. P. Soulier, manager) 'Down by the Sea," Nov. 27-30, and "A Ragged Hero," Dec. 1-3, met with satisfactory business. "Why Girls Leave Home" 4-7, "The Unwritten Law" 8-10, •The Factory Girt" 11-14, "Over Niagara Falls" 15-17. EiiPinB (A. M. Bruggeman, proprietor). — For 5-11 : Ward and Cnrran, Reno and Richards. Colomblno and company. Brown, Harris and Brown, James H. Cullen, Na- poleon, Naomi Ethardo, Miller and Kresko, and the klnetograph. Business Is , sitlsfac- tory. Note. — Tbe Hoboken Elks, through the courtesy of Manager II. P. Soulier, held me- morial services at tbe Lyric afternoon of 4. Elisabeth. — At the Lyceum (Elroy A Drake, managers) "A Game ■ of Hearts" opened, Nov. &3-30, to fair business. "Es- caped from Sing Sing," Dec. 1-3, had good returns. "A Fight for Love" 5-7, "Because She Loved" 8-10. Jacobs'.— "A Foxy Boy," booked, did not ■» "A Country Glrl' r 3, "Faust" 5, De Wolf Hopper 17. 4«» — Notes from tbe Dodge Bowman Co.: At Hannibal this company gave tbe entire door receipts of tbe Saturday matinee to little Roy McGee, who had recently both of his legs cut off by the cars. Manager Price, of the Opera House, gave. bis snare and the children turned out and gave the little ten year old boy tbe biggest matinee of the sea- son. A brother of the boy (Joe B. McGee) is with this company. The company Is car- rying ten people, enjoying a nice business, and, as usual, Thh Old Reliable Is a sure caller on Saturday. Our last "ad.." for a pianist, brought in over two hundred letters. HOW TO ITAKT I \ SHOW B ts 1 It E 8 ■ oprrutbt). S different books, 10c. All kind* act. ORPHET'B SCHOOL, SIT H. 12th St., Phils., Pa. MUSIC COMPOSED AID AitKANGED for any instrument or nnnfber of Instrument! Bongs,wordi and music, sketches, etc send stamp o HAS. L. LEWIS, 429 Richmond St., Cincinnati, 0. CHEAP FILMS, Moving Plctare Machines. Cameras, Lanterns, Lenses, Song slides and supply sold and bought. Special films and slides msds. Shows famished Expert mechanics. Repairing. German- Am. Cine. A Film Co.. 109 E. 12th St., N.T. FOR SALM-A SET of Shadowgraphs, M Figures, In good condition. Address, with stamp, H. BROWN, iota Mass. Street. Lawrence, Kans. WANTED, FIRST CLASS KKPKB- TOIME CO., with band, for week of Deo. II; our County Institute Week. Must be a good, strong co. Have a good house. Seating capacity too. Population of town, 2.MW. Good hotels, good rail, roaa facilities, depot within 2 squares of Opera House. J. B. Elliott, Clarion, Clarion Couniv, Pa. ■OHsbTHIMO New In Vending Snm Machines. Latest and beat for agents and merchant*. Write today. The B. Lackey Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. Foa HALE-— Handsome bilk Lined, Cham- M Colored Mew Drew. 88: Velvet Suit, 84: CALIBER, 248 W. 112th St. N. Y. pegne C< Skirt, 89. wastrd quick, i'iano and Organ Flayer; read and fake; one preferred who can do special- ties. Reliable people only. Incorporated Adver- tlslngCo. Salaries «ure Oiher performers. Heath Comedy Co . Jameson, Daviess Co., Missouri. WASfKD, for Medlcln* Show, good all 'round Comedian that dances. Would like good Sketch Team, man and wife. Change for one week. No children wanted. Write or wire naiok. Jack Fel- lows, care Med. Snow, Zaleskl, Vinton Co., Ohio. AT LIBERTY, COMPETENT MAN. Wth 190a Model Lnb'n Moving Picture Machine and btere- optlcon. Plenty or cod films aud siloes. Can also paint scenery; tjo a weak Address A. O. ROBERTS. Box 18, Ke-wlck. Alberniarle Co., Vs. FOa SaLE-LUBIS PICTURE MACHINK and 1,000ft. Film, 30 Slides, (Electric) Burner and Gas Making Outfit Screen, all ready lor show, cheap for rash. Address II. F. ZEIOLBR. P. O. Box 418, Wlndber, Pa. 100 LETTER HEADS), 25c; Bar., same; Half Tone, $1; J.mo Ooupons; tl: 8,000 33ds. II 25, etc. : Bamples.4", Howell Show Print, Howell.Mloh. AH Honest Penny Slot Mauhlne-KNIFB SHARPENER. Something new. Finished In oak and mahogany, lis a doz„ samples, $2- Agenta wanted la every State of the Dnlon. Empire Plating Works. TavlorBi., Jamestown, N. Y. WANTED, A KinST CLASS ATTRAC- TION, to play in Gardner, Mass., some time tbe last part nf January or first part of February, 3005, for tbe benefit of the Gardner Firemen'.' Relief Association, on reasonable guarautec or per cent, basis. Terms must be reasonable. Address A. A. WALKER, 211 Maple- St.. Gardner. Mass. LEARN to Throw Tour Voice. Ventriloquism taught. For terms and roll particulars, addreta Prof. Ungennan. 70t V. 6th St., Philadelphia, Pa. A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, Ml West Madison SL, Chicago; established ISM. Boalneas legal snd qnlet. Branches and facilities In other States. OH BALE— Group of Animals; all go together In arena, 1 Bengal Tiger, 3 Leopards, 2 Pnmaa. 2 Hyenas, S Brown Bears, 1 Himalayan Bear and 3 Shetland Ponies. Also 2 Zebrss, broken to har- ness. Also 2 forest-bred male Hods. Also to ar- rive, In a lew davs, 1 Rhinoceros ana 1 female Indian Elephant, Thousands of Shooting Pigeons always on band, and also Flying Homers. CROSS, King of wild Beast Merchants, Liverpool, Fug. WANTED, To bear from A No. 1 Vaudevlle People to open at standard TT.entre, at Guthrie, 0. T., on or about Dec. 15. State act and lowest sal- ary In first letter. J. P. MITCHELL, Manager Standard Theatre, datnrle, 0. T. :X- y > ,"« 1 AT LIBERTY D»( . 10, Charles Francis Banville, JUVENILES AND GENTEEL I1BAVIB8, One Bight or Al Rep. Robinson, 1 1., Dec. 8, 9, 10. CHAS F. MANVILLE. Care of Stevens Comedy Co., ftnhlnaon, III. Want Immediately, Young, Handsome Juvenile and Heavy Woman, Piano Player, Arranger, Strong Team of Daacere. Good Repertoire People, write. Those that wrote before, wrlto again ; mall wate loat, Kate all ami lowest, Pay own, IMl-IHWOri STM CO.. ROANOKE. Vau Motion cinro Ms- I-'llms,!:,'.. EDISON UNIVERSAL 1904 ... cnlne >sne») (&.">, or with (.00 feet of Pit CINEOGRAPH 1904 &TWftt feetoTPiimj, %io. EDISON EXHIBITION KINETO" bCOPE (as 10O4), nud exactly its new, coat llffl, only IBS; wltn too feet of PUms, f 10.'.. Send for Latest (Supt. 22) Catalogue of HARBASH & CO., "rEMF SCENERY FOB SALE CHEAP. Write for particulars. J. ll. DAVIDON. ;;« Academy of Munlc, Sagtnaw, Mloli. AT LIBBBTV, HARRY 8. ELLIS, COHBDIAtr. Strong flnglngand Acrobatic Dancing Special- ties. Per. add., f;al' clairk, wi„. WANTED, FUR WILSON THEATRE CO., A Comedian or Character Man. th»t can do Black Pace. Also a Good Specialty Testn that can change tor a week and play parts. Woman with, child, for Ingenues and llsrht Juveniles, Pconl« In all lines, writs. K c tvimos. Mgr.. Blue Earth Oily, Minn. Wanted. led. People of All Kindt. 8KP.TCH TKAU THAT PLAY OROAN, SIKOINO AND DANCINO comedian. Change one week. CIIA8. BERKRLL, Rulo, Jfeb. "A BREEZY TIME" CO. WANTS 8lnglng and Danolng Oomedlae, old Man, Dutch and onaracter comedians, Men for Biddy and Old Maid, Properly Men, Acting Maimgrr. A'l mist doubln liniflu. Moubrcttes, Hister Tcam», Agent. Slate all. K. WEBI1XR riTZ, TRlimN'HBldg-.CIllcag", III. TO COMPLETE JOLLY DELLA PRINGLE'S BIG COMPANY, Band and Orcbeitra, Twenty People; Ban lor Heavies, Caaractori, lo Direct Stage; Woman tor In.onne and love* lilies, Ian and Wile preferred. UTIIBH9 WHITE. Rehearsals 7, opin lit, Addrau DELLA PRINQLE, Knoxvllla, Jowl. WANTED, •t OOOD ACTOR, WITH Al 8PK0IALTV: ORNIl- RAL BUSINEHH WOMAN, WITH rlPKOIAI/J'V; ONK WITH OHII-D PRBPRnRKI). , Toll all flrst lettor. Pay your own board. CHAS. r. WUYTG, Ft. Smith, Ark,, Dec. 8-10; Talilequah, Ind. Ter., 18 U. ARTHUR NEY'S NEW EN6LAN0 PLAYERS Wants Woman for General Business, some Heavies, Javenile Man, Heavy Olikraoter, Team of comedians. Man with Maoblne for Bits, Piano Piayor. People in all lines, write. Those with specialties preferred, . No fancy salaries. They are sure. Wo pay all. Pay your telrgrams- Join qilck. 1 pay board during rel.BBM .is. Tell all and don't Ho about It. Address W. W. I. A POINT, Manager. Manchester Centre. Vermont. P. 8.-F. 0.. alias Capt . Bill, don", forget lis. Will use them later. WANTED TO BUY, ' OF AL!. MJHCRlI'TIOh, ON 8ROW--TBNT8. POLRH, 9, WAKUKOilK, 1IORSKS, HHOW PROPKRTV OF ALL "KHOKiPTItfN, HriTABLB PORWAaONf- WAOOm, IIABNBSS, I'OKIEB. EverytBma; that show. AddresH I'OSTKll PEOPLE AND PARTNER For JEKl'LL and IIYIlB STRONO CO. Will feature man for Jeayll and Hyde. Must bo strong. Also oilier people fT the cast. Those dclng si>eolaliloa preferred. Partner with l.loc half Interest. Shn* opens Jan. 11,1996. Ilookcdsolld. Want Piano Player that can do part in the place. Salaries low, as you get It here. Eveiyihfrg in lint letter. Address M. L. P., Bye sriiie .oiiio, wMeii h onge.'for til bud w FIELDS and HANSON'S BIO 01T7 MINSTRELS, DouMe Bass and Tuba, Baritone, lo Double Sec- ond Violin, Trap Drummer, Plccoloand Plate, and Cornel, any Double. Others write or wire. IIORACK N. ROBERTS, Bandmaster, ; J Ctiurch Street, Newport, R. I. g that goos to make up TOSTKft i CIHAVES. Hotel Kremlin. Cortlanil, 9tw York. Stevens Comedy Co. WAMT MAN FOIt ,IL VENILEB and IIRAV1E8, capable of [haying charactori. Mult have • wardsobe, be soi.er and good study, not over Aft. uln. Salary aure, so make H right. Must Join al once. UABItYA. ST BVENH. ^ccs/Indbtna^ DOUBLE BA85 ABD TUBA, ALTO AID VIOLII, CHILD FOB EVA. Musicians and Performers, write, 'fills Is a car show. BBKCHRR'S UNCLE TOM'B.CABIN 00., JOK BCLLINOBB, Mgr., Nowljnrg, Ont„ Dec, 10. • AT LIBBBTY APT PB BBC. 12, CORNET PLAYER Seven yoara' experience B. .t 0. Must have ticket Wire Hereford, Texas, I, 3, .1, 4, 0, 0/7 ; Pnnalla N.M., 8, 8, 10; Carlsbad. N. M.. liandl'J. W. W. MILLKR, care Noble Brrs.< Co. At Liberty, FBEDEBICK S. IfEILL, Operator and Electrician. Al Pdlsoo Machin» and Films. Play hits, Sobrieiy and atiiiiiy guar, anteed. Hcsimosiuie manager* address' too SO. UNION ST., BTllngton, Vt. m i a 978 THE NEW YORK OLIPPElt DECEMBER 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER rnQPaiBtoas. ALBERT J.* BOKIE, EllITORIAL AXI) BUSINESS WiNiOlE. C. C. at, Cleveland.— The denier alone it* wnv to favor. ' William Norris, who lias Clark Street Museum. (Louis M. Bocg«s, hnK I lit right la "give" one, nnd tie dealer tlic title role, Is winning new lourels, uud ninnoger). — Frotks and curiosities and ajjif t - . nnd tbe eldest linml only have the right to the. engagement will go down as unctbar - "" THCFRANKQOKN PUBU^OcO.alSnle,. '^^^^^^^^1 ^^^^^^S^LS^S^ not the cards are "tun." , In*. to NUMM prosperity. . '■ ..x'" T. S., Smith Chicago. — Ar there were tint La, Halle Theatre (Albert Campbell, man- HtiDiclent rani* In the deck to deal UtSM flger). — -||!» Highness, the Hey," litis scored to ench plnver, A was compelled to bunch another success T fer "this popular house, nnd the cords nnd giro n new. deal. In Hie title ruleAI. She.m ban added nnotber T. .1. 8., New York. — In'ipker no one suit lent to hhr laurel crown of low comedy MASSACHUSETTS. " nro hot provided stnSmf. li.aieellrtt evenly prosperous SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10, liKM. RATES. AdTfrtliements— $2.80 per Inch, ilnill col- Advertltementa let with border, 10 per cent, extra. . tvnscniPTioN. One year In advance, f 4 ; els montba, f 2 ; three montbe, f l. Foreign pottage extra. Single copies Will be lent, postpaid, oa re- ceipt of 10 centi. Oar Term* «e Cash. THE CLIPPER Is laiued every Wedae*majd of •the rapids. Vane, mnglslnn : Mis* ^Taylor, long bnlred woman; 'Mange's alligators, and the Carteton Sisters, acrobats. On the stage: Helen Conger, Arllna Powers Llllle ilurcenu, I^na Mtltsou, Grace Kxeella and living pic- tures. M • Aitebmath. — Severn! companies have or- ganized here during the past fortnight, to take the roml Immediately or In tbe near -. Boi«toar>irJwo Ts^Boftant Changes of bills nuted the current. iMSS-ar* : Amelia Bingham, In "The Crlmnora,^~At-the Park, -and fTne Yankee CdBsul." ttft -Ra>mlma Bltchaw*, - at tho Tremont. The Globe offers "The* Ninety nnd Nine" and the Orand Opera House •fast Life in New York." Hold over bills include : .Sothcrn and Marlowe, nt 'the Hoi- lis. in "Mnch Ado About Nothing:" Bertha Oallnnd, at the Majestic, . In "Dorothy Ver- non of Httddon Halt :" George Primrose's M'nstrels at tbe Boston, and Mine. Schn- mann-Uelnk at the Colonial, In "Love's Lot- terv." Tlic usual changes occur at the stock, vaudeville arid burlesque houses. Margaret Wvcbcrlv opens Her third and final week Toes- future. The most Important one of the lot day, 6. at Chlckorlng Hall, in n new Yeats' ...in i... .i i »*in ....*■ -i„^,.;_. D " « haw «i,i piny, entitled "The Countess Cnthlecn." will lie "Ah American PrlnccBB," a new play, to be produced Dec. 5, In Toledo. James E. Wilson nnd Mtitnle Ryan will have tbe lends, other principals being John 1). Kellard. Samuel Forrest. .Tncb Doyle, Dorothy and S B Kansas City We have not seen the closed n successful fortnight for "A Pair of Dolly OwelSKe, Harry 8tublis and Bobert E, official 'Vote Address' the attorney general links" flnturday night, 3. Tills bouse con- Kvons It. II. Lev/ has been rehearsing * a company, bended by llose Mayo, for a tour in repertory, which opens near here Dec. S. Edwin Votinge has also rehearsed a. repertory company In this city during the past two weeks, to open Dec. fi Robert Lee Allen is perfecting plans to star Margaret Ralph, In "Taming of the Shrew." opening Jan. 15, for a tour of tho Northwest Stewart KoIIIur, of Polk and Kolllns, who played the Olympic Inst week, came In contact with one of Chicago's celebrated "hold up" men Wed- nesday night. The result was xevornl bruises upon his face nnd head and the loss of ? 30 In money ElmerWalters will pot out "A Thoroughbred Tramp" as soon as Harry Darlington, who Is here, can perfect the or- ganization. John Llffcrts and Wilbur Mar- of each State. It. II., MorrlBon.— 1. K. B. K. wins. 2. See answer. 'to S. It, J. J. 8.. Baltimore.— A wins. H. B. 0^ Hartford.— B wins. II. W. M., Stcellou.— We have no record of the game. _^__^^^_^ Our ouicago letteh. MOW 0UB OWS COimESPONDBNT. tlnnes to be one of Chicago's best bread Winners. CniTKKioN Titr.ATr.r. (lien M. Glrour, busi- ness manager). — "Hearts Adrift" will lie here for the week, starling Sunday afternoon, 4. Twice a day will the heart Interest of this excellent melodrama be made known, and fourteen good houses seem assured, as this bouse is enjoying another fine season. ACAUKMY ot- Music (Win. Roche, business munager). — Oils Hill sends his "McFuddcn's Mats to piny the week starting Sunday inatlnec. Billy Barry Jr., the Speck Broth- ers and Ousslc Nelson arc principals worthy the designation. "The White Tigress of Japan" held forth here last week, providing sensationalism to sensation hungry audiences WcHtem Bnrenn, Of the Kew York Clipper, Room 502, Ashland Block, Chicago,. tne BUducn ucutn< ot ^J Tfl ; ^ r " .*.* A- __ i enst a gloom upon the closing days or nn of flxcel | ent 8lJ , c> , [he nclt attraction will bo otherwise uneventful week. The venerable* „ 0n] a Hh olr ,_„ actress bod only fnlrly started upon her fort- awiaaibiia TirnATnn (James H. Browne, night, nt Powers' Tbentre, wlicre sue cpenea DU!) | ue8S manager).— "The White Tigress ot in "Oratfny," Monday evening, Nov;. 2S.^whon Japan .. makCK tbv Ieap froni tne ^ve 8 t side l'.vr.i; Tur.ATKi: (Cbaa. Frohman, Rich & Harris, managers). — Amelia Blngbam, In "The Climbers, opens her engagement Mon- day. 6. supported by Frank Worthing, Harry Woodruff and a strong company. For the second week of her engagement Miss Bing- ham will present, for tbe first time here, "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson." Otis Skinner closed a prosperous fortnights' stay Satur- day, 5, In "The Harvester. ' Truaiont Tukatiu: (Jno. B. Schocffcl, man* nger). — After a year'* absence Raymond Hitchcock returns with. "The Yankee Con- sul." The engagement Is for one week only. "Parsifal," in English, last week, repeated Its former success nt this bouse. "Tbe County Chairman" follows Deo. 12. Holms Street Theatre (Isaac B. Rich, mnnager). — E. II. Sotbcrn and Julia Mar- lowe enter upon tbe second week of their engagement Monday, "5. with "Much Ado About Nothing" as tbe bill. Last week, with advanced prices, the house was sold out at BUI. ,,ie Public was Immeasurably shocked by tne to tul3 jj,,,,,,,, over „, Dt and Btart8 Sum i a , paay to play • i,,,' announcement that she had died In her 'room afternoon upon a week's engagement. "The Dec. 11 t' er " nt the Sherinnu Mouso Friday noos, Dec. .'. (^fity Nurse" followed benignly, nnd Cole, who has In accord with her usual custom she nrote . Hcarm Adrift" was the attraction "preced- by o'clock, and proceeded to take n cold lng , ihXa ll01IS9 i 8 . turning out some big bath, In water drawn at the temperature ot Lake Michigan. She was alone In her room nt the time but tor companion entered about 10 o'clock nnd found tier lying upon tbe bed In intense agony. Tbe bouse physician was Immcdintcly cnlled but before be arrived receipts for its transient managers who bring plays South slders like — aud they like sensntlons. Bijoi: Tiieatbb (Wm. Roche, business manager). — "Escaped from tho Harem" brings visions of lurid adventure to mind, tin arc among those aireudy engaged every performance of "Romeo and Juliet." Rehearsals will soon begin for Amber Law- For the third week, commencing Monday, 12, lord'B tour In "An American Heiress," a play "Hamlet" will be given. written for her by Chns. Eugene Banks Colonial Thkathl' (Chan. Frohman, Rich W. II. Davis Is in town organizing a com- & Harris, managers). — Mme. Schumann- The Diamond Klng,' r opening llclnk will continue to please large audiences Arthur Kbcrns", of Khcrns and with "Love's Lottery the current week, been battling with a eompll- which is Iter second und hut at this house, cation of diseases for the past year, nos Next week, Wm. H. Crane begins a two keen ordered by his physician to quit work weeks' engagement in "Business Is Ilusl- entirely for at least four months. ness." Viola Allen, in *?A Winter's Talc," Sutton and Button are In town for a few is announced Dec. 20. Mrs. Ulllicrt had lapsed Into unconsciousness and West slders are sure to drink their till of the Western territory.. Charles Man- weeks. They open a scries of Eastern book- ings at London. Can., Jan. 13..... .Joseph Callahan is -Is Chicago preparing to go forth with a production ot "Faust" for a tour and remained In that state until she finally pnssed away, n little after twelve, noon, when her companion discovered ber she com- plained of uuusual pains In her bend, which grow distracting and continued to agonize, her until death's stupor overcome her. The 101 (Terminus Hotel), Berlin, N, W., Ger- physicians In attendance stated that the chill Sunday, many; Diamond News Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana; Manila Book and Stationery Co., 128 Kscoita, Manila, P. I.; Albert & Son, 187- 180 King St, Sydney, Australia. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER pobltsttCB only one edition, and that la dated from New York. QUERIES ANSWEEElT" No llepllos h> Mall or Telegraph. AUPIESRES OB WHEREABOUTS DOT 01V»]f. All in quest or such biioui.d wnixe to THOSE WHOM T1IEV HEHK, IN CABB OV THE CLIPPER Pobk Office. All usTraas will BU ADVEBTI8ED ONE WCEtC ONLY. If THE ROUTE Or AKX THEATRICAL COKFANT IB aouuiir, ncKi-.u xo oun libx or Rouxss ON ANOTHER 1'AOD. WO CANNOT, BIND BOUXM BI V AIL OB TELEGRAPH. DRAMATIC. K. A. K., Avoudale. — Wo bavo no kuowl- odgo of the present whereabouts ot the party. Address tbe purly in our care and we will ndvertlso tbo loiter la Tub cluteb letter list. H. IL, South Fordbnni, W. U., New York, Mns. M. T.,, Spokane, "J. B. II. 4 Oo.. Atlanta, . . l'llOK. K. C. W. T. S., Albordton, W. C. 1!., Ogden, . Mib» M. W., Taunton, J. A. B. H., Prutt, Mas. L. s..' New York, . P., Kearney, and at this fount of strenuousucss during the fourteen performances of James II. Walllck's new "thriller," starting Sunday afternoon. Nellie Mc-IIenry, in "M'llss, 1 attracted crowds of her loyal admirers last week. Hearts Adrift" will float to this house next of the water in her bnlb brought on a stroke of apoplexy, nnd she was unable to cope with tho shock la her advanced years and en* feebled condition. The pathetic thought that she should die practically alone, after more than three score years a soldier In the ranks. is made more touching by the realization that she has been n star in her own right for only a few Weeks In nil her years before the public. Sympathetic tributes to her goodness of heart were paid her by all tho members of her company, wbo assembled at her hedslito nnd remained until death bad tlually claimed her, uud from all corners of her adopted lund came the outpourings of devotion from tlic men and women of the profession who had. In her long years ot service, known her Intimately nnd learned to love her. The rcmalus were prepared for shipment to New York, aud accompanied by the members ot the "Urauny" Co., who rode in a special. car oa the same train, tlicy left here Hnturday morning at 11 o'clock. Pow- ers' Theatre will remain dark during the current, clays. The arrival of Stmo. Rejano to play for two weeks nt the Orand Opera House murks the chief event of tbe new week, The first local presentation, by Blanche Walsh, of "The KreuUer Sonata," ut Mc- Vlcker's, Is also noteworthy. Maude Adams conies to tbo Illinois for a single week of "Tho Little Minister ;" tho departure of Word and Yokes from the Orent Northern makes way for our by Night,*' nnd In the business district lions of "The Clngolee" at tbe Studc- baker: "Fautann," at tbe Oarrlck, nnd "His Highness tho Bey," at tho La. Sulk-. offerings nt tho outlying theatreti embrace ".McFadden's Fiats." at the Academy of Music: "Hearts Adrift," nt tho Criterion; "The Sign of the Four," nt the Columbus ■ ' Tbe White Tigress of Japan," nt tbe Al- hambrn, and ''Escaped from tbe nareni." nt tho BIJou. The Rose Hill English Folly Co., at the Trocudcro, nnd Robert Manches Icy closed ills "Do'wn on the Form" Co. at Newark. O., last week, aud catuo to Chicago. Valesca Starbuck'ls arranging for a starring tour In "East Lynn." lloey and Lee were in Chicago last week. They will play the Anderson nouses and the Hop- kins circuit preliminary to some Eastern bookings Tbe Etcher Sisters ended their engagoinent with the High Rollers at Ti'ocadero and Joined "Billy" Clifford's "How He Won Her." ..May Howard opens for u ten weeks' season ns n feature of the bur- lesque stock company at Ham T. Jack's, next Sunday, It Johnnie De Costa will present a Hebrew sketch as an extra attraction nt the People's Theatre this week. Majestic Theatre (Stair & Wilbur, man- agers). — Bertha Gallond, in "Dorothy Ver- non, of Haddon Hall," begins her second ami final seek Monday, C. . Much praise, from good sized audiences, of the work of M'ss Oulluud and the supporting . company, is nightly heard. "Plff, Faff, Tout," Is to have Its first Boston production Dec. 12, to bo followed by Richard Carle, In "The Tender- foot." Boston TnBATKB (Lawrence McCarty, manager). — The current week ■ tho second and last of the engagement of Ucorge Prim- rose and his minstrel company. The well filled houses Inst week proved that the public appreciate "old time minstrelsy." The Hun- garian Band of Boys and Muuiigcr Decker's "The Evolntlou of the Negro" were features on the long bill. " 'Way -Down East" la to come 12. Omni: Theatre (Stair & Havllu, COLt'Mnus Theatre (Weber Bros., mana- gers). — Walter Edwards will have the lead- ing role In "Tlic Sign of the Four," which opens for a week on Sunday afternoon, 4. Jane Mnrbury and Grace lladsell will be bis chief assistants. Next week, "Sweet Clover" will be the attraction. The company la evi- dence last week was beaded hy Howard Hall and they presented "The Waif's Paradise." Tho State Factory Inspector visited tbe the Harry Montague and wife closed their gers).— The offering this week la the rural ntru early In tbe week nnd compelled all tho engagement nt Sam T. Jack's lost Sat- drama, by Ramsay Morris, "The Nloctv and "waifs" to conform with the sixteen year old nruay ,and return to New York Nine." The company Is beaded by o. J. age limit. On Sunday afternoon, IS. nt tlic Ourrlc'rC Ashman and Bayonne Whipple. "Me. Ulin Husif Temple op Music (Elizabeth Theatre, members of Chicago Lodge. No. 4. and I." with Blckcl Watson aud -V.-otlic H. t. O. 'Elks, will 'give a minstrel show for ' the benefit "of the charity fund of the or- ganization. .. .Jessie .McLnchlnn, the Scotch prima donna. Is announced to appear nt the Auditorium Saturday evening. 18.... James Wrngtield, advertising manager of the Grand Opera House, wns called to Rochester. N. Y.. last week by tbo deutb of his brother. D. J. Wliiglleld, who, under tbe 'irofessinnal num» of Colbert, has been n member of HI Henry's Minstrels for years Frederick w. Jwd- . dies, who has, for twenty-live years, been superintendent of the Grand Opera House, wns bequeathed $2,500 in tbe will of the late Fred R. Hamlin. .... .F. Wright New- man will "present" Vladimir de Pachinan uud Josef Hofmann at Music Hall, Sunday tbe production of the stock company this Afternoon, 11 Cliff Dean and company week. Tho production for the fortnight left Chicago Saturday to play four weeks on ending 8 wns "In the- Palace of the King." " Omaha. .". In rehearsal for next week, "Richelieu." North Bowdoin Squabd Theatue (G. E. Loth- _jtl! July rop, manager). — "Monte Crlsto" Is presented tetto anil- Gob. K. Spoor's Vlnodrome." Good 22... .. .Irene Watson closed with the High bv the 6tock company this week. Last week business nnd fine vaudeville bills mnrk a Rollers at Trocadero Cbas. A. ("KarP) "Tho Victorian Cross" was well patronized. very huppy condition of affairs at this popu- Onrdncr, who ban a wife and children de- Next week tbe management aunouncc tho lar West side vaudeville resort. pending , upon him, Is in Chicago broken Schrober, munager). — The Flayers' Stock Co., headed by Mabel Montgomery and Geo. Alison, will bo seen this week, in "Rupert of llcntznu." Last week the bill wad "A Strauger In n Strange Land." PeafLCn Thiuthk (Fred G. Conrad, mali- nger). — Eugene Moore and Lillian O'Nell head the slock canipuny Ibis week, In "The Starbucks." Oplc Read's play Is entrusted to competent hands and Is sure t6 attract profitable attention. "For Her Sake" Is in prepnrntlon. "The Christian" last week was tbe biggest production ot the season, and wns most cordially received. IlAY.M.inKEr Theatre (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Mon- day afternoon, 0: The American Trumpeters, Geo. E. Austin, Kennedy und James, Lawson nnd Nanion, Polk nnd holl'ns, Theresses and' featured, fared well last week. Announced for next week, Ross and Fcnton, in "Twlrly WTilrly." Billy B. Van returns week of 11) in "The Errand Boy." Guaxk Opesa House (Geo. W. Magec, man- ager). — The attraction this week Is another Kusatlonal melodrama, by Theodore Krcmer,- "Fast Life In New York. The play abounds in thrilling scenes and incidents of New York life. The company is beaded by Julian Rose. Lnst week "The Great Automobile Mystery" drew crowded houses. Next week's ■ produc- tion Is "Sky Farm." CASTLE SCEABK THEATRE (L. S. Delnnd, manager).— Kester & Mlddleton's version of Geo. TV. Cable's novel, "The Cavalier," Is tr first views of "Purls company. Pierce and Mazic, iloward Tburs- the Ornheum circuit, opening in Oma tho remaining offerings ton, "Happy" Jack Gardner, Thorno and Thereafter they hrc booked with the Istrlct ineludo cootlntm- carletou, Hayes and Henlev. De Haven Sex- Western Vaudeville Association until InffnlAj*" nt t!l.\ S;i,tll^. ♦.,.... „_.! ^1-_ UF. .. ■ V . . . . j~T . 0O Thaha ll'nt.n. ~.\~r.~* — t .1. .1.™ A, Wi.Nuwburg. — See answer to E. A. K., above. 13. E. s„ Lynu.— Advertise your wants In TlllI C'LHTEIl. II. 0. A., Newark.— The show was recently ter 1 1 Crnckorjiicks. nt the Folly, will provide purchased bv 3. T. McCadddn. combination btirh-suuo offerings, w'" S. anu C.,' Philadelphia.— Watch our route stock company at Sam T. Jaek's_wlU Hut each week. G. F., Philadelphia.— Wo do not know who tbd party Is. W. H. E.. Trenton.— "Hilly" Rice died March 1. 1U02, at Hot Springs. Ark. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager dpwn in health nnd In very impoverished C Kohl & Castle). — Opening Monday after- circumstance*. With a view of relieving his on, 0: s Tbc Qulnn Trio Dclmore and Dar- distress, temporarily at least, John P.Hogaa, for noon rcll, ' Little Mildred, Campbell, Dillon and company, St. John, and Lvfevrc, Mlett's dogs, Claru Hcsb, West and Van Slclcn, Knight Bros, aud Suwtcllc, Lewis McCord and com ill provide pur, Gotham Comedy Four. Uanry Lee, wbllc the Walter C.Kclley, Slnon and Paris, und Geo. U continue h. Spoor's klnodrome. The packed houses, burlesque, with vaudeville. The dramatic which began with the reopening of this dodu- Ktock compaules at tho Bush Temple and lar resorr, continue. People's Theatre will preBont "Rupert of Chicago Opura House) (C. B. Draper, Ilentzau" and "The Stnfbucks," resiicctlvely. ninnager for Kohl & Castle*.— Opening Mon- Vautlcvlllc will ho supplied by the Chicago day afternoon, 5 : Clayton White. Marie exper advise you to attend one of tbo lending dra- matic schools in this city. Mrs. I. II., Uolyoke. — Tho party you men. Hon Is best tilled to answer your query. We do nut reply tn queries concerning the religion or private life of any one. 8. C. New York. — Wutch our route list each week. Wo never give routes more ilmn two weeks nhcud. aud what routes wo have appear In our ruuto list euch week. Miss B. B., Providence.— We bnvo no Idea . - --. w --- whnt rovnlty is mild lng Monday nlglit, 5. She will give way to Two Old Fuikni»s; Watcrtown.— 1. Tho . 9 »'?. Bi-rmira and Hattlo Williams In "The word Ingenue Is derived from lugeuuous nnd HSrEC M? * F, he rortu,g V t J ° .^ A nd ' signifies artless. Ingenuous. Hence, an ort. SS-iTfi^E l^TSK I ? 1 "8 n,< " ,t0a '."^l' ."": larlty In which Lulu Giaser was held, and ndded a goodly amount ot coin to the man- . ti *i . -^" »..- . ■ m.i ..u,.w.o, * n:v4 UIIU JVUL1IU ItTlUl, UU JlUllO Hull nt the Grand Opera House: Lulu Glnser i, a ji a ,,| e> tuo uoldsworths, Rosa Leo Tvler, concludes a prosj>erous fortnight, with "A Wm. Avery and Geo, K. fph klnodrome Madcap Princess.'' at the Illinois, nnd " 'Wfcy Kxcellent business results from tbe presentu- I)own Lnst" departed from McAlekcr s titter tlon of fine vaudeville bills nt tills house, three weeks at big litis ness. Real Winter KXM & iie-hmax's Theatrb (Archie E1II3, began last Friday, ushering In fba month of manager 1. — Opening Monday afternoon, 5 • general manager foV Lincoln J. Carter, has begun steps for a benefit performance to be given Jan. 11, next, at McVickers's Theatre. . . , . .Clias. F. Whittnker, manager of "Billy" S. Clifford, paid a visit to the show at the Criterion last week, and made some changes. Tom North, who has been back with the show, has gone ahead, and will bo succeeded by R. M. Feltus. Tbe Misses Sawtclle and Sears retire from the acting company and are succeeded by tho Escher Sisters Ilyrou aud Foster, "The Gold Dust Twins," left here with the High Rollers Mile. Lntina left for New Orleans Saturday morn- ing to begin a tour of the complete Orphcum circuit, presenting her artistic contortion act. Genera! Manager Martin Beck and President M. Meyerfcld, of the Orpkeum clr- Bcv. Wilson S. Frltch, supported by Char- lotte Hunt, hi "The Wages of Sin." ' Columbia Music Hall (Harry N. Farrcn. manager). — "The Japskys," seen here earlier in the season, returns for another week. Thn fun makers arc: Dan Anderson, Leonard Iloward. Sam Shannon, Llbblc Bloudell and Grucla Murquette. The olio mentions : Yea- per. Perrln and Yeagor, tho Ritchie Duo, the Webb Family of five, Llbblc Bloudell, Two American Mucks, aud Howard and Anderson. "Hurly "Burly," laBt week's burlesque, was S resented in excellent style, and tilled tbo ouse at every performance. Keith's Theatre (B. F. Keith, manager). — Delia Fox Is the feature of a strong pro- gramme this week. Others ore: Rose Stabl, Geo. W. Day, Callahan and Mack, Cbas. F. Scnion, Bros. St. Once, Murphy nnd Francis, Harding and Ah Sid. Mile. Olive, Edwin Nicnnder, Carew and Hayes. Tom Armstrong. Marlowe-Plnnkett Co., Duffy, Snwtelle and slgultles artless, ingenuous. Hence, an art less or Ingenuous character, and also an net rcss wbo portinjH such it role. S. In politics plurality slgnllles thu excess of the highest number of voles cast for any one. candidate over the next highest number cast for one of the other candTdiites. 'S. W. T., Philadelphia. — Wo cau not fur- Blah such a list. S. B. A. Jit., Grand Rapids. — We can not nld you agcrlnl exchequer, Poivr.uK' TiiBATitn (Harry J. Powers, man- ager). — Mrs. G. II, Gilbert began her first Chicago engagement, as n star, on Moudny night, Nov. 28, presenting Clyde Fitch's "Granny. She bade "farewell to the stngc" Thursday nlgbt, 30, death claiming her on Friday, at noou, as noted above. Tho house m: L., New York.— Tbo parties played Tony »»'»« < '!"K I , ,!!l t ",i,1 *«?.\ .'.TfS, Monday, but viaim- 1 . it,»v,,i.v •rii.ntm 1,. iBvV * nt this writing the attraction nouueed. is last week, completing the current bill. Jules and Ellu Garrison won particular favor as cxtrn itltractlous In last week's programme. Iho attendance here mnlntains a good aver- age, aud the house is galnlug In popularity. Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, niuiiiigor). — Stock burlesque, with a vaude- Tlllo Intervening, is rctalucd as the euter- tulniueut featuro here. "Tho Effendl's Troubles" nnd "The Lady Students" are the current burlesque, features, whllo tho vuudc- vllle will employ Mazuz and Mazetto, Martin nnd ijulgg, Franklc Drew, Walter Daulels and the Trolley Cur Trio. During tho past week capacity audiences ruled most of the not an- time, visitors to tho Live Stock Show, many of them, mnklng a visit lo this bouse a feat- cult, returned to Chlcogo, Saturday, from an Duffy, and tho blograpb. The usual big busl- Inspectlon tour Tvhich Included the Orpheums ness resulted last week. The management in Denver, Omaha, St. Joseph, Kansas City announce ns feature nets next week: narrv (mil Minneapolis. Accompanied by C. E. oilfoll, Paul Spadoul, Cole and Johnson and Kohl, of Kohl tc Castle, they will go to New Dlgby Bell. Orleans this week to Join George Custle, who Music Hall (C. W. Anderson, manager). 5 now in the Crescent City. After a week In —The featnrc of this week's bill Is Paul ,ew Orleans' Mr, Meyerl'eld will sail for Conchas, who makes his American debut In ■uropc, to remain abroad two -years. a novel Juggling net. Others mentioned are : '. S g * ': ' 11-1_ - Olive May and John W. Albuugh Jr., In a sketch, entitled "Tbe Inspector from Kau- sas:' Amelia Summcrvllle, the Sandor Trio, -At the National Theatre Bon nnd Thompson, Stlnson and Merlon. DISTRICT OK COLUMBIA. WnsbltiB'ton.- (T\. H. Rnpley, manager) this week William B'ck Temple, the Golden Gnto Quartette uml •''■TSH'"!?' !? Letty." James K. Hackett, the klnetogrnpb. Attendance contluucd good In Tb ?.J! ".r 1 ""?? ot n . K 'ng. hud fair bust- '"-it week with Eugene Cowles. Clias. Dlck- ness. "Mother Goose" 12-24. Columbia (Joseph E. Luckett, manager). — This week '"Phe Prince of Pllscn." Last wee'.t, "Red Feather" ' Chaunccy Olcott, " liAlMVETTH Eugene Cowles, Chas. Dlck- "U'lund company, Zenynrd's Midgets uud Suiitli nnd Fuller ns favorites. HowAtto Athenaeum (Carl D. Lolhrop, Pastor's Howery Theatre lu 18' D. J. M., IVrry. — Address him personally. Ji. M. »., Pine Bluff.— It is not iiosslblo to prepare for the stage. by correspondence. Attend snmo good dramatic school. C C. Norfolk, — It was, Tho play wss en- titled ''Land of the Midnight Sun." BASIJUALL. B„ Wlnslcd. — It all dopends upon whut. It was that B bet. If he wagered thut the Bellew played to the utmost capacity of tho turned for fourteen more uerforniniuSs Jin lor. Wood Brothers and the vltugranb. Last team uumed bv A would not win, be Is en- houso throughout his engagement of three "The Lovee," openlug Suudav afternnnn Tr ' ek '. the Fadettes headed a iTuc bill and titled to the boneilt of Hie tie, and wins; wooks, which ended SnturcTay night. 3. "Ruf- Rob Van Out en und Saui J AdYms wfii ffiSi «f?wd«d the house at every performance If, however, be expressed blmsolf as mewing tics" wns the bill, aud plu.v und star de- ' ' dn.-i. -ivi.. .... o. r., i.^ that, the other club would win, tho tic makes lighted the throngs immeasurable. McVicitiui's Theatue (Geo. C. Warren, business manager). — Blanche Walsh gives lis our first views of "Tho KreuUer Sonntn" on ?cnther" had excellent bouses, business manager).— No falling off from tl u "&? T i'? n 1 C T^. Dcc ' 12 - 17 ' , H S .!, nl h ls b ,n, s , ln e?8 will be noticed this week. (Ira J. La Mottc, manager, with the following as the cards: Japuneso — (Jhls week a return engagement of "Girls Imperial O Will ■ be Girls." Last week, Joe Welch, In Us and Wi "Cohen's Luck," packed the house. "David Wocdford. harum" 12-17. Fox. Glidt .. Japuneso (ittards, Nora Bayes, Ilolcombc, Cur- 'ebb, Mario and Aldo, Le Roy and Mclntyre and Rice, Gllday and ^IgtJ'- W. Uon,, ( mBn.ger).-Th, s Wmar^LTw^ee '&^SS£^SSl week ;;Tbe Flaming Arrow." I>ast week. "Su- Grnclc and Revnolds, the Wafion Sisters ^"X?!.?.":.? 8 ! 1 *!!? 1 ?',}--!?;, .. * „ r'\° ■SStt New mot on pictures und the Makta^LS! ^. ltf ' Srh 1 '^ 6 »»Ps«y. in a aSr "kit. ont.lt ted ) Metropolitan jThe^Goods,^ round out_thc bill. The Gssoh Chase's (Miss' mnnngei'). — This Grand Opera Quartette. Glmrd and Gardner, Sherman and De Forest, Bruno and Russell MHo-Chester's statue dog. Adamlnl and Tav- a draw of It J. II. IL. Philadelphia.— He was for tour seasons — 1872 lo ISTfi, Inclusive — a member of 'the old Athletic team of your oily, which pluvcd ou tbo gronudu located at Twenty- tlflb and Jefferson Streets from 1871 to 1877, inclusive. ROWLING. S. 11. II., TituBvllle.— The rule In refer- ence to tbe foul line states • that "a player cro.8lng the foul Hue commit* a foal. 1 ' As the case you cite is clearly governed by this rule a foul wns committed. CARDS. R. R., Rrouklyn.— I>;WlnR with low. 1. J.. P., Clovolauil.— C wins, as he Sunday night. 4. She will reman the at: tained their reuutatlon fo • g^od euterth WiS n r>^ tre ,^ .^1.*. M fe 8»ie follows meul. the dumiuy of altrncnVe 7 tw nln y ^S&ftEUS'fJi X*!*M?*J!!J l l'l!!l uu !. >hc nilri.ii of good, comedian* y „ Jesse p. Gotobth. formerly of Ibc Goforth oi ' ] *" P<-os(>«red last week" lnucAiiixo TuiiATKB (Robert Fulton, amn- Z™ 5 ? Is lying very 111 at bis home. No 1V4 Lvceum Thkatue (O. h scrl.— Rice 4; Barton's Rose Hill EngJhTh stt* W-Wirrla nnil her Qf- . ;u". models, Press Eldrldge, artta, Barry and linkers. ittlHwn, Mason and Francis P DaW6n; ifaafiager).— Last ding jwfij fat filc^dWufeS. ^«fk;ojJi«S ?& drow fair business weak good boalnau tu done, For .wee* ; of aaixn Opeba Hacsja (Orln Stair, mana- idli of fXjftne. 1! teea-'Rarlslnn MntHetts and Cooper 1 and lliawi/tm.r.tT (A. Q, Ovens, manager). — 'Shadows of a Great CItf" and 'Wo Wed- Brown llnTneedr^a"pSrj>nd^Da.tla, Uola pevereT OwaTcd.~ MbV'TrwIn-a^ilajeatTca Perkins and May Llttfefield. Good business 12-17. . weekV the Bohemian BUrlesqoers scored. Sam to good bnslncss. Coming: "0>*Mf r '6T the tule9, Walkbr's Stab VATOEvrixER (U B. Walk- Wpwe«tVl£i-At • the Worcester iheatM er nana«r).-Th^ reso«.ha4 » «ucee.^l jJ^Fp ^ckV f^lSnt ^ai«r) 5ub7" rpfDlng- Honday. Nov. 28, and Bid a Rood & wall's "MlnsTrels are due Dec. '7. B tSilnesa during thoweek M*"**?.. w "!*" County ChMrrnan" n, 10. Last week " Highway" Q-T, "Her First False Step" 810, "Wedded and Parted" 12-14, "Her Mad Mar- riage'* 10-17. ulnlnn Tho The Cleveland.— At the' Opera' House (A. P. nnrtz, manager) Kyrle Ilullew appears the nirreht week In "Raffles." Last week, Sam Bernard, In "The Girl from Kay's," drew large and Appreciative audiences. Week of has spared no expense In nuking this resort j^^ of i> iichln*lle" played to good one of the. ^,^^XJ^2 \\^ nt r t^?,i x * ft *< 'The Yankee Consul* drew 'well 3. This week's bill IS beaded )>y the Hartford j«»^kmn Roiiarh (P. F. Shea A Co., roan-' Dea 12, Mrs. Patrick CnmnbeJL Slaters. Specialty Company and_the ttoston agers).— Week of .1, "Me. Kim and L" Last Itowsia (Drew A Campbell, managers). hloBCbpe Co. production ot "The Escaped week ,. TW F en , a |e Detectives" was fairly —"The Olri 1 Left Behind Mo.'' this week, well received. Next. week, Eugenie Blnlr, la by the Vaughna-.G laser Stock Co. "Die "Iris," • • . •• Woman timet" was successful Inst week. Paiik (Shea k Wilton, managers) .—Week Dec. 12, -When Knighthood Was In Flower." Oft; Win H. Sloan nnd company, the Flllp- _ KMlnriR (Max ' Faetkeouer,- manager}.— plno Girls, Hacker and Lester Trio, Wm. J, niosebpe t LU Slw KB**— £ueert oltla Bunday, Dec s -dlolto* 3*ea"lr«.' ^Tho Blxle Tnoubadoors* AHan J. Sbaw. Busch-De Vere Trio, Kitty Blnghaa, th« lJ*^tetoLF&J}fSh Marf arid Brail Slsrent OIo6«. ?R*lc (Bout. T). Hfd*. »aJj«M4-Blli tagt week F fl»ew" good btiitlness. Week of r.: Kltn Mario. Bplssell Bros., Harris and Nelson, Patehen and Clifton. Dupree and Dupree, Juhij, Walsh ainl Hyd e and Le.oln. . ; , Oartp*.— At Hoynl Oihtb House (G. Ti. IllRifltis, manager) local minstrels, under direction of llollls O. Hhennrd, Inle of Hnv- erlv's Minstrels, filled the hmisn Notr, 2H, JiO. Guy Bros.' Minstrels had a gootl-slww Dec. 1. Local St. Andrewa concert i^Mni-ka Bros, to. 10. A. Bhlne," 13 ; n. Wilson, In "Wateli on tho Nat Wills 1U, 17. McmphU,— At; the Nbw Ljc4nm (FjfMk Gray, manager) Horry Beresford, ltv "Our Now Mini." came to good business Nov. 24. "Tho Silver Slipper" drew a crowded house Si..,, Suits Edwards received ranch applause, rani Ullmore, In "Tho Mummy and the Hum- ming Bird," 20, rlnyed to large houses. "Human Hearts," 2S, !i», drew email houte». Coming; "Miss Boh White" Dei', r., Hubert Kilesou (I. 7, Chas. II. llanford 8, H, "Ilapny Hooligan" 10, Clms..Hawtrey 13, 18, "Under Southern Skies" 14, Wards and Kidder 16. "Winsome Vvinnle — . .. » . ' , » . . COXMBCTICUT. 17. nottx ' Duo, Brnnuow and .Wiley and the kl Kckhoff and Gordon, Bellclalre- Bias.. Cain neW g rapt ,. Business good. «nd Do Forest, Cunnlnglmm and Lord Mar- p AI , ACB (Charles F. Hoffman, mana tin Rldireway, Henry Bowman I rederlok and \veekof5, Reynolds I 't Allston's .. Dan, Mar on Moore and the Globoscope K k ! k erf.- Barney and Dollle Flynn filled .« Uutlo Hall: Eugene Cowles, Smith .and i Ful- for S(Wto9 snd Hm last week ' the )lltter ler, Josephine Gassman, Lotta ^Gladatone, eanc< .| In(! 011 accoun t f Illness. S. R. 0. The Faruum Stock Co. presents "Vlrglulus" the cUrreift week. - "My Wife's Husbands" proved a good attraction last week. Dec. 12, !»e>w H»v«>n.— At the Hyperion (Shubert Bros., rnsuiagrrs) "Tho Yankee Consul" came to Rood bualneBa Not. 28. "Tho Coanty Chairman" had big business 2J), 90. _Auuln Prof. Wormwood. ^">, a "\?„- M '^ et .V^,,™ 3 continually, and Hassan, and the klnetogmph. Colum- casino (I Ha : Bellclalre Bros., the Dixje .Troubadours, ot . Fe ^j n Allcn"¥hawr Kitty' Blngtani and -others; n^cdoin Square: Prof. Singer, Greene and Werner, Harry Brown, Marshall aad Lor- raine Anderson and Drlgcfi. Kroelle Benncr. Wilson and Davis, Joe Edmoads, Qulnlan and Howard, and .Lizzie Otto A decree of divorce was granted last week to James Walker from Blanche Ring, the actress. Both are Boatonlnns. , . ., .. . Daw & Leslie, mnnagers). — Week ellx Martin, Fleming and Delora, Dotlle Clifford;, the Murrays, Vivian Rose, Lena Lnbell and Annie Wallace. manager of the Worcester Theatre, died In Kl Paso, Texas, last week. Hopkins' hhAXo Oi-eba Housb (A. B. Morrison, ma linger) .—"Tho Stowaway," by thVvcgiitav Rlock eonipany, last week drew I ante nouses. Dcergo Fox covered himself with glory. Lucia Moore. Miss Spinney and Mr. Jo,Wv scored well. Tho vaudeville fea- ture* vera Williams and Tucker.' and the blograpli. For week of r>. "The Ensign." Uuoti (BenJ. M. Stalnbnck, mnnagot).— "The Child Slaves of Now York" had very good btislties* Com ing. r.nulwe B eaton, 7-12. Nnsliviiip — At tho Grand (Mrs. T. J. Bovle, mnnnger), week ot Nov. 28. the Boyle HtncU Co. had an excellent offering In "Jim, tho Wcstcrnor," to good houses. "Kit, thi ArkoiiNas Traveler," T)ec. 5-10. Bijou (Allen Jenkins, manager).— "Tho Two Little Waifs" last week. Bfimclio Shir- Lowell—- At. the Lowell Opera .House (Fay Bros." * Hosford, managers! — "A Chinese Honeynioon." played to a filled house Nov. 28. Dnalel Ryah had good business :, 0-D«c. 3. "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 5-7, Zeynard's Lillputians 8, Stain of Guilt" 9, 10. acadkmi' op . Mcsic (Richard Murphy, manager).— Robert Fltzslmmons, In "A Fight for Love," broke all .records for this house this season Nov. 28-30. "A Factory Girl" Dialed to capacity business Dec. 1-3. Due: fir,« M T> n ~„ .a nifthno" K-?- "Ttio flama Cahil CtBVF.LANI> Gertrude week last week . KKrrn's (L. M. Elrlck, manager).— bill fof r. and' week Includes': Pewltt. tho f 'r>* ; ' IticcVtbono's* hoines. Arthur J. McWat- ,- -, i. Ds. W. A. Dbowne, until recently resident Kmmett Devoy Co. Marion Gnrson, Rose tPr s and Gra^ TysSu Searl and Violet Allen, ley «"»;'«» «^\. U, Itn a i »' ftntil cy Lnmb Wentworlh, Charles Kcnaa, Rice aad Carv, \'£ {l- au3t it| , the Lcmolnes and Alien J. were well applauded. Child Slaves of New Fltzglbbods and MCCoy and 'the blograph. «baw Last week's bill Ineluded Charles Hopper, a , £2L3t?fi& v *° •"— * debUt f th ° n«rtfora--At Parson's (Herbert C. Par- "W D%T* Campbell, wnag^r.).- W^^^J^A"^ JL?"^ Whallen Bros.' Kentncky_Belles is the at- 3 ^ e *{, lt J^' nfc -^ n ha Sr?„ R Ynn"^ Coasli":" traction current v had good business Reeves. Lynn. — At the Gem Theatre (C. W. Shenfe, manager) big business was done last week. The bill for the current week Is the Arcnlln-Manoln Family, Carroll and Baker, Marion Bisk*. Henry T. Walte, Barney and Dolly 'Flynn nnd the bioscope. Cole's (George a. Cole, manager). — Bus!- _, , ness continues good ond this week's bill In- ».„,_-_ .» , h « w.i«»*i™« /fm«, ra pi*- •Thi (.Hides: FergwSn and Murphy. I^sona Han- _ ** j j* K. » »■ X?' e ", tln ^ (Edw ' B '- Flr ' The son, QUInlan and Howard, Marie Glrard and manager) Savages Grand John Mack. The opening sketch Is "Kltt'e ggp 82 i o P?i r ?. n *5L G'ood^oys^'" flDd ^ afterI>leC,, "' 1,W0 Sgff Die 8 ? ? U 'Sian Salem Thkatbb, Salem (Geo. H. Cheetham. American Princess" 5, manager!.— The Bennett Ic Moo Hon Co. had big business last week. This week, Harcourt 'entuckyBelleT i7 the at- J "ff % ^J*^ "The^nkee' Cons f» aat weea, ucc. n, tu. Bee. 2, a, had good bouses, wm. If. Crane B, Hartford Philharmonic Orchestrt ,„ »h. „n n i n . 8. bad good B, 0, "Too •From RlupTto Riches" 5-7; "The Game Keep- Mc" eJcepTSec. 8, Vheu^-The Girl !r_8-10. ... _ _;■ j . froni Kay's" is booked. Casto (AJ. Newell and company Haynes, manngcr). — WUIard in "His Night Out," headed last week's bill., Business was good. Cnrreat: Robert Henry Hodge and Co.. in "A Bachelor's Troubles;": Fields nnd Han- son, Adeline nut] "Rubber," Victor Wood- ward, Elliott and Neff, W. S. Harvey nnd Co.. Gorman and Mobney and the blograph. Boston (J. h. Tebbetts, manager) .—Busi- ness was of the capacity order, last week. "The Country Store was on, to take, the place of the burlesque feature,' when packages of general merchandise were given to patrons. Current : Manning and Lang, Itena Arnold, Dynes and Dynes, Newell and Steele aad the Boston bioscope; people's (Harry A. Woodward, manager). — William Austin, the - tambourine spinner, was the big success of last week's good bill. Business has been all that could be. desired. Mechanic Hall, Salem (F. L. Munsey, manager). — Good bouses last week and the shows pleased. This week: James O. Brown, John Lancaster and company, Mr. ahd Mrs. Allison, the Marinellas, John Birch, Ken- nedy and Ouatrelli, Cola and Deforrest and the blograph. , Tinr Nickblooeon closed 3. 'The Two Orphans, by tho all star house. general mana* crowds. Kentucky Belles did splendid business last week. Al. Reeves' Co. 4 ond week. Abcape Theatbh (II. II. Lahlken, mana- ger). — Fanny Rite headed a nlll that waa very good last week and drew good bii*lnc.«. Jeanne Ardelle nnd Inez Baynard Co., Swift and Barton And the electograph. " ■a ' 1 ' imdfreport.— At Smith's Theatre (Ed- ward C. Smith, manager) "The County North AilnniA — At the Empire (James Sullivan, manager) "Tho Girl from Kay's," Nov. 28, pleased a large audience. Bennett & Moulton Co., 27-Dec 3, did fine. business. Madame Flower. In the vaudeville, scored heavily. Corse Payton Comedy Co. 5-8, 10; De Wolf Hopper 9. (W. P. Meade, Bust's (Frank Burt, manager).— "For His CnBlrn ian." Nov.'28. played' to the capacity. BrptherVCrlme," Nov. 24-20, and "What „ 0m , Now Minister^' 20, 30, did well. ^^..^"A, De '" , aT «i !10 i R a , ckfd J ,l '« D0, ' 9 S- Maude Adams, in "Brother Jacques." Dec. 1, Wn ?., H ^, DlT ,? r i?" 1 . He . , ', P |p . a 2'' d Dec ' ** did big business. Eugenie Blair, In "Iris, 1 ; "No Weddlag Bells for Her* 4-7. , m g^ bualness 2, 3. Booked: "The Islo of « Spice" B, William II. Crane (I, "Parsifal" 8, Dayton.— At the Victoria (C. 0. Miller, ••foo Proud to Beg" ». 10. _• manager) Margaret Anglln appeared In "The Poli'b (Joseph Crlddle, manager). — Bill Eternal Feminine," to good business. Dec. 3. for week ot 6:_HIII nnd Sylvlany, Mooney llckoy and. er, Mnrlou company, New irnbler'a Come- illitim and the klnoilrome. ... KnirO (('. S. n reed, mnnnger).— "In Old Kentucky drew good houses. Patrice, 111 "Driveu from Home," did good business Dec. 1-.1. George Sidney. In "Busy lx*y," 4-7; Kellar 8-Ki. "A Millionaire Tramp" It, "The Fortuuo Hunters" 12-14, Billy Clifford 10-17. ■ i i Lincoln. — At the Oliver Theatre (F. C. Zehrung, mnnnger) Julia Gray, in "Her Only Sin." camu to fair business Nov. 20, 2ii. "A Bunch of Keys" had good business 8. Blchard Golden, In "Common Sonso Richmond , ( w. P. Meade, manager. Business, last week was up to the stands The burlesqne, "The City Hospital," was" very Maglnleys, the Creat Janaea and Co., funny. Friday the usual big number of ana- nnd Loretta^Kennedy_ana Boonel and U U u7s , app^ar1i"'Ha U rV7w^d U wrrd's moVta, vitagraph. ilenriett,-Crosm,p w ill appear7. ^"^^..shadowf^a' ^tV^"'- pictures are still a pleasing feature. Curient : ■■ j . Princess Madeline, Al. Newton, Fred Hayes, Taanton.— At the TUnnton Theatre (Cahn Harry Burns, George Llngard, Lillian New- & ' Cross, managers) Robert Flttslmmons ton, Mamie Allen and Harry Woodward's pleased a large audience Dec L moving pictures. The burlesque, Harry ■ 11 urns "Fun In a Boarding Sobool MfiNTio*. — Shepatd's moving pictures en- tertained good sized audiences at the opera house Nov. 27. Sbepard's pictures Dec. 4. A concert nt the Academy .a' Music, for the benefit Of the Ladles' Aid So- ciety of St Patrick's Church Dec. 4... .John E. Harding of the Byan Stock Co.. was so severely injured nt the opera house 2tt as to force him to be Idle for' several days.... The first recital, of the Lowell Orchestral Chi- nese Honeymoon" did big business 2, aad "The Black Mask" came 3. Bennett & Moul- ton Comedy CO. week of 5." . !»■♦ ' «)hio. Cincinnati. — Fortune continues to smile on till members of the theatrical family. For the coming week two, novelties are offered. uiunu 0«eua nous» CHarry Raiafortl^j Jc John H. HavlW manager).— "The Girl from did well 1-3. "Her First False Step" 5-7\ Park (Gil Burrows, manager). — The new Big Sensation Burteacpic Co. played to splen- did business 1-3. Soldiers' Homs Theatre. — "Arizona," 2, drew a well Oiled house. "Toots" fl. . Odeon (Jas. T. Curran, manager). — Bill week of C: Palmer and RiblhsonTBud Far- nam, the Twin Bros., Marriott, Goldle Mcll- vllle, Rvan and Ryan and Nora Moore. Association Hall. — Mare, magician, en- tertained a large audience Nov. .30. — ♦»♦ CANADA. RHOD1I ISLAND. Qutncy Adams Sawyer" 10, Thus. Jcfforson 111, Doclistndor's Minstrels 13. Lvntc (H. M. Miller, mnnnger). — Week of .Dec. fi: Fox and Ward, KIppy, Juggler: Klein and Klein, Frank Roberts, llluntrnted snugs, and the klnetoscopc. Business la re- potted us good. . »»» COI.OHADO. The first recital or the Lowell orchestral fc " •«" IE. K McCouft, nmnngor).— standard the organization had set. The W4 27^110 Williams and Walker, In "In Dahomy," Keith's (Chnrles Lovcnberg, tannagcr)^— , mrk( ,d t | )0 i, 0UBe . Ntw Cubtih (A. R. Pelton, manager),—* Denver. — At tho Broadway Theatre (13. F. McCourt, manager), week of Dec. B, "San Toy." Last week. "Oflttoiliig .Gloria,' 1 wltli Dorothy Morton, _playetl to packed houses. ?JL Week of Dec. B, Blancho Bates. Last week ► »-.».. . ™-~~ --»-. . — 6 -.- no; , .«?'?" "Tho Heart of Chicago" did good business. Academt op Music (H. C. Egerton, mata- pany, the Moullere Sisters. Cole and John- piti-iiBOM (Mnrtln Beck, general mnnnger). Jnno Oourthqpe, Charles Forrester and 'e Moullere Sisters. Cole and Joun- pni-iiBUM (MnrtltHeck. gencrnl milnn Five Mowatts, Snyder and Buckley. _\ V enl( of 5l .Watson, Hutchlngs, IW» and U-yefly- Lew Hnwltlns, Boll* nn |j r dmpnny,'*lbort4ni! Uoilcli, Agoust, Interpreter, Is due 4. Last week, "A' Girl from Dixie," Harry R. Smith's musical com Colonial (Weber & -Rush, managers). — edy, was presented' with marked success, and Good business aad perfect satisfaction last criwded bouses were the rule. D. L.. Don, Gertrude MUUpgton, Charles K. French and Jullh. Brink" were a few ot the cast, all of which acquitted themselves most creditably. J. H. Stoddart, In "The Bonnie Brier Bush," 11. week. Booked week of 5: Willie Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Young, Frances Yonng, Eckhoff and Gordon, Colby and Way, Jose- phine Gassman and pickaninnies, the Carl Damann Troupe and the klnetograph. Casto (Al. Haynes, .manager)".— Business was very good last week. Booked week ot B : Frederick Bond and Co., Edward Gray, Maurice Hart, Wood and Ray, Jeaonette c Brooks, Jones and Walton, Camlllo and Fona engagement of Harry Clav Blaney's .melo- drama, "Across the Pocl lie.'' Legal capacity business last week. dlt" 5-10. or Music (II. C. Egerton, mana- . eer):— "King Dodo" came to good business, son,, the Five Mowatts, Hnyaer nna uucsioy. __weolt of 5: .Watson, Hu'tchlugs, IMwarda Die Foctuno Teller" 610. • :',: ".' Raymond and Cavcrlv. Lew Hnwltlns, Boll* nuU cdmpnny.'AlbcrfJne MbIIcIi, Agoust, Wes- Theatbb KsANC.Ufl IV. : naworth, mana- man nnd Moore, Mills and Morris, iieincit t)m „ tt j compauy. Imlleywtl Meebali, Lynn li houses Nov. 2S-30. Fenberg Stock Co. drew vantage ha the little one act play, "No. 073." fair "business Dec. 1-3. Specialties by the Business "waa great. ' Maius and Mazette, Colby Family, Marie McNeill, Will J. Kea- Irene Franklin aad Ward and Curran shared nedy, Grace Vinton and Guy Oliver were largely In the applause given an A No. 1 (tor).— "Tho Liberty Belles" played to ca- pacity. "King Dodo" 5-10. Majestic (A. i. Small, manager). — "A Little Outcast'' drew fair business. "Wedded and Parted" 6-10.. Shea's (J. Shea, manager).— 3111 for week ending 3 drew largo audiences. The card included : Pewltt. Roberty's Troupe, Car- lln and .Otto, O'Brien and Bnckley, Louise Dresser, Jack Norwortn, Kckert end Berg, caped from the Harem" yielded most Btlb- tho klnetograph, Grade Emmett and com- stantlal returns last week, and lovers of the pany. sensational raved over the escape of the Su heroine on the back ot an elephant. "When Tons drew to capacity. Irwin's Big Show Women Love" 11. ,-• " . . " C-10. Robinson's OrsRA House (George F. Massex MiifTic Hall (Stewart Heuston, tlnus O-Y, yuiuinu « Willi a .uinoncio c, ,» i.iuin L,ewiv, r.iui iiiuuui*, aiur ncuuiui, nm Foxy Boy" 0, 10, Thurbor & Nnsber Stock uilo Laurence. Lottie Nelson, Glole Idler, Us Co. with Florence Hamlltt.n, 12-14 and 10, lotto Howard, Bonis Stone, Irene Walton, 17; "The Girl fron. Kay's" 10. ' Henrietta Lillian Weston, Loin Courtney nnd Bert " '-'■— - — ■"-* ■■-••" '* Grove's orchestra. Kd. Titppuu nnd Hurry Do Voy took uttor the singe, Business Is iood. Crystal (Geo. Irn Adnras, manager).— Week of 28:'G«hle, Thompson and BnTiy Ho- ael, the Bemitalns, Barney First, (he Floods, Sims and Murphy, and Harry Beaumont. Business Is good. . . ■ *>*» Crosman drew a packed house Nov. 28. "The Blfick Mask" played to fair business Dec. 1. Hub (Jas. W. Conklln, manager).— Belie MICHIGAN. bill. LvcEtii Theateb (Heuck, Stair & Fen- nessy, manai?evs). — "The Span of Life," pre- sented by the Donaxettas, will come 4. "B»- good. Sbepard's moving pictures 4, Thurber & Nasher Stock Co. 6-10, "The Stain of Guilt" 12-14, Bennett & Moulton 16, "The Girl from Kav's" 17. Bijod (Henry Myers, manager). — The sec- ond week of burlesque and vaudeville was In- augurated last week with "The Japskys," which gave great satisfaction. Gracla Mar- quette and Llbble Blondell headed, the femule contingent and Charles Only Hughes, Dan Anderson, Sam Shannon and Mark Bennett Fish a L. Forepaugh Fish, managers) .—The manager).— Melba will be. wHJftrt 6. arns last wees, ana lovers os. iiib puny. ,_„„.. _ _. Tho CuuimlBBs block Co., in "lamuiev raved over the escape of the Stab (F. W. Stair, manager)^— The Bon played to good houses last week. The same ik. V A «a_ ^,# _-. . A 1 A nkAn^ •■TWinn TfliSd "dram tt\ nnnnnlfn Trnrln'a Hit* HhAW * ■* 'V _. ." , . n . , .n a_«L ■• ^ t. ,. B A l)etrolt.-:At the. Detroit Opan nonaa (B. C. Whitney, manager) BavagVe Efigllih tlrnnd Opera Co. entertnlned largo audiences last wcefc "Vivian's Pabas" Dec. 6-7. Ada Italian 8-10, Maude Adams 12-14. Lyceum (K. D. Stair, maiiager).— "Tho Bonnie Brier Bush'' drew packed houses. "Louisiana" 4-10. Lafayette (Dr. Campbell, manager).— Tho CummlnsH Stock Co., In '^Camlllf," ...utiBju, Dam Duauuou una fliuiit ocuueit r leu at u. ruicjj.ujsu r«u, .»...».,,--.•« are the leading men and worthy of special Forepaugh Stock Co. Is still In high favor, mention. Specialties by Johnson, Daven- and 4 will revive "The Girl I Left Behind Port and Lorella, the Majestic Musical Four Me." During the last week "Man's Enemy" and the Three Polos were good. "Fiddle- scored a great hit and played to tremendous liee-Dee" 5-10. . - audiences.; John J. Farrsll, Lavlnla Shan- Casto (At. Haynes, manager). — BUI week non', Frank Paters, Mary Downs, 8arah SJ 5: .Mrs. Too Thumb, Count and Baron Banks, Wilson Hummel and Gilbert Ely were Magrl, Hsnlev and Yalesca r DIck Lynch, ,WH- seen In Important roles, Vancouver— At the Opertt House (B. R. Rlckctea, manager) Rose Molvllle, In "Sla Uoptlns," NOV. 28: "Aclxona" 80, "Devil's Auction" Dec. 0, "Shore Acres" 10, "Pretty son .and Davis. Dovle nnd Emerson, Mr." and ■ Mrs. Fred Luclcr, Ethel Robinson nnd Hairy Johnson. Siieeby's (M. F. O'Brien, manager).— uuBlness last week was up to the usual big* standard. Week of 5 : . Allum ana Mee, Fred ?.!",**• Manning Sisters, Matzonls, Bobby l'lclds and vltngraph. -•- Sprlnaflelil^-At the Court Square (D. O. Gllmore, manager. William Kohler, assis- ted by local talent, did exceedlngiv well with Lonls XI" Nov. 20, Annie' Russell, ' , "fother Jacques," 8. had a jM|Er rhe Yankee Consul" drew crowded "ee l. ^The Secret of Pnllchinel,., ... .. [node a big success. "Our New Minister,'" week of Nov. 28. Coming: Savage.' had two fair, st*ed houses.- Henrietta Opera Cd ; DecV G-7. "Au Ar- People's Titeatiib (Hubert Heuck, mana- ger). — The Tiger Lilies — Scrlbner & Drew's bouquet— ore coming 4,. following, the Morn- sijaughr'uun." Watson Stock 'eft 'for an Ing Glories— other popular ."flowers" In the EiBtern tour. Fulton Stock Co., for a ten garden of burlesque. Rice & Barton's Call, weeks' engagement, Nov; 28-Dec. 3, In "A Gossip or ?nn LOBBY. — Cincinnati mourns Southern Romance :" "Oa Christmas Eve" B- wlth the whole theatrical world nt the bier io. "The Electriclau" 1217. of dear Mr* Gilbert, who was onco one of "Grand ^W.W. Ely. manager).— Bill 8-10: the WoodS'Thcntro stock company here — long The George Family, Ram and Ida Kelly, Frye before the present generation of stage folk and Allen, Mtte*' Dltoa. T '"K8thtea George, were astir. . L '—' : ' ■'■" Peggy" 13,' 14, Vancouver Choral Society IB, liquid air demon si rations and tho American "Princess CUV: 10.1 klhelograph. AvBNpr, (Drew k Campbell, managers).— MAY IUWIN, Made her first appearance, together with her sister Flo. at Dan Shelby's Adolphl Theatre, Buffalo, N, Y., singing duets nnd doing a variety turn. She next Joined' Tony Pastor's Co., with which, sho remained for seven years. ; In 1882 sho Joined Abgustln Daly's Co., and roDialned with that organization (or four years. Sba then returned to the variety stage, becoming n member of tho Howard AtbciiaMim Co. Then followed noverul seasoni of dramatic work, during which time she ap- " "Tho Junior Partner," ity Temith (J, H. Mooro, manager). — Packed Directory." Then followed her engagement homscs last week. Bill for week of 6: Sadie with Peter If. Dnllcy's Co,, In "A Country Martlnot and company, the Four Madcaps, Sport." which lasted two seasons. Follow. Frances Nellson, Rico and Provosl, Elmer Ing this engagement sho became an Indcpend- " dom, Yumamoto Brothers, Out star, with "Tho Widow Jones" as a ve- hicle, tier success was Instantaneous and company, lb. "Oliver Twist," week of 4, Wiiitkex (E. D. Stair, manager)— "Mc- Faddou'a ' Flats" pleased large audiences, pearcd in "Fashions," "Tho Junior Pnrtnc., "Why He Divorced Her" 4-10. ''Boys and Girls" nnd Russell's "Tho City m_.- n _.. /I ar If..... n . nnr .,.A»\ Tin ..trail 11 1 fiicfrn fii " 'f'linn t /it liinrn/l ItAl" Alllfllffamt Tenley, Wm. n. Wlndo PEOrLK's (Cart Berch, manager). — Nov, 21-20, the first week of the Watson Stock Co.; representing, to 8. R. O., "Tho Grand Harold Uoff and moving pictures. Hamtlton^-At tba Grnnd Opera House (A. IL^LotjfJen;: Wfrnagor) Victor'*: ItaTIMl Bind, booked for Nov. 2(1/ dirt; eofaphjsjs; "Tne v Eart' 6f Pnwtliciet," Dpc. f t pteylOo an Immense audlsnn; "On the Suwonee River," 2; 3. "Candida" 0, "Tta Uberty " "Shadows on the Hearth" " 8. •/, she followed tbls piny with "Tim Swell Mils Fitzwcll," "Courled Into Court." "Kate Kip, ltuvor," "Sister Mary" and "Mnilgo Hmltii, Attorney." Two years ago Miss Irwin de- cided to take a rest and she remained in re- tirement until tho present season, when sho jwes.— j.no naipn uummmgjj oioca win proditccd "Mrs. Black is Back." a Dew three leave the Lafayette Theatre Dec 10, and act fnrce, by George V. Hobart, In which she will be succeeded by the Byron Douglass ls ; now appearing nt tho Bijou Theatre, this Stock ComDftny,-. — 41 • - ■ cHr- Mlts Ifwtn possesses one of the most d >iiv> vumuhi , >'■■■'■ pleasing porsonalltles of any actress on the den." Nov. 24. Al, Hooves' Big Show was received by large audiences last week. Tho entertainment was one of the best aeon here tbls season. High Rollers week of 4. Notes.— The Ralph Cummlngs Stock will • 25, played to good nuslneas, " tt,- In "Cousin Kato," ««. tro going public. . *»'»»■ New Giliioee (S. P. Callanan, manager). DjiriCE (II. A. Welsman, manager).— Stab ns (lldrllosetlo Knot.. H. I Wolfe. iu "Hnmlot," 2h. 20. Coming: —McDonald, Pa„ will have a 'jTUe. Fa'rblddvn Land, 4, 5. .All star' "Two tit, to be completed during, the holidays, OrpnaM'.-'foJUiw". '-. ■•;••. ■ , ' _>- sliie OOxSfifU wMli a balcony and sealing ' MX.Tljsxie. (Orin Stftlr. maniigor).— "The capacity of • 1,000. It will have dressing Mnmnjy. flOd Ihu. Humming. Bird," Nov. 24- rooms, ■ toilet nnd cloak rooms. The stugu 20, drew mmm Touses, as did A. H. Wll- till fj¥ SOill, the openkKlbilhg 20ft. doep. lt.ii Ventfally located on ^folnBtr4et. Tht proprietors are A. Vtilentbur and V. A. Thomnssy, Mr. Tlioinassy will bo man* ager. , , urew crowded liouses. as did r^Wl.»;;M*rrIa THE 1STEW YORK CLIPPER. December 10, HI INK IX OVK«I! if raa'n Interested In the apballdlDg of yonr net, »o P»rbap. we hKTe IT. If no, wturt willing jrom .UoaM >YO'» TCRRIFIO SBONO 8UO doabt you're looking for t». Br.lloailB til* me i h. r > IT. Um«'i i pretty awtll baneh to mIici ( rket. froiai fly JEPF, T. URANEN and EVANS LLOYD. This Is positively the catchiest song you will tieer In many years. OBEAT Mnsic: GREAT Word?. Armstrong »n«l Holly, Llord and IJ»n Engelton, Bob Harty, Edltl Welma, IJo Brennan, Hazel Selkirk, LUnan Male, Gladys Fisher and dcores of oilier* aro responding to encores wllh It, and all predict It the coming HIT or the season. IT IrVASM'T A. RJESAXji ONE. By JEFF. T. BB ANEN and IIBNRV 8. 8AWTRB. Tills It wli hour a doubt the funniest Bong wrll ten In yo«M. Every year Jell, t, dranen writes a STAGE niT. Ue wrote ••BLUE, BLE : W, BLEW" and •'CHARMING,'' both of which need no Introduction. ■ "It Wain't a Real One" leys over tlicm all. Nat H. Wills, Burton and Brookes. A'm«rong»nl!y.J«e Demnuns and Lew Bawslos »re the flint to try It out. Evory comedian In tie country will be wondering where they can get It Inilde of the noit three months. Ple n ty of enc ore vers es. ^^^ JUST A BUNCH OF WIIjD PLO'WBRS. By JEFF. I. BRANEN and JOHN C. RYAS. TWs li oor MINSTREL BALLAD that Is sweeping the country. The Slides are the most beautiful ever thrown on a canvas, gc.oo deposit is all wo require. Don't ask to be excused from lesvtng'ui the deposit. ' We treat ell alike. By BRAKES and FRIEDMAN. ^Thls la a beenty-Jnst off the press. The BISTERS HAWTHORNE are the first to feature It. THE • By «FP. T. BRANEN and GEO. F. BBAMHALL. ST IS No greator descriptive ballad was ever written than this. Imitations have cropped out. but the OEI0INAL, lite Banqoo's ghost, will not be downed. ';.,: $6.00 deposit lor set nf these magnificent slides. Illustrated partly in California and Old MeSoa* Cosl Is the botleat Coon Song in the market Don't Be Timid in sending for COAL. Yon can doable your talary (homing COAX for the L.rixra- »i . ByTHEO. F. SNYDER. The Greatest InstrunienUl HITof theyesr. Dumb Acta, Musical Acts, Duck end Wing Dancers I By WALLACE SMITH, snd Orchestra Lestlers, send for Orchestration. Orchestra or Band Arrangement sent on receipt of 2Jots. | . Goat dealers in the town where you're working. COMB DOWN MISB MALINDA; CANT LIVE OH LOVE; BLUE, BLEW, BLEW; I LIVE ALONE FOR TOD; TBE MAN OUTSIDE (descriptive ballad); 9WBET MAID OF TBE SUNSET SEA;'OHARMIBG; TILDY; MY LITTLE BWEETHEAJ1T, .SALLY, are some of our holdovers that never fall to male good.) nor publications. Always something I JU.rw. T. BRANKN, yon. you anj of NEWTON MUSIC PUB. CO., 59 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO. j.g, II.— Wr have no branch, offices. All communications mnit be addressed to the main offlcr. THEATRICAL HOTELS and BOARDING HOUSES. lllLlllnLAme , i doable. Wsbsah A Madison, CHICAGO, o.o. Vauahan, Prop. strictly American Tlan, ts-iu single; HUfs !ik HiW MjU^B $££! Rooms 600. to »c. per day; 12.60 and IS.ooswoek. Indies' Restaurant on second floor. No. e F.. «th BU, Wilmington, Del. O. B. HOLT, Prop. •T. JAHEI HOTKL, TOLEDO, O. Ameri- .iBPlan. ThestrlcAl Headg. carters. $ LB single, si double:, M and t T per week. VIGTOBl BOD8B, 374 E. Indiana St., Ohleego. Room and Board, *s .week. Italian and Ftenob tmlsme., Centrally located. V. OasteUtal, Prop. FALACB HOTEL., ui N. Clark St., Chicago, European, |l par week: With private bath, |7. Turkish Bath, too. H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. Wfl. TELL, HOUSE), Howard and Somerset Sta., Boston, Mass. Central, location. Excellent meals. , E MI LY; T. BANNWAHT , P rop. iAKAVETTK UOTBL, ALLKSTOWH, J»A. THEATRICAL, HBADtltJABTBRaj, tl.tf Single, $1 Donblo, t« and j7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 110-117 E. 14, N.Y.,nT. Union 8q., Academy. Dewey. Rooms 60a., t*o. , si, tl.Wday; $a.60 togB week. W.D.nANNlOAN, Prop. BHtRMABUHOTBL>,otlt and Pine, 8U Louis, near all theatres', European plan. Room with bath, f 8.(0 to It week. Give trial. B. F. OAHILL, Prop. TUB CASTLE INN. Niagara Sonata. BuflWo, N. Y. Bates, 11 to 14 per day. MR. 0. F, DUNBAR, rrop.i MRS. M. F. liA ift, Mgr. The XeSure, FINEST PROFESSIONAL HOUSE IN FIIILA. \,-l < 8; W. CORNER 18th and LOCUST. HOTEL VELEY BUBOPBAM PLAJf Itl asr Special weekly rates to the proieeslon. Clark fit., Chi osgo. Most oentral location la City WANTED, for STETSON'S U. T. C. CB.. Woman for Ellua and Ophelia, Man for Har- ris ond tit. Clare, Marks mid Haley, Cornet, B. anil . Tuba, l'luno tbat doubles horn. Other intielclaus, write. Can place Colored tilng- crs lind Dancer*. ' State sulnry ; will advance tjcNyt. WM. KIBBLK, Mgr.. Marlon, Ind. LKAJDING LADY ' WANTID. Must have enough capital- to buy mif lotercit In a well known bTOOK CO. A big paying in- vestment, Coaohed Dy one of I ho best Stage Di- rectors In the.proteaaioo. Rare chance. Send photo. Address . .. W.W.SW1TZER. Oklahoma City, Okie. rSe a PRbmBBBivif al. > Hiosendforonroafoiogof. . Ureair Paint t and Hade V|i guppll.s. . VAN HORN ft MICHL, Mnfs "Carnellan'VOiar- anteed_ Oreaae • Painte, Onitanteed Carrieltan' Oold oream, toota.]b on, Face Powder (t s Shades) , 60ot9. n> can. . . Killed Make Xp Boxes, |LU, |a.60and|0.O0. Face Powders, Creams, Kit., OiTlce, Ml N. NlnUi at, . Paolnry, .tie Aroh., PHILA.. P». WANTED, FOR THE LE ROY STtJCK CO. MPBOIALTY PEOPLK WHO PLAY PARTsi HKPBAtTOIBSH PCOPt.ll IN ALL LIJiEl FOB ABOVE CO.. Man wtth Bloving i'lrtnr. Mtaclalne to jilay .itiall pasta. Pay your own. MAirAUBR LB BOY STOCK CO., , , . Qreendeld, lad . Wanted, Piano Player* Oue who oailpiay good Rag Time MdkIc and Over- tures. Mutt Co a' sight reader. J. Hall, kindly communicate. J. A A J. II. OADSER, ' __Hhaoa Hotel, Ithaca, N. Y. HAVE A lOOK.-Flii Bultir AcciBpiil- MBNT8. FLVTf) INSTBUOTOB. EIOBT BONO and DANCE STEPS, KXBRCISK8 IN REEL DANCING, ALL FOR 16 OEN'IS. . ,r>. MDYNAHAN, P. 0. Box 131, Cedarhnrst. I, I., N. Y. Slot Machine Parlor For Sale. Hare chance- Rverytlilng up to date, flood reason for telling. Address PARLOR, care of CLIPPER. Reading and Recitation Books. Catalogue Free. All dranutlo PLAYS, WIGS papers on sale or malted. ciia*. McDonald & cu., aft. Wa shingt on HL. OHICAQO. 8.SNINDHELM,Tliiitrt6alWiK MAKER, flood workforlowprlcee. 118 West Stta BTRBET, New York. nd ttatu; lor price list. CROSS PPINITINO CO. illlUmBiUlU Dmapa.CAfiu7caMm.Tsr/aim at jx**.,. Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 16c. TRICK OAItrW, to. Book of outs, sec, containing over 600 engravings, BI0B SHOW MANAGERS. *<%S2Z$" Side Show Banners; After 2* yeara'c xpcrlenco In New York city, ha» PERJUNEHTLYESTJIBLISHE9 B1II8ELF III CHICAGO where be will conilnuo to produoe Hie very. best BIDE SHOW FRONTS that can be produced in the United states. Addrens LEE A PAVOC8T;' ' '■ ' : 181 Grand Ave., Chicago, ill. ' . X*f A IN T m D For CO. S NO. 2 and 3, IVIecJIolne 9h. ACTS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, MUSICAL ACTS, SINGLE ACTS OF ALL KINDST Al LEOT0RER.P1ANO PLAYER. ' Btate lowest salary. No fanoy sal arics paid. MCBT JOIN MONDAY, DEO. 12. OSBORNE A VAN HAl'SEN, Berbcn Med.Co., Cordova, Keb. WANTED, 'OR St. Louis Comedy Co., Al 8IBT0B TEil, PIAIO PLAYEB • ABD ALL BODID C0IEDL1R. RELIABLE AGENT WANTED TO BOOK SHOW. Others write. ■ M. M. 8C0TT, Minigir, Anderson, W. V». WARD BOB E FOB SALE CHEAP IS I'alrs of Ladles' Solid Spangled Tights, ?1C; 25 Pairs of Ladles' Woolen /rights, dlf- ereut sizes and colors, .10 : 60 Ladlea' Fancy Waists, different sites and colors, .20; lti Ladles' Gimps, 7lth Skirts and Aprons, gold braid, t6; 8 Pairs of Ladles' Striped Knee Pents, (5 ; 8 Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, ss- sorted colors, $5 ; B Pairs Ladles Knee Pants, white, with red stripes down side. (3:7 Red Shoulder Jackets, S3 ; 6 Wide Blade Swords, .2 ; .12 Fancy Belts, different colors, and 12 Pairs of Ladies' Slippers, different sites, ID. All these articles have been In use and will deed Borne repairing. You can buy any of the above lot separately, at the price given, or the whole lot, together with three trunks, for tec. 1'ou must call and see this lot of wardrobe; cannot explain by mail. Here Is the Oreatut Bargain on Record: $300 Royal Pnoto-optlcon, double lens, finest lantern made, with trunk and a large canvas for pictures, all complete, with CO to 60 views; will take .120. Over 30 of the finest S. S. Stewart and J. D. Scball Banjos, and other makes, with leather cases for same, will sell at a, great sacrifice. Also sleigh bells, staff bells, wooden xylophones, organ pipes, and wire dulcimer. CHICAGO— 1-12 TV'. Madison St.— CHICAGO. psivatb dancino bchool, 191-108 8. Clark St ROACH Cot This Out ROACH. WANTEfi Hl >c* *'"'">' Hutch and Irish Song rv an abu, snd Drove Comedians, that put on acts and change tor one week. Also Al Piano Player. Must be Al.- Salary right, 'or all you are worth. Those who wrote before please write agatn. Beat regards to all friends. Addreie SIOUX REMEDY CO., Wentoma, Waushara Co., Wis. PROF. CHAB. P. COOK, Proprietor. JAB. i. CARNEY, Manager. WANTED, FOR T STETSON'S MM T(M1 CO., flood Working Agent, and Mau for Small Farts,' Double Cornet In Band. Stato age, height, weight and lowe»t salary flrst lottcr. Address OEO.PEOK, Mgr.,2U W. Bjj St., New York Oily. $ rorBANDS,SCtlOOLS.Fiar,HEN,Hlim..._ - and all others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publl.lt , several Hits. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 5B0 Clark Street Chteasto III. WANTED, ■AH WITH PICTURE MACHINE, Also A GOOD BAGICIAlf. Address D. F. KOWLElt, Port Huron, Mloh. WANTED, ACTORS and MUSICIANS Tli at Doable U. and O. er Stage . ' ESPECIALLY WANTED CHILD FOR KV, MINNIE MASON, Write . ' ED. 1'. DAVIS, Tort Huron, Mloh. ZAMBEZI CEM one- tenth. Great Discovery. Experts can not detect It from gen- . utne diamond. Costs bnt In brilliancy and cut it has no equal. Betting solid gold. Write for illustrated catalogue ROWS A CO,, Dept.O,, S58 Dearborn St., Ohlofgo, Al BOUBRETTE. own. Other good ret State lowest and pay your w people, write. WltiL LEW bros.' STOOi CO., Yellow Snrtngs, 0. WANTED QUICK, 611H All Around Black FAOB COMEDIAN. CP IN AOT8. I pay alt after joining. Address nil, FBED H. MILLER, Modern Remedy Co,, Boschdrte, pntnsnt County, nfoj - E.ISII Plclur* Uicilnis, Sttmiticiis. Bong Slides, Films, Lenses, Oat Outfits, Kleomqal Goods, eto Send for catalogue and) etrcnlara. L. MANASSE CO., 88 MrnUton Street, Chicago, III. JOHS A. WKST, ■ "Th» Maslcal Browrilf." ■FEB, 11) OPE>. Fsrmaaesiti »» 04 Anaosur Ave., Cbiicago Telephone 1&4» Boat li. CHICAGO PBOFESSIONbL SUPPLY CO., .430 MCK80N BLOCK, CHICAGO, ILL. We buy, sell, exohange and handle on commls- slon ail kinds of Second Band and Now Show Goods. Highest cash price paid for Films, Ma- chines, Slides, illusions, Tents, etc. We examine alt Alms and adjust all machines, both old and ii»w nedt. before shipping. All the latent Talk- ing Machines, with latest Illustrated Bong Bee- inuH.,two verses and two choruses. Special prices to the profession. Let us know what you want or have to dlspcee of; we ' can save you money on anything laour line. - MEDICINE MEN. If yon are looking for the best llnr of Kemedlei on the market. If you Want Easy Sellers and Big JJoaey, address DILL REMEDYiCO. . , ■ . EAST BANGOK. PI. . ; •. ELK THEATRE, POCATELLO, IDAHO, JOB ML'BPIIY. Proprietor. A. J. WAV1.B. Staste Manager. Acts playing llutte, Mont, Ogdeu, Bult Lske, I tali, break your Jump here, tstooa and First Part Ladles Wanted at All Times. Act* that bate worked with mo write. A. J. WAYNE. WANTED, :■ MAN WITH ABILITY AND PHYSIQUE, FOR SHERLOCK HOLMES, 1 IN TOM ART Hfll'S "A Study in Scarlet" Co. Also People lu ALt OTHER LINES. Wire and write full particulars. All " hearsals Deo. 19. Address All photos returned, Rt. artloulara. 1». _ MORT W. SANFORD, Faribault, Minn. At Liberty, COBHET AID 8EC0HD VIOUH. v r r .„ .. w .. ... Add. OARL FRANK, Ord, Neb. ' ■**■•»• AVAOlVaT A X , Wiitid, fir tte Will Liw Ires. StMk^r p g^* Gen? Baai' L ' , REPERTOIRE OR ONE PIECE. WARDROBE APPEARANCE, ABILITY. OREENVILLE, TEXAS, Second Hand BARD IN8? BUMENTS bought, SOLD and EXOH ANOED. Bend for com- plete list. - FKAMK HOkTOR A CO.. lorT. Madison Street, Ohleatro. m. IRWIN'S BIO SHOW. FRED IRWIN. : . . . .Manager CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp with the Funny Voice. THERAT8ELBENDER8 An Anstrlan DrlU. A Specialty In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. . Extra Feature, : WATOH FOR UB AT THE DEWBT. 4-THE CONOLLY8--4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JE88IE MOORE Contralto. "THEM FELLOWS," WIL80N & 80RC Talking Humorists. OH. MY, IB DOT SO. oe ° -THE KLEINS - L °" tto Dutch Comedian and Soubrette- SKKTflHTR Songs, Etc., Written. Send OBAiUBM BUnB.'or No Reply. Al Ret- ereuces. Sample Parody and s Gags, ioc. MARY S. PROSPERT 'THAYBR,i;« rineSt., Prov., R. l. ROBERT GORDON....... MANAGER BBMBATIOMAX) ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Belorc the Public. I'Bssrjphy'a Hasgoerade." Produced by EEIJD and GILBEEX. , An Uproariously Funoy Farce Comedy. TERRY aniliJEB and iPEI In "TBI DANCING MreBIOKARY," IIAR5IOMOUS SELF.CTIOS8, RELIANCE aUARTET, TflOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1P.BT, OHAPPELL. CHARMTEn EVTERTA15ER8. BRODERICK and JESSICA.. . CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. TUB BIRGER GIRLS, ALLIINE arid HAMILTON. ACROBATIC DANCERS. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLACF. .Manager MAUDE EVELTH HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. ' UNDERSOrf^" WALLACE TRAVESTY and TRAOEDY STARS. ' MaRIElJlRRISON. TBE OIRIi WITH THE YELLOW HAIR.- . BILLY NOBLE, THE REAL COON SBOUTER. bellFwTlton, .»iE . TBE DARE EYED DAUGHTER OF 8PAI>>. A BIT OF GERMAN NONSENSE, '" FARRON and PAY, In "THE L AST QUART OF BEER." > ! LrRRYIIcCrLE. J THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY GOB.; • 5-sistersIeIutzer-s ■ Europe's Premier Lady Oy mn asts. ■ ; Abe Leavltt's Famous ' RENTZ-SANTLEY CO. LEO LEAVITT. .Buiiness Manager. MVRTLK Borne of the Olio Vea tares With ROSE SYDEIX'8 LONDON BELLES. W. S.CAMPBELL.............: Manager RENNET and HOLLIS, Comedians, Vocalists and Impersonators. . NOVELTY, COMEDY and ilAItMOl Y BIJOU COMEDY TRIO, Q.o. L. Dorsej, H arry "Waltjen , Edward Wright. BELYEA, world's Greatest Exponent of Physical Culture. a hit; JACK and BERTHA RICH, BIngers, Talkers and Wooden Bhoe Dancers. CHAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monologuing Parodist, .-. '•.,', ' ; BIJOU COMEOr FOUR, Peer or All Comedy quartettee. ->' i •; ' CUOSlJlTEZ ... Singers and Eccentric Buck Dancers. ' V CUFF PARREL^- ', The Merry Musical Minstrel. • — — ^ -I fi. _. ' . . THE NOVELTY DUO. bknk.t the RACKETTS ^ AUA introducing the Steeple on tho HUI. HAWTHORNT& BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancers.?!.. .- Fea tares -with L. LAWREN01>WEBER'S At I*it>e:rt:y 9 8.8. PIANIST, LEADER. ' ARRANGER, CORNET IN BAND. SOUBRETTES. ■, ::«_ l IN0ESUES ANDjrrvBNILES, B, 8. BOYEB, aio E. 2d St.. Ft. Worth, Tex. WANTED AT ONCE, Fine lllnstrated Song Singer Oeutieniaupreferied: salary sure; work all year; stat* lowest salary and .ail .you can do In rust letter, also enclose photograph and age. No boozers need write.' Address • • ■ - 1IR1NT0N ENTERTAINING CO., Washington, la. DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN...... Manager JAMES & SADiELEONARD, In " The -Wrong Tip." chas.1ob1nson, The Laugh Maker. bessieIUfford; atartilns; Sensation In Tlehtgl AN "A" ONE .'/ General Actor Also FEATUBE SPECIALTY. Address KLAKKariBAN Co., ". •*•'• Dover, New Hampsnirn W«ntodto Buy. . WlflON SI0W PROPERTV. Wagons. Tenrs, Seats, Lights. Stags Scenefy, Cook House, Horse Tents. Everything to completes TC or 14 wsgou show. • Wsgoss soltaMc to go • lu parade. Also Want Prattle Schooner; aUoorer lknd Ooacb. Hare got the cash ; make yotlrprlce . risht if. you went to sell. Address foyurtsr Qusrters. m. L. P., Byesvllle, Ohio.' December 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 981 . TAHLK OK CnXTUNTS. UMf Clipper'! AnwUotee, Etc.. i'6» Dollar TTonpe.... our London Litter.... Vaudeville aid Minstrel Qaerie* AnaveSfejLj. Oar Chicago JLstter .'., May Irwin— Shttch aurprt ro»t office. . uSS br Telegraph Oo the Bold— Vaudeville Bout* List. .V9T6.' jgK 878, 981, 982. . . 983, Nsw York Olty— Review and Ccmmeat... 986 984 . . . 970 __l City— With the BUI Posters ruder to* Tents Music and Song. ...... Heaths in the -profession Ml'CeJlaneOnS Chess and Checkers TUEAT rical correspondence. New J«I»/....... District of Columbia .,..., Massachusetts Oblo ...... ... .«.••«••» «..,... Canada... ... - Connecticut • -- jihode Island... ;. Michigan, : i 'jVnnes«te...i J,>br««ka... ...... Colorado Pennsylvania Maryland California......... Oregon • ■• Maine OkUbomi New fork State... Missouri Indiana. .-... Kentucky Sonth Caroline... . Virginia Texas. Minnesota Wisconsin'...-. '••• lHJaota,......;..; Alabama...... .... I#EEST BY TEL EGfRAPH. Monday XlsTbr. Opening, la All the ./'•--' ■-■■ Bit Ibpw Tomi. GOLDEN GATE GLEANINGS. , 984, 'ate. H74 074 974 967 987 078 978 070 neo 981 083 984 987 984 084 084 985 SS5 087 977 •j78 978 979 976 979 970 981 979 079 879 990 960 990 960 090 COO 990 990 960 900 990 090 f*K> 981 984 984 084 084 Blir Business la the Report at Every ■TT . • House. fipfojftl Dispatches to The New Yobk Clippbb. jfcix FA*ncisco, Dec. 0. — At the Columbia Theatre this Is the third and laat week of Maxlne Elliott, In "Her Own Way." Busi- ness hax been very good. *M«jS«ic.— Monday, Dee. 5, "The Sena- tor." , Blg'bvtslness continues. On Tuesday, ii, the Native Daughters of the Golden W'cat hake the house for the benefit of their home fFfld. On Wednesday, 7, the San Francisco Conimerclal Travelers' Association has takon i be House for the benefit of the charity fund; .This theatre has arranged, for the near future, oroductlons of "Cats and "la old- lieldelberg." Ate****.— "The Professor s LoTe Story In ,op for this week. Business last week wo. very big. qiusn. Opera Hottse. — Williams and Walk- er Hiul '4 a two weeks' engagement, pre- senting "la Dahomey." They opened to big California. — Wm. H. West's Minstrel Co. Is lure for one week. The opening perform- sue* drew a packed house. JJsntbal. — "The Suburban" Is the current offering.'" Business has been Immense. - Ttvou Opera House. — This Is the second week at "King Dodo." YlRViirim. — BUI for week beginning 4: Mary Shaw and Co., Howard's dogs and pontes. Ith'ylllg Allen, the Dillon Brothers, Marvelous Frank and Little Bob, the Three Josslyns, Clement De I.ion, SAm Klton, Le Rojtnad Rlccl end the Orpbeum motion plc- CitiTEil. — Programme for week beginning n t: Holmes and Dense. Edward Hart and Mile. Kesale, fiance Smith, Lillian Levy, Mabel I.amson, Clarence Sisters and the blo- NoTOtf-^Morrla Meyerfeld Jr., president of the Orpbeum Circuit Co., left for Denver on business connected with the house there, Nov. 25. .... .Irene Outtrlm, an Australian singer, has been, engaged by the Tlvoll Opera House, and wl"i make her first appearance there as Annette, In "King Dodo." She has been slng- Ing'ln grand opera In Melbourne, having made her debut about four years ago .Friday afternoon; Dec. 0, Is the date of the annual uenfKt of the Associated Theatrical Mana- ger*;, pf Bin Francisco, at the Orpbeum, when evejir tbtatro In this city will contribute Its hhare of talent Alfred A. A. Karland, liapjolstv. U announced for ft single concert at SteTuwny Hall on Tuesday evening, Dec. 13. t FHOM OTHER POINTS. Cleveland'. Theatre, Clilcngro, Closed — Helene Ueeins Her Enacaarxneut lp ChlcnKO— Good Bnalnesa Re- - ported From the Various Points. . Chicago, Dec. 0. — Cleveland's Theatre has closefl. 'At Sunday night's performance Man- ager .Cleveland made a speech, declarlug IBM opposition and. the building department were too. much for him. Monday a letter frdm Uutldluj; Commissioner Williams was ppated'oi) the outside lobby doors, in which Mr. Cleveland was Informed that required Htmcturol changes in conformity with the new ordinances must be made by noon, Monday, Dec. r>. or the house would be closed hi (Jia authorities, and evidently Manager OeMlan'd determined not to reopen after Huijday night's performances. Gits Hill, Nan} Scrlbner, Chas. Waldron and Geo. Kraue, Hostein burlesque managers, have (reached Chicago during their tour of In afvictlo'ti uf the burlesque wheel. Many Hire centre about them, but there la no ltd announcement of anr change In the burlesque situation.. ..Margaret Anglin wl|| open an engagement at Powers' next .Monday might. Dec. 12, the bouse remaining dark daring the rest of the late Mrs. Oll- I wet's booking Blanche Walab scored a ajguil triumph In "Kreutzer Sonata," pack- lif xUcYtcker'g Sunday nlgbt with a most demonstrative and enthusiastic audience.... ThlJubpOay openings were : Mme. Bejane, Maude Adame, the Illinois. .ReJane fortnight of' French drama be- >aylli» great eclat "The Clngaleo'' louts, 'Monday night, at Studebalcer's, tits third week The last three • . of '"Fantana" began Sunday night the Garrlck packed to capacity Is by. Night" was the Great Northern's lay. opening, capacity attendance enjoy- Ino performance The outlying the- nbea^arulch play popular priced comblnn- f'4gs enfurtd big business Sunday afternoon t*aft evening The Crackerjacks bad One *iad»V business at the Folly, and the Bose If)|l,Bt)QW packed the Trocadero Sam .'!'. Jack l attracted more people than could ' commodaied. the dramatic stock houses '.splendidly end tbe vaudeville houses fllted to limit. ausi.PHiA, Dec. fl. —A heavy enow aimpered the ardor -of theatregoers ' g. but. considering adverse con- Ivonago was satisfactory Blrable Crlchton," at the Broad : MatlStlBVvt the Garrlck: "The Bhephexd Hmr »t\lhs Opera House: "Plff! PaSI! MMfue ar tbe Chestnut: "Cbeckera." at y* Wolftnt.- and "The Shop Girls," at tbe lop,] mere nil continued and drew well, alitor lomlilnatlon bouses bad popular ThrMbnflay openings were : M laJflZaza," nt the Grand, and Mi In "The Little Minister," at (•omjiutilea nt Farepnngire, flttindnrd . ntul •glgl JS |M,,, wcrltorloiiK product loux ami delighted patrons .Fine vaudeville at Keiths earned prosperity, and the Bon Ton, With the same style of entertainment, fated J»«ll .Burlesque enjoyed Its niua! poou- larity at the Eleventh, and the Museum had goodly patronage The weather had lit- tle, effect oh the attendance at the Boston Sjmphony concert at the Academy. Bostox, Dec. 6. — Openings last night were good, though not as large as last week:... •The Yankee Consul," at the Tremofit, hRd a packed house Amelia Bingham, In "The Climbers," began her engagement prosper- ously at the Park The Sothern-Marlowe combination had a sold out hottse ar the Ho!- li» Mme. Schumann-Relnk, In "Love's Lottery." had a good sized gntherlng st the Colonial Geo. Primrose's Minstrels also did well at the Boston.. .'. .Bertha GalMntl, In "Dorothy Vernon," had a fair sited house et the Majestic Popular priced houses aping well were the Globe and Grand Opera House, with "'The Ninety and Nine" and "Fast Life In New Vort* Stock pro ductlone at the Castle' Squire and Bowooin Square The burlesque and vaudeville houses had but little falling off from laat week's openings. Weather threatening thoush but little snow bad fallen up to opening time. Kansas Citt, Dec. 6.— William Collier, In "The. Dictator," opened a week's engagement at tbe Willis Wood last night, to a good house and scored a success At the Grand Dockstader's Minstrels had a big Sun- day matinee and S. B. O. at night. Mr. Dockstader and the big production were splendidly received .Two big bouses were on hand at the Orpheum to see a splen- did vaudeville bill. In which Valerie Bergere was the headllner At tbe Glllls two big houses saw Patrice, In "Driven from Home." At the Auditorium "A Des- perate Chance" bad two of the best houses of the season At the Century the Pa- risian Widows burlesqued to good houses... .. The Boer War opens at Convention Hall to- night. Cincinnati. Dec. 8.— Sam Bernard and Hattie Williams Introduced "The Girl from Kay's" at the Grand tonight, and tbe local premier was most successful .Sunday's openings were all well attended.... "Buster llrown jammed the Walnut Street- At Heuck's "The Charity Nurse" opened -to a record breaking crush. "The Girl I Left Behind Ma," Interpreted by the Fore- paugh Stock Co., pleased great turnouts Tbe Columbia had n good vaudeville bill: . . . "The Span of Life," at the Lyceum, and the Tiger Lilies Company, at the People's, all did capacity business. Washington, Dec. 8. — Wm. Faversham, in "Letty," had a good home at the National. "Tbe Prince of I'llsen" came, to »ood business, at the Columbia. .... .Al. Leech, In "Girls Will Be Girls," bad a good open- ing for his return engagement at tbe La- fayette ."The Flaming Aftow" packed the Academy The Metropolitan Quartet was the bead liner at Chase's, filling the house twice yesterday. . ....Bob Manches- ter's Vanity Fair had two good houses at the Lyceum. Lotitsritxe, Dec. 8. — Margaret Anglin opened at -Macauley's Theatre to a large house "A Son of Best" opened at the Masonic, to a crowded house "Aeros9 the Pacific" at tbe Avenue, attracted a packed bouse Sunday The. Morning Glories, at the Buckingham, and vaudeville, at Hopkins', played to capdty nouses Sun- day. ««» MINNOSOTA. Minneapolis At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) "The Two Or- Shans" Dec. 4-7, Eva Tanguay 8-10, Tim lurphy 11-14, and "York State Folks" 15-17. Fair business was enjoyed by Walker White- side and Kzra Kendall last week. Buou Opera Hodse (Theodore L. Hays, manager).— "Wedded, But No Wife." 4-10. "Waif's Paradise" follows 11. Keller had fine houses. , , . . LtcBuat (Dick Ferris, manager). — "Fight- ing Bob" 4-10, "A Social Highwayman" 11 and week. "Shall We Forgive Her" was well lecelved last week. • ' Orphfxx (Martin Beck, general manager). —For 4 and week : Jesse Bartlett Davis, Felli and Barry, Josephine De Witt. Fetch- ing Brothers, the Two Pucks, tbe Loz|tts and the Three Dumonds. Fine business continues. Dkwev (M. H. Singer, manager)- — The Fay Foster Co. 4-10, the City Sports 11-17. The Bentz-Santley Co. drew fair houses. a St. Paul.— At the Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, manager) Kzra Kendall, In "Weatherbeaten Benson," gave a good performance, and Walker Whiteside came, to good business, Dec. 1-3. Eva Tanguay 4-7, all star "The Two Orphans" 8-10, ''York State Folks" 11-14, Tim Murphy 15-17. . Grand- (Theodore L. Hays,' manager). — Selma Herman. In "Wedded, But No wife," had very good business. For week of 4, Howard Hall, In "The Waif's Paradise ;" "The Curse of Drink" 11-17. _,' Stab (J. C. Van Boo, manager).— The Cracker Jacks came In for the usual good bnslness last week. For week of 4, the Bentz- Santley Co. ; Fay Foster Co., 11-17. _ , Umpibu (A. Welnbolzer,. manager). — Busi- ness showed a decided Increase last week. New people for week of 5 : The Valpos and Beahan and Daken. Holding over : Otto Kelchtl'e Tyrolean Quartet, Bockway and Conway, Lou Smith, Helen Stewart and Kit- tle Ransom. _' OnpHEtiii (John C. Kane, manager).— Charles Frerck has become proprietor of this pretty playhouse and John C. Kane Is man- ager. People for week of 0: Tbe Martlnes, Blanche Ward, Flo Lytle, Marie Collier, Violet Wlllard, Mae Burns, Ollle Padre, Polly O'Neill, Carl Raymond. Lena BolK, Montle Raymond, Harry White,. Eddie Col- lins and Ivdlson motion pictures. Business was good last week. 4 » » — ' MICHIGAN. Saginaw At the Academy of Music (John U. Davidson, manager) Roselle Knott, In "Cousin Kate," Nov. 24; came to capacity. Wm. Llovd, In "Richard III," 28, had a fair house. "The Bonnie Brier Bush" Dec. 0, ••Human Hearts" 7, "the Forbidden Land" P. Jcffers' (Bamford k Marks, managers). — "The Charity Nurse" played to excellent business Nov. 24-30. r 'On. tbe Suwaneo River," 27-30, drew good houses. "What Women Will Do," Dec. 1-3, opened to a good house. The AcADEMr of Music, of, this, city, has been sold to Messrs. Burt & Edson, of Toledo. a , Jackson — At tbe Atbeoaum (H. J. For- ter, manager) Harrison J. Wolfe, In "Ham- let," Nov. 20. pleased. "An American Gentle- man," 20, did well. "David Harum," 30, pleased. "Human Hearts" Dec. 1, Blanche Ring 3, J. H. Stoddart 8, Ward and Vok.es 0, ,7 Uncle Hcs" 10, '"Due Two Johns" 12, "Arliona" 13, "Under Southern Sklca" 17. L.naaoyr — At Balrd's Opera House (Fred J. Williams, manager) the Corlnne-ttunkel Stock Co.. Nov. 28 and week, pleased. Due: "The Forbidden Land" Dec. a. "Tbe Bonnie brier Bush" 7, tbe Elks (local) will present ••The Mikado" 12, 13. ■ ■' »»> — James T. Kelly and wife (Lnclle Phelps) ..ave closed a long engagement with the How* nrd Stock Co., and have been re-engaged for ipenlng the am of " III direct alt m have closed a long engagement with the How* ' Tjk, and have beta re-r- ock, opening the tti ..jlly will direct all pii_. play character leads and brayles, Jlrs, Kejly the Summer stock, oi 1005. Mr. Kelly sing the "first" of May. " plays and offerings well patronized. Is engaged for characters, jnyenlleie and In The stock genues. Oi He Roada All Rom*. Mut Brnh li Not Later Tn aa Mond ay. DftAMATlC. • • A Adams, Maade (Charles Frobman, nir.l— Cbt- cajro. III., 0-10, Albany. N. Y., 12, rfnrloinelil. Uaas., 13, Hartford, Conn., U, Bridgeport in. Waterbury .10, .New tlaten IT. Allen, Viola (Oiarle« w. Alien, on.)— Padaran, Ky.; 6. Btaaavllle, lad., u. LeilairtoB, Ky.. 7. t.otitjTllle 6-10. Plttstmrg. Ph.. 12-17. Andln. Margaret (Frank Pet ley. mgr.) — Indian- apolts, lad.. 7, - Milwaukee Wis., 8-10, CM- csso. Ill- 18-24. Aubrey Stock -OV. t>. Flttgeritld, mgr.)— Taoaton, Mass., 0,10. Aubrey- Stock (W. B. Hardy, mat. )— Akron, 0., 6-10.. "Arlronn." Ea»tern, M; B. Rayotond'a (H. C. De Mulb. mgr.) — Huntington, lad., 7, Hero 8. Fort Wayae 6, . ttendallrille 10. Osldwater. Mich.,.. 3, . iacktoo 13, Lansing 14, Battle Creek 13, 0<»heg. Intl., 10. Vslpatslso. 17, Haaintnnd 16. » "Arlaooa" Western, M. B. It.iymond's (Wilson 9. Boss, mgr.) — Seattle. Waili., *-10, Pendleton, Ore.. 12, Walla Walla, Wash.. 13. Colfax 14. Pullman IZ, Spokane 10. 17, Wallace, Ida.. 19. Mlsonta. Mom.. 20, Hi-leaa 21. Great Falls 22,. Butte 23, 24. "An American rrloceas" — Colombo., 0.. 8, Wheel!?,:, W. Va., 10, Philadelphia, Pa., 18-17. "At. tbe .Old Cioss Kotds" (Arthur C. Alaton. mgr.)— St. Louis, Mo„ 11-17. "AcrosM the PaclBc" (Harry Clay Blaney, mgr.) — Lonbtrtlle. Ky.. 410. "Alone tn the World." Mlttenthal Brothers' (Leon Williams, mgr.) — S.i.-lnaw, Mich., 11-14. Toledo. O.. 1317. • "Atter .Midnight" (Spencer I Aboro, mgrs.) — St. Louis. Mo.. 4-10. "At Cripple Creek" — Charlotte. S. C. 8. Con- cord 6. Durham 10, Richmond. Va„ 13-17. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Ktlmy s Brlfton, mgrs. )— .Richmond, Mo., 7, Trenton 8, Macon 9, Louisiana 10. East St. tools, 111.. 11, Mnr- Phrysboro 12. Cairo 13. Anna U, Carbondale 10, Marlon 16. Padaeab, Ky.. 17. "An Ametlcan Gentleman" — Columbus, 0., 8. 0. "At Bisk of His I .ire" (Mark S Swan, mgr.)— Bnrliogton. X. J.. 10. Trenton 13-14. Bridge- port, Oonn., IS, 10. Waterbury IT. B Blanche' Bates (David Belasco, mgr.) — Denver. Colo., 0-10. Barrynore, Ethel (Charles Frobman, mgr.) — N. V. City S, indefinite. Bingham. Amelia (Lloyd Blogbatn, mgr.) — Bos- ton, Mass., 0-17, Belief. Kyrle (l.lebler £ Co, mgrs.) — Cleveland. 0:, S-10, Toronto, Can., 12-17. Brsmwell, William (Henri Oressltt, mgr.) — Wheeling. W. Va'., 8-10, Pittsburg. Pa.. 12-17. Blair, Eugenie (Qeorte A. Blumlngtoal. mar.)— Brooklyn. S". v.. 3-10, Worcester, Uais.. 12-1,7. Beresford, Harry (J. J. Column, mgr.) — Dayton, O.. 7. Hamilton 8. Sprlngteld 0. Mlddletown 10, Richmond, Ind.. 12, Columbus 13. Terre Haute 15. Danville, III., 16, IT. Boston. Louise (A: H. Woods, mgr.)— Memphis, Tenn., 6-10. Dayton, 0„ 12-14. Bunting. Kami (Karl Dur|*«^. mgr.) — PottsrII|e, Pa.: S-10, Wllllams^ort 12-17. Brown. Kirk (Annell k Deabon. ingrs.) — Lockport. N. Y.. r,-io. Breckenrldge Stock (Charles Breckenrtdge, mgr.) —Webb City, Mo., 5-7. Carthage 8-10, Aurora 14-17. Burke-McCann (M. McCann, mgr.) — Corning, N. V„ S-io. Hornellsvllle 12-17. Belcher's Cbmedlanii (W. M. Belcber, mgr.) — Sterling. Kan., - S-IO. Hut.'Ulnson 12-17. Benton's Comedians (P. R. Benton, mgr.) — Ho- bart, Okla.. 12-14, Anadurka 13-17, Lawtbn 19-21. "Ben Hur" (Klaw h Krlanger. mgrs.) — Austin. Tex.. B-10. San Antonio 12-17. "Bonnie Brier Bush." J. H. Stoddart (Klrke La Shelle. mgr.) — Lansing, Mich., T, Jackson 8. Klwood, lnd,, 0, Hamilton, 0., 10, Cincinnati 121T. "Buster Brown," Eastern. M. B. Raymond's (W. H. Butterfleld, mgr.)— Hornellstllle, N. V.. 7. Warsaw 8, Batavia 9, Nlagura Falls 10, James- town 12, Warren, Pa., l.l, Franklin 14, Oil City 15, MeadvlUe 10. East I.lyeroool. O.. IT. "Buster Brown." Western, M. B. Raymond's (Jeff Bernvteln, mgr.)— Cincinnati, 0„ 0-10, Pittsburg. Pa., 12-17. "Because She Loved" (Martin Julian, mgr.) — KUtabeth, S. J„ 810. Trenton 15-17. "Bunch of Keys" (Ous Botliner, 'mgr. ) — Topeka. Kan., 4, EnporU S, Burlltipton 6, Iola 7, Cba- note 8. Parsons 9, Pittsburg 10. Joplln, MO., 11, CnlTeyrllle, Kan.. 12. Bartlesvllle, lnd. Ter., 13. Tulsa 14. Salpulpa 15, Okmulgee 10, Shaw- nee, Okla., IT. "Brenk for l.lbertr" (J. M. Jacobs, mgr.) — Hamilton, 0., 7. Connersvllle. lnd.,'8, Oreenfleld n, New Castle 10, Richmond 12, Klwood 13, 'i'lp- . ton 1 1, FrnnkHn 13, Linton 16, Sullivan 17. , "Breezy Time." Kastern (K. Webster Fits, mgr.) — Gainesville, Ma.. T. Ocol.i 8, St. Petersburg !). Tampa 10, Bartow 12, Kisslmmee 13, Orlando 14. Daytona 13, 8t. Augustine 16. Pslatka 17. "Breeiy Time," Western lit Webster Fits, mgr.) — Qranil Island, Neb., T, Hastings 8, St. Paul I). Ord 10, Greeley II, Central City 12. Aurora 13. Howard 14, Sutton 15, Crete 16, Wilber IT. "Banker's Child" (Harry Shrnnon, nip.) — New- kirk, Okla., 7, Blackwell 8, Pooca City. 9, Perry 10, Gntbrie il, Purcell. I tut. Ter.. 12. Pauls Valley 13. Tiabomlngo 14, Coal Oate 15, South McAlester 10. "Boy of the Streets" (Herbert Tuaon. mgr.) — Vlrden. 111., 7, Colllnsylll^ 8. Kwardsvllle 0. St. Charles 10, Colllnsyllle 12. I/julalana. Mo.. 13.' Howling Green 14, Haunlbal 15. Palmyra 16, Sbtlblna IT. "Beauty Doctor," Fred E. Wright's (Thos. W. Prior, mgr.) — Richmond, Vi., 3-10. Wilmington, N. C, 12, Charleston. S. C. 13, Savannah, Co.. 14, Augukta 10, Columbus 17. "Black Mask'.' |W. R. Daliey, mgr.)— Newark. N. J.. '5-10, New Haven, Conn., 12- U, Springfield, Mass., 13-17. . O Crnno. Wm. H. (Charles Frobman, mgr.) — Hart- ford, Conn., 5, Bridgeport 6. Providence, It. 1., s-10, Boston, Mass., 12-24. Crosraan, Henrietta (David Belasco & Maurice Campbell. mgr».>— N. V. City 12-17. Campbell, Mrs. Patrick (Cburlea Frohman, Ogr.) — Albonv. N. Y., 5, 6, Syracuse 7, 8, Rochester 9, 10, Cleveland. O., 12-17. Com-ilnck. Nanette (James K. Hackett, mgr.) — Phlladelnhla, Pa.. C-10. Collier, William (Charles Frihtnan, mgr.) — Kan- sas City, Mo., 4-10, Topeau, Kan., 12, St, Jo- seph, Mo.. 13, Qnlncy, III., 14, Davenport, Is., 19, Oalesburg. 111., 10, Peoria 17. Cohen, Geo. M. (Sam Harrlv. mgr.)— N. Y. City 5, indellnlie. Creston Clarke (Jule. Mnrry, mgr.) — Erie. Pa.. 8. t'orbett, James .1., mid Ines Macauley (Hal Da- vis, mgr.l — Milwaukee, Wis., 4-10, Dalsth, Minn., 15-17. Carpenter, I-'rankle (Jere Grady, mgr.) — Brockton, Mass., 8-10. New Bedford. 12-17. Chase-Lleter Theatre, A (Joseph l'arrell, ogr.) — Elk Point, H. Dak., 5-10, Stouz Falls 12-17. Conro.v and Mack — Washington, Pa., 7, L'plontown 8, Fairmont. W. Vs., 0. East Palestine. O., 10, Canton 12, Yotuurstown 13, Akron 15-17. . Conroy Si Mack's Comedians— East Liverpool, O., 5-10. Cutter 4 Williams Stock (W. R. Cutter ft J. W. Williams, mgrs. )— Wellstvn, O., 5-10, Cbarlea- ton. W. Va., 1217. Corbln, l-'loreui-e (3'. V. Rennle ft J. C. Hcbenck, mgrs.)— DMileford, Me., 5-10. Carroll Comedy (loo Carroll, mar.)— Glen Jean, W. Vs., 0-10. Chicago Stock (Chas. H. Ross Kara, mgr.) — Ge- neva. N. Y.. 3-10. Clifton Comedy— -Tnlsa, lnd. Ter., 5-10, Crescent Comedy (Bergman ft Cnmmlnirii, mgrs.) — OedartowTjl (la.. 310. Athens 12-17. ChampJIu. Cbartei K.— Pouglikcapsle. N. Y., 6-10. Crollus^ Comedy, Josqih J. l'lytu'i — I^wlstuu, Me.. B-IO, . . . ..., t . "County Chairman," Etstern (Hefiry W, Savage , mgr. I— New Bedford, Mam., 5, Hprlngoeld 6, 7, Nortbamntoo 8, Worcester 9, 10, Boston 12-17. "Cooniy Clialtman," Western ( Henry. W. (lavage, mgr.) — San Antonio, Tex.. 7, Waco 8. Fort Worth 0. 10. Dallas 12, 13, Conlcaoe 14, Gal- veston 13, Houston 10, Beanmoat 17. "Checkers" (Klrke Ls Shelle mgr.)— Philadel- phia. Pa., CIO, Trenton. N. J„ is. "Collet* Widow" I Henry W. Savtge, mgr.)— N- v. city 3, Indefinite. "Common- Settw Brackett" (Henry W. Ravage, mgr.)— Milwaukee, Wis,, «-7. Cntnmhus, ()., "Cblid Slaves of New York" (J. B, Isaac, mgr.) — Nashville, Timiu... 510, liulltiuniniUs, lud„ 12- - 14. l\itt Wayne IB. 10. "Child Wife." -Wm. T. Keoih'a— Sprlngflrld, Mass., 6-f. Hartford. Conn.. 10. "Charity. Nurse" tOeorge H. Leooartl, mar.) — CtaeiBaatLO.. 4-l0. Chicago. HI.. 11-24. vCMiatry KW" (B. B. Whltiaker. mgr.)— Eagle Orate, la.. 7, Sac City 8, Boone 10, Jefferson 12, Atlantic 14. Red Oak 10, Shenandoah 10, Creston IT. "Cnrse of Driok." Charles E. Blaney'*— Kansas City. Me.. 4-10, St. Paul. ainn.. li-17. "Circus Day" (ft. M. Hells, ogr.)— Saratoga, K. Y„ 7, Fort Plain 8, Uleas Falls 0, Fott Ed- ward 10. O Drew. John (Charles Frobman, mgr.)— N. Y. City 3-24. D'Orsay, Lawrence (Klrke La Shelle, mgr.)— To- ronto, Can., 5-10. - Daly.- Arnold (Wlacbell Smith, mgr.) — Itbaca, N. Y., T, Philadelphia. Ta., 12-17. Dowllng. Robert (P. PI Craft, mgr.)— Cambridge, MO.. 1,' Gaston 2, CrtsdeM 3, Salisbury 3, An- napolis 6, Havre de Grace T. Salem, N. J., 8, weodstown 9, Phcenlxvllle. Pa., 10. De Grasse. Joseph (Frank A. Haywstrd, mgr.) — Ponea City, Okla., 7, Perry 8, Stillwater ». Guthrie 10. Norman 12, Purcell, lnd. Ter., 13, Ardmore 14. De'.Voode, Chester (Phil Levy, mgr.)— Altoona, Pa.. 310. Davidson Stock (A. R. Davidson, mgr.)— Streator, 111.. 3-10. Michigan City, lnd., 13-17. DllgerCornell— Toledo, 0., 8-10. Dale, Marie (W. R. Martin, mgr.)— Hattlesburg, Miss.. SrlO, Canton 12-17. Dnlley, W. K., Stork— St. John. N, B„ O-Jan. 7. De PewBurdette (Thomas R. De Pew, mgr.) — Bristol, Tenn., 5-10, Kaosvllle 12-17. On Vrles Stock (Sam Du Vrles, mgr.) — Anburn, X, Y-. 5-10, Oneida 12-17. Dodge-Bowman— Nevada, Sin., G-7. Galena. Kah., S-10. Webb City. Mo., 1214. Carthage 1317. "David ' Harnm," No, 1 (Jnllns Cahn. mgr.) — Trenton, N. J.. 5-7, Wilmington, Del., 8-10, Washington. D. C, 12-17. "David Harnm," No. 2 (Julius Cabn, mgr.) — Wabash, lnd.. 0, Logansnort 7. Kokomo 8, Muncit 0, Marlon 10. Klwood 12, St. Marys. 0., 13, Van Wert 14, Lima 13. Flndlay 10, Bowl- lag Green 17. "Devil's Auction," Charles H. Ysle's (M. Wise, uurr.) — Vanconver, B. 0., 7, New Westminster 8.' New Whatcom, Wash.. 0. Everett 10, Seattle 11-14, Ellentllle 13, North Yakima 16. Walla Walla 17. Spokane 18-20, Wanlner, Ida.. 21, Wallace 22. Missoula. Mont., 23, Helena 24. "Dor* Thome." Eastern (Rowland ft Clifford. mgrs.) — Troy, N. V„ 5-7, Sjirlngfleld, Mass., "Dora Tbome," Western (George E. Crowder, mgr.) — York. Nebr., 7. Fan-bury 8, Belleville, Kan., 9. Sallna 10. Manhattan 12, Concordia 13, Belolt 14, McPberson 13, Newton 10, Wichita 17. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (L. E. Pond, ogr.)— Holly. Mich.. T. Saginaw A-IO. Grand Kaplds 11-14. Allegan 15. Kolamatoo 16, Lansing 17.. "Dealers In White Women" (A. 11. Woods, ogr.) . ApMladelphla, Pa.. 510. "Darkest Russia" tW. C. Cunnlnghim, mgr,)— Portland, Ore., 4-W. "Deserted at the Altar" (Percy O. Williams. mar.) — Wllkctharre, Pa., 6-7, Harrlsburg 8-10, Plttshnrg 12-17. . , "Down on the Farm" (P. L. Jarvls. mgr.) — Bowling Green, Ky., 7, Rnssellvllle 8, Clarlts- vllte, Tenn.. 10. "Dangers of Working Girls" (A. H. Woods, ogr.) — Pottstown, Pa.. 12. South Bethlehem 13, Al- lenlown 14. Reading 10, 17. "Dr.' Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (Cotter ft Williams, nvrrs.i — Du Quoin. III.. T, Marrlssa 8, Green- ville i', Effingham 10, Virginia 12. Beardsiown 15, Ottawa 14. Walnut 15, Braldwood 16, Ham- mond, lnd... IT. "Down by the Ses" (Phil Hnnt. mgr.)— Wilkes- barre, Pa., 5-7, Scranton 8-10. "Desperate Chance." Forrester ft MIttenthal's — Kansaa City. Mo., 410, St. Louis 1117. "Devil's Lane," Eastern (Eunice Filch, mgr.) — Clarksburg, W. Va„ Dec. 10, Msnnlogton 12, Wilton 13. Buckliannon 14. "Driven from Home." Patrice (Forrester ft Mlt- tenthal, mgrs.) — Kansas City, Mo., 11-14. "Denver E*pre»a" (George B. Holden, mgr.) — Akron.' O., 8-10. "Down Our Way"— N. T. City 1217. IS Elliott, Maxtne (0/ B. Dillingham, mgr.)— San Francisco, Cal.. 3-10, Los Angeles 12-17. Edeson, Robert (Henry B. Harris, mgr. )— Vlcks. burg. Miss., S, Memphis, Tim,, 6, 7, Nashville 8, F.vansvllle. lnd., 0, Terre Haute 10, St. Lottls. Mo.. 11-17. Edwards, Wnlter (Wells, Dunne & Harlan, mgrs.) —Grand Kaplds, Mich., 11-14, Toledo, 0„ 15- IT. Ellnare Slaters— M, B. Raymond's (Milton Gunck- el, mgr.) — Birmingham, Ala., 5-10, Atlanta, a*,. iVit. Emeiwn, Mary (Samuel Lewis, mgr.) — Waynes- bnrg. Pa.. 0, Charlerol 0, Conellsvllle 7, Cum- berland, Md„ 8, Sooernet, fa.. 0, Johnstown 10 Ewlpg, Gertrude (Lou Harrington, bus. ogr.) — Denton, Tex.. 11-10. McKlnney 12-17. Eltrvn. Lome — Bennington, Vt., 0-10. Hooslck- FalU. N. Y., 12-17. EdMll-Wlnthrope Stock (Edney Ridge, tins, mgr.) — Doanoke, Va., 5-10. "Eternal City" (Llehler ft Co., mgr..)— Pitts- bnrg, Ps., 5-10. "Eseaped from tbe Harem," J, H. Walllck's (Harry Karl, mgr.)— Chicago, 111,, 4-10. Jollet 11, Oaleiburg 12, Canton 13, Peoria 14, Au- rora 10- "K»*yy«an" (George C. Dent, mgr.)— Topeka, Kati , 7. "Eight Bells." Bro«. Byrne — Syracuse, N. Y., 5-V. Rochester 8-10. "East Lynne"— Biy City. Mich., 12. "Escaped from Sing Sing," James H. Parker's— Brooklyn. N. Y.. 010. "Bben Ifolden"— Decatur, III., 8, Cedar Biplds, Fluke. Mrs. (Harrison Grey Flake, mgr.)— N. T. City 3, tutfeoulte. Faversham. William (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — Washington D. C, 3-10, Philadelphia, Pa„ 12-84. Flttslmoona, Robert, and Julia May Gilford (Jos. Rdtnonstou, up. )— Elizabeth. N, J., 5-7. Kead- Ing, Pa., 8-10 Camden, N. J., 12-14, Wiltulug- (oti, Del.. 1317.. Feaberg Stock (George M. Fenberg, mgr.)— New- po?t, H. I., B-10. Ferru) Comedians (Harry Bnbb, mgr.)— Aslita- bolt, 0., 410. Fleming, Mamie (W. II. Grocey, mgr.) — New- burgb, N. V., 510. J'Iske. May (J. C. Crosgrove, tngr.) — Haverhill, MIM., S-10, Msncbester, K. 11., 12-17. FlskTat Stock (P.. D. Flake ft T. V. Stock, mgrs.) —Gloucester. Mast., 5-10, Waltliam 12-17. Franklin Stock (U. F. Slnipsou, mgr.)— Big springs, Tex.. 0-7, Colorado Oily 8-10. Fisher ft Wallers' Own (R. It. Fisher, mgr.)— Monesson, Pa., !5-!T. "Flaming Arrow," Lincoln J. Carter'a (W. F. .lacksoti, mgr.)— Washington, D. (J., 5-10, Phil- adelphia, Pa., 12 17. "Fatal Wedding," Central, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (Cary McAdow, mgr. )— Pittsburg, i'a., 010. Cleveland, 0„ 1217. "Fatdl Wedding, Eastern, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (W. .\. Bsilsbury, mgr.)— Bonhani, Tex,. T, Paris 6. Denlimri V, Sherman IV, Gaines- ville 12, Fort Worth 1.1, Dallas 14. Khreve- port,' La., 16, Texnrkana, Ark 16, Msrsball, 'le.T., 17. "Fatal ; Wedding." Western, Sullivan, Harris A Woods' (K, T, Zlegler. mgr.) — \a>* Angeles, 'Cal., M-10, Ventura 12, H.utn Barbara 13. San Luis Obispo 14, Salinas 13, Hauta Crtis 16, San Jose 17. "Female Detectives," Russell Brothers (Hsniuel Blair, mgr.)— New Haven, Coon., 67, Hert- ford 8, 0. "From" Itigs to Riches." Joseph Bsntley (M. M. Meyers, mgr.)— N. Y. City 610, Brooklyn, N. • Y.-, 18-17.' "For His Brother's Crime" (Geo. N. Bellinger, mgr,)— Syracuse, N. Y., G-7, Rochester 8-10. "Factory Olrl." Eastern (Phil B. Isaac, uigr.)— Scranton. Pa.. 5-7, Wllkeibarre 8-10, llobu- EE N. J.. 11-14. "Rectory Girl," Tranicontlnenlal (Charles (I. Wtiert, mgr.)— Kxeler, N. II., 7, Rocklsud, Me., "For Mother's Sake," Rusco ft Holland'. (Win. Pottle Jr., mgr.)— *Hau Francisco, Cat., 4-10, Sscrsmeoto 11. Chlco 12, Ashland. Ore., 13, Eugene 14, Salem IS, Centralis, Wash., 16, .Seattle 18-24. "FlouUmn's Ball" (Ollle Mack ft Josenb W. Spears, ogra.)— Ponorvllle, Cat., 7, Vlscalla 8, Hsoford ft, Bskersdeld 10. "Friend of the Family" (W. K. Gorman, mgr.)— Denver. Ota,, 4-ln, "Plddle-DeeDee"— Fall River, Mass., n-io. "Fast Life la New York" (A. II. Woods, qigr.) — ltiwlon. Mm*., H>. Slirluwdekl 12-14, Uarltord, Cooii.. 10-17. "Fanst," Porter J. While's— Atlantic, 1*.. 7, Sioux City 8, Le Mars 9. Cherokee 10, Mason City 12. Iowa Falls 13. Boone 14, Lincoln 13, Klrlsvllle, Mo., 10. .Macon IT. O Goodwin, N. C. (George J. Appleton, mgr.)— i N, Y. City A, indeBolte. Gillette. William (Charles Frchmsn, . mgr.)— Pblladelnala. Pa., 3-10. ' Oailaod, Bertha (J. F. Zimmerman Jr., mgr.)— Boston, Mass.. 0-10, Lowell 12, Lawrence 13, Salem 14. Maiden, 13, Norwich, Conn., 10, Mertden 17. Ollmore. Paul (Jnles Mnrry, mgr.)— Mobile, Ala., 8. Selma 0. . . Qrlolth, John (John M. Hlckey, msr.)-.Hunts- vllle, Ala., 7, Fayettfvtlie, Tenn., 8, Columbia P, Birmingham, Ala.I'lO, Tuscaloosa 12. Colum- bus, Miss., 13, Aberdeen 14, Holly Spring to. Greenwood 16. Olarkadale 17. Gllmorc, Barney (Harry Montgomery, mgr.)— Bat* tlmore. Md.. 0-10, Philadelphia. Pa.. 12-17. Granewin, ' Charles (John J. Kelraos, mgr.)— Wheeling, W. Va., ST. Bowling Green, 0., 8, South Bend. Ind.. 10, Chicago. 111., 1117. - Glnser, Vaughan, Stock— Clevi-land, 0., 0, Indefi- nite. Grace Hajward Stock (Winters & Kress, ogrs.)— Springfield, 111., 4-ln, Jacksonville 12-17, German Llllputlans,, Tschudl's — Mitchell. S, Dak., 7, Madison 8, Canton 0, Parker 10, Yank, ton 12, Elk Point, Neb.: ID, Ponca, 14. Orlese Dramatic (J. Orlese, mgr.)— Holden, Jto., ' 3-7, Warrenabilrg 8, Pleasant Hill 0, 10, But. ler 12-14. "Girt from Kay's," Sam Bernard (Charles Froh. man. ogr.) — Cincinnati, 0., 4-10, Chicago, III., 12-24. ' "Girl from Kay's", (Charles Frobman, mgr.)— Lawrence. .Mass.. 7, Salem 8. Gloucester to, Portsmouth. N. H„ 10. New Bedford, Mas.., 12, Brockton 13; Taunton 14, Woonsocket, It, !., 10, Newport 10, Fall River, Mass., IT. "Game Keeper." Thomas J, Smith lltowland'At Clifford, mgrs.)— Laconlai N. it, 0, Marlboro, Mass.. 7. Lowell 8-1(1, Fltchbarg 12. ."Girl of the Streets," Lillian Mortimer (J. L. Veronee, mgr.)— N. Y. City 5-iu. Newark, N. J., 12-17. T . "Great Automobile Myitery"— Philadelphia, Pa., "Girl and the Bandit"— Montreal, Can., 640, Ot- i tawa 13. "Game of Hesrla" (A. J. Pollock, mgr.)— Cam- den, N. J., 6-7. M Hackett, James K-— N'. Y. City S, indefinite. Hawtre.v, Charles (Charles Frohman, tngr.)— — „ 13,^3. Memnhls, Tenn. Holland, Mildred rd C. White, mgr.)— Ybnngstown, 0., 10. Unnford, Charle. B. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.) — Nashville, Tenn., 7, Memphis 8, 0, Jones- boro. Ark,, 10, Sprlpffleld, Nlo., 12. Jopllu 13, Wichita,, Kan., 14, Wloneld IB, Pittsburg in, Parsons 17. Howard Hall (Henry PItrion. mgr.)— St. Paul. Minn., 4-10, Mlnnrnpolls 11-17. lllggms, David (Stair ft Nicola!, mgrs.)— Jersey City, N. J., B-10. N. V. City 1217. Humphrey, William (John M. Mickey, mgr,) — Norrlstown, Pa., 3, Shtmoklo 5, Mahonoy City 0, Hnxleion 7, Plttiton 8, Wllkesbarre 0, Scran- ton 10, Mnuch Chunk 12, Heading 13, Chester - 14, Trenton, N. J., IS, En Hon. I'a., 10, Allen- town 17. Ball, George P. (W. J. Fielding, mgr.)— Albany, X. Y„ 8-10, Paterson, N. J., 12-14, Carbondale, Pa.. 13, Towanda 10, Wavrrly IT. Hendricks, lien (William Grav, tngr.)— Wakefield, Neh„ T, Wayno 8, NortqlB, P, Council llluffs , la.. 11. Red Oak 12, Shenandoah l.'l. Auburn, Neb., 14, Tecumseb, 10, Beatrice 16, Falrbury Hall,' Don C— Salt Lake City, U., B-10. Hlmmeleln's Imperial stock |R. F. lllmmeleln, mgr.)— Shetojiah, Wis;, 11-14. ■ . Howard-Dor. et (A. M. Miller, bus. mgr.)— Clark.. burg, W. Vs., 0-7, Barneavllle, a, 8-iu, New- ark 12-17fc ' ' ' £> «.', Henderson Stock ( W. J. ft It. R. Henderson, mgrs.)— Moravia, Is.. O-lo. Harcourt Comedy, Charles K. Harris (W, H, Shine, mgr.)— Salem, Ma«., B-10. Portland. Me., 12-17. Hoyt's Comely (H.. 0. Allen, mgr.)— Meridian, tilts., 0-10. Tyler, Tir., 12-14, Paris 1017. Hammond, Pauline (Clifton Whitman, ogr.)— Houlton, Me.,.0'10, Prtaquo Isle 12-17. Harvey ft Gage Comedy— Haversiraw, N. ¥,, o- 8, Fooghkeepile 0-17. ' UoeOer Show (Jack Hosier, mgr.) —Appleton, Wis.,, 0, indefinite.- , Hoeffler, Jack, ' ICaatam ' (W. M. Gale, mgr,)— D*» Moines, ia., 0-7. Harrington Stock (Ernest Harrington, mgr,)— < Auburn, N. V.. B-IO. "Heart of Maryland" (David Belasco, mgr.)— « Cleveland, 0., 0-10. "Ilnmpty Dampty" (Klaw.ft Krlanger, mgrs.)— ' N. Yi City f), lndejlBiit. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter'. (ICdmoad Manley, mgr.j— Csplral City. Nebr., 11, Idaho S[irlngs 12. Boulder, Colo., 13, Ixivemont 14, Loveland IB,, Fort Wlpna 10. Greeley IT. . "Her Only sin," Lincoln J. Carter'a— Trenton, Mo., 7, Chllltooth. 8, St. Joseph 0. 10, Leaven- worth, Kan., 11, LesvSDwortb (Soldiers' Home) 12. Atchison 13, Topeka 14, Msnbattan 16, Clay Center Hi, Junction Clly IT. "Home Folk*"— Philadelphia, Pa„ 12-17. •Holy City," Eastern; i»M0ii ft Bennett'a (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)— watnesburg. Pa., T. Scott* dole 8, ConneJIsvllle 0, McKeesport 10, Morgau- town, W. Va,, 12, • Krotthurg, Mil., 13, /air- mont, W. Va., 14, Monplngton 13, Point Pleas- ant 10, Huntington 17, "Holy City." Western, Gordon ft Bennett'. (Henry Usrrlaou, mgr.) — Memlottii, ill,, 7, IUxoo 8, Galena 0, Olltttiin 10. Auoinosi, la,, 12, Cedar Kaplds Hi, Waterloo 14, Clarksvllle 15, Clarion 10, Iowa Falls 17. "Hearts Adrift" (Spencer ft Auorn, mgrs.)— Chi- cago. 111- 4-17. "Hoosler Daisy," Western (Benedict, Sweet ft Allen, mgrs.)— CortlsRd, N. Y„ 7, Norwich 8, Bingbamtoii I), 10. BJIabeth, N. J.. 10-17. "Hei'.Mad Man lege'.' (Mayer & Gratbelm, mgrs.) — OolODbus, O.j IB-IT. , "Hoosler Girl," Kate Walton (Ous Cohan, mgr.) — Barberton. 0„ 7, tJhrlchtvliia V. Newark 10. Oosbocton 12. New Oomeratown 13, CambrUgs 14, Woodaaeld 10, 'IfbConiiellsvllio 10, Zsnes- "Her First FaiieBlep," q. V. Whlteker's (K. A. Hchlller, mgr.j— Dtytou, 0., 5-7, Columbus 8- 10, Cincinnati Xl-ll. "HI, Si end 1," ■ Borer ft Hurke'a (Backenstoe ft Hamilton, ragrs,)— Toronto, 0., 7, East Pales- tine 8, LeetonT* fl, Saleru 16, Allhmce 12, IU- venna 13. Kent 14, Barberton 16, Orrvltle 10, Caoton l.T. _ "How He Won Her" (Tom North, mgr.)— -Mil- waukee. Wis., 410, ,Des Molues, la., 12-14, Orouha, Nebr,, 10-17, "llttman Hearts," Eastern (Jesse M, Bisnchorfl. mgr.)— Jamestown, >N, Y., 10. "Human Hearts," Western (Cloud Saunders, togr.)— Kalamttoo, lllcg., 3, Muskegon 4, Man- istee 5. Bay City -6, Saginaw T, Lansing H, South Bend. Ind., 10. Racine. Wis., 11, Betolt ■ 12, Jsnesvllie 13, Madison 14, Steven. Point IB, Antlso 10, Foot! qtl l,.e IT, Osbkosh 18. "Human Hearts," Southern (Jay Slomons, mgr,) — Orltfln, (la., 3, Troy, Ala., 0, Thonmavllle, fln., T. Ualnhrldge 8, pensucola, Fla., 0, Mobile, . Ala.. 10, "Homespun Heart" (F, L. Hunt, mgr.)— Grand ■lipids, Mich.. 4-7. "Hot Old Time." On* Hlll't (Harry Hill, mgr.) —St. Louis. Mo., 41(1, Mi'llne, III., II, Dsven- tnrt, la., 12. Clinton 13. Harshalllowii 14, Dee Moines IB-IT. "Hnpny Hooligan," Eaaltrn, Gus mil's (D. A, Kelly, mgr.)— Plttiburg, Pa., S-IO. "Itsppy Hooligan," Weittru, Gus Hilt's (Al. Dolson, rnay.) — Memphis, Temi., 10. "Heart of Texas" (A. Vallate uigr, )— Delpboi, o., T, MeGontb 10. "Hottest Coon la Dixie" (Eugene Hpoirord, mgr,) — Pearls. 111.. 7. "Happenings of r Hoollgsp" (Riltledge ft Diiotsp, mgrs. I— Williamsburg, lo,, 7, Waterloo 8-10. "Hans Hanson" (Jaa. T. McAlplu, mgr.l— Flor* eiii-c, Kan.. 7, Pealsuly V, McPberson 0, Lyun* 10, Klngisau 12, AUgJIBta 13, El Dorado 14, Ystes Center 10, Ls ■Havpe HI, lull IT. "Hello, Bill" (GoMlhoe ie Kellogg, oigm.)— Mo- bile, Ala., 6, 7. "Holly Tolly" (Jo*. M. dalles, mar.) spoils, lod., 0-7, Columbus, ()., 1214 ' . I "1 Irwin, May (Etlwird It. Salter, mgr.)— N, Y. City B. indellnlie. Inter-Ocean ComMy— Pikln, III., ft-7. "In Old Kentpcky," Jacob Lltt's— Ht. Lonls, Ms., 4*10, "Irish Pawnbrokers" ,(ni|le Mock ft Joseph W. Sneers.. • mawl^WKkhlnston. ' Is.. T. Klrkv rltlc Jin., h qnlncy. HI.. It, llannlhsl, Mo., 10, Ht. Charles 11, Louisiana 13, Mexico 13, 1— Indians . #' .7 . 4K-i 982 December 10. Fulton 14, Moberly 15. Salisbury 10, Cbull- cotho 1", Leavenworth, hau., 18. _ — Centqriilto, ML Ij. M*fl0ny.8, ' Be MB - 0. Jefferson Thomas— Lincoln, Nebt.. 12. StoSS: Jo^b Jr.. MA Wllllan. W.-Bnrllng- jBo£: Slock (Tueo. no/mann,' mir.) — jSw&ohlTciin.. B-W.- G.ilt,Url7.. .-• ■ , ••JaaiV* tors In Missouri" (frank Gniaolo. rngr.) ^Sgffin. T*i'. T. Bonham.B, Pari* 9. Pltts- pSgTo. Sbreveport, JZ7 1 . .LongHcw 12. vStWnin. Marshall 14. Huston. La.. 16, Jet- SBL Tex.. 10. Texorknna, Arif„ 17. "Jerry from Kerry." Patten & retry'a-Drcsuen, Can., 0, Chatham lt». Knott. Ro«olie (Frank B>.tk^.J»»J .IMBI »t>»} tnil flea. 1. Ai rlan, Mich., 1!. Bay City Morih Baltimore. 0,-1. D»6«ninu^..J>*50]«n £, . Bowling Green 1ft, Kiistori* 12, Carter Bartuakjr in, Kehlen 14,- BeUrfoatalne 10, MnrysvlUe 10, "sH&mI 8m." Mg Ft"' Ji*m*nnV^(pe<). J(ed««, mgr.l— IRkWrsfosra, Mil,, i. ., -Martlas- SZ w; v*„. iTiWek. jSC o, P»«i>ti« 10,. Piedmont. W. V* 7 IS. Grafton »»«uOlark»- burg i4, VaMooiit li, Cottneluirtlle, Pa., 1C. '•sii»2Sri"^oiri;" w«ftrt»; Jj»iLJ«n!?^> 1 -BhoUrtirt.. lad,,. 7, Itttl, -111., 10, .. Saahtille 14, Clleaier IV. Mnrphystioib Id, Cairo 17, "'• ' ">|oro 5 Is- Pitied Than Scorned." Chfrle* * Kjunoj'*— X. V. at/ S-10, Ualllmore, SId., 12- lltiliilWl Flats." Eastern. Gn* nil!** (Charles E Barton, mgr.)— Chicago, 111., 4-10, Milwau- kee. Wis., 11-17. . - _ ,. r >.• . 'Minister's Dnngbter" (OrOVer Brothers, mgra.) - .Rochester 8-10, N. X. "RolTUnfCOf Coon —Kilt FolnfT S. ollow" (A. CAllQl.. mgra. Mk.. 7. Yankton S, Vonnfllori Missouri « Girl, nnirm, r itu «mumhj (Harry fi. Ilt,pnlnr,,nKr.)-8holJ)tif»..todi ralrneld 12. Monht Vernon 18. Naabvllle. — -Byraenae, City 12-17. lakMirilDg P. Superior, *I*.,l 10 Hancock 8, .. BtbblDE. Minn., „11, Dnlntli 14, Urtomlner, Mich.. Antalind, Often Bay, N. Y., 0-7 ■ II. Nelll, mir.)— SeatUe, &. Co., mirra.)— Omaha, Wl"!! Ill,' 8tavai», Point 1 K #b!!- S^» &., c .>7.o--.7. «l«2»^ : i6 I Knn«. cir. Kei!nedr lI 'ja T ine« (0. R. Wee, nurr.)— ttockfortl, II" 0-7. Elkhartlln.1., 8-10, Muakeson. Mich.. KaVrill 7 .' Dot (T. CI. Wel-b. m«r.)— Manencfter. K II., 5-10. Dovi-r 12-17. __ KellU Stock (Del L™ fence. m»r.>— Waico, Ore., 5-7. itoro 8-l«. Hood RHK 12-1 1. Keyal«ne Dramatic (lJjwrence B. Mctllll, •»?•'— hnrllunton, Vt., B-10, I*w.-t'nc6, Mam-, WW. KlartUrban (llnnlln B. Klnrk, roar.)— Soraer- Srlb. ™. H-. 5-10. Olouconter. May., 12-17. iriJier Htnck (A. M. Keller, mar.) — Norton, Kan., f-7 CoTby MKJatSSSk «-14. Oakley 15-17. ••KatonJkBiner KM." jniondell * /ennewy, nigri.) —Keokuk, lu.. 7, 1'eorli, HI., 11. ■Y rxiflua, Cecelia fPnnlel Frohmnn, roer.)— Brook- lyn. N. T„ 0-1O. S. V. City 12-17. Lac'knje. Wilton (Win. A. Brady. m|y Bbore. fa. 7. WllllHtnaport 8, Milton 0, BloomatiurK 10, Nnntlcoke 12. Betwiek 18, NorUlnmbMland 14, Mount Co rmcl 1.1, SlienaiirtonU 10, Hnilc- Lillian I.yona Stock (Frank J. Dean, nwr.) — Clii-Hnnlny, Mich., B-10. loekea, Tho (Will H. fcocke. mar.)— McPberaon, Kan.. C-7, Kewton 8-10. Sterling 12-17. LvCcom Stock (K. 0. Otosjcan, rogr.)— Moacogee, lnd. Tcr.. B-io; _!_'! . . . Ijunbert'd Comedian* (F. W. Lomliert, mgr.)— Kent, la.. B-7, Aflon 8-10, Lncan 1B-IT. "Wat Boy." F>lwnrd Dlonrtell'a— Kaaton. Pa.. B, South Bethlehem 0, Munch Chunk 7, Nantl- cblc 8, Mabonoy City 0, Hnaleton 10. Mount caraiel 12. Ashland IS, SlienanAoah 14, Free- lknd in. Bhamokln 17. 'Tittle Ilonie«teew or- l«ni. I.a.. 4-10. Luke Cbarlea 11, Beaumont, ' TP!t., 12, Galveston 19. 14. Houston IB, Attitlu Murray and Mack (Ollle Mack * Jowph W. Spear*. mtrra.l-Bmir 5*% fc »5= 7 ! B ™, nn ? , ! t 8, Galveston 0, non»Wu . 10. Bon Antonla 11. Austin 12. Temple W Waco 14. Ooralcana IB, Fort Worth 10, Dallas 17. ' MelJllte, Bow {l. U. 8tlrllnB. mgr.)— Eutene. Ore" 7. Oakland, Cal.. 0, 10. Baa FraBCbwo Nelll, Jnmea (Edwin North Brotliera' Coroeillnns. Wcalern (Frank 0. Carter, mgr.)— Ardraore. lod. Ter...B-10, Du- runt 12. lJcnlaon. T«.. IX 14. Hlll.boro 1B-17. Netllle, MBrgaret onillam Crauoo. nwr.)— Marlon, lnd.. .'.-in. Crnwfnrdvllle 1217.: North Ilrothera' Coinnllnna, Eiatera (B. X Mack, mtrr.)— Lincoln. HI.. B-10. . Nullonal Stock (Charles B. Schad. mgr.)— Can- ton. N. Y., BIO, Mnaxenn 12-17. Nye Htock (Harry Xie, mgr.)— Marietta, O.. B. 10, Byesvlllo 12 14, Pleiwaut City 16-17. Ncwmnn'a Entertainer*— Weir,- Kan., 6-10, Mo- nett. Mo., 12-17. "Ninety and Nine' 1 (Wiltc t Aahman. mgra.)— Bootoa, Mann., B-10. S. Y. Clty.12-17. "Nettle, the Newaglrl" (tlould & Freed, mgra,)— Halt Lake City. U.. 8-10. "No Weildlng Bella for Her." Forrester * Mlt- tenthal'g— Grand ltnplda. Mich., 4-7 v "Nest Door." Itoycr Brothera' (Joa. H. Arthur, mgr.)— Beaver Falla, Pa.. 10, East Liverpool, ii 12, Minerva 13. Miumlllon 14. Asblond IB, Chicago Junction 10, Sandusky 17. O Olcott, Chnuncey (Angimtua PItnu, mgr.— BalU- more, Md., 3-10. Washington. D. C, 12-17. O'Nell. Nnuco (John B. Bchocftel, mgr.)— N. X. City 7, Indenlte. _ Olympic Stock (Glliha k Harvey, mgra.)— Hlnton, W. Va./9-10, Bonceverle 12-14, Buena VleU, Va., 15-17. Oileon Stuck— St. I/rala, Mo., 0, Indefinite. "Other Olrl" (Chnrlea Froliman, mgr.)— N. Y. City B-10.' Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-17. V "Oar New Minister" (Miller k Conyers. mgra.)— Claremont. N. II.. 7. Lacoula 8, Conconl P. Woorbtock. Vt., 10, Keciie. N. U., 12, North- - amnion. Mnas., 13. Gardner 14. Attleboro 15, Westerly, B. I., 10. South Norwalk. Conn.. 17. "Over Niagara FaltK." A (Rowland k Clifford, Schenectady, N. Y._. 7, Ncw_Haven, 0. Hloin.CllV, in.. 10. Cherokee 12. OWW» p. ferty.14. Cedar Baplde 13, Iowa CHjt 10, Cln- "R*MI 'fitatf," Northern, Gordon * atMMin ■ Cf-eudy Thomaa, mgr.)-- Merrill, 1£*$*M£ ma 8. Bpaxt* P. DdbWleo. In.. 10, ,81""'?^ 111., 12, Chamolaln; 1.3. Kcnsselaer, lpd., U, Frnnkfott 13. Montfcello 10. Marlon I.. "tioyal Blare." soolherh, Gordon * Bennelt^i — II. M. Blncknllef. mgo— Deflanc(J O.. 7. MrM 8i Marlon. 0, Canal. Dover MV Cambridge 12, SleiiheivUle 13, Marleita.14. Woodaneld IB. "lUco ftr Life. ".Sullivan. UnrrU «c Wooda". (Leon victor, ntgr.1— Brooklyn, N. Y.. 8-10, Jersey Clly. N. J.. 12-17. .'. "Baciiel flohlsteln" (Jamca n. Bhode*. mgf.l— rnnngatnwn. O.'. B, Canton 0. UaMllkm 7, Al- llnnce a, StonUVlMe 10, V- oshlngton. !•«.. 12. Warneabnrg IS, .Bellalre. 0.. 14. HlalertUIe, W, Vo., 15. St. Marya UJ. I'arkeravllle.17. - "Ballroiirt Ja=k" (Goy Caofman, mgr.)— Lincoln, "rUbMt'i'Foof (Pat Chapnellf. ingr.)— Wright- vlllc. On., 7, Lonvale 8, SatderavlUe 0, Auguata 10, Alliens, B. O.. 12. .__ .' , _ .„ "Hlp.Vin Winkle" (W. A. Eller. mgr.)— Onr.len Grove, la., 0. Lew. 10. Albany. Mo., 12. fla- vtnnab 13, Bedford, !»., 14, Oreston 18, Corn- ing IS, Clarlnua 17. Sonthern. E. n.. an.1 Jnlla Marlowe (Charles Frobtaan, mgr.) — Boston. SIum., 8-24. Skinner, Otla (Joneph J. Buckley, mgr. I —Brook- lyn, N. Y.. 5-10, Ctlra 12, Syractue 18, Roches- ter 14. Buffalo 15-17. 8hen, Thomas E. (Nlxnn & Zimmerman, mgr.)— Wilmington, Del., 8-10, Washington, D. 0., 12-17 Stuart. 'Ralph (Eilward Tburnanef, mgr.)— Mll- wookee. Wla.. 11-17. , ' Sully. Daniel (Willis E. Boyer, mgr.)— Troy, Sidney, "George (Stair k Nlcolal. mgrt.)— St. Joseph Mo., 8. Des Moines, la., 0, Peoria, 111., 12. Snow,' Mortimer, Stock— Troy, N. Y., B, In- definite. _ . „ , Spnoner Dramatic (F. E. Spooner, mgr.)— Bol- linger. Tet„ 4-10. Brovrnwood 12-18, Coman- che 10. 17. . _, ., A Merllng Htnck (Wm. E. Trlplott, mgr.)— WlchlU. KanT, 5-7. Alva.. Okln.. 810. EnW 12-14. Hummer* Htock (W. B. Sherman, mgr.)— Beglna, N. W. T.. Can.. B-ll. Bwnln, Slark, Theatre— R vans ton. Wyo.. 5-10. BteclJmltlu, The (C. M. SteeUmlth, mgr.)— Col- llnsvllle. 111.. B-10, Highland 11. Troy 12-17. Siewjrt ft Joaepba (O. W. HoeUns, mgr.)— Mouiul City, III.. 7. Cairo 8. "Sky Farm" (8. T. King, mgr.)— Providence, R. I.. B-10, Boston. Mns».. 12-17. ^^ "Secret of rollchliidle" (James K. nac.ott, nurr. 1— Newark. N. J., B-10, Philadelphia, Pa.. 12*21. "Shore Aerea" (Wm. B. Gross, mgr.)— Seattle, W««t>.. 5-7. Vancouver, 11. C.. ip. . • "Swoet Clover" (Vh-tor M. Sehafer, mgr.)— St. La<-tls. Mo., 4-10 Chicago, ill.. 11 Under .Southern Bklea," Western (Harry Doe) I^kerTmaT.)— Toledo. 0., 4-7, Grand Rapld-t, Mich"' HIS. VtUe Creek 12. .gU-tjjgS Cl(y 14, Saginaw, 13. Ummg -;*,d* c J2? «iIi Umler - Sontheto Jkles." BJ I ' j C .flM^g l'urker. roCT.)— Fnlton, Mo.,..., LoaUuna ■«- HeaJditoMu III.. >» **gf^!&JH&3l ■■•iccelon 12, Monreodth.B. TucOU lO.RSntoo.l lj.. 14. Portland, 18-24. "Bal-es In Toyland," NO, Ore., 15, Son Francisco, Cat, 2 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, Pfkin II, tthcoln "L'& Tom-< Cabin." Al. W. MJrtln'a (Ed. S. MUlln. nnrr.)— Btwklyn^N. 1.. 6-10 r Dan- Ni-whurgh, N. Y., 14/ Mount ntgr.. lMiry. Conn.. 13, Vernon 1..' "I'ncle Toip's Cabin SteUon'n. Central (I*. W. Jricle Zorps Lnnin. r-inson ■>. v»;....--. y— ■•• R-oaJlbiirn. mer.l— Punisuuwney... r«., ", rookOeld 13, J«lin»onl«irg 14, Kane 13, Mount Jewelt 10, llradfonl 17. -a«-i,_. irhmm "Ltclf Tom - " Cabin." Stetwm'a. Nortba-rii ««>•■«. I.a Mar 8, >,»rlecit, "liirM— Poeblo, Colo., "[tije^TonV? cibln." ' Stetson'-., Western (Wm Kllible. mgr.)— CbariMton. '"••. D «- s 8 :J; rn 1 , fontnlle. lnd., 0, Frankfort 10. Lebanon 12, •4t£SSfi*r (Edward D Mordant. ^.)- Ilsrtford. Conn., 3. «}, New Britain j. Hoboken. N J„ 8-10, Truy. N. Y.. 12-14. Albanj 18-17, "lincle Tom'a Cahln." Morgan's (E. nutr.)— Fort Eilonnls, H. Y., T, H.ilrai 0, BuUand, Vt., 10. "L"ncle. Uea" (Frank Adams, Mich., io; "Uacle HI Hasklns" (C. 8. rrlmroae. 0rn, mgrs.)— Grand uSSm. Jero''(Co\?" WUluhl Blanten, mgr.)- Waltham. Muss.. 6-10. Lowell 12-17. mWSSUl Stock. Kuktern (W. H. Harder, mgr.)— Portland. Me., B-10. Bangor 12-17. Myrlfe'llarder Stock, wtspwi. (F.ngene J. Bal . msr.)— Danbnry, Conn... 0-10, Mlddletown 12- Mo>hi. WJlllnm V.JOeorge J. Curtis, mgr.)— Bal- MatK'BwckVTom Mark*, mgr.)— Calgary. Alts, Can., B-10, Edmonton 12-14, Motta Bros. (Joe Mark*, nigr.)— Gnelph. Can., ViO' MarkH'Brmt.. May A. Bell Marks (It, W. Marks. m -, r .)— pinltslwrg. N. Y., B-10. . _ . . Myers; ! Irene (Will II. Mjfern. mgr.)— Norrtstown. Uvori', wiu 7 'H.. Stock (Sim Allen. rnir.)-WelU- vlllo. N. Y„ K10. Corry, P»- IMf. „ May Verna (II. A, S Bols. mgr. ^Morgan. town. W. Vn.. BIO. Charltrol, Pa.. 12-17. Murray A Moekey (John J. Murray, mgr.)— Du Mam.*: wlii.n.'SWk (N. M. Ved.ler.Bgr.)- I.arne.1. Kan., B-10, Great Bend 1217. McDonald Stock (GeoraeW. McDonald, mi;.)- SalllBaw, last, Tcr.. B-10, Mens, Ark.. 12-17. Mortimer! Charles (F. F. keith. ingt.) -Clarion, Pa., B-10,: Parkers Landing 12-1 1. NUc* ft Aiinnnr's ComoillanB (Charles Drew Mack, mgr.)— Ashland. Wis., B-ll. .... _, MauTn-Magrath (Jns, A- Majtrajh. bns. rogr.)— Wllkeson. Wash., 5-10, CurlHindule 12-17. Maimers Stock (Harry Mnuners, mgr-)— -Minn*. Miirrayl' W V !"s'. (Arthur Barney, rogr.)— Spriiia- tteld, Vt., B-7. Kcene, N. II., 8-10, Hlnadak 13- Matl'lee Stock (W. B. MaUlce. mar.)— Phelps. MetropoYllan Block. Stanley's (William Rtanford. mut.t— nichmond, Ky„ 5-10, Wlachesler 12- 14. Frankfort IB-IT. , _ .. Murray Comeily (Chnrlea I.amb, Uibt.)— Tjnjllng- lon, W Vtt., B-10, Lexington. Ky.. 1JM7. Melville Dramatic (M. Melville, jngr.)— Mana- tleld, Ark.. 0-7. Uartford 8-10. Greenwood 12- Mack. Ben F.. Stock— Rockland, Me., B-10, Llv- efioore Falls 13-14. Rnmfor.1 13-19. "Mm. Wlaifs of the Caliluigo Patch" (I.leblcr ft Co.. mgrs.)— N. Y. City B. Indefinite. "Maud >l«ll*r" (I.. D. Blohd-ll, mgr.)— Indiana. P»« 7i Oatnpl*ll 8, Pnoxsulawiiey 9, Kane 10, Jobiuonbnrc 12, Du Bols 18. "Moonihlner'a Daughter," Eastern k- ._, y V l°-24 ' "417 Wlio's" FamMj" (I. Scldcubcrg, sigr.)— 14, Danvlllel 15, Champaign 16. Kankakee 17. "On the Bridge at Mldnbjht," Eastern (Frank Gnuoln. mgr.)— Beading, Pa., B-7, Morrlstowu. X. J.. 8. Pnerson 0, 10, Baltimore. Md., 12-17. "Oil the Bridge nt Midnight," Western (Frank Gnisolo, mgr.) — Jnidln. Mo., 7. Nevada 8, At- chison. Knu.. 0. Chllllcothe. Mo., 10, St. Jo- seph 11, Marysvlllc, Kan., 12. Beatrice, Nehr., ]■■:. Falrbury 14, Hastings 15, York 10, Falls aty 17. "Old Arkansaw," Fred Raymond's (Merle n. Norton, mgr.) — Auburn, lnd., 7. Decatur 8, Van Wert, 0., 0, Delphoa 10, Paulding 12, > Hlcksvllle 13, Bryan 14, Wnuseou 15, Na- imleon 111. Ottawa 17. "Only n Shop Girl." Lottie William* (H. H. Mlnchell. mgr.)— Chicago, 111,, 11-17. "Ou Thanksgiving Day" (Vance ft Snlllvan, mgrs.) — ltlchinond. Vs.. 12-17. "On the Snwanee River" (Stair & Nlcolal, nigra.) — Buffalo. N. Y„ O-IO. "Oue Widow Won"— Leavenworth, Kan., 8. P Perklna, Walter It. (Claxton Wllstacb, mgr.)— New Castle, Pa., 7, Yonagstown, O., 8, Msni- Hehl 10. „,. • ' _.;,w.- Patton, W. B. (J. II. Stout, mgr.) — Brenbam, Tex., 7, I'nyton. Corse (David J. Ramage, mgr.) — GIov- ersvlllc. N. Y., B-10, Amsterdom 1217. , I'uytna. Corse, Comeily (A. O. Bunney, mgr.) — North Adams, Muss.. B-10, PlttsuehJ 12-17. Pavtoh BWtcrs (Col, Frank Robertson, mgr.) — Rrcoklinron. Miss.. B-7, Crystal Bpriugs 8-10, MagnoUa 12-14, McComb 10-17. Paige. Mabel (nenry IT. Wlllari ft Co.. mgrs.)— Anilenon. B.' a, S-10, Spartanburg 12-14, Greenville 13-17. _ Phclsn's. 15. V., Stock (Ralph A. Ward, mgr.)— fjincasler. Pa.. B-10, York 12-17. Powell-Pnrtelle. Eastern (lloltou Powell, : mgr.) — Oalilmsb, Wis., 4-10, Oconto 12-17. ... Powers OnmeillnuB (John T. Power*, mgr.) — Ogilen, C. 5-10, Prova City 12-17. ■ . Prlngle, Johnbtc, Comedy Ideals— Victoria, B. C, 5-24. i Park. 0. W., Stock-Jacksonville, Fla., B-10. 'Tretty l*eggy." Jane Corcoran (Alston ft Baxter. mgrs.)— Portland. Ore., 7, 8. Vancouver, B, a, 13, 14, Seattle, Wash., 18. 10. . _ - "Peildler," 8am Tliorne^ — Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (Fred Block, mgr. )— Nelsonvllle, 0.. 7. Zauesvlllo R, Cnnilirldgc 0, , Bellalre 10. Wheeling, W. Va., 12-14, Jjist tlverpool, O., 15. Beaver Falls. Pa- 10. New Castle 17. "Parish Pries!" (Wm. II. O'Nall. mgr.)— Bellows Falls, Vt., 7. Brockton, Mass., 8. . ■,, "Peek's Bnd Boy" — Coshocton, O., 8. "Plum's Boy"— Padncnh, Ky., 7. "Paris by Night"— Chicago. III., 4-10. O, "Queen of the Highway" (W. McOowan, mgr.)— Colunilius. O.. B-7. Indianapolis. lnd.. 8-10, Tlnton 12, I/Mransnort 13. Vllwood 14, Alex- nmlrla 13, Muncle 10, Fort W«yiie 17. "Qitlncy Adnnw Sawyer." Central (W. G. Bnell- lng, mgr.)— Sumter. S. &. 7, . Columbia 8. CharlMlon 0, Savannah, Ga., 10. Augusta 12, Columbus 13. Atlanta 14, IB, Annlston, Ala., 10, Montgomery IT. ■ „ "Qnliicy Adams Sawyer," Western (Frank M. Morgan, mgr.) — Council Bluffs. Is.. T, Nebraska Olty, Nehr., 8, Beatrice 9, Lincoln 10, York 12, Kearney 18. Hastings 14,' Clay Center. Kan.. 1.1, Junction City 10. Manhattan IT. "Queen of the White Slaves." Eastern (A, n. Woods, mgr.)— Beaver Falls, Pa., 7, Canton, ()., S, Maasllkm 9, Mauaneld 10, .Lima 12, Flndluy 13, Ottawa 14, Plmia 13, Hamilton, .!.. 10, Richmond, Iud., 17. : ' "Queen of tho While Hluves," Western (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Akron, O., 8-7, Erie, P*., 8- 10. Buffalo, N. Y.. 12-17. Qulucy "Sign of N. RusseU. Annie (Charles Frohman, ingr.)— N. City B, lndeflnllc. _ _ . Rehau. Ada (Sain S. Sliubert, mgr.)— Buffalo, Y., B-7, Detroit, Mich.. 8-10, Duytou. O.. tk Columbus 13, Toledo 14, Zuuesvlllo 13, Wheel- lug, W. Vs.. 10, Akron, O., IT. . Rogers Brothers (Klaw ft Kriauger. mgrs.)— N. Y. City 010, Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-17. Itclane (I.lebler ft Co., mgrs.)— Chicago. HI., B-17. Rolison, Eleanor (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.)— Loudon, Robt-rl's, Florence (Fred Bclaseo, mgr.)— Van- couver. B. C, 20, 21. Rays, John aud Emma (8talr ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)— Newurk. N. J.. B-10. N. Y. City 12-17. Russell, Louis J. (Felix Blot, mgr.)— Lausfonl, Va.. 7, Reading 8, Nuntlcoke 10, Berwick 12, I.eirlsburg 11. Freeluud 13, Bhamokln 10, Lewis- town 17. Belln, Frederic (Abbott 4 Hensol. mgrt.)— Mon- roe, La., 7, Opetousas 8, Frauklln 9, Patterson 10. .t .. noss and Fenton— S. Y. City B-10. Rolierls, Gertrude (Morrow ft Arnold, mgrs.) — Ilrockwayvllle, Pa., B-7. Fall Creek 8-10. _ Roe Stock (C. J. W. Roc, ingr. )— Conor*, $. Y., B-10. Rovnl Cornhpiea (Mux Zimmerman, mgr.) — Olomiet. Minn.. B-7, Two Harbors 810. lluhlr Thcalre {0. 8.- Rnble. mgr.)— OonordU, Kan.. B.7, Downs 8-10, Logan 13-14. ,Klrwlu Roher. 'katUerlne (narry King, mgr.)-rS«'ratog«, X. Y., 8-10, Burlington. Vl.. 12-17. Rnnkle. Corlnne. Stock (ri. K. Htxter. mgr.)-j- M n»ron, Mku., B'lO, Korwlch, Oo*n., 12- lU-ntfroWs. J. X.. Jolly PathOndera— Parkers- burg. W. Vb„ 5.10. Cumberland. M.I.., 12-17. "nunnlng for OJlee." ' Oeargo M. Oohaja'j- Phlm- delpblo. Pa., B-10, Brook&n. S.V.. 18-17. "rtnnawny Match." Clln.t «nd Bessie Bobbins (Chase A Lister, mgrs.)— Independence, han., T. l'rcdoula 0. Yates Center 12, Wlchiu 13. 10, St. Louis, Mo., lz-17. m of the Cross" (Freil Berger Jr., mgr.)— Rochester, Minn., 7, Owntonna 8, Mankatp 9, Farlbanlt 10, Fargo, N. Dak., 12, Grand Forka 13. Wlnulpeg, Man., 14-17. "Shibad." (ins HIU's (Tlmman R. nenry. mgr.) —Rochester, N. Y., B-7. Syracuse 8-10, To- ronto. Can., 12-17. "Strumrlc for Gold" (Joseph Msrtlno, mgr.)— Minister. N. II.. B-7. ijtlca, X. Y.. 10. "Slaves of the Miue" IV. 1. Slevln. mgr.)— Wrston. W. Vs.. 7. Clarksburg 8, Belle Ver- non. Pa., 0, Monessen 10. Monongabela 12, Ssmerset 13. Counellsvllle 14, Paterson, V. J.. "Superlia" (WllllBm ft Edwsnl Hsnlon. ingra.)— Biltlmore, Md.. 0-1O. Brooklyn. X. Y.. 12-17. "Stain of Guilt" (Havlln ft Garen, mgrs.)— [/■well. Mass.. 0. 10. "Samly Bottoin" (nninptnn ft Hopkins, niCTS.l — Lincoln. Nehr.. 2. A, Marysvlllc. Kan.. 4. Holton r>. • I^avenworth 0, Hnrton 7, Manhattan 8. Junction City 10. St. Uarys 11. Burlington 12, loir. 13. Clianute 14, Parsons 13, Coffeyvllle 10, Pltlshnrg.17. , . _ ., . "Shadows on the Hearth" (Arthur O. Alston. nurr.)— Hamilton, Can., S, 0, Buffalo, N. Y„ 12-17. "81 Slebblns" (Dan Darlelgh ft Bob Mack, mgrs.) — rolnt Pleasant. W. Va„ 7. St. Marys 8. SIs- tersvllle 9. Wellsburu 10. Steubenvllle 12. Cadis 13. East Liverpool 14, Salluevllle 15. Minerva 18. Alliance IT. i^i_ "Stranee Adventures nr Amos Skecter (Robert Graff. mgr.I— llnsleton, Pa., 5. Plttston 0, MlnersvlUe 7, Mahanoy City 8, York 0, Leban- on 10. '• _ ■■— - "Showman's Daughter" — Jamestown, N. Y., P, Krle. Pa., 10. Akron. O.. 12-14. "Spas of Life" (Lewis Donaxetta, mgr.)— Cin- cinnati, 0., 4-10. ' T Thompson. Denroan (Frapk Thompson, mgr.) — rUlladelphla, Pa., 12-24. Tnrguay, Ev* (F. M. Xurcross mgr.)— St, Paul, Mian., 4-7, Minneapolis 8-10, Appleton, Wis., Thoriton. Adelaide (Claxlon Wllstacb, mgr.)— Uocsster, P*.. T. York 8, HarrUburg 9, WU- luunsport 10, F.aston IT. . ., Tbrof.p, Clara (Pickens ft Simpson, mgrs.)— Mus- catine, la., 7. Cedar Rapids 8, Fairfield 9, Bur- lington 10. Fort Madison II. Keokuk 12. Can- tin, Mo., 13, Hannibal 14, Louisiana 15, Mexico w; Moberly IT. , __„ , Turner, Clara (Ira W. Jackson, mgr.)— Portland, Me.. B-10. Marlboro, Miss.. 12-17, Tajlnf Stock (Albert Taylor, mgr.)— Bulphur Springs, Tex., 7. 8. Wlnnaboro 0, 10, Gilmer 12- 14. Lougvlew 13-17. _ Thurler ft Nasher— Full Elver, Mass., 8-10, Woon- socket. R. 1.. 1217. , _ Thome Dramatic (Frank A. Thome, mgr.)— Tor- rltwton, Conn.. B-10, Southbrl.lge 12-17. Tonllnson's Stock — Kalaniatoo, Mich., 6-10. "Two Orphans" (I.lebler ft Co., mgrs.) — Mlnne- aiKdts, Minn., 8-7, St. Paul 8-10, Milwaukee, Wis., 12-14, Bockfonl, HI., 15. South Bend, lad.. Id, Grand Rapids, Ml.*.. IT. "Two Little Waifs." A. Lincoln J. Carter'* (J. 1.. Bufoiil, mar.) — At Inula. Ou.. 8-10, Mein- pbls; Tenn.. 12-17. "Two Little Waifs," B. Lincoln J. Carter"* (C. Arthur Sellou. mgr.)-^ Monteroy. Cal., 8, Hay- wood 10. Woodland 14, Ororllle 15, Sacramenio 17, 18. "Too Proud to Beg." Lincoln J. Carter'* (Frcd- rrtr Klinlsil, mgr.l — Hartfonl. Coon., 7, Brldgo- lairt 9, 10. Newark. N. J.. 12-17. "Tlllv Olson." Gertrude Bwtggelt— Clevelaud, 0., 8-10, Plttshui-g. Pa.. 12-1T. •TWO Utile Sailor Boys" (Geo. H. Brenaan, mgr.l— Jersey City, N. J., B-10, Newark, N. J., 12-17. "Thelma" (Spedder ft Von Cook, mgrs.) — Sault Ste. Mirlv. Can., 7, St. Ignacc. Mich., 8, Petosky 9. Bay City 10. Saginaw 12. "Tracked Around the World' T (A. JI. Mil. Woods B-10. Philadelphia, Pa. nurr.) — Baliluiorc 12-17. "Tlion Shalt Not Kill." Eastern (F. C. Luke, nvoM — Jacksonville, HI- 7, Terre Hante. lnd., 8. Danville, III.. 0. Decatur 10, Mattooo 12, I'tna 13, Springfield 14. "Tliat Little Swclo" (Hampton ft Hopkins. nun.) — Carroll. la.. 3, Council Bluffs 4, Lin- coln. Xebr.. B. 0, Blair 7, Missouri Valley. la., S. DenI»oii 0, Manning 10. Mondon 11, Red Oak 12, Olarlnda 13, Maryvllte 14. Atcblsou, Kan., 13, Leavenworth 10. Topeka 17.' "Texas Steer" (M. Rice, mgr.)— North Platte. Nebr., 7. Kearney 8. Hastings 0, Grand Island 10, Omaha 11. Fremont 12. Missouri Valley, la., 1.1. Council Bluffs 14, Plattsmoutu, Nehr., 15, Lincoln IT. "Two Johns" rset 15-17. Whyle Drnmatlc.fUiarles P. White, mgr.)— Fort Smith. Ark.. 5-10. Wiedemann's Big Stock (J. E. George, bus. mgr.) — Seattle, Wash., 5. Indefinite. Wilson Theatre (E. C. WlhVou. tug*.)— Winnebago . City. Minn.. 5-10. Wrlchts, The (Elba E Wright, mgr.)— Hill Olty, Kan.. 5-10, Pialnvllle 12-17. Wllaon-Wntcrman Stock (Will B. Wlbjon, mgr.) — Houston, Tex., 0, Indefinite. Wilson- Waterman Stock (Claude T. Prescott, nojr.) — Dallas. Tex.. 5. InUi3iiltc. '•'Way Down' East," Eosteru, Wm. A. Brady's — Erie. Pa., 7. Albany, N. Y-, 8-10, Boston, Mo«s.. 12-17. "Way of the Transgressor," Charles H. Yale's— Albany, N. Y„ 5-7. Troy 8-10. "Wedded and Parted." Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' —Toronto. Can., 5-10. Columbus, O., 12-14, In- dianapolis, lnd.. 15-17. "Working Girl's Wrongs" (Howard Wall, mgr.) — Philadelphia. Pa., 5-10, Brooklyn. N. Y.. 12-17. "While Tigress of Japan," Wm. T. Keogh's (A. C. Abbott, bus. mgr.) — Chicago, HI., S-10. "Wife In Name Only" (Garland Ooden, mgr.) — Cedar Rapids. la., 7, Waverly 8, Oelwcln 0, Fort Dodge 10, Boone 12, Aoamosa 10, Maquo- kota 17. ' "Waif of the Sierras" (C. B. Whitney, mgr.)— I'.sston. Md., 7, Dover. Del., 8, Newark 0, Elk- ton, Md., 10, navre dc Grace 12, Port 'Deposit 13, Columbia. Pa.. 14. Waynesboro 15, Carlisle 1U. OliBinbersburg 17. "Why Women Slu," Eastern (M. W. Tsylor, msrr.)— Erie, P*.. 5-7. . . "Wliy Womeu Sin," Western. M. W. Taylor's (J. B. Murray, mgr.) — Temple. Tex., 7, Bolton S, Taylor 9, Brenham 10, West 11, Bryan 12, Corslcaua 13, nil'sboro 14. Cleburne 10, Waxa- hachle 10. "Tyler IT. "Wife's Secret" (Spencer ft Abora. mgrs.)— Wilmington. Del, 8-7, Trenton, H. J„ 8-10, Brooklyu. N. Y„ 12-17. "Wedded, Bnt No Wife," Sclma Herman (W. J. Fielding, mgr.)— Minneapolis, Minn.. 4-10. St. Cloud 11, Eon Claire, Wis., 12. Wansau 13, Xecuuh 14, Osbkosh 13, Fond du IJIC 10, Bock- fonl. HL. 17.' "Why He Divorced ner" (11. W. Taylor, mgr.)— Detroit. Mich.. 4-10. "Whv Girls Leave Home," Central (Vance ft Snl- llvan, mgra.) — Hoboken, N. J„ 4-7, Camden 8- 10. Philadelphia, Pa.. 12-17. "Why Girls I,eave Home." Eastern (Vance 4 Sul- livan, mgrs.)— Jamestown, N. v., 8. "Wliy Girls Leave Uome." Western (Vance ft Sul- livan, mgrs.)— Jnuctton City, Kan., T, "Wuywanl Son" (J. Hurwood Springer, mgr.) — Brooklyn, N. Y„ B-10. "Whet Womeu Will Do" (n. M. Holden. mgr.) — Sagluaw, Midi.. 1-3, Flint B, Battle Creek 0, Jackson 7, Lorain, 0., 8, Niagara Falls, N, Y., 9. "Woman's Struggle" (X. L. Jelaneo, rogr.) — X. Y. City 6-10. Phlladelpbls. Pa., 12-17. "When Women lx)ve," Eastern (Frank W. Nason. mar.) — Haugertles, X. Y.', 7, Catsktll 8, King- ston 9. Newburgh 10, Sangertles 12, Coxsncklo 18. Hudson 14. Glcas Fulls 15, Whitehall 10, Tlconderog* IT. "When Women Love." Western (Frank W. Nsson. mar.) — Chicago, HI-. 4-10, Cincinnati, O., 11- 17. "Was She to niamol*' (Jwl Carlton, mgr.l — Pmlrlc City. I*.. T, Monroe 8. Fella 0, Eddy- vllle 10. Alhla 12. Oskuloosa 13. "Wlien the Bell Tolls" (J. H. Manr. mgr.)— Fort Wayne, lnd.. 8, Hartford City 9. Muncle 10. Marlon 12. South Bend 13, Angola 15, Coldwater, Mich., 10, Kalumaxoo 17. T Toung. Edwin. Stock (A. W. Young, bus. ingr.) —Fort Wayne, lnd., 8-7. "Yon Yonshn (R. v. Glronx, mcr.) — Seattle, Wash.. 11-17, Vancouver. It. 0., 19. "York State Folks" (Fred E. Wright, mgr.)'— Bt- Paul. Minn.. 11-14. Mlnnesnolls 18-17. "Yorir Xt-tghbor's Wife" (J. T. McGovcm, mgr.) — Reiisen, Minn., 7. Morris 8, Wshpeton, N. Dak.. 0. Fergus Falls, Minn., 10. "Younger Rrotliers" (A. A. Jack, mgr.l— Ixirnln. O.. 7. Medina 0. Barbrrton 10, Mineral City 12. Ballncvltle 13, Toronto 14. East Palestine 13. Baavtr Falls. Pa.. Hi. Uocbeabrr 17. mgrs.l— Paducah, Ky., 0. Castl«ron Opera (E. Dreiel CasUetoo, myxr.)— L'nlontown. r*.. 7. Pledmout-W, V*., B. Cansdlitn Jubilee Singers (W. T. C«ry, mgT.)— Whitby, Cos.. 7, Pickering. 8, Oshawa 9, Brootiln 10. 11, Blackatock 12, Claremont IS. Cariaillan Colored Concert (William Carter, mgr.) — Tlon, Pa.. 7. Mansfield 8. Wellsboro 9. - Galeton 10, 11, Cross Forts 12, Austin 13, Em- porium. 14. "cnlnwo Honeymoon." Esstern (8sm S. Shu. hert, Bisr.)— Mlddletown, Conn., 7, New Brit- ain 8. Merhlen 9. New Haven 10, Watcrhury 12. Hnrlford 13. Plttsflell. Mass., 14, North Ailnms 15. Korlhsmpton 10. Bprlngfleld 17. "Chlut-se Hoocymoon,'' Western (Sam S. Shuhcrt, ingr.) — Lo-i Angeles, Cal., 4-7, Riverside 8. Iresno U, Sacramento 10, San Francisco 11-17, Salem, Ore., 10, Portland 20. 21, Seattle, Wash., 2221. „ ,_ . _, "Cliigalec" (Daniel Frohman, mgr.) — Chicago, 1)1.. 5, Indefinite. Daniel", Frank (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— Waco, Tex.. 7. Ban Antoula 8. Houston 0, Galveston 10. New Orleans. La., 11-17. Enitllsh Grand Opera (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— Columhns, O.. 5-7, Indlinspolls, lnd., 8-10, Cin- cinnati, ().. 12-17. Ellery Bond— liia-nlx, Art*.. 7. llsk's, IKnlo, Orchestra— Sloi-i City, la., 6, Hart- In^ton, Xebr.. 0, 7, Bloomfleld 8, Randolph 0, Osmond 10, Plalnfleld 12, Crelghton 13, Spiing- Held, S. Dak., 14, Geddea 18, Wagner 10, Avon "Fantnna," JeTferson De Angetls (Sam 8. ft Lee Bhuberr. nurw.)— Clilcogo, III., 0, ludeflnltc. "Fortune Teller" (Mlltou ft Sargent Abom.mgrs.) — Monlrenl. Caa., 8-10. "Forbidden Ijiad" '(Dearborn Theatre Co.. mgrs.) — Bov City. Mich., 7, Saginaw 0, Battle Creek 10, Columbus, a, 14. Grand Oi»ra (Helnrlcu Conried. mgr.) — N. Y. City 8, Indefinite. Glaser, Lulu. Opera (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.) — St. LdiiIh, Mo., B-10, Columbus, O., 10. "GUtterlug Gloria" (Fisher ft Ryley, mgrs.)— Guthrie, Okla., T, Wlnfleld. Kan., 8, lola 9, Chauute 10, Atchison 12, Topeka 13, Lincoln, Neb.. 14. Omaha 15-17. 'Girl from Dixie" (George A. Kingsbury, mgr.)— Covlugton. Va., 7, Lynchburg 8. Richmond D, Norfolk 10. Danville 12. Roanoke 13, Bristol, Tenn., 14, Chattanooga 13, Atlanta, Oa., 10. 17. Homier De Wolf (Sam S. Shubert, nigr.) — Hart- ford, Conn.. 7, Springfield. Mass., 8, Xorlli Albums U. Glens Falls, N. Y., 10, Schenectady 12. Allouy 13. Troy 14, Poughkecpsle 15, New- burgli 10. Elisabeth, N. J„ 17. Irma Oiiern (J. P. Wfaeadon, mgr.) — Hartley, la.. 7, West Bend 8, Iawa Falls 0, Hampton 10, Clarion 12, Eagle Grove 13, Story City 14, Boone 15. Toledo 10, Eldora 17. "Isle of Spice" (B. C. Whitney, mgr.l— New Haven, Conn., 7, Mlddletown 8, Springfield. Mass., 9, Hartford, Conn., 10, N. Y. City 12- 17. "Jewell of Asia" (John P. Slocuai, mgr.)— Helena, Ark.. T. Clarksdalc, Mlas.. 8, Green- wood 9, Greenville 10, VIcksburg 12, Jackson 13. .Meridian 14, Sclma, Ala., 15, Montgomery 1U, Troy 17. Kilties Baud (T. P. J. Power, mgr.) — Glasgow. Scotland. 5-10. Falkirk 12. Dundee 13, 14, Montrose 15. Elgin 10, Inverness 17, 18, Ster- ling 21, Berth 22, Greenock 23, Ayr 24, Edin- burgh 2020. '•King Dodo" (David Traitel, mgr. )— Toronto, Cau.. 5-10. Hamilton 12. Lyric Opera (Harry Lea Vellc. mgr.) — Arkansas City. Kan.. 8, Columbus 10, Glrard 12, Chauute 15. tola 10. "I.lbertv Holies" (Fred Berger Jr., mgr.) — Ham- ilton, Can.. 7, Kingston 8, Ottawa U, 10, Mon- treal 12-17. Mantelll Operatic, J. Saunders Gordon's (It. B. Gregory, nigr.) — Marquette. Mich.. 7. Calumrt 8. Hancock 9, Dulatb, Mlnu., 11. West Su- |>crlor. Wis., 12, St. Paul, Minn., 13, Faribault 14. Mankato 15. Winona 10. Red Wing IT. "Mis* Bob While" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, uixrs. ) — Evnnsvllle. lnd., 7. Owensboro, Ky., s, Madl- sonvUle 9. Lexington 10. Frankfort 12. Rich- mond 18, Ashland, 0„ 14, Portsmouth 15, Iron- ton Id, Jackson IT. "Mother Goose" (Klaw ft Erlanger, nigra.)— Pittsburg, Pa., B-10, Washington, D. a. 12-17. "Maid and the Mummy" (Charles Marks, mgr.) — Zanesvllle, O., 7, Sundusfcy 8. Toledo 9, 10, Fort Wayne, lad., 12, Lima, 0.. 13, Muncle, lnd., 14. Anderson 15. Indlauapo.'Ia 16, IT. "M?rry Shop Girl"— Philadelphia, Pa., 2S-Dec. 10. Phclnn Opera (a V. Phelan, mgr.)— Blddcford, Me.. 4-T. i . "Parsifal." In English (nenry W. Savage. . mgr. ) — Providence, B. I.. B-T, Bridgeport, Cuun., 8, Trenton. N. J.. 9, Wilmington, Del., 10, BalU- more, lid., 12-17. "Peary from Paris" (nenry W. Savage, mgr.)— Sudnlla. Mo.. 7, Qalncy. Ill . 8, Hannibal, Mo., 9. Peoria, HI.. 10, Springfield 15, Jacksonville 10. Alton 17. "Prince of Pllscn" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— WashlngtoB. D. 0.. 5-10, Newjiort News, Vs., 12. Norfolk 13, Richmond 14. Rnauoko 15, Knoxvlllc, Tenn., 10, Chattanooga 17. "Plff. Faff, Fouf" (F. O. Whitney, un.1— Phil- adelphia, Pa., 5-10, Boston, Mass., 12-1T. "Proresaor Napoleon" (R. Wado Davis, mgr.) — Dayton. . 16, IT. , "Roval Chef" (Sam S. Shubert. mgr). — Qulucy, lit.. 8, Uurllogtoo. I*.. 0, Cedar Rapids 10. "Runaways" (Sam S. Shubert. mgr.) — Salt Lake City. V., 0. 10, Grand Junction, Colo., 12, I.eadvlllc 13. Victor 14, Cripple Creek 15, Pu- eblo 1(1. Colorado Springs 17. Scherf, FrlUt (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— N. Y. . City 5, Indeoultc. Schumauu-Heluk, Madame (F. 0. Whitney, mgr.) — Bo9lon. Mass.. 0-10. "Sultan of Sulu" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Sherman. Tex., B. Paris 0, Greenville 7, Hallos 8. 0. Oklahoma City. Okla.. 10. "She-Gun" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — N. Y. City 5. Indefinite. "San Toy" (John 0. Fisher, mgr.) — Denver, Colo.. 4-10. Kansas City, Mo., 11-14. "Smiling Island" (George W. Lederer, mgr.) — Philadelphia. Pa.. 12-24. "Strollers' 1 (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — War- ren. I'u.. 1. Corey 8. Tltusville 9. Oil Olty HI, Frnaklln 12, Warren, O., 13, Youngstown 14, New Castle. Pa., 15. Sharon 10, Beaver Falls 17. "Show Olrl" (R. C. Whitney, mgr.)— Snllnas, Cal.. 7, San Luis Obispo S. Santa Barbara P. Vcnturu 10, Los Angeles 11-17, Bun Dlcgo IP, Suuta Anna 20, San Bernardino 21, Riverside 22. Redlnnds 23. Pasadena 24, Hakersnehl 25. "Sergeant Kitty" (George Wblte, mgr.) — Atlunta, Ga., o, T, Mobile, Ala., 9, Chattanooga, Tenn., 12. "Sleeping Bennty and the Beast" (Rosonlwum ft Xankevllle, mgrs.) — Lowell. Mass.. 5-7, Law- rence 8-10. Lewlstou. Me.. 12-14. Uangor 15-17. "Trip to Chinatown" (A. W. Dtckermau, mgr.)— Logon. O., 7. Alliance 8. "Tcmlerfuot." No. 1 (W. W. Tlllotson, gen. mgr.) — Philadelphia. Pa., 6-10. Van Stodlford. Grace (F. Zlegfeld Jr.. mgr.)— York. Pa.. 0. Reading 0. Alleutown 7, Kuston 8. PotlsYlIlc 9. Uarrlsburg 10. Victor's Royal Venetian Band (S. J. Hudson, mgr.l — Marlon, 0.. 7, Newark 8. Wills Musical Comeily (John B. Wills, mgr.)— Dnnlmry, Conn., B-7. South Norwnlk 8-10. "Winsome Winnie" (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)— X. Y. CUT B-10, Ottawa, Can., 12. Klngslmi MUSICAL. Black Pattl Trobadoqrs (Voelckel ft Nolan, mgrs.) —Seattle. Wa*h., 4-10. tacom* 11, Port Town- send. Ore., 12. Victoria, B. C. 13, Vsncourer 14. New Whatcom, Woh.. 13. Everett. Ore., 111. rvriirilt.1 17. rornaiid 18-24. •■hsrotiisM Fkl.llestlelai" (McDonald ft Sullivan. nu-ii) -S'. V. C'll)' .1, li.ilcllnll,'. "llabea lu Toyland," No. 1 (nuMln ft Ultcboll, mars.) — St. Louis, Mo., B-10..' "nilllonalre," Thomas Q. Seabrook* (Klaw ft Erlanger. mgrs. 1— Helena. Mont.. 5. Anaconda 0. Bolt* i, SpoUse, Wash., 9, 10, ScatUa 13, 13, Hamilton 14, London 15, Woodstock 16, Guclnh IT. "Woodland" (nenry W. Savage, mgr.) — N. Y. City 3, Indennlie. "Wltard of O*," No. 1 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgra.l — X. Y. City B, Indefinite. "Wlsanl of Ox," No. 2 (Hamlin ft Mitchell, mgrs.)— Burlington, la., 12. "When Johnny Comes Marching nomc," F. 0. Whitney's — Detroit. Mich.. 4-10. "Yankee Consul" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Boston, Mass., 5-10, Montreal, Can., 12-17. BtjRLGStgUE AND VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Americans (R D. Miner, mgr.) — Boston, Mass., B-IO. N. Y. Clly 12-1T. Bryuut's, narry C.. Extravngania (C. II. Ken- yon. mgr.l— Brooklyn, N. Y., 8-10, Albany 12- 14, Tror 13-1T. Bine Ribbon Girls (Jock Singer, mgr.l— Provi- dence, R. I., B-10, Boston, Mass., 1217. Bowery Birlesquers, Hurtle ft Seamon'* (Jos nnrtlg, mgr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y„ B-1T. / nnhsailanariThomas W. Miner, mgr.>*-Roston. Mas<„ rf-IO, jr. Y. City 12-17. „ _ . Ron Tons (Rush ft Waber. mgrs.)— Montreil. Can., fl-10. Troy, K. Y., 12-14. Albany 18-17- BHBadiMra (Harry Martell. mgr.)— PaWnfou, N. jtT e-io. n. y. city 12-24. . _ nnin.lway Rariesqaers CBrensan AtanjetaeBt DVt rogrs. )--Decatnr, IIL, B, More* o. AssumnUoa 7, Fan* 8, Kotomi* B, csrUavUlo 10, Walt*- DECEMBEB l(h hill 127 Wncheater 18, Grirgsvllle 14, Qnlricy Cracker Jacks (Harryi*onl,*mgr.)— Chicago, 111., ™aO, r>trolt,?MJ«*.sJlsl7;l' Chsrry Blossoms (Butler, Jacob* ft Ixmry, man.) --Jersey City. £ J.; 6-10. rtuladelphla, Pa.. 12-17." pevere's, Scm— Springfield, Mais., fi-10, Bo«toa n]l • ' '<■ ' •• ' _; ■ "• ■ Dainty Duchess (Rash * Weber, mm. )— Reading, Pa . 6-7, ScrantOVS-IO. N. V. City 12-17. r«r Foster Burlesqners (Joseph • Oppeahelroer, „— )_MIaneapolIs, Minn,, 4-10, St. Paul 11- 17. French Folly Bnrleiqners (Phillip* A Perry, nm.)-J(Wrtt CHy. Conn., 7,- Bristol 8, Mid- dletown 0. Windsor Lock* 10, Hartford IS, Hockvllle 13, Munehestcr 14, Walnaarfonl 13. LWnbury 10. White Plains. K. Y>, 17. Our Morning Olorles (Scrloner ft Drew, marts.)—. Louisville. Ky.. 4-IO, St Louta, Ma. 11-17. Gay Masqneraders (JnH.tL Barnes, nigr.) — Bal- timore. Md., 510, Washington, 1>. C, 12-17. nwi Iloller« (Worxlhull & Waldron. rogrs.) — Detroit, Mich.. 4-10. Toledo, 0., 11-17. Irwin's Big Show (Fretl Irwin, mar.)— Toronto, Can.', G-10. Montreal 12-17. Imperials' (William* & Burns, nigra.) — St. Lonts, \lo.; 4-10, Kansas City 11-17. Innocent Maids (T. W. Dlnklns. riot.) — Bloom- Jngton, Ind.. 7, Salem 8, 1'rlnccton 0, Evaus- Tllle 10, Ifenderson. k;>-., -12, 1'nducah ID, Jack- son, 1'enn., 14. Fulton. Ky., 15, Cairo, lit., 10. Cnrbooilale 17. East St. Louis 18. Jolly Gross Widows (Robert Fulton, mgr.) — N. Y. City fi-10, Newark. X, J., 12-17. • Knickerbockers, (r.mih. Rolile, mgr. I — Albany, N. V., 8-7, Troy -8-10. Provldinee, K B, 12-17.' Kenti:ckv Belles (Whallen Bros., mars.)— Cleve- land, '0„ 310. Buffalo, N. Y.. I*-17. Lafayette, the Great (T. O. Lafayette: mar.)— - Columbus. O., 5-7. Tt-re Haute, In., 13, 18. Uerry Maidens (Kiitler, Jacolie-ft Lowry, rngrs.) — Indianapolis. Ind., .',-10, Chicago, III.. 11-17. Majesties (Fred Irwin, mgr.l — Troy. K. Y., 0-7, Albany S-10. Springfield, Mass.. 12-17. Moonlight Maids (Sullivan ft Kraos. mgrs.) — N. yTcIIT 5-10, Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-24. Kew York Stars (Jonn 9. Raynor, mgr.) — Phila- delphia. Pa., 6-10V Reading 12-14, Scrauton 15-17. . i ■ New Big Sensation (B. A. Sharer, mgr.) — Elwood, lhd., 10, Marlon 14. Orphenm Show. Martin Beck's — Indianapolis, Ind., 6-10, New Orleans; La., 12-17. Orphenm Burlesque™ (Lou Hammer, mgr.) — Ot- towa. Can., 5-10, Quebec 12-17. . Parisian Widows (Eush ft Weber, nurrs.)— Kan- sas City, Mo.. 4-10, Indianapolis, lhd.. 12-17. Beeves', Al.— Toledo, 0.. 4-16,'. Cleveland 12-17. Rose Hill English Tolly (nice* 4 Barton, mgrs.) — Chicago, til., 4-10. Milwaukee. Wla., 11-17. Rentr-Santley (Abe LeaVItt, mgr.)— St. Pan), Minn.. 4-10. Chicago. 111., 11-17. Bice ft Barton's Big Gaiety — Cincinnati, O., 4-10, LonlsviUe. Ky.. 11-17. Eose Sydell'e London Belies (W. 8. Campbell, ragr.l— Rochester, N. Y., G 10, Toronto, Can., 12-17. ■ Bellly 4 Wood'a (Pat Relllj, mgr.)— PhDadel- phla. Pa., 5-10, Baltimore, Md., 12-17. Runaway Girls (P. S. Clark, mgr.)— N. Y. City G-10, Scranton, Pa., 12-14, Reading" 15?1T.. Trans-Atlantic Burlesqners, Hnrtlg ft Session's (F. M. Rosenthal, mgr.)— BlirTalo, N'. Y., G-10, Rochester 12-17. ' . ' Tiger I.llles (Sctlbner 4 Drew, mgrs.) — Cincin- nati. 0., 4-10. ■■ Loulsrllle, Kr.. 11-17.. Trocaderos (C. H. Waidron, tugr.)— Newark, N. J., 5-10, Pateraon 1217. - • . •' ^_ Thorougbbreda (Frank B. Carr. mgr.)— N. Y. City 6-10, Jeney City, N. J„' 12-17. Utoplana (T. W. Dlnklns, mgr.)-rN- T. City 5-17. Vanity Fair (Robert Manchester, mgr.)— Washing- ton, D. C. '6-10, Plttsbnrg. Pa., 12-17. Wirld Beaters (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— Scran- ton, Pa., 5-7, Reading 8-10. Philadelphia 12-17. MIASTRELS. Barlow 4 Wilson's (Lawrence Barlow, mgr.)— Helena, Ark., 7, Clarendon 8, Stuttgart 9, Brlnkley 10, Little Rock 12, MorrUltun 13, BnssellTlUe 14. . » Cnlhane, Coaae 4 Weston's (Will E. Culhane, ragr.)— Oltaa. N. Y.. 7: - ' Dcckatader*a, Lew (Charles D. Wilson, mgr.)— Kansas City, Mo.. 4-10, Toneka, Kan., 11, St. Joseph, Mo., 12, Lincoln, Nebr., 13, Omaha 14, THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. 983 BJoox City, la., 16, Pueblo, Colo., 17. Field's. Al. 0. (Doc Qnlgtey, mgr.) — mnraeiu, W. Ta.. 7, Boanoke, Va„ S, Charlottesville 8, Richmond 10, Stanton 12, Corlngtoa 13. Charles- ton, W. Ya., 14, Huntington 10, Oalllpolla, 0., 15, Nelsonvllle 17. M Faust, Ted E. (Q. D. Cunningham, tngr.) — Palestine, Tex., 7, Tyler 8,- Marshall 9, Slirere- port. La., 10, 11, Magnolia, Ark.^ 12, Camden 15, Pine Bias 14, Little Rock IS Hot Springs 16, 17. Oorton (0. C. Pearl, mgr.) — Columbia, Tex., 7, Eagle Lake 8, Beaumont 0, Orange 10. Harerly'a (CleoTge A. Boyer, mgr.) — Pendleton, Ore.. 8, Spokane, Wash., 11-13. Kersanda, Billy (O. Joy S r.lth, mgr.) — Mexia, Tex.. 7, Coralcana 8, Waxafcnchle 9, Weatherford 10,' Fort Worth 12, Denton 13, GatnearUie 14, Sherman 15, Denlaon 10, Bonliam 17. " UcDermott & Diamond Brothers (Chas. E. Rose, mgr.) — Booavllle, Mn., 7, Marshall 8, Moberly 9, Sadolla 10, Clinton 12, Nevada 13, Fort Scott, Kan.. 14, lola 16, Olrard 10, Parsons 17, Galena 18. Primrose, George H. (Jamen H. Decker, mgr. — Boston, Mass., 5-10, Portsmouth; N. H., 12, Salem, Mass., IS, Brockton 14, Prorlder.ee, B. I., 15-17. -' .-•=-» ; Qnlnlan & Wall's (Dan Qnlnlan, mgr.)— Wor- cester, Mass., 7, Woonsocket, K. I., 8, Norwlck, Conn., 0, New London 10, Putnam 12. Wllll- mantlc 13, Hartford 14, New Britain 15, Wa- tertown 16. Danbury 17. .■'.■•• Richards & Prlngle'a (Bnaco 4 Holland, mgn,) — Santa Fe, N. Mex., 1, Albn<|nerquo 2, Socorro 3. Demlng 5, BIsbee, Aria.. V, Falrbank 7, Tombstone 8. Donglaa 9, El Paso, Tex., 10, 11, Pecos 12, Carlsbad, N. Mex., 13, Boswell 14, Amarlllo, Tex.. 16, Clareodon 10, Childress 17. Qnanah 19, Yemen 20. Vogel'a (John W. Yogel, mgr.) — Mount Carmel, Pa., 7, Bbamokln 8, Sanbury 9, Danville 10, Shenandoah 12. Bloomsburg 13, Berwick 14, Plttston IB, Wllkeebarre 10. Scranton. 17,' West's, Wm. H. (Sanford Blcaby, mgr.) — San Francisco, Cal., 4-10. TENT SHOWS. Canada Frank's— PlnnteMTllle, Tex., 7, Mont- gomery 8, Carroll 9, Clrnesburg 10, Glerelaud 12, Saratoga 13, Sllsbee 15, 10, Jasper 17. Noble Bros.— Portales, N. Mex., 8-10, Carlsbad 11. 11 Orton'a, Miles— Live Oak, Fla., 7. MISCELLANEOUS. Brlndamonr 4 Naiada (W. L. Fexrli. migr.) — South Amboy, N. J., 7, High Bridge 8, Newton 9, 10, Bangnr. Pa., 12, Freeland 13, 14, Girard- _vllle 15, Mabanoy City 18; 17. Berkell Show, No. 1 (Charles Berkell, mgr.)— Rulo. Nebr., 8-10. Berkell Show, No. 2 (C. a Matthews, tngr-)— Salem, Nebr., Dec. 5-10. Crystalplex Carnival (M. Henry Walab, mgr.) — _ I^ouilnster. Mass.. 5-10. Fltchunrg 12-17. Flints, Mr. and Mrs. (B. L. Flint, mgr.)— Davenport la., 6-10. Cay's Electric (Gav Billings, mgr.)— Slgonrney, la., G-7. Belle Plain 8-10. Newton 12-14. Hewett-Goldeti, N. W. T.. B. C, IS, 13, Bevel- . stoke 16-17. Vernon 1(1-21. Prescelle (F. Wlllard Magoon. mgr.)— Ellaworth, „ Me., c-10, Barton. Vt.. 12 17. Salisbury's. Louis. Moving Plctares (E. L. Knight, mgr.) — Dayton. Tenn.,-7. _ '- • _ Bhepard's Moving Pictures— Utlcfl, N. Y.. 7, I Ududeuille Cist. This Hat la marie up a* nenrlr «c- onrnte as It In iiossilblc to make n list of TBsideville booklaiga. To: lamiire In- ■ertlon Ira this department the name ot the theatre or park; n« vvctl na> the fity or town, MUST accoruimny each bookiisar nent n a. . • « • Actus Comedy Fonr. Grand, Milwaukee. 5-10. Ailler. Flo. Shea's. Burralo, N. Y., 5-10; Shea's. Torooio, Can., 12-17. . , ■ Adeline ft "Uubber," Casino, Lawrence, Mass.. 5-10. . .- , . -* s -'-'- •- '.'• Adair 4 Dahn. Keith's. Phlln.. 5-10. ■ A'telman. Joseph, Anollo, Nnrembsrg. Oer., 6-31. Ailams ft White, Palace, Won-eeter, .Mass., 6-10; , York, St. John. Can., 12-11... Adams A Mack. A. ft 8.. Boston. B-10. Anamlnl * Taylor, Chase's. Wsmlngtnn. D. C , B-10; Maryland, Baltimore; Md., 12-17. Addlaoii.ft. I.ltJngstnn. i:nl<).ie, Winnipeg, Man., fi- 10 ; SUr, Bermldge, Mlm., 12-17. Ahera ft Baxter. Coenr D'Alene, Spokane. Wash., — w*Jv^- -— ■ ■«- .— - ... \ .. » .. tfSSL.SS Einplre. Terrs Hants, Ind., B-10: Blootnlnrf«n. 12-17, ' ■ JSP _"' Alalre ft Cavllle. Orpheam. St. Taol, Ulna,. B-1T. A '15 ,B '^ Mr - : .* Mrt - Macftaalc, Salem, Mass., 6- , 10: Keith's, Providence; It. 1.. 1M8. Alhanttb ftfMay, Music Hall. Boston, 6-10. *5&~v' * Bettie, Orphenm. Baveajwrt, !»., Albjirrns A Bartram, Empire, Ix>ndoa, Em.. C-24. A nbonso, Alfred, Hahhattan. Norfolk, Va.. 610. Alhurtu? ft Millar, City of Mexico. 8-24. AlliorarTrio. H. (t B„ Bkln., fi-10.' '■ Alltnon, Joe. Empire, San Frao.. Cal., *>IT» A um LV} 1 ' Shecdy'i, Fall Blrer, Mass:. 8-10. Allen, Phyiila. Orpbeom, Ran Kran^ Cat, 5-10. Allstnn, Mlth, Palace, Worcester, Masa., 6-10. American Trumneters. Harmarket, Chicago. 6-10. American Quintette. Empire. Mancesler, Kng., 3- 10; BarrrasfoM Tuur 12;ll. Amoros.' Mile., Victoria, N. Y. C, C-10. Amalln-Manola Fnmlly. Oem, I.ynn, Mass., 6-10, Anderson-, Madge, casto, I^well. Mass., G-io. . Areher'a Filipino Girls, Park, Worcester, Mass., o-lO. Armnlelte, Bertha. Palace, Worcester. Mass., 6-10. Armstrong ft Holly, Orphenm, New Orleana, La., Armstrong, Tom. Keith's. Boston. 5-10. Armstrong ft Vern. linker's, N. Y. C, 5-10: F.lmlra, N; Y.. 12-17. Atnlanta. La BeUe. Stall Tonr. Kng.. 5-31. Auslln. Geo. F... Ilnjnisrket. Chicago, 5-10. Aug. Edna; Proctor's. Albany, N. Y., 5-10. AiiRtlna, Tossing. Pavilion. (Ilasgow, Scot.. 5-10: Pavilion. Newcastle, 12-17. Ahhurns (.'{), ITniipte, Ogden, Utah. B-10. Axtell ft Karlr. C. 0. II.. Chicago. C-10. Avery, WnvC. O. H., Chicago, 5-10. Avolna (4). II. ft B., Bkln., .6-10, Hards, Four, ColumMo, Cincinnati, 5-10. ltsker. Pete. Orpheum, Kansas City. Mo., 5-10. Barry ft Italiers. Poll's. Springfield, Mass. 5-10, Barnes ft Wn*bhiirn. Grand. Vanconver. Can., 5- _ 10; Unique, Illlllnguam, Wash., 12-17. Barnes, Panl, Keith's. N. Y. C, 5-10. Barrett Sisters. Louisville, Ky., 12-17. Barry ft Wilson, Proctor's, Newark. N. J., B-10. Barrows-Lancaster Co., Mechanic, Salem, Mass., 0-10. Barry, Marlon. Palace, Worcester, Mas*., B-10. Bayes, Nora, Howard, Boston. 5-10. Barnes. Stuart. H. ft B.. Chicago. 5-10. Bartletts, Musical. Weasts, Peoria. 111., B-10. Belforrl, Mr. & Mrs. Al. 0.. Orpheum, Spring- deld. 0.. 510: Star. Muncle. Ind., 12-17. Benlhnm & Freeman, Unique, Minneapolis, Minn., 5-10. Bennett. Musical, 0. O. H.. Pittsburg. B-10. Bedinl & Arthur. H. ft B.. Bkln., 5-10. Beneillct ft Powell. A. A S.. Boston, 6-10. Pemer. AVnlter. RocSford, III., 5-10 : Bloomlncton, 12-17. • '. . • Bellman A Moore, Keith's, Providence. 5-10; Keith's. N. I. C. 1217. Bean ft Davis, Einplre. Anaconda, Mod., B-10; Edison. Helena, 12-17. Bell. Dlzby. Maryland. Baltimore, Mil., B-10; Keith's, Boston. 12-17. Beeson ft Athern. Empire, Terre Hante, Ind., 5-10. Beatty A Price. Lyric. Salt Lake, Utah. 5-10. Bertrere. Vnlerle, ft Co., Orpheum. Kansas City, Mo.. 5-10.- Brigham. Unique. Ogden, Utah. 5-10. Birch, John. Mechanic, Salem, Masa., 5-10. Bird. Geo. A. ft l.lnle, Kallapell, Mont.. 6-10. Blessln« ft Kerr, Benrods. Ixiniatllle. Ky, 6-17. Blondell. I.lhble Arnold, Columbia. Boston, r.-io. Black, Violet, Proctor's. Albany. N. Y., 6 10. Blake, Marion. Gem. Lynn. Mass., G-10. Bowers ft Cartas, Salt Lake City. U., 5-10. Boyd. Archie, Portland. Portland. Me.; 6-10. Boise*, l.'nnr.' H. & B,. Bkln., 6-10; Chase's, Wellington. D. 0., 12-17. Brooks ft Young. Family, E. St. I»nls, B-17. Brynnt ft Savllle, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y., 8- 10. Brooks. Jeannette, Casto, Lawrence, Mass., 510; Cfisco, Lowell, 12-17 Brooks, nerbert, Kellh>. Providence. R. I., 5-10. Brailyn. The. PaRtor's. N. Y. C.,6-10. Bryant, May. A. ft S., Boston, 5-10. Brockway, Florence, Pttblllonca, Havana, Cuba, 5- 1-7.--,-. Brown. Harris ft Brown, Empire, Hoboken, N. J.. C-10. , Bramlow ft Wiley, Park, Woicealer. Mass., 6-10. Bralinm, Michael. Proctor's 08th St., V. X. C, 6-10. - •• -'- BradKhaw, Chas. H., 4 Co.. Maryland. Baltimore, Md.. 6-10 ; Chase's. Washington. D. C, 12-17. Brnnn ft Bus-tell, Chase's, Washington, D. 0., C-10. -. •',.-' ;' ■■ • . . ■: Brandon ft Harry, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 6-10. Bright- Bros;, a 0. 11.. Chicago, 6-10. Bucarr, Mile.. BUou. Norfolk. Va.. 6-10. Burke. John P., Albambra, Savannah, a., B-17. Burton ft Brooks, Grand, Indianapolis. 12-17. Such and Bach, Crystal, Milwaukee. 6-10. Burnett 4 Weyerson, Star,. Scranton, PI, B-7; Bljon, Reading. 8-10. Buret), Mr. ft Mrs., Jack, Savoy. Victoria, B. C, ."i-IO : (Jicecrraph, Spokane, wash., 12-17. Burdock Sisters, Francnrs, Montreal; Can.. 6-10. Buhle, Ada,- Palace, Worcester.. Mass., 6-10. Bntler ft Lamar. Casino, Lawrence Mass., 6-10, Gem, Haverhill. 12-17. Bosh, Frank, Keeney's, Bkln., 6-10. Burt. Frank, Star, Hamilton, Can., B-10. Burdette, Madeline. Atlantic Garden, N. Y. 0., •-5-IO; Bon Ton, Pblla.. 12-17.- Byrne ft West, Baker's, Portland. Ore.. 6-10. Byron ft Lnngdon, Empire, London, Eog., 5-24. CalTery ft Grant. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 5-10. Carlln ft Otto, Shea's, Buffalo, 6-10. Carroll ft Baker. Gem, Lynn, Mass., 6-10. Carr. Pop, A. 4 S., Boston. 5-1.0. Campbell. Dillon 4 Co.. Olympic. Chicago, 6-10. Cain A De Forrest, Mechanic, Salem, Masa., 5-10. Carrie, Mile.. Flom's, Madison. Wla., 5-10. Caicedo. Keith's, Phils., 6-10. Carmen Troupe, Colombia. St. Loots, 5-10; C. O. H., Chicago, 1217. Cain 4 La Booth, Star, Hamilton. Can., 6-10. Oanueld & Carlelon, Orpheum, St. Joseph, Mo., 12-17. Carey-Cotter Trio, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., C-10. Campbells (3), Olympic, Chicago, 6-10; Hay* market, Chicago, 12-17. Cameron, Grace, Keeney's, Bkln., 6-10. Carlo & dogs, O. O. H., Pittsburg, 5-10. Carroll, Bobby, Castle, Blooinlngtoo, III., B-10; Grand, Jollct. 12-17. Carter 4 Bluford, Keith's, N. Y. 0.. 6-10. Callahan ft Mack, Kelth'a, Boston, B-10. Carter, Mr. 4 Mrs. Carl, Unique, Los Angeles,, Cal., 5-17. Casad 4' Deverne. Gem, La Salle, III.. 6-10. Carroll. Johnny, II. ft 8„ N. Y. C, B-10. Carlton, Lew, Stir, Hamilton. Can., B-10. Charles. Carl, Yale's. Kansas City, Mo.. 5-10. Cherry ft Bates, Empire, Toledo, 0-, 0-10; Ly- ceum. Cleveland, 12-17. Christopher, Great, Empire, Terre Dante, Ind., 5-10. Clinmberllns. The. Keith's. Pblla., B-10. Chester, Mile:, Chase's. Washington, D. 0.. 6-10. Chatham Slstera, Unique. Indianapolis. 6-10. Chndwlck Trio, Keith's, N. Y. C, 8-10. Champagne Dancers, Proctor's 38th St., N. Y. C, 5-10. Cliartnlon, Columbia, Cincinnati. B-10. Chlttenilen. Capt., Brndenburgh's. Pblla., 6-10. Clark ft Duncan, Grand, Milwaukee, Wla., 6-10; C- O. II., Chicago, 12-17. Cline. Maggie, Victoria, N. Y. C, 6-10. Clareuca sisters, Chutes. San Fran., Cal., 5-10. Cooper 4 Boblnson, Pell's, New Haveo, Conn., 5-10; Poll's, Springfield, Miss., 12-17. Corhley ft Burke, Keith's, Providence. B. I., 5-10, Coghlan, Rosa, H. ft B., Chicago, C-10. Cook &' Harris, aettnab's; lllon, N. Y„ S-10. Conchas, Pan). Music Hall, Boston, 5-10. Collnla (8). Victoria. N. Y. C, 5.10. Coitrtbope, Jane, ft Co., Keith's, Providence, R. I., 6-10. Collins 4 Hart. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 5-10. Columblno 4 Co.. Empire, Hoboken. N. J., B-10. Collins 4 Hawley, Proctor's 58th St., N. Y. 0., 5-10. - ' Cole ft Johnson, Keith's, Providence, B. I., 5-10. Corbett 4 Forester, Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 5-10. Conroy A Pearl, Star, Munclo. Ind.. 8-10. Crane Bros.. H. ft S., N. Y. C. S-10. Cresy ft Dayne, Columbia, St. Louis, 6-10; Grand, Indianapolis, 12-17. i, • '- Crane. Mr. 4 Mrs. Gardner, Orphenm, Otlcs, N. Y.. 12-11. . .'. - • Crawford & Manning. Pastor'*. N. Y. a. 5-10. Ortlkkkank, Bsrte. Vt.. ».'10. . Cralgs, The. Brailenbatgh's. lhU4.. B-10. Crane. Lswrence, Howard, BiKton, B-10. Cronrb, -Anns; Manhattan; Norfolk. Vs., 'B-10. Curtis * AiUm«-0. O. n., OUlcago, 510". - Curtis ft n«l»; Hall. Bntte; Mont., 6101 D'Alene, 'Spokane, wsih.-i 12>17. • •■ • ■' ■■■ Otlfya, Mnsb'Sl. J I. ft «.. Chicago. 6-10, Cnffen; Jss. -and. San Luis Obispo. 12-17. Farrell Bros., n. A B., Chicago, 6-10. I-Vrirhson ft Psssmore, Grand, .Toilet, III., 8-10: Castle, Blcomlngton, HI.. 12-17. Ferguson ft Msck; Proctor's. Albany. N. Y.. B-10. Ferguson ft Murphy. Cole's. Lynn. Mass.. 6-10. ■ Ferdlnand-Gllnserettl Troupe, Keith's, N. Y. O., C-10. ,. . ' Fields ft Hanson, Casto. Lowell. Mass., 8-10, Fisher, Mr. ft Mrs. Perkins, Proctor's 23d 8L, ^G-10. - Fields, Mark. Main St.. Peoria. III.. 6-10. Fields. Nettle, Howard, Boston, 12-17, Fltiplbbou- McCoy Trio, Keith's, Cleveland, B-10. l'liinegan, Mr. A Mrs.; Empire, Terre Hante, Ind., Fields, Bobby, Sbeedy's. ■ Fall River, Mass., B-10. 1'lelils, Mirk. Peoria, 111., 6-10. I'llson 4 Rrrol. Orphenm. Kansas City. Mo., B-10. Flynns, The. Gem, Lynn, Maaa., 6,10, Fleming ft Delora, Casino, Worcester, Mass., 6- 10. 3 Florence Sisters (3), Circle, N. Y. 0., B-10. Fletcher. Chas. L., Columbia, Cincinnati, 6-10. Fox, Great, Grand. Milwaukee. 6-10. Ford Bros.. Columbia, Boston. 5-19. Fox. Delia, Keith's, Boston, 6-10. Ford ft Gehrue, Pastor's, N. Y. C, B-10. Fox* Ward, O. H.; Colorado Springs, Col., B-10. Foster. Ed., ft dog, Orpheum, Kansss City, Mo., 12-17. Fowler, Bertie. H, 4 B., Chicago, 6-10. Fox. 'Madge, O. O. H., Plttsbnrg, 6-10. Foutlnelles (:i), Carnival, La Fayette, La., fi- 10. . Fox' 4 Melville. Palace, Lincoln, Eng., 5-10; Grand, Sheffield, 12-17 ; Empire, Portsmouth, 1021. Frank. Marvelous, 4 Bob, Orpheam, San Fran., Cal., 0-17. Freeze. Bros., Peoria, III, B-10. Krasler, Pearl. Palace, Worcester, Mass., 8-10. Fnxl-Ko. ft Phillip Jean Bernard, Empire, Pltts- bnrg, 6-10. Fuller, Ida., Bnscb Circus, Berlin, Oer., 6-24. Onnluer. Jack, Ilnymarket, Oblcago, 6-10; Co- lutnbln, St. Louis, 12-17. GaHch Sisters. Proctor's 6th Ave., N. Y. 0.. 8-10. Gnrdner ft Vincent, Portland, Portland, Me., 6- 10. Gardner, Willie, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., B-10. Garscn. Marlon, Keith's, Cleveland, 0-10. Gardner 4 Stoddard. Empire, Anaconda, Mont, 5-10: I'tshna, Ogden. Utah 12-17 Gnriiiu.- Cbllilren (8), Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., r,-io. Oagnonx, The, Park, Worcester, Maaa., 6-10. (lavlor. Bobby. H. 4-B., Bkln., 6-10. Oallagher 4 Wild. Moss ft Thornton Tonr, Eng., 5-24, Caylortl. Bonnie. Palace, Slonx City, la,, 6-10; Flora's, Madison. Wis.. 12-17. Gardner. West 4 Sunshine, A. 4 8., Boston, 6-10. Gardner 4-OokIen, Weast's, Peoria, III., 6-10; Flom's. Madison. Win.. 10-12. GayUor. 0., Denver, Col., 6-10; Empire, Colorado Springs. 12-17. George. Edwin, Lyceum, Pawtncket, B. L, 5-10; Gem, Haverhill, Mass., 12-17. Gcnaro ft Bailey, Proctor's 68th Street, N. Y. O., G-10.- Olrard, Marie, Cole's. Lynn. Mass., 8-10, CJIMny ft- Fox, Howard, Boston, 5-10. ' ' GUdersleevc A Towtiaend, Howard, Boston, G-10. Olrard ft Garduer, Chase's, Washington, D. 0., 0- 10. ^^ Olrl with the Auburn Hair, Proctor's 23d St., N. y: C. 6-10. Glbbs Children, London, London, Can., 5-10. Gllfoll, Harry. Keith's, Providence, B. L 6-10. Olllett's Musical Dogs, Schenectady, N. Y., B-10. Olenroy, James Richmond, a. 0. a.. Plttsbnrg, 5-10: Music Hsll. Boston. 1217. Oladstone. Lottn, H. 4 B., Bkln., 12-17. Gladys. Baby, Crystal, Milwaukee, 6-10. Glenn, Master. Grand, Milwaukee, 6-10. Gordon, Don 4 Mae, Unique, Minneapolis, Mian., 6-10; Unique, Esn Claire, 12-17. I Gotham Comedy Four, Olympic, Oblcago, 0-10. Gordon, Belle, London, London, Ont.,*6-10. Godfrey, Hal, A Co., Poll's, Bridgeport, Coon., B-10. . Golden 4 Hughes, Park, Worcester, Masa., G-10; Sithaway's, .New Bedford. 12-17. en. Geo. Fuller. Ctrcule, N. Y. C, 6-10. Grand Opera Trio. Arcade, Toledo, 6-10. Green ft Sanloe, Cryatal, St. Joseph, Ho., 8-10. Green 4 Werner, Proctor's 23d Bt., N. Y. 0., 12,17. Grant. Mell, Auditorium. Norfolk, Va,, B-10. Gross. Wan.. Electric, Vanconver, B. C, 12-17. Oregory ft Wood. Keeney's, Bkln., 0-10. (1 rati* ft Reynolds, Howard, Boston. 0-10. Grob, Frank. Crystal. St.' Joseph, Mo., 5-10. lirtuoaiho 8ls:ers. Circle, N. \. O., 0-10., (Wsrrtro. -Rosarlo. B. *.».. N. Y. C„ -C-iO. OnTse, Dick ft Hffle, Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., B-10." '..' .•'•*. ".-.".-.. r .-.•; •'.'.. . Harper. Desmond A Bailey;, Pprtbjod, Portland, Me., 8-10, - ** • -s- --. - > Hallen ft Fuller. Keith's, N. Y. C . 5-10. Haines A Vldocq. Proctors 681b St., N. X. 0., '. O-IO. . '. u ■; -,.■",:• - - .» ' I ~..'- Hathasyay ft Walton, Poll's, Bridgeport, Coon,, _"6-ini Pn- tor's, N. Y. C. \%VfT- -< • Hayfswft llealy, Jlax/harkat, Oigago, 6-10. BawktXJ, Uw. Keltffi, Provroena, B. 1., 6-10. Hart. . Mamrtce, Casto, Lawrence, Maaa., B-10; -Caato, Xowall. Mass.. 12-17..- ... , , - Hajman A Franklin, Hlnpodroms, Birmingham, Kng., 5-10; ■ Empire. Btrstol; 12-17 1 Hlppo- drecie, Liverpool, 1D-M; Hsls ft Francis,- Pastor'*; N. Y, O.t B-10. Hnnlej ft Valescg. Casto, Fall Blver, Mass., fi- 10. Hacker ft Lester Trio, Park, Worcester, Mass., fi- ll*. Hardlc, l\>m. Globe, St. Louis. Ma, 6-10. •" Hastings, Mnbel, Casino, Manchester, N. H.. 0-10.- __ Hart.- Edward, 4 Mile. Bessie, Chutes. San Fran., Cal., r.-lO. " ■ Harvey, Vf. 8., 4 Co., Casto. Lowell. Mass., B-10. Harding A Ah Std. Keith's. Boston. S-10. Hanson, Lenin, Cole's, I.ynn. Mass., 6-10. Hamilton. Wiley, Criterion, Tampa. Fla., 8-24. Hanson. Mildred. Proctor's. Newark. N. J.. 6-10. Hammond ft Forrester, Orpheum, Denver, Col., B- 10. Haskell, loney. Mohawk, Schenectady, N. t., .••10; Pnwtor'a, Newark, N. J., 1U-17. Hahvey * Donne, Bon Ton, Salt Lake, Utah, fi- 10: Reno. Nev., 12-17. Hartford ft Davis, Star, Boston. 6-10. Halt.- Otto P.. •Orpheum, Springfield, 0., 8-10. Herbert. Claengraph, Spoknne, Wash.. G-10. ■ Hearn 4 Lewis. Bon Ton, Salt Lake, Otali. 3-10: F.ntplre, Colorado springs. Col.. 12-17, Heclow." Ohas.. Bljon. Oslutaet, Mich., 0-10; Bijou, Marinette, Wis.. 12-17. nenry, Eugene. Unique, Indianapolis, B-10. Hedrlx * Frescctt, Proctor'a 2;ld St., N. Y. 0.. 5-10. nern. Chas., Orphenm. Bkln., 8-10. HeiMlerson. Chas. B.. O. O. U., Chicago, 610; llaymarket, Chicago. 12-17.,, Heasllt Trio, BIJou, Duluth, Minn,, 8-10. Herliert'a Dogs. Vlctorln, N. Y. O., B-10. Hendern.n ft Ross. Keeney's. Bkln., N. Y„ B-10. Hess, cinra, Oljmplc, Chlcsgo, 6-10. llerlierl, Mme., Orysial, Mllwaokee, B-10. llefron, Tom. llnlqtvr. Winnipeg, Can., 8-10; Palace. Sioux City. In,. 12-17. newes, Oreat, Star. PltMbnrg, 6-10. , Herrmann, the Great, Orpbssim, San Fran., CsL, 12-17. Hill ft SylTlany. Poll's. Bridgeport. Conn., 5-10. Hlgglns ft Molicy. Acme, Norfolk, Vs., 6-10, Hlnes, Qertle, BIJou, Norfolk. Va., 6-10. Hllllard. Robert. 0. O. H., Plttabnrg. 5-10. HICkry * Nelson, Ksnaas Olty, Mo„ 1217. Hodges ft Lsuuchmere Atlantic Garden, N. Y. 0., 5,-10, Howard ft Bland. Kelth'a, Phlla., 5-10. . Hnlilen, Oer.-, Prootor's 125th St., N. Y. 0., 5-10. Holcomb. Curtis ft Webb, Howard. Boston, 6-10. Howard ft Anderson, Columbia. Boston, 5-10. Howe ft Decker, Victoria, Can.. 6-10. Holmes ft Dense. Chnles, San Fran.. Cal., 6-10. Howard. Harry A May, Andltorlunt, Cedar Rapids, Is., 5-10. ^ _ ... Hoyt, Add. Proctor's Bth Ave., N. Y. 0., 5-10. Ilowanl. Chas. D., Uazaser'a, Baltimore, Md., fi- 10. Howard Bros., Circle. N. Y. 0., B-10; Orpheum, Bkln.. 12-17. nowe ft Scott. 0. 0. H.. Chicago, (S-10. Hidilsworth. The. C O. II., Chicago, 6-10; Orystsl. Milwaukee, 12-17. _ _ Howard's Dogs ft Ponies, Orphenm, San Fran., Holder, Geo.'. Proetor's, 125th St., N. T. O., B-10. Howard & North, Proctor's. Albany. N. Y., 6-10. Hughes Mnaleal Trio. Shea's, Buffalo, N. Y., 6- 10: Orpheum, Ullca. 12-17. Huntings 14), Shea's, Toronto, Can., B-10; Ar- cade, Toledo, O., 12-17. mmm _ Hughes, Chas. O.. Columbia, Boston, 6-10; Co- lnmbla. Bkln.. 12-17. -. mmm ' Hyde ft Heath, Novelty, Logan, Utah, G-10; Bon Ton, Salt Lake City, 12-17. Hyde. Walt M.. Salt Lake City, TJ., B-10. Inmnn, The Great, Manhattan, Norfolk. Va., 6-17. Inness A Ryan. Proctor's rSth Ave., N. Y. O, 5-10. Irish, Annie. Shea's. Buffalo, 6-10. Irving, laabelle. Proctor's 68th St, N. Y. 0.. 6- 10. Ireland's Own Band, Oroheuti, Bkln., B-10. Irwin Lou. Para. Worcester, Mass., 6-10. Italian Trio, Proctor's. Albanv, N. Y.. 6-10. Jackson ft Donglae, Empire, Terra Haute, Ind., C-10. Japanese Imperial Ouarda, Howard, Boston. 8-10. Japanese Troupe, Arcade. Toledo, O., 8-10. Jncluwn, Ben. Edison, Kpokani-. Wash., B-10. Jack. Mr. ft Mrs., BIJou, Duluth, Minn., 6-10. Jnnsen-Herr ft Co.. Richmond No. Adams, Msss., 6-16 ; Keith's, Boston. 12-17. • - •' Jennings ft Renfrew. Smith's, flrsnd Baplds, Mich., 5-10: Olympic. -Chicago, 12-17. Jewell's Manlklnn, Proctor's, Newnrk, N. J., 6-10. ■lewetfs, Marvelous, Star, Hamilton,- Can., 6-10, .Icnnlogs ft Jewell, BIJou. Din Moines, la., B-10; Main Street. Peorln, III.. 12-17. __ Johnson, Harry. Casio, Fall River, Mass., B-10, Josslyns (8), Ornhenm, Kan Fran,, Cal., B-10; Orpheum, I^s Angeles, 13-17. Johnson ft Dean, Lelbteh, Breslan, Oer., fi-24. Johnson ft Wells. Orpheum, Los Angels, Cal., 6-10. Johnson. Davenport & Lorella, Watson's, Bkln., 6-10. Johnstons, Musical, Tlvoll, 8ydney, N. S. W., 6-81. Johnson. Babel, H. ft 8., N. Y. 0.. G-10. Jones, Waltou, Keith's. Providence, B. I„ 8-10, Jordans, H., Howard. Boston, C-10. Kaufman, Tronps, Proctor'B !3d HL, N, Y, 0., 6-10. Kciiua. Charles, Keith's, Cleveland, 6-10. KenriNly ft Jsrues, llayinarket, Clilcngo. 6-10. Ken tons (3), shea's, Buffalu, 6-10; Shea's, To- ronto, (Int., 12-17. Kenyan ft De Gnrmo, London, London, Can., G- in; Olympic, Chicago, 12-17. Kelly ft VIolrsttr, Proctor's, Allmny, N. Y., C-10. Kelly, Watier O. Olympic. Chicago, 6-10. Kent. S. Miller, ft Co., Circle. N. Y. O., 6-10. Kennedy ft (JuiUrelllc, Mechanic, Salem, Mass., 5-10. Kenjon ft De Garma, London, I/>ndon, Can., 6-10. Kcough ft Ballard, II. A s.. N. Y. C, 6-10. Kl.'nl.all ft Doiiovuo. Keith's, N. Y. C„ 8-10; Keith's, Phlla., 12-17. Klein ft Clifton, Columbia, St. Louis, 8-10 J C. O. II.. Chicago, 12-17. Klein. Ott Bros, ft Nicholson, Cook's, Rochester, S. Y., 0-10; Shea's, Buffalo. 12-17. Klein ft Klein. Lyric. Neb., fi-10. Klelst. Paul. II. A B.. Chicago, G-10. Knight Bros, ft Santelle. Olympic, Chicago, fi- 10. Kolllna ft Wilson, Novelty, Sacramento, Cat., fi- 10 ; Novelty. Fresno, 1217. Kohl, Gns ft Marlon, Anaconda, Mont, 6-10. Kurds, Prof., A dogs, Park, Worcester, Mass., ' G-10. La Vnril ft Hnnrd, A. ft 8.. Rostoo, 0-10. La Clair ft West. Elk. 1'ocatello, Ida., B-17. Lane ft SualnctU, Kntinn's, Missoula, Mont., 6-10. La U.irr, Harry, Empire, Pittsburg, 5-10. La Tour, Irene, 0. II.. Blddehord, Me., 6-10.; Nashua. Nashua. N. II., 12-17. La Tell Bros.. Portland, Portland, Me., 6-10; Mechanic, Salem, Mass., 12-17. La Tosks, Phil., Jose, San Jose, Cal., 6-10. Lamolncs. The, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 6-10. Latins, Mile., Orpheum, New Orleans, La., 6-10, Lotoca, Prank ft Jen, U. O. U., Indianapolis, fi- 10. La Belle, Lena, Casino, Worcester, Msss., 8-10. Lantson. Mabel, Chutes. Bsn Fran., CsL, G-10. Laccy ft Earlr, New Pawtncket, Pawtucket, R. I.. 5-10. -- . Lancaster, Freda, Pawtucket, B. I., 6-10. LaVHon A NumoD, Ilaymarket, Chicago, 6-10 ; Co- lumbia, St. Louis. 12-17. Lamolncs, Tbc, Poll's, New Haveo, Conn., 6-10; Poll's, Waterbury, 12-17. Lavender 4 Tnmson, 0. O. II., Pittsburg, B-10. Lsnrwrt ft Pierce. Grand, Milwaukee, S-10, Moyd, Herbert, Kmplre, London, 6-24. Lconurd ft King, Empire, Pittsburg, 6-10, I.-- Bar, Electric, Walerloo, In,. 6-10. lennlianlr. Crystal, Victor, Col., 610; Crystal, Leadvllle. 12-17. I* Orand, Trlxle, Cllou. Norfolk, Vs., 5-10. U- Roy ft Clayton, Proctor'a 2»d St., N. Y. 0„ 6-10. Irvine 4 Alma, Manhattan. Norfolk, Va., 5-10. Lc Hoy, Lillian. Keith's, Pblla., B-10. l.e Clair A Rowen, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y,, 5- iMlle. Esldle. Flom's, Madison, Wis., B-10. I^vards,' 'rite, Casino, Elmlrs, N. Y., 5-10. Leslie. Geo. W.. Brook, ilarlon, Ind., B-10; OHmple, Okloago. 12-17, : Lewis, Victor, • London, London, Can., 5-10. Leonard ft Drake. Ctiety, Brwrogfield, HI., 6-10 1 Grand. .Milwaukee. Wis., 12-17. Lester. Hsrry B„ Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. a, .-fum. •.-»•• ■ Leon. Great, Yorkvllle. N. V. C, B-10. Lo Hstte.Itote, PAtk, Worcester,. Mass.. 8-10. Le Roy ft .Woodford, Howardl' Bostnu, 8-10. I^rry, LlUlan. Chutes', San. Fran.-. Cal.. 5-10. Lsrjlse 4 Leonard, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ G- Lee' A Perflnr fjljdn. Osbkosh. Wis., 6-10; Bljon, Shehoyggu; 12-17,' l^oraM A Basterto, Orpheum, Springfield, 0., S- 10. Leroy 4 Waldo, 0. 0. H., Plttabnrg, B-10. .' Lao, Henry,. Olympic, .Chicago. 5-10. I.lpplncotta, The. Star. Astoria, Ore., 8-101 Contlque, Seattle, Wash., 12-17. • _ ■a' Ionle> Dros.. Yale's. Kansss Olty, Mo., B-10J Crystal, Denver, Ool.. 1217. _ mmm I^muels; May. Mnnhattsu, Norfolk, Vs.. 8-10. Le Hoy ft Rlccl. Orpsrnni, Ssn Fain.. Csl., B-xOJ, l.e Malre A Le MnlreT C. t). II., Chicago, fi-10. Lewis- Trio. Bradenbnrgh's. Pblla., B-10, Lorraine ft Miller, New Pawtas:ket. Pawtncket, K. 1., 6-10. • . r.ncler, Mr. A Mr*. Fre.1. Casto, Pall Blver. Mass., 5-10. l.nkens (4), Empire;. London, Fjig., 5-10. Lucy ft i.ncler, Amlltorlura. Cedar Baplds, M» 5-10: Orand, Muskegon, Mich.. 12-17. Luts Bros.. Watsdn's, Bkln., 6-10; Mohawk, Schenectady, N. Y., 12-17. Lynch, lbs Ureal. Star, Phlla.. B-10; H. ft B„ Bkln., 12-17. Lynch, Dick, Caato. Fall River, Mass., 6-10. Lvno ft Leonard. Alcarnr. Is'nver, Colo., 6-10. I.yoti\ Harry, Proctor's 2S.I St., N. Y. C, B-10. Mac A Mae. O. II., Unite, Vt., G-10; O. H„ inn land, 1217. . ' Mnrttiie Brothers. Krystnl Pilace, Lelpslc, Qer M 6-15; Melllnl. Hanover, Oer., 10-3U. Mason, Raymond, Unique; Mlmieapolls, B-10. Mncl, Johu, Colo's, l.ygn, Mass., 6-10. Mac OrntU Bros., Proctor's 125tli St., N. X. OW 5-10.' Mathews A Ashley, Keith's, Phlln., 5-10, Mareenas (,1), (llowrsy/llle. N. v.. r.-iii, .Mason ft Kraiirls. Poll's, SprlngQclil. Mnna, 8-10. Matthews ft Harris, Pull's, rlprlnglleld, Mass., 0- • 10. Maglnleys, Tlif, New nichmonil, N Adams, Mas*,. 5-10. Maiisiield-Wllliiir Co., Proctor's 5Stli St., N. Y. a. 6-10. 1 Macks, Amrrlcnn (2), Columbia, Boston, G-10, Mndtaps (II), Keith's, N. Y. C, 6-10. Marluellaa. The, Mechanic. Salem. Mass., B-10. Martin, Felix, Casinos Worcester, Mass.. B-10. May ft Mills, Oncograph. Spokane, Wash., O-lOl D'Alene. Spokane. 13-17. Mnili'iips (4). Temple, Detroit, Mich.. G-10. Mac. Ohns. ft Helen, Ilowanl, Boston, 6-10. Marcus A Gnrtelle. Culumbus, Cincinnati, 4-10| C. O. II.. Chlcsgo, 12-17. Mario ft Aldo, Howard, Boston. 6-10. Martlnot, Sadie, A Co., Temple, Detroit, Mien., 810. Marks,- Clarence. A Pierce Bros., Empire, San Fran., Csl., 12-17. Majestic Musical Four, Orpheum, Utlca, N. Y., 6-10: Proctor's, Albany. 12-17. .„ Mnttonls, The, Hhemly's. Fall River, Mass., B-10. Mil th lens, Tho, Colitnildn. ML 1/iuls, Mo., G-10) O. O. II., Chicago, 12-17. Manning Sisters, Sheedj's, Fall Blver, Maaa., fi- 10. Ma Dell A CorWey, Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. B-10. MoKlssIck ft ttlmdiiey. Emiilrf. Plttsbnrg, 8-10. Mi-lntyre ft Rice, Howard, Boston, 6-10. MeCoril. lewis ft Co., Olympic, Chicago, 6-10 1 Ilaymarket, Chicago. 12-17- MciJnrthy, Myles, ft Co., Star, Bkln., B-10; Or- phcum. Utlca, 12-17. McCahe. Snlilnc A Vera, O. O. 11.. Plttshurg. 8-10. McOrnth Bros., Trent, Trenton, N. J.. 12-17. McKlnnon A Heed, Orpheum, Springfield, 0„ fi- ll) ; Kmplre, Terra Haute, Ind., 12-17. Mclulyre & Heath, 0. O. 11., Indianapolis, S-10. McDonald ft Huiitlimtun, II. A II., Chlcugo, B-10. McKltiley, Mabel, Keith's, N. Y. 0.. C-IO. Merrltt, llnl. Keeney's, Bkln., 6-tu. Melville, June. Berlin, Amsterdam, N. Y., G-17. Metru|Mlltan Grand Opera Quartette, Chaae'g. Washington, D, C, B-10. Melville A Asclle, l.ondmi, London. Can,, 6-10. Median's Dugs, Orpheum, Bkln., 6-10. Meier A Mora, llayinarket, Liverpool, Kng., 6-101 lllpiwilrume, Uuesbury, 12-17. Mlelto's lugs, Olympic, Chicago, 6-10. Millinan Trio, O, O. II., Pittsburg, B-10. Miller A Kresko. Empire, Hobokpu, N. J., 8-10, Mlskcl, Cnra, Fischer's. San Fran., Cal., B-10. Mlilgeiey ft Carlisle, Keeney's, llkln.. B-10. Mills ft Morris, Keith's, Providence, 6-10; Keith's. Phils., 12-17. Milium ft Hall, Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 0-10. Mildred, Little, Olympic, Chicago, 5-10. Millard, Laura, O. O. II.. Pittsburg, 6-10. Mills ft Morris, Keith's, Providence, It. l„ fi-10. Mills, Harriet B.. Watson's, bkln.. 6-10. Moore ft LlltU-ilcId, Yorkvllle, N. Y. C, G-10 1 Cook's, Rochester, N. v., 12-17. Mortons 14), Crystal, Milwaukee, 0-10. Morton, James J., Keith's, Phlla., 6-10. Morton, Lee, Star, Hamilton, Can., 0-10. Momor ft Parker. A. ft S., Boston, 6-10. Motqglrl, Llwtnore Tnnr. Kng.,' 6-24. Moss, Tbeo.. Trio, Yorkvllle, N. Y. C, B-10. Mmratts (5), Keith's, Providence, It. I., 6-10, Moore. Kitty, Kmplre. Terre Haute, Ind., B-10. Moullrro Sisters, Keith's, Providiuco, R. I., 6-10. Mnoney ft Holbein, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn.. f.-IO; Poll's, New Haven. 12-17. Morgan A Crime, A. 4 S., Boston, fi-10. Morrhtney, Bessie, Empire, Terru llnute, Ind., B- 10. Murphy, Mr. ft Mn. Mark, Orpheum, Los Angeles, Cal., 6-10. Murphy ft Wlllnrd, Orpheum, HI, Jocsph, Mo., fii-lO. . Mitrphey ft Andrews, Grand, Pcnttle, Wash., 6-10, Murray, Tims.. Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 6-10. Murphy ft Nichols, Keith's, N. Y. 0., 6-10. Murphy ft Frances. Keith's, Boston, 6-10 1 Em- pire, Hoboken, 12-17. Murphy ft Pulmer, Crystal, St. Joseph, Mo., 6-10, Murrays, The, Casino, Worcester, Mass., 5-10. Mudge, Kva, Urphcum, New Orleans, Ls., B-10. Niipnieon, Kmplre, Ilohokcn, N. J., 6-10. Nauihas, Tho, Orpheum, Kansas Clly, Mo., 6-10. Navajo Girls, Orpheum. Los /ingeies, Cal., B-10| ornheum, Kausas City, 12-17. Nnlon, John II., A. 4 H„ Boston, 12-24. Nelson Family. Orplieum, Kuiisiih City, Mo., B-10, Newman A Conchas, Music Hall, Boston, 6-10. Nellsou, Frances, Temple, Detroit. Mich., 5-10. Newton A King, Acme, Norfilk. Va., 5-10. Newell ft Nlblo, (I. 0. II., Pittsburg, 5-101 ■ Cook's, Rochester, N. Y., 12-17. Nolo, Mr. ft Mrs., Main St.; t'eorla. 111., B-10. Newsboys' Quartet, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., C-10. Nlblo. Fred, Orpheum, Bkln., 5-10. Nichols Sisters, Victoria. N. Y. 0., B-10,. Norton ft Nicholson, Poll's, Waterbury, Conn., 0- 10: Poll's, Hartford. 1217. Norcross, lllnlr ft La Mars, No, Adams, Maaa., ft- 10. Nugent, J. C, A Co., Poll's, nrldgeport, Conn,, 6-10: Poll's, Waierhury, 12-17. Ogden, Helen, Electric, Waterloo, la., G-10, (dive, Mile., Keith's, Boston. 0-10. Orvlllu ft Frank, Mfilca. Olty ot Mexico, G-10. Orpheus Comedy Four, Poll's, Wuterbury, Conn,, 6-10 1 Psstor's, N. Y. 0„ 12-17. Ostrado, llr.iUuiihiirgh's, Phlla., 5-10. Osiivs, The, London, Londnn, Can.. B-10, O'Brien ft Havel, Yorkvllle, N. Y. C„ 6-10. Parkers, The, A. 4 H., Boston, 6-10. Pnlotta, Orace, 0. 0. II., Indianapolis, B-10, Parish, Smith's, Grand RaoIJa, Mich., G-10| Crystal. Marlon, Ind., 12-17. Pewit, Keith's, Olovelatul, B-10. Fetching Bros,, Orpheum, New Orleans, La.. B-10. Point Fred., ft Annie, 0. O. II, . Chicago. 6-10. Phelps (8), Oblcago, G-10; Smith's, Grand Rapids. Mich., 12-17. Phlllirnnks ft Reynolds, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., B-10. Piccolo Mldgels, Circle, N. Y. 0., 6-10. Pierce, Mnulo, Ilaymarket, Chlcugo, 6-10; Co- lumbia, St. Lotils, 12-17. Plcos (!!), York, St. John, Can., 12-17. Powell's Electric Marionettes, Circle, N. Y. 0.. 6-10. Polk A Rollins, Haymarket, Chicago, 6-10. Powers A Theobald, Main St , Peoria, III., B-10. Provost ft Prevost, 0. O. II., Pittsburg, 6-10. Prior ft Morris, PIkoiiIi, Tacotna, Wash., B-10, Prentice Trio, II. ft S.. N. Y. 0.. B-10. Probst. Great, O. 0. II.. Indianapolis, B-10. Prior ft lllruiul. Auditorium. Norfolk, Vs., 8-10. "nlnn Trio, Olympic. Chicago, 6-10. iiiulnn ft Howard, Cole's, Lynn, Mass., 6-10. ulgley Bras., Olympic, Chicago, 12-17. lyrnond A Caveriy, Keith's, Providence, B, I„ 6-10. Rays (3). Crystal. Milwaukee, B-10. Bawls ft Von Kaufman, Cordray's, Portland, Ore*. B-10. Bappo Sisters, Empire, Plttshurg, 8-10. Kastus A Banks, Empire, London, Eng.. 12-24. Rayno'i, Al., Canines, Pottavllle, Pa., 6-10; Wll- llomsiart. 12-17. Rackatt ft Hasan!, Ixindon, London, Can., 6-10; Star, Hamilton, 12-17. flue ft Broncho, Proctor's, Newark, N. ,T,, 0-10. Hoys (3), Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 8-10. Bedford 4 Valentine. Grand, Halifax, Eng., 5- 10; Hippodrome, Birmingham, 12-17; Kmplre, Wclverhsmpton, 19-24. P.symond ft trlpey, Hnlnne. Ban Jose, f!al„ B-10. Rawlston, gettua, 0. 0. II.. Chicago, G-10. Iteno ft Richards, Empire, Holioken, N. J„ 8*10, Kegitsn'S Animals, Keeney's. llkln., 6-1)1. Remington It Co.. Bon Ton, Pblla., 12-17. Heed ft "Shaw, Ornlienra, Denver, Col., 12-17. Kepos. The (3), Fogtlly, Butte, Mont., G-10. Beynoldj, Lottie, Palace, Worcester, Mass., 5-10, »u THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 10. . alace] Glasgow. 8cot., B-10; Wood Bros',.' Chase's,' Wuhineton. D. C. J* ■ttsLAfciLSS'a Under tbe Cents. ney. Cunningham nnd Smith i md a Zouarfl troupe rouud out tbe bill. The City Sports i-io and Boso BHIb English Folly Co. 11-17. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. Mr*. Gilbert. m Mrs. Oeohod Herat Gilbert, the veterm •telrts, 'fli*. teSSfliSfUShc Y A 6.10 ItoMl Bro... PiMCM«'i>; r, Ntli J\ f » *• *• V v n Ilia's. ll«n-. * Co.. Praetor'.^ Albany, N. T.. 5- rJBmm, . ih.,'rarit' ; .city.' ! m*«'. WOl r*ta Moral. Chs*. K„ Palac.4 «■ lloatdw. Kiuplrr. riHAMrf, i Sin* City, la. Yolite. May, Victoria. K.J.O-- , Vi.tkn ft Adams. Circle. X. Y. ('.. B-10. . Yonna-, nllle, ft bro., Orpin-urn, Los Angeles, • .— Mannger J- W •, *5^SJ?SL5" tctreaa, died nt the Sherman Home, Chi- ,r. infl-°w2 have arrfvJd'afely at our ill Lambert and Pierce. Maiter CHM Wort- ^ | r ttt „oon ott Dec. 2. Her death was £Lrt£! reMldeneJ ^ Crvst 1 Paricinton, <>-. man, Clark and Duncan, the great F« and £* ' to a stroke of apoplexy, brought on by fulb^Sd haSrtT after an absence of "v« five the Acme Comedy Four. the ahock of a cold bath rier malif was with ■a^S.^~S i-W - uSSK^'-i'W- fiffSl^S: olfoe^be^nrforK^l P »A Gladys owen. and all that coald lie done wae done, but Mrs. Gilbert died within an hoar or- the Htroke. She appeared on the stage (or the last time at Powers' Theatre. Chicago, even- ing of Dec. 1, In "Granny." Her professional career was a remarkable one In many ways. House nnd there was no player on the American years or almost couuuuuim wui». '""'",- ~" , **."" ■, .tr —T.y „. . . Rnrh ant MlMnx tor Havana, ns Intended, we will re- £wla«J*°P 1 ?* ef H of *• ™ftB rnnuiat -borne for n time, where bounteous Three Rays lf». Herbert and uaoy supplies nf the 'irood things of the earttr have and tie toot Mortons, been laid In for Winter. Meantime, while < H resting, we will create aomo new xtonty for lh« season of 1003. D. I.. .Nichols, of the WASHINGTON tr'6, l>i not dead, as o Chicago report mated, rail, on the contrary, ho was never In better health In bis life." Seattle.— At the Grand Opera i-ort awr) Haverly's Minstrels atngo who waa held I in greater regard by our \o»V^0 KosS MMvlle ?la "Sis Hopkins." pUygoers. »r did any more thorooshly •SSaST seaioiTwItn the ffi ^lf%tSS? Acres" 40, "Arltonal' 7^10, merit. the_. favor. snd_ c&ea _ot U» poSllc, "rilK- ItiXan and Iuxpa Jeai. l"»^.*£ rIr *U NVvTlfMoV'Rose j aBNrM %Ja\J* Hopkins, linme, after i^m ^«,.N.Y. t a. mifb ||>e Bill Posters. .' ' ' -.: 1. V *- f. r.1A ■ .^ — ^— — — — '.•111. I ■lloW J$m Ethel. C«»to. ran .Hiver Mas... WO. low. Vivian, Oanlno. «yfe»** r r 1 m ?"!'t ?lr^ft"rSfc^X'v?-l^^tb« adeTegate-to rajjs^ft Ucil No. 80, ?iV^m P- 7 ' • ' .... liUtsr, nt the convention. l^>ur new Ilyan. Lester * Kyan, Palscc. Knlaraaioo. Midi. p erL . taken In/.nDJ.S^cr^bnalneM tr Jeracv . Oily I^eal held a largely at. feuded ine^llric In Ilumlioldt Hall. Newark. AVe'nue. Sunday, Nov. '£[. Among the visitors were: Hro. IlobeilH, deputy organizer of the Mtnte, nnd Hro. McXally. of Newark Local; Itros. Mnney, Hllss and Miller, of New 'York I«cal. Bro. John R. Fitzgerald wr- the llrst time last week. . . . . Tiimn Aveskb (Ilnasell Wm, J. Ibwik a.sp family are looking nt p eM )._ijjst w«k, "Grimes Ce liar L»oor. the sights nt Bt. I-ouls after a aeason with ^ fe| ack pattl Troubadours 4-10, Yoa Yon- the Van Amburjt Show. _ son" 11-17. . _•,._, Tub Kxowlks Show closed nt Hlnton on alcazar (Bettls & Keogh. ■SMSJsTf;^- Xov. 1. nnd will open April 15, with their Wiedemann's Co.. Mat week, in 'A Soldiers and she called herself an American woraao. Her stage career was begun at the old Hay- market. London, Eng., as a dancer, under her maiden name of Anne Hartley. In 18-lu ahe married George H. Gilbert, also a dancer in the company of TagllanI, and three years Hivi°e»; The. inle's. K«nsa»' City. Mo.. 0-10. 4 u io O K.. AikiIIii. Vienna,' An».. 0-24. Kaotell, Oreat, Potsdam. Pa,;, --10; ^orrIstown, f^nToniyj The. KI*". Ilirolltonl Cnn., C-lj*. JanKrc '* IlirlowT' Orsjfd. af««*»_ O' 1 '- Si.mlor Trio. Mimic Hall. B«Urti, 6-10. m» ford KlorllU, O. O. H., Mblltml. Can.. MO* iJab»rW"blne: CoWp.l ; la. Cl*l"natl. 6-10. Hcott Bro».. Yurkvllle, N. \. t*. 6-10. Keliolder, isatSV Proctor I 6Ui 10. p., N. t, C, B- f^i't'; Margaret, Howaril. HostM* B-IQ.' S..nlt. Mike. Howard. Hoatwi. 6£0. ^.•anilUt. Herr. Carnlrnl. PJW*?f%.ft*'u - _ a J Semun, CIim. P.. KolthV, Bo»to4 0-10; KeltVs, A;*o«Ib1 session followed the meeting, wltU once perfect their bicycling sP^Wiyfor Aerla | Wearere , Arthur Jackson and moving - . —■-. —--— ^ BlriglBB, ltineh and refreshments. •■■ vAodevllle prcsentntlon. They are booked on pic^r,,,. Shi. «R lfi^7 after her fiuTbandlind SoTcs from Local No. 24. Boffalo, N: Y.— the leading circuits for the Winter season " p ANTA0 ES.— New : Blmm. Bomm, B-r-r-r. rhls was In A 8 ^» f ".^Ynd ^, u ia no lonee' Itw. Joe Solley. fit Local No. 2, called on and arc re-cn K aged for the Klngllng Show tll0 K lttcher.. De Gmu Trio. Carter nnd been Injured by a ran i ana couiu no longf r Home of the bovs, as be was layln ? over hero m one of the^sensatlonal features for next Mendelj r^, white and moving pictures. ^^^JSst^S^i'h^mil^k a few hours. He is ahead of the R Why Girl; season. Several .other feature acts which KMP , B r..— New : Two 'Voltons, Belva Hob- ^" an ^ nfcn i| e i n ! D e t n r t„ Cincinnati In 1881 Leave Home" Co. He bought a number of a m >eared with the Rlngllng Show during the Mn _ Byroe and We9t C . B. Martyne. Leona ^P? .- f^n™"^ in isol She wai tickets fur our first concert and ball, to I* mist season will be seen In vaudeville this C nf t on nnd moving pictures. Klten on Jan. 19, 1006. Secretory CUBS. L. V" Vincent nnd Bro. Geo. Rclllv leave Saturday filgut to attend the convention nt Pittsburg, Pn. ' The boys ore all working hard *" the ball a big success. Notes from Local No. 18, of Newark J, — At our last regular meeting, a special Camlllc Comedy Trio will bo a feature of the inec-ling; held Nov. 30. somo Important busl- bill at the same houae. nMHtaet. la-17. H ..,,,,1 ntmnd n-oi*. new concerning all was transacted. Itoad Mbb. Sophie Nobth. wife of Levi J. Nortn. tk-rter. Wilkes ft Co.. Bmltbe/ Quad Bapwi, "Jber* are particularly requested to.com- the old rider and manager of shows, and HI ■ ILLINOIS. Mich., 6-10. munlcnto before the next meeting, to be ield mother of Victoria North, died In Brooklyu, p^orla.— At the Grand (Cliamberlln. Har- klIi &«'*■ P.i'ii Ornneum 'St. Joseplt, Mo., 6-10. munlcato before the next meeting, to be neia mother or uctoria isoriu, oieu m uiu S5^n ft De" KorSa? Chiie's. wtthlagtoB. D. Dec 11. whoa nominations of ofScers for the N. Y.. Nov. 32, Wdelghty-clght yearn twJio- Kelth^s N. Y. C. lt-17. • ennulog year will be made. Other matters Tits Savoyh Unlshed their second i HliirDlws ThV. Pastor's.. N.- Y. «.. -6-10. will be brought np for final discussion. , ; Ad- with Blngllng Bros.' Circus at Or E_tt[ v.. ml. rni.. .1-. Miss. They will ptav vaudeville date. Winter, opening nt "St. Joseph. Mo.. Nov. , DroV ed exceptionally flae. "The Hottest 27. and have signed with the Great Wallace Coo £ In D t X te" 7, "The Sign of the Cross" 8, Shaw for V.I05. »p«,™ trr>m P.Hn" 10 "The Katzenlammer from the outset she wae cast for "old ladles." und those about her even In the early days were wont to call her "Grandma." Mrs. Gil- bert appeared on the .first night of Daly's llrst season as Mrs. Klnpeck, In Robertson'* •Play." Thereafter almost all of the Daly Shaw! Mary. * Co.. Orpbeuro. Ban, Fran.. Cal, dress all communications to U. 8. Parker, 0.10. ■ . • . ,L«i™ «., recording secretary, 94 Market Btieet, New- Hmrw. Mr. ft Mrs. Lurry. IxmdoD, I»ndon. Can., , rt /x J. MO. • . V_. T „,.„ ',,.„ -,„. Tbo N. A. B. P. and B., Local No. 1, of Sheridan ft Forest, lork,> St.. John. Mn„ 6-io. cpj^,-,, held itx rcfuiar meeting at -FHb- .:.lhaiu», Lowell MSS...JS-JJ;. gernlrVB Hall, Sunday, ^ov. 27. A Kliarpley t Klynn, Palace, Worcester. wasB., o gjwjj wag g ' ttttendau ' c ' e ao d matters of im Show for 1003. . _ . _ "Pcitry from Paris" 10, '"i Oreoort's Ran'pa Ross*. Frank Oresory, Kld g'r' 1 ] i .. Bag y u ? .f 12. director, has been engaged by the h rank a. oolisbi'si.— iSadakl, wit Robblns All New Feature Shows, also for Hinllfi. Win. II., Procter's Btu Ave., N. Y. ft, Xuutlil*)' The. Unique, Indlanappllsi MK Sirruar- ft Buckley. Keith's. ProvWence. C-10; Poll'.. New Haven, Conn.. ,2 'V;,. r. tn S„t«tikl», The, Brailentiuruirs. W"™-. B' 10 - HplSiila. Wm.. A. 4 8., .Boston. MO. Sea lafft^^s^. mo. Htaulej ™ AHeaa™ Novelty. Oakland. OaS,. B-10. Ktahl: Rose. Keith's, Boston, 0-10. Stewart. Harry M.. Watson's. Bkln. ■ Hturr 8l«tei». Empire, Oakland. Cal., MO. Htlnwn ft Merton. Music 11.11.. Bojto?. . B-10. Utiles. Fred, Ubeedy'e, Fall Klver. Mass.. B-10 Htusrt. John F., Meniphl, Meiuphls, Tenn., 0-17. Hewart, Belle C, Brook,. M'irlou, Ind., MO. Stttsri; Onikauni'. BUn.. 0-10. Htaley.ft Blrbeek, drjiUeum. BUn.. B-10. St. John ft Lefevre, Olyrof.lc. Ohlvago,. MO; ' tliij-iuivket, Chicago, 12-»i.' ' r t . St. ouse Bros., Keltb's. Boston. B-10. • Summers ft Winters, Crystal, tit. Joseph. Mo., C- Sullivan t Pasqualena. Orpbeum. 8t. Joaapli, Mo., B-10; urpbeum, thnsha. Nyu... 1J-17. Suumiervllle. Amcll., Music Hall. Boslou. B-10. S«vor ft Westbrook, Joae. Ban Jose, CaL, 0-10; B^SSS }o a ,!e.'°* &..V.otor.a. i Can.. B-10. Talbot ft Itojer.i, Columbia, St. Louis. 6-10; O. t). R., Cblcaso, 12-17. ■ Tanen, Julius, Orplicutn, St. Joseph, Mo.. B-10. Tsuskas, The, Orpbeum. St. Joseph, Mo., 6-10. Taylor. Mae. Montreal. Cau., 6-10; Pall Klver, Maas., 12-17. .. . . ,_ TViil. Uavniood, O. O. R.. Helena, Mout., B-10. Tmiley, fclmer. Temple. Detroit. Mich.. MO. Teasler, Louise, Proctor's Bth Ave., N. I.O., 6-10. Tm Idil Trouiw, Victoria, N. ». ft. 0-10. Texana- Slaters, Orplieum. KauBaa City. Mo., B-10. Tbome. Mr. ft Mrs. Harry. Pastor's, N. V ft, B-10; Yorkvlllc. N. Y. 0.. 12-17. TLoraiwon Si.tera. Lyric, Los Angeles. Cat.. B-10. Tbuwtou, Howard, C. O.- H., Chicago. 6-10. Manton were also here. In advance of "The Wolf's Paradise" and "Hearts Adrift" com- panies. Ben Rasa Is here, In advance of "The \VI The Katzenjammer KIds""11, "Busy Uxy" 12. Colisel'm.— GadakI, with Marie Nichols, violinist, appeared Nov. 23, to about fifteen hundred people. ' _ _ Maix Street (B. P. Charchlll. manager). — Buslnen8 up to top notch. For current week; Powers and Theobold, Three Rays, Mr. and Mrs. Nello. Pat Tuohey, Mark Fields and Peter J. Smith. . „ Weast (C F. Bartson. manager). — No For current week : Gardner Gilbert. Ada Rehan, John Drew and James Lewis became bis fonr most Important play- ers. Among the great variety of charac- ters la which Mrs. Gilbert became a favorlto under Mr. Daly's management were the CounteBs Pompfon. In "Old Heads and Young Hearts;" Mrs. Candour, In "Thn School for Scandal ;" Kate Hardcastle, In "She Stoops to Conquer;" Dame Qulckley, In "The Merry Wives of Windsor:" MM Van Dusen, In "Needles and Pins," the Spin- ster, in "Cinderella at School," and Sophia Lamb in "Dollars and Sense." When Au- L-ustln Daly died Charles Frohman signed Mrs. Gilbert to appear under bis manage- ment, and for several years she was asso- . /bite Tigress of Japan" Co., and Is doing a tn bis -power to secure business for his at traction. The delegates for the national con complaint here. . We have Just returned from a highly sue- and bolder, Dreano, I,eonard and Bastedo cessful tour of South Africa with Texas gjjj tDe Musical Kartells. '.ilTiit ~wrth""Annle" Russell aDoeaiina flrwt •s American Crcus and Wild We.. ; 81 "gggAjJlj^S^gfL* ^L£&B^mfi. ^SX ?he Girl and . Judge," "Mice and Men," and "Thn Younger Mrs. Parllng." This was her last Canton. — At the Grand Opera House (F. uppearance with Miss Russell. After a brief usrsssns^b&s^ "as '^ asr 1 ^? ^ r The^u r b e . r eTue D 8 t. intimate friend. Hal Davis and his wife. » a b ^ ,»•?* ^al^mUy.—riToir Inez Mctauley, of "Pals Co., JO. {£<■ Judge," "Mice and Men," and - a Younger Mrs. Parllng." This was hei Canton. — At the Grand Opera House (F. appearance with Miss Russell. After a SKS S»^r^^j5r~5s5i 2u2aT-J fSgetss^faW^^a.^ ^LyVu'o? S^jSSWgtt lorbett, 29, pleased greatly. 24 last, in Clyde Fitch's play, "Granny." with which our act was a special feature. We worked during an Intermission when an extra admission was charged, and was the only act vent Ion .left: Dec. a, for Pittsburg, having during that time. W'e msde a success, esue- been Instructed to stand pat for home rule dally up country, where the old Boers would and use their Judgment In oil other matters, crowd around my wife. Wobena i Eagle Eye) Things are progressing now. and " the theatres are bllllug again, atarted the bail. In all the cross str... •"Way Down East," which did turn -away our tonr. All the big towns, such as Cape partment bada soeeesi business nightly. The Criterion' has increased Town, East London, Port Elizabeth, Pretoria, with James J. corhett, the billing staff nnd Is doing good business johanesburz. Peter Murphy, Durban and 4. ft- at the present writing. -■. a IOWA. I.adysmlth. and our act was welt received nt every piaoc. We manage to get The Oli> Ax.AOAai* . Reluble every week, but, of course, about a moatb after It appeared In New York, but it was Just as eagerly looked for and Just as nonbaura. manager) Helen Grantley, In "Her j u i y ig r jnoo, Bne suffered a stro welcome as If It came fresh from the press." Lord and Master," came Nov. 28. "A Mes- paralysis, and since that time had ~.-.-c vrrlrea fi-nm HHVflUft. CUDS. cacra fpmn Xtsra " '»!! hfld tVIO lurcr* nnd de- «.aH,mllv falling At the time uhp Dl Mme. Jananschck. MADAUE FBA.VCB8CA ROMANASA M.\QPA- le.va Jaxavscbek. the great Bohemian actress, died at the Brunswick Home, Amity- vllle, L. L, St. Y.. night of Nov. 28. On - stroke of been Mobile.— At the Mobile Theatre (J. Tjn- Dca Molnea.— At the Auditorium (Wm. Foster, manager) tbe largest audience ever land" Thanksgiving night. Sousa and his under" dauTof Nov." 20"~'We arrived hare HEM "audTeoces. "Dolly Varden?" »0, had stricken"^? went to StT Mary's Hospital, In band, 28, had a large audience. Nov. 17. and opened at the Peyret Theatre, targe returns. Joseph Murphy Dec. 2, "Vlr- m— York, remaining there until December Fobteb'b OrtiiA House (Win. Foster, man- under the management of Antonio Publl- ginlus" 3, "Hello, Bill," 0, 7; Paul Gllmore f 1900, and then went to live at the homo nifer).— Tim Murphv presented "When a Mau lones. with Florence Brockway rldlug through g, "Sergeant Kitty" 0, "Human Hearts" 10. f Mrs. Aston, In Saratoga, N. Y., under the Marries" to 8. it. O. "Qulncy Adams Saw- tbe loop tbo loop. Mile. Bertlna, the toe Mascottk (Julius, Ducournau, manager), care of Dr. James & Kelley, of tbat place, ver" enjoyed good business 2o, 2U. Richard dancer and contortionist, opened at the same Thanksgiving week was a big winner at this a benefit performance nt Wallnck's Theatre, boldcn Dec. -. Dockstader's Mlnstrela .3, time, and both acts were well received. Sun- house and a leugtby programme was put on. i n which manv prominent actors and act- Kellar, tbe ninglcluu. 7; Geo. Sidney U. day was the record day for the house, an New Crystal Palace Theatre (Leon Du- resses took part, on April 12, 1901, netted Grand Opera House (Win. Foster, inana- every seat was taken and some four hundred rournau. manager). — Business, sluce this about $5,000 for her. In October of last aer). "A Desperate Chance" played to big people were seated on the stage. This Is oue house oucued, two weeks ago, has been most year she decided to cell her effects. cou&iBtliic business 24-20. "Ole Olson" showed to crowd- of the largest theatres lu the world. This encouraging. A uumber of new people are of costumes she had worn in her former pro- ud houses 28-U0. "At tbo Old Cross Roads" Is the first time the loop the loop has been being booked weekly, and Manager Ducour- auctions. Tben n relief fund was star it d for 1-3, Jack Hocffler Co. C-7. seen in Cuba. Mies Brockway and Bertlna nan has expended a large sum in decorations, her, and later the Actors' Fund Induced her •■ Li chum (Nellie Wlllord Nelsou, manager), have been signed for the whole season, end- while this theatre ie small. It Is found to be to go to Its home on Statea Island. Mme. -—The stock company at this house continues lng In April. . ' complete In all appointments. Janauscbek was born In Prague, Bohemln, In ropcrtorv, always plnylug to good business. ••Maboot," the performing horse, has Just gentry Bros.' Show came, Nov. 24, to about 1830. She developed musical taient'at Bijou (C. W. Buchanan, manager).— Tills closed a successful season of fifty-two weeks house openod Nor. 28 with: La Mothe Bros., with the Orrln Bros." Circus, In Mexico. Harrv Bartle and Lette Collins, Zanton, the Notes frou the Schclt & Mead Animal 4, u. . v .- ..., ~.. v.... - .,. Wlcard: Fox and Fosle, Margret Grayce. Snow. — We are playing to good business Ttnnnti. Mrs. Tcin, ft Baton Magrl, Caaluo. lall jjaadr a ni Wilson, J. Otis Higgins and tho down among tbo cottou tlelds. and adding u ttlver. Mass., 6-10. _ ■ klnod'roue. showing to rapacity at every tew features ever>' week. I^st week, Prof. Tbeo. Jack, Trio, Treat. Trentou, N. J„ B-10 j Si^nnance. Week of Dec. 0: The Oreat Herman Wellerts lolned with bis school of »rtt, sT. .*..■ \i-}'\ £ ft _ auBjM Slaters. Joe Demlng, Jennings seventeen spotted white ponies, and they aro uud' Jewel, Geo. and Mae Newman, Master a feature Bertram Brown, and the kluodromo '-will aliow "Buster Brown." 4« » WEST VIRGINIA. i'roctor' - Thorn ft Carlton. Haymarket, Ubleugo. B-10 Tliercasen. Haytu.rket, Cblcago. 6-10. Tvblii., The, Ornlieuni, St. Joseiib, Mo,. B-10. TOokoouln Arabs, Proctor's, Newark. N. J., 6-10. Trtwharl. Dillon ft Burke, Alhambra, Bavaanah, Us.. 0-17. Trovers. Roland. Star, Mimete. Iud„ B-10, '1'mulHntour -Four. Eniplre. landau, bug.. 0-17. Traak ft Oladdcn. Keith's, I'bllu., B-10. •I'rclour, Ho;ikln». Loulsvllie. Ky.. 6-10. Trovi.llo, Columlila. Olnclnaatl. 6-10. Tuohey. Malu Street. Peoria, 111.. MO. Tyes ft Oermon? Orphcuui. Lou Anjeles. Cal., 4-1T. Tyler, Uo«a Iav.-O. 0. II.. Chltuiso, 6-10. ttuers. 'tin*. Watson's. Bklu.. 0-10. r r u«ul 1 Hon. O. O. H.. Indlanaiwlls, 6-10, Vauee, Clarice. II. O. U.. Imllanaiwlls, MO. V.gge, Mllo, Yale's. Kbumh Olty, Mo.. 610. •.'•war Ulrl* (8). Olrclf. N.J.'C. M O. . . V.n Aukeu * Vaunerson. Francals, Montreal, Can.. B-10. Vairmett* ft Dlonuc, Collsoum, nensburg, Ger., B-lu. veiita. Belle, unique, Oitden, Utah, B-10. Vwlinars. The. Pastor's. N. I*. C. 0-10. Vernon, rtrplwinu. San Fran., I l-l i. Vllllcm ft Ui>. PaKtot'H,.N. Y.:ft. B-10. Cedar Rapid.. — At Greene's Opera House twill 8. Collier, business manager) ''.'Ru- dolph and Adolph," Nov. 24, drew two big Walter L. Mala Circus, are at their home, crowds. "Babes lu Toylaud," 23. tilled every Lawrence, Mass. Frank and Albright play yeaL "York State FoiWe," 20, gave excclleut the Eastern circuit in January, satlifactlou. Tbo Flints. 28-Dec. », played The Okkat Btibk Family ore at their to tholr usual bit; business. Coming: Kellor home In East Boston, Mass., resting. fi "Wife In Name Only" 7. "A Doll's House" Notes ratm the Zauba Co. — «e opened & "A Kovnl Chef" 10. "Th« Village Post- our Winter bcasoa Nov. 21, nt tuo Cbardon uiajter" 12, "The Holy Clly" 13, "Eben Hold- Opera House Cbardon, 0.. and are booked den" 14, "A Romance of Coon Hollow", 13, solid until May, when we open in Cleveland. Hnrrl.on J. Wolf 17. making our ninth season^ under canvas. Our ' At: in rout um helm, manager) tbe Baldwins, "The White Mahatmas," Nov. 28-Dec. 3. had good busi- ness. 'The Maid and the Mummy" C, "An Kiu IvisTrt:. opposition agent for Walter American Princess" 10. I- Malu'. Shows tbo past three seasous, 1. located at BurtV Theatre, Toledo. 0. FuANK akp Albhioht (Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Blasser), the past two Reasons with the capacity. au early age. -and received piano lessons from Herr Stegmeyer. She was preparing for u professional debut at tbe age of thirteen, when .she cut one of her bands so severely that she was unable to use It for over a Whet-linn. — At tho Court (K. B. Franz- year. This accident, of course, put an eud to ail ber prospects of becoming a profes- sional pianist, but as she possessed a mezzo- soprano voice of considerable . promise, she began to study for the operatic stage at tbe Ura.no Opeiia House (Chas. A. Felnler, Prague Conservatory. Baudtus, a celebrated manager).— "Queen of the White Slaves." actor of his day, gave her private lessonH Nov. 28-30, bad S. It. O. "Slavic of tbe and brought ber out at tbe Royal Theatnt Mine," Dec. 1-3. had good baslness. Charley of Prague in a comedy, called "ich Bleibu tlrnpewln. In "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp, Ledlg." She was sixteen years of age when 5-7 ; "Captain Barrlngton" 8-10. music and $on& For tbe opening of the World's Fair, Bt Louis, Inst April. Rudolph Aronson corn- she made her debut. She then played the smaller towns tn Germany for a while, and followed with an engagement at Cologne. She waB advanced so rapidly tbat at the age of eighteen she was engaged as tbe leading actress of the Stadt Theatre. Frankfort, anil remained there for ten years, playing u round of classic dramas. During vacations and whenever she was able to obtain leave Manager Edw. Currnn has dramas are all new and up to the minute, posed for and dedicated to President 1 ran- of absence she would go on starring tour* itlvon ui) his leaso of this theatre and for the the specialties bright and snappy and our II- els. his "Down the Pike march, which met through Germany, Austria and Russbi. Bho *lo»lnjr week of Nov. 28 presented: Billy lustratcd songs a feature. We have been with algnnl sun***, haying been performed waa fn the_early thirties when she left the Jackson and Alice Jncksou, tbe Meads, Ray W, Cloiigu, Rentfrow and Jansen. tho Del- •nuro . Duo and tbe polyscope, it 1. an- nounced that tho Auditorium has been leased for vaudeville by F. C. Smith, Leonard Pbll working hard for the past three weeks, and by every orchestra and band that pnrtlci- Frankfort Theatre, and, as her fame" bad tho results nrc seen nlghtlv In the receipts, pated ia the World's talr: and for the close „pn " this uow vaudeville house. * Keokuk.— At the Keokuk Opera House IK. Jaeger Jr.. local tnauuger) "In the Far Bust" Nov. 24, "Wife In Name Only.'. .US. J. J. Corbelt. In "Pals." had a lop heavy house 28. Coinlug : The Jefferson. D.XV 0, "Thn Kiitzeujammur Kids" 7, "lYIed for Her Llio" 13. ■ MINSUVHI . napped In New York VonKkln ft'tilbiourorpheuiurOiuahii.Neb., 13- ifpa 'and"Jo«qih" Ke'll)-, of Chicago, who will .".'way Down South. 17. ... _ • ... take possession Dec. tf. ' '. ' Von Oofre, Antonio. Xoveltv. Orand. Cal.. MO. . 1'koplb's (Edw. Cttrrnn. manager). — Dec n >»ard ft Cnruu, Kinpliy, Ilolivkeii. N. J.. 0-1J?- j\f.\ s t U6 ^uto suuoiiaccd for the opening of Itlngling Walt 'ft West,- Cryatal,. Milwaukee, «ls., B-10, Hchllts. Milwaukee, 12-lT. Wslte, ■• Henry- T.-. Oeni. t.yun. Mass., B-10. Wallace. Annie, CukIiw. Wotwster. Mass.. B-lo. Wiufiii. ft Doane, I'.lk. I'ocuti-llo. Ida., 12-24. Walton Sisters, Howard. Bo*ton, i B-lU. Warner » (Jarduer, KeltliV. N. %. C, n-lt). M'^ton.' Htwf., Aviu'e, Norfolk. Vs.. 6-10. Wcatona l.ti, Portlaisl, Portland. Me.. 6-10. Wtdoli,' Chas, ft Jennie, Star, Hamilton, Cau., S- 10.' . Wflck, James, BIJou, Norfolk, Va.. B-10. M'rtdw (-1), i.'oluuiMu. lUwtini, B-10. Voulaarlli, Hose, Keith's. Cleveland, B-10. West ft Van Slcleu, Olyuude. Chicago. B-10 ; Hay- murki't, Chicago.- IS- 1>. Whlir. Sluart ft tV. C; O. II.. Chicago. 0-10. WWt.head ft DlsiiHiad,' Kniplre. ' Oakland, Cal., ,"•-10: tlnlnue, Sanlu Crua, 12-17. Vhrlati ft Seat-Is. O, U. II.. Pittsburg, 6-10. Wtneliennan's Hears, Illppodroiur, I.oudou, lios., 5-24. vctllii ft HasAu. Poll's, 'Harlfonl.' Conn., C-10. Wlllanl. Oreut, UuUiue, ludlauupolla, MO; Ever- est, Tlttlu. 0.. 12-17.- V'IMit, Leo. ltl)oi), Austlu, Minn., 6-10. Wilsons, Aerial. O. O. H., Butte, Mont.. BIO. Williams. Ous. C, O. II.; Pittsburg, B-10. Williams ft Melbuni, Wolson'a. Bklu.. B-10. Wtlllauia * Oordou, Auditorium, Cedar (taplda, la., B-10. Wilson k Davis. Casio. Fall Klver. Mass.. C-10. Wilton Bros,. Shea's. Buffalo 6-10. M'llmn ft DoldotivlHe, Jack's. Chleairo, C-10. Wilson, Tony, Victoria, N. ' V. C..M0. Wlv ft Mtllon. Bnn Ton, Salt Luke City, L., B- 10: Ogileu. 12-17. Wlnilora. Win. II.. Tetuidc. O.'trolt. Mich.. 5-10. Wltwu ft LV Munvlllc, Uljou. Uoukfonl, HI,, Ii-10. Wilson, lice.. Pell's. Bridgeport. Conn,. 6.10. Wood ft IU», Csto, Lawrenee,' Mass., 6-10; Park. Worcester, 1M-17. Woodtisrd, O. P., Cuslo, Lowell, Mass., Ml). Our repertory eonslsts'of '"Bob, the Ballet Glrl.V. "Stop 110." "Christinas Kvc, r,,t,,ruu1 !,* \nu- \'rtrL- " "MI.Iih, l-Tvldu.l ...read throughout Germany, she traveled for of the fair Mr. Aronson s march, entitled several yeara as a star before she was en- Kid- "Our President," and dedicated to President gaged as tho leading actress of the Court States Evidence" and Roosevelt was performed for tho first tlmo Theatre In Dresden. At that time she acted bv tho Exposition Orchestra (of eighty mn- great tragic roles, such a. Medea, Iphlgenla, lion ich Webu, clown aod gymnast, closed stolons), on tbe occasion of the banquet Marie Stuart and Lady Macbeth, in 'which season of tbirty-threc weeks with the tendered President Koosevelt. at tho Ty- she was considered to have no equal In (ier- ngllng Bros." Sho*. at Grenada, Miss., Nov. roleun • Alps. World's talr htjMi, on manv. After she left Dresden Mme. Jauau- schek came to thl. couutry with her own company, and on Oct. 9. 1807. Mas Marouek nieutntlon of u fow bars of "xankee Doodle," presented her, under his direction, at the "Dixie" and "The Star Spangled Banner," at Academy of Music. New York City, her open- onco met wltls marked approval. Advance log vehicle being "Medea." which she played ■ lu German. Mr. Maretzek' then took her on a tour of tho United States, her repertory Including "Medea," "Marie Stuart, "De- borah," ^'Gretcben," "Clalrchen In Egmout." ''Don Carlos," "Cabslc und- Llebe," "Brant IS, and Is ve-enraged with tbe same show Saturday evening. Nov. 26. This march, for 100.1. He opens Dec. 12 with the Shlpp with lis Ingenious Interpolation ^Jn thMnatrii Indoor Circus lor eleven weeks, which is booked up lu opera houses In the middle West. •WISCONSIN. ■Milwaukee. — Business continue-) highly catlsTuctorr. At Davidson Manager Sbermau Brown hail Low Dockstadcr'a Mmstrels Nov. 27; 28: Sousa 's Hand 30. and "Tho Eterual City" Deo. l-.'l. all of which were well at- tended. HlchHi-d Golden, lu "Common Sehsu Brackett." 4-7; Margaret Anglln 810, all star. "The. Two Orphans" 12-14. Buoi:.— Manager John K. Pierce offers som Land," "Louie, St. Jvaciih At the Lyceum (C. V. Phil- ley. luniMger) "York State Folks," Nov. 24. hud (.-landing room. "The Forbidden l*ud." 23,. 2U, had fair business. "Tho Uoyal Chef," ."0, pleased. "Two Orphans," all ttar oust. Dee. fi Jiilo Walters, "Side Tracked," 2. 3:. "The Curse of Drink" 4. 6. "Toodles In PoBterlund." Elks' Benefit. 6, 7: George Sidney 8, "Her Only Slu" 8-10. OiumieI'M (Martin Beck, general manager). — Week of 4: Empire Comedy Four, Murphy nnd Wlllanl, Julius Tannan, the Tobin.. the Tanakas, Shields and Paul and moving pic- ture.. . ■^,'= r ;'' Obystat. (Fred Crosman, manager). — Busi- ness coutlnuos good. For week of Nov. 27 : . GVeen and Sanloo, Crlmmlnt and Mack. Frank week's offering, fared well. Qroli. Murphy and Jfarmer, Summers and Pabst. — Manager Leon Wachsncr will put Winters and Crosainan's moving pictures. on -Der Tamteufel" 4, and "Der Erbscb- LvltlC 3rflljsls which caused his death was the third he had suffered In the last two years. Feasces Vasbome, whose name in private) life was Mrs. Walter B. Hoyt. died nt her "ome in Chlcaso. 111.. Nov. 22, In her twenty- fourth vear. She wns born in Austria nnd came to this country when a child. Kot nomo yearn she was leading woman in her husband's company, "Tho Sleeping City ," and >d formerly l>een with Frohman and Bo- rneo Her hnsbaud, ft little son, her father and mother, five brothers •■$_ *$£**!,!££*! survive " Cemeter survive her. Interment was In Washington Cemetery, Chicago, Nov. 27. tZ w. A. Drowvk, until recently resident manager of the Worcester Theatre, Worces- i?T Mass., died of consumption In El Pa liixunix Is eagerly sought each week. Uosteh or tue ci.jptox Remedy Co. — Dr. Gray, proprietor: Barney Williams, mana- ger ; Dr. Slack, Chris. Christopher, comedian nnd violinist; B'llv Hall, black face com- edian: Prof, Aluough, moving pictures; Mabel Epler. song Illustrator, and Prof. Joe Moggard, musical director. Business Is big and salary Is sure. Your paper certainly gave im the answers and we got what we wanted. We make the newsdealers get It for us, as we aro lost without It. Notes i-rom Ai.i.ax's Combdiaxs, sup- porting Madam Theka.— The following are with the above attraction: H. Frank Allan, proprietor und manager: Harry L. Sperry, businees manager; Ernest Horshman, elec- trician; Geo. Wood, pianist; the mysterious Madam Theka, Flossie Richardson, the Scran- tons, Young and Carter, Harry L. Sperry nnd the Eureka Comedy Three. Madam Theka Is '-rearing a big sensation with her marvelous telepathy. Business- la big through Canada nnd Michigan, and the great train robbery picture always pleases. Notes most tub Tcuvsr Shaker Mkpi- cisk Co. — We are doing the largest business at the present time in the history of tho company, add arc putting out seven more big companies. We hto now preparing to work the Pacific coast and Northwest, and aro placing more companies on the road than we ever bad before. Thk Gihkili, GitEA-ren Gueorub Co. closed Its season at Charleston. 8. C, Nov. -•0. The I'acheco Family. Joe La Flear, M. Mmayea and the Kates Btob., left for Chl- -n May Fostkb are ploying a successful engagement nt tho Savoy Theatre, Pocntollo, Idaho. They have played tho parks In Salt Loko city and Ogden, closing tho olio at both of Mana- ger Qarley's houses, and arc hooked solid to the coast, opening at Sutton's Grand, In Bukte, Mont. Kloihe Suepard closwl with Kiralfy'a "Louisiana" at the Odeon Theatre, St, Lou la, Nov. 28. 8ho will appear In vaodevllle In her new act, "Wanted, a Partner," a musical fcrce, written bv Frederick La Plcrru. Cot.uxs ASD If art sail for England Dec. 14. for n stay of two and a half years. They will play all the principal music balls, open- ing at the Empire, London, for two months, then the Tivoll and Oxford Halls for two months, tbc Moss & Thornton tour for tbreo months, then return to tbc Tivoll and Ox- ford for two months ; Paris one month, Vien- na one month, Germany one month, then back to London for return engagements. Pcxcn Wherleu has been engaged as press agent by Lew Dockstader. Billy Da Roe, "The Minstrel," after a long siege of Illness, has returned from Riv- erside, Cal., and Joined Culbane, Chacc & Weston's Minstrels, at Corning, N. Y., mak- ing bis third season with the company. James C. Bennett has Joined Conroy & Mack's Comedians as a vaudeville feature. Smith and Dell have signed with tho Flying Jordans Co. for a one year's tour of the world's principal titles. They sailed from New York Nov. 26. Lb Dent, late of Lavlne and. Brother, is working alone and reports success. Tim Capitol City Tbio, featuring Master Laurence, boy tenor, expect to make a short Eastern tour during tbc holidays. They have been making quite a success In their new sketch. Johnnie Mylih and Chauncey Holland have joined hands and are booked' on the Eastern park circuit, startlP" next Jnne. Vakdaman has Just finished ten weeks on the 3 L circuit, and reports success with bis act. He opened an engagement of four weekq Nov. 21, at tho Belvedere Music Ball, San Francisco. Nat Whabtev, black face comedian and ventriloquist, has joined forces with James Le Roy, tho tenor singer. They are doing a novelty act. Introducing venerlfoqulsm, and have booked twenty-four weeks on the West- ern circuits. Henby Fbey and Dave Febodson, "The German Fox Hunters," are In their fif- teenth week with Woodhull's High Rollers Co., and report success. They have added several new features to their act.. G. F. Denton writes that he Is booked for an extended Western trip, opening at Spring- Held, O., Dec. 4, and his new act Is meeting with approval. Leo Wilder, Juggler, writes that he lost considerable by the recent fire nt the Palace Museum, Minneapolis, Minn., but Is still meeting with success on the Northwest cir- cuit. Harrv Ward, the minstrel, was. by spe- cial arrangement. Initiated Into Medina Tem- ple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Chicago, Nor. 10. Mr. Ward Is undergoing treatment at Chicago for nervous trouble. T. H. Mur- phy Is ably handling Harry Ward's Min- strels in the absence of the proprietor. Harry M. Stewart, formerly of the Adonis Trio, and Mrs: Stewart and baby arrived Nor. 12 from London. Mr. Stewart opens at Watson's Theatre, Brooklyn, Dec 5, for the rest of the season. Tne Tossing Austins write : "We were at tbe Wlntergartcn, Berlin, for November, and are now on our way to England for two weeks on the Barrasford tour, with Robert Ar- thur's pantomime for ten weeks, In London, to follow, and twenty weeks on the Barras- ford tour to follow this. Managers Bennett and Fleming, of London, Can., WTlte. — "Business at the Lon- don Vaudeville Theatre Is Increasing dally. We arc putting some very attractive decora- tions in our lobby. Roattlno and Stevens, In •Scenes In the Wistaria Bower;' and the Krancellas, heavy lifters and balancers, aro our feature acts. We have bad over tbreo hundred letters In answer to oar recent 'ad.' In Ins Clipper. Mr. Dennett leaves Tues- day for a few days trip through tbe Eastern country." i Ollib Yocno and BROTHER have recently added some novel boomerang throwing to tfae'r net, and will soon begin their European tour, at the Coliseum, London. They are at present meeting with success on the Orpheom circuit Nelmb Henry, contortionist, known as Trlxle Onzo, has just closed a successful sea- son with the John Robinson Show. Her act, she writes, has been well received. Mazie Bovis Hobbm, formerly of tho Two Hobbs, was made an honorary member of Denver Lodge, No. 22, Theatrical Mechanical Association, on Nov. 8. The lfBABLESs Terbelt.8 have -signed con- tracts with John F. Fields, manager of Fields & Hanson's Big City Minstrels, open log Dec. 2V, for twenty weeks, to close tbe bill m their 'cycle act. Wai.teu Stetson and company ployed Proctor's Fifty-elchth Street bouse Sunday, Nov. 20, and will shortly play return cn- TMe Cmrros write: "Wo arc taking a rest at our home in Webster City. Is. Mrs. « reto has been quite 111 during tbe Fall. We nave bad the best success, especially flnan- '••lulljr, the past Summer that wo have had In Sfi: We will Winter here; putting Into suane "onx act ■ for next Summer. For the paat twelve years my wife and self hove worked together, but next season we shall be n»lated by our daughter. Wlllette. which will add materially to our comedv acrobatic act." Smith a.\d l.Mi.ia are with Deqnto A; Wltf- «nd a Ruroneau Slurs. Mr. Smith is stage luansger, . Their act, tbey WTlte, la meeting Win great iucccm, . gugemcuts over tbc circuit. Adolpii BvusnAiiDT, father of Lillian Kurkhardt, was severely burned on Nov 28 in a Ore which occurred In the apartment houso In New Y'ork City where he lived. SouTHAim and Kelley write "We are taking a two weeks' lay off, preparatory to rouklng an addition to our act In the person of Maude Graham, formerly of Stuart and Graham. The new act will be known ns 'The Foolish Trio,' and we are booked solid up to July. 1005, opening at the Howard, Boston, week of Dec. 12." Kittie Gray gave a supper at her home In Troy, N. Y., Sunday evening, Dec. 4. Miss Gray writes that her health Is very much Improved and she hopes to start on tbc road with her new partner, Daisy Lemane, In January. Thi; Gordon Sistcas. Bessie and Minnie, have Joined the Rellly & Woods Co., and re- port that their boxing and bag punching act has been well received. They will soon add Buster, tbe bag punching dog, to tbetr set. Hank Whxtcoub, or Hank and Lottie Whltcomb, writes from Florence, Col. : "I have started three vaudeville thsattvs out here in Colorado, one each nt Montrose, Cnuon Cltv and l-'loreuce. and all ore doing lag buHtncsa. We will coiao to Now York, In rebrniry. We aro still doing tbe same rnbn comedy sketch. 'Fun In a Barnyard,' und luilUitloas of birds and fowls,'' Notes ruoM Ctiui.ns Comedy Co. — This compauy opened Its season In Btddeford, Me., Nov. 31, to splendid business, with tho fol- lowing roster: Richard P. Crollns, David Elwyn, Herbert Cheslcv. Frank Hathaway, P. W. Magulrc, George Deanu. Clyde Roberts, George Shannon. Jac. Ronrroft, \vm. H. Coo- gun, Jack Ludwlg, Edward Bryant, S. I/. Mnr* tin, M. J. Flynu. Xclllo Palmer, Ray Pur- celle. Alice Warwick, I-oulso Aldrlch, Baby Oladvs and tbc Four Shannon Children. Jo- seph J. Flynn. of Lawrence. Mass., Is the pro- Srtetor ; a. L. Martin, business manager ; nek Ludwlg, stage carpenter. On Thanks- giving Day i matinee) we played to the larg- est holiday matlneo returns In the history of rlie houso. The show Is one of the strongest reportory companies In New England this Benson, and Is booked solid over tho Cnhn \- Grant circuit. We carry n special car for our massive scenic equipment, und have tha latest model protertoacope and films, of tho latest subjects. Mr. Crollns Is a great favor- ite through this section of. tho country, and our business to date means a successful sea- son. The play*: "Midnight In Chinatown," "Sunshine thro' the Mist,!' "A Beautiful Devil," "The Two Orphans," "Trnrey. tho Outlaw."' "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" nnd "The Heart of Kentucky." Specialties nfe given by Richard P. Crollus, Baby Gladys. the Four Shannons, Coogan and Bancroft, and Louise Aldrlch. Derenua and Gbebn sail Dec. 7 for a tour of South Africa. Noted fbom WrsMjn's Vacbbvili.bCo.— We are playing one night stands. The Met- ropolitan Comedy Co. Is one of the liest features. Tho following performers are also winning favor: Tbos. Hulr, who Is working wlth-Mr. Collins; Walter C. Smith, In Il- lustrated songs; Vera Do Anuond, dainty soubrette; Bernard and Reed, sister tram, and Bllllc Bowers, Dutch senator. . The show Is under the direction of James Collins. John T, Tiernby has left tbc hospital In Baltimore, where he has been for the past eight months, after an operation on his hip. and will go to Jacksonville, where he will spend the Winter, to regain his health. Nat S. Jerome Is In his tenth week with M. W. Taylor's "Why Women Sin" Co., Eastern, playing tbe Hebrew character com- edy part. Sol CoheD. ■ ' Dbaper, hand balancing wire performer, has Just closed a successful six weeks' en- gagement of fairs and carnivals. ' Walter Glyndon, who was tuten suddenly III at -Toronto, Can., two weeks ago, forcing him to cancel bis engagement, advises us of his recovery and bis return to work. Thb Febn Comedy Focr write: "We fin- ished the Northwestern circuit, and opened at Fisher's Theatre, San Francisco, Nov. OH. The act Is a big success from start to finish. We will play In the South, returning East In May. We are the feature of every bill. Larry Sutton and Attila Hamann are on the Pacific coast, with Lang's Northwest circuit to follow. Their double musical act has been successful. Miss llamann's cornet solo being featured. Michael CArrERT, of Caffery and Grant, was made a member of the Eagles, In' Phila- delphia, on Sunday, Nov. 27. THE Louisa AltNOT AND TOM OCNN Co. put on "Regan's Luck," a sketch, by Charles Horwltz, at Tony Pastor's Theatre, Dec. 1, and wero Immediately booked by Mr. Pastor for week of Dec ID. Tho act was received with great favor and is pronounced one of the best efforts from tho prolific pen of Mr. Horwltz. Notes r noM Dh Onzo & Wioakd's Euro- pean Stabs.— The company Is touring Vir- ginia, and we are playing to packed houses nightly. At Buena Vista we turned them away. At Staunton, Vo., tbe Two Millers, acrobatic song and dance team, Joined ns, and also Rob Dalton, as agent ahead of tho show. We have. In all, fifteen people, and all give entire satisfaction. The roster Js as follows : Deohxo & Wignnd, proprietors ; Will Tic Onzo. manager: Ed. Wignnd, treasurer; Jack Elliot, L. Jerome, Mora, magician : Paul Cabrat, musical director; Jack Do Voude. trick bicycle rider: De Onzo and El- Hot, barrel Jumpers and high kickers ; Gcral- dinc Do Onto, Mrs. Terry, Jack and Will Sillier, Sophie La Grace, narry Freeman, Harry Clark and Prof. Ed. Wlgand and bis troupe of trained dogs. All are eager to get fin; Old Reliable -and never fall to hunt the newsdealers to obtain It whoa Fri- day . comes around. . A. J. Wayne writes: "Joe Murphy, pro- prietor of tho Elk Theatre, Pocatello, Ida., gave quite a surprise to tbe performers play- ing his bouse on Thanksgiving Day. After the show be Invited them to the Wight House, and on. their arrival were i given a banquet, which was enjoyed by all present. ITie guests were: Warren P. Barrett, Ed. Stevens, Ora Clyde, Leona Doone. Clara Sullivan, Lillian C.tdney, Delia Putman. Kuthren Blake, Bob Lawrence, Florence Kidder, Charley Hall. Harvey English, Mav Davenport, J. N. Clark, John Williams, I'A. mond Wood, Billy Parsons, treasurer, and A. J. Wayne, stage manager.". Hart, "(be Human Zoe," is on the Casto circuit, nnd reports success with his act, He has otber work to follow. i'ha.s. BoRNHAUiT, vaudeville agent, who bag been nbroad for some time, will leave Hamburg, for America, Dee. ir>. Jimmib Welch did not play Norfolk, Va., last week, as has been stated. Jlnitnle und Colin Welch played clubs in New York City. Fru;n Vice, of the team of Vice and Viola, mcuniB the lots of his father, who died on Nov. 24. JiMMin Rose has closed with tbe Sun Minstrels and Joined his wife and brother in a singing nnd dancing novelty act and will play vaudeville. Clifford and Outii novo five more weeks In the East and- then open on tbe Crystal circuit fpr eighteen weeks. Their act, they write, la a success. I'hed and Annie Pklot, Juvenile comedy jugglers, report meeting with succes on the Kohl A Castle circuit. Their act was well received at tbc Columbia Theatre, St. Louis, last week. Aiithei; Lanb writes that he has algued contracts for u long -engagement in London. Eng.. and tbc - English provinces. Ho will opcu April 21. and bis bookings cover a period of clxteeu nontbs. Mae Ul'skell recently closed a successful engagement at tbe Y'ork. Theatre, St.- John, N. «.; also at Sbeedy't Theatre.. New Bed- for, Mnss. . She opens at too Howard, Bos- ton, for return engagements. Dec. 2(1. Vanity Fair Notbh.— Mlllo Held, of Ibis company, was tbe guest of houor at a iwrry given at (hn Hurley House, -Philadelphia, Nov. 2.1, by Al. Cruet, of .the Gross Widows Co. Geo. Karlavan wns caterer and outdid himself on this occasion. There were up- wurds of forty-nine guests seated at tbe table, tbc samojielng members of tbe Vanity Fair and Grass Widow companies. Among tboso who entertained were: Ml*3 Held and Mr,' lleury, of the Vanity Fair Co. : Mrs. Hogun, Mae Yulr, Chas. Burkbart, Garden, und Hom- ers. Mullen and Corrclll, Cruet and Gruet, Tlllle Stork, Dora Denton, Kittle Pembroke tbc Coster Girls, Widow's Brats Band, and tbe comedy acrobats, Carlton and Terre, of tho Grass Widow's Co. Gus liogan, taaua- ger of tbe Grass Widow's Co., made a neat little speech, expressing bis ■*atI»faVrI6nri!t the sociability and' good feeling existing be- tweea tbc members of the companies. All E resent enjoyed themselves nntll tbe small ours. The Gbeat Makinfllab. mate and female ring gymnasts, balancers and contortionists, aro la their fourth week on the Koltb. cir- cuit. Jcsirn Moore, leading woman with tbe Fred Irwin Big Show, cloned in Toronto, Can., Dec. 4. She joins bands with Harriett Jacqnes in a novelty aliif log. and talking tct lO-TgutoTMlv - ■ ._ .. Ml " World of Players. ■ i . . ... — . — . — — — Edsnll-Wlhtbropo Stock Co. Notes : Tbe company Ib CBjosriBg jnagnluaent business and Is now cstaTllihed as the leading popu- lar price nttrnctlon of the South. Our roster l< as follows : D. B. Rdsall, J. E. Drlscoll, Edgar Varney. Arthur Price, Will C. Davis. Howard Nugent, William Carl, Edncy Ridge. James Smith, Alllr- Savin. Lewis Thorn, Pearl Winthrope, Bertha Thorn, Margaret Nugent, Lillian Carl and Enid Doll*. Our repertory constat* of nil scenic productions, of which we carry an abundance. Irfist week, In Winston-Salem. N. C, the following mem- bers were Initiated Into tbe F. O. E.. No. 7113: James Smith. Edgar Varney, Arthur l'rlee, Howard Niiircnt and William Carl, As It was Manager EusaU's hoaie aerie, he took an active part In IcarnlOK tho new "birds" how to 11 y. Ednry Ridge, our man In ad- vance, never falls to glvo us n big opening. All In all we are sailing smoothly and hold' log our own nicely. —•Victoria, B. C, Notes: The Redmond Theatre opened Its doors Nov. 10, at Victoria, to a house packed to tho doors. Mr. Red- mond has enjoyed tho most phenomenal suc- cess in the history of Northwestern theatri- cals, having done a record breaking busluos for the past fifty-four weeks In Vancouver, It. C, nod Seattle, Dclllngliam, nnd Everett, Wash,. Mr. Redmond has selected Victoria as tbc home for bis comituny. has fitted the new theatre in line style, and his houso enters on Its career most uusplclously. Tbe Ed. Red- mond Co. will play an Indefinite engagement Id Its now borne, and Includes tho following players: Ed. Redmond Clyde E. Granger, Thee II. Bird. Roy Hulhcrlund. S. M. (it-it- Utn, J6o Coffman, Jas. M. Sandusky, Arthur Stanton. J. C. Palmer, Alia Phlpps, Rue Bran- son, Pinkie Mullally, Edna Ward. Ora Mill- tally, and Aunotte and Lillian Mullally. The business affairs of the new house will be la tbe following bands : Ed. Redmond, sole pro? prletor; Rush Bronson, manager; Estelle Red- mond, treasurer; J. M. Sandusky, stage man- ager : J. M. Muigravc, press agent : Fred Baker, scenic artist; Don Mullally, assistant; Andy Lyndon, stage mechanic; J. T, Marlon, master of properties; Prof. Cady, mualcal director, und John Foster, publisher of houso prgrsmme, — W. J. llanleyand Edward N. Hoyt, part- ners nnd proprietor* of the Ildwurd N. lloyt "Hamlet" Co., Inform us that M. ,W. Hanley Is not Idngcr connected With tbetr organiza- tion. — Manager Iasw Glenson writes: "The Itolllngswortb Twins, Myrtle -' nnd Maude, celebrated their twelfth birthday Nov. C, and wcra the recipients of numerous useful and costly presents. The event was celebrated while playing .leaning, Ui. Tho offering on tUat night wns 'East Lynne,' with Mnudo Holllngsworth appearing as Lady Isabclle, nnd Myrtle ns Miss Cornoy. Despite the fact that these Juvenile stars had strong op- lxisltlon in a circus performance agalOHt them, the house was Ihroogrd with tbelr ad- mirers sad well wishers. At the close, of the performance the curtain was again raised and a public reception held bv tbo twins upon the stage, tbe entire audience grasp- ing tno little ones' bauds and wishing nappy returns nnd success to each. Tho youngsters In return presented their. photos as souvenir remembrances of tbc event. Tbo company Includes tbe following people: Tbc Hol- llngsworth Twins, Myrtle and Maude: Alice Holllngsworth. proprietress: Lew Gleason, Karl Bayard Steers, Jack Boyle, Andy Brew- er, .George Slminaker, George Shaffer, Charles Johnson, Daisy Mack. Magnolia J. Steers nnd Jane MarJorlebanks. The company has been doing good business through Louisiana, We go Into Texas, then return .In a few weeks to play the sugar country of Louisi- ana, when we will make night stands of our successful play, entitled ~L'nder Southern Moss." written expressly for the Holllngs- worth Twins by Walter Russell Orondorff." — Notes from tho Dora Woodruff Stock Co.: We ore In our twelfth week, and busi- ness Is good. AH tbc company ore well snd having a good time. Our roster : J. D. Kll- gore, manager; T. Edwin Collins, M. Allen McPhersoti, BUI; Ford, Z. T. Chenault, Geo. Curtis, Dora Woodruff. Mabel Shepherd. Lotta Chase, Ruth Curtis, Mrs. Shepherd, Baby Leuuox, and Prof. O. C. English, mu- alcol director. Thanksgiving Day was cele- brated In good style. We gave two perform- ances, playing to the rapacity of the house both matinee and nlgbt. — Ollle Eaton, after a long and serious Illness, rejoined her company Nor. 20, it Evansville, Ind. — 8. 8. Underwood has secured control of the opera bouse at Pcnnvlllc, Ind., and will play a limited number of small cast attrac- tions. — Willis Pickett, owner and manager of tbc Four Pli'kerts Co., writes that pros- perity Ntlll favors bis well known organisa- tion. Week of Nov. 21-20, tbe company, be- fore making u jump Into tho South, played tbo Academy of Music. Wilmington, N. C, four nights. Fine business ruled, nod »u Thanksgiving Day tbe company broke the record at the theatre for u matinee. Almost every seat held two children und several hun- dred people were turned - away. The nlgbt buslucss was nearly a repetition. On Thatiks- giving Day tbe Consolidated Railway, Co,, of Wilmington, entertained the members of tho company by treating them to a trolley ride around tbe city and a trip on the suburban line to Wrlgbtsvllle Beach, where a delicious oyster-roast wns served.- Little Blanche Plck v ert established herself as u big favorite In Wllmlugton. and after the imitlnw perform- ances hundreds; of children Hocked on tbc singe to greet her. The company on Hundtiy Jumped direct to Fcrnand'na, F'n., whom ft opened n week's eogagemunt on Monday. Froni there tho company will play only tbe best theatres In tbe sunuy South. — Notes from the Clicks : We liuve retorted to our '-'bomeM uftcr u long season, und will again place our company ou tbo rtjau tbe first of I bo year. — Trevor It C. Cornoll. musical director, lias been engaged for the "itunulrigifur Oflicu" Co. , —The Eldous are In their sixteenth week with: Ferris' Comedians, and report success with their special! les and .playing parts. -—.The Kapbnu Theatrical Syndicate, which 1st presenting this season two companies of "Carmen," bus decided lo Introduce with their productions Edison's Bull Fight tilctures.- — Notes from the HBrrlft-l'urklr)son Stock: "We ore now -In our elguteentbj-week nnd business - lias been noti dej-f n I . ■ I *■ 1 1 u n n n , Ky, ; lluntlngtou, ChnrleHton, Somerset, Iron- tun, .PurkembiU'g, Portamoulb, Ashland, Blun- llcld, Frankfort, were all rcivrd breakers. Wo hare tbe strongest coiupuny this- season wc have ever bad, with each play a -complete heeole production ,aud with, the extra strong line of 'specialties together . wltb tbe pleasing line of melodramas, we have tested the ca- pacity- of. nearly all tbe theatres we have so far played this season. We are now headed for the South, being booked exclusively by Klaw & Erlonger In tbtlr leading bouses. Wo have bad but two cbsnges so far. At the close of tbc regular season wn play an si. Hummer engagement to one of the lesdlug HoutleiTi cities. Members : Robert H. Harris, Cbas. Teaffi Hamilton L. Brooks, Verue I'belpj. Will II. Stsrkey. Wm. Griggs. i;dnnrd Hbelton, Harry Slgman, Al. Hyde, James Let tier, narfy leltus, Marie Lu Tour, Franc It Fields, Dora Phelps, Louise Stroltunore and Baby Hope. Among the vaudeville feature* are the Great Faslpt Duo, Hyde and Leffler, llluotrated songs ; Mauon, tho twentieth ruu- tury wqndet, and the blogrAph. , — • Edwin Jfftrnard BadLdolils Larlllff hive Joiried Dinsnlly's Co, TAKK , NOTIOat. "'Auditing Oomrpmoe' 1,-I.UJ. .. ' , n VRION ACTORS. Annual . Report of the -.-, Xov. a, H04.-TMS •• to certify mat we have ihls day finished examlolog all the books and records of this rnion. and find thsm ail positively correct. Also we have fonnd bills covering •verycntir m*M therein, signed J. W. OCNBY «nd HliNRV LEHMAN, we have examined the reports ot the Auditing Committee, and find ttmt they bavo made a careful and aeurehlng investigation, and we Und the books and finances absolutely correct. This Union stands today with no indentedDCss, and a inbstantlnl account to thalr credit in llio tisak. Sitae ', TllIKF. W. LASK A and WILLIAM TlloMraow riAVIH. Board of Trustees, Local No. 1. TAKE NOTICE: Send «t once for Information tegardlng Sick Keneflt, Djath Itonetl', snd all other privileges In actlvo operation. The "Initia- tion Fee" has been ratted to Five (t) dollars until Fab. I. loor., when other changes will he made. HARRY DH VKAU.V, President. [,KW MORTON, Secretary-, H I nlon Sjna ra, New Vork. ~BOARDINa TO PHOFRBIION AL,*. M A WBKK F.ACR. MRS. LOOSE K WEST 41 h ST , WILMINGTON. DH,. WANTKD AT U1CB, for Medicine Co . AM, 'ROUND BUCK FAUR COMtllHAN. Stop st hotel. Tickets to those 1 know. Mason tlregg, write. C1II1F ROLLING BKAR, llenaun, Johnston Co.', N, 0. WANTED, by Wallli DrumMlo Co., (lood Dramatic Woman for Leads. PUnlat who oan Uouule on Stage and Otber Ootid Dntotatlo Peo- ple woo can also do something excellent in some musical line. Addrea* K. J. WALLIS. Agent, loiiSN, Irving Ave., Fremont. Melt. WANTKD— For Eastern Runaway Tramp oo., two Eocentrlo Character Comedl*«ii, Itlaek raw Comedians, Honbrette nnd Irish Hldrty.all to d« ANo. 1 specialties; Leading Juvenile Woman anil Heavy Mao. All mutt have good wardmtio and nuke good. Want two good I'ianlstr.and Advanru Man who can use paste If necessary. Address, stating age, holgh t, weight und salary, wo pay ex- ptoses, quick, coiton < Co.. PTorM..Pcori)», in. AVCOHPAMVIMU, COAOHINU hy expe- rlonoed Hlntrer. Also Vecal l.essona. M188 HARTHILL, u .W^-.' tat HI . N. Y. __ WARTBD-I.ady I'lanUt and Vocalist, Use- ful Sketch Tetm and Advauoe Agent WeeK tttnds. Oooitant work all year 'round State ail first letter. HaNaokk wtnuiiam, ^___^ • La fayette , tihtmhers Oo-. Al». WAWTRD-Udy Vlo Ini.t and Cello. All year 'round btialncss.. Union salary, fvo pci week. Theatre and hotel. Others, write. BB88IR HDRNKLL'S LAIilKS' OltcURSTRA. 114 Colfax »t , Toledo, (ml". WAHTRD, V crsai lie People at all times. Can place at once akoich Team, 8. snd p. I'utoh Com- ollan. P > not mbtrapretent, Kxplaln all Per- manent adilreu, WHITE rtPBilt HKI>. CO., 234 So. 10th St., Philadelphia. Pones. AT LIBKllfY, for Medicine, Rep. Or car- nival Co., Skctali Team with lots of specialties and good, strong Ualiahoo. Jtmt cioseo second iincceufal season with the Amorlcan Midway CO. Wa can be engaged at low aalar jr.' Address II. HOK'HIN, Carlisle, Oat., iiaonda. itOTIOR.— My PateotaalabeaHaretheonlyonoH made that work automatical j und ran by kerosene Will clear $100 every week. 8t«uip for circular. Tho greatest novoltv and money getter In tha show line on earth. Ohai. E. Westdn, 4 Carrtitbers St., Lawrence, Mass. AT ItlBRUTY, Al Lecturer, Htrotig Oflloe Worker. Straight luall acts, riluglag specialty. Good wardrobo. Twelve yoara' exw. Must liavo R. R T. Oan Join at once. DR. FOREST UK GORDON, 817 Kast at., lUrrlB tiurg. I'a. '^AKTBJO, Doutile offrlple U»»s. Second, lowest. Writ* KNOW BROS. Augusta, Okla., care BONHECK WW » SHOWS. - MAISON BERNARD MODES, Stage and 8trcet Hats, Exclusive Designs. . . Seven West Tliirty-lirst St., NIW YORK. U Per Cent. OtTtn tha Prfifssslnn. ' WANTED, FULL ACTING COMPANY, Clever Leading Man and Heavy, flood couedlsn and Hoabrette with ttroag dsnulng HpoctaltloH. Stag? Director who cau direct ■'Carmen" and some pieces, Pianist wno nan arrange musical specialties. Otber good people, write, salary sore, mutt below. Ko fares advanced unless! know person. I have boon homed. KKBDEBIOK MOROAV, Johtmnnluirg, Ph. AT LIBBITT AFTBB DBA. 17, Property Man nan play good parti. .. (ililcairo. IP. Oict Id i Lite Tlni »7 14 Rarat stlltilre Diamond King, full of lire. C""l «l,00u, Hull ror«Mi). JAMBS OUT.. „ Addrest MWulk^r St., >eW York, Wuutop Uousc. CLiRliiSmiSf At Liberty. Thoroughly experienced. Ijocato or travel. Add. J08KPH P. 1»AV, IM H'li Ave- Cati-mon, V.,1. CHASSINO. Orpliontn Theatre, Omaha. Keli.. wsek of I)"B,-1'4 ~pi li Ma i k 1 1, n n t ' MisJt* t EDISON TRAIN BOBBERY GOOD A8 ttWr. 81. FOOT. Writ* qulok SOSlV£ AND ALL TBHATRIUAL (lOtmB. Bcouery paiuUHj cheaply and nuloklv. AmaUtin suppled. OHAS.K. MILL8.4S7W 4t s' St, New Tor* OH y. Wanted. Piano Flayer, (|uir i. AltoKoreltyPerfortntri. state sii. JACK TPOY, Pr|d"">«"rt. Opfp, ^r^ " 1 ■■ •■■■i* » *> SSS>1*»^S»^>SS»'*- •" ^ CAROUSEL FOR SALE. '™vTT. fiontBOBvrJ Joined I mtell RXCEavorb and khbout. KRBMM'J Uat week, .^5, 986 THE HEW YOI?K, CLIPPEB. December io. JE W YQBK C ITY. Review una Comment.— Good weather prevailed during the post week and busloess ruled from fair to big. The deaths, last week, of two actresses, for many yearn prom- inent on the American Mage, were mourned not only by member* of the profession, but by the general public. On Nor. '28 Mine. Jaoauschek passed away at the Brunswick Home, Am ltyvllle, I,. I, Her death was not unexpected, as Rhn had been an Invalid for several year*, having Buffered a stroke of paralysis In KiOO. The death of Mn. 0. II. Gil- bert, 1 on Dee. 2, at her hotel In Chicago, how- ever, come na a shock. It wns known (hat she wob somewhat feeble, hut her feebleness was due to her advanced age, and an her general health was good, it was generally believed that she would not only live to piny her sea- son as a star to a close, but be able to enjoy the well earned re»t her retirement nt the end oi the present season would bring her. She had been upon the stage for over sixty years, fifty-eight of which had been In this country, and few on the American stage have been so universally admired and respected. By her fellow profcsslonaln, who were fortunate enough to know her, she was loved for her geniality, kindliness and charity, and by the public she was' admired for these same traits of character, which made her possess one of the most lovable personalities on the stage. On and oir the stage she will be truly missed, and memory of the dear old lady will be cherished by many In this broad load At tbe Knickerbocker TiiEATjiE, Monday night, Nov. 28, Nat C. Goodwin and com- pany gave the first New York City presenta- tion of "The Usurper," a four net comedy drama, by I. N. Morris At Daly's Tiibatub, on the some date, Nance O'Neil and company gave New Yorkers the first view of "fires of St. John," an adaptation by Charles M. Swlckard, of Herman Suder- tnun's four act play, entitled "Johannes- four." At the I.yric Theatre, also on Monday night. Sine. Rejane revived "Snpbo." Wednesday night, 80, "La I'etlte Marquise," Meilhac and Halevy's three act comedy, waa given. On Thursday, Dec. 1, tbe bill was changed to n revival of "Ma Couslne," and .Saturday matinee and night "Camllle" was the bill Another Monday opening oc- curred nt the Third Avhniib Thbatrb, where "The Heeret of tho Subway," a five, act melodrama, by Jean Calwell was given Its first metropolitan hearing, and "The Va- cant Chair," a four act comedy drama, by Theodore Kremer, was given Its first produc- tion In New York City, on tho name date, at tho MrrrnaroMS The continued at- tractions for the week, ending Dec. .1, were: Nat C. floodwln nt the Knickerbocker, "Baroness Fiddlesticks" at the Casino, Louis Mann at the Criterion Frltzl Schelf at the Broadway, Nance O'Neil at Daly's, "Wood- land" at tbe New York, Charles Wyndbam ot the New Lyceum, "Humpty Dumpty" at the Nnw Amsterdam, Ethel Barrymore at tbe Hudson, Edna May, in "The School airl," nt tbe Herald square ; ''Higgledy-piggledy" nt the Wbdbr Music Hall, May Irwin at the Bijou, "The Sho-Qiin" at Wallace's, David War field at Belahco'r, "Tbe College Widow" at the Garden, Mrs. Flake and stock company nt,the Manhattan, "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" at the Savoy. John Drew nt the BMriRn, Andrew Mack at tbe Four- teenth Street, tbe German Stock Co. at the Irving Placb, "The Wlxard of Oa" at the Academy,' Amelia Bingham at tho Princess, Mme. Oabrlelle Rejnne nt the Lyric, "A China Doll" at tbe Majestic, Henry Miller at tbe Qarrick, and David Hlgglha at the American,' the five Inst named closing on that date. At Proctor's Fifth Avenue and One Hundred and Twenty-fiftu Street Theatres stock productions, with vaudevlllo between nets;, continued The one week stands closing .1 wore: "The Secret of the Subway" at the Third Avenue, "The Fatal Wedding at tbe Windsor, De Wolf Hopper, in "Wang," at the Grand Oit.ua House ; Wm, II. Crime at the Harlem Ofera House, Billy B. Van, In "The Errand Hoy," at the West End ; "Tho Vacant Chair" at tbe Metropolis, and "Tbe Child Wife" at the Star Variety entertainment was furnished at tbe Circle, PnocTon's Twenty- third Street, Tony Pastor's, tho Victoria, the Yorkvillr, Proctor's Fifty-eighth (Street, Keith's Union Square, the Dewey, Miner's Eighth Avenue, Miner's Bowery, tho London, Huiitio ft Seamon's, the Gotham and the Olympic, tho inst named house closing on that date to reopen 12 under new management At Huiieii's) Mu- hbum the usual long list of curios and vaude- ville was offered Tho bills at the Met- ropolitan Opera House for tho week end- lug Doc. 8 wero : Monday night, Nov. 28, "La Gloconda" (tho cast of which was given In our last Issue). Wednesday night, 80, "I.o Nozzo dl Figaro" was sung, with this cist: La Contessa, Emma Eames; Cbcru- blno, Bella Allen (bcr first appearance here) ; Marcelllna, Miss Bauermolater : Susannn, Mme. Sembrlch ; II Conte, Mr. ScottI ; Figaro, Mr. Blass ; Dottore Bartolo, Mr. Rossi ; An- tonio, Mr. Dufrlche; Baslllo, Mr. Itclss, and Don Curzlo, Mr. Giordan!. On this occasion Nahaa Franko made his debut as a grand opera conductor at this house and gave a good account of himself. Thursday after- coon, Dec. 1, "Parsifal" was given for the second time of the season here. Olive Frcm- sted made her first appearance as Kundry, nnd mode a decided success. Marcel Journet sang the role ot Gurnomnni for the first time, and also found favor. Adolpb Muhl- maun sang tho role of Tllurcl, otherwise tho cast waa the same as last given. Friday night, 2, "La Gloconda" was repeated, with the 'same cast its that which rendered It last. Saturday afternoon, 3, "Die Melaterslnger" was snng, with this cast: Eva, Alno Acltto; Magdalene, Mme. Homer ; Weltkor von Stolic- raff, ' Hcrnrlch KnotoYHims Snrtis, Mr. Van I(ooy; Becktnesser, Mr. Oorllt; Pogner. Mr. Dines ; Kothner, Mr. Muhlmnnn; David, Mr- Belss; Vegclgcsnng, Mr. Hand; .Earn, Mr. Buyer; lloier, Mr. Iludolfl; Eltsllng- er, Mr. Laulnl ; Xacbtlgal, Mr. Qreder ; Ortel, Mr. Balllard; Foltz, Mr. Werner; Schwartz, Mr. Loptscb ; Xachtw.icb.ter, Mr. DufrlcliV. It 'was tie" first American' ap- pearance of IJelnrlch Knote, who proved io be a valuable acquisition to Mr, Conirled's forces. Herr - Knots possesses a powerful tenor voice' of excel tent quality. Mme, Alno Ackte oang Era for the first time here, and was well liked. Alfred Hertz ' conducted. Saturday night, 3, "Lo' Travlata" was' re- peated. W'th the exception' ot Andreas Dlppel, who made bis first appearance this reason and sang the role of Alfredo, the cast was tbe same as the lost given. Princes* Theatre (gam S. & Lee Shu- bert. managers). — An audience of fair pro- portions nmembiod here night of Dec. G, to witness Robert B. Mantelrs debut, In this city, ds a star In Shakespearean tragedy. Mr. Manteil had selected ''Richard 11 r as the vehicle for the first week of nn engage- ment that Is to last three weeks, Mr. Manteil will be handicapped during his engagement by Inadequate stage room and lack of scenic accessories. Mr. Manteil, In spite uf these de- ficiencies, gnve a careful and entirely praise- worthy portrayal of the character of the crafty and murderous monarch. Not the slight- est exception could be taken to his reading of the lines ; especlully when occasion afforded opportunity to rant, tbe star was most care- ful to avoid doing so. It was expected that Mr. Mnntell would give an Intelligent read- ing of Shakespeare's lines, hut the star was virile nnd thoroughly at case la every phase of the characters delineation, while fully equal, as well, to the exacting demands of the role. An agreeable surprise can be noted In tbe efficient support accorded the star by his company. Next week, "Othello." Tbe cast of "Richard III :" Duke of Gloster. af- terwards Richard III, Robert B. Manteil ; King Henry VI nnd Earl of Richmond, Thomas Llngham ; Duke of Buckingham, W. J. Montgomery: Lord Stanley. Cnrl Abrendt- Sir William Catesby, Frederick Forrest; 'Xrcssel, John C. Connery; Lord Mayor of London, Harry Keefcr; Edward, Prince of Wales, Irene Hunt ; Duke of York, Blanche Hunt ; Duke of Norfolk, Harry Kerns : Sir Richard Radclllfe, George Macy ; Earl of Ox- ford, Edward Koos ; Sir James Blount, Wm. Hunt: Lieutenant of the Tower, David It. Young; Tlrrell, Laurence Stearns; Officer, Hamilton Mott; Elizabeth, Queen to Edward IV, Lillian Kingsbury ; Duchess of York, Eva Benton ; Lady Anne, Marie Booth Russell. Manager far Mr. Manteil, Max Zoellncr; Carl Zoollncr, business manager ; Harry Keefer, stage manager. tew Fields' Theatre (Hamlin, Mitchell ft Fields, managers). — On Monday evening. Dec. r>, this new theatre was dedicated with tbe first local presentation of a musical affair, In two acts, entitled "It Happened in Nordland," by Gen. MacDonougb and Victor Herbert. Its premier occurred at tbe Lyceum, Harrhburg, Pa., Monday, Nov. 21. The story In that of un American woman, who goes to Nordland, becomes queen for twenty-four hours, finds her long lost brother and straightens things, out for all. The lines are witty and the music In Mr. Herbert's happy style, Is delightful. Tbe stage 'set- tings are gorgeous and tbe ensemble effects marvels of Julian Mitchell's creation. ' Of the company It might be said In one word tbnt it Ih excellent, Lew Fields carrying off many honors, but leaving a itenerous share for distribution to Mario Cabin, Joseph Herbert and others. The piece seems good for the San- son. The cast: Hubert, Lew Fields; Prince George of Nebula, Harry Davenport- Duke of Toxcn, Joseph Herbert; Baron Sparta, Hnrrv Fisher ; Captain Sllvowltz, Joseph Car- roll : Princess Aline, May Robson ; Dr. Otto Biolz, Julius Steger ; rnrthotilo Schjnltt, Bessie Ciaytop : lingo vou Aruito, Charles Gottbold; Maymo Perkins. "Blllle" Norton; Dr. Poopff and Captain Gatllng, Wm. Bur- i ess ; Duchess Uelene, Rosemary Glosz ; Rudolf and Prince Korl, Frank O'Neill ; Miss, Hicks, and Countess Tokota, Pauline Frederick : Katherlne Feepfogle, Marie Cabin. Grand Ojiern Hoone (J. H. Springer, manager), — "The Other GIr," opened a week's engagement here Dec. 0, and business started In for what looks a repetition of tbe cus- tomary capacity business at this bouse. Lionel Bnrrymore and the other members of the cast were eminently successful In their work. Tue cast In full: Mr. Fulton, Frank Bur- beck ; Henry Waterman, Ralph Dclmore ; Jnmes, Frederick Raymond; Mrs. Waterman, Grace Henderson ; Dr. Clifton Bradford, Rich- ard Dennett; Miss Catherine. Fulton, Doris Kcane ; Eatcllo Klttrldgc, Mabel Roebuck ; Reginald Lumley, Wallace Eddlnger; Ann, Maggie Fielding ; Judge Newton Rates, Jo- seph Whiting : Mr. Taylor, Francis Byrne ; Mr. Sheldon, Lionel Bnrrymore; Maggie, Ida Greeley Smith; Myrtle Monlson, Lou Middle- ton. Next week, "Tho Isle of Spice." Metropolitan Opera House. — On Mon- day night, Dec. 0, Donizetti's "Lncrezla Borgia" was sung. The work had not been beard In this city for over twenty years. The title role was assumed bv Maria de Mncchl, who then made her American debut. She wns affected by extreme nervousness, Which marred her work, nud her true worth was not displayed. Edytb Walker added to her laurels Is the role of Mattlo Orslnl. The rest of the cast was: Genua ro, Mr. Caruso; Don Alfonso. Mr. ScottI: Rustlghctlo, Mr. Bars ; Astolfo, Mr. Rossi ; Llvorotto, Mr. Rand ; Oiizclln. Mr. Rogue ; Gubetta, Mr. Dufrlche; Vltellozzo, Mr. Glorduul; Petrucel, Mr. Balllard. Arturo Vlgnn conducted. Atlnntlo Garden (W. Kramer's Sons, managers). — Lti Voile and Grant, In physical culture nnd muscular posing: Martin and Itldgeway, presenting a comedy wire act : Marshall nnd Lorraine, tho girl with the InugU nnd his nibs; Hodges and. Lauuchraere, colored comedy duo: Madeline Burdctte, operatic nnd descriptive soprano : Way and Tine, In n comedy sketch, and the Elite Lady Orchestra nro the attractions for this week. i.llicTty Theatre (Klnw ft Erlnngor, managers). — Geo. M. Cohan, In "Llttlo John- ny Jours," began his fifth succousfiil week Dec. 5. Empire Theatre (Charles Frohman, ninnnger), — John Drew, In "The Duke of Kllllcrnnkle," continues to play to excellent loudness, nud commenced his fourteenth week Dec. C. Manhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey Flske, ninnnger). — Mrs. Flske began her fourth nnd last week. In "Hedda Gnbler." Dec. 8. She will present "Leah Klesehnn" 13. Herald Square Theatre (Charles Froh- man, manager). — Edna May celebrates tho one hundredth 'performance ot "The School Girl" In this country Dec. 7, having entered her seventh week here 5. Academy of Music (Gllmnre ft Tomp- kins, managers). — "The Wizard of Oa" Is playing prosperously lu Its fifth week, which beitnn Deo. 5. Wnllnck'n Theatre (Mrs. Tbeo, Moss, manager!. — "The Sho-Guu" began Dec. 5 Its ninth week. New York Theatre (Klnw ft Erlanger, managers). — "Woodland" entered,- Dec. 8, its third week of prosperity, with an Indefinite extension of Its time announced. Garden Tbentre (Henry W. Savage, manager). — "Tho College Widow" begin, Dec. 0, lis twelfth week, to capacity business. ' Weber !»1 null- Hall (Weber ft Zlegfleld, managers),— -"Higgledy-piggledy" began Dec. 8 Its seventh week. ■ • nrondvcuy Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, mmirieet)'.~Frltzl Sehcff totumenccU Dec. 6 her third week in "Tin* Twd" Roses." New Amsterdam Theatre (Klnw ft Kr- liinger.mntmgers).— "lliimpty Duutpiy" start- ed Its fourth week Dec. 0. Proctor's Fifth Avenue Theatre (J. Austin Eyries," general in.lnoger).— A' very merltorlnos revival of "An Enemy to the Krng," which E. II Kothcrn played so sue- owmiilly nt the old Lyceum Theatre some yenrii ago, wns shown by the house stock company Dec. fi. Edwin Arden played the leading role with most creditable skill; and Douglas Flint also did excellent work.- Ger- ald Griffin Imparted considerable humor to ti.e character' of Afitolne, and Marlon Berg, Gertruds Berkeley and Isabella" Evesson scored well In their respective "roles. The cast: Ernanton De I.sudny, Edwin Arden: Claude Le Centre, Arthur C. Lawrence: rjiilllaume Montlgnnc.John Westley. neflrl Le' Corote De Berquln, George Howell ; Blaise Trlpnult, Douglas Flint ; t'rojnc, Rob- ert Keann: Maugert, John Dillon; Koquelln, lywordAllerson ; Sabray, Andrew Stephens; Gllles Barbemouche, Del Pi-Lewis; Antolne, Gerald Grlflln: Jacques, Harry Antkes; Fran- cols, Riley chnmberlln ; Pierre, H. Dnd- lev llawlcy; Hugo, David Thompson; Pinto, Albert llowson; Itonglu, Arthnr Shaw; Godeau, Edwin Fowler; Priest, Victor Brown'; Captain ot the Gsrrl- son, Robert Harrison ; Guard, Charles How- con : Falconer, Walter Neaby; Julie De Vnrlon, Isabel le Evesson ; Jeannotte, Marlon Berg; BrIUrl, Madeline Hives: Marianne, Mnthllde Deshon : Glralda, Gertrude Berke- ley. In the vaudeville were the Gasch Sis- ters, In their splendid act; Eugenie Tessler, a blind soprnno (first time here), who sang three nurdlicrs la excellent voice and was warmly applauded ; Helen Scholder, a child 'cello soloist,' whose work wns of high class; William Smith, tenor; the Itolfes, musicians, in n prettily costumed and meritorious act; Add llnyt, black face monologlst ; Rice Bros., comedy bar performers : limes and Ryan, singing and talking, add the motion pictures. Lyric. Theatre (Sam S. ft Lee rjbubert, managers). — Mme. Rejane made a most ac- ceptable change in her dramatic menu wheu, on Wednesday, Nov. 30, she presented "La Petite Marquise," a comedy, In three acts, by II. Meilhac and L. Halevy. extending tbe bill by a revival of "Incognito." The refresh- ing humor of the authors was delightfully handled by the star and her confreres, wltb the result, that the audience was far better satisfied than at any time In the past ten days. Competent as Mme. Rejnne Is to handle emotional roles she Is far preferable In comedy, when she abandons herself to the laughable and exudes wit and good humor with every gesture and smile. Her sense of the ridiculous Is quickly caught nud her au- dience Is invariably with her "to a man." The story of the play Is the hackneyed one In French farce, of the boredom of married life and the consequent relief sought in other pastures, followed by a convenient visit of remorse nnd return to the bosom of one's family Just previous to the curtain's fall. Rarely has lime. Rejnne given more delight- ful evidence of her Irresitible charms In comedy, flitting from one scene to another, as the humming bird does from flower to flower, alighting n|iou n boi» mor nnlv to es- cape restlessly to another, and there Is re- iiose even in her continued movements. M. Dumeny wns second in the fun of the evening, giving a decidedly satisfactory performance, nnd the other members of the company, all wive good accounts of themselves. The cast: Mux de liolsguramenx. M. Dnmeny ; Mnrqnii do Kergazon. M. F. Kelm ; Le Chevalier, M. Herthler: Mom-be, M. Due; Joseph. M. Bos- man ; llrbnln, M. Thamtii ; Un Cocher, M. Dufroy: Henrietta de Kergazou, Mme. He- Jane; Juliette, Sille. Suzanne Avril ; Mar- tine. Mile. A. Bernou ; Georgette. Mile. Deylla; line Femme de chambre, Mile. Clery. "Ma Couslne" was revived by Mme. RejaDe Thursday, Dec. 1, having been In her reper- tory nine years ago/ The play calls for no further comment than was made upon it at that time. Mme. Rejane exceils in com- edy, and as Riqnette she exceils all her for- mer work seen here, her performance being practically perfect. M. Dumohv gave one or his best performances as Raoul, the erring husband, realizing and apparently enjoying the brisk and at times somewhat risque comedy. M. Berthler. as Champcourtler, gnve an excellent bit of character work, and Mile. Jeaunin-Kelm. as Mme. Berlander, nblv as- sisted. Mile. Avrll did not have much to do, but was seen to advantage. Rarely has n more perfect piece of pantomime been s«eti here than that In the second act, and vocif- erous approval was Us reward. The piny was continued 2. Tho cast. Raoul d'Araay la Unite, M. Dumeny ; Champcourtier, M. Ilertbier; Gnston. M. Renonx; Rlquette, Mme. Rejane; Vlctorlne Champcourtier, Mile. Suzanne Avrll ; Madame Berlander, Mil". Jeanntn-Kclm : Clotilde, Mile. Clcry; Rosalie, Mllo. Rose Lion. "La Damo aux Ca- mcllas," tho oft nnd sorely tried, was given i:s by Mmo. Rejnne Saturday inntlnee nnd night. Dec. 3, and two large and delighted audiences witnessed the sorrows of Mnrgnerltie Gaiitlcr. as portrayed by this great comedienne. It Is safe to ray that no person In her own class can equal her per- formance. While differing widely from others we have seen, It showed long and careful study, a desire to please In the most painful situations and a mind which conquers all until conquered by death. With the excep- tion of a slight cough once or twice during the evening there waa no evldeuce of this nature of the fatal Illness which had Its grasp upon the woman, nud her death was marked by feelings of deep contrition, love, pity and a flnul philosophical happiness. The farewell extended Mme. Rejaae was sincere and pro- found. M. Dumeuy was an acceptable Ar- maud, his best work being in the sincerity of his love In the first set and his sorrow at the approaching dentil of Camllle. M. Monti wns particularly Impressive as Duval pere. The others wore more or less equal to emergencies. The cast follows: Armand Duval, M. Du- meny ; Saint Unudens, M. F. Kelui ; Georges Duval, M. Monti ; Gaston Rleux, M. Renoux ; Gustavo, M. Dufroy ; Le Docteur, M. Ber- thler ; Arthur, M. Due ; TJn Commissionaire, M. Bosnian ; Un Domostlnue, M. Henri Ion : Margeurltc Gnutler, Mme. Rejane; Olyraue, Mile, Siiznnnu Avrll : Prudence, Mile. Jcniiln- Kelm ; Nlcbetie. Mile. Clcry : Nanlnc, Mllu. Rose Llou : Annie. Mile. De.vlla ; Esther, Mile. Bernou. Jos. K. Hnckett, lu "The Fortunes ot the King," Dec. 0. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger). — Despite the unpleasantness of tho weather a very large audience was on hand to welcome a bill of unusual excellence, headed by Collins and Hart, those comedy Samsons whose unties won rounds of applause. Ford and Gebrue were well received, renewed old friends and made new ones by their excel- lent dancing. Tlicy make up a team which Is hard to excel, and arc always welcome on a bill. Willie Hale aud Francis again de- lighted by » marvelous and humorous ex- hibition of hoop and globe rolling. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thome went through a rapid fire succession of comedy spasms, to the de- light of all. Crawford and Manning, always funny and welcome, were more so than ever, In their black face tumbling and trapeze work. The Sharplcys succeeded !u a comedy musical oct. and were well liked. The Vedroars called forth laughter as comedy acrobats. The Carey-Cotter Trio are good singers and dancers, Vllliers and Lee, in a combination musical, acrobatic and dancing act; the Bradys, In singing, dancing and bag punching ; Ma Dell and Corbley; In a musical act, aud Phllbrooka nnd Revnblds. in "Mlsi Stern Stenograph," helped beguile tbe time wltb laughter; and the stercoptlcon and vitagrapb, tilled out the Mil. •■■' Yorkvillr Theatre (Meyer R, Blmberg, rannngoi). — High clnss vaudeville continues to be'the vogue here. - Aaibhg the acts listed for lh<9 week are: The Empire City Quartet, U'flrlen and Havel, Four Emperors of Music, Moore and Llftlefleld, Scott Bros., Then. Moss Trio, the Great Lcoa aud tbe vita- graph. Proctor's F!ity-ela*th Street The- atre ( j. "Austiir Fy^or"Rweranniraigwr>« In spite of the first severe snow storm or the season, Monday, Dec. K**S£i$2t% ager Proctor's nptown' rbentr* turned out- in goodly numbers to enloythe good- fare pro- vided bv the management In an excellent vaudeville, headed by Isabel Irving. In Israel Zangwlll's satirical' comedietta, "Sly Per- Ron*."- which had been seen on the Proctor circuit further down town. Miss Irving, «s Eugenia Latimer, and Wilfrid North as l nnrles Scott, scored in their parts and the little skit went well. Tbe Monsneld-Wllbnr io.. In "The Shadow," served to Introduce Gertrude Mansfield n* EmUy Lawrence, Guy T. Bennet as Walter Blac. burst. Joe Hann- way ns Sullivan, and Cary *»'llbur as Jack Laadon. The action of the play was brisk, interest being maintained throughout by the efforts ot the four performers, curtain calls being the result at Its close. The sketch is moro pretentious than the general run of offerings at vaudeville houses and should prove successful. John C Fisher's Cham- pagne Dancers was another feature worthy of especial mention. Tbe dancing was ot high class, the costumes of the female danc- ers forming a pleasing picture. Others on the bill were the old favorites, Haines and Vidocq, In their rapid fire of repartee, which kept the house In laughter; Gentro and Bailey, In a sketch new at this bouse, called •a. Cigarette Case:" Mlchal Braham and bis hlghlv educated bull terrier, Mickey, who rendered efficient aid to bis master: the Brothers Rossi, In their comedy acrobatlsma ; Collins arid Hawloy, singers and dancers; Viola Duval, and the motion pictures. The continuous concert oa Sunday, Dec 4, filled the house. Next week, Henrietta Crosman, In "Sweet Kitty Bellaira" Daly's Theatre (Daniel Frohman, man- ager). — Nance O'Neil appeared to greater advantage In "Judith of Betbnlla," which she presented Dec. 0, for the first time In New York, than in any role she has thus far essayed during her present metropolitan engagement. The work Is a scriptural trag- edy. In four acts and seven scenes, by Thomas Bailey Aldrlch, and Miss O'Neil and ber company gave It for the first time on Oct, 12, at the Tremont Theatre, Boston. Mr. Aid- rich lias taken the scriptural story of Judith and Holofemes, and with embellishments and some slight reconstructions has fash- ioned a work of distinct literary merit and Interest. Although tbe piece Is simply a series of episode* the beauty and power of the lines hold close attention, and the action moves smoothly and rapidly, tbe author's blank verse being capital and his situations proving well conceived and powerfully car- ried out. Judttb, after she has slain Holo- femes and resetted the despairing Israelites penned up In Betbnlla, decides that she must thereafter be considered a being apart from the world, because' of the murder of which she is guilty, nnd so announces that determination to all. In the title role Miss O'Neil did most creditable work, rising to decided power in the heavier scenes and showing tbe varying moods of the character wltb distinctness and force. She fall abort of the work In several scenes because she made the error of striking at the outset of ber speeches too deep a note of pathos, which was particularly noticeable in the first net, but her performance in its entirety showed tragic force and' Intelligence In rending. Charles Dalton did the best work be lias shown thus far as llololernes, aud ' his success was com- plete, while Charles Mlllward, an tbe slave, gave one of the best performances of the evening. Louts M.issen marred his work by amateurish gestures, a fault which mnnv of the company were guilty of. Joseph. Wheelock, George Friend and Gertrude Bin- ley' did excellent work, and Clara Thompson scored a distinct success as Naomle. The play was beautiful!' staged and well costumed. The cast: Holofemes, Charles Dalton; Bagofls, Charles Mlllward; Archlor,' Louts M.'i?sen; Ozlcs, ' Joseph Wheelock ; Chnrmis, George Friend ; Chabrls, J. B. Coutchlah : Nathan, Arthnr H. Sawyer: Joaehln, Gilbert Aymar; Abner. W. C. Thome; Ellka, Sevmour Strnt- ton; Archer, William McKee: First Captain, Norman R. Steele ; Second Captain. Herbert Forrest; Third Captain, Lowell J. Sherman ; Fourth Captain. 0. M. Dalley; Fifth Cap- tain, George Friend; Marab, Gertrude Hln- ley; Naomle, Clara Thompson: Arzael, Rlcca Allen; Judith, Miss O'Neil. Circle Theatre (Perry 0. Williams, manager). — It was a most emphatic compli- ment, both to Manager Williams and the per- formers engaged here for this week, .when two audiences that filled the theatre com- pletely, ok each occasion, assembled to wit- ness the new hill presented on Monday, Dec. n. But then it was another of those tempting nrogrammee which caused the patrons to brave tho first snow storm of tne present Winter, and, as some expressed themselves, "It was worth It." Topping the bill • Is George Fuller Golden, the ' premier story teller, who, with his friend, '"Casey," has delighted London audiences for two years past, and who made his metropolitan reap- pearance on Monday. His reception was a rousing bumper of welcome, and his songs aud stories were Just as enjoyable and enter- taining as of yore. S. Miller Keat and com- pany, In a playlet, entitled "Just Dorothy," won well deserved favor; the Eight Vassar Girls, talented instrumentalists, vocalists and dancers, again demonstrated the fact that, in Its way, there is nothing better oa the vaudeville' stage ; Yorke and Adams are He- brew comedians par excellence ; the Seven Gruuatho Sisters, phenomenal acrobats, de- serve high praise for neat and clever work; the Four Piccolo ■ Midgets are expert In their line of endenvor; Powell's Electric Marionettes hold over for this week; the Howard Bros,, with their flying banjos; the Three Florence Sisters, singers and danc- ers, nnd the vitagraph are Included in this week's bill. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan ft Kraus, man- agers). — Fruuk B. Cnrr's Thoroughbreds Bnrlosqtiers opened here with an afternoon and evening performance Dec. S, before two packed houses. The entertainment was capl- tnl and was received with shouts of approv- al. The show opens with a very amusing burlesque, called "Looking for a Duke," which serves to Introduce the whole com- pany, which includes handsome women In fetching costumes. In the olio which fol- lowed were: Willie Weston, in Imitations, who scored heavily; the Dancing Mitchells, who danced themselves Into favor ; Blanche ■Washburn and Joslc ■ Flynn, who pleased with their singing and dancing: the Four Thoroughbreds (Coyne. Ardell, Lawrence nnd Edwards), who presented a sketch called "The Mysterious Venus," and were excellent ; Mile. La Tosca, who won favor for her feats of contortion, and tho Unique Trio, who met with success In n singing and dancing act. The closing hurlesquc, "The Thoroughbreds," wnB an extremely clever farce, full of good comedy bits, funuy situations, beautiful cos- tumes and scenery, und the electrical effects were superb. The full cobI was as follows: Rlrdle Cohen. Blanche Washburn; Helen Glazier, Joslc Flynn ; Hottle Hartwell, Mile. Lit Toscn : Jennie Llnd. May Strehl ; Mamie Worth. Tllllo Ardell : Fnnule Bright. Happy Eva Mitchell ; Pink Rose, Ada Mav ; Morning Glory, BIJou Hopkln ; Jack RoBe, Fay Odell ; Tansy, Uollle Murray ; Tulip, Marie Oliver; Lilac, Sadie Schnler: Daisy Ureon, Edna Thorpe; Fern, May Franklin: Tube Rose, Estala Aahton ■ Rose, Blanch Mann : Dtnnls McCnrty, Tim Healey: 1'Ulllp Cohen. Willie Weston; Percy Winter. George Edwnrds; Harold Fall, Thomas Coyne : SI Plunkett, I.nrry I^wreuce. Next week, Bohemian Burlesquers. • v. New Lyceum Theatre ■ (Daniel Froh- man, -manngeD^-Charles Wyndham, In "Da- vid Oarrlck." .began his fourth week Dec fi. "Mrs. Gorringe's Necklace' will receive Its premier ?• Proc tor's Twenty-third Street The. »Wtr-Ty."Aiittrn -Fyncs, general manager) A capital bill is offered th's week, with "Th» Girl With the Auburn Hair" retained for a second week as the headilncr, which speaks well for the excellence and popularity ot t u ,> act. The Kanfmann Troupe of bicyclists of- fered their great riding act on Dec. r,,'and marked appreciation was shown the truly remarkable work of these 'cyclists. I*ro' and -Clayton brought "A Horse on Hosran • well Into the limelight of popularity, and were given the well merited trlbnte of hearty laughter, their work being exceeding. ly good. Another act which scored heavily was that offered by Abble Mitchell nnd the "Four Southerners," which Is a colored spe^ cialty full of life and pleasing to a marked degree. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins D. Fisher B leased Immensely with "The Halt Way louse," Fred Zobedle, equilibrist, was glvei hearty applause; tbe. Four RIanos, with their spirited acrobatic sketch, "In Africa," cap- tured plenty of favor, and Rome and Fergu- son, In their singing, dancing and talkln<> made a most favorable Impression. That capital entertainer, Harry B. Lester, wni again to the fore with some new material and there was not a dull moment durln? his time on view. Others were : Robin, In com- edy juggling of a high order ; Hedrix and Prescott, In their capital dancing; Harry Lyons, whistling and Imitations, and Zara and Stetson, whirlwind gun and baton ma- nipulators. The motion pictures contlnne Third Avenue Theatre (Martin .T.Dlion, manager). — Lillian Mortimer aud n capable company Is presenting "A Girl of the Streets," a melodrama, under. the management of Deck- er and Veronee. Miss Mortimer does clever work as Kit, and F. W. Martin is excel- lent as the Rube. The full cost Is as follows: Bob Davis, Gilbert Fans; Don Green, Edward J. Le Sain ; William Meadows John Morlssey; Jlmmle, John Cnntwcli : Zacbarlan Heslkla Perkins, F. Ward Marlon : Officer, Harry Wilson; Nan Meadows, Eleanor Calces; Maria Perkins, Gertrude Avery Shields; Mother Green, Dora Horn; Babr Tot, Baby Myrtle. Tbe local scenes were well presented. J. L. Veronee Is manager; Walter D. Botto, advance representative; F. W. McDonald, advertising agent; F. Ward Marion, stage manager; Dan N. Lang?, stage carpenter; Guy Wilson, properties. Next week, "Down Our Way." Keith's Theatre (E. V. Albee, general manager). — Judging from the attendance here on Dec. C an element - more threat- ening than a snow storm would be necessary to prevent patrons from occupying tbelr ac- customed ceats when tbe new bill for the week Is presented on each Monday, for, not- withstanding the bad weather conditions of Dec 5, every available space 'n the theatre was preempted early, all eager to enjoy one of the best bills of the year. Mabel Mc- Klnley holds the top line position, and was cordially received In her yocallsms. The special feature of the bill is W. H. Murphy, Blanche Nichols and company, presenting, for the first time here, one of the best travesties ot an old time drama ever seen In vaudeville. It Is entitled "From Zoxa to Uncle Tom," and causes one continuous laugh from start to finish. Fred Hsllen and Motile Fuller gave a delightful portraval of their farcelet, "The Election Bets." Warren and Gardner (their debut here) scored solid- ly as "The Comedian and the Singer." Their comedy Is excellent and their act Is a vocal treat. The bill also Includes : Paul Barnes, monologise ; the Ferdinnnd-Gllnserettl Troupe, acrobatic experts; Kimball and Donovan, bnojolsts; Three Msdcans, acrobnt'c dancers; Carter and Bltiford, in "A Klckapoo Ro- mance;" Chndwlck Trio, presenting "Bank Hoover's Holiday;" May Evans, In Imita- tions ; the Karnes, on the flying rings, and the American blograpb. 'London Theatre (James n. Cnrtln, manager). — Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows are entertaining this week. Jeannette Gulcbard scintillates as the widow in "The Matrimo- nial Club," with great effect. Snltz Moon nnd Chns. Burkhardr, as Solomon and Levi present good comedy, and the entire com- pany are suitably cast. Tbe chorus is much in evidence and there Is action all of the time. The finish of the first part gives every cue a chance. The olio consists of five male teams, all of them first class. Frank Carlcton and Wlllard Terre, In vocal harmonies ; Jnck and Al. Gruet, In "Sam Substitute;" George Mulien and Corelll, comedy acrobats, with surprising tricks; Burkliart' and Moore, In an act full of laughs, and George Garden and Perrln Born- era, accomplished performers on various In- struments of music "In the Merry Month of June" again presented Miss Guichard and tbe ontlre company to good advantage. The musical and show numbers were pleasing to ear and eye alike. The patriotic finish brought tbe house to Its feet. Next week, the American Burlesquers, with Lottie Oil- son and Billy Hart. Windsor Theatre (A. H. Woods, mana- ger).— "A Woman's Struggle," by J. L. Greeabaum, was presented Monday, 6, to a good bouse. It was cast as follows: Jack Hanson, Charles D. Coburn: Gilbert Coes, Milton Dawson; Jacques Dumont, Frank Whitman ; Algernon Herbert Van Vourt, H. Bradley Barker : Burke Nlpsoo, A. J. Sharp- lev: Sinkers, Charles R. Wlrth: Flnnegau, John P. Curley ; Burnslde Con, John O'Brien ; Feathers, Milton Dawson; Gliiseppl Snrn- clncsca, James H. Powers; Jumes McCann, manager New York Ball Team, Thomas Jones; Alice Desmond,- typewriter, Ivah Wills ; Attalle Coes. Passle Mue. Lester : Mrs. Hanson, Minerva Florence ; Merry Winkles, Mary Reogb. The team — Pitcher, Jack Ban- sou ; catcher, Joe Kelly ; first base, Tom Dunn : second base, Jake Townly ; short stop, Will Bond; third base, John Hans; centre field, Robert Scbnble ; ri<»ht field, Tom Clngget ; left field. Un cry Lewis ; umpire, Mr. Enisle. Next week, "The Minister's Daugh- ters." Tbe Sunday concerts attract lart'S audiences. Miner's Eighth Avcnne Theatre (Ed- win D. Miner, manager). — The Utopians, In "Broke and Broken" and "The Yellow Dog," opened to good business In spite of tbe storm Dec 5, and the audience enjoyed It The olio Included : Valmore and Ilorton, the Boston City Quartette, Madden and Jess, Mildred Stolier and Fredoand Dare. Fun, music, dancing, costumes and scenery were all good, as was to be expected of this management. The cast: Bill Blowhard, Juo. W. Jess: SI Slowboy, Geo. Fredo; Arizona Pete, Joe Mad- den; Orlando Valentine, Eugene Jerge; Jonathan Slick, Jnck Hortou ; Washington T. Booker. Harry Dare; Jim Dash, Mildred Stolier; Nancy Ncverwell, Jnmes Hayes: Tilxle Smith' Premier, Lulu Valmore: Lucy Lovelorn, Ruth Jordan. Next week, the Bngddlers. Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. Hay- man ft Co., managers). — Nat C. Coodwln be; gaii his second week Dec. 5, In "The Usurper. Belaaco Theatre (David Belasco. man- ager). — David Warfield commenced hi* eleventh week, In "The Music Teacher," Dec C to packed houses. Hnber'a Mnsenm (John H. Anderson, manager). — The usual large crowds packed this House throughout the day, Dec. 5. If 1 tbe curio hall this week are: Madame Schcll, wltb ber troupe of lions: fourth week and great success of Lionel, the llou faced boy; Billy Wells, tbe Iron skull man; Ole Olson and Ct.pt. Austin, midgets; Grace Gilbert, tbe bearded lady; Brown, tho skeleton man,' and Geo. Bobbins, bag puncher. In the the- atre an excellent bill Is given to a large crowd. at every performance. Majestic Theatre (John J. Flaherty, nanager), — Paula Edwardea, In "Winsome Winnla," returned to town Dec and again pleased her admirers. The engagement is for one week • onlv. Bertha ualland, in "Dorothy Vernon of Haddon nail," follow! 12. - DECEMBER 10. THE NE¥ YORK GLIPPEE. 987 Garrlck Theatre (Charles Frohnan, nnnaccr). — At this house on Monday night, Doc 5. Annie Russell and company gave tlie first metropolitan, prodnc t Ion of •• Brother inehuci?' « fonr act comedy, by Henry Bern- sicln nnd 1'lcrre Vebcr. The piny, which was first acted Oct. 17 nt the Euclid Avenue onero House, tells the story of a young helms. Genevieve, who Is married against her will, to Jean, the profligate fon of the Mnrnuls de Ctantalard. The mttrrlnge In brought about by. Madame Uornngo (Oenc- riere's mint) and Jacques . Jouvcnla, cod ton of Madame Morongc, who" Is cnllcd "Ili-other JacuueS," by Genevieve. The lat- ter really loves Rrother Jacques, although «lie does not realize this fact. He knows that he loves her, but, believing he Is too old to think of her ns Well as too poor, and Ixlng blind to her lovo for him, he urges her mar- riage to Jean. The marriage takes place nnd Jacques goes nway to South America. Ills departure awakens Genevieve to the knowledge that she loves blm, and, In spite of the fact that she lias been the wife of Jean only two hours, she persuades her husband to desert her nnd go to his mistress, who Is a dnaccr in the La Scnla Theatre, Genevieve nt once begins action for divorce, n matter prearranged between Jean and her, but the proceedings arc opposed by the marquis, who, on ncount of his poverty, does not relish the Idea of giving up a rich dnughter-In-lnw. However, his consent to the divorce Is secured by Flossie Adams, the only daughter of nn American millionaire chocolate manufacturer, who hoodwinks hint into the belief that she will become the Mnrqutse de Chantnlard. Madame Morangc, In the mean time, has cabled to Jacques, who returns, nnd he and Genevieve at ItiKt find happiness. There Is little in the pray to commend it to theatregoers. It Is poorly constructed, weak and Improbable in story, and contains Impossible characters. Tbc only scene which creates any Interest Is that between Genevieve and her husband, in which she induces blm to desert her. This Is reaiiy a laughable scene and much of Its merit Is duo to excellent work of .Miss Russell and Mr. Wheoloek. If the play icceta with nny degree Of success it will be due to the Individuality of the star. She Invests the role of Genevieve with her own charming personality nnd thus creates rn Interest which the authors have failed to do. She Wins her audience from the sim and makes her hearers love the little heroine In spite of themselves. . Never has Miss Russell s personality been put to a severer met, nnd never has Its strength been more fully appreciated Ihnn In this play, .loseph Whcclock Jr., as Jean, guve ut> artis- tic performance of a dilikutt character, [n Itself the role Is nothing, but us ployed by Mr. WfeMsoek It 1h u pronounced character study. Kllzabetb Johnson was a breezy Flossie Adams, aud Oswald Vurke, except for a tendency to speak In too loud a voice, did creditable work. The other members of i he company made the most of tbelr meagre opportunities. The play wus handsomely staged, the three scenes used being line speci- mens of the scene painter's art. The cast m lull . Genevieve, Annie Russell : Mmc. Mor- angc, Mrs. Cbas. \V. Walcott : Pauline, Greua Ilcnnett ; Vnleutlnc, Davenport Seymour ; An- lolnette, May Hennessey; Juliette, Elizabeth t'hurchlll; The Princess. Claire Winston; Mnrletlc, maid, Mary Gurdou ; Flossie Adams, Kllznbcth Johns.. u ; Jacques Jonvciiln. Os- wuld Vorkc; Marquis de C'liantalurd, Grant Stewart; Jean, his son, Joseph Whcelock Jr.: MOM, Itcllecontrc, George W. Wilson ; Bishop of Tlflig, Charles J. Uurbidge; Duke of Fltz Arnold, Sidney Mnnstlcld ; the Admiral, Wm. Wray : the Magistrate. J. R. Coolcv : the De- tective, J. Harding; Footman. Lou \V. Carter. American Tbentrc (Klaw, Erlanger & IVels, managers). — The snow storm of Dec. 5 did not prevent a capacity house from greeting the first down town production of "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned," a five act melodrama, by Charles E. Blaney. This Is billed as a story of the church and stage, nnd tells of the clandestine marriage, tfvc years previous to the action of the play of Julian Larrolne, leading man of the Ampulon Stack Co., to Viola Keith, daughter of a min- ister, strenuously opposed to the stage. If Julian's marriage becomes known he will lose Ids' position, and Vincent Grand, heavy man, nnd Julia Clifford, heavy- woman, of th* same company, use their knowledge of this "circum- stance to villainous advantage, separat- ing men nnd wlfo for Ave years. Viola and her daughter nre reduced to penury and finally mcel the husband and father In u tavern, where villainy gets Its first start on- the down grudc, assisted by Garrlck Guuut, tragedian and personal friend of Julian and Viola. A pluy within the pluy Is used In the fourth act, aud everyone receives his ur her just deserts nt the final curtain. There arc good situa- tions, though lluic worn, but they are not well led up to and the story lacks coherency. Mng Raggnt. as Julian, was sympathetic and very often convincing. Wm. Elliot, as Mncent, was plcusing ut all times and did ■ hy far the best legitimate work of the evening. Ilnrry Mnrkuam, as Manager Clif- ford, was good throughout. Ohms. Sutton was Intelligent and dignified ns the inlnlBtcr, 'hough mouthing his words too much. To "alter Wilson, ns Garrlck Gnunt, the trn- gcdlnu, fell the burden of the comedy, and fortunately so, for bis work redeemed the piece more than that of anyone eli";: His locum speech as Mare Antony was particular- ly funny, though n trifle too long: Ills concep- tion of tho burlesque "legit" was perfect Geo. t'vey. an Tmiiblca, the call boy. overworked nnd lo-it many points. James Brooks, ns, Tim, In his few lines In front of the lobby. was more lima good, winning sympathy and laughter: It wus one, of the few genuine touches of nn- biro that mnkes us kin. Lvdln Powell, ua mhIu. looked charming, but was too dramatic and unconvincing; Louise Horner, as Flllue, the soubrcttc, sang anil danced well, winning applause, und Mb Kvelvn rend her lines nx few stnge children do — with expression and meaning, suiting the action to the word nnd vice versa. Little girls should remem- ber, however, that when nsleep their eyes nre, nnd should tie closed to what occurs In tin' Mii'llcnce. The happenings on the stage called forth much laughter, and the stage settings nnd costuming were In keeping. The piece will probably do n good week's busi- ness. Ike cast follows : Julian Lornlne, King ££"*,< V| ucent Grand, Win. Elliot ; Mark 'HITfird, Harry Mnrkhnm: Her. Kbcncezer Jveth. Chns. Sutton : Garrlck Gaunt, Walter "Ilson: Troubles. Geo. Over; Hugo, Will Armstrong; Tim. Jnmes Brooks: Vloiu Keith, Lydia IWoll; Jnlln Clifford. Bcrtlnl Robl- son: Hflnc, Louise Horner; Soraplilna i Honey, May Wyndham ; Ruth Lornlne, Raby h .v*lyn; Mrs. RIackmore. Mrs. John Duel. •/ T eek - U" 5 Kay", 'n "Down the Pike." ■ llailnon Theatre (Henry B. Harris, "imager).— Ethel Rarrymore. In "Sunday," began. Dec. 5. her fourth week. Fourteenth Streejt Theatre f J. Wcs- iey iioscnquest, manager). — Andrew Mack be- fan b's fifth week Dec. G, in "The Way to Kcnmare." BIJon Theatre (Henry R. Sire, mana- ger).— -May Irwin, In "Mrs. Black is Rack," l °-' n 'i her fifth successful week Dec. C. Ro- und Carter and Lillian Kavanaugh recently Joined the company. Victoria Theatre (Oscar nammersteln, ''monger).— -The bill this week Includes: -uay lobe, the famous Ten Elolil Troupe, fj'ffht Colllnls. Nlcbol Sisters. GeoribS Evans, fierbert's performing dogs. Tony Wilson and down. Milt nnd Maud °Vood. Mile. Atnotir- . "its, the TitngHiph aud Maggie Cllne. Casino (Sam S. & Lee Shubert, mann- EJftrf'Iae Baroness Fiddlesticks 7 ' began its third week Dee. 0. Savoy Theatre (Frank McUee, mana- ger).— ."Mrs 1 Wigs* of tho Cabbago Patch" commenced Dec. S Its fourteenth week. Miner ■ ]l«mer>- Theatre (Thos. W. Miner, mnnager).— Clark's Runaway Girls arc repenting on the Rowcry this week with "EL ,, ,< ;, e ? t , ln S Programme, of which the Mln- g* ""J'S 1 lfl n Ploaslng feature. Others are : our >\ lves. ' Abe Reynolds and Geo. Gubl, the La \ alios, la a clever gymnastic act, with novel and showy apparatus: the Burg Sisters, ginger girls: the Horseshoe Three, in a laughable act. concluding with the blow- ing tip or the parrot cage: Geo. T. Davis nnd Rosalie, Hi, n specialty concoction which In- troduces Mr. Davis' llfuBirnted songs: August $•&!'••."!? W^stler, and "OnV nuhdMa "BSE . Ncl[t £?*• ,he Halaty Duchct^ Co. Criterion Theatre (Charles Frohninn, manager).— Louis Mnnn coptinues, In "The Second Uddle," having begun his third week Dec. 5. Harlem. — At the Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llchtenstcln, manager) the Rogers Brothers drew a well ■filled house Dec* B, and met with a warm reception, Next week, Ccellin Loftus. West Esd (George A. Blumenthnl. man- fs c . r -7T Tfflrley Whlrley," one of Weber * 1 ields best musical production, with Chns. J. Ross nnd Mabel Kenton as the leading lights, Is this week's attraction. Both Btars retain all their old time ability to entertdln, and on Dec. 5 a great reception was accorded them. The supporting company has beeu Well selected and there is not n dull moment from start to finish of the performance. This kind of entertainment seems to lie what tho patrons of this house want nt present, and the opening attendance was big. A good week Is assured. Next week, David Hlgglns, In "ills Last Dollar." Metropolis (Henry Rosenberg, manager). — Hurry Martell's company, presenting "The Volunteer Organist," opened to a crowded house .".. This play has never failed to pack this house. Tbc production is a splen- did one In every respect. Next week, "The Ninety and Nine." Stab (Wm. T. Keogh, manager). — The hoy actor, Joseph Sautley, In "From Rags to Riches," began a return engagement !>, under favorable circumstances, the house being tilled at both performances S. As young Suntley Is a favorite here he should have no trouble In reaching n high water mark In attendance. Next week, "The Great Automobile Mystery." PllOCXOIV'S OSK 1 1 UXIltlKD AXn TWKNTT-FIFTII Stiiket (J. Austin Fynes, general manager) — "Thelina" was selected as the offering for this week, and it packed this house. at both performances .". The piny wus thoroughly enjoyed, it wus handsomely staged and cast, nnd prospects nre bright for a big week. The vaudeville presented "Tlie Queens Fan," by Misses Warden, Archer and Child, Sydney Grant, the (iregsons, McGrath Bros, und George llolden. HuuTKi & Skamox's Mt;wc IIall (Ren Bui 1 tig, malinger). — A crowded house, 5, wel- comed the following jieopic : Rosarlo Guer- rero, in "The Rose and the Dagger;" Suhcl Johnson. Edwin Keough and company, Zeno Curl and Zeno, tho Three Crane Brothers, Prentice Trio, Johnuic Carroll und Roberts, Mayes nnd Roberts. OoTtl.vji (Sullivan & Kraus, managers). — The Dewey Hxtravngunza Co. began a re- turn engagement 5, under favorable circum- stances, ns the house was well filled both afternoon und evening. Since the company's Inst appearance several changes hare been made with most satisfactory results, and tlie organization may now be considered one of the strongest of the wheel shows. Next week, tile Utopians. Oi.VMi'ic. — This hotiBC elosed as n vaude- ville theatre ii and will reopen Dec. 12 under the inauagcmeut; of At. Woods, with the melodrama, "The Wayward Sou," thus chang- ing tho policy of the house. Brooklyn. — At tbcMontauk (Isabel Slnn- Hcclit. manager) Cecilia Loftus, In "The Scrio-Comlc Governess," is here Dec. G-10. Last week Rogers Brothers played to ca- pacity. Next week, "The Other Girl." Majestic (Charles R. Sturges, manager). — "Iris" is played by Eugenie Blair 5-10. Miss Blair gives n forceful performance. Stella Mayhew, in "Flo Flo," was given a good hearing. Next week, "Running lor Office." Guam) Oi'Riu IIockh ( Lew Parker; mana- ger). — "A Race for Life" is presented here 0-10. Last week "Two Utile Sailor Boys" packed the house. To follow, "Me, Him urn I I." Park (Wm. Hyde, manager). — "Rscaped from Slug Slug" 5-lt>. Mnuy Interesting scenes arc presented. "From Rags to Riches next week. Bt.iuu (Mary G. Spooncr muuiigcr). — This week presents Cecil Spooncr, lu My Sweet- heart. Cliiude Tliiirdo rcudcrs several of his latest songs. For the past week or so business! here has Improved. Next week, "The l'ride of Jenulco." Cor.rMiiiA (Dave A. Wels, manager). — For the closing week of the .stock company here "Dora Thornc" Is presented ti-]U. Richard Buhler makes his farewell nppenrnce in the leading rule of Lord Karl, and Miss Rodgers plays T)ura. the title rule. The entire com- pany arc seen to an advantage. Commencing Dec. l'J this house will be known as a music hull. For next week a strong bill Is an- nounced. OurtiKt'ii (Percy G. Williams, manager). — Ireland's Own Baud, which consists of over fifty talented musicians, as well as a number of noted Irish singers. Is here this week. Others are: Stuart, T 'fbe mule l'nttl;" JStalcy nnd Blrbcck, Fred Nlblo, the Mes- senger Boys' Trio, Powell's Mnrlonettes, Charles Hero, Hcehan'u trained dugs and the vitiigrnph. flrw & Behman'h (Nick Norton, mana- ger). — A strong 'bill Is presented tills week with John l'. Rice and Sully Cohen heading the list, others nre: Itobby Gaylor, (he Four Avolos, Bedlnl and Arthur, Four Sensational liaises, the 'Iliree AllKirns, Rico nnd Hlmcr, Dixon and Holmes, Louis A. Simon aud Grace Gardner. Keenby's (Frank A. Kcency, manager). — Grace Cameron beads the bill here 5-10, In her songs. Others are: J. K. Kmmctt and Anna Morelnnd. in "A South Dakota Di- vorce ;" Soger Midgley and Gertie Carlisle, Frank Bush, Regnaux's Persian animals, ponies, dogs nnd »oats : Hal Merrltt, Gre- gory and Ward, Henderson and Hoss, and the Keeneyscope. Stak (AI. Scbonbcrg. manager). — The Rowcry Rnrlcsrpie Co. 5-10, with the Daven- port Urol hers as an extra feature, and Mylcs McCarthy and Co., nnd other clever vaude* v'llc performances. Watson's Com Conxrn (W. B. Watson, malinger). — This week: Johnson. Davenport nnd Lorclla. in "The Two Football Players and the Itubo:" Luu Brothers, the armless wonders : the Ushers, In "The Newsboy and the Kid ;" Williams and Melburn, singers and dancers: Harry M. Stewart, a comedian; the Clausen Sisters, Anile and Dot. The burlesque offering Is n well known travesty on the well known piny. "Heidelberg." Br.oAiiw.w (Leo C. Teller, mnuagcr). — Otis Skinner, I>ec. 5-10, In "Tho Harvester." Good business lust week. Tho ltogcrs Broth- ers .next. Fully (Ronnett Wilson, manager). — Billy It. Van. "The Errand Roy." r.-lO. Big busi- ness last week. Next, Hunlou Brothers, In "Suporba." Patton's (S. S. Allen, manager),— "The nnly City." staged with that degree of care- fulness that innrkr, Mr. Payton's productions, Is glvtm this week, with the entire strength of the atock company. ' Betwoen the acts raoviu* pictured are shown by George H. Thomas. Business continues big. Next, "Brown's In Town." OAtKTT (James Clark, msnnrer).— Harry llryunt'f Burlcsaners opened g week's itay night of .".. The burlesques are "Wild Oats" and "Ulrlev tllrley." Xovriir {DnvlcT.Roblnwm, Ban».g>r)>- Mnrtln's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" thla week. All the oltl landmarks of the play are re- tained. . Next, "HI* WUe's secret* Gotham (Charles Willlaifls, 'manager);— "The Wayward Son" this week. Nell Twomey, who wrote the piece, appears In the stellar role. *'A Working Girl « Wrongs" next, Cxteci (Frank M. Carr. maunder) .^-Cur- rent bill Includes); The l.orrle Trio. In "Fun In a Rrstaararit ;" Carr and Yule. Glenroy and IlURsell. Kl Nino llddle And Sunderland nnd Fndo. The burlesques arc "Tho 1'alBa's Unughter" nnd "Tile IHnmond PaMce." Lyit.em (Louis Phillips, manager).— it 20 24 20 2fi 20 28 n t 21 17 M 20 17 13 r> o 7 14 14 30 2A 25 22 15 18 lfl 11 10 in 22 20 11 15 J 1 18 22 22 17 22 IS 11 1 14 18 Drawn 15 24 10 20 3 10 e»m. Boos to Stodsnth.— We hare recelTitJ from the publishers n ropy of the new, cheap edition of Wm. Cook's "Chess Players' Com- pcndinm." Thla work Is a first class guide nnd Mentor to beginners. This edition la In all respects a fuc .tbniln reproduction of the costlier editions, cj-rrpt that it Is bouud In good firm paper. Moreover, Am. Cb. student* need not take the Iroubtc to add reus tho pub- lishers and bother nbout Rngllsh money, for they can tend a if 1 American note to "Editor Rrltlsh Chess Magazine," 38, Park Crois Street, Leeds, Rngland, and receive a copy of thla lioon to Students. I Aftermath. The Rrookliin Konte and Chleaiio Tribune give. In n group, portraits of nil tho con- testants lu tho St. Louis tourney, Willi Hen. S. Wash, manager, and lieu. R. Foster, treas- urer. We have n Hue, largo photo grntipe of tho Fifth Am. Ch. Cougress in New York, January and February, 1880, giving port- raits of the ten contestants and uf clevon distinguished chess musters of tho day who attended tho congress. Of all this notable assemblage. Hon. Mux Judd Is the ouly re- maining ilgure to appear in this Seventh Am. Congress group. 'Iho advance of years aud chnngo of position have deprived the on- looker of n recognition of tho portrait ; but the broad, capacious forehead, und a calm, comment expression still marks the veteran's bearing It Is explained In Vomalr that "tin agreeable compromise has been effected fa re Mr. Marshall's milch dlactissnd gold medal at St. Louis, Tho committee ima slightly modified, tbo title. It proposed to bo- it mv by prefixing tho word 'tour nam one,' ao that Mr, M. now stuodH thu tournament: champion of tho United States," which la trim enough Thu following remarkable Item, ns uewB, appoared Arm >or« UeraUl: 'The seventh round of thu Seventh Am, Ch. Congress blasted any hopes Max Judd might have had for first place Marshall's Q'a gambit was too much for blm. nnd be re- signed after seven moves ( I) It Is arranged for Judd and Marshall to pluy u mutch of five games for n bide bet, Marshall agreeing not to play 1..P to G 4 (In attack, we tup- pose,) in nny game. Wn have not hear* 1 of hucb a uialf h hcliig entered upon, aud It is pretty nearly Inconceivable to any chois player, who knows anything nf dauntless Mux Judd, that he Is su shy of this opening, or any other, us to stipulate that un op- ponent should not piny It. Like tho aus- picious Scotchman, on another nubject, "A lin'e ma dools" None of tho expected problem reports from Hint liraurh of tho congress having put hi mi appearance, we gather In a conplo morn of tho games. I.— JUtUVtM' COU.YiiJIt-GAMlllT. White. Bisek, L'cdeniann. Mlotkowskt |1..PI«K4 IMoKI 3..KKI-B3 »..B-Kt» 4..P-O0 aKt-ia P-KB4 BI'XP Ki-Ba P.0 8 ill Mil KMtl BXKt Iier 2 t-R4 KR-Bsq ( U Neatly changes IltitEOULAR, Ucdemann. PtoKS 0..OPX P i;..tj»siicH 7..Kt-«a 8 P-OR3 9.. KB- II 4 lfl..O-liera lL.KtPXB U..K-K12 13..Kt-0 6 White, Black, Bedumanu. lllutkuwskl, l4,.PtoH4 PtoQBU l.'...KtXB 1D..K-Hs(| KI-B6 I7..B-KU(I) QXB IS..OXKI, P-KKtS lti..lltxKtPBP v Kt .'() . P-B 6 Q-B U jt.u-Kts K-q iS..Q R-Qsq .8 u-Ba q-Ktii 24 y-K.14 ij-Kta i»..UXgtP-(-K-hU3 18 (J mutes. the whole situation.. A3 KtPX»* Kemony. l..rtoQ4 2..KKI-B3 8..F-K4 4..R II-Q3 f...Kl'Xi' u..oaitlos .Rt-Ba I K-Kt a •K.S , B rm, all flrst data condition. •" • HRNaT BOHCKRH, w m k. ink street. New Vote. THE GREATEST 8JBNBATIOW IN ■ LOT PARLORS, ILLUSION MACIUNK. "CREATION OF MAN. AS YOff WKRB 0.0qO»YKARS.AO<)?' '"SKK YOtK FINISH." ••MORNING AJTBIV three III Ml, now in operation' In Leading Tariors In New York. Particulars.- J BENNETT, ^. . ,«» B. ittu Street, New York. MUSIC Arranged, Composed. . and 11BBIE DIM, KFIKINED GRVMAN COMFDY. AT L11IEBTY, 131 g. Hth ST.. g. V. Wanted, People in All Lines. Canute few good AMATLTUK Also Amateur 'gotatatiaa. 10KFHN A IKiDOK. York, 111. Planleu Three night amnde. J AC"" JOHMVIE BKIXt/1% Tue l.ltuo WblrlwlQd Juggler, now playing Clubs and Sunday Concent In and a: AH agents, or per, ail.; 3ia K. HtfiSt. WANTED QUICK. GOOD SKETCH TEAM. Good All 'Houur) ooaiediar. answer. 1IARKY M. ABRLKY. rjlyssss, N eb, ADAMS;: COMEDIANS, 0. FAITH ADAMS, Mir., National Printing Co., Chicago, til. PLAYS For Sale or To Rent A Woman's Love Melodrama in Four Aots. Cast eleven. Seven men and four women. Copyrighted. The Gave of Paradise A Beautiful Drama tn Fonr Aots. Copyrighted. Lured From Home Melodrama In Fonr Acts. Cast ten. Copyrighted. Trinity Chimei Melodrama In Four Acts. Cast fourteen. Rnna from 8.U to 11 P. M. Copyright. Scenery com- plete. Large assortment of paper, fonr colors; bin and frame trunk. Props., Organ, Chimes, Cbolr Suits. Complete for the road. Slave* of the Workshop Sensational Drams In Four Acts. Copyrighted. Eleven people. The Sunset Limited A Reallstle R. R. Comedy Drama. Ten people. O'Hooligan's Wedding Farce Comedy. Ten people. Tim Mahoney's Frolics Farce Comedy In Three Acts. ajjj HMIIC, MUSIC, MYSTERY AND MIRTH ! RE-ENGAGED BY' MR. CLKVELAlf D WEEK OK DRC. 4. Keeping 'Em Guessing ! Perm anen t address, care of CLIPPE R. Wanted Quick, 383 Pearl St., Brooklyn, New York. Have on hand to Comedy Sketches that can be played with 2, a or < people. Burlesques to order: nave 100 on band. BIGGER DEMAND Than ever before for OOOD vaudeville acts. No better acts to be bad anywhere tban those In Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stage fan, con- taining al Original Parodies, t new Mono- logues, 4 great Sketches, new Dutoh, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Comlo Poems, Touts and Epitaphs; two roaring faroet, two big burlesques, besides hundreds of new Gags, Stories and Jests— so big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 9, 11.50: any 8, |2; any «, tlto or Budgets 8, 4, 7. t and 9, is. Others out of print. Send an orders to my agent L.J. K. HEIL, 1404 Third Are, New Tork. CHAR A WEB C01EDIAB, Wire. FEATURE SPECIALTIES. LKADBB, PIANIST, ABRASGER. State lowest. Pay own. Smith and Dell, Tommy Momr. wire. J. O. WELSH. Dover, N. H., Dec. 12 1 RENT OR FOR IE, CLEVELAND'S THEATRE, Chicago's largest and most popular Vaudeville Ifoinf, now undergoing nltaratlona to comply with latt at < Ity ordinance governing theatres. Address W. S. CLEVELAND, PRESIDENT W. H. CLEVELAND AMUSEMENT COMPANY, CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. FREE Your mind from care and worry, by purchasing a few legitimate SLOT MACHINES Such as I recommend and manufacture, and there win be plenty of MONEY FOR YOU. The Illusion t« the latest novelty, and a big money ge'ter. The crowd eats H up. Write let- ter for particulars and urlCB. F. B. ZIMMERMAN, 18 W. isth Street, New York ADAMS' COMEDIANS, 0. FAITH ADAMB, Mgr., National Printing Co.. Chicago, ill. CrKro, LEADS or HEAVIES. Toronto, Ohio, week Dec. s. care of DILGKR. CORNKLL CO. After Deo. lo, syraiute, ». Y AT LIBERTY (ACCOCNT CLOSING OF CO.), P. J. KANE, SINGING AND DANOINO COMEDIAN, LYDIA KANE. LEADS. Ability, appearance and wardrobe. Address TORONTO. Ohio, week of Deo. 5, care or l>l ger-Cornell Co. WANTED, FOR CIRCUS OUTFIT TO BE SOLD AT NICHOLS BAZAAR, BROAD AND CHERRY, PHILADELPHIA. TtJUR8» DAV, DEC. IS, 11KI4, At NOON, the following property need in tbe Mae Farland A UoMer Circus: t Large Tableau Vagons. i Pole Wagons, one lit for railroad show; l Band Wagon, l Cook Wagon;! Baggage ■wskobh, l double deo* cross cage wagen for small anltnsla.l Pony Tableau, very elaborate and odd: also other Wagons i>std in tbe outfit; i lent, 136ft. Round Top; 8 smaller Tents, The Clowu Pony, and a good one and handsome, does the Bucking Aot, the January and Hie Ring Natters' and Clown Act; alto tells time of day, and edu- cated fit tor the state; 1 Pad. Dog, l Elk. 2 years old; ti baggage Morses,' Pine Parade and Baggage Harness, plumes and everything pertaining to a complete circus; full Cooking umflte, etc. The above Is good property and In good shape and will positively be sold. 65ft. PULLMAN CAR Accommodates 40 people. Six wheel trucks. Fully equipped for fast passenger aervlce. Cash, $1100. JOHN H. FEROC80N. 828 Pearl St., Joplln, Ho. IT'S A SUCCESS! OH A3. WILL F. MORTIMER-CROCKETT COMEDY CO. WANTED— Letdlng Lady, roubrette, Heavy Nan and Gen. Bus. Man. Low, sure salary. State fullest panloui*rs. Address W. c. COOK. Clarion, Pa., or per route. I Tuba, double Piano or Batti. Answer OKO. PECK. 814 W. 43d St., X. Y. Olty. $2,000 TO INVEST. Wanted, party will) the above amount. Small Circus Co tor Soutb America. Have toured tbe country and know It thoroughly, Have several feature aerial acts myself ana nucleus lor small stinw. Those Interested wi l aot promptly. *i- dress P. M. ZOLA. 1707 State 8t .NewHaven.Conn. AGENT AT LIBERTY. One nlgbter preferred. $26 and nay nu own. WALTER LE«, 1838 Charlotte Street, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED. Tanorand Bass Singer, Two Good Trombones, Loud Cornet. WIRK: WILI.8HND TIOKRTS. HARLOW A WILSON'S MINSTRRL8, PerRotlte, WASTKD, FUR IULVEY'8 COMEDY COIPAIT. llepertotre People In All Lines. Prefer those Doubling Brass. Open near Chicago Jan. 2. Must be sober and reliable. Pay vonr own. DR. H.O.'MCLVKV, Week Dec. 6, Dodgevllle, Wis.; week Dec. 12. Holiandale. Wis. FOR SALE-Let if Pletiri Midlines, Punching, Lifting. Lnng Tetters, Electric and Name Plate Machines. Will bay Ferris Wheel If in good order or tDy new attractions. Must be cheap tor ossh. J, K. Cahlll, 764 Wi'st German St.. Baltimore, Md. ADVANCE AfiEHT AT LIBEBTY. Posltlvolj don't drink. Absolutely relltble. Good character and habits. Faithful worker Address A. S. M., Room 6, 46 La Salle St., Chicago. 111. SPARLINe & BURK, PL AY WRIGHTS. Sketches and songs for Vaude- vlilo. I'rlcea rlgnt. HAMMOND. Ind WANTED, VEB8ATILE LEADIlffi WOIAH. COMMAND il'OBD. Norfolk. K. Y-. wesl; Dae 0; uaranao Lake Dee. 12, ADAMS' COMEDIANS, O. FAITH ADAMS, Mgr, National Printing Co., Chicago, 111. I Want the Best People That Are At liberty, for G. FAITH ADAMS' XKVT WK8TKBX CO., ••■-■•> "•"Jft" "■"*»■ ADAMS COMEDIANS. 4. M VAajqmn a Yoodr, Attractive Woman for Leads and some Soni>rettes, who can DP.LIYER IJ1F TTSnibU, KEAL 00008, DRK8S THE PARTS and LOOK THEM (00)601— to act— not matri- mony). Also People in All Lines, Character Man to Direct Stage, some with Speclalilea: MUSICAL TKAM THAT CAN ACT, THAT PLAY VIOLIK and PIANO and CORNET; Mao with Picture Machine that can play parts or do specialty, to run props. Photo, age and lowest salary In first letter. Addrets, csre of NATIONAL PRINTING CO., Tribune Bldg., Chicago, 111. I will personally conduct this attraction. In preparation, my new comedy. ••WILL HE HARRY BIS WltTaVS IICBUASD'S WIFE I" The Chadwick Trio In HANK HOOVER'S HOLIDAY. A Comedy Sketch of Society Foibles and Bustle Simplicity, Embracing a Variegation of Humcr, Harmony and Dancing. THIS WEEK, KEITH, IMOV gt* By WM. D. HALL, of Philadelphia. Address AL, HAVER, S«. James Bldg., N. V. SOMETHING NEW IN VAUDEVILLE. THE FRENCHMAN AND THE OTHER FELLOW. Something new and np to date. A laugh from start to finish. Contrary to all rumors, this It the original team of William mitchkll and JOHN J. caim. have OfEN TIME for VAUDEVILLE OR FABCE COMEDY. Address all communications to 15«3 «th ST.. Borough Par*, Brooklyn, N. Y., or AGENTS. AI.G. Field Greater Minstrels BAND EEADER, B-FLAT CORNET. Hntt Doable First Violin In Orch*»tm, have latest mmli, and be capable or lending a flrat class Iiaad. Heferencos required. Afldreis Roanoke, Vn., Dee. 8; Charlottesville, Vs., Dee.tt; Rlcbmond, Va.:Dee. 10. Permanent Offlrei SO BKOID ST., COLlMBls, O. Marguerite Johnson, SoBkittis and Ingenues, Sieging and Dancing Specialties. Toronto, Ohio, week of Dee. 5. Jeanette Johnson, Characters aid 6eaeril Business, Can of DILOER-CORnTBt.il CO. m Emotional, Light Comedy and Sonbrette leads. "— I U~" WW— w» J www WW WW. V..V WWMWDI Fine line of special paper. Have been starring at the head of my own Co. for several seasons. Clos- ing lieoaote tne worlc of managing In connection with starring Is too great a strain. ' Pine wardrobe. would U se to hear from responsible managers only. Address JUBNBONriURG, PA. TOM Grll^IvE^. «• •• NOTHING SUCCEEDS LIKE SUCCESS. At Keenej's, Brooslvn. last week. Oneof the biggest nits lhat ever played that honse. At American, Sunday, Dec. I, I closed entire show. On at 11 1*. M., anil !i„. a,ld ' e ' lce l»"lfhed right ont lond for to minutes, and 1 followed oneof the big iilisof the show, TDK QRI.AT TASOOTT, Uoon Sbonter. Deo, 12, Empire. Hoboten. WM. MORRIS. JOE PAIQE SMITH. B. A. MYERS, WALTER PLIMMKR have booked time forme. Perm, address, m East Utli St., S.T.C SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE Grand Rapids, IVIIoh., To Responsible Parties Only. Can give Immediate possession. . Address MRS. WM. B. SMITH. TO LEASE THEATB.E, CITY OV 10,000 OR RORB, THIS SBABOK OR NKXT. ADOUII • -*■ I 1 *. K.. Oar* of CLIPPER. "THE LITTLE GIRL WITH THE BIG VOIGE" (MISS LILLIAN LK ROT). Keith's Cllronlt, K.Y.: Philadelphia,!; Provioenoe, 13; Boston, is; then Cleveland, PlttlbBTf, _•»'!• more, Washington, etc.; Chicago, Uydo A Behman"s, Dec W. , ■ !_. Wanted, 111 First Class Dramatic and Specialty People. Can be used for the -TAR STOCK COMPANY at ad itsies. No rare?. Mast be Al . JOSEPH BALL, MANAGER MTAIt THEATRE, LTlUk, -V. Is -•>:;. ■■•. December 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 9&> 't^sjj** all ova HUi COJKK ■WXTII BIO TITLES, AMD IHOW OCR TRa.DE JIARK, PATHS £98 SJGLLIHGAGErlT., KLtlNI OPTICAL CQ r 4 12 Cents Per Foot. COME AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NIVER BUY "DUPI8." Write for new Illustrated catalogue. i . Our catalogue, with its 160 pictures, will give you some Information about the films we handle. Many of these films have been ad- vertised t»y other manufacturer, but our catalogue will show you that we are the makers of the PATH! FILMS. We sell only original films which have been made by our operators on their travels or In our large theatre at Paris. The best advertisement for our films Is the fact that 10 many concerns dupe them, but everybody knows that a "Dupe" will never ahow the same result as an Original Film. •• 42 E. 231 Shut, Hit Yttk. -=*■ BELASGO THEmE ' 42d 8t ■■mwes Et.8.1*. Msu.8at.at3. WABFIBL.D cjg£?gg5u, Th« rVtusaio Mnstar, , sj onA RLEs ma, * Direction of DAVID BEL ASCO. PASTOB'S COLLINS & HART, F0RD&6EHRUE, HALE* FRANCIS ' TBE SHARPLIK8, MR. A MBS UARKYTHOBNE, VEDMARS, CRAWFORD' & UAHNIire Spitlil Future. CAREY- COTTER TRIO. YILLIERS A LEE, THE BR-ADYS, PHILBRO JK8 A REYNOLDS, MABCL A CORELEY, ' ORIENT A OCCIDENT, THE VITATJBAPH. AND AS EXTRA ATTRACTION, JOHH FOBO & MAYME 6EHBUE. S. F. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrical Enterprise.. - B. F. A LBE B. General Mans. — HIGH CLASS VATBKVI QUEEN CITf THEATRICAL AGENCY Ul E. 4th 81., 8nile 9, Cincinnati, 0. GOOD Peoplo In AU Branches or the Dramatic, Vaudeville and Mnaioal . Profession placed on short notice. MANAGERS supplied with com- petent peoplo on receipt or letter or wire. Attention, Band and Orehestra Leaders! Do you want to L.arn 10 Compos* and *™»»**> *H• ,e, ,f •», lend He. itamp for trial lesson. Nothing to pay until Ton hare been taught Lessons]., a and a. If these lessons do not convince yon that this Is Strictly Legit- imate, then They are Free. Don't write nn- less yon have a thorough knowledge of the rudl- msnta of mnslc, and Bean Ba.lne... C. W. "WILCOX (Harmonist) 1539 Broadway, aT. Y. 8. K . BODODON, Booting Manager. Association of Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way and Hth BU.N.Y.. *» SEWEf bit 14th SI LADIES' MAT. DAILY. THOROUGHBREDS. "Looting for a Duke.'' hhu IJ5tli8t.ft3dA,. I. AmBS* MAT. DAILY. Dewey Bnrlesqners. "Tld Bits " "Chill Sance." Huber's "£ Museum o « . H. II nber, Fropr. J. H. AadanoB, Mgr. WASTED, Attractions and Freaks for Curio Halls. Add. J. B. ANDKBSOS, as above. DEO. and HAT W00DW1BD, Tbe Original Sunburned Bubes. THE MATHIEUS This ;waskT Columbia Theatre, 8t. Louts, Mo. HirryH, UMOUHT ind PAULETTE Louise AND DQO BBMOH1E ALWAYS MAKE GOOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HKAV1ES, 47 TV. 28th BL, New York. WALTER BEEMER, **P' "■' • 0610 RHODES AVE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. THIS OKH.TAS INVESTORS, DEVINE and WOOLEY, In their Ala SHIP, with Al. Reeves' Co. AT LIBERTY, AN AGENT! Seventeen ycirs' experience as follows: CIRCl's: TBBATRICAL-The' BuiUer, Bsrnnm A Batley, My Colleen, The Stowaway, «-P*w, _ Demlng'a Minstrels, woman In Black, Uncle Tom, War of Wealth, -Nutmeg Match and others. Salary $1» and excesses, or Its equivalent. Chan- nlng E. Rosa, 1BIXX E. 12th 8t,, Kansas City, Mo, Singling Bros. Sells Bros., Pawnee uiu. At Liberty, MGR. or ADVANCE I Alio Haw* Borne Scenery. BOBT. I. BDEHIE, Pern, Ills. LIBERTY, BARD LEADEN, Turing strong cornet, also good repertoire of concert mnslc. And B-Flat CLARIONET PLAVEH. Both strong and reliable. B. and 0. Joint or Single. WM. AUTOS, HOMER TOE, Bhawmnt, Elk Connty, PS. edw.Xyo&e, Inveniles, One Piece er Bep, 480 THIRD BTRBBT, Grand Rapids, Mich. ■ "WE HAVE LOTS MORE Mechanical For Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Hbown, Apartments, Yachts or Car ; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Itoll Strip Admission Tickets,Black or white Tents. Folding Chairs, Triangles, Sawbuck Cots and Canvas Covers. SEND FOR l'BEE LIST, R. H. AltMBRUSTER, 307 S. 6th St, Springfield. Illinois. • "A OOBKEB IN CORK." CEO. ATKINSON BLACK- FACE COMKDIAN. ORVILLE and FRANK Are Working for OtlKIN BROS., . In the Olty of Mexico. JAMES-Tiie Bradj8.-urrv PASTOR'S THIS WEEK. Originators of Singing and Bag Punching at same H me. with Music. • • FREVOLI •• SPBOIAI, VAIDEHLLE FEATURE MURRAY A MACKKY CO. RUF and GUSICK I0th WEEK VAUDEVILLE FEATURE ' MABEL, PAIGE CO. HUMES and LEWIS t .«=„ m . COMBDV ACROBATS. LAST WEEK. AUSTIN A STONE'S. TBIS WEKK, STAB, PITTSBURG, PA. Chris Christopher, YOSBLINQ 8INBBB, VIOLINIST AID C0MEDI4H, PBODOCBB. CL.IETOV COSVBDY CO., , , , Tuaks-rs.O. T.,Dec. 8-10, HARRY THOMSON, THE MAYOR OF THE BOWERY (TIUo Protected). IaT HABVfiY BABBODB, «ad». _ LYUEUM STOCK. PE S MOINES, U. Miliar SECOND 8RA80N WITH "ESCAPED FROM _ 8INGSI S 0.'» Park Thettre. Brooklyn. Casad and De Verne . _ BIJOU, pga M01SE8, IOWA. THIS WEEK. Wanted, a Piano Player. A f»$tt*Brefsried. AlsootherusefuTpeoole, arlie. ^l c SLF eaf " l *'> r - Money sure. Address MOR. ««W|lAD'a INTEKTAliiEltS, Monett, Missouri. At Liberty After Dee. 15, TROMBONE Strang, Sober, Experienced. Do Bits. New Roads, La., 10 ; Fordocbe 13, Vldalla 18, St Joseph 14. Vlcksburg. Miss.. TO. HBNUV WALTER, Care ot Swallow A Markle. IMIIM, DISBHOAGED, iSI The Masquerader It may not be a great enduring'-for- al!-time novel, but it is a Uig;. splen- did story, full of vivid lift ; rich With the vigor and lush strength of puls- ing youth. The N.Y.- Mail; says: "This Is a story ot a strong man' and a strong woman and their hlgb-banded grasp- ing for happiness In the face of the moral law. Tbe woman, masbJBcent In her love, rises above considerations 'and conventions, above fear, above conscience. . Circum- stances give her tbe right to follow, the dic- tates ot an overwhelming passion.' * * * It will take' rank with the few. really good books." Already it is being made into a play in England and America, and so great is the dramatic power of the story that its dramatization is assured of success. • mwrateanv clarescs-k. pxdbrwood. Port., aw.: doth., fl.Ol. AVALON WALTZ. PIANO SOLO ... ilOc ORCHESTRA - - - - 30e. LEADERS— Let oa tell you how to get It free, Glial. E. Roat Maslo Co., RATTLE CREEK. MICH. LadieV Ideal 'Xmai Gift P/x Self-Feedlr\a Powder Handkerchief Made of Fine Linen and Lice Its (olds contain a small pocket and Krvuch Powder Puff. It can be used at all times without creating theslightest suspicion that you- are powdering yourself. I Dell-Feeding Powder Handkerchief. I Am A A 1 Box o! Cbmplexion Powder S9 1 ! I Bottle of American Beauty Extract \ **— tX * v . ; Agents wanted. Write for particulars. American Beauty Co., 40 W. aith St.. N. Y. WANTED. FOR MARGARET HUNTINfiTOK'S REFINED ENTERTAINERS, Kan with Illustrated Song Machine, who can do other specialty. Hake aaiary low ss yon get It bere. State all In first letter. No time to dlvker. Address EDWIN F. WF.NTWORTH, Manager, ■ • Batavla, N. Y. Juveniles, Ingenues and Heavies. Ability, ap- pcaranoe and elegant wardrobe. Repertoire, one pleoe or stock. Address care "TWO MARRIED WOMEN" Co., Boone, la., Dee. 8; Madrid, la., Dec. 9; Dows.la., Deo. 10; Beltsond, la., Deo. 12; Hampton, is., Deo. 18. WICS & MAKE-UP _ for more limn PtsTT.Y IliaVr.-nt •^(■lusnirten,' at low prices; Write for llluiuatcd catalog, larludlrw catalog of — 100 PLAYS F*K. Bttu Play Co., ISO CesgrMt St., Bcrton. One Baal Male, Five ElnJatnre Oiges led Other Giteu Property, Obeap. PROP. GUIS. E. bice, Sow Albany,- Ind. WiBtid, fir tie MideTB Rmtdy Ce., A No. I Song and Dance Comedian: tnuBtchsnge for one wees- also Registered Physician who Is a good oillce worker. Add., James Thorpe, Ceclsl, wis. XHJkS GIFTS FOR THF BOYS. TOY Magic Lanterns, Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. catalogue K mailed free by request. L. MAKAB9E, Ohlcsgo, 111. JUST OUT, I24PABE ILLUSTRATED MAS!. CATALOG DK, 25c: 6DP. CATAL., Be. None free. Only N. 1". Agent for Mabatma. 10c. W. D. LBROV, 103 Court Ht„ Boston, Mass. For Sale, FREAK DOCS UNB8UAL ATTRACTION. Address PAUL DILLON, General Do'lvery, Philadelphia P. P.. Pa. WANTED, 600D A I PIANIST (READ AND TRANSPOSE). No cbaser or boozer; ptafer mar- ried man. Want Illustrated sou gifer. ELECTRIC THBATBE, Waterloo, la. E. H. J0HN80N. Mgr. WANTJED TO PCRCH ABE, OPERA COSTUMES. Address H. E. DODOE. 80 Huntington Avenue, Room m*. Boston, Mass. AT LIBERTY, 0WIN6 TO CL0SIH6 WITH COMPANY. HALLIE BUN*»ELB M«H)HK. aeCOMD BU'INESS. WARDiOBKand AB'LITY. OENBBAL PJSLTYEBT. 8T. PAU L. MINN. WAVTBO, A 1 Versatile Sketch X Wfre at once. Otber performers, write. No I tickets. DR. MlTOHBLL.St.J.iaei.Mo. | FILMS WANTED In any quantity, and EDISON EXHIBITION and UNIVERSAL MODELS. We Pay Highest Prices for Good Maobinei and films. . > L. M. SWAAB & CO., 338 Spruce St., Philadelphia Pa., THE ONLY LEGITIMATE BARGAIN HOPBK. FOR SALE, rwo cnuu colored Mares Seren years old, both wltb Silver Msnes and Talis. They stand 16-3 hands high, and weigh S.jocjs, Will make a great ad. for Clrcim or Hcdl- cine Shows. Por further lofortualion apply to ABE KLKE k SOU, zn N. Centre Avenue, Chicago, HI. WAITED QUICK, F01 HIHEIWS IDEALS, BIPEBIEHCED EAH . ForCBaractera or Oeoeral Buiasu. One doubling In BRASS preferred. Otli«r Bep. People write. State size and an In lint. No time for booze nghters. JNO. A. HIMMELE1N. - Snenandoaii, Pa..6-lo; rottsfiile, Pa., is-17. Dr. H. D. Rucker HisflDisbed ills tour of England, Ireland, Scot- land, Holland and Belgium, and Is now sight- seeing in France, Germany, Switzerland. Hair and Oreect. Will arrlre in New York from Naples about Deo. 32. Address LAFAYETTE, IND. WASTED, BOM) ALL AROUND REPERTOIRE PEOPLE WHO CAN DO SPECIALTIES. Those who would rstber havs a small salary ALL THE TIME thin a Urge salary SOME OF TBE TIME, name lowest, I PAY ALL. IF YOU OET DRUNK DON'T WRITeT This company doing big business. BOX 81, MACON, OA. WANTED, TO HEAR FROM A YOUNG LADY COBNETTI8T. One who plsyi a few oilier Instru- ment*, tor Malic*! Aot. Address DELMOST TB10. ear* Mrs, A. H. Thompson, 3313 *tb Ave., Boca island, 111., .. COLLINS! HART Say An Bevoir, Bat Not Good Bye. FAREWELL ENGAGEMENT TONY PASTOR'S THIS WEKK. ErROPE: Ireland, Scotland. Wales, Germany, Austria, Holland, France, sail lieo. U, 'M, oceanic. ANNOUNCEMENT. HAYING ARRANOKD WITH CHAS. H. BKSOFOR WK8TBHN RIGHTS OF •a We will open a Brit class production or same Deo. 31 wltb nplendld Band and Orchestra and atlNow Speclal Scenery. WANTED— Following people, who must be sober, competent 11ml useful: comedy Old Man, wltb Specialty, for "Josh;" Ecceiurlo Old Man, Giddy Old Matil. Ilea** Mid, Heat r Woman»aji(l8oubr*tte wltb good Specially. Can place Of chestta Leader (Plsno or Violin), todpublo brass; Trombone, to doub'o baritone:' Tuba, to double piano or string bam; c-nrnet Plujorand Jrap Drummer. Wepuyboard. Stale all first loiter, and sddrosn ' ,; . , » ' ■ TROl-HDAL.fi! BROS., Esthervlll., Iowa,' Reference: First National Bank or Agent U.S. Express Co. ■'. OSMAN STOCK CO. .** *+ FEATL RING TUB KHOTIONAU ACTRK8H, WANT GENERAL BUSINESS MAN who can do'some Light t'oiucdy Paris. Must liaro ilrnng Specialty. Alio HAN foil PIANO who can Join on receipt of wire. Make Hilar; reasonable.lt la snre. ifaaaiterB in Woit VlrKlnla, Western PinnsylvanU, etc.. BEND OPEK TIMK IN FEBRUAIiY AND MARCH. . JOHN OSMAN, Dnrhatn, H. C. FOR THE Bid 01TT BEPERTOIHB SHOW OF TUB WEST, THE MACK SWAIN THEATRE COMPANY A LABOE MAN FOR STRONG EMOTIONAL OLD MAN AND GENERAL I1U81HKSS. ADUnKHS HACK BWA1S, Drlgliam ( tt j , Vtah. ^VlTaixtseci, Imiaa.«3ly, FIRST CLASS PIANO FLAYER Sight Reader, Transposer and RngTIms Jollier. Longengsgemont to Mint party. Must be able to loin on receipt wire. Other good ropertotre people, write. Orccnvlllo, South CaroIlM, Dec. land week; Hewberry.SonH. Wna^M >M "fifo^ & „,., Pwvcm OVPZHrT* CO., THE CLARA TURNER CO, JUVENILE. HEAVY MAN, to Join st once. Write orwlro • • l****"*! ■■"•" 01,481 TURNKH CO., Porllsnil, Me., Ibis wcelf ; Marllwrn, Mass., next weak. AT LIBBRTV, ON' ACCOUNT OF MIHUN0BR8TANDIN0 WITH MANAGEMENT, WAL.TCR MONROB, JugK^r. The lad that juggles tbe real nattie axesand nils in wl'li elubs und torches Just alltUc. Put Ihrro seasons Harry Ward's ami Ward and Wade's Minstrois, and featured eaohscston. Am ootupetent stagengrTand Interlooutor for minstrel show. Add- Waiter Monroe. nsMapleBL.Naihyllls.Taap. AT LIMBHTV, BUSINE1 K, CREED, UMB PIECE OR B»K moA: 91ST Sap.rlor Itn.t, lliviland, Obis. SUMMER GIRL paOsT.OOif'IHBFaKaB. (WALTC BONO). WnLHOHNPH MUSIC <'0„ lpdUnapolll, Ind. THE HEART OF THE l^HB (3)6RACB8 THAT FUWt-V KID, TUB BIG MAM. A I.1TTI.SI \VOHAN. VljnSATlLITY AND A GOOD "1IHKW MAHTKH" I'HOnUt'K A . STAl'LU ARTICLE. KN 1WHJTK, MMYMRH HX'Ot'K. DELL and FONDA SJ>^ Compiiiy Msnsggrs Wanting a Strong Fsiturs Act to Clot* In Ons, writs, Both Vt rtitllt ; Address ' rnunT r>t»t.i.. care of WM. MORRIS ra Act, Wilt WANTED, Black Fax* aid Irish CiMt-lu FOR MEDIOISE SHOW. No tickets. No-boojce. Balary low; snre pay. Address BOX its, Oib.tr perftraw", write. i'ewl'arllHe.O. A Leading Oomadlan and Hoabratta Doing • Or.at Feature -CUSHMA3ST a M ST. aAIBE— FOR RENT. Masonic Opera House FOB Wi CHEAP Must be sold; first citss Diner uod 81e«per; sort. long; stands M. 0. B. inspection; uccointnodiifB 40 peoplo. Address • . "7^ ' BOX »»• '*». Dulutli, Mian. MB. J. E. JACKHON has resigned his position si Manager of TBK URYbTAL TBEATBE, at ni. Joseph, Mo. He goes ont with a mad show. PRED 0H08MAN. tli. popular niOTlng plcturo man, takes bis place ss manager. Uuilness Duo. L GEO. IB A ADADia, Proprietor CRYSTAL THEATRE, NT. JOS), no. WANTED, FIRST CLASS Slide Trombone, -POft MiI/» DRAMATIC THEATBI. Must he A. r. MVTiM-er and reliable. Tell all Out letter. Don't tulsreprenent. Bsiyworlr. UnJOl w«grt Mid, and in urn if you nave the goods. Add. , ■ TUO 8. CL'TTr Leader, Blancy's Theatre. ; . jJa'UmOr^ifa, At XRONT01T. OHIO, win do leased fur a icsui of five years Id January loos, term to begin Juno, l&oi, by Trustees Law- renoe I^dge. No. io«. p. A: A.M., Ironton, Ohio. : ■'. WaSwiFKOs aav "'- - 1 DEVIL'S LANE 00., 1WB8IKB.V) Jurenlie Womui sod Boubrette with' specialty, Actors that double hrsn, Baritone, PUeist, Cor- net, violin, primmer. <)E0. 0. HWKLT. AtMrdscn.Bo. Dak. A.t Xs'itjeirty- VIOLII ii ^, D i*ata n o uW • AI,0 • Trc ' ,, • B11IT0BE, ooni.i. ji *-id.. 0LABI0IET.B..aoTIlPDIDI8. Address U. Q. WBlTNBV,«en.Wi1.,0HitJf,lll. 990 rrHE isnsw ( yo^k otjppjkr, D?CEMBEB 10. Clipper Post Office. In order to nvold tnlitikci arnd to Insure the prompt delivery of the letter, adv«rtl«ed IJ» lhlie list, «■ envelope" pfklnly Hdilrenxed xnaKt M •ent (or each letter, nnd n written order for the letter, atfcnVd with the (all name nnd ndiltemi nnd the line or bnalneis followed by the sender, innut also be encloned. Please mention the date (or num- ber) of TUB CLIPPBB, In which the letter* itnt tot we re ««lvertUed. HDIES' tiST. I'M, Mrs. P. McMillan, LMa Fay, Eleanor Jlwllgan, Foster, Flore Francis 1 : anvil, Carrie May, Bertie Fowler, Kdesse Frances, Virginia I'riinccs, Virginia tssv Kve • • ain»Min. Mil* B (lllilrn Ri-ifrs il.iniuer, Grace f.lirlntone, Lotta uatctti. Mm. Chan. Cray, Alice iHliney Ulsters Grant, Bertha Harto. V*ra Hunt, Scillo Abbott, Marie Aulitco, MlM SI Asbton, Mar Alexander, , • ■ , Helen Allen, Both, Antolnelta Mme. Aldeu, Klvlo Allen, Mrs. -Ins. Arnold!, MUf. Alrten. Kllv Artelll, Flora Avolo; Fanny lirooka, Daily Jlncklca, ' '' .. .. JmftUt F.lelfl, tJDtlJa, iteraaroV Male liunn, Kstherlne licorditey, ., Adelaide Drown, Laura Ilurkbirt. Rose Jlctra, Millie Bannister. Virginia flnttln. ajjj Lnunon, Lillian Hell, Dorothy Harney. Violet Brows, L»ura Hoar*, Leonn Beatrice, Mile. Burundi, Joale Hell, Crystal Hroocll, Nellie Hrudncll, Nellie lleeson, Lulu, linker, Oeonto Hardy, Sw Hohrr. Ada Hamilton, Marie M. Hayes, Klertle Mails. Violet Howard, Ml« Clleu Hlgglns, Tom Harcourt, Daisy llelrnc*, Lettlo Ilnll, Jesilc M. Moasex, Amy Haywood Flora Hoffman; Mrs. Mnx Hart Mrs. Jerry lllllman, Alice i Tpafrms Kiiel Hall, Artie Clymer, Edna Cunningham Flora Confoaa. , , Madelon Cusbroan Mre.F Crawford, Edna M. Chapman Mamie Clifton, Ada Hilton, Lottie Cultbrope Mlytli Oirmeln, Mile. C'lnrat. Jlie . CUlTflrd, Bessie t'rltea Josephine dirties; May Cnkllnc i.ylo Curnalla, Kmma Dinner, Kilns mare, Lotlli Clark, Maml Clirttm, JcMla I'urli™. Sililln Dana, Victoria »ni>ree. Mluule I lead, Dorothy Ita'Fotfst, May IMimd Helen lmraiid, Jessie Dnral. Viola Diimont, Merle Davenport Mary I>eVore, Berna Davis. Annie Ulrdcller; Uott DmaTSh Fannl.' Dcsjratsr Maliel Ilevereim, Mrs. Uirry Ilorjcval. Theresa Pnncjan, Nellie DcVldey, Georgia Di.lil, Camilla I iiifT, Sadie D'nrvlllc, Irene I Vire, Qraco Kdwlna, Mlsa limns. Max Evelyn, Aotiie Kiel), Violet K'llstnn, Maud Kuw*rdjL^ _ i* ifny n. Freeman, Mrs. Charles FaS, Flow Q. Fillmore, Nellie Flndlay, Ajncs Favor. •••• Marguerite F.vcrett, Agues Ilnll, Mm .B.II. llnne, Marjorle Ilnncoek, Mm. .las. ITayea, Gertie Harrison, mm. n. c. Haynard, Jeaale Irish, Mar Johnston. May Jewell, Etta L- JcfTrlea, Flora Jensen, Knlln Kelly, Mra.T.F, Kellerman Sadie King. Vera KlelRli, ILirrlet Lancilon. llardlc Lntlna, lllllo Li.vell. Lury Laltmv Mlsa M. Lavell, Kdllh RMMMa, OHIo i.hh', Ollle l-orcna. Mvra I.oiiit. Lillian Lyons, litliel Leonard. Sadie LeBoT, Mta. La Marr, Irene Ubr, Ir.a La Hue, Baliet Latnont. Carrie Lynn, Gertrude LaMott. ■ Mm. Den Lrhr, lot LaTell Florence I. try, F.yelyn Lee,' Irehe Mack, Hstlle W Murka. Dorothy Mitchell, CoraL Mnnro. (Iracell, May, Lararda Marlon, Ssclle Mlrtel. Cora Mnrahull, 'Mtdelyn Mack, Beiule Monixt, I'oudy Mcx'llet, Mar aliitin, -tVeUM MurreUa, Edna Marshall. Ethel Muatasue, north a McMeen, Grace Murray. . lEluubsth Mnrroy, Flora J Vnnaton, Kledn Xlnrtln, Tliere^a ell, <1 Mr.r, Ber Moye. Helens Mfteliell, >Cora L .Nolan, Grace Nor ii hi. Maiulo NellHon Ilortfnse Nichols HI slew North. Victoria Noel, Lucille Nelu, Buth ITBMl, Lttey Owens, Mary A. • wens, Alto TOCk, EVB 1'uck, Lena Mia, Nettle I'eterson, Mrs. P. M. 1'hllllns. , Madeline I'ullmaD, Flora l'errln, Vlda 1. rhelna, Beatrice Pullman, Flora Parker, Minnie D. Plant. Ellis Primrose: •;• Dorothy Itnblnson. Etliel Koas, Delia Itt-ece, Leslie itysn. Lulu llhers Margaret Uaymond, •• Lliiile Boerwell, Clara Randall, Jeatle llnyownd. Blanche Heed, Lillian Rentfrow, Mrl, T, N. Rtnehirt, Stella BocU, Ella Khert, Paol lCldtiote, Pcess E *P"Ws. Kdmnsds, W. O. KTerftOE. Geo. FtUleTVCI. f. T Feather, Jim L Far, Gns False. O. H. Freeman. Richard I'ranUIn, Mcrt Fiance, Charles Frlek, F. C. Fox, Eddie Foster, Jesse W. T'erghson, Barney Fields AHanaon l-'oley. John nam, cuit Freed man, Baa Floyd, K. B. MMBOsV Searfasl Florence, Frees Fens, Charh* lj.lilin.iii. Harry l'irnana. Malt Fewln, Fred I'lpnan. Max RMdtlcb, Irwin Gardner, John nenaro A Bally Gano, 0. K. Goodman Arthur Goolmana, Musical Glass, J. L. Ollroy. Charles C.orman U Wcat Gleeson, J. B. GllssandO, a D. Grant, Colorado Oracle. G. 8. Cllrndon. Walter G«rry, William Gllaon, J. O. Grey, Gordoa urnranlce. Leando. J. W. Lee, A. 11. Lyater, Aifrtd Lloplncott, jj- y Willi* UtIb, Wliihua IM 1. A. EHK Bert Lyons, J. A. L. Lesley, Arthur 1.0T0, Joe Lee, Milton ^Br 1 F". I*0ih«rd, Bros- Ltno, Don LaTort. W. O. ljiTamle, Frank Lppes, 0. r.fice t Loe» Utell, Kdward Lee, H. Lennou, Neaton Lemy- Slock Co Ll i lit Held. Chaa l.mnent, Bert Lawrence- A HarrlnKton [osshera. Win. Lc Roy, Nat ronlc, Jack Lcwnnde, Oscar l.uZclle, E>lward Lesrr, T. C. MaDeil & Corbley MeDonouali, T.C McGUl. Darld Mack, J. J. Mitchell, George Metsettl Millard Brot'iers Marin. H. A. Morroll i; F-vans Mnl.ette, O. L. Moouey & Holbein Mosher's Bull Terriers Mendflle, Albert Mlllott Brew. Harrlc. Jack Crlawold Landa Gleasuh, J. A Bertha Gllnaeretti, Mr. G Greenwood, ' Marshall Georf*, O. V. Gllfoll, Harry Marter Mead, D. H. Marpar, Mr. Myers, J. K. .Marsh, A. L. McNemee, Mr. Maddux, A. H. Mtirphr, Bert Melville. Jean Mohamet. Mr. Mason. T. P. tlnodtrlend, OX Mackle, J. J Gordon. Mr. Gardner. Arlle Oallagber.-J. P Catdser, West A annsbtne Greason Charles Gordon. Cliff Grant, Colorado Oirnon, Jean Gilbert, II. 3. ticran. Boliert nice, Msrijerla I'Md, Lillian Rice, Fanny Chaw, Lillian »■««».,' Marguerite omnl, Cliff. W. ■»•■*» ««■ llardioun. W. Mrlre, VIvlna ' Scott, Kittle Sylvester liaise Starr, Francis Sweeney, Julia Sterling. May Street, Maiiil St. John tlliidyt Sy It cater, ]/>h1sb juito'er t McOor Smllh. Ml Hutre, M Mnntell, Grace llndge. Mrs, GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Ilawwn, A. IL llolloway, Charles Hawkins, 1-ew Holt, J. M. lllckok, I*. L. Hussy. George llorton, B. F. lllckey, John lieln, William Sawyer, Mae Sitters, Alice Miiiriu, Floy St. Claire. Marie B. TdppeT. l'eail Tnrnwali; Nellie Towjoer, Flora 'rhotnpaon Carrie Taylor Kathleen towler, Jegone Trowbridge, Helen Thomas, lna TreaUwell, '■■■ Ailelle Vassnr. Girls. A Vuiuu'ttn Louise Vincent, Klttr- Van Dellan, Helen Wilson. Pearl Wire,' M«r Wheeler, Miss Wade, Etta M. Woolser, Aline DttnDar Wilson, Lillian Ward, May i Wade. Edith B. Woods. Amelia Wenter l^oretta Walker, Madrid Webb, Mattle Wilson M.Grnce Wilcox, Anita Walton, Helen Ilittigertord W.T Hampton, Mr. llort. a' w.- Hodges, G. D. Hall, Henrr Howe A Decker Hnisraer * ' OllTette Hesly A Mealy Hllliard, W.E. Hasza, B, H. Htm lied, Eddie SJrnjPj . F. HeTcomte. OurUs A Webb Huuter, Dick Hyena Bros. Hollies. C. J. lloft*nian, 3. 3 IltirrlB. J. 9. llaiallton, Willy Hllliard, Robert llenlr. A bailee llsymsn. Mr. .A Mrs. Jack IlocTet; A. T. II, rrlfigtC'i B.B. Marlowe. C D. MacDonald, C.L ktooera, W. H. Moore, J. P. Maxsmlth, E. Mead. D. W. Moore, F. B. Mack, Lee Mason. Lowell McRoble, Wna. McDade. Eddie Meek, Donald Martina. Boot Miller. Marks Mantell. George Mack, J. 3. Miller A Kresko McCrscken, Samuel Maddox, A. W. Mack, J. H. McAlphi. J. T. Makorsky BOch Meller. Fxlward Mlnnclll, F. P. Morrlssey. T. P MecDonnld T.F, Matthews A • , Harris Mowrr, Eddie Marten, U- H- Mowatts. Five Moore, Frank Miller, Frank Morton, J.. C. . McNalr. JR. Mario, Ben MeMshon.Ttra Slelrose, W. F. Milan. Wni. Morrow. James Maaou, W. ' N; Maskell Thomas Mnddot. Dick Miiiuilac. I, at. Muttelinan, C.ll .Murks, R. B. McDonald, Milu .Mornngl,. BaSaelt Martin A Qui; MtCiiiUen, J. ' Ruble, C. S. :uth. wiu luiaell, .:. I.awrwnre Pomao, Autotiio Keen. W. N. ~ P-rnleJIffe. H. >. Itlikerr, A. M. lluhlnson, Walter Racket t A sSJ llarafd Itedipopd. KJdle Huasflfe. Jv W. BE M. D. Itelcb, J Dies lllO, AdOlph ■ Raynwad, M. B. It(*sleys. The lUibertys, The Roeco, Great Itowan, Charles Rio, Otto ; Rice A Cohen Rnckett A Hitrnrd Rio, Georir* I.e!.lti«,,n. II. I. Sterenwin, J.W. SaTtre, B. F. .smith. O. B. Sadler, .tau.es Spann, Byron MMs, Jact sacks, a. D. Sanuiryoa, Majrnto Storm, Max Smith. W. H. Sheldon, Joseph Salrd. J. M. Stanhupc, Joseph Seymour, O. G. Simonda, Lew Sun. (Jus Selblnl AGroTlnl Sadler, J. H. Sullivan, Jerry Sar.ford. Jtro sonirnervllla Bob Sbsnoon, Harry Stetson, Harrr Scottish Trio Samuels, George Simpsons, The St. John, Allen SgicrTord Charles Smith A Fnller Sbanuen, F,. N. Sberoun Robert Fhanler. I". Snadonl, Panl Slmms, Wlllard bDorTord, Eugene Swift, Herbert Smith A fell Swarts, W. a P Schwarts. Fred Schrelber, Fred Sharplles, The Siilmonde, J. H. seeier, a w. Stone, Gar Sucks A Calleo Thomson A Searda Tangnay, J. A. 'I'l-evellick, R. F. Thompson, flallett Trimble, George Turner, Eddie Truesdell, Howard Tonne, Mr. . . Tltttt, Fred Tobnl, Muurlca Tenny, Ernest Toner. I'.'E. Thomas, Wm. Tipple, B, B. Trev.tlUck, B.F Trnvl«, F. H. Vincent, Jack Vamont, A; V. "Vade," Qreat Vlrden, 1>W ■ feraon, F. 0. lucent. F,' J. IrAeitA Dtmlsp YHIlsr, Alien Vsygc, Milton Vernon, Carl Vlrden A Dmilap Verome, Emll Vedmara. The Victor, Phil Vnek. F. H. Vuu Lossberg, , , . WlUltUD WHson. H. E. FENNSVLVAMA. PhllndelphU.— The start glTett neh'it tWnafBws by Tlmnksglv|l naalsted by tHeMypnt of n mimbfrol t&L tttjought oul>plendlil nttetHJ.il> week, ttnd in A totir of the iltentre* . to fine an audience, of Pjnnll./lze. y.nll»ot'tbe prominent hoifsSii-lifje ..J- atTerliiga thlg week, »hlle tbe othera present mostly well tried but popular attradfofis: -' ■> '■ ™SSmW of Mcmc— The lobal season of grand opera, by the company from the Metro- politan Opera. House, under the direction of Hclorltb Conrled, commences this weekwltn. n production of "HMed et Juliette" on Tues- day .eveolnfr. . Those In, the ca^t nre: Mmes. Kafden, I> wild West, and Baslie, vegetable' king. In the tlisatfe the programme Includes Ottrnao, iSwUI'rio, Eirzabeth Eslelle. the Cralgs, Mar WUislow. Geo. and May Woodward and the clneograpb. CALIFORNIA, West's Mlns't 84-L'U. "3>e Buaajiajs' ppaned a nights' engsjemefitW, to a rood sized bo •'fne Coiinty, Cnalmwn" comes 30-Dec Plttahnra-i — At the Xiion JThoaF. . Loa Angeles. — At the Mason Opera House (8.? C. Stf?". *>W*? r) . ^ Wm - H - ^ fttels did moffertte business Nov. two . Jouse. .ne couniy, cnairaMD" comes 30-Dec. 3. Matlne Elliott week: of 12. ' 7X Morosco's Borpask (Oliver Morosco^ttan- ager). — L. B. Stockwetl and the Burhank Stock Co. drew well, in "A Midnight Bell," Week ending Nov. 20, and opened to fair bust- ness. In "'l he. Magistrate," 2t. "The Octo- roon" Dec. 4 ' _ • >. ■ • Belasco (John H. Blackwood, manager).— Thd stock company presented "The Ohjls- tlao," Nor. 21 and week, to large and. well pleased audiences. "The Wblte HbTae Tavern" was .given H7, to a crowded house, and will draw well. Underlined, "A Lady of Quality." Grand OrEkA Hounn (Clarence Drown, The stars and Sam SIdman and Robert Har- ris scored heavily. "BuBter Brown" 12-1 1. Empibb (E. J. McCullough, manager).— Good business last week. This week, Gott- hold's Celebrities, Including: Fujl-Ko and Phillip Jean Bernard, Bostow, Bappo Sisters. Allen Doone and company, John Leonard and Malzle King, Yackley and Bunnell, Little Dorothy Earl, McKlsslck and Shadney. Harry La Mar and J. Francis Itooley. "Deserted at the Altar" 12-17. • = Acadev (Harry W. Williams, manager). — Rice ft Barton's pig Gaiety Co. 5-10. The . Tiger Lilies turned people away last week. Francis Neal, Collins and Wilson, Cloy El Vanity Fair Co. 12-17. ■ . mer, Walter Kerrlck. Joe Belmont, Stub- Grakd Opera Hohsb (Harry Davis, man- berfleld, Trvlng and Splelmon and. the vlta- Hill •TrJylTJny Mldgley, Mr. H(.we, Den Mortis, J. B. Heibtrt, ArthurlMonom. Jamea Altlnel, Joseph Argtll, W. • Arnwlue Wnltcr Armmrong Peter Aldcn, VV. H Areita, J. . Atrald, Jack Allen. W. 9. Alleu, W. B. All. Mnly ■•• ., Anils, JlansBelJ Almoiit * if" Durooat AilellneA Hubbcr Anils ine Walter Arther, 0. A. Allen ft Bright Armstrong, Hnrry Aiiumi, Frits Arnold, W. H. Arther, Qns Aunncruau, . V. D. Andrew, F. Arnold, B. A. Adaou, H. F. AWollah. Jim Avolo, i Tarlle Ablltx, Edear Aiulrus, Jack Abnott, Frank AlHlallsh, M. B Allen, C. 0. llneon, J. Q. liollltcr & . .. Canfcll Horte, Harry lluah, Frank livruc. J. V. Purr ft Evani HrlBtol, W. M. Itradoa, Fr*l Kari-ra, W. W. llHnibard Chas. Kenton, Olids Biiiifbard. Bjrt^ Darnabee. If. 0. Brown. Uar- rla *Brown Coitomley ' Trouite Iteach ft Bow- era Minstrels Itnah, J. F. Urady, D. W. Hrahara ft Myers Hn}le. R. A. linnet, J. M. Itaasett, Ruaaell Browne, R. B. Hiiulh ft Bqdd Bertreraon, A. Hunks, J. C. HeiUnl, Jckan Harcbnrd, Paul HeaaleT, At njreette, .D. T. Korke, John Brown, Ob>rlM Baker, Bert Heart. George Bed hi I, J eban Brockeyer, w.c Hell, Dlek ' Blackalone, 'Carroll Bryant, Barry Bennett. Kred Bnms, V. II. Drowning W. E. llolse, Joe links:, W. H. Itrcoks, Q. BusiV Prank llrown, Walter Brady, W. A. MM * Burn* Bnrke, J. f. Bnru. Philip Burns, T. P. Burt: P. P. Brock, J. v. llrndjr \V. M. A Heckler, G. B Curues & Stewart Baxter, J. A. linker, U. V. Billnud, A. lleigeiton. Prof, brooks, II. ft ■ Carrie Dlrdaoc, J. I,. Baker, Milton lleecliold. Henry Hleoin, J. 0. Baldwin, F. P. Boxer ft ChrlBty Blauey, 0. H. Barkers, Ureal Berry ft Berry Brown, II. M. Cllaanilos, Bob Cooper, O.'W. Oolbj-a, The Unburn, John Connors, Lurry Caldern, A. K. Cablll, B. II. Chniiiller, J. 0. Clark ft Templo Carter, Billy Olinbb, 0. W. Ciockett, Wm. Cameron, W. D, Carle, Burlelgli Omllt, 81c Carroll, llllllo Curtis, Kcd Collier, William Clarld, Erncat Oiihlll, William Crui.ilall W. M Cramer. Kilwnrd Cnrlla J. tieorge Cue, Mr, cnyler, A. II. Chapman, "Sondy" Clayton. Frank Clark. W. F. Condon. F. 0. Campbell Dewey Clark. Bert Crawford ft ; Manning Campbell, F. S, Coburn. J. A. Carney, Oua Curtlas. J. F. Ch spindle, Put Clemo ft . _ Ciiasouj Crowley, J- Clermont B.M.F CUfford ft -. Bnymond Cniblree, Q. 'B. Cornelia. P«ter Camp, JdQk Carroll 'Coin. Co. Carney, GUI • Ccrlln, R. C. t'oren Family Ciuiulngbani ft Ford Coulter ft Hart Chapman, Will Campbell ft Jolinson DeShottay. Wm. Decker, Arthur I/ove. Jobuay Donaldson. C.A, ymutorlb ftBruco lay, J. L. DeMonde, Chester Dunbar, Aiehte Drew- Catvll Hugen, T. . Domliigues, Hyp Dugan, Tbomas Devear, Frank Houglas, a W. HeMlceo, Olo Deverc, G. M. Hnnlsy, Willie Davis lUil DiiQomn Edward Deeds, L. M. Day. J. P. Dougherty, .Andrew Dean, Sidney Dodd. Wm. II. DeCorum, J. T. lilxoii, H. V. Dunulug, K. W. Dale. W. L. Do Bull ft Granville Dicker™, T. J. Devoniiort. Wm. Dlxcy. II. B. Deliililno DeOlulrvllle 9.8 Deuel, J. F. Ducbemln A. A. Drew, J. 11. Dare, Daniel Duo. Maumlth Davidson, F. 8. De Bone Hetere, Billy Itxpay. ,0. B. Kdwsrds, Al I'jirl, Bert Kdwards, R. Ulto'u. gam Earle, Bert Wsertons, The Elvyii. • ■'■ -Mr. Lonue Ellis, C. It. Everi'tt, Oeorto IWIOtt. 0. 'M. i.uieiwn Harold i:im<>. Jack Fjistim,' V. A. I'.slirbnBVV Tli? Bills, A. W. J. Higbec. II. A Harris, Jssa Hsrlg, V. a llblen. W. F. Haynes, A. P. Helaton, Alfred nnmes. F. T. Herbert. F. T. Hilton, William Hen lb. Tom llorlnli, Charles Hatch Bros. Henderson ft , (, ,.• BflSa ltsvward, F. F. Uurtinon, Russell nrnella, ■-.-.••■ Hyde, Al , Inman. Great Ireland, Q. H. In lug, Oeorge Irwin, Jack Iters, C. IL Ireland, F. J. Jones. P. J. Johuaon, J. D. Johrjion, Mark Jenkins. L B. Jnliaaou, Al .lordnn, Jim john6on, F. E. Jenkins. Homer Jones, B. 0. Jones ft West Jet rs ton, 3. F! JOn'nn, Hnrry Jordnn, Fred Knoll, A. H. Kreu, J alia n Keller, A. M. Keely Bros.. 3 Kuhlmau. J. J. Krause. O. H. Krnerel, V. Keltoiis, Tbe 8 Ki>ont<, W. a "raitons, u • Kasolowsky. • ' Ktnlle Kuhlmau. J. J. Bung. W. A. B. Kohler, O^ Knight Bros, ft !■ SuwteUe Kola, J. S. Kratna. W. H, Klnrnld, J. A. Kublumn, J. J. Kllek. Bay LclHngwoll. J.D. I.ongscin, Victor Lelterta, Barton Leltner, Anton La Valla., Tbe Lyons ft Lyons LcWltt. Charles Lyric Com. Four Leo. F. Loula Lacy, B. A. Lewis, Boylet Mnrtln. Al SlcWntters W.O Murray. James Maddox, R. a N'ortnii. B. J. NurtliwooJ Jack Nakin, John Noble, Milton Nelf, Ben Newbill. W. D. Kuan. W. P. Norman, Mr. NiiFon, c. n. Mehols & Crols Norrls, Wesley (iBbome. 0. O. Oler. \V. M. . true. Nick Obei worth. L.J Ward. Harold Wire's Sin Co.- Warner, Edward ,vi jrner, Joseph Wallace Baiasay Raymond Wllui ft Haaaaa Wilbur Op. Co. Walters, Lew* Delia Wntson, W. IL Wright Joseph . Washington Dan Woodtborps The Williams, Pinky Wheeler, Punch Whiteside, Jack Wlelic. Curtis West, De Forest Williams, J. C. Wilson, J. 0. Wife's Etn Co. Wetby, Jake O'Domiell, John Willing. Chas Patterson James Peerl, W. ' Powers. J. T. Pelts, F. M. Parks. II. W. Palmer, J. F. Parker, Harry l'belan, W. B. Perkins, Rlchnrd Plimnl, Al Parker,. 1). 0. I-nckard, P. IL Itlclilng Bros. Philips, C. IL Piiwera Bros. Price, B. 0. Plnltt, Aubcrt I helps, B. H. Qululru, Dan Qulnlan, J. Qulnliin. Jolin Rogers ft Levlnc Itodn Woodward W.P Wnvn. a Saluer Walsh, Wm. Wooda, It. 0. Waldup. T. D. Ward. Harry Woodward, 0.3. Warda. Al Wlllard, a D. Wilson, T. P. Williams, D. Wlegand. Kddle Wood. M. B. Wilson, O. X. Weaver, Edwin Wire, Bid Wood. Btandlcy Wilson, - • ■ Bandyand Williams, J- Bj Whipple, Waldo Whitney, J. E. WlUlboa, Herbert Werta ft Judge Western. Frank West. Joe WeUlngatons, Tbe Wllllsms. . Edward Wllberham J. O Wilson, Tom Wlllard, Chas. Wilson. T. P. Waldmann. Edward Wlhll. Curtis Warren. J. 0. Voles, Samuel Young, J. E. Vouug, Frank Young, J. Wm. Booai) Htheet TnKATjtn (Mxon ft Zimmpr- mah", Wan5«iJ),^nic Admirable Crlch- tnil," prewnfed by William Gillette and com- pany, attracted Immense audiences, at this house uet . week and earned tUe ' unstinted PWM o£ all who saw the performances. The current week la to end the local engagement, next week bringing William Faversham, In "Letty." , ; ; GAnitiCK Theatiib (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager). — As usual the advent of Richard Mans- field brought out Urge gatherings of our beBt playgoers, who appreciated to the full bis ad- mirable nrt.- "Ivan the Terrible" wa» seen for tbe first tlmo heje, and though tbe play aldnc would fiarflly prove 'atrxactlyfe, It gbve Mr. Mansfield opportunity for one of bis mng- nlflcent character studies.. Tbe repertory for this, the second and last week of the engage- ment. Includes: "Richard III," "A Parlnlan Romance." "Beau Brummel," "Ivan the Ter- rible," "Dr. Jekyll aad Mr. Hyde" and "The Merchant of Venice." The announcement for tbe coming- week Is Arnold Daly, In "Can- dida." Chestoct Steebt Opeba House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). — Tbe beginning of tbe four Weeks' engagement of Wright Iorlmer, la "The Shepherd King," attracted splendid gatherings to this house last week nnd the spectators appeared to be greatly pleased with tbe magnificence of the produc- tion. Dec 2(t brines Savage's English pro- duction of "Parsifal." CUEBTMDT STSBET THEATOB (Nlion & Zimmerman, managers). —The conglomera- tion of nonsense entitled "PIS! Paff!! Pout 1 ! !'* arrived last week at this bouse and by reason of Its amusing qualities and presentation by an exceptionally clever com- nany, earned tbe attention bestowed upon U by local theatregoers. Tbe same offering Is continued this week, with "An American Princess," a new play by Henry llaeder, scheduled for tbe week coming. Walnut Stbrbt Thkatisr (Frank Howe Jr., manager). — Tbe return of "Checkers," last week, brought out filled bouses and the popularity of tbe offering gives every reason to expect tbe same satisfactory slate at af- fnlrs .dining the current week, the last of the engagement. Next, 'week, "Home Folks." ■ Casino (Ullas. Koenlg & Lederer, mana- ger*).— This |s. announced as the last week of Itlce's "Merry Shop Girls," though tbe at- tendance shows no signs of falling off. Cor next, week Lederor's production of George Hobart's ''Smiling Island" Is underlined. Park T/Iifatf.e .(F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllnger, manager),— Itlehard Carle, 'In "Tie Tender- foor, ,r holds the boards at this ' house this week, with Denman Thompson, In "The Old Homestead," scheduled to follow. The pa- trons turned out In force last week and heartily applauded Adelaide Thurston, la "Polly Primrose." ' .NationalTheatre (Joseph M. Ttelly, man- ager). — After a very satisfactory week with "Why Girls Leave Home'.' this bouse now bag Joe. welch, In "Cohen's Luck." Next week brings "A Woman's Struggle." Qiund OPRnA nou.SH (G. A. Wegefartb, ronnageri. — "ltunnlng for Office" Is the cur- rent offering at tills house. The perform- ances of "Faust," by Lewis Morris and com- pany last week attracted crowded bouses. Coming next week, "A Chinese Honeymoon." People's Theatre (F, G. NlxonNlrdllager, manoger). — The offering for tbe present week at this house la the melodrama, "Dealers In White Women." Another melodrama, "Why Girls Leave Home," In coming next week. "A Wife's Secret" was the attraction last week, and It fared well.' :'. ,."... BtAtfEV's Atfcn 'Street Theatre (St. S. Scbleslncer, manager).— "Tbe Great Auto- mobile Mystery," a new thriller, by Theftdore Krcuer, holds the boards at this house this week, this being announced as tbe Orst local presentation. This Is to be followed next week by Barney Gilmore, In "Kidnapped In New York." The performances of "More to He Pitied Than Scorned," last week, were largely attended. . ~ . 1' - G-iraod Avextjb Tiieatrk (Miller ft Kauf- man, managers).— Tbis week's attraction at this house Is Nannette Comstock. in "Tbe Crisis." Judging by tbe large attendance last week, "David Harum" has lost none of Its potent drawing powers. Next week, "Tracked Around the World.". . • Hart'8 Nhw TheaTBb (John W. Hart, manager). — The patrons turned out. In force lust ' week and welcomed Lillian Mortimer, In "A Girl of the Streets." Tbe melodrama, "A Working Girl's Wrongs" is' the card for the current week, with "The Flaming Arrow" to follow. Kowzpa van's TneATBE (Miller & Kauf- man, managers)'. — Tbe stock company Is tbls week p dminu, -iier Marriage vow..' "AiasKa,' last in. "Letty," drew a crowded kunse SO. '"Sp week, proved to be a stirring melodrama, and berla" had good business Dec »' "Girls It was admirably presented by the stock. In Will Be Girls" amused -a large' audience 3. rehearsal -for tbe coming week, "Rose The E.V. Phelan Stock Co 5-lb Michel." week. Viola Allen Alvin (Harry .Davis, manager).— A Fool anl Bis Money," by tbe stock, 5-10. Last week 'The Village Postmnster" was a sue- cess in every war.- Wm. MeVar »cwl . m hrilllnnt style. Next week, "Marts, of the LoWlarJdg." . Gatett (James E. Orr, resident manager). — E. J. Morgan, In "Tbe Eternal Cfty." 010. "The Missourlans," beaded by Theodore Ham- ilton, drew well last week. "Captala Har- rington" 12-17.. ' -,-. - *?:, --.■ A\txdb (Harry Davis, maosger).— -The Musical Travesty Stock Co. disbanded 3. Man- ager Davis' plans hnve not been announced. It Is believed he will book traveling com- panies. Annie Eva Fay Is here this week. Bijoo (IL M. Gulick, manager).— For week of 5-10, "Tbe Fatal Wcddiag.'' Tbe ever 'A Friend of tbe Family" continues at this house 27 and week. Orpheum (Martla Beck, general manager). — y*atqrt« 28 nnd week : Mr.and Mrs. Mark Miarpny, Carlisle's dogs and ponies, Augusta Close, Three Romanlers, Twelve Navajo Ulrla, CaaEeld and Carlton, Beed and Shaw and John T. Kelly and company. Unique (Hentx & Zallee, proprietors).— A good bill, attracting good business, at this bouse 27 and week. Broadway (A. J. Morganstern, manager). — Features 28 and week : Nagel and Adams, Spencer, Bcllevue and Roberts, Itousellea Aerlel, Bobert's Font and Eugene Bedell. Edwin' D- Fbxeman, a variety actor, died In the Soldiers' Home Hospital Nov. 26, of paratyaitj. . _'" .' ■ ■ • ■ ■ popular' Cbiuncey Olcott, In "A Bomance of : . - ' ■ . Athlonc," Oiled tbe house last week. "TUly Oakland— At tbe Maedonougb Theatre Olson" 12-17. • ' . (Hall & Barton, managers) "The County Dcquessp (R M. Gulick, manager).— Chairman" drew largely Nov. 21, 22. _ KUe- "Happy Hooligan" 0-10. Boss and Fenton, In "Twirly WTilrly,'! closed a big week 3 ford's Stock Co. 23-20. "A Chinese Honey- moon" plays return 28.28. "As You Like It" 30, r 'Pretty Peggy" Dec. 1, 2. LiBEBXT. (H. W. Bishop, manager). — Bishop's players drew well week ending Nov. 27, In "The Merchant of Venice." "A Stranger ia a Strange Land" 28 and week. "East Lynne" to follow. Bkll (Ed. Homan, manager). —Dec Sand week: Lystex and Cooke, tbe Hamlins, Miss Vivian, Bingham, Sawyer and Bingham, Arthur Prlngle, Hnegel Bros, and moving pictures. S. B. 0. continues. Koveltx (Tony Lubelskl, manager). — Dec. S and week: J. Murray Smith. Horry and ager). — Tbe splendid show last week brought out the patrons In crowds. Bill 5-10 : Bobert Hllliard, Mlllman Trio, James Richmond Glenioy, Madge Fox. I'revost and Pxevost, McCabe, Sabine and. Vera, Ons Williams, Lavender and Tomson, 'Musical Bennett, Laura Millard, Carlo and his dog, Newell and Nlblo, Lecoy apd Waldo, Whelan and Searles and klnetograpb. : f ';. Star (Keystone Amusement Co., mana- g era).— Big business last week. Current II) : Dunbar's Goat Circus, LToulse Earle. Hewes, tbe Great Wblte Yogi, Humes and Lewis, and Starogroph animated tableaux. Note.— The National Alliance of Bill Post- ers Is holding Its annual convention here this week. ■ ' ' a . ' Rrle.— At New Majestic Theatre (Erie Amusement Co., managers) .Victor's Band, Nov. 28, played to good business. Nanette Comstock, In "The Crisis," 28. was favored with large attendance, giving the best of sat- isfaction. Margaret Anglin, In "Tbe Eternal Feminine," Dec. 1, had good attendance. Billed : " 'WAJ Down East" 7, Creston Clarke 8, "The Snowman's Daughter" 10.,, -, Paiik' Opera House (J.~ L. GUson, fnana- get).— Last week, Kirk Brown Stock Co. drew large btlslness. "Why Women Sin" 6, G, "Queen of the Wblte Slaves" 8-10. scope. Business good. IOmpiee (Van Slyke k Carlson, managers). — Dec G and week: Pearce Bros, and Marks, the Slalcoms, Eva .Parker, Barnard's dog circus', Henry King and motion pictures. Business immense: -■ . 4»> OREGON. SCrnnton. — At the Lyceum (A J. Duffy, manager) the Yiddish. Opera Co. Dec. . 6-7, "Tbe Imperial Divorce" 10. Cecilia Loftus came 1, to a large house. Acadbut. (A. J. Duffy, manager). — "The ■Factory Girl' 1 6-7, "Down by tbe Sea" 8-10. Deserted at the Altar.". 1-3, drew good houses. Stab' lAlf. G. Herrlngton, manager). — The World Beaters 5-7, tbe Dainty Duchess 8-10, the Runaway Girls 12-14, the New York Stars 16-17. The Jolly Grass Widows. 1-3, DUed tbe bouse. •' , .• - , " • The OKrWuti has been leased by Morti- mer Snow, of Troy, N, xV, from Blaney A Sears, aid will' open Dee, 20 ' with" A flrgt class stock Co;, with Mr. Snow at the head. The house will be known as the Court Square Theatre. — - . ,- -» Altoonn. — At the Eleveath Avenue Opera House (T. C. Mlshler, manager) De Wolf Hop- per. No.v. 30, did well. .'Hlachel Goldstein" had a good house 20. "In the Shadow of the Gallows," 28, and "A Midnight Marriage," 21), .both did well. Mildred Holland had a large audience 30. "Siberia" Dec. 1, Creston Clark 2. "One Night In June," booked 3, canceled. William Bramwell 6, Chester De Vohde Stock Co. 6-10. Notb. — At the Academy of Music, Tyrone, "Brown's In Town" was presented Nov. 30. ' a Lancaster. — At Fulton Opera House (Chas. A. Yecker, manager) Mildred Hol- land, In "The Triumph of an EmpressV" 'de- lighted a large house Nov. 28; 'The Mis- wanngei's). — .'ine stock company is tnla lighted a large house Nov 28 '" presenting in realistic manner the melo- Bourl Girl" did well 29. William Favers a. "Her Marriage Vow.' "Alaska," Inst In. "Letty," drew a crowded house "' MAntLA>D, ney ft Kellogg ltogera, F. J. ttay, F. ltoth, Charles Reap, W. n. Belff Bros.' Ueynnlils, Lew Uonnlre. B. tteno, 0. B. Keck, Win. B. ltussoll, Fred & Ollle nice Mr.AMrs.J. ltsclue ft Buymoml Kobetta. — I>an. Will Wkwell, J. a Itoyle. Harry Hnyniond, II. B. Zoellner, Carl Uaymond 4 Heda. H. L. Oaierlv Zasa. George Kechpforl& May Zara. Frank Bunkel. Morris SCeiinl, al. Bssaptt, F. V. Zjiufretta t iliisis. J. A, Mansfield Ulo; Adolpb Zena. Geo. SEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. ■■..<»» Carrib M. Scott, contortionist, owing to a severe cold and bronchial trouble, laid off at ber borne week of Nov. 21, for treatment Jones ami* Stirroit played the Opera House, Lawrence, Muss,, Wotk of Nov. •Vt, nnd Week of N baana- Ford's Opera House (Charles E. Ford, man- gers).— The stock company did excellent work ager) Dec. 5, In "A Romance of Atblone." last week, In "Woman Against 1 oman," and "Terence" 8, for the rest of week. Busl- thelr reward came In the foroi of liberal aess was large last week with "The Prince patronage. This week the offoring Is "On of Pllaen."^ "Parsifal" In English 12-17. the Stroke of Twelve." while "The Land of Academy (Nixon & Zimmerman mana- tuo Living' Is In rehearsal for the coming gers).— Henry Miller, in "Joseph Entangled," week. the current week. "Cupid 4 Co." 12.^'The Keith's New Tbeatbb (II. T. Jordan, Sorcoreas" drew fairly week ending 8. . resident manager). —The exceptionally at- CBabe's 1W. Warren De W(tt, manager), tractive programme for the present^eek In- — "Lend Me Your Wife" for week \Jf 6. eludes: Hersog'a horses, Hynu and Itichlleld, "Held By the Enbmy" Was well done to big Portland,— At tbe Maronam Grand (Cal- vin llelllg, manager) "Candida" did fair busi- ness Nov. 21-23. uaverly's. Minstrels bad a crowded house 24. "Arlsona" did big busi- ness 25. 2B. Thos. Jefferson 28, 2D, in "Hip Van Winkle;" "The Devil's Auction" 30, Dec. i; "Who's Brown?" 2, 3, Hose Melville 6, 0, Jano Corcoran 7, 8. Columbia (George L. Baker, manager). — Tbe Columbia Theatre Stock Co. bad two good houses Nov. .27 to witness "Tbe New Daminlah." "Mistakes WlU Happen" Dec 4-10. A beneSt for Edith Angus, a member of the stock, Nov. 22, by professional and local talent, netted a sum In excess of $000 Miss Angus Is rapidly reroverlug her health, though still .In the hospital. KwrrjiE (George L. Baker, manager).—? "Grimes' Cellar Door," which was booked for Cordray'g Theatre, drew good houses 24-26. It Is now announced that tbe Stair St Hav- Uu Shows have been secured by Mr. Baker and will for the present be bulled at this house'. Gband (F. Lincoln, manager). — Mosllner'l trained sheep, the FOnr Ollfnns, Frye nnd Al- len, the Elliotts, Sam and Ida Kelly. Arthur O. Folkert, Winiam Gross, Frank Melton and tbe grandlscone. Baker's (Keating 4 Flood, managers).— The Onrl Family, Young and Brooks, Leander Bros.,' Earl and Trainer, Kobers, Mulleux and the blograph. Stab (3. Morton Cohen, manager). — Aus- trian ulrla, Mozart Comedy Four, Rice and Walters, Garrlty Sisters, Tint Welsh and the proJectosc4pe. ' 'Arcade (fi. Morton Cohen, manager).— Trained cockatoo circus, the Great Malcolm, Kittle' StevenA, Kate Coyle, Ix>Irester and Wilson and the American bioscope. Lt'eic (Keating & Flood, managers). — F.thcl Whiteside, Maud and Anna Kramer, the Juggling Beorks, Raymond and Tracy, John W. Wood and the vltascope. . Bnor (Fred T. Merrill, manager). — Walk- er and Label), Aubrey Sisters, Harry Steele, Lydell and Butterworth, Pearl Greyson and tbe vttascbpe; ■ MiZE' (A. Shapiro, manager). — Carmen, Eugenia Paloma, Annie Goldle and Helena. OitPHEUM (W. A. Simons, manager).— Zlnn's Burlesque Co., Mae Vernon, Amellta, Ida Boalter, Francis Vealta Grey, Imogen Jlnnsfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Miss Cecil, Lottie Leonard, Gertie Keith, W. C Winn, Clifford Tralnor, W. J. Mack, Mamie West, William Harris, Lamont Bros., Zer- reldu, Miss Harris, Marjorle Mandville and Uattle Ward. - Fbitz's Ntw Theatm (J. J. West mana- ger).— Tbe Great Westln, Florence West, the SUirkeys, Mullan and Kenny, Leslie Stirling, Connors and Connors, Ida Miller, Sadie Newell,. Maud Kinney, Aldean Bros., Booney nnd Forrester, Carrie Wlnchell, Llllle Stet- son, ,Bl«lle Wrenn, Josle Myers, J. J. West, Derry wicl Whlttlng and Horence Russell. Blaxiee's Conceut Hall (Ell B. Davis, manager).— The Bradfords, Stella Clair. Anita Desanches, Genevieve De Forrest and Jennie Clair. Eiiratsos's Mosic Hall (H. D. Griffin, manager). — Fay Leslie, Elsie Loureodnu, Jennie Ripley, Celma 8ommers and Gertrude Stevens. <■» i » MAINE. Bert Howard and Leona Bland, James J". Morton, Les Dahlias, Basque Quartette, Del- more nnd Lee. Earl and Eurl, Matthews and Ashley, tbe Chamberlains. Trask and Glad- den, Lillian Le Roy, Adair and Dahn, Con- war and Klllen and the blograph. ' Bon Ton Tiikathi: (Bon Ton Amusment Co., managers). — The bill this week Includes: Laura Comstock and company. Topsy Turvy Trio, Mosber's bull pups, Burrlngtoa and Mar- tel, Bon Ton Stock Company, In "Turning the Tables ;" Allen and Delmalne, Hanley and Valeso, Nlblo and Itellly, Hilton, Lynch. Hoyt and 8oley, Ben Wilson, Harding and Weber, and Smith and Smtthera. Eleventh SinBirr Opera Hocsb (Frank Domont, manager. — Tbe same programme which has been dellghtlnc; the patrons tor several weeks past Is continued at this bonae. The burlesques. "Who bide Vare's Big Mule?" ''Mrs, Smlth-Blddlo's Servant Gill" and "Craay for Trading Stamps," have lost none of tbelr power to amuse; nnd the bal- ance of tbe programme meets with undoubted auprovaL LvcET^r Theatre- (John 0. flermon. man- ogerit — There was a Inrge turnout df patrons last week, attracted by tbe Gay Masipiernd- business week ending 3. ~ "Hamlet" 12. AuniroBiuM (James L. Kirnan, mana- ger).— "Superba" opened 6. "Huppy Hooli- gan" attracted full " houses . closing 3. "Cohen's Luck" Is billed for 12 and week. Portland. — At the Jefferson (Cahn ft Grant, managers) the E. V. Phelan Musical Gdmedy Co. was well patronized. Booked: Clara Turner Stock Co. 6-10. . PosTLAjro t James E. Moore, manager).— The grand sacred ebneert, Nov. 27, for tbe bebeflt of the Worklngmen's Club ■ House, Maryland (James L. Kernan, manager). was very succesatpl, attracting a large audi — Charles Bradshaw and company, Dlgby ence - " U1 ' or ; lB>t week drew Immensely. Hell, Fulgora, Flndlay and Burke, Earl and Bl " for 5 and week: Archie Boyd and Bobert Wilson. Coaklcv and McBrlde, Aerial Smiths Galllard, In "After Many Years;" Gardner Paul Spadonl nnd the blograph week of 6. and Vincent, Harper, Desmond and Bailey, Business Is uniformly good.* HoLlidav Street (Qeorgc ager).— "Tracked Around the World"'cotnes HoLmoay Street (Qeorcc W. Rife, man- 5 and week. "The Flaming Arrow" did well closing a. "More to Be Pitted Than Scorned" "blanet's (Charles E. Blaney, manager).— Barney Gilmore, In "Kidnapped in New York," Ml. Business was big last week, with ,'.' A Working Girl's Wrongs." '.'Od the Bridge , Ot. Mlflhlght'J 13. VV¥4i ^ , J, ,w Ma-.«MCNTii. (James : L. Kernan, mana- ger). — The'Cfty Masqncradars G, The Vanity Fair Burlesauera closetl a prosperous week IL Itellly & Wood's Co. 12. ■ Lyric (B. Ulrlch. manager). — The Boston Symphony Orchfstra comest!, wlth'Ysaye as a special feature. Three Weatons, the La Tells and Ada Ar- noldson. Citt Hall (Ira Stockbrldge. manager).— In tbe Chas. A. Ellis course, Nov. 29. Willy Hess, Mlnble H. De Mosa, Boston Symphony Oiisrtet; Mr. KraSselt and Max GncU drew well. *.» •,•. . *:*■ -• . * > * J ; ?}.-'<>■•-+ ' OKLAHOMA. ouishomn ClryA-At the Overhoher Opera Bouse (Ed. OverhoUer, manager; "In Loulslara\"-Nov. 21. SoOsa's Band, 23, did fair ^bniloeii.. "A Desperate. Chance.'', 24. Sacked* tr^ 5 hoa»e. * "The Marriage of Kitty," 7, aid 'fair business. JtOrey Stock 28-DeC. 4, "Glittering Gloria" 0. DecemberIO THE pw Y0RK <2J±LP>P1®EL m, As 'THE tJNKNO#N. w i : .» As "TIMOTHY D. McGEE." with GEORGE M. COHAN'S "J^TIJS JOHNNY JONES" CO. THE IIBERTY Tt ^JCATt^e, NEW VOWK- K SEW TORK STATE.' naffnlo^-At the Stnr Theatre (P. C. ,,,'ei manager) Ada ltehan appears Dec. •- lilsncae Illns 810, Wilton Lnckaje 12- ','j''ntl9 Skinner 15-1". Maude Adams was .r^ue ousln "The Little Minister." ■"SS (Walter & Baldwin, manager).— nti Barry" Is the attraction w week of 5. A Voung : Wife" next week. "1'atil .Revere" MISSOURI. ?5R km successful last week. vcIuMtt («• <-'■ Stcvcus, manager).— "On ,l,c Suwanee Blver" this week.., •'Queen of Z White Slaves" next week. "Wedded and Parted" pleased good attendance. r»vvcM (J Laughl n, manager .— Al. H. n£?to-%H Watch 'on the Rhine" this SZ "Sbadws on the Hearth" next week. ?r*e Hear? of .Maryland': .«™ »»${„ ,„ »T&^T.'*liMtl^« h. .Mt as ldng aS -men aren't famed put of moulds, well built »t. i,»tti..— Midnight of Dec. i offlcfoiiy clothes will have to be tailor-made. A suit or overcoat made ended the Louisiana Purchase Fiposltlon, and' i_ • , •• .j nil of its attendant accompaniments, and from that special line of blacks and blues, plain, fancy and over-plaid live hundred dancing girls, singers, acrobats . , , . , . ..... • . .. . ,. and -vaudcviniaas have wd farewell to -the worsted cheviots for $20. We 11 make it the wav vou like, and if you don t l'lkc, St. Lools and the World's Kalr. The ... .. . , _. UjL'i »., , . • . , i»'a«- majority or these perforiners came to 8t. nice tne style or fit you, needn t pay. We claim their value — $40. Lools under contract to remain until ' -in ess' Christmas," the Throe Kca- ,,?ul UrluY a«M . «tt6, Drawee, Flo Adler, Wilton Brothers. The Uni- ting actual close of the Exposition, aqd they wci-o llnanclally. hound to remain '.until the curtain was finally rung down. Most of the performers long ago signed contracts which take them Into the Holds of vaudeville or Into some of the musical comedy companies. Olysipic (1'. Short, manager).- — Viola Al- len opened Nov. 28, la "The Winter's Tale." have been In "The Samples, measuring outfit and fashion cards sent on request Mad Cap Princess,' Cn$Tirwr (J. J. Dec. 5-10. llnnnerty, anage: had s n — World's ?^' '""•"-JR? E-Sh bought the" Wllllum Collier, In "The Dictator," had* sp'len- versily of B inches" drew fairly -well. "The Wan of Women," 1-3, did au cjually good hiisino->. "Tlio Way of the Transgressor M. "A Hagged Hero" 8-10, "The Unwritten Law" 1517. - , • , , l'uocTOii's (Uoward Graham, resident mnu- a «eri.— Tue house was comfortably filled last MS. For r>-7, a variety bill, including: 4-10. iMVKRi.tt. (D. E. Russell, manager). — Last week marked the closing of Blanche Bates" marvelous run lu "The Darling of the Gods." Big houses, as usual, watched .the final performances. Miss Kates and. her asto- IMHVVA. Iiiillnini|ioll» — At English's Opera House (Ad. F. Miller, manager) Blanche Walsh, In "The Krcutier Sonata," Nov. 20, gave an artistic performance, to good business. Yaave was greeted by a large audience 28. Blanche edticsdny night, , pany will so on tour. . • . Gbaku Opeb.v Dinsu (John G. Sheehy, manager). — Leslie ' and Daly, In "Paris by Night," last week drew big business. Bert I*slle acted the circus ennvnx man lo per- fection. "In Old Kentucky" Dec. -i-10. 't.'iUVFfiuD (O. T. Crawford, Diauuger). — "Iter l-'lrst P'also Step," with Its funuy runil quurlet and liiunan Interest, entertained large audiences lost week. Little Dorothy, the cbild actress, held receptions. "Sweet Clover" 4-10. manager) . — "Wheji tbo capacity of 'the __■ Lane Connor was splendidly received. "After Midnight" 4 r 10. Com' Jim a (Frank Tate, manager). — Clay- Paris." rlcttta Crosman 8-10. Gaiety (U. B. Nichols, manager).— The , „ white and Marie Stuart In lilue Itlbbon Girls, Nov. 28-30, renewed the ■ *"■- -■ Impression made earlier, lu the season. 8am be ~ 1 made a big success In last week's. bill. An- . other feature was the Kltamnra Japanese u ; re , 8 , 9^3 H- S3&.*b ^ UU8,uew Troupe. Pat lUoney's street urchins brought ^^l K :S;^!i et °^" , '-£ f .,™ «.« down the house, Othera: Howe nnd Scott, Note. — Shcpard's moving sbovn at the Empire Nov. 2' EvnhaTlHc — At the Grand Opera House (I'edley i.-'Burch. managers) . Al. G. field's Billy Carter. Zclma Bawlston. the Three Mlt- Mlngtiels, Npy. i5. bod an enornionB house. VIHU1NIA. v«irf.i1K. — At Ihe Academy of Music (Coi bin Shields, manngcr) ShcpardB mov- ing pictures. Nov. 2-1, came to very good business. ."(Julniy Adtiais Sawyer," 20, camo to fair relurns'. "Sherlock Holmes" wIib accorflcd u vcrv hearty iweptlou 28. "The Girl. from Dixie" Dec. 10. UkAWrt (Jako Wells, manager). — "Jhe Beauty Dqetor" did eltganL hustnoas Ust Week. "The Llghtttoose by 'tho Sea" week of S. • - „ , ,- 6 - : : rtwou (Abb Smllli, manager) .— Pcojilc Only n Shop Girl" Dec. 1-3, wok ( g : j aulC 8 Welch. Harry O. Shafer, Belle Coleman. Krlxle U>. Urund. Ucrtlo Hh)os, Harry T. Howaril, Mile. Bucurr and; Bono Melvlng. BiisIiichh Ih good. Ac MB (CllHS. M. Went, manager). — Now people for week of 6": KranrlH Cameron, Slolllo Hayes and Hlgglnis and Molloy. Prof. Weston nnd his moving pictures Is llio strongest card this house lias hud for some time. . , StAXltMTM (G A. & J. M. Crliinlmi. n --imagers).— People booked for week of 5: I.cvliicnnd Almq, Cuffery ami Grant. Bran- don and Harris, Flo Temple. .Mabel IH-lmore, Alfredo Aluhouse, Walter l'>rl Uoston, Anna drouth and JJiiv Lemiidls. Huslnese in g : Sisters -Clihtham. Madge Daytcll, the Smiths and Eugene Henry. Business lust week was the biggest of the season. . Emimiie (C'bas. /ImmerUian, manager). — Rose Hill's English Folly Co. last week gave a clever performance, . to very big business. Merry Maidens week of 3. XOTios. — Jos. B. Blcder. who was business manager for Al. O. Field's Minstrels for fif- teen years, joined "Vivian's Papas" ?0, In the same capacity. JEW YOllK. Ho'cliesfcr.- anu uec 4. che „ g> Vnd an( i Anu | e Pej 0t , Curtis and Fran|t, Daillois, In "Tlie Ofllco Boy," 28, 'Tiad • c'^.-: . ... t, Adnms, Axtell and Early and Battle Brown, a big aUdleo'Oe. "A Sleepy Princess" (local At the Lyceum _(M. m B. Star.— The stock compaoy presented last Wolff, manager} Maude Adams, lu "The Lit- weck a doimatlzatlon of "Michael Strogoff.' tie llmlatcr, 1 " Nov. 28, drew a capacity audi- to gma attendance. The scenes requiring th( eace. Lawrence DOrsoy.In "The barl of introduction of iupers were uncommonly wol "A Hot Old-Time" Dec. 1, I'awtuckct," played to fair audiences 29,30. Ada Iiehan and Charles lllchman appeared la "The School Girl" and "The Taming of the Shrew" to large audiences Dec. 2, 8. Local chorus concert, with John Young as wlolst, 6; the Pittsburg Orchestra 7, Emll I'aur, conductor; Mrs. "Emma Myers, soloist ; Arnold Daly S. Mrs. Patrick Campbell 0. 10. Xatioxat. (Max Hurtlg. manager).— " Run- ning for OWce" fared well Nov. US-30. .A feature was the singing of Florence Little. "Tilly Olson" dlil good business Dec. 1-3. liertrudc Swlggctt made a most decided suc- cess. Aa added word.of praise Is due Annlo •Mllston. Llliputlans. ui^ "Slubad," 5-7; -HeU liens" 8-iu. . ; . • ,' i IIakeu (J. E. Boyle, mannBcr).- i "fIcr Mad Marriage" played to fair business Nov. '-•8-30. . "Now Ynrk-Day By Day" iileased K«od houses Dec. t-U. "The Sllnlster's Daugh- ters" 0-7, "For His Brolhcr's Crime" 8-10. Cook Uri.ia Housu (.1: II. Moore, mnna- «r). — (,'rowded houses still rule here. BUI a and week : Ella Bradna, Sjduey Dciiuc and Co., l-'oy and Clurk, ludce, the Boberty Troupe. Klclh, Ott Bros, and Nicholson, the Four Marvcllus and the klnctograph. ('dbist'u'un (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). — Fred Irwin's Burlesqucrs played to packed bouses. Bose Sydell's London Belles 0-10. _ tho jupera were uncommonly well managed. . . Staxdaiid. — Weber's Parisian Widow Bur- lesqucrs last week did well. The vaudeville bill Included: Ben Welch, Foster nnd Foster, Nelson and Mlllcdgc, Arnold and Valmore. Chas. Falk and Rose Carleton. Imperial Bur- lesquers 1-10. ... NOTftai-Laura Burt arrived In St. Louis a big audience. talent) came 29. Viola Allen 10. nmn (I'edley &. Bin cli, inanagera). — "Only a Shop Girl" had two good crowds Nov. 27. The R road wav Barlesqners come to good buslnWs i -20. "Beaiilng the Har- vest* 1 Dec. .1, Nat Wills -1. Innocent Maids 10, Wade's Minstrels 11, "In Convict Stripes" 17. . ■>, i . . Evato.Uam;— Y. M. C. A. star eobrse. liamedlalely g't lo take charge. Hoy Johnson will go with tilm as slQgi- ni.i linger. C. A. Crlunlun will'Tenfaln 'In Mrfolk. . ■ 1 At:uiTantCM,:(J.."M. .Barton, manager).— People wSlFol 8t It. -.Icalu Buckley. Mile. Giant. Florence Kdwnrrts, Florot(u.. Mtaulc PaUcrsoh, Pansy voir, Lnurn Uaymoud, Trldr arid'.OIraud nnd Chns. 13, H?ntz, etago manngcr. Huulness Is pood. ■ , & the Evajs HALt;— 1. 31. C. A. star course, ]i ea ,,ty Doctor" Thomas MeOlarj'. Is "Mlaslon of Mlftn." Din" 1"-17. ■ Notes.— The Van Dyke & Eaton Co. waa ~ Acaucjiy op nieiimoBd .— At the BUou Thentro (Wells Drift*, ftauagors) „l3Wh Lighthouse by e Sea" drew largo houses last week. ' The largo ... Dec. 540,. "On Thanksgiving from Glasgow, Scotland, last week to begin luwrporatctLIn Lvansvllle on !Sov. St arid rpbearslng In "In tho Palace of the King," aillces filed here. he capital stock Js with the New Oileon Stock Co, .Rtjsc one thousand. dollar* divided Into J_en shares with WlFllam Collier. U n Troy — At the Lvceum (Buras Glllnm, mauager) the Snow Stock packed the house for the second week. In "When Knighthood Was In Flower." /'Fighting Bob" Dec. 5-10. Gniswoui OfEttA House, (M. Bels, mana- ger).— Ada ftelian, in ."llie Taming of tlie Shrew," packed the house, and Paula M- wardes. In "Winsome Winnie," drew fairly well. "The Girl nnd the Bandit" hud u fair lionse Dec. 1. "Shadows. on the Hearth" had big houses 2, 3. Daniel Sully 7, "Cupid k Co." 10. Kami's Oi'eba Iloi.sr. (M. Rcls, mana- P'r). — "Over Niagara Falls" had good houses, "hrooi Hags to KlekCH" had good houses 1-3. Tloru Thomo" 5-7, "The Way of the Trans- gressor" 8-10. Fnixt (Air: n. Buck, manager). — 9am De- yerc'x Ilurlcsquers had good houses. Blue l.lbbon Burlesqucrs packed the house 1-3 I lrui»-,'u M„ I....1 1..^ r. T llrLl.'n 1 ., K',>i..L'.-ir Flytut; who Is St. I.ouis-irirl Wui. A. Brady lias been In the'clly the 'past week conferring With (Sen. I'letCrOnJe, Of Boer war fame, Mr..Brndy tays he lias a contract with CrdtUe. dating Tiuck a yviif'ngo calling- lor performances under Ills Innhtigvmcnt. llr. Brady la busy oiguukliig Ms own Boer War siiectaW,'. . . . The new 0. Hurt on Holmes gave the Urst of bis "TruvelcinK's" Dec. 1, at Y. M. C. A. Hell. "In London" was his subject An ap- plication f.>r a receiver for the Boer War was nsked for In the Circuit Court 2T. by some of the disannulled mlnoritr stockhold- ers The Hot Time Minstrels; will give ah entertainment at the Qdcon Monday evening, Dec. 12.... The Norwegian drnmn. "Fnllissciuent'' (Bankruptcy), was presented by the German Stock Co. nt the Olympic Not. 27, and innde n big success with a fair house (Incenbrek. the anlnml owner, has leased the Jul Ala: building for the Win- ter nnrt will go Into Winter :«uaj;tev8 there with his Immense aggregation of animals. Kniisn* City At the Willis Wood Thea- tre (Woodward * Burgess Amusement Co., niauagera) the nil star cast. In "The Two Or- phans," cninc the tlrst three nights ot last week to large and appreciative audiences. "The Koval Cher' came to good bouses Dec. l-:t. This week William Collier, In "The Dic- tator." and neit week will '.be divided be- tween James T. Powers, in "San Toy," and Ezra Kendall. - GiUNii .(Hudson & Judnh. monagers). — Last week funny George Sidney, in "Busy "' had big business. This weelt Lew Dock- Next of one hundred dollars ouch. The Incor- porators arc Fred MrClnnabnn, of Evans- vllle.' three sliaroB: Ollle Knlon Van Dyke, of Chicago, four- shares, and Curtis MeClaiin- han. at Kvansvllip. , Hiree,'. iibun-s., The" ja- corporators arc the illrevtiirs for, tho Urst year; and tlie ohjccl uf law company Is to give thntrtcal .allows. The principal ulHro Is to lie lu KvaiiMVlllo Arthur- Dunn litis kevired his coonoctlmi wllli the Grand Opera House and Fred WaMJer has control. The attrndnncq rewrd at tho Gtand hus Iweti slinlterctl by having three shows lu succes- tloii to S. It. O. I Tcrrc Hiinte. — At the Graud Opera Hotisq (T. W. Barhydt, manager) Frank Daniels enrae Nov. 2tt, to S. R. «>. . Duo: "The Sign of the Cross" Dec. 5, "War Bob White" 0, Robert Kderon 10, the Great Lafnytttc 12, 13. EMrmn (Thos. Flnnegtin. niluiager). — Bill for weok nf 5: The Auornii. Mr. and Mrs. Flnnegan, Beeson and a thorn, Jnekson nnd Don" Bessl- . Note.- — Arrangements «ro holng innde for the opening of the new Safer Family Thea- tre at* an early date. - ■ i Frankfort. — At the Bllnn (K. Lnuger- brake, manngcr) "Under Southern Skies" came Nov. 21 to big business. "llHcnped from the Harem" came 23, to a fair house. "Kben llolden" came 30 to good bnahMNM. Stetson's '•!'. T. C." Dec. 10, "Looping the Loop" 12, "A ltoyal Slave" 15. . . ♦ »» — KENTUCKY. Acauumv or Mimic (OImb. W. Bex, Jnan- .•tffer). — "Sherlock Holmes" drew a large Crowd Nov. 28. "Ennlnlc" (amnleiir) had crowded houses 30, Dee. 1. "The Girl Horn Dlxlu" V, F ield's Ml )lB. j r el» 10, : * ■■ ''■! $T. -flU-XAB. Ft. Worth.— At ''*v m )egan, Beeson and Atnern, jnekson anu j;,,trlc Colton, J. E. N. unil Georglc Powers glas. Kitty Moon. Millard and Hall and Tom Fey. "I*«lsc ' nvrd nnd "Lulu LnWton ilc Morrison. Gnwl business- rules. "Married -Life" Is the btock offering. Bust ucss QJMOed big. ' ... Chown (Phil Kpsleln, manager). — "Tho Irish Pawnbrokers proved mi . acceptable, opening net week of 28. • The big olio In- cluded : (,'tark and ICmmoiiH. Thompson Olid ItiiHsell. Chas. Hoey, Hazel IX; Moiicourl, llciilnh De Mon, Belle Hhiuphoii, Billy Catuii- bbll. Fiinnlc Floreuce, Leah Daucourt, Fay llcliuar. Juo.A. Murphy, Bthol Russell, Saul Harris and Ada Yule. Business continues heavy. : Nutk. — I'M. Jenkins, who has been with the Rlngllqg Show, has returned to the city nnd resumed his position In the orcnnsira at GtecnwaU'H Opera House. No man, wumttn or child slioiild lio without this fnnious under. , . wu:tr. Nn utan or woman is who L, ieiK oxporiouc.od lltu keou Be use of . cjinfurt mitl vigor which jis into j prnnioirs. HBUOMMBMniCO BY LKADI1U I'll Y8IC1AHM KVK11YWI1EIIK. Booklet* oud Sample* Vrtt. DR.JAE6ERSS.W 8. GO/S OWN STORES: , Mfl _ Yn ,|. I mb Fifth Ave. Heir Tor« j , JT m-o,^,,^ Brooklyn: KM Fulton St. Boston : 330'iU Boylston 8L miiadolpflta: 1M0 Ohtiiuat Si. Ohlo agoi n Stale at. AamU in AU CUU$. Calcium Gas and Moving Picture Outfit K.»" M ^^^^ e.SrS^8erl' 1 ieannr^wVV'^m«-Nov: .^TTT ggg^lCBI w^'V, t' ! «i.»««n™ ?t 1* tl nSn 28-::o. presenting "Iris." Miss Towler gave Hoii.ton— At tho'Hoi.slon Theatre ( nenry aehi m^ T f7 ^^ Lod P e ^ N °j !"■> ,^£'. B J ks ' ^OumRxUvirtS^^, ircncral mana- a very hrtUtlc performnncc, to good attend- Grccmvull. mnnager) P "TIle Jewel of Asia," Held memorial services at Band's Opera 4. '"'"£'?. * , a " m , '"?£ ,„^° n £l,l S?»v . nnre. Hnrry, Bereaford followed Dec. 1-3. Nov. 21. 2r,. had three bk- houses. "The Fatal ridod houses continue. mana- Thls week gcr). ^a7aa 01 t;, n d i7ou S o W S , 0. N BlT,i i ^Bro A 3 da d Texaua.SIs.ers an, L ,h, Nelson Family. .. jniitUer big house with "Eight Bells." " 'Way ■Vwn Iiusf •M l-iiat'* had good buitao!--s Dec. 2, 3. uming- "Shadows ou the Health" C, 0, Shcpard's moving pictures 7, S,"LcwIs "Mor^ n»n o, "A Struggle for Gold" 10. X ;t j.i. is (K. S. Brlghara, manager). — Last week, "The Cure* of Drink" drew good houses. Title week, Patrice. In ''Driven from Home." and next week. "After Mldnlgnt." AuniTowcM (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- !'*»« Midnight" last week drew crowded ;nrnlval crowd* » .«V„;; ■£.:"**•" ■— »grr \ ™.» «,. ment Co.. mnnagers).— I^ist week, "Sweet houses. "Across the Mltf 4-10. . '.'An Honest .Man,' ■■ m»i weeK. Week oi ~S : Monroe. Mack »na Lawrence, Eckert and Berg. Majestic .'itisieal i-our, Rosalre and Doneto, Glllotto sisters, C. W: Williams and Helda Haw- [ uo ™e. Lathorlne Nelson and kluudrotre plc- h.? TA ?-"~ Tne management of -llMs theatre a»» changed hands, and the house will be conducted In the future bv a Pelleterle and hi, v reel] ' Ql Buffalo. William Casey will B. Thayer and Gertrude Bandhlll wers ei- cellent. This week. "A Desperate Chance," and next .week. "The Vlllaaie Parson." CKXTfnv (Joseph Barrett, manager). — Last week, the Merry Maidens gave a line burlesque performance to good houses. This week, the Parisian Widows, and next week, the Imperial Burlesnuers. TauPh (Lloyd Brown, manager). — This week: Mllo Vague, the Savages. Dirk and aud Louie Bros. a very artistic pertormnnee, to goou nttenu- Greenwull, mnnager. anee. Ilnrry, Bereuford followed Dec. 1;3, ;Nov. 21. 23, had three big houses. "The Filial lu "Our' New Man." drawing large nudlent-ts. "Wedding" smllsllMl (wo big IiijUkch 2(1. "Tlie Coining: Mnrgarut Angllti 3, 0. . Cincinnati Sultan of Huln," 'M. had u Jammed lioUNe. Svmpliony Orchestra 7, Viola Allen 8-10. Frederick Wnrdo and Kathryn Kidder, 2«, Masonic (Chns. A. Shaw, manager). — :)0, to thH)c big house*. "The Little Home. "The Sign of tho Cross" last week drew good atetid" Dec. 1, 2, "Under Kotilhern Hklea" .'!. bouses. "A Son of Best" 5-10. KlIPlM (Frank M. Illnhop, mnnager). — Avenck (Chas. A. Shaw, manager). — "The Streets of New York" sutlslled Ihe big enrnlvn) crowds Nov. 21-L'fl, John Itogers, was the attraction 28- Bf cKtM.it Ait (Whnllcn Bros., managers). Deo. 8. to fair houses. —The Imperial Burlesquer'a gsVe a good per- , 'MtAItmbji (Alvldo & r.nsserre. managers) For — iiimineHS continues to tho capacity. ♦< » i..-" ""="> «i liuas o. vyiiiinm a-ubcj "■•■ week- SIllo Vacuo the Savnaes Dlek and -'"• ul,u '&»',;*« m r lc, and John O'Toole StJSS OnTthrtiet. •MSSaa Murray btoftapo. l, , ^ Co - I" "Molher-ln-lnw" and "East ■•rnne. Tho Vienna Ladles Orchestra will ■I a feature during the week. niffW'Slr-Ttt 'bo Samiiels Opera JB* <\ Rels.^msoager) ^adiey's tnovlpg tin' f'k. Y°Sl - 8 - dl-ew ffllr BOU *»- -lV ar - u«S ?.SS. Ie * om "'' Cabin," 2C, hid hlwhohl- D,*- h Tho Strollers" Dec. 5,. "Now York 8 ■ -?L % y ■ «• '"WbJ O'rls I**w • Hone" . Soa4?? "Jfowninn's Daughter" l». Mtamm na« Cits., Mr v«L ; *9- .'.T -.'•'. '. " «fo)o tte. title t hS?J« •" — <»»»*leai Samuels, owner of tho To.: which (lr ntM^!' a " n "unceB that nt the clogo of the tlsed, among the trade, nnd the public for a i 'sent season he will Increase the size of utinrber of years. Tlfe offlces twain at 40 ** sugts aa Bcatlog' capacity. _ ..- West Twentj-cl£ktli Street,- * •• foruianre, to big 'nouses, last week, week of .1, the Gay Morning Glories. , Hoi-kins' (Wat. ReklimnD, resident man- ager). — Good crowds witnessed a Dbe vaude- ville' bill last week. Howard Thurston was added to the bill Dec. 1. Bill for' week of. 4 : May Vofccs and Co.. Techow's cuts, Booney ana Boat. Boston Bros., Ford and Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Pierce, Mabel Casaldy and the 28 to Deer 8: People Genevieve Fonda, Will O. J. II. RjEMICK IN CONTROL. The entire music publishing business of Shapiro. -' Rcnuck k Co.' t has.ib«en^t*cured by J. IT, Item I ck,. he haying bought the stock formerly owned by Maurice Shapiro, who wUhM to retire. The firm owr.a the music departments -hi twenty-six ' lnrj;o stores rtiroilclimit the ennntrV 6s far'w<«it as Kflu- "r. llenjlefe.tvl|l hctoto loo* re- 6t lb* Whiiwy-Wafiicr, Buttle tin IniK Been exieiiidvely adver- Pmliipali. — At the Kentucky (.las. K. BnullKh. manager) Al. Fields Minstrels, Nov. 28, hud « fufl house. ."A "Hot -Old Time." 29, and the Van Dyke-Eaton. Stock Co. the linker, Mnbel Wright, George W. and Belle Milton. Lillian Luscombe, 'Madeline La Verne, Sadie Ncllson, Brnest Bailey, PrancIS' Sisters, Clalrn Copclnnd, Frank Ilariourt, Margaret Burkhnrt, James Ryan, Thelifia IloTmeH, Irege Wfest.-Grneo, Buisell anil May V«h ''ot-. ton. The carnival woh u success 21-2(1, und drew Immense crowds. I ' . Austin. —At Hancock's Opera Hoinie (Geo. Walker, mnhnger) Cliss. Hancock did fair business Nov. 21. "James Boy*," at half prices, draw a good crowd 23. "Twelfth ' --it"" liotTU CUtoUVl. Clmrtestrm.— At 0'Wrtn' Academy . .1 Tub fclBTt:iiit 'Mnrisntrir, ecconlnahTcd by timir mother and 'maid, ami Dec. 1 tat T.on , den (o upon at the Cfiltuoui Theatre on Dec, nt Mil- Jo. 'Jhi^fcre bmM m n«r6ne for 1 yekr. want The* haT#Jttiltrbmplefrd a' tonr of the big ^^bw-'- ■^y- i .y-«L«a*».^a»&. ;. WL.!: eif'ulls as a fitauiro act On, cr*ry bill. Thslt ^* Wimlsriyoii.l'irnlKliliiBrriuijilitli! outflta with Fhllple ami <".|illclt limtriirltoiis. The Field Is Large, comprising tho retruliirtlicntie •niltneliirii circuit, «ll» local in Mm hi ••Jiiirrliim. Piilillc School", 1,'xliteM inol liinoiriil l'ohllc. lielfurltin". Kothliiir uirorilH hotter opportunities for .Kp'itai. Our Outfit Comprises the O. I*. OO.'U model, PUHt CALCIUM CAB OUTFIT, th» sreateat candle dowot , the safest ■nd most •oonomldnl nusmnklna; outntaver Invented. wstghtMlb. Sltreopilccn, Motlmr Plcluri kUcH In, ciia. cim.» nt ovcry sesjessanr rlltH, SlltllS needed lor cutnplctn cntertslmn'nl". Aluoluti'ly thn Intent II Inn mill view pi on thn niitrk.>t, limlnelng ■II HUliJcels for the pulillo'a enjoyinrnt. PKBI entertainment supnlr oatalogue suit SPECIAL OFftPl fully explains everything. CHICUO nOJECTilOCO,. HSRiirkeni 51 , Oast. HIT, thlcm. •nr ■ m w i ii ' ' i —ii ■ gggg McCi'kb' av» dlt.Vh v T write that owlutt to Ihe hudilpn death of Frank MrCune's father, tliPv wore cnlled homo and had li> i-iitieel nit tltslr WeKteth Work. The/ bad linen In the B'eitt a rear and bad laid off lint tun Weeks In that tUB*. They. jjtsto . their set was n KneiPK*, nnd they intend to return West iifier./tba holiday*. , . . • ■-'Maudb '•Nwnmr. -presented "be* haisband, ffilllUa JeiQue, xltfi a babx S'Jl sD SiSIs 'Hi, mi JTTEm ::NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December io. .- «BND rOR MKW HUI POOKIT KDITIOIV. ITs. A*3. , 9«s « asc. ICOPB. arfcw film bt/pplewbmts, Hei. aa o, i EDItO* EXHIBITION K1!»KT08C 8 1 X CS.OO CLASS A FILMS, IB CBTTI FIH FOOT class a films, ia cbsts pbb foot! MWM sSnSSS kisbtoscopm. "PARSIFAL" THE EX-CONVICT The Greatest Religions Production la Movlnc Plctnres Complete Illustrated Lector* and Hasleal Score Furnlih Wagner's Masterpiece Flay. Completi LKSOTk, l,07Sfl T CLASS SPECIAL SHaNGHalED BY PIKATE9. IlXCSTRATED SONGS. LBNGl 300ft. B 826ft B BHOOTINQ RAPIDS, KILLARNEY, ~IRBLAN'T> .. lCCft. B EEECVttie.JUUuB HKLL, 120ft. B lClJ CREAM EATIXG ,78ft. B WTltY'S CHRISTMAS OUT 140ft. B LOVH WILL FIND A WAV 140ft. B 1,1 HE OF A BACK HOR8K. " 100ft. B RESOLTOF TOO M'JCH JEALOUSY 24Mr. B CHILDREN AND RABBITS 100ft. B ,WAR BALLOON A8CENDINO AND .DESCENDING 126ft. B ORLO AND HIB TRAINED DOQS. . 185ft. B PUKFIANS' DANCE 12Cf t. B UflH BALL ON HOK8B BACK, No 2 ..' ......... ......lOOftB U ISER'B DAUGHTER 270ft. B BOW A FRENCH NOBLEMAN GOT A WIPE THROUGH TUB N. Y. HERALD "PERSONAL" COL- UMNS ......... i 875ft B •ATTEMPTED MURDER ON A TRAIN - :...;V. .... . 280ftB • lore tbe Passion •d with Each Film. ..PRICK, S335.TS C AP1TJHB OF "xTBOG " BARK BURQLARS OPBWING CBSEMOinES K. Y. BUBWAY, OCT. 27, 1804 BUBS COUPLE AT A COUNTY FAIR MILITARY MAHOETJVJBES. MANASSAS, VA. MISS SHAFFBB AKD HER DANCING HORSE - OITY HALL TO HARLEM IS lo SECONDS VIA SUBWAY WSAEY WILLIE KISSES THE BRIDE EUROPEAN REST CUBE - LOCOMOTIVE HEAD-ON COLLISION (REAL) , a "■ - A Beautiful Pathetic Story In Eight Icenei: "Leaving Home," "Dlicharg ( d," Employment." "The Rescue," -Discouraged," "Desperation," "The Burglary, "'"A Friend at "/«.', iGTH. 660ft. CLASS A m>>»_ 5 ' A A A A 860ft, soorc 540ft. 263ft. 188ft, A 160ft. A WOlt. A 980ft, A 80ft A EDISON MANUFACTURING CO MAIR OFFICE and FACTOHY . ORAXGK, !t. J. CHICAGO OFFICE, 304 "Wataal Avenne. NEW TORE OFFICE: S3 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDRESS, KURILIAN, NEW TORE. OFFICE* FOR UNITED KINGDOM: 25 CLIRKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E. 0., ENGLAND. SELLING AGENTS: THE KINETOOBAFB CO.. PBTBB BA0IOALCPI 41 E. 2ist, St., New Tori. . .788-788 Minion St., Sin Francisco, Cal. Looking for pmcB. JBtm LOVER'8 CRIME 3o«, a SEA CELLS AT NEWLYN, CORN- " UK,B ^ WALL, ENGLAND....'....... «)« „ OTTBB HtfNT ."...: 275f , p CLIFKSOFCHEDDAR, ENGLAND Wfir ' u ACROSS MT. PILATE.-... .7?.." 470^0 MANIAC CHASE ■ . o30f ' 2 OLDMAID'S FLIRTATION.-... ... ##*£ MYSTIFIED BATHER . 10 ^ C TRAINED HOGS Jgoj « PtSSrS DINNER 12$ ' 5 QREAT TEMPLE PROCESSION 1 " SjILB NIKKO. JAPAN ::...?' aioh » RUM vs. CHERRIES 300 ' 5 STUDY, SMOKE AND SOOT.. ffiS ANNIE'S LOVE STORY. . .. 70s} • S TOUR OF ITALY toottu DRIVEN FROM HOME: . ......... 385ft k CLEANING A STOVE PIPE... . iooft'5 COLLIERY DISASTER 470hH BOYS WILL BE BOYS. .......:.. MOftS CIRCUS ROMANCE BSMlS NEST ROBBERS :. . gjgg EDISON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Ditlre to notify their Customers, the Trade and General Public that they HAVE ESTABLISHED A WESTERN OFFICE, where they will carry a oomplete atook of lateat Edison Films, Projecting Klnetoscopes, Parts and Supplies. 304 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO. FitzGerald's Big Show, ) :.v': AMERICA'S LARGEST TENTED VAI..E VII. LK, Foi the tented teaaon of 190S. opening about May ",, Vaudeville Performers In All Lines who Doable Br»n, Clever Sketch Tsam, Clever Slater Team, Black Face Comedian, Brother Act doing two turns, Female NbteltyADf, U&u with Tronpo of Trained Dori, Uin with First Olws picture Machine, Som »nilJ5»ace and Knockabout Teams, Band ami Orchestra Leader, and Load Street Mailcltnato 1 >o»Tile Orobestra. One «how a day— week ntandi In the cities. Management pays all after joining. Also want Man who Understand* Top to Double Band. Only people who appreciate good treatment and Mire money ana are willing to work for the lntereelH or tbe show need write. Make salary low, as yon get It In REAL MONEY every Sunday. Addreiw GBRALI> FITZGKRALD, 61 Ford St., Ogdenibntf, N. Y. WANTED— second Hand Ton, 80 with two tm, In good condition, with seats and light! complete. Have for isle Second Hand Top, 40ft. with 20; s Miniature Ciges and Small Band Wsgon. T GRAND OPERA HOUSE, 1 RKA.DIKO, PA. ; DEC. 22, 23, 24 OPEN. Address MATHAV AFPCIL, Grand Opera House, Reading, Pa,, or STAIR ft BAVLItT, New York. i i i m i n i i , ! .. ■ FARCE COMEDY PEOPLE ' WITH SPECIALTIES, | AGENT AND PIANO PLATER. Geo. MIl.Trrlte. Address . . . ^_ ^WILLIS IMJIILAF, i«,wstr ■ Deo »<«T', 00 , Ii.i Deo. II, Oelweln, Is.; Deo. 16, Ohailci City, Ia. NOTICE TO MANAGERS! We hitve in BsDdeomo Ohorns Ladles on cur books, make swell appearance on and offstage, from the vdry best (aiolllea In (Jleveland, 0., snd are well drilled through our School of Acting. Man- agerrof High Cites Productions and uoi leique Companies can secure any amount of beautiful I adlee wluln tnree Mys. NOTICE— For tbe balance of t d is and all nest season, write to , • it' THE NEW lYORK VACDK VILLE SCHOOL 01' AGT1N0. LKNO & A8MD8, Props. 1., . DON UNO. Manager, Ljceum Tbesue Building, Suite 11, Cleveland, 0. Pi B.— Manssers through Onto and Penna., send In open time for one and three night ntamis. S RIP VAN WINKLE CO. 25 PEOPI.E, BAND AND ORCHESTRA. WAITS Compute Goiapaoy— Woman for Brelchen, with Ohild lor Eoonio. Preference given those win Double in Dind. Winter and Summer engagement to those who do not get drunk,, Prefereuoe-glver! to man for Bis who can p'ay fi. Drum or double band. Address V Leon, Iowa, Deo. 10; Albany, Mo., 13; Savannah 13, Bedford, Iowa, U. ' THEATRE LEASE FOR SALE, Including; Flxturo T>n and fifteen, cent Uouee, UbIiowh n day. Besting capacity, £7 5 ; 100 opera chairs; doing; life business/; ruson for selltoK. uiher busiuess. l'ormlatlou of city, 5,000; only one other lilgli price tlieatre In city. Be^t' locution in town. Kveiytbing In good eh ape. Will bear in- vest Igatloo, Price, $2,500. ' Add. RARE CHANCE, Hotel. Colon, Toledo, Onto. iitvT MBBHTY, tW I Ml, ELIZABETH MUELLER SAWYER, IDUN. STRONG MIIOIMO AMD JVVsuNILKS.OHARAOTBRB. • OMKDIAN, STRONG SlSGIrTO UaNCJINO SPKC1ALTIMB. JVVsTlllILKS, CHARACTERS, HEAVIES, AND BOMB LEADS. COMPIJTBNT, lit'Li ab i,E, Ai WARDROBB. Responsible Msosgers, sddreis '""'' H ' FRANK M. lAWilH, Look Ho* to, l)unnville,OnUrlo,Can. LONDON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, , . London, On*., Conada. ■ wlt a TtjTii ni. Vaudeville Acta at All Tlincs-Muslcal Acts, Aerial Acts, casting Acts, Dog ST JUNI M. UVi ana Pony Aota, Singing, Dancing and Talking Comedians, and Sketch Teami. Bute lowest In first. Wo pay no fancy salaries. Break yonr Jump between New York Chicige. Ware on tie main line of all roads. Ko Sundaj ahows. AL, TV RRBLL. writs Teams. Stole' lowest In Orel eontlemslB BENNETT * FLEMING, Bauagert, and ,•„- reak vonr lump between New York and -%. TV~" London Vaaelewllle Th»«t re Good Useful People for Repertoire. Oood capable Aot'or for Oenteel Heavies, good do. speclslttst. euenaea, Witte or wire strong, able bodied Property Man; good capahie Preference g l von to thorewlio Actor for Leading Juveniles, Experienced Man for General Buslmta Mutt lie' ready to Join on receipt of wire. ^Managemeut^payj^ hoard and traveling A. D. McPHEE, Standard Printing Co., Winnipeg, Manitoba. Wanted Q vtiok, Full Acting Company. State all flrat letter. Enclose program. Salary must below, I par all. F. E. MOORE, Mgr. Elmoor Stock Co., Barneevllle. Ohio, »? OPEN TltVI kl TWO 0009 0PEB4 BODIES, Edwards and Utica, Mississippi. Large atagea; seating capacity, 400; popnUcfoa, l.ooc; good akow towns, write for dates. New management Everything new. Address "r. Opera Bouse, Utica, II In.; get tLM.OBAFTOB.Mgr. FREDERIC W. WA1B LI SOER, Mgr. Opera' Bonie! Edwards, Miss. SEW YORK. CHICAGO. HEFNER WIO MAKCPt, IN W. Wtk STREET, NEAB BROAD WAT, M.T. CBUCAGO BRANCH, OBICAOO OPERA BOOSE BLOCK. A. KERSHAW, Resident Partaer. Send lor OamogTis 0, either office. m WANTBD, FOB :-rW BORDO&DILLAC SOUTH AMERICAN TOTJR. EIGHT ACTS BVBRT HORTH. II rlption. Films for Rent Bpeetsonlsr, War, Historical, Scenic, Mysterious and Comedy Feature Bubleots to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED SONG SETS BESTED. Write for llai Terms right, C. E. HI DUZEE ag»4B S?S,h'iL t ^i£ > S?;K 8al * , Zi 10 J :>D ^ t J.. 8ll y oa lre wortn - ft 001 «»o t« Uvemontaa In Buenos Avrei. Tbi SS^S. 1 ^' 7 , In , tne wor,<1: temiUol climate. A deligbtfnl voyage; passage Tpa d gBsaWdgMB &a^t?a&£i!KffiS£25!S ft* Money 'dvsneed if nweaiary. g Lw tnZ SStS 33m m. n^ 8 SSvi. n n,nS aWn * tlon ," ltl1 * boTe flrm - Treit n » M »•» " »« treatyon.^ T aboutDec li ^ Wl,owm MrnKat M MweU ■ »• Engilali tonr.wulirrlTelnNewYork Kesp,, BORDO «& I3I1V1VAC, ■ u « no » Ayres>», Argsintlns. P. S.-All communication! la be addressed to MR. O. 6. SEYMOUR Care CUPPBH. OaBes, New York City, until farth.r notice. SUCCESS 1904-05 SUCCE88 STAR THEATRE, ATLANTA, OA,, MOW BOOKING FOR SEASON. 8ii|ls Lidlei, Sister Teimg, Novelty Aols and Sketch Teams. Good People Kept la Stork from Two to Twelve Weeks. J. B. THOMPSON, Hgr. and Proprietor. COWNS^S^ SLIGHTLY OBID. AIM STREET OOWBS. We tare on tixd a larre assortment of sllghuyworn Svenlng Oowna, Dlanar, Reception and Tea downs . Isase robes are perfect In every respect, and are especlailv soluble for weir In HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. Ws nave a foil line of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of aU kinds. MBS. B. 6TARB, StJ gontt Staa St.. OBJOAaaJL FILMS I MACHINES FOB SALE. W.oooft. FILM, FROM a to acta. PER BOOK. Bookings with clubs, tbeatree, etc., for Moving Picture Entertainments. Ponnisr prices. t. H. DEOKEK A CO., N. Y. Entertainment Bureau, ue eth Avenue, THE PAIGE COMEDY CO, NT for Chirac- Man witt "'eople wltli Oood Singing nnd Dancing Comedian, young, handsome Leading Man, Woman fo *»» ..<•?■ heavy), Chnrncter Man. Man for General Business Pron'rtv il %£$&££ -Sf? Team ( ' ady ™ A k^«>«"" iSst^lar^rt? | SMALL, FIRST CLASS SINGING AND DANCING SOUBRETTE. Anderson, 8. i > Dec. 0-10 ; Bpsrtnnhnrg. B. C, Dec! 13-14 ; Oreeavllle. 8. C?, ' Df\. 1G-1T. Experienced Cornet and Band Leader At Liberty Jan. 2. v. -•• •■ ; ;.• '- • tL^figS SL, d ab B u°.ford , o ODTL8B ' * n """^ tt °' PWd ' 8 0rw,er » W-:-*«« Wc - I WANT MilSCWPTu. I WILL PAY CASH FOR OLD MANUSCRIPTS. Bend list and lowest price. Bare you any- thing real good. I.OL'IS DAVIS, • 216 Russell 8treet, Nashville, Tenn. SCENERY For Every Thing. ELIZABETH CHLWIS CO., Write us. ELIZABETH, N.J. Till 0»l f TMstrlcel Supply Haute In PHlltdilphli. BF> OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, ■ILLS' PREPARED BURNT CORK, 40c. PER POUND. •eode isfit evsrywUMS 0. a, D. when deposit accompanies order. Send for Booklet. ^^ WAAS * BOH. lino, fiords Blghtn gt„ PHILA., between Race and VlneBa. its BBR1 , ! 4 XHB WfilSTLINO MICKS," ^1i$^&rQJS&3b ■ \»; He I, 4 i SLOT MACHINES, Over 400; every kind; standard make s. All up- to-date. Write -,or Cut Price List. COSBOPOLITAir NOVELTY CO.. ajj W. Foortb Street, .Philadelphia. Pa. For Bennett-Buhler's "Two Orphans," Weaian fsi Hsarlette. Wsdsb ftr Can>i... w._« mm. .. •L_'I^_ .'. -• - S33S«»g'»fefe.« SWEDE COMEDIAN WANTED, — aertjLKoyce, wire address quick. E, W. YON per OHE, Box 717T U Orybs*. Wis. WANTED, For Messrs. Cowan Bros.' Lyric Stook Co. g*JglSrML! ^" '' al WM II!' i l | ssBSS. I pj lll | furnlaued). Must b? aide tojdln ImmedlslHT Muete wfmln«to B is ^"iUS Te * r * n * ] >>cf«>re orening. Addien COWAS 8H08.. Awdem/uf ! ■■ - Second Hand Property Trunks For Sale. GEO. BURROUGHS a SONS. Milwiukw, Wit. Stretunio.rrala AgQflts & Canressers Sopplits We Always Have tbe Lateat Novelties. Bend for Our New catalogue. rjsivKRiAL upplv co., huicioh 1X4 La Salle Street - - VsllvAHV. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS f»>l wow SSi -S^??^? ^ na - ills er (Kot Ito.) «MAY DE0.1J,19,2IOPF,N. OOKBDV, IIRQMQ AMD DARCINe. < • • i-n; » r. AD. 115 SO. HALSTBD ST., CHICAGO' IM.j DECEMBER 10. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 993 LUBSN'S FILMS. i MEETMEIFOUNTAIN p COPYRIGHT 1904. The aright. .t, Fannl.it and Best Comply Cbas. Vila, Up Bill, Dewi Walls, Aft.r ■text Car., Op Ttih, Over r»CH tad Tbro. f b W«t«r. The ri"l«t ■it! Car., Op Ttiii. Over Fincei mad Throagh Water. TM STO "luttMU! Eriry Se.a. Is Fall of Up roar lorn. B.rrlmMt. LENGTH. 475 FEET. PRICE, S52.25. ILLUSTT ATED CAT41CGCE ROW BEADY. PBIOE OF ALL OUB PJLI8, 1 le. PER FOOT. , 21 South 8th Street, Philadelphia. BOLD BANK ROBBERY COPYRIGHT 1004. HOST SEH8ATI0NAI FILM EVER MADE. THRILLIM FROM 8TABT TO FLHI8H. LMNOTH, eoo r«««. PRIOC, r»©«3. 6REAT TRAIN ROBBERY. Copyright 1904. Moit Popular Picture Kur Shown. ■.•a«tB, 000 Feet. Price $60. Life of an American Soldier Copyright 1904. Patriotic Hit. Great! ' L.ugth. 600 Peat reateet Money- Baker. Price. Joe EXPOSITION MODEL CIHE06RAPH WITH STEREOPTICOl COMBINED, iiclBdlig Giltlai Laip, Electric Lup, A.]«tiblt RBNttil, Fllit ail Slldu., 21 S. Eight. Stmt, fhlli.elpMi, Pi. m WANTE FOR THE TRAVELING SEASON OF 1905, WITH THE MUM BUI Greatest Show On Earth, Cam, Seat, Chandelier, Railroad, Property, Wardrolie, Cage Animal and Elepheat Hen, Hostlers. Grooms sad Jockeys, Blacksmiths, Horseshoera and Wheelwrights, and Bzpertenoed 4, 6 sad S-Horse Driven. Oarernl, painstaking, trustful and reliable men will be appreciated and well paid, while to all are offered the beat accommodations and a season's engagement If competent. Applicants may apply In person or by letter, as follows: Canvas and Seat lien, to OHAS. McLKAN, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Chandelier Ken, to OHAS STOCKS, Winter Quarters-Bridgeport, Conn. Animal Men, to GEORGE CONKLIN, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Elephant Men, to WILLIAM EMERY. Winter Qnarters. Bridgeport, Conn. Drivers, Grooms and Jockeys, toTHOS. LYNCH, Winter Quarters, Bridgeport, Conn. Blacksmiths, Wheelwrights and Horseshoera, to DAN TAYLOR, winter Qnarters, Bridgeport, Conn, Porters, to ED. 6 c a AE f per, Winter Qnarters. Bridgeport. Conn. Wardrobe Men and Property Men, to it. 9. BIOSBT, 34-27 West Mth Street, New York City J. A. BAILEY, Manager. 5IS-37 WEST 34th STREET, SEW YORK. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Solo Proprlstor and Manager. I. AUSTIN FYNE8, Qonoral manager. I BEAUTIFUL TIEATIES 6 Devoted to Reined Entertainment. Proctor'e 5th Awe. Theatre, Proctor's 23d St. Theatre, Proctor's 08th St. Theatre. Proctor's lSSth St. Theatre, Proetor'a Newark Theatre, Proctor'a Albany Theatre. PROCTORS STOCK 00. Preientinc Best Pl»ya. WASTED, BEST ACT» IB VAUDEVILLE. If you do not receive a reply. It may Bo because the time la oiled ; you are therefore tdvleed to writ* again In four week*. Do NOT enclose stamp for reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: •»* plota of acta; complete "prop*' list; If can open and dose In one; EXACT time of acta, and of "clow In;" hilling tor newsjpapers Ji^.jeroaTaiames; and CLEAN PHOTO- ?Sf?? B '0* tOBBIBS TWO WBBKB) In ADVANCB OP OPEJNINO DATS AT BACH gOTJSB, addressing RESIDENT MANAGER PAILCHB TO COMPLY with these IN- STRUCTIONS WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS &&MrS Or CANCELLATION. VAODB- VILLB BEHBAR8AL8 MONDAYS, 8 A M-, BBARP. _ Playwrights, Authors and Play Agents, Vtudevl lie Artists and Players, address ■»• Austin fykes, General Manager, FOTHAVE. THEATRE. W. Y.CJTY. V^i^t\.C5 OR STOllftn. . . . ttattra tad tltaraileaa Mitt KEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, MM, 1.1. SPECIAL $1.00 OFFER 3A-Fiat Belcher Ring, lTX-New Tiffany ■•> set with a perfect X- tug. JTOT OCT.. Most «t. Diamond. A very attractive Ladles' Ring stvUsh ring tor gentle- on market: eel with a men. perfect x-kt Diamond. Either of these rings sent npon receipt of PRICE, $1.00. Settings extra quality GOLD FILLED. War- ranted for ten years. Rings, brooches, stick ptor, studs, etc., from 1 1 no; earrings, ft and up. GENUINE BARRIOS DIAMONDS are the only stones ever discovered tnst cannot be detected from real diamonds. Send string sue of Anger. MAIL ORDERS PILLED PROMPTLY. THB B AHttlOS DIAMOND CO., ST. JAMES BLDQ.. 1185 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Take Elevator to Suite 8».' NO branch paces or stores anywhere. BIG SELLING Coatala Bongs, Joe... Parodies, Hacltettoaa, Etc., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Caih with ord.r. No CO. D. Samples, 10 Cent*. VVEHMAN BR08., 106 FAHK BOW. B. V. Side Splitting Stomp Speec.es, Monologues , Etc., written to order for 1 1 and np. I print no books. Give me a trial order. FRANK YTJ5KER (Dramatist), Randolph, WIS. 1000 Pictorial Half Sheets ia one color. 1000 Pictorial One Sheets in one color $20 $35 Send for Samples. THE LIFB'OGRAVTJRE COMPANY. Main Office and Works. La Crosse, Wis. Eastern Office, 1888 Broadway, New York City. RYAN, LESTER AND RYAN It BIG FEATURE THIO WEEK, KALAMAZOO, HIGH., Pa'ace tf AnnsemeDto. :n tii BROADWAY THEATRE, 80. SHARON, PA. Steel tows, population 18,000. Fay roll, fAGO.ooo monthly; pay every Saturday. Only theatre In town OPEN TIME, DEC, JAN. AND FEB. NEW MANAGEMENT, BKIBBOLL BROS. FRED ZOBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BALANCER Proctor's 2Sd Street, New York, this week. AT LIBERTY, W. T. ROBSON, CHARACTER LEADING MAN; auline Robaon, OEN. BUS. OR PIANIST; BABY jaunita, age 8 yean. Address HOTJMA, LA. SINGING and TALKING COMEDIAN. WANTCO, BAY'S IEW OPERA H0U8I, Nqna, Ohio, A GOOD XHAB ATTHACTION. Matinee and Night Musical Opera or Faroe Comedy. Owing to misrepresentation, have the above date open. Write or wire. 0UA8. H. MAY, Plqua, Ohio, ■linolla. Tight., i».00 ( Worsted Tights, $».00i Cotton Tight., Sl.uoi ail*. Tight., from »9.S» npf Shirt, to match all ansae price ns tlghti! Pumps. flBeents, Salt* ore. ll.00| Eleitle Supporter., • it Cloth Supporter., sis teats. ■end tor catalogue and .ample, of tights tree. Positively n de- posit required. BatlsfaollOD guaran- teed or money ref nnded. SPIOER BROS., M Woodbine St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand bnt new address. THREE PARCELS OF GROOHD, All In good locations, and SUITABLE for LARGE ATTRACTIONS, to let. II. POPPER A BRO., Hart Ave.. CONEY ISLAND. N. Y. IN The Only Family in the World that is Doing this Triei of 4 High AT EVERT PERFORMANCE, WITHOUT THB AID OP A HOPB. WITH 2 LADIES, 2 GIRLS AND 9 MEN TOGETHER Tali special achievement Is an absolute novelty, done onlv by ns In the entire world. Our crest ions have never been produced before, and will certainly cause s great sensation. Wfl are doing (nil Twilling Someriaalla upon Should- en, 3 High, Dm, Denbiei and Tumbling. Only Ike Best and Original Trlcki. We alio are doing Living Staluarj iota In Acrobatic Groups, the beat Act of thla kind In America. Also HUTS FLUNG anil COMIC ENTREES. S. GARGINETTI Champion of Understandera. Weight (laire), and hold 1,888 In my Original Four High Trier, with j Two Men In Hand Balance. We speak five languages, and have per- formed 38 years In the best towns In Europe, Africa. Ails, South and North America, as a Special Pesture Act. The last four seasons with ' the great W. L. MAIN and SELLS A DOWNS snows, at present with Mil PUBILLONE8, Habant, Cuba, for the entire tetson. Yd 8ut>w la Fall Evening D en, Its Beat and loot BilUiut Wardrobe la Aorobitlo Aot. MUST Bl 8IEN TO BE BELIEVED. Permanent address, 887 R. 123d STREET, NEW YORK. THE TITLE, 8001 WILL AMD PBOPEBTT OF THE Adam Forepaugh & Sells' Brothers Shows, Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome. One of the Largest, Oldest snd Moat Snccesifnl Tented Exhibitions. Including R. R.Osrs, Wsgons, Horses. Animals, Cages, Tents, Seats, Properties, etc., etc, NOW AT COLUMBUS, OHIO. TUB WINTER QUARTERS can be rented. No options, flrst come, first served. For further particulars address ADAM FOREPAUGH & SELLS BROS.. Columbus, O., or 1103 Broadway, Hew York. When the property bat been sold notice will be published In thla paper over onr signature. Horse and Animal Trainer I want to engage Competent Man to Train Troupe of Ponies for Exhibition. Also hsve two Young, Tame BoflsTaes, aid two Burns Want Trelmd. Wages lie per week. Board costs |4; six months' engagement to train. After stock Is trained will pay bettor wages to travel and handle same with flrst clsss organization. Bute sge and experience, sll in flrst letter. No boozers. Ten days' silence polite negative. No farts advanced. J. C. BILLKIt, 101 Maoris, Bliss, O. T. FRED ROMALO PARROS (LATE OB PAllll«JN DUOS.) 1- IjIB WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM GOOD, 8TR0NU ONDEKBTANDER FOR BALANCING AOT. Address 18 MAUJKB ST., BROOKLYN, N. Y . IN NESS LSI RYAN PHOCTOIl'a BTH AVE. THIO WEEK. OUB OP TUB BEST rtllOTK«HllB IKBTOBE* IB VAVOBV1LLB. WEEK OF 1>E0, I CHICAGO OPERA II0U8B, OUICAGO, ILL. WBBK OF JAN. 3, ItOt, AND LATER OPEN FOR EASTERN TIME. 994 THE 3STEW YORK CLIPPER. December i o. THURSTON IS THE ORIGINATOR, INVENTOR AND MAKER OF EVERY ILLUSION HE PRESENTS, ALL MANAGERS SHOULD READ THI8. 820,000.00 INVESTED. EIGHT PEOP LE EMPL OYED. HOWARD THURSTON IS ACKNOWLEDGED BY ALL TO BE THE WORLD'S MASTER MAGICIAN. At Ilopkln.' Theatre, Louisville, last week, broke (Irptieur ORIGIWA oke .11 pmvlooi retoidi tolh. extent of over $700.00. Similar l.u.lnn. thl> season at Oiand. InfUanapolli; Orphenn, Omaha; Columbia, Claclnn ,ii Orpheum, Minneapolis) Chicago Upera Hoaae) Columbia, St. Louis; Hopkins', Memphis, at well ns all theatre! played last leaion. PHEWOMEIMA VlKfi M/VOlCIAN. ROW IK FRKPARATION THE SBElTEtT MA _ WOBLD. RA MOUSE, SECOND ENGAGEMENT HERE IN SIX WEEKS. MAKES THE PBOFLE TALK. THURSTON HAS INVENTED MORE SUCCESSFUL AND ORIGIN At. ILLCMOWg THAN ANT LIVING MAGICIAN. NOW IN PREPARATION THE OHRATBsT MAGICAL 1'BltPOKJUlKK EVER PRRBENTED IN 1KB HISTORY OF THE WOBLD. I FOR THE Par the France, Traveling leaion of 1MB, Touring the European Continent, Visiting Italy, Switzerland, tierman j-, Austria, Hungary, Belgium and Holland. CANVAS MEN, SEAT MEN, TRAIN MEN and 4. 6 and 8-HORSE DRIVERS. Good wages with long, steady employment offered to tramworthr, sober, reliable, experienced men, all of whom, It engaged, will nave their transportation paid from New York to toe Snow, and mu« t be pre- pared to tall from New York about Feb. II, IMS. Apply at onoe, stating show experience, at followr, Canvas and Seat Hen to JAKE PUTT. Train Hen to R. P. MURPHY. Drivers to JAKE POSEY. Addreil all communication. OARE BUFFALO BILL WILD WEST, Stoke-on-Trent, staOTordshlra England F-. m. HUTCHINSON, rVl.i-i . e «r. "A WOBLD WIDE CIRCULATION." TEB OLDBIT AND HOST UTLUanTIAL THIATBIOAL AND VAODJTVUXB JOUMUX. THE ERA. SBTABL1BHBD 1MT. 4S WELLINGTON STREET, STRAND. LONDON. W. O. rORBIGN SUBSCRIPTIONS. ISe. per mhb. FROrBBBIONAL A 1> V KUTISEHE^TS. Sd. p.r line. IMEKJOAX iBTUTEB VWITDIO THE METH0P0L1B 08E THB Hi OmOIfl U THEIB PBHMAJTEHT LONDOH ADDRESS. •,000 ARTI8TE8 ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLY. THINK TWICK BEFORE BUYING-. AHB YOU PAYING FOR A TRUNK OR TALK! TAYLOR TRUNKS Hare for nearly fifty year, stood OB their own merit*. Do yon wonder the old standard is Imitated, and what they oannot oopy they try to make up In. "knocks" and talk. Don't be caught hy talk, flat tha goods. Write for Oatalogoe. If yon don't get an an- ■wer In ten day. write again at probably Soar mall has been •laved. Manufactured and Bold Only by C* A. Taylor Trunk Works, 8* K. Randolph St., OHIOAUO. 181 W. 38th St., NEW YORK. W.t«h this Space for a Few Pointer.. If any other stores other than their three say they toll TAYLOR'S It U I deception. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANAGERS WEITE FOB OPEN TIME. TOUHO'B PIBB CORPORATION, W. B. BBAOUBFOBD, ButtUgw. A GREAT CONVENIENCE IN CHICAGO. Transferring, Storage, Painting, BnUdlng' Flraprooflng. ALL ON THE SAME PREMISES. RICHARD OUTHMANN TRANSFER CO. and GUTHHANN and GOODRICH. SCENERY Down Town Offloe, Room is, HI Dearborn 81, oor. tjuinoy. Phone, Harrison 1MT. 26 OABLOADB 80BNBBT, PBOPfl AND THONKS ON HAIfO POR SALE. N l>.- Prompt attention to all mall orders and tetegramB. Studios, Shops, storehouse and Stables, 101-111 Throop BL. near Van Bnren. Phone, Monroe BTt. Willy Zi mine i maim. DEO. 3-10 COLUHBt'B THEATRE, CINCINNATI Bole Repre.entatlre, RICHARD P1THOT, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION EXCEPT LITHOGRAPHS* THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHILLIPS. Manager, 3*0 PEARL ST. (Fox BnUdlng), N. Y. CITY. Stook Paper For "When Wo Were 11, ""Wealth and Poverty," "Belle of Richmond," "Spotless Town. BOO KINO SHEET FOR 190&-10M NOW READY. CIRCUS FRUVTUgQ A (SlPKOIAr/TY. NOTICE, TO VAUDEVILLE PERFORMERS, put in A WEEK AT THB STAR THEATRE, IkVrOiM, OANAI Break your Jump between N. Y. City and Ohloago. FEATURE ACT for week of Deo. 29, No Sunday work; night* and 3 matinees. Want J. O. APPLBTON, Haaager. WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! JAPANESE CRUISER IN ACTION. BOHBARDING POUT ARTHUR, JAPANESE TORPEDO BOAT, JAPANESE BATTLESHIP SINKING RUSSIAN CRUISER, the Greatest Feature Film, ever oflere.li also the GRBAT TRAIN ROBBBRY and the GRBAT BANK ROBBBRY, all at bargain prices. Send for ll.ta. Don't Delay. Only a limited nnsnber of these flints. WILLIAMS. BBOWN dt BARLB. Dept. B, BID Chestnut St., Phlla., Pa. ~~ ~ M0R0L080E and B1N6IHG COIEDIAH. ADDRESS ALL FIRST CLASS AGENTS. MORRIS MANLEY, J. C. DESOJH SI 07 North Clark St., Chicago, ill., MANUFACTURER OF Musical Bells and Novelties As used by Leading Artists the World Over. Send for 111. catalog. XOHLER A CHASE, 11 O'Farrell St, San Francisco, Oal., »nr Western agents. ST bars, 8 octaves. Concert Xylophone, good as new, $12.60. 87 bars, 8 octaves, Bleel Marlmbsphone, used a few times. |U.oo. a octaves, 26 heavy Orchestra Bells, shop worn, $13.60. 8 Four In Sand Bells, $12.00. 82 Metal Bamboo Chimes, played like xylophone, $28.00. 36 TubapboneB, with resonators, $20.00. 16 Tubapbonea, plain scale, $10.00. 18 Aluminum Chimes, $60.00. 37 Aluminum Chimes, $88.00. 13 bars, steel Harlmba- phones, $18.00. 23 Organ Chimes, $100.00. 20 deep Aluminum Chimes, for bass and accompaniment, with Trunk, $121.00. All above big hits. Sento. 0. D. on trial to responsible parties. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pot up In moisture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. W. also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIBS and the BBLIABLB POPCORN BRICK. Inform as where yon hold a confectionery concession and wa will send samples and prices. HOEOnBEIM BHOB. ft ECIBTEB, CHICAGO. TRICKS. All the Latest and Best. TOST A COMPANY, it N. Ninth St. (Established 1870.) Philadelphia. SET Large new catalogue for stamp. PHOTOGRAPHS ablnet Photos of yourself for selling or lobby, per 100. Edan a OARBONA flnlsh. Samp.ioc. BUBBAND OR WIFE PHOTOH. |».oe - 1,000: FORTUNES, »oo. :8am p. 100. For Futurt Photographs and Lovers' Poet Offloe. WUlard St, FhUa., Pa. SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOB SUHHBB RESORT. Most liberal terms :o right parties. Address TOLCUEBTKIt COMPANY, Baltimore, Mil. WANTED AT ONCE, Pnotoarapher with Outfit, Qood Ian with Jewelry Spindle, Three Palmists, A Shooting Gallery Han with Outfit. Rare opportunity year around. Other privileges write, win buy Jewelry Spindle, also Wheel of Fortune. State all first letter. RIQQ8 AMUSEMENT CO., Columbia, 8. 0. HIGH CLASS MAQICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large atock, Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. List of 400 bargains In tine apparatua for 2c. stamp. A. ROTBRBBRQ, 170 Ontario 8t, Chicago. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BBLOW V INK STREET, OPEN OCT. 81. High Class Contlnnons Vaudeville. AH persons mnst send photos and billing matter two weeks In advance. Artiste be prepared to do two or more a day. Aots always wanted. Write to above Theatre. NOW MAKING 1905 I^Ob 1 LETTERHEADS! RoyaJ 'PtQ.Coy 334 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO ILL. GOOD OPKN TIME IH DECBHBER AND JANUARY. RED BANK OPERA HOUSE -AND- PARK OPERA HOUSE HENRY 1. OARR1TY, A«burj Park, N. J. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Band Films, Song Slldrs and Machines Bought, Sold and Kxobauged. 601 WASHINGTON ST., Boom 43, Boston. Meet., opp. AdamB House. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 117 W. 2M ST., NEW YORK (old Koster A Rial's), Hallktt THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood's Oym.) Bpeolal rates to performers, $1 a week. wB^Mb. 47 WEST 38th STREET, NEW YORK. A Til II IP Hi m HICHE8T AWARD EVfiB OBiBTtD TO I nlUlflr II IBSTBUBBIT8 OF THEIB KIND WAS BIVEI TO IDE harmonicas agggrdTons Awarded GOLD MEDAL at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904, -FOR- Superlor Tone, Durability, Skilled Workmanship. An Impartial Proof of their THE KIND PROFESSIONAL PLAYERS CAN RELY UPON. J*or Sale ISveryvvlier©. M. HOHNER, 354 Broadway, New York. MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And If they nave any merit wa have tile facilities to make them go. All lettsrs answered promptly. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO.. a08-a09 Baltloaare Bids;., CHICAGO, ILL. UNIVERSAL KBE KLIEGL BROS., Props., 1303-B Broadway «fc IS9 W. 88th St., Haw York. E7EBTTHDIQ Electrical (or Tteetrei sad Production*. Productions Supplied Which Spank fbr Th.saselTes. PA R8 IFAI^MBTROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE, DARLING OF THE OODS, I in BARRY A BBN HUB. WEBER ft FIELDS' WHOOP Dfl DOO, NINETY ft NINE. QALVE8TON FLOOD, iris. rniiu \jv a Telephone, 613088th St. BABES IN TOYLAND. WIZARD OF OZ, E. H. SOTHERN— THB I'BOTJD PRINCE. SHEPHERD KINO, LEW DOCKBTADER'B MINSTRELS, FALL OF POMPEII. DOHTBUY BEFORE CONSULtlNC OUR PRi£j s SLIDES 3th> Str MOSE BUMBLE, General Mgr. Prof. Bapt. ot, Now York City. •9 CHICAGO i 87 and 80 CLARKE 8T. DETROIT! 10 WITHERILL 8T. INRICTTA B. BLANKC In Ohari "iVST HOWARD & DORSET CO., GOOD SPECIALTY TEAM, COMEDY MUSICAL ACT, or GOOD ILLUSTRATED ■OHO AND MOVING PICTUHB ACT, FOR WEEK DBO. 96 (U.VK WBBK ONLY), AT PAKKKIIHIIIIKQ, W. VA. Open wllli Monday Mal)n««. Newell »nd Nlblo, write. Adoress GEO. B. HOWABD, Newark, Ohio. Notk I will not be In Newark until Sunday, Deo. II, but send all mall nutter triers. Nam* lowost salary and say all la flrat letter. _^____ and BE1V1ES, IDTESIII U11S. WT,, 146. 11T.. S-IO. WT., 133. HI,, 0-3. IHOENUES, OLD LADIES. Experienced People. Refined and flrat claps d reisers on and off. Absolnte sobriety. Male Specialty. One pleoe preferred. Indlanola, Iowa, Deo. 0; Osceola, Iowa, alter that TIIK UllKAT KlfULINII ViUDlCVILLB PAFHK. TIE AMD TMI RKVIIW, 401 Strand, .O. VORBIOM ■DBSORIPTIOM. runiQiun BUBHuniriiun. - - - - - - - -••.•«. «- PBOPBBSIONAL. ADVKIITIHKMKHTB, - - - *»••«•. Blnarl. CI... Irak NEW YORK CORRESPONDENT AND REP., IDA CAULK, OrTIOl TOI ST. AMIS advertisements will be received. Copies on i I BUM., warn ATTENTION! V 9 % SB 1 ' * ■ >p DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rooky goods when jcu can handle goods that will sell themselves f Electric Belts from $1.00 per doi. np. Large variety to select from. Electric Jars, i 76o. dos; Eleotrlo Insoles, STXo.dos. pairs; Soap. $2.10 gross; Fine Medical Batteries. Send T6o. tor Sample Mo. 14 E. B., ezp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- Iulred. Trial order will convince. Largest Manufacturers ot Eleotrlo Bella and ppllanoea in TJ. 8. A. Established 1678. Leotnre and price list free. THE ELEOTBIO APPLI4ICE 00., Barlington, III. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2« I n . , 1 7 BO ; 28lu., $8.00 ' 821 n., $9.50 ; H 01 n. , $10.50 ; 4 0! n. , $ 1 2.00. CI reus Tru nls, 24x18x18, $7.50. Ulli Trunks ™ 0x28x15. InSSi. $J2.o6. Lltho Trnnki. 42Hx28HH2, Inside, $16.00. Rii'ppod un receipt of $3.00, bsl. C. 0. v., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount 8IM0N8 A CO., CUNTUAI, T ttUNK FACTORY, Est. 1884, B. W. cor. 7th and Arch BtS., Phils. F0NK«C0.^ T .T^S HcVIOKER'S TIIEATIUO, OhlcaKo, 111. Telephone— Cen*- 1, 804. Be for Catalogue. 8AVI YOUR VALUi Our Steel, Combination Lock. Trunk Safe height a^Bi), fastens lin your trunk. It Is a great worry saver. Send for details. PH.ICB, 85.00. THB|LO\VRlE SAFE AND LOOK CO., Qalesborg, HI., or 110« Hatlron Bldg., S. Y. DO YOU WRITE? Vaudeville Atlsta state what you want In the way I or new material. IF VOV HAVE WRITTEN A. ONE ACT PLAY, SKKTCII, MON-'LOQITB or eny- Itilos suitable f.r vaudeville com- munlr.e t» with TUB VAUDEVILLE ATJTEOBS' BUREAU, 305 East Rich St., Columbus, Ohio. JUGGLERS SUPPLIES.-- Globs, Batons. Onus, Wlrewalsera'Apperatus.Ko: Oatalog sad Beck. B4 i Globes, Boom, aratuBoBsu Asm. Stamp far B4 w . VsB.WTek,CUolna»u,t FILMS! FILMS! And Moving. Picture Mi oh last, all makes, boughl and for salo. PHILADELPHIA PILE EICBAHQE, 1808 Rorth 151b St., Philadelphia, Pa., 0. 8. A. STERE- OPTI- CON, Witt Eeetrto An, ouionss auv, vwiu lUuitratsd Hong Slides, TBOIiD. L 7V SI6. « or Aoetylene Lrkkl •Je., colored, FILMB BOOOUT AKU ; L.HETZ, act K.tM Street, Hew Tort 01 tv. Do You WANT MILITARY GOODS ? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or NAVY BBTTS, TENTS, OUNB and EQUIPMENT OP EVERY DK80RIPTION. From OoTemment Auction. No matter what yon want In that line I can ■apply It Mow or second hand. Bend for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, BB South St., Philadelphia, Pa. s J. C. G0S8C0. ft Bollder* of ^*> HOW CANVA Catalogue anal r UETIIOIT sua Band List ( RICH. SLIOHTLV VBBD Also Largs Stook of SEALSKIN JACKETS and FOBS. AJDRBWB, 3*0 Stele St., Chjeftf,*). PLAYS lO'w H O Y A L * l A.W.BROWNL BlPUmUSCLBlmthiUltaj*. pepju medietas e»«r mmlo. a. hun- dred million, ot Ihem hit. beta k>I4 la » .Ingle yw. OeneUr " bum, iioa aesasa he. i breath, sore throat and ... arUlDi from a Claordarad ati era relieved or eandbyRJp*a _ n J~ 2".™JHBfefM «lilat^i«7i»lfiot^n»fl7»-(»oii5^i»ri foraaorutsairoeeMloa. Alii For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH of the BLADDER. Cures all I Discharges in ^flours CAPSULES MiM CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAY MORET Oar XXX Trunk has no Banal. gives It every advents log built Price , OASBY, 441 Itfl Superiority and Low itei It averp advantage over eny trunk made, be It on well seasoned Basswood, with a Contloaooa Bteel Binding, Canvas. Olued OD, and over 800 Blveu caei, Heavp Rawblds Handles, Yale Loek, Bin. Trap, made t» Bwlng la the ton, making In all the Best Theatrical Trues Guaranteed B Years. 28, |10,TB; 80, I11.2B : S3, Ill.TBi 84, 112.76: 80. $18.78; 88, 114.78 j 40, I1B.7B. Onr XX Trunk Compares Favorably with anp Theatrical Tronk Made. Built on Basswood Bos, Covered with Bali Duck, Glued on. Bound with Heavp Steel, Tale lock. Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Bating, 1 810. Trej, 1 41n. Trap. A Very BtrODf Riveted Trunk. 28, 87.25 j 80, $7.76; 82, $8.28; 84, 18.78; 88, $9.25; 88, $0.76 1 40, $10.20. 8XKKL, CLAD— Basswood Boi, Covered with Cold Rolls* Bteel. 1 Deep Tray, Yate Lock, Large Bolts and Dowsla The Bast Cheap Trunk on th. MAItRET. 28. $6.60 1 80, 16.00; 83, $8.80; 84, 17.00 ; 86, 7.50 : 88, $8.00 1 40, $8.60 D. on receipt of $fl.0O. Write for CataiOfue. HatablUhed 47 Tears CO. D.'on receipt _ th Awe., Bet. S8th and BTth st. M. Y. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. Arts' Iks Latest and Most Popular Styles In Ladles' Hair Drssilnj. A. M. BUCU & CO., lis H, Mlath Btreet, ..... I'blled.lphte. N. Y. Rep.! II. 1IALM WKLL, 109 B. 12th St. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importance lo E.017 Sufferer of Blood Poison. FACT ORB— It Usee time to tell wheth- er yon mm permanently cured bp a treatment or merely patched ap for the present. FACT TWO— The Cook Bemedp Co. Is the onlp company or medical association In as- latence that baa been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that lis patients are enred to stay cored. FACT THBBB— The Cook Remedy Co. has many patients who were cured by Its magic remedy eighteen years ago who are today sound and well. FACT FOUB— The Cook Remedy Co. Is the largest and the only successful company In the world that aukea tha ears of Bloat Poison a specialty. VAOT FI VB— Patients cored by Cook Rem edy Co. are constantly passing succesatelly tbe various r*" 1 conservative are passing to the array and navy of tbe United Btataa. FAOTi*- treatmsnt solutely sore of a core or yonr money back. FACT SBVBir— Bvery other method at treatment known to tbe medical profeesloe gives but temporary relief. rigid enmlnatlona of the moet 1 life insurance companies, sad the examinations for admlsslos onr and navy of the United States. 1 SIX— If yon take Cook Remedy Co. 's t under their guarantee yon sua ab- FACT EIGHT— Good health la tha moat important thing In tha world to any psraoa. ABOTE EI6HT FACTS ABE AB80LDTELTT UIDEHIABLE. The Cook Reasedy Co. solicit the molt obstinate cases, and challenge tha world for a case they cannot cure. T*is disuse hss al- ways baffled the skill of tha most eminent physicians. For many years the Cook Rem edy Co. have made a specialty of treating this disease, and they hare unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. Yon can be treated at home for tha same price and with the same guaranty. With those who prefer to go to Chicago the Cook Remedy Co. will contract to cure them or pay railroad and hotel bills, and make no charge If they fall to cure. If you have pimples, eruptions, mucous patches, pains, rheumatism, etc., write for Cook Itemed; co.'s free home treatment book, and learn all about contagions blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your case, and their phyalclans will furnish sll tbe Information you wish without aay cbsrge whatever. Your salvation depends on Cook Bemady Co.. and on them alone. They will enrely cure yon. Mo other method ot treatment win Wkr Iwettite 011- »ti u i$rtiBiii tilt WmltrM toil WIIITE FOB FBBB 100-PAGE BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Mauonlo Temple, CHICAGO, U. 8 A. ' 998 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December to FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WHITE FOR IT Fill RENTAL BUREAU, 64 H. OLiBI STHEBT, CHICAGO, ILL. H*^ HtCMOp- ,*liv» — •!••■• for publlo • * 7 entertainments. Illustrat- ing hlitorhiaiKl current events, „vj „ popular on etc. Mottling affords ■> , better opportunities (or men ulib aa.ll e.plu1to MAKE MONPV w ;>°p . MAKE MONEY I mf" "* ""• "'"■I"'"'' c.l»li>»uo, u-lli what an outBt 'Ofl-. 00 "*' "falui t»» owrallull aid In.l.ucU t«u TOUi, '•» **_„ »•» to coniluol p»jrln, tntctulumniu. BHvfttttM ' £-/_ SeAUIIiTllIt, St.. Oullllla \\\\VM\\wtoiUMu •' «•> " ""•" 8'""'. lllllilkii,. °* I - J.wV.rt. i«*», »e • "HARB ACH'S" • ... BULLETIN ... LARQE CATALOGUE FHEK. REX * STEREOPTIGON WITH EVERY FORM OF LIGHT. BEST ADD CHEAPEST BONO STKRKOPTICON. OILY SONS, POSE AID SERPENTINE SLIDES GET OUR SPECIAL PRICKS. -ALL THE FEATURE.- EDI80N AND BIOCRAPH ¥FILMS* PERSONAL-ESCAPED LUNATIC, PARSIFAL, TRAIN and BANK ROBBERY, ETC. SEND FOR OUR MAMMOTH OATALOQUE. ALSO WE HAVE 8. H. Films $2.00 Up. Many 1,000 Feet WE WANT MOTION PICTURE MACHINES BTEREOPTICONB, FILMS, SLIDES, RtO. Stall for Hit and prices. LATEST LIST SUP. «. OF MOTION MACHINES. FILMS, SLIDES. LIGHTS, SLIGHTLY USED. Also NOVELTIES mailed on application. FILM BOXES, REELS, Bianchi Cement. U*! 1 ' EUREKA SINGLE DISSOLVES KIHETOSGOPES. 1904 EDISON u " i """ Exhibition I LATEST AND BEST MOTION PICTURE MACHINES, |TI UP. IHE&CD.,mu:»; EUGENE CUNE CO J MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, STERE0PTIC0N8 1 MAGIC LANTERNS THE OXYLITH GAS OUTFIT. BEST COLORED SONG SLIDES. ES OARRT XXV STOCK ALL PII All Orders Filled Same Day We Receive Them. THIS IS THE PLACE YOU ARE L00KIN8 FOR. FREE CATALOGS, EUGENE CLINE * CO., 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. NCW YORK OFFIOI IO KAST Hitr-i SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 W00STER ST. (Bit. Spring and Broome), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints, . . . " m * * Tights, Wigs, . . . Gold I Silver Trimmings, J *»?, Spangles, Etc., FOR CATALOGUE No. i. iota. for Catalogue No. e. We imd good* C. 0. 0., iiibjtct to Impaction, but roqulro a dipoalt on all Order*. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. WEBB PTO. CO., 868 Dearborn St., Chicago, IU. ii The Girls In the Overalls" (COPYRIGHTED.) Tae Bait Advertised Film on Earth. Sea ID-Pale Illu.tra.ted Article la SBW YORK JOl'IlBAL, BAN FRAN CISCO BKAHMEia, BOSTON AMBtUCAU, CHICAGO TKIBCJNK and CHIOIOO AMERICA!*, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 16. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, 142. SEND FOB CIKCUIARS. TRACKED bv BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING I HEADLINE!) OF ILL |The Host Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES, | Film Ever Made. Negative Actually made in Colorado. Length, 460ft Price 164. S5ffi h 'BULLFIOHTATJUAREZ, ME Three Bulls Killed sad Six Horaea Oaml la Front of Cam.ra. LENGTH, AOOA. FHICB, (TS.OO. WATCH FOR GRKATE8T BBN8ATIONAL, FILM EVER MADK. READY SOON. SEND NAME FOB ADVANCE INFORMATION. SELIC POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. H, BICKWALTKH, General Western Agent, Dearer. Colo * SUCCESS SUCCESS JC ■i i I L- kVI AN IMPOSSIBLE V0YA6E -IN 40 TABLEAUX- THE LATEST AND MOST 80R8E0US SPECTACLE III MOVING PICTURES LENGTH, 1930ft. PRICE. IlllO.OO. Write for our Supplement is, whloh oontalni Half Tones and Full Detorlptlon. "Star" FUm~ Subjects. 632-633-The Astonishing Frame, - - 130ft. $22.50 634-636-Tho Wonderful Hose Tree, - • 200ft. $34.00 (SPECIAL, FILMS FOR COLORING.) • gaston ivmr^ms, + ao« EAST SBtb NT., HEW TORN CITY. F\ Are tour specialty. Try us for prices. All our lamps are Dew code style, and will pais Impac- tion in any sta'e. Send 2c. stamp for catalogue Wa are toe patentee and mannfaoturera of toe Olenln 8tage Pooket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC STAOE LIOUT1NO 00, Kleotro - Optical Stage Llgbt lug Apparatus. 133 West 40th St., New York. Telephone aios-8Bth St. STERE0PTIC0NS FROM $12.00 jhhbeb. 012.00 -HPIf NEW AND SECOND BANDS FILMS, MOVING PIOTCRK MACHINES AND SONO SLIDES. PRAROE A SOHEOK. M N. CaWert St., Balto,,Md. Fine MlglGll Appmlus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Ktfl. Orand End of Century, fully Illustrated, book cat a- LUGCB, Do., free by mail, Catalogue of Parlor Trloks free MARTINKA A 00.. Mfrs., 403 sixth Ave., N. Y. TENT8. WRITE US fir Prices. Lnrge Stock New and Seoond Hand TENTS always on band. THE CHARLES P. 8IEDER TKNT AND AWNING 00. , Successors to T. W. Noble Co. , Tent Dept, Detroit Bat and Mfg. Co., Detroit, Nick. THE ABOVE IB A SAMPLE OF OUR 76o. Newspaper Half Tone Made for Fosters, Newspapers, Letter Heads, eto. SPECIAL PIUOE ON LAHQER SIZES. Cuts delivered when cash aeoompanles the order. Bend Wo. tor a trial ordor and bo convinced. We do the beat work promptly and at the lowest prioe. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohmor Park ARTI8T8 0FALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. Narstn's Stereopticon Offer: THE SAFEST STEREOPTICON INVESTMENT IN THE WORLD. Through the neat buying and selling facili- ties of HARSTN A CO., and the Unique BARSTN STEREOPTICON PLAN the pos- session of an artistic and reliable stereoptfcoo la within reach of every exhibitor. We Offer 100 Cele- brated New Profes- sional Stereopt icons Which from every standpoint represent the result of perfection In modem stereopticon building. If you take advantage of any one Of the HARSTN STEREOPTICON OFFERS at once you will Save from $5 to $20, FOB THE BTBREOPTICONS OFFERED BY US ABB THE Best Hade. Built to Last aLifetime BY THE MOBT SKILLED STEREOPTICON BUILDERS IN THE WORLD. The Stereopt Icons we offer are: Electrie Stereopticon, With an Electric Burner and Adjustable Rheo- stat, Switch, 25ft. of Cable and 15x15 Sheet, one doten Carbons, 2 sets of Bean- tlfully Colored Song Slides and Carrying Case, all com- plete 940.00 Galeium Stereopticon, With Lime Turning Jet, 1 Box of Limes. $30.00 15x15 Sheet, 2 Seta of Beautl ed Bong Slides and all complete, fully Colored Son, Carrying Case, Acetylioe Stereopticon, ner, 1 Box of i of Beautifully $40.0d With one Powerful 8-Tlp Burner, 1 Box of Chemicals, 15x10 Sheet, 2 Seta of Beautlfullj Colored Song Slides, and an Acetyllne Qua Generator, Car. rylng Case, all complete - With every Stereopticon we give foil In- structions bow to rnn It We advise you to take advantage of these great Stereopticon Offers immediately, sa the orders, we know, will be tremendous, and prompt action on your part will be the only mesas of your being sure of securing one of these Btereoptlcona Immediately. your old Stereopticon for new one and pay the Exchange . Balance on Delivery. We Manufacture Cloak and Serpentine Slides. Write fer Lists. our own Bte- reoptlcona, Bong Slides, WE ARE constantly told by friends that we need more stylish offices, and to move up- town. Our answer was, we are satisfied with our present quarters and there la no need for anything better, for If we moved In more stylish offices oor rent and expenses would be higher and we wonld have to charge more for oor goods. The lack of Style Is a part of the system by which we sell high grade goods at tie lowest figures. Call or write today and satisfy yourself that yon can do more with little money at 5, than In any other place In the city. Our prices are so attractive that you will not buy elsewhere but here, aa you can see from the prices below: Edison Combination Machine, Lata Medel, - - $70.00 Libln GimtilnatliR, Lid Model, 50.00 E«sm CsBHInaliiD, '99 Model, 40.00 FEATURE FILMS (SLIGHTLY USED): LKt Child, - (538ft.) $70.00 Permit, • (37 lit.) 40.00 Escaped Lunatic, - (61711) 80.00 The Terrible Railway Tragedy, - - (310ft.) 30.00 Out In the Streets, - (640ft.) 80.00 Train Robbary. - (60011.) 60.00 Bank Ribbery, • (600ft) 60.00 Edison Personal, - (675ft.) 67.00 Edison Train Robbery, • (740ft.) 80.00 Yegg Bask Robbery, • (840ft.) 110.00 Bite Board, • (800ft.) 50.00 Life Savers' Response, • (720ft.) 50.00 Battle of Ya.u, • (670ft.) 50.00 MONTREAL. AND B.OOOFT. OF OTHER FILMS AT B CENTB PBB FT. AND UP. WE RENT MHEJILMSIIID SLIDES With ox> Without Operator*. AT THE LOWEST RATES. We take old Films and Machines In ex- change for new ones. We make a specialty of High Grade Sheets. FBOH t3.00 UP. WK STILL BELL HADITJJg BUTTONS US CUNTS BACH. ALFRED L. HARSTN 138 EAST 14th 8T. V NIW YORK, TEX- 3812.aHAM. N. Y. CO., DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1904, by the Frank Queen Publishing Company (Limited). Founded by FRANK QUEEN, 1883. NEW YOEK, DECEMBER 17, 1904. VOLUME Lll.-Ne.43. Prlea 10 Cent*. CnTCHCL C M*W/V«VO PCM. 998 THE 2M.EW YORK CLIPPER. December 17, Itt% Clipper's Anecdotes, Personalities and Comments,, cohcxbkihq STAGE POLK and Sometimes OTHERS BY JOBEPHINK Ota Manager Fred Rom told a story tbe other day concerning a professional acquaintance. Last September the young man accompanied a friend to a real estate office where the latter made his monthly payment on a cer- tain little bit of country property located about a three hoar Journey from New York. So enthusiastic was the friend In regard to tbe comforts and pleasures of owning one's country borne, no matter bow humble, that the young actor was persuaded there and then by the wily real estate agent, to select from the ever ready map an acre near that of bis friend, and make a first payment upon It. As both were engaged In a Broadway pro- duction during tbe week the young actor did not see his new property until the following Sunday, as It had been the custom of bis friend to visit his place weekly on that day said place being occupied by some friends as care takers during tbe Winter season. The Importance of possessing his first piece of reel property enthused the young man to the extent of adding to it by way of a young calf, as there was a small bam and cosy cabin on the place. His plsn was to go down to It every Thursday and Sun- day morning and enjoy the comfort there la In the proprietorship of country property. After spending hit first Sunday there and Installing bis stock, by way of the calf, In tbe barn where the animal had the range of the place unbaltered, he proceeded to plan for Its comfort Reasoning with himself tbat four days would pass before bis return be prepared four large palls of bran main, placing tbem In the four corners of the bam. He then filled a half barrel with water, after which he securely locked up bis live stock, Intending to return tbe following Thursday to repeat the arrangement When that day arrived his visit was pre- vented by a call to an extra rehearsal. Fri- day and Saturday passed during which he eased his anxiety concerning the calf with the thought that be had mixed very large portlona of mash which, If tbe animal had consumed a fair allowance, would "tide over" until Sunday morning, wlilcb. would find blm early at the tiny farm. Alas I Upon unlocking the barn door he was met with tbe sight of a small dead aul- mal, which had probably gorged Itself tbe early part of the week, only to atsrvo to death the latter. Thus the young actor'a experience as a live stock owner has been Interrupted until next Summer, when be will be able to bestow daily care upon his future possessions In that line. Richard Obee, who litis "Tbe Marriage of Kitty" in charge, was recently engaged In an argument with a breezy Western agent, concerning the money making value of the refined play, versus the minstrel and vaude- ville combination which the latter was ex- ploiting. Tbe Plata of San Antonio, Tex., was the platform occupied by 'the two managers, where they Indulged In heated discussion. "There ain't nothin' in them there refined shows," declared Obee's opponent aggres- sively. "You ain't got the right bunch to yank tbe coin — seel Jet look at this little trick 0' mine that I'm ahead of. It done a thousan* on the night at Dallas, an' twelve hundred at Fort Worth. Why, I could take It right Into London an' put 'em all clean craay, with tbem three mlnstrela." "Yes," replied Obee with Mantfieldlan suavity, "but It would not be quite so easy as you think." "I'shawl The travelln' ain't nothin'. You could stick the bul Island that London's on in one corner o' this State o' Texas an' for- glt you teen It." "It Isn't that," returned Obee slgnlflcently, "It's tbe studying you would have to do." "Btudyln* what?" exclaimed this past master la the slang of Western vernacular. "The language then tpeak over there," dry- ly responded Obee. • Obee has originated a novel advertisement for the play whose fortunes he Is guiding. It Is in the conventional form of an engraved wedding Invitation which Is tent broadcast ahead of the company, and It has made a de- cided bit with tbe public. It reads : "Mr. Jules Murray (proprietor of the production) requests tbe honor of your presence at tbe marriage of Kitty Sllverton (Betty Olrard) to Sir Reginald Belalse, Bart (Max Flgman) on the evening of (dato) Regular prices of admlslson will prevail." • V'lllnrd Holcomb, who wrote the absolute- ly plotless, "Me, Illm & I," la one of tho few who claims that a plot Is not necessary to the success of n production. In his rate It certainly hna been proved by tho hit of his jolly ploy. To Tub Ci.hteh he writes : "My foolish fnrce, by the way, is making both laughs nntl money on the rond, and will try to brenk the cachlnntlons record at the West End on Christmas week. It Is the latest development of pcrfcotlii plotlcu mu- sical comedy, anil as nn evidence of Its adaptability In this line, 1 can only cite you n recent Instance which happened 'on tbe rood.' While breaking it In on the one night- era, the company struck Wntertown, N. Y., where the stage was entirely too small for the second act set. This Is quite an elab- orate 'yacht scene.; .and there was no way of contracting It to tit In before the foot- lights. Accordingly Jules Hurtlg simplified matters by cutting out the whole second act and the audience never knew tbe difference, except that they bad to be told that tbe show waa over. They were waiting for a third act, but hadn't missed the sequence of the story. I don't believe many Broadway pieces are more inconsequential than that" • Augusta Oloae, who Is a moat clever ex- ponent of tbe art of mimicry, aa well as a singer of unusual ability, telle of an experi- ence while playing an engagement In Wash- ington that caused her a fright far more painful than any that might occur In tbe annals of "stage frights." She la one of tbe many actresses who, unhappily for them, have been the objecta of demented people. In thlt case the nan was a playwright Mlai Close received a letter from tbe British Embassy, Washington, containing the Information tbat the writer wat owner of two playhouses In England, and Intended to put up a theatre In tbe capital, which should be tbe largest In the world— seating 40,000 persona. The letter further con- tained tbe Information that half a block of land bad been purchased In the very heart of the city, but tbat the building would not be flnltbed for more than a year became tbe shipment of Italian marble ordered by the contractors had been delayed. The special object of the letter wat to state that the theatre waa to he erected for tbe special ac- commodation of Mies Close, who waa billed to star at the opening, at a salary of her own suggestion, with a vaudeville company of her own selection. Miss Close, deciding that tbe tetter was a Jest on tbe part of some acquaintance, tossed It aside and thought no more about It Tbe following day, however, It waa brought forc- ibly to her mind aa she was walking down Fifteenth Street Bbe waa accosted by a well dressed yonng man who Informed her tbat be had written her concerning hla fu- ture plana for ber at hla sew theatre, which he would like to ahow ber. Tbe actress de- cided tbat be waa too eccentric for a casual acquaintance and walked hurriedly on, hoping to find a policeman upon whom to call for protection. Tbe man followed her closely, and at they reached the National Treasury he waved his hand toward tbe great building with tbe remark : "There's my theatre." Then, In more ex- cited tones, he continued, "besides ' vaude- ville I'm going to produce a tragedy, written by myself — and I kilt you In the last act Walt a minute," he exclaimed, growing more and more excited, as be started forward to seize tbe wrist of the frightened actress, "and I'll show you exactly how the killing la to be done." Miss Close did not watt, but took to ber French heels, tbe man In close pursuit Several people followed the chase, and real- ising the demented condition of ber partner, soon captured blm. Hla Identity was later disclosed, and It waa found that he wat an escaped patient from a private asylum In the city. "Agonising as stsge fright may be," said Miss Glose afterward, "I would go through It a acore of times rather than the horror of being chased by a crar.y man." OUR LONDON LETTER. nOM OCX OWH. eOBBXSPONDSNT. Clipper Bureau, 48 Crinboirnt Street, Leicester Square, Loudoa, W. 0. DaCBMBEB 3. Charles Fronman hat made every effort to obtain a prolongation of Eleanor Benson's engagement In "Merely Mary Ann" at the Duke of York'a Theatre, but has been unsuc- cessful, and la obliged to announce tbe laat performance of the play at tbe Duke of York'a and Miss Bobaon's final appearance in London for tbe evening of Dec 16. The one hundredth performance will be given on Dec. 8, and Miss Robeon'e closing perform- ance on the evening of Dec 16 will be the one hundred and eleventh of ber engagement H. B. Irving, Irene Tanbrough and tbe Frohman company are In town this week and are playing "Letty" at the Kennlngton Theatre. It la announced that the pantomime, which Arthur Collins will present on Boxing Nlgbt at the Drury Lane, will be In three parte, bnt that the final tableau ending tbe opening and preceding tbe harlequinade will not be a transformation scene, but a unique novelty. The title, which baa been announced In previous letters, la "The White Cat," tbe story being founded upon the old fairy tale by the Countess d'Aulnoy, which hai been considerably varied by J. Hickory Wood and It received. The principal pl»7«»s .Q»2J Asche, Lily Brayton, H. B. Hlgnett. Alfred Brydone, Walter Hampden, E. lyalt Swete, C. Hock and Pamela Oaythrone George Dance announces at the end of tbe present Antumn season he will does the Prince of Walea Theatre, Richmond. It seems that be Is required to purchase certain land to provide an additional emergency, exit to the stalls, Involving an expenditure of many thousands of dollars, and the theatre hsa never done well enough to warrant this expenditure. Mr. Dance has been making ar- rangements for the production of s pantomime at Christmas, but this has been abandoned. Mme. Rejane haa just msde a last, final, definite application to the Parts Courts for a divorce from ber husband, M Forel, man- ager of the Parle Vaudeville. The terrible war in the Far Eait has re- called to Madame Pattl, now Baroness Ceder- ttrom, tbe time that the gathered ber first laurels In Russia, and In recognition of the entautlastlc reception which she then experi- enced she has proposed to tbe Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna to give a concert at St Pe- tersburg In aid of the Russian wounded. The concert will take nlace on Dec. 14, under the patronage of the Grand Duchess, in the rooms of the ArUtocracy Clnb. Ellen Terry, after a somewhat lengthy ab- sence from London, made a return on Monday last, when she opened at tbe Camden Theatre for the week, with ber company. J. B. Barnes haa gone to America to play In "A Wife Without a Smile," the part ere- THE FAMOUS GREGORY FAMILY, Who appear In tbe above picture, bave won much distinction for tbelr remarkable acrobatic and gymnastic feats. C. J. Gregory, the head of the troupe. Is one of the original Gregory Brothers, the well known bar performers. He was a partner of John Wlngneld years ago, and In 1876 Mr. Gregory was one of the original Russian Athletes (wblch included Geo. Dun- bar, C. J. Gregory, Wash Antonla and Napper Lowanda). In 1883, Mr. Gregory organized the Gregory Brothers Circus, and conducted the show for seven years. At tbe present time be Is engaged with hla three daughters by John B. Wills aa a special feature with "Tbe Two Old Cronies" Co. Mr. Gregory has been In the profession for many years and Is an all 'round performer. Ills three daughters (Bessie, Belle and Little Margarette) make a fine appearance and tbe presa give the Family great praise wherever they appear for their graceful and daring feats. EUGENE PIPPIN, Whose picture appears above, la well known na a female Impersonator, and Is playing the Western circuits with success. Mr. Plp- £ln made his debut twelve years ago at the IiibIc Hall, Lynn, Mass., ploying a part and doing his specialty with the May Shaw Bur- lesque Co., and was a success from the start He la one of the moat versatile performers In LIb line and hla work Includes musical acta, character sketches, novelty dancing and serio-comic singing. WASHINGTON. Holiday Tonr -rtm Pennsylvania Railroad. December 27 has been selected at tbe date for the Personally-Conducted Holiday Tour of the Pennsylvania Railroad to Washington. Thlt tour will cover a period of three days, affording ample time to visit all the principal points or lotereat at tbe National Capital, In- cluding the Congressional Library and tbe new Corcoran Art Gallery. Rate, . covering railroad transportation for the round trip and hotel accommodations, 114.60 or $12.00 from New York, $13.00 or $10.60 from Tren- ton, and proportionate rates from other points, according to hotel selected. Rates cover ac- commodations at hotels for two days. Special side trip to Mount Vernon. All tickets good for ten days, with special hotel rates after expiration of hotel coupon. For Itineraries and full Information apply to Ticket Agents ; C. Studde, Assistant East- ern Passenger Agent, 203 Fifth Avenue. New York ; or address Geo. W. Boyd, General Pas- Bcngcr Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadel- phia. »■ » — Harry Le Clare Is meeting with success na the Queen, Id "Tbe Sleeping Besuty and the Beast" Arthur Collins. As produced at the National Theatre it will be In fourteen scenes, and the same number of principals will be re- quired to work out the plot The legend, us given by the present adapter, starts with two separate stories, the acton In which do not meet until several scenes have been gone through. As In most entertainments of this sort, the scene la laid In an Imagin- ary land In an unknown period. The king of this property la no more popular than some of the mouarchs of tbe present day, and his subjects, divided by the author Into nobles, ladles and people, are clamoring for hla abdication with the Intention of nom- inating one of his sons to the throne; but the choice of bis successor at the rising of the curtain la a matter of difficulty. His Majesty, King Ivory, who, by the way, la a collector of curios, one of which It a won- derful specimen of the Simian race, tuggetts that tho three princes go out and see life, nnd the ono who brings bim back a golden net large enough to embrace the whole world, but ao small as to go through a wed- ding ring, shall become the future king. Ibis decision satisfies the populace, and the three young men aet forth on their travels. How they fare, and who succeeds In finding the wonderful net, securing tbe throne ana winning the love of the fairy princess, tern- Sorarlly disguised aa the White Cat. la shown nrlng the action of the pantomime. The cast at present Is arranged aa follows : Harry Randall will be Asbestos, a fairy retired from business, and Johnny Dan vers, King Ivory. His son, Prince Peerlesa, who wins the fairy princess, will be played by Queen le Lelghton, and tbe other two sons will be Fred Eastman, as Prince Plump, and James Welch, aa Prince Patter. Hugh J. Ward, an American, who made a big hit last year os the Scarecrow, will this year Impersonate Simeon, tbe missing link, a wonderful study of a progressive monkey. Marie George, also an American, will be Cupid. Aa producers, Mrs. Brown-Potter and Olga Nethersole are having rather a hard road to travel, as both their latest productions, "For Church or Stage" and "The Flute of Pan" failed to meet with tbe approval of the play goers, The former only ran for four perform- ances, and the latter play only had a few more performances to its credit Mrs. Pot- ter's plans for the future have been stated before. Miss Nethersole will take "The Flute of Pan" on a road tour. Lena Asbwell bat brought a successful pro- vincial tour to a close, and Is now on tbe lookout for a West End theatre In wblch to open early In the new year with Michael Mor- ton's sdsptatlon of Drnnay'a "Let Olseaux de Passage." On Dec. 2, at the Elephant and Castle Theatre, a new romantic drama was produced, entitled "A Gentleman of England." The drama was built by E. Norrls and F. Lewel- lyn. Tbe laat performance of "The Prayer of tbe Sword" was given at tbe Adelphla last Saturday night Last Tuesday night "Tam- ing of the Shrew" was put on, given aa Shakespeare wrote It a play within • play. The production was a noteworthy one, and was thoroughly deserving of the great notices ated by Mr. Kemble, at Wyndham's Theatre. Tbe one hundredth performance of "The Catch of the Season," at the Vaudeville Thea- tre, takes place today. "Boland of Berlin," Leoncavallo's opera, composed at the expreaa wish of tbe German Emperor, will be produced at the German capi- tal Dec 12. Mr. and Mrs. Kendal produced a new play at the Prince of Wales Theatre, Birmingham, last Tuesday. It Is called "The House- keeper." Henry Irving, at a banquet of the Pen and Pencil Club, Aberdeen, maintained that many people who frequent tbe theatre nowadays were not playgoers, for the simple reason that there are seldom any real plays to be seen. In acknowledging tbe reference to his own career, Mr. Irving remarked : "Whatever may be the changes of theatrical taate, the thea- tre will always remain a great Instrument of our social organization." The San Carlo Co. finished Its season at Covent Garden In brilliant fashion, a per- formance of "Otello" closing the company's successful season. At first, the prospects for a success financially looked bad, but it turned out all right Bcerbohm Tree lectured on Monday last to the members of bis dramatic academy. The subject was "Hamlet, from the Actor's Point of view." "The House of Delorme," a new play, by Arthur Scbnltxier, was not produced recently at the Little Theatre, Berlin, because the actors went on a strike. Though the author terms hla work a moral play, the actors were of a distinctly opposite opinion, end before the rehearsals were at an end all gave up tbelr parts. The principal Incidents of the piece take place In the house of a famous onera singer, who, under the eyes of her mother, carries on halt a doten love affairs simultaneously, leading to scenes which could not be described In a newspaper. The com- ?any were unanimously of the opinion that he play tended to throw unmerited discredit on the whole theatrical profession. I often hear from Al. Lawrence, who Is top- ping the bill at Leeds this week. The follow- ing Is from The Brighton Standard, a fash- ionable paper of tbat resort, and It rather tame to some of the write-ups Mr. Lawrence has received : "The glib, yet dry, sententious remarks of Al. Lawrence, a tall, pleasant- faced, clean ahaven young American, with the genus Yankee written plainly all over him, are quite a new experience In humor. He has features of India rubber, capable of wonderful distortions, and turns hla mimetic powers to unconventional account The ven- trlloqota! powers are equally novel and whim- sical, snd last night be was quite the darling, not only of the gods, but of everyone elBeT" Al i personal letters ere so witty that a few lines from his latest will sot be out of tbe way: "Many thanks for Clippers, having received same In good season. I ate one or them, and I dreamed of you, Walter Hill. Charlie Waldron and Howard Btreet, and 1 woke up on Twenty-eighth Street, New York." The managers sre trying hard to keep the wit In this country, but Mr. Lawrence must return to America tbe second week In March. Kteln-Ott Brothers and Nicholson, who open at the Hippodrome in tbls city Jow it 1806, Intend to be well heralded before tK- ; first appearance, is every mall from Ameru-. brings over unique postal cards advertiser their act • Dplph and Susie Levlno play the Empire. Holloway, next week. They have Just tZ turned from their Australian tour, whlrh judging from presa comments, waa a big euc- Ed. F. Reynard, the clever ventrlloouiat arrived In London last Monday, and caller' «, Thi Clippib Bureau with Alt Meers! Mr Reynard opens on the Barrasford tour n.*ir Monday, and will be In this country tbls tim. for six months. Charles De Camo and bis wonderfully cler., dog, Cora, will next week play the Pavilion engagement of many weeks at the a Cronla left last Saturday Is at the Alhambra, Parts, ihii Eastbourne. After an engagement of i Empire, Morrli night, and Is week, and for many more to come."' As" 'i stated In a letter of recent date, Mr. Cronin'i act Is one of the greatest I have ever seen m the Hoe of club juggling, and would be ■ novelty In the United States. Dave Meier, of Meier and Mora, wrote from Manchester tbat their act was Mai well received everywhere, and that contr-cta have been signed with Mr. Broadhead for three years returns, Harry Taft was on the same bill and scored big. He Is book«i for Australia for 1W)5. ™ I met "Bill" Wood, of the old team of Wood and Sbeppard, the other day, and we bad an Interesting chat of the old days. I recalled teeing the team at the old How- ard Athenaeum, Boston, when I was quite a young chap, and Mr. Wood told me It was fourteen years ago. He bat been In England and on the continent about two years and Is doing his laugh provoking act with a partner by the name of Bates. His wife and two boys are with him, tbe latter at- tending a private school in London. Mr Wood has had many offers to return to the United States during the Winter months, but aa he dreads the ocean voyage, he prefers to cross during the milder period of the year, but Is not able to get the salary he wants during the Summer. Mr. Wood and Alt Meen are great "pals," as the former was the first one to give the latter "tbe glad hand" when be played bis first American engagement. Cass Staley's Transformation Co. does a torn at the London Hippodrome that Is fully equal, according to my way of thinking, to the one done by Staley and Blrbeek. The quick changes In both acts are about the same, and Cess Staley and his msle as- sistant, who, by the way, is another brother, are very clever musicians. Although clos- ing the ahow, tbe audience waited, and the applause was not lacking. The company Is booked at the Hippodrome until Christ- mas, and will play between here and Ger- many until August, 1608. Thanksgiving Day was spent at Notting- ham in a very pleasant manner by It. 0. Knowles, Young American Quintette, Mrs. M Boorum, manager of tbe quintette, and two other Americans, wbo are not stage folk. A typical American Thanksgiving din- ner was served, a, id Mr. Knowles presided at the head of tbe table and did the carving. Mrs. Boorum sails for American Dec. 10, on tbe Umbrla, and the members of the quin- tette would like to be going with her, bat are booked for another year on tbls side. I received from Herbert Lloyd a cleverly arranged little booklet, which contains press criticisms of the way his act was received at the Scala Theatre, Copenhagen. He was there during the month of August, and the engagement was prolonged for twelve days In September. Attached to tbe souvenir is a coin of Denmark, but as I understand Mr. Lloyd haa distributed 'these souvenirs throughout the theatrical world in America, I will cease In my description of same. This is his second week at the Empire. I saw the show at the Empire last night, and It is, with one or two exceptions, a chow of headltners. Those responsible for tbe entertainment are named below In the order of their appearance on the stage. The Hersleb Brothers open tbe bill. They are foreigners and do a comedy acrobatic turn tbat Is only fair, but the; work lively and seem to go well. The Yullan Family, an exceptionally clever aggregation of tumblers, follows, and are deserving of the great band received. Whistling Tom Browne la num- ber three on the bill, and tbe week's vaca- tion has worked wonders with bis act In addition to hla whistling specialty Mr. Browne does a couple of good trick pieces on the piano which fit In very nicely with the Idea of hla sketch. The three Meers sre next In order, and as their novelty Is so well known In tbls country and America, no more need be said of Ita entertaining qualities. Mrs. Meers, whose dresses are creations, and a little out of the ordinary for tbe vaudeville stage, makes a very pleas- ing stage picture and seta off the act con- siderably. Then comes Charles T. Aldrlch, and anyone who haa seen bis act which Is really three acta In one, cannot help but eay there is only one Charles T. Aldrlch. Ills monologue, or patter, aa they call It over here, during the act goes well with the audience. Another card needing no commen- dation follows Mr. Aldrlch. It Is tbe Four Lukens, and their dangerous doings thrill the audience until the turn Is over. Some good people in this line have been seen In London, hut tbe Lukens are put down as tbe best Next comes the Australian ladles' Quartette, a newcomer to the Empire till. The members are very good singers end are an enjoyable addition to the pro- gramme. They are very neatly gowned, which Is much In their favor. Amann, the great impersonator, Ja next to last on tbe 111, but his perfect Impersonations of cele- brated men meet with a storm of applause. Herbert Lloyd closes tbe variety portion of the show, and his funnylsms come so often that It Is well for the audience than an In- termission follows the act, aa I waa afraid some would not be able to stop laughing. He It a funny man of tbe first water. As 1 have done with the review of the variety end, I will say a few words about tbe cour- teous management, or, rather, Mr. Davis, who la the pleasant young man In the front or the house. This gentleman la one of the most courteous managers I bave ever met and I am greatly Indebted to blm for the many little kindnesses shown to me. B, G. Knowles called last Monday before be left for Leicester, where he Is playing bis last engagement on this side of the water for many months. Mr. Knowles sails for America Dec. 7, from Cherbourg. , . Frank Buckner, tbe trick bicyclist ]» * n town. He It trying to book at some of the big local halls, but finds it hard to get Imme- diate time. _ _ ,_ Banks Winter, or rather William H. Banks, as he now bills himself, mailed me a quarter sheet wblch exploits the cleverness of nis daughter, Winona, and also sends tbe follow- ing : "I am mslllng you a quarter sheet, abpw; lng what rapid progress my 'would be star has made, without any work on my pan. whatever. We have relied entirely on men . and very naturally I feel very much elated. Mrs. Winter and the youngest boy bsve been very sick for the past ten days, but at preseu. writing are much better. ' . I have had Information from America .to the effect that Raymond Hitchcock, in "The Yankee Consul," will be a Spring or ears- Summer attraction at a London theatre. There is no reason why this show should not be ;<■ success over here. Perhaps tbe Sbaftesourj Theatre will be the abiding place of tbe piece when It comes. The theatre Is now dark, as Olga Nethersole's efforts to please did not suit the London playgoers. — Earls K. Mitchell haa been transferred from " 'Way Down East" to "Girls Will Be Girls," by Wm. A Brady. Deoembeb 17 THE NEW YOBK OLIPPEB. 999 E Tbe publishers of Thb New Yobk Cltppbb decided several months ago that tbe; would uot publish a Christmas number. During the Holidays the news-stands ate loaded with Holiday numbers of nnmbeiless pub- lic a tins, many of which are buried, and advertisers who have placed adTertisements in them, in expectation of a wider pub- licity, are usually diiappointed. Desiring to obtain the largest osculation possible, and thereby insure the beet result to adver- tising patrons, the publishers of The Cupteb will Issue an At the commencement of its fifty-third tear. This number will be issured on February 22, 1905 (Washington's Birthday), at a time when it will have the field prac- tically to itself. It will be handsomely printed on fine paper, embellished with beautiful half tone plates, etched on copper, with an attistio cover design, rivalling in beauty all previous special issues. All persons desiring to insert pictures or adTertisements in this number should apply at once, as tbe space is limited and the time for preparation is short. As we do not make a practice of canvassing people in the profession, do not wait in expecta- tion of an agent calling upon yon, but send in your order without delay. PRICES FOB PORTRAITS PAYABLE TJT ADVANCE, Siz.2ei3i- - - • 15,00 Size 4x4 - • • 25.00 PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Per loch, Sirgla Cfllumo • - 2.80 Quarter Page - • 45.20 Half Pigl - - • - 90.40 WdelePage • - - 169.50 I H U PUBLISHING CO. (LIMITED), Publ':!,*fj of THE NEW YORK CUPPER. ALBERT J. BOBIB, Raw York City, Edlto-lal and Busmen Mgr., M. t\ World of Players. — Notes from Clara Turner Co.: This company Is In Its eighteenth week and busi- ness thus far has been ahead of last sea- son. Walter Stanton joined at Portland, lie., to do his "Dancing Giant Booster' 1 specialty. Miss Turner's kissing song takes several encores. The company this season Is under the management of Ira W. Jack- son, and he has surrounded Miss Turner with some of the very best people in the profession, The roster: Ira W. Jackson, manager; W. H. Stewart, business repre- sentative; II. B. Miller, advance; Clara Turner, Bra Scott, Marie Go wer, Jeannette Howell, Gllmore Hammond, Kollo Lloyd, Walter J. Downes, Harry L. Waterbouse, Ned Curtis, Pete Muldoon, Walter Stanton, James Dempsej and James Dixon. We carry a car load of special scenery and Hiss Tur- ner's prize ponies, Polite and Mollle, which attract unusual attention. Everyone Is happy. The "little boy In white 1 ' walks with a strong and steady gait, every Satur- day, and Thb Clippee — well, we all scram- ble to see who will get tbe first copy. — O. Faith Adams writes: "I have re- turned to Chicago to organise my two new attractions which open Jan. 1. The new etock company, to be known as Adams' Come- dians, will be under my personal direction, and no expense or effort will be spared to make this the finest show I have ever pre- sented In the West Some well known plays, with a fine line of printing, that will be new to the West, have been secured, and some of the best actors and actresses obtainable have been signed. The tour will extend to the Pacific coast While In New York I spent a few daya with Corse Payton, after which I went to Philadelphia and settled up his brother's estate. The headquarters for my attractions for some time to come will be at the National Printing Co., Chicago. My new one piece attraction, The Mansion of Aching Hearts,' will open the middle or latter part of January." _ — Davs Seymour writes: "The Game Keeper' Co., Thomas Smith featured, has been doing very nicely and, np to the present shows a nice profit We are going fnto the bastern territory now, where, from reports, 'iislness Is none too good, but trust to get Food results. ' Rowland & Clifford, proprietors ;f this organization, have selected the cast tor their own melodrama, 'The Downward l nth, and Sadie Marlon, who has been play- ing Kathleen Onall with this company, Is to create the lead. Tbos. Smith has been for- tunate In the selection of his songs this season. They seem to be Just what the public wants and are everywhere received most cordially. The company was given a reception at Fulton, N. Y., by Mr. and Mrs. inotnas Morrlssey, formerly In the profes- sion, Dut n - ow ^n-g-gij m profitable mercan- tile pursuits In that city. Louise Morris Is "l* playing the soubrette lead and Is re- reiving generous approval from tbe public »at Dewa Is no longer a member of this company, having disappeared last week, leav- ing his effects behind. No trace of him can oe found. He was suffering from a severe attack of la grippe. Stanley Wilkes Is play- >°S his part temporarily until a successor ™.M secured. Harry and Dora Brown "ebrate their tin wedding next week, and ? B i reat tIme ls expected. Baby Brown la ""'uuslj awaiting the arrival' of the time when Santa Clans will materialise, and as tee comnuny Intends to have a Christmas iv i I n ter honor, Lon Morris and Howard CiSu " ar * ie,ected t0 Impersonate Santa , ~ 9"S*1 Hall was granted her final de- mS ?f» 0,T o«* from George B. McLellan on Wv, 26, in the New York Supreme Court. ♦i,r\.T*! d Morton li making a success In the btack face role of Mammle Jlnnle, In r«l,> ? n * tbe Harvest," and U becoming a favorites with Western audience* TBS CUH1STHAI GI FT THAT WILL PL.U AS K TBI ■■■ IS TBI 8TAR SAFETY RAZORS? NEW STAR STROPPER This bandjomely finished safety razor hu stood the test for 27 years. THB MAM WHO SHAVES himself knows bow necessary it u to keep his raaor blades In perfect condition. It Is Impossible for any blade to do Its work properly ante ss stropped before using. Over $,000,000 Star Safety Razor? have been sold. Bs sure tint In haying a razor yon find three stars stamped on the frame and blade. We guarantee this razor, and If not perfectly satisfactory we win tefona jon the price. Oor catalogue, giving uinstrations of the different sets, prices, etc., sent on request, in lending for this catalogue please mention THE CUPPER. The Star Safety Ilaior has been Imitated but never duplicated. (In purchasing a razor please remember the above fact) Oason, complete, SS.OO. MasteUosae gets, Sa.BOaad ap. Mew Star Strapper, $1.80, KAMPFK BROS., 8-19 Bead* street, M. Y. Oral! leading dealers In high class outlery- (Remember the word "Star." — Notes from the Thurber 4 Naaher Co. : This attraction, now In its fifteenth week. Is still running along on a paying basis, not- withstanding the great expense attached to the production. The company numbers twenty-one people, and only one change has been made since tbe opening. The vaude- ville features are the beat ever seen with a repertory company. Paullnettl and llquo, who were engaged In London, Eng., last Sum- mer, by Thurber A Naaher, are creating con- siderable comment wherever the company has appeared. Nothing like this act baa ever been seen with an attraction of this kind. Mile. Peplta Delara, her first ap- pearance In this country, Is likewise a big feature In her singing specialty, while Mas- ter Phil Matt Thurber proves a strong ad- dition to the vaudeville portion of the bill. Thurber A Nasher are now arranging their second tour for next season, which will open on Labor Day, 1005, In one of the leading Eastern cities, where a repertory company has never before been known to play. Ar- rangements have been made for three famous productions, which will be seen for tbe first time at popular prices. Thurber A Naaher are proprietors, with George Dear, agent; John W. Barry and George Hoey, stage di- rectors. Thurber & Nasher have arranged to put their company In Bar Harbor, Me., for eight weeks next Summer, the engagement to commence after the termination of the regu- lar season. — James E. Sprott, press representative for Harry Corson Clarke, writes : T 'We opened at tbe Empire Theatre, San Antonio, Tex, to two houses on Nov. 20. When Harry Corson Clarke stepped on the stage he was accorded an oration that lasted several minutes, and testified In no uncertain way to tbe pleasant memories theatregoers have of hla former visit Tbe bill for the opening week was 'My Friend from India,' and business has been enormous, Mr. Clarke Is giving none but tbe best royalty plays and Is stsglng them beaut! fully, The players supporting Mr. Clarke have come In for well deservea praise on all sides. They are : Margaret Dale Owen, Laur- ence Wakefield, Robert Turner, H. G. Lons- dale, W. Wagner, James Dickson, Rachel Crown, Anna Wynne, Gertrude Norman and Josephine Rlemann. The business end la In the hands of Frank Rich, and the press de- partment Is being looked after by myself. From tbe present outlook It is safe to predict that we shall spend the Winter In the Sunny South." — Note's from the Bennett-Bubler "Two Orphans" Co., O. A. Bennett A F. W. Buhler, owners and proprietors, with Chss. L. Doug- lass, manager: Our business through Ne- braska his been very good. We are carrying an exceptionally strong company of ten peo- §Ie. Our roster Is ss follows : Geo. W. Mur- ock, H. Kemper, Wm. G. Price, J. D. Her- bert, Cbaa. L. Douglass, F. W. Buhler, E. G. Sorter, Jsnette Douglass, Louise Woodson, Bonslr Price snd O. A. Bennett. In advance. — Walter V. Coyle writes that he closed with Rowland A Clifford's "Over Niagara Falls" Co., three weeks ago, owing to tbe Ill- ness of -his mother, who died Nov. 19. Mr. Coyle ls at his home In Chicago. — Mr. and Mrs. Dick Mack, of Conroy and Mack, mourn the loss of their daughter, who died at Msnalngton, W. Vs., Nov. 27, aged six months. — Sadie Fields will appear before long In "Rebecca, a Child of the Ghetto," a play especially; written for her. — Arthur B. Jennings reports meeting with success In the comedy part of Tip Taylor, with "Eben Holden." — Harry Nelson, of tbe team of Nelaon and French, while playing Norborne, Mo., Nov. 9, with the Wallack Theatre Co., re- ceived s telegram stating that hla mother had just died In New York City. — Hal Denton and wife (Beatrice La Mott) closed with tbe Lyceum Comedy Co. at Blroy, Wis, Nov. 20. George D. Young and wife and Ed. Branch Joined the. com- pany on the same date. — Frank Worthing has been engaged by Charles Frohman to play an eccentric com- edy part In Plnero's "A Wife Without a Smile." — George W. Donahue, light comedian, was elected a member of the B. P. O. Elks, Madison, Ind., Lodge, and waa Initiated by Trinidad. Col., Lodge, No, 181. — Cusnman and St. Claire inform us that they have been, and- will continue, as the leaning vaudeville feature team with the Chase-Lister Co. (A), under tbe manage- ment of Joseph FarrelL They are also play- ing the leading comedy and soubrette parts, respectively, and pleasing the audiences. — Edney Bldge writes: 'The Edsall-WIn- thrope Co. ls around again this season, visit- ing old friends snd making many new ones. At Winston-Salem, recently, five members of the company' were Initiated Into tbe Eagles, making eight In all with the company. In Danville, va., Earl Wlntbrope, Mr. Edsall and Mr. Ridge were entertained at a chafing dish party, In tbelr honor, by Miss Crumpton, of that city." — Lorena Atwood, a well known California actress, who waa engaged by George Tyler, ere be sailed for Europe, to play Mrs. Vldal, In "Raffles," supporting Kyrls Bellew, has made a success In the part Miss Atwood was lately leading woman of Belasco's Stock Co., at the Alcazar Theatre. — Alyce Lovelace baa regained her health, and Is with the Hopkins Stock, at Memphis; Tenn. — Tbos. H. O'Nell, who was compelled to close his engagement with the "Railroad Jack" Co., at Saginaw. Mich., Sept 24, owing to a severe attack of typhoid fever, has fully recovered snd rejoined that com- pany at Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. O'Nell was treated st St Mary's Hospital, under tbe auspices of -the Order of Eagles. His en- gagement was held open for him. — Harry Harper la In his ninth week as principal comedian with tbe Kennedy Comedy : — T. Dwlgbt Pepple has been engaged by the Tyler Amusement Co. as representative of the Eastern "Hooligan's Troubles" Co. — Notes from the Harry Nye Stock Co.: This company ls booked solid for the re- mainder of the aeason In Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Ws will open Dec 12, playing three night stands. Tbe company numbers twelve people, exclusive of the advance corps. Four feature specialties will be carried, and royalty plays of established merit snd reputation will be produced. Harry Nye Is owner snd manager. — Frank Yunker, dramatist, sgent snd manager, writes us that owing to the death of his grandmother and later the death of bis father, on Sept 22, last, that per-. sonal business matters require his attention at his home at Randolph, Wis, for tbe next six months, end be has taken up his old voca- tion of writing comedies. Uaudeville and minstrel Noras vbom Littlb Eqipt's Co. — We are la our fifteenth week and our business ls still on tbe capacity basis. We have only made a tew changes In our roster since Au- gust Tbe show noes with a rush from start to finish and we claim to be the best one night stand burlesque show on the road. We are booked for return dates In nearly every city where ws have played. Our time Is filled up to and Including May SO, and tbe early part of next season Is also oiled. Ths present ros- ter is: Jerry SulUvan, midget comedian; Henry and Francis, singing ana dancing duo ; Lawrence Sylvester, comedy gymnast; Car- ney and Flynn, Irish comedians ; Marie West, "the Girl In Red;" Wagner Sisters, singers ana dancers ; Eva Smith, Helen Sullivan, Net- tle Grant, Lillian Grelner, Helen Coulson, Ethel Delmar, Annie Adams, Pearl Dupre, Jeanette Bay, AHie Gllmore, Julia Wagner, Arthur Grelner, musical director; Chas. F. Edwards, business manager ; Thomas Dilling- ham, electrician. The tour ls under the direc- tion of the Atlantic City Amusement Co., of which Cliff W. Grant la general manager. 1 Fabbon amo Fat are aucceufully using sn encore, entitled 'Tbe Last Quart," written for them by Larry McCale. Anton io Van (fonts, equilibrist, and Emma Cotrely, lady Juggler and equilibrist, report meeting with success. They sre finishing a one year's engagement In the Northwest snd tbe Pacific coast , _ Jack B. Ds Vondb writes: "I Joined De- onxo A Wigand'a Kuropean Stars In Cam- bridge, to do my bicycle act, and have been meeting with success all along tbe line." Russell and O'Nbix. ind Alt. P. Jambs have Joined hands snd have been engaged at tbe Orpbcum Theatre, Vancouver, B. C, for the season, to produce tbelr comedies. AnatB amd Dahm white : "We closed a very successful season with Gollmar Bros. Shows, with which our act hss been a feature tbe last three seasons. We open our vaude- ville engagements at the Qarrlck Theatre, Wilmington, Del., week of Nov. 21, where our act met with big favor. We opened on the Keith circuit week of Nov. 28, with Poll's and the Kohl A Castle circuits to follow. Da Vabo and Cobtis played a club for Frank Spellman on Nov. 26, at the Masonic Temple, Columbus, O. . Bilxx Sfswcbb (Grogan) writes that he was greeted with big receptions sll last week at the Standard Theatre, St. Louis, with the Merry Maidens Burlesque Co. James Hsnhbssbi, having finished suc- cessful engagements in the East, will begin his Western time in titles. N. X. ,_ Taa Thbjb Dailst Sistibs have Just closed a two weeks' engagement at tbe How- ard, Boston, with oneedy's. New Bedford, with Fall River and Woonaocket, also return date at Austin A Stone's, Boston, and other good work to follow. Fbldmah and Ball, wooden shoe dancers, are In tbelr sixteenth week ss one of the vaudeville features with the Grace Hayward to., now touring tbe West. They write that It Is one of the largest stock companies now on tour, carrying twenty-two people and a car load of scenery.- - • - Tim Gbsat Aitkin, contortionist, writes that he was one of ths feature acts engaged to entertain the guests of the Great Southern Hotel, at New Orleans, Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 24. The performance marked tbe open- ing of the Great Southern's pavilion. Tub Btandabd Thbatbb, at Guthrie, Osis. Ter., which bes been closed for some time, will be opened under new management on or about Dec IB. Ma. and Mas. J. T. Lbwib, In their set, "Seth Spinners Troubles," report success. They carry special scenery and mechanical effect* Thb Mabvblods Mabtbllbs, Harry snd Emma, bicyclists, opened Nov. 21 after lay- ing off five weeks, ss Emma Martelle was 1)1 In a hospital. They are booked solid until May over the 3 L and Northwestern and Colorado circuits. Qua Htan (Rube Ryan), trick 'cyclist. baa bas been very 111 la a hospital at Brlgham. Ala. He waa with 'The Fatal Wedding' 1 Co., also with the Gasklll Carnival Co. for the two weeks, closing tbe season at Charles- ton, a C. He ls now with the Murray Comedy Co. for his second season, doing his specialty. Clabbncb V. Toolbx, lata of the Who, What, When Minstrels, Joined the Barlow A Wilson Minstrels at Fulton, Ky. Thb team of Shannon and Lucibb hav- ing dissolved partnership, Paul Lacier will hereafter work with his wife, Lucy Noel. Tbe team will be known as Lucy and Lucler. Edwin Gbobqb reports success at Sbeedy's, Fall River and New Bedford, Mass., with bis eccentric Juggling. He hss been work- ing steadily the past eight weeks and has Chalk Saunder'a house, In Pawtucket, R. I., to follow his engagement at the Hub Thea- tre, Woonsocket Aethub H. Khbbns, of the well known vaudeville act, Kberns and Cole, who baa been battling with a complication of dis- eases for the past year, has been ordered by hla physicians to quit work entirely for at least tour months. Mr. Kberns baa can- celed all work and will go to bis horns at Wyoming, O., a suburb of Cincinnati, where, under tbe tare of Medora Cole, bis wife, be expects to recover from bis serious Illness. Ths Tunis Rbnos write they sre still on tbe Goldsmith circuit, playing through Mon- tana. Week of Nov. 28 they were at Helena and are this week at Butte. Thb Dobothba Bistbbs opened on tbe Novelty circuit, at Denver, Col., week of Nov. 20. Their act, they write. Is going well. When thsy have finished the Novelty circuit they open on the Goldsmith circuit. Joan Kblvills closed a successful sll weeks' engagement on tbe New England cir- cuit Dec 8 and opened on ths New York circuit at Amsterdam, N. Y., Dec. 6 for two weeks, with Syracuse, Ullca and Buffalo to follow. Bana Kaufman writes under date of Nov. 22. — "I am now In my seventh week at tbe Alhanbra Theatre, London, Eng.. with my specialty and have made such s tremendous success that George Scott, tbe manager, has added an extra number for ms in his big ballet." Jbbbt Bast. Biatbicb, Leo and Jerry Hart Jr., arrived recently from London. Tbey will spend tbe holidays at tbe home of Mrs. Hart, and will return to Europe early next year to Oil further bookings. Mr. snd Mrs Hart have been playing England for seven years with unvarying success. Bgbkjbabt and Blast have signed with "Hooligan's Troubles," to play parts and do their specialty. They report meeting with MrlLHEHHY'S! A Most Delightful Sessonlng for Oysters, Soaps, Flat.. Hoasts, Rnlait Dressings, Game, Cto , Etc. A drop or two gives a spicy, piquant flavor, creates a keen appetite, and Insaves good digestion. insist upon getting McIIiHKNNi '•■-In use nearly half a century In the leaolng hotels and restaurants and by the best families throughout! ho land. FREE BOOKLET of new and unique recipes, Address MclLHENNY'8 TABA8C0, New Iberia, La. AASPI Ulev 144 BOWERY, SEW YORK CITY. For a naif century we have been giving real bargain* la diamonds, it Is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with us. A comparison of goods and price* Will convince the most sceptical. VALUE! BUM. HOW tjM. This in the ring we have been selling for flu, but for quick sotlon we offer a limited number at ids. Diamonds will be reset in gent's rings It desired. Chance of a lifetime. _ , . Bend for oar Forfeited Loan Ball Orders Filled, Catalogoe. Tnquiries Solicited. ■ ■•I- Notbs vbom tub Sam T. Jack dub- lesquzbs. — On Thanksgiving night, st the Hermitage Hotel, Grand Rapids, Mlcb., tbe Order of Grills, composed of members of the company, held their eighteenth dinner, which was a big success. Among those present were : Louis Harris, chief Grill : Frank Har- rlgan, sporty Grill: Harry Seyon, comical Grill; Wm. Jossberg, musical Grill; Harry Willis, Dutch Grill ;"ke Wall, property Grill. Among the lady Grills present were: Sadie Harrlgan, Mrs. Seyon, Addle Delmore and Misses Sutberlsnd snd Foods. Everybody had a glorious time, and the festivities closed with Brother Jossberg'a speech. Smith and Ciiamtion were compelled to close with tbe Sam Devere Co.. owing to tbe serious Illness of Mamie Smith Champion, who la now lying 111 In a Brooklyn hospital. Thb Babtbumb, Loale and Besale, acro- bats, foot Jugglers snd bead balancers, eloped at the Orpheum, 8an Bernardino, Cat., Nor. 20, end opened at the Clneoaraph Theatre, Los Angeles, Cat, Nov. 21, for two weeks, w'th San Luis Obispo, Cat. to follow. 8aos amd Btabb write that they have re- ceived a copyright on their new act, entitled "The Sculptor's Ideal," which they will pro- duce over the Keith circuit In a few weeks, after which they go to Europe for an Indefi- nite time. They will carry an elaborate stage setting and electrical effects. T. H. Minder, proprietor of tbe Topic Theatre. Billings. Mont, gave hla company a Thanksgiving dinner at his new borne In that city. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Minder, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Clark, Bes- sie Clark, John O. Ham, Eddie Ennls, ths Reeds, J. H. Steel, Yerlck and La Londa. Art Isglng, Clearings and McAlester, Claud Cere, Sutton snd Allen, Jim Gilds, De Vaun Sisters, W. Patterson, Ds Mar and Lane, Eddie Fay. Arlington Sisters, Bessie Vernon, Mr. snd lira Geo. Gladywln and May Love- Ington. Naobl and Adams have been reengaged on tbe Grauman circuit, and report meeting with success with their new comedy, "Tbe Twentieth Century Messenger Boy." Eddie Lamont, in his musical act, closed a thirty weeks' engagement with 'Tbe Fatal Step" Co., and bas joined the Harry Du Bols Stock Co. tor tbe rest of tbe season. Edwin F. WaxTWOBTH will take tbe man- agement of the Margarst Huntington Refined Entertainers for the reat of the season. Mr. Wentworth baa obtained excellent time for this attraction In the larger cities, and looks forward to a very prosperous season. Geo. W. Leslie writes that he scored s success st the London Theatre, London, Can., and at ths Star, Hamilton, Can. Thb Bbibklbts report success since they returned from the West, playing clubs In and around New York. David ilrlnkley has signed with James Settler to plsy a prlnelpsl part In "A Wise Coon" Co. W. O. RozaUi, tramp musician, hss Joined hands with Jensvlere Hsnnan, singing and dancing soubrette. The team will be known as Eozell and Hannan, the Trans- Atlantic En- tertainer* They are booked solid through tbe East and West. AtBDRTDS AMD Jissii MlLtAB have Just closed engagements over tbe J. H. Moore and M. Shea circuits, also tbe Anderson circuit, Including three weeks with the Orpheum Sbow. They open In the City of Mexico Dec. 14, for elgbt weeks, after which they plsy s few dates In this country, before beginning tbelr European tour In July. Chablib Kdhn, of the Three Kubns, with tbe Brigadiers Co.. underwent an operation for appendicitis st Scrsnton, Pa., Nov. 16, which wsa successful. He expects to rejoin the show in s few weeks. William J. McQdimm (Csnsdlsn bari- tone) writes from Key West, en route to Ha vans, Cuba: "I bavs Just recslved word from my wife. Mrs. McQuinn, st Peterbflro, Can., announcing the birth of a baby boy." LOTTIB GlLBON AND BlLLT HAST, SS an extra feature with Miner's Americans, report doing nicely with the show. Lie i Nobl mourns tbe death of her father, which occurred in Kansas City, Mo., Nov. ie. Ubisabo and Theol will sail Dec. 17, to open at tbe Csiino de Paris, Jan. l. Tbey are booked for three years solid. In Europe. TBE r 0BISIIAL PETER'S . CfVf Oriqiiuil ' ^e*; swlss; >milk" ' ^chogol'ate m Sa.nt&. deois' Best Gift and «n> that delight* eifrybody. IRRESISTIBLY DELICIOUS. WHOLESOME as Bread and Butter. tBn ORialSXL-OAcr Brandt are ImUatinu. LAMONT. CORLISS i CO../-f*url, ll Hal u> Sn. ii, Mm Vwt. Every bottle con- tains the same dash exuberant life, which no J guesswork decoction' possesses. Get ihe orig- inal "CLUB" brand. Seven kinds — Manhattan, Martini, Vermouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin, York. C. F. HEUBLEIN & BRO., ,C,-„. .(WATFORD NEW YORK LONDON "HowTo Illustrate" • NO • I.OO nw "ArtofC.aiciture" lWhthoroflfMrdmwIotfAAd lllo»- tntUif , In all It. iraiirtM. IMc, two book., tW.aB poat-pild. ]S ptf- lltuj. C»UloffU« Ml raqum. ■BOWS) BVSLIBHINO. CO., Ram. 833 III fills ire., ft* lirt. MUSIC COMPOSED AHD AHHANOED (or any Instrument or number ot Instruments Sonn,words and muslo, sketches, etc. Hend stamp CtUB, L. LEW18, at Richmond at., Cincinnati, O. yi PISO'S CURE FOR • Ml AL-TUIM, nlSUAHH u< flHUU ,KI trsAiHs •» rram tins i,rir»(UM ■"■ tit fix aaj Sjaeial iwm— . SSfj CONSUMPTION 1000 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. DECEMBER it. Wc will make your PorlraiT •his size and st/le/!^ $ ] 22 CuTSTuSo • Letterheads /" -HERALDS and ' NEWSPAPERS Qatchel^nning b»um« ENGRAVERS Philadelphia Calolum Gas and Moving Picture Outfit Entariainlnt th« Kabila. ■Westartyou.fiirnlsblngcoinploteontflte with tlmple tod explicit In.tructlons. The Field If Large, comprising the rogularth,eatro end lecture circuit, also local field* In Churches, Public Schools, Lodres and (iencral Public (lathering.. Nothing a fiords better opportunities for jSS,.!. Our Outfit Comprises ft he 0. P. CO.'B modal, PURI CALCIUM 0A8 OUTFIT, the greatest oandle power, the safest and most economical gat-maklng outfit ever Invented. Welsbtaoihe. Stirtoptlcon, Hoflng Plctori NUMBS, Filial tIMai 1Dd ovorv acceeiory runs, siiiii seeded fur complete entertainment,. Absolutely the latest fllma and vlewa on tbe market, Including til subject, (or the public'! enjoyment, HII entertainment supply catalogue and • FBCIAL OF FIR fully cjplalna everything. MI MM flOHCTIWCO,, HlBitrKra It., Dial. Ml, Cbleip. Stal I m a n's Dresser Tru nfc jy to get at every thing without disturbing anything. No fatigue In packing and unpacking. Light alrong, roomy drawers. Holds a* much and costs no more than a good box trunk. Hand-riveted I strongest trunk made. In small room serves as chiffonier. 0.0. D with privilege of examination, So. stamp forCalalof. f. LHiUJUt, 86 tr.iariac !l» toanbu, B CE Ugf ■SR LITHOGRAPH ABOUT HAL? THE PRICE IEW LITKO-TIHT PAPER ^ •MID FOR CATALOSUI WoitIsod Show Print m.h.iL. WANTED, For Tenting Beaton, Opening April DO here, "10 Nights in a Bar Room," People In Si Lines; Acting People Doubling Baud preferred Alio first cIsbb, sober Musf oltns, Doubling B. and 0.; must have Plated Horns; Al flrst class BUI Posting Ton. or "10 Night," Atent that Knows now to handle a car snow of this kind; a Boas Canvas Han, to Handle Past) Pole Top snd Seats (mast be sober). Show runs Winter and Bummer past seasons. One hun- dred solid weeks; nevtr missed a salary day In my lite; don't owe a dollar to ant one; one snow • day; no parades (Band Oonoert); good salaries to useful people. Want White Porter to Double Band. Slate all you will and can do. Don't write If you can't make good, Want tbe best only. It you do concert turn say so. Want Prop- erty Man, to Doub'e Band and bits. OHAS. GEYER, Lexington, Ho. •As IVA For Stock and Repertoire Com I* L. sal I & Panles and Amateur Clubs. O ' ■ ■■aw* ■ ■** rogue describing thousands 8 Muted plays will be sent free on it quest, 'he Dra.ma.tlo Publishing Company. ajj Dearborn street, Chicago. Oata- of r ADC POH LEASE, ^•A*lvIV.O OB 8T0B10B. FOB LEASE, BALE OB 8T0B1I R» pairs and Al teraCons fad e, NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS. Gllflii. N. J. PLAYS LOW UQYftlM A.WBROtYNL .*Oil Mt'KON (I CHICAGO BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Soag Slides and Machines Bought, Sold and Exobanged. CM WASHINGTON BT., Boom a Boston. Hats., opp. Adams Hqubc. Efieo Picture Machines, Stereiptlcons, Song Slides, Films. Lenses, Oas Outfits, Electrical Ooods. eto Send for catalogue and circulars. L. MANAB8E CO.. 18 Hadlson Street, CMoago, III. Wilted, Pirfiroirs it All Kinds, fir Vndi- TILLS 00., ONE AMD TWO NI011T STANDS. Sire lowest salary. Novelty not*, write. Address ARNOLD'S COMEDIANS, Onlbsrtson, Web. A¥ T.IRERTV piano end violin; violin ate III DAD II, DOUBLES BRASS. Address WH. BOHWALB, Hnnttngdnn, Tenn. VAN FLEET RINTE AT WEST aSth. 8TBEBT, NEW TORK. R HOWARD BROSa^l^FLYING BANJOS 5 II WE OPEN AT THE COLISEUM. LONDON, JUNE 0, FOB SIX WEEKS OKLV. RETURN TO AMERICA AUG. 7. NOW BOOKING SEASON 1901-06. HANAOERS DESIRING THIS NOVELTY WRITE US AT ONCE BEFORE ALL OUR TIME IS FILLED. WE BATE A NEW METHOD. WASHBURN BANJOS USED EXCLUSIVELY. h •I ■= i IS : • C E V I 00 O) CM UNITED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yog a fortune. Ifjrou have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that la worth anything, yon abonld copyright It. Don't take chances when you can secure our serv- ices at small cost. Sendfor oar SPECIAL Of fit TO INVENIORS before appl yli n i for a patent, it will pay you, HAWBOOK on potent* tent FREE. We advise If patenta- ble or not, FREE. W* Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult us, WORMELLE A VAN MATER, Ceorrifltl A Fateat Ce, let, WASISH6I0H.D.I. AT LIBERT V, HARRY L. FETTERS, TROMBONE AND BARITONE, Doob'e 8'age, Union Carpenter. JOSEPH E. GAGNON, CLARIONET, B. and 0. BERT. H. DAVIS, TRAP DRUHHER, B. and 0., Full Line of Traps. Experienced men, locate or travel. "5 BATTLE OBEBK, MICHIGAN. C, W. PARKER, Abilene, Kan. Largest exclntlve mannf actnrer of Amusement De- vices In the U. S. MERBT.eo.HOCMil •HOOTING GALLERIES, Military Band Oman*, Cylinder Pianos, Nlokis-in-fllot Planoa,eto And Bering Picture Nioclaes, all miksa, bouolit and for sals. PHILABBLPBU FILM BZOBAROB. 1808Iorts 15th St., Philtnelphl A, F a , D. S. A Films for Rent Spectacular, War, Historical, Scenlo, Hyatertoua snd Comedy Featnre Subtests to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED BONO SETS RENTED. Write for list Terms right. C. I VAN OUZEE no Hennepin, Are. Minneapolis, Minn MAGICAL Apparatoi. Finest Grade Illations. YOST A COMPANY, At H. Ninth St, (established 1870.) Philadelphia. 49- Large new catalogue for stamp, COWNS^Si? SLIGHTLY USED. Also STREET OOWHS. We have on hand a Urge assortment of slightly worn Evening Crowns, Dinner, Reception andlWOowns. These robes are perfect in every respect, and are especially suitable for wear in HIGH CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We hare a fall line of Seal Skin Coats and Furs of all rinae. MBS. H. STARR. 8CT Sonth 8t»U 8L. CHJCAGt*. With Eectrio Aro, CsJionm or . uu, vauui DJastrated Song Slides, BOUGHT AND SOLD. LHBTS.iMB.tM street, Sew Tort CHy. STERE- OPTI- CON, Aoetylene iAhL colors*, nua Sllkollne Tight.. Id. 00; Worsted Tights, tH.OOi Cotton Tlghtt, •l. T»0| Sllh Tights, from SS.tfB wp| Shirts to match all same price »• tlghtst Pomp. )S3 cental Ce.lt- •re, 1I.OO| Elastic Supporter., 01| Cloth Supporter., Hi rent.. Send for cataloatne and lamplrl of tights tree. Positively at de- Soalt rn quired. Satisfaction guaran- ■I or money refunded, spioer BROS., M Woodbine St,, Brooklyn, N.Y. Old stand but new address. FILMS i MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft FILM, FROH 8 to Seta. PBR BOOK. Bookings with clubs, theatres, etc., for Moving Picture Entertainments. Popular prices. _ _ _ F. H. DEUKRB A CO., N. T. Entertainment Bureau, 1W Ittt Avenue. N.Y. City. ' OKiiA\8 FOB SALE. New, Large Orchestrion, playing by paper mu- slo; New Card Board Organ, 67 keys, with Dram Attachments, like new: Second Hand, Fine Brass Trumpet R jller Organ, 7« keys, with Drums. Sev- eral Small Second Hand Roller Organs, all first olass condition. ERNRT BWECKER, 4U B. 17th Street, New Yoik. FOR SALE, 10 CREAM COLORED MARES Seven years old, both with Silver Manes snd Tails. They stand its hands high, and weigh a,sooft. Win make a great ad. for circus or Medl ome Shows. For further Information apply to ABE KLEE A SON, 271 N. Centre Avenue, Chicago, El. ARE YOU A PROFESSIONAL, I If so send for our oatolog of Greaee Faints and Make Up Supplies. VAN HORN * MIOHL, Mnfs "Oarnellan", Guar- anteed Grease Paints, Guaranteed Oarnellan Cold Cream, toots. lb can. Face Powder (18 Shades), toots, lb oas. Filled Make Up Boxes, li.it, 12.50 and $6.oo. Face Powders, Creams. Bto.7 Office, 121 N. Ninth St. Factory, »lt Aroh., PH1LA., PA. NOW MAKING , LETTERHEADS i Royal Pto Co. 334 DEARBORri ST.. CHICAGO ILL. , S <1 I I 1 l> I l>! ZAMBEZI GEM Great Discovery. Expert* can not detect it from gen- uine diamond. Costs bnt In brilliancy and cut It has no equal. Betting solid gold. Write for illustrated catalogue. ROWS A 00., Dept.0., 848 Dearborn 8t, Ohloago. one-tenth. TENTS. WRITE US fer Prices. Urge Stock New and Second Hand TENTS always on hand. THE CHARLES P. SIEDER TENT AND AWNING CO., Sucoessors to T. W. Noble Co., Tent Dept. Detroit Ban and Mfg. Co.. Detroit Mioh. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY. Sobmer Park ARTISTS OF ALL KINDS WRITE FOR SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. SLOT MACHINES. Over 400j every kind; standard makes. All up- to-date. Write for Cut Price List. C08MOPOL.ITAN NOVELTY CO., *M H. Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WE HAVE LOTS MORE Mechanical Fog Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Shows, Apartments, Yachts or Car ; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Holl Strip Admission TlckeU,Bla<* or White Tents, Folding Chairs, Triangles, Sswbnck Cots and Canvas Covers. SEND FOR FRBB LIST. E. H. ARUBBD8TEB, 807 3. 6th St., Springfield, Illinois. Good Medicine Comedian, Fake Organ Also Oood Team. Salary every Sunday, in U. 8. ooln. Sober, re- liable people can wore year around. Write or wire your lowest Dawnle and Thompson, wire atonte. Tickets »o those we know. DB.M. W. MADDEN. Middlesborongh. Kentucky. SlriilBieDjrili Agttts & .Mftsstrs Supplies We Always Have tbe Latest Novelties. Send for vur New Catalogue. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., fitJJIlAOA IBS La Salle Rtrtet XMAS SIFTS FOR THF BOYS, TOY Magic Lanterns, Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. Catalogue K mailed free by request L. MANAS8E, Chicago, III. ROYALTY PLAYS. MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX, BYERS. 144 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ILL JUST OUT, 124 PAGE ILLUSTRATED HA6IC CATALOOnK, 25e.: 8TJP. CATAL., Be None free. Only N. B. Agent for Mahatms, lOc W. D. LEBOY, 108 Court St., BoBton, Mass. WANTED, A FIRST CLASS VAUDEVILLE OR FAROE COHBDT CO., FOR HOLIDAYS, ONC HIOHT. WILL GIVE ALL TflERB IS IN IT? Write, JOHN 8. MORE, West Salem, 0. Ill ftVfC Rsadtng and Recitation Books. rLAIel. °"* l0 ( Q * Ftm - aJI Orametle ■ anwsaj ■ an papera on tale or m ailed . OHAI. tfebON ALD * CO., At Washington St, CHICAGO. MAHLER BROS 6th AVE. and 31st ST., N. T. * WB ARE HOW SHOWING A COMPLETB ASgC-aTHE.1T OF GIFT THINGS FOB. THE HOLIDAYS, -COMPRISING- TOYS, 8AMES, TOILET CASES, JEWELRY, HDKFS., GLOVES, Etc. AT OUR Wi KNOWN PRICE. A call will demonstrate this. Wishing Ton the Compliment* of the Season, we are yours to command, PKBFORMKBS A\D STAGE MANAtiEBS. WE INVITE YOU TO SEND FOR OUR LATEST CATALOG OF USEFUL ELECTRICAL NOVELTIES, MANY OF WHICH MAY BE USED I^oi? Stage Purposes. Onr Eneotrio Light Walking Canes, In the handa of Minstrels, Chorus Girls snd Met, make a brllllan t effect on a darkened stage. Onr Electric Candles (cannot be distinguished from wax ones) sre ideal for the stage, and they cannot set fire to anything Inflammable. Onr Msgic Pocket Search Light is Just the thing for you. No breaking your bones In dark passages, simply press your flrjgos snd tie whole place Is illuminated. Other novelties are explained In cur catalogne. Mention THE CLIPPER when asking for It. AGENTS HAKE BIG HONEY SELLING OUR GOODS. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. J. W. SCRIBNER & CO., 238 Niagara St.. Ton»inii, • r. TIO TKEATIES AT HTICA. 1 1 TO X.ET, TMC ORPMIUM, FROH MAY 1, 1905. AND TMI MAJE8TIC, FROM MAY 1, IMS, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. Proposals received until Jan. 1, 1106. Address a. D. LATOHBR, Trustee, Utlca, N. Y. SEW YORK. CHIOAGO. HEFNER WIGS MAKER, IN W. Wth STREET, NEAR BBOADWAT, H. T. CHICAGO BRANCH, CHICAGO OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. A. kerbhaw, Resident Partner. Bead for Catalogue 0, either offloe. BABODA DIAMONDS Just discovered. Brilliant as the genuine; one-thirtieth the coat: stand acid test and PUZZLB EXPERTS: SOLID GOLD MOUNTING; thorough examlnaUon allowed before payments. Write for cata- logue. THE BABODA CO., Dept A, CT-f 1 Wabash Ave., Chicago, ni. SHOWS CARNIVALS, (kc CARSIVAL POSTFR C<> tr.\i»otis. "timsfNi Rtaonemus Leg Improver Patented. For Men with bowed, crooked or hollow let*. Make pants hanr per- teetly atralttit, no matter bow (owed or crooked the leg*. Made of aloml- »...u, .u.iaiuio, no inconvenierjci Contolldatvd Novell y to.. Box B. SprlngBeld. Ohio. WANTED, MED. PERFORMERS AT ONCE. NO tickets. Will advance upon arrival, state all flrst letter, or wire. Address DR. EARL FRANKLIN, Geneva. Ohio CLOOS-T. SPENCER, OrlKtiil Tliitrlul CLOG MAKER, 440 West 3 6th St . , New York. Stamp for price list. All orders strictly attended to. Ossa or deposit required. SONG BOOKS. OCR. GREAT VAUDEVILLE SONGSTER 18 THE 8E8T EVER PUBLISHED. Contains 60 LATEST BITS, SUCH A8: 11 Welcome ts the Flowers la May," "Where the Sunset Tnrnt tbe Ocean's Blue to Gold." "Big Indian Chief," "Polly Prim" etc., eto. 76c. Ptr Hundied. $7.00 Par Thounnd. In Six Different TITLE 0OYE88 and COLORS Send 2c. Stamp for Sample Book. AMERICAN SONGSTER CD. 34 E. 21st St, New York. CROSS TTtEATRfCAJ. PMN7WG AM> OVOfM/WO innfwiir 1 [CROSS PRINTING CO. . CHICAGOl li UIIUIIILHUi) amooa. owu. cavraxn nam en. usl, Pkg. STAGE MONEY, 160. TRICK CARDS, 6C. Book of cuts, 200., containing ever 600 engravings- Joseph J.Fiynn Wants Immediately, - A FIRST OLABS HEAVY MAN, FOB TBE CROLIUS COMEDY CO. People In all branches ot the Repertoire Busi- ness, wri'e. Wm. Howstt and w. H. SUrtej, wire. RICHARD P. CROLIUS, Croilui Comedy Go., Bath, Me., week Deo. 13; Rockland, Me., week Deo. IS. \AS A IM T E D , GOOD DUTCH OB IRISH 8IKOINO AND DANC- ING COMEDIAN: GOOD VIOLINIST, TO DOUBLE STAGE; must have music for email orchestra: s and D. 80CBRBTTE, NOVELTY MAN, and other good people in all lines tot the Medicine Busi- ness. No boors goes. Ticket If I know you. GEO. LA VBTTS, Centre Town, Cole Co, Mo. WIG OB.SHINDRELHJIIltrlMlWIg A MAKER. Good work forlowprlces. V 118 West SMh bTREET, New York. Bend stamp for price list DECEMBER 17. THE NEW YORK GLIPPEE. 1001 You Can SEE i The TITLE'S Good, J XJ s T You Can GUESS C TEXAS. ] £*• Worth.— At Greenwall'a Opera Hoasa ( ? h J' .^Y; Oreowall, manager) "The Saltan & Salo" had good returns Dk. 2, 3. The JMWMte "Co. presented "Bnlambo" 0. to rt large audience. Frank Daniels pt.eked the house 0. "Under Southern 8kles" 7. 8. County Chairman" 0, 10, KersnndV Min- strels 12. -The Silver Slipper" li. "Around the Town" 16, "The Virginian" 17. World of Players. Uamertlle and ItliitstreL — Notea from the "Waif of the SIMMs" Co.: The company opened Its season, Not. i!8, at PocomoM City, Md.. and Ihe show went big. The probable cause of the busi- ness Is due to the efforts of the boys of the Mai I.oniutxc, of Lorraine and Mnton, hat Joined bands with Kllitnheth Miller, con- tralto. They are booked solid, and will open on ihe Western circuit Feb. 1, lWu. Tub Qjavs bate Just finished ten weeks on the .Northwestern circuit, after playing company in lighting a big Are which threat- on the .Northwestern circuit, www piayiii] enTdto annihilate the whole town on Friday London and Hamilton, Can. They open a WISCONSIN. Milwaukee-.— While there was a alight follinc off In nitendnnce the past week, all thlnin considered, business was quite satls- factory. Alhammu (O. F. Miller, manager).— Billy Clifford won deserved applause, In "How He Won Her," Dec. 4-10, "McFadden's Flats" ll-l*. "Only a Shop Girl" 1S-1M. Daviunun (Sbermnn Brown, manager).— z Y The STORY'S Good, u , A ? t 5. B, .'?rr At 'he Grand Opera SSSff («a V Weiss, manager) "Miss Bob U hlte." Not. 20, 21, played to (rood business. T,.°.7 le9 rT Bo! ' 6 ha(1 < 00d business 22. "A Upto._Hm m*&r 24, had fair business. "Twefth Night" 26. "The Fatal Wedding." ?"• K? ye<1 t0 K°°d business. W. B. Patton, In -Trie Last Rose of Summer," played to a fair sited audience. "The Sultan of Sulu" had a very large audience. Warde and Kid- der, In ••Salammbo," Dec. 1. played to a crowded house. "Under Southern Skies" 6, •Why Women Sin" - man' 1 8, Frank Di pictures 10, "' llsh Daisy, Empire (T. J. Brady, manager).— Harry Corson Clarke played "Lost,- 24 Hours," to good business. Obphkum (A J. Lulker, manager). — This house Is adding new and popular attractions, and business is good. rilack S. Jeffera writes that he had to this season XVeV'li n T%r?v Ovefton^s •The Runaway Banker" Co.. on account ^mttojgff cMlne. ,^'^Overto^ la the founder of the died Nov. 27, at bis home In the Bronx. He wa» the first life member of the Bronx Elks. Death was due to Bright'!) disease. A wife and family sur- vive, hire. The funeral occurred on Nov. 20 and was conducted by the Elks. The Topst, Tinvv TRIO (O'Connell, Gold- .. — , „. .. ntnlth and Forrest) have lately concluded en- the management of John M. Ulckey, Include: gagements at Pastor's, New York; the How- J. C. Vernon. Walt Whitman, Frank Hoff. J J Boston: Garrlck. ..Ilmlngton. and Em- pire, rhllndelpbla. The trio li booked solid for twenty-seven weeks. Tkb Capitoi. Cm Tr.io, vocalists and comedians, last season a feature with tbe Gurrlck Stock, have postponed their opening date, at Boston, from Dec. 5 to Dec. 10. company was doing a prosperous business, being booked solid until the Spring, It was thought best to close the show until both bad fully recovered. — Tbe people engaged to support William Humphrey, la "The Imperial Divorce," under lteglne" will have Its third production of tho season 11. "Die Fremde" Is down for 1*. Stab (Frank R. Trottmnn, manager). — The Cltv Sports, 4-10, drew well filled houses. Hose Hill Folly Co. week of 11. the Merry Maidens week of 18. Crystal tF. B. Winter, manager). — Con- nie Hay was a big winner the past week and Is- held over for week of 12, with Baby tiladvs, the Holdewortbs, Tnmalchl Vnknwii, llrncl'v and Hamilton, and the Oermolne*. Oiuno. — Manager J. W. Kenney continues to And favor. Mill 12 and week: Fred nnd Annie Pelot, Leonard and Drake, Irene Lee, Master Glenn Wortmnn nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Pierce. ■ ■ ■ ♦*» ALABAMA. Dallas — At Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy, manager) "Ben Hur," Nov. 28-Dec. 3, had S. R. 0. Frank Daniels played to a packed house 5. Ward and Kidder 6, 7, "The Sultan of Sulu" 8, 0, "Under Southern Skies" Bcsr (W. A. McDanlel, manager).— The Orattan-De Vernon Stock Co. opened In "Ca- rallle, to a packed house, week of 0. , Anntln.— At Hancock's Opera House (Geo. Walker, manager) "The Fatal Wed- ding" drew fair business Nov. 28. "The Isle of Huttuls." 20-Dec. 3, drew crowded bouses at Its first production on any stage. This is n new musical comedy, bv Fritz nnd Prank Lanhnm, music by B. K. Smith, and won the praise of everyone who saw the production. The local press praised the piece highly. "The Minister's Son" drew well Nov. 30. "The Sultan of Sulu." Dec. 1, played to crowded houses at advanced — Jessie Colton was compelled to close nEfa contralto Is (ieorgle Huntington with the Warner Comedy Co. on account or ,j, |IE miku.ltovs and their mannlklns were nervous prostration. Miss Colton returned enWKf< i aM Rn extra attraction for Tbanks- to her home at Indianapolis, Ind., where she -tfifi. w( *k »t the Arcade Theatre, Toledo, 0. will rest until able to resume her work. « — ■■— »■-•— u....i. — Notes from "Ten Nights In a Bar Room" Co. : Since our opening, Oct, 23, at Statesboro, Gs.. where wc sold standing room, we have continued to pack them In with the old plav. Our business has been enor- mous for a' small company, but we bill like a circus, carrying our own three sheet stands, a big lot of special scenery, and play to popular prices. We plav all shes of towns. — Charles and Vera Gnnn are In Osceola, having closed a four months' engagement with ihJ Warner Co. They are golo>{ with a one piece attraction. — On Nov. IB Jessie Lee Knopp (Mrs. Gus Kapler) presented her husband, Gus «Vtv master • Geo Chris napler. with a young son. Gus Ropier fs still {£' | n ,°n - "d Kennedv, at the Globe Theatre, St. Louis, where be has gSya • Clitw Pete™ n ' ( Ai,7 Lewis writes from Seattle, Wash- that he has dissolved partnership with Lew Hearn, having played their last date at the Crystal Theatre, Seattle, It being a return en- Sagement. He will continue alone In his erman monologue and parody singing, which has been well received, F0LLOWI.N0 IS THE KXKCTTIVB 8TAFT (if John W. Vogel'n HI-,- City Minstrels.— Col. I. S. I'otts. general agent ; Chas, Duke flrlms- "ev, treasurer; Jake Schuck, assistant ngenl ; Ham Berrv. programmer; John Click, banner man: Harry Lewis, lithographer ; Gov. Ilowen, stnge manager ; Al. 0. Peebles, stage carpen- ter ; Sol. Blltzen, electrician ; Joe F.gan, pro- "■' tepher, master trans- In charge of banner boys ; cuai. Peterson, checker up ; Geo. II. been since May 10, as stock comedian. Maker, assistant manager. This company has - "Angell-s Comedians News-Let ter" a *»** ^Sed la succewful tour of th'e South, a*_immmm*m weeklly paper Issued ^ every Sunday £**" and wMllegln l heir Western tour at Schencc- "rder of l.aglcs, and upon examlna- ht little sheet. Issue i\o7 «'" the one at handT uelng cleverly lllus anuais nines w»s niieci uy iiu uuuei* "The Virginian," 3. had two large) es. "Hello. Bill," 0, *. drew very good Paul Ollmore 8, "Sergeant Ktlty" Mobile.— At tbe Mobile (J. Tnnnenbnum. manager) Joseph Murphy's Co., Dec. 2, hart big audience. Mr. Murphv wns III at New Orleans and. bis place was lllled by an under- study, audiences, returns. 0, "Human Hearts" 10, the Murray Comedy Co. 12-lrV "Sherlock Holmes'' 10, Frank Daniels II). Mahottv: (Julius Ducouinntt, manager). — With an excellent orchestra of ten pieces, new songs, good specialties, and with the old favorites on hand, the usual excellent business was the rule here week ot .'. CnrBTAi, Palacr (Leon Ducoiirnnti, mana- ger).— Tho already large list of performers] wns Increased the post weel; by the Hoffmans and n Japanese/ Juggler. Crowded houses prevail. Notkh.— Hnrry F. Bryan, general ngenf for the Robinson Amusement Co., arranged ail details for' Ills company, which arrives 12, to give the Street Fair and Carnival un- der tho auspices of Mobile .Verlc, No. 890, Alden'ahd'M. F. Kctchum. of the company, jrj y - v v" j B £ VcoverlnV the Northwest- has reached this office, i and upon ■ eMoInn- err / 8tat( , 8i ncludlng the Pacific coast. tlon Proves to be a bright little sheet ,, ie ^^ ^ , w • { p|ay , ng dates and are well booked up. They were uusiness _ and legibly type-written. The News-Letter x xeuau WaUTtaw write that they are Waco — At the Auditorium (Jake Gar- Is a novelty. • meet in ir with success In the West. Thev opened ankle, manager) Ted Faust's Minstrels, Nov. —William Gillette's rest for two weeks Is ■ L!?._ ,a ^. !!™fe.*"a!K 28, had fair business. Elks' Imperial Mln- merely on account of nervous troubles. A strels, .10, Dec. 1, under tbe direction of number of complaints have been attributed Harry Miller and Clint Draper, and under the to Mr. Gillette, but this Is the real fact. auspices of B. P. O. Elks Lodge, 168, drew — Notes froin the Frnnlt H. Daniels Co. : We are In our sixty-sixth week, and ate booked solid until the first of July, lOofl. Meta Eyferth Joined Dec. 0, as also did Clareoce Batim. crowds both nights nnd won success. "Twelfth Night" 2. Warde and Kidder, 3, had good business. Billy Kersands' Minstrels, S, did good business. Duej "The County Chair- at"The"Orpbeum," Seattle, Nov. 28. They are on tbe Laag circuit, /Bwir IlEvi.MiN. who will manage Dare- Devil Tllden, has been connected with the Grand Opera house, Peoria, 111., for tbe past twenty-one years. MAIMH. Portland At the Jefferson Theatre (Cahn A Oram, managers) (he Clara Turner Stock Co. met with ruccesH last week, ore- centlng an interesting repertory, with Walter Stanton as a special vaudeville feature The Harrourt Comedy Co., Dec. 12-17. excepting 111, when Mme. Schumann-Helnk appears in "Love's Lotterv." "The Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" 10-24. Portland Thbatrb (James M. Moore, man. t«y 22. "Dolly Varden r ' 23. the La Fl«;taj_* Alfresco , Amusenent Co., 1olned B^'BJSJ | n ' n new act , which, they Duffy, 8nwtelle and Duffy, (lain and Ds For- SlAsxiM and Balmo did not appear at tbe ager). — Archie Boyd and other good acts at Richmond Theatre, at North Adams, Mass., tracted excellent business last week. For although they were billed there. They have Dec. 12 and week the bill includes: Callahan dissolved partnership. Mr. Martini . has and Mack, Morion Mnuoin, Geo. W. Day, Galveston! At the Grand Onera House writes: "1 have Just completed an operatic (Fred We s manamri "The Sultan of "> me dy In three acts, that Is nnlaue and the Sufu" pleaSd n wluVuU tons* Nov." 20. Bjp'n'? ^ rlBlnal k„ ^Jf"*JSs? J£P& ••Under Southern Skies" did fairly well 30, W. Rlchter, a blind boy, eighteen years of Dec. 1. "Tbe Little Homestead'' had fair *8*-. . houses 2. "Why Women Sin" pleased a — The sudden Illness of Gertrude Dalton. good sized house 4. Howe's moving pictures one of the principal members of Tim Mur pleased 5. report, is a success. thb Scottish Trio made their first ap- pearance In New York City, at Tony Pastor's, recently, and met with entire success. FaosTo and Haiivky are playing for tbe reeond time this year the entire Danforth Bijou circuit, having Just finished the Crystal < » » WASHINGTON. o X But You MUST Y O XX HUR THE MELODY IT'S BVLLY. I! II 126 West 44th St.. NEW YORK. Tho Old Firm with New Ideas Seattle. — At the Grand Opera House (John Core, manager) "Shore Acres" Dec. 4-8, "Arlwna" 7-10, "The Devil's Auction" 11, 12, Thomas Q. Seabrooke, In "The Bil- lionaire," 13, 14 ; Mme. Gadskl, la concert, is ; Jane Corcoran, In "Pretty Peggy," 10, 17. phy's company, wille playing In Blooming- circuit with success." They played ah en ton, 111., on Dec. 3, necessitated her tern- gagemint at Lund's Family Theatre, Kast St fiorarv retirement from the company. Acute i . . . ndlgestton was the complaint, which so de- veloped as to cause Mr. Murphy to leave her behind In the care of a trained nurse and a prominent physician of the city. She Is expected to be able to rejoin the company within a week. 7»» KHNTVCKY. . ' " Week of 11, same company, in "My Official Wife." Third Avt.sit. (Russell k Drew, mana- gers). — Week of 4, Black Pattl Troubadours. Week of 11, "Yon Yonaon." "For Mother's Sake" 10-24. Thanksgiving matinee several were sitting 2 2, at his home In Pittsburg, Pa WtsB and Wilton write: "We opened on tbe Novellv circuit, booked for ten weeks in Colorado and Utah, beginning Nov. 14 in Denver to great success. 1 am featuring my Oriental song, 'Madagascar Queen.' " CLipronp and Raymond write ; "LBHt Friday — Notes from Rentfrow's Jolly Pathfind- ers : Business continues marvelously good with us. At Portsmouth, 0„ we played to Seattle (J. P. Howe, manager). — Week standing room at every performance. At the of , ne t eam of McCune and Grant, died Nov. of 4, James .Vein, in "Under Two Flags." Thanksgiving matinee several were sitting - on tbe stage. We went four hundred dollars over the house record. We opened at ChaileH- ton, W. Va., to standing room and tarncd people away. The Hunetaro Troupe of Jap- anese are the talk of all the towns we piny. Fred Danon, Baby Pullen nnd the Lynns are Alcassab (Bettls A Keogh, managers).— making good with their specialties. Darrell 11. n |gj, t Manager Barry, of the Dewey, Utlcii, Week of 4, Wiedemann Co., in "The Private Lyall Ib still In udvance, and his good work k. V., and tho team of Barry and Hennessy, Secretary" and "Held by the Enemy." Week and our. previous record ore evidenced by our wai presented by his partner, James Hon- of 11. "The Black Flag," by the same com- big openings. ,, netay, with a beautiful gold mounted Ragle — James Spencer was a Clipper caller t . n arm. After the show the performers par- last week on bis way to Join Edwin T. Emery, took of a spread. Among those present at Albany, N. Y. , were: Morrla and Montrose, the Great Platte, — Notes from the Wrights, formerly jlae Lawrence, Bessie Ralph, Stella Gray, known as the "Hearts of Tennessee Co. : j[ a y rjautibln. Gene Rreno and ourselves. We opened C-.t. 24, and have been doing a Barry and Hennessy sang their own compo- rlan "Sextette. Lumont's cockatoos, Cowles good business ever since. We are carrying sltlon, *My Own Colleen,' with which tbey and Alden, Sylvester, Yale Duo nnd moving ten people, all •wry clever In their respective agve ij tPI , very successful. We urn so pictures. lines and are playing some of our own bills, pleased with tbe charm (hat we have de- Empihe. — New: Lydell and Batterworth, among which are: "Hearts of Tennessee, <-lded to Join the Eagles at once and become — , "Harry Tracy, the Bandit^" £A JRaeb ^Mar- B |j, u n | filM ." Noteh ruoM Billy Kkrhanoh' Minhtrelh. — Billy Kersands' Coloi'cd Minstrels, now in Louisville. — At Macaulcy'a Theatre (John t. Macauley, manager) Margaret Anglln raroe Dec. 0, 0, presenting "The ICternal Fetn- "j good aiidlepres, and glvlr The Cincinnati Symphony inine," to good audlepces, and giving satis- "on. The Cincinnati Symphony or tra, under the direction of Frank Vnndei- factlon. rches- . gave a concert 7, drawing a largo • lola Allen, 8-10, had crowded houses. ' "flnhes In Toy. pany. OnPHBrjt. — New The Burkes, Arthur Jacksoi Wills and Collins, Fyne and Dandy, O'Brien and West. Musbner's educated sheep and pigs and moving pictures. Pastaoes. — New: Richard Burton, Aust- Dutch Walton. Ed. Devol, Aldean. Bros., 'Harry T;«v , •~»- ls Leona Clifton and moving pictures. rlage,' 1 "Betsey Bobblt s Husband and A Cetstal.— New : Deep 8ea Divers, Musi- Fatal 8car." Our players are: blue It., cal Harts. Fielding Comedy Four, Hickman Wright, proprietor and manager ; Qep. Wcr- nud Morton and moving pictures. ncr, ngjnt: II. K. Ihomas, musical. director; Km son. — New: The Elliotts, "* Sally Randall, William Gross, Trio nnd moving pictures. CoMiqun (Mose Goldsmith, manager). — New: Morris and Morrla, Dave Samuels, tbe Fletchers, Lois Mendelhall and Neff and Miller. ♦ «> ILLINOIS. ires. ncr, agent : h. k. inomas, musicMi mrwior ; s, the Kalmos, Frank Rehberg, comedian; Jack Whue, Tom s the Empire McDow, Sidney Wright, Patrecla Wright, Theodora Glencoe, soubrette. and Dollle Fayne. On Tuesday night, after the show, the entire company was entertained at a ban their 'twentieth week of a record breaking tour, will shortly conclude their Southwest- ern time, cross tbe river, and make a com- plete tour of the old South, including all the principal cities, at the conclusion of which the larger cities of the North will be visited. The company remains the same as qnet given by Dick Egee, the genial manager at tne ' onen | D „ of the season and has re of the Lcnora Opera House, where all enjoyed re i VM j praise all along the line. Manager 1'corln. — At Hie Grand (Cbaiaberltn, Harrington fc Co., managers) "Tbe Holy Cltv" gnve a fine production Dec. 2. "Uncle Josh Perkins," 4. had good receipts. "Hot- test Coon In Dixie," 7, came to fair attend- ance. ComlnB' "In Old Kentucky" 15. Sam T. Jack's Co. 10, Lyman Twins 18, "Tried for Her Life" 19. ' • . ... Main Street (F. P. Churchill, manager). -■-Attendance Is continually Increasing. For Van Tassen and McCauley, themselves. — Barnev Gerard, the writer, spent last week In Boston and I'tavldenre, where be went to make arraogments for the produc- tion next season of Ills musical farce, en- titled "An Honest Politician." — Eatelle Plimkett nnd sister, Lulu Brent, mourn the death of their mother, which oo curred Nov. 22, at her home In Trentou, N. J. — Chennlng Pollock has completed a new play, entitled "The Great Adventurer." In which Nixon k Zimmerman will present Thomas K. Shea early next Spring. — H. Forbes Richardson will take Mr. Hogan's place ns leading man with Miss Dardla this season, Mr. Hogsti's duties will Stueken, house. vl( Coming: Lulu Glaier 12-11, land" 1(5-17. Masonic (Chas. A. Shaw, manager). — Nal Wills, In "A Sou of Rest," drew Inrge audi- ences week of ,">. "Tbe Burgomaster 12-17. AvKNiju (Chas. A. Hlinw, manager).— Harry Clay Blaney, In "Across the Pacific." pleased large audiences week of 4. "Sha- dows of a Great City" 11-17. Hockinoium (Wiinllen Bros., managers). — The Morning Glories Burlesque Co. at- tracted crowded ' houses week of 4. Tiger Lilies 11-17. Hopicixh ' ( Wm. Rtlcbmao, resident mana- ger). — Week of 11: Mt-Mnhoii's Minstrel Maids and Watermelon Girls, Melrose Troupe, Hoey nnd Lee, Irene Frimtilvn, W. II. Lind- say's dogs, Merrltt and Ronella, and Ihe bio- graph. »«» NEBRASKA. DmnliK, — At Boyd's ( W. .1. Burgess, mnn- nger) Ezra Kendall, In "Weather lteuten Hen- son, Dec, 11-13. Lew Dockslnder's Min- strels 1-1. Dorothy Morten, In "(llltterlug C.lorla." 1S-17; Marie Walnwrlght 18, "Ban, Toy" 10-21. Edna Wallace, Hopper 2.1, 24. The house has been dark the past week. Knim (C. S. Dreed, manager),— "A Mil- lionaire Tramp" II. "The Fortune Hunters" 12-14, Hilly Clifford 1R-17. Geo. Sldnoy, In, "Busy Juy," drew crowded houses 1-7. Kel- ler mystified large' audiences 8-10. Oui'liKtiM (Martin Beck, ^enorsl manager). — Business was very good all last week. Week of 11 : Tho Nelson Family. I'M I son and Krrol. I'hasslno, Pete' Baker, Ben Von Klein ami Grace Gibson, A, K. Csldura inul klnodtome. a-^. GEORGIA. current week : . the 8uttous. Jennings and Jewell, Ida How ell. Moos. Samavon and Peter J. Smith. Wbast (C. F. Bartson, manager).— 1- or ne V permit him to play partsT The company current week: Bell and Henry, Grundy and | nc | udC g . Bobby ft|| oyi (j ro , \, fj-anklln, Weather, Lucy nhd Luclel, Robblna and £ c {r^tlu Kraok Y. Lewen, Fred H. Camamnn and Sawtelle and Sears. corthcll. KranK and Irlat. knockabout comc- Jaoobs (A. F. Jacobs, manager).— Good ,\ lant: 1-001 Browning, In buck and wing health. "TsW Gi.i/ Itki.unu: calls once a week without fall, Ton Martiv, who has been playing Josh, with thu "Joshua Slmpklns" Co. the past HCiiBon, was taken sick at Port Arthur and was obliged to leave tho company after the ihtluth engagement, and Is now 'it borne In St. Paul, In (he care of a physician. He will rejoin the company as soon as be recovers. IIoiverh AND Cuhtih write ; "Wo arrived on tbe coast Just forty-seven weeks ago, and In that time have lost only three weeks, mak- ing Jumps. We have played the length of Parlfli: coast, including British Colum- allfornlu, sec- , f» and tho We Canton. — At tbe Grand Opera House (F. ner death. will play dates until about April and then i Powelson. manager) "Pals," with James —At Fredcrlctown, Mo., a new opera retire to our stock ranch In ». Dak., near J Corbett, agreeably surprleod a trood house, house will be readv for the holidays. It will Pierre, where we Intend to add horse rals- The Plav was Btaged very nlrel}-, and Cor- be seated throughout with opera chairs, Ing to our. other stock ventures. The wenth- nett exceeded all expectations. "Hottest f ( rnishcd with electric lights, bested by er In tbli country li grand for this time of sVoon la Dixie" Dec. 8, "Eben Ilolden" 10. »tcnn and bare new scenery. year," (.', Jay Smith Is now In Chicago comtilellai; this season's time and Hrranglng for next, hcason, when Kersands' Minstrels expect to spring some surprises on the minstrel world. During his slay in Chicago Manager Smith will take the Itoyal Arch deurees in Masonry, having been accepted in Washington Chap- ter. No. 4.1. Notbr rttou Baiilow & Wilhon'sj Min- sim.'i.it. — This company Is entering lis six- ... leenlb week, and business so far this Anwiisla,— The Ggtkill Carnlvnl Co. tin- season has been (inc. uud the H. II, G. sign Ished their saason at Charleston, 8. C, and lias been out three nights out of six. Kvery- then came back to this city for Winter quart body with the rnmpnny has been lu excellent leceinta bete. For current week : La Monte, Chas. and Tlllle Sells, TUIan Family and the Mldgele ys. Qnliicy.— At_the Empire (W. L. Busby, dances, Pearl Eastman and Eetelie Haw- thorn. — Tbe death of Mrs. William O'Connor. mother of Mrs. Frank W. N'ason, wife of Frank W. Nason. occurred at the. home of its, securing good housing and commodious grounds. Mr, Gatklll has arranged to pud '>« u permanent Winter /oo. mid opened for business Dec. 0, putting un two uutlneen per week for the children, and giving mier- tnlninents every night as well. Attendance was good no far. Opera Uorar..— Local tnlent put on "Bibl." 11 toy comedy, 8. Bengllt of thu tieorglu s. S, Assiiclstlon. Coming ; "Onlnry Adams Sawyer" 12, ''The Beauty Doctor" 15, « i» KANMA8. wic-iiita — At tbe Crawford (E. L. Mart- ling manager) "Peggy from Paris" played to H. It. 0. Re. •». 'I'hs Sign of tue Fonr" pleased 'J. "Alphonso and Gaston" came to fair business 3. Dorothy Morton, la "Olilter- iDg Gloria," pleated a larip audience 0. Tour Auditorium (II. G. Toler & Son. proprietors). — Mr. Jolly lectured to n largo audience. The Sterling Slock Co. Inul gooil business fi-7. llalpli Bingham, Impersonator ond humorist; bad a good house 2. I, vine (Hurry Lewis, proprietor). — A big snow tor ten cents, tad dullness Is spleudld. 1002 THE NEW YORK CUPPER. December 17. TEENEWYOEKGLIPFiaR — <■» . THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING 00. (LlnlUd. runpniBTons. ALBERT J. UOE1E, Editorial and Business MiMAon. SATURDAY, DE CEMBER 17, 1904. RATES. Advertisements— 12.80 pet Inch, »in*!e col- Advertisements «t with border, 10 psr •cut extra. SUBSCRIPTION. On* year In advance, $4; alt months, 12 : three months, II. Cotelgn postal* utra- Single copies will be sent, postpaid, on ra- catpt of 10 centa. Oar Terras are Cash. THE) CLIPPER la Issued every Wednesday Boning. The laat four (advertising ) pages OO TO PRESS en Saturday at 11 A. v., and the other pases on MONDAY and TUESDAY. Tho Fortns Closing; Promptly, Tues- day, at 10 o'clock; A. Jf . Please remit by expreaa, money order, cheek, P. 0. order or reglatered letter. All caah em- closed with lettor la at the rlik of aender. Address All Communication, to TUB NOW YORK CLIPPER, 47 west 28th Street, New York. Rteitttrtd Cable Address, "Acthomix." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tub Clipper Ii located at Boom 602, Aihland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Hill, manager and correspondent, where sdver- UaemenU and subscriptions are receive* at our regular ratei. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Crahbourne St, London, W. C John B. Carney, manager and correspondent. Where advertisement, and subscriptions ar* received at our regular rates. Tub Clutch can hb obtained, WHOLB- bali and butail, at our agents, BrenUno'a news depot, 87 ATenua de 1'Opara, Parle, France; M. LUIenthal, Frederick Strssie 101 . C, ou all uint- tera pevtalnlliB to vonvrlghis. G. R., North Adams.— Mako uppltcnllon to Home of the local or Iravollng stuKe hnmls In your city. .G. W..D.— Address John P. Uogiin. Elks' Hall, Majestic Theatre, New York Clt.v. 3. B.. Gloversvlllo.'-Address P, C. voege- Uu & Bros., no W«st Xtventy-Uiuth Street, Now York City. DASEUALI.. H, J. K.. Snn Francisco,' nud F. O. F.. Tn- coma. — Wo'huvo received two versions of that bet. Now, If !,os Augelcs aud 't'acunia dr> tied for tint plucc as you state, and. Intend Western Bnrenn, Of the New York Clipper. Room SOS, Ashland .Block, Chlcssjo. Niiveltles predominate In the down town offerings for the week of Dec. 11-17. At Powers' Theatre Margaret Anglln appears In Chicago for the first time as n star, pre- senting "The Eternal Feminine." At the Illinois Theatre we have Bam Bernard, In "The Girl from Kny'B," given now for .tlio firm, time "here, and at the Great Northern Charles Crnpcwin Is seen locally for the Hrst time In "The Awakening of Mr. PIpp." Mme. Rejone bnds her fortnight nt the Grand Opera House with n week of repertory ; "Fantana" remains at the Garrlck ; "The i.'lngalee" continues at the Btudebaker ; Blanche Wnlsb stsrts upon her second week at McVlcker's, and "IBs Highness the Bey" remains the offering nt the La Salle. The Week stands sinning Sunday afternoon. 11, name : "The White Tigress of Japan." nt the Criterion : "Sweet Clover," at the Colura- bus: "The Charity Nurse," nt the Alhnnibra; "Only n Shop Girl." nt the Academy of Mn- slc: "Hearts Adrift," at the Bijou: tlio Itentt'Stintley Co., at the Trocndero, and the Merry Maidens, nt the Folly. May Howard mtcr.s nt 8nm T. Jack's as. the feature of the liurleBipic otock, and the dramatic stock offering) at the Bush Temple of Music nnd People's Theatre ate "The Wife" nnd "For Her Sake." rcohectlvcly. Our vaudeville showing wits cut down by the closing of Cleveland's Theatre, Inst Sunday night, leav- ing the Chicago Opera House, Hyde A Beh- iitnn'H, the Olympic ami Haymarket to pro- vide variety hills fur the present. Saturday night. Id, .Minnie Adams departed from tho Illinois, after n week of "The Little Minis- ter." Illinois Thr-atbr (Will J. Davis, maun- ger). — Sam Bernard, with Ilattlc Williams In chief support, opens Sunday ulght. 11. In "The Girl from Kay's," seen then for the first time In Chlcugo, and following one week of Maude Adams, In "The Llttlo Minister." Business was excellent durlug Miss Adams' engagement. Pownits' Tiieatih: (Ititrry J. Powers, man- ager). — After hnvlng been dark nine nights, since tho death of Mrs. Gilbert, this house reopened Mouduy, 12, with Margaret Anglln, In "The Eternal Feminine," a piny new to Chicago, and a star wc have not seen before. Robert Diouet Is MIbs Anglln's leading man. Grand Ol'Kia Hodsr (Harry Askln. busi- ness manager). — "The Forbidden Land" plays litre Sundiiv night only, 11. Then Mme. Rejano resumes her fortulgbt's engagement, In French plays, presenting, for tho current days, "Ma Couslnc," "La Hobo. Rouge," "Amoureuse" nnd "Lolotte," "La Petite Marquise" and "In- toguito," "Sapho" nnd "L'HIrondelle. Dur- ing tlio pnst week Miuc. Itelane played to cnpacltv business. On Sunday night, 18, Tim Murphy will give n single performance of "Two Men and a Girl," and on Mouduy, ID. Otis Skinner will begin a fortnight's en- guuement. U.\nniCK Tiibatbb (8nm P. Gcrson. busi- ness manager).— "Fantana" continues pros- perously, bo much bo that the engagement line been lengthened another fortnight. It will run here past the New Year, with every Indication of continued prosperity. McVickkb's Tiibatob New Gllmorc Tlieatrc. was elected worthy president of the local order of Engles Inst Sunday. The other offlcera were: Vice presldeut. John M. Everett; worthy chap- lain, T. K. Edgar: worthy secretary, Rob- ert Ilsndyslde: worthy treasurer, John I >uley : worthy conductor, Frank Rndford : worthy Inside guard. J. T. Holland; worthy "inside guard, T. J. Riley : worlliv (nutters. It. J. Finn, J. P. Gaffney. George H. Croiiss ; worthy physicians. Dm. T. F. Ucnrdcn. C. F. Kennedy and K. C. Syrott The Spriug- Held Lodge of Elks held Us annual memorial December 17. THE.NUW YORK CLIPPER. , 1003 services for the dead Dec. 4. C. II. WrlaUl, of Plttsfleld delivered the address Edni Mo v. who wee to appear at the Court Square Theatre Dec. IS, has canceled, and the M«lba <-oncert has been transferred- from 12 to 23. ... Helen * Ward, of Sam Derere's Co., v aa removed to the Mer,cy Hospital for an operation last week. Her speedy recovery Is expected ...John Webber, of Leeds, Is last recovering from an attack of typhoid 'lever Els* Payne, of James K. flack- ett's "Crisis" Co., la spending a abort time at her home. In this city Chas. A. casey, pianist at Poll's Theatre, has been transferred to Poll's Wntertrary, Conn., house. Henry 1'. Menses now presides at the piano i, ere. A fraternal order of Raspberries was Instituted In this city recently by J. C. Mack, of Monroe, Mack sud Lawrence, twen- iy.five berries being on the Springfield bush. After the Initiation George W. llllt, stage manager of Poll's Theatre, was chosen, worthy berry picker. The other officers are to be elected later S. 0. Poll gave & dinner to four hundred newsboys at the Highland Hotel Saturday, Dec. :i Thomas Carr Jr., drummer of the Court Sounre Theatre, is able to be about again after a serious Illness Quite a party of Dentrian Malev's friends came down iron his home, Holyoke, to see him In "The Isle of Spice." ■ t i ' - Worcester. — Worcester Theatre' (Jas. F. Rock, resident manager). — This bouse will lie dark until Christmas week. Qulnlaa ft Wall's Minstrels entertained good houses Dec. 7. "The County Chairman" waa very well received 0. 1«. Fbaxki.in Square) (Shea 4 Burke, mann- f>rs). — Week of 12, Eugenie Blair, In "Iris." nst week, "Me, Him and I" played to very satisfactory bnslness. Park (Shea & Wilton, managers). — Week of 12 : Henrietta lie Serrls' oris reliefs, John W. itansbne, Josephine Gnasinnn and picks ; Kennedy and Hooney. In "The Happy Me- dium :" Claude and Fannie I'sjie'r. In "Tough Love:" Qllletlc Sisters and the klnetograph. ltnsiness fair. i'ajjiSo (Davy & Leslie, managers). — Week, of 12 : Seymour nnd Kenneth, Anna Kdwnrds, the Hayes, Agnes Champaney. I/eslle Itoy. Rose Morris, Vivian Rose, and the Davy & Leslie fiurlesnner*. Business excellent. Nom— The management of the Franklin Theatre has changed to Shea & Burke, In- stead of Shea & Co. John H. Murphy, resi- dent manager since the house opened about a year ago, has resigned, and John F. Burke, recently stage manager at the Park, takes his place. s » Lynn. — At the Gem Theatre (Charles W. Sbeafe, manager) big business was done last week, breaking nil previous records. This week Mr. and Mrs. Calhoun are the head- liners, and others are Billy. Chamberlain, Fleming and Dolora, Maria La Perez, Charles Fnrrell, William and Alma Pryor and the bioscope. Obphfidm (P. H. Clark, manager). — Cole's concert ball last week came under the man- agement of P. H. Clark, of the vaudeville team of Clark nnd Temple, and the house will be known as the Orpheum. Manager Clark states that he will present only the very best entertainment. Current are the Mat- zonie3, Harris and Nelson, Agnes Cbampney, Pat Dalton, the blograph, and the sketches "Brown Family" and "Senator MoFhee." Sales! Theatre. Salem (George H. Cheet- hain, manager). — The Harcourt Comedy Co. ployed to big houses last week. Mme. Schu- mann-Helnk presented "Love's Lottery," Dec. 12 to a good house. Daniel llynn 13-17. Note. — Mechanic's Hall, Salem, Is closed to have additional fire escapes provided, and Manager Mnnsey announces to reopen 2(1. » Lawrence.— At the Opera House (Grant & Cahn, managers) "The Factory Girl" csme to a fair house Dec. G. Local, 8, had a good house. "The Girl from Kay's" played to 8. R. O. 7. "The Beauty and the Beast" came to good houses. Sbepard's moving pictures 11, Keystone Dramatic Co. week or 12- Colonial (Weber & Rush, managers). — Business Is very good. Booked week of. 12 : Caron and Herbert, Tenbrooke, Lambert and Tenbrooke, Burrows Travis Co., Will F. Denny, Don and Thompson, Carl Herbert, Aerial Sbaws, and American klnetograph. Casto (Al. Haynes, manager). — Business Is very good. Booked week ofl2 : Mrs. Tom Thumb and company, Jones and Walton, Wilson and Davis, Dick Lynch, De Oozo Bros., Ethel Robinson, Honey Johnson, and Hanley and Taleson. Casino Treatise (W. L. Gallagher, man- nger). — Business was good week of G. Com- ing week of 12: Felix Martin, Cook and Cook, Mart Franklyn, Bessie Doyle, Princess Madeline, Andrews Wilson Burlesque Co., In "Hotel Flush." s Foil River.— At the Academy of Music (Cahn & Grunt, managers) the Tburber Nasher Co., with Florence Hamilton, played to fair business Dec. 6-10. Sbepard's mov- Ing pictures were enjoyed by large audiences afternoon nnd evening 11. Due: "The Stain of Guilt" 12-14, Bennett * Moulton 10, "The Girl from KayV" 17, "Uncle Josh Spruce- by" 20, 21, "The Little Princess" 23. Casto (Al. Haynes, manager). — Business was excellent week of G with Mrs. Tom Thumb and the Count and Barou Magrl as headline's. Week of 12 : Allen Doone and Co,, Gorman and Mooney May Curtis. Fran- celll and Lewis, Cuinese Johnny Williams, George and Harrington, Wllllsms-GIIIaa Trio nnd the blograph. Surr.EDY's (M. F. O'Brien, manager).— Good shows and good business ruled at this popular house last week. Week of 12 : Hurley Sisters, Juniper end Hayes, Jon. Au- det, Soraker Brothers, Clifford and Hall and vitagraph. Norn. — Mr* Kate Haynes, mother of Al. Haynes, manager of the Casto. died at her residence In Lynn., Mass., Dec. .1. Mr. Haynes Is the only surying member of the family. North Adams, — At the Empire (James Sullivan, manager) the Corse I'ayton Com- edy Co., week: of Dec. G. did flue business. ercept 0. when De Wolf Hopper, in "Wang.'* had S. ft. O. Cook-Church Stock Co. 12-17. Richmond' (W. N. Meade, manager). — Business week of 5 was fine. Henrietta Crosmnn. In "Sweet Kitty Bellalrs," 7, had a packed house. Week of 12 : Jewell's auto- matic marionettes, Marvels, Carter and Wal- ters, Rice Bros., Inness and Ryan, George nnd May Woodward, Brandon and Wiley nnd the vltagrapb. » ■ Holvoke. — At the Opera House (B, I*. Potter, manager) the Fays, week of Dec. G, drew to the capacity. The house will be dark until Jnn. 1. when the new owners, GUmore ft Shea, take possession. _ Ehpiub (T. F. Murray, manager). — "The Stain of Guilt," B-7, and "Why Olrls Leave Home," 8-10, played to satisfactory business. Booked: "A Child Wife" 12.14. "East Lynne" 10-21, "The Game Keeper" 22-24. t ■• FLORIDA. Pensncala. — At the Pensacola Opera nous*) (J. M. Coo, manager) "Dolly Varden" had good business. "The Kmart Set," 2, bad top beavy house. Jos. Murphy, 3. pleased, nnd Paul (lilmoie. 7, drew a. fair house. •'Human nearts" I>, "8nerlock Holmes" 15. Hurry Stock Co. 10-24. . «»♦ i , —Louise Thorudyke has been grunted an InterlniMitiiry degree of divorce from Fred'k G. Calhoun: M i sxu t; in. ■ St. LouUt— Dec. 3 marked: the close -"of Blanche rates' marvelous run, la "The Darl Ing of the Gods," at the Imperial. Miss Bates and her. associate players appeared one hundred and forty-five consecutive times, considering, the population of St IiOols.lt Is the most remarkable achievement of the- atrical history. •> Odeon (Geo. Olendorff, manager). — The Odeon Stock season began Tuesday evening, 6, wlth^'ln the Palace of the King." Mr. Olendofff's beautiful playhouse was packed. Laura Burt was a winsome Dolores, Thomas McLarnle a splendid Don John : W. P. Carl- ton. Captain De Mendoza: Marlon Pollock Johnson, Donna Inez ; Louise Vaucban, Anna De la Ccrda ; Victory Bateman. the Duchess of Alva ; Frederick Sullivan, the hunchback Adonis. The Odeon Stock Co. is being pre- sented under the management of Crawford. Bellows and Gregory, who promise that al) the productions shall be artistically put for- ward. The staging of the plays will be un- der the Immediate direction of Mr. Marston. wno staged "In the Palace of the Kins-," for Viola Allen. "Soldiers of Fortune" 11 nnd Oururtc (P. Short, manager). — Lulcr. Olaser opened B, to good business. "Peggy from Pnrls" 12 and week. Imperial (D. C. Russell, manager). — "A Hot Old Time" was given 6-10, and with the departure of Blanche Bates the policy of popular prices was resumed. Johnny Kay's old role has fallen to William McRohle, who revives the funny Ray mannerisms to a nicety. Mile. Anl's trapeze specialty proved a pleasing novelty. Miss Jarbeau, Miss .Shel- don and Mr. MeRoble were heard In new songs. "At the Old Cross Roads" 11 and Grand (John G. Sheehy. manager). — Stand- ing rodni went begging when "In Old Ken- tucky" opened, fi-10. Nellie Callahan was a splendid Madge. Scott Slgglns made u suc- cess as Joe 'Lory. "The Sign of the Cross" 11 and week. Havlin'h (William Gnren, manager).— "After Midnight" 4-10. Jack Webster, Fred- erick Murray, Gertrnde Harrington. Adelaide Boutelle. Clara Johnson and Hlla Beldlnl all scored well. "A Desperate Chance" 11 and week. Century (J. J. Hsnncrty, manager).— "Babes In Toyland" 4-10. Mabel Harrison, Gas flxley and Nellie O'Neill were enthu- siastically received. Robert Kdeson 11 and week. Crawford (O. T, Crawford, manager).— Otis Thayer nnd Gertrude Bondhlll opened 4, In "Sweet Clover." "The Price of Honor' 1 11 and week. Stab (C. P. Crawford, manager). — The stock presented "The Golden Mine," 4-10, to good nouses. W. A. Dolnn, well cast, and Ralph McDonald made successes. The appear' once of little Geraldlne Florest was another feature. "Monte Crlsto" 11 and week. Columbia (Frank Tate, manager). — Will Cressy was -the big success 5-10. Ills own sketch, "Town Hnll Tonight," was as quaint and humorous a bit as any ever shown here. Harry La Hose and company, In "The Sailor nnd the Horse :" the La Belle Carmen Troupe, Irvine Jones nnd wife, Talbot and Rldgers. the (Moons, Klein and Clifton, Howard and Leslie, the Mnthleus, Ashton and Earl and Josephine Coles formed the rest of a splendid bill. Standard (Leo Itelchenbacb, manager). — The Imperial llurlesquers opened 4, for week, and Manager iielchenbach's house was packed to see one of the best bills of the season. The popular Lillian and Itena Washburne and Em- mons, Emerson and Emmons scored heavily. Notes. — As predicted -la these columns last week Gen. Cronje will go on tour with, Wm. A. Bradv. Mr. Brady has also encaged for his Boer War spectacle Major Stuart, Lieut. Wolmarans and O. J. Hlndon At the Apollo Club concert, at the Odeon, 5, Mme. Rnrsell. the soprano, was the soloist. ....The German Stock Co. produced "Hel- rath Auf Probe," at the Olympic, 4, to a large audience. Manager Helneman Is much gratified with his success The second Burton Holmes travelogue, "Beautiful Ire- land," at Y. M. C. A. Hall, Dec. 8 The Century's Sunday matinees are n new departure, and have been so successful tbat Manager Hannerty promises to continue them as a permanent feature of the house Chairman Lawshe, of the Philippine Expo- sition, signed a contract with a company of New York promoters 1, for his fifty-six visa- yaa performers to appear In Madison Garden. New York, Dec. 17-30 Henry Jewett. leading man with Viola Allen, was robbed Dec. 1 of a sum of money and soma jewelry. ■ » Kansas City.— At the Willis Wood l Woodward * Burgess Amusement Co., man- agers) last week, "The Dictator," with. Wil- liam' Collier, proved excellent. Commencing Sunday night, Dec. 11, James T. Barnes, In "San Toy," for 11-14. Ezra Kendall 1IJ-17. Next week, "Salambo" and "Glittering Gloria" divide the week. Grand (Hudson ft Judnb, managers). — Lew Dockstader's Big Minstrels had fine business, and deservedly so, for it was capi- tal. This week, Kellar, the magician, and next week, "The Fortune Hunter." OapKKtiu (Martin Heck, general nana- r). — Last week's bill drew big houses: _jls week: Dorothy Russell, Ollle Young and Bro., the Nambas, the Navajo Girls, Madge Maltland, the Three Funny Mitchells and Valerie Benrere. Gili.is (M. S. Bingham, manager). — Last week Patrice, In "Driven from Home," scared, heavily to big bouses. This week, "After Midnight," and next week, Billy Clifford. Auditorium (Woodward ft Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers). — Last week "A Des- perate Chance" drew big houses. This week, "The Village Parson," and next week, "A Texas Steer." Century - (Joseph Barrett, manager). — Last week the Parisian Widows pive One burlesque performances to big houses. This week, the Imperials, and next week, the Morning Glories. • Yale's. (Lloyd Brown, manager). — Last week's bill drew good atteodance. Tills week : Crlmmons nnd Mack, Ring and Williams. Frank Oroh. the Hlrschhorns and Kippy and Hettle Kenton. . _ . . , .. ,. Cmppebinoh. — Frank Woodward and Rob- ert Burgess have organized the Woodward Stock Co., to ploy repertory. They will open at Sioux Foils Dec. 28. Frank Woodward Is a son of our own 0. D. Woodward, and Robert Burgess Is a nephew of Col. Burgess, of Omaha Epperson's Megaphone Min- strels attended the performance of Dock- Btader's Minstrels at the Grand. Many fine local gags were sprung. Mr. Dockstader was presented with an elegant bosket of flowers. Doc J. T. Porter and family arrived here last week, after a b.g season with the Patterson Bralnard Carnival Co. "Miss Murphy," the famous gold toothed monkey, continues to he one of his proud possessions. The Boer War opened at Convention Hall 6, and will continue for nine days. The attendance has been fairly good Old familiar "Punch" Wheeler blew Into town last week as the personal representative of Lew Dockstader, The K. C. Symphony Orchestra gave Its Inaugural concert of the season at the Auditorium afternoon of Nov. 23. Walter Dam- roach gave one of his flno lectures. John. Belir conducted. Walter Hanford, busi- ness manager of the Willis Wood, resigned last week. Sir. Sanford bus been with, the house since Its opening, anil, was formerly, connected with tile Orfineum Col. Bur- gess, of Omaha, was In the city last week,, la i-Onsultutlon with bis partner. O. D. Wood- ward. Plnns •' are- being jierfected for • the opening of the roof garden on the Audi- torium's roof, next Summer. 81. Joseph.— At the Lyceum (C. U. Phil- ley, manager) Jule Walters' "Side Tracked" drew fairly well Dec. 2. *t. "Tho Curs* 'of Drink" pleased 4, B. "Toodlcs In Posterland." Slks' benefit, had good houses 6, 7. Dock- ader's Minstrels 12, Wlilltm Collier 13, Ezra Kendall 14. Orphedm (Martin Beck, general manager). i*-Business Is very good. Week of 11 : Hfckey and Nelson, Eleanor Falke, Sullivan and Pas- qujelena, Hastings and Burns, Mile. Fortuoa and Mlio and Madison. Dtaic (H. W. Vandyke, manager).— "The Blares of Russia" drew good houses. "Alone In New York" 11-17. Crystal (Fred Crosman, manager) .— Busi- ness Is good. Bill week of 11 : Bingham and Tnornton, Weber, and My era, Thomas Murrey, Frank Emerson, Bert and Crate, Demonella Trio and moving pictures. ♦ »» NKW YORK STATE. Doc. It. big business, at advanced prices. "New York Day by Day," 0. had fair attend- ruce. "Why Girls Leave Home/' 8,'dtew a Cd house. "The Showman'* Daughter," 9, l falriJpatronag*. "Human Hearts" 10, "Busier Brown" 12, "Eight Bells" 14. Xore — Gene- Lunetkn, who play* Berths, In "The Strollers," waa taken 111 before the Strfortnancp nnd her understudy, May out on, did nicely. ■»»♦» ORKOON. Dec. .13-14. and 10,-17-1- "Too. Girl from, Kay's" 15. "A Chinese Honeymoon," 3, had fair, .returns. Zenyard'a Llllputlans B-7. QulplKn & Wall's Mlnstftl* drew fair busi- ness t. "A Foxy Boy" did hot tpptar 9, 10. Hilled : "Uncle Hlrnm" 24. II in (Jos. W. ' Conklln. ninnnger). — The New York Specialty Co. 12-17, headed by Byron & Blanche. Business Is excellent. +!■»■ IOWA. -fh 1 Rochester.— At the Lyceum Tneatre (M. 10. Wolff, manager) the Tuesday concert by local talent was well attended Dec. ti. Tee Pittsburg Orchestra gave an excellent performance 7, with Emll Paur, conductor. to a large audience. Mrs. Emma Meyers voice waa well liked Arnold Daly and his excellent company (return engagement) ap- peared to a capacity audience. In "Candida." s, it, 10. Mrs. Patrick Campbell gave us a line performance, In "The Sorceress," 0, 10. The company and production were exreliHnt. Otis Skinner, In "The Harvester," 14; Wilton I^ckaye, In "The Pit," 10; Grace Van Stud- dlford. In. "Red Feather," 10, 17. National. (Max Hurtle, mannger>. — The Llllputlans, In "Stnbad," had large and well pleased houses B-7. Company and production adequate. A word is due .as. V. Rosen and Unas. H. Johnson. The ever popular Broth- ers Byrne, In "Eight Bells," had capacity and enthuslaxtle audiences 8-10. It has lost none of- its old time cleverness, and. seems to Im- prove with age. Nanette Comstock, In "Tbo Crisis," 12-14; Blauche Bates, In "Vivians Fiaker (J. f!. Boyle, manager).— Mont- gomery Irving, In "For his Brother's Crime," did fair business C-7. "The Minister's Daughters" played to fair houses 8-10. "What Women Will Do" 12-14, "A Struggle for Gold" 1B-17. . _ _ „ cook OrKRA lloi.'BE (J. H. Moore, mana- ger). — The riding act of Ella Bradnn proved the magnet Inst week. Cnpai-ity audiences Ktlll are the rule. The bin for 12 and week : Liquid air demonstration. Four Madcaps, Frances Nellson, Blmer Tonley. Moore nnd LlttleBeld; Newell and Nlblo, Edmund Day and klnetograph. /Corinthian (Henry C. Jacobs, manager). —Rose Sydell's London Belles aid flue busi- ness week of 0. Those that scored In olio were: Itelyea, the Riches, Weston Sisters nnd BIJou Comedy Four. The singing of the chorus was a feature. 12 and week, Transatlantic Extravaganza Co. Notrr. — 8nnday night concerts are prov- ing quite popular here, nnd several of our theatres arc giving them weekly Busi- ness remains good despite lis being Christ- mas shopping time. ■ ' Albany. — At Hermanns Blneckcr Hall (II. R. Jacobs, manager) Mrs. Patrick Campbell, la "The Sorceress," Dec. A, 0, had large audl- euces. "'Way Down East," 8-10. camo to excellent business. Sunday night, 11, sacred concert. De Wolf Hopper 13, Maude Adams 1«. "Pnrslfnl" in. Esii'iiiE (H. K. Jacobs, maangcr). — Two plavs of more than ordinary merit drew In- terested audiences — "The Way of the Trans- gressor' 1 B-7, and "A Ragged Hero" 8-10. "East Lynne" 12-14, "The Unwritten Law" 15-17, Kotherlne Rober, la popular plays, 10- 24. Proctor's (Howard Graham, resident man- ager).— Henrietta Crosmau, 8-10, lu ".Sweet Kittle Bellalrs," drew record crowds for tho season, nt advanced prices. For 1 2 and week : John C. Rice and Sally Cohen, Majestic Musi- cal Four, Nelson-Farnum Troupe. Hal Mer- rltt, Barry and Wllssn, the Dc Mutlis, and Mildred Hanson. Gaiety (H. B. Nlcliois, manager). — At- tendance was large here all last week. Roble's Knickerbockers, B-7. having special features, was loudly applauded, anl the Majesties, 8- 10, did particularly well. Harry Bryant's Extravaganza 12-14, Bon Ton Burlesquers 15- 17. Nom. — Shepherd's Moving Pictures, at the Empire, continue to amuse Sunday even- ings. i s Ctlcn. — At the Majest'c "Shadows on the Hearth"- pleased Dec. 6. 0. Sbepard's moving pictures drew fair 7, 8. Lewis Morrison did well 1). "A Struggle for Gold" drew well 10. Coming : Otis Skinner 12, Maude Adams IB, "The Girl and the Bandit" 10. Dan McAvoy, la "His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery," 17. OBFimtiM. — Last week's bill drew big. Week of 12: Myles McCarthy, Messenger Boys' Trio, Caron ond Farnuat, John F. Leonard and Maize King, I,ena Bruce nnd Cora Dnlgneanx, Mary Madden the Boldens and klnodrome pictures. Star. — The stock company drew big last week, and will continue week of 12-17, In "Only a Woman's Sin" and "Kathleen Ma- vourhei-n." Specialties between the acts by Bobble Beach, Ethel Desmond, Gene Lamont, Tom Haley and Lizzie iloldsworth. The Vienna Ladles' Orchestra will remain oyer. ■ HI m Ira— At the Illalto (IT. W. McCon- nell, manager) week of Dec. 12; Armstrong and Vent, llyron and Blauch, Mae Lawrence, Prankle La Mnrr, Teddy Pasqueleuu, Harry Woodthrope and .Tameu I). Proudlove. Edlsou klnetoscope bns been added to the programmo here. Business Is very good. NKW Cam no (Gilbert P. Devlne, manager). —Bill for this week: Lillian Franklin, Bertha Kellogg, Mnrjorle Qulnn, Trlxle Cole- man, Morris and Montrose. Clifford and Hay- mon, Frank Bodges and Mae La Mont. Big business rules. Note. — The new theatre has been enclosed and work Is progressing rsjnldly. It Is an- nounced that the opening will take place tbs latter port of February. ■ i ■ Troy. — At the Lyceum Theatre (Burns filllnm, manager) tin- Snmv Htuck Co. Dad fair business Dec. 4-10. "Carmen" week of s Gniawotn (M. Rets, manager). — Daniel Sully, In "Our Pastor," pleased. "Cupid tc Co/' had a fair house 10. De Wolf Hopper, In "Wang," 14 : Maude Adams," In "The Lit- tle Minister," 17. Rand's (M. Rels, manager). — "Dora Thome" had fair bouses B-7. "The Way of the Transgressor" did good business. 8-10. "The Unwritten Law" 12-14, "Why Olrla Go Wrong" 1B-17. RorAL (W; H. Bnck, manager). — Fred Ir- win's Majesties proved good entertainment 5-7. Roble's Knickerbockers drew well 8-10. Bon Ton Burlesquers are booked 12-14, Aus- tralian Burlesquers 1517. s Syraensr, — At Welting Open House (John L. Kerr, manager) Maud Adams hart big business, as did Ada Rchan. " 'Way Down East" Dec 0, 10, Otis Skinner 13, Savage's "Parsifal" 22. bahtarle (II. A- Uurtig, manager).— "Eight Bells" came to fair bMKiesa 54. Llllputlans 810. "Vivian's Papas" 12.14, "The Crisis" 18-17. Grand Opera Hpuse. — "For Ills Brother's Crime" 8-lo, "A struggle for qblfl.'' vl-U;, "What Money Will Do" 16-17, "Why Women Bin" 18-21. •-.-•-•:•:. i i »' ' i _4am*Mown.— At I he Hamuels 0P*ra House (M. Rels, manager) "TUeBtrollera," Portland. — At the Mnrquam Grand (Col- Tin Uelllg, manager) Thos. Jefferson d.ld fair business Nov. 28, 21), In ','Klp Van Winkle." "The Devll'a Auction" had big business Dec. 1. "Who's Brown?" had fair and well pleased audiences 2, .1. Rose Mel- ville, n, 6, In "Sis Hopkins:" Jane Corcoran, in "Pretty rerey," ., 8: the Ben Greet Players, In "Kverymon," 0, 10; Florence ltoberts week of 12. Con mm a I A. tt. nulla nl, manager). — Sunday, Dec. 4, A. II. Ballard, editor of The- ntiUni fiuiilr nnd Tottm Topic*, assumed con- trol as lessee and manager. The stock com- pany will be retnlned and the policy remain unchanged. "Mistakes Will Happen," Dec. 4, to good business. "Tho New Dominion" did fnlr. huslness week of Not. 27. "The Prodigal Daughter" Dec. 11. i:mi'ire (Ueorge I*. Baker, manager). — Sunday, Dec. 4, "Darkest Kussln," the first of the Stair & Hnvlln attractions now con- trolled hv Mr. linker, was presented to two capacity 'houses. "Tho Utile Outcnst" nnd "The Fatal Scar" 11. __ ' Grand (F. Lincoln, manager). — The Four Maugenns, Itawls and Von Kaufman, Monte* Dob, Cat nnd Monkey Hippodrome, Seaman and Hucers. the Mnrkleys. Flying Weavers, JameM It. and Mnud Ityan, and the (Irnndl- nciipe. ' Hakkr's (Renting 4 Flood, managers).— The Onrls, Thompsons, Madeline llelane, Bryan anil West, Senfrellss and Clrdollns, R;'fl. Baldwin oud blograph. _ Htaii (S. Morion Cohen, manager). — Three D6 Grans, Cole Frances Bowers, Arlington and Clyde. Tipple and Kllment, Gala and Wlnsley, Kittle Stevens, Jack Davis nnd the Pioneers. AttCADR (S. Morton Cohen, manager).— RMI ond Fcrls, Montague Sisters, Al. Lewis, Billy Itnnu, Genevieve Ardell nnd bioscope. ■ l.ynio (Keating & Flood, malingers). — Ofln M. Mitchell, Fairbanks nnd Cnlne, Gene Kin?. Casper nnd llnyes. John W. Wood, Kennedy nnd Vincent, nnd (lie vltascnpe. Bt.iou I Fred T, Merlll, mnnngcr). — llllile- bmndt. the Mnrgesons. ouzlnn, Leo Sulky, Bert Newlll, Jns. It. and Aloud Ryan, and Joe Thompson. ' , Maxh (A. Shapiro, mnnnger). — Eugenia Paloma, Miss Jackson, the Bradfords, Dorctn Coruero and Bonitn Dcsaiic-hes. OiiriiRiiM (W. A. Simons, manager).— Zlnn's Burlesque Co.. Mno Vernon, Ida Itoslt- or, Francis Venlta Grey, Imogenn Mansfield, Era Winston, Nemo t'ntto. Miss Cecil, Battle Word, Lottie Leonard, Gertie Keith, W C. Winn Clifford Trnlnor, Mamie West. Win, Harris, Lamont Bros. U. J. De Shields, Jennie Bent ley, Georgo Vcrill and Marjnrlo Mandevllle. Fritz's (J, J. West, manager). — Ronney nnd Forrester, Carrie Wlnchelf, Llllle Stet- tton, Birdie Wrenn, Josle Myers. J. .1. West, Berry anil Whlttlng. the Great Wcstln, Flor- ence Russell Florence West, the Starkoys, Million nnd Kenny. Ida &».,ier, Bndle Newell, Mnud Kinney. Aldenn Bros., the Kobers, Edith liiivmond and Kussell J. Grose. lli.AZtun's (Ell B. Dovls, mnnnger). — Stella Clair, Genevieve De ForrPHt, Jennie Clnlr, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morton and Mamie Nor- rifi. EuiCKsoN's (II. D. GrlfllD, manager).— Jennie itlpley. Miss Emmcrson, Carmen und llolcua. e ie MARYLAND. Baltimore, — The week's event, If not of the season. Is Savage's production of "Parsi- fal," at Ford's Opera House (Charles i:. Ford, manager), Dec. 12-17. The advance) promises n record breaking engagement. ChRuncey Olcott closed a week of excellent business 10. "Tbo Merry Shop Girls" 10. Academy (Nixon A Zimmerman, mana- gers).— "Cupid & Co." week of 12. l.llllou ItiiNtell, tu "Lady Teazle,". 10, for four nights l Its Orst production: on any stage. Henry Miller did well, closing 10. Cpasr's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). — Considerable Interest Is displayed In the appearance of Adelaide Kelm. ns Hamlet, this week. "Leort Me Your Wife" was suc- cessful B-10. "The Mysterious Mr. llugle" 10-2.1. : ■ ' AtlHTonil'M (James L, Kvrnnn, manager). -—"Cohen's Luck," with Joe Welch starring, 12-17. Hanlon's "Siipcrba" drew large crowds -week ending 10. "David llarum" 111. Maryland (James L. Kernan, manager). — A strong bill 12 and week included : The Fa- ilettew, Jules and Ella Garrison, Jennie Ycu- mans. the Couch Sisters, Atlnmlnl and Tay- lor, Carllu and Olto, mid Mile. Chester and her Ntnltie dog. Full houses ruled Inst week. Hm.moay Street (Oeoiv.c W. Rife, mann- cerj. — "More to be Pitied than Scorned" Is the current bill. "Tracked Around the World" had big business, closing 10. "Dangers of Working Girls" comes 10. Bi.anby'8 (Charles K. Blaney, manager), "Op the Bridge at Midnight" opens 12. "Kill- napped In New York" packed the house r.-10. "A Woman's Struggle" Is due 10. MONUMENTAL (.lames I.. Kernan. mnnn- Dea. Moines*— At Foster's Opera House (Wm, Foster, manager) Klchard Golden pre- sented "Common Sense Brnchnt," to a large and .Well pleased audience, Dec. 2. Dock- Binder's Minstrels drew full houses It. Kellar, maclelan,-7 : Geo.. Sidney u, Ezra. Kendall 10, "Glittering Gloria" 20.. QIiano OrtRA Hoi'sri (Wm. Foster, mnna- gef).— "At the> Old Cross Roads" played, to good houses, 1.11. House dark n-7, "The Curse of. Drink" 8-10. Hilly Clifford 12-14, "A Hot Old Time" 1B-17. l.vn.nM (Nellie Wlllard Nelson, mnnnger). —The Mock company nt this house Is enjoy- ing good patronage, In popular repertory. .Btiort (C. W. Buchanan, manager).— Ca- pacity nt every performauee hers. Bill for week' of 12: Johnu and Mowntt, Mlddleton'i Mndnlklhs, the Aloons, nnd others. ■ Cedar Rapid".— At Greene's Opera Horn* (Will S. Collier, business manager) Iho Flints did big business. Kellar. Dec. B, gave on ex- cellent programme. "Wife In Name Only" 7. Clara Thropp S, "A Royal Chef" 10, "Tot Village Postmaster" 12, "The Holy City" 18, "Ebcn Golden" 14, "A Romnnco or Coon Hol- low" 10, Harrison J. Wolfe 17, "Two Married Women' 1 10, "San Toy" 2.1. auditorium (L. Phillips, resident mana* fieri, — The new innnngomciit's opening bill, i-11. pleased big houses. It Included: The Danelug Howards. John nnd Nclllo McCarthy, Vontello and Nina, Williams and Gordon, Lucy and Lucler, Drown Blethers. Reed Mil- ler and the klnetoscopo. B. v. 0. Elks Lodge, No. 2B1, held very beautiful and Impressive memorial services Sunday, Dec. 4, lu honor of deceased members. « Dnbaqne. — At the Grand Opera Homo (Wm. T. lloelil, manager) t.'lnra Thropp, In "A Doll's House," had full' houses Nov. 24, Earn Kendall delighted a good niidlenco 20. "To Die nt Dnwn" pleased 2il. Lew Dock- stader drew a good housn 20. "York State Folks," splendidly presented, bad fair at- tendance i>ec :i. Tim Murphy (return etv- gnirenient) 0. "Tho Villagu Postmaster" II, "Tho Holy City" 10. "Tlio llnyal Chat" 13. Tho wiring of thn lionsn for electric lights Iiii.h been completed. Bijou (Jake Itnsenlhnl. manager). — C r owd ed houses have been ilia rule. Begin, nlng Sunday, 12, two performances dally will he given. Bill B-10 : Eddlo Sawyer.' Jnliiin and Matt, Schuyler Sisters, Dell and Fonda, Hlbliert nnd Wnrrcn, Mr, nnd Mrs. Jack, and new pictures hy l lie kluodrotnu. $ loivn City. — At iho Opera House (John N. ruiili-eii, innnnvcr) Hvn 'I'niiguay was woll' received by a largo nitdleni'o, und "Over Ni- agara I''alls" Dec. il, jdoased, "Wife III Name Only'' 0, Marin Wnlnwrlght 7, Ma- Imrn's >Ilnstret« 8, "Eben lUilden" 19, "Coon Hollow" IB, ltrnndway Bnrlesi|iiera 22. llnrllnvton. — At tho Grnml (Cliaroherlln, Ilarrlngtoii a Co., malingers) Tim Murphy delighted a bis house Dec. B. "Kntxonjum- mer Kids" did fair business 0. .lerfersoiis fi. "The Royal Chef" o, Clnrn Thropp 10, •"Elm Wlsanl of Ojs" 12, "Tried for Her Life" 14, "Iris" 1(1, local Juvenile "Pinafore" 17; 10 nnd week, Ilia Flints, Marsha mown .—At the Odeon (Busby Bros., innnngers) Emily Green, In "That Little Swede,'* Nov. 28, pleased a fair house, Patrice, la "Driven from Home," 90, de- lighted satisfactory business, "Wife la Nnma (inly," Dec, 1, pleased. Doekstiulcr's Mlii- Hirels, 2, had a big house. Kellar, 0, enter- mined a fulr audleuce, Murlo Wnlnwrlght 8, "A Hot Old Time" 14, Thomas Jefferson. 15. ■»«» LOUISIANA. ».*fr Orleans.— At tho Tiilano (W. H. Bowles, mnungcr) "Tho Vlrglnliui," with lnistlu Fnmtim, proved a fine drawing card week of Dec. 4.- Frank iMninls, lu "The Of- fice Boy," 11-17. Ciikkcrnt (W, H. nowltis, manager).— Jos. Murphy enjoyed n big week's business. "Human Hearts'' 11-17. Giicrnwam. (Henry Grcenwoll, monager). —"The Dairy Farm," by the Ilaldwin^Mel- ville Stock Co., 4-10, proved a heavy drawing card, "Paul Itcvere" 11-17. • lOVsl u iiii>-t ■ «ii i.niiiHin ts, itnruaMi iiiniiii- ger).— Rellly & Wood's Big Co. tills week, The Gay M Ben I era 10, 'I'he Osy Masi|uernders closci g CO, 3 io. The World Nivi'kh. — Daniel A. Kelly, formerly mona- ger of the Front Street Theatre, was warmly welcomed on n recent visit tu this city us mnnnger of "Happy I loollgaa." A meet- lag of the Traveling Theatrical Mbnagors As- sociation was held at the Hotel Keuncrt lust week. Only business of a private nature was transacted. illlODH INLAND. Provldenoe, — Af. Providence Opera House (Felix It. Wemlelschaefnr, manager). Savage's Bngllsli Co. gave four performances of "Parsifal." at iho Lipern House Dec. B-7, to crowded houses, William II. Crane, 8-10, In "Business Is Business." The Inst live nights of week of 12 nro given to Primrose's Minstrels, lingers Brothers 10-24. ' Rmi'iki: (Spitz & Nulhansou. manager*).— • "flkv Farm" entertained good houses week Of fi. Billy B. Van 1217. In "The Ollko Boy ;" Knlhryn Purnell, who formerly head- ed a slock company nt this theatre, la roper- low. Hi-'*'. iMPKtitAi, (Follx II. Wendelscliaofer, man- ager) — "The Conquerors" proved a koihI medium for the Providence Dramatic Stock Co. B-10. "The Lines' 1217, "Carmen" 10- 14, , Kkitii'h (Charles Lovenberg, manager). — Delia Fox heads (he bill 12-17. Others are: Rose Htnlil and Co., Fred Nlblo, the I'snt- ser Trio. Charles F. Hemon, the Smedley- Arthur Sketch Club. Mr, nnd Mrs. Allison, Harper. Desmond nnd Bailey, the Three Mad- caps. Kennedy and (juantroll, tho Aerial Smiths, Lllllau I^roy and iriiilkowskl. . .J'aiik Mt'Hio Ham, (Harry Young, mnna- far).— Stuck vaudeville und burlvsipiu con- limes to draw fair btiHln«ss. Wkstahns'J'KIi (Oeorgo 11; Holcnsller, ronu- acet).— Tho Blue Itlbbuu Girls gave a good mow B-IO. TUey weri followed 12, hy tho Knickerbocker Ourleiwtuers, \ i i - i Waonsockel.— At the Woonsncket ( ipsrn House (Josh K. Ogden. manager) Thuilier ft Nasher Stock Co,, with I'lureuco llamlltoii, Sign of the Four" 11-17. Frknoi! Oi-niA lloirsB (F. CaMnlcs, man. Ifer). — Tho French Dramatic and Comedy Co. scored heavily 4-10, In repertory, and on- Joyeil good buslticsH. Muungor Cuzzolns an- nounces French opera for next season. A change of Mil JM7. • Lviiic (Beamon ft Mnchetto, innnngors).— Dorothy Hutchinson and Helon Holmes Is doservlng of special montlon. This cosy lltilo playhouse, handsomely remodeled atul decorated, nnd under tho personal direction of "Parson" (Clins.) Davis, Is now certainly u yy'nnor. "The Wlisard of tho Nile" 11-17. St. Ciiaiiu:* OnriiBuu (M. Beck, general manager). — A very strong bill was presented weelc of 4, nnd Manager ChOB. K. Bray nnd his hustling assistant, Tom Winston, were elated at tho week's business, Tho Ulg (Jr- plieum Show 12-17. Fakanta's (Slg. Farnnts, mnnngnr).— This popular price lower district theatre scored u heavy week's business 4-10, having "The Convict's Daughter," nnd giving two shows dally, at ten and twenty cents, Manager Farnnln is repeating his former successes hero, nnd his new Tentiiro looks an assured success. "The Scout's Uflvengn" 11-17. .Notr. — Dorolliy Hutchinson, ono of the cleverest of sonhrettci, formerly of the "Lib- erty Belles" (.'o., was n special feature with tho Glympla Opera Co., 4-10, having iceu especially engaged to give her specialties KRITZI SC1IKFF, Whose picture appears on tbo front page of this Issue, first became knowa to the Amer- ican public as a member of Maurice Grau's Metropolitan Opera House Co. Her success with this organization was pronounced, and •he mads many admirers. An offer to star under tho niunagcmont of C. B. Dillingham caused her to forsake grand opera for tbs light opera stage, and her debut In ber new fleld was mndo Nov. 0, 1003, at tho Notional Theatre, Washington, D. C„ appearing in tho till" rnlo of "Ilabotte," n thrco act comic opera, book by Harry B. Smith oud muslu by Victor Herbert. This work proved a good vehicle for her, and aba continued to present it during last season. Ou Aug. 20 of this year »ho gave the Initial production of "Tbo Two Roses." a comic opera, founded by Stanislaus Stange, on "She Stoops to Con- utter," with tousle by Ludwig Eoglander. This work also proved successful and Mme. Souuff Is now appearing In It at the Bruai* wsy 'theatre, this city, . ' ■■ 4« « i i • ' — Poter Griffin mourns (he loss of his mother, who died nt her homo In South Bos- ion, Mass,, Nor. 2H. Mr, Orlffln was called home from New Britain, Conn., to attend tb« funeral. 1004 THE NETW YORK CLIPPER. December 17. Borders on the Sensational! ..-;"• Almost incredible that $C0 suitings and overcoatings can be made up for $25— and at the height of the season. Not so when you know that the importer of the fabrics whose entire surplus we bought, sold at a sacrifice. The making won't be slighted one iota— our rigid guarantee of satisfaction covers that 75 styles of the latest suitings— 2", styles of tfii; newest overcoatings. Goods displayed on the second floor. Samples free. ARNHEIM, Broadway and 9th St., New York. CONNECTICUT. Hrldeporl.— At Smith's (Kdward C. Smith, manager) "The laic of Hplce," Dec. D. plated to good buatnea* "Huslnens Is Business:'' 0, hart big return*. ."In Atlantic City," 7. did well, and "FarHlfal" was a rec- ord breaker 8. playing to S3 prices, 'loo Prowl to Beg," l» 10, did fairly well, raula i'duarilPB IS. "The Volunteer Organist ,13. 14, "At the Risk of Ilia Life" 15, 10, Mme, Hchtiinnnu-IIelnk IT. _ , , I'oti'8 (Joseph Crlddle, manager).— Booked Week of 12: The Brlttons, Milton and Dollln Noble*, In "The Days of ••»;" Morton and Nk'UoIion. the Great Leon, flheren and Wnlsb. Press Kldrldge nnd ttearlo and Allen. Nona. — Wllllnm flchocnwalter of this city, formerlv treasurer of Hmlrb'H Theatre, haa necented n similar' position nt .Tennliign A llraves' Hartford Theatre "Mike" nia- cin*, formerly with No. 1 ear, Bimiira * Bailey Hhow, bns resumed the position of night clerk at the Hotel Savoy (formerly .lackaon House), now owned by Ueorgo Down- Ins. the theatrical manager and backer of Sullivan. He la extonslve y known. Hartford.— At Pardons' (Herbert C. Por- sons, manager) Wm. II. Crane, In "Bnslnem In Business." bad a fair, house G. Hartford 1'bllBarmonic Orchestra gave a good con- cert, to good bouse, 0. De Wolf Hopper, In "Wang." drew a large audience 7. "The Isle* of Spice" 10, "WJusoine Winnie' 10, Ymvo 16. Dan McAvoy 17. lIAtrrFOHD Ope«a IIousb (.Jennings & llraves, managers).— "The Unwritten Law drew folr bouses 5, fl. "Too Proud to Beg. ',. and tbe .Russell Brothers, S. 0. all came in fair houses. "The Child Wife "10, Unreln's pictures 11, "Uncle Joelr Sproca- l.v" 'J 2. •'■Why Olrls Go Wrong" 13. ljuin; bin's Minstrels 14, "Fast Life In New \ork "r*ni'.i'H (Louis C. Kllby, manngor).— Good houses ruled all last week. Week of !W: lidtHe Harstow nnd Mamie Lnfferty. Chan. Barrle and Hulda Halvers. Keno, Welsh nnd Melrose. Village Choir, Mason, Keller and Co.. Pltiglbbons, McCoy and Fltzglbbous and PWI Oiard ASMOnv.— Commercial Trav- elcra' Imposition, under management of w. 10. Dobbins and A. II. Mackemle: John Mc- MnUun. high direr ; the World's Great Bark- ers,- aerial performers ; Prof. De Zaldy. ■ Vesr Haven — At the Hyperion (Shu- bert. Bros., managers De Wolf Hopper, In "Waug," came to a lnrge house, Dec 6. The Isle of Spice" bad good returns 7. A Chi- nese Houeymoou" drew n woll ailed house 10. Paula Edwardes follows. ItUNNKU/a NOW HiVUS THBAT«B (O. B. Huunell. manager). — The Russell Brothers, hi "The Female Detectives," pleased lsrge audiences 5-7. "Over Niagara Kails" came lo good returns. 810. Due : "lb?. Black Mask" IS-14, "The Volunteer Organist 15-1 1. Poli'h (8. S5. Poll. manager).— -Bl II for week of 18: The Vassar Girls, Ward and furruii. Geo. W. Cooper and Wllllnm Roblu- hou, Curtmell and Harris, Wells and Uas»au, Juo Flynn, and the Deimur'... - ■ , « ■ » .i — MICHIGAN. TKtrolt.— At tlio Detroit Opera House (It. l.\ M'bltney. manager) "Vklun's Papas enierulued Dee. 5-7. Ada. Reban closed the week to good houses. Maude Adams 1S-14, Richard Golden 13-17, Kyrle Bellew IM1 I.yckoi (E, D. Stair, manager). — "Lonlsl- ima" entertained good sited houses. Florence Bindley. In "The Street Singer," 11-17. Lxi'AVKT-rn (Dr. Campbell, manager). — The Cummlngs Slock Co. presented "Oliver Twist" to large and , appreciative audiences •1-10. The Byron Douglas Slock Co. will bo seen In "An American Cltlten" 11-lj. ■Wihtnkt '(E. D. Btulr, manager).— "\\ by Ho Divorced Her" entertained packed houses 4-10. The cast was one of the best balanced of the season. "No Wedding Bells for Her" ll-i •• . . , Trami (J. H. Moore, manager).— Last week 8. It, 0. was the rule. Week of 12: Sidney Deane nnd Co.. Olive May and J. W. Albaugh, lYwltl, Jack Norworlb, Louise Dresser, Robert y Troupe. McDouald and Huntington, Cues. II. Burke. Oraeo La Rue nnd the Inky Boys and the American klncto- grapli. Avenue (Drew A Campbell, managers).— . The High Rollers Co. entertained good houses •1-10. Tho entertainment was up to the usual stnudurd. The Cracker Jacks week of 11. s I J rami It an Ids.— At tho New Powers (Harry G. Sommers & Co., managers) "The MHM Und." Dec 4, h. drew largo au- llltaftUS Coming: "The Royal Cher' 82, "Young Tobe Hoxlo'' 83, _ Mumtii: (Oriu. KUlr, ■ manager).— Tho Llllptitluus, 1-8, did moderate business. Ward nnd Vokes. 4-7. drew crowded houses, 'un- der Sou thorn Skies" 8-10. "The Sign of the Four" 11-11. Giiamj Oi'i:i:.v Uousu (t)iln Stair, mana- ger).— Nellie Melleury.. in "MMIsk." 4-7, played lo crowded liounos. "No Wedding Kelts for Her'" 8-10, "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"' 11-14. 'Smith's Oi-bua Uovsu .('Mrs. W. 11. Smith, luunugcr). — .Qudkcr Maids Bhrlesijuers, week of 4, played' to wood business. a Bay CH>— At the Wnshluglon (W. J. Daunt, manager) Rosullo Knott, In "Cousin Kate,"' packed the house Dec. 3. J. II. Htotl- dali. In "The Bonnie Brier llush," pleased n good sited nudlouce 3. "Huniau Hearts" pleased 0. "l.'ncle He>i" 13, 'Thou Shalt Net Kill" 10. The advance sale' for "The Forbidden Lead," 7. was large. Manager ]>aunf makes the unnounceniont that Sun- der iwrforuinncee will be given, "Tholma'' Liclns the tlrst" ouniluy uttractlou. 11. Manistee. — At the llamadell (Robert R. Ittuisdell, mamiger) "Tbe Mummy und the Humming BliM" played to'luimcnse business William Lloyd. In "Rteliurd III," did fair business Dec. 3. "Human Hearts" bad a large nudlcuee .'. Nelson' nud Splccr, tn "Bon-ate of Men," Hi.' a 9aainaw. — At the 'Acadciuy of Music (.lulip II. Davidson, manager) J. II. fc tod- dart, In "The Bounlc Brier Bush," estuc to a full llotise Dec. 0. "Human Hearts" played to good business 7. "The Forbidden Lund" pleased n large audteuee 8. "Thelms" 12. 'Uncle Hex" 11, "Under Southern SIeIcr" 13. "Thou Shalt Nut Kill" 17. "Young Toko Hoilc" 38, "Wlieu the Bell Tolls" 24. To Get to PkiladelphiaL Quickly " *USE.THE READING ROUTE fVEW JERSEV" CENTRAL ,A. Train. Every Hour On .the Hour .Direct to Reading TermiiuL. Nr..^ NtW YORK' STATION J, Ft Uatr i . N R .«) SmS F«t>. TMI HEW TORE, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World. That is because it is the most popular. W« AUew Proleulooali A SPBOUL DaBOODHT OP 10 PER 0BHT. on tbslr rarehaiM U their iumi art ob oar Begtitr*tion Books. NO CONNECTION WITH ANT OTHER STOKE. DCMSRB! ■Off MOOT NEW TOnK. MAISON BERNARD AHHOVNOKS WINTER SALE Continuing This Week. Original French Models end Perfect Copies at Greatly Reduced Prices. 1 Wert 31st 8treet. Near Fifth Avenue NEW roRK IB Per Ot. to the Prafeadon. Frenoh Hat : : : : Shop :'• Ji:r>T!i.s (Uamford & Marks, managers). — "The Two .lohus" played to good houses 4- 7. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde?' 8-1U. oneued to very good business. "Alone In tho World" e ■ ■ ■ Italauiaioo. — At the Academy of Music (B. A. Bush, manager) tbe Tomlluson Stock Co. pleased large nudlcnees Dee. 0-10. "Tlio Two Johns" ];l. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Uydo" 16, "When the Bell 10118'* 17. rJUM-OP Amu8bm«nx (W. B. Mnnger. manuger). — This place, as a skntlng rink, Is meeting with btteccss, llynn, l*ster and Ityau, In high grnde gymnastics, proving a strong enrd week of 6. e .-*•■«»»»«' — At'Balrd's Opera Ilousc fFreil J. nilllnms, msungeri "Tbe Forbidden Laud" came, IXv. tl, to a large bouse, .1. II. siod- dnrt followed 7. delighting big huBlnens. "Human Ilenrts." 8. had a fair house. Due : "Aloue In tho World" I). "The Two John*" lU,."Arlsona" II. "Tbe Mikado" (locul) VI- VA, "Under Southern Skies" 10. »•» VIRUIMA. i f NorCoIk.— The Academy of Music (Cor- hln Shields Tiianagir) atinouneea "A Girl from Dixie" Dee. 10. (iiiANiiv (Jnke Wells, manager). — Btislncw continues of a most satisfactory nuturc. "On Thanksgiving Day" 1MT, . ."''ot' (Aiib. smith, manager), — Week .>C Si* A ;.."-. Jli y' Mr - "n 11 5lr s- Jnmea Silver, Olgn Black, i^tiira tleiiuetv. Mamie Hurcaw and Howard and West. Business Is auod. t ttajoumjc lC. a * J. M. Orlnniau. man- flgorsl.— Week of 12: Coffey and Orant, Knanp aud De ltollen. I.llllan Lewis, l"uulln« Kingvley, Maggie I'emmiun. Kdlfa Dunbar. Aimu Oroucli. V: : \t] BoBtou. Tommy llurrla. and C. 1'.. llruudQU, Btage msuuger. Bui>l- peeu Is good. AlutTOKtuxi (J. M. Barton, manager).— Bill week of 12: James St. Belmo, Silver and Clark, Bob Murray. K. j«bu Bucklev. Henderson, Coben und Henderson, Florence bdwurds. Pansy Weir, Florence Lo Roy, lliree llents. Walker Sisters and TUIle Urowu. Business Is good. s nic'linioud. — At the BIJou (Wells k Me- Kee. mausgsrs) "Tbo Beuutv Doetor" proved a great drawing card Dec. 3-10. "Af Crip- SeaMOIt or Mtsic (Chns. W. Bex, uinui- . TIIBtTRB LBAIR FOR SALE, Includ- ing Fstnrcs. Ten and Dfteen cent honsc, 8 shows a day. Seating capacity OTi; 100 opera chairs; doing big business; reason for selling, other bnalns«s. Popms'lon or city, 60,0 -j: oalr one other hlghprlce theatre la city. Rt»' location I o town. Everything in nuod shspe. W1U bear lnvestis atloD. Price, f 2.400. Add. - BARE CHANCE, Botel Union, Toledo. Ohio. . WAJ-TKD IMHBDlaTfeLV-I^ader of Orchestra rviniiaiit) for Academy of Mnilc, Chsr- lotte, N. C. r»y by performance only, but will get ootslde work. Mnst report by Dec. 19. Write or wire. U. 8. NATHAN, Charlotte, V ft WANTED, for Panama Medicine Co.. s Come- dian Hut plavslgultar and fakes organ. Olve low- ert salary. Jim Bonham. wrlic. A'so wsnt Iowa Slate license to sell medicine. Dr. J. II. Condon, Pan ton, III. Per, add., P. O. Ho.t 7vt'. St. I.onls.Mo. FOB SALIC— 9Beau'lfal Performing Canaries Props. Guarantee to learn any one to work them by letter. N. Lazell. an warren Ave., Chicago. OPBir FORESQAGEMBST.— Al Piano Player wiu lie open for eng*gement Jan. 1, either travel- ing or to locate. Soloist nod accompanist In .-ong v No orchestra work. Stale fall pstlcnlsrs. W. R. BET1ER, 216 E. Mynle Ave.. Johneon City, Tenn. FOR SALS-MP.NAQE OR MBBBTi PONT, Gelding, «jrs. old, (Tin. tall; rise 1 hsoe and atjle; absolutely sound; Inst broke, hadn't time to OBleh reason for selling. Price, $125. Write for parllcnlars. JNO. R. MARTIN, Box 230, Pulaski, Mrglnls. AT LIBEBTV, The Great Reeves, Juggler. A good feature act for s three night or rep : also Props and Drum Major for street parade. Ticket If long Jump. Osn Join on site. DI0K REEVES, Box 436, Wellahnrg. Brook Co., W. Vs. A No. 1 SONG AND DANCE COMEDIAN Wlin can put on acts; change for one week. Good Sketch Tc*m, alto Piano Player; wTlte. Salary all yon are worth. Addreis Jamel Thorpe, cam oJ Mo'tcn Remedy Co., shotvno. shawno Co.. wis. - WANTED Quick, Al Med. People to ureugtlien By Co. Long, pleasant seaaon to gool ptopie, and sure nf>ney. State your limit and just what yon do to help make up Al progrsm fo» one week. Most be roady to Join at once. Add. ?"■ FRANK 0ASAD. Onamberstmrg. Pike Co., 111. MOVING P10TLRE OUTFIT FOR SALB.- Leader Lantern and No. 8 Optlgrapli. complete, best Lenses and Calcium Burner: MOfU Edison Film on Reel; 8et Colored Song Slides; 20 Addi- tional Slides. Film Bag; 26 Bong Books, all for SIS; outat uae<1 four times; cost, $1*6. W. M. RIIOADS, Paint Desler, Xewtoo. Iowa. FOB g«L,E, SMALL BET OF FAUST SCBNERY CHRAP.never used; also lot of special taper with right to use title. Scrip* and trunks, limn for reply. W. E. DEWEY, 230 South ll«h Street. I,ln«-o'n.K»h. Al RBPBRTOIHR PKOPlje WRITS THE Ct.AIR TCTTLB COMEDY CO. Glsd to negotiate at all times. CLARKE U FELGAK. Manager, smithflehl, W. Va . 16, 10, 17, 10, 20, 21; Bellngton, W. Vs.. week of $6. WANTED, MEllICISK SHOW PERFORMERS, ■ Man and Wife, or M*le Team, that do a Musics) Actor Marionettes, and singles. Mnstbe up Is farces, which we chanse nightly. Wtek stands. Playing ham in North Dakota, we pay hotel ami R.R. faro after Joining. Steady work, with no kloiers or crank* to contend with. No limit to salary to right people. Write particulars and salary In first letter. Wltl advance fare tn people we 'know. Cole and Moon, write. Addreis E. Rogers, Harvey. X. Dsk. AT LIBEHTY-CIIAS. BARNES. Flybig Pervli, Kings and i raps, Irish mi - clack Face Comedian and Dancer. Long expejlence In medicine and rep. Address . _ • 101 THIRD ST.. Milwaukee, W13, WAN1ED AT ONCE, Medicine People: All- round s7« D. Comedian, sketch Teams doing singles for week. Everybody change for week; Maying organ and piano preferred. >o booze or Knocking. Good salary for the goods. Mgr. Medl- elnc Co., Ilartabnrg, Logan Co., III. WANTED, GOOD VIOLINIST. ORE doing Single Musical Acts and Violin Solos pre- ferred, csn also n»e SlDgle Novelty Performer. Others write. Week stand. JERRY, write me st once. DR. B. CHRISTY. Farmlngton, la. "BOARDING TO PROFESSIONALS, $1 A WEEK EACH. MRS. LOOSE, » WEST 4»h ST . WIbW!N"VW» I>~t. ' BOW TO START IN SHOW BlhlNbttr (oopjrlght), 8 dulerent books, loe. All kinds act MORPHETS SCHOOL, 8S7 S. 12th 81, Phils., Pa cheap FILMS, Moving Picture Machines Cameras, Lanterns, Lenses, Song slides and supply •old and boogbt. Special oimaand slides made Shows furnished Expert mechanics. Repairing German-Am. cine. & Film Co.. 100 E. 12th St.. N.YT LEARN to Throw Yonr Voice. Ventriloquism tangbt. For terms and run par Uoulars, addrest- Prof. Ltsgerman. 706 N. ttbSt, Philadelphia, Pa A. GOODRICH, LAWYER, Ml West Madison St., Chicago; established 1864. Business legal and enleu Braaohesand fscllltles In other States. SOMETHING New In Vending Gum Machines. Latest and best for agents and merchants. Write toda y. The B. Lackey Co., Minn eapolis, Minn. ATTENTION PROPFSSI iNALB— B ackburn'e Joke Sheet No, 2 Is now ready. It contains up u date gags, doctor's testimonials, society notes, etc. Price, loc. lo coin. Enclose stamp for mailing. Add. Oeo. W. Blackburn, 6W Flndlay St.Cln., o . NOTICE to Vaudeville Managers. -BUG ENS PIPPIN st Liberty after 63 weeks ot solid wort in Vaudeville. My new act, "A Parlslsn Novelty," a blgsnccess through thecoast and Central States. Now going East. Time open after Xmas week. Managers In want of a good novelty act, new to the EsitTn Coast, write. Week of Use. 6, Chicago, 111,; week ot Dec. 12, Peabody. Mass. P. S.— Good Bep. Co. or other good shows that pay salaries. "TRAP DRl'HHER WANTS POSITION with Rellatle Company. Play all Traps. Good reference. State salary. Whi join on wire im- medial* ly. If satlafactorr, Address WALTBR R, BBCK, 246 E, 61b. St., Cincinnati, . AL VIN AND DAVIS, World's Famous Mov- ing Piclurca, featuring Sam Edwards. Stone Opera House, Blnghaniton, Dec. 12-13. Mgra., send lo your earliest qpeu"tlme. PlanlBt that can fake please write. RCRAL ALV1N, Mgr., Stone Opera Ilo imc, Ulngbamtou, N. Y. WANTED AT (INOK-Good All Around Peowe. Al Versatile Sketclt Team who are food singers and dancers. Also a iirat ctataMuNlca 'l eam, man and wife. Prefer either In double piano or organ; also do single specialties. Also a good Piano Player, to double slsgelf needed All must tie able to ensnte nightly for one week. Muat.be sober aud reliable. Al wardrobe, good dressers and look the part. Salaries aust below bntsnre. We pay all expenses. Good treatment' Season never ciuies. Can use any Good Teoplu State all in Drat letter. Address DOC FRANK Mgr. of Carnival and Gift Show, Ulckmiii. If) , ARE YOU INTERESTED IN HINO READING? For one dime wa will send you ihe Blackboard Feal. . Tells how to add a column of figures blinded. PACIFIC SCHOOL OK MAOI0, •• ISO Salter St., Francisco, Cat. leer). — "Krmlule" (locsl talent 1 had standing rtoni only Jiay.,iW, Dec. 1. "A Girl from Dixie" ». rTeW'STMlnstrels 10, "The riince ef Pllsen" 14. Danville— At the Academy of Music Uohu B. Wood, manager,).— Harris-Parkin- son Stock Co., Dec. fi-10, played to good returns. "A Girl from Dlzle' r ltt. . 1 ■ # , ■» • -i- Jim Uaugh Is at the Jlntirlce Bath house, Hot Springs, Ark., undergoing trcutment Tor muscular rlieumatlsui. THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLAUf .....Mansger 5-SISTERS BELLATZER-5 Enrope'e Premier Lady Oymnaata. MAUDE KVKLYN HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. ANDERSOihn WALLACE TBAVBSTY snd TRAGEDY STARS. marieIarrison, THK OIRL WI TH TUK Y ELLOW EAIB, BILLY NOBLE, THE REAL COON BHOCTER. belle~¥ltoh, TBE DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OF GERMAN NON8ENSB, FARRON and FAY, In "THE LAST QUART OF BEER." LARRrScCALE, THE MAN BEHIND THE COMEDY OUN. IRWIN'S BIG SHOW. FRED IRWIK Manager OH, MY, IS DOT SO. «- -THE KLEIHS-^ o " uo Dutch Comedian and Sonbrette. OONSEOrjESTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB Tho Tramp with the Funny Voice. TheRATSELBENDERS An Austrian Drill. A Specially In Fencing, Marching, Etc. First time In America. THE FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Extra Feature. WATCH FOR US AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLYS--4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRINCIPAL LEAD. MI88 JESSIE MOORE Contralto. '■THEM FELLOWS," WILSON & 8ORC Talking Humorists. WANTED QUICK, S F01 WILUAI v. IOSIS 00. CBO. J. CURTIS, Mgr., Lisbon. N. D. WANTED, Strong sketch Team (male and female), Lady to do Home Parts, flood Blngtatg and Dancing Turn, and Uaefnl Reper- toire People. 8tate lowest. I pay all. ION CARROLL, Hlnlon, W. Va. WANTED, Sketch Teams, Sister Acts. Chorus Ladles and all kinds of Novelty Acta for BUBHWICK TBBATBE, BBOOILYI, AND aUHITTAH THE1THE, HOBFOLK, CRINXIAN BROS , Bushwlclt Theatre. Brooklyn, Msna^ers and On-neia Bush wick TUeatre, Brobk- lyn, N. Y.; Manhattan Theatre, No rfolr, v». WANTED, GOOD SOTJBBETTE That can act and do a good specialty. One piece Pay own. state everything Drat letter, oiher people write. ROBERT SBRKMAN, Csmbridge City, Ind. it liberty, Electrician and Pros.. JUVENILE PARTS One night or Minstrel pre- ferred. Resp. Mgre. address PAUL MAROUIS 1917 S. Carolina Street, Louisiana, Mo. WANTED VERSATILE MED. PEOPLE Hot Dancers. Fake organ. State all tlrst letter PROF. SA NGER, Lyon. Falls. N° Y. MAC and MAC, Acrobats, Bare dissolved psrinsrshlo. FRANK MAC Per, address, 184 LKWIB ST.. Bridgeport, Cuun. II Atlf '= "'2 lime to get Orlglual Song,, fill Wf Sketches, Monologues, etc. Most „ .work only written for professional a>e. Comedies and dramas revised. BOB WATT, 2308 bt. Alhsns PlBoe, Philadelph ia. Original Sketches To Order, $1.00 I'lays. now. s^ort cyst, no.oo. 1,1st free. Harople sketch, parody, and g*»s, 2*n. Paro.1v and gam 1< *1 H.WIOUT.Qulu-cy.Mlcli." Witt.., a Mjylng Picture Machine ai. Fills. BO X 1?.', BnahTlUe, ind. WANTED AT ONCE, ^'e ."" 18 y° ple *" Llnei,; » 1P0 Leading Woman sejfl SUge Manager. PIANIST, Room -Jl- imi Broadwsy. ne»r o«th St.. N. Y. HDY CELLIST WANTED: fSOaweek. CECELIA mkvkr, ci. r i netti,L - No. 8M Colfai St.. Toledo, Ohio. Wanted, a yonb? Scenic Jrtisi B^rt^SV L ,f *".'* » 0<> ,u, ° loweit salary. Steady work to a good man. Ill -iKM kuejOHR CO., Trov. N, y ill! BELLES. ROBERT GORDO N MANAGER TUB GINGER OIRU, ALEENE and HAMILTON, ACROBATIC DANCERS. SENSATIONAL ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Act Before the Public. ^'Murphy's Haaqnerads." Produced by KEID and GILBEBI. An nproarionsly Funny Farce Comedy. TERRY aDlELlRaodlPEL in "THE DANCING MISSIONARY," HARMONIOUS SELECTIONS, RELIANCE QUARTET, THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RBY, CHAP PELL. CHARACTER ENTERTAINERS. BBODEBIOE and JESSICA.. CLEVER COMEDY COUPLE. Aba Leavltt'a Fansai RENTZ-SANTLEY CO. LEO LEAV1TT Business Mansger. HAWTHORNE"*. BURT, Premier Eccentric Dancers. CIAS. W. DOUGLAS, Monolognlng Parodist. BIJOU COMEDY FOUR. Peer of All Comedy Quartettes. — tlMSTlNTEZ"'"*" Singers and Eccentric Back Dancers. cijppIparrell, The Merry Musical Minstrel. ' THE NOVELTY DDO, BRWB,T TBE RACKETTS CLAfiA Introducing the Steeple on the Hill. Features With L. LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. OORMAN. ....Manager BESSlfcUFFORD, , Startling Sensation in Tigha. JAMES SSADiTlEONARD, In "The Wrong Tip." ghas-IobInsoh, Tn» Lsnsh afaksr For Medicine Men Only. The richest snd most successful mcdlclno men nell the Genuine Quaker Medicines. Protected liy registered trade mark No. 34,421. Why handle Imitation when yon can get the REAL. . The Quaker Doctors are tbe richest snd most success- ful medicine men of TODAY. Follow their SYS- TEM. It's not the rlasby paper or PACEAOR; It's a siBtem, and the man behind, write for prices TODAY. QUAKER MEUICINE CO.. DR. JAMES FBRPON, Htchneld. 111. • Fir METROPOLITAN STOCK COMPANY, Experienced ACTOBS and ACTHEB8ES. Also 8PB0IALT7 PEOPLE and FIAHI8T (gent preferred). Long engagement at POSITIVELY SURE SALARY. Adflre'8 CLIFFORD REEVES. Stillwater, 0. T. i WANTED OiLICK, FOB OHE PIECE FABCE COIEDY STRONG SISTER TEAM. Best people not too sood. Slstsr Team mu«t be able lo do Stroug Single and Double Specialty, and play Character ntid Sonbrette In bill. Also Al Bons snd Dance Comedian, and Pianist (sight reader). Other Farce Comedy People, write. Stage age, eir.e, salary tlrst letter. Send photograph. All letters answered. Colby, Kansas, Dec. 19; HoxleSO, 11)11 City 21, Lincoln Centre 22 Addrsss HARRY BCSESJBACK, Banagsr. AT LIBERTY, (SUBS) FRANCES J. BOWLING EMOTIONAL AND JUVENILE LEADS. wire or write. MADISON. FLORIDA. AT I^IBBRTY, Comedian and Soubrette Red hot singing and dancing specialties. Ward- robe, ability and exoerlence. AddrefB McCARTUY A SWKtfBY, Madison, South Oskota. AT LIBERTY, OWING TO 0L0S1NO WITH COMPANY, HAZEL McCRUMB, LEADS, BEAVIES, JL VES1LE8. One Piece or Rep. Responsible managers only. Fine wardrobe. 2117 "orest A v».. K»m«« Bjj s Mo Wanted Quick, lor Domed; I rams', 5" n ?. nd J vlfe - •Inveulle Man, Character Mi a, Juvenile A^omsn, Comedians, all do specialties. One night stands. All write. . . C. W. A.. Rox 601, Denlioa, Iowa. AT LIBRRT7 SILENT FERPOItMKR;Acrr- * ~as»aiaa a i , baric Aot; rings. Joggling, II no set: change for week. H:r»tgot in aois. Do not E!£ Ft?? or Orgsn. Join on wire. DAVE PALARO, General Dellrory, Jactson. Mic higan. IliRY C PROSPERT TIIAYXK. |f|H(ll Pi WrLteb Act«, Songs, KiC. Eend ■™ Sfampor No Reply. Al R»f«rso C e- Sample varodya»a6oagi,ioc aw Pine St., ptot., b. I December 17. THE 1SHEW YORK CLIPPER. 1005 TABLE OF CONTEXTS. Miss Clipper's MnMi OnFrotvVin Letter j M» vfili Famous flregory Family— Sketch WW World -of Players 90U, 1W1. MM, KMO v.rslerllle and Minstrel 009. 1001, 1011 Oucrlos. Answered 1002 our Chin*" WW HM2 Ml Selu-ff— Sketch made a gooIbliii(jlM" (S|«?iieer k Aboru, uigrs.) — Ransas City. Mo.. 1 1 -IT. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllroy & Drltton, insr-i.— Amm. 111., 14, Carbomlale 13, Marluu 10. Pnilucuti. Ky.. 17. I'irta. Teun., 10, Clnrka- vide 2d, iii,|>kln»v]lli-. Ky.. 21. "Aulillot Wave." Fred C. ^aylor'a— Xrula. O., HI. Wnverly 20. ilrwnllcld 21. Wllmlagtuu 22, Mlamlsbnrx 23. < lernuutown 24. "At the Kl«k o( Ilia Life" |Mark F.. Swan mgr.) — Tienton. X. J.. 12-14, HrUlgeport, Conn., IS, 10. Wntcrbiiry 17. X. Y. City 10-24. a Blanche Bates I David llelasco. ingc) — San Fran- - ctsco. CaL. to. Indellulte. Uurryuiore, Ktbel. I Charles Krobmnn, lagr,) — X. Yv City 12. lndeunlie. OliighaiB. Amelia (Lloyd Illagbora. mgr.) — Bos- Ion, Mass.. 12-17. Itellew, Kyrle (Llebler & Co.. nigra.)— Toronto. Can.. 12-17. Detroit. .Mich, lu-21. ItiaWlB William (lleurl Gn-ssltl, m»r.)— l'llts- llnrg, I'a.. 1217. Walr, Kii;i-ide ((Jeorgc A. Bhiuruthal. mur.l — Worcester, .Ma-*.. 1217, Unaiklyn, X. Y., 10- 24. Ill 1 1 aim rt. Harry (J. 1. Coleman, inpr.)— Terro llanle. 1ml.. 13. Dautlllo. HI.. 10. 17. lleat Ionise (A. II. Wooils. msr.i — Dayton, 0., 12-14, I.nu-liii, Mich.. 15. liiL-kaoii HI. Flint 17. Saginaw 1H-21. Battle Creels 22, Kalaiaaioo 23, Fort Wayne, lnd., 24. Hiinllev. Florenct* ( l"..rrestcr & .Mltlriilhnl, nuirs.) —Detroit. Midi., 11-17. Hunting. Fauinn (1-jirl llcrgevs. mgr.) — Williams. isirt. Pn., 1217. Waverly. X. Y.. IW-24. llrecki'urldge Mlrn-k (Charles Itreckeurtdge, mgr, ) -Anrora. Mo.. 12-17. tk-ilalla 10-21. Drew. Jolir. (Charles FMhman. mgr. )— N. Y. tlly -12-;tt. D'Disny. Lawrence (Klrke La Slielle, m«r.) — /anesvllle, O., 14. Daly. Arnold (Wlneliell Sinltli. mgr.)— Phils- ■Irlplila, Pu.. 12-17. De (irassc. J,«eph (Frwl A. llaywar.1. mjtr.l — Anlumre. I ml. Ter.. II. Diirmil 13. U. Plalnvtew 21, Pierce i*. Siiintnn 23, Wlsner 2", Scrllmer 2N. (Jrtese Dnimatlc (J. Oflese, uuir.l— Unller, Mo.. 12 14, ltl.h Hill 1317. ,, , - . "r.'''Ti»n*rt< J. Smllh (Bowlaml A rilffor.1. mgrs.)— llolyoke. Mass.. 83-34. "tilrl of the Slwts." Ulllnii Jlorlliner (-T. L. Vemnre. mgr.l— Newark. N. *.. 12 17, I'blla- drlphhi. Pa.. 10-24. .„„„•. "lin-st Antoinoblle Mystery." lluiilg * "enmon a ' —X. Y. City 12-17, Jersey City, V J-. I1J--L "(treat Way" iFmnk L. Perry. "'"f^T, .Sll' S. link,. Ill, Wolsey 20, AtfCtia 21. Lolelier 2J, l-irkslon 22, Trlpu 24. Parker 211. l-oimux 27, Cantvu 28. | llnckett. James K— X. V. City ,12. Indettiilte. llawirey. Charles (Charles Frohaiaa, iugr.)-s HopiH'r,' I-iliin "wall«e» (Frank McKee. aigr.)— (Iinaha, Xehr.. 23. 21. _ „ . ___ - Haiiford. Clmrles II. (F. Ijoirriire • Viiilkc- , mgr .11 — Wlcldla. Kim.. 14, Wlnlleld 13- PUl«l>urg l;l. I'arsona I". Clianute 111. I"'", -, Heading . HI, 17. ll.ilil- niore, M.I.. 10-21. "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (Culler & Williams, Murra.i— Dtlnsn. III.. 14. Walnut Hi. Ilrald- tfwal Hi, llaminond. IihI., 17. "Down by Ihe Hen" (Phil Haul. mxT.) — Csimd X. J.. 13-17. "Deeix-rate Cliunce." Forve-der t Mitteutlnirs — St. Louis. M„., 11-17. l'ltlslnirg. Pa.. 10-24. "iK-vll's Ijuw" (ISiuiln- Fitch, mar. I— lliirkluui- nun, W. Vs.. 14. lirafpsi HI, Philippl 17. Plwl- moot 111. Froslhurg. Mil., 21. "Dslven from HonH>." l"strbs> (Forrester <• 3llt- lesttial. nmrs.) — Kansas City. Ma.. 11-17, SI. Louis 1H24. "Ibmi (inr Wsy" (Ucorgv Pnxton, mgr.)— X. Y. City 1317. U !:ill.vt. MaKlue (C. It. Dilllngliam. mgr.) — Los Anodes. CaL, 12-17. Fresno In. Oakland 2, Tscoiuu. M'aab., 20, Vic- lorla, B. C, 30, Vancouver 31. ImIcsou, ltot*rt llleury II. Harrli, mgr.)— St. iXiuLs. Mo.. 11-17. Kdwards, Walter (Wells, Dunne k llnrlnu, m»r«.) — Oraud HupMs. Yllcll.. 11-14. Toledo, O., IS- 17, N- T. cAty 10-21. Kllnorn Slaters— M. 11. Ilayiiinml's (Milton (lunch- el.. mgr.) — Atlanta, (is., 12-17. Emersou. Mary ' (Sauiaul U-wls, mgr.) — Altnonn, Ph., 12, Ons-nslsirg 13, L'lilontowii 14. .Meyers. •Uile 13, Morgsiiton-ii. W. V«.. Ill, Mviiessen, .!•«., 17. Kulqg. Ihflnide (l.on llnrrlngloii, bus. mgr.)— McKliuiey. Tex., 121 7. KIwyiu.Loriw — Hooslek Fulls, X. Y.. 12-1T. dill 13, Linton HI. Snlllvun ^isnll.Wlntbrois! Stock -iKdncy lllilge. bus. mgr. ■20. llruxll 31. Auik-nom 22, — lllueflcl.l. W. Vu., 12-1M. bury 17. XeolB. la.. 1*. Plaitsinonli. wir.. III. Omahu 20. SI. Nebraska City 22, Lincoln Laramie III- llcldici-'s Comedians fw. .M. llelcber. mgr. ) — Hutclilnxm. Kau., 12-17. ncrlngtou 10 21, Osage City 22-24. Benton's Comedian* (P. It. Beuton. mar.) — Ilo- bart. Oklii.. 12-14. AnadarkH 13-17, Lawsou lb- 21. Chtckabba, lnd. Ter., 22-24, Okardie, OkU., 2II-2S. "Hen Hur" (Khr.v & F.rlauger. ingrs.i — Snn An- toula, Tis„ 12-17, Ualwaton 19-24. "Uonnle lirl.ir Ilusb." J. It. Stoddnrt (Klrke Lu Slielle, mgr.)— Cluclnuall. O.. 12-17. "Busier Brown," Eastern. M. II. Haymund'H t\V. S. ButterOeld. mgr. 1— l-'raklln. Ph.. 14. Oil City 15. Meadvllle ID. East l.lwnsjvl. O.. 17. "Buster Brown." Wcsteru, 31. II. Bayipond's (Jeff Bernstein, mgr.) — Pittsburg, I'a.. 12-17. "IkouMia Sim I^jved" (.Martin Jnliun. mgr. )— Wllmnigtou, Del., 12-14. Trvnlou. X. J.. 13-17. "Beauty Doctor." Fred K. Wright's (Tiles. W. Prior, mgr.i — Savannah, Oh., 14, Augusta 15, Columbus 17. Atlanta 19-24. "Hunch Df Keys" (Una Botliuvr. mgr.) — Tulsu, Lid. Ter.. 14. Siili.ulka 13. Okmulgee HI, Hliaw- nee. Okla.. HI. Oklubisna City IN. liuld 1U. Wel- lington. Kau.. 20, Culdwcll 21, Wichita 23. Hutchinson 24. "Break fur Llls-ity" 'J. SI. Jacobs, mgr.) — 'glp Inn, lnd.. II. Frailkllll ' 17. Tim- Haute IU (Llebler & Co.. nigra.)— -Akron, 23, 24, Ilnll, Diai 0.— Bntvllna. Wye,, 121. lllnimeleln's Ideals (MM A. Illiuini'leln. ingr.) -■Poltavlllp. Pa..' 12-17. NorrHl own 10-21. Ilhniiielelii's lioiierlnl Slock lit. F. I llnunelelii, iiiur.i— Shclsiygsn, Wis.. 11-21. Hunt Sbvl; IB. II. Klllniiiii. -mgr. 1— Waterloo, liul.. 10-21. j , „ Hmrnril-Dorsid (A. M, Miller, bus. nigr.l— New- ark. H.. 12-17. .. , Henderson Slock (W. J. ■ It- 11- llciidersoii, nigra.) — KidiHi. . If., 12-17. Hnreoiiit Caiiuedy. tliarles l\. Harris (W. 11. Sbliie, uigr.)— t'orlbinil. Me., 1217, l.cvrlston 10-21. ' Hoyl's Coiiuslf (II. CJ. Allen, mgr. I- -Tyler. Tex.. 12-11. Paris 13-17, Sherman 10-21, Dcnlsou 22-24, Hammond, Pnullne (Cllflon Wblliiinn. m«r.)-- I'resque Isle, Mi«„ 13-17. , ,„ Harvey & (hi;e (lonirdy — Pombkeepsle, N. ».. U- 17, Pceksklll IH21. IIoelRer Hlmw ■ (Jink Oocfllci-, ingr.l— Applcton, Wis.. 12, Indellulte. "Heart nr Murylninl" (David lleluacn. mgr.)~To- I.hIu, 0., 1114, Ilatlhi Ciwk. Mich., III. "Ilnmpty Duiuiii}" (Klaw & Krlniiger. mgrs->i — N. V. Cliy 12. lniblfliate. "Heart of cnlcagn," Llneolii J. Curler's (Rfr uiuuil Mauley, tngr.) — latvnwint. CaHM II. l.uvvlnnd 13, Fort Collins Hi, llnsdey 17. "Iler Only Sin." Lincoln ,t. Carter's— I'opeka, Kan., li, Mauliattan 15, Clay Center Id, Junc- tion Cliy '17, Hiillra 10. "Ilonw I'oIkH"— Philadelphia, Pa., 12-17. "Holy Cliy." Knilern, Usiplon * Beiuiett'a (IM« wanl Tavlor. nivr.)— Falrinont. W. \a., 14, Maiuilngloii 13, Polut Pleasant HI. Huutlngloa 17. Cliurlestoii Hi, Alliens. HI Boy" (Charles J. MIku. mgr.) — Mahaimy City. I'a.. 12. Jllneruvlllc.Ll. lllrsplvllle 14. Mllrou 15, Jarsey Shore HI. I»ek lluveu 17. C Cmne, Wm. H. (Charles Frvbmau. mgr.)— Uo». Ion. Mass., 12-21. Brook- lyn,' N. Y., 19-21. "Khun llokleii"— Ccslar llapbls. In.. II. "Fast Lyunt" — (Iricil Itaplds. Mlrli.. 1317. "Isist L)iim-"— Albany. X. Y., 13-11, IMyoke, MaSN., 10-21. V Flake, Mrs. (Hurrlsun On-y Flake, ingr. )— X, Y. . Cliy 12, ImMluile. Fsvembsm. Wllllaoi (Charles Frolmiu igr.) — Pliltadelpbla. Pa.. 12-24. 1'ltjHliniiKJiis. iu.ls.-rt, und .liiliu May Cirronl (Jos. Ksluiwistuii. mgr. i — Caiudru. N. J.. 12-11. Wll- uilhglou. Del.. I3-17. IMillmMplila, Ph.. 10-21. Fenlnirg Stoek (fleona! M. Feiilwrg. mgr. i— New l.otolun. Cain.. 12-17, Lynn. Muss., in ill. l-'errb (Jonieillaus (Harry Bubb,. aigr.)— Ixiro.o, (>., 13-17, New Castle, Pa., 19-24. Flemlug. Mamlr (W. H. (Jrsi-ey. uigr.)— Mugs- Ion. X. Y-. 12-17. lolioes 19-24. mnaV years bud lieen well aod favorably presenting "A Celebrated Case." "Moths" known, amoug the local playhouses and con- nest week. "Du Barry" proved a winning crosman. Henrietta (David Belaswi Maurica i-'iaka. May 'J. C. Gnsgrovr. mgr.)— Mnneliesler, cerriialla. was found nt the edge of a marsh offering. . ... --••: J ffi iil j p j tt j .sga ^y^ Tj.«3ly g-I.T. ...Nj.,^... 13-".. Coii«.nl IB-34, on 'the shooting ground; Club near- Mount Kden of Ills' aentii Is unknow that, hu yian overcome » face downward In the mud and water week. Al. H. Wllsou, ahviiys a favorite, did Charles i Hendricks, the Hon tamer of the immense business last week. Chptes, died Dec. 1. 1roin injuries Inflicted on -ACAMMS (O. C. St. Stevens, manager).— hiin Jiiimiay'. Nov. 27. by Sullan, the Afrlcun "o U een of the White Slaves JUbimMi. Hop],'* Tho huge beast turued against bis "Deserted at this Allar" next week. Oil the miner when tiie bitter's loot slipped, and Snwanee lllver" was well doue and success- < I,,i-.a,1 h*AU.J-i »« (i».,i, *—....• 4lin MHalj \ittt ** * il... iinel vl-iuiI: -Week, of 1": IMc- Olier- ripped s'.irtds uf llesh from tho mau s let,'. ' % -,. .,-■■•■ ■ —. 1 '.. FHOM OTJIEll 1'OIXTS. ful the uast week. Sjik.\'s QAbWCS strelrer Tyroleans. Trobs. .(.niiion and YMl- llcmy Snow Storm Vrevalllnsc In the liuatiiiiil Middle West Affetta The- ntrleul Altciidnncc. Clftcioo, Dec. 18.— Genuine Winter weath- er ma.de -.another assault upou Chicago Sun- nay and Slonday openings, hurting tbe phow business i mnteilally "The Girl rroni Kay 1 *", .was the -Sunday novelty opening at the Illinois nud scored successfully Charjecdraiiewln gave "The Awakening of Mr. TPIpp" at tho Tiveat Northern to largo crowds, and won Immediate favor "TheToibldden Laud" made tbe Grand Opera House a UU c night stood, prospering fairly wellrTT. . ..'Leon Wncbsucr's German players gave their customary Sunday night perlorm- •irteq ' .jit- j'pwcrs "lanlnna." at the Gnrrlck : Bl'ancbc Walsh, at McVickers. nud "Hla-Ulglliiess tbe Hey," at the La Hall". I'layed |o 'large returns AH vaudeville lioqseft lilled op in spite of tbe weather, tho ird Monroe, Mock and . Lawrence. Blco and I'revost, Klein. Ott Bros, and NIcbolBOii. law Qulucy. III.. 14. Davenport.. ta.. 15. (laluslmrg, HI.. HI. Pearls 17, Milwaukee. Wis.. 18-21, lbH.-kfonl.lll., 22. Madison, ~ 21. Cohun. Geo. M. (Sam Harris 12-24. Cresion Clarke (Jules Murry. W. Va.. 14. PlItHbiire, Pa.. 10-24. Corbett. James J., ami lues .Mncuuiey (Hal DuVIs, iugi-.>— Duiuiii, Mlmi.. 15-17, St. Paul 18-31. Couk-Cliurch (l(. W. Taylor, nurr.)— North Adaais, Mobesson IP-21. •HiKialer (ilrl." Kale Wnlsnn ((Ins Coluni. mgr.) — L'am'irUlge, . (I., II. Wondallebl 13, McCoa- iiellavlllo 111, ZuisJavlllc 17. "Her First Falso Hup." C. F. Wlilltnkor's (11. A. Keldller. insr.l— Cliwliiiiall. U, 11-17. IsiulmllK, Ky., IS-24. "Ill, SI und I." Beyer * llnrke's ( HackeustiHi *• Haiiilltnu, mgrs. I— Kent. O., II, Barborlon I.",.- Orrrlib" 10, Cantpu 17. „ "How He Won I lor." IT, F. tt bit lake; s (II. M, Fidtiia. m»r,)— Des Moines, lu.. 13 II. Oinaliii, Neb.. 13-17, Kansas Olty, >lo.. IH-21. "Hiniuni Hearts," Ksstern (Jesse M. Bluiicltnrd, mgr.) — Allmsiu, I'a.. -IT. , "Iliiinun Hearts," Western (Claud Hutindurj, mar. )— Madison. Wis., M. Sievena Point 13. ' Amiga Id, F«an1 dli'I.ao 17, o»bkosb 18. "llaiaaii Heurts." (haitocrn (Jay Hlmuions, mgr.) —New Orleans,- La., 'I HIT. "Hot Okl Time," (sub Hill's (Hurry Hill, mgr.) — Moralialllow lu.. 14, Ill's Molne* Iri-IT. "Heart of Trxns" (Allan Villulr, mgr.)— Belle- •vue, 0.. 14,'Crrallne 13, Marlmi 17. "linns IbsMst 7 ' (Jn*. T- McAlpIn, mar.)— K1- dorado. Kan., II. Yates Cenler I-'. Lii Hans. III. l.du 17, Frcilnnla 10, Neodesba W, , A 1 "«J 1 ',"»J 21. Osweini 22. Ktla 33, Scaiainoii 24, west Mluei'ul 23. .... "Holly Toltv" LIns, >f, (iuittsi. tngr. (--Colum- bus, O., 12-11, Olncliinall 18-24. I Irwin. May HCilwurd II. Sillier, aigr.)— N. T. i'ity 12. Indellnlii-. rnahi ~- lllulr, mgr. I— N. Y. Cliy 19-24. Tufa) .Wedding," (Vntrul;' -Snlllvaa, Harris A: Woisls' (Gary McAOow, mar.)— Olovolsnil. O., 12.17, Toleilo 18-21. ColuniMis '" Kullalmry _ |H.,8t- Jose|)h. Mo„ 10-23. 1 1. ,8hivveuort, Main)ball.''rt»:. 17; nto- '.Maes.. 12-17. Plltailchl 19-21. "FaUl Wtdillux." H a s in a. Dahlias, C .W. Llttlelleid and IU0 sinoto- Cj , nH ., ltl .,.,. rrmiklc Uerc Orady, mgr.)— Sow Bed- Woods' I IV. 'S. Salisbury, _ai. Bt L P iFAYETTE. (C. M. Bagg, manager).— Tbe njjfiit utn Tnnm' A (Jos.-.n Farrell. mgr.) — Kentucky Holies this week. Al. Beeves HIS sioux Falls. H. Dak.. 12-17. Yuuklau 10. 29, Beauty Show next week. Transatlantic Kx- sioux Cliy. la.. 21-2::. travaaaaxa Co. wus well- rewarded. Conruy & Mack— Akrou. 0.. 13-17. NOTE*. Walter S. Baldwin, who has re- curls Dramatic -IM. II. Carts. aaa\V— Wt4frffma, -Dallas. 15, Tciiii'Kuuo, Ark. Sulllvaa Tn., . I 1 '. .K.m.. 12. 13. Uurnes II. lllftoii 10. 17, Be- lolt lft-'M DetiSJos 21. 22, C.lasiM 33. 21. ' Iter »t Williams Stock IIP, it. Culler k J.JW. cnilv recoverisl from a severe liluess, was the guest of honor at a banliuet .tendered by h J AL MtSM**" ■»' • • JL- -'B*! thg^rBdav Carndl Comedy (Ion Carroll, ingr.)— Hlntoii, W. Stanfords and pictures furnished the sunaay 15-17. St. Albans 19-21. I.yrtum entertalninent 11, and al the Actio- c rouusiy (Btrunuan k Cuuimlngs. mgrs.) ouiy there unpeaied Kddle Tliorn. Beldon nn vr ^ Jtni .„„, Gfl f. , 3 . 17 . Hnuniiinu, Walter Doebm, Dolly Bland and cothste Dramatic (C. W. Wallls. mgr.)— Onl. n'cturcs. Xebv,, 12-14, Uurwcll 13-17, ScotU 19-21, - - *- Loun 22. 33. ' '■■ . Crollus Htock. Joseph J. Flyiin's (8. L. Martin, MAP OF NEW YOHK CITY. ^7^* a™*— Balb! Me.. 12-17. Rockland 19 24. ——^—~ "County Chairman." Eaateru (Ileury W. Savage, The passenger department. of the^New Tart ' ^^SSSm^%i&i nP*. «"».'• "Fatal Wtatdbig." Western, Sulllvaa. Ilurrla i Wolsfs' (E- T. Zlegler. mgr.)— San I.flla Obis- 1»..' CaL. 14'. Salinas ,15. hsiiia Croa Id,- Sin Josv 17. Oakland .21. 25, Woodland 20. .La at Aulnim 27. Ilrass Vulb'y 2S. "Faust," Potter J. Willie's— Bnoiii', la., II. Lincoln 18, Klrkavllle. Mo.. HI, Macon 17. "From Ilsira lo Blela-s." Jo-epb Honlk-y (M. It. Meyers, mgr.)— Brooklyn. X. Y.. 12-17, Newark, X. J.. 10-21. . „ ... "For' His Broilicr's Crluie" Kin. N. Bellinger, mgr.) — Montreal. Cbii., 12-17. "l'lo-tory fllrl," Kastem ll'lul II. lute, uigr.)— Hoboki-n. X. J.. 1114. Brooklyn. N. Y.. 19-21. "Fin- Mother's Sake," B«»eo A Holland's (Wm. l'oftle Jr.. mgr.)— Eugene, Ore., t4, S.lern l.r, (Vutrttlla ii'-.-'- ' £«..,, i^ m.si in er.i 28. ' "lluidaan Speurs, Blsbee "Funny Side Fa., lu. "Fuat'Ufe b) New York" (A. IT. Wood*, ugr.l— Sorlngiiald. Mass.. 13-14. Hartford. Cuoo.. 13- t7. jirser Clry. X. J., 19-24. "Furtane tluntor"— Omaha, Ncbr,, P.*. II. huiuai City, Mo.. 18-24. ■ "Faust"— Toronto, Can.. 13-1 1. U "In ibe iiiinduw 'of 1lio llulloits" (Mnrgan 1). Wil- son, mgr.)— Auburn. N. Y-, l,V..V, ll '*, l ,Vf!!! , l'!' u !~ Ml. Carbouditt) 17, Hctsiiloii 10-31. Wllkwbarra "la Convict's Hlrloci"— KvainUlh'i Ihd.. 17. J Jefferson, Thomas— MarsUalllowii. la.. •'•, . h Jcff-rsun, j(«eoh J., and William «.— DulutU, JeiivOTiliV Ireue, Sl.s-ii frl.eo. Hoffimun, uigr,)— flail. Can., 12-17, Randan 10-Jl. • ■'James Boys lo Mlsaourl" ll'raiik "aMolo. uwr.) -Marshall. Tea.. 14, llti.toii.Lu.. L'- •'*"«''* " • Te«., ID. Texurkuns. Ark., 17. Hot SprliiKS IB. Llltk- Itack 20, Marlaiiim 21. Joncauoio ... 'Meaiplds. Teaa., 811. Naslivllle 24. "Jerrv from Kerry," Palb'ii **'" , J. r ' r "r *i . M burg. Can.. 13, Blilgtlown t^,****" ,'• Ix-uinliiatnn 13,.- AiilfioHttmrg In. ttssrg I*. Tlllbury 20, Detroit,' Mich., 1-28. Keii.lall, Bars i uvnirr . w. "■»•- ' ■ si-nli, Mo,. 14. Ksasaa WM. .. Kcllur. nurry— KamasTCIty. Jl °'' '' »V„skecon Kennedy, James (O. E. Wee, ingr.l— Muskegon. Mich.. IMS. Jaekion. W-'Jl. v „ Kariull, Dot fJ. C.'Wellh. mgr.)— Borer. X. «-i 1217'. Uatll. Maim... 19'3I. .... „,„., Keith Stock (Del Lawrtiu». mar.)— Uood Bivtr. Or*.. 13.1 7. Ofldnuilala 10-31- 1006 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembeb 17. Keller Stock (A. M. Keller, tngr.)— Ooodlnml. Knu., 121*. Oakley 15-17, Uoxle 18-21. U1U City 22-24 "Kntsenjamm'er Kids" (Blondell ft Fennesay. mem.)— Terr* Haute, lnd.. 10. IT. Richmond 20. Knlghtstoiru 21, Conellsilllc 22, Dsyton, 0., 23-28. ft tortus, Cecelia (Daniel Frohman, tngr.)— S. T. City 12-17, Laekare, Wilton (Wm. A. Brady, mgr.)— Buffalo, W ^V 13*14 ■ ■ Lorlmer',' Wright— PblUdelpbla. Pa., 12-4*. Lonegan, Lester (Oeorlft H. Brennan. mgr.)— Forgo, N\ Dak.. IS, Grand Forks 17, Grafton 18, Winnipeg, Man., 22-24. Lewis, J. a (W. A. Junker. rogr.)— Northnmber. land, Pa.. 14. Mount Carmel 1ft, Shenandoah 10, Hasleton 17, Freeland IB, Slntlngton 20, l.plilghton 21, Mahanoy City 22, Asbland 28, Pnllsvllle 24. Long, Frank K., Btock (Mock Sad AW, mgr.)— Oreen Bay, Wl".. 12-17. , Lillian Lyons (Frank J. Dean, tngr.)— Lake Odessa. Mich., 1217. Mtllr 18-24. _ Lockes, Tbe (Wm. H. I^cke, mgr.)— Sterling, Kan., 12-17. Russell 10-24. -\ Lyceum Stock (K. a. Orosjean, mgr.)— Sonth Mo- lester. Ind. 'l'er., 12-17. ■ Latnnert'.i Comedians (B\ W. Lambert, mgr.)— Lucas, la.. 1.117. , I , Lyceum Comedy (At. R. Evans, mgr.)— Prairie da Sac, Wis., 1217, Sauk City 10-2*. _ _ _, "Little Princess" (Wm. Wood, mgr.)— Fall River, Mass., 2». "Lyman Twins at the Racea" (Lyman Brothers, mgra.)— Pontine, 111., 14, Hoopnton in, Dan- ville 10, Champaign 17, Peoria 18, DanyUlo (Boldlera' Home) 1», Areola 20. Pana 21. "Little Homestead" (William Macauley. mgr.)— Morgan City, La.. 1.1. Ilmima 14, Tbltsjdeans: l.'«, Donaldsonvlllc 10. t'larpiemlne 1,, Alex- andria 18, Monroe 20. Huston 21, Kl Dorado. Ark., 22. Oamden 23, Preacott 24. "Little Red School House" (J. A. West, mgr.) — Princeton, lnd.. 14. Kvansvllle 17. "Little Outcast," Geo. at aill'j (Bort Jacob}, mar.)— Uuelpb, Cun., 11, Salt IS, Hamilton 1C, 17. "Little Outcast" (R. A. Hawks, mgr.)— Bead- ing, Pa.. 12-14, HsrrtsbiirB 15-17. "Little Church Around tUe Corner" (Vance ft Snltlenu. mgra.)— Ellaabeth, N. J., 10, 17, Philadelphia, l'n„ 18-24. . ,„ „ . . "I.ost llov," Edward fflondcH'a — Bhenaodoali, Pa.. 14. Freclond 10, Sbaraokln IT, Harris- burg 18-21, Mbauon 22, Columbia 23, York 24. "Loulslsns"— Clevelsiul, 0., 12-17. • "Light House Bobbery 1 ' (K. T. JCrwood, mgr.)— Dover. Del., 12. Hurrluglou 13, Lanrel 14, Crlaueld, Md., 15-17, Princess Ann 18-21. M Mansfield, Richard (B. D. Sterena, mgr.)— New- ark, N- J„ 12-U. . . «, May, MM (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— N. I. City 12. Indefinite. .. _ Mack, Andrew (Rich ft Harris, mgra.)— N. Y. City 12-24. . . Miller. Henry (Charles Froliman. mgr.)— Lan- caster, In,, in, Harrlshurg lit, Trenton, N. J., IT, N. Y. Oily 10-24. , ilsun, Louis (0. II. Dillingham, mgr.)— M. Y. City 12-1T. . ... Murphy, Timothy (T. E. Saunders, mgr.)— Min- neapolis, Minn., 11-14, Si. Paul 1017, Chicago, 111.. 18. Mantell, Robert B. (Max Zoellner, mgr.)— N. Y. City 12-24. . _ ,_. Jturphy. Joseph (George Kcnney, mgr.) — Gntves- ton, Tex., 14, Austin 10, San Antonla 18, Kl Paso 20, Tucson, Arix., 21, Pbomtx 22, Los Angeles, Cal., 20-31. Murray ft Mack (Ullle Mack ft Joseph W. Speara, mgrn.) — Waco, Tex., 14, Oorslcana 10, Fort Wm Hi 10, Dallas 17, Bbrerejiort, La„ 18, Tyler, Tex., 10, McKluney 20, Denlson 21, Greenville 22, ltonliain 23, Gslnesvllle 24, Okla- homa City. Gala., 23, 20, Guthrie 2T, Shawnee 28, Ardmore, lnd. Ter., 28, Denton 30. McAvoy, Dan — Hurtford, Conn., IT. Melville, Roue (J. It. Stirling, mgr.)— San Fran- slsco. Cal.. 11-24, Sacromenlo 25, 20, San Jose 2T, San Lula Obispo 28, Santa Barbara 28. Pomona 30, Pasadena 31, Mason mid Mason (llroailburat ft Ourrle, mgra.) —Denver, Colo.. 11-17, MeAullfTe, Jerc (Col. Wlllard 8Unton, mgr.)— Lowell, Maaa., 12-17, Paternou, N. J., 10-24. Myrkle-Harder Stock, Eastern (W. It. Harder. mgr.)— Bangor, Me., 1217, Augusta 18-21, Bath 22-24. Myrkle-Harder Stock, Western (Eugene J. Hall, mgr.) — Mlddlctown, Conn., 12-17, Naugatuck,: 10-24. Mortimer. Charles (F. P. Keith, mgr.)— Parkers Landing, Pa.. 12-17, North East 10-24. Marks Stock (Tom Marks, mar.)— Edmonton, AHa, Can., 12-24, Calgary 2B-S1. Marks Bros. (Jon Marks, ragr.)— Brentford, Can., 12-17, lngersoll 18-24. ,_ _ „ __ Marks Bros.. May A Bell Marka (R. W. Marks, mgr.)— Barre. VL, 1217. Berlin. N. U.. 18-24. Murriiy ft Hockey's (John J. Murray, mgr.) — Danville, Pa., 1214, Sunbury 15-17, Lancaster 111-24. Myers. Irene, Big Stock (Will H. Myers, mgr.)— Norrlstown. Pa., 12-17. ... mm _ Uyers. Will 'It.. Stock (81m Allen, mgr.)— Mead- vllle, Pa., 12-17, Oharlcrol 10-24. Malhes. Clura— Medicine Hat, N. W. T., Can., 12-17. Lclhbrlilge 10-24. ' . . May, Vi-roa (II. A. Du Bols, mgr.) — Cbsrlerol. Pa., 1B17. Mong, William V. (Oeo. 1. Curtis, mgr.)— Mc- Httury. N. Dak.. 12, 13. Cooperatown 14, Val- ley. City 10, 17. Mason, Lillian, Stock (N. M. Vedder, mgr.)— Oreat Bend, Kan., 12-17. tlolalngton 10-24. McDonald Stock (George W. McDonald, mgr.)— Mens, Ark.. 12-17. Fort Smith 19-24. Mack ft Armour's Comedlaru (Obas. Drew Mack, mgr.) — Odanah, Win., 12. Iroimood, Mich., 13, Ilpsarmer 14, Rblnelander, Wis., 15-17. Molaii-Miigratb (Jas. A. Mugraib, Ihih. mgr.)— Carbonado, Wash., 12-17, Ortlng 18-2S.. Maxatn ft Sights' Ooinedlnna (J. W. Sights, mgr.) --Oakps, N. Dak.. 12-17, Olaremint, S. Dak., 18-21, Andover 22-24, Murray Comeily (Charles Lamb, mgr.) — Lexing- ton, Ky.. 12-17. Melville Dramatic (M. Melville, mgr.) — Oreen- wood. Ark.. 12-17. Splro, lnd. Ter., 10-21, l'oteau 22-24. Mack, Ben F.. Stock— Itumford Falls, Me.. 12-17, Watcrvllle 10-24. Murray. W. 8. (Arthur Barney, mgr.)— Hinsdale, N. It, 12-14. Meiroiwlltnn Stork. Stsuley's (William Rtanfonl, nier.) — Wim-heater. Ky., 12-14, Frankfort 18- IT, Danville 18-24. Mnttlce Stm., mgni.) — N. Y. City 12-Jan. 7. "Muud Mullet" (I.. D. Dloudell, mgr.)— Blalrs- vllle. Pa.. 14. Somerset 15, (lallltiln 10, Bnrnealioro IT, lloutailalc 18, Tyrone 20. "Mooushluer'H Daughter." Eastern (W. F. Mann, mgr.)— East Liverpool, O., 15, Wcllsvllle Id, Youiigstown 17, Whirling, W. Va., 18-21, In- dlanapollH, Iliil.. 22-24. •'Moousliliier's Daughter," Western and Southern (Frank Doilge, mgr.) — Rewsrd, Nebr., IS. Fre- mont 10, Wshoo 17. Neola, la., 18, Atlantic 10, Red Oak 20. Creston 21, Osceola 22, Albla 23, Oi'iitervllle 24. "My Wife's Family" (I. Beldenberg, mgr.)— Ken- ton, O., 14, Bellefontalne 10, Marysvllle 18, Findlay 17. "Midnight Flyer" tKd. Anderson, mar.)— Win- chester. Ky., 15, Richmond 10, Sbelbyvllle 17, New Albany, lnd., 10, Owrnaboro, Ky., 20. ItnsBCllvllle 21, ltcvrllug Green 22, Rarllngton 23, I'aducab 24. "Me. Him nnd I." Iturllg ft Scamon's (Edwin J. Colin, mgr.)— Brooklyn. N. Y.. 12-24. "Missouri Qlrl," Eastern (Freew uneans, i.a.. jn-s-*. ., Tnr h ■ , if . -- w ^ \7 nr— a n.. i,'« "8lnhad" Ous Hill's (Thomss R. Henry, mgr.) jSgoftB jj£ g™ 1 ""- Wm - A " Brldj * 'Way of th^ Transgressor," Charles H. Yale's — Toronto. Can., 12-17, Montreal 18-24. "Struggle for Gold" (Joseph Martlno, mgr.)— Syracuse, N. V.. 12-14. Rochester 15,17. Scrariton. Pa.. 12-14. WllkesUsrre 15-17, Cam- den. N. J.. 18-21. Wilmington, Del:, 22-24. /'Miss Bob White" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) — Ashland. (I., 14, Portsmouth 15, 1 ronton lu Jsckson 17, Huntington 19, Galllpolle 20, Nt-1- Oregory. mgr.) — Fsrlhoult, Minn., 14, Msnk«iu mount 23, Morgautown 24, "Mother Goose'-' (Klaw ft Erlanger, mgrs.)— Wsshlagtob, D. C. 12-24. "Maid and the Mummy" (Charles Marks, mgr.) — Miincle, lnd., 14, Anderson 15, Indlansnolls 10. J7, St._I/MiIs. Mo., 18-24. ip Girls," , Hsrrls- "SbudowK on the Hearth" (Arthur 0. Alstos, mgr.)— BntTalo. N. Y.. 12-17. nurrs.)— Oakland. Cat, 12-19, San Francisco "SI Stebbihs" (Dan Darlelgh ft Bob Mack, mgrs.) 10-91 Snuln nsrlwir* \> r . t,-., , [ ^i .. ,i u.n-._ii,_ .« .(|._ 19-24, Santa Barbara 2IS. "Out of tbc Fold" (Henry B. Marks, mgr.)— Streatnr, 111.. 14, Clinton 15, Decatur 10, Uloomluglon 17. "On the Bridge at Midnight," Eastern (Frank Gatxolo, ragr.) — Baltimore. Md.. 12-17. "On tbe Bridge st Midnight. Western (Frank ifouolo. mgr.) — Falrlmry, Nebr., 14, Bastings 15, York 10, Falls City 17. "Old Arkansaw," Fred Raymond's (Merle II. Norton, mgr.) — Bryan, (>., 14, Wsoseon 10. NniKileon 10. Ottawa 17, T^lpsle 19. Findlay 20. Nr.rtli Baltimore 21, Bowling Green 22. Kenton 2.1, Carey £4. "Only a Shop Olrl," 1-ottle Williams (H. H. Wln- chell. mgr.)— Chicago, lit, 11-17, Milwaukee, Wis,, 18-24. "Old Farmer Hopkins" (Frank 8. Davidson. mgr.) — Hlgb Point, N. 0., 14, Burlington 15, Wilson 1C. Golilsboro 17, Kinstou 10, Green- ville 20, Washington 21. Edonton 22, Torboro 23, SmlthUetd 24. "On Thanksgiving Day" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgrs.)— Norfolk, Va., 12-17, Richmond 18-24. F Patton, W. B. (J. M. Stout, mar.)— Taylor, Tex — East Liverpool, O., 14, SallneTille 15, Min- erva 10. Alliance 17, Barberton 20, Canton 21, Lisbon S3. Beaver Falls, Pa., 24. "Stringe Al l ien tar es of Amos Steeter" (Robert Graff, mgr.) — Harrlsborg, Pa., 12-14, Tyrone 10, McKeesport 10, Connrllsvllle 17, Akron, 0„ 19-21. "Showman's Daughter" — Akron, 0., 12-14. "Slaves of the Orient," Marlon March (At 9. Uvans, mgr.) — Portsmouth, 0„ 19, Indefinite. "Span of Lire" (Louis Donatetta, mgr.) — Chicago, lit, 18-24. T lliornpson. Denman (Frank Thompson, mgr.) — Philadelphia, Pa., 20-Jan. 7. Tangnay, Eva (F. M. Narcross, mgr.) — Milwau- kee, Wis., 15-17, Kansas City 18-21, Mlnneapo- Anamosa, In.. 10, Maquokrta 17. "Why Women Sin," Eastern, M. W. Taylor's (At McLean, mgr.)— Toledo. O., 11-14, Chlcsgo, 111., 18-31. "Why Women Sin," Western, M. W. Taylor's (J. Peggy from Paris" (Henry W. Savage, ragr.)— Springfield. III., 15. Jacksonville 10, Alton 17. "Prince of Pllsen" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) Richmond. Va.. 14. Roanoke 1ft, Knoiville, Teuu., 10, Chattanooga 17, Atlanta, Qa., 19-24. B. Mnrray, mxr.— HUlsboro^ Tex,, 147cieburne ^ Ai a "»., °2-24. Wnlt,lcT ' "* ft > *■ "Princess Chic" (Frank Burrell, mgr.) — Yakima. Wash., 12, Ellenbnrg 13, Tacoma 14, Victoria, B. C, 15, Vaucouver 10, New Whatcom, Wa«j 17, Seattle 19-21, Olympla 22. Portland, Ore' 23. 24, Baker City 20. Bols;-, Ida., 27. "Professor Napoleon" (B. Wade Davis, mgr.) — Dayton, o., 10, 17. "Queen of the Jungles" (Weber ft Collins, mgrs.) — Canlon, O., 14. Russell, Lillian (Sam S. Shubert. mgr.) — Haiti- more, Md.. 19-22, N. Y. City 24, indefinite. "Royal Chef" — Waukegan. 111., 19, Battle Creek, Mich., 21. Grand Baplds 22, Jackson 23. "Runawoya" (Sam S. Shubert. mgr.) — Victor. Colo.. 14, Cripple Creek 15, Pueblo 10. Colo- rado Springs 17, Denver 18-24. 15. Wnxabachle 10. Tyler 17, Wilson 18, Psles- tlne 19. Long View 20, Pittsburg 21, Terrell 22. Dallas 23, Paris 24. "Wife's Secret" (Spencer ft Aborn, mgrs.) — Brooklyn. N. Y., 12-17. "Waif of the Sierras" (0. B. Whitney, mgr.)— Columbia,' Pa., 14, Waynesboro 15. Carlisle 10, CUnmbersburg 17. Frederick. Md., 19, Win- chester, Vs., 20. Piedmont, W. Va., 21, Elklns 22, Davis 23. Thomas 24. "Wei ^^^ gtock-St. Charles. Mich.. 12- 24. That Little Swede" (Hampton ft Hopkins, mgrs.) —Maryvllle, la., 14, Atchison, Kan., 13, Lea- venworth 10, Topeka 17. "Sho-Gun" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— N. Y.'dty 12. indefinite. "Sap Toy" (John C. Fisher, mgr.)— Kansas City, Mo.. 11-14, St Joseph 15, Lincoln, Nehr., }». Sioux City, la., 17, Sioux Falls, S. Dak., i2' Ornuba. Nebr., 19-21, MarshaUtown, la., 22, Cedar Rapids 23. Ottumwa 24. Strollers" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.) Vouiigitown, O.. 14, New Castle, Pa., 15, Sharon 10, Bearer Falls 17. East Liverpool. 0.. 19, Steubeoville 20, New Philadelphia 21, Oy- shocton 22, Cambridge 23, Sislerrllle, W. Va., "Show Girl" (B. 0. Whitney, mgr.)— Los An- geles Cal 11-17, San Diego 10, Santa Anna 20, San Bernardino 21. Riverside 22, Red- oJ ?"?><•, Pasadena 24, Bakersflold 25, Fresno 2,°', 9. , , klaI " 1 27 « Stockton 28, Sacramento 29, Red Bluff 30. Salem. Ore., 31. il','l n f ,'J l , aBd l! aukevllle, nigp.)— Lewiston, Me., 12-14, Bangor 15-17. Portland 10-2«. " i LXfMo! tt 19. 2 i Qe0rge R ' ' WWte> "*'■>-**■ "Qulncy Aiiams Sawyer," Central (W. G. 8nell- 'Texas Bteer" (M. Rice, mgr.)— Council Bluffs, lng, mgrs.)— Atlanta, Qa., 14, 15, Anlston, •Ia'„ 14, Plnttstuouth, Nebr., 16, Lincoln 17, Ala., 18, Montgomery 17. Kansas City, Mo.. 18-24. "Qulncy Adams Sawyer." Western (Frank M. "Tried for Her Life" (W. H. Hout, mgr.)— Bur Morgan, mgr.)— Hastings. Nebr.. 14. Clsy Urigtou, la., 14, Galesburg. HI., 15, Peoria 19, 14, Saginaw 15-17, Bay City 18-21. "York State Folks" (Fred E. Wright, mgr.)— St. Paul, Minn.. 11-14, Minneapolis 15-17. "Yon Yonaon" (E. V. Giroux. mgr.)— Seattle, ™J»I> t0 Chinatown" (A. W. Deckerman, mgr.)— Wash.. 11-17. Vancouver. B. C, 18. , Dayton. O. (Soldiers' Home). If. "Your Neighbor's Wife" (M. L. KUIs, mgr.)— Tenderfoot." No. 1 (W. W. Tillotson, gen. Outer, Kan.. 15, Junction City 10, Manhattan 'Teh Nights In a Bar Room" (Mitchell ft Law 17, McPheraon 18. "Queen or tbe White Slaves," Eastern (A. It Woods, mgra.) — Ottawa, 0., 14, Plqua 15, Hau llton 10, Richmond, lnd.. 17. Atlanta, 111., 12, llllopolla 13, Princeton 14, Petersburg 15, Besrristown 17, Astoria 18, In- dustry 20, Macomb 21, Colchester 22, Augusta 23. man, mgrs.)— Urbane, o., 14, London 15, "Young Tobe Hoxle" — Sandusky, 0., 18. Saginaw Cedartllle 10, Xenla 17, "Queen of tbe White Slaves," Western (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Buffalo, N. Y., 12-IT, Roches- tar 18-21, Syracuse 22-24. R Rtmsell, Annie (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — N. Y. Oily 12, indefinite. Rebaii, Ada (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.) — Toledo, O., 14, Zunesvllle 15, Wheeling, w. Va., 10, Ak- "Two Orphans" (Bennett-Buhler Co.. mgra.) — Newkirk, Okla., 14. Blackwell 15, Medford 10, Pond Creek IT, Hennessey 18, Kingfisher 20, Guthrie 21, Perry 22, Oklahoma City 23, Nor- man 24. Trip to Africa" — Steubcnvllle, O., 14, Wheeling, W. Vs.. 16-1T. mgr.) — Philadelphia, Pa., 12-24. 'Tenderfoot." No 2 (w . w . Tmot jon, gen. mxr.)— Duluth, Minn., IT. ^"{""dMord. Grace (p . Ziegfeld Jr., mgr.)— JJilkesbarre. Pa., 12, Scranton 13, Blngbauiton. mS&iFSS*' x • Bochester Mich., 23, Jackson 24. Grand Rapids 25. "Younger Brothers" (A. A. Jack, mgr.) — Toronto, , O., 14, East Palestine 15. Beaver Falls 10, Wills Musical Comedy (John B. Wills mer )— Rochester 17, East Liverpool, 0., 18, Wells- White Plains, N. Y., 13, 14. Yonkers 15-17. vllle 20. Wssblngton. Ps., 21, Belle Vernon "Winsome Winnie" (Sam S. Shubert row )— 22, Couuellavllle -23, Monongahela 24. Hiirullton. Can., 14, London 15 Woodstock 10 MUSICAL. ..., 0,,e !P h 17 - Philadelphia, Pa., 18-24. "Woodland" (Henrv W. S Rentfrow's, J. N., Jolly Pathflnders — Cumber- land, Mil., 13-17. Conuellsvllle, Pa., 19-24. Ruby Stock— Laconla, N. n,, 12-17, Rockford, Me., 19-24. "Running for Office," George M. Cohan's— Brook- lyn, N. Y„ 12-17. Washington, D. 0., 19-24. "Runaway Match, 1 ' Clint and Bessie Bobbins (Chase ft Lister, mgrs.)— Wichita, Kan.. 15. "Romance of Coon Hollow" (A. C. Allen, mgr.) — Perry, la.. 14, Cedar Rapids 15, Iowa City 10, Clinton 17, Mollne Hill 18, Oentervllle. la.. "Uncli ^ Tom's "CabiL."' Stetson's. Western (Wm. 7liT."l2, Indefinl't" ""° bmin ' ■W-)-Chlcago, 'Ste'&SttLFLltmi- ■■ '^SbmStwE f?* 7 Zl ™™«> fc. mgr.)- *««;«. Sam-Boslon. Mass. 12-IT. N. Y. City "^••s. ,4 H..2rn.!' a 7o. 1B S.^^ro^ ^llJ'lt feift OStS. "S^? '^StSJSt^^S^'^^* ' •'f!f K lvt s M^2o.«=r eB •- 1 ■•-• , - S5SI^'« ^w£^££T£. V %&%KJK£. l Z n it£.W iD h ■»•>- KfS- ) .,T 1 , , n n ^. t 5f'„9??A" i*. wVlllngford 15, S^by^^.uvls.ntgr.,- ^^^^S^^J. *g 5mlZ Z ^Z • M18 *" • w ^- 1 ' E i c ? l i5 ,B P Eri < Fr » n * T. Klntalng. mgr.)— mi's.)— Manchester? Conn., 14, Wal V „,.,.„ Jn 0rt n ^ ,3rn ?:. lnd " "• Postorln. 0.. IS, Kenton „ Danbury 10, White Plains V Y. -Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (J. K. «•,?"!»« ". Dayton 19-21, lndlanapoils7lnd, Q »^H 0rnin 8 GlocIe » (Scrlbner ft Dre -™«.i.. uJgr.)— Providence, R. L, 1217, Bos- _.«-2*-- St. Louis, Ma„ 1117, Kansas City ib-zs. lotdon ft Bennett'a ton, Mass., 10-24. ■_ rJ5jP°?S' Or chM,ra .T Sprln * fl ' Id - 8- D««-. 14. a °Z. Masqneradera (Jos. H. Barnes, mgr.)— onsselaer, lnd., 14. Van Dyke ft Eaton (F. Mack, mgr.)— Fort {£"«« IS. Wagner 18. Avon 17, Scotland. 19. Washington, D. O., 12-17, Pittsburg Pa.7l9-24. 10, Marlon 17 B Wayne. lnd., 12-17. Zaneavllle. O.. lMj, £?""?"' »>• Armonr 21, Parkston 2? Mltchel 01obe Varle, J (W. C. Weber, mgr;)— Fort Plnju ir 21, Richmond 22. Vemoa Stock BenJ. B. Vernon, mgr.)— C yde. N. 23. Mount Vernon 24. sssa-assss j, Y 1D B ,„, t ^ Fort Edward 21. Sandy Y., 12-14. Geneva 16-17. Blngbamton 19-24. "Fantana," Jefferson De Angells (Sam S ft Lm> "'" ** "-- " *'" ~~" Gordon ft Bennett'a Van Dyke Lyric Theatre (n. Walter Van Dyke. Bhuhert. nigra.) —Chicago, III., ii. Indefinite .)— Marietta, O.. 14. maT.I— St Joseph. Mo.. 12. Indefinite. I orhltlden Land" (Dearborn Theatre Co., mm.) 0. Alllsuce 20. Salem "Virginian." Duatln Farnum (Klrke La 8helle, —Columbus. O.. 14. 8prlngflcld 10. Whcelliiir a.vr^,.„v \'rZ^->^ 14 ' i0B ^0^^^ in, Ottumwa 20, Oskalooaa 21, Des Moines 22- Van. Bill B.— Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (J. K. "•, p| a tta 17 - Dayton 10-21, Indianapolis, lnd., OV Morning Glories (Scrlbner ft Drew, mgrs.)— 24. •Roberts, mgr.)— Providence, R. I., 1217, Bos- _„23-24. * «~ -» fit Louis, Ma„ 11-17, Kansas City 18-24. "Boval Slave," Notthern, Gordon ft *"- - ' "*" ""■'* * ' ' ■ ' " —- - •"_««, (Teddy Thomas, mgr.) — Rensselaer, Frankfort 16, Montleello 10. Anderson 24^ ' «.-—--. .««. i ~«~. fc^i T6-'lT'."Bl'ngna"m'tonT9-24." "Fantana," Jefferson'De Angells (Sam 8. ft Lee — Hlu 22r>aTr'nriTen"!br'^Tiit^na' "Ilflvnl ftlrtTO " ^oiithorn *»--■-- m. ~* — ** a— ■ - — ■ ». h \ nt.t (H. M. Itlacksllcr, mgr,] WiHXlstleld 15. Toronto 19, Alllsuce i-u. tsaiem "Virginian. - uusiin rui-uum iivirm- i^a ouenr, — ^;-i«;, y„ n. onnngneM 10, Whecllntr 21, East Jordan 22, Bellalre 23, Butler, Pa„ mgr. )— Galveston. Tex.. 12, Houston IS, 14, §i W. Va., 17. PhlladMphla. Pa„ 10-24. High Rollers (Woodhull ft WaWron, mgrs.)— To- ledo. p.. 11-17. Cleveland 19-24. Irwin's •"» ™.«— »,.——, , — ._ — 24 "Rachel Goldstein" (James It Rhodes, mgr.) — RrllHtrc. u.. 14. Slstervllle, W. Va.. 13. St. Marys 10, I'arkersliurg 17. "Race for Life," Sullivan. Harris ft Woods' (Uvn Victor, mgr, )— -Jersey Oily, N. J.. 12- 17, Elliahelh 19. Brldveport. Ooun., 20, 21, New Haven 22. 24. "Rip VSn Winkle" (W. A. Kllcr, ragr.)— Bedfont la.. 14, Creston 13, Corning 10, Clarlnda IT. Tarklo, Mo.. 19. "Rabbit's I'oot" (Pat Chapttellc. mgr.)— Black- Vllle, S. 0., 14, Bsruwell 15. Dennars 18, HummervUle 17, Cbsrlejitou 19, Beaufort 20. Bavanbab. Ga., 21, Darlen 22, Brunswick 23. Solhern, E. H...ani Julia Marlowe (Charles Froh- uao, tugr.) — Boston, Maaa., lt'24, Austin 16, Corslcsna 10, Fort Worth 17, Dal las 19, Shrevennt. la.. 20. Texarkana. Ark.. 21, Hot Springs 22, Plue Bluff '23, tittle Rock 24. "Vivian's Papas." Blanche Ring and Harry Conor v^'lo 15 ,'? 8 . b ,? w (Fred lrwln ' mgr.)— Troy, N. Y., 10-21, Albany 22-24. '"Mf^ala (Williams & Burns, mgrs.)— Kansas tHii^fita^s "ii ?^!>*'»e 'i8.™K'tng«on 201 In "£ c «' t "'slusr (T. W. DlnWns,' mgr. Wscksoo. BcllcWHe Jl, Guclpb 22, Berlin 23, Stratford 3f a "-^ 1 ?. l'u"oo. Ky., 15, cllro. 111.. 18, 3, \ «_ ._ . CarboudabS 17. East 8t. Louis 18. Jeraerrllle "Fortune Teller" (Milton ft" Sargent Aborn m m .)-Q«ebee. C.t... 12-14. Slierbrioke lo! (F. K. McKsy ft Stewart Llthgow. rngrs^)— fliswl Opera (Hclnrlch Conrled, mgr.)— N. Y. J°- Beardstown 20, Canton 21, Pekln 22, Bloom Syraucee. N. Y.. 12-14, Rochester 15-17, Mon- City 12, Indefinite. ^ ' "' "" lugtou 23, Clinton 24? Walsh, Blanche (Wagenhals ft Kemper, mgrs.)— Cblcafo. III.. 12-2T n i T "-I', Mrs.)— Lincoln. Nebr.. 14. Omaha 15- Kentucky Belles (Wkallen Bros., mgrs.)— Buffalo, 17. Bloux «lly, la.. 19. Des Moines 20, St. N- Y.. 12-IT. Rockesler 19-24. Jimeph, Ma. 31. Kansas City 22-24. Lafayette, the Great (T. G. Lafayette, mgr.}— ' Wanle, Frederic*, and Kathrrn Kl*kt (Wages). "GlrMroa PUie" (George a. Ktujpbory. rngt.) Dayton, jj^t, jfcjy.... December 17. THE NEW lYOilK CXiIPPER. 1007 ..._. midena (Butler, Jacobs & Lowry, Bin.) "^tensxTn*-, »■». Milwaukee. Wis., 18-24. ■Tin" '"In. «|r.)-8prlnsfclrtr, C- Cm., 1217. WnalpHL .JUil, 18*14. ■ ■■ Knjt^-ftSCbta B»io>r-u ^cjle Trio. Jiek'a. i»lea», f2*17. Plarjorle. Mir. Pittsburg, 15-17. Madison. Vlctnrli. S V a. .12-17. Clin. , Proctor'*. Kewitk, N. J.. 12-17. ft illrtell, o. II., Lancaster, Fa.. 12- Battle A.BaWersj. Poll's, Hartford, Caon., 12-17. Barry. Mr., and Mrs. Jlnsmle, Victoria, N. Y. ft, Barker,' World's. Pastor's. N. Y. C, 11-17. '. Polt'a, .Butted, Coin., 1217, Blsteri (.1). A. ft R. Boston, 1317. _ "" "i Troupe, Foil's. SprluBtletd, Sliss.. 12-17. Hfar, ltaiillluu, Can., 12-17; Shea's, tiirtls & Nelson, Orphenni, Lran, Ui»l.. 121T. IlinM. Mildred. Proctor's. Albany. N. T., 12* Toronto. Can., • 10-21. Dally Slate Dwianii Tr DT*:it'a. Toronto. T . Dalian, Patriot, Orplieoai. Linn. }ls«s.. 13-17. Daswtjl, Aorle. New Redfonl. Mis*.. 1247. 11)11. OHO P.. Otpi«im>, SfyrlnirneM. O.. lj-l.. Angeles, oil, iii'j.cii. U)»H\r. rtwtw'i. fagx. {.-. "•". Hirrls, Tommy. ItemhatMn. .Norfolk, \j.. 12-17, « roclor'a 9th At*., Orphean, l/os Parisian Widows (Bush IWRI a l | %Sr- * iS«W |f*~* 13-17. CaUMaWV in.. l»-2*. fatgett Slitt-rs. LonlivMe, K»., 12-17. n i Ir ?7 Al-ClereUiii, 0.. 12-17. Boflito. N. JaW Loop, W> , Crystal? Muskegon, kith.. 12 no*e Hlli*Eugllsb Foltt (Rice ft Barton, mm.)— Barrows. James O.. Keith's. Boston, 18-17. ^wankee? Wis., 11-". Mlaneipofli, Ulna., Barry ft Wilson;, rroctor's. Albany, N. Y., 12*17, lS-24. Brntt'saitlry (Abe .LeiTltt, mgr.) -Chicago, 111. 1 117 Detroit. Midi., 18-21. nice A 'Barton's Big Oalety— Cincinnati, 0., 11 17 Louisville, Ky.. 1H-24. Ito«a' Srdell'e London .Belles (W. 8. Campbell, Bernstetni, The, Crystal, Ctlpple Creek, Col., 12 msr.)— Toronto., Can.. 1217. ' 17; Cryetal. U^llle, 1»» L ;8*n Vrnh.. H>-M^ u . „. „ ^ Barrett, llirlorie, 8(ar. Pltnaborg, 12-17. Barnes. Stuirt, 0. O. U.. PJttsbarg, 12-17. Bartletta, Jluaical, Orpheum, Datanpott, la., 12 Benc'etta. Mnslcnl, Keith's. Cleielanil. 12-17. Bell ft Henry, IVwU PeotU. Ill, 12-17. De liaren. Carter. Sextette, 81 J-ouia, 12-17. De Ilnllk ft Vnlon. Harden, Uelrllle. 111., 1217. Do Mutbi, The, Procter's. Albany, 12-17. Dean*. Sydney, ft Co.. Teulple, Detroit. 12-ti. Dc Herrla, Uerlctn, Park, Worcester, Mais.. 12- Demoncllo Trio. Crystal. St. Joseph, lie. 12-17. Bay- arris. Tomniy. Herahatlnr.. . Uajiaan ft Frtrtklto. Empire. .BtUtol. •*•■ 12- .n.:"rt5«Mri)me. I.lterpool, lS-M ; llejeut, Sal- Bwnly! lusic,' Buntll Hall, Marlboro. Bam., 12- Urtrmann. AdelnMe, Monhawk, 8chenectady, N. i tfvtf Beatilt Trio, irnlque. Mlnneapolli,, 13-17 ; Bijou, Csliin-et. Mich.,' 10-24. ' ,',_. Ileclftf.. t'lia*.. Blkwi, Marinette, Wli., 12-1.; . Blk». OslikoaL. 10-24. ■ , - Bentterton, Chaa. F... ft Co.. a. 0. « , Indlanap. tlendema. Cohen ft Utodcrson, Auditorium, Mot* - Oik. Va.. 12-17. Jletbert. fleettk-. Wath.. 12-17. :H»y«eood. the Ortat. O. B.. PUIla.. 18-17. Bearn ft l«wl*. Kmplre. Colo. Bprlnga, Col., 12* Tlcer" Lilies (Scrttrier ft Drew, tngrs.)— Lotua Tllle Ky.. 11-17. St. Louis, Mo.. 18-24. Trocaderoa (0. H. Waldron, tngr.)— Paterson, N. J.. 1217. ■. V. City 18-31. ■ . . -, Thorooghbreda (t'rank B. Carr. mgr.)— Jerwj efts ■ N. J- lJ-«. Philadelphia. Pa„ 19-24. rtopians .*. Winnipeg, tj row]] Htnbl & B rowI1 u . ft S.. N. Y. 0., 12* Emensoo. Frank. Cr/stol. 81. Joseph. Mo., 12-17. 17. Brands, Ella. Victoria. N. Y. C, 1217. llrlirlit Bros., Olympic. Chicago, 10-24. Brooks ft Young, Family, E. St. Louis, Mo., 12* .17. Bradsbaw, Chas. H., ft Co., Chase's, Washing- ' ton. D. 0., 12-17 ; Girrlck, Wilmington, Del., 10-24, ITaisM.il. Oracle, 4 Co., H. ft II., Chicago. 12-17. Kinplre Clly Quartette, Victoria, N. £ C, 12- 17: Keith's. N. Y. 0.. 10-24. Empire Comedy Four. Orpheum, Denter, Col., 18- -. 24. Eugllsli Girls (4), II. A. H..- Bkln.. 12-17. Kric ft :,<>•, A. ft S,, Boston, 12*17. Krnest, Chaa., H. ft B., Chicago. 12-17. Brown Bjos. ft Lillian Wright, BIJon, Dubuuue, Esmeralda Sisters. Orplieuhi, Onuha, Neb., 18-21, la., 12-17. Bush, Frank,- Pallor's, N. Y. 0„ 12-17. Burke, John P., Athambra. Satannah. Ga., 12-17. Bulla ft Kayuiond, Bradenburgh's, Pblla.. 12-17. It fo^Q^n City iT Memnhia' fi*SE%L Burto. Jt^.* Orand. VliWi. B. C. 12-17, Burton ft BrookH. G. O. H.. Indianapolis, 12-17; Columbia. Cincinnati. 19-21. Burnett ft Weyersou, Lyccwn, Pblla., 12-17. Burke 4 Iji Rue. Temple. Detroit, 12-17. Burnli. Mr. & Mrs. Jack, Ciueograph. Spokane, 17. ., Newton 2.1, Buxton 24. Primrose. George H. (James H. Decker, mgr,)— ProTldeace. R. I.. 12-10. Quintan 4 Wall's (Dan Qulnlan, mgr.) — Hart- ford. Conn., 14, New Britain 10. WiterbUry 10, Danbury 17, Boboken, N. J.. 18-21. Blchards ft Prlngle'a (Bunco ft Holland, — Roswell. N. Mex., 14, Amarlllo, Clarendon 10, Childress 17, Quanali 20, Hobart, Okla., 21, Mongum " 23. Apache 24. Votel's (John W. Vogel, mgr.)— Berwick, Pa., 14. Plttston 15, Wllkesuarre 10. Scrantoo 17, Norwich, N. Y., 10. Oneouta 20. Hudson 21, I'bilmont 22, Troy 23, Albany 24. TENT SHOWS. Alama (W. H. Bice, mgr.)— Lufkln, Tex., 12-17, Jacksonville 10-24. _ ..«.._,- Osnida Frank's— SlUbee, Tex., IB, 16, Jasper 17. MISCELLANEOUS. Butler 4 I.amar. Gem. Uarcrhlll. Mass., 12-17. . Burt. Anna, Bijou. Dgbmiuc, la., 12-17; Main Street, Peoria. HI., 18-24. Byrne 4 West. Unique. Astoria. Ore., 12-17. Byron ft Longdon, Umpire. l.pndou. Eng., 12-31. Kvron 4 Blsncbe. ltlalto. Elmlra. N. Y., 12-17. Carter. Mr. ft Mrs. Carl. Unique. Los Augeles, Cal.. 12-17; Unique, San Bernardino. 17-24. Caffery ft Grant, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 12-17. 17. K.rerliart. Llcblchs,. Breslau. Oct., 12-3U Kvelyo. Cora, IluKr's. N. Y. C 12-17. Ereiitt Trio, Circle. K. Y. C, 12-17. Filrchllds, The, Clneogriph, Spokane, Wash., 12- 17. Farley, James ft Bonnie, G. 0. H., Indianapolis, 1217. Falk. Eleanor. Orpheum. St. Joseph. Mo., 12-17. Falardo. Empire. San Fran., Cal., - 12-24. Fay. Kluc. Keith's, Cletelau.1. 12-17. FanUs (2), BelTedere. San Frsn., Oal.. 12-24. Farrell. Cms.. Gem, Lynn. Maas., 12-17. Felix, Barry ft Barry, Olympic. Chkugo. 12-17. Ferguson 4 I'asaiuorc, Castl:, BloouilngUja, 111., 12-17. Ferguson 4 Murphy, Boston, lowcll Mass, 12-17. Fisher, Mr. 4 airs. Perkins, II. ft B., Bkln., 10. 24. Flake ft McDonousb, Empire. London, Eng., 12-31. Fields. Nettle, Howard, Boston, 12*17. I'lliglnoo-UcCoy Trio, Poll's, Hartford. Conn., Fields, Mirk, Elite, Davenport, la., 12-17; Lin- coln. Neb., 10-24. Flalkownkt, Keith's, providence, It. 1., 12-17. Fleiulun A Deloia. (lem, Lynn, Mass., 12*17. Flynns. The, New Pintnckct, Pawtuckct, B. I., 12-17. Ford Sisters, Orpueum. San Fran.. Cal., 12-17. Wllmlniton, Del., 10-24. BoMtsrortbs, The. Cryital, Milwaukee, Wis., 12- .17. Howell, Ida, Main St., Peoria, III.. 12-17. fiowicy ft Leslie, C. O. II.. Ohlcsgo. 12*17. Holt, Alf., Star, Hamilton, Can., 12-17. Holmes ft Dean. Chutes, San Fran., Oal., 12-17. Unwell, Ida.. Hater's. Terre naute, Ind., 12-17. Howird's Dogs and I'onlcs, On'heuin. San Fran., Cal., 12'17; Orplienni, Lon Angelvs. 18-24. Howe 4 Decker. Edison, Taconui, Wash., 12-17. Hurley bisters, Slicedy'e, Fall River, Mill,, 12- IIu-o. Uuslcul, Pastor's. N. Y. C, 12-17. Hughes. Chaa.. Only, Columldu, Bkln., 12-17; Coluuibln. Newark, N. J., 10-24. . Hughes Musical Trio, Orpheum, L'tlca, 12-17. Uunllnfra (4). Arcade, Toledo, 0., 12-17; Colum- bia, Cincinnati. 10-24. Utile k Heath, Bon Ton, Silt Lake City. Utab, . 12-17, Imperial Japanese Quirts, 0. 0. B., Pittsburg, '12-17. Inman, the Great. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 12-17. Inness ft Ryan, Richmond, No. Adams, Mass., 12- 17. . '."• a. « „ . -t, .» .. Mltcliells (3), Orpheum. Kansas Olty, Mo.. 1! Ireland s Own Band. Orpheum, Bkln., 12-17; Mldgleys, The, Jacobs, Peorls. III.. 12-17. Urelc, N. Y. C, 10-24. Minor ft Oulbrnlh, Uulquc, Wluulpeg, Can., lria.li. Anute, Shea's. Toronto. Can.. 12-17. ■<*. Mctynn A Hunter, OV 0. IL, BUtesrllle, M. C, McW.u'rs ft Tyson Co., II. ft 8., N. Y. 0„ 12-17. McOord, Lewis, ft Co., llajmarket, Ohlcigo. 12- ■ 17* McKenui ft Reed, Batcr's, Tern Haute, Ind., 12- Mel'arlliy, Mylcs. Orpheum, Ullca, N. Y,, 13*17. Mi-Cabc, Habhie ft Vera, II. ft H.. Bkln.. 12*17. McKlunon 4 Keed, Empire, Terro Haute, Ind,, 1217: Olympic. Chicago. 10-24. McDwold ft Huntlngtou. Temple, Detroit. 12*17. Merrltt. Hal, Proi:tor's. Albany. N. Y„ 12-17. Melville ft Stetson, Yorkvlllc, N. Y. 0... 12-17. Mitroiwlltau Opera Quartette. U. ft U„ Bkln.. 12-17. Merrltt. Raymond, Union, BakcrsQcId, Oal., 12* 17; San Diego. 10-24. Melcv, Mullcr ft Howard, Kansas Olty, Mo., 18- 24, Melville, Jeim, Berlin, Amsterdam, N. Y.. 12-17. Meier 4 Mora, lllpnodroinc. Dewshury, Eng„ 12- " 17; Empire, Loudon, 10-31. ^„ Mlette's Dot*, llaymarkot, titilcago, 18-17. Mitchell ft Love. Columbia, Cincinnati. 12*17. Mlakel. Cora, ft Gold Duit Twins, Novcitv, Stock* . Inn, Cal., 12-17. Wlllard, Laura, H. ft B., Chicago, 12-17. Miller ft Kresko, Star. Hamilton. Can., 12-17. Mil.- ft Nliram, Pialor's. N. Y. C, 12*17. 12-17. 12- lrvlng. Isabel, kluslc Hall. Boston, 12-17, Italian Trio. II. ft B.. Cbicano. 12-17. Jatws ft Davis, O. IL, Lancaster. Pa., 12-17. Jamcu-Ilerr. A Co,, Keith's. Boston, 12-17. Jack. Mr. ft Mrs., Vaudeville, Burlington, Is., 12-17. JnckHin. Ben, bullion, Seattle. Wash., 12-17. Jennings ft Renfrew, Olympic, Chicago, 12-17. Jcuuings & Jewell, Main St., Peorls. 111., 12-17; Glol«. St. Louis. 10-24. Jobiusou ft Dean. Lelhlch'a, Brcslau, Oer., 12-31. Joy, A. IL, BUou. Norfolk, Va., 12-17. Joh«, B. J.. Circle, N. Y. C. 12*17. Johnslouj, Musical. Tirol), Sydney, N. 8. W„ 12* 31. 7 " " Joselyn Trio, Olympic. Los Angeles, Co)., 12-24. JunoH. Irving, ft Wife. 0. O. IL, Chicago, 12-17. Mltclirll, Abide, ft Four Southerners, Praetor's, Newark, N. J., 1217. Mitchell ft Merlon, Kceney'u, Bklu.. 12-17. Mildred, Little, llnywarkct, Chicago, 12-17. Mllo ft Madlsou. Orphciua. St. Joseph, Mo.. IB- 17. Mills ft Morris, Kellh'a, Plillu,, 12-17. Mlluul Trio. Circe, N. Y. 0.. 13-17. Molassos, The, Star, Portland, Ore.. 18-17. Morton, Temple ft Morton, Loudon, LoDilou, Can., Mounio'ft Parker, nub. Woonsocket, U. I.. 12-17. Morton, James J. Keith's. N. Y. tt. 12-17. ,„ Mortops (4), Poll's, Springfield, Mail., 12-17. Morris. Rose, Oaalno. Worcester. Mass., 12-17. MotuKlrl, Llvcrmora Tour. Kng.. 12-81. Moiuuc. Mack 4 Lawrence, Slisa'a, Ituffalo, 12-17. gT^|4jsgff< % A % *T Beynard ft Wh'lrney'i Troubadours (Win. McCann, mgr.)-^Tamaqui, Pa.. 12-14, Reading 15-17. Berkell 8bow, No. 1 (Charles Bcrkell, mgr.)— Preston, Nebr.. 12-17. » Bcrkell Show, No. 2 (C. 0. Uattbcws, mgr.)— Dawson, Nebr., 12-17. . Crysulplex Carnival (M. Bcnry Wilah, msr.)— FlUbburg, Mass., 12-17. Fineber (T. L. Skinner, mpr.) — Mllford. O.. 14, 13, Mount Sterling 10. 17, Morrow .10, 20. Flints, Mr. and Mrs. (U. L. Flint, msr.)— Bur- lington, la., 10-24. . " Cay Electric (Gay Bllllnga, mgr.)— Newtoo, la., 12-14. Hewett-Goldcn— Bcvelatroke, N. W. T„ B. 0., 10-17, Vernon 10-21, Kamloope 2G-28. Perkins. Ell— Gsrrattavllle. N. Y., 10. PresetUe (F. Wllllrd Magoon. mgr.)— Barton, VL, 12-17, New Bedford, Mass., 10-24. Quaker Entertainers (Dr. Horatio, mgr.)— MOB- gan, Nebr., 12-17. Exeter 10-24. "White Mahatmns." Sainrl Baldwin (John M. Hlckcy. m{T.)-*WllmIngton. DcL. 12-17. mmib Route D$t> TLls Hat la made np aa nearly ac« curate an It la ponnlble to make » Hat •( vnndevllle booklaa|«. To insure in- sertion In thin aleparlAicnt the name of the theatre or park, an well an the city or town, MUST accompany coon liooklnsr sent aa. Adlcr, Flo, Shea's Toronto, Can.. 12-17. Adams Duo. Star, Pittsburg, 12-17. _ „„ Adler Trio, 0. H., Lancaster, Pa., 12-17. . Adair 4 Dabn. Keith's, Boston, 12-17; Keith's Providence, 18-24. ... Adclmen, Joseph. Apollo, Nurembnrg, Ger.. 12-1. Adelyn, Miss. Unique, Indianapolis, 12-24. Adams, Jennio, Bradenburgh's, Pblla., 12-17. Adams ft Mack, Sheedy's, New Bedford, Mais,, 12-17. Adams ft White, York. St. John, Can. Admin! 4 Taylor, Maryland, Balf- G. O. H.. Pittsburg, 10-24. Addlion 4 Livingston, Star, Bormldge, 17; Cnlqne, Minneapolis, 10-24. Aliems. The. Bloomlngton, HI., 12-17; Stand, Jollet, 10-24. ' ■■ Ahern 4 Baxter, Clncograph, Spokane, Walk., 12- 17; D'Alene. Snokanc. 10-24. . ■■ Ahbamu Comedy Four. A. ft 8.. Boston. 12-17. Alliloua, The, BIJou, Oshkoab, Wla., 12-17. Albright ft Walton, Orpheum, Bprlngfield, 0., 13* 17. Altmrtus ft Millar, City of Mexico, 12-31 Carson Bros.. Mlddletown, N. Y.. 12-17 CasnwnV ft Florence, Columbia, Boaton, 12-17, Campbell, Dillon ft Campbell, llajmarket. Chi- cago. 12-17. Campbell ft !-*elklrk, Olympic, Chisago, 12-17. Campbells (111, Uiynurket, Chicago, 12-17; Co- lumbia, St.. Lonla, 10-24. ■ _ Carmen Slaters, Proctor'a Oth Ave., N. Y. C, 12-17. . ' _ Cillaban ft Hack. Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 12- 17 17. Frunk. Slarvelous. ft Little Bob, Orphean], Ban Fran.. Cal., 12*17 ; Orpheum, Los Angeles, 10- Frojicelll ft Lewis, Casto, Fall Blver, Mass., 12- 17. Fuller. Ida, .Circus Jgak Berlin, Ger,, 12ai Carmen Troupe, C. O. Tt., Chicago, 12-17; G. 0. Fox ft Melville. Orsud. Sheffield, Eng., 12.17; II., IndlailsMis. 10-24. , i, Empire, Portmouth, 10-111. Canfteld 4 Carlcton, OriiUcam, St. Joseph, Ho., Fnnkiln, Lillian, New Casino, Klinln, N. Y., 12 12-17: Ortilieuio. Oraalia. Nebr., 18-24. Cirbalth, Llllliu, Proctor's Oth Ave., N. Y. C. Carroll 4 Baker, Sheedy'a, New Bedford, Maas., 12*17. ' . Calcedo. Keith's. N. Y. 0,, -12-17. Carrie, Mile., Unique. Ean Claire. Wli.. 12-24. Carson ft Wlllard, Shea's, Buffalo, 12-17; Shea's, Toronto. Can- 10-24. Carter, Billy. Keith's, N. Y. C, 12-1T. Csrkw, Charles, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 12-17, Caw, Charlie. Circle, N. Y.C., 12*17. Carroll, Boltliy. Uracil. Jollet,' 111*. 12*17; Crys- tal, Bnckrord, 18-24. ■ ■ Cain ft Do Forrest, Portland, Poctlmd, Me., 12- 17. Chamberlain, Billy. Gem, Lynn, Miss.. 12-17. Cherry 4 Bales, I.ycoum. Cleveland. 12-17. Champagne Dancers, , Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. C Forber. the starve!. Family. E. St. Louis, 111.. , 13-17. '■ ir/^»"Tt, m Ti-in Vorkville N Y O.. 12-17. _ l^LCrystol, Msrlou. ind .,10-24 Kenton. Dorothy, ^lopktas UuUvlUe. Ky.. 18-24. ,{ ^, %£ A Trl *' &£&, 12-17. "' City. Mo., 1_-17, heitqnn (Jl. Hhea's. Toronto, Cau.. 12-17; »(„„,„ Kt(M Howard. Boston, 12*17. ioav ..*fi u, i',J; l * ,v J u !;' ^'.'^'m,-- » » MowmIs. The. Keith's. Boston. 13-17. Moullero SI|tors, Keith's, Boston, 12-17, Foster. Ed., Orpheum. Kansas Orplieum, Omaho, Neb., 10-2 Ford Bros,, Colunihla, Boston. 1 •17, Keinch. Edwin, ft Co., Umpire, Hoboken, N. J„ 12-17. Kelly, Walter C, Chase's, Whshluglou. D. C. 12- 17. Kenton. Hatlle, Yale's. Kansas City. Mo., 12-17. Kelly ft Vtolcttr. Keith's. Clevelaml, 12-17. Kelly ft Ren. Columbia. Boston. 12.17. Keujon ft De (jarmu, Olympic, Chicago, 12-17; llnymarket. Chicago. 10-24, Kennedy ft Quatrclllc, Keith's, Providence, B. I., 1217. Csnluer ft dtodijaru, Uta'bna, Ogden, "otak, 12- Kent. I'. Miller, ft Co.. Victoria. N. Y.O., 12-17, Gay. Great. BIJou. Dulimtue. Is., 18-24. Gardner. Happy Jnek. Columbia, St. Lcils. 12- 17: C. O. if.. Cllleago. 10-24. Gayloril, Bonnie. Flotns, Madison, Wis., 12-17. Uallajrhcr 4 Wild, Slots ft Tuomton Tour, Enr-, 12*31. Ouwitnait. Josephine, Park, Worcester, Mass., 12- Cirson. M 'trior. C, 0- IL, Pittsburg, 12-17; Maryland, mitlmare, Md>. 10-24. ■ 12-17. _ . . », _ flardher ft Golden, l'lomi. Madlsou, Wis., 12:17; Culnqullln. rrlneess. ft Newell, Pistor'B, N. Y. f Crystal, Milwaukee. 10-24. ci. J n *17 ChaowM Trio. Keith's, Boston. 12-17. CIiIiik Fqro Iiec, Chutes, San Fran.. Cal., 12-1T. Cbsrmlott, Chase's. Washington, V. 0., 12-17. Chrletopher. Windrle'a. Lonnsport, Ind., U-1T. Clark ft Daeon, C O. B., Chicago, 12-17; Olym- pic, Chieaeo, 10*24. . . ■ .. - Clifford ft Hall, Sbeedy'i, Fall River, Mais., 12- Cllfford ft Burke. Kclth'a, Clevelanil, 0.. 12-17. Clloc, MnggTc. Keener*, Bkln., 12-17- Conner 4 Robinson, Poll's, Sprlngfleld, Miss., 12* 177 Kennedy ft ltooney. Park, Worcester, Mass,, 12-17. Kellog, Bertha, New Casino. Klinlru. N. Y.. 12-17. Klin;, .luxgllnu. Yale's. Kansas Clly, Ma, 11- 17; Lyric. Wichita. Kan., 10-24. Kimball 4 Donovan, Keith's, I'hlla., 12-17; Mary- land. Baltimore. Md.. 10-24. Klein ft Clifton, C. O. IL, Chicago, 12-17; G. 0. II. , Indianapolis, 10-24. Klein ft Klein Orpheum Da«enport, la., 12-17. Klein. Ott Bros ft Nicholson, Shea's, Buffalo, 12-17; Shea's, Toronto. Can.. 10-24. Klelsl, Paul. 11. ft B„ Chicago, 12 17. Kniiivp ft De Bollen, ManhutUu, Norfolk, Va., 12* Garilncr. Hens. Tleoll, Buffalo, 12-17; Atlmtic, Bkln., 10-24,' - - Gnrron, Kitty, Tlroll, Buffalo, tic. Bkln.. 10-24. Cuyllor, C, Empire, Col. Springs, tlardnar, West ft Sunshine, SUr, t 18-24. _ .... , Kohler ft Marian, Baltimore. Md.. 12*17. Gardner Children (3), Poll's, Sprugacld. Boss., Kohl. Qua, ft Marlon. Orpbeum, Davenport, la., Murpby, Mr. ft Mrs". Mark, Orpbeum, Dcuver, Murphy ft WlUard, M. 0. U., St, Paul, Minn,, 18-24. Hurray, Bob, Auditorium. Norfolk, Va., 12*17. Murphy ft Francis, Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 12* IT. Murphy ft Nichols. Keith's, It. Y. 0., 12-17. Muiige. Eva, II. ft B„ Bkln., 10-24. Nolan, John It., A. ft «.. Boston, 12-24. Nuynon, Rosa, Keehey's, llkln., 12-17. Niirellu. Marie. Keith's, N. Y. 0,. 12-17. Nurojo Olrls, Orpbeuni, Kunsns City, Mo., 12-17| (irjiheum. New Orli'silH, La., 10-24. Kufiilms, Tlie, Orpheum, Kansas Olty, Mo., 12*17. Nelson-Farnum Troupe, Proctor's, Albany, N. Y„ 12-1T; Proctor's Slid St., N. Y. 0., 10*34, _ Nvwton ft King, Alliutubra, Savannah, Ga., 12-17. Newell ft Nlblo, Corlls, Rochester, N. Y„ 12- 17; Keith's, Olevcllnnd. O.. 10-24. Newsboys' Quintette, 0. 0. IL, Ohlcigo, 12-17. Mblo. Fred. Kelth'r/, Providence B. «.. 1J*17. Nicholson, Robert, Baler's, Terro Haute, lad,, 1217. 12-17. Oeorgc ft Harrington, Casio, Fill River, Bail., 12-1T. Germinal. Mons., Proctor's 83d St.. N. -Y. C„ 12- " a, 12-17. Cox Family Quartet, Bohemc, Sao Fran., Cal., Conchas', Pail, Victoria, N.Y.C. 18-17. Colby* Way. Poll's. Springfield, Mias*. 13-17. Collnls (81. Circle. N. Y. C„ 12-17. Cole*, Josephine. C. 0. H., Chicago. 12-17. Corro 4 Corro. .BiJou. Marinette. Wis., 12-17. Collins ft Hawll-y, Keenc-y's. Bkln., K-J7. Cole ft Johnson, Keith x, Boston, 12-17. Coogan, F. Allan. Howard. Boston, 12-17. Allmon. Joe, Empire, San Fran., Cal., 12-17: Coleman, TrUIe. New Casluo. Elmlra. N. Y.. 12* Jose, San Jose 1 , Cal., 10-24. 17, . ' - Allen, Start 4 Violet, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., cotton's Comedy Donkeys, Empire, Hobokca, N. 1217; Poll's, Watcrbnry, 10-24. J., 12-17. _ ' . ■ Altartus ft Bartram. Empire, 1x>udon, Kn«., 12-24; c^ge 4 sylrla. II. &-B,. Bkln.. 12-17. . Empire, CardltT, Wales, 20-31. ■ craae Broa.. Empire. Hoboken, N. J-,12-17. Alllion, Mr. ft Mrs.. Keith's. Providence, 12-17; crcmrcll. W. !*.. Crystal, Muskegon, Mich, 12- Keith's, Cleveland. 18-24. vj J-/. . -HJ „„ « Allaire ft CaTllle, Orpheum, SL Paul, Mtan., 12* crane, Mr. ft Mn. Gardner, Orpheum, LUca, N. 17. -. X 12-17. Albaugh, J. W„ ft Co., Temple. Detroit. Mich.. Creasy ft Daypc. G. O. H.. IivdliDipoUi, 1217; 12T7 ■- . -' Orpnenn. New Orleana, 10-24. American M'a (3), National, Kansaa Olty, Mo., Crawford *_Mannlng, II. ft. B.^ Bkln... 12-U. 15-24. . America Quintet. Barraaford Tour, Eng., 12-31. Amos. Keith's, Cleveland. 12-17. Amulla-Manola Family, Sbccdy's. New Bedford. Mass., 12-1T; Boston. Lowell, 10-24. Anderson, May, Sitter's, Terre Haute, Ind., 12- 17. Anurias. Billy. Stsr, Hamilton. Can., 12-17. Anilrrson, Midge. Watson's, Bkln., 12-17; Lon- . don, London. Can., 10-84. Arruatronc ft Vera, Rlslto. Elmlra, N. Y-, 12-17; , Star, llsmlltnu, Can.. 18-24. Armdd, Bens. A. ft S., Boston, 1217. -^'hton 4 Earic. C. O. IL. Chicago, 12-17. Atlanta. La Belle, StnU Tour, Eng., 12-31. Athos Fai " Atkinson, Audet, Ji... Anstlna, ToMtag. Pivlllon, Nswciille, Scot., Avaiu (4), Chsao'l, Washingtoo, D. O., 1217. tiirtli, lour, 0, 0. H., IndlanipolLs, 12-17. viiith, .will, x.u*t'i*v. iiuw.il.. ... •>*, «- «., Boston, 12 17. "Iltt>WB> r A Wrdluv), PustOrV. N., "" Poll's. NeW Haven, Oopn., 10*21 12-17. Lawaoii ft Nimon, Columbia, St. Louli, 12-17; 0. 0. II.. Uolcigo. 10-24. La Clair ft Weal, Klk, Pocatcllo. Ida,, 12*17; Glow, Illllloja, M011., 10-24, La Tour, Irene, N'ssliuu, Nashua, N. H„ 12-17; Union Bill, Oloucestcr. Mass., 10-24. Lawrence ft Harrlngtou. Mohawk, Scbcueclldr, N. Yu 12-17 ; Coluulal, Lawrence, Mm., 18-24. Ijrlree ft I^e, Flom's, Madison, Wis.. 10-24. Ijoiolqes. The, Poll's. Wsletbury. Conn.. 12*17. Lane 4 Suilnclla, Lyric, Denver, Col., 10-24. I.atlna. Mils-.. Orpheum, Omahu, Neb,,. 10-24. La Tell -Bros., Mechanics, Salem, Mass., 12-17. La Mirr. Frankle, Rlaltv. Elmlra. N. Y„ 12-17. Lambert ft Plcne. Olympic. Chicago, 12-17, I.aino'iits, The, Jacobs, Peorls. III., 12-17, La Jesses. The, 0. O. It., Pittsburg, 12 IT. la Isose, Hsrt-y, A Co., 8 O. U., Chicago, 12-17. La Roys. The, Shea's, Toronto. Can., 12-17. Laey ft Rarle, A. A 8., Huston, 1817, Lnvliic-Clmaron Trio, Portland, Portland, Me., 12- IT. I.'incnat.ir, Freda. Hub. Woonsocket, R. I„ 12> 17; A. ft H.. RtHlon, 10-24. Lawrence. Mae. Illnllo. Elmlra. N. Y., 12-17. Lloyd's IV«s, Circle. JL Y. O., 12*17. Lloyd, llerUrl, Empire, London, Bug., 12-Jan. 1.4. II HI",. 1a Conb., 12-17: Poll'i, Hartford. 10-24. Norworth. Jack, Temple. Detroit, 12-17. Nugent, Katheriiie, Music Hill, Boston, 12-17. Nugent, J. «„ ft Co., Poll's, WiWrbury, Cons., 18-17. Olops's. I^s, C. O. n., Olilcsgo, 12-1T. tirvllle ft FrutiU, Oily of Meiico. Metleo. JP-fli Oipbeus Comedy Four, Psstort, M. Y, 0., 12-lTl Vlctorli, N. Y. 0.. 10*24. O'Brien 4 Hava), O. Q. II., P.ttsborg'. 12-17. .„ O'Brien & LUottc. Palice, Worcester, Mais., 12*17 Oifden, Helen, Electric, Waterloo, la., 12-24. fHuvs, The, KUr, Hamilton, Cm., 12*17. Parker's Dogs, Proctor's 6lh Ave., N. Y. 0„ 12' 17. 1'lntter Trio, Kollh'a, Provldrnco, R. I.. 12-17. Pasipielcna, Teddy, Ulllto, Elmlra. N. V., 12-17, Palmer, ft Robinson, Odeon, Dayton, 0„ 12-17; Fhuuilx, Columbus, 10-24, . . „ _ ,_ 1'iulton ft Doolcy, Proctor's, Newark, N. J., 12. , 17j .1 • 1 '• TaplnlR, Keith's, Clivaland, 12-17. Porkers, The. Lyceam.'.Pawtueket, B, I,, 12-17) Hheedy'a, New nedfotd, Mass.. 10-24. Parish. Orystsl, Marlon, Ind., 12-17. Pewit, Temple, Detroit, 12-17. Print, Fredo ft Anhls, Grand. Milwaukee, 12-17. Phelps (:n. Smith's, UratTd Rapids, Mich,, 12-17, I'lncolo Midgets, Howard, Boiloii, 12-17. Pierce ft Mnlzee, Columbia, HI. Louis, 12-17; C. O. II,, Chicago; 10-24. < - Perlher. Jus., Shea'a. Uuffslo, 12-17; Shea's, Toronto, Can., 10-24, j .. Pierce. Mr. ft Mrs., dram!. Milwaukee, 12-17. I'lcos (2), York, Ht. John, Can,., 12-17. Pierce, Floresce, Brasjenburgb's, I'hlla., 12-17. Plngreo, Mine,, Ktniilra, Term Hauto, Ind.. 12 17. Prior ft Norris, BIJoit Portland, Ore.. 12-17. Prosper Troupe. ColumMu, Cincinnati, 12-17. Trior*. The, Gem, linn.. Mans:, 12-17. ijulim Trio, Hsyinarkat. Chicago, 12*17, ulgTey Bros., olymrilo. ' market, Chlengo. 10-24. Hllsn, Chides. Sail Frail.. CaL. 12-17. •Subtler Bros., Olympic. Chlcugo, 12-17; Hay. market, Chlcngo, 10-24. VQpeen's Fan,!' Proetot's, Newark, N, J„ 18-1T. lUii-ionc.'Jribn IL, Park, WorCealer, Mriss., 12-17, 15-1T €0., Watsoo's, BSIn LoocVhi, London, Can..- 18-24. Hart, - John ft Annie, Empire. Terre Haste, IU.. Iss Vafvy, Marie. Seen, Lvm. ltass. 13-17. nadan,. Iwi. Rliea'n. Toraoto. Can., 12-17, llcitlnf-i ft Humn, Orplirum, St. Joseph, Mo., 1J* Ilayt's, The, CssUu, Wotceitcf, iliiui,, 12-17. 13-17. / !*marri ft Drake. Grand. Milwaukee, Wis.. 12-17. 1-r*a, Omit, .Poll's^ Brulgmort. Conn., I2-)T. Lee, Henry, Hatmarket. Chlcugo, 12-17. , l^« aV.Perrlng, filjon, -SHeliOTca,,, Wis., 1/17. Lipplocolla, The, CoioliiiK!, Stilllt, WisliT, 12-17. ■Ms 12-17. RndCOtd ft Valentin*, Hlppodrnme, Birmingham, Eng., '12*17; Empire, Wolvorhimplon, 10*24. Ilanr, Claiulo, Acme. Bsctamenlo, Oil., 11-171 Star, Portland, Ore., 18*24. Ilonv ft nicbirdi, U, ft 8„ M. Y 0„ 12*17, 1008 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 17. All Sicgeri Mentioned Huve Made m Tremendoni Firit Wight Hit With the Greatest Song andChorua of theYear, •?x L.U. Kffu v. Nelle Florede, Delia Vox, Mandril and Prruott, .If iller and Krt.ro, Carter snd Bio ford, Men kin , Lawrence and Dale, Jaeobs and V >mt y le »»• K I n «.i o ne Gl rl., »{» ^■"^'V. »* , i ^"y»» d W» '•/>■. »we.» . y Hl.teri, Agne.B.yili.Jiiil* Calhoun, Cl*«tt James, Page and Lewi., Johnny Carroll. Cellini and lUwl.v. American Trio, Dodler and Clir.lyn, Billy ^lajB.BaWMratolsly', Joe KoKenna, HauieJIarth, Iff ad.lalne Burnett, Barnard H liter.. Mutual Holdiwortbi, Annie Coartney, Waahbnrne and Flyna. Paabllihed by *" Professionals aaadltig late programme! will receive copies by return mall. Addreis an abo-re. I THE THEI11ICAL 1U8IC SUPPLY CO., ** w-» OTt * «., -, w to*. ftlwol. Kit.. 20-31. nmif (U), Auditorium, Norfolk, V*., 12-17. ItU-o-A P revolt. Stare' *, Buffalo, 12-17. Ulppn Bisters. Mimic Hall, Boston, 12-17. lUva Bm*., Howard, Boston, 12-17. Rice It Cody. Ilaymarket, Chicago. 12-17. Richardson, Lavender a .Co., Boston. Lowell, Mam., 17-24. Hint * Williams, Ynlf'*. Kansas City. Mo., 11-17| l-.'url, Pueblo, Col., 10-24.- HU-brnga. Caroline, Howard, Bolton, 12-17. Hive * Ootaen, Proctor's. Albany, N. V,, 12-17. Wee. fanny, Victoria, N. Y. C\, 12-17. Itujer & French, Hater's, Terre Haute, Ind„ 12- 17. Rockwell. Wand, .Chats*.- San Fran,, Oat.. 12-17. Hobertv Troupe. Temple, Detroit, 12-17. Hochei'i Animals. 1'roctot's 2;ld St., N.TL 0., 12- Boy,' faille. Casino, Worcester. Mass.. 12-17. llomilrr & Doretto, Ornheum, Bkln., 12-17. Rooncy A Bent, Columbia, Cincinnati, 12-17. llostow, Muilc Hall, Bolton, 12-17. Robinsons.' The, Provo, Utah, 12-17. i llobblns A Trcannmno, Weast's, Peoria, III., 12- 17 ; People'!, OMr Rapids, la., 1H-24. Ilocbcfort, May A Blanche, Cole's, Lynn:, Man., 12-17. Rose A Llmlley, Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 12- 17." Robert* (4), Broadway, flan Bernardino,' Cal., 12- 17 ; Boray, San Diego, 10-2 1. Roue, Vlvlau, Casino, Worcester, Man., 12-17. Kuweit A Locke, 0. O. n., lndlanapolli, 12-17. Kiiwtt'll, Dorotby, Orpheum, Kansas City, Mo., 12-17. Bunnell A" Tlllyne, Keensy's. Bkln., 12-17. Ryan A RJcbflelrt, Olympic, Chicago, 12-17 ; Bay. market, Chicago, 1B-24, ' Itynu, Lester A Ryan, Armstrong, Battle Creek, 1*. 12-17, working like beavers, to tne trumpeting of stage, having beea professionally known as oi st^atB local, were Cliptku callers Dec. »., 12-17. elephants the Troars of the kings of the Alice Vane, died Dec. 8. from pneumonia, 10. JJiey stated that w th B :.P fennv, C f C"*, 1 ?: Tungle and the incessant noise of* the ham- at the home, of her daughter, Mrs. W. P. Denver lc*a,: George ColUer, . -o t> » Revnanl, Krt. I'., Pavilion, Newcastle, Scot., 12- Welsh, Chn. A Jennie, London, London, Can., 17; Pavilion, Ulasgow. 18-24; Hippodrome, Llv- West A y«n Slclen, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-.. 8t. Lonli. 10-24. me b ■*?.' Whnrton, Nat. Crystal, Mmkegon, Mich., Whitehead A Diamond, Unique, Santa Cralt 12-17; Jose. San Jose, 16-24. While, Pat, Watson's, Bkln., 12-17. »« i"»" »"" •»»»» '"■'• »»"• »™v-« - — --- ■.«..... .—__—_ •— — - ----- t si«i w," Wlncbermnn'i Bears, HIptwdrome, London, Eng., exhibitions, and to deserve and •ecurj its Templeton and Ray Templeton, survive her. anlng year. 12-31. Fhare of patronage and popularity. Mana- a private funeral service was held at her i Wills A Hinian. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 12-17; ger Frank A. Robbing state* that he has dawnter's home Dec. 11, the Rev. E. M. Chase's, Washington. D. a. 10-24. made satisfactory progress in securing the UcGuffey officiating. Willard, the Great, Everest. Tldln. O., 12-17. tiest talent In everr department of zoological locis Smith, for several season* treasurer WIllUnii.A.r^miody, Howird. Boswa, .!«•«. . exhibit and arenld sensation. He baa «ev- f tne Chicago Opera Honse. and for oyer Wl i l .'5 m ' VL 8 ?. 1 ^"' B .'^Si Dubuqa*. !«■. 12>lTf- wt .i entirely new spectacular and specially ,| X years In the employ of Kohl A Castle, wniiimi chli^ W iohn«' Onto ffail Hint big and stirring features, not ''up hlesleeve,' died la Chicago Dec. 10. vIST 12 17 Jot " u "- CMt0 ' F »" R,T «*- tint already so far advanced In erperinwntal Wlnij/'wino^Ajro. a Banks. Nottingham^ f^ l 5 ar 4 , s ^ re ^ , * t tM * » roduct,,>a U ' b8 °" Eng.; 12-17 ;'I*lceiter, 19-S4. Wilton Bro*.. Shea - ., Toronto. Cm., 12-17. Wllllims-Olllen Trio, Oaito, Fall Blver, Mass,, 12-17. Wilsons, Aerial, Main Street, Peoria. 111., 12-17. Wise A Milton, Osden. Utah, 12-17. Woir A Milton. Watson's, Bkln., 12-17. Wood a Uay, Park. Worcester, Mass., 12-17; Mechanic, Salem, 10-24. World's Trio, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 12-17. Woodi & Bohm, Star, Pittsburg, 12-17. Woodlborpe, Harry, Rial to, Elmlra, N. Y., 12- 17. • .- . Wyler A Wylson, Criterion, Tampa, Fla., 12-34 w»» DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION, Mr*. Gilbert* Funeral. Stage mecDanicsJ ] Cal. a vtalt 28, and was tendered a banauet at Campe's restaurant Mr. Hart was pre- sented with a handsome traveling case i>» the members at a token of the esteem lii which they bold him. . NOTU FEOM CXPT. W. D. AKMKfB OttHt ^^wlth the^p/et^'pe^r," Co^ .^^ London Ghost Show.— We_ closed our Jong i.rtJ'EJS'.Ji.. e rrelty **« B ' Co - M Vvov- miscellaneous. Lonoon unosi mow. — ne i-iurou uu .«u» ert , njggte, , „ „ f,„ season of eight months at Eufala, Ala., Isov. Sotes from Local N'o 71 T » FUNETtAL services for MRS. G. H. Git.- 28- It •& to be the best season, flnan- on ? i a at re^laf meetlnr lW" 4 ♦h -: /, t ert were held Tuesday morning. Dec. 0. c|a „ g£ Am( , nt hM eTer experienced. ?",'" J-**! i e «llec?ed • hTa.Ai^S ful " the Bloomingdalo Reformed Church, the Tne / bu ,i nesB done to the larger cltleo was ^n'^jaen. . Johli iSrS; vif^ff? Tb ? mp- v. Dr. Stlnspn offlclatlng, assisted by the something phenomenal. A farewell turkey K?|.F "^'Xesa rSannwr™ •&Jf*Vmi I S. r: « ,0,,n v. Walur Bectley. ..There was, a special d , ^Ig^a t0 aU members of the com- °,? l £ ^"JL 1 "! 83 ?-, aD f! e iK'.^ a ."„? m , IUl ' flDOn - nEKT In Rev. Rev. « . i u ,- . j - , . i • i ■ ! ■ ^ musical Ecrvlce, chiefly liymns that Mrs. „„, b _ Mr * j^j Mra Araent, and many a «i h „ i„i„„i:, ri'JJ 06 ??*™ wlu »'«»« notl. OllDert liked. i-Ms was under the direction Seer fu f {oast was drank to the health 'of fy the linanclal Becretary,two weeks ahead. Yackley A Bnnnell, Oarlck, Wilmington, Del,. 12« of P. F. del Camplgllo, who composed the or- tDe nogt an a hostess. A beautiful cut glass »» » •"• - - gan pselude, "At Heat," which was dedicated water get was presented to the captain and SOUTH CAROLINA. to Mrs. Olibcrt's memory. In his eulogy D | g wI f e Dy tn6 members of the company, . Dr. Stinson dwelt upon Mrs. Gilberts chrls- w h| Cn waB highly appreciated. All the old Charleston. — At Owens' Academy «f tlan life, and said that In her acting she had members have been re-engaged for next sea- Music ( Wll T. Keogh, manager) Bar'ow-, hro.igbt comfort to many. Dr. Btlnson then g0Q . capt. Ament will make bis home and Minstrels drew fairly Dec. 8 "Qiiiacv Toh*. May, Circle, N. Y. C, 12-17. ■' ' young, Ollie A Bro., Orpheum, Los Angeles, Oil.. 12-17. Yorae ft Adam*. Orpheum. Bkln., 12-17. Young. Mr. A Mrs. Arthur, Proctor's 23d St., W. Y. OL 12-17. Zara A Stetson. Proctor's Oth Ave., N. Y. C, 12- 17. ,..«ii "ih. iiresf n n it . Nnrrlatown Pi 12- 5!eB0 ' c,rl * z * n0 ' Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 12-17. f n n v»,iS« » V ST SMmmer. John. Ohase'i, Washington, D. C. J2-17. 'TiJ)..«..Yonker*, N^ Y., , l»-24 i _ > Zimmerman, Willy. O. O. H.. Indianapolis, 12-17. Sllmmerman, Al. A Pear). I'lom's, Madlion, Wl*., 12-17. read these lines, whlrb be bad written: Klgbty years of hopes and fears, Klpbty years of joy and tears, Klgbty years of changes tossed, i:igbty years by losses crossed. Klgbty yearn vl battles fought, Tobedle, Fred. Proctor's Bth Ave., N. Y. 0., 12-17. Toll me not they were for naught KIghty years of garnered* love A)i ttint'n true thn hanuana rail future Winter quarters In Hot Springs, Ark. Adams Sawyer" pleased a good house 1 1 "The This Winter he will rebuild bis ghost show Beauty Doctor" 18, "The Smart Set" 15 on a much larger scale and will also build Shepard's moving pictures 16, 17 and organize three other up to date attrac- « , » tlone. Next season bis company will consist A 260-page book, containing full Informs- of over sixty people. tlon about Stereoptlwn ontfite bow to onVrsf. Roster and Notes KROX Chief RoiXINO tn em. and showing the me boas o "g l?in? SSc! Bear's Indian Mbdicinb Ca— We are work- ceBiful puD u c eI b?h| t ions, will be sent free ? bv ilttder toe Cents. Sato, 0. . K., Apollo, Vienna, Ann., 12,-31, Han, O Hanna, A Co., H. A B.. Cblrnto, 12-17. Surony. (Illbert. Keeney'i, Bkln., 12-17. fuwtene A Sears, Weusl's, I'eorla, 12-17. Kaaas, Keeney'i, Bkln., 12-17. (snrnker Bros.', Sheedy'i, I'all Blver, Mam., 12-17. Hmunyon. Mom., Main St., Peoria, III., 12-17. li.-ii.fl. Jnsenblne. Olymntc, Chicago, 12-17; Uay- nuirket, Chicago, 18-24. ft.-liuii A Hiultlu-, A; A fl., Boston. 12-17. Scott Bros., Keith's, ClevelanM, 12-17. S<-ott, Margaref, Kelth'i, N. Y. C. 12-17. rtmlt A Howard, Star, Hamilton.. Can.. 12-17. Sella, Obn*. A Tlllle, Jaculi*', Peoria, III., 12-17. g Sedmn. t!has. P., Keith's, Providence, 12-17 ; 'i — Kelth'i, N. y. C., 10-24. i.I the building, rovers one acre or ground. Hyde Htcii, John Drew. Nat Goodwin. Sir Beverly, proprietor and manager; Prof. Law- . 4* yhriitmat and Hen Year* Kill le cele- Sevmmir A Kenneth, Casino, ' Worcester. Mass., We will throw up a 40ft. ring at once and Charles Wyndbnm, A. M. Falmer, Daniel son. mimical director ;- A. M. Clarke, secre- or«'c" «a<* side of thejedger I* fur ahead of fff^ tiggtfg£tt'tF "" ?""' - wrlt ! M, - : -'.' Tb ?.. no ^ SSs^MS H+SSLtR fi=» ""> Ba «"*»» »- All that's true the heavens will show, „g In T opera houses, and meeting with success. 5 ™H M^AJllrter miiutoVrir nr nmieinn**.- 1 ! Klfchty years of work all done, cfief Rolling Hear Is the proprietor; Dr. B. wlKSSmtoK Cheery as wben^ first begun. t Montgomery, lecturer and office worker: "„£. '»»«™ ouaes, iv Nassau street, New World of Players.' itgomery, „ In respect to Mrs. Ollberts memorj' there Wade Ellis, manager and musical director ; wcre.no rehearsals of any of the plays on Homer Howard. Irish comedian; Bright 1 — — the morning of C. This made It possible for star, soubrotle. Boiling Bear Is making a ItosTKit and Notes fhom Oeo, S. Ki.t'h the members of bor profession to attend tha u lt with his violin novelty act. liverjbody Cihcub. — We closed the season of 190* at services. The members of Mrs, Gilbert s j s v , e ll and happy. llrookport nnd drove to Winter quarters, at company occupleo. the front pews with her Beverly's Sovthhbn Tbocbadocrs opened Vnducah, Ky., at the old Victoria mills, relatives and closest friends. The pall- „t yateshoro. Pa., Dec. 1, to good business. - ~>t the show Is as follows: J. W. srletor and manager: Prof. Law- Notice to Our Correapoadent*. si .,1 ft Word, Howard, Boston, 12-17. During the past sea- lew Spencer (James Krhardt), n > OlrrrS Pe\enbSr." Ill i"i1 '■ "b pr a«- son we only lost four days while traveling time minstrel dropped dead in Chicago Dec. «d 10-M. Ie,er,t>ur »' , "" 1_ "' B,ir "'* In three States, and covering a distance ol 7. He was born fn Baltimore aboul flfty- »rru*4 Walih, Poll's, Briageport, Conn., 12-17. 8,187- miles. The only sad event of the sea- jx years ago. bis brother having, at one been touring the State of DCB* closed [n cali '" J the ** » sf t—a . rw Ellsworth, after the most successful season Hheriian A Be Forest, Keith'*," N. V. 0., 12-17. ' ' »L v | n „, Khawi. Aerial. Colonial. Lawrence. Man.. 12-17. £g ISSSVJSFLJr 9 JgHiP g* gg gg Sheridan A Korrest, Boston, l^iwell. Man., 1H-2A. " 0Q largor than ever. Hlill Held. 8lmon"oar*ier°!co^Trent"'TrentouV ffTX,' 12-17; ion" wasJihe loss or'tloby, our "laVge "riding time," been chief of police In thnf city, victoria. N. Y. a. 10-24. monkey, who died three days before we sister, his on y sunt 1 -' Slnon A Paris, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-17. closed. Mounted by n taxidermist, he will sides In - Baltimore, Klddon Bros., Bon Ton, pblla., 12-17 ; O. n., mill be with the show. We will carry fifty- shipped from Chlcai RUvZ" Sfg femb^Olnc^natl. 12-17. g hMd ot M< * k Md *«» ^ ie » Mt — £[& ft'* &tt 7^3TS«ESl "3 '* Vl^W, ' 09 / "«• >"^ Sea 'l&"Jtf IHtMr '* Pinch,.' Miller's. _ I.lmj, Ohio, 12-17; hurdlo net. He goes - of his career. Capacity business has been —T"' Notes from Uie Clair Tattle Comedy Co. : the retord of Prescclle. He Is spending the This attraction, embracing Claire Tuttle and Christmas holidays at the former horns of H*fke °- Felgar, has been organized, and will Thb Old Rcliable simply de- answers with the result that a splendid supporting com- Llnyi, 12- of the year to practice. bucu wuii jue ^arauui """""■; '"■=?."."• «•„ p ai \ n * 7, Th . i™, a "»o signed a contract with Major Stuart, De nas secured a splendid supporting coui- \l n B rti U ^r? q ?h«'fl i? Bt^ThettreBalUmore then firs! doTne S- ho le V. h ? Brlt . ll,h <-<>«lngent at the Bwr f a "»»- Harry Bradbury, who l B well known to Bridgeport the first {* t ^ t ck ln fa a i M a ,? ft ' t i J m , ore ' kSS.. !vj l ,°fi2S War exhibit Lieutenant Woolmarans, of J" newspaper circles ami among mauager* Pluenlx, Coliunhus, 10-24. Kmi'liH, Aerial, Keith's. Providence, R. I., .-- 17.. men t as equestrian director with the Bar- "delphla, where he remained for some pany be Intends to oreanl?e Him-iley-Arlhiir Skelch Club. Keith'*, Providence, num & Bailey Circus, to accept a contract time -as one of the permanent features r ., STSSL «.„,„,.„ n„ «»•. Will a. Kiy. _ AIIc7 ~F5ni ll'n' BenhTe with _tte ^Thompson 4 Dundy. Hlppodtome. >< . tt> aqptwy. Wp jraa .lp.lkVR. JSSZSVL3ll!SS^JfSSS'S*: Too'thman, end the musical director Fs "c5rt £****£!£* i aB ..fl?" ed ,. h,8 ^ on «?5- SffiSI. *„5f° edl h c i' B JH3*2P>J* ESI «lnlnthe Boer%ar, to" appewTn The com- Tan <^, Among the aVtlni commny a« -Kluy and Tim Leavens, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Hod- II 0i»ii imu, fctruiw, it. j., il".i. Slnlil. Rose, A Co., Keith's, Providence, B. I., 1217. Stetrart, Arthur. Orpheum, Sprlnirfleld, 0., 12-17. Stanton & Penrose, Palace, Sioux City, la., 12-17, .Stuart, John K„ Memphis Memphis Tenn. 12-24, Stanley ft Wilson Music Hall, Itoiton. 12-17. St. Belmo, James, Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 12- 17. St. John A Le Ferre, Haymarket, Chicago, 12-17; Columbia, St. Ixwls. 16-24. St. Onge Bro*,. Portland. Portland. Mae.. 12-17. Mutton A Harmon, Lyceum, San. Fran. j Oil., 12- F.nlly Family, Paitor'i, N, Y. 0., 12-57. Sulliraa i Pnquelcnu, Orpheum, Omaha,, Neb., 12- 17: Orpheum, Kansas City, 19-24. Sutmn's, 'rhe, Main St., Peoria. III.. 12-07. Kwlekanl, Mr. A Mr*., Proctors, Newark. N. J., 12-17; Proctor'*- 6th Ave., N. Y. C, jlO-24. Swor A Weatbrook, Rmplre. Volejo. Cat, 12-17; Novelty Grand, Sacramento, 10-24. Talbot A Rogers. CO. II,, Chicago. 13-17. Taylor, Mae. Fall Blver. Mass., 12-17. ' ' Ten I, Raymond, O. O. H., Helena, Mont.. :1217. Tennv A Murray. London, London, Cnn.. 12-17. 'IVnpante, The. O. H.. Lancaster, Pa., iS-17. Ten Ichl Troupe, Circle, N. Y. C, l2-lf7 '1'eaana Slaters, Orpheum, New Orleans, La„ Id- 24. Ilim Mr. A Mrs. Harry, YorkvllVj. N. Y. 0., Thep, Jack, Trio, Proctor's, Newark,' N. J„ 12-17; IToctor'i. Altmnr, N. Y„ "" at gj mi ftgg ; jahssaassstsg gSSHftftSiS snS^&SS*** ' ploy of the late J. H. Haverly In his various Many local leaders are scheduled to sneak 1_m«"i,a 't.w iT ne ' Pa - _. - ' mi„iMi «_,„iu ni. i«„. _i__,~.i ._ __3 i, i. »-.. ._j .?:. rrr_ ,J1 rr ll f ■pea* —-Maud Jeffries via mnrr
    \lna and Sunday A>ics, has signed with Hulburd's Wild West and will j ■ ut Laredo, Clabence have Just closed a prosperous season with £"'".>• ■""-"* t, ^-'"cago, most or tne past j» uumoer ot tne local theatre managers from E^Unrt Hr f i5"r»2,"u the Gentry 8hows, and will take a vaca- Summer, and his last appearance upon the will be guests, and many members of com- ™ na """'a «« expert in inventing most arduous labor Is to gather In all the loose 1''- 0. Eagles took charge of the funeral, and ordinary Tieadgear. Bro. Jim Gammon, _ i?i„~„«„ u, a, sheckels wherever his city of tents Is pitched, interment was at ML Olivet Cemetery, San chairman on banquet, Bbould be congratulated Bt~«f oi„~ . L ndle7, Jiaw ^"rlng In "The while In Winter he Just luxuriates in all Francisco, Cal., Dec. 3. on the smoothness with which things are ?i?-?iJ ;'ff' k h f 8 f* 111 »» 'he Actors' Fund metropolitan luxuries. Particularly at this Nick Standwood, whose name In private K° ln K- B| Hy Van undoubtedly has the W*l.t~.?J}l? h E . oe nR - 8 collected during her Benson, the cold fact Is that In Summer the life was Dominic P. Barbe, formerly of the youngest advertising agent In the business Ek„ uca, J w S ,n during one of the acts does not, and can not, let song and dance team of Standwood and i'"' 6 Sa mmy Desseur, who is visiting his ..,^iiVr„ pa i 9s ^r, oer tambourine through the inder his feet, or In Winter Leslie, died In New Orleans, La., Nov. 30. * ather during the holidays. Business mana- iS!L nlg & Uy ; T . hi ?# K - Haeket * »nd Mary Manner- y, Nov. 27, when Sultan, shown Bro. Watson during his stay in Pitts- «mn, n , 'SJffJlT . ha . s ^banded the was performing with, at^ *"**• »">■ 0«o. Collier has a weakness for deciSed'tht? 1 ^! .$« ln k °,'* nnjr ' ■ and , h ^ re his leg frlghlfully. The ha j?' helng^ an expert In Inventing extra- lain ' p * y 8nal1 never ta p,ajt a "«r a lingering Illness. Bro. Car- 11° B ?. y l,° at , r ^ wa « obliged to close with Slro Notthigliam {n-sf?"^ W " ' nrVat .feature shows will soon dissipate It. died in Waukegan, III., Nov. 28. from hasty U -1 ° has Joined the Meade Specialty Co. S2!*A 8 J°«* C J>- »' NlBbville, Tenn., on Troeheart. billon A Btirkc. JLsnambra. Savannah. Tlw he will lenru something of the hust- consumption. She wbsnwjbII known In the Bro. Snnrty Monroe and Bro. Win. Hale bad n !L c V n ?. ™1i b ot m * father." • 0a„ 12-17. ■ «•«■»■«» "« ling, .herculean task Involved In organizing WesL Interment was In Trinity Cemetery. -SB?,!"*" 8 9.' a " the hilling for the. Stair & n,"^,nf x • if 8 " 6 Klngdon has closed with Trovotio, Olympic, Chicago. ? 19-24. such fin amusement enterprise as this pro- New York. Her hi — Trcloir A Tempest. OolumAu, Cincinnati. 121". prcsslvo era demands. Under tho ouergetlc Chicago, survives 1 Tree A Qeruon, Orpheum, TLw Augelcs, Cal., 12- dlroctleti of Gonnral Superintendent Lucius Violet Krankli Vas She to Blame?" Co ntler the mnnagement of Gilbert Hare, Savoy Theatre, London, Dec. 6, Mrs. usband, Al. Boylance, of ,\ vl ,', bur houses during the absence of -Bro. tno S resslvo era dcmnndB. Under tho ouergetlc Chicago, survives her. i.onier at the convention*;. Bro. Frank Lloyd ti."7L „lrcctleii of Oonnral Superintendent Lucius Violet Kiianklin, of Geo. and Violet °", r president, Is in charge of aU the Dolltl- f. ne -r? a 7 0y ThPstre, London, Dec. 6, Mrs. _ IT- .,.,.„„. ' Koster he will llnd an army of performers, Franklin, died suddenly from heart trouble f a L work in Cambridge, Mass. Bror'Joe r, " > w n -Potter produced a dramatic version • v !?''i- ' chr «* c, > .Washington, B.C., trainers, keepers, wagon builders, carpen- ot their home In Baltimore, Dec. 8, aged /O"* 8 . of tha Boston Theatre, celebrated if"** ''?*"> " J Pagtlacci." The play was .. * :.•■' : . . . Notks from tub McCadbon KuRorBAN twenty-one years. Her husband, mother and V*. tenth wedding anniversary last Sunday we » rewired. . .,-'-- Ueiier.^raiiiilc A Claudc» I'ark,_ Worcester, Mass., Siiows^— The. . Potior, FRtnlly has been _very two brothers survive her. All il;« 1 _ bo /J! J W e «. Invited. Bro, Clark, of mTJi?}*** ' ro .'? the .Crollus Comedy Co. 12-17. Vane, Harry, Jackson,* Midi.. |12-17, Valillugs. the. (1. t)..H.. Pit sburg, 12-17. J asiar Glrli, Poll's. *Jew Hav en, Conn.. 1217. Valvctin Bros., Kelth'i, N. V. C. 12-17. Van Foaien A McO/.uley, Main St., Peorl*, lll.e Veinou, Orplieiini! San Krincl Ice, Oil.. 12-17 Veriuette & Dlqr.iie, Orpbfcuu, ; Cra«, Auatrls, Id- Penred In a number :il. , ! • iienn capitals. Mr. . successful lu linstock's Hippodrome In Paris, Kdwaiip Downey, of Downey and Illnchey, the Springfield local, Is In town for the ban- W Sl *^ 1 a bl ? week's business InTlRDgor nnd has been re-engaged tar the rest of the died at Atlantic City. i\. J., Oct. 24. He ? BCt - Bros - Hlmcs and Hogan have him In li. ? r? ., Dec, „*' closing the week with "Tracy Winter season. When they close tlieyi will made his debut In Philadelphia, with Joo ,ow ' m k 1 « '1 t0 tne capacity of the house. Immediately Join our show, in which are Doyle, now of Doyle and Granger. Mr. ' Xstes from Brooklyn Local No as At K1 ^ na Jd Crollus Is a great favorite through- some of the greatest circus celebrities, among Downey's Inter partners were Dick Welch, the last regular meeting, on Sund.v rw a SULi ew . En s"lna . imrg, III. \ tloo, at Norfolk, Va. V&dZ&wMSElr^ ***> °? I^SZhWSfa^f^p* "** ..^>.««% Prof.. Keith's. *i. X. C. 15-17. 9PJ Ft*nk, «. O, H„ 1'ltB.tMirg, 12-17. tlrst tliuY N 'iX a clog dancer of great popularity. possible. Crcu. LowANDr anil wife (Elena _ Oiuck _ TLitNnB._ formerly of the London Kid Koster, DECEMBER 17. THE jSTEW YORK CLIPPER. 1000 This is the Big Knockout, and Was a Great Sensation at the Six Day Bicycle Race at Mad. 8q. Garden, last week. HEIHIE is the Song You Heard them Calling for til the Time. I IF YOU MISS ME THE GREATEST BALLAD OF THE AGE. AN ABSOLUTE SENSATION. These two Songs are by ROSE and THEY ARE IN OUR PLACE ALL DAY LONC, AND WILL BE MORE THAN PLEASED TO RUN OVER THESE SONGS FOR YOU. We have Professional Copies, and orchestrations In any key, to suit your voice, FREE. Send stamps for mailing. 48 W. 29th Street, NEW YORK. m PHIirTMG-Letusr Heads, Envelop*!, Pro- f«Mt managers of Andrew Hack, have signed a contract by which he Is to make a twenty weeks' tour of Aus- tralia. Mr. Mack closes his present season March 10 In San Francisco. On March 18 be will sail with bis company for Sydney, wbere he will open on April 8, In "The Way to Kenmare." — Notes from the Du Vrles Stock Co.: At Johnstown, N. Y., Nov. 29, Baby Jack McKee was presented with a gold watch by the mem- bers of the company. It was bis first birth- day 1tu> companv Is made up as follows: Sam Du Vrles and Harry IS. McKee, proprie- tors and managers; the Great Ameta, Alma Hutberford, Ana Marlon, Josephine Gray, Net- tle Bagley, Maggie Rutherford, Oenevleve Rutherford, B. Ralph Browne, J. H. Doyle, Carrie Kaunt, Joseph O. Chandler, J. N. Du- val, Harry Joseph, Walter Landsdorf, Robert llarton, It. H. Hughs, BUI Smltb and little Jack McKee. The company has broken records In every bouse we have played tbls season, and managers say It Is one of the best stock i-ompanles tbey ever played. Harry E. Mc- Kee, with bis change act. and the Great Ameta are making successes. The show Is Looked, completely until July, 1805. After tbe presentation of the watch to Baby McKee, Mr. and Mrs. McKee gave a banquet to the entire company at the Kolaueka Hotel, and the health of the "young comedian" was drunk until the wee' hours. — North tiros.' Comedians (Western) Notes : After a very successful tour of Kan- sas, Oklahoma and tbe Indian Territory, ws are In our seventh week InTeias, and thus far the l.one Btar State has accorded us grand receptions. At Wazahachle, Hlllsboro, Den- ton and Tyler, we bold the records for the largest bpsluess ever done by a popular price attraction, and each town bas been booked for a return date. At Dallas and Ft. Worth our business was highly satisfactory, as this Is a new attraction for this territory, and we play return dates In both cities. Our present tour takes us as far south as San Antonio, Tex., after which we go North for a sir weeks' tour, returning to Texas for eight weeks of return dates, which speaks well for the North Bros, company. The following comprise the roster : Frank C. Carter, sole manager; 11. C. (.'niter, business manager and treasurer : C. K. Leach, stage manager ; J. B Street, stage carpenter ; l.d. Peters, props ; I.u Beta Falmntler, director of tbe Falmatler Sisters Orchestra ; J. H. Harris, Clare Evans, William Rowe, Frank Husted, C. K. Leach, J. E. Street, J. H. St Vraln, Mabel Cullen, Millie Des Mooda. Altbea Davis, Alma Pal- mer, Frank Husted, agent, with Harry Eltlng, business manager In advance. — Tbe Echols A Hawkins Ideals closed a successful season of thirty weeks on Nov. 26. — Mnudrcss De Yore Is playing the heavy Id "The Denver Express" Co. — Roster of the Frank Hoilowny Comedy Co.: Wo closed our tenting season and tbls makes the eleventh week In opera houses. Busi- ness bas boen good so far. Executive stall: Frank llolloway, proprietor; James Thorpe, manager; Max Holloway, treasurer. Our company insists ' of fifteen people and a hand and orchestra, Tbe Three De Lopps r.re a feature of our show with their big Hcycle. act. One Davis is winning favor with his Hinging and dancing specialties. Lucy Franklin never falls to score a hit with her illustrated songs. Leslie Fletcher's band anil orchestra is praised by all. We will lour Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota and the Dakotae, making week stands. — Corlnne Runkel, the star of the Corlnne Rnnkel Stock Co., was formerly known In vaudeville at Baby Corlnne. and for the past soven years d'd an act with her brother and Ted Breton, known as the Bretcn-Bunkel Trio.' '. — Jacobs, and Vantyle are with Martin Julian's "Because She Loved" Co., both playing parts and doing their Chinese spe- cialty. — Electa Paige entertained Edna May Crawford nnd Van R. Boyd at her home In tbe Bronx on Thanksgiving Day, to a sumptuous Bpread. Miss Paige rendered some of her specialties. Miss Paige and Miss Crawford were laBt year with the Roe Stock Co., In support of Campbell Strattoa. „ — Edwin Young .writes: "Lena Delalgle- Toung, little Edna, Master Bobble and my- self, recently withdrew from the R. A. Hanks A Little Outcast' Co. I organized the Ed- win Young Stock Co., opening the season at liocheater, IndV Dec. 1. The company will tour Indiana. Ohio and Pennsylvania. Harry Oarrlty, L. W. Martin, Edward Clark, H. A. Engllsl, Thos. Davis, Deda Walker, Mny Oermon and Mrs. Kimball are with the com- pany." — Louis J. Epstein, of tbe Benett-Moul- too Co. (Ad. P. Reed, manager), was re- cently elected a member of the Medina, N. Y., Aerie of Eagles. — Harry Le Clair continues successfully ns tbe Queen, with "Tbe: Sleeping Beauty oud tbe Beast" Co., which ts now touring New England. . ■— "lions Uamnn" Notes: Martin Bowers Is on his eighteenth week with this company, playing the tramp part. Dan Morris, and net- 'OS la stag* manager. Be is making quite « UH In Che part. Business Is good, and •rvttybody Is enjoying good health. The Ot.u llixiADLB Is among us every week. . —•Blanche Ring has been divorced from J»rnes Walker Jr. LIT HOg , ONBCENT BACH. AMY STYLE. SEND.20 Cent* for Sample*. JOBN OOBDOH.N. Y. W., corner Eighth andWalnnt 8ta.,PhUa.,Pa. COHSETIBTB WANTBD-Young Lady and Oentleuan for high class Vaudeville Act. Must be young and of good appearance. Splendid opportunity. Call or s ddress OKF1CB 18s. 1441 Broadway, New York. WANTJBD, all 'round Sober Comedians, spe- cialties and parts; $1.26 per night and expenses. Money sure. TThomas Bros., West Decatur, Pa. WAMTKD aCIOK.-Strif.tly Al All 'Round 8. k D. Comedian. Most fake QOOD piano for ill. songs and overtures, stun* must please refined audiences and run 16 min.; change for 8 nights only. No "eccentrics" or booze tolerated, write all first letter for long season with this show; lust entering second sneceasf nl rear. Never missed a payday. Open Jan. 1. Htr>TLEY ENTERTAIN- ERS, care of F. W. BUNTLEY, Winona, Minn. QALATBA Illusions, Flying Lady and Black Art OotUta. Wax Figures, Ventriloquist Figures. Books on Illusions, etc. Lists for si amp. W. SHAW, Victoria, Mo. WASTED, for Repertoire, Al Character Woman. Singing and Dancing Comedian. Others, write. 1 pay expenses. J. E. Preston, Ironton, O. FOB. 8 »IJE— New Moire SUkollne Serpentine Dress, JS; » Colored Slides for Dance. 14; Black Art Outfit, lis. Lot of Tricks cheap. Fish Pole, S3; Nest of Boxee.lt. Enclose stamp or no answer. Mrs. WM. CARL, 131 Court St., Rochester, N . Y. 'Twould Cost $1,500.00 If you had me write to order all the orlgl" nal Monologues, Parodies, Sketches, ew., contained la Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stage tan, con- taining 21 Original Parodies, » new Mono- logues, 4 great Sketches, new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Oomlo Poems, Toasts and Epitaphs; two roaring farces. two big burlesques, besides hundreds of new Gags. Stories and Jests— so big pages. One doUarper copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 1. $1.50: any 3, $a; any 4, la.w or Budgets 3,4,7,8 and 9, j ». Others ont of print. Send ah orders to my agent, 1» J. K, hki L, 1404 Third Ave., New York. 100 LETTEBJHEADS, or Env., 23c; Half Tone, Sl: 6,000 aids. f.1.24; 6.000 Coupons : $1: etc.; Samples,*?. Howell Show Print, Howell, Mich. MUSIC ARRANGED FOR ORCHESTRA and Piano. Original melodies written. Special muBlo for acts; One moslo for dramas, etc. Rea- sonable. Mall orders prompt attention. SDW1N DICEY, 141 W. loth St., New York Oily. WANTED, sketch Team, one that can sing and dance preferred. Also S. and D. Sonbrette that works In act". I want QOOD people, and am willing to pay for them. State all In first, and he ready tojoln on wire. Answer quick. Dr. E. A Pollard, Mgr. Modern Remedy Co., Coebnrn, Wise Co., Va. WANTED, Picture Machine, Taylor Secre- tary Trunk, Med. People with Musical and Danc- ing Specialties. All must be good. State all first letter. Mute Bnrke. the Stubblellelds, Stella Nye, write. DR. F. W. BUCK, Wakonaa, so. Dak. AT lib., Al B. P. Com., Descriptive comic Vocalist, Magic, Ventriloquist, Rube, Irish Biddy, Banjo, Change for week. Vamp Organ, St. Com. in Acta. Make good. 10. Exp. Want ticket Will J. Watson, Commercial Hotel. Hamilton, Ont. SKETCHES AND PLAYS WRITTEN TO ORDER, Address BERNARD RUNG, Play- wright, 7 Bolflncb St.. Boston, " WANTED AT ONCE, Operator with good Motion Picture Outot, III. Bong*, etc.; also Good Serlo Comic that can dance. Other good people, write. Ohas. Robinson, write at once or wire. HILLIE COLLINS, Clarksburg, W. Va. WA*TBD— Lady Pianist and Vocalist, Use- ful Sketch Team and Advance Agent. Piano play- er wanted. Week stands. Constant work all year 'round. State all first Jetter. MANAGER WYND- HAM, Lafayette, Chambers Co., Ala. WANTED QUICK, For the Orpheom, ST. PAUL, MINN., A Lady Orchestra of Five Pieces, Violin, Cornst. Clarionet, Trombone, Drums. State lowest salary first let'er. One year's en- gagement. Address CHAS. VRERCK, ORPHEDM TBEAT8B, St. Paul, Minn. PICTURE MACHINES. Hew and Second Band Btereoptlconi, Films, Bong Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all Improvements. Rheostats any volt- age. Mecnanloal effects for acta made. Expert repairing done. NEW TORE FILM EXCHANGE. N. POWBR, Mgr., u T Naaaan St., New York. Phone 8360 Cortland. WANTED, CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. WHY PAT MORE ? Oar XXX Trunk has bo Equal. Its Superiority tad Lou log built on well seasoned Baaswood, with a OontuMOM Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Rlvst* used. Heavy Rawhide Handles, Yale Lock. Sin. Tray, mad* M Swing In tbe top, making In all the Iliat Theatrical Truak. Guaranteed S Years. 28, »10 76 : 80. 111.25 : 12, lil.Tij 84, I12.7C.J 88. 113.76; 88, 114.7* . 40, 115.71?. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Mads. Built on Baaswood Box, Covered with Ball Duck, Glued on. Wound with Heavy Steel, Yale Loch, Dowels and Double Hinges, Angle Edging, 1 sin. Tray, 1 4ln. Tray. A Vary strong Riveted Trunk. 28, 87.85 i 80, 87.76; 82, IB. 28; 84, 88.76; 88, 8925; 88, $B.T>| 40, 8J0.25. STEEL CLAD.— Basawood Bog, Covered with Gold Roll** Steel. 1 Deep Tray, Yale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. The Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, 18.60: 80, 10.00; 82, $6.56; 84, 17,00 ; 86, 7.60: 88, 88.00: 40, 18.60, ■hipped C. O. D. on receipt of 19.00. write (or Cats ion*. M. «. CASEY, 441 6th Ave., Bet. 30th and 27th Sts., N. Y. Established 47 Years. Good, Useful Pooplo for Repertoire. Preference given to those who can do specialties. A drat class and experienced BTAOti MANAGER, a good WINGING and DANCING BOUBRF.TTK, AGENT; preference given to a young and energetic man who can post hills, If need be. Address eg ,1 BERRY, Bristol Bonae, Cincinnati, Oblo ingi ,0)11 UP IN RIP UH HE. Address 8. D. FOWLER, Port Huron, Midi. WANTED QUICK A Sober aid Experienced Advance Agent. •TATE EVERYTHING F iTt. AT LET- TRR. Address OTTO H. KK Al SK JBan- stger. Wood* Sisters Co., Wswhsra, Team. STEVOS' COMEDY COMPACT Y/VAIVTS Worn in, 8econd Business, Specially las. Anything cast. Married couple only. Others write. HARRY A. STEVENS, Shilburn, Ind. WAXTBD, W)8 REPERTOIRE, Man and woman for Leads, Comedian. I pay all. Salary sore. People doing specialties preferred. BDWIlt BOOTfUMU CO., J. W. HONZE, Manager, Newberry, Fla. For Sale, a Rare Chances MUSIC HALL, suburban city; good business; bar; admission charged; twelve living room*. sickness cause of selling. Most be seen to be aoprt ■ cla»ed. Address M. E. C. ,c are ot OUPPBB OFFICE, Wanted, Advance Agent For Moving Picture Show. One that under- stands working benefits. Must be sober and tellable. State salary In first letter. FRANK II. 8NYDF.lt, Mahanoy City, I'a. AT LIBEATT-W1U P.LEAH, The Blgh Clasa Novelty VENTRILOQUIST. Iniro. duolng life size walking and smoking figures. Address _„ _ _ _ . ALL AOEHT8, or 149 E. 21TH ST.. New York. FDBIH8HED BOOBS IB FLAT. Foot Large, Sunny Rooms, connecting (together or seperate): housekeeping or gentlemen; an improvements. 217 K.zetfa St., N. T. Duncan's bell. CLIHIOIBTtIST, Pint Olasi, At Liberty. Theatre or Vaudeville Bouse, Absolutely rell able. Address BOWKS. gae la«t«tk street. New York Oltyj; IT IIBDIrTV After Deo. W, an Operatorwlth Al LlDljuI 1 1 Edison Machine. Plenty of films, Lady Singer, HI. Songs. Plenty of slides, single or double, rt. aLbal'oh, 1 • 1001 E. 12th St., ESS City, Mo. WANTED QUICK, GOOD PIANIST Name lowest salary, I pay expenses. Week Stands. J. W. SlQHTs, (lakes, N. 11. CHEISTMAS OPEN AT COLUMBIA PA., POPULATION 17,000, FOR GOOD REPBRTOIRE CO., Deo. 26, 27, S, or GOOD, BIQ ATTRACTION for Dec. 2a, matinee and ulght. (Julok. JOBN B. Bissi.NOER, Leasee and Mgr., Columbia, Pa. UI/AIVTED, Director. Repertoire People in Ml Lines, P.operly Man who can Act, Ability, experience, wardrobe, specialty 'mperatlve, Long, pleasant engagement to desirable people. Money n tire. Southern cities. Chris Momn, Ferdinand Urates*, wire. Aulmul Act may write. Address _■ JACOH SMITH, Toler Auditorium, Wichita, Kans. WA1VTED, SUNDAY NIGHT CONCERTS, BUFFALO, N. Y. I wont' first class Set* for the Academy Theatre Sunday night concerts : monologlsis, musi- cal acta and singing acts preferred. The law here doea not allow makeup or comedy ward- robe. Also forbids acrobatic, or acts who require special acenerey. Want features forXinim .unl New Year Sundays, also clubs (any good act). Rreak your Jump. Rehearsal, Acad- emy Theatre, U.30 P.M. Trains leave for Chicago at 11.110, Nuw York, ot midnight. CHAtC W. Ml'MAIION. Theatrical AgeSl, Room 42, Lewis mock,, 18% M. Hwan Mlreet, HuBalo, N. V. M. \ST. Heticil&y, WANT 20 BRASS BAND PEOPLE (TO DOUBLE STAGE). 20 State lowest. Pay yonr own, . Fall particulars. One piece. No tickets. No drunkards. A Hnmespnn Heart. F. L, HUNT, 1512 Tribune jtjsg Chicago. WANTED, For "Uncle Josh Sprueeby," Slide Trooibono Hand and Orchestra. Mention lowest salary. Pay own. Sonthbrldge, Mass., U; Putnam, cionn., U; Wllllmantlo 17, westerly, R.I.,80; FsU River 21-82. P. B. LEVIS, Manager. AT LrBEHTT, Al Pianist, Sight reader. Transpose. Can Join on wire. AU1HE DEAN BRIOOS. Ply month. Wis. WANTSID QUICK, FOR BOYER & BURKE'S Hl-SI-and-l CO. Heavy, to double Trombone In Band; alio Tuba and Bass Player. Romloy Sisters, write, and other people. Address W. T. BOYER, Empire Theatre. Colambill, O. As Per Cut, I RI8H or BIDDY WIG $1. GEORGE WASH- INGTON WIG J1. THEATRICAL OCIDE, 10c. C. C. VOL AN, S24 Oreen St., Lockport, N. V. TO MANAGE STAR, STOCK CO. OR THEATRE. Addre** BOX T3, NILE*, Jilt Ilia Alt. ONLY 20 YEARS' PRACTICAL B3CPEBIEWCE, "THAT'S AIA." HENRY F. WILLARD WANTS QUICK. FOR PAIGE COMEDY CO.. HANDSOME YOUNO JUVENILE WOMAN, HKAVY MAN.SINOlNfl AND DANOINO COMKD1AN ANU SOUBRETTKANO JUVKNILK MAN. All must have good appearance on and oar. Rehearsals nstniu. Call at once. H. MABTYNNE, soo East uth street, New York. "Writing a Play,'' A little volume which brings together In a con- cise and practical way tbe principles governing the art and science of playwrniug, giving exam- ples, from standard plays, of the principles cor- rectly applied. Invaluable io the amateur, who Is unfamiliar with the demands of the drama, as well as the professional. Price, Postpaid, 50 Cents. ?. 1224 Hnmrd It., Phila.. Ft IMMEDIATELY, Handsome Young Juvenile, Light Comedy, WITH SPECIALTY PUEPERUED, Must join receipt of wire. Newberry, 8. 0,, week J2; Oolninbln.S. C, week io. Mum he able to de- liver goods. HENRY F. WILLARD & CO., FEHVOIII COMPANY. WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE IN ALL LINKS. STRONG SPECIALTY TO FE ATD RE PATH S TOOE CO., Blddglord Ma 0001) UELIAHliE MAN TOR OUABAOTBItS and OBNKRAL B08INH8B; good wardrobe. Vol |"o OLEVKK WOMAN KOR LBADb. IIKAV1KH anil OBNBItAL HimiNKSS; PIANO LKAl)i.ll ill" 0.!! Arrange and Transpose, Kellablo Hop. I'eopin In ?. l J. , .'.SP'!( wr "*l wlln Iul1 M'lloillars. WANTKK, KBATURB HPKUIALTY KOR WKKK DK(J. Jo, at Cnmiierland, lid. Write quick. H, A. DU BOI8, Manager, "Vcraa May," Oharieroi, I'a iNTKO, For Uncle Josh Sprueeby MUSIC Arranged, taped. eta, St. N. t. Arraogingamall sonrs. B parts, 90 t g wTaTt c bbtbmab, MYlfe WANTED QUICK, REPERTOIRE PEOPLEand PIANIST 0. K OLTMER, flreat Bend, N. Y. Wanted for Holiday Week At ATTRACTION AT I'KARL OPERA HOOSK, llaudBeneat. DHACON MJLE8,Mgr.,Welilon l Ill. WANTED, BLACK FACE COMEDIAN, PIANO FLAYER, SKRTOI1 TEAM. Must be ladle* and gentlemen. Boozors, NO. Address tiCOKNE CUESTEK. Manager, H. of L. Med. Co,, (Jen. Del., Pittsburg, Kan- RING PERFORMERS, LOOK. Would like to loin a good Slog Ant. Also aood at band to hand balancing. c k. kennby, ATI Urlgg* Avontie, Brooklyn, if. T. WANTED— 'Cello Piarir Wints EflgigniBt In or near New York Oily, for either Hotel or Opera House work. Address D.A., Caroot NKW YORK OLltTER. TO ]M *D BANI». Join quick. Address 1IAVK B. LBVIK, Bellinger, Texas, l<; San An- guio 17, lirownwood is. "~WANTED~AT ONCE, QOOD SKETCH TEAM. Hsntodo a'ronit comedy in act*. Change for on»woek. If you don't want, work, don't write, ss you must Join on wire. Adflrasa OHO. llHIiHTICR. Walnut, Ran; WANTED AT ONCE, For the Rockwell Dramatic Co,, Man to Play Character* and Ootneily with Spe otally. Would like to boar f mm man with Mov- ing Picture*. State all In first letter. Franc Clayton, telegraph nte. Address J, 0. ROOK WELL, Mgr.. Uxbrltlae, Has*. Ws»r.««Md QuloK, , 111 for HearlM, Character Han, Woman. OfBBR8, WRITE. Join on wire, Pay own. Money sent br letter. KERR EnWARIIS STOUK CO,,ofN*wark,Ohlo. 1010 THE IZTZW YORK CLIPPER. Decembeb 17. SEW YORK CITV. Review and Comment. — The approach ol the Christmas holidays hod little effect on tli? attendance at our local playhouses tout week, and good average business ruled. The openings during tho week Included a new theatre, five plays, new to local theatregoer!, and the reappearance of a star, well known In this city. Law 9ttU0t Thkaths, the latest addition to our lone Hat of playhouses, Was dedicated Monday night, Dec. G, by the Fields Stock Company, In the first produc- tion In New York City of ','It Happened In Nordland," a musical comedy, in a prologue and two acta, the book of which Is by Olen MncDonbugh, and music by Victor Herbert. The theatre la one of the prettiest in the city, and the production la Well suited to the theatre. The house 's under, the manage- ment of Hamlin, Mitchell & Weill's, and Is a v.clioiue acquisition to our supply of amuse- ment resorts. The production, which was Staged under the personal direction of Julian Mitchell, Is one of the most attractive that tins graced our local stage, and well deserved tlic high praise bestowed upon It, by the press. The company, bended by Lew FlcldB, contains the names of many well known and capable performers, add the chorus is made up of attractive young women, whs sing and diimo well..'. . ..At the Uarmck Tiieatiie Annie Russell appeared In the first metro- politan presentation of "Brother Jacques," a four act comedy, by Henry Bernstein and I'lorrc Vebcr On the same night, at the FuixcKSSJ Tni;vrnrj, llobcrt li. Mantell made lias New York Clly reappearance, giving us our first opportunity of seeing him In Shakes- pearean tragedy. "Ulchard 111" was the bill. Another Monday night opening oc- curred at Daly's TIIEAtug, where Nance O'Nell gave tho first presentation, In this city, of "Judith of Bethulla," n scriptural tragedy, In four acts, by Thomas Bailey Aldrkii At tho Lyiuc Tiikatiie, Tues- day ' night, 0, James K. llackctt gave the first metropolitan presentation of "Tho For- tunes of tho King," a four act romantic melodrama, by Mrs. Charles A. Doremua and Lconldns Wostorvclt.. ... .At tlie New hi- ci:«jm Tiiratiih, on Wednesday night, 7, Charles Wyndham and company gave the first American production of "Mrs. Gor- rlngc's Necklace," a four act comedy, by Hubert Henry Davles. Further mention of the two last named productions will be found elsewhere In this Issue On Tuesday tight, 0, at the Guano Centum, r.u.AcK, •'under the Orecn Lamps," a due act play, by Newton MacMllhin .and I'aul Armstrong, "was presented by the Greater New York l'ollco Band, Fife and Drum Corps At tho New Yoiik Tukatiir, utlcrnon of Friday, the Actors' Church Alliance gave the initial perfonuiincc of "The King's Highway," a ro- mantic comedy, In four acts, by William Olll "Tho Baroness Fiddlesticks" closed abruptly Saturday night, 10, at the Casino. The continued attractions for tho week ending Dec. 10. were: Annie Russoll nt the Gamck, "It Happened in Kordland" at the Law Fields, 11. B. Mantell at the Princbrs, James K. Hackett at the Lviuc, Nat C. Goodwin at the Hnickbrdockkii, Louis Maun at tho Ciiitekion, Frltal Belied nt tho Bboadwat, Nance O'Nell at Dai,y.'»j "Woodland" at the Nhw York, Charles Wynd* ham nt the Nbw Lvci;um, "Ilumpty Duuipty" at the New Amsteiidasi, Ethel Hiirrymorc at tho Hudson, Edna May In "Tho School U'rl," at the IIkiiald Squaub : "Higgledy-piggledy" nt, the Whueu Music Hall, May Irwin nt tho Bijou, "The Sho-Guu" at Wallack's, David Warflold at IUJLAHCo'h, "The College W'dow" at tho G ah hen, Mrs. Fiskc and stock company at the Manhattan, "Mrs. wiggs of tho Cabbage Patch" at tho Savoy. John Drew at tho l'Mi'iin:, Andrew Muck at tho l'oun- tlijntii Btukict, tho German Stock Co. at the Ibvino l'lACB, "Tho Wizard of ps" at tho Academy, and "Baroness Fiddlesticks" at the Casino, the last named closing on that date. At I'KocToii'B Finn Avenue and One Uun- diibu and Twenty-fifth Stiieet Thbaiiiss stock productions, with vaudeville between acts, continued The one week stands closing 10 were: "A Girl of tho Streets" at the Spun Avbnub, "A Woman's Strug- B'o" nt tho Windsor, "The Other Girl" «t tin Grand Oi'BRA IIoobk, "Winsome Winnie" at the Majestic, the Bogora Brothers at the nAULnu Oi'EBA Houbb, "Twlrly-Whlrbj" at tho West End. "The Volunteer Organist" nt tbo Metropolis, and "From Bags to Blebcs" at tho Star Variety entertain- ment wns furnished nt I'aocTon's Tw'bntv- tii'iiid Street, Ton* 1'astoh's, tho Yio TORIA, tho YOMIVII.1.B, PlIOCTOB'B Fim- KintiTII Street, tho Chicle, Keith's Qn'nm Squauh, Miner's Etaimi Avenue, .Wongrs Bowery, the London, the Dbwet, Hurtiu & Sbamq.n'k, the Gotham and tho Olympic, the last named house closing on that date to reopen 12, under new manage- ment. At KcocB's Museum the usual long list of curios nud vaudeville was offered. 1 For the week ending Dec. 10 (third Week), tho bills at tho Mktiioi'oi.itan Opera llousH ml Monday night, 5, "Lucrcstla Borgln:" Wednesday night, 7, "Tuiinhausi'r," W'tlt Hi's cast: Elisabeth, Mme. Alno Acktc; Venus, Ollvo FreuiBtad ; Eln Illrt, Miss Al- ton ; Tannbauser, Helnrlch Knote ; Wolfram, Mr. Vun Rooy; Landgrnf Hermann, Mr. Hlnss; Walthcr, Mr. Bclss; llctnrlch, Mr. Buyer; blterolf, Mr. Muhlmann; Rclnmar, Mr. Grcder. Alfred Herts conducted. It was Mr. Knotc'a drat appearance here In tho tlilo role, and bo made a capital Impression. Mme, Ackto was uIbo seen for the first t'wo na EliBiibeth. Thursday, 8, 'Tarslfal" was given for the third time this Reason. Mme. Nordk-R was the Kundry, Mr. Van ltooy the Ainfortas, and Mr. Blass the Gurncmauc, otherwise tbo cast was the same as that of the previous performance, Friday. 0, "Don r»squale," with this cnat: Nnrlne. Mme. feanibrlch: Ernesto, Mr. Dipnoi; -Dot tor* Malatesta, Mr. Scottl: Hon tViqnnle, Air. Rosttl ; Notnro, Mr. Begue, and Cli- val lecla Rustlcana," with this cast: San- tuzzn. Mme. Marls de Maccbl ; Lola, Mme. Josephine Jacoby ; Lucia, Miss Bauermels- t'or: Turiddu, Mr. Saleza; Alflo, Mr. 1'arvis. Arturo Vlgnn . conducted. Saturday after- noon, 10, "Aids," .was given, with Mme. E*me» as A Ida, Miss Walker as .Amnerla, Mr. Caruso as Uhndames, Mr. Scottl as Amohjuro, Mr. Jon met as Ramfls, and Mr. Muhlmann as the King. Arturo Vlgna con- ducted. Saturday night, 10, "Lohengrin" was sung, with this cast : Lisa, Mme. Nor- dics;, Ortrud, Mme. Homer ;■ Lohengrin, Mr. Knoto; Tclramund, Mr. GorlU; Helnrlch, Mr. Hlnss, and tho King, Mr. Muhlmann. Alfred Hertz conducted. Manlintmn Theatre (Harrison Grey Flske, tnauaget). — Mrs. Flake, who changed her bill to CM. S. McLcllun's five act play. "Lcnb Klcai'hnn," on Dee. 12, ban secured n. work of absorbing Interest and one worthy of long Bfc In her repertory. The play was then al ven Its first production on any stngc, and Mr. McLetlan; who Is familiar to play- goers of America and England under the pen name of Hugh Morton, made on this occa- sion his ro-entry into metropolitan theatri- cals and emerged from the arena of first right test with flying colors. His play U first of nit a remarkably line example of constructive: skill, with the keynote of In- tense Interest struck during the first act and sustained nt high pitch until the final curtain. Of secondary consideration Is the fsct that In a way It Is a psychological study, with crime dnd the criminal Impulses as. the basis of the story, but ns the author makes no pretense of carrying the theories advanced to a logical conclusion and uses them simply for dramatic purposes they should provoke little discussion. But from an artistic stand- Do' nt the work ranks very high, Its dialogue being of literary merit. Its situations prov- ing Intensely dramatic, and the story being of cumulative interest Leah Klescbna is a young woman of pleasing personality and keen .Intelligence, but her talents have been misdirected, because since her childhood her father's evil Influences bare clouded her life, nnd nt the opening of the play n great Jewel robbery Is about to be committed, with Lenh as the active safe breaker. To get the Information necesiary to the abstraction of the jewels. Klcschna forces Leah to encourage tho fur from houorablc advances of Baoul Bcrton. a degenerate, whose Bister Is engaged to l'aul Bylvalne, one of France's greatest men, nnd the owner of the diamonds. Leah enters Paul's study, Is surprised by bltn as she Is about 1o leavo with the Jewels and Is se- verely lectured by l'aul, whose pet bobby Is the belief that no bouI 1b loo base to be be- yond redemption and that crime is due more to surface Impulse and environment than to Inherent nnd fundamentally rooted character- istics. Leah Is permitted to depart unmo- lested, but as Paul shows her to the door, Baoul, who has entered the room, takes the Jewels. Later the discovery of their disappearance shakes raid's faith In his theories, but only for a moment, for ltuoul is immediately pre- sented to his mind ns the culprit. Un- willing to press mutters against the brother of his fiancee, I 'mil has another scene with Lenh, in which ho Is convinced of her in- nocence, and Informs tho father of Itnoul nnd bis fiancee of bis suspicious. In the mean- time Leah, who has been awakened to a sense of her position by Paul's advice, takes lcuvi! uf her father ana her old life and re- turns to the fields and the simple existence of the Austrian peasants. There she Is. found by I'niil, three years lutcr, nnd ub he Is still a bachelor; he prevails upon her to go to England, and later to return to France as lils wife. Mrs. Flake has done nothing so fine In years as her portrayal of this compos- ite character. Her mannerisms were thrust aside nnd only at rare Intervals was her rapidity of speech noticeable, her portrayal lielng a conception which vibrated with emotion that carried unerringly across the- toot lights and held her auditors with resist- less force. Bhe hud the aid of a quartet of untie plovers whose work was on a most ar- tistic plane, John Mason, .Charles Cnrtwrlglit, George Arils* and William B. Mack all win- ning distinct Individual triumphs'. Mr: Cart- wrtght, who made his American debut, did flawless work, and furnished a rare study In an artistically conceived and dramatically sustained characterization, that of Klcschna. Mr. Mason gavo to the role of Paul Bylvanle a dignity nnd convincing force that won its hearty tribute to art from the audience, ana Mr. Arllss offered another of his brilliant sketches as the degenerate, llaou). Mr. Muck's work was also conspicuously tlac, and he deservedly shared honors with the .players mentioned. Ktleiinc Glrardol, In his scene dur- ing the first net, was excellent, aud Fraucca Wolntenil also did capitally. The stage set- tings were In perfect taste throughout, and the last, act, showing a lottuce Held, was beautiful In tho full sense of that. word. The play Is deserving of n long and prosper- ous run. The cast : Paul Sylvalne, John Ma- sou : Klesehnu, known as Monsieur Garnler, Charles ■ Cartwrlght ; . Senium, William B. Mack ; General Berlon, Edward Donnelly ; ltuoul Barton, George Arllss; \alcnttn Fovre, Etlenne Glrardot ; llcrr Linden. Bob- rrt V. Ferguson : Anton l'tah*. Charles Terry ; Johnnn, H. Chapman Ford ; Bclrhmunn, Monroe Salisbury ; Baptlste, James Morley; Leah Klcschna, Mrs. Flske ; Madame Ber- ton, Cecilia Badclyffe, Clntro Berton, Emily Stevens: Sophie Chnponnler. Francis Wol- stead ; Frieda, Marie Fedor ; Charlotte, Mary Mnddcrn. Yorkvllle Theatre (Meyer B, Blmberg, manager). — Vaudeville has apparently been decided upon as tho policy of the house for this season, ns no announcement has been. con- sidered, looking to a change, aud business Is Improving. Among tbo acts billed' for this week nro : Melville aud Stetson, A. 0. Duncan. Hurry Thorno nnd CO.. mm Dogs, Flcurcltu Do Mar and the Theo, M' Trio. . _ Atlantic Garden (W. Kramers Sons, managers).— Prof. Krlcscl's performing dogs, cats and monkeys, the Walls. In their acro- batic specialty; Jones aud Sutton, singing and dancing comedy tc»m ; Marie Laurent, operatic soprano; Prof. Meyers' lulest humorous aud ' Interesting moving pictures. and Mu.v Lavell, vocal comedienne, are hero this week. ' Miner's Eighth Avenue Theatre (Ed- win D. Miner, umungor). — The Brigadiers opened Ber. 12 lo n large nnd well pleased audience In "A Wise Guy," n hodgc pudge, In two acts. Edmund Hayes was given a warm reception. Tho olio included': Buf- ford Sisters. Strousc and Young, Kdmond Hayes, Threo Kuhns, Famous Nelson Combines and Jack Symonds. The cast: Spike Hennessey. Kdmnnd Haves. Con Bus- sc. Jack Symonds: Tom Tipton, Horace Strousc: Willie Kwnycoll. Tom II. Nelson; Tommy Tintype Henry Peyser :Lord Get tho Coin, Chas, Kulin : Henry Hopper. Dan Glln- sprltl : Walter. Jack Boon : Gertie Woadcr- bllt, Adele Palmer : Mnud Bussc, Jcnnnette Young: Miss Step, lua Bufford. Next week, Troeadero Burlesipiers. II mi *■> n riieiii re (Henry B. Harris, nuiniiger). — Kthcl Barrymore entered her ilfth week, In "Sunday." Dec. 12. Illjon Theatre (Henry B. Sire, mana- grrh— May Irwin commenced her sixth week of excellent business Dee. 12. Her new song. "Bible Stories," wins numerous en- cores, .i ... Ne«T Amsterdam Theatre (Ktaw A F.r- lunger, managers).— "Hnmpty Dumpty" be- gnii fve. 12 lis Ilfth Jollv tveek. U'wllaeb's Theatre (Mrs. Then. Mow, malinger).— "The Stho-Guu" commenced Us tcuth week Dec. 12. Herbert's orso I'roclor's Firth A venae Tliealre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager). — "An Ameri- can Citizen" is the current stock offering, and in spite of the prevailing snow storm tho opening performances Dee. 12 were attended by good, sited and appreciative audlencw. Bdwm Arden gave a capital portrayal of Beresford Cruger, and once more prorea his Versatility. Marlon Berg was charming In the role of Georgia Cbapin. iBnbelle bvesson was the Beatrice Carew: Douglas Flint was the Tetcr Barbury. nnd I'^erton Brown was played by Harold Hartsell. The cast la full was: lleresford Cruger, Kdwln Arden : Peter Itnrbnry, Douglns Ellnt: Kgertoh Brown. Har- old Hartsell; Sir Humphrey Bunn. WIIIIrb Herbert: Willie Bunn, II. Dudley . Ilnwley ; Olto Stroblc, Wallace Frs'tlne ; Elnns, Blfey Chamuerlln ; Lucas, Julinn Beed : Mercury, Little Jennie Turner ; Walter, Julian Beed; A Flower Vender, A. II. Wnlton : Beatrice Carew, Isabelle Kvesson ; Lady Bunn, Alice Chandler : Carols Cbapin, Gertrude Berkeley ; Georgia Chupln, Marlon Berg: Annette. Mary Cecil. Tho olio Included : Lillian Carllsmlth, n contralto singer, who made her first vaudeville appearance here, and met wltb fair success. She possesses a voice of fairly good quality and power. Other acts were given, by Kred Zobedlc, otjulllbriat : Harry II. Lester, comedian : Parker's trained dogs, Daly and Dovere, In their comedy sketch, entitled "The Janltrcas ;" the Carmen Sisters. ban- Joists: tbo 'Drummer's Quartette, . singing comedians : Kant and Stetson, baton and gun •pinners, and the motion- pictures. New Lyceum Theatre (Daniel Free- man, manager). — "Mrs. Gorrlngc's Necklace," a comedy, In four acts, from the pen of Hubert Henry Davles, received Its first Ameri- can presentation Wednesday evening, Dec. 7, by Charles Wyndham and company, before an audience which filled the house. The piece was originally produced at Wyiidham's Theatre, London, Eng., May 12, 1003. The play, which Is fairly evenly balanced between delicate comedy and high class melodrama, discloses tho weakness of David Cairn Ip purloining n necklace belonging to Mrs. Gor- ilnge, an inane and self centred member of a house parly. He and Capt Mowbray, his friend, love the same woman, Isabel Kirk, daughter of the hostess. Mowbray discovers David's guilt and Is himself accused of being the thief, but finding that David and Isabel have secretly xnarrled, shoulders the blame rather than disgrace her. In the end David confesses. Although the material Is weak, Mr. Davles has given us bright, witty nnd sa- tirical lines which cause a succession of hearty laughs, nnd In Borne instances tbo situations aro excellent, though In the hands of a less capable company It Is doubtful If the play would be much of n success. Mr. Wvndham gave additional evidence of his ex- cellence ns a comedian, carrying the burden of tho responsibility Ughty and ably, his ease And grace and delightful reading making ('apt. Mowbray a personage In actual life. Mary Moore wns a most excellent Mrs. Gor- rlnge. fully realizing the Idiosyncrasies of the character and scoring again and again In tho calm, matter-of-fact manner in which the took every thing as being arranged espe- cially for her. Such a piece of placid con- celt has not been so well done In a long time. Llllas Waldcgrave was ehnrmlng, sincere and earnest as Isabel : Vane Featu- erstone, ns the disgusted hostess, with feathers continually ruffled ; nervous, full of dignity, and yet Irascible, gave a clever characterization, ranking with the stars. Alfred Bishop, as Colonel Jar- dine, gave us ono of those lovable, solicitous old men, fon.l of nil, gentle, generous, a staunch friend, but easily swayed by his wife, seeking to smooth troubled waters and Invariably stirring up mud ; be, too, was ex- cellent. .Charles Quartermalno gave a viru- lent drawing of the weakling, David ; a man whom you strove to love In spite of bis shiftless nature, good at heart, but fall- ing when openly tempted ; bis work through- out was convincing and Interesting, and you continually hoped to Bee him succeed In replacing the stolen Jewels and start life anew. The other characters were well por- trayed. The one setting was delightful In design and tone effect and the gowns were beautiful. Mr, Wyndham again demonstrated bis excellence as a stag.* manager, every entrance, exit and movement upon the stage having Its meaning nnd being executed natur- ally. Tho comedy will probably enjoy a very successful engagement. The cast In full: Captain Mowbray, Charles Wyndham; Colonel Jardlne, Alfred Bishop: David Cairn, Charles Quartcrmalne; Mr. Jcrnlgan, T. W. liawsorl ; Charles, Bert ram Steer : Mrs. Jar- dlne. .Vane reathi rston : Isabel Kirk, Llllas Woldonravc: Vicky Jardlne, Daisy Markham ; Miss Potts, Ethel Marryatt ; Mrs. Corrlnge, Mary Moore. Lyric Theatre (Sam S. & Lee Sbubert, managers). — James K. Hackett Blguallzed bli return to metropolitan stellar activity on Dec. (i. by (be first presentation In this city of a four act romantic melodrama, by Mrs, Chas. A. Do-rcmus and Lconldas Wcstervelt, entitled "The Fortunes of the King." which wns glveu its premier at Parsons' Theatre, Hartford. Conn., Nov. 21. Tho play proved Interesting and of pleasing action, with numerous melodramatic situations following ono another with sufficient rapidity to keep tho Attention always alert. What It lacked In constructive skill It made up In the op- portunities It afforded the star to shine in heroic guise, nnd Us Improbabilities were overlooked by (ho opening night au- dience, which was plainly very welt pleased with the work aud would not be satisfied' until Mr. Hackett, In response to many demands, made a speech. Mr. Hackett hnd a lively sword bout in the third act and was In this and In every other way equal to all demands the role made upon his talents. The story tells of happenings In the life of Charles Stuart whllo ho Is forced to evade pursuit, after the disastrous defeat of his army by. Cromwell. During bis flight, and while making his wny to France, bo meets Jane Lane,' sister of a cavalier In his own cOrvlcc, and falls In lovo with her, but con- ceals his Identity. Later, whon she believes him about to give up her king to the enemy, dhc attempts to betray him us a spy. But, finally, mistakes arc cxplaiucd, and the two take ship for France, presumably to marry there. The liberties taken with history are apologized for by the authota In a footnote on the programme. Mr. Hack- ett invested the role of the ,dusblng. young King' Charles with a most agreeable pcrsonaN lty and played with a fervor that carried everything before It, his success being a most decided one. Charlotte Walker was very charming In persuii and maimer as the heroine, and bcr work was on a high plane of excellence. I'.. L. Dunne scored a conspicuous success ns a miller, and I'eter Lang, Jumcs L. Secley and Eleauore Sheldon were worthy of special mention. The cast: Charles Stuart, Mr. Harkett ; Clement Lane, u cavalier, James L. Secley: Lord Wllroot, Samuel Hardy; Sir George Vllllors, Frederick Webber: the Karl of Derby, George Dickson; Col. William Carlos, a veteran, Peter Lang; Gen. Henry Treton, Bobert Holmes; Capt. Mark Davereaux, William Conlelgh; Cor- net Snnkcley, M. J. Jordan: Blchard Pen- derel, Yeoman, George Schaefer ; Humphrey Fenderel. E. I.. Duano: Jane Lane. Clement's sister, Charlotte Walker; Brasilia Contngsby, Mora Bowley; Tabltha Pendcrcl, Eleanor Sheldon. Lew Field*' Theatre (Hamlin. Mitchell & Fields, managers). — "It Happened In Nord- Innd" started On Us second week of capacity business Dec! 12. Liberty Theatre (Klaw ft Erlanrcr. mnnsgers).— Geo. M. Cohan commenced Dec. 12 his sixth week of excellent business. In "l.ltlle Johnny Jones." Criterion Theatre (Churles Eiolinniii. manager).— Ix>uls Mann, hi "The Secnhd Fiddle," couiinoueed Lis fourth' week Dec 12. Proctor's FI«»-elKhlh Street The- atre (J. Austin Kynes. general WBoager)^- Tbouch a heavy snow storm wo* WW.Mob- doT Dec. U. this popular -bouie. en- joyed good patronage, ca led ou ^f.DwW itelnseo's popular piny, "Sweet Mtty Bel- la Irs," wilt Henrietta Crosman In the tft la role. The play was produced jwltli all Us wealth of. beautiful scencrv. The cast was >ery efficient nnd curtain calls were numer- ous enough, to ProM* thc.plav •b^ond the usual closing hour. The «kt .follows: -J*o- logue— Master of Ceremonies. Mark smith JrT: the Prologue, spoken by Grace t-oghlsp. CuBt of Characters— Col. the lion. Henry Vllllers, Edwin Stevens; Captain Splcer, Frank II. Wcsterton; Lord Verney. {-cut, Charles Hammond ; -Mr. Tom Stafford, Lieut., Clyde Fogel : Mr. Bob Chichester, Lieut., John Vaughn ; Gandy, private, the Colonel a orderly, Howard Hull: Fenwlck, private, an. orderly. William Tompkins ; Sir Jas- per StandlBh. Herbert Bostwlck ; the Bishop of Bath nnd Wells, II. Bees Davles; CoL Klmby MeFlontan. It. Peyton Carter; Capt. Denle O'Harn. Addison Pitt ; Major Owen MacTngue, Alfred Cahill : Mr. Lanty Mac Cluskv: S. K. Blalre; Mr. Darby Dono- vau. Mark Smith Jr.; Mallow, -Henri B. V. Edwards ; the Innkeeper of the "Bear Inn at BrlBtol, Shelley Hull ;. First Courier, John Dc Vere: Second Courier, John J. Burke; Post Boy. John Devereaux: Hon. Mr.Beahfort, K. F. Flnley; General Tltaey, George Boberts; Mistress Kitty Bellalrs, Hen- rietta Crosman : Lady Standlsb, lanchon Campbell ; Lady Marie Prldeaux, Mrs. Fanny L. Burt ; Lady Bab Flyte, Allda Cortclyou ; Mistress Bate-Coonac, Helen E. Davldge; Hon. Mrs. Beaufort, Charlotte Nlcoll Wes- ton : Miss Prue, Violet Kimball ; Miss Doll, Helen Hale: Miss Derby, Grace Preston: Miss Sallv, Barbara Clement :; Sellna, Muriel Wall'ng; Lydle, Bertha Carlisle ; Barmaid of the "Bear' r Inn, Grace Coghlan ; Clorlnde, Be'thn Roberts: Dorothea, Marie Leonard; Arabella, Lois Tabor; Angela, Ethel Watts; Mlrtrcss Tilney. Louise Alden, Sundays concerts attracted full houses. Next week vnudevlllo will be given, wltb John W. Ban- sohe heading tbo bill. . American Theatre (Klaw, Erlanger & Wcls, managers). — The Rays, In "Down the Pike," opened to a large house Dec. 12, this belDg • their first down town appearance .In this piece. In the slender plot the trials and victories of a janitor in an apartment bouse ure dilated upon, an Interchange .of characters, -many of them occur, and the entire company appears: at the World's Fair at St. Louis. Songs, dances, specll ties and knockabout work form the evening's enter- tainment. Johnny Roy led tbo noise and fun, as McCorkle, the janitor, ably seconded by Emma Ray, as a jealous wife. Phil Peters was energetic and amus- ing as F.usa Wonder, and Tom Leo as Pewce, an elephant, and Texas, a donkey, was very funny, being one of the hits of the piece. Sophie Bumham sang the old familiar "Kentucky Babe" very pleasingly. It Is doubtful If plays of this order w, extended a most cordial welcome to Emmctt Corrlgan and. company, who made their first appear- ance on this occasion, In Mr. Corrlean^ rac- ing skit, entitled "Jockey Joues." Itace track Hensatlonallsm abounds In the little plav. Mr Corrlgan did a capital bll ns the Jockc'v, and capable support, was rendered by Leo Hickman, Helen Courtney and Madge Cole- man. May Yobe also wa» extended n round or welcome upon bcr first appearance here, 8."" • w J >n J ler UBUal deserveif -success. The rcu-Ichl Troupe of Japanese created a deal of wonder In their really dexterous feats; the Light Collnls. Parisian dancers (tualr debut uerc). scored solidly: Charles Case, In his "father" stories, kept the audience lu rours of lunghtcr ; It. J. Jose, the contra- tenor, never sung more sweetly: James Cul- leii never told bin stories to more apprecia- tive ears: the Mllanl Trio discoursed excel- lent: music, both vocal und lustrumeutul : Lloyds dogs proved to he finely trained beast; the Everett Trio did n clever cquill- brlstlc act, nnd the vltugruph displayed ucw motion pictures. F ' Hnber's Museum (John H. Anderson, manager).— Ab the feature attraction here this week Munager Anderson has secured the services of Mtaniurn and his troupe of Japanese acrobats. Others on the list are: mi I lor Jack und Maratana, Impalement act: Vtobema, tattooed Indian queen; Prof. Dlerkes. magic ; Welsner, musical artist: pic Olson nnd Capt. Austin, midgets, and RSfv!*! nc . cdl ° kln »- ,n 'he theatre are: Daisy Dean, the Gilberts, Three Kings, Cora Evelyn, Adn Jones, Lens and Delmore, Phil Morton, Kennedy and Kennedy. M'tchell and Mioadcs aud the popular Edison projecto- Bcope Bclasro Then t re (David Bclasco. man- ager).— David Wurflrld, in "The Music Mas- ter, began Dec. 12 his twelfth week, to ca- pacity business. . . Garrtek Theatre (Charles Frohman, manager).— Annie Russell ocean her second week. In "Brother Jacques." Dee. J2. Savor Theatre (Frank MeKee, raana- per).- -"Mrs. Wlggg of the Cabbage Patch" began Dee. 12 its flfteMjth week, Moving passed the century mark. Proctor's Twenty-third Street The. bill .this week, and on Dec 12 the nuttlacr audience was loud In its praise. James Thornton gavo his clever line of talk to splendid effect, and Capt Webb's trained seals gave their truly remarkable exhibition the act scoring .heavily. Mods. Germinal, whose singing has occasioned much comment ncaln achieved a big success, ana Greene ami Werner's "Babes. or the Jungle," went as big as on a. previous occasion at this house. An act of exceptional merit in Its class Is that of Harry Kochei's Circus, the animals of which prove remarkably well trained. Keen fileasuro was undoubtedly given by this otter- ng. Stephen Grattan, assisted by Marlon Longfellow, presented the odd little sketch, "Locked Out at 3 A. M.," with wblcb he interested greatly. The act of Smith and Fuller, which Is particularly entertaining from beginning to end, went big at the mat*, nee, and. they were working under a handi- cap, at that,, for their music had not arrived. Charles Hera, European Juggler, proved adept to a high decree, aud scored a big suc- cess- Others were: Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Young, In -a bright act, entitled "A Home Spun Wooing;" Markcy and Moron, with bright talk and a real funny parody, and Dill and Ward, singers and dancers. The motion picture* continue. Third Avenue Theatre (Martin J. Dixon, manager). — "Down Our Way," a four act rural comedy drama, by Evelyn Saxtoo, pro- duced under the direction of George Paxton, opened here Monday, Dec. 12, wltb the fol- lowing cast: Cyrus Jones, J. L. Furlong ; John David Jones, Alfred G. Swenson ; Howard Miller, George Paxton ; Zeb Stiles, F. D. llos- tow ; Hank Brown, George Martin ; Davis, W. 8. James ; Vane, J. E. JfcDuff ; Spencer, Mor- gan Hewitt; Gordon, Louis Vizard: Zach Flint. F. D. Edwards ; Dr. Boot, H. Morgan ; Mr. Barrows, V. Louis ; J. Sharp, L. G reason ; T. Mark, M. Naughton ; Policeman, K. Mur- ray; Newsboy and Caddy, Joseph Merton; I.. Flipp, Louis Belton; Mrs. Jones, Mrs. F. Chapman: Betsy Brown, Marie ltyan ; Mattle, Lorle Palmer ; Doxy, Aille Duckens ; Mrs. Skerrett, Nellie Heywood. The action takes filace at the garden of Jones' Homestead, Ty- ervllle, K. II. ; a cheap lodging bouse in Boston, Boston Common, and In the parlor of, the Joees Homestead. Next week, "At the Risk of His Life," with Harry Lclghton lu the leading role. Windsor Theatre (A. H. Woods, mana- eger). — "The Minister's Daughters," in a pro- logue and five acts, by Leonard Grovcr, Is the attraction this week. The play abounds in exciting Incidents from the time the country girt leaves home until the sale of the old homestead The cast Includes: Millie Drayton, Aillce Hills; Marlon Drayton, Vir- ginia Bayley ; Maude, May Noble ; Mrs. Dray- ton, Mary Jones : Robin o Ma I ley, Charles Lloyd; Harry Bkidmore, Walter Montague; Pud Fitters, Jack Armstrong; Lyman Coy- kcndall, Charles Hoyt ; Otto Pilsner, Harry Little ; Sister Grimes, Jennie Wlnthrop ; Jerry Donovan, Ralph Messmer ; Biff Ma- loney, James Murray ; Walter at the "Ma- bille," Frank Day; Farmer Brewer, J. W. Pike ; Turnkey, John Uepwortb : "Monkey Wrench" Williams, J. J. Farnum ; Bill, Kalnk Mcukum ; Annie, Julia Ellis; Chaplain of the Prison, G. W. Pike ; Messenger Boy, Master Lawrence ; Steve, D. W. Pearson ; Bank Dc- tect'.ve, James Dunn: "Hungry Bob," Frank Day; Policeman McNeil, Horry Stacy. Kcxt week, "Why Girls Leave Home." .London Theatre (James H. Curtln, manager). — Watson's American Burlesquers are repeating on the Bowery this week wltb success. "Luny Doings at Luna Park" is the title of the flrat part. In It are Intro- duced some catchy and well Btaged songs and funnv comedy work, well taken cart of bv Geo, McFarland, Blchy W. Craig, Johnny Murray and Frank Fisher. Del-a-Phone, the imitator and music, offers bis entertaiuing specialty; itichv W. Craig, assisted by bis phonograph straight partner; Fisher and Clark, In clever acrobatics and dancing; Palfrey and Barton, expert comedy bicy- clists; Lottie Gllson, successful as ever in her clever character work, and assisted by Billy llnrt In providing an enjoyable time, nnd Herman Wechsler Hayes, the Hebrew lecturer, rounded out the olio. "Around the World In the Airship Jcannettc," wltb Lot- tie Gllson as Maggie Bcllly; Loin Bigger, lu suitable characters, aud with everyone In the company contributing good work, closed the show. Next week, the New York Stars. Miner's Bowery Theatre (Tom W. Miner, manager).— Weber's Dainty Duchess Co. Is the bin this week. "Wbos a Lire.' with Chas. Koblnsou as the Irish comedian, kept the audience interested. The Incidental numbers were well put on, with showy cos- tumes, Hurd and Fowler, operatic vocalists . Gruy and Graham, with a good musical comedy act, during which they piny a giant saxophone; Jumes and Sadie Leonard, m •The Wrong Tip;" Chas. Koblnsou, In his tramp specialty, full of tolling hits, and Banxetta and Be Lair furnish the Inter- mediate acts, leading to the lively 'Day at the Seashore." The burlesque on Zaza. with Sadie Leonard In the title role, made a hit. Next week, the Blue Ribbon Girls. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger).— A tremendous house greeted the pre- sentation of a flue bill Dec 12, headed by Frank Bush. In ono of tho brightest, newest and wittiest monologues ever heard, and no wont with a rush, winning much applause nnd laughter. The Orpheus Comedy lour came In for their due share of laughter ana commendation; iho Sully Family, in an Interrupted Honeymoon. " were funny, ana won their reward; Hathaway and Walton have a very rcuned, graceful and entertain- ing dancing act, being one of the best scon here in u long time ; Genero and Theol maao good hs flexible equilibrists und have an ex- cellent turn ; rrlncesa Chinqullla and Newel have a very .Interesting Instrumental anu singing tjiedalty which pleases; Chares Carlos nnd his dogs form a pretty and in- teresting turn: Miles and Nltram, comedy singing aud dancing team: Gregory ana Wood, Jugglers nnd hoop rollers; John ana Carrie Mack, character nnd coon singing- the Barkers, uensutlonal aerial act ; Musical Huohn, Instrumentalist, and tbo vltagraph convprlse the remainder of the bill. ., Keith's Theatre (E. F. Albec, general manager).— Tho. bill for this week here is fully up to tho high standard adopted by Mr. Keith. Robert Milliard heads the bill In his lutcst dramatic playlet, entitled "No. t>7->- The llttlo play tells a most absorbing story, throbbing with human Interest, and Mr. UU- llard's finished characterization of the cx-con- vlct is strongly portrayed. Murphy and M- chol's new sketch, "From Znzu to uncia Tom," scored so pronouncedly when llrst pro- duced hero last week, that they ure retained for this week. Sketches hold tho Important positions of the bill, as Sherman and do Forest, In "The Fall of Port Arthur." were woll to the fore In tho favor of the Monday uudlences. The musical comedietta of Bcllma" und Moore contributed greatly to the strengtn of tho programme, as did the story telling of James J. Morton. Juan Calcedo made his American reappearance In his hlsh wire act, In wblcb he has no superiors. Murlo Norelia. vocalist, inurio her debut In ballads; Hll 5 Carter and his banjo pleasantly renewed old acquaintances ; tho Valvcno Bros., equili- brists and gymnasts ; Margaret Scott, opcrat c vocalist: Crowley and Foley, In eccentric dances and songs: Prof. Wators, conjurer. and the American blograph aro also Included In this weefc-avNll. . . . -• 1_ . Fourteenth. Street Theatre (J. Wes- ley liosenquesr, manager).— Andrew Mack, began bis- sixth and last week Dec. 12, {■> "The- Way to Kanmare." "Tom Moore" Will be presented 1ft for one week. - - u DECEMBER 17. THE 1STEW YOBK CLIPPER. 1011 rvmnd Opera House J. If. Springer, *g?-3C Hie of Spice," with Its ^« loses, pretty girls and effective set- Hnei openrf a wt*k P s engagement Dec. 12. 'Teood 8 |sed audience. The cast : Bom- ' „*■« csrlton S. King; Lieut. Harold Kat- 'h'Sil Geo FUke; Mickey O'Grady, Dcnman ',?;,", ■ Stubsy Mackinaw. Harry B. Wat- Rookcr; Teresa, Blanche Buckner; Kamorta. 5^Kr : Teresa, Blanche Bnckner: Kamota. ^f. r ' Marts? Asbena. Male Bloodgood; Tinker. Leslie Lc'gb; Young Cupid, Agnes £,"■ Mother Witch. Alice Yorke; Page, ?•?£» Turner : Rlchshaw Boys. Stella Maury, uSue Mack : Cayenne, Iva Williams. Next JJiek. iwweli Bros., In "The Female Detec- ' Mdlc.tlc Theatre (John S. Flaherty, Msnaierl.— Bertha Gnlland, In "Dorothy Ver- 2 .of Iladdon Hall." returned to the city EX 1" for two weeks, mimlierlng among ,«' company Orr'n Johnson, Frank Usee, Men Tracy and Kato Denln Wilson. A riinlial reception was accorded and the en- ■.m-ement nrornisea well. _ _ •■ VlolorU Theatre (Oscar Hammersteln, m »meer).— The bill for Dec. 12 and week K'i.fes: George Fuller Gulden, the Empire •i.v ounrtef, S. Miner Kent and company, . ,,! omchos. Fanny Itlce, Kaufman Troupe {.'iip V nnd Madison. F.lla ltranda, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Barry, Hathaway and \valton "Viewer Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, man- .„„) This popular resort was filled to the 2ar*af capacity Dec. 12, at the matinee and .veiling performances, by audiences who wit- r«sed a clever entertainment by Tom Mi- ner's Bohemian Burlesquers, and the com- ,nnv was given a royal reception. The show Sei'ied and closed with a musical extravn- eSnra, entitled "A Day at the Baces." The ,,lece wan nnely staged, the costumes, were of rich and tasty design, and the cast In- c'ueed funny comedians and pretty women, who s'ng and dance well. The cast In full ms- Roxey. Vlnnle Henshaw: Patsy, Andy mrdner; i'llsoner Klnderbook. Fred Law; Tom Klude, Chan. E. Forman ; Teddy Diigan, Prank Wakefield; Clarence the Cop, Billy Kel'v • Police Captain Cbipman. Robert Hlg- Sas'' Harris Hochholewich, Max Glldny ; Ai.riiinm Goldstein, Moe Fox: Jnwson jen™', Robert Hlgglns; Swift. Henry Berg- man' Mrs. Klnderbook. Nina Calder; Pansy •earl Georgia Frnnclolt ; Maggie the Morgue, taenia Kroncloll ; Angela Angelcake, Ida N'lcolt : Cutle, GIr.dys St. John. The olio In- cluded : Gardner and Wakelleld, comedians, who kept the audience in roars of laughter with their funny sayings; Henshaw, Fran- cioli and company, who were given a warm welcome >n their sketch, "A Trial In Vaude- ville," and Gllday and Fox, who are clever Hebrew dialect comedians. Next week, Sam Uevere's Own Company. Empire Theatre (Charles Frohman, man- ager).— John 'Drew "began his fifteenth week and last fortnight Dec. 12, in 'The Duke of KIMIcrankle." . _'.. Herald Sqoare Theatre (Charles Froh- man, manager). — Edna May started her eighth week and last fortnight, In "The School Girl," Dec. 12, to splendid business. Academy of Manic (Gllmore & Tomp- kins, managers). — "The Wizard of Oz" con- tinues to wonderful business, and opened its sixth week Dec. 12. Sew York Theatre fKlaw & Erlanger, managers). — "Woodland" began Dec. 12 Its fourth week and last fortnight here, as It moves to the Herald Square Theatre Christ- mas. Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, manager).— "The College Widow" continues attractive, and began Its thirteenth week Dec. 12. Broadway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, manager).— Frltzl Scheff, In "The Two Roses," began her fourth week of fine business Dec ' Weber Mnato Hall (Weber & Zlegfeld, managers). — "Hlggledy-PIg;ledy" began it; eighth, week Dec. 12 with business reported good. Daly's Theatre (Daniel Frohman, man- ager). — Nance O'Neil continues her Interest- lag work-in "Judith of Bethulla," entering Dec. 12 her second week In that play. Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. Hny- man & Co., managers). — Nat C. Goodwin commenced his third week, In "The Usurper," Dec. 12. „ bcliinnann-Heink, In "Love's Lottery," 10-24. Tub New York, which was one of the Majestic .Charles r. srurels, manager), playhouses to cut the price of Its best seats — "Running for uiBce" 12-17. The com- from S2 lo $1.50. Is soon to make a further pany Is a large and capable one, and the reduction, placing the best seats In tbt- or- bright music and catchy songs go as well as chestra section to II. "Home Folks." by ever. Next week, "A Chinese Honeymoon." C. T. Dtsey, founded on the poem of that Uaiidwf lie am minstrel. Ouxluiur show Notes. — After several delays our vaudeville company has, played Its [ Park (Wm. Hyde, manager).— "From Rags has resumed her role of the Dove. ££j£K5a!i to Riches," a melodrama with many exciting "Tub Baroness Fiddlesticks" closed » j§g* *™'&g?.WgA. t SeLH!gi scenes, 12-17. "Escaped from Sing Sing" did Its engagement at the Casino Saturday night, a big business last week. Next week,- "The Dec. 10, and the company will Immediately Factory Girl." begin rehearsals of a new version of the mti- Buou (Mary O. Spooner, manager). — "The slcnl comedy, written by J, Cheever Oood- Prlde of Jennlco" is presented In elaborate win. A road tour will begin at the Garrlck form here 12-17, with the full strength of Theatre, Philadelphia, Jan. 2. the company. Edna May Sponer does excel- Tub Thau a Tin: a the, on the Bowery, lent work, while Augustus -Phillips. Harold long a home of the drama In Yiddish, Is to Kennedy ' nnd Jessie McAllster are well go back to English melodrama. A, II. Woods placed. "My Sweetheart," last week, did has leased the old playhouse. He will take Advertisements intended for the Issue Dated Dec. 31 should reach us not Later than Dec. 24, charge next July, when his lease on the Windsor runs out. and will give melodrama there. The Windsor will then go back to Yiddish plays. Sauukl II. Harris, manager for George big business. Next week, "Bob.' Onriti:i;M (Percy O. Williams, manager). — Ireland's Own Band is retained for an- other week. Others are : Ilertxog Brothers' horses, an act with twelve trained stallions; Rosnrlo Guerrero, Yorke and Adams, Sydney Cohan, received a cablegram from bin l.on Grant. Rosnrio and Doretta, Howard Broth- don representative last week saying that all US, I 111' .. ,. | opening ncr. "On the Uonir lo Kentucky," by It QOSSIDlB. Mr. and Mrs. (lulllhur, kept the audience In '■ ■»—■■■» constant roars of laughter for twenty mln- — — ■ ^ ules, as did Ihelr original closing piece, "YVII- Guo. 11. PutMRosn's MiNSTiints have been lie the Tramp." in both pieces, Mrs. (lull • receiving glowing tributes of praise from the hhr appeared In snubrette loles, nnd Mr. dul- press everywhere they have appeared. Tha Hour as tramp. Master Buyd, Impersonator, iienoriuaiuo depicts minstrelsy as our fure- hlghly pleased the audience. V. C. Kdmr, the fathers saw It, In 1843. with old-time melo- versatile comedian, did excellent work In b s dies nnd scenes, then with a quick change to Dutch song nnd wooden shoe dance. Grade present day minstrelsy, with Its magnificent West received great applause for her songs, scenic equipment. In the Urst part Charley The Roberts Sisters followed. In songs. Mr. McAvoy "nnd Alf. Gibson ore the eii'dmeiirn'ml Gnllllmr come next on the programme with reuder famous old-time negro melodies, while his famous magic and sleight of bund fcals, wlilch wete warmly applauded, and highly de- lighted the audience. Mrs. Giilllhur also pleased those present In the presentation uf he latest songs. When Mr. tlulllhur up- 'Slllv Kid" monologue, euu ers and the vltagraph. The Irish band scored arrangements had been completed for the |i. ar e,l tn his "i henvily last week. anpearanee of Mr. Cohan and his com- cludlnir the same Willi tbo latest songs, lie Hvdb & Bebman's (Nick Norton, mana- oany. In a revival of "The Governor's Son," hn-uuaFr down the house We have arranged to purchase; h motion picture machine, which will add greatly to our perfcirimmcen We brauk t'numbs and Kdwnrd Vou Bergen nro lilglily pleaslug In mure classical seiectluns. In the seeoiid part Spencer Kelly gives To.itl's "Good Itje." mid William II. Brloer Ring* Schubert's "Serenade. The second part be- gins with Alf. lilbsi.n nuil several others In a comic farce, entitled "The Incubator Ward," followed by the "Inideness ami Hie Dudes," Willi I'.ddli* Leonard In I.U luteil song hit, '.Lyno." Another big fenture of the musk-ai gcr). — ^The Metropolitan Operatic ■ Quartet «t the Shaftesbury Theatre, London, follow- head the bill i2-lf. Others are : l-'.lght Kn- lag the clone of the comedian's season here gllsli Girls, Foy and Clarke, McCalie, Sabine In "Little Johnny Jones." and' Vera, Bdgar ■ Blxby, the Atlas Family, Bnaow Friml gave what Is commonly Lottie Gladstone and Cook and Sylvia. called a piano recital at Mendelssohn Hall Kkenev's (Frank A. Keeney, manager). — afternoon of Dec. 7. A strong bill Is presenter! here for the cur- The Boston- SYMntoKT Orciikstiu gave rent week, headed by Maggie Cllne, "the Its second evening concert Dec. 8, at Carne- Irlah Queen." Others ore : May Duryea and gle Hair. The audience was of great size. W. A. Mortimer, Rose Naynon's birds, Saooa, The soloist was Eugene Ysaye, who returned Impersonator: Mitchell and Marron, Gilbert after an absence of six years. Sarony Collins and Hnwley, Russell aud The first of the People's Symphony Con- ]f she docs not recover her health In a short (he negro. ?Hlyne and the Keeneyscope. _ . _ , certs fpr_the present season took place In tlmo she will return to her native home In Tii'i-ki, amp Ki.imhnt, musical perform- haw 8 good outlook, and will show through programme are the soled Icnin by tlie Huue„- Ohlo, Ilmiols, Missouri and lown. TliK Oi.1i rlan blind, tif course uu orgaiiUialon with HxLiARt.B will be our welcome guest each lirorge I'rlmruHe nt Hie hencT would not be week. complete without a uu-lnngn o( Primrose's Mont Mbinzo writes to Inform us that characteristic; dances nnd clog steps. Mr. Vlolala, styled "The Moorish yueen," who rrlftiroae M assisted I.v" thirty other clever has for some time been falling In health, dangers nnd given n highly sallsfnctory uum- left for Los Angeles. Cal.. Dec. 0. She has her. The perfununnrc concludes with Severn I decided to retire from the Rtage for a year, elaborate scenes Illustrating the evolution of Henry P. the city of Fes, Morocco. Al. 0. am. Mazir Bnt.Fonn write: week of vaudeville Schmidt was the concert master and Frani steal farce, "The Jap- N. Arena the conductor, vaudeville end of the "Under: tiir Giieen Lamps, or thk Hb*rt I'errln nnd Yeager, or the TKNPERr.aiN," n one act play, by jle Bloodell, the two Newton MncMlllan and Paul Armstrong, was . Imerlcan Macks, the Webb Family enacted by poKremen at the Grand Central arid other good work lo follow, bur net, post a gen and Rich. Next week, "Tlddle- Palace night of Dec. 0, and drew a large 'The Irish Politician,' has becu very success- slating of crowd • fttl." tears Innc ers. write: "This Is our tlfth coimocutlvt we tour of (lis Pacific const, aud each return nernl entertainment took place, con- 'speeches, songs aud" music, with heon. Columbia Music Hall (Dave A. Wels, Carnegie Hall, evening of Dec. 0. manager). — The Initial wee' here opened 1-. A musical bkys," Is enjoyed. The vaudeville end of the "Under tiir Oreen Lamps, or the Heart bill contains: Yeager, Perrln nnd Yeager, or the TEftprnr.aiM," n oue act play, the Rltrhles Duo, Llbble Blondell, the two Newton MncMlllan and Paul Armstrong, knockabout American I" and Bennett Dee-Winks." « STA .?« ( A!i ■J i< " b S nb f rsr ' m " n ,'K r , ) ' — £?« rJiULJ^ NF ;J T 4y oB 5 T « B *.'>' n ?- matinee of " Krankmn and IIorKtNs opened with the Tun l,nii Lkh Lono Tnio (Bodard. Oer- Moonlight -Maids Biirlescmers l'i-17. The Friday nee. 0. the NaUonnl Council of the Thoroughbreds Dec. fi, In place of the Claus- vals and Hrdard) have closed a thrai weak? opening skit Is "Tld Bits. '' The closing one, Actors' Church Alllnnco presented, for the en Sinters, who closed Dec :i. —.-».> — . .. .t."5 "Chill Sauce," " eludes : Wilson Banns. Watson'! manager). — L ton. "Cluhroom S. Harve. Trio, aceomjj rlssey and nnd the Clam , %&$& Chicago'; Dec. "^67'pYaveVf VlioTif BSLJWW" •■ Knglnnd, wiicre""he S a to the J"? 8 !" 1 " 1 ''' "• "ends the bills In support or Ight of that statement and wrlles that his en go go- hey are me'etlog yvlth_ success In '^} oil tho_othcr side Iihh been extended fering Is entitled "The Female Drummer." Bertha Livingston : Prudence, Laura Alberta! i „ Theatre fi.ll.ii me la owluir It Is a rollicking travesty, with new music Tub Women's String Oiichkrtba Society i" m( i theatre J io« E Its'' doors ^ n and elaborate costumes.' The Sheepshead gave the first concert of its ninth season Lie 4 Thev are me^tlna with sik linn » B « m T» AA » .....1 .Ia.U« ... I «««,.... t 1 1. Q In \l an.lala o#vK •. I.nli R Uk. -« n n i m AfCC. 4, AIHV art. UlfUlUL Willi DllV Bay team, Root and Dorlon, winners of the in Mendelssohn Hall, nlgbt of Dec. 6, before six day bicycle race at Madison Snusre Gar- a large gathering. den, are an added attraction at Watson's The axxi-.w. Christmas Festival von Theatre, Brooklyn, this week. They will give the Children ok the Staoh will be given a racing exhiu.non of ten miles ou home tills year as usual at Pastor's Theatre and trainers at every performance. their novelty dancing; specially, having lost ouly two weeks since last May, uuu are bonked solid up to March, 1MB, IIevpihe and Allan, who hove just re- turned from a successful tour of Australia, '.'amman.. .Toll .. ^ J XZ"-. 1 fcliriieU 4TUJU U MUCUeSHlUl UNIT OI AllMUUIIU, i, n vl ra ?n D3 ,J r ?'L" «S* J2X&L.&S. New Zealand., ami the South Hen Islands from ten lo sixteen weeks, Ho will rbtiira to Motrin at thu expiration of his foreign engagements to play sixteen weeks for Keith, and will t ion go back to till n three years' contract abroad for Thomas Bnrrasford. Little Maiijorih Baiirktt, who has Just who has represented them at this house erously donates each year. SZTIliuT SSS'S TUim 'T ZSmmlSSS^ ' " v * addcd""siWi : nTnW'Vo'aTurca'to°oiir^t' , « , nS much_of the time .since^thej; had control. J£g±S5Si showed talent and study of a n 3 A *{f a s"fr LH , of tL Heltles, was a Clip- » '» « big success everywhere^ Wo ta« on°» f 6 Harlem. — At the Harlem Opera House (Alex. Llchtenstelu, manager) Cecilia Loftus rur.ilo her Urst Harlem appearance Monday nlgbt, Dec. 12, In "The Serio-Comlc Govern- ess," supported by a competent company, and a well tilled house welcomed her. Next week, Henry Milter, In "Joseph Untangled." West End (George A. Blumenthal, mana- r).— David Hlgglns, In "His Last Dollar," the attraction for this week. The open- ing performance, 12, was to a good bouse. Next week, "The Sign of the Four." Mktkufolib (Henry Rosenberg, manager). —"The Nluety and Nine" began a return engagement 12, to a crowded house. The play Is always assured of a warm welcome here, i>nd all Indications point to a prosperous ueefc. Nest week, "Tracked Around the World." Htab (Wm. T. Keogh, manager). — "The Great Automobile Mystery," a successful Bfnf °f 'be house under the new manage- Idc io 53 w ayward S5on" was the offer- tkiu. •■. W '* evidently gave oleasure to w»l l£ at bravcd to e stormy weather. Next ■«« taere will be a chan ge of programme. B»i P J ,ok ' 7 *— At th e Montauk (Isabel Slnn- Mn.li """Mger). "The Other Girl" Is pre- & • ,. bj nn e »cel!ent cast here Dec. 12-17. S, c °niPany Is headed by Lionel Barry- ■ere. u, t week b , bmjlneN ru ]ed. Ma*. music and Sona, Bowery Burlesquers are here thlB week. The the organization has ever projected, principal feature is "The Gay Modiste." Good business last week. Payton's (S. S. Allen, manager). — "Brown's in Town," with Etta Reed 1'ayton and Corse Payton In the cast, Is presented this week. The play Is full of laughter, and the different members of the company make the most of their opportunities. Good busi- ness last week. "The Pace that Kills" next. Novelty (David Robinson, manager). — The play, 12-17, Is "A Wife's Secret." It Is full of pathos and heart Interest, with a caused a upside down opera bouse five story buildings, on Dec. JI.' May Baldwin, 'The Little Magnet," writes that she Is In her tenth week with "The John Kendrlck Ilnngs nnd Manuel Klein Snulre's Darling" Co., doing tier arc collaborating on a new comic opera to be wing dance, ntso Illustrated songs completed in time for early production In the Joined hands with Will Dsvlr Bprlng. Air. Bangs and Mr. Klelu have long The learn will be known' as Da been contemplating writing an opera to- win, and will produce Mr, Davis getber. and ever since the production of "Mr. Inal act. l'lckwlck," In which Mr. liuugs took a great Allen and Dhlmain played the Broadwny Mkubiam, gymnast, writes' "I ? r > ""creiury job uoidsmlth, treasurer. Last sensation In Kttlona City doing my WCB « '«• following were nut through the wn act and loop walking from the J? •?.»■• J «° FlUpatrlck, Ad. Ranck" John opera bouse building to the City Hall, two UHlboply Bay Walters, II. Rodger*, p. John- son, II. Hmltfi, a Morrette, J.*Mcdowen, M, W. Harries and a. Beynor. .. Beynor. Mn. asu Mas. liAtuiY Maiitins, formerly Noteu i-poM Everett & Ross* Bio Show. -r - ■; * — ^:«j; — „ i, ,i. n ..^i. u iivnwun, m nuuu «... liuukb iiwa a sicai. Ai.i.r..-. nnu ijm.hai.i piuvru ii.h nruuuwtiv «, - -,"" "z «"""*>»» at iwnn ilia allow. strong vein of comedy running through It. | Ule i. egt they have become the closest of and Lyceum Theatres aud the Crescent City rrW * received over two hundred replies to Satisfactory business last week. Ihe Way- frlend g. .r nB mua | C of thi „ ncw ,, era wm chID of n roo klyn, Kundav, Nov. 27. Last our f e « el >t "sd." In Tun Clutch, Business re hos been big since our opening. We tnrud - re VBStJ^S' . ^T? P' a 7 ?»» co »l belt unHI tha m ddle of April, and then open under canvas! A babi noy was horn on Nov. 24 to Mrs. Vl , it ". twenly-flvo people and a band and or- Bvelyn Burns, wife of Jnmi<< H. Ilitrns, at ehestra, playing cities only. Rustor of com- Wlnulpeg, Man. Mother and Child ore doing i"iny, l.viulcd by llio 1'bree Uveretts, singers. well. " Saucers iiiidcuiiiedlans : Barko. Mo«lcan7u£ SU.ane Is said to have excelled himself In Haiuiy Rooers has recently left a boa- KM; the Hoods, Albert and Eugenia, com- " ■ --' - - - ■ -- I'llV kWi.lf.ll i >i. . n...l ... , . ■ i ' *•**•— ward Son" next. Gotham (Charles Williams, manager). — "A Working Girl's Wrongs" 12-17. Good busi- ness last week. Next, "Escaped from Sing Sing." UNIQUE! ( be published by M. Wltmark & Sons, New week they were at the Bon Ton Theatre, York. Philadelphia. They return to New York to Jos. W. Stern & Co. state that tbey are play a number of clubs for which they are working their engravers nlgbt and day, In booked, order to get reaoy the music of A. Bnldwlu Slonne nnd John Kendrlck Bangs' new cpera, "Lady Teazle," in which Lillian Rusne'l and her company will open In this city. Mr. well. the music he has written for th's produc- tion, and the book has been pronounced by capable critics to be far out of the ordinary. Continued success is reported for the Stern nltal, where be had beeii i tiniler treatment til*, ."ketch duo nnd wooden shoe dancers i ck " W .'r »i i" HB '.J J,nf . l i f " co "•■oincrtlnn, In his Mir for erysipelas for the past live weeks Dalv and Kklho are in their twentieth aet ', ', A '» Hie Manager.' week with Ted M. Faust's Minstrels, doing nuislcul director. Vick B. NesJ _ I Frank B. Carr, manager).— The stock company presents the two up to date farces, "The Seminary tllrls" and "Mulli- gan's Masqueraders," 12-17. The olio: The International Trio, Orletta and Taylor, Sa- bine and Mullaney, Mr. and Mrs. Sam King and the Three Nnuats. Business continues big. IjTCBUM (Louis Phillips, manager). — "Mas ter and Man" Is this week's offering, ncss last week was very large. Note — John William Schmidt, Mrs. Spooncr's press representative she had control of the Ampblon has. beep secured by the Hyde Amusement Co. as press rep ,h * ,r -.^rf x,klj '»J l, . , !I.i t ^;. »V»e,,?!». nl . , ,wiii5 for 'You;*' which he "ii"a's"'introdiiced'ln"""The. Paris, >TVunder'"date' 'if "Not.""28": "Vve l \,'} l } n . -i •* Mlir«rton,'"N" Y.'" *"""""■" a veraaille writer and has executive abiity Rpnl w | d Brow „,» opened at Bostock's, Paris, Nov. 10, and M.uim O'Lawiiilin Is doing nicely with of n high degree. He has made a tot of Wa)tpr Blwfll ^ r ,„ nrrivlng mcore „ nl U1I ore „ D , g urflw i nK ear< j , lere ; We have' three hl " «'"» i'^gllng spoclnlty. " " ,CB,y " ,ln friends sinc e his location ut the Amplilon. B i„ging "'fhe Holy City," with Guy's Klec- American acts.here, all three acts also played .JV"-. Mitwibm. and John J. Caih have , ' „ .„™.,,„«„ trie Co. together at the Trenton, N. J., Fnlr, and oil e >V n , '" in " x '«»"« for vaudeville. SEW lURK CITY JOTTINCS. -j-pe Imperial Music Co., of Muskegon, were surprised to be together again. . Bos- Mich., write : "Our returns from our recent lock's Hippodrome docs u big business. We Charlf.s E. Evans' contract with Henry display 'ad' with you greatly exceeded our get Tin: Cliitbh every week, and till of the W Savage expires on Christmas day, Dec. expect at Ions, and very shortly we will place a American boys are rending It." SB wben the comedian will retire from the new 'ad' for u greater space." Lawrknck and Hakuinoton cast of "The Mho-nun," the Korean comic Mascagni, the composer, has signed con- with Joe Welch's Co., and fa have closed - have returned opera, by George Ade and Gustav Luders, tracts for Ihe rights to the two operas, to vaudeville. They were obliged to cancel now playing nt Walluck's. Mr. Evans was "Arnica" and "Vcstlllo." to a French mann- Lawrence, week of Nov- 28, but will, play engaged last Summer with the understanding ger. The composer will receive 05 and UO there Dec. 10. This week tbey are at Hchc- that his contract should extend until Christ- per cent., respectively, of the profits when nectady. runs dav. the operas are produced abroad, and 7ft per Notes prom Oidnesy & Waonbr's Rio Sen- Tiie Buoadwat Thratrd Is the playhouse cent, of both when thev nro produced In Italy, sation. — Wo are playing through New Jer- where C. B. Dillingham will present Frltzl ««» sey to big business, breaking thr Scheff In a revival of POP"'" operas at. the NORTH CAROLINA. end of her regular season, "hntlnltsa, "Die Flcdermaus and will be I" CUM Atherley Charles 1 Trood In a Smile/ In^Madlso^Sauare 6VAen°rJecT'l7^nd'wTil pleased. Oeman. Stock" Ci. 12-TiT Tub Bidiion Bbos. write continue for two weeks. **» booked for twenty solid weeks ■ a Willabd opens at the Knickerbocker — Notes from Bentfrow's Jolly Patbflnd- the Bon Ton, Philadelphia. Theatre on Jan. 30, In bis new play, "Lucky ers : We. continue to do a record breaking _ Tub Bbvuoudh hove Just closed Durham " business. Wo opened at Parkcrsburg, w. Jackson Vaudeville nnd Novolly wm "iJr r !;." <, $ ,c ,i for A 11,0B 1,ns "eon'lssned by Wm. I'rnti, of ihe Amsjion Cafe, Ilrldseoort. fessnlnaJs "'""Ibutes free SEEKR Jiiij.mF Clark was specially engaged for H, i.?. . rk i V J '" 1, "' nt ' 1 '. New York, last west D.VVK iWHiiKN. nuisleni comedian, has iolned weekM with "A Breezy Time'' Co. l0U " e0B Raymunu Mason writes.— "I am playing nStlf iaJr*ie% M l """ nm b00ked "P «0»5 U"" 1 A P r H. IfOfi, In my ragt me Singing and .jo record at !£ lpl . 1> , r voode " ■•"•« •»"«* daoclng. 1 played Boonton and Hakeston. The roster Is as fol- StJEPVI 7 nH,,r , c > Mlnnenpolli, Mlnn-i week lows: Speddcn and Hurson, eccentric com- !f„„f c ' "; ^P* 11 ,or . tcn we * k « J<">. 0. on the edy ; Howard, wire walker ; Page and Down- J,"'V l , cl . rc "»> «' Denver Col., and will go that the/ are ™' ,ft" "' ?£ n , 1 mo , mh » °. f "<>* In the West* I, beginning at m, 'etlnir with the best of success. , v k t, n y giiiwr, "Flexible Marvel," closed wltb I with the "'? 1 \V 1 , 1 , ' ,l8 I , fral f Carnival, at 'KiinsiS i Cltfc Co. They «"'Uolic.l leach & Bowers' Minstrels. " , LSlZ* , !«L»a "!.'!'!.<' 9. Hie member with flute obllgnto "The Marriage of Jeannette. ,r It was the flrst of four concerts Mr. BoU«a will give in New York. , . _ Ik CABNBQtB Ltcbdm, evening of Dec. 8, the Columbia College ' Dramatic Association S reduced Augustla Daly's comedy, "A Night •V , tween Nevr York and Chicago— tlie "Twentieth Centarr Limited," via Hew York Central-Lake Shore route — 4CHiful thai ha. whs rngaaed by WOODS, lo flnl.ii the s I AM NOW AT LIBERTY To Play or' Create a Hebrew Comedy Part In Combination or Musical Conmlj • Company. Can rio Al SPECIAL X Y • Would consider offer from good Barlesqae Co. playing Wheel Bonsas only. ; ' ' fiUtm ALFRED MAYO. • 8. HUM 8t, Hew York. MANUSCRIPT PLAY8 ONLY - Sl.BO SIT OF PARTS ONLY - - 81.60 SCRIP. AND PARTS ONLY - - 82.60 PLAINLY TYPEWRITTEN, NEATLY BOUND. SEND KOIt NEW LIST. 30 DAYS ONUV SfJI'THKRn MAM SCRIPT CO., Knoxvllle, Tenn. UNIQUE THEATRE HE VTZ it ZALLBB, Proprietor!. VAUDCVILUI J. J.'CLVXTON, Manager. Los AnKelei, Cal. Largest and oldutt Con. Vend, Theatre In Southern Oal. (Is not a store room nor hall). SELECT ACTa ALWAYS WANTED. Bookings prlDolpHlly ibrouph a L. Circuit and Western Empire Circuit, Ban Francisco,' also direct, UKNTZ A gALLKK being In New York during December and January, ooiumnntoailons osn ho addressed cure CL'PPKR. BORDO & DILLAC SOUTH AMERICAN TOUR 9TIOB. MANY AUTIBT8 HAVE WRITTEN MB, but failed lo mention *alat'ies or ad- dresses. Kindly do so at once. All letters will be unswerrd a. soon u. possible. Address ■'•.■• O. C. SEYMOUR, care of CLIPPER. . > - - mm A HI As*E?Dfi«"' e Dnolt anJ rfl0 " > companies, Reasonable terras. IflrillMVlBsnO "rtsuuH'il, Fevide furntaUM on short uoUoe. Write < PF.OPLJfi IJf ALL BRANCHES AT ALL TIMPCN. ahtiuge, law W Broad «»», Suite Hi, S\. ~ T, Houses rep- or wire. WANTED qUICK, FARCE COMEDY PEOPLE WITH STRONG FEATURE SPECIALTIES. GOOD WAHDBOBE BS8E1TIAI. C. J. TYLERS ENTEKPBISES, ' jj Plymintti Place, Chicago. III. J Prom a rolling to a flying ship Paper ruaclio work of every de PROPS ' SlVt & scrlptlon constantly in stock" and slipped on receipt of prlco Largo RoaBt Cbic- kens. Turkeys. Duck*. Beef, Leg of Lamb, j 1 each ; Steak, 75c; Chops, 2'*.; Small Cblckon, yualls, Squabs, Pies, Bread, 60c. each; Vegetables, Fruits fr<>m iic. to } l; large assortment of Vases, Brio- aBrac, Rust figures. Jardloeers and Statuaty in stock. These good- are ar.tstlcally deooraieil, made of the best material and guaranteed to stand the hardest kind of wear. Estimates furnished on propertlis of every description. I. I. LEAVHT BBS™ 80S W. 43 St.. New Tork. Tel., 237»— 88 Far Sale, Aulimalic City. Wsn.tr if itii Age. Orer 100 figures coniiunous, life like motion. Oc- cupies a spsce 18 feet long, 7 feel dree aud » feet high. Height of figures, 8 inches. Now on exhi- bition at Bornstein k Co.'s Cloihlng store, 41 rt> h: Newark Ave., Jersey City, for a short time only. An attraction that can be used daring the whole year. Address atonrc. (Owner) A. vaksacn, Rtvlct* Apartment, B441 7'liAvc, (cor. 142U St), Now York. Rcssonsble cash consideration. Will take partner. ' WANTED, FOR NO. 2 COMPANY, mm PiM,D oK r,ON ROMEO MO JOLIET, ENTIRE COMPANY. Sta'c all la first letter; age. weight, height, refer- ences, salsry. ability to dress well oa and oifstagc, all experience you have had in the legitimate up to date. Any photos, programs, etc., stmt will be roturncd If requested. It. P. THE VEI.I.1CK, Room 1010. nat Broadway, New York Qlty. C. B. Whitney 4 Waif of the Sierras ' Co. WANTED— Leading Juvenile Man with good wardrobe. Irish Comedian who Doubles Cornet In Band. All first class people, write or wire low- est salarv. scud photos. Columbia, Pa., 14; Waynesboro, Pa , 11; Carlisle, Pn , 1C: Chambers- hurg, Pa« 17: Mattlnsburg, \V. Vs., 10. WANTED. A I HEAVY MAN, CHARACTER WOMAN, OEKRRAL BUSINESS HAN, A1P1AK0 PLAYKR. sight reader, and to arrange. People dolug specialties preferred. Must Vie able to Join on wire. V. CUPPURD, Manager, MfcaMSJi W. Ta., week of 12; Sutton, w. va., it, so. ai: Weston, w. vs., m..as. 24. THIS WEEK. STAR FEATURE ATUL'RTIO i BEAMOWs SIPSIC HALL. THR MAK Wlia THE fJOOBS." HARBY TH0H80S, XKXt WEBK. $fBWAY THBATRgr Stittasin, Alibitni, Open Hiiise.~6ioi ADDIENTJES. W.' t. HACRY, Proprietor. JAMES and BONNIE FARLEY, In "The Messenger Bey," i Cemet'y Acrobatic Singing acd Dancing Act, With a Novell, Acrobatic Finish, Week of Dec. 5, Olympic Tlnatrp, Chicago, Doing Two Sliows-a -Day, and a Terrific Hit. Specially Engaged to tUplace the Uotharn Comedy 4. JUST FINISHED THE ORPHEUM CIRCUIT WITH GREAT SUCCESS. Week Dee. IS, Grand Opera House, Indlanapolfi Complete Kohl Si Cattle Clrealt to V CHRISTMAS WEEK AND MONTH OF 10, Columbia, Cincinnati. Kollow Later On. Address ALL AOBRTB, or as Per ltoute. In order to play onr Western vaudeville booking, cllnenn offer to play the Gayer and Daly parts in "Bab JANUARY OPEN. Permanent, 953 KA8T34D ST., N.T. t we were compelled es In Toy land" »*■ » > Ho. S, tode. VAUDEVILLE ASSOCIATION, M, MAGNUS, BOOKING REPRESENTATIVE, 67 So. Clark St., Chicago. The lurgett and most, representative Vaudeville Circuit in the Middle "est, covorlng Ihirty-two con- lS?2™2,JS ek,, » tll ? ul, " I0W *> ILWNOIS, MISSOURI, KANSAS, NEBRASKA, MINNESOTA and WISCONSIN . Booking from Feb. l, l90j. Address all communications to «..,.«, ,., MGR • > R VIMO THEATRICAL AGENCY, 07 So. Clark St., Chicago. /,i.iim .* "" slso *«'u»ivc Booklnjr Agents for the United Vaudeville Association (Crystal uircntt), cot crlng fourteen consecutive weeks west of Kansas City. The Only Vsrnelo & Co. MtlSIG AND ILLUSION. UlflSiHIHiltl "No better, nrnre acceptable or more finished slelgnr-oMwud exhii>- It Ion has ever been presented here than that given by VRRNELO A co. The 'Egyptlvi Trunk Mysterv' is a masterpiece of Illusion. "-DEM Kit POST. "VKKSKLO A- CO. represent the newoBt school of Illusion. Let us hope that their followers will lotrodnce as much originality in'p their acts. VERNELO asolrcs to bewilder men and women of Intel I- gence rather thon to amuse the stmpln winded snd aullelcas, and tic Is succeeding beautirully."— PUEBLO STAR-JOURNAL. Plrst Open Tims. BTsEb. 30. Address M. HAGNDB, No. 6T Clark St., Chicago- FRED I ANNIE PELOT, OKA ft D THKATKE, M1LWAI KKE, WIS. HAVE OPEN TIME 15 »BB. THEJWHJSTLIWO BUCKS. and Are still "DOINO THE LAUNDRY MAS." Chicago Opsra House this week. Jan. » and 18 open Harry «tvMay Howard/' fTlftMnftrt *mm Itn !•■» va«V hnfe. ■*>■• asavasaauaJ * - - .' and Dtaoiag Act SL e «.« d ,- rn r.? p SSffi itn ' ■■ js-engsged for one more week, Deo. 13; Andltot)utn, Cedtr Rapias, la,, Dec. 1D-2S, Jan, 2 open, Cot a now broom. Still cleaning np. HHA- _. ime ot t-ue Best ormenijae Comedy Acts In vaudsviiis. Week of Dec. ■ sud i*ter oiinn. , .. ., .. Addreaa AOADBMY HOTEL, 11U East Ulh St., N. V. City,. 1-X- December 17. THE 'NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1013 DCI iCfiO TBEATBE, 42d Sf DbbHWUV kt. 8J». lUts.84C.ata. IF ABFIELD coS&^AV Th e> Musle IVIaasB-tenr, By CHA RLES E LED*. Direc tion of DAVID WMBft STF. ZBZTB'S international Circuit. Theatrical EnterprUea. K. F. ALBBB, General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAVDK VILLK. * E H0D0D0N, Booking Manager, Association nf vindeTllle Managers, St, James Bldg., Broad: w» T and aetb St., N. Y. PASTOR'S PRANK BUSH, CENARO & THEOL, i stiilr FamUV. Hathaway A Walton, CtHnijollls A Ji«well, Carton * Doga, Prof. Stark Hermann, Miles A- Kitram, THE VITAGRAPH. And aa added f eatnre, Orpheus Comedy Four. mjm Sjnff LAMBS' MAT. DAILY. ™I»W« Botiaafin Byrtosqoers. EUt 14Ul St. -A UA.Y ATTUE HACKS." 14tn St.. n»iir 3d Ave. CONTINUOUS 30 AND 00 CENTS. BIHI KSthStftSdAf. LADIES' MAT. DAIL V. Uliplan Burlesqaers. Bnrlesqne and Vaudeville. Huber's "xf Museum O»o. It.Hnher, Propr. J. II. Andtnon, Mgr. W ANTED, Attractions and Freaks for Curia Ha ll*. Add. J. H. AEPKB80K, aa above. 0. and HAY OTHIDW1RD, jjBjBj Theatre. North Adams, Mass. THE MATHIEUS Tli il week, Chicago Opera House, Chicago. HirrfH. LAMOUNTandPAULEnE Leulse ASP IKK) BEXCH1E ALWAYS MAKE G OOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEAPS and HEAY1ES, 47 W. asth St., New York. WALTER BEEMER, AND 3610 RHODES AYE., CHICAGO. JUGGLING GIRL. THE GKBMAN INVENTORS, DEVINE and WOOLEY, In Ihelr AIR SHIP, with Al, Reeve.' Co. "A CORKER IN CORK. CEO. ATKINSON BLACK FACE COMEDIAN. ORVILLE and FRANK Are Working for OKUIN BROS., la the CUT of Mexico. "FBEVOLI" SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FEATURE MURRAY k MACKEY CO. HARRY THOMSON, TUB MAYOR OF THE BOWERY (Title Protected). BUF and CUSICK 40th WEEK VAUDEVILLE FEATURE MABEL PAIQE CO. HUMES AND LEWIS. _^_ COMEDY ACROBATS. Thla week, Arcade, Toledo, o. Next week, SMITH'S OPERA HOUSE, Orund Raplda. Mloli. MMES The Bradys KITTY ORIGINATORS OF SINGING AND r BA0 PUNCH- ISO AT SAME TIME WITH MUSIC. Successful engagement at Pastor's last week. Return Oats June 13 BOOKED BO LID 'TILL JULY 3, ISO;.. AMERICA'S BEST AND GREATEST SCHOOL . -»- Endorsed by Presa and Public —•j™? references from all parts of the world. THB ONLY SCHOOL ENDORSED IN CHICAGO, I Ell (Up-to-date In every detail.) Book, Jig, Skirt, Novel Cake Walk, Elocution, Singing and Rag -Time Bongs, vaudeville Acta, Sketches. Monologues, etc ENGAGEMENTS SECURED. NO FAILURES. PROP, P. J. HI DUE, Ml.*. Frances Lee and otters. Circulars Free. GRAND OPERA HOUSE. JJSSZF*. ***>*' HIDOB aa tne only Performs! ana Frotessjonal Dancing Teaoher In Chicago. FRED J. WILDMAN, Theatrical Agent ^^1 27 La SaUe Bt, near Madison, Chicago, m. WANTED. J ■—'•—* UIIVVI VI Wll W.J wIS** ,0 , r Juveniles and Second Bns . Gen. Bus s vS 1 : M * n for Characters and Oeu, Bus., Goon r;'™" Comedian, specialties given pwfer- U^-; We P*y ad. state all first letter. Click HOTEL \VRLL1XGTON. Kansas City, Mo. ^ptrienecTCNrioHettist at Liberty. u i,i l^WWlOH INSTRUMENTS. Hl >iel or Theatre prefened. Andrew V. A. W . LlTlon.ttl.t, 140 N. High StTB't, Xaahvllle. Tenn. JNO. H. FAY, — -.... .... j < I'VHoler singing ami liauctug Ooatediaii. '>». 114 SOUTH Im'ISlll < .*!•. Ilniralii. K, Y, »» aoi.r singing and Dancing comedian. ■No. 114 SOUTH lmiSIU.V ST., UuOaJu, N, THEATRICAL HOTELS BOARDINO NOUSES. Waoaah t Uadlaon, CHICAGO. 0. 0. Yaughan, Prop. Strictly Amerloan Plan, $j-$ii .ingle; $7-gia double m fin Hitii cifi RS* sss & Rooms Mo. to 76o. per day; suo and 13.00 a week. Ladles' Restaurant on second floor. No. t E. 4th St, Wilmington, Del. C. R. HOLT. Prop. «T. JAMES HOTEL, TOLEDO, 0. Amarl- .inPlan. Tneatrlcal Headquarters. S1JI single, 11 double: ge end. it per week ^^ VICTOR HOUSE, 374 E. Indiana St., hlcago. Room and Board} tr week. Italian and French Cuisine, othtraiix located. T. Oaiteiiaal. Prop. PALACE HOTRL, 101 N. Clark St,- Chicago. - -t*ek; with private bathVV H. B. HUMPHREY, Prop. fSk^SatM' ^rtaSiSSSIE WH, TE L L HOUSE, Howard and Somerset Sta., Boston, Man. Central location. Excellent meals. BM1LY T. BAKNWART, Prop. LAFAYETTE HOTEL, ALLEHTOWN, PA. THEATRICAL HEADQUARTERS, $1.36 Single, $1 Double, jj and $7 per week. TRAFALGAR HOTEL, 115- 117 E. 14, N.Y..nr. Union 8q„ Academy, Dewey. Rooms 60c., 76c. , $ 1, $1^0 day; $160 to j8 week. W.D.HANNIQAN, Prop, BERNARD HOTEL, 9th and Pine, St Louis, near all theatres. European plan. Room and bath, $3 00 to $7 week. Give trial. B. F. CAHILL, Prop. THE CASTLE INN, Niagara Square, Buffalo, N. Y. Rates, $3 to $4 per day. MR. 0. F. DUNBAR, Prop.; MRS. It. F. HAIR, MgT. The LeSure, FINEST PROFESSIONAL BOUSE IN PHILA. S. W. CORNER 13th and LOCUST. HOTEL VELEY ■riOPlil PLAN. SB* Special weekly rates to tne prof ewlon. 1M Quark flu, Chicago. Host oentral location In Olt} 4-LUKENS-4 EMPIRE, LONDON, ENGLAND. OCT. NOV. NOV. NOV. NOV. DEC. DEC. DEC. DEC. JAN. 31, EMPIRE. 1, EMPIRE. 14, EMPIRE. 41, EMPIRE. *«, EMPIRE. .. EMPIRE. IB, EMPIRE. HO, EMPIRE. •S6, EMPIRE. », EMPIRE. COLISEUM, LONDON. JAN. 0, COLISEUM. JAN. 10, COLISEUM. JAN. S3, COLISEUM. JAN. 30. COLISEUM. FEB. 6, COLISEUM. HIPPODROME, PARIS. • m. FEB. 13, HIPPODROME, PARIS. FEB. 30, HIPPODROME, PARIS. FEB. 97, HIPPODROME, PARIS. MAR. 6, HIPPODROME, PARIS. MAR. 13, HIPPODROME, PARIS. f\Ufj$ 0:7 To* REX ifa ^EOPTVCO^ in ^ & HON, B IL.L.U OR RADIUM MIRROR, THE NEW SLOT MACHINE THAT IS GETTING THE MONEY. ALSO THE Balloon Ascension Lung Tester, THE MAOHINK THAT DOES A STUNT. Write lor particulars, and If you are lu the Slot MacoJno Business get your name on my mailing list. V. S. ZIMMERMAN, 41 W.2Sth Street, Now York. L OF P. BAIDEI JOIOrJOI, OHIO, Wants Good Attraction For the kolidaya. Good bustnew for good com- pany. Also some open dates in Jsnnary, Febru- ary and March. AiiHwer quick. Address H. A. CAMERON, Manager. Wanted, for W A SHBUB If and LUCE'S loving Pictures of Ireland. MAN PIANO PLAYER that It capable of Singing Illustrated Songs and plaT own ucoomptnlment. Brut ol, I'll-. Dec 14 and 16: Con.lioliocken, I'a.. Dec. 16 and 17, Phoenlxvllie, Pa., Dec. 19 and io. Addre«s GRANT LUCE, Manager. MUSICIAAS WANTED. Bass and Tubi, Birltoci and 2d Violin. Must be sober and competent Wire qnlck. others wrlie. J R- ADAMS, Care Jolly Delia PrlngleCo.. Knoivllle, Iowa. For the Honderaon Stock Co. General Builnew Man and Woman. Unit play good pans and do spKiaittes. Han and wire with c '« v.» child preferred. Two Men tor general bu.inesi. Tho*« doing specialties rre'erred. lioag season, low bu'/sure a'lai •». THI all In urn letter. '.TrKe or Wire. BICUABD HENDERSON', Eldon, low*. CRESCENT FILMS Have You Seen Our Latest Hit, the Most Realistic Film Ever Made, Thrilling, Exciting and Sensational. AVENGING A CRIME, or BURNED AT THE STAKE COPYRIGHTED 1001. LENGTH, 385ft. ISO. DO Don't forget our other winners, TRIALS AND TROUBLES OF AN AUTOMOBILIST. Automobile Chase Film. A laugh from start to finish. Length, 400ft. Class" B. WILLIE'S VACATION - ' - • « - ■ • ' t THAT POOR INSURANCE MAN • - - • - JOLLY LAWN PARTY • - • - - a> . > TBAMP ON THE FARM - - - - . ■> V - INTERRUPTED FLIRTATION - • - - >• JUST LIKE A GIRL .»... . - . -•„ NEtV YORK CITY FIRE DEPT. ON REVIEW .... WHAT HAPPENED TO THE CAMERA FIEND - .niRCUIEVOUg KIDS CHAMPION PUMPKIN EATER, - - - - - ' THB HEBREW GLAZIER . All the ABOVE FILM!, CLASS B, 13 Camt. PER BOOT Length, LmitrUi, l..«gtb, Lo-Kth". «-*■■«•>, L.agth, Lenfeth, l.vattth. Length, L.nglb, pa»r foot:. A n 3 vol up-to-date BffMt. flat. B 93ft. Cla.t B ISSBL Umi B 1,10ft. Cla*> li HSR. Clai. B van. CI... B ITSft. Cl».a B isort. Ctaa. H OAR. Claw B TSR. Cla.a H 170ft. CUa. B lOl. So as to place the best Films within reach of all exhibitors, small as well aa large, and the new and improved method of manufacturing in use by us, we have decided to reduce our price on the celebrated Crescent Films, Class A made to date to Class B 12 cents per foot All our Films are made from Original Negatives. We make no dupes. Phone, 3763 Mad, Sq. 40 West 28th (Street. N. T. City. Western AKenCa, KLEINS OPTICAL CO., SU Slate Btroat, Chicago, III. Cable, Kalatrc-k.N. V. THE LEVEEN MUSIC PUB. CO., 52 W. 29th 8t N. Y. A SONG ALL BALLAD SIBGBRS SHOULD TRY,' ANNABEL. »S KjlX t*so Tr ~ na % 85» JOHN A. WEST, LEVEEN MUSIC PUB. CO., 52 W. 29th St.. N. Y. Singer., Sanrl^Raeent Programme fit Anyar All of the A bora. THE 1905 SENSATION. "The Matlesl Brownie." HIDING. P.rmaaeati H704 Armosr Ave., Chicago Tolaphone MM Sonth. • HARBACH'S • OXY. LITHE GAS OUTFIT. $S0 OXY.LITHE, PER BOX .... $1.16 EDISON UNIVERSAL- KINETO8C0PE, 1901 - J6J.60 Electric and Calcium, lOln. Reels. Universal Oncograph, 1904. « $41.10 Edison Bxhlbltlon Klnetoscopes IM to loa Stereoptlcon Outfit, cost $60 $88 Tracked by Bloodhounds ($84 Film) $8$ Sand far LitistSup, 22 af Matlan micMik. Files, Slides, Etc> WANTED, Clever Repertoire Actor For Leading Business. Slater Team, Single or Doable Hnelcnl Act that can eloao tn one. Other Roper* toira Feoplo write. BOB HARKS, Manager. Mark. Bros.' Co., Barro, Vt„ 12 to n; Berlin, New Hainpahlre, M to at ; Rnraford Fall., Me.. •:« to 31. WAITED, laMBDIATEbY SLIDE TROMBONE, BAND uND ORCHESTRA (Low pitch). Week Mumix. Must be first class. Statu nil entek, Address JNO. A. IIIMHIXKIV, MgT. Tim Ideals. F ottsvlllc. I'n., I^-IT: Nonimowu. I'a., 1U--J4, MEDICINE PERFORMERS WANTED. Now and later, that change often. Preference given those that play oritau. Piano Pluyenthat can work on stage. State salary und all yon do. C«n oiler long ei,gafr*ment to tfsi ful People. yATURK'p REMEDY CO.. Box »!:.', Plillu., Pa. CONTRACTS TICKETS, PASSKS, CARDS, Etc. SAMPLES. WEBB PTO. CO.. $H Dearborn St.. Chicago. S At Liberty, Trap Drummer EXPKKIF.SCKD, guSBK AND HEI.UBI.B. Owgtto, lll'.li., uec. 10; Battle Crvek, uk.\i;. A Rnnl Novelty iJntimr Oanvi THE CARL HAGENBECK TRAINED ANIMAL SHOW CO. IO TKAIXED ANLMAL ACTS. Competent, Sober and Hustling Man tn All Deuartmente, . WANTED, . A CIRCUS CANVAS AND DRESSING TOP, With Seats, I'oIc.h and everyllilng ready for immediate sse. Round Top nut less His" l^'Oft., or loott. R'd Top, Willi soft. Middle Piece. Miihi be In first Chun i-ondlllon. Also llncklim Mint, Mechanic, January Wagoo. Also Pony Harness and I'onln. Addresa M. J. I'lT/hlMMONH. Aid M. Ohm ic Sf.. Baltimore. M.I. CBS PERFORMERS III III BRANCHES WANTED FDR A TOUR OF THE WEST INDIES, Casting Act, Bar Acrobats, I'lowns, llutlial Act, and Circus and Vaddevlllo Acts of all description. Performers dolug two or more acta or doubling brats given prcforencc. .small tmnd and worklogmon slftt. Address TURKU loll COLONIAL CIRCUS, Hnicl Trafaie-r no v. Ulli «t . New York City. MARIE DALE COMPANY, FIRST CLASS CHARACTER WOMAN. ■■ CANrbk Mini., week of Dec. Ill; CLAKKHDALK week of Pec. 19. •Y. k. rVUrYIV. WASTBO. A Full Acting Company, Leading Man and Wotnan, Sonhtetta, Otaraoter Man and Wonjut, Rtavy Man aid others ~ en ee gi ven lo ttioie doing s pe i .alary low. as you set It. Ml I'area advanred. Address cisltjfs; Make your •niieuiem pa>a ail. AltCltlE MADDOX, St. Matlaewt, 6. C. At Liberty Alter Dec. 28, BAeUTOVB VOCALIST, Bigll Class Sn> ■ i »un»«: DOUftil rlnw pile li).' ... Ipltllllilu > MSILl write. Addrcaa NEII BALDWIN, mmgs^&^sr^' - riann And aim indC nge. __orlnw pitrii).. PUy Rjipiiiilllilo . Usiisgera, 14 Lincoln Arcniie, ciil'.ago, 01, 101* THE NEW YOEK OLIBPI?H. DECEMBER 17, Clipper Post Office. In order to avoid mistakes »ud to Inaar* the prompt delivery of the letters advertised In ttala Hat, an envelope plainly addressed most be •ent fpr cub letter, and a written order for the letter, aliened with the full name and addreaa and the line of hualneaa follotved lir the aender, mum also he enclosed. Please mention the dnte (or num- ber) of THIS CUI'I'KR In which the letters sent for were advertiaed. LADIRV LIST. Draper, Berl Deuiiug. Anlitoti, Mabel ram, Tilly Allen, Mrs. J. S Krayne. lllaiich AlMonder, iM'ay, Kvi'Ijt. It' j : 1. 1'. i .1 l.'i 11k Mrs. W Augua, Kathcrlne Aleili, Maw.li; All. II, lliillu Alum, Klvle Aluu/aliino, Vera A Abbot I, Fay Aleene, Mile. Aintie, J'lura A M.il I Mrs.L.N. Alexander, Felice Ahllu, f'.lvle Arnold), Mine. Aim, KOim Allen. J'earl Ailelll. Mile. Arnold, lillth AthIo, Jenny Adeline, l»ra llrewer, Nellie Itrmviu'. Mrs. V. T. IVtniniil, Mrs, H Jlr.vntil. Flora Jli'li.m, Ml 1 .*. Illlliielt. Mil Harlon. Delia 1 1 mil bury, . Mm. J. H. Ilrltton, fadlc Htnnelt, Trlile lllckel, Mr*. II. Itrudneil, Ncllli Illltr. Mrs. I'. H lleliaoul, Oraee & Vlolur IlmiKnll, Mark- Hurry, Dolly l'.uljwln, Murle Urooks, E. Helen Heckwilh Llnle Cook, Annie Currnn, Prances Oingleton, Coral Callfcrnp. Witt Cnrew, Jeniirtte Cllffonl, Viola Cannen, Hello Cotter, Llda Cosgrnve, Ktltel Cnrew, Mabel Colten, Mrs. W. Cunstlfillne, Kvelyu Cuttla. Bybll Curlyle, Lillian Carlisle, Irene Crosman, Henrietta Ctrilnoly. Dollle Campbell, Mr*. Jack Clay, Lottie Carroll, , ,. Minnie W. Cnrnno, Draw iXiiteu, MrH.Wm Carlisle, Fay Cllvcm, Miit't'le iHianuell, Uolilte M. Cormoutclle, Hottle Cameron, draco De Milt, Gertie Dalton, Ida Unuliip, Gertie UeVcre, Mamie Paler. Lotta 1)1X1111. lllB Dorothea Sisters lilllon, Fannie DqnKlaa, Grace HeLeon, Mabel Dunham, Norlnr lir Veiul, llosc Dell & Fonda Davenport, H.J Iiuii'itaii. Nellie Kmery, Maud Cverson, Lucille F.JIlof. Lucie limeraon. Bell llekerl, Carrie llmilnijlon, S '.* Rrllth Fuller. Mailellm Pillgar Mrs.A.H Florence. Kntliryr l'loyil, JiMle l-'innkcl. Fnnny Frnlerlrk. Flora C. KM, Delia Frances, Miss V, R jFre, Esther (iuln.-lla. Mrs.lt. t.rejrury. Bessie »in-y, I era ilreHiniii, Kbilc diamine. Minnie ri'.ldle. Annie llrayr Kelts loti-ill, Miss M. K. line, Murloii uinKlrr, May ■ lllwoli Mlsler* lllantl. Bessie ilurmaii, His. Arthur (irluii. Mrs.W.A. ■ IliidstoiiP, Mui'Ie fjiirilner, l|r*.. O. A. 'Jriiy, FliwHle iiiiwi'ii. r.iiwr linyes, iSertlc Hurt. Smile iloMen, Mamie Hamlin, Bessie lilllon, Murgle Haines, Mm. M. J. Hawthorne, Nnrrr.au, Lucille Nichols Nellie V Unell, Myrtle linen, Frauds Oeinva, ullle . Onion, Kitty ru-ki'ii, l-i Is II H. I'oineroy, Anns I'rlmrutt 1 , IMtnlby Calmer, Vera I'lnnkelt, metis IMunkeit lilnuch I'.'lnw. Metn I'itsoiiI, Unrelle Pendleton, ■' Louise Itumley, 1'iiiie llnnik'll, t'l.ivii Kiwi. Maiulle hnyinottil, limber M. LoiltVlck, Slells Ilnflrr, Allele Rtort Marituret Honera, Lu.lv lliiu'. Fraius"! Iloynnd, Mariara lulfirh, .Iran R/iyiiMHul, Viols Rlnaldii, Ena ■• lbibliisnii, Klhel llerr, France^ Il.int', NoHHle iiiitno, Msrgle ilm-l , Mra. C.T. Mabel itlieiiunl. .Madeline Knxrenn, Marlon HnniFsy. Dontrlrc Hall. Jlnzel M. Ilnlnfortli Maliel llagen, ! IIdsii, Margaret Margaret Hunter. Gmee Ilartley, Flora ilmve- i .el'. I'ttuo Unrertnu, Ida * li'ilh-s Lorraine |[uyen, Mnrlou lopea, Mary Jtenmietle, Itoae Ji,-elvn. Ilnrit't [Calm, May Kniwr, Kittle M'dir. f.'.'irnllne l^alle, lienrllce Lnmar, Irene "A'moync Sktera l.OckW'KXl,' Vra. S. A. I^lglilon, JnmuR |j>ng, Lillian Lamberlon I.ncy 'xvvett, Olail.va Lnvlcue. Nlta Long. Herlks I^MrT, alae t.ni.gley, Graee J41-II. Ilattle It. Loninlon, Hurdle Lni'.v, Lllnc Lnnmlon llardie Iwong. Nellie l.uVclle. Alice Lcllnron, K*ta Leslie. Kittle Mark. Florence MC'iilten, lleaala Mortimer, Jemi Morris, Dorelta Morclli, Marie L McArtlicr, Mut;lcl Mnnley, >lra. Cliarles Melvale, Nellie (tel.j Mors, June Marlon, Itusa . Morris, Curie Melville, Sadie Marshall, Ethel Mm iv tin, Itose Mel.aln Sisters Mlsbel, Corn Msrlcn, Theresa I„ Mowrls Mrs.W.T Merrilltli, Anns Miller, Besslii McCarthy, Murlc Mumronl, May vloiitrose. Ilesale ilium, Flora W. ihirtliie. Ella Mursbnll, Anmette .Insey, Mrs. 41. iirlyn, Mora Ilober Kuilierliie llsyrnond. Kitty ItiiKsell, Mabel I'iishpII, Miss T. Iluymond, Nina St. A ii I Mini. Mis. William Sheridan, Maud Kteyeiis, EVlndom, Oonstsn'ce WMtman, Helen Whirlwind, Kit Williams, Cora Woodruff, Dora Whipple, Bay Wallace, Flora V'eeks, Alice , Wood. B.'irbirs >VIIi>ok, Anita Wlllhiuw. Carlotta B'orton, Bessie Wagner. Julia « ii.-k, Inlets Wlllanl. Harriet Wnsbbtini. Blnnrb Wagner Slstera Wlllera, Dot Uosette, llnilln* Wltson, Gladys ilnrke Mrs.T.H llllrhrll, 'l'o|ie» Mullen, Joalc Nelniu, Mnud Nye Sielln G.W Newton, Kiln Weston, Evallne ^ ontig, Mrs. Edward /hanliia. Mile. Stepl!, Kmms GEXTl/KMKN'SI LIST. Tolas, Moil*. ndrews Kilwanl Ailnuis, W. C. Armstnil. F. 8. Aldcn, M. ArddL V. E. Auilc-rson. Oltud Adonis Trio Ausllll, GeorKO AllMIll, Dick A iwt roue, Will A.linnliil. B. Alls-rlH, W. D. Allwitlere Axlell, Mr. Appel, Unhurt Avery, W. Avnlos, Mans. Allen, Frank Arniond, 1: V. Alllfon, Mr. & Mrs- Abrnni, K. J. A rule, Billy Allienlno, _ Frank Anderson, Mali All. Aimer Adnms, Andy Avoloa, The Arstnuig, Doc Al.tllllloR. S. A. needier, J. W. llnrrlngton, It. A llrown, Harry lirooks, Hf.lmrt llnrnea, l'nul _ llllllllKS, II. H Heymer. Joseph Ilrynii, Tom Iki.ver, W. H. Itnrnes, M. M. llceklry, a. B. Ilutblosh Joseph Birch, Jolln Bbyd, J. W. Bell, Johnny l'upn, Frank Bailey 4 Flclchcr Barnes & Wusbhnrn Bennett a Rich llowen, Clarence Illinmlell. 3. II. Brown, J. G. Uellclalre Bros. Bice, E. B. llrown, Harry Benedict, Q. F. Buatuutnan, Arthur Reone, G. A. Brown a Wright Bra.ly, W. A. Broeim, P. n. Barton, J. R. Burke, Charles Hockley, a. B, Brolllur. R. 1! Itehiioht; W. C, Braihlou, QnuflU Bishop, Joseph Baker, Oils Boyd, S. V. a. Brqno, Chris Mreena, Four Billing, Harry Barker. Harry Ervnnl. Siilll Bi'lso. Harry Boyd, s. V. R. linker, William lllnlihenii, Mr. Black, R. U Maine, 11. V. Boyd. C. It. Biiekeye Trio Blake. R. A. Barnes, Stmurt Bnyley. J. W. Bnrl7. Philip Black. J. J. Bailey, K. L. Blaekinoi'ii It n Brown. H. M. Blnghnni, Bnsscll Briton, Tisl Barnes, II. F. BrotiHiin, 1. N. BnrlHe Hue. Billy Oilier, J. It. Daley, II. M. Dnvls, A- w« Dee, Fnuik Davis, Hal ttunlay, Willie Duplne, Eugene Uaroiuaus, Carl Dobbvn, Win. Donnelly, v. Dell'Oro, LnlKl Dickens, J. O. tiarllngtou. A.O. OeVrles. S. Hemic. Sidney nepew. F- » DbtIs, U. J. 'lel^s.n. Clcent nnprec* Dunne .Oesgoii. G. L. lnvls, Aiisiln Ooyle, Major Dee, F. K. Drase, J. W. iAiiiuiitsou, U.A. ijwreace K!n?«trniid. J.A DeLaln, narry Kepler Trl Kar, Fred Clement Kerr, it; B. Kemper, II. Mm DrTerenux. Knbert Kyll. J. H. DrlKoll. George Kuadtre, W. C Doyle, Eddie DrArlton, RslP- Dodmm, B. F. Dupon, M. I.. Emmons, F. T. Earnest, Prince Elilon, R Micros & Cole .h Kluser. Mr. King, Joe iCnbrtt, O. L. Lee, H. & B. Line, F. D. l/-we, Walter i:mmett. Eugene Lee, M. V, Koo, II. W. Eirle, Bert Elton, 8s Edwardi, D, 8. LaMout, Fred Evens. D. KlQ. J. J. Enrty, J. J. l"l*teln. Louie Klflot. Jack " Kas, llatry I'lAliatrb-k Lynch, J. A. Livingston, BUI l-oomls, C. A. Ultoy, V. T. Lindsay's Dogs a MonKeys Li inn. I.e. - Frmirls, C. If. Foley & Dale 1'uss.im, )'. P. 1'aliii, a T. J'riiliiel, Jules Furris, II. II. I'ergerson C. O. Famll. BBly 1 he*! Bros. 1'a fair, Frank Fnsler Willis A l'err»ison, Dave 1'laU, E. II. I liilny, John J.'alrlianks. Harvey Fletcher, L. Foreiiiau, I'^lgar Foster, t. W. Fatrs**, F. w. Fem Com. Four Falls, W. A. Frlel. Frank Frank, or sliurtey Dold Frist, Barney I'eeley. Dirk Frlnk, Faldle Fisher, Charles Kioto Shows FIumI Bros. Foster, Mr. C-ullmetle T. L. (lallngher, J. O. Guidon, Frank Qetler, U. K. Corman ft West Currcltson, G.li. Gray, Peter llalbicnili, Wallace llllroy, CJiurhiS (Jraham, Fred Gray, i.onlou limy, F. a. Glenson, J. B. Gordon, Dinllv, Men Gray, V. H. Gonnnii ft'West GisMlinaii Arthur Gregiiry, Frank clttiinon, Walter Green, J. !■' Mlefihen lisMsek, Harry Glrard, Gilbert Mnkclee. Mont Greene, K. I). Uormah ft West Ms Leo. W. .1. Gere, Larry •ireeu ft Werner UcNlsh Qsgnonx. Tli". Glldiy, fleorge Green, Veno Gray, sfaarj Gcuaro, W. S. Uaode, W. T. Giifslde. Condi t ft Mack' Co. Miller Bros Gordon, Harry Mead. D. H. Gorman ft West Muck. Andrew Greene, E. D. Model Plate IloKiiii, Ernest Holland, K. J. Hrlines, W. J. llyleiial, Tom Harris, Q. H. Hnwt home, H. . Hamilton. H. R. MulleU, 1. W Kill, in WIII.VII. Petcnt, Mont l.iia-.ilil. Mr. ,1'luuiuicr, Lerter, C. C. Lampe, Jack Lewis, Andy Liibadle, Oliver Leiil.V. J. A. 1 elite, W. M. l-oc, A. 11. l-ee, Day IjTonr. -lack ..ink, Billy long, C. H. lewis, Clsnfle U>wla, Cliff LaSsV. King l.avlne. E. Lot/.. William Lea, F. .1. U-vnrds, The l.sDelle, Billy Lilt, O. O. J.aio', W. O. LaRoe. Great U-onar.l ftDrakc !«■, II. V. 1*0, Frtnk lailrd. Iluu- l»rt ft Fife I/wsee. Bert La Wands, Fred I ..vie, Tommy [.ester, II. C. Lowe, Allan Isiwrenee, Al Lee, R. II. .nVell. Frank J#e, Allen Lionel, C. J. Ussey, G. A. u- Rush, Bell l.asky. Jesse Leslie, Q. W. Inltnse, W. E. Merrltt, Hal .McFnrlaud ft M irraj Marttne Bros. Martin, A. P. Miller, Eddie Morton, Lou Mayo, Edgar Mirfire, K. K. Miller, 9. 0. Martlnnettle ft Sylvester Morrlssey, T. P. Mnnley, Charles Mulllcan, l-:dille Miller ft Botes Monday, Little Lincoln ramahsslki. Prof. Pryor. William Perry. J. Ii. Peiser. J. G. Perkins, B. P. Powers, a. W. Powers Bros, loiter ft Hart well Pfonty, C. Q.. I"ogson, l*ercy I'easley, Bob Qntnlsn Edward ltny, Eugene Kohl-Ins, F. A. ltoberta, Jo ltoberson, Sara Bead ft Writ* l.'eed. A. P. Bedding, K. A. Itehm, Georce Bispger, W.V..I* Beeves, Harry ' Iti.i. il.io Charles ilelslng, W. 11.' Rockwood, U.G, Rlnn, (1. P. Itrymona, B. R. Itoblnson, G. K. Biusell, Frank Litter, Max liaynond. It. R. Itlch. B. L. Iliymore, Billy Both, C'lisrles Root, Ralph Ramsa, Q. W. Boberts, aJmes Rio, Aaolph Ross, Dsve Boyrr Bros. Itfajaw, John Rnyond, Frank lieynnlils, Leiv Boberts ft 2 Km met t Ibprd. Prett iilldile, W. P.. Rogers, 1'. J, Boylslon, Craig rtaynolds, Eddlo llussell, Frank Unymond, R. R Uliullng, Qeorge Seymour. 0. O. Stum, Mng Sun, ilns St. Auburn Will Simpson, Eddie Silver ton, \v. St ration, Seymont Shsw, E. F. Kmllh, J. S, Sinnllln. II. I. Sinltl., J. Syl tester, J. E. Starkweather, J. A. Sheeley, Mnrtln Swan, M. E. Smith. W, F. Stuart, — Spry. T. B. Simon. Murray .-navlly, Bert Sparks. Charles Stanton, Walter Siimiionds, E. M Sivor Bros. Sheilman. \V. S. St. Clair, Kddlj 'colt.' T. A. WnlLer. ttsSBsMWassaa, J.isetib VailiU'lls, The |Wrlpht. Elba liero, l.arry Aiiniiiii.v, i.iiiik .-f-oii, i. A. Golden, Geo. F. Uslette, O. I.. Stevens. Charles Gillette, Charles Mathew, Csrti Sehwarls, Fred Gould, Al. Murdock. A. C. Slilpmsii. Ernest GaUagher, W.F. ilacDonald. Smftli, K, D. Great Sontliern w. H. Sylvester, - Minstrels McDonald Noble Lawrence Gordon, Frank Musselman C.II Smith ft ,..,w... I. ll'n.na, IIaYUIi \? K t • Gale ft Walters Moil. Rudolph Sharp. Phillips Gendiill, Blcliard McSLerme, J. T. Hwavtwood, J.J /l.-a.u.u f|S|,n ll.an.inlte Duo tl.~., Ol.nn Marquetti Millar, C. C. C. ijiren, iuw ..iinur, v.. ^.. v,. i^iuuit, Gardner. Cliss. Mooiv, Raymond s»eott ft Johneoa ■llyilou, Wulter Morion. Mr. .IcCres, Frank , Miller, Joe, Mgr S Martiu ft Walls. Jt R. M'eher, Johnny Whitney, C. B. ivieoft, C. A Worths, R. E. Williams ft Campbell Sun Bros. Show Charles Sllvorton, Clauds stnttz. j. a. i. s. I. Joe Jeett, A. H. Snow. G. W. llldpsmy Stuckhart, W.D, St. Leon, Alt Sweat asm, W.F. Smith, M. 0. Shields. Frank Shows Scaulsn. Morian ft Crane Big Mlka Mack. F. J. Bherwooil. W.E. Meunnold. W. J fisnleo, Cbtrlea Murray. J. J. S — Morrlssey. T. P. B Hrinchel, F. E. Hermes, Oscar Harrington, Mortimer, Chas. Melrose, Ernest MitdVe, A. A. lullv ft Meehsu llendrlcka, Bob lliininway. Joe lloldvu Broa. Baffin, ltslnb. Hacker, W. B. llarnsteln, Cbsi llaseall, Lon Hurtlg, I*w , Brown. Hnrrls ft llrown Heron Mortimer Mollis, F. W. Henry, CD. lliiineston. A. B llunvy. Harry How*. Wallace llmlgcs, Harry llohhs, Two llsrt, a A. Hutea, R. H. Hurdle, Tom nail. Bayraon Hale & Francis Hamilton, J. M Herzog Bros. Harrisons, The HtKlges, Frank Hauler. M. K. llyle, W. M. Ilnywanl ft Hitrward Hess, II. 11. llolllugsivorth. Prank lleunlngs, Lewis ft lleunlngs Hnssey. Gesree Hill. C. A. Homes, Kill llailliall, J. M. Hanson, R. P. llsnton, R. V. Herbert, V. F. ■ Harrington, Dan Hodge, R. U. Howard. Pros, Holllngs worth, Frank Harrington, J.J Iloo|*rs, The Harden, Ralph lleilrls, Harry Jnckson, A. J. Jordan ftllarvey Johnson, W. O. Jones, J. A. .Ionian, Fred Jonlon, Hurry Jackson, 11. .1. Jnckson, Arthur June, J. H. J|ey Price, O. P. Plstt, 9ldney I'luuril, Mr. WclUQl, 'r.'f. Wright ftWrlght Wclttcl. Tallies We«t»u, Clieuter Wei ell, Ben Wlahtiuun Allen Wright, U. Wnrron, W. J. WHmiu, "Bon Wlnrhestvr. RX Williams. R. a. Wliltson, Floyd Wolon, llorace Williams, Harry West, D*r«rr*at Waters, John W'slsh. Frank Melbourni Wnker, Louis Woodnutt. Mr. W'rlchts, The Whelen, Frsnk Wrews, The 2 Iwest, J. O. ■BB NOTICE AT HEAD OF MIT. ««» PEX.VSYLVASIIA. Philadelphia.— The changes for the week bring to view here five offerings new to local theatre goers. These are "Lctty," presented by William Kaversnam, at the Broad; •'Can- dida," In wblch Arnold Daly appears at the GatTlck: "An American Princess," presented by the Dearborn management at the Chest- nut : "Home Folks," at the Walnut" and Lederer'n production of "Smiling Island," at tlil> casino. AciDBMY of Music. — The operatic per- formance tills week occurs' on Tuesday even- logi when "Alda" will be, presented by the foiWlnsT cast : Mines. Fames. Walker, Hchnf- fer, MM. Carusd, Scottl, Pladcoo, Muhl- tnonn nnd (Jlordanl. On Friday arternoon and Saturday evening the rhlladplpliln Or- chestra Elves concerts with Lillian Hlauvelt as soloist. The (Irst performance of the opera season, Tuesday evening of last week, brought out- a large and distinguished gathering. linoAn Htrrrt TttEATBB (Niton & Zimmer- man, managers). — The curtent week begins a fortnights engagement nt Ibis house for William Kflverslinm, presenting "Letly." The second and last week for William Gillette, In "The Admirable Crlchton," proved prosper- ous. Christmas week brings Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In "The Sorceress/' r, uiiiicK TitCATiiB (Frank Howe Jr, man- ager). — Arnold DalV brings his product Inn of "Candida" to this house this week. The engagement Is for the week only and on Wednesday nnd Friday evenings. Instead of "Candida" the double bill of "The Man of Destiny" nnd "How He I.led to ner Hus- band" will be presented. Mansfield's en- gagement closed last week with continued benvy attendance. Next week, "Checkers." Ciiehthi t Sts,eei Opera House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). — Wright Lorlmer continues his engagement in "The Shepherd King" this and next week. Christmas week brings Savage's production of "Parsifal," In English, for a fortnight's engagement. chestnut- Sti'.ekt Th eat iu: (Nixon A Zim- merman, managers). — After a prosperous fortnight with "Flff! Pnff ! ! tail II* this house now has the first production In this city of a plnv. In four nets, by Henry Itaeder, entitled "4n American Princess." The pro- duction Is made by the Dearborn manage- ment, nnd under Hie same auspices neit week will lie seen "The Forbidden Land." Walnut Street Theatde (Frnnk Howe Jr., mnnnger). — Joseph Ilrooks' production of C. T. Dnzey'a American piny. "Home Folks." is seen for the first time IhLs week nt this house. The engagement Is for two weeks nnd is to be followed Christmas week ■R Chauncey olenit. "Checkers" continued to do n thriving business last week. -Casino i iciia h. Knenlg & Ledercr, mana- gers). — Rice's "Merry Shoo Girls" finished Its prosperous locnl engagement last week and this week we ore to hnve. Lederer's produc- tion of "Smiling Island." During the tore part of the week It Is necessary to bave dress rehearsals, so that the tlrst performance will oecur on Thursday evening. Finn Thbatbb (F. G. Xixon-NIrdllnger, munnger). — Klcbgrd Carle continues to en- tertain the patrons of this house during this week with "The Tcndefrfoot." This same attraction kept tba bouse completely filled throughout last week. Dec. 26 brings Den- man Thompson, lit "The Old Homestead." National TimwnK (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager). — After a profitable week with "Cohen's I.uck," the offering ut this house aOw Is "A Woman'B Struggle"' Next week brlngB Rout. Fltzslmmons. (lit and ofeiia 1 lot-SB (G. A. Wegefsrth, manager). — "A Culuese Honeymoon', holds the hoards at tU's house this week. Last week's performances of "Running for Office" wore well attended. The anpouncenient for the coming week Is "Winsome Winnie." hWlkl Theatre dJJ. K. Cwkwn, monger)— . ,,„•, •The Fatal Wedding" the week. Gertrude tophc 8erI . H of r l|chlnelle'' pleited grentlv m .iTillv Olson" week of 5. week of Dec. 0-10. Mrs. PntricFcampbc I The Building Fund of tin- l-llks Is In be swelled bv a largo double decked slgnlionrd. erected around the grounds, of their new Uome. MINNESOTA. lowed. Cuuudu, Hush 37 Is (ho first Instituted lu .'Ilit in 'iTillv Olson." week or o. wt «k ^Kniii'-a ; (I* *L Elrldfc |»» Wpr) c JI hi 10 T 4 lOSgl hous LViivond'viore'tte. Clifford and Burke, Scott u«« Musical Bennetts and Amc* , U +J'ln tf'rew & Campbell, managersjj— A . KK nV« continues to test the capacity of '^'"'"hnif'es at each performance. ^Blll 13- in* ^^."ViiE , Kav. llallen and Kuller, KIHe Kupinn (IF. M. llvoms, manager) .—"Two l.lttle Sailor Ito.vs" Is a novelty here this week. The Hoys, In "Down tbe l'lke," liacked the house 5-10. "Ninety and Nino" 10-24. , ', . Coi.i:mtii\ (M. J. Jacobs, mannger). — 'lllgU Hollers 10-24. » vimiiBstown^-At the Opera House nil" Illcc, mnnnger) "Why Women Bin" veil to good business Dec. 8. jjjjj?. '5,"al5""in6oniar" 0, 7, headed by TiMTfM and bis company tula weak. Wbal- i.nnan Mortimer. In "A (Sir! of the Streets." ST tirus.' Kentucky Belles had good houses 1uW W1>< . t iie K inolng 10 this house will umW of 5. 1"B U "oile rs 10-24, t . n t e r the circuit of theatres playing the - -• Weber & Fields extravaganzas, aud "The Jnpskys" will he siren first, with the. fol- lowing vaudeville nets: Four Wchbs. Llbble Arnold Blondcll, American Macks, tlie Illtch- leR. Bennett and filch, and Yneger, I'errln and Yneger. "The Black Mask" drew mod- erate houses f>-10. Bi.ase.Vh (J. II. Bncken. manngci). — "Too 1'roud to Beg," Including Arthur and Mildred lloylan. In here this week. "The Vacant Chair" received fair attention 0-10. "From Bags to Blches" 10-24. W.u.riMANX'.s iif.i:m (Orpbeuui 'Clicnta' Co., proprie- tors!.— Packed housiai nightly. Bill for week or PJ: Albright und Walton, tlm -Tlirvo Smiths, Arthur Stewart, Otto P. Hull and Uriilu'uuiuscopc. « Akron.— At the Colonial (S. S. Vail, manager) the Aubrey Stock Co. did well week of Bee 0. "The Earl of Pawluekct" 13, "The Eternal City" 15, Ada ltehun 17. OniNU 01'KB.v Hou.su (T. K. Albuugh. tnun- ager).r— "Queen of the White •Slaves" and "The Denver Express" divided week of 5 to big- business. Coining: "The Showman's Daughter" 12-14, "The Ulsing Generation" 15-17, "The Strange Adventures of Autos Skeetcr" 10-21, "New I'otk Buy by Day" ynes. general flgcr). — The bills offered uow In elude ten nets, nnd arc pleasing large houses. This week: Leroy and Clayton, Clara Ballerlnl, (lirls Bruno and Mabel Itusscll. t^uiey Has- kell, Pnulton nnd Dooley. Jack Theo Trio. Mr. and Mrs. Swlckard. Michael Brabntu and Mickey nnd Viola Davat. 'Jood hyiisci tuldl last week. ■ i Trenton.— At the. Taylor. Opera House (Montgomery Moses, mannger) Cecilia I.of- tus, Dec. 3. had good business. ".Parsifal." 0, almost filled the house. Coming: "Check- ers" 12, "The Merry Shop GlrT 13, II. "The Imperial Divorce" 10, Henry Miller 17, Cliaunccy Olcott 23. State Stiibkt TiiEATif! (Frank B Sltalters, manager). — "David llarum," &:" had good business. "A V.'lfe's Secret," S- 10. did well. Coming: "At Bisk of Ills Life" 12-14. "Because She Loved" 1517. "Over Niagara Falls" 10-21, "The Way of the Transgressor" 2 - J-24. Tkbxt (Edward Benton, manager). — Last week's business, with Alf. Grant as an added attraction, was Immense. Bill for 12 nnd week: Itlo Brothers. Howard nnd Bland, Mcfirath Brothers, Howard and North, Sim- mons, Gardner and company. Casting Dun- bars, Lillian Shaw and the blogrnph. ■ Climiietii. — At the Lyceum (F.lrot k Drake, managers) Itobert Fltzsinimons, Dec. fi-7, had falv business. "Berause She I/jved" pleased 8-10. Due: "Over Niagara Falls" 12- M. dark 15, "The Little Church Around the Comer" 10. 17, the Loudon Gaiety Girls (Little Kgypt) 10-24. Jacobs'! — •'Faust" B, moving pictures 0, 10. "Wang" 17, "A Country Mouse" 20. Note. — Fred McVey. playing with the "Es- caped from Sing Slug" Co., at Ihe Lyceum Theatre. 1-3, was presented, 2. with u gold scarf pin by the members of the Elizabeth lodge of Elks. i Jersey OHy. — "Two Little Sailor Boys" was very handsnuiely presented at the Acad- emy week ending I»ce. 1". David lllgglns. 111 "Ills l^tst Dollar." hud an enthusiastic re- ception at the Bijou. The Cherry Blossoms Burlesiiuers, u meritorious organization, de- lighted all at (ho Bon Ton. Ac.UiKJiY 'Frank E. Henderson, manager). —Week of 12. "The Vacant Chair;" "Fast Life In New York" 10-24. Bijou (John W. Holmes, proprietor). — "A Bare for Life" "12-17, "The Urcat Automo- bile Mystery" 10-24. Bos To.v 'T. W. Dinkius. ma linger). — Frunk B. t'arr's Thoroughbreds 12-17, the Boucuiluu Bmlcsijucrs 10-24. Marlon.— At the Indiana (E. L. Klnncnian, Campbell lannagert "Elten Holdeu," with llenrv Hor- ■_ ton packed the house Nov. 20. Blanche Kendall was especially commendable. Blanche Walsh, in "llcanrrectlon." faced a full house 30. Xnt Wills, In "A Son of Ilest." Dec. 3, brought out two standing room houses. Win. Ilonelll. In "An American fientiernan." was liliernllr patronized 7. "David llarum" 10. "Tbn Two Orphans" IB, Victor's Band 111, "The Knrl ot Pawtucket'' 30. CiUaxd (E. I.. Kinnemnn. manager). — "A Boval Slave" did good business 2. The Mar- garet Neville Stock Co.. 8 and week, thor- oughly pleased unusually large audiences. Miss Neville - emues : Boyes nnd French. McKennn and lanneu. Mine. Awry 7. 8Sr til Ahema Tmllv He Mutt. Bohert phy nnd Elolse «.llln Bced. the Aherns. Dolly De Mott. Bohert Nicholson, Ida Howell and May Anderson. NiirR. — A one. new electric sign has been erecKsj over the entrance to the new Star Hater Fumllv Theatre. Three vaudeville per- formances dally will be given nt Oils new house Mutineer Flnnegan has fount it recessnrv to Increase the smtlnp rapacity <'" the Umpire almost one-half. Elegant plush scats of the latest type arc being Installed. «>« > CAI.IFOHMA. Irphnns" and Kvn Tanguay last week. Buov OPERA Uutist) (Theodoro L. ittn manager).— "Tho Waif's 'Paradise*' 11-I7, nnd "•The Curse of Drlnk" u lfj-24. Pair audi- ences saw "Wedded, But No Wife." 4-10. I.YCRl'M (Dick r-errls. manager). — "A So- cial lligliwnyman" U-17. "Grnustnrk ' 18-24. "l'lghtlng Boh" drew the usual good houses 410. OariiKi'M (Martin Beck, general manager). —For 11 and week: Lolta and Bella Tohhi, Canfield and Carleton, Knn Kvuns, Jim Citn- Jack Itolaud, Julius .. Strakosrh. J. A. Mur- phy nnd Klolsc Wlllnrd, the Mysterious ■» tigs nud tbe klnodroise. Great business ptc- ^iMisnnT- (M. II. 8lnger, nninngcr).— Tho City Sports 11-17. Bosc Hill's Kngllsh roily Co. 1S-2.4. KuU- putrunuge was drawn by tho Fay Foster Co. 4-10. I'NiouK (M. W. Gallagher, manager).— For II und week: Vi-lucess Trlxy. an cdii- caliKl horse: May Keunedy. .los. Mctiiuley, llalcllffc and Belmont, the Heiixlpt Trio, und llaiilev, Logan uud llanley. Patronage Is tine. I. ok AnKclm At the Slnson 0)«!rn House (II. C. Wyatt. manager) "A Chinese lloncvnitoii." iK-c. 5-7. had sum business. Kloreiiw Oale, H. in "Ah You Like It :" Mar- ine Elliott, in "Her Own Way." 12-17. Mouoscii's BnuiANK (Oliver Morosco.mon- acer).— L. It. Stockwcll and the JIurlHink Theatre Co. began a good week's engugcuieiit ■i, in •The Octoroon. "She" 12-1 1. Bm.asi-o (John II. Blackwood, manager). — "A l-ulv of Quality" r> and week. "Tlio On'nl Diamond Bobbery," 12-17, hud good business. OHAMl OrKRA lIotsB (Cliireiu'C Drown, manager i. — The second engneeinent Ml this liousi' of "liver Niagara Kails," ending ::. nllrai-liil gooil sized uudb'i ». "The litiul Wedding" 5-10, •The Show lllrl" 12-1«. ORi-iu:rsi f M.ivi in Bock, general miina- gcr). — Fi'uliircs 5 uud week : Mr. nud Mrs "Wasiiiuition.— At the National Theatre (W. II. Rnpley. manager) William Fnvcr- bbnin, In "Ix-tlv," had excellent busluess last week. This week and next, "Mother Oisise." William II. Crane Dee. 20-81. I'm.i .MtiiA (Joseph K. Luckett, mannger). — Thin week. Chauscey Olcott, In "Terence." lielng his (lrst oppearalico in ten years or more. "The Prince of I'llsen" Inst week had crowded houses. Savage's English Grand Opera Co., In "La lUihcme." "Tanjihousor," "Carman." "11 Trovatore." "Othello." "Cnvnl- lerle lluslleaua," "I Pugllnccl" and "Lohen- grin." 111-24. Ai:.\tiK.stv (J. W. Lyons, munyger).— riils week. Thomas E. Shea, In "Itaiilsliiil by Iho King," "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde. "Iho Hells," "Othello" and "Cardlnnl lllrhelleii. Lust week "Tbo Flamlug Arrow "hod l)Jg Imslness. "More to Be Pitied Than Scorned" Chase's (Miss II. Winifred De Witt, nan. nger).— This week: Odette Tyler and com- pany. Charmlon. ChnrieR II. Bradjtiajr and company, Walter C Kelly, the ITour Musical Avolop. Zlmmer. nnd vltagraplt. Lnst week tlie Metrotiolltnn Oporn Co. Quartet headed a fine bill, and crowded tho bouse- all tho week La'iwyhtth (Irn J. La Motto, manager).— This week, "David llarum.'' Laet weak "Girls Will tie Girls" returned to . cxcollcnt business. "Btinulng for Olllca 1D-24. I.WEi'M (Hugeno Kornau. manager). —Tills week, tlie Gay Masuucradcrs, Itellly & Wood 10-24. « i e COLORADO . Denver.— At Iho Broadway (B. V. Mc- Court. mnniiBcr) "The sultan of Siilu" Doc. 12-17. Week of B, "Sou Toy," with James) T. Powers and a goud compuuy, played lo ■^JtSS. (R K Moconrt. motiager) —Week or 11, Mnson nnd Mason. Week of 4. "A Friend of the Pnrally" played to good jSw i:nvsTAi. (A. B. Pcltou, mauBgor).-- Wi-ek of 11, Frunk llairon. Week of P. Dntolli. —At the Lyceum (C. A.Marshnll, - giant business. "York „tid "Madame Butterfly" and "My Aunts Down East." 2. 3. hud B'»'d State Folks" II, 10, "Cousin hate' 11. J the Jefferson Boys 10. "Tlie Tenderfoot IT Mtrrnoroi.iTAS Oi'KIia lloimi: (J. T. Con- don, manager).-- Big aiidleliceH Dec «. <• for "liudolpli and Adulph. "Iho .Man from Sn p\n!!oB IW. J. Wells, muimgcr).— Business tTeiiel'd' iu'Jd uiiil rihaw und S and week was excellent. New iieiinlc coin- BiihIiickh Is good, lug 12: Hurry Lines. Le Boy and U: Hoy. Kffle Mnrloii. Tom Gale. Balm Harrington, Advice," supported by" a strong eouipiiuy. She gave n giKid show, nt advanced |irlccs. Oni'ilKtM (Martin Beck, general innnii- Ber) .—Week of 12: John T. kelly und isjrn- liuny, Churlns Leonard Fletcher. Lamlllo lomody Trio, Shields and Paul. Marian l.tt- ■ the Tanukn. KhMona Le Mar. W. J. Wells and tlio stoclj. Ilie eoiuedy fur llm week Is •'MeL'nddeli a Niiti!s'.— i'lic Melrnpolllaii OlH-ru UsNSS ItulldliiB chunged lmuils Nov. 24. It wim lniivluiHvil liy W. V. Mlrt. pmtlmt at IW ExiOlt: (llentz & Kijilee. pruprlelorK).— j , T rolliloil has a lease ami tills will •eatnrcs o nnd week : lrank Iviirl und lluya lm . ri .| v |, transferred from the old owner In laimitou. tbe Pramplns. Devoy and l*erry. '„ f j Ir ,. olll | „ w m K UII havi' chnrgo Build Bros., Blunt uud of'lh'e theii'tr'e uiid"wlTl iilclule Ita.PoKeT- Hohokrii.— At the Lyric (II. I*. Soulier, nianngi-r) "Why Ulrls U'live Home." Dec. 4- 7, nnd Miriam Shelby, In "The Unwritten Law." 8-10, fared well. "The Knctory Girl" 11-1-1. "Over Nlugura Knlls" 15-17. Ehi'Ihi: (A. Al. Bruggeiiiiinu, pniprlelur). — For 12 and week : Tun Three Crime Urns., Edwin Keogh and Co.. /cue, Carl and Zono, Murpbr and Francis, Tom Gllltsi. b'runk Cot- ten und bis donkeys, Mury Dupout nnd Co., Marline and Burns, aud the klnctograph. Business continues very good. Coshocton. — At the Sixth Street Thea- tre (J. P. Callahan, manager) "Ills Majesty and the Maid," Dec. 1, pleased a good house. "The: Moonshiner's Daughter," C. pliiycd to good business. "Peck's Bad Boy," 8, had a fair bouse. "The Hoosler Girl" 12, Hop- kins' Transoceanic Vaudeville Co. 10, "Tho Strollers" 22. ' Nuii;. — A new opera house has been built at Avondalc, Coshocton Co., Ohio. #■» Sandusky. — At the Nielsen Opera House 'Slugler 4 Smith, managers) " 'Way Down liusl" played to packed houses Dec. 0. "The Muld uud the Mummy" pleased 8. Bookings : "HI Capltan" 12, "Young Tobc lioxlc" 10, "Next Door" 17, "King Dodo" 20, "Hooli- gan's Troubles" 23. Zanesvllle.— At Wcller Theatre U. G. Kngkir.d, malinger) "Tho Moonshiner's liuughter" came Dec. 3. "Tbe Muld and the Mummy" 7, "The Peddler" 8, Howe's moving pictures 10, Creston Clnrkc 12, "In- goinar" 1 13, "The Earl of Pawtucket" 14, Ada Behan IS. Cniuilc-ii. — At tlie Cuniden Theatre (M. W. Tavlor, manager) "A Game of Hearts" did satisfactory business, and "Why Girls Leave Gome" had very good house, ltobt. Fitzslmmons 12-i4, "Down by tbe Sen" 13- 17, "The Way of the Transgressor" 19-21. 1 <»» ' Frank \ lucent, I'liliiue-n-scopc. Bmi.MnVAV (A. J. Morgiiuslrrn. iuanii(,er). — Keaturi'H 5 and week : llnle and Villi, Al. Clean. Bclllveim nnil Huberts, Ifco'- wieeya, lluiison unil Drew, Eugeue Debell und lllus- tnili'd suugs. Notks. — Mrs, Flora K Heals and John L. /aille. proprietors of the Unique Tlicalre, have, relumed from a business trip lo New York city "Tex" liet/ler. formerly stage manager at the local Orplienm Tbeulre, bus returned to Los Angeles, afler u tlireo vcam" absence Kllery's ltoyul llnlinii Bund uppcars lice. V, ID. at Temple Audi- torium, uuder local direction uf Lcn Be|iy- mer Lydla (irons npiKUi's at Simpson Auditorium 10, under local management of Lcn llchyiner The eust of "The Oclo- roon." at Morosco's Theatre, conlulned three actors appearing In the original production ceP) _ll"T|ie Little Church Arouud tlio- Cov- in New York City over twenty years ago — II. J; cr '," n(11 j „ 00 j attendance 0-10. "For Ills S. DufDcld. as the Indian: L. It. Stockwcll, lirolher's Crime" 12-17. The Diiliilh Lodge of Klk's No. 1J3. held a lodge ut Borrow fii llm Flrat M. B, chuuli'l. ♦«» — CANADA. Montrvnl— At Ills Majesty's (II. Q. Brooks, niiiniigei) "The (llvl uud the Bundll dn;w crowded houses week of 1 cc [.. «ej moml Hltchcocii, in "The \uukee Cousul, ^oiwMS; oi' Mush: 01. £ llgerlou, muii- ugeri.— "The Forluno Teller "proved a goud iiitructlou week of &. "Tliu Liberty BuTlea FniscAW Music Ham, (F. Howorlh, msii. accr)i — •••liddle-Dce-Wlnks" cumo to fair lionsex Ti-10 "Pousse Cafo" 12 and week. Ttn : .vrui: Bovai, (J\ \V. Le Clair, uiann- Lvuir (Frank Leary. mnnnger). — Wei* of. 12: l.e.slle.1 porcine wonders. MiiBwiiieyaiiil Wilson. Ilndlev nnd Archer Will hrlg. Bello f. .Iiickmui, Howell mid Kmerimn, Honor and H. Ouvlur. OibhI lumlneKS villus. Nnvill.TV (Henry Lilbelskl, lajuiugrr).— • ^\•c•.li of 12: Toriiil and Flor D'Alrla. Whlio mid Franks. Ilnmess und Curtis, K. Fisher, Harry Green and Colo dc hi i-o y I'd by tbo running. total loss. 4i,ii. Ira Adams, manager, lost everything, but wiib fully lUHiired. Ho will rebuild and liiivu a lino theatre In about sixty duys. ♦. *»' -i TEXNEBSKU. Muiiuilils At the New Lycuum ( I ruiik Gray, iminugcr) Frank Daniels, In "Wo Of- lice Boy." Nov. 30. Dec. I, puckyd Ujo house. INDIANA. Iiidlanniiolla.— At English's Opera House anu Ad. V. Miller, manager) Jcunae Towlcr, in al)u as Pete, and John W. Burton, ns Hcudder Hobart Bosworth has arrived In Califor- nia to spend the Winter In Altadena Manager Oliver Morosco uuuvunccs Hie return to the Casluo. Theiitrc,_ in tills city, next THBATiiF, Dus NuuvbauiUM.— Tlie pcrma ; limit French Slock <;o., In "w I on-Juge came to good houses G-10. "Charmlllac "wiNtson Ham,.— Caiananorl, tlio bsrlloiin, manage. . ", did fulr business. Margaret "Iris," Dec. 2, .. Auglln, 7, m "The Eternal Feminine." drew n medium sized audience. Savage's English t;rimd Opera Co. S-10, "Babes a Toyland' 12-11, Lull, Gluscr ID, "Tho Mold and the Mummy" 111. 17. Park (Dickson & Tulbott, managers). — "Only u Shop Olrl," 1-3. had the usual hcuvy business, "llolty Tolty," {i-7, packed the house. "Queen of Iho Highway" 8-10, ••Child Slaves ot New York." 12-14. - Orami Oi-kua HoCSK (Slmfcr Zlegler, manager).— Bill week of 12: Will M. Creasy and lllnuche Dnync, Willy y.lininerman, Brolhers Bard. Burton and BriKiks. Juscpnlne xt February, of Barney llcrnnrd, Blco fl1 ii>i>oVte>G bv Mmc. ltuby Savage, Durolhy d Cody. Maude Still, Thomas Persse liovlc ond \Vurd Stephens, 10. il Edltlt Mason Lawrence Hun- Atrr Gam.kkv.— Adamowskl Trio 12. Iran- p Is HI at the Los Angeles Country Dos- c | 8 'n gcra Jan. 10. ^ i ., I tlln,, 1 I ,i, I, .1 nli •■',,., Miillliil ililll' t"il- — , - , nnil ley pital Ml.nu Budolpli was suilleleiitly re covered from her uuloinobtle accident lo leave Los Angeles Nov. ST? With the Idea ot rejoining the "Sun Toy'' Co. nt Denver..... Los Angeles I-odgc, x u . »», II. P. O. KIks. lielil a lodge of sorrow ut Morosco's Burbunk Thcnlre 4. e Onklnml.— At the Mucdonougli (Hall & Barton, managers) " A Chinese lloneynioon" ilretv good houses Nov. 28. 21). Mori-ncc Uiile, In "Ax Yon Like It." had n gnod house 30. Jane t'oreorun, In "Pretty I'eggy," drew packed hnnn-R .Dec. 1. 2. "For Mother's UTAH. F rtJ^^X^J^r ^ Sa^ ur^derate.; :..%a.in^cr J A l, K olpheumSbuw'^ested the° SSX "* r ctt..ln'.'FInnegau's Ball," packcu .he.liouse of 5. Dxiqn (_b Salt Lake.— At the Salt iJlkc Theatre (tico. D. Pyper, manager) Florence Boborts did good business week of Nov. 28. Thomas Van Winkle." had fair •The Sultan of Sulu" Bishop, manager). uui good business week •legcrsoii, In "ltlp Va business Dec. 0, 7. •' 2224. GiiAxn (Jones & Hammer, managers James J. Jeffries, In "Davy Crockett." played to packed houses 1-3. Mason and Mason, In "l'ril/. uud Suits.", did good business 0-7. oirtson's "Uncle Tom's Cubln" 10-21. , Ctaiisa (\V. B. Gourley, manager).— Gor- don and Gilbert, Florence Locke, Lo Nolrs Arthur Dunn, In "The "Bunawnys." had > — ~ m ,„«„,i _ i standing room ■*>. Maxlnc Elliott 20, 21, tJ^F&wtfBbiFSS^rt ;;Tho Stow Girl" 27. "Tho Billionaire" 28, Wnldon nud Madge Duytell. The Old Maids' ■»• ... ... contest Toesdav night aud amateurs Thurs- ''">' day drew full houses. EMiMtin (Chns. Zimmerman, Jacobs & Lowrcy's Merry AInldens >-; ^"iallf Wve ,, t'?.e l bes{ C sii? , Sf ^eVasoa'Vo >ved J-Vr" biff business. I-urlslan Widows week of 12. KvaunvlHe.— At tho Grand (Pedley & Burch, managers) "The. Sleepy. Princess, by "on and Gilbert, Florence Locke, to ftoira ?", V';.. " 7 "V ov ' "9 ;to. bad fair audiences. Mnrlonettes, Baby Edltli, Bose nnd Sevcrus, " ?f a '. ,* "J c V\ V.i -rime" d eased Dec. 1. Viola fe wl "teo»b. •»«" Dalton and the Taggard ^fe,^ %r2fth N?gl»""^ O.^ad ii packed I'amlly; . Ilos Ton (J. 11. Youug. mannger). — Kosc lelmar. Hays Sisters, Bowers and Curtis, the want Carlln, Bose Felmar and Hyde and Heath. 4 ■ » OKLAHOMA. bouse. Oklahoran City. — At Overholser Opera House (Fd. Overholser, manager) Morey Mock Co., Nov. 2S-Dec. 4, bad fair business, ■'(llllterluc Gloria" 0, "The Sultan of Sulu" lb. "Peck's Bad Boy'' 11, Walker Whiteside ^4-»* — Tom Lewis nnd Sam J. Ryan, of Geo. M. Cohan's "Lltllc Johnnv Jams" Co^-were guest*," at the, animal .dinner given to Alder- man John T. McCull, at Martin's, New York city, Dec. l. Their entertaining. qualities «'ere highly appreciated by Uie representa- tive gatlierlug. 'Babes In Toyland" 8, Robert hde- SS P. "Why Smith Loft Home" 10. "I he Far linst" 13, .I'Sergcant Kitty" 15, "Luder SO i''i:m"i:'s (T'edbiy 4 Burch, managers).— \nt\V lis Played to S. It. O. 4. fnnoeciit Maid 10, Ward k Wade's Minstrels 11. "In Convict's Stripes" 17. "Shadows of a Great C1 1?vann' Halt has the Royal Hungarian Octette as the second attraction ol the ». M. C ' Noies"— 'Tson of Rest" Co liad ndver- tleed nod sold tickets for n matinee perform- ance 5. but owing to tho breaking .(town of in engine Ihe company was delayed nud no ?ter", on perfonnnnce v,',* glvah Thurs- ","• niutlnVoi have been Inaogurflled here and "Bubes In Toyland; " Bishop'* Stock Co. drew good houses, 111 "A mnnaccr) — Strungcr In u Strange Land." Bishop's com- iJldens lieaiied puny of players, u and week. In "Must Lyune." nice aid tlie "AH die Comforts of Honic" 12-17. Bi:i.i, (M. Unman, manager).— Features 12 und week: Miss St. Jvcs, the Great Cilvc, l'eu- Dunswortli. Stanley and Allecn. De Unzo. Ted Box. Denrock Bros, und vitnscopc. litislness Is good. Xnvgi.TV (Tony Lubelskl. mnnnger). — At- tractions 12 and week: Shah, Illusionist; Dennis und Word. Selveao. Ilndjl and HbiIJI, Joliu P. Brace Shalk-ltndJI Talur und mov- ing pictures. Business Is Immense. i: Ml' I in: Tiii:at)ii: IK, M. Carlsun. mana- gerl. — Features 12 und week: Eddlo illgglns. Mabel I^slle. Durnnt and Baldwin Henry King. Walter I'erry, Leomird aud Baldwin and moving pictures. Business Is large. Toronto.— At the Prlucoss (O. B. Hn> nurd, inaiiugcr) Lawrcoce D'Orsuy. in rno Earl of Pawtucket," played to good business. Kyrlo Ilellew, in "Bullies," Dec. 12-17. Giia.mi OMMU llousu (A, J. Small, mana- B eii._"Klng Dodo" drew full bounc*. •Faust" 12-17. ___„ M.UK.SHC (A. 3. Small, manager).— "Wedded and Parted" MO, played io fair business. "Slnbud"' 12-17. KitiM'H (J. Slma, manager). — Coming week of 12: Annie Irish, Joan linden, 'JUreo Kcntons, Hu World's Trio, Flo Adler, Wil- ton Bros, mid klnctograph. . . , , Sr.\n (F. W. Stair, manager).— Irwin s Big Show played to the capacity. Bose By- den's London Belles 1217. „ . _ Mahhf.v Mrmie IIau, (Stewart Ilmmtou, muuagci').— Melba had u large house 0. ■ i ■ London At the Grand (F. X. Korniniin, nmuagcr) Marks Bros.' No. 1 Co. closed a Huccessful week's ongqgemeat Nov. 2,0. 'Oil tin- Sitwunce Blver,' r l)ec. 1, did fairly well. "The Enrl of Pawtucket," 3, had one of Uie best houses nt the season. Arnold Daly, In "Lundlds," 5, pleased greatly. "The Lib- erty Ilullcs"0. Lonikin VAUiir.rii.LB Tiikatiib (Ilcnnclt 4 Fleming, munngers).— For week of 13 1 Charles and Joiinlc Welsh, Murton, Temulo Mid Motion, Marvelous Spauldlngs, Lou Leo Long Trio, Glbhs Children. James aud Cc.Hu Welch, llruest Tenny nod Kdyth Murray, sod UemlngtDU und Co. "Hiiboa'in Toylund" ployed to B. II. O. 2, 3. while William Joesey. Frank Jameson, Geo. t Ion. "Miss Boh Willie" cume lo fair bull- Hess fi. Mao Phelps was loudly applauded, "Itinisou'B Folly." 'I, 7, drmv good bouses. Cuming: Charlea Hawtrey 12. 1.1, "Undet Soulliern Skies" II. Wnrde aad Kidder 15, Nut M. Wills HI. 17, "James Boys In Ml»- soiirl" 23. Howell's moving pictures 24. Ili'l-KINH' GUAM! Ol-KIIA HollMH (A. M. Morrison, munuger).— "The Euslgn," week of Ti, by tlio regular slock, attracted good houses. Lucia Moore did especially well, while William .Tossy, Frank Jaraoson, Geo. Fox, Miss Spinney nnd Isubollo Bowman nimn In for applause. Vaudeville features were: Hoev aua Lee, Tecbow's cats and tbe blogrnph. For week of 12, "Chnrloy'i Aunt"- Ili.ii.ii (BenJ. M. HtBlnback, manager).— "Ilacliol Goldstcla," 6-10. played to large houses. I^iulso Beaton pleased. "Tiro Little Waifs" 1M7. ' _L- • iT.natcA'u OAttDKN Tiiwatbb (John Per- Hlcu. niukiigcr).— I^irgo crowds attend every pcrrormuiu-e. Week of 5 : Mile, ttlehle Daisy Bcngeii. Mile, Culllto, "Oherll," Chun. Uob stun uud Ed. I-cellc. ■ » ■ < iHiitniiooKn — At Now Opera House ( Paul It. Albert, manager) "The Sign of tbn cross' 1 did well. "Tho Virginian" played to full house 23. "Hlnbad" did well 20. "Tbo Burgomaster," Dec. 2, pleased a largo bnusc. 'I'tw; Million- Sisters, 3, pleased. JobU Grlt- fi i Ii. in "Mucholli," pleased .'. Clms. Haw- trey 0, "Sergcunt Kittle" .12, "Tho Girl Irom Dljle" 1."., "Prince ot rilscn" 17, week ot 18, Depcw-Uurdetto. <»» DCLAYVAHU. -At the Graud Opera House Loudon, manager) "On tho Suwuneo was the first San Dletto — At the Isls (II. K. Wyatt, manager) "The Count v Chairmen" had a crowded bouse Nov. 28. "The Uunnwnys" played to S. B. O. 30. "A Chinese Honey- moon" Dec. 3. "For Her Sake" 5, "Show Girl ' 10. Black Pattl 23. . i . > n* f » i i i ' ' — J. James Kenaeily and Ilclcnc Leslie Wnrde. leading man and woman, respectively, of the Bittiy Stock Co., wcro married at Bock- vllle. Conn., Nov. 10. The cerenioiiy waajsir- formed by Hie Bev. Dr. Oeorge. uf the Epl* Hamilton, (A. It. Uudu^. River." Dec. 2, 3, did excellent business. "Candida," 0. had a large and well plouscd audience. "The Liberty Belles" hnd a big house. "Faust" (Lewis Morrison) 10. "King; Dodo" 12, Jonas, pianist, 13; "Winsome Winnie" 14, "A Lltllc Outcast" 16, 17.. staii (J. G. Appletoa. manager).— -Week of 5, good business wus done. Week of 12 : Alf. Holt. Rackott nud Ilaxo'rd. Billy Anortm, wiiniiiiKtoii. — At iho Orand Opera House (Nixon k Zimmerman, lessees) Sav- age's production of "Parsifal" drew well and gave great satisfaction Dec. 10. Thos. U. Shea, in repmlory. did fulr business 0-0. Booked : Prof. Sumrl S. Baldwin, tho " Wh'to Mnlintmn," week of 12. liAiutiCK (W, L. Dockstader, proprietor and mnnnger).— The banner week of this .success- ful house wus 0-10, at every performance inuny lielng turned away. For week of 12: Glroru and Gurduer, It. H. Hodge and com- tmny, the Do Esmoras, Yackley and .Bunnell, Tom Allmotid, May Evans, Dorothy . harl, the Might Cornelius aad tbe klnetograpb. Lvckdm (Daniel Humphries, manager).— "A Wife's Secret" drew good house* 5-7. "David Bunked Fltzolmmons "Hlovos .... .>a « » »■ WEST VIRGINIA. D's' und D's, Hcott and Howard, the Ozurs, Forbidden • iJjnd" 17 linr... —...a » J - i. ., „...! «(...,. if.. a«JI /lti.nn/in An i un nnrni If/i Wlieellnir.— At the Court (K. B. Fratin- helm, raunager) "The Mnld und tbe Mummy." Dec. 5. had good business. "An Ante/lean Princess," 10, bad good returns. "Vouna Tube lloxlo" 12, "The Kternal City" ill. Creston Clarke 14, Ada Iteban 10, "The Tiw, Flkh memorial ser- lormeu u/ imu ,».:». •„-. ^,CT,*a- ; i »•• *" v .*i«o v lee f eo held' at tl e G.'m.d "ip'era' lloule. "I*^"^"!.,^ vHuCM ^ * tUe mC,U aid the house was packed to the doors ben of the company. Miller nnd Krcsko and Murvello nnd Gjcasoo. Nnrc-J-Biidh No. "7, df (he United Order of ltasphcrrh'H, Is now solidly establislicd liere, with J. (I. Applelon as big raspberry. It has now forty members, eight being lul- Uated oii 'tbe eveoiag ot 8. A bauquct fol- Gn\Mi Opma HoUflB (Clmn. A. I elnler. iiiniuiger).r-Ohlirley Orapeivln. In _ Xhu Awakening of Mr. Plpp," r.-7. bail S. It. 0., at advanced prfi-es. "Csptnlu liirr ngloil, 8-10. had good business, '"1 he. Peddler 1£> 14, "A I'llp to Aftltft ' 1317. ^ 1016! TETE IsHEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 17, CIRCUS PEOPLE Season WANTED ™>!> GREATER N ORRIS iron ROWE SHOW CIRCUS, MUSEUM, MENAGERIE and HIPPODROME. High CI^jj Performers, Genuine Novelties, a New Big Seneatlonal Act to Feature, Clowns and Concert People, Musicians for Four Bands, Bagpipers, Lady Buglers, Bosses and Workmen for All Departments, Agents and Bill Posters. • To compsttnt anil reliable people we ca>> offer good salaries and a long inion, Address Tlin.e who htt, wrlt.«n, write again. NOBBIS «fe BOWU, Sail JoSe, Cal. — - ANOTHER BIO HIT AT THB HOWARD. BOSTON, LAST WEEK, MADE BY a—»» GRACIE and REYNOLDS. Act was sncti • big lilt that After the Brit perf ormanre was moved from fifth place down to sixteenth, following everything, and kept them screaming for la minutes In one. Have signed with Mesnra. Sullivan, Harris & Woods' new play, "For Fame and Fortune." LYRIC THEATRE 6* Tlae Gold Mhie 9 *««.•*_»€>}) of THIS We*t.»» PEOPLE IN ALL LINES WANTED, FOR STOCK AND ROAD ENCASEMENTS ! WANT GOOD PLAYS FOR STOCK, with special paper. GOOD AGENT WANTED ailditii, People not at liberty now, send in roar permanent 11. WAI/rBK VAN DYK1, Manager i.Tric Theatre, St. Joseph, Mo. SEASON 190S. The Creat Wallace Shows. ViSVSn w *» Show People, Freaks, Ifov.lty Acte, Lady Performere. lead TvaniBV, photo* anil mention .salary. Ticket Sellers that can grind all d AV. Al«o Want a Good Opening Assistant that has voice suitable tor Concert Announcement!. Address W. H. MrKAIlLAND. Manager Wallace Side Shows, Tltnsvllle, Pie . P. H.-An Al Freak for Platform Show. Write at once. Oapt. 0. K. White, write. IP- A"*. C Em .A. jc m? r MANAGER OR AGENT, AT LIBERTY FOR BALANCE OF SEASON. — K— 1 consider Mr. Craft one of the best Mam my own company.be woold not be at liberty— ROBRRT Address, Harrlstmri NOTE— 1 consider Mr. Craft one of the best Managers I ever had, and were I to continue with ould not be at llberty-ROBKRT fir"' irg, Pa , Dec. 14; 1 Broadway and 2tth St. , New York, OWNING Dec. it; Fottstown 16, .Reading 18 and IT; after 17, Metropolitan Hotel, WANTED IMMEOIATB:UY, FOR Miss Mamie Fleming Co., STRONG VAUDEVILLE FEATURE ACT. Bust be • novelty and the best. Prefer people capable of playing small parts. Good Repertoire People wanted at all times. Rend permanent address and full particulars. Addrtss, by letter or wire, w. u. orackv, Manager Kingston Opera House, Kingston, N. Y„ week Dec. 10, Oohoee, N. T,{ week Dec. at), New Brunswick, N. J. BESTFBOW'3 I0LLY PATEFINDEBS, BARD AND 0BCHE8TBA. Wo have the record of nreaklng all records. Betnrn dates every%vhs>*. Hoates .too small the only dlfllrulty. Compelled to tarn hundreds away nearly every night. Head the following and more to follow, PORTSMOUTH, Ohio, Nov. SO, 1904.— The Renttrow Jolly Pathfinders have last closed the most •ucoesstal repertoire week ever played In this city, 8. R. O. sign being displayed at every perform- ance. Mr. Rent r row hat one of the strongest companies on the road and his return will be wel- comed by his many, local friends.— U. F. HIGLEY, Ret. Manager. Talent of all hind* address J. N. RBNTFROW, per rout.. W.AVMTUCO QUIOk, CUTTER AND WILLIAMS' ENTERPRISES, Good trading Woman that Can.Play Strong Kmntlonal Lead and Good, Strong Heavy; Good Slnglnsr and Dancing Soubtette thnt Can Act, .. . Good Singing and Dancing Comedian. Send photo and programme and very lowest fealsry In first Ittter, and make your salary low as It Is sure. Pay own hotel. OTHER UBRFUL, STOilK FhOI'LK, write ' . . • Charleston, W. va., weeit of Deo. la; Lexington, Ky. week of Deo. IB. Phelan Stock Co. I WOMAN FOR HEAVIES AND CHARACTERS. 1 JOIN AT ONCE. Also VAUDEVILLE ACT TO FEATURE. Addresa ' RALPH A. WAKD, Manager. York, Pa., week Dec. IS. HARRIS -PARKINSON CO. ■ W ANTS Actor forOen'l Business with strong specialty. Property Man who csu act and do specialties, Also want a BIO MSOLK FBATUKK ACT, work in one, or extra strong Novelty Team (musical preferred), siate it you play pan*. Mention ail In first letter. OTUrK pkople, write, especially those who wrote hejorc. aliened oolite negative. s*nbrlery a neersslty. (Summer engagement Id the right people). KOOTY If. UAltRtV Academy of Mi sic, Durham, N.C, week Deo. is; Academy of Music, ltoanote, Va., week; U«p. id. v. A I linEafW Kttj, UP WHICH THKY DKOIHK Ttl DISPONE, AND ttll I IHJlntLS VAfOKHII.LK ARTISTS WHO ABB IN NBBD OP MVY • ■SB ■ BBBPBBW maTKIUAL, communicate with THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHORS' BUREAU, * oSSbbsMS* "FIELiD STOCK €J€>^ WANTED— Repertoire People in all Hues. Versatile Leading Man, Chancier Maff,^ General Business Mas, General Business Woman. Others wilt*. State If you do specialties. Fares advanced, wui rent or Ouy r'limt tor Mot are Machines. i krankbylvestkr, Manager, New HarUord, Ark. (Owyn P.O.) TUB aiuaT BIjABOMATB MUSIC At, ACT IN TUB BUSIMB8S, Ward-Lester Oo., Touring the Coast as Special Vaudeville FEATURE With SOBLE STOCK CO. Films Films The Very Best Obtainable CRESCENT and PATHE. BEND FOR USTI. xPEfllA I. I A Moving Ploture Camera with or uuiaii ! — Dariot Lens, tao.oo. The price we ask for tbtsconldn't pay for the material used In It. one pair Mcintosh Osb Bags, like new, 120. The Clneograph, with stereopticon Com- bined, 1906 Model, with a complete series of box- ing pictures, and a traveling trunk, |lOO;a rare bargain. Genuine Imported Condensers, $1.25 etch, $8.24 per pair. Qlant Film Cement, per bottle, isc. The best bard Limes, per dbz„ 90c, or In gross lota, one doz. in a can, $;. The Oxylltbe (Calcium) Light Outfit, Model B, $».». The only reliable light msklng ontnt for MoviogrictureB. We boy and sell all makes of Moving Picture Machines and Films In any quantity. 338 SPBUM'sTBEETr^ PHII.APEI.PHIA, PA. STIR THEATRE WASHINGTON AND JEFFERSON AVES. St. Louis, IVIo. TRICES 13-25-35. CAPACITY $205.00. 14 SHOWS WEEKLY. OPEN TIME FOR minstrels, farce COMEDY AND DRAMATIC COMPANIES. VrVII_s_ BOOK 4 TO 8 WEEKS. MOST CENTRALLY LOCATED THEATRE IN THE CITY. C, I>. CRAWFORD, Manngtr. AT LIBERTY, Versatile Character Actor RELIABLE AND EXPERIENCED. ONE PIECE OR FIRST CLASS REP. ROLAND H. BILL, , OALT, ONT., CANADA. WANTED. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE Including PIANO player. Join on wire. FISHER & WALTERS' OWN CO., Scottda'o, Pa., Dec. 16-17; Ma»slllon.O.,Dec. 10-34. FOR THK FLUHART STOCK CO. Mm and Wornm for Liids nil Hii.les. Others write. Address FLUHART STOCK CO., I.r-n Shields, Bus. Mgi.. Ogdrn, Utah. Wanted, Al Sketch Team, Man and wife, that change for one week; both work lu acts; ono must fake or ulay.plano. Salary sure. Slugie people, write, we open In Mo., near Kansas City, about Jan. 8. State all In Orst letter. Mo tickets. Addresa KELTNER A McDANIBL, • •. - »1T Carlisle Street. Dalian, Teias, WANTED, REPERTOIRE PEOPLE In all Mm*. State lowest salary. We pay all. NKV1US TANNEit COMPANY. Cinlva, Illinois. J WM. A. LANG Vaudeville Booking Agent, SOLE EaSTEII BEPBE8ENTAT1TE OF THE MB OUST AMUSEMENT ffil, Which has its Haidquirttrs al 218 Hd 219 Dein, Bldg., SEATLE, WASH. ALL ACTS MUST BE SEEN OR KNOWN BYJWM. A. LANO. nr a wrnVlB FOR C0NTIN0O0S VAUDEVILLE THEATRES IN AND AROUND OniOAOO W AW I HM-AHa Good Novelty Acts, Good Comedy Sketch Teams and Extra Uood sinsB Turns. Mntt be good and not cheats. Lou of*work for the right people. Address "" WM. A. LANO, 811 and 3120gden Building, CHICAGO, ILL DON'T miss this. The greatest CROWD GETTER ever devise] NEV liEM,-BUHLESP A 200 ponnd live man can be dropped through trap door of scaffold 6 and 7 feet and hang with noose around his neck, any time desired without discomfort! Represents PERFECTLY a REAL execution' Will create an ENORMOUS SENSATION, ASTOUNDING and PK& PLEXING all who -see It work. (Ton can revive your '"victim 1 ' in »oi?r own way). Patented In U. S., and patent applied for In all .important foreign countries. No Infringements will he tolerated. SCIENTIFIC- ALLY CONSTRUCTED. (Kapeclally designed so that machine can quickly be taken apart and packed for shipment. ' Weighs about 4(0 pounds. Even man witnessing this starts l Dg and phenomenal set will induce all of his acquaintances to see same, state fully territory covered by you. Address PATENT ILLUSION MACHINE CO., Room 11, Carr Bldg., 3d Ava., and E. 138th St., HEW YORK CITY. The M. A. Hunt Attractions. WANTB For Hunt's Scenic Revival ef Monte Criito, Juvenile Man. Two Heavy Men. Character Man, Characler Woman, Competent Stage Dlrerlnr, OarMnter7Elw^ PMjer. SHOW OPENS ABOUT JAN. 16. Booked solid. Sendpliui tt and rull particulars In first letter. Ex-managets with kids, boozeis, etc., save stamps. Wsnt people that can appreciate good treatment,|long season, and sure salary. For Bunt Stock Co., Leading Man, General Business Man and Woman. Those with specialties given preference. Mntt have experience and wardrobe. Join on wire. Management pays Hotel and R. R. silence a polim nagailveV People for Monte Crlsto address M. A. HUNT, Midland, Mich. Those for Stook Co., B. H. KILLMAR, »s per route: Edgerton, Ohio, Dec. 12 to 17; Waterloo, Ind., 19-24; Bryan, Ohio, JMI. Will lease a combination dining and sleeping carfl If in flrst elate condition. ANDREW do WIRE'S New Big Shows, Circus, Museum, Menagerie and Trained Animal Exposition. Wanted for season IMS. circus Acts of All Kinds. Riders with or without their own etock, Acrobats, Gymnasts, Contortionist snd Aerial Acts, Good Horizontal Bar Team, Clown and Comedy Acu, Singing and Talking Clown and Trained Animal ActB of alt kinds for Big Show.Rlng Master and Equestrian Director, Han to Work Trained Stock, Concert People, Colored Band that Sing and Dance and do Specialties, also Freaks and Noveltlea for Side Show, Bosses in All Depart- ments. Boss Canvas Han and Assistant. Boss Props, Chandelier Man, Assistant Boss Hostler, Boss Bill Poster to take charge of posting brigade, 10 Bill Posters, Programmers, Lithographers, Banner Men, Man to take charge of cook house, sober, Reliable, Experienced Men Only wanted. The Finest Equipped Wagon Show In America. Wanted. To Buy i or 6 Cages of Anlmala, Two Cameit, One Elephant; one that does an act lu the ring preferred. Privileges for Sale, Refreshment and Oandy Stand, Cane Raok Knife Board, Doll Rack, Balloons, Fans and Feather, Flowers. Show opens at Medina. N. Y., April 2t and worse East all neanon. Address, for three weeks. ANDREW DOWNIK, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada, care McPhee'a Big Company. Permanentaddress,Medlnt|N.Y.,BoxH. QErTTEEL HEAVY HAH, for iti on a Una of parts, not over 511. 91n; LADT, for Juvinilai, •bolt Sit. 4; GENERAL BIS HAH, wita apecUlties; COMEDIAN, with specialties; flOOD SKETCH TEAM. State lowest salary, as It Is sure. Tell all first letter. Pleasant engagement Winter and Summer, No time for idle correspondence. Those who wrote before, write again. Tickets anywhere to the right people. Address J EAVONS STOOK pO., London, Ont M Canada. GOOD OPEN TIME, CAMBRIDGE, OHIO. Population, 1B.00O. Saturdays, pay days, and always gomt frr rapacity. Qlas< douses. Potteries, Coal Mines, pay every Saturday iron Mills, Tin tWIs De Wolf Hopper >ec«ints, $1,11800. The to lowing Saturdays are open: Dec, 17, 24, (], Jan. 7. 21, Feb. 4. 11, March 11, as, April I, 8, It, tl, 29, May u, 13. Address ma.hmo.mv BBOB., Manage™ Colonial T heatre. '■' ■ '. , B =ggg***g Two Colored Male Dancers and Singers. FIRST CUSS, FOR NEW ACT. ; : J Photos, If possible, at once. Address H. A., core of OLIPPER OflJc;- Those who have written for engagements and have receive no answer 1 desire to. (hank. Sorry 1 couldn't engage all. TO managers i I HAVE CHOSBM WKtilV. PICKED FROM HUNDREDS. THB COMPANY WILL "GO STRONG" ANYWUKKE. PAPBR IS A THING OB BHADTY. Pralns, everlasting energy and money to baoL If managers In Pennsylvania and New York desire suoh an attraction, playing three day and week stands, kindly send open time ro Beilngum, W. vs. CLARKE B. FHLGAR, Manager, CLAIRE TUTTXJES COMEDY CO. " • '■ ADVAXCB A6KNT WANTBD, FOB WAS SUB TO BL AIVXK CO. PiJO. a. Any one who engages with this company and misrepresents qualifications as to experience, so- briety and general ntness to handle the work ahead of sn established attraction, will be dealt wim In no gentle manner. Fourteen weeks of record (breaking bnslncss to date. Tlmftbsokid solid to June 3, IMS. Address E. L. PAUL, Manager, Hterllng, Kan., Dec. 10, or as per route. One Pullman Sleeping and Dining Car, Combined, "HMIIEHA.'' __ Ten Sections. State Room. Smoking Room, Wssh Room. Toilet Room, Linen Closet, lolly tnuljiped with Carpet and Bedding, Kitchen with new Six Hole Range, Hot and Cold Water, 8iaki» OT J"i Room with Refrigerator, Baker Heater, Closet, Helps' Toilet Room: will feed and sleep InrtJ"'? pe. pie; Cellars underneath car; newly palmed— In first class condition. Just the thing for monthly exourslons or theatrical companies. Car at Mt. Vernon, Ohio, ready for Immediate service. Rent for ono month, two. in advance; $126 pcrmonth. In advance, for three or more moniluj. IJM «- posit. Don't write unless you need oar and have the money. h. COXE V, Mt. Vernon, Ohio- Alhambra Music Hall. SAVANNAH, OA. NEIL GILDE A, Proprietor and Manager* WANTED AT ONCE, First Clans Stage Manager that can produce Burlesques, Dramas. ComeoKs, etc.; Versatile Performers la all lines. Sketch Teams, Bister Acts. Single Women, For present ana - Address all correspondence to MBit. OfliDBA. »#.w., » «****-•-* 'i Dboejmbbb 17. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1017 LUBIN'S FIL.IVSS. 8REAT TRAIN ROBBERY. Most Popnl.r _ . Length, 000 Feet Copyright 1904. Picture Brer fbom. Price |M. Life of an American Soldier Copyright loot. Patriotic Hit. ar.att.t Honey Sinker. L«m«Ul, 800 r»ot. Prleo, 008. "Meet Me at the Fountain" Oopjrtoht ltOi; Fall of Uproarious Merriment. length, 478 Feet. Price, #84.95. BOLD BANK ROBBERY. Copyright, 1904. Boat Senaational Film K»er Hade. L* ■« t b, 600 Feet. Price, $60, CLEVER RAKER 65ft. BEHIND THB LENS 115ft. ROUND PORT ARTHDB 246ft. FANTASTIC FISHING 08ft. FIGHT ON YALTJ 131ft. IN A HURRY TO CATCH THB TRAIN 181 ft. DRAMA IN THB AIR (Sensational) .. 196ft NB8T ROBBERS l«4ft GHEZZI AND HIS DOGS 126ft. OPERA HAT 82ft JAPANESE AMBUSH 181ft. THB STRIKE (A Social Drama) 442ft. INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack On a Coach) 500ft. JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS. 628ft ANNIE'S LOVB STORY 754ft PUSS IN BOOTS 590ft GAMBLER'S QUARREL 65ft. BARNUM'S TRUNK 410ft. OUTLOOK AT PORT ARTHUR 181ft BUTTERFLY 114ft. BOAR HUNT 828ft. BMOKBH TOO SMALL 05ft. ICE CREAM EATER 82ft. DISAGREEABLE 5 O'CLOCK 100ft. A GOOD STORY 82ft. MISTAKE IN THB DOOR 115ft. PATRICK ST. AT CORK 00ft. SHOOTING THB RABBITS AT K1L- LARNEY 100ft CLIFF SCENERY AT THE GOBBIN8. 125ft THB MOMO-RAILWAY BETWEEN LISTOWELL 4 BALLY-BUNION... lBOft. FROM CHRISTIANA TO THB NORTH CAPE 426ft. ASCENDING MOUNT PILATUB.... BOott. A PRINCESS IN DISGUISE 557ft BULL FIGHT 877ft. AUGUST, THE MONKEY 246ft A CHEEKY TRAVELER 164ft. A CHRISTMAS NIGHT SffiraS 147ft. 1 EXPOSiriDM MODEL CWE08RAPH WITH STEREOPTICOK COMBINED, I Including Cilciu Hip, ElKMt Lup, JUlistt.li Rkmhl, Hill iii Sllfn, i STAR MODEL CIWEOGR A.PH WITH STEREOPTICOJT COMBINED. 950. 21 S. El|.tl Stmt, nUitfil|Mi, Pa. S75 ionr 1905, GREAT WALLACE SHOWS TIE CREAM OF THE CIRCUS PROFESSION IN EVERY LIRE CF THE CIRCUS BUSINESS. LADY AND GENTLEMEN PERFORMERS, Including EIDBRB, ACROBATS, AEBIALIBTB and OYMB\nSTB; Also TBAINED ANIMAL A0T8, CONCERT PHaFORMERB, CLQWN8, COMEDY FEATURES, or any aot or feature .unable for the HIGHEST CLA88 CIRCUS IN THE WORLD. FEATURE TOO GREAT! NO ACT TOO COSTLY! WILL CONTRACT FOR ANYTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN. Would like to tew f 10m a sober and competent man to break horses Id the Winter time and handle them during the Summer season . The are** I n j to Inolnde Menage, Hurdle and Principal Horses. ALL THE YEAR JOB TO THE RIQhT KIND OF HAN. Would also like tphear from FIRST CLASS and EXPERIENCED MASTER OP TRANSPORTATION. All oUur bosses are engaged. AddresB B. B. WALLACE, Pern, Indiana. glLBtlCB A P4IL1TB If KOATIVK. NEW YORK (FROM COLOGNE, GERMANY) 439 BAST 17th STREET NBW YORK Manufacturer if 0R0AN8 FOR MERRY-80-R0UND8. SHOWS, ETC, N K W Flaying by IUU.I.KH OR CAKDBOAttD HVSIO. ROL.LKR8 A SPEO A H-T V ANY UP TO DATE TUNE TOU WANT FOR OAVIOLI ORGANS, 40, 67 AND 87 KEYS Messrs. Henry and Prank Roll, New York, say: "As having been In the carousel business for Itae last twenty-eight years, I and you capable of repairing and making new rollers for my organs, the best I ever had, a-d I therefore recommend yon to any one for flrst clasa work." A R. WANTED, Pupil to Snppift thl Ytulg, Rlflilitle Acta, THUR STANLEY AND BLVLVA AL1VEK, ^SSS^SST' Driven From The Altar. Tares Good Character Men, those doing specialties preferred: Juvenile Heavy Man. Character Heavy Man, Women tor grand dame and oharacter old maid, most do specialty; Lady Pianist who can play bits; Stage Carpenter, who can operate electrical eflsota and play bits. Other useful people, write; state full particulars flrst letter. Salary must be low, bnt positively sure; long engagsgement to good people; pay your own; peop'e must have good wardrobe. Address ARTHUR STANLEY, Manager, 631 Brooklyn St,, St. Louts, Mo. F. 8.— Managers In Missouri, Kansa* and Iowa, send open time. Strong attraction. Willy Z i hi hi e i hi a ii ii. DEC, 13-QRAND OPBUA. HOUSE, INDIAHAPOLIS. Sole Representative, RICHARD PITROT. BEECHER S kIMI INJIVIN-*! THE FAMOUS D'ELMARS, Comedy, Aorobatio Barrel Jumpers. Week of Nor. 18, Keeney'a, Brooklyn; week of Dec. 13, Poll's, Haiti ord, Conn.; woek of Deo. 10, PaBtor's. N. Y. 0., closing olio. MANAGERS INVITED. WANTED, For the JACK BESSEY STOCK CO. Al Leading Lady, capable of playing leads and heavies, good 'ooklng and medium height; Urate __ Heavy Mtn, not over five feet nine Inoliei; good Character Women, capable of playing some heavies and Juveniles; a good Character Man with some plays, to mainge stage; a good General Aotor and a good Property Man who oan play aome pans; Al diameter Comedian, with Specialties; good Juven- ile Man to play some lesds; a Man and Woman with good picture msohlne outfit, both must play parts: good Pianist and Agent, Pint olast wardrobe essential. State all In Urst letters; no time for correspondence. Work the year 'round. Stock In tho Bummer. Prefer those doing Special ilea, par your own board. Address JACK BEBSBY, Cure of Grand Opera House, Ottumwa, Iowa. £>&££le» A.&i?i& O-f WKLL8VILLE, OMI WAIT 0000 ATTRACTION FOB B10BT OF JAN. 17, 18 or 19, 1905. Good companies bavins open time thereabouts, s and character of .how. Wire or address Immediately, Good companies havlug open time thereabouts, send full data in una letter, concerning prices M. K. /.IMEMMAN, Wollsvllle, Ohio. CTI) j&X-P HALF-TONE 9 1 Kdfla 1 E. PROCESS CO. A PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.l „„-<. -Sets. SQUARE INCH- rt ■ CU1 ? THE HEABT OF TBE SUMMER GIRL PBOF. COPIES PIIEB. (WALTZ BONO). W0L80DKRR MUSIC CO., Indianapolis, Ind. UflBBiQ HAN. CV horolosde fflUnnlO mAIBLClf and SINGING COHEDIAH, ADDHKSB ALL FIJIBT CLASS AOADNTB. FRED # ANNIE PELOT Plnplng tho Kohl A Caatle Clrrnlt. 1IAVB OPBIf TIME lit KKB. (CAHPBB1.L, DILLOIS, CAHPOBLL), Now Playing KOHL k CASTLE CIRCUIT. This Week: UAYlf \ItKKT, CHICAGO. PEERLESS CLUB JUGGLING DUO. Address w«. Honaii. 1018 THE NEW YOBK CLIPPER. December 17. THE FRENCHMAN AND THE OTHER FELLOW. NEWER, BETTER THAN EVER, A LACOH FROM START TO FINISH. 30 HINCTEd IN ONE. Thanks to !ui week's CLIPPER ad. have been engaged for balance of aeaaon. HUOH OBLIOED, WELCOME, THANK YOU. Again we wish to bring before the notice of onr frlenda la the tented allow easiness the fact that we are equipped to manufacture anything needed la the line of Tent., Etc., for Clrcases, WI " ■dt Id Weat Shows, Black Tent, tor Moving F i e Vr r, . w . ork .L "Jerry-go-roand Tops, Bowline Alley Teats, Candy Topi. Fleas of all klada, Kldd andT Baker Lights, Rope.Dacat all width* aad weight, Drill, Twine, Need lea, Pa I mi, Etc. a yon ate deelrons of placing y on r order where your Instructions will be carefully carried oat and where jour work will be properly and promptly executed, and wbere you Inquiries will recelr* onr special consideration and yonr bnalneaa will be appreciated, aend it to us. Write lor oar 16 page list of SECOID HARD Tents. BAKER & L0CKW00D MFG. CO., 415-417 Delaware Street, Kansas City, Mo. FOR 8AI^E, TIE TITLE, I00D Till 1ID PEOFEBTT OF TEE Adam Forepaugh & Sells' Brothers Shows, Circus, Menagerie and Hippodrome. One of tbe Largest, Oldest and If oat Snooesifnl Tented Exhibitions, lnoinding R. R. Cart, Wagom, Hones, Animals, cages, Tents, Seats, Properties, etc., eto„ NOW AT COLUBBUB, OHIO. THE WINTER Q0ARTKR8 can be ranted. No options, first eome, first served. For further particulars address or sail on ADAM FOREPAUGH «fc SELLS BROS., Colombo.., O., or 11)18 Broadway, How York. when tbe property has been sold notloe will be published In this paper oyer onr signature. '. . "A WOULD WIDE CIRCULATION." law OLDEST ABB BOH UffLMITIAL TanATAIC Al AND TIDDITUXI 1O0RHAL. THE ERA. BSTABUBHIO 1KT. 40 WILLINCTON STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W. O. wammiBn sjubboiuptiowb, aa«. P .r susamsn. FHOrEtSIONAL ADVERTIBEQB&TS, 6«. pea- Una, aMBDOAl AlTaTCI TOIYIHO TUB BBTB0P0US DBS TUB BBA 07TtrjH ii THEIB PBRHAKBHT LONDON IDDBB88. 1,000 ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN IT8 COLUMNS WEEKLY. THINK TWICE BEFORE BUYING- ARE YOU PAYENQ FOR A TRUNK OR TALK! TAYLOR TRUNKS Haw* for neaxl y fifty yean stood on their own merit*. Do you wonder the old standard Is Imitated, and what they cannot copy they try to make up ln;"knook." and talk. Don't 1m caught hy talk. Get the goods. Writ* for Catalogue. If jon don't get an an- swer In ten days write again aa probably yonr mall has been delayed. Manufactured aad Bold Only by C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, SO K. Randolph it., Chicago. 191 W. 88th St., NEW YORK. Watch this Space for a Few Pointers. If any other stores other than theei three say they sell TAYLOR'S It IS S deception. JAPANESE CIRCUS ACTS. Also AIVIM^VI^S. Addrsu direct a. PUBILLONE8, Cafe Central, Havana, Cuba. HO AGRKT8. YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, MANAGEBS WRITE FOR OPEN TIME. 10010-2 PUB OOBFOBATIOH, V. E. SHAOKLEFOID, ■ui«Mr. OB EVERY DESCRIPTION EXCEPT LITIIOUHAPIIS- THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, GEO. J. PHILLIPS. Manager, 8*0 PEAHL. BT. (Fox Bwlldlng), S. Y. CITY. stock Paper For "When We Were n,» "Wealth and Poverty ," "Belle of Riohmond." "Bpotleas Town. BO0K1NO SHEET FOR lOOf-ltM MOW BEADY. CIRCUS PRINTING A SPBOIALTY. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor and Mantftr. J. AUSTIN FYNES, Csnsrtl Hinsesr. I BEAUTIFUL TIEITIES 6 Devoted to Redaed Batortalaaseat. Proctor'. Oth Are. Theatre, Proetor'. 28d St. Theatre, Proetor'. Both St. Theatre. Praetor's 185th St. Theatre, Proetor'. Hewark Theatre, Proetor'a Albany Theatre. PROCTOR'S STOCK CO. Presenting BeitPUyi. WABJTED, BEST ACT! ITT VAUDEVILLE. If yon do not receive a reply, It may be because the time It filled ; yon are therefore adrlaed to write again la four weeks. Do NOT enclose stamp lor reply. INSTRUCTIONS TO ARTISTS BOOKED: » e » . plots of acta; complete "prop'' list; It can open and close la one; EXACT time of acta, and of "clooe In;" billing for newspapers and programmes ; snd CLEAN PHOTO- ClBAFtlB for LOBBIES TWO WE1EKS In ADVANCE OF OPENING DATE AT BACH UO08B, addressing RESIDENT MANAGES. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- 8TRUCTION8 WILL SUBJECT AETIST3 to the BISK OF CANCELLATION. VAUDE- VILLE BEHBABSAL8 MONDAYS, 8 A. hi, 8HAEP. Playwrights, Authors and Play Agent* Vaudeville Artiste and Player*, address J. austih fynes, General Manager, FIFTH AVE. THEATRE, K . T. CITY. BIG SELLING Coa tain Song a, Join, Farodl. a, Keel tatlona, Bite., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Cash with order. HoO.O.D. Samples, 10 Cents. WEHMAN BROS., IBS PARK ROW, B. Y. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, put up In mol sture proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A quick seller for theatres, circuses, traveling t heat rt- csl and medicine companies and all places of public amusement. We also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIBS and the BBLIABLB POPCOBN BRICK. Inform us where yon bold a confectionery concession and we will send samples and prices. HUE 01HEIH BROS. * EOttaTEIH, CHICAGO. PHOTOGRAPHS Oebinet Photos of yourself for selling or lobby, Edona CARBOH A finish. Same. 10c. |8 per 100. «t HUSBAND OB WIFE PHOTOS, ffl.O* — l.OCOsl POBrUHES.iOcu: Samp. ISO. ~ For Future Photographs and Lovers' Post Offlos. wmard st, PhUa., Pa. HIGH CLASS MA3ICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock. Immense variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New Mammoth Catalogue Just Issued, 20c. List of 400 bargains In One apparatus for 2c. stamp. A. BOTBBBBBQ, 176 Ontario Bt, Chicago. BON TON, Phila., RIGHT!!, BELOW VINE STREET, OPEN OUT. U. High Class Continuous Vaudeville. All persons must send photos and billing matter two weeks in advance. Artlsta be prepared to do two or more a day. Acta always wanted. Write to above Theatre. EUQHTLI Also Large Stook of SEALSKIN JACKETS and FUB8. ANDREWS, 8M Stat. St., Chicago NEW DISCOVERY 66* Solf-Feodlng Powder Handkerchief forces the powder through the porus elastic fabric leaving no suspicion of powder after using. Gives tbe face aeon, Irnh and clear complexion. Pot up in combination wu constating of 1 Soll-Feedlng Powder Handkerchief 1 Box of Complexion Powder * 1 Bottle of American Beauty Extract American Beaaty Co.. 40 W. a8th St., N. Y j$2.00 au-aiiSjaarjUBantft*a«Mdy» mpatanudlola.waaaajwte»vew*w¥ 'A STORY THAT NEVER WAS TOLD' By BLACK aad DEW. (Something HOW for yon| aak yonr dealer about 11). "S^s-SEXe. "wWALTZES • LRDTRNMAYBR and DEW. < Yon can't help Training whoa yew. hear the.,, . FRED C. BROWN. (Ball of novelty and ginger). Send lata propamine and postage for Professional Ooplsa of latest Inst and Vocai Hnsie Onhestrattoni 100. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., 808-809 Baltimore Bldg., CHICAGO, ill. NO. KEROSENE OR MANTLE MORE RELIABLE THAN •LICTBKJ r/mahi -5EN0 FOR CATALOG: A STEREOFTKOH ANDt FILM EXCHANGE. PATENTED NO&ASOLINE OR ETHER*; [MIHTER IMAM W.BvMq.0RE.MAHA'6E'R. IO& FRAHKLIN5T. CHICAGO. .*f ■KOFESSIONAL Absolutely the Headliner of Trunks. They are Differentfrom All Others SEND FOR CATALOGUE "0" 12VlX«X*IAa Why handle rooky goods when yon oan handle goods that will sell themselves r Electric Bol to from $1.00 per dos. n p. Large variety to select from. Electric Jan, 76o. doa; Eleotrlo Insoles, 8>xe. doa. pairs; Soap " 1 Send Ito. for Sample No. 14 E ~ Hstelstitop ^F E. B., exp. pre] tap, tt.10 gross; Fine Medical Batteries! ipaid. Latest out. One third cash re* 1 aired. Trial order" will convince.' Largest Bannfactnrers of Eleotrlo Belts and ppiianoss in v. 8. a. Established Ian, Lecture and price list free. THE ELEOTBIO APPLI4ICE 00., Burlington, Ran. CENTRAL TRUNKS. 2610;, 17.50 ; 281a.. I S .50 • 82 la , S9.S0 ; 881 n, . |10.50 ; 40ln., $12.00. Circus Trnnks, 24x18x18, $7.60. Bill Trunks, 80x28x15, Inside, 112.00. Lltho Trnnks, 42%x28V4xl2, Inside, 115.00. Bh'pped on receipt of $3.00. bai. C O. D., except over 800 miles, then remit whole amount SIMONS A CO., CENTRAL TEUNK FACTOBX, Bat. 1864, 8. W. cor. 7th and Arch Ste., Phils. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS '«™ HS ™»< TRUNKS STORED VKAl. wrlie sr tslepbons and we wiu meet yon at the tlepot. --w«r>hAB»: wn»-Tiita • in JjnRTB OLAM 8TRRKT. CHICAGO. BIoVICKBB'S THBATRB, Chicago, III. Telephone— Central, 804. Send for Catalogue. 'I Mill LSTaausn ED in iu?)^. O'.l fGAULT Pi AYS;-:V4UDEVILLE ■ ACFS VV ' A t7rr V»U|TTr^ OClljtiMT .-' 4QL0 . 'i ALI^L i.l-irt^'.MRS-A .W.HJpOWNE , ,'..'0/.t fl'JKOI mm . 'jl'. CMICAGO BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital importance to Everi Sufferer of Blood Poison. BAOT ONE— It takes time to tell wheth- er yon are permanently cured by a treatment or merely patched up for the present ITAOT TWO— The Cook Bemedy Co. Is the only company or medical association In ex- hat haa istaass that been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that lis patients are cured to stay cured. FACT THBEE— The Cook Bemedy Co. has many patients who were cared by Its magic remedy eighteen yean ago who are today sound and well. FACT FOUR— The Cook Bemedy Co. Is the largest and the only successful company In the world that moles Uw cote ef Bleat Poison a specialty. FACT five— patients cored by Cook Rem- edy Co. are constantly passing successful^ the various rigid examinations of the most conservative life Insurance companies, and are passing the examinations for admlssloa to the army and navy of the United States. FACT SIX— If yon take Cook Bemedy Co.'a treatment under their guarantee yoo are ab- solutely sure of a cure or yonr money back. FACT SEVEN— Every Other method Of treatment known to the medical profesatos gives bnt temporary relief. FACT eight— Utfl §$-:■' ' PARSIFAL HEALS AMFORTAS AND BECOMES KINO OF THE HOLY UltAIL— ACT HI. BCENIO II. * SUCCESS SUCCESS * ■a I AR" FILM AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE —Ilf 40 TABLEiUI- THE LATEST AMD MOST 60B8E0US SPECTACLE IN MOVING PICTURES LENGTH, 11130ft. PRICK, 9910.00. Write (or our supplement 52, which contains Halt Tones and Kail Description. "Star" RinTSubjects. 039-833- DM A.tonl.hlnR Frame, ou-l-030-Tlie Wonderful ilo.e Tree (Special for Coloring), JUST KKCEIVKD. 037-638— The Shadow Lodr, - 630-640— A Wedding by Correspondence, ... • GAfSTOX MELIES, SO* BAST 38th ST., (TOW YORK CITY. i3ort. aaa.so SsOOft. 134.00 170ft, 1:10.1)1) - i»3.i 138ft. .00 NEORESGOD HAIR CO.'S Wigs ^P Toupees W Street Wear * Popular Prices. 162 State Street, Illustrated Catalogue Free. 5th Floor, Chicago, III SHOES FOR 8TA0E, STREET AND EVENING. BX0LTJ8ITJ STYLES AND WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vmmp and Stage Lasts always on band. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WILL.IAM BIRN8TEIN, •ml us Madison Square. MM BUth Ave., near »ist Btreet. N. T. Hie Only Theatrical 8upply Houm la Philadelphia, pm- 0011 SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, MILLS' PREPARED BURNT CORK, 40c. PER POUND. Qoode .est •Terywltere 0. O. D. when deposit aocomp.nles order. Send tor Booklet. Wt»# son, Sao worthktahth jg PHYLA., between Race ana YmoBta. .( THEIR FIRST QUARREL" A BOOIETY SKETCH, PREBENTED BY WILSON AND MORAN. NOW BOOKING •BAST. Address M. MAGNUS, 07 Clark St., Chicago. JUG6LERS S0PPUES..-HSS^3SS SOME NEW OUTDOOR AMUSEMENTS FOB SUHMPB HESOHT, Most liberal terms :o right parties. Address T0LCHB8TBB COMPANY, Baltimore, Md. STEREOPTICONS FROM 512.11 112.00 OP. NEW AND SECOND HANDS FILMS. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND BONO SLIDES. PE ARCE A80HKOK.ni N. Calvert Bt,, Balto-.Md. Flm Hifjeil Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Eta. Grand End of Century, rally Illustrated. BOOK C ATA- liOGinB, Sto., (ree by mall, Catalogue of Parlor Trie lu tree MAKTINKA A CO., M(rs., 498 Slrta Are., N. T. DoYouWANTMIUTARYGQQDS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMT or HAV7 BUTTS, TENTS, QUN8 and EQUIPMENT OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. From Government Anotlon. No matter what you want IB tbatUne I can ■apply it New or second band. Bend (or catalogue. & B. ABRAHAMS, tn South St., Philadelphia, Pa. s J. 0. G088C0. af| Balldtr* of ^. HOW CANVA Catalogue and 1 r.__ DKTHOIT tod Hand List) r I BB. STJOH & m. R KELY MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES rsrBANDS,SCaOOLSTriUHEII.MILrrAl and alt others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish several Hit.. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. 2J0 Clark Street Chicago III. SKla W«loht», Jewofr/, lS,.rw.r*, BU«. BrlUlant., MMfcnw and Gift Show Good* Prof. Wumnl Ones. Pain to. Bunt Cork, Face Powder, eta. Kowlter 1 . Sons; Books. Fall Una Sf Essie KaMeau. He>4 f»r Oia- mm mvXB catalog™ of PUr. aai BBTT m»». W (er ProCse. alonals and aauieaxa, seal on •ppllcatloa. m ui at., um To XJ. T. JO. Tran.lated means Vp-To-Dats, "ROCKED OH THE OCEAH OF TEARS" Profesilenal Copies fori). T.O program. Ron prof., 80 eta. Orchestrations, IB ets. each. PUBLISHED BY The White Music Pub. Co., 736 rioirtoT in., Birruo. .. I. OPERA HOUSE LA FOLLITTa., TINN. Edna Foy last closed blr week. "Other People's Moner." SS, big hoase. OHRI8TMAB WEEK OPEN. Some good sharing company take It qnlok. Other good dates. Apply T. T. BLWFOHD, Manager. wies TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC. sal 0»t latest ana: Moat Papular Style* In Ladlaa' Hair Drawlnf. AoMoBUCHa^COe, lie "J. Iflath Str.ot, ..... Phlladslphla. N. T. Rep.: H. HALLIWBLL, 108 E. 11th Bt. Mil ITADV Pnonfi uniforms, oann, Swords, RerolTsrs, Osnnons. Tenn, Ete. ■niBal I Mil I UVVUO Everything In the Mllltar» Line— (ully described Inoor large nagaclne Oatalogae, containing net cash prtosa with upwards o( 1 .000 Illustrations Price of catalogue 16 cents— nulled on receipt ofecentaln stamps, mentioning thlssdrertlsemeot Customers write ostbat our 'CATALOGUE 18 WORTH ITSWRIOHT IN GOLD." Wenavethalargeatatook In the world of military I oode from Oovernment auctions. Dealers Supplied. Frsnce. Bannermsn, 679 Broadway, New Tork. DIRECT FROM WHOLESALE, HAVINO OF 10 to 16 PER CENT., ANT LENGTH. Swell Effects (or Shirt Waist Balls, CTMe. np. Exquisite ibapes In Orepe de Chene, aso. up. Oil Boiled Taffeta*. Ohlffon Taffetas, Feau de Seine, Bapho, Peau de Crepe, and all the newest, bait weaves at liberal dis- count. Bend too. (or fall Una samples, reluuded flrst order. Illl II AIID9 ft PHIPPS, SO STATE BTREET, CIIIOAOO. IAVC YOUR VALUi Our Steel, Combination Lock, Trunk Safe Weight sxm) , (as tens In your* trunk. It la a great worry saver. Bend (or details PHICBJ, 18 00. TBBILOWBIE SAFE AND LOCK CO., Oslesbarg, III., or 1106 Fletlron Bldg. ». T. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS. PLANTS, PALMS, TREES, GRASS PLOTS, FOLIAGE and EVERYTHING FOR 8TA0K and LOIIBY USB 00N8TANLY IN STOCK, 8ENO FOR CATALOGUE ANI) PRICE LIBT. DECORATIVE PUNT CO., 67 Lafayette Plaei, N. Y. PLAYS Fir Steel Ciapnlu, fir Ripiittlri Cupulit, fit Aaatttts LABQEBT AS80RTMFJNT IN THE WORLD. BooU tot bOBM *iTHif a, Negro Playa, Paper, Seenerr, Mm. Jarlay'a Wan Woska. Catalogue Free I Free I Ft*. I SAMUEL FRENCH, IT W. 23d St., Mow Tovfe. •Tin.. 301a... saia |BT9. CASH sain fft.»0. iaoo. WITH Mln ir.so. M.SB. OitUKH Bod for call. TBUJIK AMO MAO CO., 18S Colambla, Awe., Phlladslphla, Pa. 1020 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 17, FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT WHTEFOIR Fill RENTAL BUREAU, 84 I. CLAM BTBEET, OmOAOO, ILL Case Publishing company. LOOH.ORV. N.W VOHH ran i«.i AT Alt new* ithnoj. NEW FEATURE FILMS. The following list Includes all new Feature Films, selected because ^f their quality from the output of the various Film Manufacturers In the United States and Europe. Our guarantee goes with each subject, which will be shipped C. O. D., with privilege of examination and return, if not satisfactory, on receipt of express charges: FIBST CLASS EINSTBEL TALEHT. VOCALISTS: BASSO, to do Middle, or HEAVY BARITONE, to do Middle; TENOR SOLOISTS cornet irauBtbs strong for parades), doable 84 Violin: DANUERS. to double brans: OTHER FIRbT CLASS, SOBER, RELIABLE PEOPLE. JOHN W. VOCEL'S BIG CITY MINSTRELS. Name lowest salary, atate what you can and wi'i do In Brut letter; I p» board, lodging and traua- portatlon. Addrasa JOHH WTVOGBI., Owner and Manager. ROUTE: Blonmsburg, Pa., Deo. IS; Berwick 14, Pittaton IS, Wllkasbarre id. Soranton IT, Norwich, K. Y. : 19: Oneonta, N. Y.. 20. LEARN MIND READING an*J how to cuutrul Die mind ut uihirt. Our book *■ Hi* iulii«i of miint Miiiluf , makti avarv _ io ottar tli»i *ii7 u«r iiiit can uiitUrtUud ana bawmsaittxifrkrulnil reader (n a •horlllwt. y.J c*a rr.tnltj *»u* frUoJi, |!r« publU aiHrltJa, r.-rm end help jeureilf to eoelei aaA ami mm eupoeee. Our both eiplelu all tfct tela c*T *JI the mlBd • rwultre Bti* Urare lee nubile. ,Y no t'ea lie Then All, Alee ulli bo* le to*- i ml the MMMl doctor ether ulnela uA atfco than ileMemlofl; Imporelblr frit*. •'ThtHre- t*r*eflltilIlr*ll*frUi-*M , 'MBLrHjii r il,lf.Br»»l r tt'f *>B CENTS CLYDE PUB. CO*, Grand OroBitnf, Chicago, III. CAUL. McMAHON'S F»moui Theatrical RESTAURANT *7» SIXTH AVBNUB. Between nth and nth St, NEW YORK 01 1 Y. Beit ot Food. Perfectly Cooled, Iiellcloualy fcerved. Prices reasonable. Special Dining Room lor Ladlee, WANTED, TO «PB», Strong; Dramatic Company Playing one, two or throe night alande to "pen new opera bouie In town ot 80O. Contributing territory, 8,oo>. Homo and aoenery all now; elecino lighted; capacity, 800. Stage, 10x40. Big buBlneaa aaaured. write. OL1NOER BROS., FrMklln, III. MANAGER WANTED, For CLArH IATHES' CO. Excellent company, established reputation, abil- ity, experience, wardrobe, printing, em. invca- ligation desired. Addreaa CLARA BATHES, Care of Charles Lindsay W'p'i Theatre, Winnipeg, Manitoba, "TBI IO BVBBABITB" (Blograpb). Length, t:s feet; price I1M.T0. ToU la a oomlo dib In seven icenea, which depict the experi- ence* of Br. Oltyman and bis family in looking for restaod happiness In tba suburbs. ••THI JLOlT CHILD" (Blograpb). Length, MB feet; prtt* f 80.T0. This Is an exceedingly comical dim. showing • aeries of laughable ad- Tenure*. *hloh happened to a man anapected or stealing a baby. "INPOiaiBLB VOVAOK'MMellea;- Length. 1.0TI feet; price lie J oo. Tbls exception- al fllm shows the fanclf il adventures of a body of sclenti.ia.wh-> take a trip on an Impossible train nnder and over the sea. Tbls fl'm Is similar In style to lbs "Trip to the Boon.' 1 «FROH OHRItTI AN A TO THB NORTH CAPE" (Pat he). Length, 4W feet; price $51.12. Tola to e pbotographlo reprodactlon of various 5 laces passed during a trip from Christiana to the forth Cape. The film oonld be called "In the Land ot the Midnight Sun," and ihowa some vrry artistic effect* "THUS ADTBNTVBB* OF SANDY MeGHEGOH" (Blograph anthorlied dupli- cate of original by Clarendon, London). Length. 1M feet; price |8t 01. A very humorous subject showing the adventure* ot Sandy, wh«*ls oensht by twoyounar ladles on a lonely beach while pre- paring to take his bath. "LOCOBOTIVB ■ LEG. AACBOl TRIOIV r*. stbam" (Blograph> Length, MS feet; prtoe MR *>• Tbl* Is an nnnsnal subject, showing a series rt race* between the powerful electric- train, whloh was tested by the Hew tork Central Railway and the regular fait Nail Train, We consider this the moat exalting, as well sa In- teresting railroad train scene f bat wa» ever made. ••A KAOB FOB A KISS" (Blograph an thoriitd duplicate from original by Hepworth, London). Length, MJ feet; price. tst.so. This shows a pretty girl with rival lovers, one of them a Jockey and the other a chanffenr. Both of them plead for a klse and ahepropoaee a race between the two for the prize Toe race It ran four times around the track with varying fortunes, bu'. the automobile finally gets the best of it. when a con- stable arrests the chauffeur for speeding, and the Jockey wins the prize. Fu'l or notion and amuae- ™TII« BALTIC FI.BET AND THB NORTH SEA TBAwliEHS" (Biograph au- thorized duplicate from original made by War- wick, London). Length, 218 feet; prioe, $83.00. This la a posed picture, but Is unusually remark- able and of great public Interest because It de- taUa accurately the Incident which almost caused war between England and Russia. The opening scene shows the Trawlers at work, the men sort- ing Hah. The next shows the Rawlan Fleet Just before starting out for the Orient; next shows the Torpedo B >*t Destroyers. The next scene ah iwa the fleet Bring with all gnns. The two following scenes sh ,w the Trawlers after bavlng been dam- aged by tbe Russian fleet wltb huge boles In their ■CM. "AVBSIGING A CRIME, or BDRNBO AT THB STAKE" (PMey A Sterner). Length, tas feet; price. I87.7S. This is a highly sensation- al fllm showing robbery and murder, the alarm, the cbaae, and Una) capture of the murderer, end- ing wltb a burning at tbe stake. AMONG OTHER RECINT 8UBJICT8 WE CAN RECOMMEND THE FOLLOWING: XITOABflON ... PCUSU1AI, THB MOONSHINERS INDIAN* ABO COWBOYS A Pai«OB*S IN DMOUISB A nSW BULL FIGHT A CHEEKY TRAVELER THB STRIKE ... THB TRAINED MONKEY, AUGUST Blograph) Blograph) Blograph) (Path*) (Paths) (P»th») I (Path*) (Path*) (Path* TTBft. 371ft. 960ft. seoft. SB7ft. 377ft. 104ft. 4411ft. 340ft. 15c. per foot. l»e. p*r root. lSe. per foot. 19c. per foot. lUc. per foot, 18c. per foot. 19c. per foot. IS*, par foot. 19c. per foot. We have li stoct isWcted Short FUm ot all Bakes, of which any quantity will be shipped 0. 0. D., with privilege ol examination and selection, on receipt of Express Charges. WE DO NOT 8ELL SECOND HAND GOODS OF ANY DESCRIPTION. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., IN PROJECTION APPARATUS. 52 State St., CHICAGO, ILL. HEW TOBK BBAHCB, 127-129 West 324 Street. HAILED FREE.— New edition of oar catalogue, Describing moving Picture Machines, Stereoptlcoa*, Films and Slide*. ORIOII The Girls in the Overalls" (COPYRIGHTED.) Th* Boat Advertised Fllm on Earth. Saa S-Faae Illustrated Article In NEW YORK JOURNAL, SAN FRANCISCO BZUSINBR, BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNB and CHICAGO AHBRICAN, Etc., Sunday, Oct. 10. LENGTH, 350ft. PKXCE, 142. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. TRACKED by BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING IHEADLINER OF ALL The lost Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES. Film Ever Hade. Negative AotaaUy made In Colorado. Length, 460ft Price $64. Don't forget th* II hit, Thre* Ball* Killed and Nil Hon** Gored In Front «f Casnara, bENOTH, oOOft. PBIOB, |T*J.00. •thai- big WATCH FOH GREATEST BENBATIONAL FILM EVEH HADE. READY SOON. SEND NAME FOR ADVANCE I INFORMATION. SELI6 POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL H. H. BTJCKWALTBB, General Wastarm Agent, Danwar. Colo. » EUGENE CLINE *CO. RENT "We have made It poailble for all manager* to get a pletaara pro- gramme that la not anrpaaied by any Vaudeville Theatre In America. INSTALL OUR SERVICE. IT IS r ■HI 8! 10 E. 14th St., Hew Terk City. 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Btt. Spring snd Brooms), Nsw York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints, . . . Tights. Wigs, . . . Gold & Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo Mnd goods C. 0. D., lubjoct io Inspection, but roqulro s deposit on oil Ordsrs. SCENERY For Every Thing. ELIZABETH CURTAIN CO., SEND 4 cts. FOB CATALOGUE No.*. Send lots. for Catalog?* No. e. Write tu. ELIZABETH, M.J. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, tU W. 23d ST., NEW TORK (014 Boater A Blal'a), HALLETT THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood's Orm.) Special rates to performers, $1 a week. SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With loving Picture Attachment. For showing both Moving Pictures aa well as Lantern Slides, and producing beautiful Dissolving •effects, Nuce. B»ry where tho best results are desired. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS sand FILMS IfKEM^Hf... Illustrating every subject of Art, Travel and Literature and all timely topics. Latest war scenes, Ut. Louis World's Fair, Etc. Popular ana Religious Illustrated hongs, Etc. In fact, unr subject sdapled for the giving of Public Entertainments. PWAPROFITJBLE BUSINESS FOR MEN WITH SMALL CAPITALS . SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED OATALOQDK —Free— which tells the cost of an outfit, explains and Instructs you how to con- duct paying entertainments. McAllister, Mfg. optician, 49 NASSAU 8TREET, NEW YORK. Ml ibarfv. "NERO." SSSSWR*!® ■alllVIIJj UMlVj ROCK NEBO, *H SO. Oeoi o'aiilea on Stage, and »nWe Batons. Qeorge St., Rome, N. Y. CAROUSEL FOR SALE, EXCHANGED AND REBUILT. KRBMEIV8 OAROUBBL WORKS, Ml 11th Ave., L. I. City. N.V_- Are 'oor specialty. Try us for prices. All our lamps are new code style, and will pais Inspec- tion In any sta'e. Band le. stamp for catalogue We are tbe patentee and mannfaotnrera of the 01 enln Stage Pocket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC 8TAOK UOHTINO 00.. Electro- Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus, llj West 40th St., New York. Telephone not-nth St. AT LIBERTY, CLARIONETTIST. Address H. BOODE, Fulton, N. \ : AT LIBEBTY, ARRIE CHtTBCBIL^, OHARAOTERS AND HEAVIES. Mgrs. that are paying salaries, write me- ___^_ AdllresB^ROOaWAYVILLE, PA. Second Hand BAUD IBSTBOHEHTS BODOHT, BOLD and RXOHASOED. Send tor com- plete list. FBAJSK HOLTOH A CO., 10T E. Madison Street, Chicago, IM_ M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNBT, 868 Brotdwaj, N«w Tork City. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE, (»s Pages.) CIRCUS. Copyright, 1804, by the Frank Queen PBbllehing Company (.Limited). Founded fey FRANK QUEEN, 1853. ]STEW YORK, DECEMBER 24, 1904. VOLUME LII.-No.44. Prloe 10 Cants. CATCHCL 6 Mm^NINO l*HHfl. 1022 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembeb 24. M155 CIipper'5 Anecdotes. Mllties aid Counts, CONCEBNINO ST1GE FOLK and Sometimes OTEEES BY JOSEPH INK GEO. A budding playwright, with a bundle of manuscript under bit arm, entered the onter office of a prominent manager the other day. Never, with hla unknown name, would be hare gained admlialon to tbe "inner of In- ners," but It wai bla temporarily good for- tune to meet and accost the manager before he could make hla escape Into hla private domain. "I hare a play," he haitened to My, "which contains the whole sixty -five possible situa- tions for dramatisation." The proud assumption of tbe young begin- ner In tbe art of play writing rather amused the manager, and as be bad a few minutes to spare, be concluded to waste tbem on the aspirant, In drawing him out regarding the wonderful play. > "And bow do you make out that there are only sixty-five dramatic situations?" be asked, "when there have been thousands of playa written. These situations must bays become very commonplace by this date." Whereupon, the young man explained that tbe sixty-five were primal, and all others were merely modifications of them. He was launch- ing deeply Into tbe technique of what tbe manager knew much more than be, when the latter Interrupted blm wltb tbe question : "But your own play, — what of that?" "Well, of course, there being no absolutely new situations, I bare taken tbe beat of those that bare already been used. Now, for In- stance, I have In my play a situation similar to 'Othello smothering Desdemona,'— It baa never been used In any other play but that ; and another thrilling situation is where my heroine baa a similar scene to that of 'Eliza crossing the Icel' " "Hold 1" exclaimed the manager. "I might use a play containing the former Idea, but 'Hllzn,'— why that has been played thousands of times." "But It has been used In only one play," remonstrated tbe young playwright "One Is enough for that," replied tbe man- ager, whose spare momenta by that time bad been more than consumed, and wishing to bring the Interview to a close, added, "at any rate, I fear I could not use your play." "I'd let It go cheap," said the young man. "Now, what would you give me for It?" "Well," said tbe manager with a tired smile, aa he moved In tbe direction of the door marked 'private,' "I'd give vou ten year* lor it." , 9 H f> r °l' os ot 'casting pearlB before swine,' " 1] art admirer of grand opera with Its jjc themes and classic music, "I was mak- ny slow way through the lobby of the Ijopolltan Opera House, along with the Iclatlve crjusdawhlch had been viewing IfonjJseTOIytraglc scenes sung and acted deeply, even to the point of real sacrifice. Why Is Is so dear to yon?'' Then with. a revengeful snarl the man gave an answer altogether unexpected by the kind hearted philanthropist, and one which scored heavily for the theory of the pessimist "Why do I love that rat?'' repeated the man In a voice of bitter, venomous hatred, — •he Ml it uvrden." * Lew Dockstader has not always had things hla own way, as be seems now to have. Al- though a college graduate, wltb a .tempera- ment sunny and hopeful, be has bad bis share of bard climbing over the uncertain theatrl- beard a remark just e truth of the old ^ J}».„young voice of i^t'JiMto'XAW or hear ittoWg HI popular phl- --£jfe1»niilnce^i peasi- filn*3» m H e good ' - ■ — *"that no ght be, good In would '0 prove edupon a-vjslt to rcftVUiat a uld tongue of Paris, and advantageous offers were constantly at her disposal. She ap- peared on tbe Boulevards Montmartre and afterward accepted a part In Sarah Bem- bsrdt's production of e La Ola," which she was about to put on at L'Amblru, prompted to tbe acceptance by Bernhardt'* personal request Tbe success she gained on that occasion, and in an appearance at the Palais lloyal In the Mellhac Gllle comedy, "Ma Comarade," opened tbe eyes of tbe Vaude- ville management, and tbey Immediately made her a proposition to star her. pay her nn enormons salary and make ber future absolutely secure. She accepted and en- tered upon ber new work with hlgb hopes, hopes that were afterward dashed to earth by tbe same objectionable treatment on the part of the management which bad per- suaded the actress to desert them before. cal paths that lead to money and fame, — for This she did sgaln, engaging at the Varieties 'to play the leading role in Mellhac's "De- core," which tbe ant ho r had written for some. Possessing a sense of humor In Its keenest, he liberally employs this valuable attribute In relating the hundreds of laughable Inci- dents that beset him during the years of struggling to reach bis present eminence. Hla first engagement was wltb an old-time manager who kept no account book. Dock- stader aays: "I remember one night when tbe show played to over two hundred dollars. Of course we boys all expected some on account, for we were far In arrears. To our disgust, tbe manager Informed us that we would have to wait a few days longer as he had taken tbe money to get hla life insured. As he had put me on the door, tbe most dangerous place, and as there was no Insurance on me, I de- cided to quit, quickly following my decision with the act. * "An old time favorite In those daya waa 'Zera,' a magician, strong man, motto singer, besides doing every other popular act of the times. He bad been around the world so many times that his bead waa full of oceans. The manager of the company we were In con- ceived tbe Idea of paying us off alphabetically. He paid up to F, and of course, D being early on the Hat, I got my money. Zera, however, didn't fare so well. There waa a general kick among all those who came after the F'a, and "It ended In the show breaking up. The manager then reorganised and gave notice for all those who wished to rejoin to have their names enrolled. As he drew beautiful mental pictures of a successful ending to the disap- pointing season nearly all of us decided to rejoin. "Zera was the first to step up and tbe man- ager began to write hla name on the list " 'Hold on !' said the strong man, 'not Zera this time,— put down A/a*, — that's me.' " • Speaking of the Inequitable arrangement of licenses In tbe different cities, Dockstader re- marked: , . igg •' "They charge fifty cents for a marriage license In Leavenworth, Kansas, - while. In. Kansas City the tax on a dog license, la a dollar and a halt. It costs more In Kansas City to be a dog than It does in Leavenworth to be a married man." ««» GABRIHLLB REJANE Was born In Paris and passed her Infancy Judlc. The success of "Decore" meant the Academy for M. Mellhac, and the author's triumph meant tbe triumph of the star — and Bejane won both Then came the en- gagement at the Odeon, where, to the amaze- ment and despair of her truest and warmest friends, and despite the pleadings of 8arcey nnd Raymond Dealandes, she elected to ap- pear In Daudet's "Qerminle Lacerteux." It would require pages to detail that event, nnd the triumph which Bejane achieved. This waa really tbe beginning of her ascen- sion to the Imperial throne. Letters of con- gratulation cauie from all the distinguished men of Paris, and among them one from Sardou, who bad written hla play. "Mar- quise," especially for her use. She bad left the Vaudeville getting 18,000 francs a year; she returned under a contract to pay iier SOO francs a performance. Under this con- tract many notable productions were made. and between tbe Vaudeville, tbe Odeon nod tbe Varieties she passed ber time, and It was at the Odeon that Mellbac'a "Ma Cous- lne" was first presented, Oct 27, 1890, and with "Ma Coualne," "Decore" and "Monsieur OUR LOUDON LETTER. from o.t?a own cobmsmhdbnt. ~' ' v . Clipper Borrnu, • 48 Cranbovrae Street, Leicester Square, London, W. C. ' Dsc. 10. Edward Terry sails for America today and will make blsjlrst appearance In the United States In "Tbe House of Burnslde, at the Princess Theatre, New York, under the management of Shubert Brothers. Mr. Terry will be accompanied by Mrs. Terry, and takes his own company with him, com- R rising Cynthia Brooke, Beatrice Terry, elly Mortyne. Olive Wilton, Clara Barte, W. H. Day, Win. H. Denny, W. T. Lovell, A. Hylton Allen, Arthur Cornell, George Howard and Master Boy Lorraine. Gaston Mayer Is the business manager. In tbe course of hla lecture on "Hamlet, at his dramatic academy, ten days ago, Beer- bobm Tree said he saw In that morning's paper, on the authority of Henry Arthur sent and is stolen from the mail, a duplicate Jones, that the .degradation of the British WARNING! All persons are cautioned against j Q . closing money with letters to us, UNLESS THE LETTERS ARE REGISTERED. We are in receipt of complaints from many who have lost money by sending it throngh the mail, which demonstrates (bat that method of making remittances IS KTOT SAFE If Postal Money Order, Check or Draft is drama and tbe failure of certain playa was due to the fact of there being no actors to Interpret them. "Vet" continued Mr. Tree. "I remember several plays from the pen of Mr. Jones which were successes, notably •The Llara' and The Sliver King.' Dare I alao reOer to 'The Dancing Girl?* I, for one, cordially hope that Mr. Jones may soon be more fortunate In his actors, so that he may give us another successful play. He saya 'the remedies' for this terrible state of things 'are tbe recognition of the dramatist as a literary artist, and tbe means of giving the young actor the training which long runs deny him.' Well, we have a training school, but Mr. Jones has apparently been too busy addressing provincial audiences to bear about it. And as to tbe recognition of the dramatist as a literary artist, who says he ia not a lit- erary artist? Mr. Jones admits that he baa stooped to the public In order to conquer It between St. Martins Gate and the Place da Chateau d'Kau, the birthplace of the Parisian riot for the previous bait century. She found ber recreation and much toil about the lobby of L'Amblgu, where.- ber father took tickets at the main entrance to the the- atre and her mother tended the. buffet. It was this early experience which fired her ambition, for here she saw all the great actors and actresses of the time. Dies Petit, Jane Easier, Adole Page, Frederick Le- maltre, l'aul Cleves, Hellngue, Paul Deshayea and Marie Laurent At toe age of five her father died and mother and daughter were left to their own resources. Notwithstand- ing this great reverse tbe young child waa sent to school for four years without inter- mission. These were busy years and years of great progress for Gabrleile. Then came the Commune, which, while It brought suf- fering and 1 misery to many, brought valued assistance to Madame Bejane and her daugh- ter. A wealthy widow whom they knew fled tbe city and left, ber property In their care, and the compensation thus secured gave them a comfortable living and enabled the mother to Bend her daughter to tbe Boulet boarding school of St Begalle. Here Gabrleile was brought into, contact with a different class of people than she had hitherto known, and here she became acquainted with a daughter of Jules Simon, then Minister of Public In- struction, i Charles Simon, a brother, knew the famous 1 actor-teacher, M. Begnler, and. learning of | .Gabrlelle's desire to entecOpaA-" a stage career be took her to Begnler Iri ths hope that he might be able to set her" Into the Conservatoire, with which Regnler .was then connected. Begnler's sympathies ' be- came enlisted In her behalf and the .months of toll that followed In setting the ambi- tious girl into proper condition for the pre- liminary examination Bejancs baa not tor- otten to this day. It was seemingly a opeless struggle yet, despite all, she was examined and waa admitted, and after years or laborious study she graduated, and with the second honors of ber class. .-• One day M. Mellhac, nt Barcey's request -gave her a part In one of bis new comedies, and she ac- quitted herself creditably. Other minor en- gagements followed, and finally the strife over her In the newspapers attracting much attention, propositions began to pour In upon her. The Odeon, the Vaudeville and the Qymnase all wanted ber. The Odeon claimed her under a written promise. .made - M. Duquesual by the maftager of the Depart- readers .pf .... ment of lienux Arts, and'.Jflalated upon hold-'- 1» known to the Ing her to. the promise. -IWjSne wanted to llejani Is tourtnr accept tbe proposition from tbe Vaudeville, and on tbe strength of a letter In her pos- ^kseslon from the minister himself she se- ■cured her release and signed with the Vaude- ' Hie. Bbe made her debut there March 25, „JUii In "La Iieveu des Deux Mondes." Her he^ng%B*sjMut with tlio Vaudeville was for two ., mars atrOJhcr name appeared at practically , every perfofnian.ee o^.thoaajeare. One night "i'r. Offenbaeh^rrrtrd h&r TftKjan Interpolated .Vsdng In "Le Premiere TnH" and the next >y came an offer' ,,fi 0,000 francs a yettv If^he'WFuTjfetal Kart In a play which he would ''write for . er, and put on nt the "Varieties." Bbe the Bhe ed her engagorftept at l-*B>' Vaudeville irporo '.tbBU dourjU whatfAjre, bad re- rfl before; . ; l'Woight '^eigi^sh»..='»ev~ d 'a{ the Vaudeville. Ctrcsa ot-gfent nbl ,J "T0und by womi d who were comers. The TOM LEWIS AND SAM J. RYAN, Who are now successfully appearing wltb Geo. M. Cohan's "Little Johnny Jones" Co., are familiar figures to profession and public alike. Mr. Lewis Is making the success of his life by his presentation of the Unknown, and Mr. Ryan is equally successful In bis role, Timothy D. McOee. Throughout the continuation of their partnership they have been playing as headllners In all of the leading vaudeville houses, ever original In the conception of their characters, which Hat Included burlesques on many famous plays. Betsy" prosperity took up Its abiding place at the Odeon. M. O. de Porte-Rlche's "Amoureuse" was produced at the Odeon in April, 1801, and "Lyelstrata" some months later, this Mellhac's fast and unfinished play. The Daudet-Belot play, "Sapho," was pro- duced by Rejane at M. Porel'sJaJew Grand Theatre Nov. 23, 1892, and SaraoiTs "Mme. Pans Gene," at the Vaudeville, the following year. Uejane's Catherine proved an extra Well, Is not this In Itself an admission of weakness? Tbe strong man commands the pub- lic to follow him. Aa I said on a recent occa- sion, you must not give tbe public what they want, give them what you want them to have, and In time they will want it I would recom- mend Mr. Jones not to reach down to the pub- lic," but make the people reach up to him. Really, all this talk Is a little fatiguing when Shakespeare fills tbe bouse nightly." ordinary triumph In all the capitals of Bu- to this Mr. Jones sent the following reply : rope^no matter _ ho w_ It was .received _ln "My dear Tree — In today's papers you are represented me as corn- America, and In Paris It waa played for years. The year 1804 was a great year for the. Vaudeville nnd for Rejane, for now Idol of was lire- she was fairly established. ..as tbe Pnrla. Ibaen'a "The Doll's'Jt* sented that year, and ! Abbey, Schoeffcl francs for one America, which The. later, history hftedH tory. under the management of ler A Co., and is meeting with pronounced success. Her New York City engagement of four weeks at the Lyric Theatre, closlDg Dec. 8, was notable (for big attendance ana the marked prajayca^jetedtd her for hor fine work - 666 frAfes from mi. ,M .hn,.M hi^ •" fsJgsedg«s. " I whstr n here .*e*pll ^rjgi them. _^ A oulBrf'TTiorne. ',dlrtc{»r; nnd gfjie-Hoiizo "draw- ot was gravi condition 0' have start make an me of .ex] tie back 1°'^ last, ilvcn her mg^t ntentlofl management to give her the opportuTJ she wanted, she resolved to seek It else- where. Despite her mediocre roles at the Vaudeville, her name bad ever been on the^ Tng, YJtfK 1 I TtufTnlo via thcl Ncv/v*rk Central or the Shore let Tot: 'a 'tal_ .. aslol Flttle of nnd phlloso] on similar during the , V. lou UBe fi the dn « pro dt ie dram failures extreme vi A man doe! arter of n centu' if I remember 'orinUihtlj lie- the degraded state was bewailed In no the educated classes declared that there " n with the nd. acr You too mi uponv ot plrf with gh with theTBuaaSS'Tf I hi . jredlt me wl tbe same conspicuous fortitni my that you have so often shown occasions. But as It happens, past season English playgoei can be obtained and there will be no I >-. of money, bat there may be a loss of time which may be of the utmost innportar.ee. We will guarantee all persons against lou in sending us remittances IF TBE LETTERS IN WHICH THEY ABE SENT ARE PBOPERLY REGISTERED. NEW YORK CLIPPER. ALBERT J. BOmiE, Msmatger. have given me no opportunity of playing the martyr. Facts and figures are at your ser- vice. You would have thought It strange It you bad been accused of venting personal grievances when you deplored tbe condition of the English drama last Spring. I think it no less strange, and I am sure you will be f:lad ot an opportunity of withdrawing your nslnuatlons. We have a common enemy to light, and we need not fire Into our owa fleet. Always cordially yours, Henry Arthur Jones." Mr. Jones and Mr. Tree have exchanged several more Interesting letters, but the above shows what the "argument" Is about A delicate point of theatrical etiquette came up In a local court last week. T. Davis, the theatrical proprietor, who pro- duced "Florodora," was defended In. an ac- tion brought by G. Sydenham, who has been manager of touring companies for Mr. Davis. Mr. Sydenham's complaint Is that In 1903 he was engaged by Mr. Davis to manage tbs provincial tour of "The Medal and tbe Maid," and when he bad been at work for only a short time was Informed that his engagement must abruptly cease. Hfs contention Is that the engagement la for the whole tour. Mr. Davis, on the other hand, asserts that tbe custom of the profession allows a fortnight's notice. Several tbeatrlcal managers were called as expert witnesses. These gentlemen Bald that the custom of the profession was to engage a manager for the whole tour. The jury returned a verdict for tbe plaintiff. Arthur Bourchler sent the following letter to tbe 0. P Club on "The Tyranny of the First Night:" "Personally, I can not say that of late years I have detected any par- ticular tyranny on the first night of a new play. The only thing that exercises sny tyranny, In my opinion. Is a bundle of nerves, which every actor and actress ought to pos- sess. It always seems to me that a first night audience Is particularly ready to take up the good points In a play. Indeed, It is very often a fact that a play never goes so well as It does on a first night. This would rather point to tbe possibility that the re- ception of a play by a typical London first night audience Is not indicative of the future opinion of the general public, who may or may not throng to see It afterwards, and It Is an established fact that the verdict for good or 111 ot a typical London first nlgbt au- dience has never been prophetic of the finan- cial success of any play. The old favorite on both sides of the water, "Charley's Aunt," made Its reappearance at a West End theatre last Monday night, Bran- don Thomas, to whom the rights have now reverted, having arranged for Its rerlvsl at the Comedy Theatre. Mr. Thomas appears In his own play as the Colonel. J. M. Barrle baa chosen "Peter Pan, or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Dp," as the title for his "play for children," to be pro- duced at the Duke of York's Theatre on or about Dec 22. The cast will Include Nina liouclcault, Dorothea Balrd, Hilda Trevelyn, Jean Burnett Master George Hersee, Sidney Harcourt, George Sheldon and Gerald du Maurler. The first performance at the Court Thea- tre of Lawrence Housman and Granville Barker's fantastic play, Prunella, or Love In a Dutch Garden,' the music for which has been composed by Joseph Moorat, has been fixed for Dee. 23. During Edward Terry'a absence In Amer- ica Mrs. Langtry will commence her London season at Terry's Theatre, In her play, "Mrs. Deerlng's Divorce," on Jan. 16. It has been stated that "The Prayer of the Sword" la to be given In America by James K. Hackett and Mary Mannerlng. A new and original comedy. In three acts, by Gordon Holmes, entitled "The Fascinating Mrs. Kemp," was seen for the first time In London, at the Opera House, Crouch End, last Monday eight. In the Westminster County Court recent- ly Blackmore's Dramatic Agency had to sue Herbert Clarke, acting manager of the Vaude- ville Theatre, where the "Catch of the Sea- son" Is being played, for one hundred dol- lars, commission due on procuring him his present engagement with Messrs. Gattl. and got Judgment for fifty dollars with costs. The Judge commented on the unbusinesslike way In which theatrical people do their busi- ness. "Merely Mary Ann," which' la nearlne the end of Its run at the Duke of York's Thea- tre, will be sent on tour In February, but Eleanor Robson, who Is the feature of the comedy, will not be a member of tbe com- pany. The Theatrical Mechanics' Association I* about to resume the prosecution of the music halls by taking drastic legal proceedings not only against the presentation in them of an sketches, but even of dialogue scenes. M. Sardou has agreed with George Ed- wardes to write for him the libretto of n new comic opera to be produced by the Gaiety manager In London. The composer for the music of this work Is not yet named, or, it moy be, considered. Beerbohm Tree announces that Hla Majes- ty'a Theatre will be closed after the matinee on Dec. 21 until Boxing Night (Dec, 24) and that the present run of "Tempest" will ter mlnate 00 Saturday, Jan. 14. On the follow- ing Thursday, Jan. 19, he will produce "Much Ado About Nothing." . . „ . . A new play, entitled "Tbe Palmist, by R. Henderson Bland, will be produced tor two special matinees, Dec. 16 and IT, at tne Alhnmbra, Brighton. ._ '*[ Ibsen, the dramatist, snfferlng from r relapse, la now stricken with parai- lvlng him of the power of speaking. writing. '" atre Is to be reopened Dec. Seymour, with the new lnnAI" Bert Coote, who is _ In lie 8tates, Is to take a Iln/ pak ftvtbe/productlon. ^"*who made a good Inipres; In "Three JJttle Maids, cal play .*j»i'\ ai^iiHiwl IVOTAu Deoembeb'24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1023 LUBIN'S FILMS. 8REAT TRAEH ROBBERY. Copyright 1904. Mo it I'opilar Ptrtor» Ertr Shown. L.»g tt», 600 F««t. Pries goo. Life of an American Soldier Copyright ism. Patriotic Bit. Oa-eatest Homt ■ IiaasrUt, 600 feet. Pries., |M Jreattst Homey Maker. "Meet Me at the Fountain" Copyright i»o4. Fall of Uproarious M«rrl meat. L eagth, 476 F.et. Price, »314.95. BOLD BANK ROBBERY. Copyright, 1»4. ■oat SasuattoBsa nim inr 0a.de. L>M| t h, 000 F>««. Price, 100. 1 f»rio«a> of All Our Wltmu, Ito. I* or Foot. EXPOSITION MODEL CIME08RAPH tITI STEREOPTICON COMBINED, Including Cililia tap, Eliettle Liip, AJJBiti.ri RkntUt, Fids III Slliu. STAR MODEL C INEOGR AJ»H WITH BTEREOPTICOK COM BIN ED, • GO. 21 S. ElcHfe Strwt, PMiiMplla, Pi. which Is soon to be put on at the Prince of Wales Theatre. Herr Weingartner la to conduct a series ot concerts In tbe United States early In 1000. "Pagllaccl" was done at tbe Savoy Thea- tre last Tuesday nlgbt by Mrs. Brown Potter and ber company. Tbe dramatic version of tbe opera, met with appreciation at tbe hands of a houseful of people. Charles Warner, whose "Drink" made good in America last season, played Canlo In tbe production. Tbe Crystal Palace report was presented by tbe directors a week ago, and It shows a marked Increase all round and a total In- crease of forty thousand dollars In tbe revenue account The report, which deals with busi- ness to the end of June, states that there were one million, two hundred and fifty-two thousand, six hundred, and Stty-two visitors, and tbe money taken for admission shows an increase of sixteen thousand dollarj. Hiram Maxim's flying machine has proved an enormous success. The Automobile Show will be held from Jan. 27 to Feb. 4, and an Indian and Colonial Exhibition Is being prepared for next Summer. Tbe new ballet which George Edwardes will shortly produce at the Empire Is an adaptation, by C. Wllhelm, of "Puppenfee," a work well known on the continent Beyond the music, by Herr Bayer, of Vienna, very little of the original idea Is left, excepting the scene of a toy shop at Christmas, which Is visited by a family to purchase presents. At the Empire a very Christmassy aspect will be given to the new production and Mile. Genee will have ample opportunities of exhi- biting her talent, as nearly all tbe funny sit- uations In doll land arise out of. her Imper- sonations of mechanical toys. A great deal of new music has been added to the original score, but as yet no title has been fixed upon tor the new divertissement Nat Wixon manager of the Troubadour Pour, writes the following from Cardiff. Wales, where tbe Four opened: "We opened here Monday night, and the act went very good Indeed. We have a very bard place on tbe bill, following Marie Loftus. She does a long act, thirty-one minutes. Then we come on, next to last, still we are accustomed to hard places on the bill, having done the same thing in the States many times. We are the middle feature In the billing and that helps a little. Everything considered, the act Is a success as far as I can see now. All the boys are well and send best regards." Mr. Wixon is very modest in his ietter, as I understand from others that the Four mada a big success. The following will be of interest to Amer- icans who have been in this country and to those who Intend coming over. A pro- posal will shortly be placed before tbe board of directors of the Moss Empires, Limited, which, if approved, as is expected, will cause a greet change in the British music ball world. Horace E. Moss wishes to re- tire from tbe managing directorship of these places of amusement, and hand over , the control to bis younger colleague, Oswald Stoll. The change is scheduled to take place on Jan. 1, and Prank Allen, who has acted as first lieutenant to Mr. Mobs for so long, would contlnne in a similar capacity nnder Mr. Stoll. It Is understood that Mr. Moss desires to retain his seat on the board of directors, but not to take any active part in the business management The Moss Em- pires Company was formed In 1899 to ac- quire the properties and business of the following companies ; London Hippodrome, Birmingham Empire Palace, Cardiff, New. •11 limited. According to the Stock Ex- change Year Book, $o7000,000 was the au- thorized capital, in snares of 925, half being PJA Per, cent cumulative preference and MB ordinary, while power was taken to issue four ber cent, perpetual debenture stock for 82,000,000. Of the preference cepitol $2,353,625. of the ordinary $2,128,- 825, and of the debenture stock $1,305,776 have been subscribed and paid up. The di- rectors of too Moss Empires are: H. E. Moss, chairman: F. Allen, O. Stoll and K. Thornton. If Mr. Stoll takes over the com- mend ho will have control of the largest music hall business In the world. In addi- tion to the Moss Empires, Mr. Stoll has fix other halls in various parts of the prov- 523 "J" 1 tne new Coliseum, which 1b ad- TSf . t0 °P* n itB door8 t0 tne public on ™: .}»• Altogether the capital represented in this huge variety combine will be close noon $10,000,000. Mr. Moss Is a landed proprietor and magistrate In Midlothian. Berore be camo to London he was the pro- prietor of Moss' Theatro of Varieties, Edln- The Great Everhart writes from Breslsu, uermany, r ati Indefinite period In pantomime at the Royal Theatre, Nottingham, on Dee, Harry Randall has been elected president °f the Music Hall Artists'. Railway Asso- ciation, In place of the late Dan Leno. Ld. F. Reynard, the top notch ventrilo- quist, opened his season at the Glasgow ja'ace, and made our Scottish friends think tnat they had never seen a ventriloquist oerpre. Mr. Reynard received eight curtain cans and could have taken three more, a most unusual record for this bouse. He win continue on tour until Jsnuary, when ne is booked as an added feature at the Ly- ceum Theatre, when that house makes its vaudeville debut The act which is a whole P'ay In Itself, will be a great novelty to Lon- Jon playgoers. This was proven with Mr. Keyword's old act, which he played at the London Hippodrome for eight weeks last #ear. 8. King Alexander has been appointed Glua| er 0t tbe TlY0 " ani! Queen '» Variety, ■i The Palace Theatre, Swansea, Wales, was opened on Monday, Nov. 28> to aniapdlenco which completely filled the coefc playhouse. This house was opened on that/catS as* a music hall, after being closed for sixteen months. Two American acts were on tbe bill, De Vere and Kenwlck and John-Callan, and they made good. The house Is run on the two shows a night policy. On the opening nlgbt. Immediately after the last show, Man- ager Grantban gave a banquet to all the per- formers and a few personal friends. Several speeches and a general good time was tbe result. Agsln I hear from Dave Meier. This time he writes: "Well, today Is the first day la seven that we are without tog. The weather has' been something awful, a thick, dense fog hanging over the city for a week, and tbe death rate has broken all records. People, suffering from lung troubles, died by scores. Lowell and Lowell are one of the features at Barrasford's Grand, and their act Is a bis bit, especially the comedy, which brings forth roars of laugbter. The Rayfords are at tbe Empire. Their show has been Improved since I last saw It, Mr. Bayford Introducing sev- eral new and difficult tricks. By the way, the new Hippodrome opened Its doors for In- spection today. It is a magnificent building, and cost $225,000. Mr. Stoll Is tbe manag- ing director, and the show houae, which opens this month. Is to be run on the same plan is tho London Hippodrome. Manchester (where Mr. Meier sent this letter from) has now ten music balls." The Marvelous Bard is In town this week and is rehearsing bis new act which he In- tends to-put on shortly. Next week he Is at Birmingham.. In London at the present time are the following performers from the same town In the States: Four Lukens, Frank Whitman and Mr. Bard. The town in Reading. Pa H. B. Moss has decided that the title of tbe Christmas production at the London Hip- podrome shall be "Butterflies in Faryland, or Nature Triumphant," a mystical evolution, in seven events. Invented and produced by Frank Parker, music by Clarence Corri. Going away from tbe old order of things there will Be no speaking or singing parts. The pro- duction la its entirety will be oue of vast mechanical, scenic and lighting effects. Mr. Moss promises some of the most extraor- dinary transformations and optical Illusions, such as has never been seen. In order to make room tor tbe enormous quantity of new machinery and electrical plant, It has been found necessry to reconstruct and ex- tend tbe stage. In point of figures this production will cost even more than tbe fa- mous "Cinderella," which, It la stated, coat over $50,000. The beautiful fountains, which bave been such a successful feature ever since the inception ot the Hippodrome, are to be amplified and rearranged to such a gigantic extent that over 900,000 gallons of water will be used. All the quantity of water, by means of some newly Invented spray fountains, will be forced Into the air and produce a series of remarkable diaphan- ous effects. The Four Lukens are liable to stay la England and on the continent for many years to come If they accept tbe numerous high priced contracts that have been offered them. Horry Luken, who Is the manager of the troupe, told me today that an agent from Berlin called at his house the other night, after be had retired, with a contract to play In Germany. The contract which was Bigned by Mr. Luken, calls for the larg- est sum of money that was ever paid an acrobatic act In Germany. Tbe act has been such a big feature at tbe Empire that the management offered tbe quartet of gym- nasts a year's engagement, which, however, was not accepted. Every province Al. Lawrence shown he gets an interview of a column length or more In tbe leading newspapers of that province. The latest clipping is from a Leeds publication, ond U headed "Yankee Yarns," "An Amusing American I" Some- times It 1b bard enough to get in with an English audience, bat to be the real fellow with the critics Is harder still. Mr. Law- rence Is a sort of wonder on and off tho boards. He Is a good example of American push. Houdlnl, the king of the handcuffs, wis the star act at the Pavilion, Glasgow, last week. The second feature on the bill was furnished by Hayman and Franklin, whose sketch, "A Matrimonial Agency," has been a great card everywhere. ThlB week Houdlnl Is at tbe Hippodrome, Brighton, while the latter artists remain In Birmingham, but at a different house, the Hoppodrome. Mrs. Will H. Fox, who Is known on the stage as Minnie Emerald, presented her hus- band with a baby girl at their London resi- dence a week ago. Mother and child are do- ing well. Billy McClaln Is staging three big num- bers In tbe Drury Lane pantomime, teach- ing the Palace Girls some difficult steps, and plsyed yesterday in Robert Arthur's panto- mime at the Camden Theatre. Mr. McClaln has written a new march song, entitled "Daughters of John Bull." Mlnola Mada Hurst, who Is doing a magic kettle act In Germany, sent me two German publications which, judging from marked articles, says a lot of nice things about her experiments with liquid air, although not being able to read the papers, I surmised tbe tone of the write-ups. James Sullivan, the well known comedian, Is making a great bit In "Tbe Orchid," fl successful musical piece, which he Joined on Dec. 1. A Swansea publication says tbe following of Post Mason's singing: "Post Mason con- tributes a delightful five minutes with bis song scena, 'Son ot tbe Desert am I;" pos- sessed of a fine baritone voice, the young American Imbues his song with bo much dramatic fervor as to compel listeners. Ills first song, 'Beware,' was given with niiicb taste ana expression." I understand that Percy Williams bas offered George H. Webster a big contract to cross the ocean with "Zutka -," that Honlta and Lottie West Bymonds bave can- celed tbelr time at the new Coliseum ; Ibst George Fuller Golden, who Is now i i tbe States, Is to go to Australia when his Amer- ican engagement Is finished, at a very Urge salary; that Claude tad Fanny Usher are coming to England next August tor a twenty- six weeks' stay. Hlu$ic and Song. Cbas. K. Harris Informs us that the songs that bave proven successes the year that la fast coming to an end, and which have been tried and not found wanting, are: "Always In the Way," "For Bale, a Baby ;" "Down In tbe Vale of Shenandoah," "Just a Gleam of Heaven In Her Eyes," "Tbe Girl of My Dreams," "Qood-by My Lady Love," "Come Take a Trip In My Airship." "Sunday Morn- ing When tbe Church Bells Ring," "You're the Sweetest Flower that Grows In Ten- nessee," "Mske Yourself at Home," "Dear," "I've Got My Fingers Crossed You Can't Touch Me," "When You Said 'Yes, You Never Spoke to Me Like that Before," "Jim Badger,'' "I've Lost My Appetite for Chick- en," "Albany," "My Home Beside the River," At the Royal Pavilion, London, Eng., on Nov. 5, there was an Interesting entertain- ment at which several notable people took part, among them being Elisabeth Carey, who enraptured her hearers by her exquisite rendition of "In Dreamland." This song was received with great applaaae on tht oc- casion referred to, and it will doubtless be- come very popular throughout England. Georgia Calne, for her debut In vaudeville, has decided to use T, B. Harms Co.'s latest novelty song "I'm Just Craay 'Bout You." Louis Magnus, the well known vocalist, has placed "Star ot My Lite" In his reper- tory. whelan and Phelps and Blanche Sharp are featuring "Freddie," which, they state, never falls to call for several encores. Tbe Nichols Sisters are featuring "Dsnuel" and "What the Brass Band Played," and report success with them. .^m - — i ■ . M 7 *'. if' "" i ■ V'l or ^& it ■' \ i 1 Susan '^kJB^bBEbixbb B SSSBSHui'/- l;?wBBSBSjBH^di9Bl M I v ; ' ■ ■$ \ ',>:■ "y'.^M -'■.■:■' * i*~ ■ :. V- • T ' : ""M" : '" : " "-%: Ml' -'■ • t i > - i ' : -'^WL&'"'' '^' J ' ' '-': 'A :: ^m'"''' '&•: Wr : 'M : \~ £ ! _ tf^S»Vi Ik "■-■ if M *" IB i if. • ■ DELL AND FONDA, Peerless club Jugglers, are acknowledged by press and public to be one of the best all around club Juggling teams In tbe profession. They are performing all tbe most difficult tricks known In this line, together with several new features never before attempted. and the new baby song bit, "Why Don't They Play With Me?" The new year will bring forth a list of song novelties, pub- lished by the House of Harris, which will be a surprise to the profession as well as to the public and managers. Among the Instrumental numbers published by tbe "House of Harris," and which are meeting witb success throughout tbe United Btatvs with tbe prominent bands, orchestras and leaders, are tbe following: "Our President" (march), "Down the Pike 1 ' (march), "March of the Eagles," "Swanee Rag." "New Ko- chelie Yacht Club Waltz," <7 Voice of the Night" (waits). "Ti.e King's Fool" (march), "The Olympla'' (march), and Mr. Harris' latest novelette, "l/ove and Kisses." The opening of Lew Field's Stock Co., at his new theatre on Forty-second Street, In- troduced sn Immense song bit by Clare Kummer, the author of "Egypt." It was sung by Marie Calilil. "Dingle Dongle Dell" Is the odd title. John Helntmau's songs, "Ida Knew" and "I Want Homebody to Love Me," continue to be song successes. Stern & Co. have three song bits which stand out In the "Ilumpty Dumpty".. production. They are "On Lakawanna*s> Shore," "Mexico" ond "Sambo and Dinah," all written by tbe well know trio of composers, Johnson, Cole & Johnson, who wrote most of the music for this production. Fay Templeton, Virginia Earle and Peter Dalley will be the stars In a new musical comedy which Bob Cole and tbe Johnson Bros, are writing for Messrs. Klaw & Erlanger. Tbls will have a metro- politan production shortly. Among tbe now productions which are about to be presented may be mentioned "Lady Teazle," featuring Lillian Russell, and ''Life In Newport," Klaw A Rrlanger's new musical comedy. Other successful shows for which J. W, Stern A Co. publish tbe music are : "Tbe Two Roses," "The Madcap Princess," "Red Feather," "The Office Boy," "The Jewel of Asls," "Nancy Brown," ''Smiling Island," "Hnmpty Dumpty." "Sambo Girl," "Winsome Winnie" and "Girl from Dixie." Not since ber entrance on the vaudeville stage has Delia Fox met with greater suc- cess than she is now making with "Little Miss No One from Nowhere" and "March, Boys. March," both of which were written by Cobb ond Edwarda F. A. Mills Informs us tbat Grace Leonard, of Rush's Bon-Ton Co., Is singing "Let's All Go Up to Maud's" with great success. She says It Is one of tbe biggest successes she bas ever sung. Dudley and Cheslyn ore featuring "Eternal Love," and a medley, Including "Let's All Go Up to Maud's." "When the lieei are in tbe Hive," "Heinle ' and "Bye, Bye, Baby. Lottie Gllson. Betnoh and Milter, Julio Heltzman, Baby Lund and Johnny Cant- well report success with "Let's All Go Up to Maud's." "You Must Think I'm Santa Clnus" Is being sung generally. Gardner. West and Sunshine are singing "Vossum Pie," ond claim It la one of the real applause winners. Little Sunshine's rendition of this song Is one of tbe features of their act. The Revere Bisters are using "My Sweet Little Eskimo." Gorman and West are Introducing "My Prairie Queen," In their sketch. This song Is one of llose and Snyder's, who hove odded a new ballad, "I Wonder If You Miss Me," to tbe Mills catalogue. Bobby De Rue, the extemporaneous come- dian and parody singer, Is one of tbe fea- tures ot Ted E. Faust's Minstrels this sea- son. Ho states that bis favorite song Is " 'Cause I Only Had a Quarter to My Nome." The orchestra of the Jollet Theatre, Jollet, III., Is one of tbe best In tbls State. Under the careful direction of George Stabl it has grown to be a most artistic organization. Not long ago two compositions from tbe pub- lishing house of M. Wltmork A Bona at- tracted considerable attention. They were "The Windmill," by Nat D, Mann, and "Qood-by, Little Girl, Qood-by," by Gus Ed- wards. Theodore Morse Trio ore ot the Yorkvllle Theatre this week and ore featuring their new composition, "Oysters and Clams," "A Little Boy Called Tops" ond "What tbe Brass Band Plsyed." Norman Stanley, baritone singer, who Is lust now touring through Canada, Is meet- Ins; with great success wherever be goes. Tbls Is accounted for by tbe fact that be has o repertory with which to please bis audiences. His rendition of "Sweet Adeline" is particularly pleasing, ond never foils to call for an encore. Eleanor Dent bas two songs In her reper- tory which are encored nightly They are; "Star of My Life" and "Lollto'" Tbe following marcbea bave been great favorttca among orchestra and band leadors everywhere, and tbey aro equally popular at dancing assemblies because the two-step is still one of tho principal attractions at these functions. The entire list Is published by M. Wltmark A Sons: "Good bv, Little Girl, Good-by;" "We'll Raise the Root To- night" (with vocal chorus), "Listen to the Bfjr Brass Band," "Kate Kearney" (Intro. I Thought Wrong), "I Con't Do the Sum,'' "Tessle, You Are tho Only, Only," "Coon- vlllo's Cullud Band," "The Sentry,'' "Glory," "8lnco I First Mot You," "My Own United States," "The Tale of the Beoshell," "Sol- diers/ "We're All Good Follows," "I'll Shake Up dls Mean Old Town." Slgnor Lconcavnlla's new opera, "Der Ro- land von Berlin," scored a great success when It was produced for the first time ot tbe Royal Opera House, Berlin, Germany, Tues- day evening, Doc. 18, Eddie Leonard Is featuring some of the new songs from the F. B. Ilavlland Pub. Co. Mills and Morris ond Nellie Fleurette re- fort great success with "Danuel" and "What he Brass Bind Played." Ignace Jan Pcdorowskl, pianist, orrlvod In San Francisco from Australia Dec. 12, ond after resting five days, gave bis first con- cent Saturday afternoon, Dec. 17, at the Al- linmbra Theatre. Mr. Pedcrowakl announces tbat ho la at work on the score of o second opera to succeed "Monru." The pianist comes to this country for o series of fifty concerts, under tbo direction ot Charles A. Kills, of Boston. He will bo seen In all tbe principal cities from New England to the Pa- cific coast. Harry Davis Is making o great success with "In Dreamland," in Pennsylvania, everybody seeming to like It better than any song. In Pittsburg recently ho was obliged to respond to several encores, Pot Rooney'o "Street Urchins" reconlly made a pronounced success with "I'll Be Your Dewdrop. llosey," ond "Listen to tbe Dig Brass Bind" at the Haymarkot Theatre, Chicago. Reports from Rice's "Shop Girl" ssy tbat "I'm Just Crazy 'Bout You' r continues to be the bit of every performance. Harry Corson Clarke, the popular come- dian and vocalist ot the company that bears his name, which Is playing "Sly Friend from India" In the South. Is making a success wl i. n JL'.? ,,,e Kesrnoy. a song written by Fay and Oliver. At a recent minstrel entertainment in Webster, Mass., Charles II. Folko sang "Good Night, Beloved, Good Night," most acceptably. Mr. Falke took part In the popular afterpiece, by Frank Dumont, entitled T 'Tbs flasoball Crank." Tbe Webster Orchestra gavo several popular numbers from iho publications of M. Wltmark A Sons, snd tho affair was a most pronounced success from overy standpoint. Carter and Bluford, who are meeting wltb success wherever tbey go on account of tbelr splendid singing and acting, have special stage settings, which bring out most effect- ively the beauties of the famous Indian nov- elty song, "In a Birch Canoe," written by McPberaon and Accooe. Encore after en- core greet these vocalists wherever tbey ren- der this exquisite song. This team Is now filling dateo In the Keith circuit ond other vaudeville bouses. Feldmon ond Ball, with tbo Grace Hoy- ward Co., bave added the new coon song, "Wont You Fondle Me." to tbelr set, and write Shapiro Remlck 4 Co., the publishers, that "It Is the biggest hit they We ever made, G. A. WEGICFAItTH-g BVOOBBS. The succoas of tbe Grand Opera House, Philadelphia, since it bas been under the con- trol of G. A, Wegofsrtn during the past three seasons, bas besn pronounced, when Mr. Wegefarth undertook the management of tbls t . h . Mt . r 2[ ,n< building Itself was In a state of dilapidation which necessitated the outlay over 1 26,000 before tbe doors could be thrown open to the public. During tbe first season an all-star stock company hold sway and provsd most successful, but later tbe policy was changed to tbat of a theatre ploying traveling productions. Tbls Inauguration has bcon re- tained, and, because of tbe excellent line of attractions which Stair & Uavlln and Nlcolal and Dudley Macadow bave booked, tbe busi- ness has steadily Increased. This bouse has a seating capacity so enor- mous that productions of the greatest magni- tude (not barring tbe largest blgh priced ones) can play an engagement ana feel as- sured of reaching and overstepping tbe figures thoy had attained In high priced nouses. Tbe regular prices range from 25 to 70 cents, with box seals $1, but when stupendous produc- tions warranting higher prices are offered, It will then be possible to establish a $1 price for at least half the orchestra. It Is not Manager Wegefarth's aim to con- vert bis house Into o blab priced theatre. His motlvo Is to secure the productions tbat hove heretofore been seen In Philadelphia at $1.00 ond $2, with the consont of the Stair A Hsvlln office, and providing there is no con- mctlon with tbe Klaw A lirlangor theatres of tbat city, and to offer thorn to nls patrons at B rices ranging from 20 cents to $1. The rand's capacity, In many Instances. Is twice that of many high priced bouses, and at these prices tbe receipts would excel those of a smaller blgb priced theatre, Manager Wegefarth has made the State- ment that be will purchase outright one of Iho largest productions on the road at such a figure as to assure a good profit to the production. Intermingling some of these st- iracllons with the better class of popular priced productions and wltb the price of one dollar for part ot the orchestra, this theatre should prove Itself a great piece of amusement for record breaking receipts. Tho house Is complete ond artistically beau- tiful. In the neighborhood of $70,000 hex been spent by Manager Wegefarth and John F. Bets, the owner of the property, within the past three years for extensive Improve- ments, all of which hove Umn made wltb a view to furthering the convenience of tbe patrons and of beautify lug Ibe property. The latest ottraebment Is n gentlemen's marble smoking apartment. Credit Is due Mr. Wegefarth for the thorough methods employed In conducting bis playhouse, As aide to bis father, W. D. Wegefarth, busi- ness manager of tbe a rand, Is one of the most competent and popular In the younger managerial forces. 1024 THE NEW YOEK OLIPPm December u ******** ALL OUR FILM COMB WITH BIO TIT LBS, Alt D SHOW OCR TRADE ■ARK. FAT BE 1M First Class. 12 Cents Per Foot. COM! AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL N1VIR BUY "DUPI8. VINTAOB 114ft PIB8T HCNTINO DAT 147ft. PILOniMAGB AT LOURDES 800ft. BWINO 06ft. TOUR IN ITALY 787ft. CHItl STMA8 NIGHT 147ft FROM CHRISTIANA TO THE NORTH CAPB 4Mft A8CENDINO MOUNT PILATU8 608ft. A PRINCESS IN DIS0UI8B 667ft. BOLL KIQHT 877ft. AUGUST, THE MONKEY 248ft. A CHEEKY TRAVELER 104ft BUTTERFLY 114ft BOAB HUNT 828ft. SMOKER TOO SMALL 86ft ICH CREAM EATER 82ft CLEVER BAKER 06ft BEHIND THE LENS 115ft. BOUND FOBT ARTHUR 248ft FANTASTIC FISHING 98ft FIGHT ON YALU 181ft IN A HDRRY TO CATCH THE TRAIN 181ft. NB8T ROBBERS. 164ft OHEZZI AND HIS DOGS 126ft. OPERA HAT 82ft JAPANESE AMBUSH 181ft THE STRIKE (A Social Drama) 442ft INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack On a Coach) 600ft. JOSEPH SOLD BY HIS BROTHERS. 023ft. ANNIE'S LOVE STOBY 764ft PU8S IN BOOTS BBOft GAMBLER'S QUARREL . . 85ft UARNUM'S TRUNK. 410ft OUTLOOK AT PORT ARTHUR 131ft BABIES BATHING 65ft DI8AGREEABLB 6 O'CLOCK 100ft A GOOD STORY 82ft MISTAKE IN THE DOOR 115ft. DRAMA IN THE AIR - - 180 Feat ULUWQ AGEHTR, KLEINI OPTICAL CC as Mat* aUrewt, CHICAGO. LOUIS H The Newest and Best Histori. -il Film Ever Out Part of this Film has been taken on ground at Ver- sailles. The last Picture ihowi the Famous Water Fountains. AT JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON NEW CATAIQ6UE, WITH 150 ILLUSTRATIONS. .» 42 E. 231 Strut Nw Yerfc. E . Advertisements intend! d for the Issue Dated Dec. 31 should reach us not Later than Dec. 24, if possible. Uaudepilk and minstrel Notice to Oar Correspondent!. .k T £5. Winbtanmis have finished playing tho Edison circuit and bad to cancel all their California time on account of Important business which called them to Boston. The Misses Sawtei.lb and Bears closed a successful fourteen weeks' engagement with Billy Clifford's "How He Won Her" Co., and will play -vaudeville dates the rest of the season. They open on the Castle circuit week of June 2. Jack E. Silvester broke bis nrm at the Star Theatre, Hamilton, Can., on Deo. 2, and bad to cancel twenty-five weeks' work. Marion and Deane have returned from Chicago. They report big success at Cleve- land's Theatre. They played at the Amer- ican Theatre, Sunday, Dec. 18, and are this week at Watson's, Brooklyn Tub original Three Hoses (Sam mis, Edna and Jlmmle) report meeting with suc- cess In their new dancing act, ana will open on the Novelty circuit, at Denver, Col., Jan. 80. The Kekler Brothers, who do a musical comedy act, with the "Ell and Jane" Co., report that their act never falls to please. While 1'Ai.jiKR and Rolin80n were play- ing at tbe Star Theatre, Hamilton, Ont. they were Initiated In tbe United Order of Itaspberrles, Bush No. 87. They open on tbe Lang circuit at Butte, Mont, Jan. 18, In the meantime they ere playing through Ohio, Indiana ond Iowa, on tbe way West. The Buhuwick Music Hall, Id, Brook- lyn, baa changed hands. Crlnnlan Bros., who mo the Manhattan, at Norfolk, Va., secured the lease and took possession on Dec. 5. They put In a stock burlesque m- l>any, with a bis; olio, and business baa In- creased wonderfully. Johnson A Sullivan are putting on tbe burlesques. Owino to the illness of Etta Chatham, the Chatham Sisters were compelled to can- eel all work for the month of December. They wilt lay off in Pittsburg, Pa., until after the holidays. WHY NOT HAVE BEAUTIFUL HAIR? THE E.M.RRE HAIR Rl ER At Christmas and Sew Year tolii be cele- brated Monday, Deo. IS, and Jan. I, respect- ively, we desire, wherever It it possible, that all matter Intended for the ittuet of The Clipped dated Dee. Si and Jan. 7, shall reaoh thU office not later than the Saturdays pre- ceding the dates of issue. A, Lodbriioubi, formerly professionally known as Irvine, aerial performer, writes : "I have established a leather goods house in Chicago known as tbe Loderbouse Co. The following old time performers are employed hero — Eddie Troy, one legged song and dance performer ; Frank Gormanoskl, clarionet; Jennie Chrlstlanaon, serlo comic : the Great Uuuther, crayon artist; Henry Nelson, one legged acrobat ; William White, comedian, and myself. On Dec. 28 we will give a stag en- tertainment, when the following will appear : The Blx Flying Banvards, Ben Turpln, come- dian; Harry Bowers, trapete performer; Blanch Brogan, Nay Leavltt. Al. Mastiff, Eddie Troy, Lulu Nervlol. Klele Duval, May O'Dell, Ruby Lyn. Eva Aldlne, Lilian Miller, Dollle Watson, Ella Hess, May Wilson, Car- roll Terry. ETrankle Kershaw, Oriental danc- ers ; May Howard, Haiol Kirk, Martlne, lilon- dell, Qeorglaona, and Irving, trapeie act" Marion U. Uoi.d, sister of the well known soubrette. Belle Qold, was married Dec. 11. la New York, by Hev. Dr. Coffee, to Samuel Lewis Jr., * lawyer of tbe nrm, Kneeland, Lefatra and Olase. Melville and Aieli.e write that on ac- count of tbe poor health of Mr. Melville tho team waa obliged to resign from the Fay Co. after • pleasant engagement of twelve weeks. They will spend tbe holidays at Qrand ltaplda, Mich., the home of Mr. Mel- ville, after which they will resume work In the West. Ciias. Hbi.bton (Ellis) and Oli.ib Hood (Blackwood) were married recently at Mem- phis, Tenn. In the future they will work with Maud Hood, and the trio will be known as the Hood Sisters and Heliton. They are well booked up In the South and Southwest. R. O. Knowlbb arrived In New York from England on Dec. 14. Opel wrltea that be Is In tala forty-ninth week of good success with the Archer-For- rester Co., doing his baton spinning act. Habit. Conieb Collier, Ringing and talk- ing comedian, who has not appeared In vaudeville since 1808, will again appear under the name of Harry W. Spies, and will do a rollned black face singing and talking specialty. Walter B. Hale, banJolBt, was suddenly called home on account of tbe death of his nother on Dec. 10. Bhe had been an in- valid for the past three years with paral- Jals. Interment was at Elm Lawn Cemetery, lufTalo, N. Y. Hathaway and Walton write: "Last week we played two houaea successfully, Hammersteln'a Victoria and Pastor's. We are booked solid until April 24, on the Poll and Keith circuits, also at Detroit, Kocheater, Buffalo and Toronto, Can. Next seaaon we will add to our refined dancing act a novelty spectacular finish, and will carry our own scenery and lights." Tub tkam or Summers and Winters are ust finishing two successful years In the west, Including the Goldsmith, Lang and Lubelakl circuits. Babt Charlotte Settle, of the Settles, celebrated her sixth birthday on Dec. 14, and was the recipient of many presents from her numerous professional friends and well wish- ers. Among the presents waa a beautiful floral piece, In the abape of a horseshoe. Edward Vintonb writes that his concert company of vocalists and life motion pictures played Steel's Opera House, Kalrbury, Neb., matinee and night Dec. 10, to good business, and gave satisfaction, and also at Hebron, Neb., Dec. 8. The company play all return dates from Dec. 23. In Nebraska and Kansas, until Jan. 20, at Hanover, Kan., making the company's third date at Hanover this season. The Vaidib Bisters are preparing to put out their act In new style. They will retain all of the old features which have made their aerial work eo sensational nud popular and will Introduce several new teats. Beginning early In the coming year, they have some excellent bookings. Tom Lewis and Sam J. Hvan nave signed a contract for five years with Sam 11. Har- ris and George. M. Cohan. This fact will quiet all rumors ns to their engagements. Tom IIaboi will hereafter work with his wife. The team will be known as the Hardies. Tont Mack, comedian, mourns tho death of his mother, who died on Dec. 14. Hilua m. Castano, of the Dancing Cas- tanos, has left Roosevelt Hospital, where she was a patient for eleven weeks with ty- phoid fever, and has joined her mother and brother at her home. ProdncM ANY SHADE ii OHE Application. It does not Destroy the Carting and Crimping, and It Is the only preparation which satisfactorily Restores Bleached, Gray and Faded Hair to any natural shade desired, giving life and lustre to the hair, leaving It soft, silky and olean. It Is Harmless, Pare, Effective and Son. For Sale at Leading Hair Dressers and De- partment Stores. Price One Dollar a Bottle. SEND FOB I LLU8TRATED BOOKLET 0. BJIFaUM MFG. CO., 68U Broadway, Pi. T. HARRY AND SADIE FIELDS, Who claim to be tbe originators of the Hebrew cake walk and the Yiddish donee, are playing under different managements this season. Mr. Fields Is being featured In one of A. H. Woods' big productions, and Is voted by managers and public to be one of the most popular comedians In the popular priced houses.. Mrs. Fields Is soon to appear In a new play, expressly written for her, entitled "Rebecca, a Child of the ahefto," representing b young Hebrew, Just over, In society. Her managers state It la especially adapted for Mrs. Fields, giving her plenty of opportunities to display her talents. «,: The lUnviLLB Sisters' Co. closed a suc- cessful season of thirty-six weeks. at Baton Rouge, La., Dec. 12. They, were the leading feature of the company In their dancing act Marsh Do Varo and wife, In tbelr military fymnastlc comedy sketch, were very success- ul. The conipany was under tbe manage- ment of Mr. De varo. Geo. and Max Woodward, "Tbe Original Sunburned Rubes," have closed very success- ful engagements on the Keith ana Proctor circuits; also at other leading vaudeville theatres In the East They were last week playing a return engagement at Pastor's Theatre, N. Y. City. They open on the Kohl A Castle circuit In February and are booked solid for next Summer over tbe J. W. Gor- man circuit of Summer parka. Hows and Scott have returned Bast Their act, they Inform us, waa very well re- ceived on the Kohn A Castle, and Orpheum circuits. They are booked up solid. Florence M. Wallace, late of Man- cheater's Cracker Jacks, baa sailed for a trip through Europe. Obo. W. Leslie waa In hill given recently by the Shrlnera at Convention Hall, Buffalo, N. Y. Scanlan, Stevens and Siiuster have signed for a seven weeks' tour with Weber A Fields' "Hurly Burly" Co. Chains and Lono joined R. J. Erwood's "Lighthouse Robbery" Co., at Washington, N. J., Nov. 27. as a vaudeville feature. They have added a set of aluminum chimes and a large musical lyre, with which they close their comedy act. Tub Dayton Sisters are at Wlrth'a Palm Garden, Omaha. They recently closed a suc- cessful engagement at the Orpheum In St Paul, Minn. They will spend Christmas with their parents and Maud Dayton's daughter, Greta Griggs, at Kansas City, Mo. Mb. and Mrs. Jack Inform us they were not at the Bijou Theatre, Duluth, Minn, but were at tbe Illjou Theatre, Dubuque, la.. where their act, "A Judicious Investment,'' was a big success of tbe bill. They are booked uplo April 1, In all the leading vaude- ville houses, Including the Kohl A Caatle cir- cuit. They were formerly known as Jack and Paul, but being taken so often for two men, made the above change. Harry De Lain closed an eight weeks' en- gagement in Son Francisco, ana Is now play- ing over the Sam Lovertck circuit through Southern California. He returns to San Fran- cisco for the holidays, opening at the Chutes and the Lyceum Theatre. La Rose and Hatfield are meeting with success with their new character change act and trick wooden shoe dancing. Little "Bulsy," tbelr cake-walking dog, la also being well received. They open at the Qrand Opera House, Butte, Mont., Dec. 12, with Goldsmith circuit to follow. The Crystal Vaudeville Theatre, at Muskegon, Mich., opened Sunday, Dec. 4, play- ing three shows dally. The house staff Is aa follows: J. J, Brott, business manager; V. L. Brott, house manager ; Jack Cremer, press agent; Herbert Ingranam, musical director; J. Jefferson, picture machine operator ; Jack King, stage manager; H. Cbadwlck, door- keeper. The bill for the opening week was as follows: Miller's Dog and Monkey Cir- cus, Tomalchl Yankawa, Japanese juggler; Eleanor Butler and tbe Crystal Trio. The bill for week of Dec. 12 was: Powers and Theobold, Morris Manley, Louie Bates, W. P. Creswell (Bicycle BUI), the Crystalgraph and Illustrated songa. Harry Monboe AND Emma Parker, as "The Acrobatic God and the Dainty Sou- brette," have worked at Auatln A Stone's, Boston, and the Grand Opera House, there, Sunday nlgbt ; the Hub Theatre, Woonsocket. R. I. ; tbe Atlantic Garden, New York, and have other good bookings to follow. Cobbbtt and FORRESTER, who are now In their seventh week In the middle West, opened Dec. S, at the Empire, Torre Haute, Ind.. and their act, they write, waB a decided bit They opened Dec. 12, at the Star. Muncle, Ind', with Smltl-'- Mllwaukce, tbe Lyceun open Feb. over the Lyric and Empire cir- cuits, with the Three L circuit to follow, and are booked solid until January, 1900. Minola Mada Hurst, "Queen of the Magic Kettle," wrltea: "I was tendered a banquet at tbe Hotel Cecil, London, Bug., by the of- ficers of the United States warship Olym- pla befera leaving London for the continent" Mr. and Mas. Alfred Kblcy Inform us that after finishing a tour of tbe Orpheum Circuit at Now Orleans, La., they went to Winnipeg, Man., where they helped to open the New Dominion Theatre on Dec. 12. giv- ing two performances dally Id vaudeville. Lybtkr and Cookbj recently played a suc- cessful engagement at Fischers Theatre, San Francisco. WrtBRLBR and Hall, after playing seven successive months In the leading vaudeville houses, will spend the holidays at their home In Chicago, III. ned Dec. 12, at the Star. Muucle, Ind., h Smith's, Qrand Rapids, Mich. ; Crystal, iwaukcc. Wis.; Weast's, Peoria, III., and Lyceum, Des Moines, Is., to follow. They Following is ths boster of B. W. Pabk- bb's Bmpibe Minstrels: B. W. Parker, F. M. Weeks, Sadie Parker, Mont Wakelee, Chaa. Coons, C. H. Llebel, Tony Hilton, Joe Klnner, Ed. Johnson, Ward Banford, Steve Scullon, H. W. Newell, Zeno, B. W. Parker. Orady, Harold Kennedy, Thomas Fay, Fred proprietor and manager ; Sadie Parker, treas- urer; Mont Wakelee, stage director; Prof. Coons, leader of band and orchestra. Per- formers double In band. Al. and I'eabl Zimmerman, having fin- ished a successful return engagement over i tbe iniou circuit, will spend the holidays at their home In Chicago. They open In St. Louis Jan. 1, with the Southern circuit to follow, end reopen on tbe Bijou circuit May 8, making their third return engage- ment over that circuit Tun Two Colbb, fashion plate gymnasts, have signed with the Barnum A Bailey Show for the tenting season of 1905. They open Jan. 9 on the Proctor circuit, with other Eastern work to follow. The Bernsthinb announce that they met with misfortune In the fire In Denver, Col., when the Crystal Theatre burnt down on Dec. 1. They lost all their wardrobe, but played week of Dec. 12 In Pueblo, Col., and are having a new wardrobe made. Notes from Barlow and Wilson's Min- strblb. — Tbls company Is entering on Its twenty-first week of this season, and bust ness tins been good. Joe Saunders, bass singer, Joined at Helena. Harry Reynolds, tenor, also Joined. We will turn East next month nnd close our season at or near New York, May Lit. We open our Bummer sea- son under canvas June 1. Everybody with the company continues In good health, and Tub Clipper Is a welcome visitor In this part of the country. Rin'o and Williams opened Dec. 4 on the Crystal circuit, with the Qrauman circuit to follow. Their act, they write, Is meeting with success. Crowley and Fboley report success In the Keith circuit They were at the Union Square Theatre, this city, Dec. 12-17. J. C. Ahmo.no reorganized hla Co. No. 1, while at his home at North Sutton, N. IL, where they sll spent Thanksgiving. Roster la as follows: Prof, Crulksbtnk. humorist and violinist ; Pauline Morton, balladist and serpentine dancer; Prof. L. Wilson, musical moke and comedian; Master Charles Howe, boy soprano: Ola Gay, song Illustrator and pianist; J. C, Armond, moving picture oper- ator and manager. Bydniix Dale baa canceled all datea, owing to a fractured knee, and Is resting at hla home In Allentown, Pa. He will open on the Grauman circuit in March, and will be assisted by Franklin Osborn, Alfred Ogden and Jesslo Nelll. Will H. Fox writes from Paris: "Amer- ican acta are going splendidly here. Pro- prietor Rostock treated me grandly during my engagement at his beautiful place of amusement." 8. E. Lester wrltea: "I have Joined hands with my wife and daughter, Ward and Lester, In a musical sketch, entitled 'A Kan- sas Yap,' which has proven very success- ful over the United Vaudeville Association houses. While recently playing Pueblo, Col., S TO L.* C £. W *■ •** n by ™ 8 manager of the Noble Stock Co., and he Immediately en- gaged us as a special feature to tour the coast circuit and coast territory for season of fifteen weeks." Lkona Raymond and Edna Wayne are uow In their eighteenth week with Weber's Parisian Widows, and are doing very nicely. Tna Ahbbnb, novelty acrobats, played Terre Haute, Ind., two weeks, being the feature act at the Empire weeks of Dec. B •"A Vs. ,T*L e ' 0D * n on tha Kohl-Castle cir- cuit Christmas week at the Olympic, Chi- cago. Their time Is hooked solid until No- vember, 1005. Hbnbt Frey and Davb Fbbocbon are In tbelr eighteenth week with the High Rollers Co., and their set "The Fox Hunters," haa made a success. They have added some new features to their act. and It la said to be one of the most original and novel singing and talking acta In vaudeville. Two Great Altoba writes that be Is not working with Ed. Parker,, but Is working alone. Marvel Princeton, of the Princeton Sla- ters, sailed for London, Bag., Dee, 10, to Join her sister, Mrs. James Walthour, pro- fessionally known ss Florence Princeton, who has been la Europe since Aug. 18. Their mother, professionally known as Flor- ence Zeller Stlfter. snd proprietor of Hub Thestrs, Mllford, Msss.. made a visit to New York to bid her daughter adieu. .OU'D know a Kipling story without his sig- nature. CLUB COCKTAILS •re in the same class. Their qualities are always recognized by the particular man. Manhattan, Martini, Ver- mouth, Whiskey, Holland Gin, Tom Gin and York. C.F.HEUBLEINftBROL,P N X» HARTFORD NEW YORK LONDON Tj0> *± %v 0& Now approaches the season of coughs and colds.of rheumatism afld pneumonia, which numbers more victims than "plague, pestilence and famine." Against these evils there Is no surer all around safeguard l han Jaeger Under- wear. Famous the world over for Its curative as well as protective virtues. RICOMaWIHttD BV LEADING PHYSICIANS KVBSHY WHERE. BooKUtt and Samples Fret. DR. JIEGER'S S.W 8. 00."S OWN STORES: Brooklyn: 604 Fulton St. Boston: SS0-2U Boyliton St. Philadelphia: mo Chestnut 8t Chicago: n State it. Agents in AH Principal mm. NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World. That is because it is the most popular. We Ailow ProftitlonsJi A SPECIAL DISOOUHT OF 10 FEB OBIT. OB tbelr parents** 11 taelr names are o» onr Heq lttratlon Books, HO OOBHBOnON WITH AST OTUKE BTOBK. SS SSflBBSBSS MiHMnontsasnM ^JMMtm yr^T ACfflrninar ^ SlEGEIMOPERfe SUtlHJB/E. no UK W YORK. The Misses Sdndbbland akd Food* played at tbe Unique Theatre. Brooklyn, t-- x., week of Dec. B. < ... Powebb and Freed will spend the holi- days st their home In Philadelphia, tbelr ftrat occasion to do so In six years. John E. Caiip sailed for England Dec 1*> DECEMBER 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1025 £MS$» To Correspondent!. Hbo BtLun^-Yttj wot, but the best, la '"n^Vs^-M'*"* reported; will mA»i*itt too know the result. pr wiupH Vtons. Newport,Ky. r A«jpt our h J2i thinks for valued Interleaved c*U- ippllcant who e ncloses a sts mp. St. Lonls Problem Tourney. We hare now some definite around to stsnd on and that from no lea* an artist than the ™teran Otto Wursbiirar, As Jadge of the "mo" Vctlon In the.above tourney Mr. - $2,000 a aide at any time the champion may appoint.— Chicago tribune. Game So. 2,4TB. lit Brilliancy Prlae of 140, In Cambridge Springs International, won by Carl Bchlech- ter et. Dr. E. Laaker. Contributed to Taa Curra by Bro. Helms. QUEEN'S GAMBIT EVADED. White, Behlecbter. l..PtoQ4 2..P-SB4 a..g2t-B8 4..B-Ktt S..F-K8 8..Kt-BS 7..B-Q8 «..8rxr .Kt-KS 10..qB-Blq U„Oaaf— Black, Leaker. PtoQ4 MS K Kt-BS B-K3 Oastles p-oKta Bit 2 ££ xP P-B 4 Kt-BS tleeta) KtVKt PXKt Kt-Ksq B-B4 P-B4 B2(l) r-KKt* Kt» P-KBS(T) MT'^Corioir, Not. 80, p. 161 : *i greatly M..BXP+(B)K-Baq Kcretthe marked Inferiority of the compef- n..o.£t« Kt-B? [^problems. This action la devoid of any i8..KPxKt KRxP thru Currents. The leading eheea erent this week la the arrival of the Not. lame of Tko Aamfem Onc$* Bulletin, freighted to the limit with everything a chess reader can want to know —a hundred thlnga more than we can even mention. The first things to be noted are aome finish- Ing-up tonchea of the Tth Am. Ch. Congress, which In Interest can fairly be tald to have rlTalled, and eTen exceeded some of Its pre- decessors. We can not feel that Bro. Hotter la Justified In hla summary— "As expected, Marshall won the flrat prlae. An Inglorious Tlctory, aa he had nobody to beat" The much-discussed gold medal, which came so near creating a bad break In American chess harmony, (b) Some yeara ago this waa played against De Freest : 6 10 14 7 2 11 sa aa 8 ia So 28 10 20 80 28 11 18 Drawn. Uatidtvlik Ma min strel. did 10 22 18 81 26 14 17 1 « ai i< 19 18 7 10 10 10 14 T 24 15 8 10 S 18 as ia 18 ia it 6 14 18 14 28 18 20 34 18 17 8 7 18 11 84 37 17 28 7 11 11 7 37 82 38 81 11 18 7 8 82 27 81 24 18 20 38 10 27 28 The publishers of The New Toiik Oui>rsR deoided several months bro that the; would not publish a Christinas number. Daring the Holidays the newa-standa are loaded with Holiday numbers of numberless pub- lications, many of which are buried, and 88..P.E4 R 2 8>..P-Bi-r 8J..P-KB B-QI + BXB + Hi Resigns. (o) A rerr interesting complication eonld be brought about here. If— ll..KBtoR8 M..Kt x Kt 18..KtXBf .KtoQS .HI WW i8..frKtsq+Qx«F I9..KRxQ-t-K-R»q 10.. FX P. and aui stands •M of real merit, and In not, one problem w.^q-bT Ki- lo I nnd that sparkle of originality, strength This One game la given la June flcAook- of Idea, and beanty of finish that should be sefttinp, with notea by C. 8.. found "n at least a few position* In an Inter- « — — *■ national Tourney of note. I am extreme y norrr that our composers haTe so signally failed to uphold the traditions of our Amerl- 5S ideals. In the amall entry made, I do not find a single poaltlon worthy of honors In u..Kt X Q P . a first-clssa tourney. I consider It a re- u..QBxEt QxEtP nroach to onr American composers to have so better. Peculiarly a native contest bo faintly com- (I.) If Black 16.. Q tks Kt; 17.. Q to Kt Sited In for honors." Ll 4, P to Kt 8; 1B..Q to B 4, and White As to Mr. H. W. Barry's let prlae problem stands well II. If, after White 11. .B to (which we have given). Mr. Wunburg says : B 8, Q to B sql; 12..K R tka B.Qtti B : "A heavy poaltlon, and an Idea that Is far 18. .Kt tka Kt. Q tks Kt; 14.. OP tka P from being burdened with originality. The (why?), P to Q 0. and Black stands better. main strength of the problem Ilea In the fact ft Black, to text 11. .Castle* B P tka that it contains a specific Idea beyond all P; 12. .Kt tks Kt, B tks Ktj IS. .Kto K 2 !, other competing efforts." The 2d prise, as previously noted, proved unsound; so we assume that the 8d, by a new candidate for problematic honors, will be gazetted to 2d prize. DC S. It. yjiEBOMiW, ^f I &4 8 5 t 8 KKt3,KR2 QR2, K8,QKt6.QR8,Kt4 KT.KKM KKte,end8,QB4, and 8, *«1 141 t I I t 4 uRBq.QKt,QB8,KBsq,QKt",Q2.8Kfl,KB3. andQsq, ends. White to play and mate In three moves. "Lacking totally In nnlty of play, and minus any partleolar point of merit Curiously enough, the position appears sound." The 4th prize bearer, now the 8d, Is so strikingly and pleasantly unlike the preceding that we give It here. Ill BBV. OILUBRT DOBBB. The A. 0. B. also gives what we like— « brief glimpse at the personality of the lead- ing players. "It waa especially gratifying to those long Identified with chess in this conn- try that Max Judd, who figured In all the American chess congresses, except the first, and each time with distinction, ahonld have secured the place of honor next to Marshall —clear proof that he has lost little, if any. of hla old time skill. His personal contest with Mr. Marshall was the briefest lr Major section and probably no other ga found so little " hla' can be real skill. :le representing bis Marshall. 1..PWQ4 2..P-QB4 8..K Kt-BS 4..K>KB 6..0 Kt-BS 8..PK4 QUEEN'S GAMBIT. Judd. PtoQ4 gtjtt followed by Kt tka P, and White has the bet- ter game. (1) Parries the threatened piece loss. ( ?) A serious miscalculation. Correct had been 16. .Kt to his 2 ; 18. .P to B 4, P to Kt 5, etc (6) Threatens the crushing Q to B 8. Ensinnd'a Amateur Champion. One of the victories by which W. B. Napier won this title. Specially contributed by Bro. Helms. Opening as above. KtS(a) B-B4 F-KB8m Q B-E 8(0) 7..Q-R8+ V-Ktt J..KtvKtP B-Bt Marshall. 10..QxEtP H..QXR 12..PQ4 lS.KtXQP I4..KBXF ll..BKt6 + 1B..OBB4 lT..KBaq I 4f II i 8, QR8.QKt8.QR2, KB7 w> QBS, t Q8. White to play and mate In 'three moves lss Iron Napier. Shoosmito. l..PtoQ4 PtoQ4 2..P-QB4 a..QKt-B8 4.. PES 6.. KH« 8 8..B-Q8 T..0sstlea » .poKta S..B-Kt2 le.R-Bnq 11..BPXP 12..BMB6 18..QPXP 14..B-Ktsq 16.. QB 2 PK8 POB4 KKt-BS Kt-8 8 B-Q8 Oastles P-QKtS B-Kt! Napier. 18..QtoR4 l»..Kt-K5 30..KR-QSO 5 X" her 4 •KB 4 B S 4 B4 18.. QB 6 17..Q-B4 (I) Tl Sbooinlth. BtoK2 P-ER8 Kt-hls B KtXKt KBQ8 B-QB4 b4s Q-Kt4 BOB4 BOB »..QEt8+l P-B8 Mr. M.'a Notes, condensed. — (a) Not to be recommended ; and for Ms 4. . , n to R 4 was at least better— (?) Bad : K Kt to B 8, or P to K 8 should have been played — (b) If 8..P tks Kt: 7..P tks B, P tks P; 8.. and 8 t- winning a ptao^-(e)' If~14'..Q~tka' P ch: 15..Bto K 8, 6 tks K B; 10.. Q tea Kt ch, K to Q 2 ; 17. .Q tka P ch, K to his 8 : 18. . Kt to B 8, etc. . . . . . Uedemsnn, holder of the f 8..P tks Kt: 7..P tks B, P tka P; 8.. to R 5 ch, K to Q 2 : 8. .B tks B P, wins: nd If 8. .B tks K P; 7. .Kt tks B, P tks Kt: . .Q to R 6 ch., P to Kt 8; 0..Q tks K P ub.. Breslaw, Qcr., with tho Llvermore, Bar- Ouppxb will issue an raaford and Broadhead tours, England, to follow. He returns to America In August, after an absence of three years, for a Tour months' tour of the beat vaudeville theatres, returning to England In December for the Moss tour. Tub Queim Cm ThbatbicaIi Aqixci. has , been established In Cincinnati. ime of for them by Elmer Tenely. This is their year. This nomber will he Issured on ' fifteenth week with the Devere Bhow. February 23, 1905 (Washington's Birthday), Hron and Hiatii write: "We •'•.▼•J! at a time when it will have the field prac- aiiccesaful and are being featured over the .. . .... ,. .„ h handaotnalv 8 L. circuit through Colorado and TJtahwlth «*» •*■«*• » T 1 " SLSSSS^StA onr novelty alnglng act, enUtled "A Load of printed on fine paper, embellished with Hay." Nov. 24 Walt. M. Hyde celebrated beautiful halt tone platei, etohed on oopper, hla hlrtbdsv and TbanksgtTlng by a banquet ^ ro ar tiaUo oover design, rivaUIng in to ten professional frlende. We are headed w '"*."" „"" .," _ " .'-i.i t "L " for the Pacific coast and will not aee Niw beanty ell P WT . J< >™ •P 8 * 1 *' ' Mn "' . . ... _ York for about forty weeks." All persona desiring to insert pictures or Artiidx B. Folxebt writes : "I have Just advertisementa In tbis number ahonld apply 2^rv!'S™i.?SrA m.t b srttt"frSt d aSe^ •' onoe - M the 'P 1 " 38 *" " mlt * d M,d *" western circuits and met wltn great success u . J a:_ , - -- ». _• j q In mv new act, Introducing a novel method time for preparation ij short. AS we qo of whistling that la positively different from not make a praotiee of oanTassing people all the rest. I have now signed contracts in t he profession, do not wait in 6Xpeota- Si? 5 W t e o ,t o°p.n f In rUS J!ZEt£EI**" JJtm of •» M «»i. K «!»■ ^ but send Aonbb CRAUPNir writes : "Last Sunday In your order without delay, evening a party of friends and I were enter- &§F s" Emffi^/^liiftM PRICK FOR PORTRAITS ay%& Tfi r B o e i.y r Vood o, ?.mb: ""«"•» » "™°*> B W. L..l„ waa "^Ofymnlc CbU $|z| jt . ,t . Judd. RFXEt QBI BPXP QK4 Ml E^sq(e) Resigns. Western championship, again proTed himself csgo, recently, with the Hsymarket, Co- a foeman worthy of a mattera ateel; while lumbla, 8t. Louis snd Chicago Opera House Kemeny finished no higher than was expected to follow. . _ of him, probably due to lack of recent prac- Eddib Tkot, late of Halpln and Troy, tlce. Blaenberg, a player of experience abroad, the one legged song and dance team, will Bchrader. give a stag party at Aurora Hall on bis Slzi4i4 15.00 25.00 2 R-Bsq KPXP R-home KBXP R-Ksq Q Kt-hls S QB-home KB-Q8 The game, which has been an amusing X8..P-KR4(I) Q-Ka 29..RxKt KBXB EtXP R-BSI RXRP Q-R8 O-herS Mb Bealgns. What baa brought this stinging rebuke upon American problem art from one so competent to administer It, Ib not far to seek. Cslssa'a nursing bottles, rendered sickening by "echo exhibition of "follow my leader, and bit him motes," snd "pore mates," and "mirror again," la now crisply and dashingly carried mates," et id omne genut. evidently do not to the championship Issue, produce msster problematists. Kiiljtmn no. 2,472. Ht Priit fit TUtkrift for Schack. OI ■. O. BCHCXTX. & H? A A ft 8 8 5 8 QR2,QKt8,QR8,Qiq,QA,QB2,8,KB2,Kt2.R4. K4. KB, KSO.KR2. Qtq. QR3.K B8, Ktl. R8. White to play and mate In four moves. Game No. 2,480. The 2d game, Marshall vs. B. Bchrader, above noticed. — A. 0. B. QB GAMBIT EVADED Problesn Extra. Ko. Its, B. 0. U't nth Problem Tourney. OX "BIllFUCIDB SIMPMBBIU08." * * A * A I 04. KT. KRcq. KB8, QB8, KB). White to play and mate In three moves. Problem No. 2,470. ltt Prite in 1th Am. Ch. Congrett Tourney. BT iiknut w. uAimr. BLACK White. Marshall. 1..PIOQ4 t .P-QB4 8..QKt-B8 4..P-K4 S..KtXP 8..B-Q1 I..JBXB 8..B-E2 O..H-hU3(b) 10..KI-B3 U.. Oastles 12..R-Ksq 18..B-Q8 14..R-K4 16..PQKt4 10..Kt-R4 17..Kt-B8 1»..R-K8(c) 1U..O-K2 2)..KRXB Blaok, Bohrader. PMQ4 PQB8 P-K8 PXKP II Ktl I yx p . QXKt4- QKt-R8(a) Kt-K2 UABtles P-B8 P-K4 Q-KtB -K8 If KKI4 H B 4 Q R-tJ sq QBX? BP Sl..KtvKP(l) O-KS 22..KRXK KBXB H ■£■*■ ■ IB Lisas ■ 8 H«I1 1 1 ■ IB 9 ■ m i LPLP B*B« mm IJIHI ■ ■ ■ 1 23..0Kt4 24..KCXQ 28..KIX P + m KtXKt R-QS KtXP R-Qt RXB III) HI P-£t4 P-B4 P-B6 White, Blsck, Marshall. Bchrader. S4..KtoBsq Pt04jR4 Kills 2 P-Kt4 K-Q2 P-B 84(f) KO 8 R-R 8 K. It 4 K-B 1 P-B 4 K-B 8 P-Kt4 Rill P-B 7 P-Kts + RXBP R-B 7(e) R-hls 7 K-K«2 R-Ktl E-R8 R07 K-Kta P-RS + Ml RK Kt 8 R-R 4 RXRP K-K18 K-B 2 K-Bsq P-R8 PXP KB 2 R-home R-QRsq K-hls 8 Resigns. found himself In mod company. Bchrader. of the Bt. Louis C. C, proved a very hard proposition for most of the leaders ; snd Mar- shall, after drawing the first game with him, won the second by the most meagre of margins." Here la a point on which we disagree our brethren of The A. 0. B. We thing It a highly desirable. Instead of a "deplorable," rule In a comparatively small and one-round tournev like this that the first drawn game be re-played, whatever may be aald of a two- round contest with a full list of entrants. The Ilrllllanriy Prlaea. We are Indebted to Bro. Helms for sn ad- vance copy of the brilliancy awards In the Cambridge Springs International. These Rrizes were the gift of Albert, Frelherr v. lothschlld, of Vienna. 1st Prise, $40, to Csrl Bchlechter, editor DeuUoh Schachtritung, for his game vs. Dr. Laaker. Given below. 2d Prize, $25, to Wm. E. Napier, for hla game, White vi. J. F. Barry, who played a Petroff'a Defence. 8d and 4th, tied and divided, 135, between David JanowskI, for hla defence to a Qluoco riano vs. M. I. Tschlgorln; snd E. Delmar for hla defence to a Ray Lopes played by A. B. Hodges. This report closes the record of the greatest American tournament gbcclurs, Jfcrwa of the Osme, A new checker column has been started In The London Opinion The Guide Pott, nnder new management, 0. A Sre a stsg _ Irty-flftb birthday. Dec. 28. Nona FB0M TM FBBNCH FOtAT Co.— . - . This company, under the management of f§f |Q B SlIEll Clilll . Phillips aiPerry, began its third annual ' " '"" • ■ l4 . tour at Naahua. N. if., Sept. 10, and alnce fjy|r ar P|f| with then has toured New England. We are on *"■»■' •■»■ our way to Pennsylvania and the Weat, and u.|| Dsara the show Is one of the best equipped bur- r3 ■&• lesqne shows playing the one night stands. We have two sets of special acenery, cos- tumes for each big number, and an elaborate electrical display. Our burlesques sre full of laughter and are new and original. The olio Includes: AI. Fox, the merry tramp PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS . 2.80 45.20 • 90.40 Wheli Pigi 169,50 the Marnuands, slack and tight wire walk- ers; J. W. Gorman, moDologlst and singer: Pbllllre and Kerlardeau, sketch teem, and I M QUEEN Pi (LIMITED), Publisher* of THE NEW YORK CUPPER. ALBERT J. BOR1B, "«w York «»»>._ Bdltorlal and Business Egr., ■ • ■ • ~" Nobham, "The Krog Msn," plsys ths Grand Thealre. Wllwsukes, Wis., week of Dec. 10, with Jollet, Bprlngfleld, Blooming- ton end the Kolil-Cnstla tour to follow. iiiaks and Ulakw have signed with the Gbobob L. Obboort writes: "My partner, Q rB , stock Co., to nlny leading Juveniles Jutes Martlnette, has been laid up sick for ana - IP pesr In specialties for the rest of this the paat few weeks with a severe stuck of , C asou pleurisy, compelling us to cancel a ict of good date work which we bad booked In New England and New York territory. He la now convaleacent, and the Oregory Troupe will shortly be enabled to resume dstes again, We have two new pantomimes, 'Fun On the Farm' and 'The Myatlc Demon,' for which we have fine costumes and properties, and I sm pleased to ssy thst they are tbe ers Phi..., Lawrence and Thompson, comedy trick bicy- clists. Our buslnesa staff is: American Amusement Ass'n, proprietors: Phillips A Perry, managers ; wm. Reardon, advance agent, and Edgar De Iloulf, musical director. Jon Ellis, German comedian, has just finished on the three L's circuit through California, snd opened on the Lyric circuit commencing In Denver at the Lyric, Dec. 5, with time to follow through Colorado, Kansas, Nebraska and Iowa. Anita Mbulo, of Harris and Merlo, mourns the death of her mother, who died Dec. 0, aged slaty-sli years. Mrs. Merlo leaves two daughters, Anlto N, Uerlp snd Mary Merlo. Mrs. Merlo was a native of London, Kng. . A . „ Biir.wARD ano Wabo appeared at the How- ard, Iloston, Dec. 12-17, with Portland, Me., and Bnlem, Maas., to follow. & d1. n p a o C . r .„g n orth. B wEo"f. e o 1 „ e t n fl t t to>n A k SgflMwi ' Mb Wt with ever, .«• ""J. w DJv.djon left for KortW.^.^ Raskins. -Bert Titus comtr.enclna? to demon- dlence. _ _ we. IB, to take the ppsmon or amuminoHt Hasklns. Bert Titos commencing to demon- strate bts analytical abilities In tbe Black Doctor bast B. A, Durgln Is sick at tbe Deaconeaa' Hospital, Los Angeles, Cal,, but pleased to note bis Improvement G. A. Pierce's new checker book — tbe twelfth to sixteenth line of tbe single corner Is the best of its kind on the game In reply to a suggestion to shorten the time limit be- low twenty moves per hour sn English ex- pert saya that "to shorten tbe time limit would nave a most deteriorating Influence upon the game of draughts." dlence." LOU BlBKCR, OT 8CS.KER, WlLXIS ANO CO., Dec. director with the National Amusement organised the United Order of Raspberrlee In Bureau for the rest of tho season WHITE White to play and mate In three morea. Problem No. 2,480. From Deuteehe Bchaohteitung. BT W. PADLT. BLACK. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B ■ Bt ■ ■ ■ ■« mmt HiH B B ■ m m m sB B mm ■ ■ Nones BT Ma. Marshall. (0) Bchlechter, ««. me, played 8..Q ! tte Kt P; when followed »..P to K B 8, Q to Kt 8 ; 10. .Kt to K 2 and I eventually won. (b) II to It 3 Is the move here. \o) 18. .Kt tks K P la the strongest move. If Black P tka Kt; 1B..B tks P, B tka B: 20.. Q tks B, etc. , . , , ( 1) His only hope, and It pans out fairly well In view of hla Indifferent poaltlon. If Black answers P tks Kt, White wins by 22.. Q tks P Id) Not good policy to exchange; the B Is the more useful in this position. 28. .P to KM was the proper move. ( ?) Not good ; he should have played B to R 6, or K to B 2 at once. (E.) ENIGMA No. 2,480. QKt8.QB4QR2,KKt8.R2 KB8, 8, QR4KR2. It has been shown that Black can now draw the game. ___^_ 'World's Championship. The proposed match for the Championship of the World, Lasker «». Marshall. Is Incu- bating. Dr. L. Bays that In.tne man be pro- poses the same terms as were published for alike match with Dr. Tarrasch, of Leipzig : but he will demand thst Mr. Mn rah all make a preliminary deposit of $500 "ye a guarantee of good faith." Well, now, that strikes n; as a remarkable Innovation on recognized sporting rules, Does he doubt Mr. Marabsll s honor, or sincerity? Nothing Is more common than that match makers mutually agree to make an early de- Solution of Position Ko. 28, Vol. B9. ST J. BBAVBR, BLUa FOINT, N. X. Black 1 12 IS K 18 White B 11 15 10 K 8 Black to play and draw. 1 6 7 10 17 22 10 7 17 21 8 7 18 28 5 BT 24 7 10 8 • 10 7 22 28 7 8 21 25 B 1 23 18 ■ 14 24 20 10 15 9 14 7 2 28 81 14 18 25 80 1 6 18 7 15 10 18 17 18 22 14 17 2 11 81 27 8 7 Drawn. 12 18 Poaltlon No. 20, Tot. 89. ■X CBAtl. ROJltiBTS, TLUaniNO, W. T. Black 12 28 K 14 the London Vaudeville Theatre, London, Can., while there recently, and tbe following mem- bers were Initiated : W. C. Fleming, big rasp- berry : C. W. Bennett, master of ceremonies ; Dr. Stevenson, president; W. O. Btsvens, In. ner door ; W. cooper, A. B. Cunningham, E, F. Bprague, electricians; W, J. Newmon, 'J'nos. Brlcrlev. Cbas. Bfflnger, AI. Holden, Arthur Psdfield, 3. Nsvln. L. Jeffries, B. K. O'Connor. Vred Allen, J. Mlorana, W. Charl- ton, L. Freeland, P. M. Charlton, J. Camp- bell, F. Oardlner, H. E. Hlckeon, F. Moore, A. M. Fisher, J. 8. Davnr, G. Cowls. Geo. Leslie, F. Mardo, Jack Brown and Lillian Wright, Tommle Logan, Dolly and William Stanford, J. Dickson, Bobbins and Trensman Jennings and Renfrew, Beeker. Wilkes and Co., Ed. Bernsrd. After the Inltlstlon a ban- quet was given and over eighty-five Invited guests from Toronto and Buffalo, also many of tbe preaa representatives, attended. The CAFITU, ClTT TbIO, vocalists, danc- ers and comedians, opened the week of Dec. 12 through Massachusetts, with Boston week Of Dec. 10 to follow, In their very unique set. Ann ii LMMn Williams, who recently „. .«,.. ., — - ••- finished thirty-two successful weeks over tbe Grand, in Pittsburg Lang Northwestern circuit, with a return at Butte, and six weeks for Manager But- ton through Montana, has a thirty weeks' engagement, beginning Dec. 19, over the Moae Goldsmith and Archie Levy circuit. Bhe writes: "My act, 'The Little Dutch Girl,' has been a big success through tbe West." Jassio Y. .. Roan, who recent); solid through tbe .. port fine success so far with their set, which opens with a Japanese turn, for which they are receiving good criticisms. Thla Is their eighth week on the Lubelskl circuit. IIatwabd AND Hatwabd write: "We Cannes It. Lswik la now In her sixth weok with Vublllones' Circus, nt the I'nyrotte Theatre, Havana, Cuba, and rejiorts that her net Ih aa big a success aa vlion she opened there. She Is responding to several bows lewis Oolotix, of Golden and Collins, was madn a membor of the V. 0. Kaglei at Johns- town, Pa., Dec. 1. . . Frank Matnabd, acrobatic comedian, loie of the Great Walfaco Bhowa, Joined ltoyer Broa.' "Next Door" Co. Dec. 10. Mr. May- nerd Introduces bis trained goose In bis l *8SSsBf and Tiibol sailed Dec. 17 for Europe, to open at the Casino. I'srls, Jan. 1, for one month. They are booked ahead in Europe for nearly three years. ,.__,„,_ Ada Lanvi and Anna Valr are dplag nicely with the "Queen of lbs White Blares" Co. Miss Lane Informs us tbst she was granted a divorce from Jack Gardner, Nov, 15. at (Sufi (4 nor and toniaR WAtar i played for the McDonnel dinner. In flail Imore, night of Dec. 8, and week of 010 wore at lha •and, in Pltteburg. it.-.-a n««. Nbttibj FisLtis p syed the Howard, BOB. ton, Dec" 12, and will appear In Louisville, K5 CABL C 'HuBSnT. msglelan, reports incccsf with his new act of magics! pantomime, nnd played at Lawrence, Maas., laat week, with other good work to follow. Tub Mimical McBBArrBars write: "We posit of some Hied fraction of tbe proposed tw0 ama teurs : stake as a guaranty of going on with the jj 15 g 12 match, and to be forfeited to the antagonist 22 is 82 28 White 20 29 K 7 White to ploy snd draw. Game No. 20, Vol. 62. SINGLE COBNKR Plsyed at N. Y. C. C. recently LtTlHOSTOif and BMBia Mont- have just closed an engagement ftt^mtr cently Joined bands, are booked four consecutive weeks over tbe LaB S^Bjat the Wert ^for s Tyear. They re- son and Empire circuits, on the _»*«>22 toost, nnd were engaged for twelve weeks of return dates, from which we were released by Bd. B, Lang, to permit us to Join the "Grimes' Cellsr* Door" Co., as the feature vsudevllte act for the rest of this sesson/' closed" a~Tiry successful too weeks' engage- Ths Emfibh Coumijrc^iWE mJSBZ ment as the vaudeville feature with (he nlngham, Jenny and "?'»"«> "« SiSSF Iirandon Evans Slock Co. at Portsmouth, their engagement on the Orpbeum Circuit, 0.7 Nov. 2 and after a three weeks' rest While pfsylng at the O'pbjum, laOMta. «, -U- h«m. winhita Knr, ., nrwn.rt an they were tendered a banquet by tne stani bands of tbe Orpbeum. A .collation, wj" between WHITE. White to play and mate In five moves. „ Corollary. — Transfer tbe Black P st K « 3 to K B 3, and again give mate In five moves 1 4 8 28 22 7 11(6) 18 15 11 18 22 10 2 7 80 28 14 18 28 14 IB 21 17 5 ,_ Tub Bbbt fall, sometimes. Otto Wort* b "rfr. Judge of tbe 8-move section In Bt. Lonla problem lonrney, la aald to have erred In awarding 2d prise to Arthur Chsrllck, whose problem has been found faulty to the extent of a 2d solution. New Yoax, Not. 10.— Dr. E. Lasker. chess champion of tbe world, has been challenged for a championship match by F. J. Marshall. Marshall states that he la ready to play for by whichever, If either, falls to carry out the 16 22 agreement to a conclusion. But where does 26 18 sny one find a precedent, or who ever beard 12 je of the practice that one party demands Of 24 i e tbe other to deposit a good percentage of the ls 2 o atakes, while he himself keeps bis money In n 25 his pocket till It pleases him to put It In the 10 14 stakeholder's hands? Did Dr. Lasker demand B |j that proceeding of Dr. Tarrasch? — — — — (0)- Intsrnatiokal Dnivmsiti CHBSB.-The who played finely : 18th match .between the African nnlversl. 7 M ties. Coinmhla. Harvard, Tale and Princeton f* aw «. C»mbrWC and Oxford. Is, being sctlvely H « arnnnd This time the Americans will 10 15 S^INBJ of the West Bids] ^bllcsn 1| 2» r lull The dates of play are set for Dec. £t * prSi.*, 2™and 4! Chss-'curt, of Brooklyn, 20 24 director of play. 17 13 14 15 10 8 10 19 10 Drawn. This Tarles from Baxter and Wyllle, 12 18 a) 20 21 8 12 28 28 18 22 13 7 11 9 8 14 18 28 14 22 20 81 22 8 7 10 8 1 20 3 8 11 15 8 11 15 18 11 IB at our home, Wichita, Knu„ we opened aa Indefinite engagement with tbe Murry Com- edy Co., 22. at Merrletta. O. Ross and Lbmon, who performed the 'cycling globe set with BostocWa Hippodrome, Paris, for six weeks, have returned to this country. Eoythi Stanlbt, of the team of Zeb and Stanley, and Claire H. Stanley, mourn the 18 SO 28 21 80 25 81 28 25 SO 28 22 22 18 25 22 21 17 22 28 8 20 28 Drawn. 18 14 28 18 6 2 18 11 10 7 8 10 14 7 served and a good time enjoyed by everybody. Habbt Z. Aubtin closed with the Matties Stock Co., and In tbe future will work with Mae King. In a society act, written by LstI Potter. The team will be known as Austin Frank' iiabrioan writes that he Is with KS ToY'the"? mother.^ non-profesTonai: who Bam T. Jack's Own *JWfaJ>e died Nov7 28, st their home^ln Mollne, III., pertain the bu rl esqu e audd oTng h la spec laity, of cancer which Is one of tbe bits of tbS'Oiio, MaSb and Evans, equilibrists and comedy Cabbis Wbst monrns the desth of her aerobe"., report succesi with their set. They no^" V£2 WJ^ Ii W .V«'%^Il. D JJo»d N are booked Yor six weeks In the East, and at the home other sisters, In Bnglewood, N. nlavlna the Crvatal circuit, Informs us of her Just closed a fifteen weeks' engagement wltn 12 18 after her engagemente expire In the Went. VlJ&V.lw.^'ta'&tali! 5tJ?t« nrodoce 7 8 Nr-LLir, A. Hili, who has been a sufferer JscVs l£ktstia. in Cnleago, ■•■ ll * ,, u P™,? c • 8 12 from rheumatism for two years past, left their new •£«»'»*"* iSPJ&SSL Hiub, m 17 14 New Fork Isst week for Mt. Clemens, Mich., Coif IAWD (^HM an P «!.%«."" ' n 18 20 where aha la tsklna- the baths. end around Philadelphia, until irenruery. 8 7 I lVi magfclan; Played a successful Then they plsy return deles at lbs Howard. 20 24 mmmmP at TBsf a' Theatfe. NewTork, Boston, anf tie York Theatre, St Johns, N. last week. Introducing rasny novel tricks. B. 1026 THE 1STEW YOEK CLIPPER. DECEMBEl; 24, Thi Qbimux Bnos., clnb Jugglers, have added many new trick* with the clubi to tbelr act, and report success. MiaooEBiTi Climbnt Osscm. wife of Bert Green, leading pianist at Pastor'* Theatre, New York, died In this city on Mot. 26. Mm. Green wni 28 years old nt the time of ber death. Bbe left one child, a aon, five year* of age. Punch Whcclcb Joined Lew Dockatader'a Minstrels Nor. 28, at Columbus. 0., aa press agent Abcott ahd Eddy sslled for Cuba Dee. 8, for a month'* engagement. World of Players. — Note* from Morgan'* "Uncle Tom's Cabin" Co. : We have been out *lnce Oct 1, and have been doing an enormou* bualne** from the opening; In fact tbe Mr«af>unaaMH the election business was or tbe H. It. o. sina, at least four night* out of each week. Our company numbers twenty-two people, with a vaudeville contingent of eight strong acta. We carry a big trick dog act, consisting of nine trained canines, besides oui : two hand- some bloodhounds, two trick Shetland ponies and three trick donkey*. Our band number* twelve solo musicians, and 1* playing high grade standard overtures for street concerts. We have yet to hear from one single adverse comment regarding the *how, and the fact J* the majority of managers say our ibow 1* better than one or two of tbe larger compa- nies, both In dramatic merit and our vaude- ville contingent. Our parade 1* about four block* In length. The show shortly finishes its New York Slate time and goes into Canada for a six weeks* trip. . — Notes from the "Joshua Blmpklne" Co. : We have Just returned from a 1'aclnc coast trip. The show closed Dec 10, until Christ- mas, when It will reopen under tbe manage- ment of Trousdale Bros., ot Ksthcrvllle, la., Chan. K. Keno going East to look afte.' Ula other Interests. We had a pleasant ui.ti profltnb'e season. . _ „ „ — Lola Morlsse and George Heath retired from the "Vacant Chair" Dec. 3. _• — Bertram Miller left tho "Sing Sins Co. Dec. 17. — Bertram Yost has left Dan Bully and goes to Byron Douglas' stock, Detroit. " — w. J. McNcsa has signed with Dan Sully — William Humphrey opened his season with "The Imperial Divorce." at Norrlstown, l'a., Dec. 8. Among tbe company are : John C. Vernon, Walt Whitman, Frank Neff, J. W. Stevenson, Harry Mack, Fred Courtney, Andrew Leduc, Bid Jocobson, Julia Charles, Dorothy Morgan, Belle Webster and Cicely Morton. — Doan Bomp and Brltton Kennedy re- tired from Dan Sully's compuny Dec 8. — Gilbert lfttsgcrald goes with "The Show Girl." — Hnrry Barton ha* Joined "The Semin- ary Girl" Co. — Edwin Mnynard has signed with Dan Sully. — De Vore Parmer Joined Dan Sully at 8t. Albans. Vt. — Olive Harper writes: "I am collaborat- ing with Mudatne Juliette Adams, on a four act drama, founded on ber book of 'Pnustlne.' It Is very strong, the character of the heroine being exceptionally so. The scene Is laid In the lower Alps, near the const; partly In the mounatlns and then In Nice, Monte Carlo, and on tbe Cornlchl road, and It shows tbe passionate and revengeful nature ot the untutored peasants. There Is a ball of tbe vintage, a scene In Nice In tbe open air, a strong scene at a wayside shrine, and tbe last scene Is back on the mountains. — Will S. Beechor has severed bis con- nection as strge manager of the Manhattan Theatre Stock, at Norfolk, Va„ and signed with C. B. Whitney's big production of "The Waif of the Sierras," to play the Chinaman and do his singing specialty. He reports making a success In tbe part. — Will Bough ton mourns the loss of his father, who died at Bidgeway, Conn., Nov. 27, aged eighty years. — Early In tbe new year Robert T. Haines Is to star In n new play written espe- cially for him by bis wife, Genevieve G. Haines, author ot "Hearts Aflame." The new comedy Is entitled "Once Upon a Time," fur- ther described as "A Bomance of AndaluBla," and It will be produced at the Berkeley Ly- ceum Theatre, New York, formerly Mrs. Os- borne's playbouse, under tbe management of W. M. Wilkinson. — Mrs. Marie Troy, mother of Marie and Agnes Troy, died Nov. 20, In New York City. Two daughters nnd three sons survive her. — Notes from the National Btock Co. : We are all well and doing nicely. The company remains tho Bame as when we opened, with the exception of the addition of Geo. Bobbins, who has Joined for leads. Lizzie Chambers Ib sole owner : Nlta Pearl, Lottie May, Edna Iiucher, pianists; James McGowan, Clair Turner, Andrew St Clair and W. M. J. Body, advance. The company Is booked solid until March In New York and Canada. Win. Al- len, late of the Lillian Lyons tihow, was a visitor with us for a few days recently. — Casino, Dundee, N. Y., has reopened under new mima&oiucnt, with new electric lights throughout — Nat C. Goodwin has signed a contract hy the terms of which be will star under Charles Prohmnn's management. The con- tract begitiB next September, und covers a period uf three years. Mr. Goodwin will make his drat nppcaranco under Mr. Froh- man's management In the comedy success that has been presented In London for some time, entitled "The Beauty and tbe Barge." — Notes from tbe Harry Corson Clarke Stock : In the second week of Mr. Clarke'* continual buc'Csb the bill was Robert Hll- llard's success, "Lost, 24 Hours." Mr. Clarke appeared bb David, and was supported by Mar- fnret Dale Owen as Mrs. Dae re (the woman In he cnBe), and Laurence Wakefield as Dick, the man about town. It Is worthy of tiote in passing that Mr. Wakefield took up the part at less than twenty-four hours' notice, and in spite of the fact that It covers more than ninety pageb of type written matter, played It without a hluii. The play was an In- stantaneous success, aud at every perform- ance has caused screams of laughter, Every one la well satisfied with tbe company, and the productions equal anything to be seen on the road at high prlccB. Mr. Clarke'* personal popularity Is wide spread, both as an actor and off the stage, and tbe company Is making many friends. The stage Is crowd- ed with people at the receptions which are held at the end of each matinee, and if we can Judge by Indications there is little or no doubt that tho stock company will become a permanent Institution A feature of tbe productions are Mr. Clarke's Interpolated pongs. The. Empire has been dubbed "The House of Laughter." Good, clean fun, such a* Mr. Clarke Is providing, Is what they want, and wbat they are going to have. — Notes from the Thos. Frankly n Nye Co. : We are doing our usual big business. We have learned, with regret, of the death of Wm. Fitzgerald, of Portsmouth, O. Our Billy, a* we used to call him, was three consecutive years with this company, and played bis first Kart, Plcard, In "The Twj Orphan*," here. Ir. Nye and Mr. Fltsgerald were Initiated In the Cheboygan, Mich., B. P. O. Elks, No. DO, on the same night, Feb. 0, 1902. Mr. Nya received 88S answer* to hi* "ad." The parts left vacant by the retirement of Hasen A. Ackerman ate very satisfactorily ailed by Ed- ward Sterling. — Grace Gllmore and John O. Odell have been engaged by Fred Raymond for "Tbe Missouri Girl" Co. (Western), Mis* Gllmore to play the title role, and air. Odell for the heavy. — Note* from tbe Orris Ober Stock Co., James 'I'. McGovern, manager : Packed house* still continue to rule with us. The show I* booked solid to tbe coast. Mr. Eltinger baa provided us with a fine line of new paper, all special. The llthos and three sheets of Master Wilfred Dunbar, as Buster, are es- pecially One. James T. McGovern, our gen- ial manager, was tendered a reception at Buffalo by bis friends, after the production of "Your Neighbor's Wife." _ . _« — "Me, Him and I" Note*: H. A, D'Arcy, agent, poet and playwright. Is representing Hurtle k Seamon's big musical specUcle. "Me, Him end I." Mr. D'Arcy claims ex- treme excellence for this attraction. Blckel, Watson and Wroth are the comedians of the company. They were for six years tbe clowns of Blngllng Bros.' Circus. This Is their fifth season with the Hurtlg A Seamon attrac- tions. Gertrude Hoffman, the sweet singer of San Francisco, 1* the soubrette of tbe company, She Is also credited with directing the original production of the comedy. — Notes from Nelson A Flelsher Co. : We have this season one ot the strongest organ- izations In the country In our pastoral melo- drama, "Beware of Men." In this produc- tion the scenic effects are magnificent It la full of thrilling situations and the sweetest story ever told The author, Fitzgerald Mur- phy, has written this play especially for Nel- son A Flelsher. The following cast has been engaged: Millard Beld, Coulter Howard, W. A. Lanlgan, James T. West, Geo. E. Whltaker, Wm. Beach, H. W. Carter. Chaa Btewart, Wm. Reddem, Carrie Welsland, Mable Petty, Rose Cameron, Grace Sessler and Ruth Rich- mond. This company will play exclusively Stair k Havlln time. — Notes from Brandt 4 Goldsmith's En- terprises: We have added "Betrayed at tbe Altar" to our other enterprises, and Intend sending out this production about Dec 25, opening in our bouse In New Albany, Ind. We have engaged a strong company, sup- porting Margaret Askley, and the produc- tion will be handsomely mounted and first class In every respect. The season Is nearly all booked up, knd tbe company will be under tbe personal direction ot our Mr. Goldsmith. — Excellent business for Nanette Corn- stock, In "The Crisis," Is reported by J. J. Moore, business manager. — Bertram Millar, stage director and "heavy," with the "Escaped from Sing Sing" Co., will terminate his second engagement with that company Dec. 17. — Will A. Pa rtelto, manager of the" Ben- nett-Moulton Co., was made a Master Mason, in Essex Lodge, Salem, Mass., night of Dec 13. — Notes from Maxam A Sights' Come- dians: Many changes have taken place In this company since our last report Mr. Maxam baa retired and Mr. Sights has pur- chased bis Interest In the company. W. K. Maxam, B. W. Young, Delle Lllll and Val. 1.1111 closed Nov. 26. Mr. Sights retained but two of the old members, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Vernon. Tbe company has been en- tirely reorganized and now numbers ten people, as follows: J. W. BlgbtB, F. C. Ver- non, II. H. Doty, Edward Brummage, Ralph J. Bailey, Mnj. Fred Wilson, Hattle Clark, Mildred Jones, Anna Vernon and Pauline Sights. We now have one of the finest lines of specialties ever carried by a dra- matic Company through this territory, headed by the well known team of Brummage and Clark, which we are featuring. We will play two more towns In North Dakota, and Christmas week will find us back In our old territory. In So'ith Dakota, with all new plays and the strongest company we have ever carried. — T. H. "Slough, In advance of the Verna •May Co., writes: "Business still remains most excellent. Miss May and her big com- pany will do six weeks of repeats this season in the State of Ohio. Five records have been broken no far, and indications point to a record breaking season. Roster: Norman R. Field, Will J. Wlkoff, Carrol Drew, Jack Percy, John Buxter, Ed. F. Bickers, Jessie Egon, Etna Ramsdell, Georgle Denton and Eddie La Mont, "The Musical King." — "Tommy" Russell, tbe Little Lord Faunt- leroy, who retired from the stage some years ago, is to return to the footlights soon. He Is to make his reappearance In a one act play- let written by himself, which be will present In vaudeville. — Notes from the "Your Neighbor's Wife" Co. : Chas. Ellis and Louise Melka are scoring heavily In Mr. Ellis' latest play, "Your Neighbor's Wife." At Cambridge and Wyoming, III., the S. R. O. sign was dls- Rlayed before eight o'clock, and at Farm- lgton many were turned away. "Your Neighbor's wife" haa seemed to have caught the popular fancy, and Mr. Ellis has sold tbe rights of. the piece for the North- west, to Hugh Ettlnger, who has put out a No. 2 company, under the management of J. T. McGovern. Tbe latter company will tour Minneapolis, the Dakotas and North- west, while Mr. Ellis and Miss Melka (Mrs. Chas. Rills) will tour Iowa, Illinois, Mis- souri and Kansas, under the management of M. L. Ellis. Both companies are equipped with special scenery and new printing. — wm. Burkhart, late of the Forepaugh- Selis advance, wrltea that he is now busi- ness manager for Ed. 8. Jolley'a "Hunting for Hawkins," doing a phenomenal business in Pennsylvania. — Samuel Murray, comedian, closed with the "Two Married Women" Co. Nov. 80, and Joined Harry Busenback, playing one night stands, at Kskrldge, Kan. — William W. Lapolnt, author of "When Women Love" and For Love and Honor," has so'd his new play, "For Daddy'a Bake," to Clara Turner. The play was written ex- pressly for Miss Turner. The author Ib now engaged on other playa for Miss Turner for next season. The Barre (Vt) Opera House Is still under the management of William W. Lapolnt and Is doing a record breaking business, we are Informed. — Notes from Gus Hill'* Enterprises: After successfully passing through nine con- consecutive seasons in the popular price houses, "McFaddcn Flats" Is to be placed on a plane permissible of Its presentation in tbe better claaa of theatres The enter- tainment will embrace pantomime, spec- tacle and ballet, with music composed by Anlolnc Foy«. of Munich. The ballot will be brought from Europe, under the direction of Mile. Colllnta, premier datueuie of tbe Royal Opera House, Dresden. Mr. Hill has so far engaged William Barry and Mar; Baker for the principal roles. M. L. Heckert will stage the production. — Charles 8. Ogle Is with Klaw A Er- (anger's "The Billionaire" Co. —The Ostnan Stock Co., we are Informed. Is moving along steadily, giving the best of satisfaction wherever It appears, having re- turn dates offered la every house without exception, occasionally breaking all previous houne records. Manager Osman writes that he Is proud of his people, who are clever, happy and know how to behave themselves. — Notes from Perce R. Benton's Come- Idans: We had excellent business In tbe In- dian Territory and Oklahoma. Ruth Gale, engaged by Mr. Benton for the soubrette roles, Is being featured. The repertory com- prises three of Mr. Benton's own plays : "My Maryland," "Dora Thorne" and "Saved from Siberia." and contains the following people. Perce R. Benton, Edward Williams, Leavitte Hart, Claud Cublne, It. D. Craig. Elmer E. Hansen, Ruth Gale, Annette Gray, Mrs. Moray and Baby Evallne, R. D. Craig Is In advance, with Elbert Pointer a* assistant. The company Is playing three night stands exclusively. — G. Faith Adams has decided to place a new attraction In the field, known as Adams Comedians. It It Mr. Adams' In- tention to make this one of the strongest shows of it* kind In the West — Tbe Morgans (Hok N. and Bessie) are In their twentieth week with tbe 'Uncle Josh Perkins" Co. Business, they write. has been big since tbe opening. — Geo. M. De Vere Is In his sixteenth week with the "Captain Barrington" Co., Playing tbe role of Joe Moulton, light comedy, and Pete, black face comedy, and reports meet- ing with success. • _ — Notes from the William* Comedy Co.: We have been playing to splendid busless and have increased tbe company by adding three more people to our already large list At Portsmonth, Va., the partnership of De Gof- ferelly & Williams was dissolved, leaving T. P. De Gofferelly sole proprietor and manager. We are booked solid up to next Spring, through North and South Carolina, Kentucky nnd Tennessee, some of which time through North Carolina are return dates, by special request At Washington, N. C, Little May Blossom Williams, tbe flower of the company, after her specialty, the second night, was pre- sented with a handsome doll. Aa a child act- ress she Is fast becoming a favorite in reper- tory. At Plymouth, N. C Katie Williams. soubrette with tbe company, was requested not to wear short dresses In the soubrette roles and specialties. Miss Williams Is be- coming very popular In the South. Marie De Gofferelly, leading woman, Is playing some of her old favorite roles. — Flsber It Walters' Own Co. Notes : We are supporting Jean Barrymore and Amy Shaf- fer, who opened their season Dec. 5, at Scott- dale, Fa., to overflowing business. Messrs. Fisher and Walters have surrounded Mr. Bar- rymore and Miss Shaffer with one of the best acting companies ever put together. The scenery and paper, of which we 'carry a large lot Is all new and made to order. Tbe plays are exceptionally strong, most of them being from the pen of Mr. Barrymore. We play the best time In Ohio, West Virginia and Pennsyl- vania, and carry fourteen people. Mr. Barry- more has just completed a piece which he calls "The Iron Master," In which Miss Shaf- fer will appear In tbe mill towns. From book- In pa already received tbe teason promises to be an exceedingly profitable one for this at- traction. — Frank H. Btowelt writes: "I have Just finished my bookings for tbe Stowell Stock Co. for a season of twenty-one weeks of three night stands, embracing three weeks In New York State, and the rest of the time In tbe soft coal country of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. My season will open Dec. 26, and I shall feature my own Western drama, 'Tracked by Bloodhounds,' for which I have seven kinds of special paper. I will carry a brass band and several vaudeville feat- urea" — Chas. T. Fales' "Light House Bobbery" Co. Notes : We still continue with good busi- ness. The political campaign did not In tbe least Interfere with us. Election night, at Le Roy, we stood them up. Business In New York State, Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Vlr- Slnla, Virginia end Maryland has been fine, ur attraction Is giving tbe best of satisfac- tion, and some return dates have been asked for. The weather In the South is very warm, with sunshine for all. — Chas. T. Fales' Comedy Co. Notes : Man- ager Lowanda reports fine business along the line, especially at Oakland, N. Y., and at ad- vanced Drlces, which Is a rule with this com- ?*ny. The scenery, twenty-two sets, is a eature. Mr. Lowanda's specialty Is as good as ever. Thardo's dog circus Is the talk of every place we play. Several new plays have been added to our list, but we still open with "Midnight In New York." , — The Lesters (H. C and Ollle) write: "We have Joined the J. L. Tempest Co. for parts and specialties. The company Is doing well through Pennsylvania. W r e are on the highest point In tie State. Nothing but snow and Ice." — Harry M. Price, German comedian, Is in his flrteentb week with "Rudolph and Adolph," as Adolph Dinkelsplel, the ladles' tailor, which he also played last season. He Is known aa H. Price Mason, of Mason and Mason, and Is meeting with success. The company Is on Its way to the Pacific coast — Richard C Maddox, singing comedian, has closed a forty weeks' engagement with J. Rub. Smith's Murray Comedy Co., as lead- ing comedian, and Joined the "Uncle SI Has- hing" Co., to play the title role. — Notes from J. L. Lewis' "SI Plnnkard" Cp. j : A hunting party composed of members of this company (F. A. Glnnevan, Alt. Bruce and J. L. Mack) had an Interatlng, as well ;b an exciting, time in the mountains around Lock Hayen, Pa. They bagged about three flown rabbits and were on their way homo when they were surprised by a black bear, which tore Mack's coat, and but for a timely shot from the gua of Mr. Glnneven (who is an old time bear hunter, which was very fortunate for the party) they would not have came back in the high spirits that they did. The bear weighed one hundred and forty pounds, and all were well pleased with their day's sport. — Roster of "The Little Red School House" Co.: J A. WeBt manager; William FlUslm- monB, Clarence Kent Thos. E. Young, Ed- ?,"! c .i p aulus, Edea Campbell, Harry Clarke, Earle Long, Jean De Coussin, Minnie Pearle ttest, Floyd S. Webster, Helen Lvons, ™. H ' , L ?,? Rn ' Eleanor Knight Barry Water*. Lillian Campbell, John A. Hill. Helen l*lse. Elllhur McKeever and the Little Red School House Quartette. — The Hill Opera House, Petaluma, Cat. waa dedicated Dec. 5, by Ben Greet's Players In "Twelfth Night." The Hill Opera Houso was erected by A. B. and Mrs. Josle Hill as a memorial to the late William Hill, one of l'etaluma's wealthy and respected cltlzenB. It Is a brick building of the latest design. — Thos. Grimes ban been engaged to play un Important role in Dan McAvoy's new production, "His Honor, the Mayor of tbe Bowery." — Notes from Burke A Gray Comedy Co., Frank J. Burke, manager: We closed, to very good business, in Grammer, Ind., fol- lowing with Sardinia and Wcstport Harry Morrison (Ml.t Neighbors), late of the Grace Morrison Stock Co., of Los Angeles, Cil., joined us recently, and Is doing leads. Frank J. Burke, the well known versatile comedian, nnd Harry Morrison, are nutting on a new laughable sketch, written by themselves, en- titled "Gym-naBlum Mike," and are having good success with It Ethel Burke is scoring in her songs. Roster: Frank Burke, Ethel Gray, Harry Morrhjon, Frank McQueen, Nell Slater and Carson Hedges. — Notes from the Henderson Stock Co. : After an absence of two years we are again la Iowa. Business In IIUloIb and Missouri was excellent, We did a big business at Mystic, la. We have actually turned people away every nlgbt, the houses being completely sold out each evening before the doors w.-re open. Mr. Lawrence waa colled to New Ycrk on pressing business, and A. D. Drumm las taken bis place. Mrs. Fred Rclla closed at Klrksvllle, Mo., and Helen Walton, who Las been with us before, Joined at Mystic — Tom North, formerly manager of BIHv Clifford, severed his connection with that company at Milwaukee to accept the man- agement of James Kyrle MacCurdy, In his new production, "The Old Clothe* Man," under the direction of K. Woods Flske. Mr. North writes: "The piece Is elegantly mounted and particular pains are being taken to secure a caat of more than ordinary abil- ity. Tbe most noticeable of the several new Ideas originated by Mr. MacCurdy In this production are 'the marriage In the snow* (a thriller) and 'the Yiddish twist' In the prise fight, by which the old Jew knocks out his opponent. Time Is filling rapidly, as the title and play seem to be just what the man- agers want, and with the title role In the hands of one of the best delineators ot the East side Hebrew, and tbe author of the piece, James Kyrle MacCurdy, I am confident of success." THE CHRISTMAS OIFTTHAT WILL PLK ASK THE $•.>-> . STAR SAFETY RAZOR « NEW STAR STROP P This handsomely finished safety razor has stood th» test for 27 years. - WHO SHAVES HIMSELF knows bow necessary It is to keep his razor perfect condition. It is Impossible for any blade to do Its work prone stropped before uslns;. Over 6,000.000 Star Safety Razors have been sole tb*t In buying a rarer yon flod three s'srs stamped on tbe frame and b . guarantee this razor, and If not perfectly satisfactory wm will lefun. price. Our catalogue, giving illustrations of the dlfleren'. sets nr seat on request In sending for this catalogue please mention T HE i The Star Safety Razor has been I m ttat *d but never dni, (In purchasing a razor please remember the above fact ' ' Baxors, complete, $3.00. Handsota* Sets, A3. so r Raw Star Strapper, |l.BO. KAMPFE B F3 O S 8-1 a Ke.de Btreet, BT. Y. Or all leading dealer* in high class cutlery . (Remember the won Tag •US •dei tj trnlfii Be inn * *e m u« S ett ippgi rated. 'id ■P. "s "Star.' new Plays* "OUR PASTOR," A romantic comedy drama. In three acts, by Jerrold Sbepard, was produced for the first time on any stage et the Worcester Theatre, Worcester, Mass., OcL 12, by Daniel Sully nnd hla company. The new play Is, to a great extent, a natural successor to "The Parish Priest," In which Mr. fully previously appeared. The character of Father Daly shows the priest struggling against big odds In an out ot the way mushroom town In the far West, where bis congregation Is small, f rler.ds are few, money Is scarce and trouble Is plenty. The good father wins bis way in the community and compels the respect of even the roughest and most abandoned char- acters. The scene Is laid In Boom City, Idaho, a little cattle town, run principally by Jim Carter, a wealthy rancher, and bis bunch of cowboys and vaqueros. Carter has a ward, Margaret Manning, daughter of his former partner In business, a beautiful girl of twenty. Margaret falls In love with a young mining engineer, Arnold Leslie. They become engaged, but as Carter dislikes Leslie, they endeavor to keep the engagement secret. Carter, however, learns of it and tries to bluff Leslie Into leaving the country, and, falling in this, starts bis tough gang of cow punchers after the young engineer. They find Leslie in close proximity to another man's horse and are about to lynch him as a horse thief when Father Daly appears on the scene and keeps back the crowd. Leslie Is rescued and the war Is on between Carter and Father Daly. There Is a desperate con- test waged between Carter, vindictive, un- scrupulous and crazed with jealous rage, and the good humored, easy going but determined priest, in which the clergyman finally con- vinces his opponent that he must give np Margaret ana Induces him to return and do Justice to a woman he has wronged. Cast of characters: Father Daly, Daniel Sully ; Jim Carter, Doan Borup; Col. Fltzhugh Potter, Wm. D. Reed; Willie Beekman, Bertram Yost ; Pierre Wolf, Wm.' F. Kohman ; Arnold Leslie, Bratton Kennedy ; Mrs. Miranda Wel- lington, Grace Huntington; Margaret Man- ning, Louise Everts ; Silent Ann, Maud Sin- clair; Dollie, Ethel Carpenter. "A WOMAN'S STRUGGLE," An original melodrama, In four acts, by J. L. Greenbaum, was first produced at Glovers vllle, N. Y., Oct. 13. The story runs thus: Jack Hanson, a clerk In the office of Gilbert Coes, shipping broker, is in love with the pretty stenographer. Alice Desmond. Jacquea Dumont, manager tor the firm, and Attalle Coes, who is In his power, but In love with Hanson, try to separate the lovers and suc- ceed In making each believe the other Is un- true. Dumont chloroforms Coes and ships him on board a South African steamer while unconscious, with tbe aid of Burke Nlpson, a crook, who is his accomplice In tbe manufac- ture of counterfeit bills. Upon the breaking up of his business, Jack, discouraged and out of work, finds his old friends, Sinkers and Flnnegan, doing business on the Bowery. Through Sinkers he gets the poaltion of pitcher on tbe New York baseball team. Act three opens with Dumont In his room at the Majestic Hotel The great game between New York and Chicago Is to be played that after- noon, Jack Hanson pitching for New York. Alice Desmond is enticed to Dumont's room by a forged note. Just as Dumont believes her to be wholly In his power he Is inter- rupted by the arrival of Jack Hanson, whom be Intends to prevent playing tbe game that afternoon. He locks Alice in an adjoining room, where she Is found by Attalle Coes. Hanson la felled by a blow from behind by Nlpson, but Ib released just In time by the bell boy, who Is a friend of Sinkers, in dis- guise. The game is played, Hanson arriv- ing just In time to win the game for the New lorks. Score, New York, 1 ; Chicago, 0. The final scene Is in the counterfeiter's den at Biverside, N. Y., where Alice baa been eplr- lted away by Dumont and Nlpson. They are closely watched by Jack Hanson, Sinkers and Flnnegan. Jack dlsgusles himself as one of the gang and finds his way Into the "crib," where he makes himself known to Alice. Du- mont finds them at this juncture and Is about to shoot Jack when the latter la rescued by Flnnegan and his friends. In the melee which follows, Dumont is killed by a stray shot The cast: Jack Hanson, Charles D. Coburn; Gilbert Coes, Milton Dawson; Jac- quea Dumont, Frank Whitman; Algeroa Her- bert Van Court, H. Bradley Barker; Burke Nlpson, A. J. Sharpley; Sinkers, Charles R. \\ irth ; Flnnegan, John P. Curley ; Burnslde Con, John O'Brien ; Feathers, Milton Dawson ; Gluaeppl Saraclnesca, James H. Powers; James McCann, Thomas Jones; Pitcher, Charles D. Coburn ; Catcher, H. Forrest ; Um- pire, George Masters; Alice Desmond, Gene (Mutter; Attalle Coes. PasBle Mae Lester; *frm. Hanson, Minerva Florence; Merry Win- kles. Mary Keogb. "IJEUT. DICK, V. 8. A.," a comedy drama, In four acta, depleting an army episode at Fort Russell, Wyo.° by Harry Mcltae Webster, stage manager at the Empire Theatre, Columbus, O., was presented for the first time by the Empire Stock Co., that city, Nov. 28. The story : Lieut. Dick Ellsworth Is In love with Maclta, a ward of Colonel Douglas, commandant at the fort The colonel's wife, Helen Douglas, years younger than himself, haa an Intrigue with a young oflicer. Captain Beverly, and they plan to dee together. Maclta perceives that the two have a secret understanding and she determines to do her best to undo the mischief. Beverly, fearful lest she be- tray their secret to the colonel, takes a cowardly and brutal step. He arranges with a Mexican desperado, Sancho Miguel, who Is really Maclta's father, to kidnap the young- girl, and she is taken to a deserted abode hut, wne J e .. a . part y ot 4rm J deserters Is In hiding. A thrilling scene Is enacted when Just after Maclta s father drags her away a company of regulars arrive and captures the deserters after a sharp straggle. Lieut Dick follows » n S? , tra " °' Mscita and her abductor and nnaily locates them In a disreputable gamb- !t D t den * .. H f f otcln hta wa ' within and fights a duel in total darkness with tbe bcoundrel Sancho. Maclta and her lover OP""/ eacape, but not until the former has killed tbe villainous Sancho. In the last act Beverly sends a note to Mrs. Douglas, stating the hour for their elopement Ma- clta Intercepts the note and pleads with Mrs. Donglas, who Is finally brought to a sense of her own wrongdoing and to a happy consciousness ot her husband's love. The full extent of Beverly's dishonesty and per- fidy Is Anally revealed to her. lam rjohnMadwntoslT Mackintosh's Toffee The Pure and Delicious OLD ENGLISH CANDY It Is an excellent sweetmeat for theitre, candy stands and olrcuseo. It la a qnick seller. Ask for dealers' quotations and price*. JOHN MACKINTOSH, Dept. 15, 78 BDMOR STREET, HEW YORK. WASHBURNE'S ■» FASTENERS Tie fasteser with a BbU-DOG GRIP fctae fad »BttfcrisJ*liiUllt; U tiair i*e .',::*« * -» Df»w»n Ha rwrtfrr, JOe, C*T H. Ur,, toe. I Jittto bet y«tw lm Ot- ■afasssyssHsta American Rloj Compflar. r ■•; -.. :, WsjlrTbarj, Uleve l-anU 144 BOWEBT, NEW YORK CITY For a half century we have been giving real bargains In diamonds. It is ridiculous to sup- pose that stores located on Broadway, where enormous rents prevail, can compete with □i. A comparison of goods and prices will convince the most sceptical. VAL,TrB •!»». "OW W». This Is the ring we have been seiurg for $126, but for quick scilon we offer a limited number at $68. Diamonds will he reset in gent's rings if desired. Chance of a lifetime. Sand for oar Forfolted Loma Catalogue. atafi Orders PUled. Inquiries Solicited RICH OR POOR-YOU HEED TEETH No one, old enough to know better, should be neglectful of that most vital and useful organ of the human system— the teeth— the very guards to the gateway of health. SOZODONT TOOTH POWDER should be found on Ihe toilet table of every one, be he rich or poor. It will not tarnish gold work nor scratch the enamel. A per* feet dentifrice— the one for you 1 PO RM S: LIQUID. POWDER PAST E. ■Sll— — 1 CAIAi. mmmm MfJMAHONS Fanaoas Theatrical RESTAURANT Between 28th and »i h Bw NEW YORK CIH. . Best of Food, Perfectly ^■■o"*» Dellclously served. WH*J reasonable. Special Jilami Room for Ladles, PLTOfS ow MOVAl-'l PISO'S CURE FOR^n I a««y across, "»!»«» «• vs&axs* •» nso-s cuss it ft C ONSUM PTION tSraiW-.qw*;, DECEMBER 24. THE NEW YQEK CLIPPER. 1027 THE ORIQIIVAL ARMY HEK^ui^m, PAUL. CONCHAS W^"** 3 ^^^^^^^^ . _-_ 7^^^^^^ -......_.. _.. . iiimmi iust euro evulOITCn ABSOLUTELY THE IE08T SENSATIONAL AND SPECTACULAR OF CANNON AND CANNON BALL JUCCLINC EVEN EXHIBITED The Originator of hi* own line. HAS MANY IMITATORS, BUT NO EQUALS. This, the Second Week at HAM MEROTEINS VICTORIA THEATRE A Rwl, Enormous and Artistic Saccesl; the Talk of Broadway. ENGAGED BY MANAGER HAMMERSTEIN FOR NEXT SEASON, ON THBIOOFI SJMJE* ."^'W.^jgSEffi ^MSS CONCHAS has the best act of its kind on any stage in the world. PAUL CONCHAS receives the largest salary of any artist in his hne. MANAGER C. W. ANDERSON, of the lioston Music Hall, has offered him a two weeks' return engagement at a salary of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, HEAD WHAT N1W YORK M«CIR] The m«b»«r.^^^ urallni nets, baa been presented a genuine comedy - assistant. Conchas' act l» oil that hits been claimed for It. , 47 West 28th Street, Hew York HEAD WHAT HBW YORK IIUIUIRER. SAYS, , ..nd declined the urgent h „„i,.«t >rltl< He la a fine, manly-looking fellow, considerably over six feet In height, proportionately bu jSi"lBg ( wa5t or other. Indications of femininity. And for the flat time In the history of foreign Juggling acts, baa been presented a. genuine comedy" In consequence he was subjected to latlou posing In tltflits, Addr.M All Commwnieatloata to Hit Sol* «nd EXclSUtvs Manag.r for Ara.rlc, RHODE ISLAND. lroTldence.-At the Providence Opera House i Felix K. Wendelschaefer, manager) •f ter being' dark Dec. 12. the house opened n for five dnvs' performances, by Primrose's Minstrel Co.. which gave an excellent show. ; rne new Rogers Brothers' show occupies the house week of 10, bringing an unusually iLrie company. The attraction for Christ- mas week will be Sothern and Marlowe, in Shakespearean roles, their repertory here .elnsr "Much Ado About Nothing." "Romeo and Juliet? and "Hamlet." They will be seen three nlirhts. Pmpjmi Theatre (Spitz ft Nathanson, maaagers). — Billy B. Van and his company, ■q "The Office Boy." gave one of the best ento'talnments of the season week of 12. Katbryn Purnell. who formerly headed a stuck company at this bouse, produces a renertory week of 10. ber list Including "A (irent Temptation." "Nell Owynne" and "A Romanes In Ireland." The holiday week will be filled by Eugenie Blair, In "Iris." Imperial Theatre (Fellt R. Wendel- sohnefer, manager).— The Providence Dra- matic- Stock Co. continues to do fair busi- ness. -Its production of "The Dancing Girl," 12-17, -was meritorious, and the various mem- bers are seen' to advantage In "Carmen," 19- •>4 ! "Rip Van Winkle," with Malcolm Wll- iloms In the title role, Is in preparation for 20. ■Kr.tTn'a : Theatre (Charles Lovenberg, manager). — Rome new faces are seen at this popular house 10, among them a local violinist, Henri Fancier, who has Bklll and good -training. The bill la headed by Spa- don!, Juggler and Btrong man, who Is here for the flrst time. Others are : Dlgby Bell, In flronologue; Bert Howard and Leona Bland, In a sketch, "The Stage Manager:" Warren and Gardner, black face comedian and vocalist: Violet Dale, mimic; Paul Barnes, nionologlst : Rice and Elmer, hori- zontal bar comedians; Duffy, Sawtelle and Duffy, in a comedietta, "Papa's Swetheart:" Carew and- Hayes, In a song recital, "The Derby. Race;" Trask and Gladden, singers nnd' dancers : the La tells, gymnasts and ring performers, and Adair and Dahn, wire walk- ers. PAbkMosic Ham, (Harry Young, mana- ger). — The stock company, headed by the White" had a fair bouse 12. Murray Com- edy Co. 13, for five days. Mine. Rejane 21. ♦ ■» OREGON". Portland. — At the Marquam Grand (Cal- vin Helllg, manager) Rose Melville did good business Dec. 3, 6, In "Sis Hopkins." Jane Corcoran bad fair returns 7, 8, with "Pretty Peggy." Ben Greets Players did fair busi- ness matinee 0, 10 and evening, 10, in "Everyman." Florence Roberts week of 12, In repertory, beginning with "Zaza." Gad ski comes 10. under the management of Lola Steers. "A Chinese Honeymoon" 20, 21, "Princess Chic" 22-24. Columbia Theatre (A. H. Ballard, mana- ger). — The Columbia Theatre Stock Co. had a very good opening 11, In "The Prodigal Daughter." The company had fair business week of 4, In "Mistakes will Happen." Tbos. Q. Seabrooke 15 and matinee, 16. in "The Billionaire." The atock company will present "Camllle" week of 18. Empire Theatre (George L. Baker, man- ager). — "A Little Outcast" bad two capacity houses 11. "In Darkest Russia"- did fair business week of 4. "The Fatal Scar" 16-17, "Shore Acres" 18, 10, Black Pattl's Trouba- dours 20-24, "Ton Yonson" week of 25. Grand Theatre (F. Lincoln, manager). — Ripley Sisters, Arthur O. Folkert, Wil- liam Gross. Frank Melton, Musllner's trained sbeep. Fords, Ten Supbert Acts. Four Ollf&ns, the Elliotts, Sam and Ida Kelly and the Crandlacope. Baker's Theatre (Keating ft Flood, man- agers). — Great Eastern Trio, the Three Rex- zons, Harrison Bros., It. G. Baldwin, Bell and Thompson, Jack Hall and the biograpb. Star Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, mana- ger). — The Molassos, Blmm, Bomm, B-r-r-r, close Brothers, Fielding Comedy Four. Daisy Harcourt. I'd. Turner and the projeetoscope. Arcade Theatre (S. Morton Cohen, man- ager!. — Kenee Family. Rollins and Wilson, Aumann, Dell and Monitor, Genevieve Ar- tie) l and American bioscope. Ltuic Theatre (Keating 4 Flood, mana- gers). — Wheeler and Wilson Trio, Eddie De Voe. Miss Welsse, Wynn and Hart, Murray K. Hill, J. W. Wood, Collins Bros, and the vltnacope. Buoo Theatbb (Fred T. .Merlll, mana- ger). — Five Rennees, Ruby Kendall and Amy Thn. ; Theatre (Fbll l-.pstein, manager). ..", , 2" uffil, „,„„,„ Mfdlng* o C ver': W*«2 t*fiJS&5St rfR»»,»a«* ««.Ucc^Tn e d n '"Ta gu, T'.ngstrom Sisters, gave an enjoyable bur- Thompson, Prior and Norrls. Ben Jarrett, lesquc, "Dealers In White Chips.'' 12. For Joe Tbomi lesquc, week of 10 two burlesques are offered, under tbe titles; "The Sporty Girls" and "Broad- way Maidens." Westminster Thbatre (George H. Bntch- eller. manager). — Roble's Knickerbocker Bur- lesquers gave a One show 12-17, and pleased vood houses. The offering 19-21 Is the Aus- tralians. •NorfES.— Musical attractions of a hlgb class are receiving good patronage In Providence this Winter; as they did last Mme. Melba was heard to advantage In a concert nr Infantry Hall, 12 David Blspham will give a song recital in tbe same ball 27, nod Ysayie, the violinist, Is booked for Jan- uary, under the local management of Joseph M. Mann. . . Shepard's moving pictures nre o weekly Sunday ulght attraction at tbe Empire...... .A penny vaudeville theatre was opened on Westminster Street 10. Woonsocket. — At tbe Woonsocket Opera House (Josh E. Ogden, manager) this bouse ls-4ark:Dec. 10-23. "Uncle Hiram" plays 24. Tburber.ft Nasber Stock Co.. with Florence Hamilton, pleased 12-14 and 10, 17. Tbo vaudeville features were of a high order, and Included Pnulinettl and Plquo, Mile. Peplta Delnra. .John Weaterman and Master Phil Thuiber, Good average business. "The Girl from Kay's'', gave an excellent performance 15, to fair, business. Colonial Stock Co. week of 20. ■ .' . -HUB Theatre (Jas. W. Conklln, manager). — Blir.week .of 10 : Felix Martin. Cnalon and Hastings, Sebutt and Smith, Adetene and Rubber, Qnlulan and Howard, Miss Herbert and Bessie Dolaa. The bill for 12-17 was booB, .Etta Victoria, Latelle Bros, and Ttllle Oohn proved strong drawing cards. Business continues good. Noras.— Mrs. Mary Conklln, mother of Jns. W;, Conklln. manager of the Hub Theatre, died at the borne of her son. In this city, Dec. 12-, at: the aee of ninety-three. Interment was at Lawrence. Mass. i -j'.'.'. ± »«» ' ' L*T. -'.' KENTUCKY. ompson and the vltascope. Maze (A. Shapiro, manager). — Mae Jack- son, Doreto Cordero, Anita Desanchez, Bea- trice Lorane and Vic Lewis. OaPiiEOU Theatre (W. A. Simons,- man- ager). — Zlnn's Burlesque Co., Mae Vernun, Ida Rositer. Francis Venlta Grey, Imogen Mansfield, Eva Winston, Nemo Catto, Miss Cecil, Hattle Ward, Lottie Leonard, Gertie Keith, W. C. Winn, Clifford Traloor. Mamie West. W. Harris, Lamont Bros.. Jennie Bent- ley, Georglc Verdi, Marjorle Mandevllle, W. Chas. Wlshsrd and Odetta. Fritz's New Theatre (J. J. West, mana- ger). — The Kobers. Edltb Raymond, Jack and Myrtle Mack, Leo and Sulkey and Bertha Lamnrr. Blazier's Coxcbbt Ham- (Ell B. Davis, manager), — The Hradfords, Stella Clair. Anita Desanchez, Genevieve De Forrest and Jennie Clair. EntcKSO.Vs Mcsic Hall (H. D. Griffin, manager). — Carmen, Anderson and the Mar- gesons. 4»» LOUISIANA. TEXAS. Ft. Worth.— At Greenwnll's Opera House 'Phil. W. Greenwall, manager) "The County Chairman" did fair business l»ec. 8, l». both tbe ploy and eompnny deserving better patron- age. Kersunds Minstrels, 12, pleased. "Tbe Silver Slipper" 14. Murray and Mack lo, She Virginian" 17, Joseph De Orasse 21. oily Varden" 22, "A Message from Mars" 24. Helen Grant ley 20. Standard Tiieatrb * were McMahon's Minstrels, and Watermelon GlrlB. For week of laytqn Wbltc and Marie Stuart. Perch- H»m -the Two Pucks, Dorothy Kenton, Herbert Deveau, Km 'tis' dogs and biograpb. .,' .. ijw ji e docnh — At tbe Kentucky (James E, manager) tbe Innocent Maids occu- boards Dec. 13. Nat Wills, 14. bad pod business, and "Sergeant Kitty," 16, did welL. "Afi Aristocratic Tramp." 17, matlneo nun; eight, had fair business. Coming: "En- »\*t Boothern Skies" 10, "Michael Strogoff" SO. S»m"T. Jack's Co. 29, "James Bovs' T 30, "Halrt; Tolty" SI, "The Mummy and Hum- mlog-BUd'' Jan. 2. Laslnjgioa. — At the Grand Opera House tCjias... gcott, manager) "Tbe Girl from DIxW" bad a good bouse Dec. ft. Viola Allen, nfUBM. and night, 7, crowded the bouse twnr-perfmtJiances. "Shadows of a Great City" bad fair houses 0, 10. "Miss Bob New Orleans. — At tbe Tnlane Theatre (W. H. Bowles, manager) "Tbe Office Boy." with Frank Daniels as the star, and a large supporting company, pleased at this high class playhouse week of Dec. 11. Tbe bill for week of 18 Is "The County Chairman." Crescent Theatre (W. H. Bowles, mana- ger). — "Human Hearts" enjoyed a good week's business 11-17, and pleased. The work of Frank Woodo, Henry Yorkey, Ida Bockwood. Belle Miller and Ruth Chandler was deserving of special mention. "Sherlock Holmes" 18-24. Grand Opera Hodsb (H. C. Fourton, man- ager).— "The Sign of tbe Fonr" proved a strong attraction week of 11. opening to capacity, matinee and nlgbt. 11, each and every member of this splendid company scor- ing heavily. Tbe offering for week of 18 is "All the Comforts of Home." CnEENWAl.L Theatre (Henry Greenwall, manager). — The bill offered by the Baldwin- Melville Co., for week of 11, was "Paul Re- vere," and It drew good bouses all week, winning much appreciation from the patrons. BUI for week of 18 Is "Tracked Around the World." Ltric Theatre (Seamons & Machette. lea- sees). — The Otympla Opera Co. scored an- other big success week of 11, presenting "The Wizard of the Nile," and enjoyed a good week's business. The work of Ed. Eagleton, Carl llayden. Frank Stammers, Lottie Ken- dall and Elanor Jenkins won them much ap- plause. The bill for week of 18 Is "When Reuben Comes to Town." Frexck Opera Hodsb (F. Cszelles, man- ager). — Fair business ruled week of 11 at this historic old playhouse, when the French Comedy and Dramatic Co. was seen Rnd ap- preciated In repertory. A change of bill Is prom lied fnr week of 18. Faranta'h Theatre (Slg. Faranta, man- ager). — "Tbe Scout's Revenge" drew large audiences at this lower district theatre last week, and won much applause, The offer- ing for week of 18. Is "The Deserted Bride." »t. Charles Orpheoi (Martin Beck, gen- eral manager).— One of the blggeat weeks over scored at this high claas vaudeville houso was cnloyed last week when tbe Oiplie.um Road Show, under tbe personal direction of Martla Be.-k. presented one of the best kills ever seen here In vaudeville. Among those scoring heavily and working overtime an- swering encores were Mclntvra and Heath, Grace Palotta and tbe Four Millinery Maids, Srolrl and Ressner, Clarice Vance, tbe La- tunas Probst and Spessardy's liears aud ponies. The bill for week of 18 : Creasy and Dayne. Three Ramonlers, Irene Franklin, the Namlias, the Texana Sisters, Twelve Navajo Girls and Drako's sheep and dogs. Notes. — Dustiu Farnum, of "The Vinr'n- Ian" Co., was tendered an elegant midnight supper at the cozy studio of Scenic Artist Louis F. Felt. Dec. 8, snd come fifty or sixty theatrical friends and members of the press were royally entertained. »■» — Joseph Hart and Carrie De Mar will be- gin a Joint starring tour In January, la u new play, entitled "The Conntrj Clob." Waco— At tbe Auditorium (Jake Gar- nnkle. manager) "The County Chairman," Dec. 8, drew a full house. Florence Gerald, who was born in this city, and who Bpent the earlv part of her life here. Is a member of the "company, and numbers hundreds of ac- quaintances and friends here. "The Sliver Sllpoer," I), gave a most excellent perform- ance, to a crowded bouse. Murray and Mack, lu "An English Daisy," 14. pleased. "A. Message from Mars" 22, "Dolly Varden" 23, "Babes In Toyland" 28. Note.— Phil Greenwall spent a few hours lu the city last Thursday. It Is more than llkelv that this gentleman will have the man- agement of the Auditorium next season. s ■■' ". - Dallas.— At tbe Dallas Opera House (Geo. Anzy, manager) Warde and Kidder played to fair business Dec. 0, 7. with matinee. "The Sultan of 8ulu" drew Immense business 8, 9. "Under Southern Skies" did fair business 10. with matinee. "The County Chairman' played to fair business 12-14. "Tbe Silver Slipper" IS, 16, Murray aud Mack 17, "The Virginian". 10, "Dolly Varden" 20. 21. Bush Temple (W A. McDanlels, mana- „ er ) —Week of 12, the Grattan De Vernon Stock Co. opened for the week, ln "A Bachel- or's Honeymoon," lo big bualnesa. s Austin. — At Hancock's Opera Houso (Geo. Walker, manager), week of Dec. 0, "Ben Hur" drew crowded houses. Excur- sions were run In from all points within fifty miles bringing In each afternoon crowds of people. Murray and Mack. In "An Eng- lish Daisy," 12: Howe'H moving pictures 13, "The Virginian" 1I>. Joseph Murphy 1«. "The Silver Slipper" 17, Chas. Hawtrey 20, "Habes In Toyland" 24. ■ *»> MARYLAND. Gniquk (K.'B. Thorbus, manager). — This house is sharing in the general prosperity. For week of 10: Beach and Bench, Miss Adelyn, Addison and Livingston and others. A benefit matinee was blven 17 for 7'as /«• iliaiiapolit Morning fitor'a Santa Claua fund. EMPim' (Chas. Zimmerman, manager). — Weber's Parlslnn Widows gave a hrlgnl per- formance week of 12, to very big business. Imperial Burlesqiiers week of 10. Tomlinsox Hai.l. — Indianapolis Sym- phony Orchestra gave its first concert of the season 12, to a large audience. s Bvnnsvlllc. — The Grand (Pedley & Burch, managers) was filled almost to overflowing Dec. 0, and Viola Allen. In "Winter's Tale," added to her popularity here. "Babes In Toy- land," 8, played, both matinee and night, to big bouses. Mary Marble was, of course, the centre of attraction, and Little Chip as Alom, shared tbe honors with her. Grace Hazard also made a pronounced success. Daisy Faust and It. E. Warren also deserve special mention. Robert Edeson, In "Hanson's Folly." had a good audience, 0, and gave an exceptionally clever performance. Mr. Ede- son la surrounded by an excellent company. "In the Far East" 13, "Sergeant Kitty" 15, Margaret Neville. Co. week of 20. Pkopi.r'8 Theatre (Pedley It Burch, man- agers ).— The house was well filled 10, nnd the innocent Maids pleased all present. Soma good specialties were Introduced. Ward and Wado's Minstrels played to two big house* 11, nnd did good work. "In Convict's Stripes" 17; "Shadows of a Great City" 18. Evans' Hall was packed to overflowing 12 and the third number of the Y. M. C. A. Star Course was given by tbe Royal Hun- farlan Octette. The next number will be on 'eb. 3, and the attraction Is Slegel Meyer Dainty Co. The Life Savers fnl'ow 1.1. Notes. — The next attraction for tbe Elks building fund will he Montavllle Flowers on Dec, 10, followed by Ovlde Musln Jan. 2 Manager Pedley, of both tbe Grand and Peo- f lie's Theatres, recently spent a few days hern ooklng over his Interests la theso two houses. He lives In Owensboro, Ky., sod Is one of lbs most prominent citizens of that place. He Is actively .engaged in several difficult kinds of business and Is prominent In politics. Vlncrnnea. — At tbe McJImsey Theatre (Frank Green, manager) "Miss Bob White" had good business Dec 8. The Great I.n- fuyetle, 10, pleowd. Haskell's Indian Band closed Its tour 12, and played to rapacity business. "Little Red School House had i ai i' business 13. Margaret Neville Co. IK and week. «»» COLORADO. 20, "The Flaming Arrow" 110. ♦ '»» WASHINGTON. Seattle. — At tbe Grand Opera Houso (John C'ort, manager) "The Devil's Auction" Dec. 11, 12. Thomas Q. Seabrooke, lu "The Billionaire," in, 14; Mme. Oadskl, In concert. Hi; Jane Corcoran nnd Andrew Bobaon, In "Pretty Peggy," 10, 17; "Tho Princess Chic" 18-20; Ovlde Musln Concert Co. 21, "A Chi- nese Honeynsoon" 22-24. ' Seattle. Theatre (J. P. Howe, manager). —Week of 11, James Nelll Co.. In "An Amer- ican Citizen." Week of 18, James Nelll Co., In "My Official Wife." Third Avendh Tiibatrd (Russell & Drew, managers). — Week 'Of It, "Vna Yonson. Week of 18. "For Mother's Sake." To fol- low: "A Little Outcast." "Rudolph and Adolph" nnd "The Show Olrl." - Alcazar (Pettis h Kcogb, managers).— Week of 11, Platt-Fanulng Co., lu "Held By the Enemy" and "The Black Flog." Week of 18. Plntt-Fnnojng Co.; In "Monte Crlsto" Ciiristenshn'h Hall. — 14-17 and week of 18, Ben Orcet'a Co., In -"Everyman," Orphbi'm THEATRB/ — Nstv : The Mnrkleys. the Athon-Wllson-Clarke Co., Arlhur Jack- son. Rawls and Von Kaufman, Hie Great Ki- ll ridge, Lemool's Dog, Cut and Monkey Cir- cus and the moving pictures. Pantaob'b Theatre. — New: Herbert, tlm frog man : Kltchle nnd ItlrliardH, Klrtlo Stevens, the Delkas, tho FletchH's, carter and Mendell and tho moving pictures. Empire Thratrk.— .New: Kllppur Komedy Four, Bice and Walters, Wilson and Lei- cester, Leona Clifton and' tho moving pic- tures. CnTSTAi, Tiibatrr — New: The Fnlrcbllds. May and Miles,- Thornton nnd company and the moving pictures. Edison Theatrb. — New: Ben Jackson, Hemnon nnd Rodgers. Murphy nnd Andrews. Jennie Roberts, I'd. Tfaluor uud tho moving pictures. , .• t * -wi Comique Thratrb (Mote Goldsmith, man- ager). — New: Yale Duo, Netf nnd Miller, Paula La crolx, Levlna and Arlington, tlm Great Malcolm, Mao Stanley nnd the moving pictures. ,' • ' ' ♦»» ' MICHIGAN. Ball I more. — At Ford's Opera House (Cbarles K. Ford, manager) lllce'a "Meiiv Shop Girls" open Dec. 10. "Parsifal" drew full houses nightly, st double tbe usual sga^ag^ffwafa ^^x^s^s^^ a repertory of eight «r>»/«»- » lmm „ m „„ John T. Kelly and company. Charles Leonard AcAPKMi op Mttstc (Mxon ft /,lmmcrman r - Denver. — At the Broadway IV,. F. Me- Court, manager) Wllllnm Morris, lu "Who's Brown!"' Dec. 10-24. "The Sultan of Hulu" gave a tine show and bad packed houses 12- Tabou (Jraxd (E. V. McCourt, manager). — "The Runaways" 18-24. Meson and Mason. In "Frits and Holt /," had good bouses 11-17. Orpiieuu (Mnrtln Beck, gpneral manager). — Week of 11) -. Dorothy Russell, Fllson autl Hrfol. Brothers Hard, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kalamaaoo. — At the Academy of Muslct (B, A. Bush, mansgeri "The Two Johns" came to good business Dec. 111. Elwin Strong, In "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde," comes lu. "When tho Bell. Toils'! 17, "Tho Royal Cbttf" 20. "Sweet Clover" 21. Palace op Aml'skhlnth (W. E. .Munger. manager). — Tbls place, an n skirting rink. Is meeting with uninterrupted success. Ollle Voting und Brother, hoop rollers, will lie an additional at traction week of 10. . . . The Exposition op the Sni'THWcsTESN MU'IIIOA.V Pe CW lt ANH'I'KT STOCK ASSO- CIATION, 13-17, uttruclud large crowds, and] made some excellent exhibit*. managers). — "Ladv Teazle," with Lillian Russell In the title role, receives Its Initial production 10. The engagement Is for four nights only. "Cupid ft Co." closed a fair week 17. "Mother Goose" 20-31. Chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). — "Tbe Mysterious Mr. Bugle" la the attrac- tion for tut- current week. "Under tbe Red Robe" 2(1. Martin Alsop will succeed Robert T. Haines as . leading man. "Hamlet" win well received lust week.. ArnrroniUM (James L. Kernan, manager) —"David Harutn" 10-24, with William ft. Turner as David. Joe Welch did well last we.de with "Cohen's Luck." For the holiday week "The Burgomaster" Is announced. Maryland (James L. Kernan. manager). — Elfle-Fsy, MaryDnpont and Wlllard Hutch- inson. Powell's marionettes, tbe Four Bolses, Crowley and Foley, Marlon Onrson and Kim- Fletcher, Camllle Comedy Trio, Shields and Paul. Marlon Llttletteld. Reed nnd Shaw, tho 't'annkas, klnodrome and Orpheum solo or- chestra. House packed. S'r.u Clhtih (A. It. Pelton, manager).— James J. Jeffries, In "Davy Crockett," 18-21. Frank Beacon. In "The Hill* of California," plnved *.o good houses 11-17. . Novelty (Henry Ltibelskl, manager). — Week of ID : Itulw Sims, Chas. Royal, Waldo and De Verc. tbe CIIITords, Frank Kay, Prof. Ulayck and trained teals Rnd tbe Ranrtolfs. Week of 12 : Torcat and Flop D'Allin, White and Frank. Bausers and Curtis, K. Fisher, Phll'lps and Marrett, Harry Green and Cole and Cole. Business good, Bar city.— At the Washington (W. ,T. Haunt, manager "Tim Forbidden Land" did hlg business nnd gitvo splendid satisfaction Dec. 7. Mlllkcn s Symphony Orchestra [ticked the hovwc 9. "Tlislma'' drew largo audiences at four performances 10, 11. "East Lynne" failed to appear 12, Booked : Edwin Young Slock Co. 18-21, "Voung,Tob« Hoxle" 22. 'rhe lloyal Chef' 1 24, 2f», "When Ills Bell Tolls" 20. Note. — Manager Datipt.snys be will mako all future- bookings direct from this tbeatro. Jackson. — At th« .Atbennuiu (H. J ter, manager). Ward ami Voket, In "A For- Pair- ■»«» -*C"M. MeLellab, author of Mrs. Flake's Blny, "Leah Kleicbna," salted for London iec. IT. ter, manager) Ward and of Pinks," did w«ll Dec. 0. "Uncle Hex" pleased 10. "The Two Johns" 12. "Art- zona." 13, pleased. "Thou Shalt Not Kill" 14, "Under Southern Skis*" IT. Due; James Kennedy fin. 10K. "The lloyal Cbef" 2fl, "Young Tnbe Hoxle" 2d. "Over Niagara Falls" 28, Margaret Anglln 20, Nellie Mc- Hcnry 31. .. , ,. i il •• I 4«» — Managor ;H. Utdhb 1 writes : "The Ferris Comedlons, which closed at Lorain, (>., ou ac- count nt the sudden and serious Illness of Leonora Alnsworth, the leading Infly, will reopen ogaln about the m'ddls of January," "\f. 1028 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER «■» THE FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING CO. (Llrtltid. ( . ■■: " proprietor*. ALBERT J. BORIE, Boroiui* ikd HcaiNt8» Mamaobb. BATDBDAY, DECEMBEB 24, 1904. RATES. MNMMMH 12.80 per Inch, siagii col- AdrertliemtnU nt with border, 10 per cant, «stn. ■UBSCRIPTIOlf. Out year In advance, $4 ; ilx months, 12 ; three montha, II. Foreign postage extra. Single coplea will be aent, poitpa'.d, oa re- ceipt of 10 cents. Oar Term* are Cash. tHB CLIPPBB la Jaaoed every Wednaadaf Boning. The last lour (adrertlalng) paiea GO TO PUE8S on Saturday at 11 a. n.. ww the other pages on MONDAY and TDEBDAY. Tke Forme Cloalnst Promptly* Taaa- day, ait 10 o'clock A. M. Plaaae remit by expreea, money order, cheek, P. 0. order or registered letter. All caah en- closed wlta letter la at the risk of aendar. Addreas All CominunleaUoB* ta> THE NEW YOHK CLIPPER, 47 West 28tu Street, New York. Ktelttered Cable AMreu, "Aothomxt." THE WESTERN BUREAU Of Tni Clippm la located at Boom 602, Aabland Block, Chicago, Walter K. Bill, manager and correspondent, whera adrer- tlatmenta and aubscrlptlona ara receive* at our regular rates. THE LONDON BUREAU Located at 48 Cranbourne Bt, London, W. C, John H. Carney, manager and correspondent, where advertisements and subscriptions an received at our regular rate*. Tbb Climsb cam na oBiaiKM, waoi* bale and bstail, at our agents, Brentano'a news depot, 87 Avenue da l'Opera, Parla, Franco; M. Llllentbal, Frederick Strasse 101 (Tcrmlnua Hotel), Berlin, N. W., Ger- many; Diamond Newa Co., 07 Prado, Ha- vana ; Manila Book and Btatlonery Co., 128 Bacolla, Manila, P. L; Albert k Bon. 117- 180 King Bt, Bydney, Auatralla. THE) NEW YORK CLIPPER publish** only one edition, and tbat la dated from Kevr York. - ■ . (i. \V. It.. Junction City.— A could not alter tlic score after his hand had quitted the (ore- most peg. K A's band had not quitted the foremost peg, he won entitled to change his score from live to seven. There Is no penally /or scoring too few points. '-. ""'. r.'fi D., Itoston.^-Ile can not. '- ' <'i.rvriJkxi>. — J. The rule la: If. at any time before the t.-ilon Is exhausted, a player thinks he can make sixty-six without further draw- log, lie may, ir)icn It U htt turn to ledd, close.-' The rlih-nt haml men close pefore k card Ik led,' and consequently lx>fore a trick lias Iwen .taken. The leader haft the option of closing either beforo or after drawing from the tnlon, but nil drawing Is discon- tinued as soon as the leader closes. 2. No. niLl.lARUS, POOL, ETC. A.. Spencer, Mass. — The fact that the cue liall Is frozen to the ball, does not militate ngnlust It's opportunity to make a perfectly fair stroke, provided, of course, while in the net of playing be docs not disturb the ball, to wli'cb tlio cue .ball Is frozen. ATHLETIC. I* B„ New York.— The record for the dis- tance Is -'4ru. -10 sec, inado by J. White, In London, Erg., May 11, 1803. < ' ru\(j. II. 1\ K.. Philadelphia.— 1. B wins. 2. See answers to card queries. MISCELLANEOUS. W. M. D., Plctoa. — Address the Attorney General of -oe State. 0. K., New York. — We can not undertake to answer queries regarding bets made with lki ok linkers It. K., Moonshiner. — Bartlett's Familiar Quotations will probably give you what you desire. It. L. W., New Windsor. — We can not aid you. K. I). H., Bridgeport.— B wins. The child la not an American citizen. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. FROM OU1! OWN CORHKSPONDENT. QUERIES ANSWERED. No llcpltes by Blall o r Teleaxrapk. AOPIISSM OB WMBttBABOBTS MOT 01V1N. All in qumbt or such bhoulo wbiti to SB08B WHOM THBT BEBK, IN CAM Of THIS CLIPPER 1'obt Office. All lbttbbb will ■B ADV1BTISBD ONK WBBK OHLT. 1» TBB ioOTB OF ANT THBATRICAL COMPANY IB BOUOHT. BBFBB TO OUB LIST Of KOUTM OH ANOTHER PAOB. WB CANHOT MND BODTBB BI KAIL OB T1LB QBAPH. DRAMATIC. XI A. M., Hartford.— We have no knowl- edge of the present whereabouts of. the party. Address n letter In our cure and we will udvertlso It In The CLiri-HU letter list. Mish «. V., Anderson, C. L. 8., St. Louis, Mrh. A. L, aouverueur, Mas. V. X., West Philadelphia, S. M. B.. Chicago. T, E. W., Edgertou. Miss L. U C„ Alleghsuy, .1. (.'.. New York, „ , Messrs. P. A. L. & Co., llostou, uud 13. S. L., Cohocs.— Sue nuawcr to M. A M 'll. ab s! e T., Philadelphia. — You certainly could not legnlly do so without tho permla- slon of the owner of tho original pro/uctlou, U A. W., Cleveland.— Address Dick & Fitz- gerald, 18 Ann 8treet, New York City. N. F.. New llrltaiu.— 1. Wo havo no record of the death of cither party, 2. See answer to M. A. M., above. ... , II. A. M., Philadelphia.— 1. Wo have no Knowledge of auy such publication. 2. We will publish In Tub Cliituk, during next MBy, a list of the Bummer parks. C. B., Cohoes.— 1. There la uo nxed price for a play. 2. To muuagera. 2. Noao that A. 0. B. i G. II. B., Auburn. — Address 3. C. Dengan, 2157 North Clark Street, Chicago, A ltKAPEB, Marlou.— Addroaa the Indiana t)l»88 Novelty Co., lndluuuiiolls, lud. J. C. S., Douglas Airy. — Wo havo uo means ° MfM F.*H.. Newark.— Address Tony Pas- tor, Tonv Pastor's Theatre, New York City. 8. Bnos., Brooklya.— Watch our route list cfti'li wcclc Mibs Si. P., South Chicago.— Watch our route list each week, or address party In care of Tub Cumot nud we will advertise the lulicr lu our letter Hat. ' . C M. H., Troy. — I, Wo havo. not aeeu either of tho publications for Bcveral years. 2. Calm's (initio, published by Julius Ca in, ICmiilro Theatre Bulhllng, New \ork City, will doubtless Rive you what you desire. It T. T., Knox. — 1. Wo do not publish tiloj-s. Address Dick & ntlgcrald, 18 Ann Street. New York City. 2. Address Ueovga nroadbtirst, Broadway Tlientro Building, Now ^U??.' & II. H. S.— Address William Col- lier, as per route in this issue. P. D., Chicago. — Address auy of our sketch writing odvertlscrs. D. V, H., Chicago. — Letter bus not beeu claimed. ... 0. E„ Navy Yard, Bostou.— Address party as ipec routo In tills Issue. Our records do nut show that he over did. Miss B. G., Wilmington. — 1. The salary would depend upon the merit of tho act. 2. We. can not say what uu agent would do. :i. From $20 per week up. Mrs. H. L. G., Pittsburg.— Wutch our route list; each week, under heud of Uuilesyue and Vaudeville. ... • K; D., Chicago.— You ara right. ■ The Bar- iiurh & Unllcv circus did ulay In Chicago tinder tent In I91U5. Tlio tinlcs were Sept. 700. Your former query was understood to refer to Its appearance at UK Collsseum. ■ G. W. S., Jersey City.— 1. A half Inch "airr." will cost 51.40. 2. A personal coll is utwaya. best. «.' .1. 8., Kllvcrstoiu'.— There Is it show by that title. See route Hat In this Issue. W. II. P.. Howard, — 1. The word burlesque Hlpnllos "ludicrous representation, exagger- ated parody, satire." 2. We have no record as tp who first put burloaquo ou the stage. CARDS. 11. F. K.. riiNmlelphlii.— The tie, klug, queen, jack and ten la the better baud. .1. II. Vt'„ Murynvllloi— A ntust bo served with another curd before any of the other l>!aycrs ate aerved. Western Bnrean, Of the New York Clipper, Room S02, Ashland Block, Cnieago. In "Tito Harvester," nt the Grand Opera House, Otis Skinner offers the only novelty of tbo current days. Blanche Walsh, In "The Kreutzcr Sonata," at McVlckcr's, nud Margaret Anglln, In "The Eternal I'ciulu- Ine,' at Powers,' enter upon their final weeks. "The Girl from Kay's," at the Illinois. "Fan- tunn." at the Uarrick, and "His Illghness the lloy," nt the La Snllc, are continued at- tractions. The Augustln Daly Co., at Htudc- lutker'M, starts "The Clngalee upon Its final week, chancing tiie bill Christmas Day to "The t'otitttry Girl." The week stands for Dec. 18-24 include: Geo. Sidney, In "Busy lzzy," at the Great Northern; "The Charity Nurse," nt the Criterion; "Wedded and Parted," at the Columbus; "Wedded Uu: No Wife," Ht tho Albnmbra: "Wbv Women Sin," at the Academy of .Music; "The Spun <>C r.lfc." at the BIJou; Fay Foster Co., nt the folly, and Weber's Parisian Wldowa, nt Trocndcro. "Fran, Frou," at tho Bnsu Temple, und "Kast Lynne,-" at tho People's, ure the dramatic stock offerings, while May Howard, at the head of tbo Block company ut Sam T. Juck's. provides burlesque. Vaude- ville is furnished at the Chicago Opera House, I lay market, Olympic and Hyde & llchumn's. Ac the Grand Opera House oa Sunday night, 18, Tim Murphy will give it single performance of "Two Meu ttud a Girl." On Saturday night, 18, Mmc. ltejuuc closed a fortnight of French repertory at the Grand Opera House. A new and inter- esting factor In current amusements cntesed the lists Friday evening when the Boer Wnr begun a live Weeks' run at the Coliseum be- fore tremendous crowds and with striking success. Illinois '1:ii:ati:i: (Will J. Davis, mana- ger). — Sam Bernard. H.ittle Williams find all the other clever folk engaged In the per- formance of "The Citrl from Kay's," enter- tained good uudlcnces last week, and remain through the holidays. On Jan. 2' "Win. Gil- lette will be 6een, In "The Admirable Crlch- ton." I'r. wens' Theatre (Harry J. Powers, man- ager). — Margaret Anglln continues "The Kteraal Feminine" Into the second and last week of her engagement Monday night, 10. On Sunday night, 18. I,eon Wachsner's Ger- man Co. will comedown from Milwaukee for their cuslouiury weekly performance. Ou 20 Cecilia Lofttia opens In "The Serlo-Comlc Governess." Grand Opkba House (Harry AskiL. busi- ness manager). — Tim Murpby will be seen Sunday night only lu "Two Men and a Girl." On Monday night, 10, Otla Skinner begins in engagement in "The Harvester." Richard Mansfield Is underlined. On Saturday ulght, 17, Mrue. Hcjano closed a fortnight of French repertory, during which "society" showered coin Into the box oftlce. Garbick TitKAi'iiK, (Sam P. Gersou, busi- ness manager). — The one hundredth perform- ance of "Fiintuna" Is announced for Mouday mght. 10, to begin tbo twelfth week of a phenomenally successful run for this beauti- ful production. It will remain through the hollduya. McVicKi.it'x Theatre, (Geo. C. Warreu, business manager). — Blanche Walsh en tor j upon the third and final week of her "ca- pacity" engage meut Sunday evening, 18, con- t.uttlng '"lite Kreutzcr Sonata" as her offer- ing. "In Old i.emucky" will be tho hohuay attraction, starting lta fortnight 2D. rbjbiiM Theatre (B. E. narmevcr, business luunuger). — The augustln Daly Mu- sical Co.. bended by Wm. Morris, starts "The Clagitlcc" upon Its fifth und dual week IP. Tho bill will change to "The Country Girl" 20. Flue business continues. La Sai.ii: Tubathe (10. It. Mackayc, busi- ness mauagcr). — "His Highness, the Bey," Is continued by tho stock company Into Its llflh week 10, wtlu . nothing said about Its successor. Al. Khcan continues to grow in populur favor, greatly enhancing the quality of the offering by his excellent work. Ghkat Noiithers Theatre (Fred C. Kb- trts, business manager). — Charley Grapewlri eujoyed a week of great prosperity for "The Awakening of Mr. Plpp." concluding Satur- duv night, 17, to give way to Geo. Sidney, who opens. In ■ "Busy lzzy." Sunday after- noon, 18, to remolu a week, and give way. In torn, to Bra Tnngttny. who Btages "The Smul'O Girl" Chiiatmos afternoon. Columbus Thkithk (Weber Bros., mana- gers). — Marv Cuuard has the leading role In VWcdtled and Parted," which opens here on Sttndny afternoon for one week, with "The Smart Set" billed to follow. Durlug the oust week Otis B. Thayer and Gertrude Boml- hlll presented "Sweet Clover," wive Friday night, to Columbus average uudlences. On Friday night, 10, they presented, for the first fine ou any clinic, "Senators from Grldlcy." u political comedy drama, In four acts, by Kilwnrd B. Kose, east as follows: Hannibal Hawkins, Otis B. Thayer • Clinton Ilargrave, Howard K. Itnou; David Wordley, John Jlaurleo Snlllvau : 1'hlleus Judsou, John C. Hrowuell : 8aiu. llolicrt Uobeon : Caleb Km- mons. J. M. Moss ; Nick Slythe, Lew Nelson : .ludse Muimone. T. J. Norutoylo: Lem Blckctt. It. fiullliT: Bttdlcy l.n in pey. Judge Downing : H Irani Sllvetts. J. Mayer: Seanlon. Arthur Ouc! Jim. 0. T. Bryant: Arthur Lnrnpc, Kl- mcr Ellsworth : Ilutta Lclgbton, Helen Ra- vome : Marie Jones, Jenny Reeves Smith ; kittle Fox, Kstelle Wynne: Mrs. Daisy Way- well, Harriett .lniklus. The presenting com- INtnj' was espoctnllv ussembled to "try XiOf'' the new' play with u view to tiscertitluinv; its nualltlcntlons ns u starring vehicle for Mr. Thayer. ' The concensus* of opinion pointed in i success, and It Is very probable (bat the piece will be umcutcd'us u toad Attrac- tion as soon as arrangement* can be per- fected. Mr. Thayer won especial favor In the lending role, and Helen llayome was an- other member of tho cast worthy of especial commendation for.alacere and. Intelligent •iSritebios' Thtatbe (Ben. M. fllroiix* busi- ness mnnager).— "Thn Charity Nurse' mdves over la the North side Bpntlny nftcrnoonjo c.peu an engagement mad* lip of the cUBte*B- ary fourteen performances. "The , White Tlfress orjapair.wair Inst weelfa artrtc- tlott, prolltlnfc* splendidly and pleasing lm Scutari or Mrsic (Wm. Hoclie. business manauer). — "Why Women Sin" will be ex- plained to West slders this week, starting Sunday nfteraoon. Then comes "The Heart of Maryland." During the past week Lottie Wlllams gave "Only a Shop Girl to well pleased and well proportioned audiences. Alhambiia Thbatrb (Jomea II. Browne, business manager). — Selma Herman will ap- pear this week In "Wedded, But No Wife, The play In which slie starred last season, "The Charity Nurse," was last week s at- traction. Next week, "Why Women Bin.' Bijou Thbatbf, (Wm. Boche, business manager).— "The Span of Ufe." that peren- nial thriller of enthusiastic souls. Is the at- traction which starts upon a West Bide ca- reer of fourteen performances Sunday after- noon. Next week's declaration Is "No Wed- ding Bells for Her." During the past week. "Hearts Adrift" attracted the customary Bijou crowds. . _ . , Burnt Temple Tiieatbb (Elizabeth Schrob- er, manager). — The Players Stock Co. will be seen In "Frou Frou'" starting Monday evening, Mnbcl Montgomery ond Geo. Alison playing the leads. Last week's bill was "The Wife." People's Theatre (Fred O. Conrad, man- ager). — The stock company gives "East Lvnnc" for the week before Christmas. Fu- gene Moore and Lillian O'Nell will play the leads. Last week "For Her Sake" enthused the crowds. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Monday after- noon, 19 : The Schiller Brothers, J. C. Fox, clnrk and Duncan, Pat Totthey. the Itnmsey Sisters, Lizzie McKcovcr, the O'RourkeBuv. nctte Trio, Howard Trucsdell and compiuiy, Wayne Wlnslow, Tecbow's cats. Lew Hun - - kins, Williams and Tucker. Willie Zimmer- man, the Society Belles and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. In last week's bill were many splendid vaudeville numbers, but particular favor was' merited and won by Felix, Barry and Barry, Josephine Sabcl, Delmore and Lee and Ryan and Richfield. Business con- tinues at capacity most of the time. Chicago Opera House (C. B. Draper, manager for Kohl & Cnstlc). — Opening" Mon- day afternoon 10: Peyton and Harris, Lit- tle Mildred, Kennedy and James. Leonard and Drake, Fern Melrose, Geo. K. Austin, Pierce and Malzee, Lawson and Namon, the Great Thcrcsses, "Happy" Jack Gardner, Polk and Koillns, Hayes and Healcy. the He Haven Sextette and Geo. K. Spoor's klao- drome. Harry La Rose and company were notably successful In last week's bill, othtr favorites being Howtev and Leslie, May Vokes and La Carmen Troupe. Havmauket TiiBATnH (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Mon- day afternoon, 10: Geo. W. Leslie, Rose Lee Tyler, Kenyoa und Dc Gnrino. Jennings mid Renfrew, Robert Nome, Trovollo, the -Misses Delmore, ltynn and ItlchHcId, Josephine Habf), rats. Barry and Barry, the Qulgley Brothers, lX'Iniore and !.ce nud Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Business is flnc here und the vaudeville bills arc always high class and appreciated. Htdr & Behman's (Archie Fills, malin- ger). — Blind Tom Is the feature of tho bill opening Monday afternoon, 10. O'Brien and Ilnvlll are an extra attraction. Slngsr's monkey comedians are new this week, along with the lOscainlllos. Holdovers are : Harri- son, Karl and Wilson, the Italian Trio, Laura Millard and Hanua San and company. Sam T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. tiuson. manager). — May Howard begins the second week of tier engagement as the feature of the burlesque stock company Sunday after- noon, 18. "Mile Fi Fl' r und "Chlng-u-loo" will be continued for another week. Tbo olio will employ Mitchell nnd Love, the Five Juggling Normans, the Freeze Brothers and the Three Constantlne Sisters. Business continues evenly good nnd the bills give great satisfaction. Miss Howard has proven au attractive adjunct to an already popular orgnnlzatlou. Folly Tueatbe (Robert Fulton, mnnager). — The Fay Foster Co. opens Sunday nfter- noon for a return visit to "The Levee," scheduled for fourteen performances of a programme which won favor in this vicinity a few weeks ago. During the past week' we had our first visit of the season from the Merry Maidens, and the show proved one of the best laugh producers of the season. Nellie Hanley headed un excellent company, made up of pretty girls and clever comedians. TitncADEito Theatre (Robert Fulton, man- ager). — Weber's Parisian Widows open Sun- day afternoon for their first week of the season here. The return visit of "The I,evec" of the Bentz-Santley Show resulted in goodly crowds last week, and the show gavo the very best of satisfaction throughout. Clark Street Museum (Louis M. Hedges, manager.) — Freaks and curiosities abound, and large crowds congregate to behold the wonders and enjoy the oft repeated bill of brief vaudeville numbers which complete the offering. London Dime Museum (Wm. J. Sweeney, manager). — In curio hall: Lulu Del Fuego, tattooed woman : Master Rimer, strong boy : Cursell'H female baad, and Mungn's trained ulllgntors. On the stage: Isa Ten Ryck, T'rlxle Fill, Blanche Carlcton, and Tom How- ard. •-.-;. Coliseum (Stewart Spladlng. manager)'. — Oir Friday evening the Boer Wnr began a five weeks' engagement here before crowds which nearly tilled all the available space In 'tills vast structure. The indoor setting for the monster spectacle proved an attrac- tive background for the scenes of animation nnd luinilc strife which aroused tho crowds to frequent demonstrations, and the show In lis present form loses little In effectiveness, generally speaking, in contrast to its out of door World's Fair location. Frank E. Flllls, who conceived nnd executed the World's Fair production, is innuuglng director of the present exhlbtlon, nud Is a personal factor of great force in the evident success of the scheme. He won a demonstrative hit for his masterful horsemanship, and the programme win run off under his supervision with marked smoothness and excellent effect. K. Sherman Danby Is In charge of the publicity department and demonstrated his ability In the. size of the opening house. Aftermath. — xclmn Rawlston opened ns a member of the stock compnnv ut the La Snllc Theatre Inst Monday night. 12. and proved a skillful and welcome addition to the; popular forces nt this house. She has n prominent role, in "Ills Highness, the Bey." aud Introduces her clever impersona- tions ns a specialty number Forrv. the "frog man." with Del Znrlo sisters. w*us in Chicago lust week. They nro members this tram . of Dixon & Mustard's "Hiiinpty Diintpty" Co Victor's Royal Venetian Band opens ns the feature attraction at Ra- \en4 Park. June 5 next, for foar weeks, with an option of the cotlro season. This Is the roshrt which J. J. Mnrdock will conduct, .lust north of here, in place of the Masonic Triple Roof Garden, lu which he has pre- viously been Interested Carlla nud Otto ienl| mo .documentary evidence of their suc- cess In Eastern vtiinievHIe since leaving bcrc n fctr weeks ago, for a. well booked tour. .-. . . Klne nnd fJOtthold passed through town lust week on their way to begin a tour of the Orpaeuu) Circuit .ilx. uud Mrs. Al. Lawreace send Ch/I"^" JEPSmml the Western Bureau of The cliffeu from England, where Mr. Lawrence 1b tcor- ng be'Vfiy In vnudovllle. . . . . .Mabello Mohr. vfio has been doing aecond^ J'" 9 , 1 '*?, ' n ffi stock company at th« People a Theatre, has n'slgtie.1 from 1 the canrHiny- to t^' 00 ,"""- slcil studies Chicago. Lodge, No. 4. H. . r O Klks, will give a "Wilt P^tomMce nt the Gnrrlck fhentre^ounday nfternoon, JO, In aid of the.^rlty fund; 'of that ^or- ganization C. K. Byles. who has done most effective pres* "work for ^ the .People I most eun:u»«; |,.l-,m. ....... - — --^ - - .- Theatre, has resigned to go to New York. . . "Kvlles of llnssla" la the stock company bill this week nt the Calumet Theatre. South Chicago. Kittle De I-orme nnd Tedd Bracken ire plavlng the lends. The Trolley Cor Trio are the vaudeville feature Mr. and Mrs. Jnek arc presenting their vnudev lie Bketch In towns cootlguous to Chicago, being this week at the Star Theatre, Munclc, Ind. o» » . . PKWHYiVANIA. Philadelphia. — Large attendance at the thentres Is not expected this week, the week before Christmas, with all the large and small stores open In the evening and cvery : body busv Buying gifts. As ft result there arc a good many holdovera for the week, and only one novelty, "The Forbidden Land, being included In the weeks offering. Acapemv of Music— There Is an entire cessation of musical events at this house this week. There is no opera performance and neither the Boston Symphony nor the Philadelphia Orchestra gives coacerts. Broau Stbeet Theatre (Xlxon & Zim- merman, managers). — "Lctty" is continued n£ the offering at this house this week. Mil- ium Favcrsham opened his local engagement In this production last week and, with the assistance of his admirable company, won praise and profit from large gatherings. Mrs. Patrick Campbell, In "The Sorceressr' Is an- nounced for the coming week. Garrick Tueatbe (Frank Howe Jr., man- ager). — Though the house was by no means crowded there were goodly numbers who at- tended the performances of the Bernard Shaw plavs laat week by Arnold Daly and his company. "Candida,' 1 "The Man of Des- tiny" and "How He Lied to Her Husband" were all presented in a most fascinating man- ner, and those In attendance made up la ap- preciation what they lacked in numbers. "Checkers," recently seen at the Walnut, holds the boards this week. Next week, Virginia Horned. In the first performance on auy stage of "The Lady Shore." Chestnut Stbeet Opera House (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers). — Business has continued of excellent proportions for "The Shepherd King" at this house. The current week ends the engagement. Next week brings "Parsifal," for a fortnight's engagement. Chestnut Strf.et Theatre (Nixon A Zim- merman, managers). — Although the critics were somewhat severe with "An American Princess," presented for the first time here laat week, the play appears to have many elements of strength, and with expert tinker- ing should prove an Interesting drama. It was well played by John K. Kellard and associates, nnd was quite well received by local theatregoers. This week "The For- bidden l,and, which enjoyed a good ran in Chicago last Summer, holds the boards. Next week, De Wolf Hopper, lu "Wang." Walnut Stkeet Theatre (Frank llnwe Jr.. manager). — "Home Folks." the new rural play, by C T. Dazey. achieved notable success nt tills bouse lust week. Joseph Brooks' production proved to be all that could be desired, and the mpnble players In I lie east made the most of their opportunities. Tho uudlcnces were of goodly sizo and fully justified the continuation of the engagement tills week. Next week begins the annual en- gagement of Chounccy Olcott. Casino (Ellas, Koeaig & Ledercr, mana- gers). — The success of "Smiling Island," pre- sented for the first time at this house last Thursday night, was never in anv doubt after the beginning of tbe first act An audi- ence of splendid size was in attendance, and tbe lavish applause and evident enjoyment attested tbe attitude of the auditors. Geo. W. Lederer's production was made on na elaborate scale, and tbe local critics Joined with the public In praising. Attendance kept at capacity during the remainder of the week, uad there is every reason to anticipate a long and prosperous run. Park Theatre (F. G. Nixon-Nlrdllnger. manager). — Good attendance continues to fall to the lot of "The Tenderfoot." which closes its engagement nt this house this week. Next week and the week following, Denman Thomp- son. In "The Old Homestead." National Titcatrb (Joseph M. Kelly, man- ager). — Tbe attraction for the curreut week nt this bouse is Robert Fltzslmmons and Julia May Gilford, la "A FTght for Love." Attendance was good last week for "A Wo- man's Struggle." Next week, "A Desperate Chance. Grand Opera House (G. A. M'egcfarth, manager).— Paula Edwardes, In "Winsome Winnie," holds the boards at this house this week, with David Hlgglns, In "His last Dollar." scheduled to follow. "A Chinese Honeymoon" proved to be a popular offering last week, judging by the large attendance. People's. Theatre (f. g. Nlxon-Nirdllng otv manager).— The melodrama, "Why Girls Leave Home." attracted the patrons In large numbers lust week, nnd pleased them well. This week Thomas E. Shea appears In his repertory. Blaney's Arch Street Theatre nt 8 Schlcalnger. manager).— Lillian Mortimer, In her play, "Girl of the Streets." was the attrac- tion for the current week at this house. The patrons turned out iu force last week to welcome Barney Gilmore, in "Kidnapped In New York." Christmas week, "On the Bridge at Midnight." s Girard Alma Theatre (Miller & Kauf- man, managers). — A popular offering Inet week, was "Tracked Around the World," which provided n superabundant supply of thrills for the patrons. This week the at- traction Is tltc first presentation hero of "The 51 ssourlnas." with "The Ninety and Nine" scheduled to follow. Hart's New Theatre (John W. Hart, manager).— ."Tbe Little Church Around the tumor Is the melodrama offered for The delectation of the patrons this week. The patrons were out In force last week and up- peared to thoroughly enjoy the stlrrl.ig scenes In "Klnuilnc Arrow." The announce- P.'. ent S? r tlle coming week Is "Escaped from blng Sing. l-OBEPAUOH's Theatre (Miller A Kauf- man, managers).— The stock company of 'ho house Is rippeurlng this week In "Hazel Kirke." while "The Chrlstlao" is In rehrnr*- "!. for Presentation the eomlug week. Rose Michel' received good treatment by the members of the stock last week and 1 he performnuccs were well attended Saakb'8 Bijou Theatre (Curl Saak», manager). — rhc German stock compauv nD- pears this week In "The Blessed Tnt-pinel!" on Monday evening au exhibition la given by the Tioga Turners. Stan-dard Theatre (Darcy A- Speck, man- agers).— The work of the members of the stock last week. In 'The T.atid of the Living." was worthy of the earnest commendation bestowed by the natrons, who attended the performances In large numbers. This week's offering la "Tbe Game Keeper." with "The Night Before Christmas" underlined for the coming week. Keith's New Theatbd (II. T. Jordan, resident manager). — On the programme this week are: The Royal Japanese Guard. John r. Rice and Sully Cohen, Jules and Kiln (tafrtftrii. Caleedo. Mayme liemlngtou. Kliuer Tenler. Kltzglbbons-MeCoy Trio. Kellv ond Vlolette. Billy Carter. Valroho Brothers, lie- tUBBj lorn Almond, Margaret Scott, O'Uuutkc and Buruette, Hill and Whlttaker, the bio. graph, and an exhibition of liquid air. Bon Ton Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co., managers). — The bill this week in- cludes: .Spoil's bears, Hoover Slaters, Rice Brothers. Topsy lurry Trio, Robinson and Grant, Ynckley and Bunnell, • Three Arm- atfongs, Mr; -and Mrs. Sam. King, Adah Courtney, Baby Bntschcr, JAos and Ryan Thompson and Kennedy, Jennie" Mitchell ami moving pictures. ' Eleventh 1 ' Street Opera House (Frank Dumont. tnrtrHtgcr). — "How Mrs. Chadirlek Got the Money ; or. Frenzied Finance," a very timely burlesque, made the hit of the bill last week, and is continued on the pro gramme. Charles Heywood and Napp, Nlpp and Napp, two special features, are also con- tinued, while the bill is rounded out with an attractive, first part. Filled bouses prevailed last week. Lyceum Titeatrk. (John G. Jermon, mana- ger). — Tho Thoroughbreds furnish the en- tertainment for tbe patrons this week. The patrons turned out In large numbers last week, nnd thoroughly enjoyed the fare pro- vided try the World Beatera. Next week brings Watson's Americans. Tbocadrbo (Floyd Lauaan, manager) The Cherry- Blossoms was the card laat week nnd proved to be an attractive one, Judgln- by tbe liberal' attendance. Thht week's en- tertainment Is provided by the RunawRv Girls, with the Bohemian Burlesquera sched- uled to follow. NIKIU and Ancn MrsEUM (C. A. Bradcn- burgh, manager). — Following the annual custom, manager Bradenburgh will distribute a large number of Christmas presents to the children attending Monday of next week in the curio hall this week are: Mrs. Gen- eral Tom Thumb and the American Llllpu- tlan company, Lionel, tbe lion face hoy the Bergerons, bypnotlc seance; Le Bent' cemedy juggler; Daisy Levy. Circassian queen; the Dellos, Illusionists; German Koi'e.— Glessoor's Opera House, in Hallt- diytbnrg, was not so badly damaged by tbe lire there 9 as was first reported, The Are was mo9tly confined to the lower part of the building. The "Jesse James" Co plays there 14. ■ » Lnnenster.— At the' Fulton Opera Hotise (ChaB. A. Yeeker, manager) "Girls Will Be clrlR," a return engagement,- packed- tbe limine, Dee. 13. Henry Miller, In "Joseph Entangled," did well IB. 'The .Merry Shop Girls" had a good house 1ft. Howe's moving pictures had good business 17. Murray 4c llackey Comedy Co., In repertory, ll>-24. Oranqr Btrert Oprra Hoii.se. — The first week's business was very good. Current at- tractions Include: Bryant and Savllle, Gil- bert Sarony, Lyons, Juggler ; the Hollands, tbe Notes and Mr. and Mrs. Tennant. ■ :— — — > WIIHnirmport. — At the Incoming Opera House (Lyman J. FiRk. mnnnger) Adelaide Thurston, In "Polly Primrose," thoroughly delighted two good bouses Dec. JO. F.mm* Bunting, who Is n favorite here, bad her usual large patronage week of IS, Dne : "Can- dida" 10, "Bell Boy" -CI, Howe's moving pic- tures 21, "From Rngs to Riches" 22, Goldwla Patton 24, Corse I'nyton week of 25. Buxton. — At the Able Opera House (W. K. Detwlller, manager) Henry Miller. Dec. it, was greeted with a fulr sized and very well pleased audience. - "Merry Shop Girls, 1 ' 14, played to fair business. "A Poxy Boy,' reported booked for 31, has been canceled. CALIFORNIA. Los Angeles. — At tbe Mason Opera House tH. 'C Wyatt, manager) Florence Gale, in "As Yon Like It," Doc 8-10, did light busi- ness. Miss Gale being out of the cast four oerforraances, 0, 10. Mnxlne Elliott* In "Her Own Way," opened a week's engagement 12, to n crowded house. For performance of 17, the Nobles of tbe Mystic Shrine bought out tbe entire house. "The Silver Slipper" la booked for 20 and week. Monosco's Bubbaxk Tiif.atrs (Oliver Mo- rosco, manager). — L. B. Stockwcl), supported by the Burbank Stock Co., attracted fair booses. In' "The Octoroon," week ending 10. Grace reals, In "She," supported by the Bur- bank Stock Co., .11 and week. Underlined, "The Suburban." Bblasco's TnxttTnn (John H. Blackwood, manager). — The Belasco Theatre Stock Co., in "A Lady of Quality," attracted good slued audiences 5-11, and opened, to good business. Id "The Great Diamond Robbery," 12. Un- derlined. "Winchester." Grand Opkba Hours (Clarence Drown, manager). — "The Fatal Wedding" drew fairly 4 and week, and was followed by "The Show Girl," 11 and week. Underlined, "The Sliver Dagger." Casino Thiatkb (H. C. Wyatt k Oliver Morosco, managers). — After a brief closed season this bouse reopened 11. with "l-'lntil- can's Ball," controlled by Ollle Mack & Joe W. Spears, presenting Gnllngber & Barrett as stars. onr/HEun (Martin Beck, general manager). — Features 12 and week: Saru Elton, Mar- guerite Le Boy, Big. O. Rii-cl. Clement De Lion, Three Joselyns, Webb's seals. De Witt, Burns and Torrence, Tyce and Jet-man, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Drew, In "When Two Hearts Are Won." Unique Theatre (Hcntz * Znilee. pro- prietors) .—Features 12 and week : Satuson and Zacho, in feats of strength : Mr. and Mrs. Carl ■■ Carter, musical sketch : Enric nnd Hampton, in "A Deep Dyed Villain ;" De Pratnpins, cornettlsts; Devoy and Perl, song and dance, and tbe Unlnue-o-scope. Broadway. Theatre (A. J. Morganstern, manager). — Good features and good attend- ance prevails at this house. Noras. — M. A. Yack, noting ran naze r for Chas. B. Dillingham, is renewing old ac- quaintances during the engagement of Max- ine Elliott In this city. .. ...Paderewskl ap- pears at Temple Auditorium Dec. 30, under The local -direction of Len rhymer Blanche Hall has been engaged ob leading lady for the Burbnnk Theatre Co., commenc- ing Dec 18 .Ellery's Royal Italian Band gave successful concerts at Temple Audi- torium 0, 10, and will take up Its regular Winter engagement at Chutes Park Dec. 18. ......There is n movement among local theatrical people for organizing a branch' Of the T. H. A ; The new Igo Marslno Theatre was opened in Ventura, Cal.. 0. with a performance of "The Show Girl." under management of O. Meniel The thea- tre Is said to have cost about 112,000, and arrangements have been made with a vaude- ville company for a performance each Thurs- day evening. Han Dlesro.— At the Isis Theatre (J. M. Dodge, business manRger) "The Fatal Wed- ding" did good business. "For Her Sake" was presented to a fair bouse Dec. fi. Flor- ence Gale. In "As You Like It," 12; "The Show Girl" 19, Blnck Pattl 23, 'The Silver Slipper" Jan 2. ♦ «» DELAWARE. Wilmington. — At tbe Grand Opera House i Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).— S. S. Baldwin, the "White Mahatma," gave excellent performances to fair business week of Dec. 12. Booked, Elizabeth Kennedy 20. Dockstadkr's Gapiuck (W. L. Dockstader- manager). — Fair business ruled week ending 17. For week of 19: Howard Bros., Chas. Bradahaw and Co., In "Fix In t Fix ;" Four Mistletoe Girls, Gllderaleeve and Townseud, Charles Carlos. Howard and North, Connelly nnd Rowe. the Mnginlers and tbe klneto- pi-aph. Booked, Helen de Serrls and Paris- ian Models, Barnes' animal show. LTcrnsi (Daniel Humphries, manager).— Robert Fltzslmmons, In ,r A Fight for Love," came 15-1. Coming: "Slaves of the Mine" 19-21, "Who's Who V" 22-24, "A Woman's Struggle" 28-28. "At Bisk of His Life" 20-31. «i> AMERICA'S WINTER RESORTS. m UK Bill Poilm. .. SS! frol » iaci) No. 17. Boston— More than five hundred members of Boston .BUI lusters and Killers' Union and Its gdests were In attendance at the second artlversary banquet of the union, at Paine Memorial Hall, Sunday night. Dec. 11, and all had a royal good time. The fraternal -feeliag which exists between the members and their em- ployers was demonstrated by tbe presence, as guests, of many of Boston theatre managers and representatives. Seated at the bead table, a* guests, and proving tbe barbony nnd pleasant relations that exist between tbe union and -the theatrical managers, adver- tising agents nnd theatrical representatives, were: Manager Geo. Magee, of tbe Grand Opera House; Manager cbas. Waldron, of the -Palace Theatre; Geo. Mathews, of the Colonial r Gen. Cnrran, of the Columbia ; Frank Cauley, of the Park, and (leo. Walker, of the Museum. Among the speakers were : Bros. It. F. Penny, of Denver Local; Ralph Clark, of Springfield Local, and Edward Le Fevre, of Manchester Local, who were dele- gates to the International convention at Pitts- burg, and Bro. Ceo. Collier, the Boston Lo- cal's L'glon delegate. A musical entertain- ment was tbe' main feature of the evening, this being furnished by Manning nnd Ijug, Belmont and O'Brien, Ward anil Ilradlmrn, Hilly Kent, Ira.iKester, Nevlns nnd Arnold, Lew Palmer, Leroy and La Vnnlon. Chas. McAvoy, Dines nnd Dines, Pet' tirlffln, Nat Dyer, Jack O'Brien, the Alpine Quartet, nnd Manager Jack Singer, of the Blue Ribbon Girls Co. Too much credit ennnat be given to the chairman, Bro. James Clnmmon. nnd his assistants, Bro. Sandy Munro. Joe Vokes, John Hnlplu, Abe Rlcb, Theo. Wehrle, John Ells, Martin White, Billy Bailey, Dave Su- perior, Joe Olynn, Geo. Collier, Win. Hale, and tbe toast master of the evening, our president, Frank- Lloyd. A pleasant feature of this social was the presentation, at the Palace Theatre, Friday evening, Dec. 10. to Manager Jack Singer, of the Blue Ribbon Girls Co., by the members of Local No. 17, who attended In a body, wltb a hand- some gold ' headed cane, suitably engraved. .Inmes Russell was elected president of the T. ' M. A., and Wm. Gnrtland. president of Aerie No. 45. F. O. K., of Boston. Bros. Watson- nnd Burke are still on the sick list. Bro. Penney, of Denver Local, Wis entertained during his stay In Boston, by lira. Collier. Bro. Pcnney's speech to the committee, after the social, on unionism, was one of the "hits" of. the evening. Bro, Joe Glynn, our busi- ness ruient, lins contracted for tho following meu to do The ttontan lltrnlil work this Winter : Bros. Jewel], Spear, Ranfllllo nnd Hlmes. Bro. James Orr haB Joined the "Boer War" Co. i^ical No. 2, of .Now York, held a regular meeting on Sunday, Dec. 11. and had a large attendance, on account of the election of odl- cers for the coming year, and the report of the delegates who represented the local at the convention, at Pittsburg, Pn. The following orncers have been elected for the yeur 100."> : President, J. Pine; vice-president, W. J. Kelly : financial secretary, W. McCarthy ; recording secretary. Bert Adams; treasurer, C. Mangle : sergennt-nt-arms, Y. Sullivan : assistant sergeant-at-arms, J. Connelly (all re-elected). Delegate. \V. J. Murray, assist- ant delegate. P. Corrie; trustees (three to he elected) : T. A. Sheeban, W. J. Kelly and Dan Meyers. A merry- party of delegates left tbe clly for Pittsburg on Dec. 8. Among them were members of Local No. 2, of New York : Bros. Kelly, Meyers. Wilds. McCarthy, Ooley and Billy Murray. Local Xo. 4, Phila- delphia, was represented by Bros. Stiplee, Moss, Jones and Edwards. Local No. 30 was represented bv J. Fitzgerald ; Local No. 20, by J. Hynle; Local No. 18. by A. Roberts; Lo- cal No. 15. of Sprlnglleld, by Bro. Belmont: 1/jcal No. 21. of Troy, N. %, by R. Mackey, and Local No. 17, of Boston, Mass., by George' Collier. When the trala stopped at llarrisburg. Pa., the boys got off to get some refreshments, as they were told tbe train would remain for ten minutes. When train started on Us way to New York, it was found that Bro. Kelly had missed ,tbe train, but Bro. Murray made arrangements with the conductor so .that Bro. Kelly could take- the next train out of Harrlsburg. Bro.. Jerry Donovan, of Cincinnati ; Bro. Penny, of Den- ver, and Bro. Snowhlll, of St. Louis, spent a few pleasant days with the New York boys last week, they being on the circus com- mittee, cane to New York to interview the circus managers. . ■ _ Notes from Local No. 24, Buffalo, N. X— The first death in Local No. 24 was that of Walter B. Brown, which occurred on Nov. 29, at New Castle, lad. He was the son of Ben F. Brown, manager and lessee of tbe Alcazar Theatre, at New Castle. His death, was a severe blow to bis local It was known that he was ill, but bla Illness was not regarded as serious. Ills death was due to heart trouble. He had many friends, hotli In New Castle and among tbe theatrical profession, as he has been connected with several show companies . as advance agent. At tbe time of his death he was treasurer of the Alcazar Theatre He was born Nov. 1, 1880, at Union City, and came to New Castle wltb bis parents In May, 1804. He lias lived there since that time, except the time he spent on .tbe road. .The funeral oc- curred on Tuesday, at Union City. Notes from Local No. 28, Manchester, N. H. — Bro. Herbert Is the blliina agent of the Park Theatre here; Bro. wm. Croucber, agent for tbe "Whea Women Love" Co., re- ports success wltb the company, now tour- ing New York State. Bro. Sullivan Is In Michigan with the "Two Johns" Co. Bro. D. J. Le Pebvre, delegate to the Pittsburg convention, was elected vice president of the Alliance. He is grateful to Locals Nob. 3, 4 and 17 for the courtesies extended him while In tbelr respective cities. Bro. Gam- mon, of Local No. 17, was a recent visitor here. NofeB from Local No. 24, Buffalo, N. Y.— Bro. Martin Connors, of Loral No. 24, who was working Inst Summer In St. Louis, re- ports thlngH In excellent shape In that dis- trict. Bro. M. II. Wilkes, of Local No. 24, of Toronto.- Can., has started there the Canadian Distributing Agency. On Dec 11, at our last regular meeting, we nominated the officers for the coming- year. Every- thing Is going along finely wltb Local No. "The . Four-Track Series" of books and pamphlets of travel and education, Issued by the Passenger Department of the New York Central, Gas become a standard series with traveler!, containing as tbey do such a large and varied amount of information. No. 5, "America's Winter Resorts," just re- ceived from the press, is especially valuable, at It contains a map of the entire United States, a portion of Mexico, and Central America, as far as the Panama Canal. It also gives sections of the Panama and Nlcarnugunn Canals. There Is also a map of the Hawaiian Isl- ands, and an outline map of North and South America Including the West Indies. There Is also a map of the Pacific Ocenn, including various American routes from tbe Lulted .States to Australia. New. Zealand, the East Indies, the Philippines, Japan nnd China, ivltli n large amount of information in regard to winter resorts to visit, with' tbe rotes one way and round trip, and a brief description of some of tbe principal points. A copy of this folder will be sent free, Post paid, to any address on receipt of a two-cent stamp, by George H. Daniels, Gen- eral Passenger Agent, Grand Central Station, fiew York. 24. The boys are working hard for tbelr first grand concert and ball, to be held Jaa 10. at International Hall. Notes from Local No.. 3. Pittsburg, Pn. — At the meeting of Dec 4, the day before ihe convention, we bad tbe . honor of having wltb us about twenty-five of the delegates from tbe East and West. Several of them made abort addresses which were of great Interest to all present. All visitors spoke of tbe brotherly feeling now existing among the boys, showing tbey are working In har- mony. Our . meeting closed early to allow the boys plenty of time to meet the Eastern delegation, after which the evening was spent In talking over old times and funny happenings while on tbe road. Tbe con- vention was opened Monday, Dec. li, at 10 a. m., by Local President Bfchord W. Pierce, who Introduced City Solicitor Lereln, Vnnde Co.. this making bis .third season with It.. Bro. Walter M. Roles, of No. 3. passed through Pittsburg Dec. 14, ahead of ihe Mildred Holland Co. Be always takes advantage nf n chance to spend a day with us. Bro. National .President Chas. Jos-.-.ili left Dec. 14 with Bro. ft. P. Penny, of No. i. !rf * »» CANADA. Montreal. — At His Majesty's (IL Q. Erooks. mnnnger) Raymond Hitchcock In "The Yankee Consul, played to crowded houses Dec. 12-17. House dark 10-24. "Tbe Sleeping Beauty and tbe Beast" 26-31. Ac aw my or Music (H...C Egerton, man- ager). — "The Liberty Belles" came to fair receipts week of 12-17. Boyal Llllputlans 10-24, Billy B. Vao, In "Tbe Errand Boy," 26-31. Fkancais Music Halt, (F. Hnwortb, man- ager) — Vaudeville nnd "Pousse Cafe" 12-17. Vaudeville and "Hurty Burly" 10-24, Lon- don Gaiety Girls 20-31 Tiieatiie Royal if, W. Le Clair, mana- ger). — "For His Brother's Crime" had fair attendance 12-17. "The Child of the Slums" 10-24. Trbatbr nes NouyEAUTEB. — The permanent Preach stock co., In -"Chamlllac," had good business J2-17. "Lea Faux Bonshommes" 19-24. TtlBATim .National Fbancah (0. Oan- vreau, manager). — The permanent Prench stock co., lit "La Cioserle des Genets," 12- 17. "La Vengeance D'Un Itol" 10-24. a " Winnipeg. — At the Winnipeg Theatre (C. P. Walker, manager) 'Tbu Tenderfoot" opened for two nights here 12, to big busi- ness, and put up a first class entertainment. "The. Sign of the Cross" 14-17. Dominion* Tiiratko (IL Kyle, manager) opened 12, promptly at 8.30, and Madame Deschamp came forward and dedicated tho house by singing "Ood Save the King" and "The Maple Leaf Forever." the entire audi- ence rising and joining In tbe chorus. Tbe opening bill was as follows: Bartlett nnd Collins, In "Everything Their Own;" Pox and Foxle, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Kelcy, In "In Trust ;" . Brununell and KImberly, oper- atic vocalists ; Claudius and Corbln, banjo- lets: the LovcttH, In balancing ana acro- batic feats. Every net was good and caught on, but tbe pnlm must lie given to Mr. and Mrs. Kelcy for their finished presentation of "In Trust," which was a treat. Manager Kyle was very , proud of the success of the opening night, every one of the eleven hun- dred seats being occupied, nnd crowds nnv- been turned nwny. ■ i ■ i St. John. — At the Opera- House (A. O. Skinner, mnnnger) tbe Unlley Stock Co. re- turned Dec. 8, in "A Runaway Match," to good business, giving a tine performance. They opened. -week of li In "Jim, tbe West- erner," to a very good house. Bill for last half of week was "King of the Opium Ring." Week of 10, "Tbe Danltes" and "Current Cash." Yontc (Robr. D, .Hyde, manager).— Vaude- ville bas given way to the Myrkle»Harder Stock Co., which opened a two weeks' engage- ment 12, in "Sly Jim," to it One house, giving b pleasing performance and fine specialties. Myrkle and Harder made a big success in a comedy skit. The week's bill : "Tide of For- tune." "At tbe Risk of Ills Life," "The Slava flirl," "A Quaker Tragedy," "Fisherman's Daughter" and "Along the Kennebec." Notch. — A. 0, Skinner, manager of the Opera House, bas been nominated for tbe Provincial Legislature Albert Perry, leadlug man of the Bailey Show, closes 17. .Chas. E. Booth, leudlng man last sen- son with Odette Tyler, joins the Dalley Stock 10, making bis first appearance In "Tbe Danltes." llniullf-iii.— At tho Urniid ■ Ooera llouso nsnn. "Othello" was put nn first, nnd "Carmen." "II Trovntare," "I,oh- engrin." "l,n llohcnie," "Tnunhnuser" nnd "Cnvnllerln, lltmtlcnnn" and "I Pagllaccl" fol- lowed In order. Mme. Itejnne is due an. Wai.mit Htrkrt Thkatuh (M. C. Ander- son, mnrtngorl, — The Weber A Fields success, "Holty Tolly," will open IN, following the successful engngeinent of J. II. Htoddart, In "The Bonnie llrler Bush." "Klug Dodo" will reign ".'. ■ Hki'c'k'h Opera norsr. (Ileiick, Fennessy & Stnlr. managers) .—"Thou Shnlt Not Kill," with Franklin Gale and Waller II. Newman In the cast, will lie put nn IK. Last week's nlny, "Her FlrHt False Step," appealed in lovers of the nielodriiinnllo, and business wns big. "The White Tigress of Japan" 25. ItoBixsoVa Opmia Hoi sh (fleorgo y. Fish & L. F. Pish, ninnngers). — The Porrpniigli Stock Co. will stage "The Bells" and "Nan, tbe Good for Nothing," 18. The company was seen Inst week In "Tho Middleman." "A Oentlemnn of France" 23. Lyckuji Tiikatiik (Henrk, Stair & Fen- nessy, managers). — "Why He Divorced Her" will open IK. A stirring melmlramn, "When Women Ltrvev" was a great drawing card Inst week. "Two Little Waifs" are due 23. Com -mis i a TilUATRR (M. C. Anderson, manager). — l'nt llooney's Fifteen Street Ur- chins are the headllnei-n for the bill m, nnd the Melrose Troupe, the Four Huntings, Josh; De 'Witt, Burton nnd Brooks, Weruen nnd Oladlsh, Russell and Lock, and tho Parleys wlii.be ro-enterlolners. ijist week's bill was enjoyed and the act nf the Prosper Troupe one that was appreciated. . 1'Eori.E's Thratrr (Hubert Heuck, man- ager). — Rob Manchester's Vnnlty Fair la booked IK. Lust week the Rice le Burton (Julety Co. played to audiences of splendid ■lie. Oay Masquernders are to open 23. Oohsii- w the Lonnv. — Mannger Arnold, nf Edlflonla, has secured tho Oklnaka troupe nf Jnps from the Pike. HI. I«uIh Under Jennie Mnnnhelmer "Hazel Klrke" will bo staged at the. Odeon, with Nana Bryant In the leaning role Dr. Pachmahn was the soloist nt the last Symphony Orchestra con- cert Norma Schoemer has been engaged to join the corps of widows In "Babes In Toy laud," Louis Ballenberg was robbed of bis dress suit case and a diamond slud In cult , iro John J. Farreli, of the Fore- pniteli Stock, expects lo return to duty In "The Bells." William J. Strobel nnd Ed- ward Hummel are trying to form, an alli- ance of all the amateur dramatic companies. ....Base Cecelia Hhsy, (lie Cincinnati prima donna, Is with the "King Dodo" Co., and will enjoy her Chrlstuns nt home. s ' Cleveland. — At the Opera H,onse (A, V, Hertz, manager) Grace van Studdlford pre- sents "Red Feather" Dec, 10-24. Mrs. Pat- rick Campbell nnd her strong, well balanced company gave us "The ' Sorceress" week of 12. Mrs. Campbell brought the best i-om- ny and tbe best piny of Ihe kind Ib.-it lias been here this season. Attendance wns very gout!. "Billion In Toyland" week of 2B. Colonial (Drew & Campbell, malingers'. —"Lend Me Five Shillings'' nnd "The Arnli- Ifln Nights" lire the offerings by the Vniigliun (ilnser Stock Co. tho current week. "Wlion Knighthood Was In Flower" packed tho house nt every perfnrmnnco week, of 12. "One of Our Girls" week of 2(1. Emi'iiu: (Max Knelkenlieiier, manager).— Tho Farnunt Stock Co. gave "Camllle" the current week. "Hold by the Knemy" jammed the houae at each performance week of 12. "Spurtacuu" week of 20. Lvcei'M (J. K. Cookson, manager).— Brother* Ilyrne nre playing "Eight Bulls" Ihe current week. "Louisiana" had . fair business week of 12. -Wm. I tram we! I, lu "Captain Harrington," week of 20. i.'i.Evi-LANii (J. K. Cookson, manager). — "Alone In the World" week of IB. "The Fatal Wedding" had good business week of 12. Russell Bros., In "Tho Female Detectives," 20 nnd. week. ■ Kkitii'h (L. M. Brick, manager).- Annie Irish, the Three Keatons, Eddie Glrard and JcsMie Gardner, Kidney Drew nnd company, Stniii-i lliii'iii'H, Wilton Bros, and Newell and Nlhio compose the bill the current week. Elile Fuy unci Clifford and Burke were, the leaders, so fnr us merit nnd appreciation wept, -.reek of 12. Business for that week was big, ns usual. Star (Drew A Cninpliell, managers). — The High Rollers weok of 111. Al. Beeves Show had IiIk business week of 12. The Cracker Jacks week of 20. s ■ Coinmi»nn.-,-At the (irent Southern The- atre (O. M. Heffuer. manager) tbe attrac- tions for the past week suffered, owing to tbe approach of the holidays. Richard Gold- en, In "Common Sense Bracket," drew lo fair business Hoc. 12. Ada Italian, III "Tam- ing of the Shrew," drew a fair house 13, "The Forbidden I. nnd" drew good business 14. I.ulii. Glnser, In "The Madcap Princess," 10, <)layed lo n crowded house. Due: Rejano, In "/,n*fl." 23 ; |ei Kendall, In "Weather- beaten Benson," 20; Grace Van Bttiduiforil, In "Red Feather," 27, 28; Tim Murphy 30, 31 Ncnrn. — Field's- Minstrel* will lay over here for a vest during week of ID, reopening 20 at Zanesvllle. ;.,.... Inspector of Work- shops and Factories Morgnn hai Issued an order that the ronnngern of theatres In Ohio must not offer for snio any more stand- ing room II. A. Weinman, managsr of ihe Empire Theatre, nnd Frederick Harold, n former member of the Empire Stock Co., have opened a preparatory school for actors, -. ..-'— n -. '» . ' . — f , DAyton.— At the Victoria Theatre (C. O. Miller, manager) Ada Itchnn, In "Taming of the Shrew," drew well Dec. 12. "Tho For- hidden Land" was presented K,, to good busi- ness.: Tha DAvls Bros.' production, "Prjafes- •er Napoleon," with local talent, drew big bonces HI, 17.. Coming: Mine. Rejnne, lu ."/.:! sa," 22; "The Mummy nnd tho Humming 'Bird,' 1 2(1. • National TmtATnn (Gil Bnrrows, mana- ger). — "lUichel Goldstein" played to splendid business 12-14. Tho Ureal. Lnlnycttc Show d'splsVed the s. It. O. sign during tbe en- giigeiiiciit 15-17. Coming: "El Capitan" 19- 21, "Child Slaves of New York" 22-24. ■ SoMlir.wC 1I»ME TiitjkTltE. — "A Trip to Ciiii-.tunwn" did fair business in. Coming) "Kntsenjammor Kids" 2:1. . ... ; OoLiiN Tiikatrh (Jss. T. Curran, raana- I'.eri,— The bill for 12 nnd week Included: The.Ortnt Frnncelllns, r. w. Thompson, La* lehii Kiiern.i, Itohliisdii and Palmer nnd Ward nud Brown. Business Is good. AHNiii-i.vrtoN 1 1 all. — Bllwood, magician, enter till nod a largo audience 17. Toledo. — At Hie Valentine Theatre (Edw., 1>. Fix, manager) "Tho Mummy nnd tha Mnld" mtnn Dec. (1. 10, to crowded houses, nan mnde nn instantniieoiis success, "Tha forbidden I, nnd." Dt, found much favor, Ada lieiiurt 14, Lull) Glnser 17. Lycrijm (Frank Burt, mnnnger). — "The Street Singer" drew big houses 8-10. "Tha Heart o( Maryland," 11-14, repented Its suc- cess of former seasons. "The Sign of the Four" lli-17, Ward & Vokes 1H-21. Atti'Aio: til. II. Lnmkeu, manager) . — Tba bill offered last week wns ilrst class. Henry IMxey nnd company and Four Huntings ,vent big. For 18 and week, the Great Lafayette nnd company. ' K.vi'itiB (Abe Shapiro, mannger). — Tbe High Rollers inndn one of the big successes of the Benson to good audiences 11 and Week. For 18 and week, the Cracker Jacks. RiinT'B (Frank Burt, mnnnger). — "Only n Shop Girl. 1 ' 8-10, and "Why Womon Sin," 11-14, parked ilio theatre. "Alone In tho World" ir.17, "The Fnlnl Wedding" 18-21. ■ ■ ' cnntnn. — At tho Ornnd Upnrn Housn (M, C. Barber, manager) Ernest I, unison, In "Young Tone Hoxle," drew a fair audience 13. "III. 81 nud I" 17. "Tbo Denver Im- press." Ill, Dan Darlelgh 21. "Why Girls Leave Home" 24. "Thou Kluilt Not Kill" 27. Fields Minstrels 28, "Tim Royal Chef" ;a. gaiuhin TiiRATnn (M, Manning, manager). — The people here 111 nnd weok nre : Stone mid Lliul, tho tlynns, Helen Coulaon, Edvths Murry 11ml the slock cumpniiy. Geo. Teed has succeeded 13d. La Verne ns stage man- ager. Siirlmrflrlil.— At tha Grand Opora House «»■■' ■ DIDT1II0T OK COLUMBIA. WuNliInirtnn.— At the National Theatre (W. II. Hitpiev, manager) "Mother Gooso" enters upon Its second und last week with a continuation of good business, as Inst week tho house was kept constantly full. W, II. Crane, In "Basinets Is Business," noxt. Count niA Tiikatiik (Joseph 11. Luckett, mnniger). — This weok, Savage's English Grand Opera Co., In "La ilohoina," "Tuno- linnscr." "Carmen," "II Trovatoro," "Otliollo," "Cavnllerla Biistlcniia," "I Pngliacci" nud "Lohengrin." Lust week Clmuncoy Olcott, In "Terence," had largo nnd delighted aud'enceu. "The Oilier airl" next, Lai-aykt-jt oi'kua Housn (Ira ,T, La Motto, manager), — This week, "Running for Offlce.' 1 Last weok W. II. Turner, In "David Ilurtini," bud good business. "Buster Brown" next. Acaiikiiy ok Music (J. W. Lyons, mana- ger).— This week "More to Be titled Than Scorned" is the attraction. Last week Tboi. E. Shea, In his repertory, packed the houae with pleased patrons. ''Tbo Way of the Triuisuressoi-" uext, Cijahb'h Thhathb. (Miss II. Winifred De. WJlt, manager).— This week :. Smart, Fanny Rice, Grand Opera Trio, Cnrleton Mary nud M11111I Edna Hall, Russell and Buckley, Mills nud Hassan, Hnebnch and the vltngraph. Last week C'bnrmlon was a special feature, and Odette Tyler and Co.. C. IL Bradtbaw and Co. and others packed tbo auditorium et each of tbo twice a day sessions. Lycbilu TiiL-ATfiH (Eugene Kernan, mana- ger),— This week, Rcllly A Wood's Big Show. Last weok tho Gay Masnucraders made goud to large returns, The World Boaters next, Convention IUt,r, (David Belasco, leasee). — Mrs, Irfsilo Carter, In "Adrea," for the Qr»t time on any stage, Dec. 20-81. Tbe ball has beon fitted up with scenery, etc., tor the express purpose of producing tbe play In Washington, us no other tbeatro was available, *•* MAINB. Ottavrau — At the Russell Theatre (P. Gor- man, manager) "Tbe Liberty ltelies" did good business Dec. II. If). "Tbe Girl aud I be Ban- dit" bad capacity 12, IS. , The new Governor General was In attendance. ■ ,. ....■•. V-i ■• • Giuxn Opera Houae (a W. Ulnlwhlette, manager). — '"llddle Dee Winks" • played 'to good nouses 1,3.. The DufDn-lttdcay Troupe were tbe success of- tbe show. Iloyt and Burke, Cole and Warner, Teddy. Hlnunouds and Co. and Mclntyre nnd Primrose, In the first Tiart. nil scored big. Coming : "Hurly Burly" 10, 17. K.viPiRf! TfieATnn (II. A. Welsman, mnnu- Hex). — "At the White Horse Tavern" drew to good bouses and was well received week of 12. Frank Camp, who has been reen- gaged for light comedy parts, made his first appearance 12, nnd was cordially received, Week of 19. "Tho Senator." "Tho Wrong Mr. Wright" 20-.ll. , (j iia.no UPRIu House I A. G. Ovens, mana- ger ).— "flolty Tnlty" and "A Pair of Pinks'' divided week of 12. to good business. "Mr. PlpjV.26-2C."l«i7W llai-um" 3ft-.11. high Htiirkt 'i'HKATiii: 9 45 W. 88th Street, New York City. Detroit, 10 Wlthtwell Bt., HBKBIETTA B. BLAB KB »n charge. IOWA. Hen Moines. — At Foster's Opera House ( Vfpi- Pouter, manager) Qeo. - Sidney, In "Bmut Izzt," drew h packed bonne Dec. II. l>xa Kendall presented 'Weatherbeaten Ben- con," to two largo and well pleated audi- ences. 10. "Glittering Gloria" comes 20, "The Tenderfoot" 2o, Chad. Hawtroy 29, 80 Uim.vd opera House (Win. Foster, mann- cerl. — "The Cargo of Drink" played to ca- pacity $-10. Billy Clifford, wno presented "How Ho Won Her," 12-14, gave an excel- lent performance, to large houses. "A Hot old Time" 10-17. "McKadden's Flats" 10-21, "A llomnnce of Coon Hollow" 22-24. AvoiTOBitiM (Wm. Foster, manager) . — •in tues T. Powers, In "San Toy," Is booked for 20. . Lvckom (Nellie Wlllard Nelson, manager). — Popular prices drew large audiences to seo the semi-weekly change ofrepertory. . Buoy (W. C. Buchanan, manager). — The iilil for week of Dec. 12 Included : Tho Mid- dlcton'fl , Mannlklns, Johan and Molt. Delia Mini Fonda, the Allyna, Dellmore and Darrell, Mauler Bertram Whlto and the klnodromc, Trenton, — At Taylor Opera Home (Mont- gomery . Moses, manager) "Checkers," Dec. 12, played to Immense business. "The Merry Shop Olrls," 13, 14, did fairly well. "The Imperial Divorce," lit, pleased a r .iir •Ized house, . This heavy drums, In four nets, relating to the life of Napoleon, was written by Jehu O. Wilson, and named if- success. Blanche King, ably supported by llnrry Conor and an evenly balanced com- pany,, presented "Vivian's Papas." 16-17._to vorce." Its llrst American production wi-s clvoa at Norrtstown, X. J., Dec. 1 * cast : Napoleon I. Wm. Marquis De Beaumont, John Vernon ; Tally- rand, Walt Whitman ; Gen. Caracole, Harry Mack : Sir Hudson Lowe, J. H. Alexander ; Col. Montreau, Joseph Davis: Father Grlm- aud, Frank J. Neff : Lieut. I* Hay, Edwlu Stevenson ; Young King of Rome, Baby Do- rothy: Dr. Autommarcue, H. A. Edwards; Corporal Heade, Victor Ilenolt \_ Roustan, !Phl 'I'h Is house Is filled to capacity at every per- Louise, Julia Charles; Stephalne De Beau- foriusnre. BUI week of 10 : Van Fossen and halrnes, Patrlca Clair; Mile. Therese, large and thoroughly amused audiences. The singing of Miss Bing was a feature. Dan McAvoy, In "His Honor, the Mayor of the Bowery •• 10-21. Baker Tiieatiii: (J. K. Boyle, manager). — "What Women Will Do" played to fair busi- ness 12-14. The company was up to all re- quirements. "A Struggle for Gold," 10-17, unirai, nam. •»•» uoiuii, nuu.uuu, proved to be mi Interesting melodrama, Prank Adams ; Sentry McKay, H. B. Bcrdan ; ' capably cast. Entire satisfaction was given JoHcphlno Bonaparte, Helen Ashley ; Marie MrAulcy, Casad and De Verne, the Flvo Hewitts and others,' . . ,. s linvrinport. — At the Burtls Opera House (L'hamberlln. Kindt A Co,, managers) busi- ness at the Hurtle the first part of the month was very good. Lew Dockstader Dec. 1, Idh Institute entertainment 2, y, "The Kat .««, Caro- line Morgan. Coming: Henry Miller 17, Chauncey Oicott 23, "A Chinese Honeymoon" 20. "Tho Volunteer Organist" 27. ■ Statu Street Thsatbe (Frank Shatters, manager).— "At the Risk of His Life." 12- 14, played to fair business. This play, a drama, In four acta, by Mark K. Swan, re- ceived Its premier at the Bijou Theatre, and business was fair. '"Queen of the White Blares" 10-21. "Why Women Sin" 22-24. Cook oi-kiia Ho can (J. H. Moore, mana- ger).— S. K. O. still rules. The Four Mad- caps proved to be the big success of last week's bill. Bill for 10 and week: Henry Dixie, the Mouller Sisters, the Piccolo Mid- gets, Mile. Chester and her statue dog, Al. Carleton, McDonald and Huntington and the klnetograph. Corinthian TheathS (Eleury C, Jacobs, munnger). — Tho Transatlantic Burlesone^ played to the capacity last week. They gave a, capital show: In fact, the best of the sea- son thus far. Illta' Redmond, Alex. Carr, Yolnnde Wallace, Geo. P. Murphy, Warsaw Trent (Edward Renton. manager). — Bust- Bros., Adele Purvis Oorl and Tsuda scored ness at this resort continues big. Din for 1 big individual successes. The Kentucky 10 and week : Pascoe and Wilcox, Crane Belles 10-24. u Thbatrh (Nat Blossom, manager). Brothers, Bloom and .Cooper, Allure's monk- "Noras. — The Lyceum management has nr- — Programme for week of 12 Included : I.olA eys, Splssell -Bros., Leroy and Woodford, ranged with Ellcrt Newton for an explana- Pnun, V. E. Beaton, Mark Fields and Olvlo. Allen J. Shaw and tbe blograph. lory lecture and recital on Wagner's "Farsl- ' UtifiiroN Tudatiib (Oscar Baphael, mana- r>oTKH. — The performance at Mecca Plena- fal, ' matinee of 20 A sacred concert .i.rt. — since this theatre Sh beon repaired, «re Park for the rest of the Winter season <>f Illustrated songs and moving pictures iirter the fire, business Is returning In hearty will be composed of amateurs and moving was given 18 to a large widlcnco at Coloulal response to" first class attractions. Change pictures... .._. . .^Fi-ank Hulse has been np- Hall. ■ • i Albany.— At Harmanus Blecckcr Hall (II. R. Jacobs, manager) De Wolf Hopper mude his reappearance, in "Wang," Dec. 13, and a well Oiled bouse greeted blm. Maudo Adaina «■* . Burlesquers 2 1 !.' "Coon Hollow". 20, "San Toy" '20,' University of Michigan Glee Club 31. Kun' response of programmo ench week. lurKKPOitr Thbatub (Mr. Blair, mann- er).— This house, recently opened up under nUvcrsn conditions, 1b gradually forging- to i he front. Business Is improving wit a a eliange of programme each week. i ■ . •• ■ ,. s ■ Odar Rapid*. — At Orecno's Opera Houso (Will 8. Collier, business manager) "Wife In Name Onlv," Dec. 7, hod a top heavy house. Clara Thropp, In "A Doll's House," 8, pleased, •Tho llovnl Chef." 10, ■ drew good business. "The Milage Postmaster," 12, ■ had a fair houso. ■ "TheHoly City," 13. pleased. "Ebeu. llolden" 14, "Houinnee of Coon Hollow" 10. Harrison J. Wolfs 17, "Two -Married Women" 1ft "Han Toy" 23, Thomas Jefferson 26, "Sor- geanl Kitty" 30. ".&. Texas Steer" 31. .^Auditorium (L. Phillips, resident mana- ger). — Tho people 'for Week oM2 were: Hsrry und May Howard,' Blsooriet ahd Nowmnu, Les- ter and Moure,' Slgnorttn Kl Hat to, Stoddard and Wilson, and La Cbntlers. ' PtiOPi.B'a (Kdw- Currao, manager). — Tbls) new theatre Is almost completed, and Will . open before Christmas with a big bill.. ' ii a liurHuMtori.--At tho Grand (Chauibor- lln, I'lniTlngloii & Co., managers) the Jeffer- nons did -fair business Dec. 8. "The Royal I'lict" had a good houso 0. Clara Thropp 1)1, "Tho Wizard of Os" had Its usual flno nudleuce 12. ' "Tried for Her Llfo" 14. "Iris" w, local "Pinafore" 17, the Flints 10 unil week. , "A Wise Woman'' 20, "Coon Hollow" 28, Broadway Burlesquers 31 pointed Btago manager of Taylor's Opera House. 4' repeated her successes of former seasons, In "The Little Minister," HI, befor< c n large audl- Hobokeu.— The approach of Yuletldc Is not- helping business In thl» section to any great extent. Lyric (II. P. Soulier, manager).— Tho at- tractions arc : Qulnlau * 18-21, "Clnderolln " "Wife's Sec Empire — Week of hi: Matthews and Harris, John ismmbb Thbatrk (H. II. Jacobs, munacer). D. Gilbert, Barry and Johnson, Bio Broth- — "East l.ynne," 12-14, was a drawing Ki- el's, Campbell and Caullleld. Doherty's trained traction, ami "The Unwritten Luw," 16-17, Iioodles, . John and Annie Mack, McGruth hud fair attendance. The next attractions Iron, and tho klnetoscope. hero: "Heart and Sword" 10-21, and "Box- Note.— Charles A, . O'Mvalls, brother of one's Claim" 22-24. Beginning Christmas James F. O'.Mealla, head of. tho bill posting week nn cutlre rhougc of policy will go into interests In ■ Hudson- and tho surrounding effect here, ns this theatre will thereat tcr be c6unties died recently, after a short III- ' ness, from kidney trouble. Tho deceased was thirty five years old. and was. asso- ciated with bis brother JameB In business, controlling this section . for many . years. He was wall (mown and. highly respected. Tho Hoboken Elks and the Jersey City Foresters, of which bo was a member, attended the ob- sequies. . , ?••, Jfj $25 for Suits Meant to be $50 and More! The importer had one hundred and fifty-three pieces of goods contain- ing 4,070 yards of Winter woolens when he shouldn't have had any. We can't name the importer, because he wouldn't throw in his name in the bargain. There are 153 styles in the purchase. Perhaps too many pieces for you to look through. To facilitate selection they're sampled two on a card. You can pick out the style you like and have the big piece brought to you to examine. The lowest value you can choose is $50 worth. ' You C42V strike a $75 quality. You CAN only pay— $25. , ', Sale starts to-morrow morning. Goods displayed on 2d floor only. ARNHEIM, Broadway and 9th St., New York. WANTBD, goad Comedy Acrobat or Acrobatic, Clown— lightweight— at once. Address ACROBAT, care of CLIPPER. Hindoo BOX, lot. of Magic, set of Marion- ettes. For sate cheap. List for stamp. J. S. HARTO. 703 Ho. Capitol Ave., Indianapolis, 1ml. devoted to burlesque, after tbo order of Weber & Hclds. The first burlesquo will be "In Dreamland," 20-31. ugo, .0 tier. Week of 12, John and Nellie McCarthy mid Brown Brothers were features. , . s Kftokok. — At tlm Keokuk Opera Houso . geaTt aWIntrw and Primrose, Barrett and Bell, Collins and Vuck, Arllug- ton and Delmore and Threo Polos. Bil- houses ruled. Rush's Bon Tons, 1.V17, cave n fine performance, uud finished to good busl- ncss. in the company were: Cruce Leonard. Wllllama and Adams, the Livingstons and Cook and Cook. Coming here next : Bower" Burlcsuuers 10-21, Fred Irwin's Big Show MAGICIANS- LATEST PAPER TEABINO. Sleeves rolled up, hands shown empty, back and front, Oncers wide apart. Strip of tlssno paper 1b torn np and Instantly restored. Tbls Instantly cnanges Into three pieces of silk ribbon— rea, whlto and blue. Ribbon Instantly changes into American flag, which disappears In a shower of miniature silk nags. Hands always at arm's length from body. Whole enact accomplished In same time It takes for old paper tearing alone. No "fakes" to go over or between thumb or lingers. Eaiy lo perform. You will like It. Porncakwork, bos no eiiual. Read this again. Anparatus, »U accessories, explicit instructions. 60c. Send M. O. No lumps. J. S. UARTO, 103 So. Capitol Ave., Ind lsnapolla, Ind. bad a good house 12 and pleased. Byrne Brothers, In "Ulght Bells," 13, Hatlslied a big ,'Hidleure. "a Hooslcr Daisy" 17, innt- Inec and night. . Notu.— Col. T. A. Edwards, a well known scout and sbnwmun and prominent Elk, died suddenly at Corey, 0, und was buried 11. Erie Klks cumc In a special truln to attend the funeral. He was well known In, the profession. • ««» i KV.VSAS. i'»iM-kii. At the Crawford (Crawford & Ivano. managers) "Hide Tracked" came to u good bourn- Dec. 5. "Why Girls Leave Uomc," 8, hud the capacity. "Handy Bottom," 0,. did fair business. "The Village Parson," 10, had a good matinee and a fair house at night. Bockstader's i Minstrels, 11, did big business. William Collier, In. "The Dictator,' 7 12, drew a big house. Coming: "Glittering Gloria" 13, "Iler ttnly Sin" 14, "The Fortuuo Hunters' 1 32' .'.„ l . but . Llltle Swede" 17, "Dora Thome" 18, "Tho Wlxurd of Os" 10. tbe Lyrle Opuru IMgl HUIDI.[a-BnriesqneB-2. SamDev eie THE UiTDIH I I, * D,B,, ' MAT « »ai^v. i^»5iW M ^ kl BuflflS i B « s ' USm « OQ N. ) Edmund Hayes-"AWl»e0uy» TO ALL M&NA0BB8 AHD THE PROFESSION IN GENERAL. THBRK IS HCT ONE MAYOR (»P THE UOWERY WHO HAS MADE THE TITLE FAMOUS, Harry Thomson, A lerry Christmas and A Happy lew Tear to All, MARWY THOMSON. Trur. NEW YORK 8TATK. S-At the Lyceum Theatre (Burns SSSh a,ann ?er).— I'Jie Snow Slock In ■ tumatlc version of "Carmen," drew such decided to coiitlnuo the play week of Dec. 10 »S W 'rta t ?v9f^,* SFV <* Kol ». »»n« : iluffnlo — At tbe Stor Theatre (P. C. Cor- IK'fSSS WUPRtl. la "Wang," had a noil, manager) J. Frod /.liumerman's new B fcg HS.'i?. w »"? e Adams. In "The Little musical productlou. "Cupid & Co.." demands K .JSET* «,'}*? w .* W*, lt '; U8e 17 - Viola Allen, attention Dec. 10-24; ICyrle Bellew week. of '" .\r° Winters Talc," canio 23 and niatl- Wllton Lackayc did fairly well, and Otis ' 20, BMW .AHW* HorjSH (M. Kols, manager), 14 "Whr. 1 ; ffl^C had fair houseHli- IV ...V„", v ,llr, s Co Wrong" drew well l£ 17. "What Women Will Do" "E'm ° IotxY Thbamm (W. II. Buck; manugcr). ij a., i™ n . l "' lc ?? ue rs drew good bouses li- 14. . AuBirallan Burlesquers did well l|-.-17 fesguers'^L"^"' 8 **™ 10 " 21 ' ■WIS i"'^«l»'* r 9AnDKN"TnE*Tn£— This week's list ot rI* le- 'T At 1Il ° Majestic Theatre Oils „ Includes: Vnlerlo Bergerlc and Co., In "His SUnner drew big Doc. 12. Maudo Aduuis packed the house in. "The Olrl and the Major of the Bowery," met a good audience SSLJ& nop*e will be dark Monday and Skinner won success. Tick Theatre (Walter S. Baldwin, man- ager). — "Moths" Is the current week's drama. "Clndorella" Christmas Week. "A Celebrated Case" drew nicely, bb usual. - Convention Ham. (H. L. Mecch, custo- dian).— Louis W. Gay's enterprise in book- ing Ysayo for Jan. 2. apparently will' 'bo amply rewarded,' a keen Interest belug al- i 1 1 illeh'Wrtiili'5'ani . old 'Wondrtl Ultciilo Duo ffi 5alva™m aud re, l, dy "PPf/ent aneut the concert JlSwHrd" and Andiir ^Iddle^Deo" , n »{ffi*'" &J2 HSSSS? will bo given 20-31; "A Girl of tho Streets" 925222 W!$f&£&£JM£ ^ -to din-ea Josenh Shutihv to hiu lo<<»i frienriu tiiio ?7 "°™ •"netograpn pictures. Die Obor- enees 12-17. "Fast Life lu New York" 20-3t •'■ Wai,u»iann:h Tiigatm (W. 8. Clark, man- iigct). — Weber's Dainty Duchess Co. lias- u large following here and should swell the re- ceipts perceptibly the proflout week. The Morciiz Troupe of acrobats Is featured as wit added attraction,, The Jolly Grass widpwa gave a graceful performance, In- eluding « good oll», last week. The New York stars 2H-;,1. pRQCTon'a THBAinn (J. Austin Fynes, gen era! mnbager):— Interest centres Oil In (he supearance of Isabella Irving, Dalntv, Burglar." Other features an est Hogau, May Isabel Flske. Prevost "and rreyost. Brown, Harrison nnd Brown, Lil- lian' Carlsmltu, Kelt ' and Buslk. Johnny evenly* good?'* 8utB0U - Business holds Notks.— Buffalo Bill was In town last weok, looking,' after Ills. New Jerssy , loco". UP-L^'m' •■•'"*•- Wildmann's Tlieutre mat- IMN will occur dolly during Chrlstmus and ?«ew Year's weeks A benefit will bo (riven at th ? Columbia Thenl" Dee. 20. for ?r. h i. e %. ,,,m . b, , n """•'volent.Assoclntlou.,... Tnesday; and-'-Parsifal" wmes'^^aiion Shelby. In "The Unwritten Law," 23, 24 Obpiieum Tubatre.— Lust week's atii -jast week's atleod- Wjrt of 10: Mr. and Mrs. braWM TiitATim (J. Laughlln, manager). —Montgomery Irving, in "For His Brothei's »."««, was big. ^rlme," tula week. "Happy Hooligan" next {j tt "l ner c rnne. the Five Philippine. Girls week. "Shadows on tbe Hearth" did very " U P Q !* ""J Hazclton. Joe Mor¥is, Bllssett well. und Scott and Lawrence Crane. Krclael'H j jMM MPr.-flfc.gi Stevens, manugerv.'rt- Gained cats, dogs and monkeys. n ' ro,aels VmmrM at the Altar" Inst week. "Dangers w b " R .Tueatbii.— Last week's bill drew well Of. Working Girls" will be explained next ^f H k n of "v, "A Desperate WoSan," by the' week. "Queen of the White Slaves" did 8tar Dramatic Co. ' ' lne fairly, well. ■ i nTK w^KS^^ ^* > ^"l^ma^gerr^^ll a ^ a&r Vm. HL^'n 1 ,h Roller8 "S? 1 w « ek ' ' ,U( ' 'J^J^ne»tw" came to big buslnea. f b»e ?*'* ^?^l?» i M : ..?b«». manager).— The .. Bastadlb (H." a. Hurtlg, manager)'— opening of this beautiful new house has Blanche Ring, in "Vlvlan-B Pansi T° 5J2S January, when tho Farnum Stock Co. will come borne from Its road dates. The artl are doing their best to hasten matetrs. r of the Bowery," 22-24. i- *V» ' , ' , "*«« , «-*At the Lyceum Theatre ,, Ev 1 *?! ff ', W8na « w >. Otis Skinner upiwared KS-*V(?.' om i n « ht only. «» '" crowdea ''Ji'T' .Dillon Lackiiyu. Supported bv nn ovenly balaiicetl comiwuy, appeared (on ,' pacify liouse 15, In Wc^™' Grace buslueas ■Illliu»1imii House (Mi Beis: n^ngo'rT 482S?n$8$ !*B?» ,,n ,'' "l«ht I)ee, 10, mm to Ilgnt 'Buster Blown," BbTI company. Mason and Maaon 20, "The Tenderfoot" J. II. Stoddnrt 31. AuDiTomiitt' (Under auspices Commercial Club)). — Gleason, tho horse tamer, opened a weak 12. Melba uppeare Jbb. 1KL under the auspices of the Pipe Orgun Aseoclatlou. ♦ » » C'ONNKCTICl'T. Hnrlford^~At Parsons* Theatre (Her bcrt C. Pareons, manager) "The Isle of Spice played to fair houses mutlnec and cvculng Dec. 10. Paula Edwards, in "Win- some Winnie," pleased 15. The Ysayo concert drew good business 10. Dan McAvoy 17, the Marvelous Fays and ucts in vaudeville IlAHTFOKD. OfEIlA HOUSB (Jennings & Graves, managers!.— "The Child Wife" pleased greatly 10. Ilarstu's moving pic- tures HUM to big business 11. "Unci? Josh Sprucebv" 12. "Why GlrlB Go Wrong" 13. ^i!! l S ,, , H r M T MlM, » \\ "Vut Life 111 Now lork, lft-17. proved Interesting. Harstu'a inoylug P c Hires 18. Hanlon Bros? "Superb"'- 10-21. Notliiiig booked 22-24. Pou's (Louis C. Kllby, manager) ,— Week of 12: Berstow and LufTei-ty, In sobga and dances: Barrio nud Halvers In eccentric comedy: Keno, Walsh and Melrose, in acro- batic comedy: tlm Village Choir, Mason. iw" i".'.'? t £ om|,an f; J n " A Mischievous Boy: Mtzgibjons, McCoy and Fltzglbbons and bhe. Business was fairly good all week ♦«» ILLINOIS. *EE2*tT m M tuo Grand (Chamberlln, Har- ,! I8 . t0 , l J* Co -> managers) "Peggy from Paris." Dec. 10. came to good receipt "The Kanenjainmer Kids," lir drew well" "Busy I«y" came 12, to fair attendance Jeanne Towlcr put up a good show. "In Old Ken- tuclty" is. Coming: "The Vlfiage i\)«t- master" 25. "Malouey's Wedding" 2ff Broad "8na Toy"T **' tbe Inn *«" t »Hff«t Main Street Thbatbb (H. P. Churchill Shaw. De aud r. J. _. Weabt Thisathb j [C, 9. Barlson, mana- "A CORKER IN COAK." GEO. ATKINSON 0A1ETY, BPRIXO FIELD, ILL., Tn iS WEEK. ^AT LIBHRTY-Mr. and Mrs. John Baldwin, Comedy skutch Team, Dutch, Irish, Ulaok Pace, Singing and Dancing speolulties. Do doublen, One vanipsorgin or piano. Address JOHN IIALDW IN, Blokman, Belaw aro. WAXTKD— sketch Teams, Organ PloycrJ, Mngle Performers. Tickets? Yes. P. «.— reams who ure not usbumed to be known ns man aud wile. WALT. O. MORGAN, Clifton Remedy Co. Home uddress, Lock Box 15, Iliookvllle, Sullim Co., Kans, SOKHIO AHTItlT at Liberty, exp-rlenccd in getting up original stun: best of references, and specimen designs If required. Knoxvlllo Journal and Tribune says: "And the scenic effects,' by Artist Louis UsvIb, were equal to those piferou" by the best high priced productions. Louis Uavls,' 21(1 RubsbII su, NaBl ivlile. To ne. WABTBU- Meillolne PeiTormors. Stale in first letter all your specialties and if you play oraan. Week standB. Join on Wire. Salary, all you are worth. Mr. and Mrs. La Vardo, write. Mgr. oufton Med. Co, North Star, Gratiot Oo„ Mien. 100 LETTERHEADS, or Env., 25c; Bait Tone, si; 5,000 Counon8: *i: «,ooo 32da. $1.24; eto.;8amplea,4o. HbwenShow Print, Howell.Mlch. ' ~ 'mV U8, Hr M 's excelent For cur- Blffl Beanos. Mr. and Mrs Larry ^ smith 8 : DoroU,y Dane - "2* bSS ^♦ awff^ tg the Grand Opera House (F ft PoweNon, manugor) "Ebeu. Holden" drew * Ow houso^Dec. 10,_« n d was wel" recolvTd TVROLKAN 8INOI0H8 and other Lady Vo- calists to Join immediately the Edelweiss Concert Co.; good wardrobe, voice and appearance neces- sary ; state lowest aalary. Address . EUELWE18S CO.. New Wrltaln, Conn. WANTEO-A good All Around Kan to work in big sliQwand concert or icain, Mnn and wife. Show ruui year around. Salaries sure. Also want Triple Borlzontal Bars and Pad. Most he cheap and In good condition. Addrens MCDON- ALD BROS. 1 SHOW, Adrsin, Qa.. Don. 24; Still- more, 0a., 27;'Oorsta, Ga.,28; Collins, Oa., tflir Readsvllle 30, Olcnvllle, Oa., 31; Smiley, 0a., Jaa.i; Blnonvl|le, Oa., 8. , • WANTBD, a Good comedian who osn obanae for a week. State If you fake organ. Also a Boubrette. Can use a good Orcan Player If yon do specialties. Bute lowest In first letter. J..W. MANSFIELD, Oloatmoiit, Penna. AT IVIBERTY, Neil Gallaghan, » J , i 1 J , 'L ComBWs-Sketch. Cksff -ind Checkers. WirM of. Mayer* svw Plays • • Queries, Answered Our Cldes-go Letler With He Bill Posters. Cl!pp«r Po,t OfUce, I .etrst by , Telegraph Oh lh> «»•?••••;• Vaudeville Rout* List. Page. 1022 10X2 1022 1022 102.1 1024 1024. 1025. 1041 1024 102$ 1020, 1041 ir.20. 1034, ionr, 10C8 1028 1021) 1040 1081 1031, 1032, 1033 . 1033, 1084 .Vcr York City— Review and Comment. 1030, 1037 1 'ruler the Tent? 1034 Australian Letter 1034 New plays Copyrighted ions M :« el lanoous 1038 , THEATRICAL CORRESPONDENCE. Wirn-lo Hnml, Kpnmrky. Oregon 1027 lAnlfitnn, Texa*. Mnryland ■ • .. ■• 1027 InAliAt ........ ■ . um 1037 CUlOMW ...... , ,., 1027 virftnU ....... 1027 Washington .... ■ * . • ... , 1027 Mkhlfffln ..'.*.. . 1027, 1041 iwnrvrlvanlv* .. ., , 1028 California .....'. , ,.1020, 1037 1K-Iaw*re i , , 1020 OinnHa ..•••. .' ■•...«.•••.■, .1020, 1037 Ohto l*>29 I».rlet of Columbia, .. 4 , . .» » • •• 1020 Maine , ,, , 1020 Irwa - ■ • ■ , | . 1030, 1037 Km Mxwy ; 1030 N**- Yortt State. ...... 1030 kiiiiMf , .. . 1030, 10.31 Conrcvtlcnt .... . 1030 , 1034 I'MrvM*. '-.. . . . . . . 1030 MnehaohuMtts . . • . .. 1040 MI*tmir[ ....... 1041 N#ff H.im^ahlre i ., ...«., 1041 WUroMln ...... 10.34 MfWfaota <■••*»< i 1034 youth Carolina . \Norih Oorollna . . 10.34 i 1034 Tmw> ate ...... AnHM ....... V/ttt Ylrgtftln ., 1037 1037 10.37 Kmm ' ■ •**••• . , < 1037 Gffvitt* •' 1037 \«tlce to Our Correspondent** A* .Chrbtmae and New Year will be cele- brated ilondati, Deo. 26°, and Jan. 2, retpect- trelv, we deiire, wherever it it pos&lble, that oil matter intended for the iuuen of Tun t'l.ipi-Kii dated Dec. St and Jan. 7, shall retch thin often not later than the Saturdays pre- tfjjMf <>« dates of issue. LATOT BY TEL EQBAPH. Monday- Riltkt'B OpealBBi In AH tha ' SIS Itow Town.. GOLDRN GATE GLEANINGS. Tlicrf la Any u mint It > of High ("In.. »nm.f f»«-nt to Tempt the Public. HpeoM vhpatclun to The New York Cmitbr. Has FnAXCisco, Dec. 20. — At tbc Columbta 'The Billionaire" opened 18, for a week, to a good house. "The Saltan of Sulu" follows 2(viTftVtWo weeks. Majestic— ".lira Bludsoe" I. this week's offering. "A Contented Woman" follows Christmas week. ai.i-a/.au. — Opening 10, "Peaceful Volley." "tqaf JJlye'r" follow.. fliaxn Opuka Horm — This Ih the third wtok Qf Wllllnms and Walker, their engage- ment having 1 Ueen extended a week on account of large business. Blanche Hat.es and com- puny will open for three weeks on Monday, 2(1, ju "The Darling of the Goda," ber en- gagomtint being shortened one week, CAi.irnR.NiA. — This la the second and last week > of Hose Melville, In "Bis Hopkins." < lirlntrrms week, "Shore Acres." I'njjjTiAl,. — "The Two. Mttle Waifs," with tht etaiH Tempest and Sunshine, opened 10. Tivoi.i Opkra HotisK. — "King Dodo" Is now In i tn fourth wet-k. Onriti.'i'M; — BUI opening Runday, IB : Lucy end Vl*,te, . Albertlul Mellvh, Aliln Ilemral, A. A. I'nilnnil, Vernon, l'ord Slstera, Hen rnanp the fit-eat, and the blograph. OfflTiis. — Monday, 10, and for twa weeks following, the fantastical , extravaganza, "Princess Fan Ton," the some as produced at (lie Grand Opera. House. In thin city, some i,ioiit|is.sK«. There will be over three hun- dred children taking part In the perform- ance, apt) entirely new scenery, costumes and uffedH 'n'll)' be Introduced. In conjunction wltb tun. play the animatlscope and blograpb will display 'new moving pictures. Nnrjju.— Hfin Kranclsco la to have a sen- son of' Grand Opera next Spring, commencing nhotit : Al>ril 10. There will be one we'.-k mid Ui'r all nrobahlllty two of this amuse- ilieul. G.> Schlotterbeck, representing the ronrted Metropolitan. Opera Co,, of New ■yq.rk,i reached this city recently to attend 1)lf p.rei|mln&rleti. The season will be given nt the riraitf Opera House and the local r'e- H|K)n^lhllllles have been Intrusted to Charles W.. .^trlM, tuslnesfl manager of the Tlvoll (ipvrft Hoaae It'ls rumored that Chox. P. H»IK : m#py years ago the resident maun- «er of, 54, ft. Leavltfs old Bush Street The- ulre, In UiIh city, and afterward tnannger of the .Victory and Auditorium Theatres, San ■ low, arid of the theatres In Stockton, Sacra- inqnta, V'resno and Oakland, as nlso of the f>yyjt of jlull > Barton, Is to assume the oian- sgemant ■ of the California Theatre, In tills ulty, Ip August, 1005. The present mnna- «er of *tb'e theatre, Udward Ackermon, will I.robutilv t|»ve a »cw theatre built for i)lm. ../.•.Vipharlas J. Stlnc and bis wife tOlllo livaos) . ryinrncU trom a tour of Austraiiii Deo.' 18,'. . . '■ . .The American Travesty Stntd vtfimil •further engagements In Austra- lia' uhi return to the United States, arriving liere : fWut Jan. 2 The net proceeds of the Afaociated Theatrical Managers' Asuo- • latloo of Han 1'Yanclsco annual benefit, at Die - Uriihuum, Friday afteruoon, Dec. ft, are^jr,'i q.O0O. KHOM OTHER POINTS. 'i'|ir'''WMk Preceding ChrUtmsu Koteai.for the l.o»l Drop In Uu.l- »«. All Ali»a« tht Ltoe-Thc Vlrat rl«rp»»u*T In America of "Mn- »|cb'. thltilren," Given by the Wpuhsner Stock Co., la Mllwraa- V«f— Viret Performance on Any Make o( "The Mraterlooa Stran. ■Mr/t uy the Tbanhonier Stock fit., In Mlln.olrf, Ciiicaqp', ti Itoc. 20. — The lull preceding Chtrlafrn'oa was more noticeable Monday night than on Htindny, when Culcago'a tiatial Sun- day buslucvs was generally recorded Tim Murphy played a "night nUnd" at tha Grand Opera House Bunday, giving -Twn Men and a Girl" to fair return* The Elks', benefit filled the Warrick Sunday a.fter- ooon Leon Wacbsner's Herman <:o. gave a double bill at Power'a. The Boer War continued to excellent business at the Coliseum Sam Bernard and "The Girl from Kay's," at the Illinois , "Fantan.t." at the Garrlck, and "His Highness the Bey," at the La Salle, were continued attractions which profited Sunday Blanche Walsh was sold out at McVlcker's Geo. Sid- ney opened In "Busy Ixzy" with the Great Northern rilled afternoon and night The popular priced combination houses In the outlying districts had their accustomed big Sunday arternoon and evening attendance. ...y .The Fay Foster Co., at tbe Folly, und Parisian Widows, at the Trocadero, provided excellent burlesque bills for big crowds end Sam T. Jack's was twice filled completely. •' The vaudeville houses accommodated their customary Sunday crowds »1oij- day night Otis Skinner opened at the Graud Opera House wltb "The Harvester," :he only novelty of the week Margaret Anglln, at Power's, and "The Clngalee," at the Studebakor. continued Into their final weeks Benefit programmes for Christ- mas charities are announced for the La Snl'i» Wednesday afternoon and at the Illinois Thursday afternoon. Pmr.AOBt.rilu, Dec. 20.— Fair gatherings at the theatres last night showed the bad effects Christmas shopping has on the pat- ronage "The Forbidden Land," tbe only novelty, was well received at the Chestnut. "Checkers" came to the Garrlck, and was welcomed by a good gathering....:. "Letty." at tbe Broad ; "The Shepherd King," at the Opera House; "nome Folks," at the Walnut: "Smiling Island," at the Crmlno, and "The Tenderfoot," at the Park, all con- tinued satisfactorily The rest of the combination houses fared well, considering. Meritorious stock productions had their full share of patronage A well filled house enjoyed the vaudeville at Keith's, the same being true of a similar style of enter- tainment nt the Bon Ton..., The burlesque houses showed a good grip on popularity, and Eleventh Street Opera House and Museum both fared well. Boston, Dec. 20.— Novelties were few In last night's offerings. Hilly B. Vun, in "The Krrand lloy," at the Globe, and "A Working Girl's Wrongs," at the Orand Opein House, opened to good sized houses. The continued attractions were as follows : Soth- t-rn and Marlowe, at the Hollls, In "Rom.") nud Juliet ;" W. II, Crane, in "Business is Business," at tbe Colonial; "Tbe County Chairman," at the Tremont ; '"Way Down East," at the Boston: Amelia Bingham, in "The Frisky Mrs. Johnson,'' at tbe Park, and "Plff ! I'aff ! ! Pout ! ! !" at the Majestic At the Castle Square "The School for Scan- dal" waa the stock production, and tbe Bow. doln Square bill was "Children of .lie Ghetto." The usual change of bill wits made at the vaudeville, burlesque and nov- elty houses Attendance all along the line was only fair and it was very evident that this Is "shopping week." Cincinnati, Dec. 20. — Tbe week before Christmas was ushered In by good turnouts all around, no less than three nosy offerings being made. The Hamlin & Mitchell produc- tion of "Babes In Toyiand". came to the Grand and the extravagana was enjoyed by n great house "Why He Divorced Her," at the Lyceum, and "Thou Shalt Not Kill," nt Heuck's, were the other novelties "Holty Tolty" held the boards at the Walnut Street The Forepaugh presentation of "Tbe Bells" and "Nan, the Good for Noth- ing," crowded Robinson's Vaudeville ruled at the Columbia and Vanity Fair filled the People's. Washington, Dec. 20. — "Mother Goose" entered upon Its second week wltb increnoed business at tbe National, the bouse being crowded, and the week promises great re- sults. .... .Savage's English Grand Open Co. opened at the Columbia, In "La Ilo- heme," to a crowded audience... '..."Ruu- nlng for Office," at the Lafayette, began. a very promising engagement, and the house was filled Blaney's "More to Be Pitied than Scorned" packed the Academy....:. Fanny Rice and Stuart, tbe male Pattl, were the headline™ of a great bill at Chase's, packing the house afternoon and night Hellly and Wood's Big Show bad rapacity audiences at tbe Lyceum. Kansas City, Dec. 20. — Frederick Warde and Katbryn Kidder, In "Balammbo," opened n four nights' engagement at the Willis Wood Theatre last night, to fair attendance. Leslie and Dalley scored In "Tbe For- tune Hunters," at tbe Grand yesterday, open- ing with a good matinee and a big night house The Orpheum was packed twice to see Alclde Capltalne and a good vaude- ville bill At tbe Glllls Billy Clifford, in "How He Won Her," waa warmly received by big houses "A Texas Steer" did well at the Auditorium, and tbe Morning Glories burlesqued at the Century The ten cent bouse, the National, opened Its doors yesterday, to good attendance Yale'v Theatre drew Its customary Sunday business. "Glittering Gloria" conies to the Wil- lis Wood on Thursday. Mn.wACKBB, Dec. 20.— Sunday's openings were all well attended Tbe first Ameri- can performance of "Munich's Children" was given by the Wachaner Company nt tbe 1'abst, while tbe Thanbouser Company put on "The Mysterious Stranger," a new comedy. William Collier, In "The Dictator," waa "It" at tbe Davidson "Only a Shop Girl," at tbe Albambra, caught on from the jump "Escaped from tbe Harem," at tbe BIJou, waa also a favorite The Merry Maidens, at tbe Star, led Jn attend- ance, and both vlunday and Monday tbe en- tire show was tbe blggett kind of a bit. LomsviLLB, Dec. 20.— "Louisiana" opened at the Masonic to a packed house. .... . "Her Firet False 8t«p," at tbe Avenue, drew large bouses Sunday Rice k Barton attracted big audiences at the Buckingham Sunday. . . . Vaudeville at Hopkins' optaed to tbe usual Sunday crowds. On tbc Road, AH Rootr. Mast Reach Da Rot rater T han Mond ay. DRAMATIC. Adams, Mande (Cbirles Frohman, rajr.)— N. X. City 20, indefinite, Alien, Viols (.Charles W. Alien. n>rr.)— Blncbani- too, N. V.. 21. Albany 22, Thy 23, 24, N. Y. City ML HAHalte. Anelin, Margaret t Frank Perley mgr.) — Chicago, 111.. 19-24, Jaekwn. Mich., 2t>. Autre? Stock (Marry Mlttenthal, mrr.) — Lowell, atnss.. 20-dl. Archrr-Fofre.ter— simile, X. S., 18-24. "Arl.Tona." )>stern, M. B. , Raymond's — Kenosha, Wl... 23. Wnukeg.li. III.. 20. Rockford St, Freer*rt. 28, Dlion 20, Sterling; 30, Morrison HI. "Arlsona," Western, M. B. Raymond's — Helena, Mniit.. 21. Greit Fslls 22, Bottc 23, 24, Boie- man 20. Llvlnptoh 27. minor* 28. Miles City 2l>, Fargo, N. Dak., 31. Orand Forks Jan. 2, Cronkston, Minn., y, (Irifton. N. Dak., 4, Win- nipeg, Man.. 3-i. ••Across the I'scllc" trfarry Cltr Rlaney. mgr.) --Memphis. Tenn., 10-24. -Atlanta. Oa., 20:u. "An Amerlcnn Princess" John E. Kellerd (Dear- horn Theatre Co., mgrs.)— Brooklyn, X. Y., 10-24. "Alone In the World." Mlttenthal Brother*' (Leon Williams, mgr.)— ^leteland, O., 19-24. Detroit, Mich.. 25-31. "After Midnight" (Spencer * Ahnrn. mgrs.) — lonekn. Kan., 23, St. Joseph. Mo.. 20. Omaha, Neb., 27. 28. Deo Moines, la., 29-31. "At'Crlpplo Creek"— Norfolk, Va., 10^24, Cam- don, S. J..- 28-31. "An Aristocratic Tramp" (Kllroy A Itrlttoo. mgrs.)— Ilopklosillle Ky„ 21. Marlon 22, t'nlootown 23, Htndersoi 24, lasonvllle. I oil . . 2S, Bedford 20, Slloomlnfton 27. "An ldtot Slave." Fred 0. Taylor's— Greenfield, <">.. 21, Wilmington 22, Mlamlstairg S3. Oer- mentown 24, Kattn 20. Connersfllle. Inrt., 27, Sheltiysllle 28, (Irrensliiirs 20, Madison 30. Seymour .11. "At 'Mat of IIU Life" (Mark K. Hwan, mgr.) — N. V. City 10-24. Oaradeu, S. J., 20-28, Wil- mington, Del.. 20-31. ..-.-, B Dispells Bates (David Belaseo, mgr.)— Ran I'ron- etsro, Cal.. 19. 'Indefinite. Bnrryraore, Klb-'l (Charles Frohman, roar.)— N. V. City 19, Indefinite. Bellew, Kyrle (LleWer £ Co., mgrs.)— Detroit. Mich.. 1924. Buffalo, N. V.. 28-31. Brnrowell. William (Henri Oressllt, tap.)— De- ti nit. Mlcl-., 1824, Cleveland, <>.. 20-31. Rlatr, F.ngente (Ororge A. Klnmenthai. mgr.)— Brooklyn, 9. E, 19-24. Providence, B. I.. 26- Fcrrifont. Harry U, J. ColMnan. mgr.) — Dan- .Die. III., 24, Rlnns Falls. ». Dak., 23. Sioux Cltr, In., 50. Fremont. .\>b„ 27. Llnroln 28. F.ifla City 29, Leavenworth, Iuin. (Soldlera' Home) 3d, l^nventvorth 31. _ Beston. I*nl»e (A. H. Woods, mgr. )— Saginaw . Mich., 18-21, Battle Creek 22. Kalaniaaoo 21. Fort Waytte. Int., 24, Flndlnv, 0., 2G. Lima 27. Marlon 28. Coloratms 29-31. Blnillej. Florence (Forester & Mlttenthal, mgrs.) --St. Paul. MInh.. 23-31. Hunting, liiunt (Bsrl Bargess, mgr. )— Waverly, N. V,. 1024. Auburn 2U-81. Bennett ft Moidtnn— South Norwalk. Conn.. 2fl-.ll.- Bennett A; Moulton— New Eeilford, Mass., 2fl-Jan. Breekenrldge Stock (Charles Breckenrldge, mgr.) Sedalla. Mo., lfl-2'4, Marshall 20-31. Bennett A Collin* Stock (J. May Bennett, mgr.) — Snlltvao. ML, 18-24. Carlisle 26-31. Burke-McC.nn (M. McCann. mgr.)— Oil City, Pa., 19 24. Niagara Falls. N. Y.. MM. BnrkeWoodward Comedy— Klkland. Pa., 19-21, Galetoo 22-24. Belcher'. Comedians (W. M. Belcher, mgr.)— Herlngton. Kan., 10-21. Osage City 22-24. J Benton's Comedians (P. II. Beaton, mgr.)— I.aw- son, Okla., 10-21, Cblekasha, Inrt. Ter.. B-M. Okarche, Okla., 20-28, KlngUsher 20-31, via- tonga Jan. 2-4. , , "Ben llur" (Klow ft Krlunger, mgrs.)— Oalteston, Tex., I0-2I. Hpuston 20-81. "Bonnie Brier Bu»h." .lames H. Stoitdart (Klrke l,i Sbeile. mgr.l— Mnroln. III.. 20, Hprlngfleld 21, Moberlv, Mo., 30, Topelu, Ken.. III. . "Buster Brown," Bastern, M. B. Raymojid s — Yonwrstown. . O.. 20, Sharon. Fa.. 27. Beaver Falls 28, MeKeesport 29, Charlerol 30, Con- nellsvllle 81. •" _ ' "Buster Brown," Western. M. B. Raytnonil ■— FlttsbuiiT, Pa., 19-24, Wsshlngton,, I). C.. 20-31. "Bestity Doctor," Fred K. Wrtehi h (ITios. W. l'r|or. mgr. )— Atlanta, da., 10-24, Birmingham, Ala., 20-31. _ ■ . "Bunch of Keys" (fins Bolhner, mgr.)— Caldwell. Ksn., 21. Arkansas Oily 22. Wichita 23. Hutch- IiiHon 24. Le.renworth 2.".. Chllllcothe, Mo., 20, nichmotut 27, Islington 28,. 29, Fulton 30, Jef- ferson City .11. . _ .. _ ' "Break for Liberty" (J. M. Jacobs. Pgf.l— Braill. Ind., 21. Anderson 22, Alexandria 2.3, Hartford City 24, Van Wert, O., 2(1. Fort Wnyne, Ind.. 27, Marlon 28, Warsaw 20, Ply- mouth 30. l-ogonaport 3}. • ' ■' , "Breesy Time," Kastem (K. Webster 1 Js. mgr.) — Fltsgerald, (la.. 22. Cordele 23, Mllledgevllle 24. Kutonton 26. Madison 27, Monroe 28, UrIIBii 29, Carrollton 30, Cedarlown (II. _ _ , "Breesy Time," Western (K. Webster Fits, mgr ) • -Clyde Ksn., 21. Helolt 22. Minneapolis 23, Herlngton 21. Lamed 27, Kinsley 28, Hutchin- son 2ft, Prntt 30, Wichita 31. , "Banker's OblUt" (Harry Shannon, mar.)— Okla- homa Cllt». Okla., 10-24, Hobart 20, Mangtun 27, Annadoka 28, Ocary 20, Watonga 30, Enid 31. "Bov of tlie Streets" (Herbert Tuson, «■/.)— Salisbury. Mo„ 21, Hlgbce 22. Ceiilr.lla 23, Mexico 24, Fulton 20, Cullfornls 27. Reilolla 28, lloonrlile 29. Brunswick 30. CMIIIcotbe ill. "Betrnycil at the Altar" (Braudt ft Oolilsmlth. n,grs.»— Seymeur. lad.. M, N«n» fsjlle 27, Ilun- Llrk 28. Kotomo 20, Rochester 30, Warsaw 31'. O . Crnne, Wm. H. (Charles Frohman, mrr,)— Ration, Muss,. 10-24, Washington, D. C, 2fl-.11. . Crosmac. H;nrlettu (David Belaseo ft Maurice Cnnlpbell, mgrs.)— Baltimore, Maas., 20-.il. Campbell. Mrs. Patrick (Charles '/rob man. mgr.) —Newark. S. J., 19-24, l'lilladelpblo 20-Jan. 7. Comstock, Nannette (James K. Hickett. in«r.)~ Gmnd Rapids. Mleb.. 23-28. ToUxlo. O., 20-31. Collier. William (Charles Frohman, rogT.)—M II- «.mkee. Wis., 1121. Itoekford, III.. 22. Madi- sin. Wis., 23, I.a Crosse 24, Minneapolis, Minn.. Collnn. Geo. M. (Sam Harrla, mgr.)— N. Y. City Creston' Clarke (Jules Mnrry, mar.) — Plttsbiire, Fn.. 10-24, Richmond. Va., 20, 1'elcr.burg 27, Conniieat. Ma— New llaveu. Conn.. 20, 37, Spring. llelil, M«s*., 28, 20. ,__, _JJ.' Oorkelt, Jaacs J., -lint Inei alacatiley (Hal Dsv s. m»r.)— St. Poul, Minn., 18-21, Minneapolis Ccok-Cliiircli (H. W. Taylor, mgr.)— -Pltlsflelil. Mass.. 19 24, Troy, N. Y\, 2<>., 10.31. I'lemlnc, Mnmlt. (W, H. Gracey, mgr.)— Colices, N. Y., 10-24. Flske, -MaV (J- C. Cosgrove, mgr.)— Conconl, N, II., 19-24, lliockton, Mass., 2fl-31. I lake ft St.H'k (K. D. Flske A T. V. Stock, mgrs.) — Fltehburg, Mass., 10-24. Manchester, N. II., 20-31. Fisher A Wallers Own (R. R. Fisher, mgr.)— Maaalllon. O.. III24, Warren 2031. Fluhart's Btnrk (I^n Shields, bus. mgr. I--SI. Anthony. Ida.. 20-22. Blaekfoot 2n-25. "Flnrajng Arrow," Lincoln J. Curler's tVt. V. Jackson, mgr.) — Annapolis, Md., 20, Richmond, Vs., 27, Newisvrt News 28, Norfolk 29, Peters- burg 30, Lynchburg 31. "I'aust," Porter J. White's— Malta. Mo., 211, Warrenalnirg 27. Wlufleld 28, Clinton 20, Gn- lena, Kan.. 30. nartbage. Mo., 31. "Female Detectives," llnssell Brothers (Samuel Blair, mgr.)— X. Y. City 10-24, Cleveland, 0., 20-81. "Fatal Wedding," Central. Sullivan, Harrla ft Woods'- (Cary McAdow, mar.)— Toledo, O.. 18. 21, Columbus 22-21, Dayton 23-28, Indianapolis, lnd„- 20-31. > Fatal Wedding." Eaitern, Sullivan, Harris ft woods' (W, x. Salisbury, mgr.) — Helena. Ark., 20, Hot Springs 28, Little Rock 29, Memphis, Tenn,, 80. .11. "Fatal Welding," Western, Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' in. T. Zlegler, mgr. )— Oakland, Cal., 24, Woodland 20. East Auburn 27, Grass Valley 28, Virginia City, Nrv., 20, Caraon 30, Iteno ill. "From Han to Riches," Joseph Manlier as 23, t.sfsyette 24. Frank- Ilo it. New Iberia 2U, Orowlvv 37. I.akv Charles. 28, Orange. Tex.. 29. Galveston fist. "I'nsi Life In New York" (A. II. Woods, mgr.) — Jctwv City, N. J.. 19-24, Newark 20-31, "Porlaiieilliinler"— Kansas Oily. Mn.. 18-24. "Fiddle -Dre-Dee"— Newark. N. J., 20-31. O Goodwin, N. C. (George J. Applrlon. mgr.)— X. Y. City 10.21. Boston, Mass., 20- Inn. 7. Gillette. V'llllunj (Charles Fr.ilimau, mgr. I— Fort Wayne, Ind., 21, Torre Haute 22, iodlnnnpolbi 2';. 24; Cincinnati, 0.. 20-31. fireet's Plaier. (Denl. Greet, mgr.) — Victoria, B, C, 21. Xanalmo 22, Vancouver 23, 24. Iti-lllng. b.m.'Wasb,, 20, Seattle 27, 28, Portland, Orv., Ml). Gullnnil, IHrtlin (J. F. Zlmmermau Jr., ingr.)— X. Y.. Oily 1924. (Jiouiler, Uelen (J. B. Delcher. mgr.)— Okla- homa City. Okla.. 'M, Otlnearllle, Tei.. 22, Shermap •'•'i. Gresmvllle 24, Fort Worth 23, 20. OtebWOv 27, Ulllsbvru 28, Temple 2V, Austin SO, 3I~ Gale, Florence (Kane, Hhlpman ft Oolvln, mgrs, ) — Belauds. Cal,, 20. Pboriilg, Arts., 28, Tucwui 29. El Ptto, Tex., .10, Trinidad Colo., Jan. 2. I.a Junta 3, Colorado Spring* 4, Cripple Creek 0.- (Irltlltb. John (John M. Hlckey, mgr.)— Jtctton, Miss,, aw Vlcksburg 22. Natcbes 23, Fort <»lh- mn 24, Baton Riugr, f.a., 20. Itanablsonvllle 27. Blloil. Mist., 28, Hrttletburg 29, Meridian 20, Deaepollt, Ala., 81. •xviiu nuaiiit, .rinra,. ttvt virun a im», »> . 27. Borlltujton. VT.. 28, Troy. N. Y.. 20-31. Orspewln. Cbsrlc.i (John J. Kelran*. mgr.)— St. Lotus, Mo.. 18-24. Colnmbns, o.. 20-28. Clnser, Vanghsn, Stuck— Cleveltmt. o., 10, tn. OeOnlte. Grace Ilaywahl Stock (Winters A Kros*. mgrs.) —Decatur, III.. 19-24. Blooralngton 20-31. Oet.nsn Llllputlana, TscbiuU'*— Plalovlew. Xeh„ 21, Pierce 22, Stanton 23, WIsner 20, Hcribnef 28. Oaisule Big Stock (J. 8. Onralde, ;ngr.)— Bridge. ton, X. J„ 10-24. "Olrl from Kty's," Sam Bernard (Charles Froh- man, mgr.)— Chicago. III., 10-31. "Girl from Kay's," Charles Frobmon's— MhMl.*. town. Conn., 21, New Britain 22, Merldeu S3, Yonkers, N. Y„ 24, Harrlsliurg, Pa., 24, l.tn- cs'ter 27, Reading 28, Pottavllle 20, Ks.ton 30. Allentown 31. "Oame Kceiier.'- Thonus J. Smith (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)— Springfield, Mos«.. 1921, Holyoke 2224, Elisabeth, X. J„ 2028. "Olrl of the Streets," Lillian Mortimer (J. I.. Yeronee, mgr. )— Philadelphia. Pa., 1024. Balti- more, Jid.. 20.11. . "Great Automobile Mystery." llurtig ft Seamnn's —Jersey City, N. J., 1924, Brooklyn, N. Y„ 20-31. "Girls Will Be Girls," Wm. A. Brady's— Pitts. burg, Ph., 20.11. "Orett Way" tFrank (,, Perry, mgr,) — Alliens. S. Dak,. 21. Letcher 32, Pnrkston 2.1, Trlpp- 34, Parker 20. I.cnnov 27, Canton 28, Murk Valley, la., 29, Akron 30. Havrarden 31. I II Hackett. James K— X. Y. City 10, Indefinite. llawtrey, Charles (Charles Frohman. ingr.r— San Antonio, Teg,, 21, Waco 22, Fort Worilt 24, Kauacs City, Mo. . 211.2s, Hunted. Virginia (Charles Frohman, mgr.)'— Philadelphia, Pa., 2tl-Jan. 7. I!npi»>r, I'diia Wallace (Frank McKee, mgr.)'— uraalia. Xobr.. 20-27, St. Joseph, Mo., 28, Kau- nas City 2B-3I. llollsnd, Mildred (Rdward C. White, ragr.i- Wheellaa, W. Va., 20. Hanfunl, Charles u. (F. Laurence Walker, mgr.) — Oltawo, Kan„ 31, I.eavenwortti (Soldiers' llomei 22, l.miiorlix 21, Abilene 24, Topeku 2d, Atchison 27, Xsbrotk.i City. Xel,r., 28, Lincoln 29, 80, Omahn 31. Illgglns, David (Stair ft Nlcolsl, mgrs).— I'hlla- ' delpbls, Ft.. id-Ill. Hall, George F. (W. J. Fielding, mgr,)— Wllkea- in.rrc. Pa., 19-31, Scrontun 22-24, Reading 20- 28, Harrlsburg 19-81. Hendricks, Ben (William Griy. mgr.)— Omaha, Nebr.. 21, Nebraska City, 22, Lincoln 29, 24/ . Hall, Don C— Laramie, >Vyo., 10-84, Cheyenne ■Ml. Illmmclcln'a Ideals (Joim A. Hlmmelcln, mgr.) — Norrlalown, I'n., 19-24, Cheslrr 241-.ll. Hlnuneleln'* Imperial Stock tit, p. nimmclrln, mgr.)— Sheboygan. Wis., 10-24, Oeliko«h 28.31. Hunt Slnck (B. H. Klllmnr, togr. |. -Waterloo, I int.. 19.24. Uryr.n, 0., 2tl-.ll. Howard-Dorset tA. M. Miller, bu». mgr.)— Park. etsburg, IV. Va„ 20.11. Henderson Stotk (W. J. ft R. It. Henderson, mars. I— Seymour, Ind., 19-24. llarcourt Comedy. Oharlta K. Harris (W. II. Shine, mgr,)— Lewlatoa, Me., 10-24, Bangor 20-.11. HnU'a Comedy (H. O. Allen, mgr.)— Sherman, Tex., 10 : 21, Declton 23-24, South Mc.Mester. ind. Ter., 2fl-3| . , llammqrid, PatUlna- (Clifton Whitman, iniir.)— Fort Fairfield, Me„ 20.31. Harvey ft Gag* Qpmtdy— Peeksklll. N. Y„ 10-24, Yonkers 20-31, Haeffler Show (Jack Itoeffler, rugr.)— Applelon, Wla„ 19, In.lcnnlte. "Heart of Maryland" (David Belaseo, mgr.)— Chicago, III., 20-81. "Humpty Dumply" (Klaw ft Krlsnger, ragra.)— N. Y. City 10. Ind.Unlt.. "Heart of Chicago," Lincoln J. Carter's (Edmund Msnlev, nun,)— North Platte, Nebr., 28, Kear- ney 27. Hustings 21, Orand Island 20, Colltmbui 30. Fremont *i, "Her Only fin," Lincoln J. Carter's— Wlehlts. Kan., 2(1. Wellington 27. WlnUeld 28, Arksusa* City 20, Itiarkw.ri, ok|e., 30, Outbrls ill. "Home Folks" iJostnh Brooke, mar.)— Pblln- delpbla, l'«., 19-24, NT Y. City 20, Indefinite. "Holy Cll»," Biglcrn. Oonton ft Bennett's (Ed- ward Taylor, mgr.)— Ironton. O., 21, Ashland. !<.>.. 22, Winchester 20, Lexington 26, Frank- fort 27. , , "holy City," Western, Gordon ft Bennett's , Henry Harrison, nun-.)— Lenmr.i, In., 21 Che- hike* 22 Hlo.in Lake 23, Hlous City 24, "Hearts Adrift" (tfntneer ft Aisirn, mgrs,)—-' Louisville, Kv.. 28-81. ' "Ilousisr Ol.-l,' 1 Kate Watson (Gits MM, mgr.) "T.f' , V.5 ta V 1 ,'.. - *0*S!JS. Butler, Pa., 28, Orefn. v'lle .TO, Nile., 0., M. " l I W u F . l , , . , . t I'aliaileii." O. V. Whlloker's (K. A. Schiller, mgr.)— Louisville, Ky„ 18.24, Mem- rltls. Tenn., Jd-ai. "Itow He Won Hn." 0. V. Wbltaker'a (R. M. leltus, mgr.)— Kansas City, Vo„ 18.24, Hi. Louis 2831. "Hills of California"— Hastings, Neb.. 24, Omaha 29-31. "Heart snd Sword" —Albany. N. Y., 10-21. "Hot Old Time," Qua Hill'* (Harry Hill, mgr.) —Omaha, Nebr,, 3ft, "Happy Hooligan," Eastern, Gut Hill's (D. A. Kelley, mar. ) — nuftelo, X. Y.. M-21, "Heart si Tesas" (A. Vlllalr, mgr.l— Plntin, 0., 21. Oreetivlll* 33, Xenla 20. "Hottest Coon lu Dixit" (ICugeno Hnnffnrd, mgr.) —rlt. Joseph, Mn.. 23, Tonrta. Kan., 27. Hens Hanson" (Jas. T. McAlpIn, tngr.i— Al- t-unoiil. Kan,, 01, Otwegn 22, Krlo 23, Mcain. mnn 24, West Mineral 23. Ciltiinhiw 20, Ciiffey- villa 27, Chetona 28, Vlnllu. Iml Ter,, an. Clurc.nore 110, Mutocfoo 111. "Holty Tolty" (JosspS M. flnlles, mgr.l— Cln- planall, O.. ia.»4, Terre Haute. Iml., 28, !•«. oucah, Ky., 31. Irwin, May fKitward It. Mailer, mgr.l~V. Y, Cltv 19. InMnlut. "Iri Newnorl." Peftr F. Dalley and Fny Temple. ton (Klaw I Krltnger, mgr*.)— New Haven, JSff»M^*l& " Cl'F 20, Ituleiliilte. "Ins"— Milwaukee. Wla., 20-28. "'J Old Kentucky," Jacob I.Hfe— Chicago. HI., "Irish Fawnhroker*" 'ffl2 ''.rToo 1 '"'*'" .''•«'" * I'erry-Delrolt, ill I Oil. i 1 1 'iH, "Jesse James" (J. II. .liiitinuin, bus, mgr.)— Oreenaliorg, Pa„ 21, Muw Kensington 24, f* Knott, Itoselle (Frank/L, r>,.r|(.y, mgr,)— Mall- w,ii. Wis., 31. Knii.C/tlre 22. Wlnnnn, Minn . 23. Manksto at. Ht. Cloud 23, Albert I.ru 2ii. Hmliiers 27. Grafton, N. I)ak„ 28, Orand Fork* 20, Winning. Marl.. 10. 31. Kruilnll, KM'ii iLlaMer ft f.Vi., mgrs.)— Colnmhus, • ■«.. 20, Indlstiapoll), Inrt,, 28, Uitlsvllle, \i s „ Keniteily. Kiliiibclb— WlltiiltlgKin, Del., 2d, nidi- inond, V«„ 28, Petersburg kit, Keller, Hurry— 81. Louis, Mo , 23.31, K *i';K' iSiTisls l/u•r.r2 , :i..1 , l , : ,ft • ) ~ J " t "'" ,, ' , • "".■^^'Havini %lt :m "- , - M ' """" helth Stock (Del Lawrence, mgr.l— Golileadale, On-.. 19-21. Astoria, Oiv.. 30-.1l, Keystone Dramatle- (Ltw#iK:c B. McOIII. mgr.) '"), last., 10/24, Porllnud, Me,, 2C- -llnvcrlilll, 31. .Hlert-Vrben fllsrdln B. Klerk. mgr.l-Lawroncf, M.ias., ltl-24.. Mont|ielltr. Vt„ 20-31. Kenned/ C(m«ily (S. At Ktnm-dy, mgr. )— Delhi, X. Y.. in 21. DeisMlt 22-24. Keller Slock (A. M. Keller, mgr.l— Hoxle, Kan., 19.31. Hill City 2g.¥4. SlotkToi. 2*1-81. Kelly ft Bates— Gloucester, Mass., 1824, Flick- Inirg 20, 27, North Adlina 28-31. "Katttoltmmer Kiu" (Bloudsll ft Fennessy. mar*.)— Knlgbtstown, Inrt., 21. Onnnellsslll* 22, Dayton, O. (Soldiers' llomei, 23, Hamil- ton 24. Daylon 2Q.2H, Yoiingstowti 20-31. Is' I Lnfins, C*<.elln (Daniel Frohman, mge.l— Chicago, HI., 20-Jan. T. 1032 THE NEW YOBK OI/EP^EIR December 24. I.ackaye, WIHon (Win. A. Brady, mgr.)— Xewark, S J "0-31 U.'rlmsr. W rl«nt — Pull* Aelpbl a. 'Pn.,' 10-24, Brooli- IJ-ti.' N. jr., 20-31. ... . . lnWMI>. tester (Opntw It. Brennan, mgr.)— Winnipeg. SUn.. «*; Bralbctd, Minn.. 20, AtttUnrt, WW., 27. Dftluth, Minn;, 30. (II. !*»«». J. O. (W. A. Jnhkrf, BiKt.)— r-c^lthwn. Fa.. 21. Mnuanoy City "82. AjKii'ttVmS- vllle 24, I^lmnon 3(1, Carlisle 27. HnfjTftowii. Jld„ 28, CWltnbcrst.urg, Ph., 29, MIMVMnWn 30, Lancaster 31. , • " ,- LIlMtn Lyon Stock (Frank J. Dean, mgr.)— Mulr. jtJpb., 19-24, Cornnn 20-31. Lyceum Comedy I At. 8. Kvnu*. mgr.l— Ms- aomiulc,' m„ 10-24, Mtucwla 20-28, Boscobel i/Sm!" The. (Win it. Locke, lagr.)— Russell, Km.., 10 24, Kallna 20-3*. Lincoln 20-31. Lyceum Stock (H. O. Oroslean, mgt. )— Wllbur- tan, Intl. Ter.. lir-54. Leg?, Inn, . Stock— Keystone, W. Va., 10-24. "Little Princess" (Win. Wood, ingr.)— Fall Rltcr. "Llltle'llonlestcnd" (William Macauley. mat.) — Uustnn, I.n., 21, Kl Dorado, Ark.. 22, Camden aaVPrescott 24. Hot Springs 20. Pine Bluff 2,, Jobcaborj 20. Ntwport 2V, Poplar Bluir, Mo., .10, Cairo; III., St. _ i "Lrmon Twins at the Races" (Lyman Brother*. raira.l— l'atia, III., 21, Brazil, Iml.. 20. Terr.) BfSi 27.' Bedford 38, Washington 20, Prloce- tofl 30. Mount Vernon, lib. 31. , "Little Outcant," Geo. E. 'ClIU's (Bilrt Jacobl, mar. )— Rochester, X. T.i 20-28, Syracuse 20-81. "Utile Outcast," E. J. Carpenter's— Seattle. Wash., 2D-.il. Tacohui Jan. l-:i, Iloqulatn 4. "Mttle outcast*! (II. A. Hawks, mgr.)— Majtliis- blfrg, W. Va., so; Carlisle. Pn.. si. Middt*- tpwn 22, York 23. Columbia 24. Cumberland, Mi),. 20 Allentown, I'a.. 27, Lebanon 38. Lau- canter 20. Xorrlslown 3n. Coattsvlllo 3t. "Mttle Church Around the Comer" (Vaaco & Sul- livan, - mgrs.)— Philadelphia. Pa., 10-24. "Lighthouse by tho Sea' 1 (Vanco ft Sullivan. IflLtrs.)— Xuahville. Tear.. 10-24, "I^iat Loy," Kdwi.rd IlluiidcH'a — Hsnishurg, Pa.. :u-3i; Lebanon 22, Columbia 23, York 24. "IsMlslaba"— Lculsilllc. Ky..' 19-24. "Lluhthptise Bobbery" (If. T. CrwooO, mgr.) — Princess ^une, Md., 10-21. M MaUMt Richard (B. 0. Stevens, uigr. )— Pitts- I.Uif. Pa., 20-31. . „ „ „.. May, Kilua (Charles Frohman, mgr.)— X. Y. City 111,' Indefinite. _ Meek; Andrew (Rich ft Harris, rogrs.)— X. X. (illy 10-24, Br.jj.klyu. X. Y., 20-31, Miller, Henry, Charles Frohman, mm.)— X. 1. City 10-24, BaslOti, Jtnss., 20-Iun. 7. Mnrii, LoiiIb (C. B Dlllltigbitio, mirr.)— Sprlng- rWd. Mass., 30, SI. ' ' Murlltiy, Timothy tT. E. Ranrul-jn, mgr.)— Indjan- at!»lui,ltid., 20, 27, Toledo, O.. 2S, 20, OoIUm- bUB 30. 31. , „ Mayiiew. Stella (Btalr ft McoJal, raera.)— New- ark, N. J.. 20-31. . Mortlioii. U'Wln (Jules Murry, msr.)~Duluth, Minn., 20. . „ „ ilantell. ltohert B. (Max Zotdlner, mgr.)— N. Y. (Jlty 10-24. Alloona, Pa.. 20. . _ Jlurt.liy, Joaeph ((icorge Kentwy, mgr.)— Tucson, Arlt., 21. l'hreulx 22, Lot Angrlea, Cal., 20-31, Hatr Diego Jan. 2, 3, Blreraldo . 4. Wan Ber- nludli.o 5. l'aaadena 0, Bakerafleld T, Mtirtay and Mack (Ollle Mack & Jonej.h W. Btwara, mgra.)— Dehixm, Tex., 21, Ureeurille 22, Bonhatn 23, 0«lne/>Tlllo 24. Oklahoma City, Okla., 25, 20, Cutbrle 27, tihnwnee 28, Atil- more, Iud, Tcr., 20, Denton, Tex., 30, El Paso Jan. 1, 2. MaWon aud Ma»o.i (Broadhurat ft Carrie, nigra.) — Topcktt. Km... 2M. , • _ ._„. _ McAvoy, Dan— Kochester, S. Y.. 10-21, 8yracuBa MeJylTlc, Boao (J. II. Stirling, mgr.)— San Fran- I'laco, Cal.. 10-24, Hacrumeuto 20. 20, Sun Jose 27, San Luis Obispo 2S, Hauta Barbara •«, Po- mona 30. Puaadeoa 31, Los Angeles Jan. 1-14. McIIenry, Nelly (S)>eiieer & Aborn, nigra.) — Battle Oreek. Mich., 30, Jncknon 31. Molig, Win, V. (Oeo. J. Curds, mgr.)— Oakea, N. Dak., 24. Lnlgcrwood 20. 27, lluuklutwu 28, Brltton, S. Dak.. 30. McAnllltc, Jere (Col. Wlllard Stanton, mgr.)— I'ktermn, N. J., 10-24. Atlaullc City 20-31. Mytkle-Hardcr Stock, Eastern (W. H. Harder,, iugr.1— TogUB, Me., 1(1-21,' Bath 22-24, Lewis- ton 20-31. Mvrkle-Hanlcr 81^'V, Western (Eugene J. Bull, nutr. 1— Naugatuck, Coi.u., 18-24, Newhurgh, N. V.. 20-31. i ' * Murray * Mackey (John J. Murray, mgr.)— Lan- caster, Pa., 10.24, York 20-31. ■ Marka Stock tTodi Marka, n.gr.)— Edmonton, Alth.. Can., 10-24, Calg-ary 20-31. _ Murks Bros. (Joe Marks, mgr.) — lngeraoll, Cap., 10-24. Stratford 20-31'. . Murkn BrJH.. May A. Bell Mnrka (It. W. Mnrta, mgi-.)— Berlin. N. II., 10-24. M.vers. Irene, Big Slock (Will U. Myers, mgr.)— Plttslleld, Mass., 20-31. Myers, Will 11., Stock (4)lm Allen, mgr.)— Mies. O., 10-21. Mntlies. Clara— U'llibrldge. N. W. T., Can., 10- 28 Calgary 24-30, ICilmonton Jan. 2-10. Mack & Armour's GomedlanH' (Chan. Drew Muck, mgr. )— Merrill. Wis., 10-21, Wuusau 32-26. Mason, LllUun. Stock (N. U. Vedder, mgr.)— Holalngleii. Kan., 10-24, Mortimer, Charles (F. V. Keith, mgr.)— Nyrth , Bnut, Pa... 10-24. ' • ># ^ „' McDonald Stock (George W. McDonald, mgr.) — KOrt Smith, Ark.. 19-24. Van Buren 20-31. Mask, Bcu K, Stock— Watervllle, Me.. 10-24. Malan-Magntth (Jaa. A. Maerath, bus mgr.)— Oril.ig, Wash.. 10-24. Maxmn & Sights' Comeillaus (J. W. Slghta, mgr.) — Claremout. S. Dak.. 10-21, Alidorer 22-21. Welsjter 20-31. ! . • , Melville Dinn.utlc (M. Melville, mgr,)— Sl'lro, luJ. Tec, 10-21, POtcau 22-24, Iloratla, Ark., 28 31. Metmiralllnii Slock, Klunle.r'a (William Stanford, mgr.)— Danville, Ky., 10-24. _^ Mattlce Stock . mgr.)— Shorta- vllle, N. Y., 10-24, Falmoit 20:31. Metropolitan Stock (Clifford Reeves, mgr.)— St. II- waier. owa.. m-84. j> ' Moore'a'Stnck (Frank A. Moore, mgr.)— Wampum. .Pa., 10-24, lviht I'sle-'tlue. O.. 20-31. "Mrs. wings of the Cabbage Patch" (Lleuler & National Stock (Chartea B. Bcliad. bit.)— Nor- wood, N. Y.. 10-21, Brasher Falls 22-24, Tup- ■tmnjm 20-31. ■ ■ _." . . New England Playera (W. W. Lajiolot A 0. L. IftftfauW.. mgrs.)— Itandolph, Vt., lll?4, St. .Vlluilia 20-31. . £■• Ncwinalt'n Entertainers— Republic, Mo., 10-24, Anrora MHM. • . "NU.eiy add Nine" (White JJ Ashman, nigra.) — Sm£ X. J.. 10-24, I'l.llmlelpl.ln. Pa.. 20-11. "Sew' York Dnv by. pay" (George W. Wlnnett, nurr.) — Vomg-'tovn, '()., 21, Akron 22-24, Hlia- 1011, l'a., 20, RiK-hesicr 27, Irwin 28, Leecli- Imrg 20, Altoona 80. Johnstown 31. "Nn weildlr.g Bella for lf«." Korreaier * Mltlen- Ih.iFs — Cii'.cago. ;;i.. 23-31. "Next Door," Bro». Itoyer (Jos. II, Arthur, mgr.) —Van, Wert, a. 31, -DcIdIkw 23, Belerontaliic 33. I' ld.11. 24. St. Mi.rys 28, Ornnrllle 27, Muncle, Iud., 28. El wood 20. O Oli-olt, Chnunccy (Ananslnn Pllon, mgr.) — 1'ltts- III... 18-24, Jotlet ST.. Fort Wayoe, Ind... 20, KMamatoo, Mich.. 27, Battle Creek 28, Lans- ing SO, Bay City 30, Saginaw 31. ^, S[».«er Dramatic KSk lHaMl ■>«*.)— Stephen- vllle, Tex., 10-24, Dublin 20-31. Sterling Slock (William Trl(.lett, mgr.l— Shawnee, (Ikla., 21-25, Hot Springs. Ark.. 20-31. Stowell Stuck (F. n. Htowell, mgT.l— l'hetps, N. SttTHiM Cotnedy (Harry A. ShtTens. mgr)— Sl.el- liitn. Ind., 10-24. _ , „,. Steolsmltlia. The (C. M. Stwlsmlth, mgr.)— Oll- lespli-, III., 19-24, Staunton Wh ' •Srmltuirr Olrl," M- B. Raymond's— Johnstown. I'4., 20, East Liverpool, O., 27. loungstown 2H, Fort Wayne. Ind., 29. Valparaiso 30. "Secret of Pollchlnelle" (James K. Hackett, mgr.) -Philadelphia, Pa.. 10-24, N. Y. Ullf 20-31. "Shore ArtaC' (WUIIaan B. Oros" iafr.)-f-San I'ranclseo Cal.. 18-2-1. , _ , "Sweet Clover" (Victor II. Scl.afer, mar.)— *ala- n.iiioo. Mich., 21, Grand Knplds 22-24, Battle Creek 20 "•War Wown Baat." Western. Wav A, Bja. T. Keogh» (A. O..AId»tt. bu*. mar.)— St. Louis, Mo., 18-24, Cincinnati, O., 23-81. , ,_.___» "\Vlfe In Xante Only" (Oarlnnd Oaden. mgr,)— La Salle. III.. 20. Jancayllle. «!«.. 31. "Wife's Secret" (Spencer ft Alwrn. mgrs.)— Oo- hoaen, X. J.. 33-55, Ellrabeth 30-31. "Wav Women Sin," Eastern. M. W, Taylor's (Al. Mc'la>ad, rogr.l— Chicago, 111., 18-31 "»Iotlier Goose" (Klaw ft- Erlaaaer, mrr. ._ Wnshinglun, D, C, 19-24, BalUmore, Mil ->7 31. ' "Maid and the Mummy" (Charles Marks, mrr 1 St I-oubt; Mo., 18-24, Dayton, o.. 30 tiU mnnd. Ind., 27, Cambridge, O., 28, BaaaC SO, Mlddletown 30. -"wi.ioa "Mr. Wlx of Wlckbsm and the Merry Bhon Gin.- E; E. Illce's— Baltimore, Md., 10-24. hnL lyn, X- Y., 28-31. ' ""**■ I'hdnn Musical (B. V. Paelart, mgr.)— Lawrenrs Mas*., 20-31. "• "Parsifal." In English (Henry W. Savage, mrr 1 — Uflen. X. Y.. 21. Syracaae 22, Bochesterzi 24. Philadelphia. I'a.. 28-Jan. 7. "' "Prince Of Pllsen" (Uenry W. Savage, mrr 1— Blrmlngluitn. Ala., 21, Montgomery 32. |i„ r ,,~ cola, FU., 23, Mobile. Ala., 24, Xcw OrlcLu' La., 23-31. ""• "PUT, Paff, Ponf" (F. O. Whitney, mgr.)— n- ton, Mas*.. 10-24. N. Y. City 20-31. "Princess Chic'' (1-rank BntTell, mgr.) Spsi.t» Wash.. 10-21, Portland. Ore.. 22-24. Bntoou Tavlor**— '*'•• Bol " e - ,da -- 2T - Poettello 28, Ogden u lay.orfr— . . . ,. _. „. «»uvu, ^ Bristol, Pa.. 23. B.irllnjrton. N. J., 21 "Over .Niagara Falls," 11 'Rowland & Cllrford, thitra.l— Jackaon. Mich., 28. "Over Xligant Falls." (Ilowlanil ft CIIITor.l. mjira.)— San Francisco, Cal., lu-24, Saata Bar- I11.ru 23. Ventura 20, Santa Anna 27, Sa,i Diego 38, Riverside 29, Itedlanda 30, Han Bernardino 31, Oxiinrd Jan. 1. "Out of the Fold" (Henry B. Marks, mgr.) — Beardslown. 111., 21, Macomb 22. Kewauec 2:1, Frankrort. Ind., 27. Lafayette 28, CraWCords- vllle 2a, Kokdmo 3U. "On the Erldgi: at Midnight," Edttern (Frank (inuolo, n.gr.) — Philadelphia. Pa.. 20-31. "On the Bridge at Midnight," Western (Frank Qnrtolo, mgr.) — Council Bluffa, la.. 33, Ues Moines 20-28: Mcrshnlltown 30, Oskaloosa 30, Dtlumwa 31. "Old Arkansaw," Fred Raymond's (Merle II. Norton, mgr.) — North Baltimore, O., 21. llowl- ini,- Green 22. Kenton 23, Carey 24, Sycamore tenia 28, Dallas 2!), 30. Fort Worth 31. "Slil.Uows on the Hearth" lArtl.ur C. Alpton, mgr.)— Tor.into. Con., 19-24, X. Y. City 20-31. "Slaves of the Mine" (L. J. Slevln, mgr.)— Wilmington. Del., 10-21. Camden. X. J„ 22-21. "Superb.." (William ft lidwarrt llm.len, mgrs.) —Hartford, Conn., 10-21, Worcester, Mass., 22-24. Boston 2.1-31. "S| Stebblus" (Dan Darlelgli ft Bob Mack, mgre.) —Canton. O., 21, Lisbon 22, Beaver Falls, Pa., 24. "Slrauge Adveutuns of Amos Skeetcr" (Itols^rt Graf/, mgr.)— Akron, O., 10-21, Erie, Pa., ^2- 34. "S|ian of Life" (Lewis Donaxettn, nutr.)— Cal- cago. III., 18-34, Manistee. Mich.. 20. CadU- lac 27, Ludlogton 28, Grand Rapids 20-31. T Thon.peon. Dt-nman (Frank Thompson, mgr.)— Clinton 30. Sandusky 31. _ *»%■ %. laana v. nit^C Bm*. .B U JHI. "Ortly n Shop Olrl." LutUc Wllllamn (JI. II. Wmchcll, mgr.l— .Mllwnukee. Wle.. 18-2t. J SaSfi^S5"r^5lt^ Sfc-U^^ M.d.tme^. C. Whitney, a*, "Old Fai'ini-r Hopkins" .Frank 8. Davidson, mgr.) — Wushliigtou. X. (.'.. 21, Edonbu 22, Turloro 23, SmlthOeld 24, Fayettcvlllc 20, Morion, S, C. 27, Florence 28. "On Thanksgiving Day" (Vanes ft Sullivan, n.grs.) — Rlt-hriioi.il, V.I., 10-24, Montgomery, Ala.. 26-.11. "On the Suwnnee River" (Stolr ft Nlcolal, mjrs.) — Pittsburg, l'n., 20-31. 1» Pnllon, W. It. (J. M. Stout, mgr.)— Tyler, Terry, Edward (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)— X. Y, City 20, indefinite. Thurston, Adelaide (Claiton Wllstach, mgr.)— Altoonn. Pa., 27. Thropp. Clara (Pickens & Simpson, nujrs.) — Chll- llcothe. Mo., 21, Maryvllle 22, Clarlnda, la., 33, Sbenotloab 24, Council Bluff 20, Elk Point, S. Dak., 27, Yankton 28, Mitchell 20, Sioux City, la.. 30, Madison. S. Dak.. 31. Turner. Clara (Ira W. Jackson, mgr.) — Xashua, X. 11.. 10-24, Fall River, Mosa., 20-31. Taylor Stock (Albert Taylor, mgr.) — Marshall, Tex., 10-24, Palestine 20-31. Thurber fc Xasher — Mcrlden. Conn., 20-31. 31. "Why He Divorced ner" iir Rapids 23, Ottumwa 24, Dea Moines 30 ll,,. buque 27, Clinton 28, Davenport 2'j. tioi-t Island. III.. 30, Peoria 31. "Strollers" (Nixon ft Zimmerman, ragrs.)— nw Philadelphia, 0.. 21, Coshocton 23, Cambrlik,. 23. Slstervllle, W. Va., 24, Marietta, o -'ii Atheoa 27, Parkersbunf, W. Va., 28. St. Slsrjs 30. Chamborsburg, Pa., 30, Falrmomit, W. Va., "Show Girl." Eastern (B. C. Whitney, mgr 1— Newark. N. J.. 20-31. ^ ' "Show Olrl," Western (B. C. Whitney, mrr )— San Bernardino, Cal.. 21, Riverside 23 iicl- land 23. Pasadena 24, BakersHeld 23. Fresno 20, Oakland 37, Stockton 38. Sacramento "11 Redbluff 30, Snlem, Ore., 81, I'orlln.id, Jnn' "Was She to Blame?" No. lfJed Carlton, mgr.l — Lost Nation. Ia„ 21, Wyoming 22, Oxford & ffi i. ln ? . 11 n (G ,?P r ? e , W -,. L * lcr * r ' mgr.)— Juncllon 23. SprlDgvllle 24. Auamoaa 20. Ma- ...Philadelphia, Pa.. 10, indennlte. uiou, „. i». \... «. n.wu,, lu*,,.; — *..,v>, luuroiT a .iiijiiier — .wenuen. vonu., .0-^1. Tex., 21, Palestine 22. Longvlew 23, Marshall Thome Dramatic (Frank Tboruc, mgr.) — River- 24, Alrxnndrla. La., 23, Shrevcport 20, Fort point, 11, I., 19-24, Woousuckct 20-31. Worth, Tex., 28, Dallas 28. Purnell, Kathryn— Providence, It. I„ 10-24. l'ayton, Come, Stock (David J. Ramage, mgr-1 — Hchcnectndy, X. Y., 10-24, Wllllamsport, Pa., 20-111. Puyt.ui, Corse, Comedy (A. a. Bonney, nurr.) — Salem, Muss,, 10-21, Hartford. Conn., 20-31. Puvtuu Sisters (Cot. I'runk- Rubertsou, mgr. ) — lldwardH, Miss., 111-21, Jackson 22-24, Hattles- burg 20-2S. Unlfinrt 20-S1. Phelnii. !■:. V., Stoek ( Ralph A. Ward, nurr.)— New London, t '01111., 20-31. Powell-1 ortello. Fasten, (lli.lton PowelL mar.)-- M'ausun. Wis., 22-23. Autl"o 20-20. Powers' Comedians (John T. Powers, nicr.)— Park City, li., 10-24. Prlngle. Johnnie, Comedy Ideals — Victoria, B. C, 10-24. Plntt-Fannhuj— Seattle. Wash., 18-24. "Peddler," Sam Thorne — Sullivan, Harris ft Woods' (Fred Block, mgr.)— Nllcs, O., 27, Maa- Blllon 26. Akron 20-31. «v "Qupci. of the Highway" (W. McGowan, innr. ) — Detroit, Mich., 18-24, Akron, O., 23-2.8, Erie, Pn., 20-31. f "Ontocy Adums Sawyer," Central 'W. G.- Snell- liur. mgr.) — Birmingham. Ala., 20, Selma 27, Demapoita 28. Mei.-dli.ii, Miss, 20, Jaekaou 30, Port Gibson 31. "Queen of the While Slave*." Enster.i (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— Grand Ranlils, Mich., 23-28, Charlotte 20, Lansing 30, Flint 31. "Own of the White Slaves." Western (A. n. VI oial*. nvjr.l— Rochester, N. Y., 10-21, Syra- cuse 22-21, X. Y. Clly 20-31. R ItusFcll, Annie (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — X. Y. City 10, liidctlulte. Rel'uu, A-ln (Sum 8. Sl.uhert. mgr.)— Pittsburg, Pn., 10-24. Chicago, 111.. 20-Jan. 7. Uduers Brothers (Klaw ft Erlauger, iiu-rs.) — I'rorldeuce, It, I., 10-21, Bualon, Mass., 20- Jull. 14. , ... Hcjiiuc (Llcldct- ft Co., tngrs.) — Lexington, Kv., 21, Duy ton, O., 22. C0l.1ml.us 2.'!, Wheullng, W. Vn.. 24. Cincinnati. 0.. 20-31. Rrlsen, Klvauor. (Llebler « Co., mgrs.) — St. Ixints, Mo., 20-31. Roberts, Florence (Fre.1 Belasco, mgr.) — Van- couver. 11. 0.,' 21, Seattle, Wash., 23-28. Its is, John and Emma (Stair ft Nlcolal, nigra.) — N. Y, City 10-24, Brooklyn. X. Y., 20-31. - Russell, Louis J. (Felix Blcl. mgr.)— Barnes- boro. Pa., 21, Indiana 22, Orcensburg £3, La- trobe 20, Monnt Pleasant 27, Waahlngton 28, Connellavllle 20. Vnudcrgrlft 31. ■■ Rons and Feu ton— Worcester, JIiisk. . 20-81; Ryan, Daniel It.— Worcester. Mass.. 10-21. Ruber, Kntherlue. Stock (Harry King, mgr.) — Al- bany, X. Y„ 10-24, Xew: Britain. Conn., 20-31. Recoi-d Stock (Frank P. Haven, mgr.) — punxsu- tawney, Pa., 18-24, Monessen 20-31. Hoe Slock (0. J. W. Roe, mgr.)— Burlington, Vt„ Ruble. Thealro (C. S. Ruble, mm.)— Slockton, Kau.. 10-21, Osborne 23-24. Ruby Stock— Rockland, Me., 10-24. Augusta 20* "Two Orphans" (Llebler ft Co.. mgrs.) — Grand Rapids, Mich.. 20, Detroit 20-31. "Two Little Waifs," A. Lincoln J. Carter's (J. L. Buforil, mgr.) — Birmingham, Ala., 10-24, Cincinnati, O., 23-31. "Two Little Waifs," B, Lincoln J. Carter's (C. Arthur Sellun. mgr.) — Oakland, Cal.. 31. "Too Proud to Beg," Lincoln J. Carter's (Fred- eric Kimball, mgr.)— N. Y. City 20-31. "Thou Shalt Not Kill"— Cincinnati, O., 18-24, Cunton 27. "Thelma" (Spedden ft Van Cook, mgrs.) — Grand Rnplds, Mich., 16-24, Coldwater 20. Hlllsdulc 27, Albion 28, Kutoii Uaulds 20, Mlshowaka, Ind.. 31. "Tracked Around the World" (A. II. Woods, nutr.) — X. Y. City 19-34, Boston, Mass., 20-31. "Texas Steer" (JI. Rice, inn-'— Kansas City. Mo.. 18-34. Cedar. Rapids. la.. 31. "Texas." Sidney Ayers— Jersey Clly. X. J.. 20-31. "Two Johns" (C. O. Allen, mgr-) — Grand Rapids. Mich.. 18-21. Toledo. O.. 23-24, Bowling Green 20, Illcksvllle 27, Paulding 28, Van Wert 20. Ottawa 30, Fludlay 31. "Ten Nights lu a Bar Room" (Mitchell & Law- man, mgrs.) — H.-imllton. o., 21, Liberty, Ind., 23. Counersvllle 24. Rushvllle 20. "Two Orphans" (Benuett-Bubler Co., mgrs.)— Outhrle. Okla., 21, Perry 22, Oklahoma City 23, No nil an 24. • "TforouKhbred Trnmp." Elmer Walters' (Harry Darlington, mgr.) — Fort Wnyne. Ind.. 31. Ro- chester 22, Valparaiso 20. La Porte 27, South Mend 28, Marlon 2b, Gosben 30, Xlles, Mich., 31. "Trolley Party" (Tnnuer ft Co.. mgrs.) — Fayelte- vlllc. X. C. 21. Wilson 22, Durham 23, Oxford 24, Burlington 20. V "Under Southern Sklea," Eastern (Harry Docl Parker, mgr.)— Henderson. Ky.. 21, Evausrlllo, Ind., 22, uweusboru, Ky., 23, New Albany, Iud,. 24, Louisville, Ky., 30-31. - "Under Southern Skies." We.-ieni (Harry Duel larker, ingr.) — LVtivlt, Mich., 25-31. "Under Southern Skies," Central (Harry Docl Parker, mgr.)— Sterling, IIL, 21, Galesburg 22, Strcalor 23, Centralja 20, Ettuigbaui 27. Ol- i.-y, HI., 28, Mattoou' 20, Charleston 30, Paris "lucle Toms Cabin," AL W. Martin's (Ed. S. Martin, atgr.)—N. Y. City 10-24, Lawrence, Murs., 2U-28. Lowell 29-3L "Uhwrllten Law" (Eilwlo Mordant, mgr.)— Johns- town. X. Y.. 21, Gloversvllle 22. UUca 23, 24, Carbondnle. Pa„ 20. Xantlcoko 27, Bethlehem It*. Eastou 20, Reading 30. "Uncle Tow's Cabin." stetson's. Central (L. W. Suoketa 27. Montlcella 28. Dyersvllle 29, trawlierry Point 30, taMBOM 31. "Was She to Blumel" No. 2 (E. L. Paul, ragT.) — Lyons, Kan., 21, Xlckerson 22, Hutchinson 23, New. on 34. "Wlio Is Who?" (Crosby. Gordon ft Fullwood, mgre-l — Wilmington, Del.. 22-24, I'ottevllle, Ha.. 20, Bethlehem 27. Xorrlstown 28, Rogers- ford 20, Coatrsvlllc 30, Lebanon 31. "Who's Brown!" (.Morris ft Hall, mgrs.) — Den- ver, Colo.. 19-24. "Wise Womau"— Burlington, la., 20, Keokuk 28. Y Young'*, Edwin, Stock— Bay City. Mich., 18-21. Mhllsud 20-28. "York State Folks" (Fred E. Wright, mgr.)— Mil- waukee. Wis., 23-31. "Young Tobe Ho'xle" — Bay City. Mien., 22, Jack- son 24. Graud Rapids 23. "Your Xclghbor'a Wife" (JI. L. Ellis, mgr.)— Jlaeo.iib, III.. 21. Colchester 23. Augusta 23. Younger Brothers" • (A. A. Jack, nurr.)— Wash- ington. Pa:. 31. Belle Vernon 33. Connellsrlllc 33, Jlonongahela 24. lllalrsville 2U. Johuslown -1, Kbciusburg 38. Hollidsysburg 3U, Altoona 31. MLSICAL. Ut-ggnr Prince Oi*ra (F. A. Wade, mgr.) — Oakes, N- pak.. 31. Aberdeen. ¥. Dak.. 23-24. Groto.i "Sleeping Beauty and the Beast" (Roscnlanm & Nankevlllc, mgrs.) — Portland, JIc., 18-24, Mou- treal. Can.. 20-31. "Sergeant Kitty" (George R. White, mgr.)— St I.oUls. Mo.. 19-24, Cedar Rapids, la.,::0. "TeuderfcoL" No. 1 (W. W. Tlllotson, gen. nKr.i — Pblliideiphia, Pu., 10-24, Boston, Mass-Tilli. Jan. 7. "Tenderfoot," No. 2 (W. W. Tillolsou, gen. ukt 1 — Topekn, Knn., 30. Van Stndlford. Grace (F. Zlegfeld Jr.. mgr.)— Cleveland. 0.. 10-24, Toledo 20, Columbus 37, 38, Dayton 30, Indianapolis 30. 31. Wills Musical Comedy (John B. Wills, mgr.)— Harrlsburg. Pa.. 32-24. "Winsome Winnie" (Sam S. Shubert. mgr.)— Philadelphia. Pa., 18-34, AUeutown 30, Johns- town 30, Altoona 31. "Woodland" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.)— X. Y. City 19, IndeinlU'. "Wizard of 02," No. 1 (Hamlin ft MIUVII, nigra.)— X. Y. City 19-31. "Yankee Ctninl" (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) — Toronto. Can., 20-31. UIRLESO.LC AND VAUDEVILLE SHOWS. Americans (E. D. Miacr. mgr.) — Scranlun, Pa, 10-21. Reading 22-24. Philadelphia 30-31. Bryant's. Harry C Extravaganza (C. II. Ken- yon, lnxr.) — Providence, R. I., 13-24, Boston, Mass.. 20-31. Blue Ribbon Girls (Jack Singer, mgr.)— X. V. City 19-24, Scranton, Pa., 20-28, Reading 211- 31. 20- 30, JIIIlLs.uk 27, .MuntcVldeo, Jlliin.. 38, Madi- son, Wis.. 20. Wiiteriuwn, S. Dak., 30. .".1, RwlBeld Jan. 2, Huron 3, Mitchell 4. Yank- ton 5. - Black Palti Tivuhadoura (Voclckcl ft \olau. mgrs.— Portland, Ore., 18-24, Salem 20, Ku- gene 27. Roseburc. Cal., 28. Ashlsad 20. Ile,l- ding 30, R11I Blutr 31, Woodland Jan. 1. Ssc- . Majaa ts 2. Slockton 3, Oakland 4-0, Vol lei , 7. Bllllb.iulre," 1'boniaB Q. Seabroolac (Klaw «V Erlauger. nigts.)— San Francisco, Cal., 16-34. San Joel 20, Oakland 38, Stockton 31 Fresuu "°" To "» (Rush ft Weber, mgrs.)— Sprlugileld Jan. 1, Ixw Augeles 2-7. "•<-™ w mm* 19-24. Boston 20-31. 'Babes In Toyland." No'. 1 (Hamlin & Mitchell, J,r !?. a !i l . < ' r "_ lun «o. mgr.)— Cblcu?o, 111.. 10, IndeUnite. 10-24. Brooklvn, X. Y.. SO-Juu. Broadwuy Burlesqueni (Brenna.i Amusement O'., mgrs.) — Ottumwa, la., 20, 21, Iowa City 22, Jluseutlnc 33, Davcniurt 34, 33, Peoria, III., 20, Burlington, la.. 31. City Siwrts (Phil Mherldau, mgr.)— St. Paul, Jtlnn.. '18.-24, Chicago. HI., 23-31. Cracker Jacks (Harry Leoul, mgr.) — Tolclo, 0., 18-24. Cleveland 30-31. Cherry Illowoois (Butler, Jacobs ft Lowry, mgrs.) —Reading. Pa., 19-21, Scranton 22-24, X. Y. City 20-31. Devere'B. 8um— X. Y. City 10-24. Jersey City, N. J., 20-31. Dainty Duchess (Rush ft Wcbcr, mgrs. — Newark, X. J., 19-24. Paterson 28-31. Fay Foster Rorlesquers (Joseph OpiH-uhcluvr, mgr.)— Chicago, III.. 18-24, Detroit, Jllen., Gav Mo'rnlns Glories (Scrlbncr ft Drew, mgrs.)— Kansas City. Ma, 18-24, Indianapolis, led., 20-31. "JIi)rrlage™oV Klity"' (lulus Murry,''mgr.>— Salt Rnukle. Oorlnue. Stock (H. K. Hexter, mgr.)— Ln,k« City, U., 30. 27. „ BoutlibrtOjje. _Ma>ui.. ie-t!4°. Taunton 28-31 Luke -. "Mnud Muller" (L. D. Blondell. mgr.) — Belle fuute. Pa., 21, Phlllpsburg 22, Rcunra 23, Mn- lnuoy 24, Brldgctoii, X. J„ 20, Eastou, Ph., 27, 1 - ".Midnight Marriage," Forrester ft MlttenlhalN (Frauk C. Rhwles, uigr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y., 20- 31', : ' v .,-.;• "Jfnbnahlnet'a Daughter," Eastern (W. F. Mann, mgr.)— Wheeling. W, Va., 22-24, Washington, Pu., 20. Canousburg 27, Wayueshurg 28, Mo- nongal.ela SO. McKecsiwrt 30, -CnlontOwn SI. "Mooi.shlnet-'s Dnughler." Western aud Southern (Frank Dodgv. togi i .)--Crestcn, la.. 21, Osceola S3, Alhlii 23: C"iitervlllc 24. "Mv Wife's Family" (I. Seideuberg. mgr.)— s'nndnhkj-. O., 20, Umlu 27, Klyrl.i 28, Shelby 20, Jlansdeld 30. Marlon 31. "Midnight Flyer" (Ed. Audersun, mgr.) — R-issell. vllle, Ky.. 21, Bowling Green 22. F.iirllugtim 2:1. Pndncnb 24, Fulton. 20, Covington. Temi., 27, Unrest City, Ark., 23,' Hot Springs 30, Little Rock 31. "Minister's Daughters" (Orovcr Brothers, rogra.) — tHronto, (Mn.; 10-2*. "Mlssor-rl Girl," Kastern, Fred Raymond's (Geo. lUdce. mgr.l — Ijitrobe, l'a., 21, West N'ewton 22, Irwin 23, Juniiue-lle 24, New Kensington 20, Vamlergrlft 27, Belle Vernon 21.. Mouon- Rc.lfrow's Jolly PathOnders (J. N. lteutfrow, mgr.) — Connellsvlllc, Pa., 19-24, East Liver- pool, 0„ 20-31. Royal Llllnutlaus; Gus Hill's (Thomas R. Uenry, mgr.) — Montreal, Cau., 19-24, Ouebec 20-38, Ottuwu 20-31. ' "Ruliiul Life"— Chicago Uelghls, HI., 23. Rock- ford 20, Himiicsiou 2T. Oxford, Ind., 28. Dau- Iplou 28, Anderson 28, Muncle 30, 31. "I.i.cle Tom's Cabin," Stetson's, Northern (Chas. tWrtaek, mgr.)— Salt Lake CRj-, U., 19-21, Brig lion. 22. ■ «•-..>->- ™ "Uncle Hcz"- (Frank Adams, mgr.) — Grand Rap- I UK, ,'llCli., **■*.')■ "Uncle S Durantl baslta I "Uncle Josli Spruceby Fall River. Mass., (F. C. Whitney, mgr.)— Dallas. Tex.. 20. 21. Fort Worth 22, WaeoiU, Sin An tenia. 27, JlemphlR, Tei.n., 30. 31. n.gllsh (Iraud Opera (Uenry w'. Savage, mgr.) —Washington, D. C* t9-24, Baltimore: MdV20- SI HnTskFus" (C. S. Primrose, tun.)— *'E1 -Canltau" Ojs)ra (Frank T. Klnulng, mn.)— d, WMs„ 32, Lake City, Minn.. 23, n'u- —Dayton, O., 10-21, IndlauaiKiils, Iud.r22-24 31, Winona 20, St. Ciiurlcs 27. Terre Home 20. - * •"■■**-■•• • " (Dure B. Levbj, mn.)— * , '?! t, "f Uoae - Orchestra— Armour. 8. 21, Taunton 23. " ..J^ ,Wff,on 22, Mitchell 23, Mount V V rantuuu," JelTerson Do Angella (San Van, Billy B.— Sulthnn. Harris ft Woods' (J. h, Itols:vts, mgr.l— Boston, Mass., 10-24, Mon- treal, Can.. 20X11. vllle. III.. 20, Ouktaud 30. Van Dvke At Eaten (P. Mack mar 1 Z>nih»IM giilieln 30. Oliarkmt 31. "JllssouK dlsboiirl Girl," Western, Fred Raymoud'a (Hurry S. Hopping, mgr.)— Fulton, Ky.. 21. Charles- ton, .Mo., 23. Maiden 23, Foi.lur Hli.fr 24. Or.in 20. 1'rederlektown 27. Farmlngtoa 28. In.ntoi. 29, De Sots tin, Alton. III., 31. "More To Fie Pitted Thun Scorned." Charles E. Blaney's — Wiislilngton. D. 0., 10-24. "Me, ttlin and L" Hurtlg ft Seniuon'a (Edwin .7. Colin, mgr.)— Brooklyn, X. Y., 10-24, N. Y. Oily 20-31. "Mcl-'adden's Flats," Gus lull's (Charles K. Bur- ton, mar.) — Des Moines, la.. 19-31, Omaha. Xebr., 32-34, Kansas Clly, Mo.. 23-81. "JIlKjoiirlans" (l„ j|, Goodsindl, mgr.)— Phila- delphia, Pa., 19-31. "Jfldnlght Kxpress" (Walter R. Early, mgr.) — Jackson. Ten.... S8-24. Holly Springs, Miss,, 38. Water Valley 3T. Udlg 3D. Paulon 31. ■ Xell], James (Rdwm 11. Xclll, Wash.. 10-01. Harris, mgr.)— Washington, D. C, 10-21, Rich moml, Va., 30-31. "Runaway Match," Clint aud Bessie Robhlna (Chaao ft Lister, mgrs.) — Warrensburg, Jlo., 23. New Frauklln 23, Moberly 34-20, Salis- bury 27, Mexico 28, Bowling Green 20, Hanni- bal 31. , "Romance of Coon Hollo*" (A. C. Allen, tngr.) — Oskaloosa, la., 21, Des Moli.es 22-24, Rock Island, III,, 23, Davenport, la.. 20. JIuscalli.e 27. Burlington 28, Keokuk 2», Qulucy, 11., 30. "Royal Slave," Xorthern, Gordon ft Beuett's (Teddy Thomas, mgr.) — Decatur, III., 21, Richmond 32. Anderson 23. "Royal Slave." southern, Gordon ft Rennett's (H. M. Illackaller. mgr.) — Salem, O., 21. East Jnrdun 22, Bellalre 33. Butler 34, Puuxau- tawney 20. U'.-iilnirg 27, Blolrsvlllo 2S. "Rachel Goldstein" (James U. Rhodes, mgr.) — Columbus, 0.. 20-31. "Ruee for :Llfe." Sullivan, narrls ft Woods* (Leon Victor, mgr.l — Brldgemrt. Conn.. 21, Xew. Haven 22-24, Hartford 20-38, Springfield, Mass., 30-31. "Rovsna's Claim" — Albany. X. Y.. 22-24. "Rabbit's Fool" (Put Chappelle. mgr.) — Savan- nah, Ud.. 31. Darlei. 22. Brunswick 33. "Rip Van Winkle." W. A. Filer's— Shenandoah. In., 31. Villi.,-.. S3. Red Oak 211. Glenwood 21. lllalr. Xi-br.. 2(1. Hoo|s-r 27, West Polut 28. Stanton 20, Pierce 30. Randolph 31. "Railroad .luck" (Guy Canfman, mgr.)— Topeko, Kau., 22, St. Joseph, Mo„ 34. S Sothero, 1:. II.. and Julia Marlowe (Charlea Froh.iiau. mar.) — Boston. Mass., 18-34, Provl- deeee. R. L. 20.28, SprliigCelfl. Mass., 20, mgr.)— Seattle Hsrlford, Conn.. 30, Xsw Haven 81. Vemon Sloe'i (Benj. B. Vcrnoti, mgr.)— Blne- hitmton, K, Y„ lu-24, Cortland 20-31. - ••Virg'.ulau," Dnstiu Farnum (Klrke La Shello. njfr,')— Texurkaiui, Ark.. 21. Hot Springs 22, Pllie Bluff 28. -Little Hock 34, St. Louis, Mo., 20-81. "Vivian's Papas." Blanche Ring and Harry Conor (F. E. .McKay ft Stewart Llthgow, uun.i — Jlvntmil. Call.. 19-24. Ottuwu 20, 27. King- ston 28. Hamilton 20. 30, London 81. "Village Postmaster" (Frank (5. Cotter, mgr.) — Keokuk, la.. 22, Cautau, III., 24, Peoria 13. Tetrc Houle, Ind., 20. "Volunteer Organist'' (Harry JIartell, mgr.) — Easton, Pa., 20, Trenton, X. J„ 37. W Walsh, iiiai'che (Wngenhuls ft Kemper, niijra.l — Chicago. III.. 10-24. Grand Rapids, Midi.. .11. Wyudham, Charles (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — N. V City 10, Indeflulte. Warde, Frederick, aud Katherlnc Kidder (Wagen- hala ft Kethper, mgrs. )— Kauaus City, Mo., 10- 21. Denver, Colo., 2031. WurMd, David (David Belasco. mgr.)— X. Y. City 10, ludcfinlie. Welch, .toseidi (Dlugwcll ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)— X. y. citv a-i-ai. Ward ft Vokes (Stair ft Nlcolal, nigra. )— Toledo, O.. 18-21. Plttaburg. Pu.. 20-3 \7 White Whittlesey (Arthur A. Lotto, bus. mgr.l — Cripple Creek. Cold., 23. Pueblo 20, Colorado Springs 27, Victor 38. Cripple Creek 39, Pueblo 3". Colorado Springs 81. Williams and Walker (Hurtlg ft Seamon, mgrs.) — Los A .levies. Cal., 19-34, Oakland, 30, 30. Wlunlugcr Brothers' Own (Frank Wlnnlnger. mgr.l— pari Dodge la. 19-34 Boone 30-Jsn 4. ue Show (Fred Irwin, mgr.) — T Y.. 10-21, Albany 22-24, Spriugneld. Mass., 20-31. Iraiierlals (Williams ft Burns, mgrs.) — Indianap- olis. Iud., 10-24. Chicago, 111., 23-31. Innocent Munis' (T. W. Dlnklns, nurr.)— Cantou. III.. 21. Pekln 22, Bloomlngton 23. Clinton 24, Mattoou 20, Pana 37, Lincoln 28, Decatur 20, Peoria 30. La Salle 31. Jolly Gross Widows (Robert Fulton. mgr.) T • Paterson. X. J., 19-24, N. Y. City 20-Jun. 7. Jack's. Sam T., Own (Win. Eversolc, mgr.l— Podncali. Ky., 20. KulckerbocSeia (Louis Roble. mgr.)— Boston, Jlass.. 10-24. X. Y. Clly 20-31. , „ Eenlucky ltclles (Wsalcn Brothers, mgrs.)— Ro- ehestcr. N. Y., 19-24. To'.outo, Can., 20-31. Lafayette, the Great (T. G. Lafayette, uigr.)— Toled-j, O., 18-24. , Merry Maidens (Butler. Jacobs ft Lowry, mgrs.) —Milwaukee, Wis., 18-24, Minneapolis, Jllnu., °3-31 Mateslles (Fred Irwin, mgr.) — Boston, Mass., PJ- 24. X. Y. City 20-31. Jloonllgt.t JlaWs (Snlllvau ft Kraus, n.grs.l— Jcfer- Brooklyn, at Y., 19-24, Albany 20-28, Trey fon City 20, .Toplhi 27, Springfield 28. Fort .. 29-31. , Smith. Ark,, 28. Little Bock 30. Dot Sniuuts ^ ew Ycrk Stars (John P. Rnynor. mgr.)— X. Y. JSi . Clly 10-24, Newark, X. J.. 20-31. Girl from Dl» It" (George A. Kingsbury, nurr)— Orrdienni" Show, Maitin Beck's— San Francisco. Augiudu. Go.. 21, Charleston, S.C.. 22, Kavau- C.tl.. 33Jon. 7. , _ nali, Ga„ 23, Jacksourllle. Fla.. 20. Mmcod Grphenm Bnrlesqucra (I.ou Hommcr, mgr.)— "in- Ga.. XI. Columbus 28. Moulgomery, Ala •»«' nl"**.". Man., 10-24. Gnelph, Can., 20-28, St. BlimhiBham 30, Jloblle 31. ' John 30, 8L Catharhiea 30, 31. _.. Dak,, 21, rcriwn 24. -. Angclls (Sam S. ft Lee Shubert. mgrs. 1— Chicago. III., 11,. indefinite™ "Fortune Teller" (Milton ft Sargent Abroi. £1. Stratrord 34, London 30, Chatham 27 St XSrn?' xrao,lHlock - 9 > aM "E * catbl "Forbidden 'Laml" (Denrborn Theatre Co.. nigra.) — Philadelphia. Pa.. 10-24. Grnml tipcri. (llelnrlch Conrled, mgr.)— X. Y City 10, unleflnlle. ^" ' " *' Glnser. IaUu. Opera (C. B. Dillingham, mgr ) Toronto, Can.. 10-3), Brooklyn. X* V. 2(131 "Glittering Gloria" ilisber 4 Ryley. mgw.)— St. Joseph. Jlo.. 21. Kansas City 23-24. Jcffcr- Homier, Be wolf (Sam S. Shubert, mgr.)— Pklla delpblu,' pa.. 10-31 lrma 0|s«ra (J. p, rarlslnn Widows (Rush ft Weber, mgrs.)— Chi- cago, ID.. 18-24, Milwaukee. Wle.. 23-K1. "Jewel mgr.) — Charleston, S. C, 21. Augusta, Go' 22 A t- SaS ft niniilnghnm. Ala.. 24. Memt.l(|i, Tenn.. 2d. 27. Jackson 28, Nashville 20, Chat t'lll^^n '10 ..,, n ...|ll.. O, *' wumi XerlU Brothers' Comi>.-lnns, Western (Frank C. Cutter, mgr.l— Temple. Tex., 10-24. Austin 20- 2S. Sin Antonln 28-81. Neville, JIarr.iret (Wnt. Crndoc. rogr.)— Vlnceur.es. Ind.. 10-24, F.vausvllle 20-111. North Brothers' Comedians Faslern (R. 7. Jlsck, U(jr.)—Daavllle, 111,, ,10-24, Cbk'agv 20. Skinner. Otis (Joseph, J. Buckley, mgr.) — Chicago, 111., lft.Jau. 7. Shea, Thomas 13. (Xlxon & Zimmerman, nigra.) — Philadelphia. Pu.. 10.31. Sully. Daniel (Willis 13. Boyer, tngr. )— AJtoooa, Pl»., 28. Snow, Mortimer, Slock— Troy, X. Y„ 19. lodcO- nlle. blduey, Gcovgv (A. W, Ucruiau, ugr.)— Chicago, . . Wiedemann's Rig Stock (J. E. George, bus mgr.) — Seattle, »'a«t„ in. indefinite. Wllkoft-Waterman St«k (Will B. Wilson, mgr.)— Houston. Tex.. 19. Indefinite. Wlltou-Watervuan Slock (Claude T. Prescott, mgr.l — Dallas, Tex,, 79, Indrdnlte. "Wife Wlfnoat a Smilo" (Charles Frohman. mgr.) —X. Y. City 1ft. Indefinite. " '0/uy Down Kast," Wm. A. Brady's— Boston, Mass., 10-Jan. 7. 24, St. Louis. Jlo., 33-31. Rose Sydcll's London Relies (W. S. Campbell. nurr.)— Troy, N. Y., 20-28. Albany 20-31. Rellly ft Wood's (Pat Rellly, mgr.>— Washing- . — .« „„, „„,. ion. D. C, 19-24. Plttslwrg.Pa., 20-31. Kl ?Ier»nnS" ri- ^" 1 ? 3 ir Runaway Girl* (P. S. CUrk, mgr. )— Ptillsdcl- "enfi.n -.«. J io Po ^' < ' r8 ' "W— Sterling. idila. Pa., 10-24. Baltimore. Md.. 20~ll. Sii : ,'.™ ,,11 ' S ' Greenock 23, Ayr 2l, Trans- Atlantic Rnrlc-uuers, Hurtlg ft Seamon' •KM, L ffi- - ;'n".;.M «■-... , . ~ « K - M - Rosenthal, mgr.l -Toronto. Can.. 10-21- O "331 * Traltel. mer.)— Clnclntatl, Tiger Lilies (Scrlbne. ft Drew. t»grs.l— St. Loul-. t *$L?£4£E. V^' »«T,- > - T ««*'' Tro^derto^H^WaM^nfntgr.J-X. Y. City ■«!L*SS ua7?',i- , t. _ , ' . Thoroughhreas (Fraok B. Carr. 3m W"S&» 4& Lbeii} Belles' (I red Berber Jr.. rogr.l—. Plilla- BaaTKI tML IUjoIul- 2H-2S, jsaMaM -> ■ delldib.. Pu.. 10-24, Syracuse. X. Y„ 20-38, ill. . ■Ja^* r gjaj * Ctooians (T. W. Dlnllm.. mgr.)-Brooklyn, K- X.. lM-i',1, Vanity Fair (Robert Mnnehester, mgr.)— Cincin- nati. 0„ 1S-24. Lonlsvlllr, K.V.. 23-31. World Beaters (J. Herbert Stack, mirr.)—"*!"* more, lid., 18-84, WasUlegiM, D. C, 2>31. "Jltss Boh White" (Nlxem ft Zimmerman, mars.) — Nelvon. 0„. 31. Clarksburg. W. Va.. ■■•• lall-uiont 2S. Jlorjniitown 24. ConnelUville, !!?•• i 1 *'-. bulontown 27. Oreensbnrg 38, Lalrobc 30. Botfcr 30, Beavelc Falls 31. « l ™« : December 24. the stew: yobe; oijjgggg. 1033 MI.VSTRELS. Barlow * Wiljon's (Lawrence Barlow, age.) — Bureki Springs, Ark., 21, Con Gibson, Ind. Tor., . 22, Taleqoab. 33, Mtucoges 24, Sapalpa 20. Titan 27. , . Christy's. .(.Walter. Stock, mgr.)— DWrson, -Cm., '24, Moultre 20. Tbomasvllle 37, Vsldoata 28. Dockatader's, Lew (Charles D. White, last.) — Denver, Colo., 18-31. .■.-.-.- -,• .- Field's. Al. a. (Doc Qulgley, nrr.) — CoMaboa, O., 18-25, Zanesvlile 20, New Philadelphia 27. Canton 28, Cambridge 29, Marietta 30, Pirk- ersburg, W. Va., 31. Gorton's (C. C. Pearl, mtT.) — Morgan City, La,, 21. Oar Brothers — New Bethlehem, Pa., 21, Ford City 22, Leedsburg 23, Vsnderfrlft 24. Haverty'a (George A. . Bojer. nurr.) — Billing*, Mont., 22, Winnipeg, Man.. 20. 27, Fargo, N. Dttki, 29, Dulutli, Minn., Jan. S. »j HI Henry's— Bellefontaine, O., 21, Union City, Ind., 23, Anderson 23, Marlon 24. Fort Wayne 25, Kondallvllle 20, Kalamazoo, Mich., 28. , Kersnnd*. Billy (0. Jay Smith, mgr.)— Paris, Tex., 21, Dallas 22, Tyler 23, Texorkano, Ark.. 24. Marshall. Tex., 24, Shrevcport. La., 27, Monroe 28 Fort. Gibson, Miss., 29, Natchez 20, Jackson 31.. MeDennott * Diamond Brothers (Chas. K. Rose. mgr.)-— Carthage, Mo., 21. Lamar 22, Webb City 28. Mooett 24, Aurora 20. Manure's (Frank Mnliarn, mar. ) — Bonaparte. I*., 21, Eddyttlle 22, Newton 23, Buxton 24, Ferry 20. Primrose, George H. (James H. Decker, mgr.) — Lynn, Mass., 22-24, Springfield. 20. Qtilnlnn A Wall's (Pan Quintan, lugr.) — Hohoken, ft J., 38-21, Elisabeth- 24.. Richards & Frlnglr's (Rusco ft Holland, mars.) — Hohart. Okla.. 21, Mangnm 22, Anadarko 23, Apache 24, Lawlon 20. Chlcasha, ln'. IL, 20-31. Carlln A Otto, Keith's, Boston, 10-24; Ornheum, Wlca. N. V., 20-31. Caswell, Mamie. Bsrmsrord Tonr. F.ng.. 20-Jan. 7. Capital City Trio. A. A S.. Rostoa. 10-24. Carroll A Baker. Sbeedy's, Fsll River, Mass., 19- Carioll. Tessle. Acme. Norfolk, Vs., 10-24. Calcedo. Keith's. Phlla.. 19-24. Carmen Troupe. 0. O. H, Indianapolis, 10-24: Columbia, Clnrlnsntl, 20-31. Copltalne, Alclde, Ornheum, Kansas City, Mo.. 10-24. ■ * - Canflelt! & Corleton. Orpheum, Omaha. Neb., 19- 24: Orplteitm. Kansas City, Mo., 26-31. Carrwell A Harris, Poll's, Springfield, Mass.. 19- Carlamltb, Lillian, Troctor's 23d St., N. Y. C, Campbell A Canflcld, Empire, Uoboken, N. J., 19- 24. Campbell, Dillon A Campbell. Columbia, St. Lonis. .19-24; C. O. H.. Chicago. 20-31. Carew A Hayes, Keith's, Providence, R. I., 19-21. Carter, Mr A lira. Carl, Unique, San Bernardino. Cal.. 19-24. Carxon A Wlllard. Shea's, Toronto, Can., 10-24. Carter, Bobby. Crystal, Rockford, 111., 19-24: BIJou, Des Molnea, In., 20-31,. Carlo's Dogs, Oarrlck. Wilmington, Del.. 10-24 : . Chase's. .Washington. D. C, 26-31. Case. Charlie, Victoria. N. Y. 0„ 10-24. Carter. Blllv, Keith's, Phlla., 19-24. Calhoun. Mr. A Mrs., Music Hall, Gloucester. Mass.. 20-31. Chadwick Trio, Richmond, No. Adams, Mass., Chick, Oreat. Proctor's 23d Street. N. Y. O. 19- Chamberlains, The, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Mass., Chldqtdila, Princess. York. St. John. N. 8., 20-31. Christopher. Brook, Marlon, Ind., 19-24. Chlsaino, Orpbeum, St. Joseph, Mo., 19-24: Or- Scim, Denver. Col.. 20-31. >r.l A Burke, Orpbeum, MlnaeipoUa, Minn., Otark ft Florette. Paator's. N. Y. 0.. 19-24. Clitrord, Dolly, Sbeedy's, New Bedford, Mass., 10- Clark ft Duncan, Olympic, Chicago, 19-24 ; Hay- market. Chlciigo, 26-.'ll. Clark, Jobn F.. Pastor's, N. Y. C. 19-24. " Clsns i ft Monies, Avenue, Detroit, 18-24; Empire, Toledo, 0.. 2dJl. Cotton. Lola. Mohawk, Schenectady, N. Y., 19-24. Conchas, Panl, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 19-24. cnrrlgan, Kmmett ft Co., Victoria, N. Y. 0, 19- Couture ft Gillette, Howard,. Boston, 19-24. Oorro A Corro, Bltou. Oshkoab. Wis., '19-24. Coogan A .Bancroft. Gem, Lynn Mass. 19-24. Colby A Way. Victoria, N. Y. 0., 19-24. Conmv A Tearl, Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 19-24 ; Gaiety, Springfield. III., 20-31. Cox Family Quartet, La Bohcme, San Fran., Cal., Cook ft' Cook. Casino. Manchester, N. H.. 19-24. Collins ft La Belle, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va.. 19- 24. ... Cole A Johnson. Keith's. Boston, 19-24. Conlon A Russell, Orpbeum. Lynn. Mass.. 19-23. Crawford ft Finning, Orpehuiu, Springfield, O., Cressy A Dayne, Orpbeum, New Orleans, La., 10- 31. Crawford ft Manning, B. A B.. N. Y. O., 19-24. Crollr A Crotty, Snter's, Terre Haute, Ind.. 19- 24. Curtis A Gale, Cteur D'Alene, Spokane, Wash., 19 24. Dartcs Dun, Fischer's, San Fran., Cal., 19-24. Dane, Dorothy, Main St.,. Peoria, III., 19-24. Dawson &. White. Moore's, Portland, Me., 10-24 ; Mechanics'. Salem. Miss,. 28-31. Day. Edmund. A Co.. Temple, Detroit. 19-24. Darrow,,Mr. A Mrs. Stuart, Music Hsll, Boston. 19-24.' . D's ft D's. Sbea's, Toronto, Can., 19-24; Main St.. Peoria. 111.. 20-31. Dahlias, Les, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 19-24 ; Em- pire. Cleveland. O., 20-31. Daisies, English (7), Proctor's 23d St., N. X. 0., 19-24. . Daniels. Walter, n. ft «., N. Y. C. 10-24. Dalton, Pat. Howard, Boston. 10-24. Dajlelje. Madge. Ray, Andsrsoa, Ind., 19-24; Crystal, . Marion, . lud., 20-31. Dsl«, Vlolst, Keith's, Providence. B. t„ 10-24. Daly ft Reno, Keeney's, Bkln.. 19-24, D'EJtnars, Toe. Pastors.. N. Y. C. 10-24. Demacos, Jack ft Kitty, Pastor's. N. Y. C. 19-24. De Witt. Burns A Torrance, Orpbeum, Los An- geles. Cal., 19-24 ; Orpbeum, New Orleans, La., Dclphino ft Delmora, roctor's, Newark, N. J., 19- 84. Devesa. Hubert, Bopkina'. Loularlile, By., 19-24; O. O. H., Memphis, Tenn., 20-31. Derrndn ft Green, Empire, Johannesburg, So. Africa, 10-Jsn. 14. ' DeltoreUI ft Gllssando Music Hall. Boston, 10-24. Deane, Sydney, ft Co., Keith's. Cleveland. 19-24. De n«ven, Carter, Sextette, C. O. IL, Chicago, 19-31. Do Ilolsea. The, Main St., Peoria. III., 19-24. De Wills. TTtc. YorkvUfc. N. Y. C. 19-84. De-Lion, Clement, Ornbenni, Los Angeles, Cal., 10-24. Delavo/e A. Frits, Sjirlngflelfl. III., 19-24; Jack- sonville, 2M1. :. -. •■• . • . if Dtl Oro. Lulgl. KUthV N. ,Y. C. 19-24. V StM A Shuru, Briitanurgb's, Phils., 19-34 DO Wilt, Jovie. Colombia., .Cltwltmstl, i0-S4. Dejroore. Misses, Hs/mark«t. Chlcsgo. 19-M. Delmorc A Lee. Thyrnarket, Chicago, . 19-24; CoHinuU, Bt.: Louis, 26-3L • ■• v- ' Delk Arffiatey. BIJJu. I^CoJIt:. Va.. s»a4. -^ De Voy, Emmett ft Co.. Keith's, N. Y. C. 10-24. Dliou, Bowers A Dixon, Roseuthal'a, La Crosse, Whs., 1924 ; Dominion. - Winnipeg, Can., 30- 31. Die -.Ober* tele r Tyroleans, Shea's, Toronto, Caa,, 19-14.. •, ■ Dltoh A Holmr«. Casto. Fall River. Mass., 19- Dltl "* Wtthl, Proctor's 5th A vs., N.,Y. C, 10-84. Dickinson's Dog*. Globe. St. Louis. 19-24. Doonv, Allm ft Co.. Caato, Laurence. Mass,, 19- -24 : Ctsto. L6SMII, M41; ■ ' •■> - Doylr. Patsy. Co-ur D'Alene. Snokine, Wash,, 19- 24 ; Pantangrs, Seattle, 20-31. Donerty's Poodles. Eroplre, Hcboken, N. J., ltl- Downlng, Robert, H. ft B.. Bkln.. 19-24. Don A Thompson, Keeney's, Bkln., 19-24. Downey, ft wlllsrd. Gaiety. Springfield, Msss., 19-24. Duffy, Sawtelle A DufTy, Keith's, Providence, R. 1.. 19-24. Dnncaa, A. 0., Prortot's 23d Street, N. T. C„ 19-24. Earl A Wilson, It. ft B„ Chicago. 19-24. F.dyth. Rose, Ballet Troupe, Madison Sq. Garden, N. Y. C, 19-30. Edestns, ITsetor's, N. Y. O., 19-24. Edward Sisters, Empire, Terre Haute, Inil., 10-24. F.ldrMge, Piess', Poll's, Hartford, Conn.. 19-24; Circle, N. Y. C. 20-31. Rmertoh ft Omega. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 19 24. Emerson, Frank, Yale's. Kansas t.ai,v. Mo., 19-24. Kmplre City Quartet. Keith's. N. V. C, 1921 ; Pn»t«r's, N. Y. ij., 211:11. RnUtnarelle. Music Hall. Boston, 19-24. Kstelle. Kllxabeth, Casio, Fall River, Mass., 19- Bsnwralda. Sisters, Orpheum. Omaha, Neb., 19- 21; OriaSedin, St. Joseph, Mo.. 26-31. F.scamllMs, The. II. A It:. Chicago, 10-24. Kverliart, Lleblcbs, Breslan, Ger., 19-24. lalahlo, Empire, 4)«n Fran., Cal.. 19-31. Fadette On-hestrs. U. O. IL. Plttabnrg. 19-24. FurUy, James A Ronnie, Columbia, Cincinnati, 19- 24, Fagnn ft Merrlam, Sheedy's, Fsll River, Mass., 11>24. Fnneher. Henri. Keith's, Providence. R. I., 19-24. 1'antas (2). Brlvlderr. San Fran.. Col.. 19-24. I'.srlrmil. A. A,. Orulicum. San Fran.. Cal., 19-24. I'ajnln A ilerrlam, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Mass., 10-24. Fn'ati, Florence., O. O. II., Plttabnrg. 19-24. Fell!' A Harry, llnymarket, Clik-ago. 1024. Ferguson A Passmnre, Castle. Bloomlngton, III., 19-24; Olympic. Chicago. 26-31. Fern -comedy Four. Novelty Oakland Cal. 10-24; Vr.llejc 2il.ll. Ferd A Ouldn. Yale's. Kansas City, Mo.. 19-24. Flsber. Mr. A .Mrs. Perkins. U. A B., Bkln., 19- 24.. " Flake A McPonongh Kmplre, London, Kng., 19- Jan. 7. Fin lay A Burke, Poll's, Springfield. Ma°s.. 10-24. Fields. Ilol.liy, Casino, Worcester. Mass., 19-24. Flt»glli. C. 26-31. ' enter. Pa., 19-24. . »' H. Y, C, IO-«4*. Howard Bros., Oarrlck, nilB gvllSBSS, ThvO/H^LavloMI ogu.-Aild., prwtpr's 23d St Host* ADecker.>ri>henm. Portland, Ore., 10-34; Orpnenm Salem. 20-31. Hoi if A Meeban, Orpheum, Klnaas City, Mo., • -1V-84 . • •• SSKJt Wo. 0. H.. Indianapolis. 19-34. Hope. Mark.rle, Cllnract. So. Chicago, 19-24; London. London. Can., 2031. Hood Sisters A llelaton, Star, Atlanta, Os., 19- 21. I Howe ft Scott. Watspn's, Bkln., 19-24; Muilo Hall. Boston, 20-31, Hooker A Davis. Orpheum, Bkln., 19-24. Howard's Dogs A Pontes, Orpheum. l.os Angeles, Cal., 19-31. Hoklsworths. The, Btjon, Oshkosh, Wis.; 19-24; BIJou. Fscanaba. 26-31. Howard A Bland, Keith's, Providence. R. I„ 19-24, llnntlngs (4), Colombia, Cincinnati, 19-24 ; Louis- ville. Kv„ 2031. Htighes. ('lias., Onlv. Columbia, Newark, N. J„ 111-24; Kmplre, Albany. N. Y., 26-31, Hyde A Heath. Novelty, Logan. Utah, 19-24; Lyceum, Provo, Utah, 26-31. limmn A Davis, Acme, Norfolk, Vs., 10-24. . Inness' A Rran, ilarrlck, Wllinliigtoti, Del., 20-31. IrvlamVs Own Hand, Circle. N. V. 0., 19-24. Irving. Isabel, A Co., Proctor's, Newark, N. J., ll»-24. Irish. AnnK Keith's. Cleveland, 0., 19-24. Jackson A Dntiglas, Unique, Indianapolis. 111-24. Jacks.,11, Ben, Kmplre, Vancouver, R. 0., 19-24. 3ofk. Mr. A Mrs.. Stnr. M11111-I0. Ind.. 19-24. Jniis. 11, Herr A Oh. Portland, Portland, Me., 19- 24. Jacksons, Tlie (3), Stnr. Ilnmllton, Can., 19-24. Jennings A Renfrew, Columbia, St. Lnnls, 2031. ■leiiuliigs A Jewell. Globe. St. Louis, 19.24. Juice' A Wllleltn, Star, Hamilton, Can.. 19-24. Johnson ft Dean. I.ieblch, llreslan, Uer., 10- ">l; Wlnlrrgitrteii, Berlin, Jan. 1-13. Johnson A Wells. Orpheum. .Minneapolis. 18-24. Johnstons, Mualcal, Tlvall, Sydney. N, S. If., 19- Jim. 14. Jossclln Ttlo, Orphenm. I/M Angeles. Cal., 19-21. Jose, R. J., Orphenm, Bkln., 19-24. Kalmo. Charles A Ada. arand, Vancouver, Can., 19-24; Orand, Victoria, 20:11. Kasstnn, Joe. Orrln, City of Mexico, Mex„ 19-24. KattrTmon Tro«|ie. Poll's. Hprlngllehl. Mass.. 19-24. Kriry. Mr. A Mrs. Alfred, Dominion, Wlniil|x>g. Man., iii-im. Krno. Walsh A Melrose, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 19-24. Kcnion, Dorolhy. Hopkins', I,onlsvllle. Ky., 10-24. Krntons (3). Kellli's, Cleveland. 0., 19-24. Koetie, Pastor'a, N. V. C 19-24. Kelt A Ruslk, Proctor's. Newark, N. J., 19-2-1. Kelly A Vlolette, Keith's. Phils., 19-24. Kelly. Walter C, Keith's. N. Y. 0., 10-24. Kcnion A De (larmo. Ilayinsrkrt, Chicago, in- 24; C. O. IL. Chicago. 20-;|l. ICeiuieily A Qualrellle, Poll's. Sprlnglleld, Mass., 19-24. Kelly. I'dythe, Bradenburgh's. Phlla., 19-24. Heltons (3). Grand, Milwaukee, Wis., 19-24. Kennedy A James. C. O. II., Chicago, 19-21. Kelly Bros. (31. Proctor's, Albany, ft Y.. 19-24. KlPliy, Lyric, Wichita, Kan,, 10-24; Lyric, Jop- tin. Mo., 26-31. Klumnra Jniis, Itownrd. Boston, 10-24. Klmbnll A Donovan. Maryland. Baltimore, Md., 19-24: G. O. IL. Pittsburg. 2631. Klein ft Clirton. G. O. IL, Indianapolis, 19-24 ; Columbia. Cincinnati, 20-31. Klein A Klein, Wrast's. Peoria, III.. 19-24. Klein, Ott Bros, A Nlrkolaon, Shea's, Toronto, Can., 19-24; Keith's, Cleveland. 20-31. Knowles. II. G.. Orpbeum, llkln., 19-24, Knapp'A Do Bollcu, .Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 19- 21. Kolllns A Wilson, Lyceum, San Fran., Cat., 10- 31. l.n Clair A West, Globe, Billings, Mont., 1031. I.nwrenra A Harrington, Colonial, Lawrence, Mnss., 19-24. Larrlvee A Lee, Flom'a. Madison, Wli., 19-24; Orand, Jollet, III.. 26-31. Latlna. Mile., Orpheum, Omaha, Neb., 19-24; Orpbeum, Kansas city, 20-U1. Lancaster, Freda, A. A H., Boaton, 19-24. Lane A Smluetta, Lyric, Denver, Col., 10-24 ; Kraplr*. Col. Springs, 26-31. El Gardner A Golden, Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 19- Gard'ner. Rena. Atlantic' Bkln., 10-24; RIaltc. Klmlra, N. Y.. 26-31. Gosmoux. The. Casio, Fall River, Mass., 19-24; Lawrence, Maaa., 26-31. Garron, Kitty. Atlantic, Bkln., 19-24; Rlolto. Elmlra, N. Y„ 20-31. aallindo, Victoria. N. Y. C, 19-24. Qirdner, West A Sunshine, Star, Hamilton, Can., 19-24. Gaylor, Bohbr, Music Hall. Boston, 19-24. Genaro A Theol. Casino, Paris.- Fr., Jan. 1.7. Germinal, Mons.. Proctor's 3th Are., N. Y. C, 19-21. " George, Inei, Star, Plttsburs, 19-24. Olrsrd ft Gardner, Keith's. Cleveland, 0., 19-34. Gillette's Musical Dogs, Proctor's 23d Street, N. y. C„ 19-24. Olldey ft Dumolit, Pastor's, N. Y. C. 19-24. Gllnsercttl.s, The. Keith's, Boston, 19-24. Glrriroy. James Richmond, Hathaway'a, New Bed- ford, Mass., 19-24. Glrason ft Houlihan, Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb., 20- Glailstone. Lotla. Cock's. Bocbester, S. Y., 20- Gladys, Bohy, Crystal. Milwaukee, 19-24. Golden A Hughes, Keith's/Providence, K. I., 10- 24. Gotdoo, Clin. Keeney's, Bkln., 36-31. Onforth A Doyle. Grand, Milwaukee. Wis.. 19-24. Gorman A West. H. ft S.. N. Y. 0., 19-24. Ooltlobs. The. A. ft »., Boston, 19-34, Golden, Geo. Fuller, H. ft «., N. Y. C, 19-24. • Orand Oners Trio, Chase's, .Washington, D. C, Grlinalho Sisters, Proctor's RSIh Street, N. Y. C, Greene: ft Werner. Circle,. N. Y. OL 19-24. flrlrf Bros.. Proctor's fith Ave., N. Y. C, 19C4. Oregory ft Wood. Bradenburgh's, Pblla., 19-24. (I ro)i. Frank, Yale's. Kanaas City, Mo,. 19-24. Gross, William. Kdlson. New Westminster, Can,, .19-34; Grand, Victoria, 20-31. Orint, Bydaey.' Circle, N. Y. (l., 19-24. . " Oiierrero. Roaarlo. Circle. N. Y. O.. 19-24. Haytann ft Franklin, Hippodrome, Liverpool, P.ne.. -19-24: Regent, Snlford, 30-31; Alhambra, iloll. -Jnn. 2-7. . : Harvey, W. R„ ft Co., London, Csn., 19-24. llonvey ft Doane, Fischer's, Han Fran., Osl„ 19- Harrlgan, IL.ft B„ Chicago. 19-24. Hathaway A Walton. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., .19-24;. Poll's, Waterbliry, 20-31. Hares A Ileslr. (\ O. II.. Chicago, 10-24. Hnrrlcan, Fdwahl, A Co., Casto. Fall River. Mass., 19-24. • Hawkins, Lew, Olympic. Chicago, 10-24. Hart, Maurice, Gem. Lynn. Hiss., 19-24. Havdcn A Hayes. Auditorium, Norfolk, Vs., 10-24, Ilirner, Desmond ft Bailey, Howard, Boaton, 10- nart, Great, Acrnt, Fscramsaln, Col.. 1024. , ort, Bob, National. Kansas City. Mo.. 10-24. Hamilton, Wiley, Criterion, Timpa, Fla., 19-31. Hill, Otto P., Orpbeiilh, SprinjrReld, O., 19-34. Hart. Gem, I.vnn, Mass., 10-347 Harrington. Dan J., Hothawar's, New Bedforrl, Mass., 19-24; Proctor's 189th St., N. Y. C, •Ml. Hill, . Pauline. Keeney's, Skin.. 19-34. Herrmann, Adelaide, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., .26-Sl. • Ilekslltt Trio. BIJou, Calumet. Mich.. 19-84. lie/law, Chas., BIJou. Oshkosh. Wis., 10-24; l;r.lnue. Kail Claire. Wis., 20-31. iirtvrr. Kngeiie, Wsndne's, ^l^kanst'ort, Ind., 10- 24: Grunt:, Jollet, 111.. 20-31. Herrmaim. the Great. Orpheum, Ban F'rnn.. Cal., 19-34; Orphenm. t.oo Angeles. ;C*I„ 20-31. llebinil. Aids. Orpheum, Sau Fran.. Cal.. 1921. llertxog Bros. ■ Horses. Orpbeum. Bkln., 19-24. Ilealy. John Brsdeiibnrkli's, Phfls.. 19-34. Herbert. Mans.. National. Kansas City, Mo.,- 19. -8): Novclly, Denver, Col,. 36-31. Beam A Lewis. Lyric. Lincoln. Neb.. 19-34, UcTroO. .Torn. Lyric. Unculu, N«b., -19-8* ; Lyric, Senver. Col.. 26-31. I.tt Tell Bros., Keith's, Providence, R. I., 10-24 ; Empire, Hohoken, N. J.. 2(1-31. La Rose. Harry, A Co., (1. 0. IL, Indianapolis, 1924. Lstclls, The. Keith's. Providence, R, !„ 19-24. Ln Vtnr-Clnoiron Trio. 44. O. II. , Pittsburg. 10-24. Lavender A Tonison, Keith's, N. Y. C, 10-24, ' La Vsrdo A Hoard, Gem, Lynn, Mass., 10-24 ; York. St. John. Can.. 26-31. Lafayette, the Great, Arcade, Toledo, O., 10-24. LaWson A Namoo. C. .<>. II. , Chicago. 10-24. La Tleur, Great, Metropolitan, St. Paul, Minn., 19-24; (htlbeqm, New Orleans, La., 26-31. Lloyd's' Dogs, Orphenm, Bkln,; 19-24. Lloyd; Herbert, Kmplre, Ixmdon, Kng.. 19-Jan. 7. I.e Xlarr. Harry, Casto. Fall River. Mass., 19-24. Lea A Perrlng, Dultith, Minn., 19-24 ; Winnipeg, Matt.. 20-31. I.e Roy A Clayton, Proctor's QStli St., N. Y. C, lO-24i Ler-aard A Drake. CO. H., Chicago, 10-24, Lees, The, Star. Pittsburg, 19-24, WUe. Ktblle, Lnluue. Kau Claire, Wis., 13-84. !-e Ror. Lllllnh, Keith's, Boston. 19-24. Lemuels, Mai-. Manhattan, Norfolk, Vs., 1934. Leonbardt. -Palace, Sioux City, la., 19-24; Peo- ple's. Cedar Rapids, 20-H1. I>nls, AL. Stir, Astoria, Ore., 19-84; Gllson, Wash., 2H-3 1. Lc, Orpheum. Sail Fran., Cal., 19-24. Lucy A Litcler, (lately, Springfield. HI., 19-24) dnstli', Bloomlligton, 2d-:n. Lyons. (). II. . Lancaster. IM.. 19-24. I.yne ft Leimnnl, Alcamr, Denver, Cot., 19-24. Mai-y ft, Hall, Chase's,. Washington, D. 0., 19-24. Mason-Heeler Co.. Circle, N. Y. C, 19-24 ; .Or- |ij:fllln. Ilklll., 2C-3I. Maim., Danny A Co.. (i. O. 11. . Or»at Falls, Moot,, 10-24 ; Grand, Missoula, , 20-311 Marline Brotliern, Mrlllnl. Hanover, Ger., 19-31, May A Miles, Crystal, Spnltle, Wash., 10-24. MncGrath Pros.. Huijilr.-, Uoboken, N. J., 19-24; Park,- W«rrrst«r, Mass., 20-31. Mnswell A riimpson. Kellli's, N. V, C, 19-34. Mac A .Mac, Sirring, Rnrllngton. Vl., 10-24. Marreltt' A Olraann, tendon, London, Can., 19-84. Mick,' John A Carrie, Kmplre, Hohoken, N. J„ 19.34, Matthews ft Ilaverly, Proclor's, Albany, ft V, 1924. Mirllnot. Smile. A Co., Music Hall, Boatoti, 10- 24. Mains A Mowt. Orplienm, Bkln,,. 19-34, Maltland. Madge, Orpheum, Denver, (\>l. 10-24. Malthews A Harris, Kmplre, . nabpken, N. J., 19- 21, Matthews A Ashley, Portland, Portland, Me., 19- Murr, Lillian, Kmplre, Terre Honte. Ind., 10-24. Mstsribls, Tlie, Kbeedr's, New Bedford, Mass., 10-24. Manning ft Drew, Prostor's C8tb St St., N. Y. C..i 10-24. Mnrrelles (4). Howard. Boston, 19-24. Mslesllc Musical Four, Proclor's 33d St., N. Y. . . 34 ; , Keltll'/, , Prtvlosnc*,,- 2U-3I, . . „ ^gfi/d «,Kl4fcrwa»,:Oem, txdh, Mass., 10-84. „ >9-54. Heeler A Milcy, UoWard.. Boitop, JO-24. ,. Mutt n A Qidgg. Bowjjrd, llostcll. 19-31. ,10-84. rBlFA Sylvsnl. G. 0. H. pittjV&irg, W"J|4; ' . J- )*&$&■ Tb«7GarHck, WlluiISgloii, DrL 10< . 10 24. Hlckey A Nelson. Ornneum, Kansas City, Ho,, Mlrkty A Morun, KellU's. Boston. 19-21. 19-24; Chicago, 20-31. Billiard, Robert. Keith's, Boston. 19-24. Ilolnn, Enioat. Proctor's. Newark. N. J.. 19-21. Ilntenmhe. Curtis A Webb, Proctor's 38th St., N. X. C„ 19 24. Morion A Desnc, -Watson's, -Bkln., 1024. MStflott Twin Rros.. Smith's, Grand Blplds, Mlcli., 19-24; Cryslsl. Muskegon, 20-31; McDermOlt. W. J., Grand, Milwaukee. 10-24. McCaon, Frank C, Star, Pittsburg, 10 34. McB^vm,.aM k B.,Howjrt.,Iloston r 10-21. Mcwatrrs ft Tyion Co., Proctor's, Albany, ft Y., McCord,' I4jw|s. 4 Co., Colnmbls, 8t. Loan, lO- 241 0. 0.- IL, ChjCtfO, 26.31. Cirvlr. Heed A Ustnlioo, Ursnd Rapids, Mich., McoirVers. Thef°V«ll*Jo.' Cal.. lb-24. MeCabe. Snblne ft. Vera, II. ft S.. N. Y. C, 10-24. McKeever.' Lltalt. Uljmple, Clilcago, 19-2-1. •McKlonon A Keed. Kmplre. Terre Haute, Ind., 19-24; Olympic, Chicago, 20-31, Melrose, Fern, 0. O. II. , Chicago, 19-24. Merrill, Raymond,' Ban Diego, Cal., 19-24; I.oa Angeles 26-31. Meler-Mullery A Howard, Kansas Ctly, Mo., 19> Mceh'an's Dogs. Circle, ft Y. C, 19-24. Melleh, George, Ondientn, Sau Fran., CiL, 10- 31. ' Meier ft Mora. Kmplre, London, Bag., 19-24; At< - hambra. Paris, Jan. U 7. . Mldlred, Little. C. O. 11 , Chicago, 1924. Minor ft tlalhrethj, Unique. Wlnnbieg. Can., 10-241 l*nln.ne. Mlnnearmlla, Mlnu.. 26-31. Millard. Laura, II. A II., Chicago. 1924. Miller, rtml.l. Crystal, Milwaukee, 19-24. Minstrel Maids, O. O. H., Indianapolis. 19-24. Mills A Morris. U. a. II., Pittsburg. 19-24. Mllaul Trial, Orpheuai. Bkln., 19-24. Wise Mike, Omheuui, Kansas City, Mo., 19-24. Milunan Trio, Keith's, N. Y. C, 19-24; Keith's, Phlla:, 20-31. Moon. J. R., Satrr's. Terre Haute. Ind.. 19-34. Munion, Gertie, Csilm. Worcester, Mass., 19-24. Montrose, Louise, Music Hall, lkistnn, 19-24. Midi-girl, Llvvrraore Tour, Kng., lu-31 ; Mallnl, Hanover, Oer., Jan. 8-T. Moore A I.lttlcflrld. Temple, Detroit, Mich., 19- 24; Shea's, UuhTalo, 20-31. Moral) ft Avery. Empire, Terre Haute, Ind., 19-24. Mowatts (3), Temple, Detroit, 19-24. Monroe. Murk ft l.nnrcnee. Sbea's, Toronto, Can., 1924. Monroe ft Parker, Atlantic Garden, N. Y, C, 19- 24. Muoner ft Holbuln, Poll's, New Haven. Conn,, Ui-24; Pull's. Sprlnglleld, Mhbs., 2(1-31, Mortis. May, Orplu-ila>, Lynn. Mass.,' 11)24. Morgan ft Crane, nrndcnluirgh's, Phlla.'. 19-24. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Mark. Grphriun, Dcnrer, Col.. 10-24. Aluriiby A Frances, Keith's, N. Y. 0„ JO-24 J G. O. II.. Pittsburg. 2)1-31. Murphy ft Nolan, 11. ft «., N. Y. O., Ill 24. Moriihy ft Nichols, ft 0. II.. I'lttshiirg, 10-24, Musketeers (41. Arcade. Toledo. O., 19-24. Mudge, t:vn. II. ft 11,. llkln., 19-24. Nnrelte. Marie, Keith's, Boston. 19-24. National Trio, IL ft 11., Chicago. 19-24. Nnvnjo Girls, Orplienm, New Orleans. La., 1931. Nalou, John R., A. 4 S.. Boatnii. 1924, Nelson Fariium Troupe, Proctor's 2,'ld St.. N. Y. C, 19-24: Proctiir'n, Newark, N. J., 26.,'u. Newell A Nllilo, Keith's. Cleveland. (I., 10-24. Newton A King. Alhainlira. Savannah, Oa,. 19-24. New York Nen-slMivH' guariet, Coliunhln, St. I..111N.. 19-24; Olympic. Clilcago, 2(i-3l. Mid.., Fred. Keith's, Ilnsii.n. 111.21. Nichols Sisters. It. ft 11., llkln., 19-24. Nicholson, ltobt,, Satrr's, Terre Haute, Ind., 10s Kosge, Impopilble, Crystal. Milwaukee, 10-24. Nome, Ilnliert, lluymarket, Clilcago, 19-24. Nnli-s, The. Optra House. Laiicostcr, Pa.. 19-24. Norman. Grand. Mllwunkec. Wis., 111.24, Nobles, Mr. .V Mrs. Milum, Poll's, lliirtford, . Conn., 10-24. Nngriit, J. 0„ ft Co.. Ilalhawny's, New nUfant Mass., 10-21. O'llaha, Sail ft Co.. II. A n., Chicago, 19-34. Dg.len. IK'U'll, Klec(rlc, Wnlrrlin, la., 19-2-1. orvllte ft Frank, Mexico Oily, Mexico, 19-31. Oridieui Comwly Four, Victoria, N. Y. C, 19-21) Keith's. Phlla., 211-31. ' Ormsby. Wm., National, Kansas City, Mn., 10-24, (uh'Mii ft Taylor, Howard, Boston, 19-24. Oslsirnc, Chas. IL, ta - ' l>ri><:,ot '" 8M Rt - * »*• c. B f2*s..*.. T Jfi Ksnfman. Vn\(im, Balllngham. Wash.. 19-24; Grand, Vancouver, n, 0„ SU-hl! Bastus ft Bnnks, Palace. Hull, Eng,, 10-24; Um- pire. Ixsulon. Ktig,. kd-Jon. 7, , Rayno's, AL. Canines, Wnvsrly, ft Y„ 19-84. Mian Sisters, Hhen's, Buffalo, 19-21. Itunf, Claude, Sim-. Portland, Ore,, 19-34, Radford A Vuleiit , Kmplre, IVolverlinmofon, Jutf""-7 Clrcua Corre, Amsterdam, hoi., Raleigh," Jean Orpheiim, Bnrlnglleld, O,, 19-24. llaynmnd A Trlcey. Urnnil, i'orlland, Ore., 19.31. Itcmlngtcn, Maynic, Kcllh'a. Phlla., 19-34. Tn 24 •"■****' •''■'"■•ot's OHth St., N, Y, 0., sM*Ar*"» JPhll&k- sftra ss Ua , Wis., 1934J llljau. Oalikoab, 26-31. Ree ft Hbsw. Orpheum, Omabs, Neb., 20-31. n '.I n,rrt .'. !"i t" I'avlllon, Glasgow, Scot,, 19- 24 ; HI|i»odroms, Llvsrpool, Kng., 20-81 ; Tlvoli, Blrmlngiiatn. Jon. 2-7! Remington ft Co., London. London, Can., 19.38. P.lcc ft Cody. Temple, Detroit, 19-24. llljuos (41, Keith's, Boston, 19-24; Moors'a, l"ort- land. Me.. 20-31. Blclintdson, Lavt-nder, ft Co., Boston, Lowell, Mnss.. 19-24; Howard. Boston. 20-31. R en ft Prsrast, Rhen's. Toronto, Can., 10-24. Illo Bros,, Knplre, llobokm, N, .1., 1924. Rico ft Cohen. Keith's, Phils., 10-24. Ring ft Wllllsma, Karl, . Pueblo, Cut., 10-84. Rlmlmnn's Horses, filieu's, Buffalo, ltf-24, Itlcc ft Klmer, Kallb's, Prottdonco, B. L, 19.04. Colonial, Lawrence, Maas., 20-31. nicbnrdssii. Lavender ft Co., Boston, Lowell, Rice. Fanny, Chine's. Washington, D. 0., 19-24. Royer ft rrencb, Baler's, Terre Haul*, ind., 19* Rochea's Circus, Keeney's, Bkln,,' 19-24. Itoyal, Chas. B., 'Novelty, Denver. Col., 19-24. llwbetVt, May A Blanche, Gem, Haverhill, Mass., Royal Japanese nnor.l. Keltb'a, Phlla., 10-24. Rolit-s. 'ttie, Proclor's. Albsny, N. Y., 111-24 1 Or)ibeuat, Bkla., 20-111. •""•• BoMnsnns, Tha, Novelty. Denver, Ool., 10-84. Itosalre ft IJoretto, Circle, N, Y. 0„ 19.24, Rohblns ft Treiiirnin, BIJou, Des Moines, la„ IB. 31; Ouinha, Neh., 20-31. Rostnw, A. P.. Shea's, Bnffslo. 19-24. lloU-rls (4), Broadway, San Diego, Cat., 10-31, K5H * u Jrf*S. , '„ 0ol . ,,mb i a ' OJhelnnatr io-24. Ruasell, Phil ft Carrie, Bon Too, Dubuque, a,. 10-24; Kllte. Davenport, 20-31. " u ™' lue ' "'• IMA * '"*' * * » a,4 ' , ''Ws«blngton, D. 0.. a '!\Xi *,, Rlc, iW Haymarkel, Chicago, 10-24; Oolumliln, St, Louis. 2B-IH. Rydn, Lester ft Bran, Flom's, Madison, WU„ 10. Pirony. Ollhcrr, O. II., Lancaster, Pa., 19-24. goto, ■ O.-K., Apollo, Vienna, Ans., 10-31. Santell, Oreit. {». O. H„ Yonksra, N. Y. 19-84 J Grand PIltBfloIrt Msaa. 26-31. Snvlllo Slstera, Proctor's Clh Ave., ft Y, 0., 10- Saon'n, YorkvIlM, M. Y. 0., 16-24. Babel, Joaeiiblne, Hoymarket. Chicago, 19-24. Scott ft Joiituiou, Howard, Boston, 19-24. Scott. Mnrgurrt, Keith's, phlla.. 10 24. Semon, Clins. F„ Keith's, N. Y. C, 10-24 ; Mary ISnrt. Baltimore. Md:, 30'31. ' HceMick, flhaao's. Washington, D. C. 19-34. Hfekjr ft Wllkss, Wesat's, Peons, - III., 10-84. SUC.doh. Joe,' Bon Toll. Phils., 36-81, sucrmon & D» Forest n."ft S.. N. Y. 0., 30-8], Sheridan ft Forest, Boston, I^well, Mass., 10-341 Howard. Tloslon. 86.31. Slisw. Mr. ft Mm. Larry. Main St., Peoria. II!.. 111-24. Shatplry A Flysn, Howard, Boston, 19-34. 1034 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. Decembek 24. I AIN'T GOT NO MONEY -THE GREATEST COON » O IM O f» U B I- I S M E D : T H I » V E A R. Wont* by ARTHVIl FHAZKR. OMOHU8. 'I ala\'< got no mon»», dat'e why I feci io blue; Baited, dl.gu.t-il. financially embatraaecl, Havn't got » solitary ton,. Good Lordyt Whnn I ihlnk of that lnn E vmllt homi , I ronlii Jotl alt down and cry, Can.. 1 uln'l got no money, 31 O S K V. jiftMN Monkey;. «•/ "a^ISM^ ' SfSftW • Sluu.ii-tlnnliier (y*. Victoria, N. ». <•-.. '»«. SlStoS'SS.. Bon J*. **UI1».. 1024 ; o. u„ SlKerT'Tl.c. *W*g. NocMfc. V... 10-24. »!itcr * Rata, ^^.W^'.„V Slnpoflskl, Mme, II. * . B V,l k ,i "a. V" « c srolili A Baker, !'"*•«« « "Mb 81., N. I. "., Wyj-y A Wylson. Criterion. Tampa, I'U,. 10-31. Wyni: & Wlmthni, OlJ-niple, Chicago, 111-24. Yankee Comedy I'oiir, Proctor'., Albany, X. V., 16-24. Ycamsn's. Jeiinle, KcIIIi'h. X. Y. C, 10-21. Yo.ng, Ollli' & lira., Orpbetuu, Omaha, Ni-Ij , 2!M; '}*l»mp. The oil star coot, In "The Two Or- ®*£tw2g$£$2k. Newark. X. J.. ItWM, lEfc" 'ka^firST.^. ^.nto'oEtf Stern Curl ft Sieuo Victoria \ If ltl-"4 "greatly. Eva Tnngnay, In Ine Snmbo utri, «„,V,'h. ' Verl«l Ksltb'», Boston, 10-24. „ , Klnunerniah, Al. * Pearl. O. 'a H. > Vi't*engu."lb.24' .1 ' JJ mc "'*, »«*'W' t0 huvln *,- KW AA OU!, ,';! i ; SniaJv Arthur. Sketch Club. Keith's. Bo*too, Klnimenniitui, Tony, 1'orst Keller, Milwaukee, l'i*' H« opening performance, Ki. found the n.S?' ' ■*• "' ,im 'er » our w *'> lllll ' a KUb enthusiastic nil- smith A roller, Arcade, Toledo, 0., 10-24. Zlinreur, John, Proctor'* 23d Street, X. Jf, O.'V pilrers. Manager Sherman Brown offers Wll ■SB VX" Ma^'sV^"**'-'' 1 "" l?* 1 - ,„ Zlranierouin, Willy. Olympic, Chicago. 111-24. siiUth k Campbell, Poll 1 ., Spring-eld, Mass.. 10- guar. Ml... Proctor's SOtli Ml.. X. V. C, llt-2-l. Snyoir 4 Buckley.* PoirV. 'narttor.1, Conn., 10- ••iTPollV. Brl.l«»port. 2«-ol. Miu.niitin.. Stir, llaiollton. ■ C«o., }»■. At o regnlnr mentlnir of Brooklyn Lodge, So. 30, Thentrlcfll Mechanics Aiisoclotlou, held Hundny, J)ec. 11, the tollowlng offlreia were elected for the coming year: Chng. Col- lins, pmMHtt ; Krank l,e Strange, vice presi- dent: Jnniex II. Smith, ircamirer; Thos. Folcv. recording secrotBry: Louis BIscholt. llnanclnl secretary: John Fleming, sergeant Lools. He wag thirty-two years old, and during his career had traveled with various companies and played dutes through the Weat. The last" road company ho was with was Kalbfleld, Granger nnd Car- roll's Minstrels, In 1S08. He hold been .in the retail bicycle business for the past live years In St. Louis, Ills wife survives hloi. William II. IMvcKPonT, an old tlno vnudevillc aotor, died recently at Mlssouln, Mont., from apoplexy. Floren'cb Bf.lmont, an nctress. whoso 1-24. J.. Moulding, Bt.r, ItamUtop. - .SplBsell Bro... Trent, TrenWn, > Cinplrc. Iloboken. ^o--". „ . ,„ „. Suuliiid Keith''. Providence, B-, 1 --'"' 24 --,. . ,; S,. Memphl, MWophls, Tenu,. 10-31, s'et.«i.'^enorii, Aooltoriujn, Norfolk. V) Proctor's 2M St., N. X. C, 10-24 ; 10- H. (h, stliiion ft Merton, riiiKv'ii Blrheck,' Proctor's GBth St,. M, V. N.kolev'ft Le Boy. Top'«. Billings. Mont. 10-24. s!anl?BoVTk cJ:. mi, Bttdgepon. Cons., n- ftiMck, rrof.. Proctor's. Btb Ate, N. ^. o...i"- 24. Under tit Cents. Fnep A. HowwoN, rannager of the Orrlft Brothers' Circus, of the City of Mex'co, vvhoRO headquarters are In Tun Clii'prk Building, New York, Informs u» that the orrln Brothers Circus will have their twenty-' sixth annual opening in their anipbltbentre, In 'the City of Mexico, the middle of Janu- ary, with the following company: Illcnrdo Bell, clown and paqtomlmlst, who for twen- ty-five years has, been the, leading feature with tbo circus, and still enjoys undimin- ished popularity ; the ClarkonJans, flying trjipt'zc artlBts; Carncx and Toxin. In a dentil defying devil's chimney act ; the Merrills, - bicyclists; Orvlllc and Frank, In their pos- turing act; Jolly and Vilea, French imn- tomlmlsts and dancers; Leon and Adeline, zlers; Jessie Miller, cornet soloist; Hum Collier 18-21, nnd Jeanne Towler, .in "Iris." 26-28. Ai.hamuha (O. F. Miller, manager). — "McFudden's Flats," week of 11, drew a good share of the week's business, and proved ns entertaining as ever. "Only n Hhop tllrl" week of 18, and "York State Folks" week of 2S. Ituou Oit.iia Housk.— Manager John II. agcr Clark Pierce offered a high class attraction 11-17, ■ In "By Bight of Sword." Ralph Stuart, In .tile leading role, was excellent and was warmly splauded. His return to Milwaukee In the future should meet with good results. "Kscaped from the Harem'' 18 nnd week, nnd "Wedded and Farted" 20 and week. Acadkjiy (Edwin Thnnbonser, maunder). — "A Celebrated Case," 12-18. met with sat' Isfnclory returns. Austin Webb, the new leading man. suddenly left the company after the flrst performance. James Kyrle McCurdy -was compelled to rend the lines Inst Tuesday night, Mr. Campbell taking up the role on Wednesday. "A Mysterious Stranger" week of lit, "A Japanese Nightingale" 2U-81. Star (Frank It. Trottman, manager). — at arms; Fred Schilling, marshal): A. L. name In private life was Sadie Aiken, died lleevcs, doctor: I. J. Macttonnell, press Dec. 0. agent : trustees : Chns. 1'enrsall, W. J. Strut- Maitiii Eaui.h. the well known character toti, Monroe Marks, Chas. McFadden and Custave Walters. On Ilec. 11 Wm. B. Browning and James Fpilegrnff, of tbo Ony Masqneraders Co., were initiated luto Baltimore Lodge, No. 14, T. M. A. Secretary J. H. Willams writes that Man- ager Clark, of "M'llss" Co., was the lucky man in the contest held by Baltimore Lodge, Xo. 14, T. M. A., on Nov. 22. • - 4»4> SOUTH CAROLINA. V., IUID. mil. no, hiuu.uj |V UCr MIHterS borne. Her last New York engagement was with "The Virginian," at the Manhattan Thc- Cliarleatou. — At Owens' Academy of Music (Will T. Keogh. manager) "The Beauty Doctor" had a fair house Dee. la. "The Smart Set" pleased a top heavy house IB. Shepard'B moving pictures had fair busi- ness 16, 17. "Pinafore" (local) comes 10. "The Jewel of Asia" 21, "A Oirl from Dixie" 2f, "The Office Boy" 23. XOIITH CAROLINA. 10- ugglers; Jessie Miller, cornet soloist; Clara inllnrlul, the Parisian beauty, balancing lllce & Bartou's Koso Hill Kngllsh Folly Co. '-' bouses.' Kutbryn orlte In the two ■Ncwoome. In a ipeclalty. was the Merry Maidens 18- Widows 20-31. ,,f j 10 will mark the Kin* A Westbrook. Novelty. Sacramento, oai., is- nDl \ dancers; Ju Kim and Chi Suke Okl, end of Manager R W. Kenney's first year In troupe of Coram magicians; tho Clarke Milwaukee. The returns have far exceeded Family, English equestrians ; Amelia Feoley, expectations, and this popular bouse Is sure equestrienne; tho olograph, with tho latest to stay. , People week of 18: Rud Miller, moving pictures, aud the Bell Family, eight Leon unit Bertie Allen. Oarduer and Ooldeu. people, inimical eccentrics, clowns, acrobats Bonny Taylor, Baby Gladys nnd Impossible aim puntomlmlsts. Mr. Hodgson will spend V6ynge. Christmas at Ills old home in Colllngwood, Uiiand — Manager .1. W, Kenney continue* Can,, and will Iben return to Merldu, Mexico, to please the crowds with his programme*, whore the show Is now playing. Bill week of 10: Tbo Three Keltous, Nor- I'ni: Giicat Wallach Huow is now com- man. W. J. McDcrtuott, Earl Flynn und furtobly housed in Winter quarters at l'cru, Woodson and Woodson. lnd„. and the tnanugement is already en- I'abdt (Leon Wachsncr, manager). — I'm gaging people fur next season. Novel and Ion Holmes continues to (III the house at costly features will ho presented, and the Ids weekly lectures. highest class acts In every department will ' puny is also finding be offered. t the German drama, An. auction halb of cirrus nnd show prop- ductlon of "Muenchner Kinui'n" was g { •r-ivlor, Mae. Colntntila. Boston. 10-24 roil iuVmood. Oloeograpb. Hpohanc, Wash, Trtii'ilfl Slslers. Orpheum, New Orleans. La., 10- •lennunt, Mr. k Mrs., !. O. II., Lancaster, Pa., 10- 10-24. T,vlwWa Cots. Olympic, Chicago. 10-, Tcill.v. Khner. KM !<'•. G*^A"*|& M Ten Icld Troope, Orplieiuii. Bk }»",} 9 2*n nkli. lenMwkc, Lambert «t Teflbrpoke. II. & B.. BUn., '11,'onw A Carietou/ «. 6. M. Chlcago.-10-M- •riiamlon. Hossrd,, Orpheum, BkUu MAX. -riieresses. 0««t..C.O.H. ( . .Chicago. 1B-24. Tl.eo. J.ck. Trio, Proctor'., Albany. N. V. 10- ^4: Proctor's 12Slb St., N. Y. t,., -,0-81. Tltomtou, James, H"ea's, Buff.Io. 10-24. SSSftiH SSSrTm-P. » 'i'robJar ft •ftmoett, O, O. H.^IndlaiiaiKiUs. 10- •J4j Arciule, Toledo, O.. 30-81 . JOT ES^BTj^U 10-24; XrSattr JfiPjK Hotjha^» L ,gy«. t .j» Ml MM Leicester. 20>H1 ; umpire, Man- chester, Jan. 2-T. Ttvhu. aiie«'». Toronto, Can,. iB-24, „ ■riwnatv Band. The. Areailc. Toledo. O.. ip-.i. T- .,? iteaT. "&e. Iltf.artot. CUlc.go. 10-24. Tyi* Si JeruiOli,.OrpUeiini, >{ttn»as City. Mo., .«• VaWino Bros., . Keith's. Phllao 10-24; Kolth'a. Van (iofr.** Ootrely. Oraml. Bene, Nov., SjMk Va-U" mrls. Poll's. 8prii.stlem.Masa,. 10-24; cim.c's.Wofliliuium. D; 0.. 2001. Vurge, Mlio, Vicjw, Col.. JO-24 actress, died nt the home of her sister, Mrs. Frank Burns, In Philadelphia, on Dec. «. After on illness of four months In Cleveland, O., Miss Earle was removed to her sister's home. wl ntrc. Tjfcg Plays. "A WIFE'S SECRET," A comedy drama, in four acts, written by I}sl Iteld, was presented for the flrst time on any ' stage at Blancy's Theatre, Newark, N. J.. Nov. T. Tbe story tells of the tribulations -of Mona Madison, the young wife of the Key. John Madison. Her happy disposition la a source of constant annoyance to her husband's sister, a hypocritical old spinster, who Is. •booked at all- earthly pleasures. Ueorro- Warren is desperately in love with Mona and tries to induce her to give up the monotonous existence of a minister's wife and run away with him. She repulses him. and In. a frenzy be clasped hor, helpless, in his arms. They are discovered in this position by ber bus- band anil his sister and Mona Is driven from home without a chance to explain or klsa ber little daughter, - Marie,- goodbye. Auut Dllsey, an old negro Bervnnt of tho E arson's, leaves the household and devoirs) eraelf to protecting nnd comforting Mona In her exile, who Is persecuted by the relent- less maiden sister nnd Insulted by the eon- temptnblu Warren, hut Is rescued from them by two staunch friends, Dunnle McClrnn, the newsboy, a ml Otflcer Ulgglns. Filially, on Christmas Eve, she aud Aunt Dllsey am driven from their quarters Into the at reel, and she takes refuge In the bell, lower of ber husband's church, while Dllsey gocs'elsewhern ,„. , SvoNBv, Nov. 21. for assistance. Warren, who has shadowed The principal change of programmes at the ber, enters the church and decides to carry ?>' dn jy Iboatraa. on Saturday night was her away by force. John Madison, seeinc lllnnd Holt ■■'■•■ Charlotte. — At tho Academy of Music (Marx S. Nathan, manager) "At Cripple Creek" Dec. 8. Hbepard's moving picture.-. come 20. Creston Clarke Jan. 2, "The Jewel of Asia" 0. "A Chinese Honeymoon" T. < »» KANSAS. Lawrence, — At Bowersock's Opera Houso (Irving Hill, manager) "Everyman," Dec. 8, Interested greatly. "Why Girls Leave Home" came 12, to a l'nlr house. "The Fortune. Huntcra" 15, "The ft'lard of Ox" 20. ♦ »» 01 It AUSTRALIAN LETTER. rami on owx connEaroxpuxT. erty, without reserve, will be held nt (he IS. *Mn Vertung" follows 21. Winter quarters of the Adam Forepaugh At Fount Kkli-kii (Itlchurd Becker, Hells Bros.' Shows, Columbus, O., on Jnn. — People week of 18 Include: Wait Wit lie™ . and Beckwetb, Tony Zimmerman and Untile Frela. Ndthh.— Juuies Kyrle McCurdy, who lias been remarkubly successful with tbc Thnn- liuuser Co.. will start out shortly at the head of 1ils- 'own company, producing "The Old Clothe. Man." At Her Majesty's Theatre the represeata- tnanaget'). tl0 " °' "Borneo nnd Jul'ct" drew again u and West, densely crowded audience on Saturday, stand- 10^1005, EiiNfcRT ALlimmtT, calliope player of OeutrV Bros.' Show, No. 1, closed bis third season with tbo show Dec. 1, and has boon re-engaed for next season, opening early In April. Tun Ota-AT Nohhis, I Kowh snow, which - la now quartered at St. Jobo, Cal., Is actively Clothe. Man." Tbe Common council produced next Saturday night. preparing for the next circus season. A big -killed tho proposed theatre tux of $300 at . At *W Lyceum Theatre, -before a good sensational act will bo featured nnd tbe show their meeting last week Tbe origins! house, Waller Sauford produced, for the flrsr lu every department will be brought to tbo ■ .production of "A Mysterious Stranger" will ' me In Sydney, an American comedy, en- ng room only being tho order of the cven- ,n. K . '." ""'wy part. A. F. Oreenaway nnd Plttell Bruno were worinly recalled after the bulcouy scene. Mr. Wllllumiion announces tD . ll . t Sfttlou's famous tragedy, "Theodora, ■irllti 'Pl*«,.ll l>...._ A l„ II. _ " T* ... . .; .* vlnced of his wife's Innocence, rescues her nnd the curtain falls on tbc reunited family. The original cost : John - Madison, Hallett Thompson : Tom Aiuslle, Daniel Jarrett ; George Warren, Ogden Stevens ; Tublns Elworthy. J, Hooker Wright : Dannie Mit- Glynn, Harry Sullivan ; Harry Hlgglns, Larry Mack ; Prlscillii Madison, Helen Guiney ; Aunt with Tlttell Bruno In tbe namo port, will be Dllsey Lee, Nadlnc Winston ; Marie Madison. Dolly Ford, and Mona Madison, Lansing ltowan. highest posHlblo point o PAT ClIAPPliLI.G writ' f excellence. and Its catlro contents were eutlrely consumed by tii-n at Warrenton, (la., Dec. 10. Wo have 11 1 ready placed un order for a new canvas und otlier necessities, and will be on tbe rood shortly. My headquarters will be Augustu, tin., while refitting there." ' ". Notch kuom Bukkalo Bill's Wild Wkht. ii lie made nt the Academy 10. a n » MINNESOTA. v!la%B^^TKwrU^, M iprtoS. 10-24; Park. —The renewal of the paraphernalia for 1000 Kw W, J» well under way ut Stoke-on-Trent, and will Vert i>, Oipheiun, San Fran., C«l„ 10-21 ; Or- be shipped to Franco lu tho early Hnrlng. Ouiv . ^ I . ,.,,,, Mr....,, ..t ....... a. .And In U....I,. ..I .... A I, iKoii. opoiiN. — At Iho Metropolitan Opera House (L. N. Scott, inunugei) Eva Tungun returned Dec. 18, for the week Her 20-81. Tim Murphy und Folks" divided u fairly profitable "CCPIO A CO.," A musical farce,' lu two nets, liook by E. Tracy Sweet und E. Temple, and music by A. Baldwin Sloune, was given for the flrst time at the Ncsbltt Theatre. Wllkrsbarre, Pa.. Nov. 14. Tbe scene of tbls travesty Is laid In tho Cutsklil Mountains, nt a Summer 'Overlook House," which Mons. Cnmembert and n as Mme. Cupid) for At Itlcknrd's Tlvoll Theatre Lydla Yea- loe purpose of promoting their matrimonial titled "Tcmuebt Tossed." which, as tbo'nfo Kramme Indicates, furnishes Illustrations of life among the. fishing community of (he western coast of tho United States. Like "I no Sidewalks of New York," which was produced the week before, the piece presents wi 1 W '.'. "SHF* P |0 '' 1,n; know , n B » tbo "O; , . aiLk 11 l " ul '." Ue ralae " ,0U1, or fl vc times on several fc, M u ?* u . !9"rlJ^ ■ > week, ii- occasions. Mme. (Jot rocks (known VffiSK S Crp. 8.ild..,O.l..;l0-24 ! Cry.- VcV, , !a,'uelie!or.,ai ! ! l ar.H,t Falls. Men.. 10-24; VmSS A Bloniie, Onibeum, Oral, Aus.. Ifl-3t. Vcailer A Do Bea, Umpire. Teri-u Haute, IimI.. Vleterla*. EtU, Columbia. Bo.tou. 10-24. VU-iicti « Dinilop. Slur, tlamlltoii, Can.. 10-24. Von Klein A Olbsnui OrHieum. Mimas City, Mo.. 10-24; Orpheuni,, St. .Jowph. Mo., iO-81. Yontello & Nina, ifeplre, Terro Haute, lud., Von Oofre. Aiitonio. Oraud. Jleno, Nev.. 10-24. Muni a oamaj ■»-«••,< Bujaio, i»^4. ■ Wuterbury Bros. 4 Toany. Temple. DatroIJ, 10-24 Walters A Beckwllb, Weast's, Peoria, III.. 1»- 21. • 1 . Wullxiurn A Whllucy, Bltlffton. O. 10-24; Men- wiyiii A Doiiue. Kit, Poealello. Ids.. 10-24. Waiermelon Olrls, O. 0. H., Iiidlaaapolla. 10-24. Wall a West. I'oMt Kell.v. Milwaukee, 10-24. Wayne & Dmiue, Elk, Pocatello. Ids., w-il. Waller. A BecUwIth.. Font Keller. Milwaukee, 10-24. . • ' Washer Bros.. Novelty, Stockton. Cul„ 10-24. Winrou 4 Ktnshaw, Bifii's, EacaauUa, Mich., HI... 24; Bijou. Onluinot. WWII.' ,^ „ , Werrwi. A Ganlner. Keith's,- Provlileuce, R...1., WettaSM (3i. Keith's. Boston. 10-24. ' Weston A HtaataM Acme,. Norfolk, Va.. „1»;24. \rrjtV.OMs, A.Jennl?. Detroit. Mleh.. .MM. V'eli-hvr. Lynn, Orpheum, Kansas Olcy, Mo., 10- 24 - - '■'..- . '■.''■...■- Weitoii A Koyoiood, Pastnr's. N. V. C, 10-M. West A Van Slelen, Coluniblu. 8t. I.ouls. .10-24 : (I .O. H.,.Chleano, 20-H1. . ■ 1 . ■ W'hllrlnw. Arthur, HA B.. llkln., 10X4. Whltvbend A Dlnmoiul, Jote, 8nu Jose. Cal., 10- M. >Vlinrton A Le Boy. BIJOU. I.a Crosae.-Wls., 20-81. . Wlmrtou. Nat, Star. 'Muuoke. Bid.. 10-24. Wliifherman's Beam, .Hlppodiouie, Loudou, Lug. lti-ai. ■ • > William A Tucker. Olympic. Chicago. 10-24. Willi" A Hassan, Chase's, Waiihiuaton, D, 0., IB- wii.iin S, ■ Dr.vts. i.owell, Mass., 10-24; Keith's, • N. V. C. 20-01. Wlllanl. the (Ireat,- Arch. Cleveland, (>., 10-24; L.^'cuin, Niagara Fulls, N. Y„ '20-01. WIIiaii. tieo. X., Ceilur llaidds. la.. 10-24. tvitlimns. W. C... Pell's. Bridgeport, Oonli., 10-34. Wllllniu» A tiordon, Uljoti, De» MulneH, la,. 10-24. Winers, Wlnoun A W.' II. Banks. Leicester, Vug., lti-24 ; Swansea. 20-31 ; BlrnilUBhum, Jan; 2-7. Wliiilom. Win. IV, HhriiV. BilfTslO, 10-24. Wilton Bros., Kalth's. Cleveland, 0.. 10-24. ^••.... f, >,„,„ |,„„. Kucaiiaba. Mich., 10-24: Bijou, Calumet, 20-31. Wins « bawniu. Chases, Wusblngtou, D. C 10- 24. 1 :,■ ,,i • .1 Kuusas City, Mo., WIIkou-'*: Helolso. Yoikvllle. X. Y. C 10.24. M'noil A Bay, Mcchonle's, Halem.-Maas., 10-24; Meore'.. Portlmid, Me.. 20-31. Wood Bros,, PnlBce.'Knlamuxoo, Mich., 50-31. Wnodkiou .v Wo'slron. Oramt, Milwaukee. 10-24. Wnlf A Milton. Onluoilda, Boaton, 10-24. Wood, Ceo. H., Hownsl, Boston,- 10-34. Wood A Berry, Howard. Boston, lti-24. Wolfing s Trulned. Stallions. M. O. 11.. St. Paul, Minu., 18-24. ■■ ■ Woodward. Oeo. A'M»y. Pu>t«r'«, K. V. C, 10.24. W.rmi It Hurl, Novelty. Oakland, Cal., 19-24; FleeluM's, Sun Finn., 211-31.. > . I- ' nnd Eque ? trian Director ^mm«^r^^lV^JS&''^S ."naXtl reeeut vlsltora to the gny French capital. Mr rSl^JMLJ"*!. ™ • . K,l . e ..ana uott and Mrs. Baker and Mutt Sanders, master Sisters O'Mecrs Introduced some new' feats pro)»rtles wltb the Wild West, sail for America 7. Amecn Abou Hamed's troupe of Hbortl^pt^^t tb Bv A^^uraM.^ C^r, :W^%]b^}J^ i S?% it Is invariably found to be a case of mis- taken Identity, which causes further compli- cations. During these situations there ap- pears a Bea euptuln, who le looking for a lout; lost daughter. He encounters a little girl, a city. waif, whom be mistakes for his daugh- ter.' Later a clerk at the hotel, who Is I" love with the stenographer. Is mistaken for tho bigamist nnd Is arrested, thereby losing new turns. In Melbourne Harry James' American Travesty Co. is In Its last, nights. g*V ^J^aaaTvrWfrairm'ar. ■%.' {SJE "GSP&JZH.XSLmSBH JT «gg f „; T "^,0>chld." performed 1y tho Boynl doing well In tho music halls. Prof. C. 'A. citv Stmrl- drew we 1 1 1 it °. |,e . r , n °8» eoutlnues on Its prosperous run Hie confidence of his sweetheart. She booh Giovanni, our bird and monkey trulner, Is Vis- • l'wiotti" 1 \l W tlul nVber n,,,,,™,-! ? " l ' r MaJwty'* iTieatrc. nnd Is expected discovers that she has mistrusted -too quickly 1 "■'-" — ••■•—-• ■•'■■•' "• — '■"- >'•>•— to run on till hirlstmss. when they oro go- nnd tries to regain his affcctlonB, but ho feels lug to produce "Tho Clngalee," Instead of a that It Is necessary to tench her a lcsaon.so piiiitoiu.mc, ,ns orlgluully Intended. nt tllrts with- other girls- Flnullv, h Jtlng relatives in Italyrchas. K7 6Vlmn b^ been rotalned as manager of the side shows. Eff-hrW Mar?e Law.cn. Carberrle a d si.n" tbe lending features of the annex GuonaH H. Wviians baa signed wltb the Oollmar Bros.' Big New Kullroad Sbows for Hie traveling season of 1005. Tiioh, L. Fins will run tho side show Dowute's Circus next season. - •-■ Li:w Git.utA.M, of tbo Rlngllng Show, In Now York last week, looking after season')) sldo show attractions. Mam UkiinamVh 0. K. Tout Shows wintering at Krult Vale, Cal. This ono . sitow Jius beeu out seven months this yenr, . ,..'.'■■... .. . . »«♦» .• n ..':. > : COXNECTICl'T. prevail. :M. Paul.— At tho Metropolitan Opera Old Heldell)erg , ' is being staged by Mus- grove's Nelllo Stewart Co. nt Fho Pr'ncess I heattv, and Is already n strong favorite. it Is produced in a style equal to that wit- nessed by your correspondent in New Y'ork ., however, all these matters are all straightened our. The' cast : Jack Benton, Noal McCoy ; Jsc- nuej Cuuiembei't, Edouard Duraud ; Mrs. Mu /.le Got rocks, knowu as Mme. Cupid, Laiirn Butter : Yvcttc 1^ Cor, Lois E. Talior ; Vlo- .,.,..., . ..,ij ..w.i ,.|....i K i|. ni 1, WCVK ot ap. ••'GitANt) (Tlieodora L. Hayes, manager). — "Tho Curat of Drink" drew well week of 11. r„,„,~, TO „„„„.. „ IN)r week of 18, James J. Corhett. In' "Pals" 1,, .'.It. », i WnaTON '„ n . n , actor ' W00M n «n»« Week of 2J, Florence Bludlcy, In "Tbo Strett SLi r „ a VL. llf,> was Charles Henry Wllsjiiy, Singer." ffiffl '5 ,l>enver, Col.. Dec. 13, from nerlto- m^» ■ — ■ ». -»w^v ...u... unw . nMUl II, ,11V V,lll(ir,U,[ |,IIUU ... nilUC, | chorus Ludy :" Harlo and Lalferty, dancing Hnsliiess was big week of 12. X strong duo; C. W. Williams, ventriloquist, and com- bl|l would lie given 19 und week, odlnti : George 11. Snyder und Harry Huckloy, a ™!)!? < .! l _ H . nB . : _' , . ea .'. ,n *.. Aode A 1 ' !»«? Wjiynrd ang : Dolntb.— At the I^ceumlC. A. Marshall "THE GIRI. AND THE BANDIT,". A comic opera, in two acts, book by Mrs. A. ('. Tyler and J. Cheever Goodwin, lyrics by C. Tyler, music by Frederlek Colt first produced on any stage at. ', Nov. 28. The scenes are laid Austria. . The story : Daniel multimillionaire contractor from i anxious to get into foreign su- appears In Venice during n carnl- :h Home bandits, under the lender- rderallo, are in attendance In the ty people. Clancy Is ncconv daughter, Cherry, and several ji girls. They nro tbc gucsu 'lolottn, Muiehessa dl Suuta Motions. Mi-titty GAiivj-n of «h„ t_«n» liC. " ,UJ J V. 1 . v'omtta, MnrcnesBO dl suuta Moiinas. .VnerdN, UN Dte.^^" , «t tB Bo n ston ym I f; »». 7^^.^j!^»J^^>g^^ * Garner dlwl Dec. 13. at BottobTTfta? a Coun Dl Romano™ C " Wi-P?"?.'™ 11 '!! " lln *\ r - wyraan four yeara. dresseu i- «n. nf i... ancy meet a Quecresiin, being a widower thinks love with tbc girl, i She WlnOeld, Beta. Yorltvlllc. X. Y. Cm 10-24. Winters A Summer.,' -Yale's, Kuu 10-24. n good house Dec. 14. Due: Edna Waluee Hopper. In her Initial performnnce In "A (Country Mouse." 14. "In Newport" will re- i.tilve Its initial production 22-24. Ida Con- quest, In "Tbc Money Maker," 241. 27. lilt N NULL'S NUW HAVKK T'HKATILH (G. H. Bunnell, manager).— "The Black Mask" cunie to good returns 12-14 gjnilst." to good Morrison .20. "Tbe Sign of the Cross' . 28. The Flaaten Sunday concerts for the season started with good prospects. MBTROTOLtTAN OPERA HOt'SU. — J. J. Cor- bett. lti-17 nnd matinee. "Tbo Waif's Para- dise" 10-24. 1'AM.on TBEATne (W. J. Welle, managetl 12-14; "The Volunteer Or. — Thin houte. which has not closed for the _ I houf.es 13-17. Duo ; "Kid*. pa*t tbroo years, closed Its doors 17. and will napped In Now York" 10-21. "A Dace for Life" «1'W tbem ngfllh aboht tlie first of March. ya-24. "The Child Wife" 20-28, " -. "A Fight for it. ., ,k -, -•> ,, _ . «.* .... — El may Alton completed a six months IOMB in-* loll, muimger).— Tho Mil enuagetnent with Klrnlfy's "I^iuislniia." at rider, died "r«' rhB •*«■ "S l «at the haaus Hnl Godfrey ft Co, Scott- Brothers, Marfuo was playing the part of Discovery. b " \T*£ W^A^'* cafoTS «£*<£* £„i The'S! "'!, tho Juggling Norniiua. •« « ? rata '.who she is. He manages u>-.a« gmig ^onuaus. t0 m^g tm w th 5lurderallo by K | v i n » flm neVer iiolut follow ami iolettn, Viola December 24. THE ISTE^W YOR]^ CLIP(P^SCRV NO AGT IS COMPLETE WITHOUT THIS GREAT S0N8. The BEST SLIDES You Have Ever Used, $4.00 Per Set. bGNI) STAMP AND PROGRAM, MO CARDS, TO (OPPOSITE OLIPPER BOILDINli) HELF * HACER CO., IDSIC POBLISHEBS, 48 West 28th St., H. T. G. TAKE THE KI.KVATOH. Gillotte; Prlncipcasa dl Vl'lamonte, Ora Rub- tcll : Angelo KoHcaf I. Henry Hergman ; Queer- CKHfl, Mabel Illte; Count dl Romano, Georgo MncFarlane ; Hpaghettlnt and Murderallo, Joseph Mlron : Daulel Clancy, Walter Jones ; 1 Iberry, Alice I iiivi'v ; Miss Arrabella Adams, Allen llosmer; lUn. Kdward Seymour, Matcher Norton ; Aleasanuro, Nell McNeil ; Tessa, Mlrl Ackmkn. "A IIUS8IAN SPY," All original Uvo net melodrama, written by 11. IV. Haven, was given Its Initial perform- ance at Mohcrly, Mo., Oct. 24. The sceno •if Die first act Is laid In tno home of Harold Horton. a wealthy mun about town, In San Francisco. The remaining acta nre scones In (be Orient, chiefly at Che- nntlpo. Korou. The atory tella of the ad- ventures of n young American, Harold Hor- ton, during the present Russo-Japanese war, Hud tella of IiIh thrilling experiences In trac- ing the murderers -of his mother, one of whom h n Hlngaleac strangler, who does the deed at tin' instigation of a pseudo doctor, wbo In really a Russian spy, Iran Petroaky. I'i'i rimky, in order in wfn the nelco of Mrs. Horton, Induces tbo strangler to kill tbe lat- ter and then coerces the uelce to fly with him. lie endeavors to force ber to marry him, but lull*. Later ber cousin, young Horton, np- lieara upon the scene, accuses the doctor (Pe- irosky) of being 11 Bpy. The- doctor In con- imcd In n dungeon, manages to escape and meets Horton and a fight with sabreB ensues, Petrosky Is killed, tbo atrangler la shot by order of tbo Jnpancso general, and all ends well. The cast: Ivan Petroaky, Hal Defor- est : Harold Hortou, John Hoi an j Kal Knu. Harry It. McGlaln : Central fllloniarii. David I Ivors ; Timothy Skinner. Chas. T. Hart: Bill llulaton. Mark Hoden I Capt. Mutaudc, Fred- rick Harrington; Nun Kaswan, R. B. Clark; Ayn-Son, Rachel Acton : Mrs. lillan Horton, .lannetle Wyathe: Kat-l-ahl ha, Mlunle Wil- son: Susan. Gertrude Gilbert, and Victoria h ebstcr, Consuulo Oainlllo Dagraar. "FAST l.IFH IN NEW YOnK," a melodrama, In' four acts and twelve scenea, by Theodore Kremer. was flrst presented My. 7, it tlio Windsor Theatre, New York < My. The story telle of a wayward wife, * 10 Is In love with a villain, and helps him, Willi two accomplices, to gain access to the husband's room, for tbe purpose of robb'ng mm ni n will and other valuables. He awakes '." . kH'cd. Meanwhile a young girl, daugh- ter of tbe murdered man's deceased, friend, Ih on her way from England as a ward of the siuln inau who has provided for her by will. On tier arrival she Is decoved to a so called "em- ployment" agency, whence she Is to be takon '<> Hie studio of tbe villain, after which It Is niiinned that her fast life shall commence. "«• she Is resclied la time by the nephew M tlio murdered man, who promptly falls In love with her. However, sbo la abducted "Ram. and In escaping from the carriage of "er abductors, she sustains an Injury which ^"nllocs her to a hospital for a long time. .» "'Phew has 'spent all of bis money warchlng for the girl, and, having no cm- P, '""P*! , ls reduced to tbe verge of starvn- i i ' ,"hllc wandering tbo streets he finds t£ K !l'' who ha « _/"»' ue * n discharged Jiom the hospital. They In turn nre bap- ii'nori upon by , bc tott |, leB „ w)fe au(i j ier I' '""I! 1 , 1 companions. A police officer, whom I.',. vl » B J«'» hrlbe. attempts to separate the { 1 '.. b " t '» frustrated . In his designs, ^meeting of all parties occurs later, In a i»m 5 wtluon, whoro Sammy Ikensteln Ih ubi enocr. A pokei' game Is urranged as tbe "Wnran of settlement between the villain jno tbo nephew, the latter having realised ILStS* 8lun of money from a supposedly wot bless Investment. On the night of the H'Mlj villain casts off the woman who mm loBt all for him, and goes from her to i gamp i n , vnlco tho nep he W |„ guccess- j iiv fleeced of nil his money. Meanwhile Im Hp"!? one' revenges herself by assum- !•»?..!?"'. al "8»l»e and entering tho gambling ■,°in ; wb SJ' e •""• thAllenxes the winner, who *. Play Is had between them and the I,,'. J "!? "" ln ,1 "' dlwgulsed oue, who >u.,?i ,*" ovcr tn tH0 nephew. 8hn then r, ,, , ,1 ? l "*'lf.- denounces the- man who hoi wrongs bvCi hUoolg ulm „ na tlje k ,„ j,,,,.. self. Tlie cast : Sain my Ikensteln, Juilau Rose : John Drew, Francis Yale ; Ouy Stand- ing, LouIb J. Cody; Duck Speedy, Harry Welch; Huroid Proctor, Albert Hall; Bill, Harry Scott ; Joe, Sam Flanagan : Mike Hen- nessey, Albert Wilson: Belmont, Jumos Grant ; Gaston, Jewels Ferrar : Capt. Win- ter, Mat. Walters; Claneey, policeman. Sam Thomas : Angolottl, II. De Rosa ; Rubin, Al- fred Doll : Allen, Hugh Dossier; Gentleman, Harrv Kohn ; Marker, Alfred Hutchlngs; Maude Irving. Ilertha Wilson : Leah Silver, Blanche Hensbaw ; Madame Blcbepan, Tci- ale Lawrence ; Nana. Frances Cameron ; Mrs. Harvest, May Lawreuco: Mrs. Dooley, Julia Hurumerfleld : Mrs. Vcnncttc, Hannah May ; lSlfta Proctor, Virginia Drew Trescott. "TUB UNWRITTEN LAW." A four act comedy drama, by Murk 13. Swan, received Its first presentation at Poll's Opera House. W'aterbury, Conn., Oct. 'JT. Tbe atory Is as follows: Paul Featberstonc, an artist, and wife, Mona, have as their guests Griffith Wolfe and Agnes Trevor. Wolfe was an un- successful suitor for tbe band of Mona, Paul's wife, while Agnes Trevor loves Paul, and tbey plan to separate them by arousing the other's Jealousy, but when Mona is shown what she l>ellevea to be proof tbat her hus- band loves ber no more, she declares "It I have lost my husband's love, I will win It back." When Paul has what ho supposes la proof that bis wife cares for him no longer, be declares tbat be will kill the man who hax supplanted him, but when in battle with Wolfe the shock and excitement causes bla sight to leave him. When this accident has befallen Puul, they have an easy mutter to separate him from his wife, for tbey tell him that bis wife will no longer live wltb him now that bo Is blind, and that she bss eloped with Griffith Wolfe. She, not knowing that her husband Is blind, is told tbat he has sought the society of Agnea Trevor, and she lenvos him. At a future accidental meeting, and through the aid of friends, Teddy Hallo- way and Maude IVnlleld, tbey (Paul and Mona) are made to understand the true atate of affairs, and arc united, Paul recovering his sight through the same manner In which It left him — tbe sbock and excitement of tho meeting. The cast ln full : Paul Fetherstouc, Wilfred Locas : Griffith Wolfe, Wilfred Cbag- non ; Teddy Hallowny. J. J. Fltzslmmons ; Count Victor Dl Bonnlttl, John Ardlsone; Jns-ipli Gregory, Charles M. Seajt; Mona Fetlicrstonc. Miriam Shelby : Agnes' Trevor, Muude Atkinson ; Maude Penfleld, Minora Allen; Jane Potter, Lucille Allen Walker. "THE ISLE OF THE III TT1 TS,- A musical comedy, In two acts, book and lyrics by Fritz and Frank Lanbant, music by Ernest K. Smith, was given Its original presentation at tbo Hancock Opera House, Austin, Tex., Nov. 20. Its atory treats of the embarrassing situations ln which the Hones brothers, Yalelock and Timelock, two American detectives, wbo come to tbe Island In search of a criminal, find themselves. Tbo Island Is In a state of turmoil, nud there Is a superstition among the native* that upon Die death of each king a successor will lie sent by Providence, and this successor Is the first stranger found seated upon tho throne. At tbe time of tbe story. Rubaduh, a weak minded circus clown, who had been cast ashore from a wreck, and who had sought refugn on tho throne, Is tho king of the island, and Q. T. Fox, tbe head of tbe secret service, and the man the Ignorant detectives am seeking, Is in league with the court chemist. Testum. ln n conspiracy to kill the king und gain the throne. The detectives arrive In disguise, to avoid detection by tbo man tliey seek, but they Inadvertently break up a performance of the Funday Carnival Co.. giving exhibitions daily on the Islsrfd. The King decrees tbat the culprits, when caught, shall be confined In the dungeon, and the detectives have to discard their disguises to evade suspicion, They are subMtroently employed by tbe king to tun down the man platting against him, and are also employed by the oarnlvol manager to track the men wbo Interrupted his exhibition. Prof. Hunter, an entomologist, visiting the Islands In BonrcU of specimens, nud Testuu), tho them- rf.T JUST OUT, II an VsntU&tm and nmicuLors journal DEV0TF.1) TO THE Theatrical Profession. PUBLISHED BY BROOKS BROS. & CO. AMONG TBE LEAD150 ARTICLES ABE: AMES IND ADDRESSES OF ALL THE ■MISERS and AQENTS IN T1IK UNITED STATEB AND ENGLAND. RAILROAD FARES To all points from New York, Philadelphia, Boston and Chicago, and 113 FUNNY STORIEH AND IR01OBHTE OP TBE VAUDEVILLE PROFESSION. BIG VALUE FOR 10 CENTS. For sale at all newsdealers- or sent direct on receipt of 10 CENTS in silver or stamp* by J. R. HAnWS clipper STAMP, 46 Howard St., Boston, law, TEW DOLUHS VALUE FOR 10 CENTS, 1st, seek to employ the disguises. oast aside by the detectives, in order, to confer aocretly with Amanda Hope, alster-ln-law of tho American consul, wltb whom tbey arn . In love, and they are arrested by -tbe. detectives .-in the disturbers of tho carnival, and Amanda Is apprehended for plotting against the throne. The comedy ends happily and the detectives become tho Joint rulers of the Isle. The vast : Rubadub, Clinton 0. Brown : Sllpplnu. J. II. Adou Jr. ; U. T. lux, Harry 1*. Blckler: Teatum, Lynn 11. Milam; Yale- lock Bones, I'rlu Q. Lanbam; Tlmoloi-k Iloncs. Frank V. I^anbam : Will Vellum, Mau- rice Wolf; Roach Hunter, Murray Oralis m; •Jrooklyn llrldge, U. 8. Consul. Chas. Casey; Martha Urhlge. Kunlce Adon;: Dorothy Rrldge, Emily Maverick ; Kred Bridge, Dirk Wall; Frank Truth. Max Blckler; «ue Ve- neer, . Anne Wilkinson ; Amanda Hope, Mlla Iionnan ; Polly. Attle McClendon; Mademoi- selle Maloney, Roacoe Thomason. STT "TRACKED AROUND THB WORLD." A spectacle. In nix acta and twelve acenca, by (.'has. A. Taylor, was given. Its premier at Hottstown, l*a., Oct 25. The story: Bert Vox, alias, "Count Koxhnll," dispones of some stolen diamonds by selling ■ tfiem to Jack Fully, a Chicago diamond merchant, wbo mortgages his property In pert payment of same. Mr. Folly, learning from some source that tbe diamonds were stolen by Foxball, knows tbat If the facta were disclosed ' It would bring disgrace upon his only. daughter. Babe. Folly makea an appointment with Fox, and the latter agroea at this meeting to refund tho money In return for tho dia- monds, but he Intend* to murder Folly and make away with both diamonds and ruoner. He accomplishes his purpose, but In search- ing the dead body of Fo)ly ho finds that the diamonds are gone, for, in the mean time, Folly had acquainted his daughter, Babe, with the facts, and has Intrusted the dia- monds to her keeping. Rabe, suspecting tbat Fox murdered her father, enlists the service of BUI Hickory, a man hunter, to help ber bring the murderer to justice, which Is ac- complished. Hickory Is assisted by Kddle Gates, n boy detective, who Is proprietor of a female minstrel show, which ac- companies -the trio In their trip around tbe world In pursuit of tho murderer. The cast: Rill Hickory. A. Byron Reasley ; Bert Fox, Edmuud Boragnau ; Eddlo Gates, Georgia Mack ; Vandlne, Joieph R. Garry ; Babe 7 Folly, Sadie Jansell ; Jeanctte, Gertrude I* Brandt : Frisco Kate, Beatrice Golden; Nina,' Matte Oliver; Jack Folly, G. W. Marks: Moy Foy. Harry Morrison : Flannlgan, J. C. Malaldy ; Dusty, George Harris; Guggenbclmer, II. N. Hubbard ; Louie, Sydney Craven ; Frit*, C W. Morton; Lord Beeswax, Alex. Mackenzie; Sonorlta Dolores, > Maude Hewell ; Antonio, Wm. Miller; Pansy, Eltnorc Hill ; Llllle, Mar- ?:arot Hogcn ; "Chlcogo," Brenda Fowltr : lose, Helen Chester ; Nellie Blv, Andree Mar- shall : Olive Clark, Daisy' Bradley; Chop Sucy Sal, Mona Karnes ; Reuben Glue, Harlan Knight; Conductor, u. n. Morris ;'Govet, W. A. Thomas ; Porter, Geo, Kelly ; Drummer, Frank Lyons ; Haleralua. Ktta Rpbson ; Klt- suma. Kiln 1'arkn ; Gum Hlng, Little Ah Ring; Queen of tho Bull Ring. Amy La 'Halle; Chaunccy, C. C. Coray: Ah Ham, I* Potter; Matador, J. T. Howard; Gatokecpcr, Waller Moore ; Sailor Jack, Wnv Kemp ; Officer, \V. V. Roser. ' i-mt V* *fc*/t WJM>%fc& i . VTrtiu < .; 7,/jfW ¥„ I I I ' i "TUB KRUBTEWR HONATA." Jncob Gordln'a foakr act dontealic d renin, which was traoalatcd by .Snmnel Hhlpmsn, waa given Ita flrat production .In Hngllsh at the Court Theatre, wheeling, W. Vn - . Nov. S\, by Illunche Walsh nnd Iht com- pany. The tlrst act occuth at the homo of oho Frledlaculer, a rich contractor In Rlis- siu. Ills elttoa. doagbter, llnttw, has hijen lictrayed by * ChrUtlan aoldler, and In order to saw her from disgrace t he fattier nego- tiate* with llrrgolrc, n 'Jewish mufllt'lan, itu marry t^r and bring ber. to America to live. The father settles a fair i-omptmaatlou on tlio young man, who o«nvH t» jmvpt tbo probo- ^Itlon. The second act tthds them la New York City seven years later,' and the fami- lies of , both ' the young' Jew and the girl have also Immigrated to America. A child of the dead soldier Is born to tbe » If e uUd the roster father treats Mm with otter edn- tempt fella,' a sister of Hattle, bis beconi-! Infathated With Oregolrc and tbe wife Muds her alster in the husband's embrace. Further complications arise when the husband accus-Jf the wife of "tbe marriage of I'Obveolenes." Tbe third act brings both families to Dm homo of FrMllandcr, on a farm in I'dqnuev- tlevt. The sister, tvita, In ititnr»"lletl to leave tiomq to shield Iter disgrace with tier brother-in-law. and the act ends with tho father- heart-broken. The last si-eoa bl'lrlga tbe faxglllcs together at the borne of Gre- golm'a pareuio Celta la rttiiintlng ber open shame In such a manner that the wife,. Hat- tle, In desperation, shoots both husband and sister. Tbe ; cast. Raphael Ftleillundcr, George Fawcctt : Mva, Jlnt. Henry Vandoh- horT; Haiti.-, Ulsbcbe Walsh ; oils. Helen Ware: Kanmel. William WaUeswortb; ICf>h- rlara Fiddler, Wm, Travcm. Italia, Joiwii Ralph; Gregolre, Alexander Von Mltxel ; Na- ta.-he, l.aura • Linden : Albert, Charles Clif- ton ; Bliabolsky, Itli lyird lOaile. , , I I I I HP-f a very clover la. Glory gets |M • "AN AMERICAN PRINCBnS," A •' society, ■ problem play. In- four Arts, by Henry Bander, was first produced at the Val- entine Theatre, Toledo. O., Dec 0. '. Tine story tolls of a roan wbo, when' loft with u child by the (death of a dearly beloved wife, plunfes into speculation to forget his grief. He suc- ceeds -beyond reason,, wealth rolls In upon him. and bis daughter Ih brought- up like » prlnceas, - In seclusion and ■ luxury. Ills health k graduslly giving away hut he does not realize It and plana a last gigantic en- terprlKfl before be expectn.to stop. Part' of his scheme nocesBltatea the closing of.n big steel plant. The daughter Inadvertantly comes upon one of the starving i women, a accue easues.and from the shock sne shs- tslns the ruptuto - of -n .blood ve«Bel. Tho father reproaches himself With being tho cause of it all, and at berrequest starts tin- works again, abandons his great coup and awaits In angolali new* from the sick room. Wben be htarx that his child will live he dies from heart failure. Cast! Arnold Win- gate, John U. Kcllerd; Maisueritc, Mary f-'opyrlg! Kauu: Mas Blchtor, James I " Wilson: A I- ""-Fate fred Fuller,, Geo. H. 1'robcrt :■ Henri DeaO-, pre, Nprral McGregor: Kmlly Bolton, Ada Ullmtn ; .Gilbert Mors*-. Daniel Jarrolt: Hills Put num. Frederick V. Duff: INmiiIsn Hlnejalr, John T. Iloyle; Charlea-jJverord. Melvln Hrin :■ Dr. Andrews, Rolit A. KvanH: JnnKis, Harry .Htubbs; Unit, Mnhel Ayiwurd; P««ty, liorolhy Payne; William, James Uus- sell j. John, Albert Tucker. ' "THB OUKAT At TOMOHIIK '.. JltKTKHV," A melodrama, In four act i and nine iceqes, by Theodore , Kremer, was originally : pro- duced at Hand's Ojiera House. Troy, Ni Y. v SK?€ fhe Btory' Dr. WES* a hypnotist/ exerts his lufldencu on Jobullanymoie com- pelling tin- latter to believe bis wlfo Is oof true to blm. The doctor ho poisons John's mind that tho latter secures a -divorce. Not, content wltb this, tbo physician hires flssMK-' sins to. kill lbs husband. But they are tolled by u woman whom fho doctor had cast aside, wh"- fBc;r-«ttcrrl[rta by ' Ofoovr Dooley nnd HcdaHik nrHonlgan. n- nurse inyild. It develops, by chance, thut jOlory.U the dnughlur of an old 'pel of Illxby'M,' who on his deathlied Intrustd Hlxby with IfKO.tMK), which, If Glory Is found, gooa to bar, but- If hIm- Is not found It boos to dlatant relative*- Thin ntnto of affsin Is, found out by Glory's enemies, and IImi pa'pura proving Gluhy's right to tho estate --t» stolen, blit nre regalnrd In " ty by Dooley nud He< impetH juat In time to New Hampshire, making a pretty climax in n strung dtamu... Tbo oast f Jerry Bliby, II. -T. Hwaync; Oroyaon Wolfe, Ht. Grorgo Dugelan: Kverett Aftlwrpe, II. , Ht. Carr: way by Dooley und Kedctla. Glory gets (bo liig.i . Clara. Dorlncotirt, Mario Hegar; lie- dclla HrannigsD, Annie Dougldaa; Glory, Attic Bpenecr. .-•. ... , ,. I 4»'i ' ' Ke-w Plays sn.l lliftelir. t opy rtulit crt. "At fatal," In a prologue and three acts. Copyright** bv. U r . Fish. "Hartley A Oo.,'.' Ih liiur acta. Copyrighted hjt TV II. l>avls. ' "Cupid vu tbo Hun." Copy lighted by Hill. ton Bbilth. ■ . "Famlllcnrntor." Copyrighted by Curt ivi. gand. .«——•..>. .. "Our I|aby,'' lu'ono act. CbpyrlghlcU by J. J., Flvnti. :-,•,:.-. "Fails t>y Night." Copyrighted by Ueory l'lncna.' • .' ', '■'. • "The Rogers Brother* In' Paris," In three •els. Copyrighted by 3. J. Mi-Nally, •iTlte aambo Girl;" In throo acta. Copy- rlghtM by Frank It. Norcross. ^'Tbo Dream Chlkl," la prolopie and four parts, t'opyrlglin-d bv John T. Prince Jr.' "Adhemat," In four acta. Copyrighted by 1", WlliUch. , •"fho Itedgor Queen,)' lu four tuts. Copy- rlglrted by II. Belmar. "SHADOWS ON THK IIKARTH." A five net drama, by Louis Ke'gan. .was given its premier at tbe Opera House, llolyakc, Mass., Nov. ill. Tho lime of Its action Is mill, and' the scenes art laid on '.the Dela- ware River. Tho hearth about which the shadows play la that of George Berrlck, a miller. At the time the war breaks Out he, as captain, with his sons, Tom Katon. tho hero, and Fred Vaughtfu, the black sheep, enlist. Two daughters ore left behind with their mother, one plighted to Tom Raton, the ntber concealing ber relations with and mar- riage to Fred Vatighun, and accepting lui- At- tentions of the young minister. Thus Nell Derrick, wronged and weak, glvea ber secret to her alster, Kate. Her child, left on Ihc Rerrlck doorsteps, is taken In and Is to have the name of the son who went with his father and brother, but did not' come bark. The father returns with a shattered arm and the other son wltb a' maimed teg. Kn|e Rerrlck' Is defending the baby when Tier sister declares that she hales It. and their father comes into the- room and finds put thut the baby is bis grandchild, but neither daughter "will tell -which Is the mother. ' The fattier seizes the boiling kettle add says'hr will do as HOlomou did to know wbo claims tbe child. Kate throws herself ov*r the known - ait • "Olorv."" * -flower ~girl'' Je'rry cradle to nrotect Ita occupant, and meekly Blab/, wbo haft made mousy ln tue thoarn- accepting ; W alster^ disgrace, l»ave» the raf tisln^, meets Glory and bwt»»a> bouse, with tho baby. She goes t* Iota "~ "-~* ' "- '"■ ~ batons mother, and then Kate's father. I u vlolant anger over bis disgrace, and 1'ooj Baton, her -lover,. **om lore (a ao greet that thla peat test, defy «rji..ptb>r. t — l '_■■» WM-,.,, iuv uuvlui II, lu ITISl UHIUI-. .ibeu tho bUKhand lenrns the mil It be seeks his wife and tlnds her Just as (be doctor Is trying to abdnct hor In an automobile. Tbel-o Is a fight for possession of Ibe wife, and the, husband succeeds In taking her frem her ab- ductor. Tbe woman who was spurned by the physician completes her rovengc by touching a match to tbe unto and blowing It up, killing the doctor and herself. . ■ m * "THK NIIOWMAVf* D.tt (;iri tit." . A drama. In four acta and eight «ocne», 'jy Ixlgai- Seideu, was produced for tbo flist tlmo on any stage at Hlatlngton, Pu,, on >ov, C. The scenes arc lata entirely In New York City, the first act taking p'occ lo Outral Park Casieo. The stoi y of toe ptuy centres around Glorlanna Gllddeo. btttor "Fraternity," In- one act. Copyrighted by G. P. Monogon. , "Jolly Baron, or tbe Miller's'. Daughter. " Copyrighted by Harry Von Tllscr. The I>»dy and tbo Jockey." Copyrighted by T.ucllo.Yorko. "liove'a lottery." Copyrighted by M. «lt- maik A Hona, ■ "Man With tbe Rata.') sketch, In one act. Couyrlgfatod by- John Birch. 'Frima Donna and 'the Professor." Cony- righted by H. Frederick and W, II.' ConleV . "Prlnon Lion tho Victor." Copyrighted by Henri .Mnrcell. ' "Tristan. und Isolde," In four acta. Copy- righted by L. k. Auspocher. "Tho Baby Hhuw it hm.viUc,'' n muslenl pl$y for children. Copyrlgjited by T. H. iiuni- son. .,..,.-.---' '''The Rrookdale l-'arm," Ih foor acts, Copy- righted ' by T. H. I BmUo, .JjTm lirama of Destiny." Copyrighted hy A. P. Uobberi. . , ."The face at the Wlfidow," lo three ncti. Conyrlgbtrd by T. H. Denlson. '''Fate, tho Mltftetarr," n playlet. Copy- righted \rr S. P. Bayer. . "'Tbo Friend of tbe Whole Fomlly," In three " btcil by T. H. IK-nlson. botogruph (ialleiy." In one art. jtJf. H. i)enlson. _ "Lord of tho.Mabor." Copyrighted by II. B. Marehali; e.'.-- "• I / : ■ '"t«ve- nbd Aiuirchy," lu four acts. Copy- righted J>y * H. D.-ulwiii., "•'■••lArro of Mlml." Copyrighted by ('. Aroin. ' "Merchant of Venice.". Copyrlghti'd by Mnrrltt Golly. .• . ' * - ; "Murpby'K Mawixivode." Inlivo ads. Copy- righted by Held 4 (ijlbvit. •."Rock point' Light." Copyrighted by Wil- liam llobynjrr • •. .. ■ ■ " • ,; "RBWiwy tllub. In tbo Moon," In Ihrct; tko'.t. C'olM'righted by kj. D..l/lmw. ''tM.^I*otrlck's- Iftcf'th one act. Copy- righted by John t-'bouom. J •Tllff.-Wh'.r Butt.'' Copyrighted by Hum Covey,. *i v,- 1 . , "Itte Cc'tiaor ond the Outflel'Nh." « sub- irlnu dra ids, Jjopy>lghtM : liy L, 0, Kolley id -F.:lv».J Artie.- '■Monologues." CopyrJchtcd by Geo. mn and W, Day. "Kaliy Land," In one act, Copyrighted by Aj J. l»rmor«. ■:■■ '.',.■ • ^'•'Ttic Owat'Muy Fall/; Copyrighted by:M. . Snyder, ... . • • ; "Holrosa crt\»Uierry-tferrii," a farce, In oni Oct.- Coi)yrl«btod by M.'.V. ittnlgb. "In- tbo -w n;ng,' r - a comudy; In one act. Opirlgbtod by I Till 1C Mlndll. . "IM to tho World." Copyrighted by W. I,. Han-er...v... . J .- . , • - "A Night Oot." a iketch, lu oue art. l.'opy- rigbtoiJ 6y N.'flbup/ , ■ •• - "• , "Hhadowed by Tbt««; Or .the 'three Pro- posaN." n one uct play.- copyrlgiiUd by A, w$m i Ucbed < tu bar, in a fatherly way. tiara Dortocouit. tbe leading- lady in Bitby's the- iitre, takes a (rtrong dlillke t(. Glory an/1. It Miami.-; _ Lnter explanatloua ununglo :the complica- tions. being of a ;aaiooa dbpofltlon, decldeo xo get her out bf tbe way, wtib the nwlstance. of twn. members of 'the oompnay, Greywm .wolfo •«aUr«ctt:Aithorptv Ctkt liioj atc-toJInl'U ...r-^fille/ Mr«», • Waloess mawger , of "Flnnngatr* MP Co. ..arid Bono Burdeu, « 9S'&ML ^f..* !** !!, we " matriej. lu tit "ojother of Watell :fb. "ZAgfaW HbMtnqn, of .tho "Dom :rtionie" en., t ftoddenly.flt ber. bome.ln Bradford, Pa., Dw>, 13, from r/netimoola, Bged el»ty-l y«Bre*^ llleil , 'mi (our so vr':V: V ■ J'.'- it. ; ■' !•».' w 1036 1?m& ISTEIW: YORK CLIPPEE. •PEOEMBER 24, NEW TO, crrr. Hevfew ami C^njrtit^f ii' -up) la of the fact that tbe star? a.i&ade a .big hid 'for public favor, and tna*t 'they were crowded with buyers for tha' bplldeys,' the local the- atres bad yieir share of business, though, of course, the, attendance was not tip to .that •b previous- weeks.. At tbe Manhattan Thr- *THfc, on Monday jhlght, Dec. l\Mra. Flake and ber. atock company gave thY. first pro- duction,, on eby (Inge, of "Leah Klesc'hnn," 'a ore act play, by C. M. 8. Sicilian; Tbe piny and players received high prai.ie, . . . '. . At The 'CTKRtptN Tin:.*™-,, on' tbe lame. right, v the, rtnys gave lhe ( fljst down "town perjohniijce of "Down the rUte,* ».. At the'^ikcpsjl Thratrb Robert -K.' .Mantell. changed His Mil, .and gnve New Yorkers' their flr|t,oTlportlinlty df*Srt>1n|LhJ|m In "Othello."' and at the 'Mastic Tp^MR B«rUm Gal- Inml made tier feappsijrnticn In -t'liln city, In "Do'Kotny Yerhoh, of llnddon Hall.*., On 12 tbe Olympic Theat-hr, which has long been' Identified Jfrlfh'iDuHesqrie 1 noa' vaude- ville, was opened under the hinnogemcnt. of ? .J'rnresulntml . man's League held a bazaar, opening Thurs- day, jn, and Vloslog ly The affair was a pronounced success..... -Frltzl SfihelT, nt the Bntun wa y TnnATBR, closed 17, for one week,' In reopen In 'Tatln'trn." The continued attrnctlons^for the week ..ending n iyero: Bertha Gniinnd at. the Ma,tb*ticj, "Annie- Rus- sell at the G.uirick, George Cohan n,t Hie Naw, LinRRtr, '/It Happened in Nordland" at the Lnw 'Mom, K. ft.. Mantell at the I'niJtcKss, James K. Mackctt at the Lyric, Nat C, Goodwin at the Knickerbocker, "Woodland" at tho New York, Charles Wyndharo at the Nrw< J.rci%, "Ituirtpty- Dtimpty" nt tho New"Ajuiterda.m; Ethel Bar- rymore at the, Hudson, 'Eifaa May, In "The School Olrl," nt ihsJlRiMU) BqUARD, "Hlg- gledy-Plggledy" at Ihe WBana Music Hall, May Irwin at the Bum;, "The Sbo-Gun" at Wai+ack's, David Warfleld at Bhi.ahco'h, •The College Widow" at the Garden-, Mrs. rieke and stock company at the .Manhattan, 'Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage 1'atch" at the Savoy, John Drew at the IOmi'iiik, Andrew Mack nt the V auK tU W t k Stbekt, the Ger- man Stock Co. nt the Irvino IYacb, "Tlie Wlaard of Ox" at tho Acaormt ov Music, the Rays nt the Ambrican, Fritz) Scheff at tho UaoAnWAY, Nailco O'Nell at Daly's, and Louis Mann at the Criterion, tho three last named closing on thnt dnte. At Proctor's Fifth Aveneh nud Oxi) HotfBftHD and Twbnty-fipth Street Theatres, stock pro- ductions, with vaudeville between acts, con- tinued The. one. week stands closing IT were: "Down Our Way" at the Third Avenue, "The Minister's Daughters" at the Windsor, "The Isle of Spice" at the Grand Opcta House, Henrietta Crosinan, In "Sweet Kitty Betlatrs," at Proctor's Fmr-EioHrtr Street ; Cecilia Loftus at the Harmsm Oi-era Hoiisb, David Hlgglns.at the West Exd, "The Ninety and Nine" at the Metropolis, "The Great Automobile Mystery" at the Star, and "The Wayward Son" at the Olympic Variety ontertalnment was fur- nished at Tony Pastor's, the Victobia, the Yorkvillb, the Chicle, Keith's Union Sqparb, Proctor's Twenty-third Street, Miner's Bowery, the London, tho Dewey, Miner's Eihiitu Avenue, Jltiitrio & Sua- sion's and tho. Gotham. At Hubkb's Mu- seum the usual long list of curios and vaude- ville was' offered.... ..For the week ending Dec, 17 (fourth week) the bills at the Mm 4 BOWLITAN Oikra Hoiisb were: Monday" night, 12, "Carmen," with the same cast at 4 .*. Whon last given. Wednesday night, 14, "Dlai. Mclsterslnger," with the east the same as' at Its previous performance. Thursday, HI. "rarslfal," w'th no change In the prcvloiiB cast Friday night, 10, "Ln Boheme" was sung, with thla cast: Mlml. Mine. Melba; Musotta, Bella Allen; Itodolfo, Mr. Caruso; Marcetlo, Mr. Hcottl ; Colllne, Mr. Jonrnet : Hchaunard, Mr. Parvls; Beholt and Alcln- doro, Mr. Rossi ; . Porplgnol, Mr. uiordaul ; Scrgcnte, Mr. QUI; Doganlerc, Mr. Fanelll. This wan Mme. Melba's drat appearance In grand opera ln this c'ty since March, 1001. Arturo Vlgna conducted. Saturday, matinee, 17, "Die Walkurc," with this caat: Brunn- hllde, Mme. Sengcr-Beitaquo; Frlcka, Edyth Walker; Slegllnde, Mme. Emma Fames ; Slcg- mund, Mr. Burgstaller; Wotan, Mr. Van Rooy ; Hnadlng, Mr. Blnss; Gerliilde, Bella Alten; Ortllndo, Miss Bauermelster ; Walt- raute, Marion Weed; Schwerllelte, Mme. Louise Homer; Helmwlge, Marguerite Lemon; Hlegrune, Paula Balph ; Grlmgerde, Florence Million! : BoRewclse. Edyth Walker. Thla was the reappearance of Mme. Senger-Bct- toque In this city for tho first time In fifteen years. Since her last appearance here, bow- ever, alio has risen from secondary to leading roles. It was therefore her first appearance here as Brunnhllde, and she made a fairly good Impreaslon. Alfred Herts conducted. Saturday night, 17, "11 Barbtere dl Slvlglla" was aung, with this cast: Roslna, Mme. Scmbrlch ; Berta, Mlas Bauermelster ; Conto d'Almavlvn, Mr. Dlppcl; Figaro, Mr. Gl- raldonl; Baslllo, Mr. Journet; Dr. Bartolo, Mr. Roasl; Ufflalalo, Mr. Glordanl; Florello, Mr, Beguo. Arturo Vigna conducted. It was tho first time thla season of each of tho last two named operas. Praetor's l-lfij-. ini.ili Street Tlie- Blt-a.^j. Austin l-'ynes, gnaeral manager). — rrom,' combination the scenes at this bouse this week change to straight vaudeville,. and tha bJDUW .wan. well Ailed .on the openlns night, Dec. lli. John W. Itnnnone heads tbe 'bill, and made his usual bit. Staley apd Hlrbeck cams next, in their clever trans- formation musical act, and Bailie Stembler proved a favorite, her singing being heartily applauded. ' The Seven Grunatho Sinters, new' to the citentel of this home, quickly became favorites by their display of expert acrobatlim Helen Scnolder, In her 'cello solos, caught the house In good shape. Wal- ter Le Roy and Florence Clayton, in their comedy sketch, "A Horse on Hogan," suc- ceeded In winning mnnv laughs, others on the hill belag lteno and Hlchards. comedy acroimtH ; Holcomae, Curtis and Webb, ln Ihelr skit, "The. Botany Class," a ".vehicle whereby they Introduce clever singing, and Harry Parker's dog circus, Views of travel and the motion pictures were also displayed, yWclUng.fatorablo- comraent. Sundays con- tinuous concert attracted crowded audiences, afternoon and evening, Dee. 18. For Christ- tna's Week KIrk'e La Shelle presents "Check- ers." Konrteenth Street Theatre (J. Wes- ley Itosemiuesi, manager) .-—A revival »of "Tom Moore" was given by Andrew' M** k . Dec' in. and , was thoroughly enjoyed by -.the audience. Of the cast, there were three who nppeared ln the original production three years ago, other than the star, namely, Myron Calico, as. the 'Prince ; (Jeo. W. Deyo, as Robin Dyke, and Eddie Heron, as Knster, all of whom repented their former suceesses. Of the others, W.m. .1. Townsheud, ns Lord Moltn, gave a .most enjoyable performance, presenting a pleasing, "cheerful 'appearance ?nd receiving generous applause and laughter or his deft handling of linen and situations. Hugo Toland played the disagreeable part of Lovelace vei'y acceptably; Luke Mnrtlu gave the true rlug to the small part of Sheridan ; Arthur Snader, as Beau lirunimel, was equal to emergencies, and Richard Gorman made a capital sneak ns I'arrell. Pearl Landers was winsome as Bessie, but her wig was rather unbecoming. Annie Mack Berleln, as Mrs. Malone, secured many laughs, and certainly worked bard to deserve success. Andrew Mack's songs were ns welcome and enjoyable as ever, and he was generously encored. The staging and costuming' were artlRtlc and the stage man- agement was excellent. The cast: Tom Moore, Andrew Slack ; Prince of Wales, My- ron Cnlice; Blr Perclval Lovelace, Hugo Toland : Lord Molrn, Wm. J. Townshend ; Robin Dyke, George W. Deyo : Sheridan; Luke Martin ; Beau Bruaimel, Arthur Snader ; Terence Farrell. Richard Gormaa: Buster, Kddlc Heron; MncDermot, Edward J. McCoi- mlck: Servant, Thomas E. Jackson; Bessie Dyke, Pearl Landers: Winnie Farrell, Mar- garet Sutherland; Lady Fltzherbert, Mae Stevenson ; Mrs. Mnlone, Annie Mack Berleln. Next week, "Common Sense Urackett." Windsor Theatre (A. H. Woods, mana- ger). — "Why Girls Leave Home" Is presented this week, with -the following cast : Dan Sherwood, Walter Walker; Joseph White, Henry M. Hicks: Sara Stone. Edwin B. Wol- cott; Police Captain, Phillips Smalley ; Johnny Hobbins. Walter B. Gilbert; Mr. Toddles. Avon Breyer ; Mr. Kelley, Arthur Cobb : George Hodge, John Arnold ; Boahor, Joseph Hobbins, Walter B. Gilbert: Mr. lloe Officer, Iklword Butler; Guard, John D. . Hull ; Bartender, Harold Merrle ; Pearl Sher- rich Conrled revived an old Geiinau comedy, y. 00 ?' D , clla Clarke: Dolly Fletcher, Anna entitled "Die Goldene Eva" (Gold Eva), by Marie Scbaefer ; Minnie Sherwood, Esta You Schonlhan and Jtopiiel-Ellfeld, Tuesday. J-'erpent : Mrs. Sherwood, Katherinc Cherry; rw » _.,... .v. ..„..«_ 2«J> Hadle oil lick, Florence Lois Weber. Next Proctor's Fifth Avcnne 'Ehealre (J. Austin? Fyxies,, .general manager),— "D'Arcy .of .the Guards" -Is. revived, by the Mock com- p«oy this *fek, and tfce nerformaoces Dec. M). were both well attended, the evening au- dience' being a particularly largo one. Tha phy was -rlavarly acted and; beautifully staged; 'Edwin Arato,.lq the name role, gave a particularly dellghtfilt'-eanceptlon of tbe character/ and won tbe sincere- 'tributes of bis auditors. H. Dudley Hawley "pjaved Capt. Townsend with skill and convincing force, and Isabelle Evelson did credblably. Mlrlcm Berg acted with conspicuous Jjever- •niss. The .cast: MaJot^John D'Arcy JEdwIn ATden : Colonel Jennlson, George Howell ; MnJor^Dnlryfnple, William llefhert ; Captain •Dacler. Soldeh' Powtll! Captain Keller, Ar- ihur Shaw: Certain Fdrquar, Albert now- don ;. Captain Dc Couxrey, Ralph J, Locke; Captfcln Gregory, Wallace Ersklne ;i.Sergcnnt TrlpJ, Joseph Manning; Cnptnln Mlllhausen, Herald Orltfln : Captain Uaab, Joseph Wood- burne: Captain Henry TawnseniL' II. Dud- ley Hawley; Samuel Davis, Douflns Flint; Samlio, Iklwln i'owler: Mrs. Townsend, Ger- trude Berkeley; Pamela Towusafiil, Isabelle Evesson : Cynthia Dcane, Marlon Berg, lna.be vaudeville were : Slg. GerSiinal, whose great -HsatltODe voice always ireceives the warmest nfils*;vSallle Stemb|»r, who was In especial favor dfVtlia .opening dav because Oihw capital work; Freres; Griff, strong jawed gymnasts (first time here), whose act is • remarkable ln> Its class; Mr. and Mrs. Hwleknrd, in tbelr unlqnciiwd most agreeable singing specialty;', Seville Sisters, In an electric, butteroy dance, which was a weli (wectiled. and pretty humbee.: Mile. 55oar, on tho vrtre.;.. Dill and Wara,. singers and dancers; Prof. Struck, maglclatl„anu the mo- tion pictures. ,.- ■ • ' I'rineOHs /I'heatre au- dience to tbe singing and dancing skiM of this baker's half dozen entertainers. The act proved away from tbe general run and the work of the girls was sprightly ana effective. Stlnsoa add Morton, who are '-styled -The HI tie lUblwn Runners at the Laugh Show," soon, secured a strong hold on the audience's favor, and never l»t If slip during their time rai- view, While tbe Nelflon-Farnum < Troupe, capital- cotaedy acrobats, held absorbed atten- tion and scored heavily, as they deserved to do. Others-are: The Majestic ^Inoical Fo^r (Collins, Terrll! Brothers and Slmop), Who played . tlfeir several musical Instruments with decided success; Lillian Carllsnii'h, central tt>, and Hovt, bluett face singer ana talker, whope offering possesses merit: tbe Grent Cfijck, sensational trick bicyclist ; Bldd- gctt Sisters, singing and daniitig team; Kim- m*r, Juggler! Barry and Wilson, singing, tufting and dancing cotnedlans, and Edestas, cobledy. equilibrist. The motion pictures con- tlnui 1 . ■ •* " .* ' , ■ .. i-astor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, msna- gcr).— Christmas stiApping apparently hns no effect upon the attendance, nt this popular play boose, Jot two crowded houses witnessed :t tine bill Dec. 10, headed by Bailey and Madison. These favorites received an ova- tion on tbelr entrance and carried their series of tntnbllng and slap stick work to Ita uau.il success, being recoiled many tlmos. John F. Clark told many n*w stories and some olrt ones in a new way. He had them with him .from the start, and- fits song, "Come Back,"' won repeated call backs for him. The D'KImarg, In their wonderful barrel jumping, scored easily, and.galned a strong place as favorites; Weston' and Raymond, in ,','A Comedy of . Errors.'.' . scored easily; LouIbc Arnot nud Tom Gunn, In "Re- gan's Imtk," lave a merry little >Iicteh, Dec. 13, with the following cast : Frau Eva! lledwlg von Ostermann ; Barbara, Georgine Netiendorff ; Ursel, Llna Hanseler : Chrostoph, Otto Meyer; Peter. Harry Waldcn ; Frlwll. Margarcthe Russ: Bitter Haus von Schmel- alngcn. Max Hanseler; Graf Zeck, Gustav von Seyffertlt*: Gralln Agnes. Marie Reich- ai-dt. Mr. Walden and Miss Von Ostermann were particularly good In the struggle for supremacy between tho widow and her work- man. Mr. Von Seyffertltsi contributed bis usual excellent work. . The old German costumes were picturesque. "Sodom's Ende" was presented Monday, 10, and the artistic work of the company found favor. Harry Walden, an Willy, was particularly effective, rind greatly heightened the esteem in which lie has liecn held during his stay thus far. the cast also Included: Jacques Bareainow- skl. Helnrlch Habrlch; Adah. Mnrgarethe Ruhmkorf ; Kitty Tattenberg, lledwlg v. Os- termnnu; Dr. Welse, August Meyei-Elgen ; Snnkatsratb Drob'sch, Hermann Ceroid ; Frap Betty Schonleln. Llna Hanseler; Erau Else Meyer, Berthn Sladller ; Siegfried Meyer, Iflngeii Ilohenwarth ; Dr. Bruno Susskmd, Frlta Klelnku: Professor Rlemann, Otto Mayer: Janlkow, Frana Klerschner: Marie, Georglne v. J. Neudorff ; Kramer, Max Frei- burg; Klarchen Erohllch, Margarethe Ruas ; llosa, Martha Wllhelm ; Minna, Rosa Rosee. '•pie Veistinkene fllocke" (The Sunken Bell), the delightful fairy drama, will be revived '!■>. ., T, ! lr «, Avenue Thentre — Manager Mar- iSL% Olxons attraction this week Is the Hist New iork production of "At RlBk of Ills Life.'' a four ant romantic melodrama, bv Mark E. Swnn. The cast was apportioned as follows: Julian Thome, superintendent of \R° ^" y . B works. Harry Lelgbton ; Robert Wvcherlv. an aged Inventor, Roland Osborne ; Alfred Wycherly bis prodigal nephew, Jo- seph H. Green ; Robert hfiituu, a voung phv- alelan, Bon Hlggjna; John Cranshawe, a de- tective, Stephen Velpeau ; Horrocke, an attor- ney, Douglas Lloyd : James, a servant, George Farmer: Marlon Chalmers, Mr. Wycherly'g nurse, Pauline Rona ; Bessie Desmond, tho girl next door, Alice M. Williams; Helen Dangerfleld. Alfred Wychorly's evil genius, Ahngall Marshall; Mrs. Beverly Briton, a "medium," Francis Florida. The synopsis Includes tbe following scenes: Act 1. Mr, Wycherly's Garden, '^Tho Poisoned Bonk:" Act 2, the Library, Self Accused:" Act. fi, the Laboratory In the Old Tower. "The Bat- t«P f<"| .Fortune ;•• Act 4, the Moorish Room, "Ihe Voice of Hie Dead." Tlie Swan Amuse- ntent Co, are vhc O'Donell. manager : ors ; Frank .1. Ln'rd, business Mlner'a Eighth Avenue Theatre (Ed- win D. Miner, manager).— The Trocactcro Burlesniierg opened a week of Jollity here Dec. 11). and won tbelr way Into tbe hearts of their auditors. Tho skits, "A Misfit lamlly" and "Tlie Genuine," were well re- ceived. In the olio: Wm. Kartell, parodist: tho Grahams, in "Tho Lady Electrician :" Damm Broa., eccentric acrobats ; Conlou, Ward, Dobbs and Leigh. The caat: Van, Frank Graham t Catterplllsr Tom, Andrew Leigh I Murphy Rosenbauni. Will Conlon : Iiiy Fltkpairick, Wm. Ilartell: Reginald Oofd, Tom Nolan; Rev, Skluny Bones, Mailv Ward; Willie, Wilbur Dobbs: Sport v Bill, Annie Cnrtor; Rose Wood. Annie Hill: Tough Ike. Rasor Back Pete, Dnmm Brothers. Next week, Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows. manager; Harry Lelgbton, stage manager Next week, "Too Freud to Beg." Urn nd Oporn Home (John II. Springer, manager).— "The Female Detectives," a three net comedy drama, by Chns. A. Taylor, In which the Russell Bros, nre starring, re- ceived Its first West side presentation Dec. It), and the comedians were greeted by a storm of applause. They are as funuy as ever and the supporting company Is a good one. The cast: Tom Clancy, John Russell; Jerry CUtney, James Russell: Grandpa Pratt, J. V. Tucker: Perry Morgan, David Edwin; il!" u ??' k jR 8 /... V ' M ' l)u Sllk °. PI" Ballev, Chas. II. Phillips; Mike, John Russell Jr. Sergeant, Thomas Boyle; Herman, William Bergen : Policeman, W. Stcdmau ; Jasper, Tony Wass: Chink, J. McCnulpbell ; William Double, Thomas Iteardon ; Jim Blythc, Georgo Llnncnian ; Hniiniili Ellen Jane, Margaret M. Lewis; Dot, Antoinette Hart; Jess Adams, Annlo Conroy Russell ; Fannie Adams Blanche Lelgbton; Old ling. Jane Hlssong. Next week, Geo. M. Cohen, In "Little Johnny Jonea." Yorkvlllc Theatre (Meyer R. Blmberg. manager).— High class vaudeville continued to please the patrons of this, tho newest addition to our city's vaudeville theatres. Tbe unuouncemonta for this week are : Myra Anioros and Charlotte, the Great Siioun. Tony Wilson and Mile. Helolse, Raymond and Cavorly, the Dc WIN* and Reta AVlu- llelrt. • ,: ■-.. •- Weher Mnalo Hnll (Wrher & Zteffeld, niai'Hgersl.— ''HlgaledyPlggledy" began Ita ninth week Dec. 1(1. Marie Dressier, suffer- ing from tonsllllls, was out of the caat 10. 17, returning lit, Edith Moyer playing her part meanwhile. week, "Queen of the White Slaves.' Circle . Theatre (Percy G. Williams, manager). — One of the best bills of the sea- son has .been booked for this, week here, the leading feature being the first metropolitan appearance of Ireland's Own Band, from Dublin, which has been n feature of the Irish Industrial Exhibit at the World'a Fair, St. Louis. Major Geo. Drum la bandmaster, and besides the excellent musicians, songs and dances were capably rendered by the Kelly Irlo. Lillian O'Mara and James Brady. The band scored a solid success. The extra feat- ure this week Is Rosarlo Guerrero and Co., In her one act pantomime, "The Rose and the Dagger," which met with tbe success ac- corded It iu other city theatres. A cordial reception was given the Mason-Keeler Co., In their sketclh "Honked by Crook." It was the American reappearance of tbe act, and was given well deserved applause. Other numbers which added eclat to the bill were: Sydney Grant, Hie popular story teller; Hreene nnd Werner, as tbe "Babes In the Jungle;". Rosalre nnd Doretto, comedy acro- bats; Median's dogs, and tbe vltagraph London Theatre (James H. Ciirtln, maa- agei).— The New York 8tars made tbelr Bowery bow Monday, Dec. 10, with good re- sults. "Stolen Sweets," which provides seri- ous complications and ranch reason for com- edy, used the complete company, with Charles H. .Watson, Harry J. Kooper, John McMnhon, Alice Porter and Ethel C. Lelllott in the loads; George and Llllie Brennan made a good Impression with their clever dancing ; (lie ^hreo Lelllotta introduced a neat mu- sical net, In whlrli the lady's violin and harp solos were highly appreciated, and the band finish earned encores; Loro and Pavne amused and surprised by their lively acro- batic work with good comedy fixings. The second act of the comedy wns livelier than the first, providing suitable finale. -The Inci- dental songs with chorus work were hand- somely staged and the many Btrlklng pic- tures were applauded. Next week, Louis Boble'a Knickerbockers. Miner's llowery Theatre (Tom W. Miner, manager).— The Blue Ribbon Girls, which, havo established an enviable rcputa- t ion this season, drew a good bouse Monday evening. Manager Jack Singer keeps the performance up to concert pitch and excel- lont entertainment Is the result. "Caught with the GoodR" Is the curtain raiser, with Law Palmer as (lie principal fun maker. Ihe olio Introduces Mr. l'nlmcr In a series of Imitations, Le Roy and Lc Vnnlon, in a comedy hnrlzontnl bar act; Win. Kent, nam- SUffit ln tramp disguise : the Sixteen Bluo Ribbon Zouaves, nud their captain, Fred Haly, *ho perform n number of compli- cated manoeuvres with marvelous precision, concluding with a wall climbing exhibition; « ard anu Bradburn, German comedy sketch ; l'lshcr and Johnson, la n novel and aensn- tlonal bicycle act, and Nevlna and Arnold, n clever sketch team, who made a succss with "Won't You Fondle Me" and other songs, as well aa with tlicjr ulmble dnnclng. ■A Day nt tbe Rnces" provided a vnria finish. The costumes were brilliant. Next week, the Cherry Blossoms. HuLei'n Muaenni (John II. Anderson, mnungcr). — Kltamurn ami his wouderfuf troupe ot Japanese acrobats still remain the feature attraction nt this popular resort, Others on the list arc : Bailor Jack and Mora- tana, Impalement act: Wohctun, tattooed In- dian qncon ; Prof, Durkes, magic : WetmA In a musical act ; Olo Olson and Capt. Austin, midgets. Mr. Olson is attracting marked nttcntlon, being one of the oldest living midgets In the world. Manny, the needle king. In tho theatre na excellent hill Is pre- sented, and crowded houses ure reported nt each performance. Wallack's T lien t re (Mrs. Then. Moss, manager),— "Tho 8io«im" gives laughter continually, entering Dec Iff Its eleventh jveck. John K. Heniuaw nnd May Tn-i HMMt Join the cast this week, Chus. B. Evana retiring.- , : New L> couui Theatre (Daniel Finh- man. manager).— Charles Wyntthanr " rim! ■ Mary Moore began their Ihlrtl week of artis- tic work Dec. 10, Id "Mrs. Gorrluge's Neck- lacs. which goes well; lOmersoh and Omeg with "Don't Notice it," secured' ail the success which was their due; Clarke and Klorette were certainly' fashion plates and created ,n favorable Impression; Walter. G. Browh 4nd Ell Is Sisters won great favor in their Bong and dance turn ; Geo. and May Woodward are merry and welcome visitors, as. "Sunburned Rubes;" Gllkay and Dumnnt have an interesting singing net; the Do- macos surprise with tbelr gymnastic work ; th* Manning Twin Sisters, In songs, dances nnd ncrobntlc work made things lively ; Mr. and Mrs. Al. G. Belford have a clever and nmuslng act as a comedian and tough 'girt: Keene does some good comedy Juggling and the" vltagraph shows new pictures. Ketth'a Theatre (E. F, Albee, general manager".— Emmet De Voy and company head an excellent bill here this week, which served to attract tbe full Keith clleatei oa Monday, Dec. '19. MrV'De Voy and' his ca- pnble little company gave a very pleasing performance of a sketch entitled "Tbe Saint- ly. Mr. Billings," and their debut here was most auspicious. The bill also lists the Em- Sire City Quartet, In comedy and vocalisms ; oseph Maxwell and A. S. .Simpson, In new songs by Mr. Maxwell, which were finely rendered by the author, and beautifully il- lustrated by Mr. Simpson; the . Marvelous Mlllman Trio (their debut here), clever aerial gymnasts; Chas. Setnon, In music and comedy; Jennie Veamans, la bcr original monologue ; the Boston Bros., acrobatic nov- elty ; Walter C. Kelly, dialect comedian ; Lavender and Tomson, In a laughable aklt, "A Touchdown ;" Murphy and Francis, colored comedians; tbe Suglmoto Japs, equil- ibrists; Lulgl Del Oro, musical act: Wilbur Amos, comedy juggler, and the American blograph. Dewey Theatre (Sullivan & Kraua, man- agers). — Sam Deyere's Own Co, gave an ex- cellent entertainment of burlesque and vaude- ville nt the openlbg performance given here Dec. IP. before two packed houses. The show opens with n very amusing farce comedy culled "Tlie Dollar Line," which serves to In- troduce tho entire company, Including fifteen shapely females in pretty costumes, who do some very clever work. An excellent olio rollows, beaded by the always popular 8am Dcvere, who talked and sang himself Into great favor. Gertie Le Clair and her picka- ninnies wore well received. The Avon Com- edy Four scored a success In their clever farce, entitled "Tbe New Teacher." Marlon nnd Pen rl. In an excellent singing mid tnlklng act. won favor. The Sbrodes, eccentric comlques, were well received. Mcf'ren and Poole, In an exhibition of short range shoot- Ing, gave n remarkable performance. Tho show, closes with a hurlesqne called "Harura Hcarujn," which again "Introduces the whole company In fetching costumes, backed up by handsome scenery, flashing electrical display and other up to date adjuncts. The piece is replete with fresh and amusing Jokes, fuunv Hlluations and catchy songs. Following Is Hie full caat: Michael Clancy, Jae J. Hiilll- van;.Ludwlg Schwnrtz, Urn Smith; Sehla- moszed Levy, Billy Pearl ;, High Liver, Her- man Marlon; Tony Gillespie, chas. ScbrOde; Ailu.JIabura, Mamie Champion: Lizzie Who. Mlnnla Granville; Minnie, Ella Rent?.: Fannie, Gertrude Foster; Carrie, Helen Ward; Flossie Llllie Servlss: Pearlle. Klttlo Morris ; Mandle, Ethel Marshall ; Clyde, ItOso Blake; TeRsle, Eunice Podl: Mamie, Dale Morrison : Jcsslo. Sophie Webb. Next week, Majestic RiirleBquers. Atlnmlo Garden (W; Kramer's Sons, managers).— The Aerial Shaws, trapeze ner- formers, Carter and Bltiford, presenting "A Klckapno Romance :" Devene and Shiirfi,' In acrobatic comedy ; May Ward, the vocal com- edienne: Monroe and rarker, tlie acrobatic tad nnd -the aouhrette; Mons. Abora, on fly- ing rngs, and the elite lady orchestra uro the attractions for this week. * \£ w * Plela "' Th p« tr « (Hamlin, Mitchell inerry players began' Dec. H) their third happy/weck la "It Happened in Nordland." Garden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, manager).— "The College Widow." stilt piay- lug to enormous business, begnu its four- tet'iith week Dec. 10. Dorothy 'Pennant was J'^ot the cast 18. the part, which is the title role, being playod by Lucy Gabeen. Vtctorln Theatre (Oscar Hammcrsteln, manager) .—The hill for tbo curi-eot w-eek in! eludes : Paul Conchas, second nnd lost wnek : Kmmet Corrlgan and company. In "Jockey Jones;" John Ford and Mayme Gehrne. bmltli and Cook, Louis A. Simon mid Grace Gardner, in "The New Coachman;" Charlie Case, /eno, Carl and Zcno. Orpheus Cooiedy Four, Colby and Way, Galundo and the vlta- graph. „ ^ r, ° i ' rh *««*e fRam S. & Lee Slmbert. managers).— James K. Hackett began his third week ; In "The KortUnes of the King' Dee. JO. Wodncsdoy matinees are In vogue, commencing II; • ". " ; Ai ndnny of Masle (fillmoro & Tomp- kins nianagers):— "The Wltard. of 0«"- en- U' r ? c '.J ts K * ventu week and last fortblgbt De*, lO,"Wlth'no sign of let up In business. Kalckerhoeker Theatre (Al. Ilav- tnnn. manager).— Nat C. Goodwin began h'ls fourth nnd last week Dec. If). Viola Allen, la "Wlutcr'a Tale," appears 20. * Criterion Theatre (Charles i,v„i,„. , mapagerL— Arthur W. Fine ra 'a much T' SH^SSSST' ' 'S tareB '««». entitled *"; WlM 'Without a Smile," was given i». n A American- 'pteientatlon Monday nlsht xL ft li),r»t thUlheatfe. The work 1 was arfihSS 6 produced iO«. 12, at IWynonaa*. "tJ' 1 .""* London, Eng where the neurotic dolii'i' dehtj around which Mr, Plnero S.! 1 ' fashioned his. play, found general wSS3 In the American- production the anti?. Wl i the. doll have been%xpurgaUd, but the V° remn'ns to play what pranks it will unon .h" minds of the audience. The act on o ? S* play transpires. In one Bcene, which L«* sents a large and well furnished room in' boat house on the Thames River. HenS.J ltlpplnglll is a man of forty-four wflS EffiPiS'S foyefDment service, Rudd'enlV Ba% himself iM through the thonghtfuln»«« „ ' relative, who, In dying, leavesTiim a f^.?, ' " ltlpplnglll prides himself umj? "hi"'!?'; that even twenty years of government .erVhi have not destroyed In Mm ''an almost i* normal perception of the Indlewu? ■• ' t rea my he Is a person with an excessWe r»" baolflr for being amused by trlfline L, He obtained a decree nisi of dlvo?fe fc' his first w re, but his solicitor xonotta L "' t . made .absolute and Hlpplngul t SmSKl Ussly wont through a ceremony of marrh™ with Avis^ Melcklejohn, whom be tahTnywR Mraunca boarding. house'. Tbe Joung ih finds marriage and the society of sSJS,! RlWlnglll terribly tedious, aSd herlS S boredom atad laablllty to laugh at his oke, «n? toys are a great trial to her hu,K«? After the first shock upon discover hie , unpleasant marital position, he is nL„ ! glad that he is 'forced i to teiiT?,;! That she is not his wife, for Ja,k An ffi^tfi* f / lena - lm« advised „. S the s^ock 'qr.iin announcement Sf »'*? tastrophe -foHowed by Joy nt n- don, l'.ng., on Dec. 15. On Dec. 28 she will niipenrat a mat (nee performance of ^Merely lienor,)- Fbiksd, the Bohemian plaalat, care his second, recital at Mendelssohn Hall, after. noon of Dec. 14, before a large amlieure. His programme contained a Bach fnntasle nnd fugue, Beethoven's rondo, opus 01 ; s>. Cbonltr group of. tive'nnmUw. a faninsle on Ttehei. kewpkvx "Eugene Onuln," nnd a Barcarolle othlsnwn. . ■ ! TTlMftlt WAN A OlIKAT (lATIIKIIINII of players at (he Hernld Siiuure Theatre Dec. 1,1. In tho afternoon, ns the guests of Ethol. Bnrrymot-e, to see udnn May, In "Tbo School Girl." t'lmrlea Froh man nad given MlsSt Barrymore the use of tho theatre for the ilay. nuri sr- niiiBcd a s|H>clal performance, to which aha had the privilege of Inviting all her friends. Tun Mt'AiCAi, Aiiv Sooikty, under the di- rection of Frank Damrosch, began Its twelfth season, evening of Dec. 13, nt Carnegie Hall. «!«»■ TENNESSEE. CALIFORNIA, Ooklnnd — At! tha Macdonough Thoatro (Barter) * Ilnll, maangera) Rnso Melville, in "Shf Hopkins," draw good bailees Dec. », in. "Ten Nighta Jn. a Bar Room" drew fnlrlv 1 1, "Over Niagara Falls" 12-17, Weat Minstrels, two. performances, 20; Padcrow- skl. ns n inntlneo attraction, 27 ; "The Show tiirl" 27. Williams and Walker In "In Da- homey." jo, au. i.nmtiTv PLAvitouaa (II. W. Bishop, man- ager). — Bishop's company of players drew large houses In "All toe Comforts of Home week ondlng 11. For lit and week by tho F.nemy" was tho attract' Block company. "Tho Prisoner by tho F.neniy" was tbo attraction by the ck cumpuiiy. "Tho 1'rUoner o£ Zcnda" 11) nntl week. a" Me-ruiihla. — At the New Lyceum Thenlro ^MrbiDrofn^Pnt^bonc!e« S ^K^S^Sl!l fi«J"lalB"fiFES.»Sfc g..rL~>n\«re« R ionn«iv HniTiu Iliirtlg. manager). — Business continues good nud tho attendance at both performances on Monday, ID, was up to the standard. Tho' bill ottered should nut fail to draw heavily. It named George Fuller Golden, Murphy nnd Nolan, Foy and Clurk, Athos Family, Me- - t'abc, Snblue And Vera. Crawford and Man- ning. Gorman and West and Walter Daniels. Gotuaji (Sullivan & Kruus, managers). — ' The Brigadiers came from a down town house and attracted the usual Monday audience n», proving a most satisfactory offering. The "how lias plenty of good comedy, pretty girls mill line costumes, nud should duplicate Its down town success. Next week, Trocadero Burlcsipiers. OM'Miic (Al. II. Woods, manager). — Busi- ness reached expectation during the past week. "Down by theSeu" Is the offering 15). S4, with Baby Lillian ns tbo feature, A fair sized audience welcomed the compnny on Hie opening day. Next week, "From Bags to Riches." Brooklyn. — At the Mon tank (Isabel Sinn- llecbt, manager) Mme. Schumnnn-Ilclnk, with n large chorus aud a company of talented people, presents "Love's Ixittery." "Tlio other Girl," last week, proved u good draw- ing attraction. Next week, Lulu Glnser. .Majestic (Charles It. St urges, munsger). — The popular musical corned}-, "A Chinese Honey moon" Is hero 1U-24. Among those tvho appear am: .lames A. Klcinaii, Stella jteorasley. Fred S. Heck, Frances Uuldeu, chaiics Prince, Lillian Reed, Robinson New- bold, Maria Louise Grlbbln, W. C. Brock- meyer nud Mae Clurk. Last week, "Running for Olllce" did a large business. To follow, "The Eternal City." .Grand Opeba. Ilousn (Lew Parker, man- agar). — This house will remain closed for I he current week, reopening Monday, 2G, with u inatlncc, presenting Andrew Mack, In "The Way to Reunion-.' As this Is Mr. Muck's latest success, a prosperous week is looked for. I'Aliic (Win. Hyde, mnuager). — Charles I'. Uluucy's miiludrama, "The Factory lilrl," II)- 24. Tbo sceucs lire very realistic, especially the factory scene in the third act. (jeurge .lteureus, In n dual role, scored a big success. To follow, "The Great Automobile Mystery." Bijou (Mary G. Spooner." manager). — The three uct comedy, "Hob," Is presented here 1D-24. Cecil Spooner, In the title roie, scores well, while Augustus Phillips tnnkes it good Impression. Harold Kennedy, Neal i.'lmvndon and Jessie McAllster nre seen hi ndvnutago. Miss Cecil Introduces specialties throughout the performance. Several utiiie gowns worn by her have been Imported from i'arls. Last, week Edna Spooner was nimble f<> ii|i|)cnr In "The Pride of Jennlco" on ac- count hi' a severe cold, which developed into pneumonia, and she Is now contlncd to her Led. Her sister hud but eight lioitrs In which (o prepare herself for the part, nnd sbo did remarkably lino work. Next week, "Alice iu Dreamland." uni'itEEM (Percy G. M'llllnius, inunngcr). t— This vveclf's bill prcseuts many clever ucts, , Hiich. ns u troupe uf Oriental lunglcluns, It. G. Kuowlcs, the monologise, who bus just arrived from abroad with it lot of new j-'iiods: Richard Bulilcr, the popular lending ' iuuu, presenting a sketch, entitled "The Pot suid thu Kettle;" Ten kill Troupe, the horso Bhow of the Hertzog Brothers, Norall Bnyes, couiodlcnua: tho Xfllaul trio of singers, B. J. Jose, the singer ; Mazuz nnd Mnzet'.e, "TIid Tramp and the Biakeman;" Hooker nud Davis. In sougs nud dancing ; Lloyd's dogs and the vltagraDh. llvon ft Beiiman'h (Nick Norton, mnun- (ter). — The current week presents two head- liners — Robert Downing, the tragedian. In "The Gladiator," abbreviated, and Madame Slapoffskl, prima donna, who renders several selections. from operas. Others arc: Mr. and Mrs. Perkins D. Fisher, la "The Halfway House;" the Nichols Sisters. Paul ton nnd Doolcy, comedy 'cyclists: Tenbruok, Lambert nnd Tenbruok, In a musical act ; Arthur Whl tehiw, monologlst : Barry and Halvci s, dancers, and Sansone and Dellla, Keexkv'h (Frank A. Keency, mnnager). — Another bill of Btrong favorites Is presented here 10-24. Pauline flail heads tho list, and she presents several new songs. Others nre: Stanley nnd Wilson, In "The German Pro- fessor ;" Harry Kochcis's ponies nnd dogs, Jo- sephine (inssmaii and her pickaninnies, the Bed Feather Girls. Lena Bruce and Cora Ihilgue, Don and Thompson, Al. II. Burton, Daly and Bcno and the Kccneyseopc. Last week, W; A. Mortimer scored n big success In his pretty little sketch. . Colombia. Music Ham, (Dave Wels. man- ager). — "Flddle-Dce-Dce." the farcical suc- cess. Is presented hero 10-24. The chorus Is a large ahd capable one, nnd In the cast are many fun makers. Heading the olio are: Forcf Brothers, the minstrel boys: Mnttlc Loekctt, comedienne; Bush. Deverc Trio, Cnsmore and Florence, comedy dun ; the "Heinle Girls," Kelly nnd Iteno. Mr. anil Mrs. Harry Gordon, und Will Cohen and the Thayer Duo. Star (Al. Schonuerg, manager). — Dlnklns' Utopian Burlesque Co. this week. Two iHahorate ImrlcstiucB are presented — "Broke nnd Broken" and "A Yellow Dog." In the olio urc: Valmoro aud Horton. the Boston Comedy Four, Joe Madden, John W. Jess. Fredo nnd Dare, and Mildred Stroller. Ab tin added feature tho Bottomeley troupe of gymnoBts appear. Watson's Cozr Coiiseb (W, B. Watson, manager). — In the athletic line Manager AVot- son has prepared for his patrons this wesk a feature attraction In Jack McAullfTc, tin; retired cx-champlon pugilist. He will appeur in a sketch specially written for him, and will give nn exhibition with Jack Downey. In addition there nill.be nn excellent vaude- ville bill headed by the Three Bio Brothers, upon the Roman lings: Howe nnd Scott, He- brew parodists nnd singers : the I'rcntlre Trio, neat-singers and dancers : Fields and Stewart —Not and Harry— a team of clever come- dians, who will revive a Webberlleld act, the poolroom. .aceAe, aad Marlon and Deane, .clever conversationalists and singers, " who corupleto the bill. The linrlcsnue offering Is n breezy, muMcal potpourri, entitled "Behind the Scenes," revealing the actor's life on the other side of the curtain. It Is Interpreted Burns, Wllgon Brothers, Ford nnd Dot West, Filer and Webb aud the McBanns. Tho Bowery Buiicsipiers made a big week 12-17. P.uton'8 (8. 8. Allen, manager). — "The Pace that Kills," with all the members of Hie stuck company in Hie east. Is this week's offering. "Ilrawn'u in Town" met with uiuen biicccss Inst week. Next, "Glittering Gloria." L'MQi'K (Frank B. Cnrr, manager). — Tula week's vaudeville bill Is mado up of tho Great Lynch. Short and Hhortie, Adams and Drew, Florence Wraglnnd nnd the Co- lumbia Octet. The burlesques ore "A Bloom- ing Town" nnd "A Bunch of Jays." Busi- ness last week wan good. Lyceum (Lonln Phillips, manager). — "The Tide of Life" 1 this week. A number of spe- cialties are Introduced by members of tho company. Business coutiuues most satisfac- tory. Notes. — W. A. Edwards, general manager of the J. I), Sparrow Amusement Co.. of Mon- treal. Can,, was In town 12, to witness tha opening performance nt the Columbia Music Hall, which la the latest acquisition to tho Sparrow chain of houses Ida Adair, lute lieuvy woninu of the Columbia Theatre Stock Co., has been signed as leading woman of the Empire Theatre Stuck Co., of Colum- bus, (I., and opened on Dec. 10. Her many Brooklyn friends tendered her n reception 11 Will It. Walling, the popular heavy ■nun of the Columbia Theatre Stuck Co., left .12 for Troy, N. Y., having been engaged ns lending man of the Mortimer Snow Stock Co.' He opened ller. 11), In "The Holy City;"... . John ltn void mid Tommy Shearer, both recent members of the Columbia Theatre Stock Co., have signed with the Mortimer Snow Stock Co., nt the- Court Street Theatre, Scrnnton, Pa., open lug on Christ mus Hay. In "The Chris- tlnn." Both arc well known nnd general favorites In Brooklyn, nnd their depart urc Is regretted by local theatregoers Edna Mny Spoeuer Is slowly recover'ng from her cttack of pneumonia, nnd Is expected back In the cast by the first of the year W. A. Mortimer leaves Brooklyn to rill nn eiigngemetit nt Troy, N. Y. Ills engagement at Kceuey's lnst week proved a big success. «•» -i — NEW YOlllv CITY JOTTINGS. nd the experienced stage Hoylo, manager) the Boyle mack Co. tind It In a decidedly success- a drawlns; card, Dec. 12-17. the Hlrong coi latlzatlon of "the Boss" prwIuclioTi, "Our Itoat-dliig HointtV' afford The I'aoKKsaioNAL Woman's League Faiii, which was held In the Astor Gallery of Ihe Wurldorf-Astoiiu Hotel, Dec. 15, 111 and 17. was u big event uf last week, und I bo results mere gratifying to those whose efforts wero instrumental In making It u success. Tho different booths were ull handsomely deco- rated, among the prettiest being the Doll Booth and the Celery Phos-Fo Booth- Fol- lowing are the names of those who were ac- tive nt the fair: Hull llovth, under the chair- manship uf Mrs. C. .1, 11. Child und Mi's. I,oiilsc Campbell Stern — Virginia Eurlc, Jo- sephine Hall, Amelia Suuiniervlilc, Leslie Bliigliiini, Mrs. Horace Bounds, Adu Glliuun, Gertrude Halle, Murlc Bingham, Helen Tul- foiiid, Carrie Perkins, Mrs. Mary Woodlwll Campbell. s In Missouri" 28, Lyman II. Howe's, moving pic- tures 24, ''The Jewel of AahV' 20, 27, •iJolly Viirdcn" 30. 31. Hoi-kins' Grand Oit.ra Hoi'Hi; (A. B. Mor- rison, manager).— "Charley's Aunt," 12-1 1. ecd to largo houses, .Mr. Fox, In tho lend- role, was most Interesting mill laughable. Liiiin Moore acquitted herself with credit, while tsnlnilc Bowman and Miss Spinney sus- tained their roles exccllcully. TccIiow'b trained cats gave an astounding performance. The blngrnpli, Willi new views, was a fenlttre. For week uf .10, "The Banker's Dtiunlitrtt," -i Bijou Tiikatiiii (Beni. M. stniafiick, mali- nger).— "Two Mttlo Waifs," 12 and cnilrii week, .attractctl crowded' houses. Tho play pleased the patrons of ilia house. It was elaborately staged, aud the management Is to be congratulated upon this year's attendance. Week of 10. "Across the Pacific." Nashville.— At the Grand (Mrs. T. 1, lind ns rule !ng Mr. De Deyn aud Donald Mecka ob|Mjr- tunltleK to win hearty approval from large audiences for their clever work. Mabel IOh- telle, iih Betty, found favor, und oilier mem- bers scored well. IImoii (Allen Jenkins, manager). — "Across the Bacilli-." with Km stirring sceacs nnd llne sccuei'v, filled the theatre nightly. Hurry Clny lilnnev, as Wlllla Live. kciiL the audi- ence lu a clainur of npplnuse. Mr. Fcnwlck had lo respond In curtain calls, and Kiltie Wolff was very pleasing nud luatle a success In her role, !, Thc Lighthouse by tho Sea" 10-24. Vbnpomr i (Martin Beck, genera) manager). — Business wus good for this time of year Ikic week. Hie bill being a good one. Bill week of 18 : 1'tuitleld nud Catiuton, lu "The Hoodoo*,*" Win. J. Stilllvuii nnd Clarice Pasquelena, In "A Newsboys' Appeal:" Campbell ahd John- foil, comedy acrobatic 'cyclists; Hustings and Burns, La Tina, James F. Micdonalo, Ksinemlda Sisters and tbo kluodrome. Xotds.— ."Pony" Moore, of Boyd's, left last week for Kansas City, where ho will bo i press agent for tho XVIIIIs Wood Tlioatro king Dodo," 14, pleased {,'nrl ||«|ier, the manager of tho Orpbeum, has : Irene Jotvntuj Co, HI- been down to HI. Joseph for tlio put two weeks looking -after tho house then ■. Manager ('. R. Breed has lieon making quite cxtonsive alterations In tlio krug the put few weeks, Toronto. — At the Princess Theatre ((). H.' Hlieppard, manager), — Kyrlo Bel lew. In 'itnlHes,'' played to tho capacity Dec. 12-17, Lulu (ilnser, In "A Madcap Princess," 111-24. GliANit Gi-eiia IIoisk (A. 3. Small, mana- ger). — "Faust" drew big business week fit 12-17. Week of 10, "Shadows on the Hearth" Ma,ii:htic Tiiuathh (A. J. Small, mann- Scr).— The Llllputlans. In "Slnlind," drew IS .business 12-17. XVeek of 10, "Tliu Min- ister's Daughters,!' . SiiiA'M TiiitATiiii (J. Shea, malinger).—- Au excellent hill 12-17 uud big business, uilh Annie Itifh. Drawee, Flo Adler, Hie XVorhl's Trio,, the Three Kcalons. XVllion lima,, Mor- ris and Morris, the khu-logruph. Hughes Mu- sical Trio. Bill week or 111: Die oher- slclrer Tyroleans, Klein. Git Bros, and Nlch- olsoU: Monroe, Muck and Lawrence. Trouli, Bice mid Prcvost lies Hah tens. C, XX*. Little- Held. Carson unit Wlllurd and klm iugrupli. SiAii'TllHATiii: (F. \l". Hlglr, luaiiagcr).— Itose Sydcll's libudon Belles' 12-17, played lo packed bouses for the entire week, i'hn olio Included: Jack and llcrtlm Blclies. Wes- ton Sisters, Keliney and llollls, Campbell XX'eher and conipnny, BIJou Comedy Trio aud X. Kormann, Dec. ». 10, London.— At tha Grand loolHimicrj. — At tho Montgomery The- atre (Illrschcr Bros., managers) I'aul Gll- more, in "Tbo Mummy and- the Humming Bird." Dec. 0, bad good business. Brrol Dunbar, In "Sherlock IIoIuich," 14. two per- formances, had fair business, "The Jewel of Asia". 10, "(Julncy Adams Sawyer" 17, Fruuk Daniels, in "The Office Boy," iu. Bi.ii.ii; (O. A. Neal, manager). — Frank Dud- Icy and Helen Aubrey, with a stock company, held the boards 12-17, to good business. "Mrs. Dclauey. of Newport ,' r 10-22. In Spain, about the middle of the last cen- tury, affording opportunity for picturesque scenery, colorful costumes nnd typical Span- ish music und dunces. Special music I* being arranged for Ihe production. Till first CUXCKST nv TUB Kai.tbnborn (JrAtiTKT'a tenlb seuson. In Mendelssohn's Ilnll. Dec. 15. was marked by the production of a new pianoforte quintet, In 10 minor, by George Schumann. The programme also con- tained Tschnlkowsky's quartet,' In D major, opus 11, and Mozart's A major sonata tor violin and piano. Paolo Ualllco .assisted. A cuTHira ' Thomas, (lie playwright,' ar- rived In this city Dee, 14, Mr. Thomas .cornea home ta direct the rehearsals of his new plavs, "Mrs, LemngweH's Boots" nnd Bur 20. "Qiilncy Adams Sawyer" 27, "Diploma- cy" Jan. ::, "The County Chairman" 0, Gor- ton's Mtnatrclo 14. 4«» ♦ •»■ IOWA. WK8T VIHOINIA. DnliiKiiir.— At (Wm. T. Iloehl, thd Grand Opera Houso manager) Thu Murphy played a return engagement, to fair business, Dec. 0. "The Village Postmaster" did well O. "The Holy (.'By," two imrformauces, to fair business, 10. "Tho lloyol Chef' had a Siud houso and pleased l.i. "Wife In Name n' " inly" had a fair house 14. for "The Bilncatlnu of Mr. thh. latler. by the cnnulilc company of comedian's. In- bazaar, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, last eluding xv. O. Watson, Pat White, Barry week. It was won ]>j. Ihiipu. Delmore, after being founded nn Charles nana dlMnji's character, Mr. lipp. Mrs. Thomas remained at Paris with her daugblera, wbo are at •uueol there. UMcilliiir.— At tho Court Theatre MO. B. Franzhelin. manager) "Vouug Tube Hozle," Dec. 12, bod fair business. "Tho Btemal City," IU, bad fair returns. Creston Cliuke, 14, had fair business. Lawrence D'Orsay in "The Burl of Pawtuckot," 15, liad good business. Ada Bcban, In, "The Taming of Ibo Bbrew," 1A, bad Gjg Wines*. "Tbo Forbid- "The Mlldt _ Obako bi-risA lioimf) (Chis. a. Felnler, manager). — "The Peddler," 12-14, had goml business, "A Trip to Africa," 1.V17, bad good, returns. Coming: "Xvhy Girls l.euvo Home" lti.21, "The Moousljlaer'a Daugbter," «"d Juck Brown and. IJiluu WrlgUt, urJ •Mi-'U. . ■ • ' . «m«n» tbo good tblnga.l^lTs . jt nusiness. Aoa ucnan, in/ Ape raining oi me Shrew," ia, bad 6& Vudnesa, "Tbo Forbid- den Und," 17, bad big buslaeu, Coming : "Tiie Burgomaster" 21, Madam t IMane S4, Mildred Holland 20. Illcctrlclty, . lighting purposes, wax tried for the first time la this house, HI. The system installed la one of tbe Uncst obtainable, lighting the bouse splendidly and showing to good advantage) the new carpets and decorations. Coming.'. "A Legal Wreck" 20, "Han Toy" 27v 'In American Oentlcmnn" .10, "A Texas Steor" in top TniMTiiD (Jake ltoientlial, mBna. )(er),~Rxcellcnt vntldeinile, to crnwdell marcs, la the rule. Dlxun, Bowers and Dlion, 109& THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. December 24. we&messK. fllstweek. Vn*.de'v11i . PA1CE CO. 'WANTED AT OXCE. LEADING MAN ana uaj piabu t ror small Ami fia»b. ■ Mn*t be 11 and capable of directing a few piajs. ir ton ar? not 1 first oless » bd have no wardrobe . and can't keep tMMMl sober don't writ*. Also Udy Pianist. who can play small Tart*, sure erery- thing lint letter. Weoe'refolos*. PS.— stow end Clifton, please write. X. W. W1TTMAN * SAM TAOT STOCK CO.Fay.ttevllle. (Brow n Co.), O, WAaTHD— Vaudeville People to chsflge for week; musical man to play the ibow and work 01 lute. flood Blhglng and Dancing ■ IrUtt or Dutch Comedian. . Others write. . JACK O.RBKDE, CtorleilCHT, Iowa, WANTED-M orcdf I. Combination Cir.-Coroet Player to Dontilo VloUn,Tob*f> iwowe stage. Will at 11 MIL Baggage Car, < State Room*, Piss it.- o. B.. Mm! i84o. Mum'BMttm a MQSSMa.v , M High St., Bt. La ols.Mo. ■• ' •• "AT UBEItTV-t'OLUNS A MACK ll some- thing new with ptctnre machine "Chtoe«s shadow Dance"). Uta lilosttated sttngs. l>aet tinging andAiimpej'ionntlnn*. can play parte. Address " ' TOY COLLINS, care of k. V. CLIPPER. DOGS FOR BALK.-SomersaO.lt Dog, »34; High mving Do*, tu. Both Pox Terrier*. MARRY DICKINSON, 8460 Wren Ave., 8t-boaU,Mo. MONO AKRANCIBD Ms* ORCHESTRA Sd Piano. Original melodies written. Special isle for acts; one moatc for dramas, etc. Rea- sonable. Man orders prompt attention. EDWIN DlOBT, Ml W. Utn St.. Sew York City. • WARTED- Cornet Plater: one that can duble placo or do a good specialty preferred, Winter's engagement. Sure money. Stale low- est, all, flrit Join Jan. 2. tiHAfl. 1. WALSH, M gr. Metnitn Rn irs.. MUlarton, Sew York. " WASTED AT ONCK-.Some good Picture yilB and Illustrated Songs, at ft bargain. E. p. MAOTBE. Petersburg, V s. ilDi BIIOW MBW-Petrlfled Bodlei. Mum- mies, anything you want, Animal or Human. In Moomllled goods made 10 order and tent with ivliete or examination. Lis* tree. WM.NKL- g *T>an»orden St., No. Cambridge, Mm. mucelidoeotii. fiui ■ Notes from Schcit & Mud Show.— At New Orleans, on Sunday, Dec. 4; It being the birthday of Col. ■ M. Hchult, alter the colonel's net In -the ring, be was much surprised by Kent Mend stepping Into tbe ring and, In behalf of oil connected with 'the show, pre- senting Mm with' a beaut if ul gold beaded raue; To ant that tbe Colonel waa surprised would be patting It mildly, and tbe Colonel, who doea not claim to be a speech-maker, was for a minute or two dumbfounded, but at la*t found voice enough to aay : "Thank you, to all, thank yon." After were Invited to house, prepared b performance all were invited to a One spread In the cook liouse, prepared by the Qjtapf Mrs. Schuft. and there wasr something good I's • helpmate, tu store. 'J'o this little repast were luvTted, healde the fifteen people with, our show. all members of Herman Wlllerta' combined •hows, who are also playing In New Orleans. The evening was happily spent In slogloi good old German songs, story telling, etc.. and It was getting- pretty late when the party broke up, all wishing the Colonel many more tippy birthdays. Notes few Alvin * D*vib' Moving Pio tubes. — We were. booked at tbe Stone Opera House, Blnghsmtoa, Dec 12, 13, with many good 'bouses to follow We have added many new dims to our repertory, and managers commend us for our efforts to give tbe pub- lic the worth of their money, flam Edwards la winning success singing with' moving .pic- tures, and be will soon put oo a novelty that will be away from alt ' the illustrated song acts, although a picture machine act, (dp numerous electrical. effects W|» be used. J ulkh Beidn, ' the past season agent or Gentry's show, . No. 2, , has Just been die- charged from tbe Sisters Hospital, Loalsvllle, having suffered for four- weeks , with chills and fever. He will leave for the road the first of the- year. ■' ' • • ■ Tun Haltimohr I'nojECTiNO Co. (moving pictures) reports good business through New York Bfate with the following roster: Mana- ger, John Stafford ; song Illustrator, Mae Bar- ber; advance. Art. Richardson. "The Train Itoitoery" takes very well. NOTKS I'BOM BROOKS' OBIEKTAT. BRAI'TY BlIOW AND PALACB OP i II.LUHIONH. — The people are all signed for the season. Tbe nbow opens -Jan, .3, near Dee Moines. Is. ('has. Hasty, of the "Aaleep at the Switch" <'»., has been engaged to manage the Btage. Tie company win. number about' sixteen, alt told, using all, special paper, and featuring Mr. Hasty, In bis bounding rope specialty. We play over tb> Inkster circuit In North Dakota, then -go straight to the coast. Blge Martin has charge of the advance, and rc- nprts that proanects are good. CM. Maxwixi. writes: "I have closed with tbe Adams & Jones Qxpotltlou Btow and will, after the holidays, take the man- itgement of.C..D..tiUlesple's£nt*rpi'ltte*. It-Mi, snake. enchantress, Is at home, rest- ing. . . *, ' "' ■ NOTXH PHOM OERiliN- MBDiCIMV Co., No. 4(10.— We ar« baying a suenessfiil wasou In Northern .Wisconsin. At l'ark ^alls, l*hl|- llps.snd Medford the S. ,11. -0.! sign was out every night. c'ulloWIng hi ouf roater: Dr. It. Tanner, manager and lecturer: Mm. Itose Tanner, pianist and vocalist; Chas, Hray, ncrobot unu- baud -baianclagT rail r. Dan- ford, comedian ; • Mm. 'Ansa Duufoid, boii- brette and cbuiactau ; JVm. Fountain, ngeot : Men* Ilia, contortionist and asrJaKact ; Trias Harry, fancy rltle shot. anoTHpsoila and her troupe of educated doga and pigs. We are all In excellent health. .and the "man In white" and Tub Old Urlublr villi us every week. .... . ■ ■ -■*»«» ■ . ■. . .• T|BSCA9i . Han Antoinlo. — At tbe Grand Opera HouKe(Hld W. -Weiss, manager) "l.'nUer hkiutlieru Sklee",r>lsjred to'gooa. puslnes'i nt inattbee and ' night perform oncea De>\ U. Theodore Roberto/ tc . "Tbe County . t'balr- mun," 17 presented ' what ' Is .'regarded one of tbe beet, and most, enjoyable uerformunrtti tbat has ever been presented '.to a sau An- tonio aualtnre. Attendance Was very large- Frank Daniels, lp -"The Office Boy," played to large bu«lnet oncrn liouse. ileny - vxcmslons from BurrounillrK cltle3 were run, Audiences \\tic well iilenseil with It. Coming; Joe Murphy. \H, "The Silver Wllpper" IS 20. Charles HawtrVjTin "A -Mes- aage- from Murs<".21: "Ilaben In Toylaud" 23, ««, "Dolly Varden" 2T, "Sberloia llolmos' 1 28, l, ,$ Hunaway Match" 2t>, North Brbtherk' Comedians 30, fil. ■ Kupuis Ottiu Hotjsx fT. K. Brady, uiau- agvr). — Harry (.'onion Clarke's ronipkcy flu- jshed a ' surteksfu) eugagemeut at tbe Empire nud has left tbe city, much, to the regret, of Xaauy tlttatregnera: Lobrsuda.'Flot'e'i i Co.. rotujc opera, Is .uow bold log toe uoaitlt at tbja placv and dolus a good Bonueas. Omrtetm (A. ,J. U^mtti "manager).— ■ Ituhlness la Improving- New a"nd better at- llftcMons are 1 being, put .on. Outlook lor IlioiMay builMsi'is-rery food; • WANTED,. REPERTOIRE PEOPLE .N L.IIMK8, STATE ALL. HARET NTS, - MARIETTA. OHIO, \A/ Juvenile Leading Woman. GOOD WABDBOBE. Write or wire. EDWARDS' STOCK CD.. .TCFFEMO* HALL - • Manager Orafton, W. Ya., this week; Portsmouth, 0., next week. ' PICTURE MACHINES. Maw and Second Band stereopticons, Films, Bone Slides and Supplies. Picture machines re- built with all improvements. Rheostats any volt- age, MwhfH)1"al effects for sots made. Expert repairing done. HBW TORK FTLM EXOBarOe. n. power, air ■ , HI Hassan St., Hew Tork. Phone saeo Co lonland.' THE LOCKHARTS. AT LIBERTY ON ACCOUNT OF CLOSIHO OF COMPANY. Maude Hazel Leckbart, W. G. Loskiart, Soubrettei, Ingenues or Knsloal Director Boy Parts. Toe and (PLano), Sight Acrobatic Dancing Reader and At - Specialty. ranger. Address ST. ELMO HOTEL. Marrletta, Ohio. WANTED QIHCK, Strong Single Specialty FOR BEMETT-MOULTON CO. To open at Meadvilie, Pa., Dec 20. Wire or write. A. V. HEED, B»>|«r, den, Del., Syraonae, S. T„ anal Pso-M. Wanted. Wagon Show Agents. For Wagon No. 1.- Sober, Tillable man who la a close contractor, and who can and will handles brash. For Wagon Ho. s.-Oood BUI Posttas Agent, was la ado first oust Lithographer and Banner Mm, and wno can do contracting It neces- sary. Only want men who can furnish reference from former employers. AL. F. WHEELER'S New Model Shows, Mohawk Ave., Scbenec- tady, H. Y. WANTED, COMPANY TO SUPPORT SOPHIE C. BRADFORD IN HAL SKID'S If ROANOK »» And Repertoire. State lowest, and do not mis- represent. Those doing specialties preferred. Address E. T. TOWNSBSD, SO N. OftiU St , Phi sdelnbla, Pa. WANTED QUICK, Al S. mi 0. SOUBRETTE, USEFUL PEOPLE II ILL HIES. Must be good dressers on anl orr. STATE ALL FIRST LETTER. We pay all. Must have iqnare cms. Address .. . MARSHALL S TOCK CO., Cnmherland.Md. AT LIBBRTT, EDNA FOY, Good, Capable Actress, for Juveniles, Leads. EDWIN WEAVER, flood. Capable and Experienced Actor. Address El) WIS WEAVER, Nashville, Tens. AT !,ie»l*TY, FRED SPIRES ADVANCE AGENT. Address NATIONAL PRINTING CO., Tribune Building, Chicago, III. At The Funny Old Maid Specialty, Direct PtMe.Prolu. mil j. a. poSoros r, Natlenskl Theatre, D» jl t ■, Ohio. STAGE CARPENTER AND SCENIC ARTIbT AT LIBERTY. Can p'ay small parts. Doable alio or tuba In brass. A No. 1 Man for Rep. Stage Carpenter. c»re Madam, tit Tine St.. Phtla., r%. SKETCHES AND PLAY* WIllTTEK TOOKUKR, Address BERNARD KLINO, Play- wrlgbt. 7 Bnlnnoh St.. Boalou, Maes. OBHM4N Dialect singloK L'tfinidlati, excep- tionally tilfth tenor singer, wants Mgr. or Fanner Willi mooerala oarllal to launch great Certain Dialect Comedy Drama, "l-'rlts, Our German Ujualn." Qrand play. Great Srenlo edects. Beautiful aongs. 0. 0. , Elkhart, ind. . . WAHTJtO- Sonbrette that can Sing and llanos for partner lu Sketcb work with small show. To one that can appreciate good treat- ment a good opening l« offered. EMERSON, 69 Bridge st , Amsterdam, N. v. WANT IBDatall tuue<, good vortatllcpertorm- ers and sketcb teams tbat can cbatigc for one week. Tboss p aymg organ preferred. No tickets. Permanent aadrest, 3. o. Armond. No. SqOties, N. H. I have seven companies operating through £ ii. tntVL WASTED— Lecturer to travel • through Southeru States for Patent Medicine Uou.m, M. 0. preferred. Must be sober and trust- worthy ; attractive In appearance and a con- vincing talker, Oood opening for right man. Address S. 11. Leonard! ft Co., Tamps, Vis. Percy Williams Says In Christmas Telegraph that vaudeville's crying need is NEW MATERIAL. Jamel Madison ha. mads It mlgbty easy for am- bitions performers to comply with tnts suggestion. They nave but to get n&dison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stage fan, con- taining a Original Parodies, 9 new Mono- logues, « great Sketches, new Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Comic Poems, Toasts and Epitaphs; two roaring farces, two big burlesques, besides Hundreds of new Gags. Stories and Jeata-SO big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 4, $1.40; any 8, S3; any i, |1M or Budgets 8, 4. 7. s and ». $&. Others out of Bint Send ah orders to my agent, L.J. K. BIL, hoi Third Ave, New Tork. nt i mi out Who can sing and dance. Reasonable, sure sal- ary. Pay own. Three nights. Danot mlsrepre- Kit ASK II. DANIBLS, Hudson, Wis. Bent. WANTED, A HO. 1 HI WHO CAN 8TA8E COIEDY DEAIAS AND BUBLESQDE, And puton Pictures: also Ten Brunettes and very; Llgbi Blondes, good Figure, for Living Pictures not under Gft. el; long engagement to right par- ties. People In all branches, write. J. M. BARTON, Auditorium Theatre, Norfo'k. Ta. WANTED, GOOD REPERTORY PEOPLE IN ALL LINES. A good Singing and Dancing Sonbrette. a Man for Juvenile, an experienced Mm tor General Business. Above people with Specialties, an A No. 1 Advance Agent send fnll particulars and lowest salary In first letter. Pay own. MGR. LE ROY STOCK CO., Greenfield, Ind. WASTED QUICK, SINGING, DANCING SOTTBBETTE. Wire KATHBRINK RUBER COMPANY, Bmplre Theatre, Albany. N. Y. HARRY KIXO. AT LIBBRTT FOR THE TBHTIHO SBASOH AID BALAHOB OF WIHTEB. R, LEE CLARK, Agent, Fonr years circus; Are opera hontes. Sober, re- liable. Not afraid of the brush If you pay for the elbow grease. Past season La Mont Bros.' Circus. Best of references. Ad. R. lee CLARK. 1820 Union St., Lafayette. Indiana. WANTED, FOR THE HOOT STOCK CO., An experienced Actor for Leads, a good Singing and Dancing Sonbrette, a good Character Woman. Address IV. H. HOOT, Warrentbnrg, Mo. WANTED QUICK, DOTEsHBOLL CO., Character Comedian with Al specialties change nightly; loin immediately; state lowest; others write. J. 0. WBLOH, Perry, S. II- this week; Haverhill, Mass., week »■ On Account of Closing of Company, Blnglng and Dancing Specialty . Address JAMBS COWLEY, Care of St. Elmo Hotel, Marrletta, Ohio, TOM PEOPLE WASTED QUICK. Fnll Acting Co.. Mqslolana to donble stage, Al Agent. MoBt Join on receipt of wire. J. Koss Wilson, write. Address II. B. MARSHALL, Man. Carlton's Uncle Tom's Cabin Co., Lincoln, Illinois WANTED. For balance of season. Operator who bas machine and plenty of rums. Also Piano Player who can Sing. A good position and money sure to right party. Will buy (li second-band Bill Trunks. Ad- dress by mall L. WIIITBLAW, 16 E. 87 to St., N. Y. City. Wauled, fir SMstn's Uncli Tib's Cabin Co., Man to Lead Band and Play Cornet In Orchestra. Must have up-to-date music. Address GRANT LUOB, Manager, Salsmsnca. N. v., Deer, SI; Olean, N. Y., Deo. 2o; Jamestown. N. Y.. Dec 27: Dnlou City, s. Y..D«o. m Tltusvllle, N. Y., Deo. 29; OU Cl.y, N. Y., Dto. so; Corrv, H. Y..Uee.3t. A rirat Claai sketch Team and Single I'lrforuiers. The Hylands. May and MUf si Bragg and Asbton and lite Nations, write. Yon know me; sure salnry; good treatment; no tickets unless known and in the State. Open Jan. I. Rome for the ho.ldays. 118. TUOS. H. WOOD, h ob W. Locust St.; Bloomlngion, III. WANTED QUICK. GOOD SKETCH TEAM and Blng.e Men up Is Medicine Business and obange for week. No boozers tolerated. Mnst Join on wire. R. Jsth Suratat wire. DR. HORATIO, Exeter, Neb., Deo. I'-' U\ Cordova, Neo,, Deo. 26-8 1. Uf A UTt Is TO Ur'AR FROM gOME OSK WAIT till TUAT UA8 ROLLER SKATES TO SSLL J. II. MCOARTNB.T, Frankfort, N. Y. WANTsTD, Al MID. PERFORMERS. ED. I'. WK18E. Mgr., North American Med.Oo, BH Adams nt.. Cli«rle«towr. Uass, -W ANTBD, Performers for mfdicine eo. Fo zers closed with- out noltoe. Tickets, If t know yon. DR.JOUMi.FOYE, Lee'.) Summit, Mj. ...» ^ ■•- - .ww-.^ . . w ■ H .w , HOW AM D 1)A RKO, Waster. Hep. JOSEPIt W. 9PBLLMAN, Westers Bap. ■SHANK P. SPBLLMAH, Sen. Director. PLAYIKO MORE FAIRS THAN ANY OTHER THREE LINES OF ATTRACTIONS IN AMERICA. Pi..ininnthinir but the best in Vaudeville. All acts worklna? as_8peclsl Attractions. Onlvnotent >h«« nl "irafis 'with th» Une of sttracllons. Season 19«, TWfcNTY SHOWS, ». WILL BE DE YOTRD To™B^*e'lVaNL^ WESTERN UOMPANIEB, employing moKM«lein^«.anyo^^^^ Can use a few more Novelty Acts that ?ra new- 'Revolving Uoder Acts, Double Trapeze and Juggling Acts, don't want yon at any price. Animal Acu Tend l good Novelty Acis, we can use yon for 10 weeks, but yon mnst deliver the gooes and not Swat andlit&vV ." mnst have wardrobe and wear It. All acta most open An*. 1, 1901. Address FRANK P. SPELLMAN, Oen. Manager, Cleveland Theatrical Exchange, Lyceum Theatre Building, ceivelsnd owo. B^msw^il^ ^ ^ for t9Jt> wlt? antomoblle complete, used- last season over Speliman Circuit of Fairs. Will seU each Loop complete for 1^0.00, without monks Great feature for small Circus or Summer Show. _ . mm i WE ARE MOW BRABLBD TO OFRR TERRITORIAL RIGHTS III ONB AND **"' THREE SlOiiT STANDS .FOR ®ur,r,rvAiv, harris «fe woods' PHENOMENALLY SUCCESSFUL PRODVCTIONS, BF THEODORE KHBHER. "THE FATAL WEDDINB" and "FOR HER CHILDREN'S SAKE," D'ARCT & WOLFORD, 1358 Broadway, N. T. SOLE AGENTS FORBFLLIVAN, HARRIS A WO0D9' PLAYS: "For Her Children's Bake," "Wedded and Parted," "The Road to Ruin," -The Angel of the Alley,''' The King of DetsoUves." ''Born in Prison," "The Wayward Wife," "The Powery After Dart," 'The Crooked I'ath," "Evil Men Do," "The kace for Honor," "The Drama of Life," "Slaves of the Orient," "the Fatal Wedding 1 ' "Between Love and Duty," and others. '• GOOD TENOR SHEER WANTED. ALSO GOOD CORNET. Addresi Anderson. Ind., S3; Marion 24, Ft. Wayne 25, Kendallville 26; Kalamazoo 28. HI HENRY'S MINSTRELS. THE MIDWAY, An Illustrated Magazine of Amusement Resorts and Attractions. $1.00 A YBAB. 10 GENTS A COPY. MIDWAY PUBLISHING COMPANY. 302 BROADWAY, N. Y. Speelal Oorreipondeats Wanted I n Every City In United States e.»ld Canada. AT LIBERTY, The Pepper Twins. BUfOIMG AMD DANCING COMEDIANS. T Different Cp-to-Dat* Specialties. Both can play bov parts. Age, 17 years. Height, 6 feet. Plrst Class Bep, or one nlkbt. Six years' experience. Address LINDSAY, Out,, Canada . DO YOl LIKE THIS TITLE I TEMPTED V HENRY BKLMAK'S Lateit Sensational Scenic Melodrama Mnrder. Will teU interest In same. TO LBT, FOR •sf-|_|BI A IUI f=-C3' 8tron_ royalty; easy terms. Address ofMvitery, I.ove, Deoept]onH?om»DC«, OR bALANOE OP SSirfON. R'S DAUGHTER Strong play for Heps, Stocks or One Night Stand Co.'s. Short cast: catohT printing; law HENRY BELMAR, 1402 ErosdwSy, Hew York. ■ II ~ A GOOD /* tiets the money. Will wnte anything from a whisper to athreesctccmedy. And 1 6,«veBtne million new and original parodies on all the latest song hits in aefs of ten, wulctilwlilicll at BJ csntaaset (stamps or coin). BD BOSB, with K. A. MILLS, Muelo Pabllehers, « W. 29th 8u,N«W Tork.N.Y. Gollman Bros.' Big, New Railroad Shows. WANTED, for the Side Show, Curiosities and Performer*. Giants, Midgets. (Mlea Births Cernalisn. ' Throwers. Long Haired Ladles. Any thing strange and GEO. B. IRVING, 174 Mc'k SL, Room 11, HaVtthlU, Mail. rite). Strong Man or Woman, Knife Throwers, Long Haired Ladies curious, wtlte. Address READY 80 PACES •VT I ' . t*. I I 1 1 . EH'|. . ■ •• wiwtaa a*J *«Aan»«i A* ansa. c'rSsS.'f.r;? 8 Wot WNEWACTS -A Berw VmiW ■•T»* T«w*f Anerwsy." •■B« ri'r 14a," -A CeMta rr,»tis W«L" -ISM'sTsaB." -T-a Maw Cewi." "TU tit- telHatfiwA." "W*« JaAMf Wam ■ Mortntwt H isna," "CUi U*'. » I •*.." "AiWIni*,' W.A TACDCniXB PsVMIrTtt Walet km hnkm •« mr* MeAlMlllteWcfeetneBkwr e**r fxMsWI. S3 kg H U$ s*U nafnv, • twer 3 tltaea Ik* alaa tf l»a swlfteal reWraain. TU »#«• tmaJat Ike •asm. mifXY CINTS* *>m iVUa* |wh| 4«ua es«u-U i Vislmti rVsvyi* Vk I Mi tfm r w y mt. Alines •* utai I JWIII Roaalter, ti» wa^i.tt.. st, QhlcatOj M BED -MOT naw PARODIES OAUS, JOKES, STORIES, ANDL'OJlIC POETRY, Etc RECITATIONS -•A r i •'-. r ( kt •■ •■?*. i .j -'a T-i>, I Li." ■ Pi=».i' law Tmkfa 1 * MONOLOGUES AT LIBERTY, LEWIS SUMMERS. HEAVIES AND JUVENILES. (Neal House) Atlanta, r, a. NOTICE. v. H. BK.VD«TIIKET IS NOT COMNECTF.D WITH THE CRYSTAL THKATaL - OR TUB CIR- COIT IN AS Y WAT f"0R BOOKINGS AUDRESS OEO. IBA A1MM8. Denver. Colo. Eastern iota write U. MACNCB, 67 South Clark St . Chlcaso. III. FOR SALE, MitTf go Riund, li tin shipi, cheap. H., No. le Fifth St , New Bedford, ~~ -UL. = FOB SAXE, One Hall InW IIIPOPUKEOPI IN A CITY OF 300.000 POPULATION. A fortune for a man with is.ooo. Ellgant location for a 10 and aw. Vaudeville Hoqsa. Address K. S.O. P., osrs of CLIPPER. _ AT LIBERTY, A I PIANIST, SIGHT HEADER. W. H. SCHREIBBg. Fplton. S. Y- WANTED, PHTIAM'8 TBE4TEE, BlehmOBtJ, Tl'. 8ERI0 COMICS. SISTER TEAMS, SPECIALTY PEOPLE A.ND CHORUS GIRLS. mM i Address P.W. PUTNAM. AT LIlttTf, IIDJCIH H0T01H Office worrer. Real money No ticket. Wire. walte: Care P. O. B.. Order of Eagles wm aTo'bpoif. m Mo. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY, GOOD SKETCH TEAM. J ack and Fern, come quick. HARRY g A8HLBT t TIl*y*r,:>'»h. . WANTED, Uij mm ej> ahl, Osatraiia, vi . OLiHioiniiBT, Plrrt OUif, 4t WMrlf. Theatre or Vaudeville House; targe sxnertenxe. AliiolutHy reliable. Address «. gfJWW.'" " ue Bait 85Ui Street, Maw York City. DECEMBER 24. THE NETW YOEK OLIF'PtER. 10391 ■THIS IS XM« IONO MIT.- . ' . -^— ^~Tr»isnn> IBs ■ I ins. ssiw wwrw ■-■■ ■• : ^^^ » • ■ WON'T YOU FONDLE ME? By KEN Dig sod PA LEY. 0R0WTS0 RTROSOEIt EVERT DAT. CHICAGO, 87 and 80 Clarke St. SIR. ROBERT ADAMS. 45 $£$T 28TH STREET. HEW YORK CITY. M08ECUMBLE, General Mgr. Prof. Dept., DETROIT . 10 Wither*!! It. HENRIETTA B. BLANKS In Ch arg.. BEAPPEAHAICE in AIEBICA AFTER THBEE TEABS' of f B1DHPBAHT 8DCGE8S IB EUROPE, PLAYIM ETEBT OOBITRT. TBEHEBOODB SUCCESS AT KEITH'S CHIOS SQUARE THEATRE. LAST WEEK JUAN CAICEDO Made hli first nppetrtnee since hit return bom Europe, and hie wire work «»■ very effect ire .-DRAMATIC HCW8, Dee. 17. ' JUAN CAICEDO Hade kU American reappearance In hie high wire set. in which he bet bo .operlori.-SEW \OKK CLIPPER, Dec. 17. TIIV1E AFTER IVIAY. 10 VHIOR SCir ARE. Hew York, or Per Boat*. Attention, Band and Orchestra leaders! Do yon want to Learn 'to Compote and Arrange flailcl It so, tend 9c. sump for trial leuoD. nothing to pay until Ton »avo been tsngbt Lessons 1, Sand S. If these lessons do not convince you that thin l« Strictly Legit- imate, tben They are Free. Don't write on- leu yon have a thorough knowledge of the rudi- menti of mntlc, and Mean Baalnea*. C. W. WILCOX (Harmonica) _ - . . 1330 Broadway, If . Y. Addreia WU1 cell (or two weeks only onr elegant three- colored title page Bong Boots at go cenw per hun- dred; per thousand, 17.60. Do not ship U. 0. D. Send 6 cents pottage tor samples. THURSTON PUB. CO, 1403 LOCUST ST., 8t. Lquls. Mo. WANTED QUICK, SOBER, RELIABLE REPERTOIRE AGT0R.I Pranklyn Melville 8TR0NO JUTRSILE LEADS, OESTEEL HEAVIES. . WARDROBE, ABILITY. Helen K* May, VERSATILE LEADS OB SECOND BUSINESS. ELEGANT WABDROBE, LONG) EXPERIENCE. Baby Z.u.oill«3« CHILD PABT8 AND FEATURE SPECIALTIES. RESPONSIBLE MANA0ER3, make beat offer. JOIN ON WIRE. Addretc OEK. DEL., Springfield. Ohio. New Pictorial Papor FOB Repertoire Shows. THE DONALDSON L1TBO CO., Newport. Ky. i Address KEOY'X'S GO&LE}r>TT CO., Dennison, Texas. 4 WANT A MOVINQ PICTURE OUTFIT. Mint be Ed It on or Lubin's large size machine. Alco want ceiling Walking Outfit and second hand Illusions. W. J. ROBINSON. 420 W. 3d Are., Anaconda, Mont. Male Musicians, I can offer first class Hale Musicians a season's engagement commonctng Jan. 1, 180 J, with board, room and baths free. 8tate;full particulars lnllrct letter and must be able to loin at receipt of tele- gram. Write to A H.KNOLL.Muslcal Dlreotor, Ceo. L. Smith, Mgr. Majestlu Hotel, Hot Springs, Ark, AT LIBERTY, GEO. B. ROSENER. Strong Juvenile and Jnr. Leads. Late of Edward Harrlgtn O.. Maud* Htllm&n Stock, The Passion Flower Co.. Wm. H. Myers' Stook. Reliable ono nljbt stand or reo. managers. Address. J78 SOOTH 6Ta 8T , Brooklyn, cLV. I will take the above amount for half Interest In my revived revival of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Co. Man that knows how to manage, as I have other business. Show opens Jan, II, 1906. BOOKED SOLID In the best towns through Ohio, W. va., Pa. and Hd. A snap for the right man. Don't writs unless yon mean business. No time for curiosity seekers, wire or write. M. L. P.. Byesvllle, Ohio. WANTED, Two Oaptble Character Women. First Cass Char, acter Comedian with apeolalto. Experienced Son- brette tn>t can ting Women. Other Exp write i brette tnM pan ling and dance, two Jnvenllo :her Experienced Repertoire People. qnlok. Suite rail partloulars and previous engagements. Engagements with reliable com- emlcs. Dramatic people passing through Bos- n, call. NEW YORK DRAM ATIO EXCH ANOE. Room it, 3 Tremont Row, Boston. it SUCCESS SUCCESS ■ M ill 71 P*I La Gertrude EwiogGo. WANTS " Al. Specialty People; those playing Sratll Parts preferred; no booters. Tell all first letter; long season to right people; show going North Ad- dress GERTRUDE EWINO. Dec. », 17, 28, De Queen, Ark.; Dec. 89. 30, 81. Mens, Ark. PIANO PLAYER WANTED QUICK. Mutt read and fake. Soberandrellable. Specialty people, write. _ BELCBER'S COMEDIANS, Osage City, Kan. AT LIBERTY, Ohac. Weedooms, LEADER, VIOLIN, DOUBLE TR0MB0NS. Ohas. 8mith, BASS AND TTJBA. Can Join at once; joint or single. Write orwlre. SARATOGA HOTEL, Battle Creek, Mich, VAUDEVILLE ACTS For Club In Bo-iton, Dec. 2s and later. J. W. GORMAN, Colonial Bldg., Doston. AT LIBERTY, DEC '»*, FOR ONE NIGHT OR Al REI'., Soubrettes, Ingenues. Light Juveniles. Join on wire. Responsible Managers only. MARIE 1)B VACX, Uhelbourne, Ind , Care of Stevens' Comedy Co A BIG MONEY EARNER, AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE -IB «0 TABLEAUX- THE MOST POPULAR MOVING PICTURE EVER SHOWN ! LENGTH, IMOft. PRICE, 1910.00" Write tor Supplement a, which contains Halt Tones and Full Description. SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ANCEL. A HOST BEAUTIFUL AND PATHETIC PCITIHE IN A SCENES. Ask for complete description. l gaston i\raiviT$8, Gen. Mgr., \ BOA BAST Mtb ST., ItBW YORK CITY. u or A! LiMRTY FOR KM OS PIANO, Doable Al Snare Dnun. Fine years' experience. Strictly sober and reliable. It yonr "ghost" Isn't able to peiambnlate, I don't care to mako your acquaintance. Wm. Echols, wire me. Re- Srds to Ray, Foley, Stills, Bauer, and other ends. Address MILLARD V. HAYDEN, Big Timber, Mont. $800.00 Car for Sate $800.00 60ft. long; sonnd and true. Equipped for fast Eissenger service, M. C. B. Can b» seen at ALA- OSA. COLO. Six state rooms, kitchen, range, etc Will accommodate 15 people. Can be made to accommodate eoorso. Add. GEO. DONAHUE, Care of Thomas t Foster, Clinton. Mo. WANTI BLANCO CAB 8T0EA8E AND BEPAIB SHOPS. STORAGE TRACKS FOR 100 CABS. ALSO SECOND HAND CARS BOUGHT AT ALL TIMES. J. J. BLANCH, Goneral Office, KM Peon Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. Good Black Pace.Dntch and Irish Comedian; also flrstolaas All 'Round Contortionist, Wlro Walker, and Acrobat, Modern Remedy Co., Mankato, Minn. 1 SUE. MDSEQM Of Bill, Contains 76 Figures and 28 Charts.- Price, $800. Address 0. MAE11TZ, HOD Klin St , Cincinnati, O. AT LIBERTY, HABBABET BA8AI. Juveniles, Ingenues orHoavles. Good wardrobe and appearance. Address GENERAL DELIVERY, Battle creek, Mich WANTED, A LADY TOE DANGER FOR MCHOAL SKETCH. OTHER DANCERS, WRITE. BILLY MACK, Garden Theatre, Zsnesvtlle, Ohio. AT LIBERTY, SLIDE TBOIBONE, B. and 0., Owing to Co. closing. OHAS. H BROOKE. .. Battle Creek. Mich. Waited, to Hear Brou Repertoire feofla. GOOD SECOND WOMAN. Salary low, "yon get it." O. B. FELGAR, Mgr., Clair Tuttle Co.. West Union 22, B^IM; Beallngton, week 26. For Sale, Biding leg aad Peny, Oae Bel Of Strap Sleigh Bells. Ono Octave of 8, One Baas Drum, i Uniformed Coat.. Address WILL D. YORK, car. Statu A Gray eta., Elnilra, N. Y. GOOD REPERTOIRE CO. Week Jan. S3; other good open tune In iaa. and Fob. Will give guarantee for good Musical Comedy or Comic Optra. 1. H. OKAY, Mgr., boomer Opera Honse, Wllllmantlc, Con''. WANTED, TO BIAB FB0I BEPEBTOIBE PEOPLE II ALL HIES. Prefer those doing Specialties. Salary low but absolutely sure. AH particulars drat letter. w. HAMMOND, Brunswick. Me. WiiM, hr swim's Until T»» Oi., CORNET FOR BAND, Double small parts on stage. Bute salary, age, height and weight first letter. Answer by wire or letter. GEO. PECK, 2U W. 43d St., N. V. City. WANTED, FOR THE BURKE-WOODWARD COMEDY AND SPECIALTY CO., Good Gen. Bit. Man and Woman. Man and wife preferred. Must do good specialty or dance, be lady and gentle- man, and one play fair piano. Managers In West- era Pennsylvania send open time for first class rep. and red hot specialties, buhke-wood- WARD, Oaleton, Pa., 24, 26; Cross Pork, Pa., 27, m. SCENERY FOR SALE. Bntlra Outfit of a Bepertolre Company. SCENERY, Including PROPERTIES, PAPER, Etc. Positively complete in every detail. First decent each oiler gets It. A. B . P.. Cam of OLIPFaaH. NOTICE, TO VAUDEVILLE PERFORMER*, STAR THEATRE. HAMILTON, OANADA. PUT IS A WEEK AT THE Break your jump between N.Y. City and Chicago. No Sunday work; » nights and amatinces, Want FEATURE ACT for week of Deo. as. J. O. APPLETS.*;. Manager. AT B.lBnB.MTV, £ RED- QUIMBY 8 ALTON- CHARACTERS and HEAVIES. JUVENILES, .SPECIALTIES. Address SSI WEST 37th STREET, HEW YORK, N. V. ! -SH59 HEAVY MAIN DoubUng brass; TRAP DRUMMER doubling some other Instrument in band preferred, PROPERTY MAN. donbltgg bass dram or cornet, with sps- cleity, preferred. BOBBY FOUNTAIN, Teilurlde, Col. SI PLPNRIRD COMPANY Vt/aErffctB Qulok, BAUITONEIn Bond to Double Hccoud Violin In Orchestra. Wire lowest, pay your own hotel. Address* W. A. JUN'KEB. Mgr. Route: Mahnnoy <:itv, l'a., Dec. L''J ; Ashland 2:i, Pottsylllc 24. Lebanon '.'tf. A-t L-ilDorty, OOUBDIAM. SINO AND TALKING SPECIALTIES. Address 6023 PLEASANT AVE., II Inneapol Is, Minn. ILBERT TiBlFoEH. TBAP DBVBHBB. EXPERIENCED. OEN. DEL., Baton Rouge, La. PARTNER WANTEO, TO INVEST SMALL Capital In Repertoire Co. Speolal plays, with printing and wardrobe. Nothing to buy but dates. Company has established reputation, and has al- ways been a money maker. Want a working partner, not an angel. Open tit bt after holidays. Address REPERTOIRE MANAGER, Box 221, Williamson, N. V. CHRIS. CHRISTOPHER "V IDLING SINGER, COMEDIAN and VIOLINIST. THREE DRAWING CARDS IN ONE. , Week Dec. is, Tulsa, I. T. lan-OMHK oo, ilflsps, feeds to. No nrowaln*. Address I M. SOYSK. OlsnrOrk Hotel. Alhrllle, N.O. Oar delivered to Washington or Cincinnati free. . NEW YEARS OPEN. n«i nil m Ohio or Wc item Ponorjlvaals. Wlro qolOk to ••• • " MANAGER "DKNVEH KM'ltESR" CO., Vhrlohtvlils, o, Dec'22; Mtnstvs %; Hliuron, l'a., 24 ll'*5*i"t£!l?" H" <>Wl "* EB-WA BUB. • AT LIBKBTY, AFTEE DEC. 33, LEAD EI R (Violin, Piano, Trombone), small s. A D. Sou- Urotto. Boy.ugeo, H.A.D. SpecUltluinlul part.. AddrwH KIIANK IUYM0M). Storm Lako, low*, rare A Devil's L.no Co. Javenile Ian, Woman (or Koubrettcx, Also Leads; (Jnaractor Coined m. <" Oils niece. Ooosblon, Limgtrj Avulo, Jennv A ill 1 11. Alice C Austin, Lillian Austin, Kant Altli'U, Elsie Ariel Ladles guartet Afllcr, Fluru Aijilirop. B Nora (10c.) AtUlill, Mile. Allen, Vinlit t Andre. LIU/ 4nainaj ■ Mn. Benton in* Mr*.G 11 nrtli, Kslclla (S, Mil* A. K. Artclll, Flora : AlilH.it, ivarl K Alrdlt-h, Lmilso HAriuw, Lillian llrudwcll Mia* N IMrlKirkii. Marie BHIke. Marlon Hennctt, Mrs.C. jUrlli'tle J-oitlse lliilerwurui. .. gi ;. Lydlg nnnnif. MM. ft. 0, Bartbeld, ,:.. Josephine Brown, Laura Browning, Flora Heltnont, Grace Browning, Kllu Brady, Kitty Bensall, .Mario Boylnn,' Stella Bemilce. Mile. Basso, 1 Flurn Banner, llewile Beds, Helen BttlH, Nellie Bailer Hi'Iimi M. OiiltlweU allien Cuaitham Sinters Carpenter. Kllu {.'arew, Mntiel Cuddle. Treille Clare, Helen Uqlllns, Mutate (tiunrly. Hndle Conle, Mrs. G. Clifford Mtintl It jiiriln, ib>«i! '.'llllHt*. Oil* i.'liifij, Minn M. Coleman, Kiltie Conner, Nellie Cordelld, Flora Chuflioin Sisters Curraen BenrtUv On r keek, Mn. J Dowlan, . Mri. William Delmar. Mabel Dundee, Helena lieanc, Daisy UeVore, Ilerua Drew, Elaine M Davenport Mary Diilnell. Lillian Purlin, Zella Hnvldsou, Berth i Bnnegnn, . Nellie. (10c.) Itorman. Caroline Dollt. Amy Douglas, Clara DeVere, rnullnr Desmond, Lilly Dunbar. Filtel ileitis.*, F.llle bnly, Dotliu Klmove, Marie Ltlna, Mln IWraontls. Kmma I tl.t^siiitin, .linefililne (,r:tlinfit. Hadf Orey, Vera iltlMiKki Mm.al llMlllOll. TulUll llustiltjrl, itoie llollln, l.urulne Huugltton, Jim. J. V. llnrtlo. Fl'tra llun'uinii, Nultle V. Herbert. Netllo Hlntl. tllatlys llaveni, Mabel iliill.-y, Flora llav.llionie, Ml«< J). A. Until, t, Untr 'litiisen, Marie Hunt. J ...ill'.*- Herman. Heliba latnl, K. lno, Henry lh-Monta, Mr. * Mn Ilium's llnmpty Iinmpty Drlieoll, Hi C. DiiKan A Mack Dnrey, Fred Davis, WllU.itn Iu.l.l,', Mn. L. 1'nrie, MI.h U I. i'tirker. Mnliellc j'ui'iuelena, • . 'I'etldle Pnnlier Mrs. O. Cope. Llxette I'remoii, .Mae A. IMntter, Lina gulnn, Mis* M. lii.lianl HMers li.iiiiuitie, ilraco iiumlej , Kettle Unwell. 1'WUier lievnolilH l.tpllla llowland, Mobelle H»I*oa, Clement nnymnnd, Nina oevlne. K. J. Uiitker, Jtavw, B. 1 . Mlns M. J. Illvon. La 'lell Itandell, llepew, I>. 0. Mltut Tho». Donilngney Uyp flaber, AavMa Bawji, W. 1« I Itiielkowsltn- llniiBlierlyi Ko(»ts. ICtnma __ _ I"8''X nertoii. A. Jele peVoe, Flltlle Jlolb. Knlberlne J>rnko, 1L liellley Mrs. Pat Hwlly fcCliMlyn noilerlck. Stella P"* Vrank Uliviitnl. Drawee, — Madeline Hanliar, Qua UMley, Nillle *>e\iu>, Bert riaau, ,laiuti Hugltea, Joe Bollifo. M.'F. Blue*, J. K. one, H. V. HiIltiMi, P. i: bill, O. B. UoeDler, Jock Heeley k Meeley ilnwkiD'. 1'ercy Healb, Mr. Hanlen, Pblllp Hardy, 1. A. ilewi'ft, V. D. Hale. A. II. Harris, B. H. Hnrnllu, Pblllp I lenilrlelta. Ben Hart'le, Tom IHIjbt A Dean Hill, A. ),. Henna; Charles Hurritfau James Hetli. flrant lliilbtiwtiv ti Wnlton Hnrstrlfe. J.W. Ireland, 0. H. Intnan, W. A. Iniieasc St Ryan ivea, tba Mazlclan Jirrett, Hurry Jupiter Trio Jucol*. Mnurire Josspf, Kacher Jenkins, )'. i:. Jones, Wnller Jeffrt'lM, Dick McKee, Vnuglian rtparks. L, D. Mason, Lowell fheittie, P. J McConloy, Bob Mack, Lee Mariell, Archie Millar, Prince McGr.th. C. A. Mlette, Joseph Mnoney.* ' -Holbein Merrltt, Hal McKey, \V. B. .Miller, II- I... MnrtKi Bros. Mltrhell, Ueorge MrCnrtby, 0. Miller, J% 11. Merrllle, H. P. Mark, (leort'? Miller, Olinrles Maraellle* (Cont .Marks, H. D. Mont roue, Man-err Jones, Tools Ketqr, Mrs.Oeo. Ki'inp, Marie D. .v'feintii. Mny heu>i Mrs. Ulolir Kntlierlno Kirk, Celene li Lain:, Llllinn 1/inlH, Dorothy u-jtfii, Leslie l«ivc, Morgeret t.milen, Daisy laslle, Bonlla lee, Marlon l.evlne. Mtty LnMourc (ilndns Lawrence, Pearl Laar, Irene \V. I.oint, Lillian i .ti in in is. m it'll l.eolrore, Vlolot ijKJInlr, Olrtile I .lie. is. Helen Lester Miss aloe Llndell, Lani'ii I.im. llenirliv eeds, Ailolnlde ,evlne. Violet .iiniU'ft Ktylyn Lawrence, Jessie Lyman .letincitc Ljnott Slslcts LanKley. Louise Livingston. J.'HSlo V. Lewis, Winnie Milton, Mildred Mofa, June Murray, Kittle Melrose Fmnkte Mortimer, Jean Matthews Mrs.K Mllt.nni. May Manella, Ulss Madcap, Jeasle McKeon, Mann ret Milton, Mildred Maxwell, Teresa MntlBP. Km MeUlellan Lauru Moeller. May Mtirsliall, Bona Moore, Jessie Mi-ltee, Snllle Kaon, Mrs. l-'.c. Muck. Myiilo Kllinnlo. Nnoml Myers. Mntlelyn Frank. Madeline Mtirntou, JCebla Fsrester, Selery F.iomlue Sisters floroju'c Sisters Farina, Hljtnora Foster, Folro Fltipatrlek. Jennie rieltllnc. Mm. Harry Fnrrell, Yesslc Krobnian, F.k.i Fonda, Mnlsd Forrester Selras b'nutalne. Vnnees Fl»ke, Miss ttnlnrdl, Bessie (lowlwia, Dora Ollmorc, Alii* (lanett, Cecil Oerdon, Belle iliissmnn. Jrweplilrie illlilw Sisters Glascock, Mollle It. fSnuld. Iitltll A. rietiest Oertnnle rirny. I/ittlo (•mitler. Ada Ornnnon, lln (iortl"n LIllleH Citylortl, notnils MM , O.iidley. Jetinli' Mortlnl, Daisy Morion. Oerlto MrCarlhy Mntlc Mlildleton, Oladys Mny, Corn McFarlnnil, Mrs. I'lill Mniett, MUh si I ski I, Cora Nlemeyer. »[l«s ft Xelson. Adele Nortiinn. Bae B. Morris, AilelliH- Noynro, Annie Korrla. Corlnne Nash, Flosslo Norman, Lucille Nichols Nellie V Neville, Dorothy Neville, Muriintet O'Brien, Anna M. Oleott, Vera fit let tit, May Pronto. Flora Pnul, Nellie Price, Lillian Pnck, Kvn Pavson. Flora llncker Mrti.M.J Heiw. It* *• Simons, Dotlle * ox - **• Stilwell, ft, trio Sawyer Sisters Snnifiril Maud F. Sheridan Haejda IMrajaa, Madeline Turner, Flora Tuson, Nellie Thurston MnyH Q'boDias, Hilda Thomas, Ina Taylor. Loreta Turner. Chirti Th urs I on, A tie I tilde I'tivtiev, Clara Van Ness Bessie D. Van Hoove, Ddrtcr. I Fred Deer, J. D. DHL. Ma I •DeBonvllle M.G l'oyle, Fjlsvanl Rrlciicr, J. B. ulrtlre, Charlie Dncron, Tote Damsel. Frank Dean, CHIT. Davenport H.J, I'.niery Slock Co.; Mgr, Umpire Coin. 4 F-dmomls, Juiiu-s Coney Eilwurds. . Borland Eventlne, W.H Udinunds & Ktlraumli Klino, Pete Kdworila, a F, Hdwnnls, J. S. Edwards, W. H, F.vani, llrnndon K.llls, li. ft Krnest, 0. M. Klmo, P. B. l'lood, F. 0. Foley, Will Frobo, Fuller, W. B. French,*'. V. Flood Bros. Fulklncr, Fred ITelds, Lou Kredcrlcb. Otis Fltjuerald H. V. Foster, W. A. 1'uiuU, Victor . Vrosto, (Jbariet Frank, B. k% Forties, F. B. Foster, • icinanbiiry Flemlnt:. John Muck, J. A. Mora. ' Kttwnril Miinlock, G. W. Mack, J. H. Meehnn, Wm. Miller, Frank MnrUir. italph bugliuobi | T'abcr, Vaizcius Japa (Tel.l Tomson. Air. ShapaaoJoieph 'liter M'la. Trio Stewart • Bros. Shaw. V. F. Jtater, Henry b'tanfords. The Mull. 0. M Stewart- W.H.M Smth. Harry Slater A , Williams Sheldon, 9. Harry Smllh, James Sullivan, Prof. Silll.lt, O.llll S'.yalu, Mark , Sit*. STill C. Samrll, Itinl.r Thomas. H. J. Treason Cbnrlej Tonny, Krnest Tyue. Al Toledo, Hsrrr Tate, Frank . Tenny, Hrnest rsJilkawn. F. A Charles Thompson James Montngne, Tennnnt Horatio Harrr Tretell, T. P. McLeatl, K. O. Turner, S. B. .\elwo, V. . Thompson, Mckemop, Bd.0 RIehatd Nest. Oeorfs Tlinrstnh. H. .Vnstelll Francis Tenbrook. Lam Mrs. M. IV Vincent, Lottie Walton, Grace Webb, Kitty Weelis, Corlnne While, Ttolln svnrite. Francis Wbl|iple. Bayonne Wondfonl Mrs.J. Wehh, Mat tie Walton. Grnee Wllllunis. Annie b Wllllnins, Bertha Walker, Marcaret Wllcotc, Anita Woskor otarleR WadlclRh, Klha Wllklna, I'orreat, Sum Hood, John Fells, Kdsiln Flnalliaan McCoy Trio French, L. J l-'lssii. Sieve Fonter, Mi'- Frunklyn Benny Florence, Al. Fetters, II. U Fowler, I.uuls Fisher, Will Fulkc. (Jlturles Fowler ft. watt I'ulunlo, — Ulyuu, Nlclilas t.nnt, Itobert Codrrey, Hal Gillette, 0. I".. Gnrneld, C. II. lirtanr/i Frank nrlilln. B, A. (ionxnles Ailolpb (Inno, C. ,B, (iulvln. J. A, GiMidoll Rlchuril Gartllner, WeHt a Sunshine Georje, Kdward Calvin, J. K. i. raw. Pater Grlllltu, Klmer Greoy, Barry i!o|dr|i Atliillihes C.lvrtnn, Walter Gladden, V. A. GrltlH. W. V. Graham, l*w liermaul. N Myrtle K. S!±3L'i.i W n™ Wbytc, Bertha "g!j" eM h WSS Juliet 22hV«««, Walsh, Mnliel Whites Ides. Mian K Teddy. Lena I'hlllirolrs, Alice izamorn. Mrn. e!3n. A.l Mn, Juan Adklna, C. II. Anlell & Leslie A dams, Lew Arcdo, Joseph Aitili. D. a. Albert, Lew Arab, Bnbv ■ Ainlvlne Walter Anthony, Jack Allen, Percy Anils. Maitslleld Andrusha, Mr. Adiunliil, Art Aherus, The Albion, J. 0. Albany, Mons. Alden, B. L. Aeliby, ft B. Adams, Hunt Alberto (Cont.) AMelle A Karle Alllnei, Joseitb Avoto, Selluo Austin, 11. 0. Brruen, J, Byrne k West llulleo, William lUnel, K. II. llo.veu, J. W. lielfonl, A. 0. Baldwin Gcoriio llteens. The * IkiTd, S. P. R Builey Bros. .Ilennctt, Fred llronson, 0. L. Blalstlf) William Bultviiscb Frany Bombay, Chief Babaock, Theodore li^ Hunwaa. Nat Renieh, Le Roy Bralnara. Mr. Illlllnc:. H. n. Barret Bros. gbhtIkiiks's list. Berry,. Joe llntrman, Tom Blllx. F. it. Beillnl. Jelinn nariell, iloland, Olmrloa Uetts. Q. 11. Bnrton, Harry Reach, lack Brnmwell. W. Burns, V. II. Beasley, Um Brown. William Hickclt, W. K. Bryant, II. O. Boise, Hurry BouRliton. Joe Burton & DeAtmo Burke, Fred liushca, II. A. tlnrKess, Nat Helfonl. A. O. Blinle ft . Clinpmsn Bullock, Una Brown, Dono Bailey Bros. Hastier, John Itrlnkleya. The Bell, George Benson, C. W. Benuelt, Moy Barlow, n. ft Butler. W. A. Bellman, A. Boyce, C. 0, Cole, ft O. Clyde, John Comiltt, l^e Culby. Herl>ert Crawfonl ft Flnnlnc Cnmmlngs, A.w Gnrlner. Jack i.'onwtiy ftKlllcn Holmes ft Germinal, Mons. Goiut, Qdb Glrard, Ollbcrt Gordon, X. X. Guthrie, Tom Glen, 0. W. Gallngber, L. h. Urosjean, Mr. ft Mn. Grandy, Clnrk Grant, CI lft' lilnvu.ul. . Herrmon (inylor, . l/nila (He.) Onrilner ft Vincent Glllettl Charles Gtilltiglier J. P. Gibson, Httirli Cnrrlly. Harry tSrniu, W. 8. Carlo. Kins Cues, Maurice Colin, C. Coatc, ft n. Colby, Wm. H. Crane, U. J. Cameron, Stewart rarson A Willard Corhley, .Tame* Clifford ft Or t ha Hensclwl, Fretl Holmes Iloskyns, George Herbert, A. llnniey, M. B. Ileal}', Eilear Hlllon, Harry Harrington D.J Hanson, Frank lllekok, E. L. Hubertiia I,. A Clyde. John Caatlctnn. K. P. Century Coin. 4 nromsvell. K. A. itnruslead K. II Cowell, J. W. lirosvn, II. M. Ciiimtilntra Ritlpli Lean, W. W. Clark. Bert Brown, ft ft |Rnn>nA Farnnni Hoerc, Toyo Brennen A-Story Clements, 11. P. Hesonlmui Briukley, Davltl Cove, W. W, Dcatty, M. 0. .Caaniorc ft Burrell. James Florcucc Betts, II. ft Campbell, F. S. Baker. Milton Cuslimnii. Frank Belmont, Harry Carroll, tlenrge Boylau, Arthur Chicago Glee Blake, R. J. Club Bertlno, Frank |Cnsgrove, J. Bryant, P. iCnmii, Jaek Boyde, W. M. i\««li. C. P. Browne, J, It. Orniuiiiiui. Baaselt, Leslie Geortre nrndeys. Hie 'Chamberlain, Bunth 4 Itudd i F. W. Henry, J. A. Harrison, Harry 11111, J. ft Holcombc, Herbert Halhnwny, John Hill A Whltakor Frank nays, Jar Hunt. Jack llanluian. J, A. Harvey. Boliert lleiujililll. li. A llirslihlu Oulttv IMIilell, -W. F. Hnllls. F. W. Hunting. Lew HolniaiiH. The Howard. J. K. Html ft Co, lloiiklna. "Obi Fariuet' Jennings, Sieve Jefrersoti; W, D, Jess, J.- W. ■It nice. Todd Jiunes, Arthur Jones. C. T. Jewell, J. . Irving Jackson, C F. KnufTman, Guy Keurietlr Jlmmle Koliler, i. II. King, F. J. ■■ ivjiiies, The iielly ft Smith Kennedy, Hurry Kelly's Female . . Minstrels Kelleen. A. M. Kaue, l\ J. King. F, D, Keeshln, Charles Kelly ft Violette Keuneily, Mathsw Kenb, Welch ft Melrose Ivtllilmnn, J, J, Kelt, John Kincald, J. A. King. W. K. Kerkamp, John Kolb ft DU1 Krlck, Kugeoe Knorr, John Kennedy ft Qttntrelte Kolb, O. W. Kleman, Mr. Klein, s. J. Koliler, t). Kelly, Mr. i.nug. John Lultoe, Harrr l.nne. Arthur Lewis. Frank l.r.Toy, Joe Little ft Prltskow Lovltta, The LeClnlr, Wm.Q, i«vln, W..W. l.ncy, 0. H. I.aZelle, Eddie t.arrlvee, A, O, Leary, F. J. Lamb, J. W. I aTell, William Isive. II. A. Lasrtlne, Joe Latell Bros. l/srelsnd, J. M. Iswnard, Joe LeClnlr, John l,ewls, Fred Leigh ton ft Lelghton l.oisherg, Wm. Lnwrence, Hal Llviuguton, . Darld LelEh, Bert LuIuihIii, Mr. Lasrrence, Joe Laloo Lumi>e, Jack Lasvrence, A. O. l.asvrence Frank Link. H. W. LeMolnes, The Lealv, J. A. 1 vmls, A. B. Lawrence. Stephen Long, W. II. Jr. Leigh.. Bert . Lemuels, John LnTotir, J. K. Lefferts Bnrton Leavens, Tim La Murr, Harry Uvy, Pun LnVlue ft Walton LeRoy ftClnytoii Lewli Benjitmln I.Utleilelil, C.W. Meger, Bery MeKlnley, R.R. Ut G rath ft McGratb Mayo, Earl Matthews, O. 0. MiiLetti-, O. L. Marks, S. A. Mark. T. II. McDonald W.H Mead, W. II. Miller Bros. Miller, Frank Murphy, Kddle Merrill, 8.: P. Mnddox, It. 0. Melville, Frank Murphy, Taliner Mei-kel, B. F. Mntlden, I,. B. MaslielL. . . MegeTcr; Merrltt ft Hotel t, McGrcvy, Park McWIlllums J.t Mosher, C. 11. Melser, F. W. Melville. Harry McDonald, Kddit McDowell. Oordoi Meyen, Al Miles, A. Moure, L. B. Mortey, Victor Malrlou ft Dcani Morris, J. B. McDonald. Mike Morgan, J. P. Martin ft Rldgeway Mason, Lowell Modem Item C<. McFarlcn, Phillip Mnrtha, J. li. Moore, W. B. Merrills, Mnrv. Marcus, Henry Merrltt, Olinrlw Myres. M. li. Maxwell, C. M Melrose, Frank Macvuy ft Bcnbrlgb! Marlines, l"lte Martin ft Qulgg Miller. IStlsvIn Mngluleys. The Meely. Slfn Mnyne. Rolicrt Marroon. J. ft Morrlswys Tlie t Mucker, J, J. McKey, W. K. Norton, Joe Newman, Walter Newell, L. 0. Nqlson, Charles Norrisses, The Norrls. J. ft. Newman, J. P.. Nygnrtt, K. J. Nlekals, ilenrgo G'Toole, C. J. bert ft Co. lolln, J. J. Taylor, Walter Turner, J. tyier. M. W. Troon, Thurston. Great Vaoaht, A. J. \edder, J. ft Vane, Mr. ft / Mn. H. V«rnt>n MDing, It. A. Valtone, Carl Vedmar, Bert Vernon ft : ,. ■ Kenne.lv rtfieh. JftCella Welch. Tint Wilson, Knox Wllaril. C. K. Williams ft \ . Melhnrn Womlward. < Geo, ft Mar Wallace, Mr. Welnstein Frank Waif's Paradise Co, Wilson, 0. D. Wood, W. K. Wood Bros. Wlndom, W. H. Wlrgln, H. C ■Till While, P.. C. WaHlrb. Kdward Wrlalit, E. J. WhltDfld, J. T. Wood, 0. II. Winkler,. A. woo- 1. n. n. Wright, to. J. Warner, Walt Warner Waller Wilson, F. It. Walker, Spencer Wblltemore W.J Wilson. Jack Willing. F. R. Wallace. J. A. Wounded ruffalo Williams. J. 0. Wynne, iFred While, K. Wilson, -Jo« White, C. C. Wood Bros. White, Charles Wellington. R.J. Welsrh, XL Want, M. 8. Wood, W. K. "Paddy" Walter* William Wrltrht, Ijle Voting, Eildle Young, J.. K. York, Charles York, Chas. Zedo, Joseph /eb. Jolly Kreetk, RiL Wright. V. Wooley, Frank Whltaker, O. F. Ileh Zarrow Trio BEE NOTICE AT HEAD OF LIST. *■ > Notice to Onr Correspondent*. At Chrlstmni and New -Year tpf/l he t-ele- hratcd Honda:/, Dec. tit, ond Jan. 3, respect- ively, .me desire, toftereitrr it it ■poaslh/e, that tmivrayi Kugene "" matter intended far the i»*uet of Thr firr, ill. ft C'l.irPEn dated Dee. St and Jan. 7, ««ol« reach Dsieu ft Sunlln thin office not later than the Saturdaut pre- ading the dates of Uiue. ' O'llrlen, Billy i>ra, Mnsleal (»nrt, A. ft. nwens ft LiMar Osburne Charles) L'uila, Filward i>rehtreet, J.M. iercy, Jack i'rlee. ft L, I > MASSAC HI SETT8. Boston. — i.lttlp is looked' for this week In the war ot large patronage at the thea- tres, as all the stores will be open evenings Pbeinn," Bennett 'nnd' shopping will take the place of plar- Pawley, Mr. going. Novelties _ are few the current week, i'yne.'Al the new bills being: Billy B. Van, In -Tim Patron ft Perry Krrand Boy," at the Globe; "A Working t'owen, J. T. Girl's Wrongs," at the Grand Opera House; "School for Scandal," at the. Castle Square, and "Children of the Ghetto," at the Bow- doln Square, Attractions to continue lire: Sothern and Marlowe, ut the Hollls ; -The County Chairman," at the Tremont ; W. H. Crnne* In "Business Is Business," nt the Colonial; "Pift! l'nlt!! FoufI!:" at the Ma- jestic ; " 'Way Dawn Bast," at the Boston, ti nd Amelia Bingham, In "The Krlaky Mr*. Johnson," at the Park. Margaret Wycherly continues her special matinees tit the. Ma* jectlc. In: the Yeats plays. ■_. ' , Huu.is Stbket Tii.':ati:b (Isaac B. Rich, FlnuM, Al Perry, B. HL I'lttmau. J. 8. Perry. J. H. I'epper Twins Phillip), J. U. Pan, O. a Park, 0. W. Price. F. L. Penrose, O. O Petot, Fretl Pnrkali; Curl Pickens, A. J. Phillip, M. A Pennington, J.C. was given to good bouses. "The Rogers I'etts. F. Al. Plus II W. Brothers In Paris follows JO. Pettier, Eugene TttEiioNT Theathb (Jno. B. Scboeffel, man- " lillllps ft nger). — This Is the second week of "The Merrltt County Chairman." Good sized bouses pre- Prentlss. P. B. vailed last week, and the piece- has repeated its New York success. Mneklyn Arbuekle, Willis Sweatnam, Grace Fisher, Frances Ring, Earle Brown, Rose Baudet, Charles Fisher and Gdwln Chapman have won merited ap- proval for their work. . . Colonial Tiidatpb (Chas. Frobman, Rich ft Harris, managers). — W, H. Crane, In "Busi- ness Is Business," enters the second and last week ot bis engagement Monday, 10. Well filled bouses were the rule last week. Kat C. Goodwin, In "The Usurper," begins a fort- night's engagement Monday, 26. Boston Thbatrg (Lawrence McCarty, manager i. — "'Way Down East" seems to have lost none of its popularity, judging from the large patronage last week. The second week opens Monday, 10. The work of the principals nnd the strong company bos been well liked. Mme. Rejane is announced to in Hi isv Jan. .0. Pabk Theatre (Chas. Frobman, Rich & Ilnrrls, managers). — Amelia Bingham opens ber third an'd final week Monday, 19, in "Tim Frisky ■ Mrs. Johnson.'.' This play, new to Boston, has been voted a success by all Who have seen It. Beginning Christmas afternoon, Henry Miller opens bis engagement In "Jo- seph Entnnglad." - Majestic Theatre (Stair ft Wllbnr, mana Pyne, Diet Pickett, Ham Pronty, C. O. Phillips. Nat Phillips, GobT Prince, II. Punks,, Two Lhelr.s, !'■ A. aolltlim. John eynolds ft Boweri llncker, H. D. lioasmyn, Holly Itobert*. Sam Heed, 0. W. Uugg. Prof. ltice ft Prevost Keno, George Mid dele, ft M. Blnaldo. Bruce Reld, CI. M. Rosen, J. E. Roller. Ernest Rllter, Henry Robyns, Mr. ft' Mrs. Rogers, Kugene Illo. A. G. Boaehe, W. U. Rising, William Raymond ft Geo. II.. Wotid, Iloclej JP d . ^^l Four Mnrvclles, Harper, Desmond and Ballev, Orletta and Taylor, .. Burke .. . And McKvoy. Martin anST 9*fJ2ff*ltei ?J1 Kenno, the Oxavs, Lombard Bros., Wood and Berry, 8hnrpley and Flynn, Scott and John- Ron, Pat Dalton, the klnetogrnph and the house burlesQue company, In Toe Joy Notch," •' ■ Palace Theatre (Chas. H. Waldrpn, mnn- neeD.—Thls week's attraction Is Irwin s Ma- jestic Burlrsque'ri. "In the Tenderloin 'and •For Girls Only" are the skits presented by the company, headed by I.arry McGaU. The olio presents: The Five BallnWer Sisters, Farren nnd Fay, Harvey and Walker, the De Fay Bisters, Anderson and Wallace. Belle Wilton and Marie BnrHson and Billy. Noble. The Blue Ribbon Girls drew well lost week. LTCBL-M'TiiBATjm (0. H. BatcbeUer, man- ngcr).— The supplier . of ,fun this week is lioble's Knickerbocker Burlesquers, In n ran- s'cal comedy, called "Klley'a Speech." The rnmpnnv contains the following: Frank Fin- ncv, 0«rnr Lewis, flam Green, William Pat- ton. Clmreli City Quartet. Marie Richmond, Annn Wilson and Marguerite Wagner. Lest week Sam Devere's company prospered. Aestmj ft Stone's Museum (Stone ft Shaw, managers).— The current week ls.tba second and T«st of the following curio ball features: Titan, the Giant; Cunnncey Mor- Ian, the fat man; Mile. Amy. sword swnl- lower; Big Fingered Joe, Mile. Samonka s I Ilndno troupe. Mile. Coltn, on the trapeie: the Japanese waltzing mice nnd Trlile and ber snakes. Btnge show: Freda Lancaster, HencJln, Sheppard .and Wnrd, Williams and Dermody. Mmlelene Starr, the Walls, the Cnpltol City Trio, the Saviors, Burto and the Gottlotts, White's. "Singing Portraits' was feattrred last Week. Business good. NtcKELODjtON (L. B. Walker, manager).-- New curio hall features this week are : Mile. Julene and her pythons. Konkenn, the grass enter : 3. N. Coffey, skeleton dude : Ivy Jeane, girl magician ; Nora Gibson, epidermal won- der, nod Sellm Sid, card manipulator. In the theatre: Davis nnd Lewis; Joe Glace, Mny Harrison. West and Rice and others. Walker's' Star Vathievilt.es (L. B. Walk- er, manager). — Opening Monday morning, II): Tlllmore Sisters, La Barron, aerlnllst: Clancy nnd Olldnv, Irish comedians: Marlon Blake, Doll Ferlandeau nnd the bioscope. Hereafter, on Thursday evenings, nn amnteur wrestling tournament will be held. Business continues good. Notes.— Concert bills Sunday, IS: Globe TJicatrc: Sallle Stembler, the Folly Trio, Tommv Rutt, Flalkowskl, Kelly and Reno, Anderson and Brlggs. Pearl Danforth, Rice Brothers. Morton nnd Manning, and Globo- scope. Music Hell: Jns. Richmond Qlenroy. Sisters Roppo, Stanley and Wilson, Almont nnd Dumont, Kntberlne Nugent, Rostow, I,e Claire nnd Bowen, nnd the kinetogTaph. Columbia; Biish-Devere Trio, . pickanin- nies and Others. BoiouVXa Square: Tooroonln Arabs, Bedlnl and Arthur, Dlxpn and Anger, MntheWR and Haverly. Nettle Fields, Gilbert nnd Burt, F. Allnn Coogan, Sheppard and Wnrd. Caroline Rlchlngs, Geo. MeKenna, Clarence Forster and Lizzie Otto The liljou Theatre will reopen for Christmas week, with Sarah French, In "The Little Princess." Ireland's "Own" Band is a Music Hall attraction fdr nert week Frank W. Marttnean Is In town nbend of "The Rogers Bros. In Paris." Wright Lorlmer, in "The, Shepherd King," returns to Boston about the middle of January Tom Shaw has been appointed press agent of the Columbia Music Hall David Lyth- foe, a Boston boy, Is in the enst of "Jollv Ir. Wlx and the Merry Shop Girls," which soon comes to the Park. • 4 l?OLt;«:TBEATBB (Cbes. W. Fonda, resl. dent manager).— "The best y»t" was tba verdict of. the • crowd who witnessed last week'* bill; beaded by the Four Mortons. The ./card .for week of 19 consists of: The nix Kftnfminns, Eight Vassar Girls, Bellman and Moore. Flnley and Burke, Smith and Campbell, .Kennedy and Qrjartrelll, Cartweli god ..Harris,, and the electrograph. Nit. sox Tseatxs (Z. T. Damon, manager) —Fred Irwin's Majesties played a weeks engagement, to fair returns, 12-17. The star features of the show were the Five Bellauer Sisters and the comedy work of Larry Mc Calc, especially tn the last burlesque. Ron Tons 10-24, with Irwin's Big Show to follow Stage HArreNiXGa. — Martha Bellatzer, o( the Five Bellatzer Sisters, with the Mnjestle Burlesqiters, dislocated her shoulder last Fri- day evening, nt the Nelson Theatre, during one of the musical numbers, and was re- moved to the Mercy Hospital, where the shoulder was reset. On Saturday she was nut under the X-ray to see that the trouble was not more serious Irving Sanborn, dra- matic editor of TJie Chicago Tribune, ami formerly of TM Springfield Union, was visit. Ing bis slater, in this city, last week W. A. Wesley, advance agent of Corse Pay- ton's Comedy Co., and formerly manager of the Academy of Music, Plttsfleld, was ten- dered a supper one night last week, by his friends, nt the Arlington Hotel, of that city, Florence Arlington Is to join hatu'ls with Albert O. Harris, In an acrobatic act. Miss Arlington was formerly one of the Al- berto Sisters, who toured England. Lynn. — Linn Theatre (Frank O. Harri- son, manager).— This new theatre, built to replace the one burned May 18, last, is com- pleted, and will be opened, Dec. 22, by George H. Primrose's Minstrel Co., for three night.-. Week of 20, Corse Payton's Comedy Co. The new bouse Is one of the finest In the State, seating 1,700, Is fitted with nil modern nn- pliances and has nearly a dozen eiits, with a driveway aronrd the entire structure. There will be little change in the working force of the theatre, Arthur Coburn resumlnj; the position of assistant treasurer, with Nellie Yenton as his assistant. Norman Goodwin will be head usher nnd Wlllard Pierce resumes as head doortender. There will be a number of changes In the orchestra. Manager Harrison will soon be presented with a clock by Lynn Lodge of Ells, to Ue placed In the foyer of the theatre. Gem Thkatre (Charles W. Sheafe. mana- ger). ^— Business continues great. Manager Sheafe received, as a Christmas gift, nn ele- gant diamond ring from Mrs. Sheafe, the treasurer. Sam Cohen baa returned to town for the Winter and is selling candy and tank- ing himself generally useful about the thea- tre. The bill this week: Marie Jnnsen, Hart, the human zoo ; William Coogan and Rose Bacon, La Vardo nnd Huard, Martin nnd Rldgeway, and the bioscope. Or.PHj-xst (P. H. Clark, manager). — Busi- ness reported good and performances gave much satisfaction. This week : Foley nad Dale, Rena Arnold, May Morris, Anger and Hanley, Conlon and Russell, and the bio- scope, closing wlta tba sketch, "Fan for Everybody." Salem Treatri ' (George H. Cheetbnm. manager). — The Daniel Ryan Co. played to food business last week. Tbls week : Corse 'ayton Comedy Co. Blear, Wm. Roberts, A. M. Ituticrt ft Fife Itoberts, Andy KlcUartla, tlus neimn i it WaTl IT MlisWJT evening of the current iiadclfffe.'o. i. week "Put! Faff!! Pouf'.lV will end Its Koihimns Flying fortnight's stay at the Majestic. .This mttsl- liudv, J. F. rat piece seems to bave caught on with the Rniutoth, V. J. public favor,- as. a good business was done Riisco ft iioiiond last week. Richard Carle, In "The Tender- llae. U(hrop. Stevens, Leo business manager).— Opening Monday after- Stevenson, Sam nnnn. ID : Bedlnl ft Arthur's Cnmedlntia, In Snrgeant Roland "High Jinks;" - Kttamura's Jap Troupe, Sutherland Fred Strum, W. V. smllh A Wnller Stafford, F.ddle Snaun, . B. . Stewart ft Schreycr. hiition. Jack Sanfortl, I,. 0. Stuart, — Sullivan. Denny Slwuli Faintly Scbnildt, Herr (tlgman, 11. K. Siirlln. D. II. Sprlnger>„Toui Btarkvyoather. H. A. Sullivan ft Patterson .smith, tl. P Burns. J ue vnuilevllle niciitinn.s : i Milton, Hoyt nnd Burke, Mnrlnw, and company, Rose' Fox. Ktta Vlr- I the Valdlnga. "A Night In Dream- ib Ina*- iHiuiu.',, Kiii>1aennn Lowell. — At tbe Lowell Opera House (Fay Bros, ft, Hosford, managers) the Jere McAnllffe Stock Co., .In repertory, enter- tained to very fair business last week. .The plays were well received and the specialties, headed by Al. Anderson and "Bill Brlggs, were very strong. Shepard's moving pictures Dec. 18, Is the only offering during the. cur- rent week. Academt op Mi;s ip (Richard. F. Murphy, manager).— Moving pictures and illustrated songs furnished tbe entertainment 12-14. "Dora Thorne" was well received, 15-17, by good business. Tbe company was well bal- anced and was headed by Cuba Niblo. "Tbe Child Wife" 22-24. Casto TnBATRB (Al. Hayncs, manager). — This house offered a very strong bill last week, the headllners being Fredrick Bond nnd company. In "My Awful Dad." Current : Mrs. Tom Thumb and company, In "Two Strings to Her Bow;" Jones and Walton, Wilson and Davis, Dick Lynch, Brothers De Onza, Ethel Robinson, Honey Johnson, and Hanley and Valesca, In "The Wrong Flat." Boston Theatre (J, II. Tebbetts, mana- ger). — The business of this bouse continues up to the usual capacity, and with a good list of attractions, Mr. and Mrs. Gottlob, In "Government Bonds." proved one of the best numbers offered this season. Current : The Mauola Family, Dakota, Jurlne Golnes, Lavender Richardson and company. In "Brady's- Boy,' and tbe Boston bioscope. Amateur night the popular "Country Store." Peopld'h Thkatre (Harry A. Woodward, manager). — Last week a bill Included : Lo- rene, Billy Allen. Pearl Fraser, Lillle May Hall, Edna Fields, Maud Moonson. Harry Burns nnd Harry Woodward's moving pic- tures, which played to big business all the week. Current: Lily Mellnotte's Female Minstrel Co. and olio, Stanley Stewart, the Nansmy.ths, Adams and Mack, Mabel Sylva and Lily Mellnotte and the burlesque, "Isn't It Lovely to lie Upon tbe Stage V aud Harry Woodward'B moving pictures. Tub Jilnole (J. T. Benson, manager) Is proving highly successful and entertaining big crowds dally. Lnst week the stage offered Tlll's Royal Mannlklns. Current week : Mme. Scheli's performing lions. The Souheoan Elkctric Co. (G. W. Carey, manager) Is doing very well here, entcrtnlngltig good business and adding new features every week In the way of inovLig pictures, songs, stories and novelties. .Mkntiox. — Sunday sacred concerts 'at the Opera House and the. Academy of Music are proving very popular. Both houses an- nounced moving pictures for 18. . . .Smith nnd Gallagher, of the? Gent Theatre, Haverhill, were guests ot Manager Woodward, of tbe People's Theatre, last week James Cough- tin, of this City, hns joined the Nance O'Nell roraces The newly elected officers of the local Aerie, 223, of Eagles, for the ensuing year are : W. P., James W. Barry : V. W. P., Thos. II. Kennedy; W. F. S., John J. Ho- §an : W. T., John J. Loncrgan ; Dr. P. E. ..ulllvan, physician. The Lowcl I/jJge of Elks held "open house" In their ball 13, nnd entertained their many friends. Aiming the . guests were : Mayor ■ Elect James E. Casey, Mayor Chas. E. Howe, and other city officers. An excellent entertainment was furnished by performers from the Casto, Boston, People's. Academy of Music nnd the Opera Huns,', under the direction of James E. Mitchell. Lawrence, — At the Opera House (Grant ft Cabn, managers) the Keystone Dramatic Co. held the boards week Ot Dec 12, to good business. Shepard's moving pictures had good bouses 18, Including matinee. Booked : Klark Urban Co. week of 19. Colonial Theatre (Weber ft Rush, man- agers). — Good business and perfect satisfac- tion week of 12. Booked week of 10: Ed. Estns, Kelly nnd Adams, Ellsworth and Burt, Jessie Bradbury, Lawrence and Harrington, Watson and Hills, Regneux Circus and Ameri- can kinctograph. Casto Tueatbb (Al. Haynes, mannger).— Good business. Mrs. Tom Thumb proved quite a drawing card 12-17. Booked week of 10 : Allen Donne, Frencelli and Lewis, Chi- nese Johnny Williams. George and Harring- ton, Wllllams-Glllam Trio and the blograph. Casino Theatre (W. L. Gallagher, mana- ger). — Business was good week of 12. Week of 10 : Cavanough and Hamilton, Lillian New- ton, tbe Pryors, Martin and Delona, MInat Sisters, burlesque stock, In "Diamond Fa!- ace." Worcester. — The Worcester Theatre (Jas. F. Rock manager) will be dark again this week, hut will undoubtedly open Christ- mas Day. The State authorities are forcing tbe owners tn make some few changes in exits to comply with fire laws. Park Theatre (Alf. T. Wilton, rannnger). — This house will be dark until Dec 20. M. J. Flcnegan has sold out. his rlgbts In the ownership of tbe house to John H. Meager. When the bouse reopens It will have geen thoroughly renovated. Mr. Wil- ton, formerly of Shea ft Wilton, will bave the sole management, making all bookings personally aud promises excellent attrac- tions. Frankllv Sqitarb Theatre (Shea * Burke, managers). — Beglnnlg Monday mati- nee, 19, Daniel Ryan will appear In a series of plays for three days. Hanlons' "Superba" 22-24. Eugenie Blair, In "iris," played to fairly gooa returns lost week. Next week, Ross and Fenton, In "Twirly-Whlrly." Casino Theatre (Davy ft Leslie, mana- gers). — Week of 10: Juvenile Orchestra of seven pieces, Caffcry and Grant. Bobby Field", Gertie Monson and Joe Buckley's Lady Minstrels. Business good. a Pall River. — At the Acndemy of Music (Cabn ft Grant, managers) "Tbe Stain of Guilt" played, to light returns, Dec. l'J-14. Bennett-Moulton Co. presented "The Belle of Virginia," afternoon, and "The Fatal Coin," evening of 10, to good business. The Girl from Kay's" was enjoyed by fair audi- ences afternoon nhd evening of 17. Shep- ard's moving pictures pleased large houses 18. Booked : ''uncle Josh Spruceby" 20, 21, Zeynnrd's Llllputlana 2.1. 24, Clara Turner, In repertory, week of 20, except 80, when "The Isle of Spice" arrives. Casto (AL Haynes, manager). — Good houses were the rule here last week, with an itercstiug bill, headed by Allen Doone and company. Week of 19 : Edward Harrlgan nnd company, Znrren Trio. Will Archer, Dixon nnd Holmes, Harry La Marr, Elisa- beth Estelle, Brady aud Lake and the Gax- noux. . . Sheedi'3 (M. F. O'Brien, manager).—- Business lnst week was up to the usual high standard, the hill offered being of tbe A.l. order. Week of 10: Carroll and Baker, Daisy Linden, Fagan and Merrlam, Belen Parr, Chamberlain and the vttngrnph. SpriiiKflelil — At the Court Square Thea- tre (D. O. Gilmore, manager) tbe only at- traction last week was Mme. Schuinonn- Helnk, In "Love's Lottery," Doc. 10, wbo created nn excellent Impression Willi a fair sized house. Booked : . Melua 23, Primrose Minstrels, nfternoon and evening, 20; Ida Conquest. In "The Money Maker," 27, 28: E. H. Sotbern ami Jiilln Marlowe 29, Louis Mann. In "The Second Piddle," 30, 31. New Gilmorr TUbatrb (S. .P. Csllanan, mnunger). — "Fast I.lfo-ln New --York." 12-14, was warmly greeted. Tho cnmpnuy was nbow the average. Those worthy of special men- tion were: Julian Rose, Bertha Wlllsea, Illnnrhe Henshnw nnd Virginia Drew Tres- cott. "Tbe Black Mask," 15-17, drew good Tanaton. — At tbe Taunton Theatre (Cahn ft Cross, managers) "The Girl from Kay's" proved a good drawing card Dec. 14, ond was very satisfactory In every particu- lar. The Aubrey Stock Co., booked fur week of 12. closed, at New Bedford, Mass., 10. Zlynard'a famous lilipntlans came 21, --, "Uncle Josh Spruceby'' 23. + » » BETTER THAN EVER. "We tccelved over three hundred replies to our little ad. in The Clipper about three weeks ago. - Tou certainly have a real me- dium, and may use this as a testimonial. Western Ahosbmintj Co., . _j DECEMBER 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1041 MISSOURI. 91. Loul*. — At the Century (J. J. Han- neriT. manager) Robert Edeson, in "Ban- ..m'a Folly," opened Dec 11, to splendid business. Mr. Edeson makes young Hanson u thoroughly likable chnp, and I'erclta West carried' off big lauicls. Edroond Breese, Pra- ter Coulter, Louise Compton, James Klyers mid Harrison I'ord nrc In the cast, and scored heavily, "'flie Maid aiul the Mummy" 18-24. Uiund Oi'un.v llousi: (John U. Sheeby. nianncer). — "The Sign of the Cross" opened it to a good house. George Flood made « forceful Marcus Superbus. Wade Morton, Mildred Gilbert, Bessie Toner and Adds, kiner were prominent. OM»iFic. '• Haven's Sextette was tbe neadliuer 11. The Thercses, in a comedy hypnotic act; Hayes and Heuly, Thome and Carlton, Polk and Collins, Jack Gardner, singer and monol- uglst : I.uwson and Nnruou, 'cyclists and bag punchers : Ilosa Lee Tyler, vocalist ; Pierce :ind .Maizce. Kennedy and James, In the farcical skit, "Doctor Daffy,", anil George Austin, lu comedy: wire act, completed the bill. Stack Notes. — Sliubert's new theatre, tho Csrrlik, on Chestnut Street, will be opened Dot-. 'JO, when Ada ltelian and company will lie the attraction, In classic repertory. The •new playhouse will have a seating capacity of 1.4011, aud Is equipped with every modem ruliveiile-Jicc. The permit for the building was Issued two weeks after tbe Iroquois dis- aster at Chicago, uml every precntitlun was laken to safeguard the public. The Interior diTumtions are of Hie Louis XVIdcslgulngs. .'iml the vestibule Is finished in Imported marble in which the blue Alps Is conspicuous. The curtains ure extremely handsome and tin- doors ure carpeted under the seats. Mr. Su-asy, tbe architect, claims it will be the handsomest and most expensive theatre west of New York surpassing uuv of the Chicago theatres in its magnificence of general ef- fect, furnishings and finishings Gen. l'lct A. Cronje. the Boer war officer, tiled ah application with the Circuit Court asklug that Charles S. Wall, Ben. J. Vlljoen, Frank E. I'lllls and John G. Vaughn n be restrained from using the name of the petitioner In connection with tho Boer war show now beiug given in Convention Hall. Kansas, City. He alleges that he has signed a contract with n. A. Brady, to appear for Klnw & Er- lanser Owing to the objection on the patt of the Washington University authori- ties the plans for the preservation of a per- niiiiieut Pike have been abandoned. The 1'lke's buildings will be removed immediately. This will leave tbe Summer season lu the hands of Messrs. Hopkins and Jnunoupolo, who have succeeded heretofore so well In cuterlug to the tastes of the Summer garden patrons Mmc. Kannla Bloomlleld fcclslcr will give it piano recital In the Odoon Dec. TO..: .The German Stock Co. produced "IHo ••olden Eva" ("The Golden Eve") at the Olympic, Sunday night, Dec. 10, to a good ■J«JJ The Douazcttls, one of tho best of the athletic troupes now on the stage, yore with "Tbe Span of Life" at the Craw- ford last week Mike Hlgglns. a well known member of one of the earlier black face teams, Hlgglns and Mllllgan. Is ill at the City Hospital, In this city. He bad just returned from a tour to SIlex, Mo., when he was taken sick The Thcsolan Dramatic uuo presented a play and curtain raiser, at l.etnp s rark. Friday night. Dee. 9. The plays were A Slight Misunderstanding" and "Bor- uer Land." A good bouse was present •Sergeant Kitty" took Rojanes original time at the Century, Dec. 12, so that If Rclnnc comes at nil she will likely come to the Gar- rlck...,.Tho Hot Time Minstrels gave their annual entertainment nt tbe Odeon 12. to n pneked house .Burton Holmes gave tho lost of his "Travelogues" 15, at Y. M. C. a. Hail. "Japun" was his subject .leanor Rpuson opens here at tbe Olympic '>*.- 20. n "Merely Mary Aun.". ...... . "alter Mlrnln is showing his moving pic- tures at the local churches tills week. This week, Billy Clifford, In "How He Won Her.' and Clirlstmus week, "Mel'addeu's Bow of Mats." »-• ........ Arm ioi:trn (Woodward & Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers).— Lnst week "The Vil- lage Parson" preached n good sermon to good sized houses. This week, "A Texas Steer," and Christmas week. "The Sign of the Cross." CMTitnr (Joseph Barrett, manager). — Last . week . the Imperial Burlesquers enter- tained In good style. This week, the Morning (Jlorles. and next. week, the Tiger Lilies. Yale's TiiK.vraK (Lloyd Brown, mana- ger). — Last week's bill drew good houses. The nets were: Crlmmins and Marks, the Ulrsch- horns, M. Samuels, Buy and Williams. Great KIpny, Frank Groh and the klhetoscope. This week the new faces will be:. Winters and Summers, Bingham and Thornton. Nenly and Welstt, Ferd and Oulda, Frank limcrson and Frank Grob. National Tiibatbe (W. T. Terry, mana- ger). — Another new ten cent house will throw open its doors 18. The house Is lo- cated nt 11 HI Grand Avenue. Four (hows a day will be given and six on Sunday. The bouse will seat GOO. The opening bill will be: Three American MX Barlow and Nichol- son, Bob Hart, Mons. Herbert, Wm. Ormsby and Geo. Sparks. a Cupi-iNos.— -The Boer War closed a nine days' engagement nt Convention Hall 33, and left for Chicago, where It Is Wiled for six weeks. The engagement here was fairly successful. . : ''wnrda." the spectacular dancer, went through here last week en route to Bedalla, Mo., where she Joins the Breck, cnrldge Stock Co.. . , . .."Ponv" Moore came down from Omaha -lust week aud will do the nress work for the Willis Wood mid. the Auditorium Theatres Manager Frank Woodward Is busy rehearsing the Woodward- Burgess Block Co.. which opens its 'seOoon nt Sioux Falls, 'Neb., 20, with "Thelnra" as the Inaugural bill. The following members have been engaged: Jess B. Fultou. Keginald Barker, Frank Ben!, George Cnstleberrv, Mark Kenton, Robert Metcnlf. Frank Mayer, Eva Lang, Lulu McConnell, .Vettlc DougUs, T/Oiiisc Lester and Nettie Harl Burgess. Robert Burgess will be the traveling manager with tbe company and Cbas. I*atterson goes ahead. Frank Woodward will direct the tour nnd handle tbe business from bis Kan- sas City office Mmc. Melha, assisted by (oar own) Miss Parkinson, will give a con- cert nt Convention Hall in January Seymour Rue will take a vaudeville show to the State penitentiary at Lansing, Kan., on Christmas Day. St; .lost-nil. — At the Lyceum Tbentre (C. IT. Phillcy, manager* George Sidney, In "Busy Izxv," pluycd to big business. Dec. 8; "Her Only Sin" drew fairly well U, 10: "On tho Bridge nt Midnight" played to a big house 11; Dockstader's Minstrels, to fair business. 12: Wm. Collier, in "The Dictator," had good business. 13; Ezra Kendall, lu "Weather Beaten Benson." had good return 14. "The Vllluge Parsdu" lo\ 10, "Glittering Gloria" 21, ,T liottest Coon in Dixie" 23, "Railroad Jack" 24. OnriiKvst Theatrr (Martin Beck, gen- eral manager). — Business continues good. Week of IS: Watson, Mulchings und Edwards, cIkiesIuo, Pete Baker, Charlotte Uavcnscroft, Jay l'ugc and Three Mitchells. I.vitn: Tiikathk (II. W. Vandyke, mana- ger). — "In Greater New York" is drawing good houses every night. Week of 1H. "The Man Who Dared promises to be a very sen- sational play. Ciiystai, TiiEATtiB (Fred Crosiiian, mana- ger). — Business continued very good week of 11, with the Deiuonella Trio, Thoiuns Murray. Blnghum nnd Thornton. Frank Km- i-rsou. Summers and Winters and Crosmuu'a luoviug pictures. 4 ■ » MICHIGAN. .. i "/?.""", Vlty — M lh0 Willis Wood The- atre (Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co., managers).— Last week was divided between «an i toy" and "Weather Beaten Benson." 'unimehcliur Sunday night nnd continuing liS. ul S hts - "San Toy' p came with clever •ninm.v Powers as the prlnclpni fenture. Busi- ness was good. The production and cos- iimies were elegant. The latter part of the week, l ; zra Kendall. In "Weather Beaton itenson," came to good business. The star KBLTW entertaining. This week will he !2™"S,2! tw een Frederick Warde and Katlt- (} ii Kidder, in "Salamho." and Dorothy »'3!l t0 " , „, m "Glittering Gloria." Christmas 2Sr^?J5* rh **- "nwtrcy. In "A Mes- iPff/S" XI »rs." nnd Edna Wallace Hopper, •n 'A Country Mouse." " — * Grand (H U dson.& Judoh, managers).— I'Sf.i Y^ Kellar, the maglclnn. nsshited by ■ri,. « , ■ dan ' «■*':■ good week's business. ' ??,, ,rIck ». ^Illusions and sleight of hand Tn«f- W " c "If - ' rh,s wcek - " T1| c Fortune •»*;" 'n, n ? d Christinas week, "Peggy from r»„„. w " 1 banB UD hcr stocking with us. --SffiH5" (Martin Beck, general mana- PSir 9AS week's good bill drew good rn.?. 8 ; ^ ? c,s wcre 1I,C Xambas. Japanese vTSSPiM^n Moltland, mlmlcand singer ; I.?i5 le r Bc >;sere nnd company. In "Billies ,w 'f"">' In which Miss Dergerc again (iprponstrated her cleverness; Dorothy iiiis- -n J. m „ s( > n KS, for the first time here;. the I tree 1-uuny Mitchells, In a singing nnd W£*l: an ? 0l,le Yo«"e and Brother, In Li.™ - ma « veIo " B 1,0 °l> rolling. The kinodrome ?h2-t a . flnen, ' w moving 'nicrures. This week g» %Misd sg b«: Aklde Caplfnlne, Hlckey lOri,. t lso i ll, nX' ,Be H ,k * J '* aa Weicber. Van S n 'dI 1 Oibsou. Uauey and JIbbuM ami 'linns, Blniu. and lllnns. irra*''«w, nn La Belle. For week of 19: Conk and K^'S-S' 1 "- iU Vl f i A * u ? ,, Chupney, Hideo. IUii- dell. Barry and U Belle, nnd burlesque, "The B a y tn0 na 1 B e if«. R ° adcrih ." lnUo<1Uc ' u e Ma «* WotlAol EJayer$. *' ' : j ' iii ' h j, — jL ' * Notlee to Onr ,Coii«aihfe, that all matter InRiiu'cU for the <«sii<« of Thi; L'ui'i'in dated Deo. 31 aniJiiii. 7. xhotl rctk-D tkim o/iieo nut. later Man (As i>'ulurds«i jiie- trdliii; the liatv* of i»»iir. — JesBie Troy played Columbus, O, Nov. 25, for .the Masons, in Masonic Temple, un- der the management of Frank P. Bpellman. — Clemo Harris and 8»le» Whitney re- port success with "The Ex-Presldeut of Li- beria" Co. — At a meeting of the theatre managers of the State of Sllclilgiin. held at Saginaw, Nov. 20, at which llftecn managers trow the prominent cities in Michigan were present, an association was formcil, to bo known as i he Michigan Theatre Managers' Association. The following officers were elected : Presi- dent, Fred, Ft Hon. of Benton liarlior; vice presldontijW.' j. Daunt, of Bay City; secrc- iary, L. T. Bennett, nf Port llurou: treas- urer. C. E. Russell, of Cadillac. Another meeting will be held In the near future. — Burton 8. Nixon and Bcnlab Poyntcr, of "Dora Tbornc" Co., Western, were mar- ried Nov. 20, at St. Cant's Episcopal Church, Crestou, la.: Rev. Boone officiating. — Notes from the Rowland & Clifford En- terju-lscs: "The Onmo, Keeper," with which Tho?. .(, Smith Is playing the stellar part, 'has been in New England the. past three weeks, nnd business has been only fair. However, tost seems to be the universal cry hereabouts, so We are "taking our medicine. . The show- Is decidedly stronger than at any period of its career, and the numerous specialties Intro- duced. this season, particularly Baby Brown's, have met with Instant favor. Sadie Marlon's acting and costumes elicit nothing but words of praise, and she Is giving the part the most finished rendition It has ever received. Miss Marlon's Bister Is shortly to forsake the study of medicine for the stage, having assumed the name of Dorothy Marion. She Is now studying at a New York dramatic school, with occasional practical experience as an "extra" at the theatres. Harry P. Brown has finished a play In which he contemplates jointly star; ring Baby Brown and Dora Hastings, next season, air. Clifford, one of the proprietors, Is to visit tbe show next week, in company with n prominent nntbor, who Is to lit Mr. Smith, our present star, with a new play dext season, , ' — W. E. Ullllard Is receiving very favor- able notices In the character heavy, Zeb Moore, in Hal Rcld'a "Hume Spun Heart" Co. — Fritz Adums Is In bis fourteenth week witli "The Charity Nunc" Co., and la meet- ing with much success. — Garland Gadcn writes : "The 'Wife in Name Only' Co.. with the comedienne, Laura Lorraine, continues to make money. The at- traction starts on its homeward trip shortly." — Notes from Mulvey's Comedy Co., tour- ing Wisconsin : We have a good many house records this season. This Is our last week until after the holidays, then wo open near Chicago, currying a band and orchestra of lift ecu people. Dr. Mnlvcy and wlfu will siiend Christmas at their homo lu Aurora, 111. — Theresa Rollins resigned from tho tan- nic Wood Co. on Hoc. It. — Krncst I.uwson sent Tin: Ci.inT.n a "wire" from Wuvnesuurg. Pn., dated Doe. 11, which read us follows: "Pleuse correct false report about the "fobc Iloxle' Co. clos- ing. The cumpuuy is doing well." — George Rulslon, acting stage carpenter of lliu Corse Puvtuii Slock -Co., and- Ben .Mnreeau, of the Three Murecnas, comedy ac- robats, with the same company, wcro Initi- aled ia the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Ael'te No. 482, at Giovcrsvllle. N. Y., during tho week of Dec. II. while playiug in that town. — Notes from Hoyt's Comedy Co.': We opened at Faranta's Theatre, New Orleans, to S. R. 0., and turned hundreds away on Sunday, Nov. 25. The business was to tho capacity nt every performance all the week. The company met with a most flattering re- ception lu the Crescent City. — Hal Lawrence, the agent, Is seriously ill with pneumonia. — The new fairy play by .7. M Barrle, which Cburles Frolitnan will produce at tho Duke of York 'Theatre, London, Hog., ' on Dec, 22, Is lu three acts, und will bo called "Petor Pan ; or, the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up." — Notos from the Clara Turner Co.: Miss Turner Is breaking her last season's records in every house ube lias played this season. At Portland, Me., last week she was deluged with floral tributes from her many admirers. The supporting company is a strong one. We ore asked to play return dates nearly every- where, but cannot do so, as we uro booked solid until June 1. — ■Hluimelelu'H Ideals nnd Hlmmelclii's imperial Stock Co. report doing their usual large business. — Ned Nelson writes that he Is In his sixth week with the "A Bell Uoy" Co., play- ing to good business. — Managers Tracy and McWilllams write : " 'The Girl from Kansas,' a new comedy drama, will be put on the road after the holi- days, with a selected company, with all new printing nud a superb equipment of scenic and electrical effects, all of which will be of mod- ern fire proof order. The time Is nearly all tilled, but few open dates remaining to bo booked." m — Manager Clyde Gaines, of the Winchester Theatre, at Winchester, Ky„ writes: "The 'A Devil's Lane' Co. showed hero Nov. 2i» to poor business, but my patrons who saw It were so well pleased and so anxious to see It ogalu. that 1 got the company back on Dec. 8, aud gave them a good house." — John G. Rue writes Hint ho has pur- chased the .Johnston property In Curtis; Neb., which the Racs expect to use for a Summer residence when off the road. — Mrs. C. Frank Hale und Baby Lois havo Joined "A Devil's Lane," Eastern Co. Mrs. Hole win nssumc the character of Tlldy Tox, and Baby Lois will play TlnV Tot. a part writ- ten in expressly for her. Mrs. Halo will also understudy the role of Thankful Barlow, now being played by Eunice Fitch. „, — Laura 51. Belkuap died suddenly on Nov, 28, at her Home In Mill Creek, W. Vs., from a stroke of apoplexy, aged ilftyslx years., She Is survived by her husband, C. M. Belknap, of the Belknap Lumber Co.; a sister. Iu.!j Mecusker, In vaudeville, and two daughters, Berenice Belknap, last season leading woman with Gordon & Bennett's "A Royal Slave," arid Mrs. 13ml! TJIlcr, of Pittsburg. Miss Belknap was with ber mother ut the time of her death, a« she Is resting this season. Tbe funeral was at Pittsburg, and interment at TTtusvllle, Pa. , —Belle Gold Is doing excellent work with lluulon's "Superba," , — The Slsl'ers McConnell are in' their eighteenth week with the II. Walter Van- dyke Stock Co.. playing spubrettes, boys, In- genues and Juvenile leads. 'The company has li«en located at the Lyric Theatre, Hf. Joseph, Mo., and .ere In the twelfth week at- that house, playing, we, arc Informed, to capacity business at each performance. — Homer W. Sibley Is spending the Holi- days at his home, Cleveland, Mo., owing to the closing of Abbott 4 Hensel's "Dr. Jekyll nnd Mr. Hyde" Co. He expects to be at name some weak*, and will put on a few "hqtne talents" while there, ■> .. . /• — Catherine Trumbull wns grained nil In- terlocutory ilii-riu of divorce from Olllver Trumbull, jlljosu tbentrii-ul mime In OH1e Mack. In Putnboudo, L. X., N, Y, Dec. 11; icy Justice \Y. A tfuiUu, of the Supremo COurt, ... :, .:.„.,». . -V-. — Notes from tho "Was Sho to Blame" Co.. No. 2: We have had fourteen weeks of phenomenally good business, losing but -one night during this time, for which vacation everybody was thankful. Atter the Vicissi- tudes of more than thus months of one night stands. Our clever star. MamlO. SlierltUin Wolford, Is milking friends for us wherever w» go, and dollar* for us on oar return date". Our comedian, .Ins. O'Leary, Is making them laugh as Kinm Washington Pancake the part mads, famous by Jed Curl ton. Tbe combanjTa roster remains the same as when we opened, nnd Is as follows : Mamie Sheridan Wolford, Lera Delston, Marie Davidson, Dave Stands- bury, stage manager; Litcllo Diskrow, mu- sical director ; Jack Daly, props ; Harry Hamlin, .ins. O'Lrnry, and K. I.. Paul, man- ager. ' The company Is booked solid mull June .1. 100.-,. — Notes from Marks Bros." So. 1 Co., sup- porting May A. Bell Marks : We are playing through New England, and business litis been splendid since our opening. Our roster Is ns follows: May A. Hell Marks, Millie Bell Mil- lard.. Alice Kemp, Nina Usy, Christie Bulger, Maria Appcll, Saltans Gimy. Irene Gnyior, Marie Qsylor, Madam Doherly, Eugene lib- erty, R. W. Murks, George Marks. Arnold C. Bnlwln. U K. Appall, J, f. Owens, BO, Rowley. C. C. Miller. B. H. Howe, Frank lliilnnoth, Chna. W, Otis. Prof. Hill nnd Danny (lusy. We hare," with each play a complete scenic Iiroiluctlon, carry a car load of effects and lave tested the seating capacity of almost every theatre we have so far played this sea- son. Mrs. Marks' wardrobe tins been the talk of our audiences at ever; stand. — Stanley Holland, who had been engaged by Cbas. Warner, author and actor, for a three yenrs" tour around tho world, was unable to Oil his contract ou account .of sick- ness. Mr. Holland Is under the personal man. ngeinent of Frank A. Moore, and' will no seen shortly In a new play, written for him by Mr. Moore, who, writes that his recent Ci. lectin "ad." brought hlra two hundred and sixty-two replies. — .lames W. Evnus recently Joined Walk- er Whiteside's company as advance repre- sentative. Mr. Whiteside Is this sensnn ap- pearing In r splendid production of "David Gnrrtck's f.ovc," under the direction of E. J. Snyder. - — Gertrude Roberts and Harry Arnold Joined the Record Stock Co. at lteynolds- vllle, Pa., Dec. 12. — Roster of the Harry Nye Stuck Co.: John E. T.csslg, Kyrlc Durand, Jack Mulree, Joe Cowley. W. C. I.ockhart, Maude 1 Intel, Grace Kramer, Polls and Pods, Robert Brennn nnd I tit 1 L. Lawrence. The vaude- ville features are,; Potts and Potts, the Musical Japs, Maude Hazel, acrobatic ton dancer:; Joe- Cowley, eccentric singing and dancing comedian : W, C. Locklmrt. trli k pianist. The organization Is owned anil managed by Hurry Nye. The advance In charge of Hal Lawrence, with Kuio Burr as assistant. — Boycr * Burke's "HI. SI and I" Co. of twenty 1 four people.' which opeueil nt Arondnle, Pa.. Dec. 1, has pliiyeil to a rec- ord breaking business from the start. The company Includes Jack Hamilton, Wm. BacUensloo, W. ,T. Boyer, John Burke, V. A. Varfloy, It, 1'. Vance, T. Skid. V. C. Kchrnilor. Hugh Adams. Oscar Get/., I'al. U Oil. Kurt Barry, Lew King, Friink Boweti, W. tinlhreth, W. P. Thomas, Win. linker, Geo. Ciirren', Madge Lellh, Vera Grey, Doro- thy F.url, Nellie 'Jelrney and the Eberliiir'lt Sisters. The bund ami orchestra Is a fea- ture. The spei-liillles are all up I" ,htlc:. The company Is booked solid up lu May 20. 'I bunking nil iiiuungcrn for lime offered. The lodge of Eiigles at Salem, ()., tendered n banquet Dee. 10 to ail the members of tho company. Karl Barry was tendered a wnriit reception nt East Liverpool from Ills ninny friends and was presented with u gold headed cano and umbrella. — The Lock harts have signed with tho Harry Nye Stock Co. for the remainder of the season. Miss Locklmrt will do soubrattes nnd specialties, and Mr. Leckhart will act as musical director. j — Manager B. C. Whllney announces (lint he will nut on an Eastern "Show Girl" Co. about Christmas. — The Melville Dramatic Co. reports good business- In Arkansas. They wrlle (lint they played three return dates ut Hartford, that State. , — Joseph Allenlnn, who was with "The Power Behind tho Throne" Co. last year, has been engaged by Chat). II. Jefferson In play the character comedy role of Jim Fcrrun, In the "Shadows of u Great City" Co, — Anna Wood has signed with "Money Makers," under Thou. Rylvy'u management. , — Seliimn, Paige, * Foluy Co. closed Dec. 10. — Virginia Cruntm has signed fur Vou Glnsser stock Co., at Clevelnnu, o. — Lata Murlssu bus Jelned the "County Chairman" Co, — r Ralph Cummlngs litis given place to Byron Douglas In the management of tbe Lafayette Stork Co., at Detroit. Mich. — Marlon Clifton Is the latest guest to the Actors' Home. West Brighten, 8. I. — William A. Brady has purchased n new play for his wife, Grace George, which will lie placed in rehearsal early In January. — Ida Conquest, who is to make ber debut as a star in George Kolllts' "Tho Money Mak- ers,': will present the play for Ihc flrst time In New Haven, Deo. 20. — Charles M. Dillingham last week signed a contract with Blunchu King whereby she will appear under his management' In mu- sical comedies for tho rcwnlndor of this sea- son and the next two hoiIhobs.. Miss Ring, wlio has Iwen nppcarlng In "Vivian's Papas, closed 'licr season In Roclicstcr, N. Y.. Dec. 17. and later will sail for Europe tor a snort time, — Dallas Tyler has been engaged tin lead- ing woman for Robert Edcson, wno Inter In the season will appear In New York la >t new piny, by Wllllnm C. Dc Mllle, entitled "Stronghesrt," In which (ho slur will pluy the rule of a college educated Indian. — Gilbert Miller, whoso father, Henry Mil- ler, Hie well known actor, objected tu (ho son becoming an actor, hits Joined the Marina Corps, and Is a private aboard tho cruiser Denver nt Lcnguc Island, — Tho Oporu Houso nt Stamford, Conn., a K| 00,000 structure, was destroyed bv lire on the morning of Dec. II. Tbo operu lioiimi was owned by James I. Ilnvmoiid, who Is mi extensive owner of real estato In Stamford, The tire Is supposed to have started from defective electric wires. , — Hoary W. Havnge his bought a half ih- Interest Xrom Frank McKee, In.Alfrod Henry l/cwls' novel, "Tlie Boss." II will be mntlo into a play by Georgo Morion, the stage manager, collaborating with the author. riils wit tie Mr. Marlon's first attempt at play writing. — Thomas O. Lliighnm, of Robert Mantell's company nt tne Princess Theatre, New York. who was to uppesr us Ingo, in Hie cast of "Otbello," Dec. la, was taken from the Har- rington Hotel, nt Forty-third Streot ami Broadway; to tbe psychopathic ward at liclle- vu,. Hdspltnl, on Hint day. He will bo sent to n private sanitarium by his friends. The doctors believe that wltB treatment he will recover. --Geo. M. De Vers Is In his seventeenth week with tint "Captain Harrington" tU>„ plnylng the light comedy part of Joe Mihil- ton nnd (ho black faco comedy part of Pele, and writes that he Is meeting with success. . T.J?'' aoor Bobion's farewell performance, 1? "Merely Mary Ann," at the rhtke of lorkg Theatre. London, Eng., Dec. 13, ;wn« the ocrsstm) of n remarkable ovntion to the Amerlfniiaclress. Da the fall of Ihe ciiriniii His rfiidiMieo refused In ln« h.ilUtieii until Miss Rolisoii ruuile n brief mieeeli of tlniiikV — - W hen AttHMml ThvuiaV pluy, "Mrs. U-ningwell Boots." Is produced by Charles eaulw p'aA DttVl * wl " ptay - m uttu * — Notes from C. B. Whitney's "Walt of the Sierras" Co., with Prof. Walter H. James' Band and Orchestral Hot Bruce, the clover dancing anuhrctte, It scoring strongly. Walter A. Mack bns taken great pains with this pro- duction. Mr. Mack Is a first etnas stage di- rect or, and tins taken the place of Will Readier, who playi tbo part of Ling Ling. The roster Is: C. B. Whitney, manager; Walter A. Mark, stage director nnd heavies ; Ucorgo M. Miller, Chaa. Kanford, James Chest, William Wlathcrstlne, Leon Stafford, Irene Plunkett, Maud Stevens, Walter It. Jniues, band leader; Will Beccher, ni Warde, E. Ehrhart, Chna. Spenk, playing lends. — Do re Davidson writes : " 'How He Avenged Her' will be graphically shown In ilic form of n melodrama, with elaborate scenic, mechanical and electrical devices, cleverly contrived to bring about tho great moral theme of Ihe play, which Is expressed In the title, around which is woven a levo story of fanolnatlng Interest, blended with sparkling humor. It will ho produced about Jan. ir.. 1O00." — Notes from Rcnlfrow'a Jolly Pathfind- ers : After plnylng a successful week lit Parkcrshurg, W. Vu., Dec. 3-10, \\c opened nt Cumberland, Md,, to s. It. n.. snniothinit Hint Is .beginning to tw very common with this company, our business tills season is simply wonderful. Tho specialties area feat- ure from the Sunetnro troupe of Japanese wonder workers down. Among the plays wo present Is n tine production of "Dr. .lekvll und Mr. Hyde," with Elmer Bnfflmm In tan t'tle role, it is a big drawing card tor us and never (alls to please. All of the tuembon are well. •' , j ' — ft C. Fllklns, manager of "for Mother's Sake" Co., under direction of Iluseo fc. Hol- land, sends Tun Ci.ipi'kii the following: "In n recent Issue of Tin: Cl.lI'l'KU uppeared a notice purporting In come froiii Aula Laur- ence, stating Hint she lind Just clused with 'Fur Mother's Hake' Co., whoro slio lind played the lcart,,ti) Join 'Dora Tborne,' Whlli> it Is true Miss Laurence was with this conipnny lu the early part of the season, she at im time ployed this lend. Mnrle Hentli, who created the lend, always has ployed, mid si I II ennf Iniiea In the pnrt, being iiiiitfr a five years' contract with Itusco & Holland." Uaudetillea n d minstrel. ' " • ■ " ~ t ' . ' i : t — P.hi. Cc.gtiivAt.i.i is at present playing nu extended engagement :n Houlh Africa, nnd from capo Town couch n paper giving lilin splendid notices ami u half |mg«i"kludly carles lure': cut, tin Is spoken of us it strong attraction In it star vaudeville hill, mid ''giv- ing mi exhibition of Juggling ami strength Hticli us has never bceu witnessed previously. Apparently this cordial reception und ac- knowledgement Is lint n repent Ion of Ills welcome whenever he appears here, nnd tho esteem lu which ho Is held speaks well for blm before and behind the footlights. What- ever Hici term of tils slay lu the far tto'utli, he Is sure of close attention there nnd a friendly greeting on his ret urn tu America. Al.l.K.V AND MAII1IYAT received the following cablegram from Prof. V. 1'. Wormwood, who Is now appearing, with tils own company, nt the Nntli ( Theatre, Havana: •'Arrived safe. Business Is tremendous. Wo stay In- definitely. .Make up of tho show Is : Worm- wood's sixty perform lug monkeys ami forty perform lug dugs, (ho Tlitoe 1'ulus, Kltiiimiru Japanese Troupe, Sniisuite mill Delllit, Illnck und McCoon und Hie Mil ren- Mini o Troupe. "Till! TltiiuTP.II." tin Interesting puuipblut, Ii.ih been issued by Brookri BrulherH & to. It contains a Pat of uuinugers, labia Uf rail- road fares lu diffcienl pululH. n iiuuiIst uf funny stiirles and oilier cuturlultilng uud use- ful matter. 0. II. rlEYMOUn has returned to America lit answer tu his tidvci-tlscntent fur attrac- tions on tho ICnglish nud Hontli Amorlcan tours, which appenred in Tin; Ci.ii'psb. ho received applications In lurge uuwbors from all parts of the country. Jaku HusioN'riiAi, writes: "Tim Illjott Vaudeville Theatre, Dubuque, In., leased und managed by me, bus been aliened during Hie mist mouth, and litis heen doing a very sat- isfactory business. The night performances nnd Invariably crowded to tho limit, and the' matinees given each day, except Monday, have attracted good sized crowds. About eight nigh class acts, uultublo for lady ana children audiences, are glveu at this house, which seals l.OOd people. Ten cents utl- nilsstutiK prevail ut the matinees, with ten, litleeii nnd twenty cent prices lit night. ITiU bill fur lust week Included: Bush and Gor- don, Dlxou, Rowers und Dixon, i,o Marie and Lu Miilre. Joe Denting. l''ratik Hall. Jack Bruwii und l.illluu Wright uud Anna Hurt." Ciiah. II. ami llniaitA Taymiii will spend the liolhlavs ut their home, l-'runk, Pn, JHA.NKrrt: DtiruriH (Mrs. W, It. Watson - ), will inke a. trip tu Lurupr early In April, lOOo, and return about Hcnteinboi'. Slio will uiineur lit vaudeville lu London aud rails t/iuy.. ..,.,. ... i .,.;;.,., V.o. P.»iit follow. ohhi Btios. pliiyeil Proctor's |i*|f|y. ect week of Dec. .*, and nro pluylug und New York mull January. Then lork unite, Week of Doc. Jo they are at Hie Star Theatre, Hamilton, Cau., With tCU we»ks through Ohio to follow. Cihti.ktos ASP HTUWAHT write: "Owing to Ihe Illness of May Stewart, of llio sister learn uf CiiHlleton nnd Hlewurt, tho team wus compelled lo cancel fall River weak of Dee. ',, with iiiiuieruiis other dales following, nud lliey did not play nl I,. H. Walker's, Bos- ton. Muss., week of Dec. 18. Cl»lTi;UK AM, (J||,I,KTTK llSVO Jollied llutldg with Ihdlnl and Arthur anil opened ut tbo Howard. Host on, Dec, 10, fur one week. I- rum there they go Jo Keith's Theatre, Bos- ton, for four weeks, with the rest of that circuit to follow, tub iiohhi itnos. eight Street * clubs Oround . tlioy open at Otnuiui. Neb,, (or toil' weeks on Hid Orphciitu circuit. AtiTiit'ii . Samson, baritone singer, has closed twelve weeks with Brothertun's W. W. W. Minstrels aud is laying off at Alle- gheny, Pa. Kuii.y HowAnn, of Qulnlan and Howard, was called to Chicago from Lynn, Mass., by tbe sudden death uf her oldest brother, ' Htimiit AMU Mi.'iti'iiY. Irish . comedians, lui re dissolved '. paitnerslilp. Mr. . Htiinrt will work alone hereafter, doing a singing uud tulklng net. Hi Tom Waiip, "The Merry Minstrel," Hosed flyp^mtvisful weeks at tho Criterion Theatre, Inmpn, Pla., and Is now at the Memphis Theatre, Memphis, Tcnn., for an In- definite engagement. Masnpy and Krajikb have closed with "A Broc/.y Time" <.o. (Western), snd own on the Novelty circuit st Denver, Col., Jan, 0. with good rime to follow, a I. Maisey was formerly wlill till' Kilt leu Bund, mill bis i liirioncl nil(i,i lire featured ill their net, '"I'llu Trump mid Kotihteile," tUk SritA/,.\t,. a.m> Aiia ItAZAt.r, wrllc; "He hnvit not laid off a week since Muv I, Have, just closed on the Itljou circuit uf tea 1042 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Decembers* EDDIE JUSTIN HERBERT SPENCER AUTHORS OH* STELLA HAVE JUST WRITTEN A BETTER ONE. HSwSH GET IT HOT OFF THE PRESS. PROFESSIONAL COPY FOR He. ITASIP ORCHESTRATION VOH 10c. To Professional* Only. Send Program. THE MAGIC OF THIS MELODY WILL CAPTIVATE THE WHOLE NATION. "* SPEHCERIAN HIT." <**• HOE DUVE5T.,ST. LOUIS. II. HMAN'S, BROOKLYN, WKEK DEO. 13, I9Q4, T« LEFFEL TRIO II? TIIKIR NOVEL, ORIGINAL COMEDY SENSATION, MOST ELABORATE SCENIC PRODVOTtOM If* VAUUKVILLK. MANAGERS AND AGENTS CORDIALLY INVITED. Address ao7 FRANK I.KFFEL, Knit 14th Street, New York VUj. 1.000 CHORUS LADIES. TOT A *■" T ZS X>, 20 GOOD COMEDIANS. • WANTED, Good Burlesque Producers. FOR TUB J B. SPARROW MUSIC HALL CIRCUIT. T.n week! «r more. All applications mail be made to W. B. WATSON , General Director W«i«in'i Theatre, Brooklyn. N. Y. Oherai Ladle, with Wardrobe, kindly mention mot. Managrr. rri.hlng to pnt their theatre* in above circuit, or to loaie their theatre*, addreia all oomrannlcatloni to W. A. EDWARDS. Majeitte Theatre, Montreal, Cannda. "A Merry Christmas and A Happy New Tear" TO 0UB ■OT FBIEHD8, IB THE BW0EHE WISH OP THE MILLMAN TRIO ! . ; PriMBtlig a Mansions Trlpls Exhibition Upon the AERIAL. TIOMT WIRE. Deo. i», Keith'i, Heiv York; Deo. 20, Keith's, Philadelphia. Fraakford, Phila., Pa. Wl. H. BUCK..,.........,,,. ; VtTant oil at -A.11 Time -"Iras* Olnee Attraotlone In ml! l_is-»« Ve.ude>vll!e> Artlata. 9 ...Manager. SEATING CAPACITY, 3,000; TERMS RIGHT. C1TT AND SUBURBAN POPULATION, 000,000. For partlcuUm address T > MARCH 1, L, .., can of CUPPBll, WANTED, OPKN JAN. II UHHRS II 111 BRANCHES Of 111 MEDICINE BUSINESS Skstoh Teams. KnoOkattouti, Bllsnt Acts, Slater Teams, Aulmal Acts, Good Plablst end some Heel Comedian*, with good sots end Ibet can make mam go. All moit obuee nightly for a week. Dress, not una look Hie psru SUtt partloulara anil lowest mien In flret litter; unless I know you don't their. " aik for ticket. State It you Play Piano. Long, pteaiant euga geisent, but you must t . • ' i" Addrom THOS. P. KELLKY, New Boro, Oat., Canada, Leeds Co. A Merry X mas and Happy Now Year to All My Prleuda. Musloil NmiHIis, Niw and Second Hind.- 12 Strips Sleigh Bills (ntw), I ■lated, 10 to 2S B«U», lis; 17 Strep* Slotgl) Bulla (good us new), o to 10 Bella and Raok, |so; IB Note ,yre, « Else. Llghts,_£ood as now, |»^ trunk for same, It wanted. $8: 16 Note Roiewood Xylophone, J.Jiv, « rnvu. «.•.«><■>, luuu ■" uwtr, v«v, uwu» ivi Hnuiui ii npuicu. .a. .0 «wio uunnuwi AJIU|HIVUV, $l (new); i:i Small Gongs, top O IX dl*. »» (new); 4 Coin*. $« (new); 30 Koto Steel Merlmbapbone < tieagan), Moor Rack, ell nloteted, llfl; SO Note Tubular ohlniei, p'ayed by pulling oorda. tilgu raok, nil DlcUed, gbod at now, $2J. P, »V- 1 tmve an Idea of Mualoel Aot for Lady and Oent; will furnish a -a complete; never been done; no talking. It you have a few hundred to invest In a bit, write me. I completed one of the largest set of Swiss Hand Belle ever made, a short while ago over so Bens Ohrotn. NO IMPLICATES. HAVE LABORS! SET OF.BELL PATTERNS EXTANT. SEND FOR OATALOUUE. Kl) WIN R. STREET. Inventor and Maker, at Brook St., Hartford, oonn. LOHEON VAUDEVILLE THEATRE, LONDON, ONT„ CANADA. W ANTKU-VauiUvllle Acta at all times, Musical Aula, Sketch Teams, Equilibrist and Novelty Aots oi all kludi. We pay no' fanoy aaleiiet. No Sunday work, Break your Jump between Now York and Chicago. ' Wo are) on ttie nuln lltn of all roadi. Performers booked In this bouie for Ottrlstm wand New Yo»r weeks wo will exnoot them to arrive herein time fir loo'oloc* riheaual, asweglvehoiiday.matlnoD. 0» Veldt and lirtda, write. BENNBTT A FLEMING. FAITH HOPE ORIGINALITY THE> (3)GRACB« A FISHY RIU, A BIO HAN, A LITTLE WOMAN. FEATURING KRANKIE GRACE, THE FEATHER WlilOUTCOMEDIAN, IN TUB KNOCK OUT CLASH. MISItltY t'HKlMTMAS AND A IIAI'I'Y NEW YEAR TO ALL. Itli- GAUDS TO SANTA CLAUS. VAUP, FEATURE MYERS STOCK. BENNETT aad COLLINS want A good BINOINfl A DAKOINO SOUURB- rtJINQ COMEDIAN with optodato specialties, A . . j oen do yome JaveuUee, good, HUSTLING AOBNT n broth; PIANO PLAYER. Other uietut repertoire) people, write, " or Doobling In Braes glroii preferene*. first letter. Salary musti be low _ No. 1 BINOIKO and n do some juveniles, good, HU8TLIN0 AOENT who la not afrsld of Us NOTM— People aoing BpeoUltlM I.KAIIER, write, flu WANTED, FOR BIJOU THEME, DES MOINES. IOWA, HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE ACTS Addreia BIJOU THEATRE, Pea Molnei, Iowa. MAN WITH f ILLUSTRATED SONBS, NOVEL VARIETY ACTS, CHORUS BIRLS. FOR JANOMY TIME III MEW ENGLAND. Addreia L. Care of Lyceum Tbealre, Boston, Mais. FOR SALE, A l.BASK OF CONCERT and TWO BALL ROOMS lilVJSM HUDMILLK SHOWS (W 8VIDAY. Bummer Oarden, Bowling Alleys, Lodge and Meeting Rooms. Entire stock, Karnlture and lease for aa'e. gio.ooo CASH neceasAry. loo, car rare from New York. Addras LEASE, Room o, 11S3 Broadway, KewYoik. AT LIBERTY, DEC. 25, Alice Llndley, Soubrettea, Ingenue*, Donule »peolaltle«.| Elegant wardrobe, experience, ability. One night or rep. Responsible managers only. Addreia BE1MBRT A LINDLEY, OUlesple, 111. Edd. Selberl, Pint Comedy or Juven- ile*, Specialties, Strong Dancing Singles. AX IVIB0RTY, C. M. 8TKML8MITH, Characters, Character Comedy, Old Men and Gen- eral Business. BjU>IH 8TKKLSMITH Characters, Juven l-es and Genera I Huslnem. Sober, reliable, wardrobe and experience. One night Hand preferred. No specialties. ■ QILLKDPIE.ILL. Who Can Show Me For a Few Hundred Dollars. Address ARTHUR M. WILHELM, CLIPPER Office. WANTED AT ONCE, GOOD DRnMHTIG s VAUDEVILLE PEOPLE (i«n boov competent people at all times. Mste Ksnsss City your headquartera, If you want work. Managers, write ns for people. State highest. WBBTEBJ AIUSflBIT 00, ia09 Orand Ave., Kannas City, Ho. 1.-1M TRAUB OBIT TUB ORIGINAL! "LIP-EASE" Bxpetteooed OORNKT and BAND I write, state ail ..rr.viw.v.sKi-- -\r± l t*» *"• Biff* Bl»repre»ent. No time for correspondence. Address J. MOV liBNNRTT, week Deo. \* to 21 Sullivan ' Is Mdiana and Illinois Aoa.OktO.aBNs) oPKtt TIHB to 84 solllvsn, Ind.; Deo. H to 81, CarlUle, Ind. Manager* BN MARK A Hold that makes weak, tired lips strong sad flexible, enables performer to play louder and longer without fatigue. High and low notes come easy, prevent lips from oracling, heals qnlokiy sll cub, . oracks and auratones. All comet sua 'otter players should use It. Price, postpaid, St ota. Address MONTOOMBRY LIP-EABB CO. 2912 Loonat Bt.. fit. Lonli. Mo. WAITCO, A 8000 8IET0B TSA1, Obanae for a week, rtnimuat play piano. Other performers, write. Address NkD BDRKE, 1«M Monroe St., Bt, i»uia. Mo. 20 Years Before the American Public, ANNA EVA FAY AND HER COMPANY IN "SOMNOLENCY" Now Playing Har FlPTB WEEK at the AVENUE THEATBE. PITT8BVBB, PA, OVR RBCORD-9 Weeks, Bt. Lonlat r. Week*. Olnclnnntlt 3 Weeki, Ullwaakeat 3 Weaks, CleTelandi « Week*, Toronto; -i Week*, BnlTale; % WToek*, Detroit, * Weeks, Albany. Tcnr Undor Direction of D. H. PIWGREE. HAVB 'T'WO WBEK8 OPEN. Address AVBWIIB THKATRB, Pltttbnrg, Pa. WANTED AT ONCE, HEAVY MAN, JUVENILE MAN, COMEDIAN, HEAVY WOMAN, Y0UN8 AND CLEVER SOUBRETTE. ■ar l. State lowest islarv (as It la sure), I pay all. Send height, weight and age. Photos will be re- turned. No tickets unless known. Most be able to Join on wire. No ume for correspondence. Address OHAB. w. BBNNBR. Manager "COON HOLLOW" CO. (Sonthern)i St.Psrli, Ohio. CARL CALDWELL. A. M. KELLER. KELLER STOCK CO. Wf7 « "rljnn A-1 General business Actor who doeB specialties, Property Man. who does " •**•** * specialties and small parts, also a good, live Agent who ' Is thoroughly posted. All roust exhibit refinement mid education tie well ns good dressers at .all timet. Answer as per route, to KELLER & CALDWELL, Owners and Managers. WANT GOOD SUMMER STOCK LOCATION FOR CITY STOCK. MANAOER8 WRITfC. I_ADY AND Rose Aqtiixialclo, The Perfect Woman. BOMB OPEN TIME IN JANUARY AND APRIL FOR BUSINESS. I .' ' »■ AJLBB1RT BUTHBRLAHP, Mt. James Balldlpc, N. Y. A Mtrry Cnrfstmas and A Happy, ProsparoMS New Yiar to AN FrlMBj. FDB and H 'JEZ A. -JP H Are Delivering "A LOAD OF HAY" for the Next Six Months on the Novelty and 3 L. California Circuits. Hyde and Heath bave a very Rood "Load of Hay," And as GOOD things come blgb, you will have to nay A very fair price, and If we come your way. Address care We ore sure yovi will say, It's a VERY GOOD "Load of Hoy." ARCHIE LEVY, Agent, 111 Eddy Street, San Kranclsco, California. THE Du BERG COMEDY CO. Va/ A N T S RBPBBTOIttB PEOPLE IN ALL, LL\K8 For balance of this and Summer season. Those doing specialties preserrcd. Would like tp hesr from a good Singing and Dancing Soubrette. State all and lowest salary in first letter.' Address P. 8.— Silence polite negative. W. O. CONNORS, Mgr. Dn Berg Comedy Co., Salero. Mass. MEDICINE PEOPLE IN ALL LINES, Inoluding First Class Looturer, 8. and D. Comedian, to put on GOOD Acta and make thein go: also Pianist for orchestra. Must. read. Sketch Team (man and wife). Obnoge 1 or a w eek. Make your salary low, for you get It. Address ROYS A ROBERTS, Roberta House, Spring Ave., Troy, i. Y. ■ ' ' -— "^ The Rella-Cole Comedians. Wanted, Property Man with good Specialty to play Blt«; De.tr.i iiux )1», it l«w.U| pay own. 'A. j.coi.jd. sr Wapaanoka, I. v., as, :4:i, M; Ada Hi), Specialty; aaeful people, write; name loweat; pay own. ' A. J. COLB. awK I IN VAUDIVILLI • and MRS. DBO. 18, STAR THEATRE, MUNC1E, IND. and usloal Exports, - On tanr with Clara Bathes* Stock Co. Wost Calgary, If . W. T., Dec. 1 «. j mi in i ur December 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1043 MAHLER BROS., 6th AVE. and 31at ST., N. Y. ±_ WK ABB HOW iHOWlHO A iOMPLKTK AKORTUDIT OPJ aBssW GIFT THINGS POR THE HOLIDAYS. -COMPRISING- TOYS, GAMES, TOILET GASES, JEWELRY, HDKFS., filOVES, Etc., AT OUR WELL KNOWN LOW PRIOE. A call will demonstrate this. Wishing Ton the Compliments of the Season, ■we are yours to command, A NEW BOOR — OP- JOKES and MONOLOGUES Price, 25 Cents. Now Joke, and Monologuea BT THE BEST JOKERS, No. 4. This book contains Mclntyre * Heath's Famous Georgia Minstrel Jokes and Sketch, "Did You Ever See a Ham Tree?" Also contains all the Latest and Best Jokes and Monologues by some of the Best Vaudeville and Minstrel Artists. Price of this book Is only 26 wntg. lake no substitute, and be sure that the book has Mclntyre A Heath's Picture on cover, as there are Imitators and pirates who try to copy our style and title. OUR OTHER POPULAR BOOKS THAT WILL IHTEREBT TOD : NEW JOKES BY OLD JOKERS, No. 1 '. JJrjce 25 cents. NEW JOKES BY OLD JOKERS. No. 2 J* r M £5 centB. NEW JOKES AND MONOLOGUES BYOLD ;, JOKERS, ,_No. % 4 Price 25 cents. 400 TIP TO DATE TOASTS— 64 Pages. . . Cloth. Price 26 cents. BOYLE'S GAMES AND BRIDGE WHIST .......... ...Price 25 cents. Any of the above books sent, postpaid, upon receipt ot amount. Satisfaction guaranteed. ' CATALOTJE 01)' BOOKS SENT FREE. I. & M. OTTENHEIMER. Publishers and Booksellers.^^A'^T&DV' (FROM COLOGNE, GERMANY) •311 BART mh HTHKKT NEW YORK NBW VOBK UMuficlunr if ORGANS FOR MERRY-GO-ROUNDS, 8H0W8, ETC. Playing by KUI.iL.KU OB OARDBOABD HUBIO. NEW A-T Y. ANT UP TO DATE TUNE YOU WANT FOR OAVIOLI ORGANS, 48, 67 ANI» 87 KEYS Me«Br». Uenry »nd Prank Roll, New York, say : "As having been In tne carou-el business tor the last twenty-eight years, I And you capable of repairing and making new rollers for my organs, the beat I ever had, a-d I therefore recimmend you to any one fur first oUai work." -WANTED r>, A CIRCUS CANVAS AND DRESSING TOP, With Seats, Poles and everything ready for Immediate "ie. Round Top not less than 120ft.. or loon. R'd Top, with .oft. Middle Piece. Mnsi be In first class condition. Also Booking Mule, Meohanlo, January Wagon. Also Pony BarntM and Ponies Address _._.-_ ' " ' m. J. FITZ8IMMON8, 618 8. Charles 8L, Baltimore, Md. • YOUNG'S PIER THEATRE, Atlantic City, W. «T. MANAGERS WRITE FOR OPEN TIME. TOUSQ'B PLEB C0HP0BATI0H, W. E. 8HACKLEP0BD, Manager. WALLACK'S THEATRE CO. PEOPLE IN ALL LINED. THOSE DOING SPECIALTIES PREFERRED. PAY YOUR OWN. . . _ P. B.— We carry all Special Papt-r. PUOIN8KY BROI-, Bock Island, III. AOTBjiTioftt DOCTORS, MBDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN —"*" SJ *" why handle rooky food* when yon oan handle goods that will eell themselves r Eleotrlo Belta from §1.00 per cob. np. Large variety to select from. Electric Jan, 760. do»; Eleotrlo Insolee.MKO.don. pairs; Soap. j 11.10 gross; Fine Medical Batteries. Bend Hi. for Sample No. 14 E. B., exp. prepaid. Latest out. One third cash re- 1 aired. Trial order will convince. Largest Manut.c tnrera of Eleotrlo Belta and ppUaaOM In 0. 8. A. Established lSTS. Lecture and price list free. THE ELEOTBIO AfPUAIOE CO., Burlington, Km.. (AVI YOU I VALUABLES I Our Steel, Combination Lock. Trunk Safe W*h»«*»),rAffn^ AUTHORS UF USB ACT F1.W8. 6KHT0MK*, HONOLUOUKfa, Etc.. Of WHICH THBV DK8IKE TO DISIOSK, AND VAt?DBI«ILLB ARTISTS WHO ABB 15 MBBD OP BJRW MATKIU AL,, communicate with THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHORS' BUREAU, "ffiaS"' I0N0L0QDE and SIH6IH6 COIEDIAH. AP DBBfsw AM; g!B8T-CCA8W AOBWTfs. | Fir SlKk Cupulas, tar Hipifttn Cupulas, fir Aaitisn LARGEST ASSORTMENT IN THE WORLD. Books lot BOM ojnuaement, Negro Flays, Paper, Bcenery, Mra. Jarley'. Wax work* <*»*$. rrw. i rJ ^.J^jn&c*. MORRIS MANLEY, PLAYS COMMCNCINO OCT. LOTTA GLADSTONE. Address WML MORRIS Cure Your Rheumatism. OaifFITH'8 Compound Mixture of Guaiao, BUllingla, Eto. i itn _ j S _ a oo Ir I Hi ■ ? 2.* tHmHMHHMNHi ■ Th. "Old Reliable," Int.ro.l Remedy for Hbfum.ilira, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Gout end Lambagg, P. 8.— Thla mlxtnre Is carried In stock by the principal wholesale Drnjwlsta In the TJ. 8., or wo will ship the LAROB SIZE to any point In the V. 8., Express charges PREPAID, on receipt ot money order for 12.36. GRIFFITH'S PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY, 67 Third Avenue, cor. Itth St., New York. |Sr lit 3? Are "oar specialty. Try na for prices. All onr lamps are newoode style, and will paaa inspec- tion In any sta'e. Bend 2c. sump for catalogue. W. ate the patentee and manufacturers of the Olenln stage Pooket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO, Electro- Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus. 128 West 40th St., New York. telephone si«6-88th St, *"///> eor& vote "^ ■» POSTERS A 100 too c TH / Eas Pictorial Half Sheds in 'rv. TUB UitKAT KHULIIH VAlUaVILLk PAPaCU. TNE amd -rt-ii ATR«c 9 IKVIKW, rOHKIOH ■UDBOKIPXIOW, ■a. ... PBB V rvaaiwi .vvaviur-iivi*. . * ••• ■■• rma. ■ ^^mi VgOITltSIKWAL AUVEKTllIHUTI. ... %,, M.. •!■>■• Cl.aa IBM* NBW TORK OORrt K8 PONDBNT AND R«r, IDA OABLB, 0»f 10 1 TO. IT. AkU MM., waawa tdTertlaemenu will be received. Ooplns on lie. SHOES FOR STAHK, BTRKKT AND KVKNINO. KXOLUHIVK HTVLKS AND WORKMANSHIP in: AitANTKKl). Khort Vamp Bad ■<•■• Last. always on band. Mall Orders Filled. Fit Onsranteed. WILLIAM BsIRNBT Tel. 6M Madlxm Hqu»re. :iim. 60s Blxth Av.„ near list Street, N. T. TV , THE "LOVELAND FAMILY QUINTETTE ORCHESTRA." Closed long and successful engagement Deo. 1 at rar.lament Care, Irish Village, World's Fair. Now In New York. Address Care of CLIPFKR. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importance to Every Sufferer of Blood Poison. PACT ONB— It take, time to tall wheth- er yon are permanently cured by a treatment or merely patched up for the present. PACT TWO— The Cook Itemed/ Co. Is the only company or medical association In ex- istence that has been treating Blood Poison long enough to know that lis patient, era cured to .lay cured. PACT TUBUS— The Cook Remedy Co. has many patients who were cured by its manic remedy eighteen year, ago who are today sound and well. PACT FOUR— The Cook Remedy Co. I. the largest and the only smccesafol company In th. world that makes the cure ef Nlaaw Poison a specialty. PACT Kl vb— Patient, cured by Cook Raav edy Co. are constantly passing succffnllf tbs various rigid examinations of th. bom conservative lit. Insurance companies^ aad are paaalng lb. examination, for admission to the army and navy of th. United statM. PACT six— if roo tak. Cook Remedy Co.'. treatment under their guarantee you are) ab- solutely rare of a cure or your money back. PACT 8BVBM— Bvery other method at treatment known to the medical pro le — I — (Its. bnt temporary relief. PACT BIOBT— Oood health la the moat Important thing In th. world to any paraoa. ABOVE EIGHT FACTS ABE AB80LDTELTT UHDEBIABLB. pay railroad and hotel bills, and mak. M charge if they fall to curs. If you haft plmplea, eruptions, mucon. patchea, pains, rheumatism, etc., writ* few Cook Remedy Co. 'a free bom. treatment book, and learn all about contagion, blood poison. If you want medical advice, give a history of your case, and tbelr physlclsns will furnish all ths Information you wish without any cbarg. whatever. Your salvation dipands on Cook B.medy Co.. and od them alon.. Th.y will surely cur. yon. No other method of treatment will cure you. Wlf latftata ti« Hj ti Icfliitai Ula Waalorfal fatal WHITE POB PBBB 10O-PAQB BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Maavmle Temple, OHIO AGO, U. ■ A. w The Coo»» Banted* Oo. solicit th. molt obstinate caaea, and challenge th. world for a caae they cannot enra. Tula dlseaae ha. al- ways baffled th. skill of th. moat eminent pbyileiane. Fw many years the Cook Bern edr Co. bay* made • apeelaltF of treating this disease, and they bar. unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. Ton can be treated at bom. for the name 8rlc and wltb the same guaranty. With toe. who prefer to go to Chicago th* Cook Remedy Co. will contract to eon them or 1044 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 24. ▼ With a feeling of sincere gratitude, we take this method of cordially thanking our hundreds of friends, new and old, for the magnificent support they have given us in the year just passed. Barely twelve months old, this firm has taken its place in the front ranks of music publishers throughout the world, and we realize it has been done solely through the cordial support of our many friends, in and out of the profession. Never in the history of the music trade has there been a success more phenomenal, more pronounced, or more appreciated, than that of the undersigned. To our friends in the great North and West, in the Sunny South, in the East, and in other Countries, where we know they are legion, we extend our hand in friendship and sincerity. Without your support we would never have swept two Continents with our two great songs, "BLUE BELL" and "I'VE GOT A FEELING FOR YOU," and without a continuance of that same hearty support could we have established such songs as "A LITTLE BOY CALLED TAPS," "PLEASE COME AND PLAY IN MY YARD," "MAKE A FUSS OVER ME," "OYSTERS AND CLAMS." "DANUEL," "WHAT THE BRASS BAND PLAYED," "ISN'T IT NICE TO HAVE SOME ONE TO LOVE YOU?" "CANT YOU SEE MY HEfcRT BEATS ALL FOR YOU?" "MY HONEY LOU," "EVERYWHERE," "COME DOWN FROM THE BIG FIG TREE," among the coming song successes. It would be impossible to name each one seperately, so we take this means of wishing you a succession of "MERRY CHRISTMASES" and a con. tinuance ot "HAPPY NEW YEARS," hoping that each friend will consider this announcement as meaning him or her individually. Again thanking you sincerely and cordially, and that " 'Way Down in Our Hearts We Have a Feeling For You," we remain, respectfully yours, 125 WEST 37th STREET, HEW YORK. HEW ZEALAND BUILDIM, 37th STREET AND BROADWAY. UNIVERSAL =r KLIEGL BROS., Props., 1303-9 Dro«dw»r * 1»» W. »Btb Bt., New York. evebtthho DMtrlNl tor Theatres bra FrolMilau. Production* Sapplled Wbirh Ipttk for Thi»nl.«, PARSIFAL— METROPOLITAN OPERA HOTJBB, DARLING OF THE) GODI, DU BARRY A BBN HURT. WEBER ft FIELDS' WHOOP DB DOO, NINETY ft NINE. GALVESTON FLOOD, BABES IN TOYLAND. WIZARD OF OZ, E. II. BOTHERN— THE PBOT7D PRINCE, SHEPHERD KINO, LBW DOCKSTADEB'8 MIN8TREL8, FALL OF POMPEII. Tefephone, 6188 88tb Bt MANUSCRIPT OF SONG POEMS ORIGINAL MELODIES, Or COMPLETE WORKS, And If tH.r ne »• any m.rl t w < liar, t h . far II 1 tie. to mea • thrm go. All letters aaaw.r.d promptly. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., NOB-809 Baltimore Blag., OHIOAOO, ILL. THINK TWICE BEFORE BUYING- ABB YOU FAYING FOR A TRUNK OR TALK! TAYLOR TRUNKS Have for nearly fifty year* stood OB their own merit*. Do yon wonder the old standard is imitated, and what they cannot copy they try to moke up ln:"knook." and talk. Don't bo oanght by talk. G et the good*. Jnannfactared and Bold Only by C. A. Taylor Trunk Works, I'^'^tT™, Write tor Catalogue. If yoo don't «et an ■& ■war In ten days write • Bain as probably aw B. Randolph "t., OHIOAOO. three lay they tell mall bat been lSi w. 38th St., kew YORK. TAYLOR'S it la a roar i eelaje Watoh thli Space for a Few Potmen. TAYLOR'! deception. fCTD ATP half-tone 3 1 K/% 1 E. PROCESS CO _ PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. A.l „ iifc ,Octs. SQUARE INCH- ** M CUI ? WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! WAR FILMS! JAPANESE CRDIBKR IN ACTION, BOMBARDING PORT ARTHUR, JAPANBBB TORPBDO BOAT. JAPANBSB BATTLH8HIP SINKING RUSSIAN ORUISBR, the Oreateat Faat are Films ever offered) also the ORBAT TRAIN ROBBBRV and the ORBAT BANK HOBBHHY, all at bargain prices. Send for Hat*. Don't Delay. Oaljr a limited numbir of these flints. WILLIAMS. BROWN c* BARLB. Dept. B, 018 Or- it nit St., Ph I la.. Pa. A ORBAT OONVBNIBNOB IN OHIOAOO. Ir»Dif.rrln|, ■ lurea;., RICHARD OUTHMANN Down Town Omoe, Boom II, SU Dearborn St, cor, QulnoT. Phone, Harrison imt, SCENERY Painting, Balldlng, Flreproollag. ALL ON THB SAME PREMISES. TRANHFKH CO. an.l OUTHHANN and OOODRICH. I 25 0ABL0AD8 SuBNEkY, |Btudlos, Boon.. Storehouses and PB0P8 AMD THUHaB ge»r %« BtiJin " ' OH HAHO FOB BALE. tSEL VSuSmL N I!.- Prompt attention to all mall ordore and telegrams. CENTRAL TRUNKS. «••■-. »"» :J»ln.» »"» " •?•«■.. W;W 5 •«■«, 810.80 J 40ln.. II 100. Clrcai Trunk., 24x18x18, |7oO. Bill Trunks, 80i2BilB. Inside. 813.00. LUbo Tmnxs, 43Hz38HlM, Inside, 8U.00. 2?!PJKr!. un J5 c •JPi.?Ii?•. on AJa , • & °-J2u •»**»* •JM • 00 Wm/B remit whole amount SI efONS ft CO.. CENTRAL TRUNK FACTORY, Bet. IBM, B. W. cor. Tib and Arch Sta., Phil*. JUCBLERS SUPPUES.--ESSS-^ Roiling, Oiosoj, BOOM, l^xaas Axes. statu for Tan.WTsr.tAaatsnan.0 W "The Girls in the Overalls (COPYRIORTBD.) Th* Best Advertised Film on Karth. See a-Paae Illu.trated Article In NTOW YORK JOURNAL, BAN FRANCISCO BZAHINBB, BOSTON AHBUIGAN, CHICAGO TRIBUNE and CHICAGO AHHRIOAN, Ktc., Monday, Oct. IB. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE. $43. BEND FOR CIRCULARS. TRACKED bt BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING I HEADUHER OF ALL I The Host Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK, j MOVING PICTURES. | Film Ever Made. Negatire Actually nude in Colorado. Length, 460ft Prioo $64. ^rt^i^'BUI-lx. FIOHT AT JUAREZ, MEXICO Three Balls KlUed and Sis Horses Gored In Front of Camera. l.VNOTH, 900ft. PRIOR, BTS.OO. WATOH FOR ORHATBBT BBNBATIONAL FILM BVBR KADB. RBADT BOON. BBND NAHB FOR ADVANOB INFORMATION. SELIG POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. H. H. BUOKWALTBR, General Western Agsnt, Denver, Oele. TBI ABOVE IB A 8AMPLK OF OUR 70o. Newspaper Half Tone Made lor Posters, Newspapers. Letter Beads, etc SPBOIAL PRIOR ON LAROEB SIZES. Outs delivered when oaah aooompanles the order. Bend no. for • trial order and be oonrinoed. We do the beat work promptly and at the lowest prioe. KNOXVILLE ENGRAVING CO. M Bay BU, Knoxvllle, Tenn. ■U.ll.HtD BY TMS CASE PUBLISHING COMPANY. locuroBT, n«w VOftot POH -Alt AT ALL MtWI STANDS. SCENERY For Every TMn«. CURTAIN CO., h» ." .k " JS 1 !".^ *!!■• botor « the nollee of oar friends In «ho tented shew WelBat jths ^S Aje L ta\ nt wf >19 equipped to maanfaetare anything needed In the ''°:, ° f ZfSs> Sf"'- *» ° ,r " u J , V *"* w «* Shows, Black Tents for Homing P ii*.T r i.X Qrk J.. , !2 rr ""J , S: ,p i""^ .*S D, « fowling Alley Tents, Candy Tops, Flags Twine* N^oi?.!".Uaf, Btl*' "•** *°»*' D '° k ** Wld °" " d ™ , «™' Dr,U ' .„* lJTSiSS,?2!lK n !rf?,'£i a 2!SL y ? ,,r c ! iM mh *l* ' onr Uwtrnouona will be oarefolly carried ont J5J. w iS2C«, w .?i k .,^&J. , 2 p ? riJ . Md EI?."? ' "Mutea. and where your Inqolrlee will reoelre our speolal consideration and your basinets will bo appreciated, send It to u. Write for onr 16 page list of 8EC0ID BAUD Tents. BAKER & L0CKW00D MFG. CO., 416-417 Delaware Street, Amiss City, Mo. "A WOULD WIDE CIRCULATION." TTTS OLDEST AID HOST DTfLUaaTIAL fBBATRIOAL ABS VAUDITILUS lORRRAL. THE ERA. IBTABUSBJaD Utt. 49 WILLINCTON STREET, 8TRAND. LONDON, W. O. FORBIOB ■UBSOHIPTIONB. S9b. per annnm. ____ FROFBMIONA L ADYBRTIBBMBWTS. 8d. per line. AR H i m lM MTtBTBH ViniTinB T HE H ETuOPOLIB USB TUB BBA ORIOml AM theib PBimUirtara losdoh address. t,BOO ARTISTES ADVERTISE IN ITS COLUMNS WEEKLT. Write us. ELIZABETH, R.J. WIGS TOUPEES, GREASE PAINTS, ETC. As. the AAtstt ind Mett Populsr Shies In Udlw* Heir Dressing. - A.M. BUCU & CO., ■ 111 m. flath ■ treat, ..... Pallaa.lpkla. B. T. Rep.: B. HALU WELL, MO B. Hal Bfc DEOEMBEB 24. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1045 EDISON FILMS. WOUNDING OF AMFORTA8. PROLOGUE. PATBNTBD AMD COPYRIGHTED OCT. IS. 1004. WAONBR'8 MASTER PIECE OBEATEBT RELIGIOUS PRODUCTION IN MOVING PICTUIIE8 81NCB THE PA8BI0N PLAT. DRAMATICALLY AND I'HOTOQRAPBICALLY PERFECT. SPECIALLY POSED 1ND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AND C0STD1ES U8ED IN THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.75 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ARREST OF PAR8IFAL. ACT I, SCBNU I. KLINOSOR SUMMONS KUNDBY. ACT II. SCENE I. PARSIFAL IN THE MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE II. DESTRUCTION OF TnH MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE ill. EDISON lulflRlim CO.. MAIN OFFICE and FACTORY, ORANGE, N. J. NEW YORK OFFICE : 83 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDRESS. KURILIAN, NEW YORK. CHICAGO OFFICBj 804 Wabash Avenue. OFFICE for UNITED KINGDOM : 20 CLERKENWELL ROAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAND. 1LLINI iOINTI THE KINETOORAPH CO 41 B. 21lt St., New York. PETEB BACIGALUPI 760-788 Mlulon St.. San Francisco, Cat. KUNDBY WA8HES PARSIFAL'S FEBT. ACT III. SCENE I. Our Western Office, 304 WABA8H AVENUE, CHICAGO, Carries a Complete Stock of Latest EDISON FILMS, PROJECTING KINETO- 8COPE8. PART8 and SUPPLIES. PARSIFAL HEALS AMFORTAB AND BECOMES KING OF TUB HOLY UUA1I — ACT III. 8CI0N1Q II. Calcium Gas and Roving Picture Outfit | ThiLaUit Victory, of Solinot. You On Mat. mi Hon.r Ent.rt.lnln, th. Publlo. We start yon.furntshtnit complete outflte with simple aud explicit Instructions. The Field la Largo, comprising the regular theatre and lecture circuit, alio local field. Id Churches, Publlo School., Lodge, and General Public Gathering*. Nothing afford! better opportunltlei for "."uapitai. Our Outfit Comprises the 0. P. OO.'B modal, PURR CALCIUM OAB OUTFIT, the C D rWtJ sreateet candle power, the ante at ■•* ««mi and moateoonomlonl MMimkJna outfit ever Invented. w«l(ktioib.. Stirioptlcon, Honing Plctar* Micslm, nia. nun and every accessory rum, allow needed for complete entertainment,. Absolutely the lateet dim, and view, on the market, Including all subjects for the publlc'a enjoyment. frei entertainment supply catalogue »nd SPICIAL Or fan fully explains everything. CHIC»80 raOJECTIIB CO., HoDiirscra It., D.pt. »1, Chlcua. THEATRICAL HOTELS Bad IMU double. BOARDIHQ HOUSES. Wabash A Madison, OHIOAOO. 0. 0. Vaughan, Prop. Striotlj American nan, |b-|ii ainjjle; Holt's He* Kttil Cats 2» ol ^» fif Js£ Boomi too. to 76o. per day; f.uo and ts.oo a weak. Ladle*' Restaurant on second floor. No. I K. 4th tt, Wilmington, Del. 0. R. HOLT, Prop. •T. JAMES HOTEL, TOLEDO, 0. Ameri- ,,nPlan. Theatrical Headquarters. |1J» single. II double: 10 and |T per week. CROSS II victor house, 2T4 E. Indiana Bt, Chicago. Boom and Board, 18 week. Italian and Frenob Cuisine. OentraUj located. Y. ovrdcr after uilng. Give* tbefaceaaolt.fravb and clear complexion. Put up In combination .cu conalatlng of 1 Sell-Feeding Powder Handkerchief U. Mn 1 Box of Complexion Powder * , 2)2 UU 1 Bottleof American Beauty Extract ' wa AmarlCM Beauty Co., 40 W. »8th St.. N. Y. LEARN MIND READING AUid haw lo control ti>* mind of olhtrt. Our book leichtt tht tutjjict of nilDtl rskJInr, oiai ■• onry h bM 1 (ml ib« BtlsAaof do«t M oUuf ultMlt saol hftka ibeni dommlMljlnipownitNaU. *'n.*UT»- *«ao«^de«'^'p^f P5 CENTS "bfcsgo, III. OLTDB PUB. CO., Grand QrosUng, Qbf< WANTED IT Old. PEOPLE IN ALL LINES for Repertoire. Sobriety an absolute necessity. State lowest In first MOB. BE VERIDOE BTt OK CO., Valdoela, Ga. % J.0.00SSCO. a BaUMexa eff \* HOW CANVA Catalogue and] tjnn DETHOIT tnd Hand List ( MICH. O TMI ILLUSION, OB RADIUM MlBUOUs THE NEW SLOT MACHINE TBAT IB GETTING TBI MONET. ALSO THE Balloon Ascension Tester, THE MACHINE THAT DOES A STUNT. Write for partloulars, and If yon are In the Slot Machine Business gat your name on my mailing lUt V. B. ZIMMERMAN, 48 W.28lh Street, New York. HABBY HOLIAH, Lait Season Played the Country Editor In tbe "Oonnly Otaalrmu," Now In his nth week Starring In the "PAB1BB PBtBBT," Mauagoment HABVBY tt OtUK. CHRISTMAS WEEK. YONKBR8, N. Y. FRED ZDBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BALANCER Proctor', Oth Avenue, New York, last week. Awl lOYlBO FlOlOrt ■■OBiEM, til suktt, bongbt and for oalt. PBaAOBLPQIA HLIS BZOHANOB, lBOOHorth IBIta St., PhUiaoIphta, Pa., D. 8. A. 18 TIB Hi HIT T. HMD? It not you do not know the value of his paro- dies. If you do-well-'nuff ted. His Book No. 1 Is a corker. Irving Burton aays;— "Any headllner ming How- ard 'a Parodies will certainly receive at least Three curtain call,." Price tl.OO per copy. Bold direct only. Addreas all orders to publlsher-o. P. JEANSON, Ml Polk Bt, Ban Franeaco, 0*1. €* A 15 fit FOB IBAflB, K*/\M&.s3 OB BTOBAQB. Baaatia and AlterattoM Made. NEW JERSEY CAR WORKS, Cllftii. N. J. IUOBTLT ajtaUt Also Large Stock of SEALSKIH JACKETS and PUIS. AJUHIW8, DM Gtat* B»., O^lessje. TENTS. WRITE US ftr Price!. Lirg« Stock New and Second Hand TENTS always on band. THE CHARLES P. IUEDER TENT AND awning 00., Buooessor* to T. W. Noble Co., Teat Dept. Detroit Bee and Mfg. Co.. Detroit MIoh. WANTED, MEDICINE PEOPLE, A ND. I Comedian, Sketch Team and Pianist Preference given those that fake organ. State salary. MRS. Dr. M. B. MOSELEY, Chamois, Oaage Co., Mo. MATJBICB H. BOB1HZW1IG LAWYER. PROFESSIONALS MANAGED. 61-4)8 Park Bow (World Bldg.), New York. AT LIBERTlf-FANNy BERNARD. Charaotera and Beary. Olostd my engagement Doe. IT with Minister's Daughters Co., at the Wind- sor Theatre, New York, after playing part of Mrs. Dayton for seven weeks, as I did not with to he Iden'illed by the nameof Marie Jones, under which I was billed. Bncoessful engagements wlih Kath- arine Rober Co., David Biggins Co., Geo. Penberg Co. and many others. Address 2to W. 20th St., or Care J. Alex Brown, 1MB Broadway, New York. AT UBBRTY, EIPEBlfiflfOEl) OPEIi ATOB WITH LATEST IMPROVED EDI80I lOTflB PIOTOBB IACBIIB. OVER B.OOOn. UP TO DATE FILMS. Would Join combination or lake manager wllh capital to put show on tbe road. Address JOE FROMMB, Mlnersvllle, Pa. THE OCEAH PIER AHD CABUJO, At BEA ISLE CITY, N. J., Will be Boated far a Term cf Oa* Ysar or Mors Irons f*b. 1, Liberal Improvement, made. Address bids to JOSEPH 8TH AD8MULLKR, TreDton and Boston Aves , Phllade'ptla, on or before Jan. 10. SHOW TENTS Aad Teats at Every Oaseriptloa. D. If. BUBMM UFO. CO.. MT 8. Canal Street, OUIOAUO, ILL. Films for Rent Speotaoular, War, Historical, Boenlo. Mysterious and Comedy Feature Subjects to Select From. LATEST ILLUSTRATED BONG BETS RENTED. Write for list Terms right C. E. VAN DUZEE Mmn«poC'Mion GOWNS'SiU SUQHTLT USED. Also BTKEET OOWNS. Ws have on hand a largo assortment of slljhUv worn Evening Oowns, Dinner, Reception and Tea Gown*. These robes are perfect is every respect and era especially suitable forwesr In UiaB CLASS DRA- MATIC PRODUCTIONS. We have a full bat at Seal Skin Coats and Port Of all kinds. MBS. H. BTABB, MI South Slate Bt, OHJOAOQ, FILMS I MACHINES FOB SALE. 10,000ft FILM, FBOM 8 to tots. PER BOOK. Bookings with olubs, theatres, eto., for Moving Picture Entertainments. Popular prloes. t. H. HEOKER A CO,, N. T. Entertainment Bureau, M Oth Avenue, N. T. City. ■llkollao Tights, t».00| Worst**! *"i.0T)i bo - right,, 1 anirt. to match all sans* pries Tight. Sa.dUl VottOB Tight., St.OOi SllkTIghU, froas ts.fflapi Roslt required. HatUf action guaran- ied or money refunded. SP10ER BROS.. tt Woodbine St, Brooklyn, N. Y. Old stand but new addreas. Til mams AT m, 1. y ., TO LBT, TMB ORPHBUM, FROM MAY 1, 1000, AND -rt-tBT rvixv-itraB-rio, FROM MAY 1, l»0t, FOR A TERM OF VEaBB. Proposals received until Jan. 1, IMS. Address S. D. LATOHER, Truttee, Ctlca, N. Y. PLAYS For Stock and Repertoire Com- Knits and Amateur Clubs, cats- jut describing thousands of « rimed 1 plsys will be sent fret onrtauett. 'Me Draaiatle Publishing Company, *M Dearborn Street, Chicago. AT LI UEUT ¥ ArTKll JA". 1, Ora and Lillie lie Vawter, club Jug* Ur, BJaasf atla* Dane* aad Picture Machine. FILMS WANTED. B. E. D., No. t, Ultifrton, Ind. 1046 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. Deoembeb 24, FOLLOW THE LUCKY HOUSE The sure-flre-hlt-house, and you will never have to worry about your act making a hit. Leave It to us. Let us do the worrying for you. All you have to do is to write In for songs* and we will send you the hits. We always have had them. We always will have them. Haven't we always had them ? Such being the case why should we have to COAX you to sing : "CO ON AND ALL THE SONGS ^Mi 4H& Bk RBBB BfllHi99 ALL THE SONGS ADVERTISED Ms^Trl M W^H* m Jf^M ^1 *kJ^ ^pM I ADVERTISED ARE THE COMPOSITIONS HI ^S# Kl 1 "1 \MSF Hfc ' %\ ARETHE COMPOSITIONS ; ;p^ja^ V .Vtfi/f. OF 1 VON TIIZEB (Lyric* by Andrew B. Starling). T VON HUB (Lyric* by Andrew B. Stirling). Sing It .nil jron wont hive to COtX jour aadlene* to like It. Sing It and yon wont have to COAX your agent to get yon lot* of work. Blng It »nd yon wont h»T« to COAX managers for a retnrn dat». ___.^_ » Absolutely the quickest and biggest hit of the house, and we are fairly snowed under trying to take care of the bushels of letters that come In dally to tell us about the success of It, and to nil tne requests ror wnat Is the song sensation of the year. Don't wait till everybody else has done It In your field, but do It, yourself, NOW. II HAVE YOU SEEN MAGGIE RILEY? M |"COAX tV«E"| MY PRETT1 |"COAX IVIE»| Our Big Novelty Waltz Song. The Big "Who?" Song. The Big Oddity that has made weak rivals and washed-out Imitations take to the scrap heap. ASK ANYBODY. ■ I > J Our Big Coon Song Hit The "Alexander the Great" In the world ITT of song that baa conquered them all. The only coon song hit In I ■■ the market today. | ■ I Our Big Indian Novelty Number. A refreshing relief from the ordinary offering. In Its Instrumental form a specially good bit for dumb, acrobatic, and al kinds of acta using quaint music. THREE GREAT, BIO I WITH BBNSA.TIORALl.ir CORRECT AND BEAUTIFUL BLIDEB, BT THE BTXBXOPT1CON AHD FILM IXCBAKCF, OF t HICAGO, AT 15.00 FEB IBT. WHEN THE FROST IS ON THE PUMPKIN rSSSSffT BBfflSftSrSEfi** "DOWN AT THE BABT STORE" .... SESSSEKBa*' *" "DOWN WHERE THE SWANEE RIVER FLOWS" KffiS^daaKSSSF 5 * 44 TO SINGERS-SEND CREDENTIALS AND 10c. FOB M HAT TOD SEED, AND BEEP IN lOlCII WITH US. WB ABB ALWAYS ABLB TO SUIT YOU. ALWAYS BOBBTflINO HEW FOB YOU. HARRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO., 37 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. (Branoh In Chica 67 CLARK ST BEULSGO THEATRE. 12d St. HbliHVHw Ev. 8.16. MalB. But. at 3. BY AKlflJllljW COMEDY DRAMA, Th» rVluealo Msater, By CHARLES KLEIN. Direction of DAVID BEXABCO. B. T. KEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrloal Enterprises. E. F. ALBEE. General Manager. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE). 8. K. HODODON, Booking Manager, -Asaocletlon of Vaudeville Managers, St. James Bldg., Broad- way sad »«th St., N.Y. PASTOR'S uth ™*™™ B A "- ■ tWa* ■ ■#■■ "a? go AND SO OENTS. BAILEY & MADISON WESTON & RAYMOND, LOUISE ARNOT & TOM GUM EMERSON A OMEGA, CLARK A FLUP ETTE, BROWN A TBE ELLIS SISTERS, D'BLMARB, MISSES QILEEY A DOM ON T, TIIE DEMA0R8, MANNING TWIN SISTERS, TBE BELFORDS, KEBNE, OOMVDT JUGGLER, THE VITACRAPH. Huber's s£ Museum Qoo. H. Huber, Propr. J. H. Anderson, Mgr. WANTED, Attractions and Freaks tor Ourlo Halls. Add. J. H. ANDBRSOK, as above. GEO. and HAY WOODWARD, 'BltifB Epgiginmil, Tin) Ft si si's Tttjaj. ORVILLE and FRANK An Working for OBBIN BBOB., In the City of Mexico. "F RE VOL I" SPECIAL VAUDEVILLE FEATURE MURRAY A MACKEY 00. H. LAMOUNr ind PAULETTE Ltulsi AND DOQ BENOHIB ALWAYS MAKE QOOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAVIES, 47 W. BtH St., New York. Inness and Ryan, Ctniirsitl.nillsts and Singers. Chas, and Billy Clarke, TBB IRISH TOURISTS. WALTER BEEMER. AND 8810 RHODES AVE., CHICAGO. ■JUGGLING GIRL. THE OBRHAN INVENTORS, DEVINE aid WOOLEY, at their AIR SHIP, with Al. Beeves* Co. • HARBACH'S • OXY. LITHE 0A8 OUTFIT. $30 OXY. LITHE, PER BOX $1.16 EDISON UNIVERSAL KINETOBOOPE, IBM $01.50 Electrlo and Calcium, loin, Reels. Universal Oineograph, MM $43.60 Edison Exhibition Klnetoscopes $86 to $66 Btereoptlcon Outflt, coit $eo $S6 Traoktd by Bloodhounds (IM Film) $M 4 1 2in. CONDENSERS, SI by mail BEST IMPORTED 08LY $1.25 FILM CEMENT, LIMES, REELS, FILM BOXES. Send fir Litest Sup. 22 ef Mitleo Micelles, Films, Slides, Etc. At Liberty, KARL Yt AY, HBAVIBB. FBANK CALLAHAN LBADINO JUVENILES, HBAVIBB, OBNBBAL BUSINESS. FRANK CALLAHAN. Crowley, La., care ot Opera House Drug Store. MOVING PICTURE OPERATOR, with good line of Films. Good money for same. WANTED, MAN THAT DOES MAOIC and VENTRILOQUIST ACTS: also PIANISL, Lady or Gent Long engagement; good money every week. Address EDWARD VINTON, Hebron, Nebr. Lady Musician Wanted.-A Young Lady that can sing or danoe, and play some musical In- strument. State age and height In first letter, and send photo, whloh will be returned; a snap for theriKhtone; long season, and salary as regular and sure as any bank In the U. B. Conld use a good, talented amateur. Address BEN B. BROS?, Pipestone. Minn. Dogs For Sale 1 OLOWI DOS. 6 LEAPIIB DOBS. 4 Iain, 8 Females, WELL BROKE. For particulars, PROF. JOHN WHITE, MQOiford Ave., Baltimore, Md. WANTED, FOB L0H6 SEASON, Sketch Teams, Novelty Acts and Piano Players for MEDICINE CO. Change for week stands. Tail all you do In first letter. Balary Halt— $18 double, $10 single and expenses. Co. opens Jan. 3. FRANK SYLVESTER and the KEMPERB, write. Address 0. H. CONRAD, South McAlester, I. T. AT LIBERTY. DB. F. H. HOWARD. EXPERIENCED MEDICINE LECTURER. Good appearance; sober and reliable. Salary or per- centage. I am not a performer. Address F. H. HOWARD, 4*4 Superior St, Toledo, O. FOR BALK — Eleotrlo Pneumatlo Piano, 160 rolls music soluble for arcade, saloon, cafe, o'garand billiard, or borne. PUno and music cost over $700. Will sell all $816. spot cash. Leon Loeb, 13« N. Limestone, Leiington, Ky. FOR BALE— Octopus and Painting, $16: Devil Fish Man, $6; 136 feet Side Wall $ IS : lot ot Ma e leal Apparatus and Illusions: also Blaoz Tent, 26x88. Win trade for Working World or Ft 1ms. List free. JOHN W. STELTZERTMaglclan, McOook, Neb. FOR SALE, TWO CREAM COLORED MARES Seven years old, both with Sliver Manes and Tails. They stand 16-8 hands high, and weigh 3.SO0B. Will make a great ad. for arena or Medl cine Bhowa. For farther Information apply to ABE KLEE A SON, 313 N. Centre Avenue, Oblcago, HI. STEREOPTICONS FROM $12.00 HP. $12.00 UP. NEW AND SECOND HANDS FILMS, MOVING PICTURE MACHINES AND BONO SLIDES. PEAROE A SOHECK. 316 N. Calvert St., Balto.,Md. Fine Migical Apparatus, ILLUSIONS, TRIORS, Etc. Orand End of Century, fully ninstrated. BOOK CATA- LOGUE, Mo., free by mall, Catalogue of Parlor Tricks tree MARTINKA A OO., Mfrs., IMSlxtliAve., N. Y. Do lou WANT MILITARY GOODS? BAND UNIFORMS, ARMY or NAVY BUTTS, TBNT8,OUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Auction. Ho Batter what yon want In that line I can supply It. Hew or second hand. Send for catalogue. B. B. ABRAHAMS, tn south St, Philadelphia, Pa. PHOTOGRAPHS Cabinet Photos of yourself for selling or lobby. irlOO. Sdeae CARBON A finish. Samp. 10c M pei HUSRAND OR WIPE PHOTOS, |B.O# 1,900: FORTUNES, 60Cs: Samp. 100. ~ ~ For Fotura Photographi and Lovers' Post Office. WUlard St, Phlla., Pa. WE HAVE LOTS MORE Mechanical Fog Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Shows, Apartments, Yachts or Car ; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Roll Strip Admission Tlckete.BIack or White Tents, Folding; Chairs, Triangles, Sawbuck Cota and Canvas Covers, SEND FOR FREE- LIST. B. H. ARMBRU8TER, 807 B. 6th Bt, Springfield. Illinois. AT LIBERTY, IRISH OOMEDIAN. GOOD SINGING SPECIALTY. Address NEIL OALLAOHAN. Actors' Union. 8 Union Square, New York, N. Y. Want to hear from party with lot of good films and machine. 1MB. FEBFQBHERS II 1UUBS. Illnstrated Songs and Strong Feature Acta given preference. Must ohange for one week, work. Salary sore. State a'l la first letter. Ad Steady ry Bare. State a'l la first letter. Add CLIFTON REMEDY OO., Veedersburg, Ind P. R.— Would buy Single Btereoptlcon In good condition, oheap for cash. StrtaiieiJralB Ageits & Canvassers Sepplies We Always Have the Latest Novelties. Send for our New Catalogue. UNIVERSAL SUPPLY CO., rtllTatUl IBB La> Salle Street - - vUluAQU. GRAND OPERA S)USE. INO, WEEK OP" JAr. Address either STAIR A HAVL1N orN. APPELL, Orand Opera House, Reading, Pa. WANTED, Good, Reliable Repertoire People in Ml Lines, Juvenile Woman, with small child; must play parts and do good small parte and specialties; Character Comedian and General Business I specialties; Iparta and specialties; Character Comedian and General Business Ma~, vllle Team (man and woman); must play small parts: Piano Player and agent who can deliver trie Property Man for an, with 'specialties;. Vande- - »— \m wsa mum nuuiau/i auuoii y lm J BUUIU $/*■! W I * ISM1W i imj K goods, state all first letter— age, height, weight and lowest salary. stamps. Two weeks silence polite negative. Manager Gotham Comedy Company Boozers end day dreamers, save B1BRY WaBEE, Gainesville, Fla. AT LIBERTY F10I III. 1 AID P01 8E180I INS, J. D. HARRISON, OWING TO SHOW CONTRACTED FOR NfKT GOING OUT CORING BEACON. Will consider proposition from any BONA FIDE TENTED AMUSEMENT, big or little; to handle Privileges. Route, Contract or Advertise. Furnish and Eqnlp Bide Show and Conceit, or Manage eameU already supplied. Hav/o associated with me tbe Beet Announcer, Monej Getter and Oninde Talker In Show Baslnee* , unanimously ao declared by all Show Men who visited the World's Fslr, at St Louis. Address J. D. HARRISON, Broadway Hotel, U>i South Broadway, Bt. Louis, Mo. Mate - THE BERNSTEINS - Little Rath VAUDEVILLE'S CLEVEREST JDVENILE ARTISTS, Are creating a sensation In the Weat with their Refined Singing and Dancing, being featured as tbe neadllners over the entire Crystal Circuit. Managers and tbe rresa praise act very highly, and com- pliment It as being the neatest and cleverestluvenlle act In vaudeville. Time all filled until Marcti Play Imperial Theatre, Leadvllle, Colo., week Dec. 10. For further route see CLIPPER list Permanent addr ess, 888 WO ODLAND AVE., Cleveland.O A NOVELTY IN TBB JUGGLING LIRE. FRED and ANNIE PELOT. THIS WEEK; CASTLE THEATRE, BLOOKINOT0N, ILL. o: AT jJBBBTT— I HAVE WEEK DEC. »0 OPEN, SINGING, TALKING AND ACROBATIC OOMEDIAN. 14 MINUTES IN ONE. „ .„ Address OPERA HODSE, Doyleatovin, Pa., week Dec. 18 J BS. D'ARVILLE SISTERS ™ E "TUB FAMOUS PBBIICH FENCING GIHLS." Beautiful singing, cornettlat and monologue ; also both play responsible parts. AT LIBERTY. Care of CRESCENT THEATRE, New Orleans, La. DOGS FOR SALE. FIVE SNOW WHITE POODLES, one year old. Well trained. A reasonable Price. Address WILL D. TORE, Cor. State and Gray sis., Blmlra, N. Y. WANTED QUICK. GOOD GENERAL ACTOR. Must be versatile, qulok study, good wardrobe. Mention salary: It's sure. J EARL BARRINOTON, Deo. 19, Battlnean, N. P.; Deo. B, Rugby, N. D MOROMIZISG.-^PI^S'ALL ! LD?E? OH KETCH TEAM, NOVELTY ACT; PIANO PL1YEB who can act, etc. State ell. Yon pay board. Address OR. O. M. BBOK. Oen. Del., st. Paul, Minn. WE OPEN JAN. 8, 1906. PARTNER FOR AUS1GAL ACT Either comedian or straight; no tourist or pretty b->y ; must be sober and reliable performer. Let- ter only; write qnlck. Address JOS. A. KELL1, 87. 8tarr Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. . Great Discovery, Experts can not detect It from gjn- ... nine diamond. Costs but one-tenth. In brilliancy and out It has no equal. Betting solid gold, write for Illustrated catal ogee. ROWE < CO., Dept.O„ 888 Dearborn Bt. Chicago; Zambezi gem Sketches to Order, $1. New, Bhort Oast Plays, gio; Sketch. Parody and Q»gs, ISc; Parody and Gags, 10C. H. WIGHT, uninoy, Mich. Reading and Recitation Socks. Catalogue Free. All dramatic . papers on sale or aaalled. CHll. BeDOHALD ft CO., H Waahlagtoa St., CHICAGO, PLAYS, DECTEMBEB 24. THE NEW YORK OIjIPPER. 1047 THE NEW MAJESTICS. W. L. BALLAuT. Manager LURRY NIcCALE. THE BAH BEHIND THB COMEDY BOB. S-SISTERSBELUTZER-5 Europe's Premier Lady Gymnast*. MAUDE EYELYN HARVEY and WALKER THE CHARMERS. ANDERSON"* WALLACE TRAVESTY end TRAGEDY STABS. marieImTrison. THE OIRL WITH TBI YELLOW HAIR billyIoble. THB REAL COON 8BOUTER. belle~wTlton, THB DARK EYED DAUGHTER OF SPAIN. A BIT OF GERMAN NONSENSE, FARRON and FAY, IS "THE LAST QUART OF BEER." Abe LeaTltt'S r»ou RENTZ-SANTLEY GO. LEO LBATTTT. Business Manager. THE NOVELTY DUO, """THE RACKETT$ CLAaA Introducing the Steeple on tee Hill. HAWTHORNT& BURT. Premier Eccentric Dancers. CHAS. ¥. DOUGLAS, Monologulng Parodist BIJOU COMEDY FOUR, Peer of All Comedy Quartette*. IRWIN'S BIO SHOW. FRBD IRWIN Manager "THEM FELLOWS." WILSON & $ORG Talking Humorists. Oeo. OH, BY, IS DOT SO. ■THE KLEINS- Dutoh Comedian and Soubrett*. Loretto CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp with the Funny Voice. The RAT8ELBENDER8 An Austrian Drill. Marching , Etc. A Specialty In Fencing, Flnt time In America. THB FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO Sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Rrtra Feature. WATCH FOB US AT THB DBWBT. 4--THE CONOLLY8--4 Singers and Dancers Supreme. PRLVC I P AL LEAD. MISS JESSIE MOORE Contralto. Films! Films! THB) VERT BEST OBTAINABLE. All Original. No Dupes. CRESCENT. 12c. PITH E, 12c. Special BargalriBi A Moving Plotnre Camera, complete, ready tor use IM.oc One Pair Mcintosh Oaa Bags, like new, complete and ready tor use 80.00 Cost $81.00 th ree weeks ago. The OINEOGRAPH, with 8TERBOPTI0ON combined, 1W6 model, with l.woft fllm. 100.00 A veritable olnoh. The Bold Bank Robbery, floote «T.eo Blue Beard. 700ft 00.00 Unole Tom's Cabin (new), 700tt 87.80 Personal, 476ft 4100 Imported Coadeaeers, oaa dollar each. The Heat Hard Liases, per doz.. 11.00, or per gran, la cans of 1 dot., with acrew tap lid, $T.SO. FILM AND It S.OHINES WANTED. Lull IV Hi VI 11/ VI Wl) 338 8PBDCE STREET, PrTTT.ADEUHlA, PA. HEW VORK. OHIOAOO. HEFNER wi< IAKER, 1*4 W. sflth STREET. NEAR BROADWAY, B.T. CHICAGO BRANCH, OHIOAOO OPERA HOUSB BLOCK. A. KERSHAW, Resident Partner. Baaa t»r Catalogue O, either omee. m BrllllMU, MMlelne a Proi TO BUY Jv.nw.7sue'. _. and DIM Show Qoodi. Prot. WamMMB'l Qtrum Faints. Borat Cork, rasa Powdar, its. Boulter's Boag Books. Pall Um at Xatrta Ea*U» JRratflMr Oata- l«a^e._Tha OI4 BeJUkU B. B. TJHXB * €>•., 84 Wakaak At.. , CUM**, IB. GLAUS & HOHTEZ HYHTLK Singers and Eccentric Buok Dancers. cliff"fabeell, The Kerry Musical Minstrel. ROBERT GORDON MANAGER CHARACTER EKTERTAISERI. BRODEBICE and JESSICA. OLETER COMEDY COUPLE. THE ALEENE ACROBATIC DANCERS GINGEB GIRLS, and HAMILTON, SENSATIONAL ACHOBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Aot Before the Public. S' Murphy's Ha*qa*rade." Produced by BEID and GILBERT. An Uproariously Fanny Faroe Comedy. TERRY aniELBERaDdlPE In "THE DANCING MISSIONARY," HARMONIOUS SELECTIONS. RELIANCE QUARTET, THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RBY, 0BAPPBLL. Features With L. LAWRENCE WEBER'S DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A. D. GORMAN Manager chas."rob1nson. The Laugh Maker. BESSIECUFFORD, Starting Sensation In Tlgnta. JAMES JSaWlEONARD, In "The Wrong Tip." PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Sole Proprietor scl" H tni|ir. J. AUSTIN FYNEt, Geniril Manlier. • IEIUTIFUL TIEATIES I Devote* ta BtaBaed BuatortalnanoBt. Proetor*a Btk A", Theatre, Prootor'a BBd St. Theatre, Prootor'a Mta. St, Theatre. Proctor'a 180 1 h St, Thoatro, Proitor'i Neerark Theatre, Prootor'a Albanr Theatre. PROCTORS STOCK CO. Presenting Beit Plays. WABTED, BEST ACT* TB VAUDEVILLE. If you do not receive a reply, It may he because the Urns ta filled; yon are therefore advised to writs again In four weeks. Do NOT aneloaa stamp lor reply. INSTRUCTION TO ARTISTS BOOKED: •£. plota of acta; complete "prop'' list; If can apea and close la one; EXACT time of acta, and ot "close la;" billing (or newspapers and programmes : and CUBAN PHOTO- GRAPHS tor LOBBIES TWO WEBK8 In ADVANCE! OF OPENING DATS AT SUCH HOUSE), addressing RESIDENT MANAGER. FAILURE TO COMPLY with these IN- 8TRUCTION8 WILL SUBJECT ARTISTS to the BIBS OF CANCELLATION. VATJDB- YILLE BEHBABSALB MONDAYS, SAM., SHARP. Playwright*, Avthora and Play Agents, Vaudeville Artists and Player*, address J. AUSTIN FYBBS, General Manager, riTT H AVE. THEATA1. ST. T. PITT. SIEGMAN & WEIL 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bat. Spring and Brooms), N#w York Theatrical Supplies Grease Paiits, . . . Tights, Wigs, . . . Gold & Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., Wo isnd ooodi C. 0. D., subliet to Impictlon, but raqulrt a dspotH on ill Prior*. AUCTION AUCTION Greatest Sale on Record or CirciisiShow Property Will II SOLD WltlOBT BE8EBTR II 8EPABATE LOTS TO TIE HIQDEST IDIU, AT Til WHTBR QU&BTBRS, C0LUIBU8, 0110. JAN. 10, II, 12, 1905, COIIENOINO AT 10 A. I. I Send acta, (or ' Catalogue Ho. 8. mm HEW Makeup, tarfntm. sloaals and amaktna, seal aa 'sTRALD. CO Ann 81. Bew York. WIGS 8. SHiNDHELy , Theatrlcil Wig MAKER. Oood work for low prices. lis West ssth STREET, Hew York. lad stamp for price list. CAROUSEL FOR SALE, EXCHANGED AND REBUILT. •fKBEMER'8 0ARODBEL WOBK8, W 11th Ave., L.j7oity.B.T Secoid Hail BAM USTBUbUHtS BOUGHT, SOU) and BXOHANOED. Bend (or com- plete list. FRANK. HOLTON& CO., lot B. Madison Street, Chicago, HI. IANAQERS, ATTENTION. The Most Beautiful Summer Park In the South ANDERSON PARK, At Pascagoula-on-the-Beach, Pascagoula, Miss. Finely equipped ttsge. Seating cspaclty, 1,200. Four towns to draw from. Population, 15,000. Connected by excellent trolley service, owned by the owners o( park. Bathing, Boating, Fishing, Refreshments at Anderson Park, which Is maintained In high class way. We are booking solid from May 1 to Oct 1, 1005. Some good time open. Managers of reper- toire and opera companies, write. Companies playing 8ammer dates at New Orleans, Mobile, Vlcksburg, Natches and Jackson should Include Pascagoula. OUTSIDE PARK AMUSEMENTS WANTED. Write (or terms. Address 8. 8. BUSH, General Manager, Care Colombia Trust Co., Louisville, Ey. HUMS WANTED In any quantity, and EDISON EXHIBITION and UNIVERSAL MODELS. We pay highest prices (or Good Machines and Films. I*. M. SWAAB «fc CO., 338 Spruce St.. Philadelphia, Pi., THE ONLY LEGITIMATE BAKOAIN BOUSE. TRAP DRUMMER Have Tympanl, Bells, Xylophone, Drams and Traps and I know how to use them. Will Travel. PAST 15 YEARS WITH THB BEST. NOTHING TOO BIO. F. J. TIERNEY, 288 South State St, Loop Hotel, Chicago, III. TRICKS. Apparatus and Illusions. TOST A COMPANY, 41 N. Hlnth St. (Established mo.) Philadelphia. Bar Largo bow catalogue (or sump. BIG SELLING PERFORIERS FOR SUNDAY. Sohnter Park ARTISTS OP ALL KINDS WRITE FOB SUNDAY DATE. MONTREAL. CONTRAGTS Etc SAMPLES. CO., SM Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. TICKETS, PASSES, CARDS, WEBB PTQ, 8I.OT MACHIXB8, Over 400: even kind; standard make*. All up- to-date. Write for Cut Price List. COSMOPOLITAN NOVELTY CO., 48. ». Fourth Street Philadelphia. Fa. Coat Ala longs, Jok ••, Parodies, tUr. I tatlom, Etc., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per I, Cos h wlta order. Ha C. O. D. Sample i, 10 Centi. WEHMAN BR08 IBS PAEK BOW, B. T. CRACKER JACK op In molatnre proof packages that keep It fresh a long time. A gnlck seller (or theatre*, circuses, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all place, of public amusement W* also make a large line of PACKAGE CAN- DIBS and the RELIABLE POPCORN BBICK. Inform a* where yon hold a confectionery concession and we will send samples and price*. HOB MEM BIOS. * EOUTall, CHICAGO. THE Consisting In part of B0 R. R. Cars, Sleepers, nox Stock, Flat and Advertising ; 102 Wagons, Tableaux. Band, Chariot, Music and Baggage ; 31 Double Cages, carved and gilded, moat costly ever made; 16 Trained Elephant*. 8 separate performing groups; ill) Csmels, 800 valuable Anlmala — all kinds ; 321 Uorics. Ring, Menage, Trick, Bareback, Race and Wagon ; 19 Ponies, Harness, !" best I snd Etc., Etc All can be seen and lnapec NO POSTPONEMENT. NO WITHDRAWALS. Lilt, on application by mall. Address mil FOBEPIUBH t SELLS BROS., 1 123 Broadway, N. T. The ORIGINAL and Only Magic Kettle Act As played with pronounced success at the Palace, London; Alhambra, Paris; Palace, Glasgow; Hansa, Hamburg:; Johannesburg;, South Africa. This is the ORIGINAL Magic Kettle Aot as produced by Mr. JOSEF TABBIOK at the Eden M usee, New York City, April 18, 1004, following' whioh engagement this aot broke all records for long runs on the different vaudeville circuits. Mr. Yarrick opens on the Poll Circuit Jan. 9, 1905. Eight companies now playing in America, England and on the Continent. PROTECTED BY INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT. Address MAOIO kettle, B37 l**lfth Avenue, New York Olty, or WU. MORRIS. 48 W. 28tb St., New York, TELEPHONE 2810—38. CABLE ADDHESB— RADABRO, N. Y. WBBTBKN UNION CODU HATCH, KEENER A CLUTU, Attorneys, 100 Broadway. Willy Zimmerman, Bole B.preeeatatlee. BIOHABP PITBOT. OEO. 10, OLYMPIC, OHIO ABO. WANTED aritone FOR GUS <9UIV»» QUICK. DOUBLE ^T j| <0 1 ,f=Sj, 1*IIIVSTRBI*8. OLABIONET PLAYKll tar B. and O. Other Maelelans, write. Oaa Place Plr.t Claee A«eat aad I'alon Stage Carpenter. Add. SUN MISBTHBLH, Tiffin. Ohio. HIGH CLASS MAGICAL APPARATUS At moderate prices. Large stock, Immense ' rataloi variety. Illustrated Catalogue Free. New moth largal BOTBBBBBQ, Mammoth Catalogue Just lasued, 20c 400 bargains In Out List of » apparatus for 2c. stamp. 176 Ontario Bt, Chicago. XMAS GIFTS FOR THF BOYS, TOY Bsglo Lantern., Slides, Fountain Pens, Cameras and other Novelties, etc. Catalogue K mailed tree L. BANA8SE. by request MAKA88E. Chicago, El. CLOflS-T. SPENCER, Orlgliil Thiilrieil OLOG MAKER, 440 Weet 3 6th St., New York. Stamp (or price list All orders strictly attended to. Oaah or deposit required. JUST OUT, 124 PA6E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOG PE, 26c. ; BOP. CATAL, Be. None free. Only N. W. D. Only N. B Agent. for H a h a tm a, 10c. LBBOY. 108 Court Bt, Boston, Mas*. M. 8TRA88MAN, ATTOBNBY, 858 Broadway, New York City. BON TON, Phila., EIGHTH, BELOW VINE ITBIET, OPEN OUT. II. High Claae Ooatlnaaa* Vaad.vlll.. Aa persons most send photo* and billing matter two week. In advance. Artists bo prepared to do two or more a day. Act* always wanted. Write to above Theatre. PRIVATE CAR, COMBINATION DINER and SLEEPER. Built by owner with object of convenience and comfort In view. Fully equipped and elegantly furnished throughout Parlor, Staterooms, Dining Koom, Kitchen, Lockers, Electric Bell* and everything modern. Just the thing (or small troupe or Doctor with Medicine Co. At ■ lan. 1. after thnt Chicago, III. Address Care Private Car "Dixon," Grand Trunk Tracks. South Bend, Ind., until Jan. 1, after that Chicago, III. Address ~ C. LEVICK, South Bend, Ind. " Would lease to responsible parties. eT* 1-1 1 1P1TY, FRED J. POWERS, 8ESSE KINGDON, Charactirt, Light Comedy, O.n'l But. iuvonlloo, InganuM, Qtn'l But. Characters, Light Comedy, Qon'l Height, oft; wt.lM. Juv.nllti, Inganuu, Oin'l But. Height, lit, Sin,; wt, 111. Wardrobe, experience, ability; First Clsss Rep. or one pleoe. Responsible Managers, only. OEN'L PELIVKItr, FAIUJO, N. 1)AK. THE WH18TLISO MICK*, JUST GLOBED K0UL A OASTLE CIRCUIT. A PEW WEEKS OPEN FOR EABTKHN TIMS. Address M3 ASHLAND BLOCK, Chlcsgo. PIT WIT SL Pit Wig & Toupee Makers, a* UlllkvCvVl PAINT and POWDER. MeVICKBB'S the ATltK, ObleaBO, III. Telephone— Central, 004. Bend for Catalogue. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, IT., NEW TOBK (old Rosier * Blal's), THOMPSON, Manager (late Wood'* ilal rate* to performers, tl a week. lUW.SSdST. BALLETT Oym.) Special «T I^TaR ST SSta 8TBKBT, TOBBE. SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS '« "J" ««™ «•- TRUNKS 8TORED FRIB. Write or teteptoae and we will miwt you at the depot. Telephone: N ORTH im. 18i NORTH CLARK STREET, OHIOAOO. no Oaty Tk.itrlo.l Supply Hoiim In Pilloialpbla. «•- OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, OUR CELEBRATED CLOG SHOE, #2.80. food, seat everywhor* O. 0. D. when deposit accompanies order. Send for Booklet - - BOB, ESS Dorth Eighth St., W1AI AC PHILA., between Race and Yin* St.. THE HEART OF THE SUMMER GIRL PUOSr. COPIES PUKE. (WALTZ BONO). WDL80BHER HCBIC CO., IndlsUSPOlls, Ind. AXTBlVLr »& KA.R1VY One of the Best Comedy Grotesque sketches In Vaudeville. Week of Jan. 1 and later open. ' Addreai ACADEMY UOTBL,l»EMt 14th Bt.N.Y. City, N.T. 1048 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 24. SOME OF THE BUSINESS BEING DONE THIS SEASON "THE ERRAND BOY* with Billy B. Van "GIRLS WILL BE GIRLS"- with Al. Leach and the Three Rosebuds "THE CRISIS"— Management of James K. Hackett • $6,608.22 4,952.36 4,881.70 The above business was done st popular price*— from 25c. to T5c, with box seats ,1.00. Can You. Exceed Time HAYS' Figures ¥ It'« "Wortta. You.r -While To Try, f»ptor " TIONB ■OOKI r\jT\jwmm dates "LEW DOCK8TADER AND HI8 MIN8TREL8" Mr. Dockstadcr, having played a ,1.50 and ,2.00 down- town theatre laat season, came to the Grand a tew weeks later on and exceeded hla business by ,8,000. "A CHINESE HONEYMOON" No. 1 Company— original scenery, costumes and properties, and all principals In the rnat — was presented December 12th, 1U04. (PAPKR TO PRESS TOO BARLY TO QUOTE RBCBIPT8). "WINSOME WINNIE" With PAULA BDWARDBS, was presented dur In g week of Dec. 19. (PAPBR TO PRESS TOO BARLY TO QUOTE RECEIPTS). "BUSTER BROWN" The same production which goca Into the Majestic Theatre, N. Y., for a run, BUSY IZZY— With George Sidney. HIS LAST DOLLAR-Wlth David Illaul... A SON OF REST- With Nat Willi. PBGOY PROM PARIS. WARD and VOKBS. ROSS and FBNTON. BY RIQIIT OF SWO RD— With Ralph Stuart. "DOWN the PIKE Thanksgiving Week, Not. 21. Monday Night $704.16 Tuesday Matinee 225.25 Tuesday Night 817.15 Wednesday Night 1,161.50 Thanksgiving Matinee 1,249.85 Thanksgiving Evening 2,565.00 Friday Night . . 840.70 Saturday Matinee 561.40 Saturday Night 1,686.90 6R0SS ON WEEK, $9,811.91 Gross on Thanksgiving Day, $3,814.85 The Harvard and Pennsylvania Football game on Thursday afternoon and the Army and Navy game on Saturday afternoon (two perfect days for outdoor sport) hurt the Bay 'b business con- servatively ,800. MANAGER G. A. WEGHFARTH takes this opportunity to thank MBSSBS. 8TAIR & IIAVLIN, GEO. Hi NICOLAI and DUDLEY MacADOW, of that office, for the excellent line of attractions he has been able to offer his patrons through their judicious bookings (also the entire office staff for their courteous treatment), and states that with the consent of this office, and providing It does not con- flict with MESSRS. K. and B„ and the houses of Philadelphia, he will' PURCHASE OUTRIGHT ANY HIGH-PRICED PRODUCTION ON TUB ROAD (nothing too large) at such a figure as to assure a GOOD PROFIT to the attraction. The combining of a few high-priced productions with the better class of popular priced attractions will make It a possibility to establish a DOLLAR PRICE for HALF of the ORCHESTRA, thereby making the GRAND OPERA HOUSE the GREATEST POPULAR PRICED THEATRE In the UNITED STATES EUGENE CLINE *CO. FILMS FOR RENT We hare made It possible for all managers to get a picture pro- gramme that la not surpassed by any Vaudeville Theatre In America. INSTALL OUR SERVICE. II IS WHY PERFECT. •» 10 E. 14th SI., New York City. 59 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED QUICK, Leading or Heavy Han; most double In brass, slide or baritone. Long engagement. Write or Who. J 0IUK8K, Lamar, Mo. CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS. * WHY PAT MORE? Our XXX Trunk has no Equsl. Its Superiority and Low Price gives It every advantage over any trunk made, be- ing built on well seasoned fiasswood, with a Continuous Steel Binding, Canvas. Glued on, and over 300 Rivets used. Heavy Rawhide Handles, Yale Locks. 8ln. Tray, made to Swing In the top, making In all tho Best Theatrical Trunk. Guaranteed S Years. 28, ,10.75; 80, ,11.2" 84, ,12.76; 86, 18.75 ; 38, ,14.75; 40, ,16.75. .25; 82, ,11.75; *>-,, .ii.tu.au, 1.0..U, in, .n.iu, iv, fiu.iu, Our XX Trunk Comparts Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built on Baeswood Box, Covered with Sail Duck, Glued on, Bound with Heavy Steel, Yale Lock, I Dowels and Double Hinges Angle Edging, 1 Sin. Tray, '1 4 In. Tray. A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, ,7.25; 80, ,7,76; 82, ,8.25; 84, ,8.75; 86, ,9.25; 88, ,9.75; 40, ,10.25. STEEL CLAD.— Basswood Box. Covered with Cold Rolled Steel. I Deep Tray, Yale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. The Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, ,6.60; 80, ,6.00 ; 82. ,6.60 ; 34, ,7.00 ; 86, ,7.60 ; 88, ,8.00 ; 40, ,8.50. Shipped C. O. D. on receipt of ,5.00. Write for Catalogue. SI. S. CASEY, 441 lith Ave., Bet. 20th and 27th 8t»., N. Y. Established 4T Years. JAN. 1 AND LATER OPEN. TROCADERO QUARTETTE, Vaudeville, Faroe Comedy, Extravaganza or Minstrel 00. Address JOE HIRNES, Care CLIPPER. TO LEASE* THEATRE, IN A CITY OP 110,000 AND OVKH. Give Fnll Particulars first letter. 8KL1.1E, care of CLIPPER. LIBERTY. Alt ACT THAT KEEPS TUKM QUBBB1NQ. ImpBHoaaiiDg A DASBIH8 SODBBETTB, 8IISIIS, ACROBATIC AND C0RTOBTI05 DAICIM. Wardrobe unexcelled. Address B. ALVOR A, 204 Bat*. 15th street, N. Y, 0. THERE WILL BE SOMETHING DOING WHEN WILSON and MORAN H AVE THEIR FIRST QUARREE." UHlTED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make yon a fortune. If too have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, SONG or BOOK that Is worth anything, yon should copyright It Don't take chances when yon can seenre oar serv- ices at small cost. Sendfor ourSKCML OfllR 10 INVINTORS before applrlmr. for a patent, it will fay you. tUMWOOK on tatenliirntmu. We advise If patenta- ble or not. FREE. Ws lacorporata STOCK COMPANIES. Small fees. Consult ns. YYORMELLE & VAN MATER, CslessHa Cepyrigkt • Pateat Ce, In., WASHM6T0N,O.C S, lK oir»**\» _ f*'* StSTMD- W^—llR tlfom for public p\C » entertainments, llluitmt- . ,. » tnghlAtorluanitcurrciitevenU, ■ popular son«s, etc. Nothing afford, better opportunities for mm uith small "° MAKE MONEY Brail (or Ire., lllu.tr.lcd oit>lo«uc, lell. wtul »n ontflt W»* C *»t, ecu, fl,|.lalii, the operutlun .ml Inxrucl. you how to conduct payli'f cMorulamcnU. ■slLUSTSK, Bff. Opllelu Nu»s8trwt, Sew Tort. ft. M at or h** » fift 'mi Witt nsetne Dlnstratsd Boi Aw, OoJloum o/ Acetylene s . r AHDSOM). STERE- OPTI- CON, L nuu das, Sto, ootered. L HktTI, soa B.'tsd Street, Hew Tort City. AVALON WALTZ. PIANO SOLO ... flOe. OROIIBSTRA .... 30o. LEADERS— Let us tell you how to get It free. Chas. E. Roat Mnsio Co., BATTLE CBBBK, MICH. II UNIFORMS r.rBAHDS.SCHO0LS?rilEHEK.HlU7AlY and all others. 8end for Catalogue and mention style wanted as we publish several lists. WESTERN UNIFORM CO. ao Clark Street Chicago 111. FILMS FOR RENT THE FILM RENTAL Established for the Benefit of the Moving Picture Ex- hibitors Desiring a Weekly Change of Programme that will include New and Inter- esting Subjects and a Service that will enable an Exhibi- tion equal to the same offered in the Metropolitan Cities at the same period. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT wimroiR FILM BBTll BUREAU, M E. CLAM 8TBBBT, CHICAGO, OX. Fo r Sale, Organ Chimes, 27 notes, made by "Deegsn," same as new, is* Also 32 Uniform Coats and Caps: very showy. A"- dren H. R. RAOAM, esti Ingleslde Ave., Ohtcsgo. DRAMATIC. VAUDEVILLE. CIRCUS. Copyright, 1804, by the Frank QaMa Publishing Company (Limited). Founiwl by FRANK QUEEN, 1853. NEW YORK, DECEMBER 31, 1904. VOLUME UI.-N«.4B Pfio* 10 C««U CATCHCt. C MmhuifslO /•WIA. 1050 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. DEOEMBEB 3i. Mi5S Clipper's finecdotes, Personalities and Comments, CONCCBMIKQ ST1GE FOLK and Sometimes OTHERS BT JOSEPHINE OBO. The manager of a large number of small ■bow companies, traveling In the Interests of a proprietary medicine, baa recently re- turned from Newfoundland with a stock of stories, gathered from tbe advertising men connected wltb bla companies. Undertakers are aald to be among tbe most callous of all humanity, and Staley'3 Transformation Co., rieidwln Brothers and the Nevarroa are other turns furnished by Americans. Quite a good aggregation for one bill. .A bit of Interesting news. The will of the late Dan Leno, who died In October, i« om A« he,,t ,a "ire. has been sworn In at £55,000. Mrs. Whallen's boy. Mike, arrived In Liver- pool Dec. 0, accompanied by bis newly-wed - w 'fe. They left for Leeds tbe same day, Where Mike Is to rehearse for pantomime at tbe Grand Theatre. He la looking well and has put on fifteen pounds In weight alnce bis trip to the States. I am Indebted to Dave Meier for this news. In bis letter be also added the following: "Al. Lawrence ■a topnlng the bill here this week at tbe Hippodrome (Liverpool), and be Is more than making good. He la following "High Jinks," wblcb runs forty minutes, and la nothing but comedy from start to finish. Lut he surprised me by the way be went on the opening night He makes a fine appear- ance and delivers tbe goods In grand style. Eugene Stratton Is drawing big houses to the Empire. Oswald Stoll is building a new hall near the Hippodrome. It will be open the early part of next year, and promises to be the finest ball In Liverpool." This Is tbe last week of tbe Three Meers at the Empire. Next week tbey go to Dub- lin, rest the following week and then go on the continent for a six months' sojourn, opening for a month at Dresden, Central Theatre, on Jan. 1. The act Is always In demand In this country, and also In America. Some six months ago the directors of tbe Empire succeeded in securing, at an enor- mous salary, Chine Ling Foo. Blnce be was engaged for the Empire he has been touring 'round the world and will make his first ap- pearance In England at tbe Empire on Jan. 2, accompanied by a troupe of ten of bis In- genlus countrymen. Byron and Langdon are at the Empire, Shepherd's Bush, this week, and are enter- taining the people of that district with their original creation, "A Dude Detective." fir. Byron's conception of a dude Is good and Ic always sure of winning many curtain cells. They were offered pantomime work for twelve weeks at a big salary, but could not accept because of present contract Frank Whitman, after a successful stsy at the Oxford, bas gone to Paris for a few days, and will return to London m good sea- December 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1051 •on to nil 'or America, Dec. 21. Mr. Whit- nun Will open In New York on Jan. 1, at the Grand Opera House, and will return to — - next Summer, to fulfill contract! r nti present day. 1 Banks opened their European neffleld last Monday. As baa bean tit* cm* with most American acts com- ma to the**, shores lately, these two latest arrival* received most hearty applause on their first appearance. The rapidity with which the sketch moves was a great surprise to the aoffience. The following who are In England and on the continent, send, through The Clipper, to their friends In America their best greetings for • Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Tear: Charles T. Aldrich, Four r,ukens, Three Meers. Herbert Lloyd, Whistling Tom Brown*, Bra Westcott, W. C. Fields, Morris Cronin, Everhart, Banks and Winona Winter. Byron and Langdon, Al. Lawrence, Mr. ana Mrs. Gene Hughes, Ed. E. Reynard, Toaslng Austins, Kstherlne Dahl, Conway and Le- land, Maud Courtney, Bines and Blnna, James Bard, Barton and Ashley, Nelson Down*. Conn and Conrad, Will H. Fox, Nellie Emerald, Norman French, Fanny Fields, lmro Fox, Rot* and Lewis, the Hoopers, the Nevarros, Houdlnl, Kelly and Gillette, Hsr- deen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Knox, Post Mason, Csss Btalcy, George W. Webster and "Zatka,' 1 E. W. Manning, Meier and Mora, Manhattan Comedy Four, Martlne and Son. Marba and Verity, Swan and Bambard, McPb.ee and Hill, Gallagher and Hlld, Flske and McDonald. Julia Mackey, Onltaw Trio, Kelly and Ashley, Hayman and Franklin, Newhonse and Ward, Nelson's Quintette, Lowell end Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Nell Litchfield, Charles D* Camo and "Cora," Frank Whitman, Jordan and Harvey, Charles Diamond, Doberty Slaters, young American Quintette, Albnrtus and Bertram, Reftt Brothers, Terry and Lambert, Bert Shepard, Charles R. Sweet, Robert Baker, Harry Hurst, Llitle B. Raymond, Dave Fltaglbbons, Belle Stewart. Gotham Comedy Four, Ro- berta* and WUfredo, Wood and Bates, Lew Wells, Captain Woodward, Troubadour Four, Go-Won-Go Mohawk, Guy D. Hackney, Cooke and Mia* Rothert, Ed. and Nettle Masse, Booker and Marbls, Morton and Elliott, Rastaa and Banks, Daisy Mayer, Bonnie Goodwin, Starr and Leslie, Alexander Dag- mar, Grant and Grant. Will English, Burke, Andres and Frisco. Alice Pierce, Hugh Stan- ton, 0. K. Sato, Goggln and Davis, Mlnola Mada Hurst, Diamond Trio, Mallni, Mr. and Mrs. Hike Whallen, Hugh Ward, James Horan, Weslyn Jones, T. P. J. Power, George Griffith, May Moore Duprez, Billy Gould, Seeley and west. Bradford and Valentine. Johnnie Qulgley, John H. Carney and others whose name* I cannot recall at the present moment. World of Players, — Notes from the "Was She to Blame?" Co. :' Harry Hamlin end wife (Marie David- son) will close Dec SI, owing to Mrs. Ham- lin's ill health. This la oar eighteenth week of success, under Mr. Paul's direction, The "ghost" and THB Clipper always arrive on time. Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin will go to their home In Milwaukee. — Note* from Lewis & Brown's "Ten Nights in a Bar Room" Co. : We opened our season at Oakland, Cal., Sunday, Dec. 11, breaking all records at the Macdonougb The- atre for Sunday business. Our private car Is the most gorgeous piece ot rolling; stock ever seen on the coast, being actually en- crusted with gold and silver leaf and decora- tive carvings. Large illuminated panels con- tain portraits of the principal characters, and even the trucks are striped and lettered In silver. The Norrls A Rowe Circus hand, under the leadership of Prof. D. C. Smith, leads the daily parade, which Includes several golden floats, Shetland ponies, gigantic Sjpfer mache figures of Joe Morgan, Sample wltchell and several large walking bottles. The roster : H. Stanley Lewis and William W. Brown, sole owners and managers; Tony Cranaall, advance representative; ICsco Ives, stage director; Frank Irving, master ot transportation: Will Ballantyne, King Rus- sell, Harold d'Estagne, Hannibal Woolford. Prof. De Witt C. Smith, Homer Deane, Earl Swing, Gus Wllmartb, "Possum" Harrison, Joseph 8elby, Thomas Hendryx, Jack Alvord, George Donovan, James Reed, Wilson Bar- court, Michael Fells, Marie Haakett, Edna Clare, La Petite Florence, Mrs. E. h. Sutliff, Carrie Reynolds and Master Stlllman Lewis. Hon*, Muldonl is our efficient ohef, assisted by Harry Irvine. . > ■ — Bert 8. Frank writes: "I closed with the 'Joshua Blmpkins' Co. on Dee. 11 and opened with Tom Arthur's big production o! 'A Study In Scarlet' on Dec. 26, playing the part of Sherlock Holmes." — Edgar O. Stepath has been engaged by J. C Keene as manager of the Keene ShowB. — Chaa. T. Falea r "Lighthouse Robbery" Co. notes : Business still continues excellent In Virginia and West Virginia. The 8. R. O. sign was hung out several times. No change* have as yet Been made In the company and everything is running In fine order. — The Clair Tuttle Co., under the man- agement of Clark B. Felgar, opened Ita sea- son at Smlthfield, W. Va., to 6. B. 0. Mr. Felgar has secured a strong supporting com- pany, which I* booked solid, and prospects never looked better. The Leavaus are meet- ing with success In their novelty apparatus and part*. Mr. Felgar and Miss Tattle are still favorites over Southern territory. The company is Incorporated and is already book- ing tor next season. — Notes from "A Rabbit's Foot" Comedy Co.: Our baggage car, containing tents, seats, lacks, lights, etc., was entirely con- sumed by Are on Dec. 10, at Wanenton, da. Pat Cnappelle, the owner and manager, moved the show into Augusta, Ga.. 12, and began to get things together. In less than a week he has replaced everything, Including new tent, seats, lights, uniforms, wagons, etc. This Is the quickest recovery In his- tory, considering that the tent came from Cincinnati, the uniforms from Philadelphia and lights from New York. Over a thousand dollars was spent within a few days and over fifty dollar* alone was apent In tele- graphing, and our company la now on the road playing to their normal business Just as If nothing happened — Will FT Gardner has signed with Jas. H. Walllck's "Escaped from the Harem" Co., as agent Harry Earl I* manager. — An event of Interest will be the prcduc-. tlon, next July, of "Rip Van Winkle," with more than two hundred In the cast, on the spot where the scene of the story la laid, on the southern slope of Kaatersklll Cove, near Santa Cm* Fall*, N. Y. The play will be under the direction of Charles Frier, stage manager, formerly with Sothern. — Kirk* La Shelle has engaged Dlgby Bell to create the role of Mr. Plpp, In "The Edu- cation of Mr. Plpp." — Eddie Foy Is writing a book, to be called "Remlnlscenses of a Stage Clown," dealing with hi* experiences on the stsge. talking act of Blake and Blake always goes big. Walter De Luna, In hi* tramp mono- logue, Is well received The trick piano play- ing of our pianist, Arthur Mann, Is another feature of the bill. The show went big last week, at Suffera, N. Y. — Notes for Terry's "Uncle Tom's Csbln" Co.: J. u. Carmody has signed as general agent and E. H. Anderson as local contrac- tor, with 'six bill posters. C. Z. Jacason will be stsge manager; Guy Repass, band leader, and Gus Kellmen orchestra leader. Season opens April 20 at Little Slonx, la. — Mart* Week close* her company on ac- count of her ill health, and win rest notll her Spring season open* In Philadelphia. — Note* from North Bros. : Manager If or- ¥in, of the Levy Opera House, Hlllaboro, ex., ha* secured the lease of the opera house at Itasca, Tex., and will play attraction* there daring the rest of the season. The North Bro*. (Western company) opened the house, under Mr. Morgan'* management, Dec. 10, and prayed to 8. R. O. Mr. Morgan has also secured the New Auditorium, at Hub- bard City, Tex., and will open It with the North Bros. Jan. 6. Business Manager Harry Eltlng reports excellent business for his at- traction. The Palmatler Bisters' Orchestra are In their twelfth week with the North Bros. Comedians (Western), and are meet- ing with grand success. Manager Carter has secured them for the entire season, and they are one of the biggest features ever intro- duced with a popular priced attraction. At each performance they give a muslcsle one- half hour before the curtain rises, and be- tween acta render the latest op to date music — Charles Frohman has secured the Eng- lish and American rights ot a new comedy, written by Robert Marshall, the author of "The Duke of Killlcrankle," which Mr. Froh- man will first produce In London, at Wynd- ham's Theatre, on Feb. 6. The principal role will be played by Weedon Qrossmlth. — George Ade Is to write a new comedy. It Is to be for Charles Frohman and will contain a part for Joseph Wheelock Jr.. who will star In the play. The piece will depict both New York and country life, snd will reqalrn the services of fifty people. Mr. Ade will finish the play In time for Mr. Frohman to produce next October. — J. James Kennedy writes: "Owing to the closing of the Ruby Stock Co. my wife (Helene Leslie Wards) and myself will spend Christmas week at the home of Perry and Randall, in Melrose, Mass. We Intend to go on the road after Christmas week." • — Roster of colored people with 8tetaon's "U. T. C," Eastern, No. 1 Co. : Edward Espy, Ruble Mason, Geo. Thomas, Baby Mason,, Gay Coins, Manull Smith, Dave Lane, Emma Glusby, Felix Hyson, Florence Hyson, Rich Hyson. Chas. Crosby and Eleck Mason. — Harry Knapp I* with the Eastern "Uncle Josh Sprucebv" Co. — Frederick H. Wilson has signed to do the lead In "Taming of the Shrew," In sup- Sort of Margaret Ralph. The tour begins an. 7. — The Four Fraaer* are with Angell's Comedians. Master James and Andrea are doing their song and dance specialties, also child parts : Dick and Iva, in their comedy sketches. They are also playing gear nil business and second business, respectively. ^H -'-P'iwi Q • 1 ■»"^H" vi 3 — B. F. Clinton, leading man with the "When Women Love" Co., Eastern, write*: "While spending the part Sunday in Tlcoti- deroga, N. Y., T took a five mils walk down the railroad track (just to keep my feet In, as It were) and found myself on the shores of Lake Cbatnplaln, which was completely frosen over, the Ice being from one foot to twenty-two Inches In thickness. Looking off in the distance I saw a number of small huts on the Ice. Being of a curious nature, I thought I would see what they were, sn went out to them and discovered they were tamps, used by the fishermen while fishing through the Ice. On going inside, by In- vitation of the men who conducted the business, I discovered three small bunks, where they slept st night, and as my eyes wandered over the 2x4 structure tbey caught a glimpse of The Old Reliable. I at once became Interested, and learned that the own- ers of the camp were none other than the Blanchard Bros., and that I was In Ciuepin Camp. So one can see that the Niw YOhK Clippbs can be found In very remote places, as the nearest house Is two miles distant. After a friendly visit and exchange of con- fidence* I bade them goodbye and wended my way back to Tlconderoga. And here let me say that business has been very good and the entire company are enjoying the best of health." — Miriam Shelby, the young emotional actress. Is still doing a large business through the Eastern States, In Msrk E. Swan's three act comedy drama, "The Unwritten Law." Charles Hlne is personally conducting the management, and the tour will embrace the Booth after the Utiea, N. Y., date. The com- pany I* made up a* follows : Miriam Shelby, Charles Hlne, manager; Wallace Shaw, rep- resentative: Harry A. Johnson, Mllfred Lu- cas, Jack Chagnon, J. J. Fltsalmmons, John Ardltone. C. M. Scay, Maud Atkinson, Irene Perlne, Lucie Allen Walker, Philip Batti, electrician, John Moses. — Manager A. T, Parker writes from Ma- son City, la. : "The Parker Opera House, of this city, will be reopened to tbe public on or about Jan. 16, 1005. The house has been In the bands of carpenters and decorators for the past two months, making the neces- sary changes, etc. The auditorium of the theatre haa been decorated In tbe finest pos- sible manner, and Is a thing of beauty. On the stage we have a new and elegant set of scenery, more room, and additional dressing rooms, and the house has been entirely re- wired for electrical effects, etc. The house Is right In the centre ot tbe city, and will seat eight hundred." — Fred C. Paxson, comedian with the Whyte Dramatic Co., closed his engagement at Krebs, I. T., Dec. 24, and has gone to Ft Smith, Ark. After a few weeks' vacation he will resume work. — Nobles' Theatre Co; opened Its twentieth annual tour Nov. 7. Tbe roster Is a* fol- lows: Warren Noble, manager; Noble Bros., proprietors; O. H. Johnstone, buslnes mana- ger; Lew H. Gorton, Al. W. Darling, Jesse Cox. Piof. Slocum, Hsrry Lapler, Charles Drake, Chas. A. Bangs, Howard Kenfleld, Maurice Gerberlcb, Allen De Long, Cash Hampton, Guy Ralston, Gussle Johnstone, Norma Yeager, Genie Gorton, Mabel Cox and Little Maurice. — George C. Wood, ot tbe Albert Taylor Co., writes that tbe. company Is doing a ban- ner business In the South, turning them away at every performance and breaking records. Mr. Taylor Is arranging a grand Christmas treat for bis company In the way of a banqset and presents all around. Mr. Wood adds that In all his professional career he has never had a more profitable or pleas- ant engagement. Mr. Taylor and company are now rehearsing my new play, "From tbe Depths of the Sea," and from present Indication* I predict a brilliant future for It — Lylltan Lelghton will lay off until after the holidays, then will have her own com- pany, traveling through tbe South. — Eddie Delaney and Marie Ostella re- port meeting with success with the "A Chi- cago Tramp" Co. Mr. Delaney I* playlP" ♦»• tramp and Mr*. Ostella the soubrette. rago Tramp" Co. Mr. Delaney I* playing the tramp and Mr*. Ostella tbe soubrette. Tbey are Introducing their singing and dancing specialty. The company has been out four- by. iiui uunu, a Al it Li \jf ujo nujoiuti «j v - ware of Men,' 'Queen of the White Slaves' and 'Dealers In White Women.' Virginia Zollman, last season leading lady, Joined at Woonsocket for the rest of the season." — Jas. A. Callahan closed with the "Den- ver Express" Co. Dec. 13, at Medina, 0., and Is at bis home for tbe holiday*. — Roster and Note* of the Gray Stock Co.: Gordon Gray, Gordon Huntley. Scheffy Taylor, May Price, Mr*. J. Grliwoll, Walter De Luna, Geo. and Chas. Blake, Arthur Mann and Zander Grliwoll. Tbe singing snd ETHELLYN GARDNER, Is a character change performer and comedi- enne. She formerly played juvenile leads with tbe Frey Comedy Company, of England, and was specially engaged for Mrs. Frisby, in "The Two Puddyfoots ;" Mrs. Taylor, ln"Class Day;" Rose, In "A Fisherman's Luck;" and "Princess Katherlne. in "The Espousal of King Henry V." She will re-enter vaudeville with up to date new monologues, parodies and songs. Her work Is unique and catches the house. Her costumes are beautiful, and she wears many Jewels and a jeweled hat and shoes. Miss Gardner has composed three sentimental songs and a march, which she haa successfully made popular In her work. — The Bennett & Collins Stock Co., which Is playing Indiana and Illinois this season, has met with success everywhere. At most of the towns we played we have broken the house record and are constantly asked for return dates, Mr. Bennett Intends putting oat two companies next season. — Copeland and Copeland write: "We are now In our fifteenth week at the Standard, Beaumont, Tex., snd from present Indica- tions we will remain the rest ot this season. Miss Warden has fully recovered her health and is back at work. A* Christmas ap- proaches, preparations are being made tor a grand time on that day. In tbe after- noon the ladle* will give a big dinner, and at night a Christmas tree, loaded down with good things, will be placed en the stage, and presents given to every one. We have a very strong stock, including: Tom Kelly, Chas. Gates, Jas. Ryan, Copeland and Copeland, Minnie Warden, Bertie Varnell, Cleo Sama- joa, Maude Greyson, Fannie Florence, Flo Williams, Msggle Carpenter, Floy Temple, Johnson Sisters, Mamie Ryan, Hilda Powers, Mile. Ferine, Ed. Ferine, Bert Boone, Issy Rudnlck, Joe Powers, Kid Backenstoe, man- ager, and Hanky Panky, treasurer; Fred Thorpe, stage carpenter. We present "Four Merry Tramps" this week, with "Davy Crockett" for next week. — Louis M. Hurt, orchestra leader, left Barlow A Wilson's Minstrel* Dec 8, to Join Blaney's "Across the Pacific" Co. He wa* with this company last season. — Ollle Halford, Baby Wava and Carl Brebm have been transferred to the West- ern Aubrey Stock Co., under the manage- ment of W. D. Fitzgerald. — Harry It Vlckers writes: "Tbe busi- ness of the Fenberg Stock Co. Is still excel- lent, Newport, R. I., giving us an excellent week. At the Elks' memorial service at that city, Marie McNeil and Little Byrle Colby (through the courtesy of Managers Fenberg and Wm. H. Colby) were volunteers. His* Mc- Neil rendered cornet solos, little Miss Colby doing pictured Illustrations. Many favors and courtesies were shown to us by the local lodge, and a vote of thanks to Mr. Fen- berg and Mr. Colby. Oar repertory Includes : 'Not Guilt/,' 'Fallen by the Wayside,' 'Be- tcen weeks and haa been a great success, Mr. Delaney writes. — Beatrice 8bewbrook, who has been star- ring In R. A. Blank's "Little Outcast" Co., has closed and gone to her home In Chicago. — E. F. Cooley and wife (Lonelle Starr), formerly with "A Homespun Heart" Co., will spend tbe holidays at Los Angeles. Cal. — Geo. A. Beane writes that ne Is no longer with "The Maid and the Mummy" Co., having closed Dec. 10 la Toledo. — Notes from the "Why Women Sin" Co. : After a very successful tour of Kansas, Ok- lahoma and tbe Indian Territory, we are now In our third week In Texas, and thus far the Lone Star State has accorded us grand re- ceptions. At Beaumont Galveston, Houston, Waxahachle, Tyler, Dallas, Pari* and Denl- son we hold the records for the largest busi- ness ever done by a melodrama. Our present tour takes ua to El Paso, from Fort Worth, tben Into Arizona for six stand*, after which we go Into Denver for a week, at the New Curtis Theatre. We are booked solid back East, mostly return dates, terminating our season at Springfield, 0., April 81. The fol- lowing comprise the roster: M. W. Taylor, general manager : W. 0. Edmund*, New York representative; Jake B. Murray, acting man- ager; Harry Morrison, business manager; Fred Alyn, stage manager; W. H. MacPher- son, carpenter; P. F. Parks, props; Geo. Wilson, electrician ; Bert Wheeler, agent ; Bernlce Howard, Grade De Foy, Nonce Rey- nolds, Clara Thorton, J. F. White, Fred Alyn, Will H. Fields, P. F. Psrks, 0. J. Bar- ton, Geo. Betts, W. U. MacPnerson and Little Margie Ryan. — Note* from the "Uncle lies" Co.: This attraction had It* closing performance night of Dec. 17 at Battle Creek, Mich., owing to illness. The private car of the company Is quarantined at Battle Creek with reveral members abroad. Among the people 111 with diphtheria are Winifred Rhode*, wife of Frank Adam*, manager; Margaret Regan and several male member* of the company. Geo. Harris, a well known actor, who was stage manager and director of the company, was taken to the White Cross Sanitarium on Dec 10. dangerously 111 with typhoid fovur. His wife, Mme. Rita Beauragarde Harris, who will be remembered by a great number of the profession as a member of Sarah Bernhardt'* company during it* last visit to tbls country, will remain In Jackson until her husband's recovery. The company mil open again, after the new year, with a new cast and added specialties, — Notes from Belcher'* Comedians: W, H. Davis and Mart W. Zlelle joined us recently and are valuable additions to an already strong company. We bave a tike line of bookings snd prospects are flattering. We are not tnrntng them away, but we are pleasing the people, and all are well and happy. — Fred C. Lewis has signed with tbe Mc- Cowell-Pyle Co., as stage director. Tbe sea- son open* Jan. 10, at Portland, Ore., carry- ing twenty people and a ladles' band and or- chestra, with a lady drum major. — On Jan. 1 M. B. Raymond will transfer the Five Nosses from his "Buster Brown" Co. to "The Seminary Girl," which opens at the Great Northern, In Chicago. TWO MINUTES AFTER HALF-PAST FIVE The new limited train for Cleveland, Cincinnati, St. Lonls, Detroit and Chl- eaaro leaves Grand Central Station dally. Fine train*, feat time, no ex- ecs* faro to Cleveland, Cincinnati, St. I.onls or Detroit — Adv. PETERS Che Originol lilKi ; MILK " ^CrlOCOLAJE sm N W; m--i HSM XS* PETER'S An I-M»i Gift That Delights Everybody SANTA CLAUS' BEST GIFT IIIHKSIST10L.Y DELICIOUS Wholesome as Hmail and Butter Lnmont, Uorllsi A Co., Imp., 78 Hudson St., N. Y CHOC OLATE The Original Ll Other Brands I'l Ara Imitations \\ Cause and Cure of Accidental Discharge THE CAVSEi The firing pin on oilier revolvers is controlled by the hammer, and in con- junction with each other, cnuscs the discharge of the cartridge; consequently when the hammer comes in contact with something solid— by dropping the revolver, or otherwise— the con- cussion explodes the cartridge, a re- suit that Is Im- possible with the yerJohnso REVOLVER (SUV-- ' THE CVREi The hammer (3) and firing pill (a) on the Iver Johnson are inoperative and useless except when used In conjunction with our safety lever (i). The hammer never touches the firing pin and the firing pin cannot he brought In contact with the cartridge unless you deliberately pull the trigger U) until It lifts the hammer to full cock, or firing point. When the trigger is pulled, the safety lever riseB between the hammer nnd firing pin (shown on the riK.ht), receives the blow of the hammer and transmits It to the firing pin, and the discharge follows. That is why you can hammer the hammer of an Iver Johnson, drop it on the floor, throw it anywhere, as contact with the hammer will not dis- charge it; you must pull the trigger deliberately. Iver Johnson Revolvers are absolutely safe, perfectly accurate and thoroughly reliable; that Is why they have the largest sale in the world. Iver Johnson Revolvers are for sale by all leading Hardware and Sporting Good* dealers — Hammer, 99 1 H.mmerleu, 96. Leant moro about lliem by wrlilng for our Wight liltlj booklet. ,, Shoti"-it's worth having unyway — sent freo upon request, together wall handsome catalogue, IVER JOHNSON'S ARMS AND CYCLE WORKS j Fltohburg, Mas*. M flilAMrJKHS Hrnr.tr. Maw Yoaa OAXX. McMAHON'8 Fasnons Theatrical RESTAURANT «TS SIXTH AVENUE. Between 38th and nth Bt, NEW YORK OITY. Best of Food, Perfectly Oooked, Dellcloasly Served. Prices reasonable. Special Dining Room (or Ladle*, M. 8TRA88MAN, STTOBMbTT, IN Broadway, New Tor* City. a.'IIITT NO two guesswork cocktails *: arealike. CLUB COCK- TAILS never vary in their perfection. Which is to be preferred? CLUB brand. Insist upon having It. Seven kinds— Manhattan, Mar- tini, Vermouth, Whiskey, etc. ■ a F.HEUBLEiNHRO, ,.•;?;.,. Hartford New York -London 1052 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 8 FILMS PATB1TTBD AMD COPyBIOBTlU OCT. IS, IBM. WOUNDING OB* AMFOBTAB. PROLOGUE. GBEATE8T RELIQIOUB PRODUCTION IN MOVING PICTURES 8INCB JBB PABSION PLAT. DRAMATICALLY AND PHOTOGRAPHICALLY PERFECT. SPECIALLY POSED AND REHEARSED. IDENTICAL TALENT, SCENERY AID COSTUMES HMD IM THE ORIGINAL DRAMATIC PRODUCTION. LENGTH, 1,975ft. PRICE, $335.75 Complete Illustrated Lecture and Musical Score Furnished with Each Film. ABBEST OF PAH8IFAL. ACT I, SCENE I. KLINGSOR SUMMONS SUNDRY. ACT II. SCENE I. PAB8IFAL IN THE MAGIC GARDEN. ACT II. SCENE II. DESTBUCTION OF TBB MAGIC GARDEN. ACT IL SCENE lit mm liininniR co., MAIN OFFICE tod FACTORY, ORANGE. N. I. NEW YOBS OFFICE : 88 CHAMBERS ST. CABLE ADDBB8S, KUBILIAN, NEW YORK. CHICAGO OFFTCHL804 Wabash Avenue. OFFICE for UNITED KINGDOM : 26 CLERKEN WELL BOAD, LONDON, E. C, ENGLAN D. :llin< AOKNTI TBB KINETOGBAPH CO. 41 B. 2lrt St., New York PETER BACIGALUPI 788-788 Mluloa St., San Francitco, Cal. KUNDBY WASHES PARSIFAL'S FEBT. ACT III. SCENE I. Our Western Office, 304 WABA8H AVENUE, CHICAGO, Carries a Complete Stock of Latest EDI80N FILMS, PROJECTING KINETO- 8COPE8, PART8 and SUPPLIES. PABSIFAL HEALS AMF0BTA8 AND BECOMES KING OF THB HOLY GBAIL— ACT UL SCENE II. The Largest Amusement Organization in the World, SXEMAXT.MXLLXCAXT IfclARDI 6RA8 CO. tlO TENT BOO F»E Rival ■V IV'I'HI) Performtn Im All Branch*, of tne Bu.lneif— Ladle, for « A J* BBUBFa n.dl.m Dance) fend photo.) will be return «d; Door Talker*. Ticket Seller.; Man or Woman wlthTBAlNBD SB ALB. WILL BUY Five Sixty Foot D>n>fr Care; two Flrat Claie Sleeperi; niit be la good condition. All perfbi mere addre.s A. , Committee! IlD DABlfW AD HIT p - *>■ Eox ,e *. , and Other*, VB. UUMIA uMill, Atlanta, a a. HIOLITZ ind DKW, (A Winner I Beautiful Heltdjr). DAVIS and DKW. (Pathos, Poetry and Pretty Mnele). "SOON THEY'LL LAY MB IN MY CASKET" HILLIUAS and WIltFOHD. (The Sad Story of a Broken Heart). Bead late programme and postage (or Professional Copiel of lateat Inst, and Vocal Music. Orchestrations loo. PIONEER PUBLISHING CO., • «08-a0» BalUraore Bldsj., CHICAGO, lbs.. JAMES and BONNIE FARLEY A Comedy Aorobatlo Singing and Danolng Aot With a Novelty Aorobatlo Finish. MONTH OF JANUARV OI»HEN. ADDRBII Abb AQBHT8. Permanent: Bj Esat82d St., M. Y. City. ^.WARNING ~~"~ Managers ! Booking: Agents! Performeia ! Imri of Booking or Playing 10 called FLAG AOTS or ID8I0AL A0T8 ulig UTIIIATIOIAL FLAGS lit any loim, u I shall lroteet myself. NOVEXTT MUSICAL ARTIST. Buftnlo, It. V., a.n. Del. Willy Zimmermann, DBO. »0, IIAYHARKET, CHICAGO. Bolo H.pr.i.nl.ll,., BICII ARD PITROT. FRED and ANNIE PEEOT A NOVELTY COMEDY JUGGLING AOT. THIS WBBK, BAM T. JACK'S. RETURN DATE. iUMLERS SUPPLIES.-.^SSsSS^^S Are'oor specialty. Try at tor prions. All oar limps are newoode style, and will pan inspec- tion In any ata'e. Send 2c. stamp tor catalogue. We are the patentee and manufacturers of the Olenln Stage Pocket. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC STAGE LIGHTING CO., Kleotro - Optical Stage Lighting Apparatus. 118 West 40th St., New York. Telephone «10*-S8th8L HABBY HOLIAH, Last Season Played the Country Editor In the "County Chairman." Now In his 18th week Starring In the "PABI8H PHEBBT," Management HARVSQY 6i GaGB. CHRISTMAS WEEK, YONKBR8, N. Y. FRED ZOBEDIE, THE GREAT HAND BtUNCER UMKELY MCILHENHY'S! A Most Delightful Beaconing for Oy.tera, Bonpt, Fuh, Boasts, Salad Draftings, Game Etc, Etc. A drop or two gives a spicy, plqasnt flavor, creates a keen appetite, and In. area good digestion. insist upon getting Mcilhkn.i y *s-m nse nearly naif a century In the leaolng hotels and restaurants and by the best families throughout the land. FREE BOOKLET ot new and unique recipes. Address ■cILHENMY'S TABASCO, New Ibtrla, La. TEE 'OBieiSAL CONCORD PARK, MANUFACTURER OF SHOW CANVASSES V >' BBST PLACE TO BCV 1W^\.^nT Watches, Jewelry. Silverware. ^gVSggV Stage Brilliants, Medicine and Wk gw am Show flood., Prof. Wames- tt» • ' son's Greaao Paints, Burnt Cork, 31 H' Pace Powder.eto. Rosslter'f Song Ylj HIbV Books. Pull line of Essie Em- ^fTfoif^^ blems. Send for Catalogue. -v-TlBP Tho ow Raitnble. B 0. UHKB A CO., 84 Wabash Ave., Chicago, HI. Fins Msglcal Appintis, ILLUSIONS, TRICKS, Etc. Grand End of Century, fully niustrated. book cata- logue, t5o., tree by mall, Catalogue of Parlor Tricks free MABTINKA A 00., Mb*., 403 BIZth Are., N. T. ROYALTY PLAYS, MANUSCRIPT, PARTS AND RIGHTS FOR A YEAR, TEN DOLLARS.) SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ALEX. BYERS.i ,'44 LA SALLE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL i MAUKIOB H. BOSBHZWBIO LAWYER, professionals managed. •l-M Park Bow (World Bid*.), New Tort. a Aaaxos.t THE SUMUER THEATRE IN THE CITY. 26,000 PEOPLE TO DRAW FROM, The most popular Summer Amusement Resort In the South. Will open Monday, May 22, with an all new theatre, strictly up to date and managed on business principles. Did good business last season with no accommodations. This year we have the goods. SEATING CA- PACITY 1,800. For open time nad terms address M. M. IRWIN, Manager. mail ITIDV ff^AAIifi Uniforms, Guns, Swords, Revolvers, Osnnons, Tents, Ete. HUH 1.1 H ART UUUUO Everything In the Mllltarv Line— fully deserlbed In our large ktagaalne Catalogue, containing net oaah prices with upwards ot l.ooo Illustrations Price of catalogue U cents— mailed on receipt ot a contain stamps, mentioning this advertisement, customers write nataai our 'CATALOGUE IB WORTH ITS WBIOHT IN GOLD." Wehave the largest stock In the world of mUttery goods from Government auotlous. Dealers Supplied. Frances Btnnerman, M Broadway, Kew Tori. DIRECT FROM WHOLESALE, I ANY LENGTH. Swell Effects I Exquisite shapes In Crape de Chene, Chiffon Taffetas, Pean de Seine, Sapho, Peau de Crepe, and all the newest, best weaves I oounk Send loo, for full line aamplee, refunded first order. „„,„,.. H.ICU \IIDB & PrtlPPS, 80 STATE STREET, CHICAGO. OSE HIGH CLASS SOCIETY SKETCH "THKIB, PIBoT {kBARBBBL. 1 •raaantad hy WIL! Abb GOOD AGEHTI. Big hit st the Howard Athenaeum last week, two shows dally. This week, Colonial, Lawrence, Commencing Feb. 10, Kohl-Castle Circuit. For open time address WILLIAM MORRIS. FIT WIT & f* fl Wig & Toupee Makers, £ UJMIk ttlfUlPAlliT and POWDER. MoVICKER'B THEATRE, Chloa*o, ML Telephone— Central, 60s. Bend for Catalogue. December 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1053 A WAl.KOVISIl. HEW YORK. tLMfPKR-Uentlemeni W« htTr rdtcfVM srreat rmiu from oar recent *di. In ynor paper, r«- cMMdk OB «n RTerane of 2SO letter* dally for the past two weeks, And we mkr Brent pleaaare in «heerfaUy rrroremf nillna- TUB NEW YORK CLIPPER a* THE itr«at advertising- mrdlnm for r«-*chln*j performer* and orrhntm leader*. Yonrs trnly. HELP A HAOER CO., Mtinic PabUaher*. IOWA. Dn Molnea. — At Foster's Opera House (Win. Foster, manager) "Glittering Gloria," with Dorothy Morton, played to a large audience 20. "The Tenderfoot" 2C, Chiis. Hawtrey 29; SO, "Khen Holden" 31. (JiuM> Omn Fliu'sf; (Wm. Foster, mana- ger).— "A Hot Old Time," 1517. played full bona**. "McKodden's Flats" drew big business 10-21. "A Romance of Coon Hol- low" 22-24, "On the Ilrldge at Midnight" 2ft-28, ■ "After Midnight" 20-31, James J. Jeffries Jan. 2-4. ArmtORiuu (Wm. Foster, manager). — James T. Powers, In "San. Toy," Dec. 26 ; •The Marriage of Kitty" Jan. 2. Iu.ioi; (C. W. Buchanan, manager). — Ca- iiarltr at every performance. Hill week of Mf\: Van Foasen and McAuley, Mrs. Jules Low and company, the (Jeromes. Wilson and jjemont and Wncon and Teeklln. Ltcecm (Nellie Wlllard Nelson, manager). — The stock company, In repertory, is doing good business. Cedar Rapid*. — At Greene's Opera House (Will S- Collier, business manager) "Ehen Holden" pleased Dec. 14. Joan S. Mc- Cutcheon, in Y. M. C. A. course, 18, had a big bouse and made a big success. "A Ro- mance of Coon Hollow,' 16. drew a top heavy house. Harrison J. Wolfe. In "The Open Gate," IT. gave a good performance. ■Two Married Women" 10. Coming: "Son Toy" 23, Thomas Jefferson 26, "Sergeant Kilty" SO, "Why Girls Leave Home" Jan. 2, •■A Message from Mars" 0, "On the Bridge at Midnight 6, "An American Gentleman" 7. Ai'hiTOBiuM (L. Phillips, manager). — Bill for 1 week of 10: Johan and Mott, Sutton and Button, Wilson and De Monvllle, Stoddard on4 Wilson, Phillips and Sharp and Madeline George. F*on,s's (Edw. Curran, manager). — This handsome little theatre, though not entirely rinlsbed, will open Informally with the mati- nee' Dec. 24. with this bill for the week: nivlo, Lola Fawn, Ray W. Clough, Bobbins and TreOaman, and Humes and Lewis. "His Nobs, th* Baron," by the company, and "The Passion Play," with the polyscope. i Davenport. — At the B irtls Opera House (Ctitroberiln. Kindt A Co., managers) Sam T. Jack's Burlesquers had a moderate houso Dec. 13. "The Village Postmaster" bad good business 14. William Collier did good busi- ness' 15. "Eben Holden" appeared to n good audience 16, as did "Irla" 17. and "McFad- den's Flats 18. Broadway Burlesques 24, "VVhv Girls I>ave Home" 25, "Coon Hollow" 29, '%an Toy" 28, Michigan Glee Club 31. Kuri: (Nat Blossom, manager). — BIP. for week of 20: The Wonderful Lebarr, Phil and Carrie 'Bdsaell, German comedians, aud Nat Blossom, comedian. Ospiikon (Oscar Raphael, manager). — The following were billed for week of 19 : Glad- stone Sisters, Mejor I.e Vol. the Bartielts, Kline and Kline, Jesse, Worth and Jessie. Iowa. City. — At the Opera House (John N. Coldren, manager) "Eben Holden." Dec. 13, drrw a fair sized audience. On account of poor connections "Coon Hollow." 13, failed to arrive here on time to give per- formance. Broadway Burlesque 22, Tom Jefferson 17. "Why Girls Leave Home" 29, "On. the Bridge at Midnight" Jan. 3. ♦ «» ■ INDIANA. Indlaaapolla. — At English's Opera House (Ad. V. Miller, manager) "The Mummy and the Jit id." Dec. 16, 17, did a fair business. Ilejkne, In "Zata." 10, drew a good sized house. Tim Murphy 20 27, Ezra Kendall 28, "lied Feather" 30, 31. -Park (Dickson A Talbott, managers). — "Wedded and Parted." 15-17. filled tbe house twice a day. "Shadows of a Great City" filled a prosperous engagement 10-21. "El Capltah'" 22-24, 'The Lighthouse by the Soa" 20-28. ■ GiUND'OrERA nor be (Sbafer Zlegler, man- S-r).— Bill week of 26: Clayton White and arle Stuart and company. Lew Sully, Mel- rose Troupe, the Great Thereses, Hayes and - Healy.'Two Pucks, tbe Mitchells, Pierce and MaXsee and the bioscope. Business week of Iff was phenomenal. U-VIQt'B IR- B. Thorbns, manager). — Car- rie M. Scott, Leonard and Bastedo, Robinson nnd Palmer week of 26. Business still holds •Ewrins (Cbas. Zimmerman, manager). — ' Imperial Burlcsquers did big business week of '10. ■' The Gay Morning Glories 26-31. ■■ i - EvimavlHe. — At the Grand Opera House (Pedley* Burcb, managers) "In the Far K»gt," Dec. EL drew a fair crowd. The play was In good bands. ' "Sergeant Kitty," 15, called out a good house. 'The Elopers" 18. "Under Southern Skies" had a good advance ■ale for 22. Margaret Neville Co. 26-31, "T)o||y Varden" Jan. 3, "Ghosts" 4. PJjqpLB'H (Pedley A Burcb, managers). — A . good bouse witnessed "In Convict's Btrlpes" Dec. 17. "Shadows of a Great Cjti," ' 18, drew well. The play was very realistic and well staged. "Holty Tolty" hid, a big advance sale for 25. Tbe Lyman Twins Jon. 2, Sam J. Jack's Co. 3. Noras!— Moncevllle Flowers, the second at- traction of the Elks' Building Fund, had the Grand Dec. 10. to a fair audience. He was exceedingly clever and received liberal ap- plause. ...'.. Evans Hall was packed, 12. and tb* Boy'al Hungarian Octette gave an excel- lent concert. The Houston Concert Co. Is the next number In this course, Jan. 24 Manager Pedlev. of the Grand, has given the house free to (be ushers of that house for one night, and they are to give a benefit. +*— VIRGINIA. THI OF THE NEW YORK CLIPPER V1Q B« band F»k 13, 1905. PRICES FOR PORTRAITS PAT ABLE IN ADVANCE, Slzi2.i3«- - - - 15.00 Slzi4x4 -_• ■ 25.00 PRICES FOR ADVERTISEMENTS Fir lie.. Sligla CiIiiii. • • 2.80 QitftirPagt . . ■ 45.20 Half Pagt .... 90.40 Wa.liP.gi . -__ . 169.50 THE FRANK QUEEN PI BLISHIM CO., (Limited), Publishers of THE NEW YORK CUPPER, ALBERT J. BORIS, Hew Vork City, Editorial and Business kfgr., n . V. THI Norfolk. — At the Academy of Music (Cor- bin. Shields, manager) Barlow's Minstrels, Dec; ; 17; liod good business. Koce Coahlan, III' "DlpJotnacv," 20 ; Elisabeth Kennedy 27, Creiton Clarke 28. . _ , OiiANoy (Jake Wells, manager).— Business week Of 19 was unusually good. 'More To Be. Pitted than Scorned" 26-31. Bijou f Abb. Smith, manager). — New peo- ple Week of 20: Wallace B'sters. Molly Mar- ilunt, 'May Earl, Frank Davis and John .West. Business Is good. AipUK (Cbas. M. West, manager). — People for 'week ^f 20: Innes and Davey, Belle Den- ver'/Uarry Page, Scott and Noyes and Prof. Weston's moving pictures. Business Is good. 1 Mi.viumN 1 .1. M. & C. A. Crinnlan, man- agers). —New people for week of 26 : Jessie tSlllns, I.tlllau Lewis, Llllle Chester, May Penman,- Master Karl Boston, Emma Wallace, Delmoro and Oneida, Madge McCook, May |/«mnels, Collins and La Belle, Tommy Har- ris' and: Cbas. 13. Brandon. Business Is good. Ajiprrnkiuu (J. M. Barton, manager*. — People week of 20: R. Jean Buckley, Prof. Root, tbe Silvers. Lottie Florence. Lenora Stetson. Bob Murray and Charles fi. Beau. BtfsiHess Is good. Biehsnoa*.— At tie Bijou (Welti 4 Mc- 1 .4 J r >;;.,& If ... * , , . NEW YORK, Is more talked about on the stage than any other store in the World. That is because it is the most popular. We Allow Profmloruli A SPECIAL DISCOUHT OP 10 PEH OEHT, on their gvohasM If their nimei art on our ngistraUon Bosks. NO COSNECnON;WnH:ANY10THKR STORK. '*0*S— B— WITT, Mr- OTWW »TW. 3iegelC(ioperG acwjroaa HBW TOME. To Get to Philadelphia. Quickly USE THE READING ROUTE NEW JERSEY CENTRAL A Train Every Hour On the Hour Direcl «o Reading | giSit Terminal. NEW YORK STATIONS, Ft. Umnt S . N. R. mi W, Fan. o,0WA- u coughs AMD C OLO^ An invaluable aid to Speake rs and Singers. MUSIC ABRA>QBD FOR OKCHKSTRA and Piano. Original melodies written. Special moslo for acts; one muslo for dramas, etc. Rea- sonable. Mall orders prompt attention. EDWIN DICE r, til W. 1Mb St., New Tork OUjj AT LIBERTY, Experienced Operator, wltb Latest improTed Eolson Mscnlne. Over 7,000ft. up to date Dims. Would join combination or take manager wltb capital to pot snow on road. Add. OPERATOR, Box 823 Cumberland. Md. AT LIBERTY, BOB CAOBLL, Dntcb, Irish, Black Face Blnglng, Dancing and Talking Come- dian. Sober and reliable. Pot on farces it jon bive toe goods. You know tbe value of a sober man. No telegrams. Tell all Jon expect. BOCTB BAOlNAW, Mlob. WASTED AT OSCE-A1 Leoturer and Office Worker, straight In acta. One that plajs organ preferred. State lowest salary In first letter. No tickets. Just been i there. SOL K, RLDRIDUB, Oujler, N. Y. AT LIBERTY, MCDONALD »nd H OF KM AN, Sketch Team, comedian and Al rianin. Cbange for a week easy. Medicine or an j show paring salaries. Require tloke«fc Address mi O'D TRAVERSE ST., Flint, Ulch. Kee, managers) "On Thanksgiving Day' played, to good bouses, Dec. 10-24. Tbe New BIJou Theatre will open for the first, wltb "Running for Office," 2B-31. "More to lie Pitied Than Scorned" follows. • ArADKitY op Music (Cbas. IV. Bex, man- ager).— "The Prince of Pllsen" played, to S. It. O., 1C. Barlow's Minstrels 23, 24, Creston Clarke 26, "Tbe Flaming Arrow" 27, L'Uznbclh Kennedy, In "Magda, J ' 28; the Cou- ncil Glee Club 20, "A Chinese Honeymoon" Jan. 3, "At Old Point Comfort" a. "The (Jlrl from Kay's" 4, Savage Opera Co. 6-7. «»» NITA FIBRBON Is it young and talented actress, who has made rapid progress In ber chosen profes- sion during the past few years. She has a fine stage presence and Is earnest and am- bitious. Her work has been praised by many dramatic critics and managers. She I* at present playing the rote of Mrs. Wynnlng, la ■'Iris," In support of Eugenie Blair. PROCTOR'S ENTERPRISES. F. F. PROCTOR, Soli Preerlitor ir.d Maine tr. I. AUSTIN FYNES, Osninl Mint|tr. 6 BEAUTIFUL TIEATRES 6 Devoted to Raflard Entert*l»*»«ot. Proctor'* 8„ week Beo. M-ai. Rum- ford rails, Me.; wesk Jan. 20, Brunswick, Me, I'er. address, Klobmond, Kv. At HBEBTf AFTEB MR. 1, LADIES' ORCHESTRA d or '8 'Pieces; Soloists, both Vocal and Instru- mental. Competent and rellab'e. Fine Repertoire of Standard and Up-to-Dute Mnslc. Hirst class managers address HEINRIOH DAMM, t -i :< Bnuirnll Bl., Tol.ilo. Olllo, WANTED, TOM PEOPLE All Lines. Kspeolallr Tom, Topsjr and Rva, Musi- cians, to double i»»rtt or orcti. Show now doing good bus. Low, snre sslarv. BERT 1ILLWOR, Fremont, Ohio. WANTED QUICK, Beperfolre Peaplo, fltod Sonbrette, Im for Oea. Ml., Ian for Heaviei. Other useful people, write. Ba'arlee low but sure. Pay your own. JulNOXWIKB. OR. H. U MULVEr. IM U Halle St., Aurora. 111. TENTS. WRITE US fir Mcm. Lir.1 •teak Hew and second Band Turn always on nana. TUK UHAHLBS P, 8IBUKR TENT AKU awnimo oOk.Bacoeeswra *» t. w. noble Oo., Tent Deet.. ixtrnit Bar end Ufa. On,, natron. Mien. .loHiirfnm eOM MALE SIM8ER lib Bong Slide*; able and wiling to play own aacompanTment for Motion Picture Bnow. Write, suiing lowest term, by day or week. O.O. vi APU A M, fir* oilrr, Lou g Island, AMERICA'S ■BIT AMD •RKATE1T Endorsed by Press and Pn Win, 1,000 reterenoes from all Darts of the world. TBE ONLY SCHOOL BNUORSKO IN OHIOAOO. SCHOOL ,K (Dp-to-/j to Vj ; Hun- ham, 5>£ — IVi ; Jones, — 1 ; Kochlcr, 4 — 0. In the recent annual match, 10 a side, Harvard vs. Yale, Harvard on tbe sixth lead- In* board won OVi to Vi, but lost all the other 4. always will be Interested In those club move- ments designed to bring forwsrd and en- coursge tbe young and less experienced players The Manhattan C. C. Is vigor- ously pushing Its annual tonmey with four- teen entrants The Monte Carlo Inter- national w'll tbls year lie transferred to Ustend, to be held in June next, and arrange- ments are on foot to make It the greatest of the series. M. Jules Arnous de Riviere. mansger, ss before Via Tribune we learn that the current cbamplonshlp tourney of the Chicago C. C. has twenty entrants, nnd that after three rouuds Kppens and Me- dlnus lead with a clean score of 3. A Lady Cheaa Editor. Miss Rose Jefferson Is chess editor of The Commercial Appeal. (Memphis?) She scored a game vs. Marshall In a simultaneous exhibi- tion, snd gave It in ber columns thus : TWO KT'8 DEFENCE. Mii«R.J. MsrshsU. U..PtoQR8 OtoKRi m:.p-3b4 qbxp 16..BHPXB ftXBP 17. .KB I KR-Ke i-.T-RS QK-Ksq i»..KRhome u-Kts 20..K R-Ktsq Q-K 3 2I..Kt-Et P-KB3 21..Q-K4 PXKt(o) J3..QXQ+,Reslgns,for Msrsbsll, FtoK.4 QKt-BO KKt-BS F-Q4 KtXP nr Castles KB-B4 IM..W a. «*t, »«■-.•— K R-K sq i Bis game Is helpless. UISIB.J. 1..PWK4 2..KKi-B8 S..B-B4 4..F-C8 S..KPXP 6..KBXKt 7..P-KB8 8..KtXKt ».. Oat ties 10..BU-GS 11..P.KB4 I2..Kt-B8 (o) If 22.. R tka Q; 23.. P tks b, R tks T ; B tks B, etc.— R J.— Via Eagle. Checkers, Solution of Position Ko. 20, Vol. 02. BX CIUS. SOBEHTS, FLUSHING, X. X. Black 12 20 K14 White 20 2» K7 White to play and draw. 7 3 14 18 21 IT 10 18 8 20 80 20 20 10 15 17 13 Drawn, 3 7 20 28 11 8 1 30 20 20 21 10 10 11 7 7 11 28 10 8 11 18 15 Position Ko. 30, Vol. B2. DX ED. KNOBXKR, KBW XORK. Black 2 10 K18 n ir» 23 10 8 11 22 1" » 13 17 14 10 17 21 14 10 18 2U 23 4 8 White 13 14 28 K 11 White to play and win. Game No. 3V, Vol. 52. LAIBD AND LADY. BY »I». J. YATES, E.M.HAM. From Xotts Cuardian. 24 20 2 18 10 13 23 14 9 13(d) 31 211 7 10(b) 13 II) 1 0f«) 14 7 13 IT 3 10 The World's Cuaniuiouanlp. Some progress has been made towards this Important event, and Mr. Marshall Is report- ed to be especially prompt In bis movements to promote the consummation of so desirable au object. As the victor will not bo entitled to a seat in the council of tbe gods on Olympus, nor even be enrolled as a demigod before wbom common mortals must "bend the pregnant hinges of the knee," Mr. M. evidently does not see tbe use, much less the necessity of pouring out a flood of pour par- lers to befog the wnole situation and disgust all readers. Both parties refer In general terms to the stipulations drawn up for tbo Lasker-Tsr- rasch match, wblch Dr. L. again offers, and Mr. Marshall, In the main, agrees to. Our readers will like to see tho full set of these articles, which we have not previously given. They are : ... "1. Tito match to be for the world's cham- pionship, and stakes of 52,000 a side 2. The player Arse winning eight gurnea to bo declared tbe victor, draws not counting in tho score 3. Tbe determination of the opening of tbe contest, within six months, to rest with Dr. Lasker, who, however, must set the exact date by giving bis opponent six weeks' notice thereof. [In this case Dr. L. suggests April, 1005, as a proper time for tho match.] 4. Inasmuch as Interest In the match la not limited to one country, and the game would be best served by having tho match parceled out among different lo- calities, it Is advisable to make arrange- ments with that end In view 0. Bids for the contest to be restricted to clubs and other chess organizations, Dr. Lasker being authorized to close deals on behalf of both principals 0. Tbo time limit to be four- teen moves an hour, and no session of play on any day may exceed six aud a bait bours. 7. No more than one game to be coin- gleicd on nny two successive days. . Tho principals to bo In honor bound not to analyze adjourned positions by aid of a board or nieces, aud to decline the advice of outsiders. Dr. lasker does not here demand that Dr. Tarrnsch ahall mako a preliminary deposit of 2,000 marks ($000) n as a guaranteo of ;ood fnlth ;" why docs be demand It ot Mr. larsball? We aro glad to bco the report that, In the main, Mr. M. accepts tbe above terms, and is ready to deposit $500 towards the stakes when necessary; but, as Is right, when he does so he stipulates that Dr. Lasker shall at tbo same time deposit sn equal sum. And why not? Tbe next step Is awaited with much Interest 10 13 13 IT 10 10 « 13 20 B 18 25 20 (a) Appears to lose. - (b) 10 IS 20 23 28 24 8 11 11 15 28 10 then 25 to 21. 28 24 10 14 23 19 15 18 10 7 IS 22 0(0) 20 23 22 20 23 10 20 31 7 3 27 2» 18 27 32 23 12 10 32 28 28 24 8 12 5 30 20 T 10 14 7 3 10 White wins. (o) 10 14 25 21 20 22 13 17 I) 13 22 13 (d) 18 23 11 18 18 23 14 18 20 10 10 10 24 10 20 16 then 23 to 27. White wins. 14 18 3S 28 31 27 19 10 12 10 3 12 11 15 12 10 White wins. r> o 30 25 13 15 18 21 17 White wins. e 14 18 11 Notice to Onr Correspondents. As Nca Year Kill be celebrated Monday, Jan. I, we desire, wherever It is possible, that all matter intended for tha issue of The Clipper dated Jan. 7, shall rcaoh this office not later than the Saturday preceding the date of issue. MAKVLAND, K' Si s kwO Char. Whalsn, monolpglst, arrived In Km Xeik Dec so, ttofe'Gltfua, _.._._ Brevities Gathered In. M. Linn Bruce, our New York lieutenant- governor-elect. Is not only a chess player, but has a happy aptitude for Illustrating other subjects by chess terms — e. g., hut Idea of the late political canvas: "So far sa the State ticket was concerned, I think the ex- perts would have said that In tbe opening our opponents developed a better game, which promised ultimate success; but we certainly played the better middle snd eud game, and accomplished a very satisfactory finish Desp'te tbe added cares of my office, I shall never bo too busy to enjoy a good game of chess." The annual chess match, Yale vs. Columbia, was played on Dec. 8, and was won by Yale, 8)4 to 2 Mi In Princeton vs. Rutgers, the former won with a score of 4 to. 2 The Princeton players are en- ergetically at work to select their champions for tbo grand Intercollegiate tourney to be held In this city .The true spirit of chess, and the true methods of promoting Its Interests, may always bs looked tor.. in -the.. Brooklyn C. C. A cup has . been Offered by the directors to be competed for in a special tourney, .onm only to the third, fourth and fiiu. tiuncs. ■ma cxiaa V\mi ?.«* aud Baltimore.— At Ford's Opers House (Chsrlcs E- Ford, manager) Henry W. Sav- age's English Grand Opera Co. Dec. 20-31. "The Merry Shop Girls" were here week of Academy or Music (Nixon t Zimmerman, managers). — "Mother Goose" Christmas we«k, after which Wright Lorlmer returns with "Tho 8hcpherd King," for two weeks. Lillian Russell scored a big success with "Lady Teazle," which was an unqualified suc- cess In every way. _ _ . Chase's (W. Warren De Witt, manager). —"Under the Red Robe" 20-31. "The Mys- terious Mr. Bugle" was given last week. Auditorium (James L. Kernan, manager). — "The Burgomaster" 20-31. "David Harum" did fair business 10-24. MAUXLAND (James L. Kernan. manager). — The bill for Christinas week embraces: Ps- plnts, Sydney Desne and company, Charles F. Semon, Emmett De Voy and company aud Walter C. Kelly. HoLi.inAX Stiieet (George W. Rife, mnna- p. r )._"Tbe Factory Girl" 20-31. "Dangers of Working Girls," formerly known h "Deal- ers in White Women," drew fairly week end- ing 24. Hi.a.nkv's (Charles E. Blaney, manager). — "Tilly Olson'* comes 20, succeeding "A Wo- man's Struggle," which closed 24. MoNliiiHNTAMJames L. Kcrnnn. manager). —Clark's Runaway Girls" open 20. for the week. Tbe World Beaters bad a fair week 19-24. ««♦ NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester. — At the Opera House (E. W. Harrington, manager) I'lske & Stock Co. Dec. 20-81. "Tho Isle of Spice" Jan. 11. Pam: (John Stiles, manager 1.— "The Child Wife" Dec 19-21. "Dora Thorns" 22-24, "The Factory Girl" 20-28, "East Lynne" 29- 31. Casino (Al. Martz, msnager).— Wcpk.of 20: G.iffnty nnd Grant, Pat Dal ton, Louisa Bochefort, Ida May nnd Lizzie Hart and Fred Smith's new ono act drama, "On the Road to Goffe Falls." Note. — Lena l.n Belle snd Marlon Harry clcted at the Casino 20. on account of tbo death of their mother, which occurred at At* tlcboro, Mass., 20. • - — »»s OKLAHOMA. OUR CHICAGO LETTER. XBOM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. Western Bureau, , Of the New York Clipper. Room SOZ, Ashland Block, Chicago. The Cbrlstmss holidays find Chicago with only one absolute novelty In Its catalogue of amusements— Cecilia Loftus. in 'The Serlo-Comlc Governess," at Powers, If we rxcept the populnr priced offering of hva Tangusy. In "The Sambo Girl," at the Great Northern. At McVlcker'a "In Old Ken- tucky" opens for the holiday fortnight Christmas afternoon, nnd nt the Studebaker the Augustln Daly Musical Co. changes Its bill to "The Country Girl" on Monday after- noon. Dec. 20. "Fantana" remains at the tlarrlck, "The Girl from Kay's" continues nt the Illinois, Otis 8klnner, in "The Har- vester," begins his second week st the Grand Opera House, and "His Highness tbe Bey is still the stock company offering at tne l.a Salle. The week stands opening Sun- day afternoon, 25, Include: Sclmn Hermann, at the Criterion ; "The Heart of Maryland, nt tbe Academy of Music: "Why Women Sin," at the Albsmbra; "No Wedding Bells lor Her," st the BIJou, and "The Smart Set, at the Columbus. The Trocsdero and tolly offer a change of bill In "The Wheel" pro- gramme of combination burlesque : May How- ard continues at the head of tbe burlesque stock company at Sam T. Jack's; dramatic stock holds forth at the People's, Howards nnd Bush Temple of Sluslc, snd vaude- ville Is provided, as usual, at the Clilcngo Opera House, Olympic, Haymarket and Hyde A Behmao's. Tbe Boor War. In a class by Itself, continues at tbe Coliseum. Illinois Theatre (Will J. Dsvls, mana- ger). — Sam Bernard, Hat tic Williams nnd "The Girl from Kay's" continue a potent combination, attracting large audiences and delighting all beholders. Wm. Gillette. In "The Admirable Crlchton," will be the first change In attractions for the new year. Powers' Theatre (Harry J. Powers, man- ager). — Cccllls Loftus presents the leading novelty of the week, opening Monday, Dec. 23. In "The Serlo-Comlc Governess." She follows a prosperous fortnight of Margaret Anglln ami "The Eternal Feminine." which ended Ssturdny night, 24. On 25 Leon Wnchsner's German Co. will give its cus- tomary wecklv performance, coming down from Milwaukee for that purpose. Grand Opera Housb (Harry Askln, busi- ness manager). — Otis Skinner, In "The Har- vester." enters upon the second week of his engagement 20, bonked to remain until Jan. 7. when Rlehnrd Mansfield will succeed him. booked for five weeks. During the past week Mr. Skinner enjoyed excellent business, and "The Harvester" has won most favorable opinions. GAitntcK Theatre (Sam P. Gerson, busi- ness manager). — Two weeks more of "Fan- tana," starting Christmas Day. aud then tomes Ada Behan, Jan. 0. Last week was "Fautann's" twelfth, the hundredth perform- ance having been celebrated with the week's beginning. Business remains Immense. McVickf.r'b Theatre (Geo. C. Warren, business manager). — Jacob Lltfs ever popu- lnr "In Old Kentucky" opens Christmas afternoon for another of those annual en- gagements which always pack the house. Blanche Walsh terminated three weeks of "The Krcutzer Sonata" Saturday night, after a succession of crowded houses msde up of delighted auditors. "In Old Kentucky" stays tarn weeks. Studebaker Qhutee (R. E. Harmeyer, business managsr).— On Monday. 20. tbe Augustln H."ly Musical Co. changes Its bill from "Tho Clngalec." which ran for live weeks to fine business, to "The Country Girl," hooked for mi Indefinite period. Great Northern Theatre (Fred C. Kberts, business manager]. — Kva Tsnguay will start the holiday merriment here on Cbrlstmss afternoon, with "The Sambo Girl," a musical frivolity, new to these precincts. Geo. Sidney, In "Busy I/.zy." was Isst week's attraction, aud tbe old favorite show snd company was liberally patronized and pleased BS usual. La Salle Theatre (E. B. Mackaye, busi- ness manager). — With Al Shcan constantly adding to his vogue in the leading role, "His Highness, the Bey," Is continued as tbe of- fering of the musical stock company, the sixth week starting Christmas afternoon. Columhi.'s Theatre (Weber Bros., mana- gers). — 'The Smsrt Set" opens Christmas af- ternoon, following a week ot "Wedded nnd Parted," and offers a little change from the melodramatic bill of fare usually served up to patrons of this resort. Criterion Theatre (Ben M. Glroux, busi- ness mansger). — Lottie Williams and com- pany. In "Only a Shop Girl," Is the current attraction, starting Sunday afternoon, suc- ceeding "The Charity Nurse," which wes in profitable evidence during the past week. Academy op Music (Wm. Roncbe, business mansger). — David Belasco's name Is asso- ciated with "The Heart of Maryland," which Is at this bouse for Christmas week as the attraction following "Why Women Sin," wblcb, during the past week, attracted liberal patronage. Ai.hambra Theatre (James H. Browne, business manager). — "Why Women Sin" will be made known here Christmas afternoon, to remain during tbe current days. Selma Her- man, in "Wedded, But No Wife," provided ex- cellent and thrilling entertainment for last week's crowds. Bijou Theatre (Wm. Roche, business man- ager). — "No Wedding Bells for Her" declares the heroine of the present "thriller." wblch Btarts along Its fourteen performance way on Christmas afternoon, succeeding a week of "A Span of Life," which ended Saturday n'glit. 24^ . Oklahoma City.— At Ovsrbolser Opera House. Kd. Overbolser, manager) Walker Wliltesldes. Dec 18. In "David GarrlcVs 1-ovr," hnd a large audience. "A Bunch of Kvj'a," IS, blcuM greatly. Iubh Tehple Theatre (Ellzalietb Schro- ber, manager). — Geo. Alison and Mabel Mont- gomery will be the chief figures In "A Tem- perance Town," put on for Christmas week, by the Flayers' Stock Co. The bill lsst week was "Frou Frou." People's Theatre (Fred G. Conrad, man- ager). — "Tbe Stowaway" Is the ChrlBtmns week bMl, following "East Lynne," which was in evidence during the past week. Eu- gene Moore and Lillian O'Nell have tbe leads, as usual. Howard's Theatre (Lorln J. Howard, manager). — May Hosmcr begins an Indefinite occupancy of this theatre Christmas Day, opening with "A Lost Paradise," support- ed by a specially chosen stock company, of which Lee Beggs will be tbe leading man. Olympic Theatre (Abe Jacobs, manager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Monday after- noon, 20 : Payton and Harris, McKlsson and Reed, Whalen nnd Searl. Ferguson and l'nss- raorc, Mexlss and dog, Flo Adler, the Aherns, Jcsle De Witt, Edmund Day and company, Burton and Brooks. Mabel McKlnley, the Newsboy Quintette. Tobln Sisters, Rickey and Nelson and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Con- sidering the week- before Cbrlstmss business was good ending Saturday. Willie Zimmer- man's artistic impersonations of musical com- posers nnd conductors, familiar snd historical. won tbe artistic success of the bill, while Williams snd Tucker shared the artistic ele- ment and provided strong heart Interest and good comedy. In "Sklunys Finish." Lew Hawkins won one of his oft repeated local successes, with witty monologue and song, and a well' rounded bill furnished the cus- tomary good entertainment. . Chicago Opera House (C. B. Draper, rannager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Mon- day afternoon, 2(1: Tbe Qulnn Trio, Joseph nnd Nellie Morris. Mlett's dogs. Early snd Lake, tbe Cnmpbell-DIUon Trio, Kenyon and )"io Ganui). Kt. .Tolm and l.a Ferra, Slnon and Perls, Knight Bros, nnd Sawtelle, Lewis "McCord and <-ompany, Rl;c, and Cady, W p st aud You" Steles, Betey fee, tlie Bedouin Arabs and Geo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. Tbe general excellence of tbe past week's bill served tn keep the business at a high average, considering the nearness of tbe holiday sea- son nnd tbe rush for Christmas shopping. lUr»iA*tSET Tueatbb (W. W. Freeman, manager for Kohl & Castle). — Opening Mon- day afternoon, 20: The Schiller Brothers, Clark and Duncan, J. C. Fox, Westherly and Grundy, the Itomsey Sisters, Howard i'ruesdell nnd company, Wynne Wloslow, Techow's cats. Lew Hawkins, Williams snd Tucker, Willie Zimmerman, tbe Society Belles and tleo. K. Spoor's klnodrome. West elders arc having the best vaudeville they have seen, and business keeps up a splendid average. Felix and Barry, Josephine Babel, Ilyan and Blchneld and Delmore and Lee came in for special, and deserved, favor last week. Hyde & Bbhman's (Archie Ellis, maris- gel -i. — Opening Monday afternoon. 26: The Florenz Troupe, Bandy and Wilson, the World's Trio, the Sletropolitan Grand Opera guartet, Lillian Leroy and Robert Henry odge and company. Retained from last week : Jessie Millwsrd and company, O'Brien nnd Havill, and Singer's monkeys. Harrigan, tbe tramp Juggler and monologlst, closed a fortnight of repeated successes Saturday night, 24. O'Brien and Havill scored well In last week's bill, the new "Miss Havill" proving a graceful and accomplished assist- ant In the success of the act. Tbo Italian Trio ended their return engagement with a renewal of the vocal triumphs they won earlier in the season. 8am T. Jack's Theatre (Sidney J. Euson, manager). — The intermingling of burlesque nud vaudeville continues a potent offering here, business continuing at a most pleasing standard. May Howard, ss tbe feature of the entertainment, has proven a valuable ac- quisition to an already popular organization. Tiioavuap.o Thbatbb l Robert Fulton, man- ager). — Tbe City Sports return to "The I.evce" for Cbrlstmss week, bound to renew tbe success earlier won In tbls locality. During tbe past week L. Lnwreneo Weber's Parisian Widows provided excellent enter- tainment for enthusiastically appreciative crowds. Folly Tkeatee (Robert Fulton, msna- ger). — Williams' Imperials make their first bow of the season Sunday afternoon, to remain for tbls week's fourteen perform- ances. The Fsy Foster Co. wss in evidence last week, amusing the customary Folly crowds which, after the Sunday opening, do not run at an astonishingly high average. Coliseum (Stewart Spalding, manager).— The second week of the Boer War opens Christmas afternoon, two dally performances continuing the advertised rule for the an- nounced live weeks ot the engagement. Be- ing a decided novelty, our amusement seek- ers are being attracted lu large numbers by tbe Interesting and invigorating entertain- ment. Aftermath. — General Manager Martin Beck bas decided upon some Important changes In tbe executive staff of the Or- pbeum forces. C. E. Bray, who bas been manager of the New Orleans Orpbeum sines the house oened, will come to Chicago to as- sume tbe duties of assistant manager ot tbs entire Orpbeum circuit. He will be suc- ceeded In the New Orleans house manage- ment by Thomas S. Winston, who bas been press agent. Mr. Bray will have a general supervision of all tho Orpbeums, and under tbe direction of General Manager Beck, will do tbe bookings after Jan. 1. Frank H. Vin- cent, who has been in charge of the Western office of William Morris" Vaudeville Agency, has licen selected by Mr. Beck to succeed Rob- ert I). Girard as tbe New York representa- tive of the Orpbeum circuit. He will be In- stalled by Mr. Bray on Jan. 1. In his new position.. ..Tim Murphy and Florence Bind- ley, with their companies, laid off In Chicago last week Jsmes J. Morton Is In town, laying off until he opens Jan. 2, at tbe Olym- pic. Ills wife, Josephine Alnsley, will Join him here, and on Jan. they will celebrate the first anniversary of their marriage with a supper to tbe'r friends of College Inn Greetings come from Alice Raymond, who arrived In Queens- town Dec. T Geo. lllllman send? Christmas greetings from Lymnn Bros.' Co. ..... .Bay Baker, James Thornton, Guy Liv- ingston, Albert Hogarth, Henry Truax. But- ler Mandevllle, Jack Lacey. Paul Nolan, Chas. Campbell, Nellie Wlllard, Esther Noble, Alice Gerblng and Mabel Ellis will bo In sup- port of May Hosmcr and Frederick Boggs, In stock, at Howard's, opening Christmas Day John A. West, the "musical brownie." made the round trip to New York from last Wednesday to Saturday. ....... Ferris' Comedians slosed the season at Irlmer, In ' "The Shepherd King," finished his local engagement last week. : Chestnut Street Theatrb (Nixon & Zimmerman, managers).; — "The Forbidden Land," presented by the Dearborn manage- ment Inst week, enjoyed a good degree of popularity. Though light In texture, it It quite amusing, and bad tbe benefit of a clever cast. De Wolf Hopper, In his revival of "Wang," begins his engagement this week. Walmtt Street Theatre (Frank Howe Jr., manager).— "Home Folks'* finished Its fortnight's engagement last week and de- parted with an excellent record. Chauncey Olcott begins his annual fortnight's engage- ment this week. Casino (Ellas. Koenlg & Lederer, mana- gers). — George W. Lcderer'a ptoducllon of "Smiling Island'' continues to meet with success at this house. Attendance was of excellent slue last week and the performances were heartily applauded. The same offering Is to be continued until further notice. "•■- Park Theatre (F. G, Nixon Nlrdllnger, manager). — This and next week tbe attrac- tion at this house is Denman Thompson, In "The Old nomestead." The three weeks' engagement for "The Tenderfoot" terminated Inst week with a good balance on tbe right bide of the ledger. National TiiKATnn (Joseph M. Kelly, manager). — After a profitable week with Robert I'ltzslmmons, in "A'Fight for Love," this house now has tbe melodrama, "A Des- perate Ohanef." Grasp Opera House (G. A. Wegefarth, mannger). — "Winsome Winnie," with Paula Eilwardes In the leading role, proved popular with the patrons Inst week and earned their hearty commendation. David Hlggins is presenting "His Last Dollar" this week. Peopi.ks Theatre (F. Q. Nixon-NIrdlln- ger, manager). — Thomas E. Shea, who earned lite approval of the patrons last week, con- tinues to appfar In repertory this week with every prospect for excellent business. Blaney's Arch Street Theatre (M. 8. Sehleslnger, manager). — The melodrama, "On tbo Bridge at Midnight," holds tbe atten- tion of the patrons this week. Lillian Mor- timer, In "A Girl of the Streets," merited the good attendance Inst week and the ap- plause of the audiences. (ititviin Aveni'k Theatre (Miller & Knnf- miiii. malingers). — "The Mlssourions," last week's offering, was a novelty to local thea- tregoer*, It was presented by an admirable raai and I he Interesting situations kept tbe intention throughout the performance. ''The Ninety and Nine" is the current offering, Hart's New Theatre (John W. Hart, manager). — "Escaped from Sing Sing" Is the melodrama providing thrills for tbe patrons of this house this week. Audiences of goodly size were attracted by tbo performances of the melodrama, "The Little Church Around the Corner," last week. Forepai-oh's Theatre (Miller ft Kauf- man, managers). — After a week of praise- worthy performances of "Hazel Klrke," tbe stock company Is now engaged in a presen- tation of "The Christian." .Standard theatre (Darcy & Speck, man- agers). — During the current week the mem- bers of the stock company are appearing in. '.The Night Before Christmas," a melo- drama which gives them plenty of oppor- tunity to display their talent. Last week's performances of "The Game Keeper" met with hearty approval. Keith's New Theatre (H. T. Jordan, resident manager). — This week's programme Includes: Cleveland Johnson, exhibition of liquid air: Dlgby Bell, Mlllman Trio, Geo. W. Day, SUglnnto Japanese Troupe, Harding i:ud Ah Sid, Orpheus Comedy Four, Mile. Olive, Boston Brothers, Three Madcaps, Crowley and Foley and the blograph. Bon Ton Theatre (Bon Ton Amusement Co., managers). — The vaudeville entertain- ment this week is made up as follows : Jacob Glass and his trained bear. Three Zoellcrs, Mellomobllc Duo, Dalv and Reno, Morton, ' Temple and Morton, Williamson and Gilbert, Kennedy and Kennedy, A1. Wilson, May Har- ' Toy, Freda Lancaster, Parker and McGrevy und moving pictures. Elevwith Street Opera House (Frank Dnmont, manager). — The varied entertain- ment provided by Dumont's Minstrels at this house earns and receives the approba- tion of the patrons, who can be depended upon to loyally keep the house filled. Tbo timely burlesques, which excited laughter Inst week, are continued, and, as usual at Christmas, the Christmas tree, with candy and toys for the children, will be in evi- dence. Lyceum Theatre (John G. Jermon, man- ager). — The Thoroughbreds, ' after a vety satisfactory week's business, have given place to Watson's Americans, who furnish the mrrent entertainment ' - Tr.ocAtiF.no f Floyd LSUmnn, manager):— The patrons are being entertained this week by the Bohemian Burlesrpiers, who furnish « varied bill of hurlesgui and vaudeville. The patrons turned out Id good numbers last week, attracted by the Runaway Girls. . Nihth AMD Aacti Mrsr.ru (C. A. Br a den- burg)-, manager). -In th-j cutlo hall this week', are; German Rose. Capt. Anger, the Matzonts, Dlerkes and Nohena, the Berger- ons, Capt. CDittendoil. Vaudeville In the theatre Is provided hy Martin and Rldge- way, Hnllman and Collins, Mm. Gen. Tom Thumb and company. P. Ln Dent, Johnnie Rellly, (.has. H. Wnnle, the Uealeys and the elneograph. Note.— Tho blowing oat nf a switchboard at the Bon Ton Theatre, Wednesday night of last week, started a small sited panic among the audience. The coolness of the attache* prevented any r.erlnus Injury and tbe bouse was emptied In a very few minutes. i Plttnlinrir. — At the Niton (Thos. F. King Jr., manager) Richard Mansfield Dec. 20-31. Ada ltehnn had a satisfactory engagement Inst week, presenting "The Taming of the Shrew" nnd "The School for Scandal." Wll- llnm Gillette next week. At.vis (Harry Davis, manager). — The stock company presents this week "Around the World In Eighty Days," In which the Klralfy Ballet, from the World's Fnlr, Is In- troduced. Good attendance was noted last week for "Sergeant James." - ' ' Gayety (James E. Orr, manager). — "Girls Will Be Girls" for week of 20. A splendid company, headed hy Crest on Clarke, played to good houses last week, In "Monsieur Beau- cairo," which was presented In a most grace- ful nnd finished manner. "Dnvld Harum," with William 11. Turner, next week. Ruorr (R. M. Gtillck, manager). — "For His Brother's Crime" 20-31. "A Desperato Chance" did an Immense business Inst week. "The Great Automobile MyBtery" next week. Di'quesxb (R. M. Gullck, manager). — Ward ami Vokes 20-31, In "A Pair of I'lnks." "Buster Brown" departed 24, closing a two weeks' engagement. Business last week was, If anything, heavier than that of the pre- vious week. Bobby North, as the Hebrew politician, Joined tbe company here, and was very successful. "The Strollers' next week. Emi-ibb (E. J. McCullougb, manager).— "On the Suwanee River" Is the Christmas week offering. The Gllckman Yiddish Dra- matic Co. canceled their engagement last week. "Why He Divorced Her" next week. Grand Opera House (Harry Davis, mana- ger). — Good business prevailed last week. This week: Henry E. Dlxey and company, Elflo Fay, Sam Watson's Barn Yard Circus, Moulier Sisters. Bellman and Moore, Murphy and Francis, Crawford and Manning, Kim- ball and Donovan, Marlnellas, Maxwell and Simpson, John A, Gilbert, Colby and Way, tbe Great Zedn and klnetogrnpb. AvnstT, (Harry Davis, manager). — The business done by Anna Eva Fay last week was a repetition of the preceding one, simply phenomenal. Miss Fay opened her sixth suc- cessive week Christmas mntlnee. Academy (Harrv W. Williams, manager). —Rellly ft Wood's Big Snow 20-31. Tbe Gay Masquerndcrs drew remarkably large busi- ness Inst week, which was well deserved. The show is first class from start to finish. i i Scranton. — At the Lyceum (A. J. Duffy, mnnoger) Wm. Fnversham, In "Letty." Dec. 20: 'The Girl and the Bandit" 27, "The For- bidden Land" 28. Chauncey Olcott, 22, came to an overflowing bouse. Academy (A. J. Duffy, mannger). — Ralph Stuart, In "By Bight of Sword." 20-28. Oeo. F. Hall, in "A Ragged Hero," 22-24, had large houses. Star (Alf. (>. Herrlngton, manager). — The Blue Ribbon Girls 20-28, the Thoroughbreds 20-31, Roble's Knickerbockers Jan. 2-4, the Bohemians 5-7. The Cherry Blossoms came to large houses. Court Sodare (H. R. Kelley. manager). — This theatre reopened 20. with the Morti- mer Snow Stock Co., In "The Christian," for the week, to be followed week of Jan. 2 by "The Cowboy and the Lady." The new regime at this house promises to be successful. ■ ' . Hnrrlslmru. — At the Lyceum (M. RelB, manager) business was fair with Chauncey Olcott Dec lit and with Howe's moving pic- tures 20. "The Girl from Ksy's" 20. Daniel Sully 2T, Robert Mantel! 28, Arnold Daly 31. Opera House (M. Rels, manager). — Ed- ward Blondell, In "The Lost Boy," did a nice business 10-21. "The Wayward Son" 26-28, "A Ragged nero" 29-3t. Notes. — Walter Neumyer, trap drummer In the Hartford, Conn., Opera House, was here with his parents 22-21), as was Spencer t.V Charters, of the Thomas E. Shea Co "A Little Outcast" did well at Mlddletown, ra., 22. ■ Enston. — At the Able Opera House ( W. K. Dctwlller. manager) "The Imperial Di- vorce," Dec. 10, pleased. Adelaide Thurs- ton, IT. was greeted with good business. Week of l'.», Bennett & Moulton Co. «i> WISCONSIN. Milwaukee.— With three novelties, week of Dec. 18 opened good, but the usual poor business experienced the week before Christ- mas was In general evidence Academy. — Edwin Thatthouser's popular Slayers romped through "A Mysterious tranger" last week, anuwon many a hearty laugh. "A Japanese Nightingale' 1 week of 26. "Lovers' Lane" follows. Alhambua (O. F. Miller, manager). — Lottie Williams, In "Only a Shop Girl," was h'ghly satisfactory week of 18. "York State Folks ' 25-81. "The Smart Set" follows. Davidson (Sherman Brown, manager). — William Collier, In "The Dictator," 18-21, drew fair sized audiences. Jeanne Towler 25-28 Blanche Walsh Jan. 1-4. Bijou < Opera House. — Manager John R. Pierce offered "Escaped from the Harem" Dec. 18-24. which was enthusiastically re- ceived. "Wedded and Parted" week of 25. "When Women Love" follows. Pabst (Leon Wachsner, manager). — A sec- ond call for support was made on the patrons of thin popular stock bouse and further as- surance wus offered Manager Wachsner at last Wednesday's evening performance when "In Vetretung" ("By Proxy") was presented. Star (Frank It Trot t man, manager).— The Merry Maidens, week of 18, pleased greatly. The Parisian Widows 26-31. Im- perial Extravaganza Co. follows. Grand. — Harrington and Lester, Bob Hurdle, Johnnn and Matt Josephine Coles, and Geo. Austin and company make up Manager J. W. Kenny's bill week of 20. Cbystai. — Manager F. B. Winter offers n strong bill for week of 26, with Seeker Wilkes Co. as topliners. Business la good. Notes.— "Bill" Kirk, The AflliouwJfcge Hcntl- nel'e "Fleeting Fancy" man, has Just received word from Lew Dockstadcr that he has ac- cepted the words, by Mr. Kirk, for his new song, "Save Yoor Tags." Mr. Dockatader will feature the song Just as soon as It can be put to music. James Kyrle McCurdy produced bis new play for the first time on any stage at Nlpon, Wis., Dec 22. It Is "The Old Clothes Man." Mr. McCurdy is said to have made a triple hit as author, Sroducer and actor Nellie Hanley, of lie Merry Maidens Co., was called to New York last Wednesday by the death of her mother, Mrs. Louise Godstroy, at Richmond Hill, Long Island...... Edwin Thanhouser announces the following new members -for bis company at the Academy : James Durkln, as leading man : Joseph Callahan, as char- acter actor, and" Walter McCullougb, to re- place Colin Campbell, who Das accepted an engagement as assistant stage director with Root T. Haines. - •• - : - - " «■» i Bnv;iB GaYi.obd opened on the BIJou cir- cuit Dec. 20, at Minneapolis, Minn. Notice to Oar Correspondent*. At Ken Year Mill lie celebrated Afonrfai/, Jan. 2. ice detlre, tehercver 41 is poietblt, that all matter intended for the iitue of The ci.trrr.n dated Jnn, 1. ihnll reach thl* office not later than the Saturday preceding the dale of tttve. ■ ; ' MISSOURI. 8«. i.oni*. — Sbubert's new theatre, the, Gnrrlek, Is to be thrown open to the public Monday evening. Dec. 26, with Ada Kehnu. Charles P. Salisbury will haro direct charge of the new St. Louis house. Garihck (Charles V. Salisbury, mannger). —Ada Rehan opens here Monday, 20, for two weeks, opening in "Taming of the Shrew." Charles Klchmnn, Oliver Doud Hymn, Jos. Weaver and Wm. Redmuad ore In the cast Century (J. J. Ilannerty, manager). — "The Vlrglnlnn" opens Sunday evening, 2K, for week, with Dnstln Farnum, Helen Holmes and Frank Carpenter In the cast. "The Maid and the Mummy" played to splendid business last week. Grace Van Studdlford, In "Red Feather," next Olympic (P. Short, mannger). — Eleanor Robson, in "Merely Mary Ann," opens Mon- day mntlnee, 20, for one week. Richard Mansfield follows, in repertory. Odeon (Geo. Olendorff, manager). — "The Suburban" will bo the bill beginning (with the usual custom of this house) Tuesday evening, 27. Evelyn Vaughan and Thomas MacLarnle have the- leading roles, A big production Is promised. Last week "The Christian" played to big business, Evelyn Vaugban appearing for the first time In tlie leading role, taking the place of Miss Burt. ■Standard (Leo Rclchenbach, manager).— Bice & Barton's Big Gaiety Co. 25-31. Annie Dunn Mullen, Kitty Hart Fanny Vedder and the Seymour Sisters are with tbe com- pany. Last week Manager Rclchenbach pre- sented the Tiger Lilies to & R. O. Bonlta and her midgets, Morrlsey and Fay, the Coopers, Brown and Robinson, La Veen and Cross, and tbe Edison motion pictures made a splendid bill. Grand Opera House (John G. Sbeeby, manager). — Kellar, with Valadln, 20-31. Charley Grapewln, In "Tbo Awakening of Mr. I'lpp." Inst week, gave a good show, to good bouses. Columbia (Frank Tate, manager). — Bill week of 20 : Thos. J. Ryan and Mary Rlcb- fleid, Josephine Sabel, Trovollo, Misses Del- more, George W. eslic, Jennings and Ren- frew, Delmore and 1-ce, Ouigley Bros., Felix. Barry and Barry, Robert Nome, Andrews and Feld and the klnodrome. Imperial (D. E. Russell, manager).— "Shadows of a Oreat City" 25-31. Patrice, In "Driven from Home," last week had cap- ital business, and gnve n good performance. Star (C. P. Crawford, manager). — Four- teen vaudeville acta opened Sunday, 2,1. Last week was the last of. the stock com- Cany. "Solomon Isaacs" was the bill, to good uslness. Havmn's (Wm. Garen, mannger). — Billy tifford, In "How ne Won Her." 25-31. Last week, Fanny Mclntyre, In "The White Ti- res.? of Japan," had good houses. Crawford (O. T. Crawford, manager,.— "The Charity Nurse" 25-31. Last week, "The Slgu of the Four" and "Side Tracked" drew big houses. German (Hclnemnn & Welb, managers). — "Cinderella" Sunday matinee, 25. "Das Grosse LIcht" ("The Oreat Light"), 18, drew a good house. Gi.ork (II. E. Rice, manager). — Opening Sunday afternoon, 25 : Jennler Children, Geo. Lunndo, Irene Delmar, Geo. F. Geer, Delia Scott and the- klnetogue. Haqenback'r (C. Lee Williams, manager). — Sixteen capital trained animal acta appear to splendid patronage. Notes. — Laura Bart, lending lady of tbe Odeon Stock Co., has suddenly resigned and left for New York. She will sail for Eng- land, where she will Join her husband, Harry U. Haniord, a member of Henry Irvlng's company. Miss Kurt's resignation Is deeply regretted In end out of tbe company. Eve- lyn Vaughan will succeed her Leo Cor- rlgan, the Crawford's "boy singer," has re- turned from the Pacific const and resumed his duties at tbe theatre Alfred Spink Jr., one of our dramatic critics, has been ap- pointed the otflclnl referee of the West End Physical Culture Club The big Charity Horse Show nnd Oyraknnn, 17, at the Coli- seum, was splendidly attended. Concerts hy the famous Philippine Scouts' Band was the feature. :... .The Chornl Symphony Society Will render the "Messiah," 20, at tho Odeon. .Zoo Attlns, daughter of Thomas Akin, chairman of tho Republican State Committee, is to become a member of tbe Odeoa Stock Co.. ...... .Mrac. Fannin Bloomfleld Zelslor appeared In a piano recital at the Odeon 10. clde Capltalae, Binns, Rlnns and Blnns, Halley nnd Meehan, Esmeralda Sisters, Von Klcltn and Gibson and Kd. Foster's dogs. Lyric til. W. Van Dyke, mannger. — "The Man Who Dared" was n drawing card last week. "The Little Minister" 25-31. vjtiYSTAi, (Fred Cmsmari, manager).— Bill lit nnd week : The Rutherford*, presenting "A Case of Snakes;" Earl l'lynn, Denoyer and Ward, Johnson and Porry. Thomas Murray and Crosman's moving pictures, Ruslnens continues Immense ♦ »»■ OHIO. Kansas City — At the Willis Wood The- atre (Woodward & Burgess Amusement Co., malingers) Wagenhals & Kemper's fine pro- duction of "Salnmmbo," Dec. 18-21, came to fair -business. "Glittering Gloria" came 22- 24, with Dorothy Morton, and was well re- ceived. Chas. Hnwlrey, In "A Message from Mars," 25-28; Edna Wallace Hopper, In "A Country Mouse," 29-31. New Year's week, "Tho Virginian." Grand (Hudson & Judab, managers). — Last week "Tbe Fortune Hunters" came to fair business. Bert Leslie was line as the "tough," and was ably assisted by Robert 8, Dnlley, Hugh Cameron, Margaret Messenger, Madge Lawrence nnd Mao Sailor. This week, "Peggy from Paris," and New Year's week, "The Runaways." Orphei:m (Martin Beck, genera' manager). — Bill week of 20: Three Colins, Clarenux, Mullen and Fuller, Canfleld nnd Carlton, Sul- livan and Pasqualena. Tlce and Jermon, James F. Macdonald, Canfleld and Johnson and tbe klnodrome. ' " Oai.ts (E. S. Brlgbam, manager), — Last week Billy Clifford, Id "How Ho Won Her," whb a prime favorite, and delighted his audi- enceg. This week, "McPadden's Flats," and next week, "Shadows of a Great City." Auditorium (Woodward k Burgess Amuse- ment Co., managers). — Last week "A Texas Steer" pleased good houses, This week, "The Sign of the Cross," and New Year's week, "A Hot Old Time."' Century (Jus. Barrett, manager). — Last week Bcribner's Morning Glories did a good business. This week, the Tiger Lilies, and next week, Rice It Barton's Co. Yalk'h (Lloyd Brown, manager).— Busi- ness still keeps up, This week : The Rutber- fords, II. F. Forties and company, Johnson and Perry, Pauline do Conde, Arthur Sey- mour and Frank Grob. ; National (Walter T. Terry, manager). — The new 10 cent house threw open Its doors on Sunday afternoon, 18. The' bill was changed 'from the original booking, as some of tbe acts disappointed. The acts were : Mons. Herbert, wm. Ormsby, Fay Sisters,, C. C Church, Marcus and Flora and Prof. Lyman. This week: Wm. Rogers, Wm', Ormsby, the Be Anas, tbe Sbawa and Nona and Marshaw. CtiiprEBiNos. — Melba and Parkinson will give a concert at Convention Hall June 4. Geo. Cbenet, full of talk about "Mc- Fadden's Flats," was here nil of last week. Cincinnati. — Yuletlde prosperity Is as- sured at nil tho theatres, but some of the bills make rather ciucer offerings for Christ- mas holidays, titiANi) opera' nottRR (Harry Rainfnrth St John II. linvlln, managers). — Gabrlelle Re- Jane Is to make her local premier Dec, 20. in "We Couslne," and she follows that wills '"iaia," "Siipho," "Cnmlllo," "L'HIron- delle" and "The Marriage of Kitty." Last week Fred R, Hnmlln nnd Julian Mitchell were responsible for a season of unalloyed pleasure, for "Babes In Toy.'nnd" proved a de- llghtrul creation and one that took us hack to the days of Jack nnd Jill. Ignnclo Mnr- tlnettl, Nellie, O'Neill, Mabel Harrison, Bes- sie Wynn nnd n host of others proved most capable entertainers. "Tho Wlr.uril of O*" Jan. 2. Walnut Street Tiikatiib (M. C. Ander- son, manager). — "King Porto," M. C. Ander- sons attraction, is to open Dec. 25, with Hose Cecelia Shay, a Cincinnati girl, as- suming the role of rinolu. It will be her first appearance here In comic opera. Last week a weber & Fields show. "Holty Tolty," played to splendid business, with Villa Knox, Tom Moore and Margaret Lucler among I ho merrr makers. Elluoro Sisters, In "Mrs, Dclnney of Newport 1 Coi.nMRtA Theatre (M. C. Anderson, man- ager). — McMahon's Musical Maids are tbo top liners for Dec. 25, with Eddie Glrnrd and Jessie Gardner, Klein and Clifton, lloey and Lee, Harry La Hose and Co. and La Carmen Troupe as associated entertainers. The bill last week was one that drew, l'nt Itooney's Street Urchins made a pronounced hit. Josle De Witt, the Four Unntlngs and the Melrose Troupe wero other cards. Heuuk's Opera Hot. it: (Heiick. Fennessy & Stair, mamigere). — Under W. T. Kcogh's management Charles A. Taylor's spectacle, "Tho White Tigress of Japan," will bo given Its local premier Dec. 25, Last week the Count Tolstoi play, "Thou Sbalt Not Kill," proved a thriller that drew big audiences. '•Hearts Adrift" Jan. 1. Robinson's Opera Housn (George F. Fish & L. F. Flab, manager). — Tho Forcpaugli Stock Co, put on "A Gentleman of France" last week. The ante-holiday double bill, "The Hells" nnd "Nan, tbe Good for Noth'ng," reminiscent of Henry Irving and Lotta, drew great crowds and was satisfactorily Btagcd. "Teas of the D'Urbcrvllles" Jan. 1. Lyceum Theatre (Hetick. Fennessy ft Stair, manngers). — "Two Little Waifs" will come Dec. 25. Lnst week, "Why He Di- vorced Her," by Will C. Mtirpby, prored to be In great favor and tho company was most satisfying. Business was big. Louise Beaton Jnn. 1. People's Tiieatbe (Hubert Henrk, mona- ?cr). — Tbo Ony Mnsaupiadcts arrlvo Dec. 2!i, ollowlng Hobby Manchester's Vanity Fair which drew crushes last week. Rellly & Wood's Big Show Jan. 1, Lobby CtiATTBn. — Frank Abbott came In advance of "King Dodo." For tho first time In years no Christmas matinee wilt he given at tbe Grand, whore Itojano opens at night Ignaclo Mnrtlnettl and his wife, Carrie Radcllffe, occupied a box at Robinson's the opening night of ''The Bells," The lnttcr was once leading woman of the Forcpaugli Stock, In Philadelphia Henrietta Vnders, of the Forepaugh Stock Co., wns called to Philadelphia by the death of her father, and Eugenia Webb took her place, in "The Bells," at short notice Agues Schoemor-Mlllor has Joined tbo "Cnhes In Toyland" Co,, and taken tbe stage name of Genevieve Hlllyer, Mildred Ln Mont, a young soubrette, was found unconscious In bed and taken to the hospital, She was suffering from nervous spells Mabel Dnfour Filnn nnd Albert Ely were married last October, but the secret Just leaked out here, sue Is n College of Music graduate Manager Max Rosen- berg is wick from Boston. i i Cleveland.— At the Opora House' (A. F. Hnrtz, manager) "Babes in Toyland" Dec. 20-31. "Red Feathef" drew splendidly week of 111. Frank Daniels next- week. Colonial (Drew k Campbell, managers). — "One of Our Olrln," by the iVanglian G laser Stock, current week, "Lend Mo Five Shil- lings" und '"Die Arabian Nights" packed the house week of 10. "A Bachelor's Honey- moon" next week. EMPinn (Max Fnetkcnlieuer, manager). — "As You Like It" the current week, by the Faruum Stock Co, "Camllle," week of 111, turned away people. "Dninoii and Pythias" next week. Lycbu.ii (J. K. Cookson, manager), — "Cap- tain Barrlngton" current week. Brothers Ilyrne, In "Eh/lit Hells," bad good huuhieus last week. "The Crisis" next week. Cleveland (J. K. Cooknoti, manager). — Tbe Russell Brothers, In "Tho Female Detec- tives," current week. "Alone In the World" had good houses week of 111. "Dangers of Working Iris" last week. Stab (Drew & Campbell, managers).— The Crackcrlacks current week. Tho High Roll- ers week of 10. Itentn-fiantlry Co.' next week. Keith's (L. M. Elrlck. manager). — Bill week of 20 ! The Imperial Japanese Guards. Itlce and Provost, Wm. II. Murphy and Blnucho Nichols, Mr. and Mrs. Allison, Klein, nit Bros, and Nicholson, Loulso Dresner, Jack Norworth and the Dahlias. ibly plays vorecd Her" S0-2S, "Escaped from tha Harum" 20-31, "The Factor* Olrl" Jan. 2-4. Notss.— Tbe local order of Elks distributes Christina* morning 200 well filled baskets of provisions to the poor Manager Peter Rice now wears on emblem of the local Order of Eagles. s Toledo.— At the Valentino (Mr E. For, mannger) Ada Rcbnn, In "The Taming of tbe Shrew," Dec. 14. filled the house. Lulu Glnser, In "A Madcap Princess," has ca- pncllv business 17. Coating: "The Red Feather" 20, "Tho Two Orphans" 27. LtcHvm (Frank Hurt, manager). — "Th» Sign of the Four" pleased ln-17, as did Ward nnd Vokes 18-21. "Tho Two Johns" 22-2-1, "Dnvld llamm" 28-28. Arcaps in. H. Lnmiln, manager).— Lnfayotto and his compnuy proved n splen- did drawing card 18 and week. For 2ft nnd week : Jenkins and Clifford, Illll and Hylvlanl. Trelnor, the Savnns, tho Silvers ond Talbot and Rogers, Emi'ihh (Abo Shapiro, manager).— The Cracker Jneks 18 and week wero well patron- ized. Tho Rentst-Santley Co. 2B and week. HiillT's (Frank Burt, manager). — "Alone In tho World" 10-17, nnd "Tho Katal Wed- ding" 18-21, ennao to big business. "Dr. Jekvll and Mr Ilydo" 22-21, "Child Slaves oC New York" 2B-2S. ■ s T)i»rton.— At tbe Victoria (a 0. Miller. manager) Madame Rejane preaeuled "Znza, to a splendid audience, Dec. 22. "King Dodo" drew well 24. Coming : "Tho Maid and tbo Mummy" 20, Earn Kendall 27. National (Gil Burrows, manager).— "El Cnpltnn" was well presented, to good busi- ness, 10-21. "The Child Slaves of New York" drew good houses 22-24. Coming: "Tho Fatal Wedding" 25-28, "Eight Bolls" 211-31. Park (Ull Burrows, mannger). — "Tha Katxeiijammer Kids" 20-28. Soldiers' IIomb Theatre. — A big audi- ence witnessed "Tho Knticnlnmmer Kids" 23, Coining: "Tho Holy City" ill). Odeon (Hnrtsock & Our ran, managers).— Bill for week of 20 : Miss Adolvn, the Con- rods, Humes and Lewis, aud Hall and Kngyu, Sandusky. — At the Nlelsou Opera noma (Sltigler & Smith, manngers) "King Dodo" pleased a fair house Dec. 20. "Hooligan's, Troubles" gave two pnrformnnccs 211. Book- ings: "My Wife's Family" 20, "Old Arknn- saw" 31. "Peck's Bad Hoy" Jan. li, "Tho Eternal City" 0, "Queen of the White Slaves" ' Note. — A deal, by which John A. nim- triolein, the theatrical mnnngar, acquires own- ership of the popular Nellscn Opera House, hns about been concluded. Mnny improve- ments to tho playhouse aro contemplated. * '» DISTIUCT OF COLUMBIA. Wnalilnuton. — Tho week before Christ- mas, usually tha dullest of tbo year, except, perhaps. Holy Week, In the theatrical line, was this year quite prosperous owing to timely attractions. National (W. II. Bnpley, manager).— This week Wm. II. Crane, In ''Business Is Busi- ness." Lnst week, "Mother Gooso" closed a very prosperous two weeks' engagement. Mme. Schiiuinnn-Ilolnlr, lu "Love's Lottery, Jan. 2-7. Columiha Theatre (Joseph E. Lucked, manager). — This week, Lionel Ilnrrymore, In "Tho Other Olrl." Last week, Snvnge'n English Grand Opera Co., In a linn roper- lory, sang to large houses at ndvnnccd prices, "Piffl Paff 11 Potif III" Jau. 2-7. Lapayhtte QllAND OPERA llOUSB (Ira J. La Mottc, manager). — Tills week, "Buster Drown." Last week, good houses greeted Geo. M. Cohan, in "Running for ufllce." "The Burgomaster" Jan. 2-7. Academy op Music (J. W, Lyons, mana- ger).— This week, "The Way of tho Trans- gressor." Lobi week, "More to bo Pitied than Scorned" played to excellent patronage, "On the Suwonce River" July 2-7. Ciiane'h (Miss II. Wliiflelil Do Witt, man- nger i. — This week: Tha Eight Vaainr Girls, the Ten Toozoonlu Arabs, Georgia Gardner, Joe Madden and company, itiivmonil and Cnverly, Howard Bros., Poultney and Daley, CnrloB and tho vltngrnpli. Lust week Fanny Illeo was the topliner of a good bill and tbo attendance was satisfactory. Lyceum Tjikatph (Eugene Roman, mana- ger). — This week, the World Healers. Last week Rellly &; Wood's nig Show, with Pat Hellly, scored lis UBiial big business, The Runaway Girls Jan. 2-7. Convention Hall ( David Bolnnco, lessee). — This week, Leslie Carter, In Helnsco's new play, "Adren," for tbo first time on any atago. «i > KENTUCKY. Louisville. — At Mncatilcy's (John T, Ma- cauley, mannger) Madame Rejane came Dec, 20, presenting ''7-rtJtn" to n crowded ItotiHe, "The Karl of Pnwtucket" 20-28. Masonic (('has. A. Blinw, manager),— "Louisiana," 10-24, drew crowded bouses. "Under Southern Hklos" 20-11 1. Avkniiiii (Chris. A. Hbaw, manager). — "Her First FulBP-Rtcp," week of 18, attracted good crowds. "Hoard Adrift" 2R-3I. Iiot'KiNH' (Wm. Itck'liiiiiui, resident man- ager). — For week of 25: Itooney's Street Ur- obilin, Knur Huntings, Carlisle's Pony Show, Hammond and Forrester, Pros. Arlsuto, the Marco Twins and tho blograph. Buckingham (Whallen Urns., mnnngors). — Ulco & Uartnn's Extravagnnxii Ci>. gnvu a highly Interesting performance week of 18, to crowded homos. Vanity Fnlr 29-111. <■ » GEOntllA. Powers, In "San "Tnt Wlaard of Ox,", 10,. and at. Joseph— At the Lyceum (C. U. Phil- '"'»r T. " " rd of Oz.". 10 10, all had iria" 21, "lit ,^Ad-JBck''4M;.i'Hrt»l- Pawsbroktrs" 25. "After Midnight" 28. "Tna Tenderfoot" 27, Edna Wallace Hopper 28. OapfiKiu (Martin Beck, general manager). Business continues very good. Week of 20 : Al- ley, manager) Jame. Toy." Dec..l5: 'The ''Toe Village Parson," 18, 10, all bad good business. "Glittering Gloria" 21. "Hottest Cotm In Dixie" 33, -"ItiHwaa Jack"' *4;.vtt\»1r Colnuhn*. — At tbe Great Boutbera (0. M. Heffner, manager) Rejane, In "Zazu," drew a good home. Coming: Grace Van Studdlford Dec. 27, 28, Tim Murphy 110, 81, Margaret Angtln Jan. 2, Lawrence D'Orsay 8, 4, Kellar (J, 7. Eurine (H. A, Weinman, manager). — For week of 111, "Tho Senator," by the Empire Stock, attracted fair business. Ada Adair. tbe new leading lady, Is Urmly established lu popularity. Frank Camp, Gavin Harris, Chan. Waldron, Louise Marcelll and Elinor Wescott assist in making a well balanced company. Week of 20, "The Wrong Mr. Wright. 1 ' "A Texas Steer" follows. (in and Opera Houmh (A, O. Ovens, nana- Ser). — Dark week of II). "Tho Awakoolug of Ir. Plpp" 20-28, "David Harum" 20-31, "Who Goes There J" Jan, 2-4. Hiou Stuhkt TiiEATiti; (A. 0. Ovens, man- ager).— "Child Slaves of New York'' and "The Fatal Wedding" divided week of 10, to fnlr business, "The Hoosler Girl" 20-28, "Knchel Goldstcn" 20-81, "White Tigress or •Japan" Jnn, 2-4. "Tbe Peddler" B-7. Notb. — Guy van Tress, a former member of tbe Empire Stock Co., died 22, from con- sumption. ■ ... > ■ i ■ Von n ari town — At the Opera House (Peter Hlce, manager) Mildred Holland drew well Dec. 10, "Tho Karl of Pawtucket" plcnied a large audience 12; Conroy and Mack, J 8, and ''The Strollers," 14, came to good re- turn*. "Tho Moonshiner's Daughter," 17, and "New York Day by Day," 21, euiertnlned food audiences. Yale .0 lee Club 24, Lyman Ipwe's moving pictures 25, "Hunter- Brown" .21), "Strange Adventures of Amos Skneter" 27,- "The-vtemrnorT-nirls" "it, "Tinr Kotzen- Jammer Kids" 20-31. • P«uk "(Chas. L. Lllllnn, manager).— Week of 10 "On tho Suwanee River" pleased. T. T. Uook, whose borne Is here, takes a promla- Atlanta—At the Grand (II. L, & J, U Do Give, manager*) "The Jewel of Asia" Dae. 211. "A Olrl from Dixie" was well re- ceived, by good sized houses, 10, 17. "Tho Prince of Pllsen," 10, 20, enjoyed good t»- turns. Frank Daniels 20, 27. ' lti.iou (Jake Walls, manager), — "'die llenuty Doctor" attracted big luminous week of 10. "Across tbo Pacific" 2U1I1. j Star (J. H. Thompson, manager). —An- other pleasing hill was presented, week at 10, b« Helnton and Uood, Carlisle Slaters, May Mllhurn, Phillips Slaters, Urate MJlburn, Lowmon Slstei-H, Blnlr and McNulty/ > Hood Sisters, Downey and Thomas, LawroMo and Gnnxnles, Parker and Florence, Mny/Kenaa. Oskurn and Orapetza, Frank RaldY/ln and Ben Wells, i »» MAINE. Portland. — At the Jefferson (Cnhn 4 Grant, mnnngers) "Tho Sleeping, IJenulv and the Beast," Dec. 10-24, gnve grfiit satisfac- tion. The Keystone Dramatic U>. 20-31. Portland (James E. Moore.t mannger).— ■ BUI week of 20 : The Four Marvin, tho Smod- ley Sketch Club, Carlln nnd Ot.'w, Lulgl Dell Oro, Carter and.Dluford and a/IJier acts, Hroi and ncATit write: ".We aro la onr ninth week on tbo Novelty ni Id Three L cir- cuit!], tbrniiffh Colorado, UtOb-aad Cnllfornlu, end are being featured at wtry stand. Our act, 'A Lontf of Hay," Is a success, and we have oddod another drop, wlib soma new electrical effects, making It one of the big- gest novelty singing acts In' vaudeville. Wo are closing the shown und taking five and nix bows nightly, and nuv booked solid for the next tlx months In Cijlrfornlu." TnCnmUl'lt. It, w Nmw Jwisrv trans. porta the Metropolitan Opf r and rellablo men as follows: 6Bb Clarionets, » Bill) Bass, 1 Eh Kass, l Alto Saxophone. I Tenor Nsxopnone, 1 Oboe. I Piccolo, t Solo Alto and 1 Nolo Trombone. Those who doable In string pre- ferred. Inducements to good men. Plenty of tiatstde engagements, a nloe climate, located In City Baa Antonio, Texas, that has ps.ooo inhabi- tants Add Oetare Tora(ollo, Chief Muslclsn, asth Inf.; Fort Bam Houston, Texas. lATdOBT PAPBR THARINU.-HlcoYOI rolled up, hands shown empty, baok and front, lingers wide apart; strip of tissue paper, torn up and Instantly restored; this ohanges Into a strips or ribbon, rod, white and bine; ribbon instantly changes luto a Flag, whloh disappears In shower of small flags; no "pulls" or "fakes" to go over or between thumb or fingers. Kssy and entirely new. Apperatoa with all acceHsorlea. too., M.O. No "tamps. J. B. Harto, 708 Bo. Capitol Ave., Indian- a poll., I nd. BY HAIL tie P. O. ORDfOR GNL.Y. Second Edition, "THE KKMK painter." This hook teaches Tne- ig. Send t j BUTOHBB, Baraboo, Wis. Copyrighted, Illustrated. HirlcBi and Scenery Painting. WANTUD, PARTNMR.-Wlll sell one-halt or one-third Interest lo a Lire Partner, (to hisd'p (bow, as my biz keeps me here. "Faroe Oonedy" Huccess or four seasons. Elegant ptar., all ■.special. "Don't want an angel," but a bit man, Those meaning biz only, write. WANTED, Band Uniforms. Must be cheap. Address 1. B. RWAPFORD, Mgr. "Two Married Men," Eastern, Gardner Theatre, Gardner, Mass. APRV mor * big* 1 anl1 ladles needed in tbe ■ BIT mimic Publishing Business. Nooapltal required. Fundamental prinolplrs taught by "The Mastery of the Muslo Business;" Just published; mailed, postpaid, for 29 cents Including stook ot new muslo to start you in business. Rare oppor- tunity lo rapid fortune. All mailed promptly on receipt of » oenta by ■ , WEBER MUB10 CO., Boston, l PUR. BA1.B, Hindoo Box Mystery. |lo; Spirit Cabinet Act, f le| Blaok Art Outm, tar, : Magioleu'a Complete outfit, fjo; Burlesque Magic let, |i. Also 100 other bargains. Particulars for sump. OfO. A. MOB, j Underwood St .. Auburn, h. Y. COHNBTTIST AT I.IDKUT V.-EXPEKI KNOEU. FIRST 0LA8B. RELIABLE. _ HARRY F, OO BBLL. 89 Bruoe St.. Newark, N. J . WANTED, B. and D. Soubrette for Sietchei, Ail 'Round Comedian and Dsnoer; Pianist, with Specialty; Silent Aot; change for three nights, oozsrs, chassis and Incompetents closed with- out no'lo*. W. B. Emerson, W Bridge Hi., Amster- dam. N. Y . A BARGAIN.— Enterprise 8tereopTlooo,No.8 imp. Optigraph, small soreen, oaloinm bnrner, tooft, dims, W meobanloal colored slides, about so ■plain slides; good as new, used a weeks; all for tit. Nothing sotd separated. Enclose ataniii. O. P. Berkley, Mt, Pleasant. Pa. •"ANT TO BC* CAHOU8HL, Merryii^ 'Round. Must be very small and very cheap. _. NOTARY, P. 0. Box 1888, New York. WANTED, for Fred I,. Dorman's Ollt Bdge Vaudeville Co.. Pianist, Sight Reader, arrange and use some, be sober aDd wining to work In faioes and comedies; tell eli first; ealary low, a* It Is sure. Tloketa? No. Boozers, Mashers snd kuookere, save sumps, as yon must make good, or you wilt close right away. Now, write what you mink will jdoyoureelf, Sam Evans, otu stalest., !N ow Haven, Ooun. 1 iWABTBD—Blnglng and Dancing Comedians, fcok, Irish and blaoxfsoe, that can change for eio week, and put on acts and play piano or oitan. Must be well up in the mediolns business «nl not afraid of work. Must be reliable. If you gettdrank. don't write, fori can't uie yon. 1 payjallroad and board. Salary! in is the llmii. but \You must be good. Addtess DR. oil A8. F. C00V .Pox m, Vola. Waupaca Co., Wis. . WANTKD, mwUm «"■»■ ED. AHL, Oentralla, 111. WlGS AS PfcR 0ut.i6c. each. Free oauioguu of Wigs and Makeups from toe. up to am. Theatrical Guide, 10 cents, 0. 0. DOLAN, km Oreen . Loukport, N. Y. At Liberty — J. H. Filzgcrald, Uharaaters, Comedy and General Bos . One piece or first class tap. 783 FULTON. ST., Chicago, 111 Wanted, fer the Hinlntiu Stock Co., oood General tAotor. Can plaoe good Sketch Toaut that can Mavwrta. Must Join on wire. THE HAllMNCTON STUCK Co.. Balemrind. WIGS 6. SHIHD riEUr, Theatilcif Wig MAKBB. Oood work foriowprlcea. Ill West SSth tlTRBBT, MOW York ■Bin tor price list. (lUMHRMirunm BELaSGO teeitbi, m st. ••■■fciflWWIJ Ev.8.18. Mala. Sat. atl W AJBL JT IUHilf COMEDY DRAMA, The* Musto Mlaiat«eBr f By CHARLES KLEIN. DlrecUon ot B AVID BELASCO. B. F. EEITH'S International Circuit. Theatrloal Enterprlaoa. E. F. ALBBB, Oenersl Manager. HIGH CLASS V AUDK VILL.K. b. K. HODODON, Booking Manager, AasocUtlon of Vandevllle Managers, at, James Bldg., Broad- way and »thBt.,N.Y. PASTOR'S CU8 WILLIAMe, EMPIRE CITY QUARTETTE MILLS & MORRIS, HARRIS A WA1.TRMH, THRkiB BIO BROS., WHITE & S1MBONB, MARTIN A- ilVTtid. COULTER A STARR, LEV AR A RERAN, i MIAOO k IDALINE, GARDNER BROS. ELLA RICHARDS. CAMERA OOMIOB, THE AMERICAN VITAUKAPH. Huber's -if Museum Oao. II, Hnbnr, Propr. J. II . A nil. r.on , Mgr.' wantkd, Attractions and Freaks for Carlo Add. J. H. ANDBRBOX, as above. « DEWEY East 14th St. T1IE GOTHAM 125th ft 8dA?. LADIES' MAT. DAILY. MAJESTIC BURLE8QUERI, "In the Tenderloin," "For Girls only." lauhch- slat. uail,v. Troondero Barhsqiisri, "A MlsOt Family," "Vaui andcvllie.' ORVILLE and FRANK Tills Week Are Workln* for the ORRIfl ilKOH., In MEXICO. fct FREVOLI ?• ■PKCIAI, VAVDBVILLB FBATVRB MDRRAY A MAOKEY 00. HirryH. LAMOUHTand PAULEnE Louise AND DOG BENCBIE ALWAYS MAKE GOOD. BERTRAM MILLAR LEADS and HEAVIES, ST W. 38th St., New York. WALTER BEEMER, AMD SfllO RHODES AVE., OHICAGO. aajfluaa girl. GEO. and HAY W0UDW1RD, Amtrtcan Theitre Chrlslrms Hfght. RUF & CUSICK 23d week. Vaudeville feature MABBIi PAIOB CO. Carl Herbert America's Premier Pantomlmlo Magician, with his own Original Ides. "Tne Mysterious Mirror." "A COHKBM, IN CORK," GEO. ATKINSON. Castle Theatre, Dloomlnglon, III.. Ibis week. MANAGERS and AGENTS What does the puWInwanif TheG°ood<; and I have them lo deliver. WHY NOT BOOK MEv HARRY THOMSON THB MAYOR OF TUB BOWERY. . IN VAVOBVILLB, MR. and MRS. JACK, FORMKUI.Y .fAOK AND PAIL. INNESS and RYAN Oarrlok Theatre, Wllmlnston. Del . this wet* CARDNER RROTHcRS, GERMAN COMEDIANS, AT PASTOR'S THEATRE, THIS WEEK. RETURN DATE. PERFORMERS FOR SUNDAY Sohmor Park ARTISTS OP ALL KINDS WRITE TOR SUNDAY . DATE. MONTKEA1. CAROUSEL FOR SALE, EXOHANOBD AND RBBniLT. IIKREMER'r OAROPSEL WORKS, aw lllh Ave., L.;L City. N .T Second Hand BAND IHSTBUflEHTS BOUGHT, BOLD and EXCHANGED. Bend for own PlOtO lilt. FRAN K HOI/TON A CO., ^1 1W B. Madison Street. Ohleaio. III. FOR SALE — 25 Pure Brad Stirtland Posits, Price, gel to $160; also 16 Wagon Tom Show, si. complete; also 30 sola of Dou»Te Harness, no set, Dutch Comedian and Soubrette. CONSEQUENTIAL COMIC CONTRACTOR, JOLLY ZEB The Tramp with the Funny Voice. THE R AT8ELBEN DER8 As Austrian Drill. A Speolalty In Fencing, Marching, Eto. First time In America. THB FAMOUS AND ORIGINAL ZEB & ZARROW TRIO sensational, Comedy 'Cyclist. Extra Feature. WATCH FOR US AT THE DEWEY. 4--THE CONOLLY8-4 Blngers and Dancers supreme. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, ol Music HaU FALLS, 1 Y. WAMTBD AT ACL TIMER, Slasjle Woiurti. Sister anil sketch Teams. Would like to hoar from at oace, Illus- trated dinner— "Man." Persnaaant en- gagement t™ ■ Ik" t part*. Address .T«t*«nro.H>iWtlKY. Wanaator. WIB. HEYWOOD, Amusement Manager. Promoter, Guarantor, Minor, Contractor, Writer, Press mill Hooking Agent, AT LIBERTY. CSO WAIWISN AVENUE, • CHIC AGO. vvTFrlif quick, VERSATILE SKETCH TEAM. that, can change for wesk stands (man and wife preferred); LADY PIANIST, that can read and fake and work In sot»; BUCK. FACE COMEDIAN, With a good study. Salary absolutely sure. Address __ OC8 E1RALF0, Slater, Mo. Care KlrAlfo A Rexford's Show. Ill A VC For 8t00 * » nd Kepertolre Com- 1*1 II f «\ panles and Amateur Clubs. Osta- ■ •■■■ ■ wW logue describing thousands Ot printed plays will be sent free on request. The Dramatic Publishing Company, tta Dearhorn Street, Ohloago. 1HUSIC Arranged, Composed. f. w.«BBi B arw , »«4r , k. y. RARE PICTURES S-S; 100 small snrt two large ones. »l note or stamps. 8. BECE.NAHEL, Nscnf, Munich I, OermsDT. Far Sale, TriB|it if Triliid Degsfor Inni- dlate sale. Hint' and front leg workers, somer saulil, etc. Htasiu for selling, owner's sloknsss* Wilfred Uplante, box III, 8LUyaolathe,P.Q.,Oan' Abo Lpavltt'iFamnm RENTZ-SANTLEY CO, LEO LEAYTTT Buslneu Manager. The Merry Musical Minstrel. THE NOVELTY DUO, BKNB.X the RACKETTS «*« Introdnolng tbe Steeple on the Hill. HAWTHORNE"* BURT, Premier Eccentric Daocen. CHAS. WTOOTOLAS, Monolognlng Parodist. BIJOU COMEDY FOUR. Peer of All Comedy Quartettes. 'CUB IK"™ Blngers and Eccentric Buck Dancers. ROBERT GORDON MANAGER HARHONIOVB SBLBCTIONB. RELIANCE aUARTET, THOMAS, REYNOLDS, K1RBY, CHAPPELL. CIIABACTBR BNTBBTAINBBB. BRODERICK and JESSICA. OLBVEB COMEDY COUPLE. TUB OlfCOKH GIRLS, ALEENE and HAMILTON, ACROBATIC DAN0EB8. , - BBNIATIOMAti ACROBATS, 3 LUIGI BROS. 3 The Smallest Big Aot Before the Public. I'Mnrjilijr'i Basqaerade.'* Prodnoed by KEID and GILBEBI. An Uproariously Fanny Faroe Comedy. TERRY aullWRuulPEl In "THB PAN Mil O MISSIONARY," Features with L. LAWRENCE WEBEB'S i DAINTY DUCHESS CO. A D. GORMAN Menagtr JMESSSUiELEORMD, In "The wrong Tip." chas-IobInson. The Laugh Maker. BESSlfcUFFORO, «»a»tlin» Sensation In Tl»hta. MBW YOBK. CHICAGO. HEFNER WIO MAKBR, IB W. Mth STREET, NEAR BBOADWAY, N. T. CHIOACIO IIKANOH, OHIOAOO OPBBA HOUSE BLOCK. „ A. XBBSHAW, Resident Partner. lead Car Oatalogne 0, slthor office. AT LIBERTY, u iHtD bllWmlflbS er. s'bor and Reliable. SELIU GUMMINBS mu§ *8iS£r • OODENSBURO, N. Y., PEN. DEL. AT LIBERTY, Al COMEDIAN change for two weeks, If wanted, every night. I have tbe goods. No Hot Air. No objections to first olass medicine show. I put on acts. Can make good. Join on receiptor ticket. ; I' THOB. MARNBY, M. P., Onoonta, N..Y. THE OCEAH FIEB AND CA8H0, At SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., Will be Rented for a Term t>t One Year or More from Feb.. 1,. < Liberal improvements ' made. Address bids to JOSEPH 8THAUBMULLEH, Trenton and Boston Aves , Philadelphia, on or before Jan. IK , ,< [' '. «uar« oowNB. Alto Lsrge Block of SEAL8KIH JACKETS and FOBS. ABDBBMrt). Bad State ■«.. OsUeago. At Liberty. WILL C. SITES AOT. , OR MOB.' (Late Strictly dm class. Mar. SPes' Stock Co.) VORRISTOWN, PA. WPrXorl Parody and b Oags, l< PBOBPBRT TIIAVEH, i Writes Acts, Bongs, Bto. M o Reply. Al References. Bample 'Oo. STIPtneBL, PrOT., B.I. DECEMBER 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1057 TABLE OF CONTENTS. Miss Clipper's Anecdotes, Etc. . .limine II. Rcralckjr-Sketrb. 1037 Up. S D. Bncteri-Skeleh i 'ijr I/indon Letter World of Pfnyers lithclvo Gardner — Sketch Nfln Plerson — Sketch . . . queries Answered Chess and Checkers our Chicago Letter Clipper Post Office Music ami Hone I ,a test' by Telegrr.ph on (he uoad. Vaudeville Route List New York Cltr — Review slid Comment >l lurellnneoii* With the BUI Poster Christmas' (Ireetlug lwathe In thu ProrevKlou (lea. C. Tjler Returns linder the Tents New. Plnys and Sketches Copy righted. . Variety nod MInslrcl* THEATRICAL CORRF.SPONDF.NCG. 1033, inoo 1 053 Pane. 107.(1 MM 1050 1030 1031. 1011 1 1031 103a 1034 1034 1034 1000 10117 1037 iii-.s, mr.') 1030, 1000 1002. jdiltl iflivo iooo 1000 iooo, tool iooo 100-1 1004 1001 Inwn "..; Indiana ....". Virginia Maryland New Hampshire .... Oklahoma ., Pennsylvania Wll'i'nliHljl Missouri ohin ' UiHirkr of, Columbia. Kentucky . . '. « ieorgta ■', . I .Maine .'. .'. .'.' Nebraska . •■.■ Massachusetts Tennessee I Iregon llbode Island Minnesota ' ..." New IrKj.'i Louisiana ....' Canada Wnslilngtun Trwia. ....■...: Michigan ..;'.' Illinois .*.'.'....' Sow York Slate Cutiheetlerit California 1. '.'.'. Kansas West Virginia ' 1033 1034 1034 1034 . 1033, 1000 1035 103 ) 1033 11133 . . 1055, IOOO 1055 1053 1000 10«0 10011 1007 1007 1007 . . 1000. 1007 1007 1007 10(17 1007 . . 1037, 1007 . . 1003, 1007 1000 10(10 IOOO iooo 1003 Notice tO Oar Correspondent)!. A» XewYcar lelll be celebrated Monday, ■tan,' 1, toe desire, wherever it I* possible. Hint all matter intended for the inane- of Thu Ci.lPl'iiii dated Jan. 7, «/inH reach thin office not later than the Saturday preceding tho dale ol issue. LATEST BY TEL EftBAPH. Honday NI«chC« Opening* Ik All tho Big; Show Towns. GOLDEN gate GLEANINGS. ClirlHlnin* Alteudanro in Trcinondon* and tin- General Merit vf the At* tractions JnatltJe* the Baalneaa. HlHvial Dispatches to The New York Ci.im:n. Ban -Fhancisco, Dec. 27. — At tbo Colum- bia. "The Sultnu of Sulu" opened yesttrilny tor twti weeks, nod big houses ruled. Majrhtic. — "A Conicntcd Wooian" Is the runout attraction, opening to largo business. "Old Heidelberg'' follows. Alcazaii:— "Old Heidelberg" Is the cur- rent. bll|. "Lost Itlver" follows. _ liitAxn Opkha House, — Blanchc'~Bate8,"~in "The* Darling of tlic Uoda," opened a three week's' engagement yesterday. She received it perfect ovation ut tbo bands o( au Im- nii'iiiie audience. ' , CAptrounn. — "Shore Acres" Is the present offering; opening to n crowded house. t.'DMiiAi! — "Tbo Ueart of Chicago" la lii'iit tills week. Tl'YOlil ' UcriltA Hoisis. — This Is the Hub wook-of ."King Dodo." Oiti'iiKfsi. - -Tlit! Orpbeum Uoad Show -Ti- ill, with Mclntyre and Hentb, Spessardy's bcursi ■ niitrli'e Vance, Prank and Jen Latoun, ttmlrl oiid Ressner, Grace Palottu and Mil- Hurry Maids, I'robst, und, in conjunction wlth-the'rudd show, Lucy and Vluto and Al- Iiim-i ip:t : Jicllch. Many were denied uduils- slon 'in the, opening day. . CiruTsiB- — 'J'bls Is the second week of "Princess Fun Tuu." Business bas been im- mense. , < , Xo^u.— Uadskl Is announced for three con- cnrts.i under the local management of Will 1.- lin'i'iibiium, ut tdo AlhambriL Theatre, Jan. 'il,, ij.und T. 8ho will bo assisted by tjeluiar Mcyrbwltz us accompanist. TIIOM OTHER POINTS. ITist Production on Any Stage ot "Adrcn," in WuNhliiKtou, In Which Mrs.- .Leslie I inter Stars — Initial I'erforinunee of Virginia Jlnruiil, iii "Lady Shore," In Phllndelphla- taUHl Chrlatinua Day IhiMlness A}0>'g the i.i ne. lu Spile of Bad « e.itlor, in JtloHt Of I he title*. t'lUCAiio, Dec. 'it. — The double celebration of UiilxtuiiiH started the holiday week with a bor 'ofllco iiinIi of gratifying idm Sunday mut luces were not generally lurge, hut crowd- ed blouses.. twice on Mouduy ruled everywhere. Chicago 'riiiudny ulglit crowds were In ovl- deucc-'us ustml Cecilia Lol'tus had the Monday 'ulglit novelty, crowding Powers' to eupuejRJ'. ...... tin 'J'angnay's "The rjiunbo •JUI'i was -the new thing Sunday, pucklug the Ureal' rfuft'ueru Utls Sktimer. at the t;raud Opera llom.e, "The (ilrl frum Kay's," ut the Illinois, uud "Fnntuuu," at the Uar- rlclt, Verb" continued attractions which pros- pur'ed..'. ..:;.-"HIh IIIgbneBt.ruu, Dec. 27.— Holiday week o|iem-d well at tbo theatres, many giving spei-inl matinees which, with evening per- formance)!, were largely attended "Par- sifal," at the Opera House, attracted an Immense audience and held them enthralled with the magnificent production Tho opening of "The Sorceress,"' at the Broad. with Mrs. Campbell, pleased a large gather- ing, whllo the Chestnut had tho popular of- fering ot Do Wolf Hopper, In "Wang."..., The first production on nay stage of ."Lady Shore," nt the Gnrrlck by Virginia Hsrned,' drew well, and appeared to make a decided- ly favorable Impression. .. .Cbauncey Olcott, nt the Walnut, welcomed friends , The rest of the combination houses shared In the general prosperity Vaudeville, at Keith's and tbe Bon Ton ; a minstrel per- formance at the Eleventh, with curiba and the vaudeville, museum and burlesque offer- ings all had their full share of patronaee. Kansas Citt, Dec. 27.— Chas. Hnwtroy, in "A Message from Mars," 0|>ened a three nights' engagement with a matinee nt the Willis Wood Slondny, and was warmly wel- comed by an nppreclatlvc audience. "Peggy from Parte" packed the Grand Iwlco Humbiy nnd again Monday, acorlng well.. . . Tho Orphcum's Christmas nnd Monday busi- ness was big; the eight Collnl ClnJrcouK were the licadltncrs At ilifi Glllls "Mc- Kadden's Flats" went with a rush to big business, Ousslc Nelson scoring with her singing and dnnclng "The Sign of the Cross" did well at the Auditorium, and tho Tiger Lilies Oiled the Century Yale's nnd the National, the two ten cent houses, had crowds Dorothy Morton, In "Glit- tering Gloria," remained over for two Sun- duy performances to fair houses at the Willis Wood I'Mna Wallace Hopper comes to tho Willis Wood In "A Country Mouse," commencing Thursday. Wasiiinotox, Dec. 27. — Vf. H. Crane opened nt tbe National, In "Business Is Busi- ness," to a full boose Lionel Bnrry- morc, In "Tho Other Olrl," had good busl- neus nt the Columbia "Buster Brown," at the Lafayette, was greeted by u packed house Mrs. Leslie Carter. In "Adrca," Bolasco's new offering, was well received nt Convention Hall, and was n Belasco triumph. "Tho Way of tho Transgressor" did well nt tbo Academy The Might Merry Vussar Girls headed n big bill nt Chase's, and had big audiences afternoon and night.... The World Beaters, at the Lyceum, made good to two big undleuces on the ojica'ng day. Cincinnati, Dec. 27. — Theatrical Christ- mas Jovs were tempered by a downpour which had little effect on holiday turnouts. Mine. Hejauo did not open at tho Grnud imtii night, wben sbo was soen in "Uu Couslne." In "King Dodo." nt the Walnut Street, Itosc Cecelia Bbay scored heavily "The White Tigress of Japan," nt Heuck's, nnd "Two Little Waifs," nt the Lyceum, drew crushes At llohlnson's the Forcpnugh Stock' put on "A Gentleman of France" to delighted crowds The Gay Musqueradcrs proved a good People's curd. Ft. Wayne, Ind.. Dec. 27.— "The Majestic Tlioatrc wus entirely destroyed by Bre this morning. "Loulslaua" waa booked for to- night and tomorrow! . +~+ ■ MICHIGAN. On tbe Road, All Ilonlca Must Beach IV Not Later Thau Monilny. .... IinAMATlC. A Adams. Mamie (Charles Prohman, uigr.)— X. Y. City 20. Indefinite. , „m.:„i; Allen, Yliihv (Charles W. Allen, nor.)— S. Y. CUy 20, Indefinite. , „ > Angl a, Marjraret (Frank L. Perley. mgr.;— De- :|0. Toledo, a.. :ii, Cnlnmlxis Jan. -2. Aubrey Mock. Kastem illarry Millennial, mgr.) — U»mL Mnsa.. 20-:it. lynn Jan. 2-7. Aul.rev Sine*: Western (W. D. KIHsrral.1, mar.) —New .Castle, I'u-. M-JUi Cumberland, MU , "Arlwiiii.''' Kastern. M. B. RayaKind'a— Kreeport, III., M 1'ls.m 20. 8terllfig lu). Uarrbwn at. Itwk luliinil Jnn. 1. Diilmqiie. la.. 1!. Oeeorah ii. C)iat)«< City ■*■ Maron Ulry 3, Algon* 0, Fort Drslse 7. Mll „ Arliisn." Wealern, M. II. ItaynKind s— Killings, Arl Detroit At the Detroit Opera House (B. C. Whitney, mnnager) Kyrlo Bellew, In "Bat- tles," played to good business Dec, 10-24. Margaret Angltn. In "The Ktcrnnl Feminine," 2(1-28: "'Jlio Two Orphans" 211-31, Kleunor Itobson Jul). 2-7. Lycech (K. D. Stair, mnuugor). — Wil- liam Drnuiwclt, In "Captain Harrington." en- tertained fair slued houses 18-24. "Hndor Southern Skies" 23-ai. • LArArjrm (Dr. Caiupbell. manager). — The Bjron Douglass Stock Co.. In 'Tho Iron- master," was well received week of IS. The attendance whh good. The company, la "Prince Karl," week of 20. WittTNKY (E. D. Stair, manager).— "Queen of tho Highway" was presented by a capable rompanv. to big business, week of 18.. "Alone In the World" 2.-i-ai. _ , J Tumflk (J. II. Moore, manager). — Packed houses last week. Kill week vf 2(1 : Msr- guerlta Sylvn. Archie Boyd and company, Churmlon, 'Mile. Cl)ester'8 trulned dogs, Mayme Itcmlugtou, Piccolo's Midgets, Wil- ton Brothers and Cantwcll and Harris. Avcni'h (Drew & CumpMi, monngers). — Kctitz-Santley Co. prescuted a drat class en- tertainment, and drew well 18-24. Tho Fay Foster Co. 25-31. ««> Noras rnoM Ciiuistt'h Famucs Min- sTiiti.s, under tho management of Walter Stock. — We are touring tbe South with great success. The company lust received their new street wardrobe ana scenery, which is beautiful. The company numbers twenty- four people, carrying our superb band and orchestra. Roster of the company: Walter Stock, Kurl Lambert, Karletta Christy, Geo. Kane, Geo. Manvro. Geo. Keller, tbe Three Keuos, Southern Comedy Four, U. 8. Adams, Herbert Sharp. Peter ThorUson, Waller De lira, Kay Powell, Bob Allen, Edward Fowler. Prank Flllman. Bus nnd line and Dick Bogers, with Geo. Byoc In advauce. sit;. 2*. Miles CHy 20. l-'argtt. N. Duk.. Mi Drawl I'oaks Jan. S, Ctovkston, Minn., 3. (iraf- loii. X. l»«k.. 4. WllinlisT,-. Mnu.. 3-7.. "Acnsn ll)C PiielOc" (llsrry Chiy llliaicy. mirr.) — Atlanta, -.tl; "AKine In Hie World" (.Mltleiithal UroUiers, ins ri>. >--!><' 1 1 ult. Mleli.. 25-31. Scraiilon, I'u., Jim. 2». Wllkosharro 3-7. "Afier MMiiliiht" (S|M!neer & AI>orn, mgrs,)— " Hinnlir, N»i.. 28. !>'■• )lolncs. In.. 20-31, St. Paul. Minn., Jan. 1". ,. ■ "An lillot Slave." Fred C. Taylor's — Sbelbyvllle, lr.il., 29, Oreciisburg 20, Maillson 30, Seymour "At Old ' Point Comfurt"— Trenlou, X. J., Jan. 5. "At Illal; of Ills Life" (Mark K. Swan. mgr.)-r- Caiaita " f J.. 20-28, Wllmlnglou, IHd., 20-31, llotKikeii, X. J.. Jim- Ms KHinbelh 3-7. n . Blmelie ltales (David IWMCS. nuir.)— 8«n Prim. clM». Cnl.. 20.Jnn. 14. ■ ' - BaniTncre, Ktbel (llirrlrs Frohnian, mgr.)— N. Y; CHy 20. Inilenr.lte. - , .,.«,„ Ucltcw*, Kvrle (Ltcbler St Co., uijjr*.) — Ilnftalo. N. Y;. 20-31. X.' Y. City Jnn. 2-7. Brmnwcll. William (Henri Uresalit. mgr.)— Cleve- land, 0.. 2*-81. ., , Dlalr, Ungenle ttleori.T A. niiimenlbal, lugr.)— Providence. B. L. 20-3J. Brooklvii. X. Y., Jan, "•7 Ben'sford. Barry (J. J. Oolemnn. mgr.)— Llucoln, Nfh., if*. Palts City 2ft, t*avwiwi>rtb. hau. (Kol- dlcw' Home) 30, Leavenworth 31, Topcka Jan. ],' Wlrhlla 2. Parsons 3. I'lttHbnrg 4, tola o. Lawrence «. St. Josepli, Mo.. 7. llenion, IsJUlse (A. II. Woods, mar.)— Marlon, 0., BH. Columbus 20-:il. Cincinnati 1-7. . ■ . , Bindley, l'lorenec (I'orrtsler & Mlltenih'al. mSM.) —XI. Pant. Minn.. 23-31. Kiintlng. MUM (Pjrl Burgess, mgr.) — Anbiiru, Nr Y.. 20 31. lockport Jan. 2-7. Brcrkehrldgc Stock tCliurles Breikenrldge, mgr.) — Matsball. Ma... 20-31, JefTcraon City Jan. 2-7- IlurseMrCanii tM. McCniin, mgr.) — Magara Fulls. X. Y., 20-:it.' Clean Jlu. 2-7. Ilentno's Coiuedlnus, (P. U. Boutuii. mgr.)— Oltnrclie, Okla., 20-28. MiiLtliUer 110 31, W»- tonua Jan. 3-1, Genry 0-7. Weatbcrford O-ll. Bennett fc Collins Stuck (J. Moy Bcuiielt, mgr.)— Carlisle, Pa.. 20-31. "Ben Hlir" (Klnw 4- F.rlanger. mgrs.)— Houston, Tex,. 20-31. Now Orleans, Iji., Jan. 1-7. •'Bonnie Brier Bush," Jumes II. Stoddart (KirUe 1A Slielle. mgr.)— Qulncy. III.. 2S. Moberly, Mo., 80, Topekn, Knu., 31, Ateblsun Jnu. 2. St. Jo:«'|ih, Mo., 3,- Lincoln, Ncbr., 4, Omaha "Buster Brown." Western. M. B. Koymoud's— Wn.bliisiou, U. C. 20-31. Philadelphia, Pa., Jail 3-7. ' "Binder Brown," Kaslern, M. Ii. llaymond'a — Bearer Palls, Pa.. 28, MuKoeaport 2V. Ubar- lerol 50, ConnellnTlllc 31. I'uluntovrn Jan. 2. jjorgantowu, Vf. Vn., 8, Wcstou 4, Fairmont 6, Clarkaburg 0. I'arkenbmg 7. ....'„ "BaiicU of Tveys" ((Ins Botbucr, mgr.)— U'xlbg- ton, Me.. 28. 20, Fulton 30, Jefferson CUy 31, Alton, 111., Jon. I. Clinrleslon 2, Xuntlcello a, Kpflnictlchl 4, Petersburg 5, l.o tloy 0, Uloomlag- "Break'for Lllwrly" (J. M. Jneotm, mgr.)— Marlon. Ind., 28, Warsaw I'll, Plymouth 30, 1." Kunsport 31. - "Breeay Time." Basteru (K. Webster Pita, mgr.) —Monroe, (la., 28, (Irldln 20, Uarrolltou 30, Olnrtoiru at, Cartcmvlllu Jan. 2, Murletta 3, UHliiFHvllle 4, Anderson. S. O, D. Piedmont 0, ilrrenvllle 7. "BrtfM Tluie." Western (h. Wobaler Fits, rogr.) - -Kl'iisler, Kan., 2S, Hutchinson 21), Pratt 30, Wichita ill. Harper Jan. 2. Sledford. Okla.. 8, lllaekwell 4, Ponen D, Kewklrk 0. Slllfwater 7. "Benuty Uwlor," Fred K. Wright's (Thoa. W. Prior, iugr.1— Blriulughuni, Ala., 20-21, Mem- phis, Tcuu., Jan. 2-7. "Bunker's Child" (Harry Hliunnon, ingr.l— Au> iimlokH, Okla., 28, ileaiy 211, Watongu 30, linld 31. Waiikinnls Jan. 2, Pond Creek il. Klngoisu, Kan.. I. Lamed 0, sterling U, Lyons 7, F,lls- vorlli 8. ..... ,^ "Boy of the Streets ' (Herbert Tnson. mgr.) — Nclnlla, Mo.. 28, Boonrllle 'JO, Briiuswlek iifl. Chllllcolbe 31, Moberly Jul). 2, MM il, SprlDgrletd 4, Webb City 0, ltlch Hill 0, But- ler 7. "Betrareil nt the Altar" (llrundt i Goldsnilth, iniirs'l— Dunkirk, hid, '28, Kokmuo 2f), llocUes- tcr.aO. Warsaw 31, South Bend Jan. 2.' . O Crune. Win. tf. (Choi-lea I'roliuuin. mgr.) — Wasb- liii'ton. V. C 211-31. .Newark, X. I., Juu. 2-7. Carler. MrH.ls.sdlo (Dnvfd Belam), wgr.)— Wash- In.ton,' D. C, 20-31. Crosinun, Ifeuriettu (Oavkl ikdasco & Maurice Curiipucll, mgrs. I— Baltimore. Md.. 20-31. Campbell, Mra. Patrick I Charles Frokuian, tngr.) — Plilladelphla, Pa., 20-Juu. 7. .Conwtock, Xuhuetle (James K. Hackelt, mgr.) — Druuil Kuolds, ■Midi.. 23-28, Toledo 20-31, Cletelaud Jul). 2-7. Collier, William (diaries Frohmau, uigr.) — Mln- iteiipolls. Minn., 23-31 St. Paul Jan.- 1-7, . Cohan, Ue". M. (Sum llarrla, mgr.) — Brooklyn, N, Y.', 20-31. Crvstoii ClaiKe tJules Murry, mgr.)— Norfolk, Va., 28.' Conipiest;, Ida— Sprlngfleld, Mass., 28, Hurtfgrd, CorWiti'jiun'es ,7., Mini Inez Macaulcv (Hal Davis, mgr.) — Minneapolis, Minn., 25-31, Chicago, HI., Jan, III. Cook-Ubon-li rry Grove 30,' 31. New ffcaislnss Jan. 2. 3. Coffcca 4, 3; Itamsey 0, 7. Cole. Bells. Comedluiia— Ada. Ind. Ter.. 20-28. Colonial Stock— Woonsorkcl. It. Ii. 20-31. "Cuotiiy (Jhalriuua." Eastcru l Henry W. Savage, iiiur.i — Boston, Mass., 20.' IndeUulle. "Ouiity Clialnusti," Wesiwu (Munry W. Savage, niiir.i — Moiitaouierj. Ala., 28, Colinabus, Oa., 'JO, lAllanta 30, 31. "Chei'kers." Tbonlus W. Itoss '(Klrke La Sht-lle, iiiaT.)--X. Y. CHy 20-Juu. 7. .: . "Cidlege Widow" (Heury W, Suvuge, mgr.) — X. Y. CHy. 20. mdeUalie. . "Common Sense Bruekett" (Henry \f. Savage, mgr.)— X. Y. CUy 2».' linleUalle. ' ■ , , "Clillil Wife." Win. T. Keogh'H— Xew Harcii, Conn.. 2U-28, Bridgeport 30, 31, X. Y. City Jnu. 2-7, "Clillil Slaves of Xew York" (J. II. Iiaae, mgr.) — Huglnuw. Mlcb.. 20-iil. Ihrtrolt Juu. 1-7. ' "Call Boy." F. II. Lauibert (Harry Cdwards. act- ing mgr. ) —Hearting. Pa., 20-28, Scraulou 22-81, Pittsburg Jan. " "Country Kid" Center. Kau.. . i'U-rson Jan. 2, Xrwion 3, Uldoradu 4. Hutchlu- foo S, Abilene U. Wtcbitu 7. "Clitcago Tramp" (W. C. I*c Buugh. ntgr.) — Water Valley. Miss.. 2*. Wuiona 20. Graeuwosd 30, Lextngtou 21, Durant Jan. 2, Cautoa 3, Crystal Springs C, Hunk-horn 0, Brookhavau 7. "Circus Day" (II. M. Itadas. mgt. )— Malooo, V. r., 28, LdWVtlle 20, lk»uvll)e 30. Fulton II,' Osirefo Jan. 2, lluldwln*vll!i> fl, Canastota 4, Diielila'5, Caoideu 0,' Stamford 7. Drew. Julin (Ckarho ■Fnsuaan, rogr«)— X. J. Lily 2IM11, t'llca, X. Y„ Jan. 2, Syracuse 3, Uoehcs- lev 4, Bnlfslii 5-:. ' W"*»y,' LawrmeV (Klrke La Sbelte. mgr.)— IsMilstllle. Ky.'. . £(I-2S. Miinele, HhI.. .20, C"- lumlmk. 0.,'.J.iii. .'I. 4. Marlon o. Fort Wayne 7. Dii.titsaap. JuseMi tPrvil A. HaswarU. mgr.e— Clctlntoe, Tex.. 28. Steiaienavllle 20. Brown- • «i-ui«l ill". Cnoisnebe.nl, HHtini Jan. 2. Ib ar W s h l 3.' Itryaft '«, Xnvnsola C. fluntavllle 0, Naeoa- DaVlliaoo tftncjE (A. B. Davidson,' mgr.)— Baclnc, •DSavjWwTUmAM (Phil I*vy, mgr.)— Wheeling, T..",Y«., 20-111. _ . . Dahs Mario (W. K. Martin, mgr.)— Vlckshurg, .- Jill's.. 20 ill,. Port Gibson Jan. 2-7. Dalle*. W. «... Stock— St, John. X. it.. 20-Jan. 7. Do Tow .Danielle iTlmmiis K. De Pew. mgr.) — Ilnnje. (lo., 20-31. Du Vdes-Sloek fttain Dn Vrles. mgr.)— acnova, - N'. Y., MSI, Newark. Jan. 2-7. "David llarnni." No. 1 (Julias Calm, mgr.) — Itochesior, X. Y.. 20-28. Sytncnae 20-31. Pitta- SSL Pa.. 2i7. "IfaVld Ilarnm," Xo. 2 (J)dlus Cahn, mar.)— To- •taiit; (>., 33-28. c.ilinaien Sliill. Wheeling, W. VS.. 2-4, S!aiir»v|lle. If,, 5, Coslmetou (I, Sleu- lieuviile 1 tentown 31. Atlfliitle City. X. .1.. Jan. 2. «ll- nilnstuu. Uel., il. Hlclunoiid. Vn., 4. Peters- burg 3. Xewport N'rwa 0. .Norfolk 7. "Game Keeper," Ttiamaa J. Mmtlli tflotvlsnil « ClliTonl. msrs.l— EllsalsMh. X. J.. 20-28,. Il»- iHikcn. X. J.. 3-7. "Glri ut the Mtreeis," f Lillian Mortimer (Ifs'k.'r ■ Vrrnnre. insrs 1— Bnlllmnro, Mil., 2M-31, KlliAbelh. X. J., Jan. 2 4. "Greut Aiilnronhlle Mystery, " Tlunle * Senmon's — Brooklvn. X. Y., 2(cKee, ingr,>— St. Joseph, Mo.. 28, Kanaas CHy 2n-3 1, Den- ier. Colo., 2-7. lliinronl, Charles II. IF. Lniircitco Walker, nig'. • — .Nebraska City, Xihr., 2S, Lincoln 21), 30. Omaha ill. Des Moines. In,, J n n. 2. Creatou il. oiiiiniwa I, Keokuk o, Muakntliie 0, Daren- iwrt 7. Driven from Home," Patrice (Forrester «.• Mlt- ..Ir'aver l-i twithal. nigra. )— Kmoklys. N. Y.. Jan. 2-7. Hall. Don C— Cbeyemie. W)-o„ 2031, Uonver, "Dcsrrteil nt lha Altar" (Percy 0. Williams, mgr.) ,,y" n -: , J » n - ?;1\ ,. . —Syracuse. X. Y., 20-28, lloebester 30-ill. Illiiuncleln s lileali (John A. Illuiineteln, mgr.) — "Dnwn ont the' Farm" IDaS Ktoerson. mgr.)— ..cheaier. Pn.. 20>1i. Allentown Jan. 2-7. ' Catontuwn. Ga-, 38, Cnnletla 20, Tipton 3D. Illmmeleln'a lmi«r(nl Stock (It. F, llliomrleln, Hriinswlok Jan. 2, l'eniaiidlnn, Fin., .1. HI. An. msr.i— Ushko.h, Wis., 20-81, urceu llsy Jan. mwtliin 4, Pnlatka .*., Tullaba»»i>e 0, lliilubrldge, ,,-;•„, , ,„ Ga., 7. . • , . . '• Hunt Stock (B. II. Klllumr. mgr. )— Bryau. (I.. "DniiKCrs of Working Olrls" (A. H. Wissls, mgr.) ,,- u ' :,l ,-„ — Bjilfalo, X. .V.. fcWH. Clerelanil, O.. Jan. 3-7. Hiiwonl-Durset (A. JL Miller, bus. mgr. i— Park-- "llvaperstc liance." Forrester * itllienlhal's— ersliurg, Vf. Va., 2u-!ll, Beaver Falls, Pa., Jan. Philadelphia. Pa.. SO-Hl. ,,-<■ . _ , „ . ' "IK>VU'» Lane." Frfistern. (Knnleo FHcb, uigr.)— "nrepiirt Cotseily. Charles h. Harris (Vf. II. Shine, mgr.)— Bangor, .Me., 2d-:il, Haverhill, Mass., Jan, 2-7. lloyt'a Coumlv (II. (I. Allen, nigr.l— Snntli M«. Afeater. 1 ml. Tsr.. 20-31. .Mean, Ark., Jau. 2-1, Tcxarkann B-7., dearfleld,' Pn„ 18, A"o,uiu Sll. 10 ' F.lllott, Maxlno (C. 11. Dlllliighiuu, mar.)— l'ort- . land. Ore., 20-28, ToeoDla. Wash., 20, Victoria, I, ,■ -Ml' ,- u *..- HI llniiimond, l'aiillne (Clirion Wlilluiaii, mgr.)— Fort Folnlcld. Me., 2II-3L . Harvey ft Grgii t'ouicdy— YonUera, X. Y., 20-31, II. C. iin;- Vancouver ill, Seattle. Wash., Jan. 2. 3, North Yakima 4. Sisnkanc (I, 7. F.iloson. Kiihcit (Henry 11,- Harris, rogr.)— St. Paul, Minn.. 25-ill, Minneapolis Jan. i-7< lilwnrds, Waller . I Wells, Diinno & Hnrlnn, mgrs.) — Trent X. J.. 20. lt.ils.keu 20-31. Kllnpra,, Sisters — M. II. . Itaymonil's — Sashvllle, Teun.. 2H-31. C'lncliiimrl. (>., Jan. 1-7. ISniwaon. Mary '(Samuel I/Bwla, mgr.)— Bellalrr, Oo'dd, Kew Lexington 27, Lancaster 28, Wells- tan 20, Jackson ilu. Xclsonvllle 31. Kellnae Stock ( l.lnrd . ft (lenter. mgrs.)— Mats- K.:yrf:o";c^S.r«feg.. T X.V..203l.flle..aFa.h "'ti^'tiPSg®' M*T»*«. ■»!- i:dwiu;i.-' T Si.s.k (Jefferson Hall, mgr.l-l'm-.«. ''TV^X'mIZ* * ***"' n """ ,) ~ rnoisb. O.. 2081. I-arkerahnrg, W.' Vs.. Jan. - Untl „ f chlcami!'' Lincoln .1. Curler's (Fs|. lilkiirt .ft Hawkins- Ide«l«_n«bnrg. Ida.. 20-28. "Xl^^mU'TTrJ^r SI' *3& llniiimond. Pauline (('llfcon Wlilluiaii, mgr.)— Fort Will L'oniei Newburih Jam. U-t. Hoeitter Kboiv (jack livfflor, mgr.)— Applcton, Wis., 30, Inilellnlte. Hammond Slock— Augusta, . Me., SU-.'I t , Wotrr- vlllo Jan. 2-7. llemleraon Stock '. (W. J. ft II. It. Henderson, nigra.)— Princeton, Mo.. 20-31. Harris-Parkinson Hloek. IHoherl II. Harris, uigr.) -Wluaion-Holem. X. C, 2031. ' ylaii '• V Plske. Mrs. t Harrison (iivy I'lske, mgr.)— X. Y. City 20, liiiiellalte. I'avcraliam, Wlllloni (Charles Fiobiunu. mgr.) — Lunesstcr. I'u.. 28, Itcsdlng 20. Itoeheslcr, X. v., ,i<), at, Baltimore. Md., Jau. 27. Flltslinnions, Ituls-rt. ami Julia Muy UlSonl (Jos — ColnmlMis. o„ tUt Butler, Pn.. 20. X"'V."!i 5S*> "•• °'< K"* '•'8" |1,, • I'"-. •'«»■ 3, Weilsvlllr, 0., '3. Ganousburg, Pa„ B, Wayneshuig i|, Wnshlugtou 7. . >**. t'lr-l!, 1 iilac istep," c. .f>. Wblfukcr'a ' IN, A. Sehlllir. uigr.)— Memphis, Teun., 20-31, Naahvlllp.Jiiu. 2'T. ■ • Filrtiunstiiii. nigc.) — Brlilgeis>rt. r.'oim., 28, New HI. SI nnd I," lloyen ft. Burko Llnck Hsmllloii. ■ Haven 211-31, X. V. Ullr Jan. 2-7 mgr.)— (lrisiiivl|le,.0.,' Ian. a, Klchiuoiul. Ind,. Featargi Stock (ImM M. Fenls'rg, mgr. )— W0011- J llsrdltoii, »)., 4, Franklin 3, Mlamlsburg 0, Xenls 7. ■ 7 * ?. " ""■""""^l "lloiy u*.,w.in Hcr,".O.F. Whltnker'a'dt; HIT Fcltus, mgr.)-.Hl. Louis, Mo„ 28-31. Dayton, .0., Jau. 3-4, Toledo fl.f. nlierg. socket. II. I., 2(I'3I, Pltlallelrt, Mass., Jan. 2-7. Flske, May. I J. C. Cosgrove, uigr.) — Brockton, Muss., 2d-ill, Merldeii, Conn., Jan, 2-7, Flskc A 'Stock fli. 11. pisku ft T. V. HIiKk, , uurrs.) — Manelirsii-r, X. IL, 20-31, Lawrence, Human lleiins,!' Kasletli (Jesse M. Blineliard, Mium.,Jon, 2-7.. uigr.)— Butler. Pa., 37. |«e. Harim 28. Ilciuivu Fkdier ft: Walters' Own (B. It. Fisher, mgr.)— 30. Jersey Hhoro 30,' WelUbom 31, Krlo Jan. Warrior, o.. 30-31. Marlon Jan. 2-7. "Flaming Arrow." Lincoln J. Carter's (W, F. Jackson, mgr.)— .Newport News, Vn., 28, N'or- folk 2ii. I'eiei'sinng 11(1, Lyiichbur.; 31, ltoanoko Jam "J, Danville 3, lireenslsir.i, ,X. C, 4, Durham 3. I'nlelgb 0. Kewtwrn T. ■Apf :l'orler J. Widlc's— Wlnlleld, Mo.. 28, Cllhtoti 20. lialciiii, linn . 30, Carthage. Mo.. Ill,- iDla, Kim., Jan. 8, Coffryvlllo * (i, mmiehi 7, "I'Vaioltf IK-tcetlves," itiicsell Brolliers lllalVf mgi. l-Cli-velnni. O.. 2»itl. "Fatal ■Wedding,"- Central, Snlllva.i, Harris ft Woods' (Cnr.v Ale.Vdow, uigr.) — llnylon, O., 23, iiK, , IuJJwihk'IK lllg., ' 20-31, Louisville, Ky., "Falsi Wwli'.lng" Kaslern, "Hiilllrati, Harris ft Woods' iW. N. Sullabiiry, mgr.)— Hot Springs, 2, 8. "Human IlHilrta.'! -Western (Claud Hauudera, mgr. )— F.scanaha, Mich., 38. (Jludsinnu go, Mar- ipiette UO. Ilauuock .31, Cohiiaei Juu. 2. Iron. ,.,^',T l •''• A'l'lnnd, Wis., 4, Dilliltb, Minn.. 0, U. Illlls of California''— Omaha, Neb.. 2fi-3l. "Hot Old Time." Gua .fill's (Hurry Hill, mgr.) --Kansss.Olly, Mb,. Jan. 1 .7, 5. Parsons "Hnpl'T Boollgmi," lUaterii, (his Hill's (1). A, ,, ."'Hey. iivglO— lUilralo. N. Y„ 20-31. s iKiuiini'l "Hiipi.y Hooligan," ■Wssltrn. (Ins Hill's (Al. Del- sou, rogr.)— Mobile, Ala , 27. Odumbus, Miss., 2N,..1neitana,' , renn„!i0, Nashville ill, clisttn- iio'K.i Jnn. 2, Kuoivllle 3, MIddlaboro, l(y„ I, Itlehmond 0, Lexlnglou 0. Paris 7. Winchester "Holly Tolly" (Joseph M, Uellcs. uigr.)— Torre Hniite. Hid., 38, PaiJuCub, Ky.. Ill, ■■ sr^-^ss »■*• ■-• ■ •■st^w.ll ^ * >SSfJS •/-" ■«•>« Vffl llfg") -■■,»•»• B *•*■■■! ' STI7J S U>(UVI|ll( l\ I ,, 1} I r 'Al'k.s'28. Lllllo Buck 2ft, McJiphls, Teun.. "Haua Haiisoi)" (Jos. T. MuAlplu, mgr. )— Clie- 'tOi/Bl. ' ■ l"|'«. Kail., 28, VlDlta, Ini). Ter.. 20, Clureiuor. "t'ulah'Weilillrs." Weairfn. Sullivan, Hunls ft 3d, Muscogee .'31, ' South McAUster Jan. 2, Wests' ()".. T. Zlegler. mgr.)— Grass Valley, llniishorao .:i, wi|bur|ou I. Heurtnfuril, Ark., i '.il.. us. Virginia City, Ncv., 20, Ouraui City A, Potenii, full, Ter,, 0, Menu. Ark., 7. lo: Ilwio M, Osylpii, I.'.. Jan. I, 2. Salt 'Lnku "Heart of Terns" ' (A/'Vtllalr, nigr.l — (Ireenvllle. O...III, Will. loo Jnu. I, Jueksuu 2, Asblaad. City,- CI. 4,.'Provo City A. Colorudo Springs. Colo.,- 7. '■1'r.iio Hugs to llM.es." Jcaepb Suiilley (M. II. Meyers, uigr.)— X. Y: Oily 20-:il. "For.iWai Brolbers CrluS'" (Geo. X. Bellinger, iiH.T.W-1'ltlshurg. I'u., 20-31. "I'aeaort' /Olrl." F.astern t Phil B. Isaac, rogr.) I'.ullliiiurc, .Mil.. 20-31. "Kor' Mother's Sake." Itnseo ft Hothiiid's (Win. mgr. 1 — Tucoiiiu, Wash., 2S-2S, Ky., il, '■ ..! Irnlii.' May (K.diynrd B. Mailer, mgr.)— X. Y. CHy 20-Juu. 7. "In Newport," Psfir F. Balli-y nnd Fuy Teuiplo- lon (Klaw ft Frlatiger, lugrs.)— N. Y, City 20, hnleUulte, < ,' . "iris"— Mllwuilkee,' Wls.,'23-28. . Te.varti.iua, Ark., I. Puleslluv, Texi, 3. Tyler 4. Corslcdiin 3, TVmple 0, "l-'iiuny Side of Life'.' 'III. Lnullwry. mgr.)— CnlOUtowu. Pn„ 20.' Utmnellsrlllo 27, Morgan- (ovnv'W.i'Vn.. 28, . Mi:unhuitoii 20, WaahlugloTj. I'il,."80,' HOellsster 81. "I'lihlfi llOninnl" (Oscar' Junes, ■ mgr.) — Lnke 'iluirlcp. Lu., 28, orange, 'Tel., 2ft, Gslvirstou •jjjT. .,r,. Jeuvnns, Irene, tsftock ITIieo. HoiTooioii, mgr.)- - Klugslon. cnu., 2U-3L' Cliulhum Jan. 2-7. "Jiiines Boys In Missouri" (Frank Ouiiolu, uigr. I --itiuoieihDio, Ky., '38, Purls. Teun.. Jl>. Pailucab, Ky., ilD, lleii'Icis™ ill. Owcualsirn Jan 2. Hh'iltiyvllle il. Paris 4. Irmilon, o.. 3, llmilliigioii. W. Vn„ II, p.'i'lsmoiitli, 0., 7. "Jerry limn Kerry," I'nlluii ft Perry— Detroit in. r .k. I. , .- ,. , .. .. ■> ..... . , "") .mill i.wii;, | anon «. r III f i ..Vlll,,, 'xe^, ^ ffiuffl! Us^uro're.V^'jZiL >,U "" M '^' ¥*»■ *«. » *W- K . "I'sf0e;.piiil Pgrtune"— Tretdnu, X. J.. 1 27, 28. . " •' ' » t "FldOle-Dce-Dcu"-- Newark, X. J.. Stt-:il. , Knoll. Hoselle (Frgnk L. Parley, uigr,)— (Jl'uftoii, X. Duk., 28, (Baud Forks 2ii, Wmtlpcg. Man., ill), III. ' i" I " 1 ilium I wruji iiirTt, iusi U'aSlL. 28. ' Porllaud, Ore.. 20-31. aSjU« KSM H-Deleber. rosr.J-Ullls- 'WiS??^ AlSW&SfVk ""' Tikfe.." 1 ,' feS^SXftS Ki^oll^&il^'i^^vXi^r.^lb i, TMHhl Anlonhi Jan. I, 2, Ilrvnbani 3. Bryan 4, Ileus tou S, Oulvcslon U, Beauuiont 7. Dili, liniijur, Me.. Jau. ill. h. Whittakcr. mgr l— clay 20, Coocordla 30. H«l3aV'gt.'rMcV 0. Hunllkgtou, W-'Va.. 7. ' Hi ■ Lofliis. cccr'1" 'flJa-lsl Probiaau, iogr. ) — Chi- cago, 1U., 23-Jap. 7. Wlltiu IW . ,hurlc-s (J( lumbls, 0., 20-28, Grand Baplds, Mich., Juu. I'L . • , . Olastrv Vsugbsi),' Stock— Cleveland, 0.. 20, lu- UrntrHayvranl Stock (WhiUm ft Kieii. mgrs,) — BIooHfttglou, 111., 20*21, Bockford Jan. 1-7. German LIHinjtliiDS. Tschudl's — Hcrlbuvr, Xebr., 28, . North bvud 20.' Hcbnyier 30. York Jau. 2,- Hastlllg# 4. Kearney 3, Harvard 7. ' . "Dirts .Will be Girls," Wu, A. Brady's— Pitts- barg. I'u., 20-31. "Olrl troui Kuy's." Sam Bernard (Chsrlss Frob- nmn.mgr. ) — Cnicago, 111.. 20-Jan, 7. "Ctrl from lCHy'«" fcllurlcw Prohman, mgr.) — Lewis. J. C. (W. A. Junker, mgr. )^..'-Uogerslowiij ltciduig, Pa., 28, PvlUvliiV 29, Caitou 80, Al- Ud., 28, Cbambucsburu> i'u., 21). Mlddtutowa Lorlnuir, Wrtght— Brcsjklyn, ,V. Yi; 20-31, Belli more, Mil., Juu. 3-14. 1058 THEB 3SWW YQBK GUTP'PZm. MOBMBfin 31. 80, Lancaster 81," Columbia Jan. 2, Frederick, Md.. 3; Annspolii *• .' . ~ LllitBD Ly1. 2, Demlng, N. Met., 8, Douglas, Aria., 4, Blihee 0, Tpieon 0, Phmnlx 7. Mason and Masou (Broidburit ft Currle, mgt.) — Topeka, Kan., 28. ' • _ ., Monroe, Ceo. W. (Robert Monroe, mgr.)— Bridge- port, Conn., 20. . Melville. Rose (J. B. Stirling, mgr.)— San Lull Obispo, Oal., 28, Santa Barbara 20, Pomona 30, Pasadena 81, Los Angeles Jan, 1-14. Mellenry, Nelly (Spencer ft Aborn, mgri.)— Iinttle Creek, Mlcb,, 30, Jackson 31. Mong, Win. V. (George J. Curtli, mgr.)— Hank- Inspn. N. Dak., 28, Brltton, H. Dak., 80, McAiUlic. Jero (Col. Wlllini Stanton, ragr.)— Atlantlo City, N. J., 20-81, 1'oughkeepele, N. V., Jan. 2-7. Myrkle-IIarder Stock, Kislern (W. 0, Harder, uigrT)— Lewliton, Me., 20-31, Portland Jan. 2-7. Myrtle-Harrier Stock, Western (Bugene J. Hall, mgr.)~ Ncwburgb, N. V., 20-31, Klugslon Jin. Murray ft Mackay (John J. Murray, mgr.) — York, Pa., 20-31, l^ilnnon Jan. 2-7. Marks Block (Tom Markn, mgr.)— Calgary, Alts, Can., 20-31. •' Mark! Broi. (Joe Marks, mgr.)— Stratford, Can., 20-31. Myers, .Irene (Will II. Myers, mgr. )— Lowell, Mill., 20-81, Holyoko Jan. 2-7. Myeri Stock (Sim Allen, ingr.)— Cbarlerol, Pa., 20-ai, Mononeabala Jan. 'i-7i Matbes, (3l»rai-Cslgary, N. W. T., Con., 20-30, Edmonton Jfrn. 3-19. 'i . MasoS Lillian- (N. M. Vedder, mgr. ) — Stealing, Run., 20-31, Bllmwood Jib. 2-6, flulchtnao* 0, 7.' . - Mnck'ft Armour's Comedlani (Obii. Drew Mack, mgr,)— Ncvr Londuii, Win., 29-31, Hlicbdygau Jaq. 1-4.' ' McDonald Block (George W. McDonald, mgr.)— V.-m Bnren, Ark., 20*11. Mock, Pen V., Stock— Nusliiia, N. H„ 20-31, La- conla Jan. 2-7. Murray (lom,edy (Oharlei Limb, mgr.)— Newark, O., 28-01. IdJirlella Jin. 2-7. " Maxim ft Sights Comedlani (J. W. Sights, mgr.) —Webster, B. Dak., 20-31, (Irowton Jan. 2-7. MrlTllle Dramatic ,(M. Melville, mgr,)— Horatio, Ark,. 30-31, Lockesbnrg Jau. 2-7. Mark. Svillnir — Montpeller, Ind.. Jan. 5-11. Mattlce Block (Ward 11. Mattlce, mgr.)— Falr- port s N..Y., 20-31. Montgomery ft Wood— Bonnetcrre, Mo., 29-81, KM- Hirer Jan. 2-4. Metrojiolltan Comedy (J. M. Wiener, mgr.)— IHiwnlnglowD. Pa., 20-31, Copo May, N. J,. Mooro'i Stock (P. A. Moore, mgr.)— Knit Piles- ■-tine, Q., 20-31. -'•Mrs Wlggs of tlo Calilwge Patch" (Ltebler ft Co., nigra.)— N. V, City 20-Jun. 14. "Mnrrlsgc of Kitty" (Jules Murry, mgr.)— Utlca, N. V.. 21). Haiton, Pa., Jan. 4. "Muiul Mailer" (I;. D. Iliondell, mgr.)— Slatlna- lon, Pa.. 28, Allentown 20, WssbloBtou, N. J., 80. Bending, Pn., 31, Shimoklu Jan. 2. "Midnight Mutrlage," ForreMer ft MlttenthiPl (Fronk 0. Ithwlri, mgr.)— Brooklyn, N. Y., 20-31, Cimden, N. J„ Jan. 2-4, Wilmington, Del., 5-7. • . "Moonshiner's Daughter. " Eoatern (W. V, Minn, mgr.)— Waynesboro, Pn., 28. Uonongkliela £9, McKoei|wrt 30, tlnloniown 31, Olmrlerol Jan, 2. areensburg 3, Lntrobo 4, BlitMtown 0, Jobnitowu o, Tyrone T. "My Wife's Family" (I. Beldenberg, mgr.)— ;, Klyrla, 0., 28, Shelby 20, Mumllcld 30, Marloa "Mliirtlght Flyer" (Rd. Anderaou, mgr.)— Forest City. Ark., 28, not Springs 30, Little Rock 81, Newimrt, Ark., Jan. 3, Jouesboro 3, Marlnnun 4, Morrlllton 7. , "Mummy and the llnmmlng Bird" (Jules Murry, ingr.)— Paducah, Ky., Jan. 2. "MliMiiri Olrl," Riitern, Fred Ilaymond'i (Qeo. Bcdee. mgr.) — Belle Vernon. Pi„ 20,. Monon- gnbela 80, Chirlerol 81, Wkyneibnrg Jan, 3, Waihlngton 8. Welliburg, W. Vu., 4, Toronto, O., 6. Wellivllle 0, Cant Liverpool 7. "Mlwonrl Olrl," Wrslern, Fred Raymond's (Harry 8. Hopping, mgr.) — Farmlngton, Mo., 28, Iron- tail 20, De Snlo 80, Alton. 111., 81, Bdwardi- Title Jan. 2. Lltchfleld 8, BllUboro 4, Pans S, TuyloriTllle 0, Pawnee 7. "More to bo Pitied than Scorned." Chorine B. Blaney's— Norfolk, Va., 20-31, Richmond Jan. 2-7. "Me. Him ft I," Hurllg ft Beamon'a (Edwin J. Cohh, mgr.)— N. Y. City 20-31, Baltimore. Md„ .tab. 2.7. "McFsildcn's Flats," Ous Hill's (Charles B, Barton, mgr.) — Kiiiiiih City, Mo., 20-81, Hon- nliiat Jm. 2. Pnna, 111., 3, Terre Haute, lad,, 4. Dayton. O., B-7. •'Midnight KxprCTs" (Wilier B. Early, mgr.)— Linills, Mils., 20, Canton 31, Jickson Jan. 2. "Money Makers" — Now Haven, Oonn., 20, 27, Bprlncflald, Man,, 28, Witorhury, Conn.. 20, Mlddlotown 80, Hartford 31. N Nrlll. James (Edwin U. Noll!, mgr. )— Seattle, Wish.. 28-81. "- •■• «-.;•■ Nortti Brotliers' Comedlani. Western (Frank C, Corter, mgr.) — Austin, Tex., 20-28, Ban An- tonla nil, Nerllle, Margaret (Wro. Cndoc, mgr.) — Ktini- vllle, Ind., 20-31. Henderson. Ky.. Jan. 2-8. National Stock (Charles R. Bchia, uiit-.l — Tap- per Lake. N. Y., 20-81, Batauac Lake Jin; 2-7. Now Kngland Players (W. W. Lipoldt ft O. I. HntQblnMU, mgra.)— St. Atbini, Vt., 20-81. Newimn'i Rotertalneni — Aurora,' Mo.. 28-31. •'Ninety and Nine" (White ft Aihmiu. nigra.).— Pbllidclphta, Pa., 20-31. Patersou; N. J., Jiu. ■ MPs* ™ •" • ' , ■■ "New York Day by Diy," (Oeorge W. Vlnnett. mgr.l-^trwtn. Pa,, 28. Leechturg 29, A It oca I - 30. Jobnitftwn 81, Lewlltowh Jon. 2, Lcwli- burjtia. Wllllamirlort 4, DahTllle 0, Bloonuburg ♦». -flgiteton 7. "No Weodlng Belli for Her." Forrester ft Mlllen- ttml's^Culeaso, III,, 23-31, St. LouU. Mo„ J1U.-1-7. 'Next Door," Bros. Uoycr (Jos. H. Arthur, mgr.) — Munclc, Ind., 28, Elwddd 29, Frankfort 81. I O Olcott, Chiuncey (Anguitos Pltou, mgr.)— Pblla- delphla. Pi., 20-Jin. 7. .' . . -, O'Nell, Nanco— Hartford, Conn., 28, 20, New Haven .10, Wnterlmry .11, Springfield, Mass., Jan. 4. Olyrapla Slock (Joseph Logan, mgr, )— Ottawa, 111.;- 25-31. Ounsn Block (John Oamnn, mgr. )— Durham, N, a, 20-31. "Other Olrl" (Charles Frohpian, mgr.) — Washing' ten; D. 0.» 20-81, Baltimore" MdT, Jan.' 2-7. "Our New Mlnlitcr" (Miller & Conyers, mgri.)— Jersey City. N. J., 20-31. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 2, Burlington, N. J., 3, , BrTdgeten 4, Chester, Pn.. B, Lancaster 0, Trenton,- N.- J., 7. "Over Niagara Falls." A (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)— Syrnciue, N, Y., Jan. 2T-4; "Over Niagara J-alli." B (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.) — Jnekion, Mlcb., 28, "Over Niagara Falls." (Rowland ft Clifford, mgrs.)— Man Dlegfl, Cal., 28, Blversldo 29, Bed- lands 30. Son Ilernnrillnn 31, Oxnard Jail, 2. "Out of tbe Fold" (Henry B. Marks. mgr.)<- l.nfoyotte, Ind.. 28. C'rowfordntllle 20, Kokomo 30, Springfield, O,, Jan. 2.' "On the Bridge it Midnight," FJustern (Frank (lanolo, ingr.)— Phllndflpbla, Pa., 20-31, Wil- inlngton, Del., Jnn. 2-4. ., .. "On the Bridge at Midnight," Western (Frank Oorxnlo, mgr.) — Dps Moines, In., 20-28, Mat- Klialltown 20, Oikalooin 30, OttumwA 31, Da- venport Jan. 1, Muscatine 2, Iowa City 8. Mar- engo 4, What Cheer 8, Cedar Rapids 0, Do- limine 7. I "Old Arkansaw," Fred Raymand'i (Merit; H. Nor- ton, mgr.)— Attica. O., 28, Betlerue 20, Port Clinton 30, Samluiky 31. Loriln Jin. 2, Led! 3, Ashland 4, Gallon C, Mount Vernon 0, Millers- burg 7. 'Only a Shop Olrl,'.' Lottie Williams (H, B. Win- chell, mgr.)— Ctilcigo, ill,, 25-31. "Old Farmer Hopkins' 7 (Frank I _ B. Davidson, mgr.) —Florence, S. c, 28. "Old Clothes Man" (Tom North, mgr. )— Bockford, 111.. 31, Blue Island Jan. l, Belvldere 2, Syca- more 8. Freeport 4, Harvard S, Belevan, win., 0, Burlington 7. "On Thanksgiving Diy" (Vance ft Sullivan, mgri.) — Montgomery, Ala.. 20-31, "On the Suwanee River" (Stair ft Nlcolal, mgrs.) —Pittsburg, Pa., 20-31, Washington, D. 0., Jan. "o'tbello"— Bay City, Mlcb., 28. "Our New Man"— Lincoln, Neb,, 28. P Perkins, Walter B. (Claiton Wllitacb, mgr.)— Ohllllcothe, O., 28, Clrclevllle 2B, Hamilton 80, Springfield 81, Columbus Jan, 2-4, Mansfield 0, Newark 0, Zancsvllle 7. Pat ton, W. B. (J. M. Stout, mgr.)— Fort Worth, Tex., 28, Dallas 29. Piylon, Corse. Stock (Divld J. Ramige, mgr.) — Wllllamiport, Pi., 28-81, Du Boll Jan. 2-7. Piyron, Corse, Comedy (A. U. Bonney, mgr.)— Lynn, Mush., 20-31, Northampton Jan. 10. Payton Slaters (Col. Frank Ilobertson, mar.) — HatUeaburg, Miss., 28-28, Qitlfport 29-31. I'lielan'H, B. V., Stock (Ralph A. Ward, mgr.)— New London, Conn.. 20-31, Norwich Jan. 2-7. Prlngle. Delia (Q. Faith Adima, mgr.)— Chirlton, la.. 20-81. Powell-Porlello, Eaitern (Helton Powell, mgr.) — Antlgo, Wli., 20-29. " - "Peddler," Sim Tborne— Sullvloo Harris ft Woods' (Fred Blocs;, logr.)— MomIIIou, 0.. 28, Akron 29-31, Toledo Jau. 1-4, Columbus 0-7. «* "Queen of the Highway" (W. McGowan, mgr.)— Akron, 0.. 20-28, Erie, Pn., 20-31, Buffalo, N. v., Jan. 2-7. "Qulucy Adams Sawyor," Central (W. O. Hnell- lug, mgr.) — Dtmspolli, Ala., 28, Meridian; Mlsa., 20, Jackson 80, Port Ulbraii 31, Vlcki- burg Jan. 3, Natchet 3, Baton Range, Li„ 4, Alexandria 0, Monroe 0, Sbreveport 7. "Queen of Ihe White Slaves," Kistern (A. H. Woods, mgr.) — Grand Hupldi, Mich., 25-28, Charlotte 29, Lansing 80,; Flint 31, Saginaw Jan, 1-4, Jackson C, Anu Arbor 0, Bauduaky, O.. 7. "Queen of tho White Sloven," Weatern (A. H. Woods, mgr.)— N. Y. City 20-31, Philadelphia, Pi., Jan. 2 7. B Russell, Annlo (Charles lrrohann, mgr.)— N. Y. City 20, indennlte. Ilehaii, Ada (Sim S. Bhubcrt, mgr.)— St. Louli, ■ 5I«., 20 Jan. 7. llogeri Brothers (fvlaw ft Brlonger, mgra.) — Bol- ton, Mill., 20 -J an. 14. Ilelune (Lleblef ft Co., mgrs.) — Washington, D. O., '20-31, Montreal, Cm., Jan, 2-7. . Robran,' Eleanor (Llebler ft Co., mgrs.) — St. Louis, Mo,, 20-31. Chicago, HI., Jan, 2-7.' IlobeftH, Florence (Frod BeTsico, mgr.)— Seattle, W'niill., 28-31. ItuvH, John and Rmma (Stnlr ft Nlcolal, mgrs.)— Ilropklyn, N. Y„ 20-81,. N. X. City Jail] 2-7., . IliiHfOll, LohIk J. (Falli Blel, mgr.) — Washing- iniii Pa.. 28, Oonnellavllle 29, Viodergrlft 8)7 Boas and Fenton— Worcester. Man., 28-31. Brook- lyn; N. Y;, Jan. 2-7. Bober, Kotherlne, Stock (Barry King, mgr.)— New Britain, Conn., 20-31, Newport, it. 1., Jan. 2-7, •.; .. ■■ Becord Stock (Frank P. Raven, mgt- )— Monesiea, Pi., 20-31, Mount Pleasant Jan. 2-4, Scottdals 8-7.- Roe Stock (0. J. W. Roe. ragr.)— Burlington, Vt., 20-31, Portsmouth. N. H* Jan. 2-7V^: Boyul LIllputlsnR, Ous Hill's (Thomas R. Henry, mitr.) — Quebec, Con., 20-28. OtUwa 29-81, Schenectady, N. Y.. Jan. 4, Albany 0-7. - - Bcntfrow's Jolly Pathfinders (J. N. Reutfrow, mgr.)— Bait Liverpool, O,, 20-31, Hartford' City, Ind.. Jan. 2-7. Bunkle, Corlnne. Stock (H. K. Hexter, mgr.)— T.-iuuton, Mill., 20-81, Brockton Jan, 2-f. "Hwlblph and Adolnh" (BroadUurst ft Currle, nigra.)— Seattle. Wash., Jan. l-t. ■ "Itiilucd Life"— Oxford, Ind., 28. Danville. ID., ' 20, Oakland 80, Lincoln Jan. 2, Assumption 3, Nanhvllle 4, MarlSia 0, Plucknoyvillu 0, Du ' Quoin 7, Beilevlim 8. "Riuinlg for OffJee," Oeorge M. Cahan'a (Sam Unrrll, in«r.)- -Hlebinond, Va., 2U-31. "Runaway Mutch," Clint and Bessie Bobblni (Obtse ft Lister, mgrs.)— Mexico, Mo„ 28, Bowling Green 20, Hannibal 81. "nominee of Coon Hollow" (A. O. Allen, ntgr.) —Burlington. In., 28, Keokuk 20, Qulucy, 111., 80, Kewnnee Jin. 2, Morrison 3, Sterling 4, Guleiburg 7. "Royal Slave," Southern. Gordon ft Bennett'i (II. M. Blickallcr, mgr, )— Blalrstown, Pa., 28. "Race for Life," Sullivan, Harrla ft Woods' (Leon Victor, mgr.) — Hartford. Conn., 20 28, Springfield, Mass., 29-31, Boston Jan. 2-7. •'Kip Van Winkle," W. A. Bller's— West Point, Ncbr., 28. -Stanton 20, Pierce 80, Randolph 31, BloomOeM Jan; 2, Wanna 3, Wayne 4. Tllden B, Norfolk 0. Midlson 7, liumpbrey 8, Gcnoi 0. Cedar Rapids 10. "Uibblt's Foot" (Pat Cbappelle, mgr.)— Way- croHi, fli., 28, Quitman 29, Balnbrldge 30. Ca- milla 31. Albany Jan. 2, ThonuiTllle 3, Mon- tlccllo, Fla., 4, Qulucy B, Tlllibiaiee 0. S Solhcrn, B, H., and Julia Marlowe (Charles Frohman, mgr.) — Providence, R. I„ 20-28, Sjirlugtlcld, Mass., 20, Hartford, Conn., 80, New. Haven 31, Brooklyn, N. X.. Jan. 2-7, Bklnner, Otli (Joseph J. Buckley, mgr.) — Chicago, Ml., 20-Jao. 7. Bhoa, Thomas B. (Nixon ft Zimmerman, mgrs.)— Philadelphia, Pi.. 28-81, N. Y. City Jan. 2-7. Stuart, Ralph (Edward Tburnaer, mgr. ) — Scran- ton, Pa., 20-28, Wllkeabarre 20-81. Sully, Daniel- (Willis B. Boycr, mgr.)— Altoonl, Pi., 38. Sidney, George (A, W. Herman, mgr.)— Bittle Creek, Mlcb., 28, Laming 29, Bay City 80, Sigluaw 31, Detroit Jib. 1-7. ^ , , . . Snow, Mortimer, Stock— Troy, N. Y-, 20, ludcO- ultc Smart Set, Ous Hill's (W. B- Moore, mgr.) — Clilcngo, III., 25-31, Milwaukee, Win., Jan. 1-7. Spoouer Dramatic (F. U. Bpooner, mgr.)— Dub- lin, Tex.. 20-31. ,'. Sterling Stock (William Triplet!, mgr.)— Hot Springs, Ark., 20-31. Mascogee, Ind. Tec, Jan. 2-4, South McAlestcr 8-7, Tulsa ML Stowcll Stock (F. II. Btowell, nrgr.)— Phelps, N. Y„ 20-28. Stcelsmlthi, The (0. M. Stcclmnlth, mgr.)— Staun- ton, 111,, 88-81, f " s JSZf tt Si" iB - T .' Klug,nigr.)— Patersou, N. J., 20-28, Trenton Jan. JM.:- "Semiuary Olrl." M. B. Raymond's— Youanv town, O., 28, Fort Wajfhe, lud.V20, ValnlrsJao 30. Chleago, III. Jan. 1-7. ,'*e "Secret of Pollchlnelle" (James K.Uickett. mgr.) — N. Y, City 28-31. MMT, N, Y.; ilB? 2, Schenectady 3, Jobnirowh o, Rochesler 0,' 7.- "SUore Acres" (William- B.' Orosa, mgr.)— Son Francisco, Cal., 2fl-3i. ■ "Sign of the Cross," No. 1 (B, 0. Crearln, mgr.) — Kniuai City, Mo., 23-81, 81. Joieph Jan. l.'S,' Leavenworlb, Kan., 3, Topcki 4, Wichita 0, Pueblo, Colo., 7, . ' • "Sweet Clover 1 ' (Victor H. Schsfer. mgr.)— De- catur. III.. 31. "Sign of the Croii," Western (Fred Eerier Jr., mgt.)— Drrinth, Minn., 28, Km Claire, Wis., 29, Stevens Point 30. Waueiu 81. "Hhsdown of a Great City" Slngem (W. T. Cnry, mgr.)— {Mat Uorlicr. Unt.. 28, Parry Sound 29, Siirueedalu 3ti, Kearney 31, Juu. 1, Soutb Blver 2. Canadian Colored Concert (William Carter, mgr.) Emlenton, Pa., 28. "Chinese Honeymoon," Kaitern (Sim 8. Hhubert. Hffvte&™°fi« J Hj J-. 20, Anna pnl In. Mil., 28, Cbarluttevllle, Vn.. 29, Newport Newa 30. Norfolk 31, Rli-hmonil Jan. 2, llonuoke 3, Dan- ville 4. Greensboro, N. 0., 0, Wlnstou-Solem 0, Charlotte. 7. "Chloei* Honeymoon," Western (Sam S. Sim- !m n ' „ m8r ». — V '.i'. l . nrla ' U ' c " »• Vmcouver 20, 30. New Whutcom, Wash., 31, Everett Jan. 2. YakiWo 3rspokane 4, 0, Missoula, Mont., 0, Helena 7, Butte 8, 0. "lloimtry Girl" (J, C. Duff. mgr.)-Chlcago, 111., 2ft, lliilellnlle. . ' Daniels, Frniik (O, R. Dillingham, mgr.)— Birm- ingham. Alu., 28, Chnttiuoogi, Tonn., 20, Knox- vlllo^JO. Lexington, Ky., 31, Cleveland, O., " I ?,?" T *!S?*57 < p - c - Whitney, m|r.)-Memphli, 'Jena., JO, 31. English Grand Opera (Henry W. Savage, mgr.) llolllraore. Md., 20-31, Norfolk, Va.. Jon. 2, 3. Newlwrt News 4, Rlclimond 0-7. K. Wright, mgr.)— "Wortuli fJlrVi Wroa|»" (ptrwapi-WftU? B|».) "Fontnna," Jefferson De Angeles' (Sim S. ft Lee Shuliert, mgrs.)— Chicago, II ., 2U-Jan, 7. "Fortune Teller" (Milton & Sargent Aborn, mgrs.) —St. Thomas, Con., 2B, Woodstock 2D, Gott 30. St. Catherines 31, Hamilton Juu. 2, Barrle 3 Lindsay 4. Oflllla B. Brsntford fl, London 7. Craiiil Opera (Helurlch Conrled, mgr.)— N. Y. City 20. IndeOnlte. " ' Oluacr, Lulu, Oncri (0. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— I rook yn, N. Y. 20-31. N. Y. Olfy Jin. 2-7. "Glittering Gloria " (Flsier ft Ryler. mgrs.)— SprlngOold, Mo.. 28, Fort Smith, Ark., 20. Lit- tle Rock 30. Hot Spring! 81, Dallas, Toi.\ Jan. 2, FOrt Worth 3, Waco 4. San Antonio 5, Hous- ton 0, 7. "Olrl from Dixie" (Geo. A. Kingsbury, mgr.)— Columbus Gj., 28. Montgomery, Ala., 20, Birm- ingham 30, Mobile 31, New OrlcanB, La., Jiu. 3-7. Hojiper. De Wolf (Sam 3. Shubert. mgr.)— Phlta- delphla, Pa., 20-81, Brooklyn, N. Y., Jan. 2-7. Irrja Opera (J. p. Wheadoh, ragr.)— Waverly. Ia„ 28, Nashua 20, Oelweln 30, Independence Jl, Monchester Jul, 2, Anainousa 3, Maauoketa 4. Morrison. 111., 0, Sterling 0, Uendoti 7. • "Isle of Balce" (B. C. Wliltney, mgr.)— New Lon- don, Conn., 28, Taunton, Mass.. 29, Fall River 80, Newport, It. L. 31, Providence Jan. 2-4, llrocktou, Mass., ft, Lawrence 0, Worcester 7.' "Jewel of Asia" (John P. Slocum, mgr.) Jack- soil, Tetin.. 28. Noshvllle 29. Chattinooga 80, Ktioxvlll* 81/ Aibevlllb. N. C. Jan. 2, Spartan: burg, 8.' 0., 3, Greenville 4. Columbia is: Char- lotte, N. C, 0, Orecnaboro 7. Kilties Bunl (T. P. J. Power, mgr.)— Edin- burgh. Scotlind. 20-20. ' ■ "'S! uli( „P? d . '' (David Traltcl, mgr.)— Olnclnnitl, 0., 25-31. Lyrlo Opera (Harry Lea Velle, mgr.)— Wichita, "Liberty Belles" (Fred Berger Jr., mgr.)— Syn- gseaVlll.. jr.. JW S «9chMter 29-31. Albany Jan. 2-4, Trenton, N. J„ fi-7. "Miss Bob White" (Nlxou ft Zimmerman, mgrs ) — Greensburg, Pi., 28, Lit robe 20. Butler 30. Beivcr Falls 81, Sharon Jan. 2, Greenville 3, New Oistlo 4, Akrou, 0., 0, Canton 0, East Liverpool 7. "Mother Oboso" (Klaw ft Erlonger, nun.)— Bal- timore, Md., 20-31. f ~ ' "Mold and tbe Mummy" (Charles Marks, mgr.)— Cambridge, O.. 28, Hamilton 2», Mlddfetown 30, PSdUCib. Ky., Jan. 2. ">lr. Wlx of Wlckbajn and the Merry Shop Olrls," K. B, nrce'ST-llrooklyu, N. Y.j 30-31, N. Y. CHy Jan.-2-T.- ,< . ■•- I'helau Oheri (B. .V. Phallti. mgr.)— Liwrence, Mlsi.i 20-81, •Lowell:|an.'3-T., • "Pirslfat,'' in Rngllub (Henry w. Savage, mgr.) Phlladelpbli. Pa., 2o43FK ™ , '« e - ™« r -' "Peggy from PnrlR" (Midlnon Corey, mgr.)— Kan- sas City. Mo.. 28-31.- ■ ,f ' "Prince of Pllsen" (Henry/ w. Savage, mrr.) — New^Orlemi, L*,, ao-ai. P ' ™' "PUT, Paff,- Poof (F. 0. Wliltney, mgr.)— N. Y,: Oliy 20-31, Waihlngton, D. 0„ JanT 2-7. "Princess Chic" . (Frank Burrell, mgri)— Poea- tello, Ida., 28. Ogden, U-, 29, Salt Like City 30..31. l.eirivllle, Colo., Jan. 2, Oanun City 3 l»unhlo 4, Victor 5, Cripple Creek 0, Colorado Springs ••/. . ? Russell. l.Ullnn (Ram S. Shnhert, mgr.)— N. Y City 20. Indefinite. * ' * ** "Runaways" (Sain S. Shnhert. mgr.) — Sioux Cltv la., 28. Orashn. Neb.. 29, 30, St. Joseph, Mo.! Ill, Kansas City Jan. L-7. ' * "Royal C'hct"— Canton, O., 31. - Si hen. Frits! (C. B. Dillingham, mgr.)— N. Y City 20. IndeOnlte. - ^*' ' "* Schumann-Helnk, Mndirae (F. 0. Whitney, mgr I — Sclienectady, N. Y., 20, RocbeMrr 27, 28 An. burn 20. Utlca 30, Wllkesbarre, Pa„ 81. Wash- ington, D. C. Jan. 2-7. ' ' ^,,,, "Sultan of Sulu" (Henry W. Savage, mgr ) — San Francisco. Oal.,. 20- Jan. 7. ' "Silver Bllpper" (John 0. Fisher, mgr.)— Los Angeles, Cal.. 20-31, San Diego Jan. 2. 8, Santa Ana 4, Redlands ft. Riverside 0, Bakersflelri 7 "Sho-Gun" (Henry W. Savigc, mgr,)— N. Y. Cliv 20, Indefinite. . ' "San Toy" .(John O. Flstier, mjcr.)— Clinton. la 28, Davenport 20, Rock Island, III., 30, Peoria 31, Blbomlnglon Jan. 2. Springfield 3, Danville 4, Terre Haute, Ind., 0. Evansvllle 0, Piaucih! Ky., 7. "Mrnllers" (Nlxnn ft Zimmerman, mgre.)— Park. cTehnrg, W. Va.. 28. ft. Marys 20, Obimbers. l»ig. Pa., 30. Fairmont, W. Va.. 31, PitUbnrH* la.. Jnn. 2-7. r "Shew Girl," F-astern (B. C. Whitney, mgr.)— Newark. N. J., 2(1-31, Phllndelphlo, PaiT Jan. "Sliow Girl," Western (B. 0. Whitney: ragr.)— Stockton, Cal., 28, Sacramento 29, Rcdbluff 30 v^&Jlfc ' Portl « n « '«»• lT SeStUe: "Smiling Island" (George W. Lederer, mgr.)— I'liliadclpbla, Ta.. 28, indefinite. "Sleeping Beauty and tbe Beast" (Bosenbaom ft Nankevllle. mirrs.)— Montreal, Can., 2U-31 "Sergeant Kitty" (George B. White, mgr.)— Do. buque. Ib., 29, Cedar Kaplds 30. "Tenderfoot," No. l (W. W. Tlllotson, gen. mgr.) — Boston, Mass., 20-Jan. 14. 1 " ' "Tenderfoot," No. 2 (W, W. Tlllotson, gen. mgr.) —Dei Mobies, la., 28, Topeka, Kan ,80 ' Van Studdlford, Grace l£<. Zlegfcld Jr.. mar )— CoUimbui, O.. 28, Dayton -20. Indlauopo Is Ind., 30-31, St. Louis, Mo., Jan. 2 -7. p ' Wilson, Francis (Charles Frobman, mgr.)— Provi- dence, R. L, 20-31, N. Y. City JanT 2, iaUefl. "Winsome Winnie" (Sam 8. Shubert. mgr.)— Johnstown, Pa., 30. Altoona 31, Hirrlsburg Jan. i&sn j- y r k *' Be ' d,n « °- Ea «' on «: "Wiiird of 0«," No. 1 (Hamlin ft Mitchell. "jm— & Y- City 2fl■^l, , Cincinnati, O., Jatt. "Yankee Consul" (Henry W. Savage, mgr )— Toronto, Can., 28-31. * ' m » r -'~ BVRLESt>VB AND VAUDEVILLE Am J e / lcan ' ,, tE „P; Jgg*L .iosrO-Phlladelphla, Pa„ Jff-31. Baltimore, Md., Jan. 2-7. Bryant s, Harry C. Extravigonm (C. H. Ken- Jnn > 2$''~ ""• ""'•' 20 ' 81 ' N '^- Olty Bluo Ribbon Girls (Jncu Singer, mgr.)— Serin- P« D ', Jan. I^ 8 ' **•""* "^ »*3SSS "Xlllrr^";'^?' «»'"«* Senmon's (Joe Huitlg, mgr.)— Providence, R. L, 20-31. Bos- ton. Mass., Inn. 2-7. •«•»». «ra Bohemians (Thomas W. Miner, mgr.j— Phlla- Ss^Sw^a Y* rffife ??*)-*■•«. "lyn.'T y l .? h 2°S:js„': 7 Cron, "ell, mgr.)-Brook. Broadway Burlesquers (Brennan Amusement Co.. • „. 0'ifrs. )— Penrln, II „ 21), Biirllngtoii. la 31 2.V31, Lelroit, MHi„ Jun. 1-7. , _ Orucker Jac-tta (Harry frfonl. mgr. >— Cleveland, <)., 20-31, Buffalo. N. Y., Jan. ! JT % """ ,,UU • -Swurk""^ J B " Jan £?* * U>V " J ' mn) Gay Morning Glories (Serlbner ft Drew, mgrs.)- iiidlannisiris, Hid., 20-111, Chicago. Ill,, Jsn. T> Ony Misqueredirs (Jos. H. Bames, mgr.)— Cln- (Inna I, 0„ 25-31. Louisville, Ky, .lu"; 17/ Oraham's Sniilhern Specialty— Troy, N. Y., 20-31. H 'r. h i„ Ro il ll ' , S < S??, , ! U " ,, * Waldron, mgrs.)— But- •JSiSi t, 1 ",? - 8 '. Rochester .laii. 2-7. ni?i* »? ls "fe.<^ Irwlu - mgr.)— Spring- , held. Mass., 211-31, Boiton Jan. 2-7. ' " l " u * Imperials I Williams ft Bnrns, mgr«.)-Clilcigo, III.. 2r, ; Kt, Mllwiukee, Wl»., Jan. 17/ Innpwnt MiiWh (T. W. blnklus. mgr.J-Llncoln, Jl 1 " ?>?' Decatur 29. 1'eorln 30. La Halle 31 j D o .:K v ,i!n B vii1e n "«. : Ai,^T p,, " tn *■ •*-*«■: }/i Cl^O-Jau "" (R0 ' 1 '" t FM0Bl »« r ')-N- • J "nea'h Sa Ki! r -20 6w ° (WBI - BTen,0,e ' ■»•>-*»• Knickerbockers (Louli Roble, mgr.)— N. Y. City 2i Ml, Scrnntou, Pa., Jan. 2-4, Heading M. i Can 20 31.™ imMea Bro9 " mgrao^oronto, Merry Maidens (BnUer, Jacobs ft lyiwry. mgrs.)— uOiEEPftSi r&v 2, -' M - 8t - i'«ui ion. l-i Moonlight Maids (Sullivan ft Krim, mgrs.)— r! r.' y jon: 2-v 2<) " 28 ' u ' roy * ■MTwaEfi, Ne v r'afiPifeS" 8 ' "»*">'. mgr.) -Newark, «. j., 2U-J1, patersou Jan, 2-7. CaI.'! ,n 2r..Jnr'7. Mar " n BtcVa — s ™ Franclico, Orpbeiim Uuriesiluers (Lou Hommer, mgr.)— 30 'li ' Gr„ n ,Y„,f;r 8 X St \ John 2B - St. Catherines ay, ,u, Cincinnati, O., Jan: 2-7. Parisian Widows (Bush ft Weber, mem )— Mil- waukee, Wis., 28-31. MlnnVa^,,Xn.rJan. *Can'! Janr"7 Che,,Cr ' * X " 20 " 31 ' ^O"^ ""si V.!!!i K ^ lsh I S ) ," 7 < R,ce * Bl "*">, mgrs,)—. St. Paul, Minn., 20-31, Chicago, 111 Jan 1-7. Hen^ssntey (Aba Leavltt, mgr. -TSleio. 0-. 2.i-,u, Cleveland Jan. 2-7. Rice ft Barton's Big Gaiety— St. Louis, Mo., 25- 31, Kansas City Jan. 17. ™ '' msre%2a%S. Lo 5 don v M iS P"" (r- Oimpbell, SSlSSS 9 ^ N ' X" 2 °- 28 ' Albany ^9-31 spilngBeld, Moss., Jan 2-7, im ««S 00 ?,'. a <'•«', Bellly. mgr.)— PltUburg. Pa., 20-31, Olnclnnitl, O., Jan. 1-7. Md Va 5n^i rto J P l , 8 ' C1 « rk - n.gr.)-BoIt1more, 0 " 8 i Ind.. Jan. 2-7. Tu £ u oa e b SSJ» (Frank B. tor. mgr.)-Readlng. nJSt: *.h Seranton 20-31, N. Y. Olty Jm. 2-7. ^ "SfU 1, a» • D1 v kInfl i, Wr.)-Brooklyn, Nl v li m .' * lb ihy Jan. 2-4, Troy 5-7^ ii'i, y r , nlr jpohert Manchester, mgr.)— Louis- -!ff Lfri 25-31, Bt. Louis, Mo., /an 27. World Beaten (J. Herbert Mack, mgr.)— Washing- ton, D. C. 20-31, Pittsburg, PaT, Jau. 2-7. MINSTRELS. Cu ml n ?' S Ua !°.^ Weaton'B (Will B. Onlbme, tw'8l7 ' ' 2 °' BeUtf01 " ao r Ul1 * Dockstider's, Lew (Chirles D. White, mgr.)— Springs 2, Wichita, Kan., 3, Guthrie. Okla., 4, ., ,0k ahoma City 6, Dallas, Tex., 8, 7 rl »£ 8 'r A J'i ?i (D 2S < J lll « 1 ^' mgr.)l-Canton. O.. . ?v' ^f u « r , l, ' 8 r,;, 20 i, MnrlettallO Porkersuurg W, n±i, 8 . 1 ' Wheeling Jan. 2. Ul.loutown. Pn*. wA^S^SS *• Johnstown B, Altoom 0. "Bg 5 Hinoon's—Southbrldge, Mill., 28, R ycrpoint, B. I 29. Newport 30, South, jrniu: n£r9BliX3 k 'Ji& Wooniocket. It. I./Jim 2. ,L Hr? lu 'f 8& ^ Klt,u >Mne. I'u., 23, McDonald 20. Wajteaburg 30, Woabington 31. °"- VUMM HI . . M *^ ■ — ssui Siemens. Alien.. 20. IPS • vf. u i ,.??' « A, . W( 5 30 ' Hmm 3lT 'Grand Rapldh Jab. 1. 2. Kornndii, BVlly (O. Jiy Smith, mgr.l-Monroe, I.a., 28, Port Gibson. Miss,, 29, Nitehei 30. Jickson 31, Central Springs Jsn. 2, Vlckabnrg ■I, Urtenville 4, Wluima 5, Grenada 0, Durast December 31. rajWIT YOffi €^E>P3ER. 1050 Mnlnra'B (Frank Habere, met.)— Perry, It.. 20, Maxwell 27, Woodward 28, Adel 28.-. Dallas Center 30, Stuart 81, Neols Jin. 1, Atlantic 2, Villlura 3, 8kldmotC, Mo., 4, siallUnd 8, Forest CUT n, Gallatin 7„ '■ Nsnksvllle's. W. R. (Geo. A. Bovver, mjr.)- Dulatli, Mian., Jan. 2, 3, Marttoett*. Mick r e. Ptlmiase. George II. (James H. Decker, rngr.) — Hprtrufleld, Manx., 20, North Adam* 27, Pltta- 11*1(1 28, Northampton 29, Worcester 30, 31, Hartford, Conn., Jan, 2, Merldcn 3, Weterbury 4. Bridgeport 5, New Haven 0, 7. Blcnarts'ftPflngle's (Rusco * Holland, mgrs.) — vjrnon, Tax.. 27, Hubert, Okll., 28, Apache 89, Lnwton 30, Anridiirko 7.1, Cblckoelia. ind. Ter. Jan. 2, Duncan 3, Ennls, Tci., 5, Waxshseble 6. West 7. Sun's, Qua (Frank D. Fowler, rngr. )— Lei pal*. o„ 20, Lima M. Plqua 31, Xenla Jan. 2. f»aj- ton (Soldiers' Home) 3, Lebanon 4, Wilming- ton ti, Hlllsboro O. Clillllcothe 7. Vogcl's (John W, . Vogel, mir,)— Tarrjrtown. N. V., 28, Ossinlng 20, Peeksklll 30, Oohoea 31. TENT SHOWS. McDonald Broa.— Corsica, Ga., 28, Collins 28, Rcadsvllle 30. Olenrllle 81, Suiter Jan. 2, Hlncsvllle 8. Orion's. Miles— Si rasots. Fla., 38, Manatee SB, Psrrish 80, Ybor City 31, Bartow Jan, 2, Wta- cliula 3, Fort Ogden 4, Fart Myers 5, Punt* Gordu 0, Arcadia 7. MISCELLANEOUS. Erliiilmnour & Naiads (W. L. Ferris, mar.)— Lansford, Pa.. 28. 29, Burwlck 80, 31. Chamberlain's Big Show (J. L. Oliamberlaln, mgr.) — Munsou, Pa., 28, 20, Grass Flats 10, Crvstolplex Carnival (M. Henry Walsh', mgr.)— Jrennlimlnu, Vt„ 20-31, North Adams. Mats., Jan. 2-7. Hints, Mr. and Mrs. (H. L. Flint, mgr.)— Can- ton, HI.. 2U-31, Peoria Jan. 2-7. Gay Kleulrlc (• or town, MUST nuvoniuaiiy each lmokinu aent iin. Aillor, Flo, Olympic, Cblcaco, 20-31. Ailalr A Dalin, Poll's, Wnbcrbury, Conn.. 28-31: full h. Hartford, Jan. 2-7. Ailelyu, Miss, Dayton, O., 23-31. Ailauilul & Taylor. Cook's, Rochester, N. T., 26- 31; Shea's, Buffalo. Jan. 2-7. • • Aileluiaii, Jus.. AitoHo, Nuremberg, Gcr., 28-81. AiliiniB A Mack, Pnwtucket, 1'awt ticket, B. I., 26- AUurii ft Baxter, Pantagea, Seattle, Wash., 38-31. Aliei-na. The, Olympic, Oblcage, 20-31 ; Bay. ■iiiirket, Chicago, Jan. 2-7. All A PelseS, National, HavanB, Cuba, 20-Jsb. 14, Alliiirliu A Miliar, City of Mcxlca, Hex., 26-Jan. 7. ' , - , Aluiund, Turn. Providence*. 20-31. Alllsob, Mr: a .Mrs., KCltli's, Cleveland, 28-81. Alpine Family, St. Louis. 20-31. Allen, Searl A Violet. Poll's, Hartford, Coon., 20- 31 ; Portland, Portland, Mo.. Jan, 2-7. . Alcknuder, Geo. B.. Howard, Boston, 20-31, Altmrtus ft llurtraiu, Empire, London, Kog., 26- Jon, 14. - Allaire ft Cuvllle, Umpire, Ulnneanolla, Minn., 28- 31. i ■ Alleuel'a Monkeys, Music Hall. Boston, 2031. Allium], Joe, (Julijue. Usuta Orua, Csl., 26-81. America Quintet, Barrasiord Tour, Bug., 88-Jan, Auiaila-Msnola Family, Slicedy'a, Fall Hirer, Mass;, 20-31. Augvr t Hanlcy, Shccdy'a, New Bedford. Mass., Ai-tnliiia & Burke, Keith's, Boston, 28-31. Arohcr, Will, Music Hall, Boston, 28-31. AruintrouK * Vera, O. A.,: Grand Rapid, atleh., 20-Jan, 7. . Atslnntn, La Belle, Stoll Tour. Rug., 20-Jan. 14, Atkhmou, Geo., Caatlc, Bloomlngton, 111., 28-31: HIJou. Rocktord, Jan. 2-7. . . . Auuui-ua (3), Grand, Missoula, Mont.. 28-31. AuhIIii, Geo., Grand. Milwaukee. 28-31. Averly & Healy, Empire, La Salle, III,, 26-81; Cnstlc, ltloiiiiiliiutiiii. Jan. 2-7. Handy tc Wilson, II. & B., Ohlcsso, 20-31. Hm.-i.c-ih Great, Lomlou, Can.. 26-81. Bales It K.mest, Unique, Ban Fran., Oal., 26-81. Bai-rcit Ulsters, Cincinnati, O., 26-81; Olympic, Chicago, Jin, 2-7. Harreita (3), Circle. N. Y. 0., 20-31. linlley A Madison. YorkVlllc. N. V. 0., 2841. Barry & Halters, H. & S., N. Y. 0., 20-31, Baailer-La - Voile Trio, Bloomlngton, III., 28-81. Hayes, Nora, Circle, N: Y. cT20-l. Iliirllctt-ji The. Jaeohs' Prorla. 111., 20-31. llaker, Touy, O. II., Lancaster, Pa.. 28-31. Burin's, Paul, Keith's, Boston, 20-31. HiMituain & Freeman, Bijou, Sheboygan, Wis., 28- 31, rtelfort, May, Casto, Fall River, Mass., 26-81. Beliuos, The. National. Kaunas City, Mo., 2641, Bedouin Arabs, O. O. II.. Cblcago. 20-31. < Bellman A Moore, G. O. U„ Pittsburg, 26-81; Clnoluuntl, Jan. 2-7. Belford, Mr. A Mrs, AI. Q., Orpheuns, Lyna, Mass., 20-31. : Beuii ft Davis, New Grant]. Missoula, Mont., 26- Bell,' Senator Frank, -Gaiety, Bprlngfleld, III., 28- Beiluil & Arthur, Kclth'n, Boalon, 20-81. Beiiedlet A Powell. A. & S., Boston, 20-31. Bell, Dlghy, Keith's, Phlla.. 2631. Bill, Bicycle, Chicago, 20-31; Sprlng-Seld, III., Jan: 2.7. . Blrclt, John, II. 1 It., Bkln.. 26-31. BliiulMin A Cable. Bon Tod. Salt Lake, Dlah. 16- Bllidgett Sisters, Proctor's Olh Are., N. X. 0.. 36- 1(1 ! Howanl. Boston, Jan.- 2-7. Blanche,- La Belle. Proctor's Cth Ave., N. X. O., 20*31. . .. lllac-k. Violet It Co., .Proctor'u, Newark, N. J„ Doyd, Archie k Co.. Tcmplo, Detroit. 20-31. Hoyd, Harry K.. Novelty, Oakland. Cal„ 21-31. Boston Bros.. Keith's. Pblla.. 26-31.'. Bolses, . Four, Keith's,' Phlla., 28-31 ; Shea's, Phils.. Jau. 2-7. Bond,. Fred, ft Co., Hartford, Conn., 26-31. Bi'Uiut Bros., Uaynmrket. Chicago, 20 31; Of lumbla. St. Lnuls, Jan. 2-7. - Bradna. Ella, H. A B., Bkln., 2641. Urinous. The.' Poll's, Weterbury. Conn.. 26-31. Brooke ft Young, Gaughaa'a, Hprlngnell. Ill, 26- litVivn, I'red.. Keith's, N. T. O., 20-81. llriiwn. Harris A Brown, Yorkvllle. N. Y. 0.. 20-81 Brock way. Florence, Publllonea' Circus, Ilavaaa, Culia, M-jbsj, 7. T Brown, Jack. & Lillian Wright, Orpheus, Daves* port, In.. 26-31. Bruno ft Russell, Keith's. N. Y, 0., 28 31. Ilrawu. Harry A.. Roll. Oakland, Oat..' Jau. 2-7. Bush. Frank. Keith's. N, Y. O.. 26-31. •■ Burton ft Brooks. Olympic/. Chisago, 28-81; Hey- aisrket, ChUaigo. Jan. ^7. ^S Bu;t, Frank, London, Can., 26-31, Buih ft Gordon, BIJou. La Cross*, Wis.. 26-81: ClileagA, Jan. 2-7. Burke, Larue und Inky Doys, Vlcturli, N. Y. 0., 2631. Buarell. Tenle, Newark, N. J., 20-31; IJUca, N. It, Jam 2-T. ' DCS Moines, la.. 28-81. " Buston. 28-31. , Belllngham, Wain., M> t^aa. 2-7. I . Baaplre, London. Kog., M- Burt, Anna, Bi! Buike'B Do Burkes, JD 3R,Pa Brrea ft . ±tta . 14,- Brrno A West, Empire. 8nn Fran., Oat., 28-31. Byron A Blanch, Star, Hamilton, Can., 26-21; London, London, Jan. 2-7. Carrey A Grant, Casino, Manchester, N. H., 20-81. Cantwell A Harris. Temple, Detroit, 20-81. Carroll A Baker. Howard, Boston, 28-31. Carron Bros.. York, St. John, Can,, 26-81 ; Haa- ney's, Bkln., Jaa. 2-7. Callahan ft Mack, Poll's, Springfield, Mats., 20- 31, Carlos' Dogs, Chase's, Washington, D. 0., 20-81. Camp hell, Dillon * Campbell, 0. 6. tt, Otuaaas. Calcedo,' Juan, Keith's, Boston, 20-31. Oat-men Sisters. Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0.. 26- 81. Caswell, Maude, Barraaford Toqr, Bnf., 25-Jaa. Carter, BtUy, Keith's, Providence, 20-31. Carmen Troupe, Colombia, Cincinnati, 20-81; Chase's, Washington, p. 0., Jan. 2.7. Carr ft Yule. Casto, Fall Elver. Mass.. 26-31. Csnfleld ft Carlcton. Orpbeum, Kansas City, lis., 26*31; Carlln A Otto, Portland, Me., 26-31. Carlos, Chas., Dogs. Chase's, Washington, t>. C, 20-31. Carter ft Bluford, Portland, Me., 26-31. Campbell-Dillon Trio, C. O. II., Chicago, 28-31. Campbell ft Otto, Orpheum, Utlca. N. y., 24-21. Campbells (3), 0. O. H., Chlcsxo, 20-31. Ctron ft Fanmm, Howard,' Boston, 26-31, Carroll, Bobby, Dllon, Des Moines, la., 20-81 ; Bltoo.: Dubuque, Jan. 2-7. Custle A Collins, Star. Hamilton. Can., 26-31, Obarmloo, Temple. Detroit, 26-31. Cbapuey, Agnes, Hnb, Mlllford. Mass.. 26-Sl. Champagne Dancers (12), H. A B., Bala,, 20-81. Chester. Mile., Temple. Detroit, 20-81. Cblun.ul.la, Princess ft Newell, York, St, Jobs, Can.. 20-31; Star, Hamilton, Jan. 2-7. Chaiucroys, The, 0. O. H., Butte. Mont, 28-Jaa. 7. Okie, Keith's. N. Y. C. 2(1-31. Clark ft Florette, Park, Worcester, Mass., 20-31. Clifford A Burke, Orpbcuffl, Minneapolis, Minn., 26-31; Denver, Col., Jan. 2-7. Clark ft Duncan, Haj market, Chicago, 20-31. Claus A Monies, Empire, Toledo, 0„ 20-81; Star, Cleveland, Jau. 2-7. Clluc, Maggie, H. ft 8., N. Y. 0., 20-31. Clifford, Doll, SheedyCs, Fall Blver, Mass., 28-81, Clarke, Lucy, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 2041, Clemo and Casscls, Havana, Cuba, 20-31. Clifford A Hall. Hem, Lynn, Mass., 20-31. Cooper A Robinson, Keith's, Boston, 20-31; H, ft is.. Bkln., Jan. 2-7. Colo A Warner, Columbia. Boston, 20-31. Cooke A' Mies Botbert. Coliseum, London. Bnf.. 20-Jan. 14. Coles. Josephine, Grand, Milwaukee. 28-81. Conchas, Psol, Orpbeum, Bkln,, 20-31. Casklcy A McBrldge. II. A B., Bkln., 20-31. Cooley Trio, Howard, Boston, 26-31. Cox Family (4), La Boheinc, San Fran., Cal.. 20- Jan. 7. Conkey. Clever, BIJou, Marinette, Wis., 2-0. Colliil -Clsirons, Orpheum. Ksnssa .City, Mo., 26- 31. Colby ft Way, G. O. H., Pittsburg, 26-31. Conroy A Pearl, Gaiety, Bprlngfleld, 111., 10-81, Cox, Ilay. Proctor's 5th Ave., N. Y. 0., 20-31. Comedy Trio, A. A 8., Boston, 28-31. Cook ft Hayes, Keency's, Bkln., 26-31. Collins A Hawley, Proctor's, Newark. H. J., 20. Co'lllus ft La Belle, Manhattan, Norfolk, Vs., la- in. Cole ft Johnson, Keith's,, Phlla., 26-31. Cook A Cook. Casino, Lawrence, Mass,, 26-81. Crawford * Manning, O. O. U.. Pittsburg, 20-31. Cresw ft Dayne, Orphenm, New Orleans, La., 20-81. Crowley ft Foley. Keith's, Phlla., 26-81, Crane. Mr. 1 ft. Mrs. Gardner, Mohawk, Sohana*. tady, N. Y„ 20-31 ; Proctor's, Albany, Jan. 8-7. Craig*. Musical, Yorkvllla, N. Y. C, 20-31. Curtis ft Adams, Proctor's 23d Ht, N. X. a, 26- 31. Cralic Bros. (3), Circle, K. Y. 0.. 26-31. Cutty's. Musics) (0), Proctor's, Newsrk, H. J., Daly ft Reno. Bon Ton. Phlla. 20-31. DavU. Prank. Bgou. Norfolk Va.. 26-81. Dsy, -fleov W., Keim's. Phlla., 20-31. Dale, Violet, Park, Worcester. Mssa., 20-31. Day, Kdmund, A Co., Olympic, Chicago, 26-81. Dai row, Mr. A Mrs. Stuart. PoU's. New Haven, Conn., 20-31; Umpire, Phils., Jan. 2-7. Davis ft Walker, Anbnrn, N. Y., 20-31 1 Lockport, Jan. 2-7. D'Almas Circus, Orpbeum, Bkln., 28-81. Dahlias, The. Keith's, Cleveland. 0., 16-81 1 Temple, Detroit, Mich., Jsn. B-.T. Daly*. The, Jacobs', Peoria, III., 26-3 1. Dawson A White, Mechanics, Salem, Mass., 36- 81; Keith's. Phlla.. Jan. 2-7. D's A D's, Main St., Peoria, HI., 20-30. Daytello, Madge, Crystal, Marlon, lad., 28-30. Daniels, Walter. Garrlok, Wilmington, Del., 26- 81.. gsiiovas, The. Garrlck, Burlington. Is,. 26-81. elaroye A Frits, Jacksonville, III., 20-81. De Van Sisters, Kceney's, Bkln.. 20-81. Do Witt. Burns & Torrance, Orpbeum, New Or- leans, Ls., 20-81. • De Veau. Hubert, 0. O. II., Memphis, lean., 26- 31 ;■ New Orleans, La., Jan. 2-7, Deronda ft Green, Empire, Johannesburg, 8. A., . 26-Jan, 28: Delebnuty A Hackctt, Proctor's Dtb Ate., N. Y, 0., 20-81. De Lion, Clement, Orpheum, New Orleans, La., Jan. 2-7. Delators A Lee, Columbia, St, Louis, 26-31; 0. 0. II.. Chicago, Jan. 2-7. Do Bolses, Tbe, Globe, Ht. Louis. Jan. 2-7. Do Haven, Carter, Sextette, Chicago, 20-81. . Del mo. Crystal, Milwaukee, Wis., 26-81; Ban's, Eseanabs. Mich., Jan. 2-7, , ■ De Voe. Emmett, ft Co,, Maryland, Baltlmora, Mil., 28-31. De Coude, Paulina, Yale's, Kansas City, Mo., 16- 31. Del Oro, Lulgl, Portland. Me., 26-31. Deane. Sydney, ft Co.. Mary Und, Baltimore, Md„ 2031. Demonto ft Belle. Oem. Lynn, Mass.. 23-81. De Witts. The. Watson's, Bkln.. 26-81. Delraore ft Oneida, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., IB- • 81. De Witt, Josls, Olympic, Ohleage, 20-81. Dlxcy, Hepry E., G. O. H.. PUUburg, 28-81. Dixon, Bowers ft Dixon, Dominion, Wlrnlpaf. Can,, 20-81. . ■ Dixon ft Anger, Park, Worcester, Mass., 20-81. Donne, Alien, Casto, Lawrence, Mass., 20-31. Doherty'a Poodles, Keith's, Providence. 26-81. Dolsn A Lenhatr, H. A S.. N. Y. C, 26-81. Doyle, Dancing, Pantagea, Seattle, Wash., 20-81, Dollar Troupe, Howerd, Boston, 28-81. Doyle A Emerson, Lyceum, New Loudon, Coot;, Downey'* Wlllard, Castle, Bloomlngton, III., 26- 31. Drawee, Watson's, Bkln., 20-31. Dresser, Louise, Keith's, Cleveland. 2841, Duiihsrs, Casting, Orpheum, Bkln,, 26-31. Iiupree ft Dupree, Empire, Phlla., 26-31. Dupont, Mary, ft Co.. Keith's, N. Y. 0., 28-31. Duncan, Okas. H., Cairo, Fall" Blver, Mass., 28- 81. Dunbar, Edith, Manhattan, Norfolk, Va., 18-81. Early ft Lake, 0. O. H., Chicago. 26-31. Earlc ft Baric, Vlvtorla, N. Y. 0„ 26-31. Eckholf A Gurdon, Garrlck, Wilmington, Del., 26- 81, Edyth, Bote, Madison Sq. Garden, N, Y. O,, 26* HI. Eldrldgo, Press, Circle, N. X. 0.. 26-811 Or. pbcnm, Bkln., Jan. 2-7. Elton, Sam, Orpheum, Denver. Col., 20-31. Emerson A Omega. Empire, Hobokeu, N. J„ 26-81. Empire City Quartette, Pastor's. N, Y. 0., 28-81 ; Moore's, Portland; lift. Jan. 2-7. Emjerors of Music (4), Colonial, Lawrence, 20-31. ' - r.nlgiusrellc, Music Hall, Boston. 26-31. Ernie, Big.. Gem, Lynn, Mass., 20-31. Ernest, Chas., Hartford, Conn.,' 28-31. Karle A Leo. liheedy's. Pall Rlief, Maas.. 2031. Esmeralda. Sisters, Orpbeum, St. Joseph, Mo., 26-31; Orpbeum, New Orleans, La., Jan. 2-7. Eugenes, The, Shea's. Buffalo, 26-31. Kverbsrf.Xleblrh'e, Brndsn, Ger.. 58-31. Fsust Trio. Poll's, Sprlnrteld, MsHs., 28-81. I''uaan & Byrob, H. A n. . Bkln.. 26-81. Fsdstte OrehestnV Hhea's, Boffalo, 20-31. Fonts* (31, Standard, Bakersfleld. Oal., £S-JoB. t. Falardo. Empire. San Fran., Csl., 20-ai. - Fay. Rifle. O. 0. H., Plttuhnrg, 26-31. Fern Comedy Foflr. Valiein.'Cal" 28811. Ferguson ft Patsmore, Olympic, Gblcild, 26-81 1 Hsymarkft, OlUeajo. 2-7. Flake* McDuuoukdj, Empire, Londoo, but., 2s> Fields, Mark, Lyric, Deliver, Col., 20-31. "M>on-McCoy Trio, Keith's, N. Y. C, 38-81. JBsraey, Cryaul, Salt Lake, Utah, 20-81 1 Fisher ft Johnson,' Kceney's. Bkln., 20-81 ; Park, Worcester, Usss.. Jan. 2-7. Flits, Little, London, Can.. 20-31. Florent Troupe, II. ft II., Chicago, 26-31. Fleming A De Lora, A. ft s., 20-31. Florence Sisters (3), Victoria. N. Y. 0., 2041. Florence. Lottie, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vs., 2041. Flood Bros.. O. II.. Bangor, Me., 30-31. Flynn. Joe. Poll's, Springfield, Mass., 20-81. Florede, Nellie, Orphean. Bkln., 28-31. Foster, Flora. Gem, Lynn, Mass.. 20-81. Fay A Clark. Empire, HoboktD, N. J., 20-81. Forbes ft Co.. B. P., Yale's, Kansas Olty, Mo,, 20-81. Folkert, Arthur 0., Unique, Fresno, Oal., 28-81. Foster, Ed., Orpheum, St. Joseph, Mo., 26-81; Orphenm, Minneapolis, Minn., Jon. 2-7. Ford ft Oebnie, Poll's, Spjrlagteld, Mass,, 28-31. Fox, J. C, Hsymarket. Oblcago. 28-31. Fox ft Melville, Empire, Portsmouth, Kog., 16- 81; Royal, Warrington, Jan. 2-14. Frailer, Pearl, Ombenm. Lynn, Mass., 26.31, Frank ft Little Bob, Orpheum, Loa Angeles, Cal, 20-31. Freese Bros., Jollet, III., 26-31. Fuller. Ids. Busch. Berlin, Ger., 28-Jan. 14. Osrdner, M add era ft Co., Chase's, Waahlngtoo, D. 0., 80-81; Schenectady. N. Y., Jan. 8 J 7. Garrison, Jules ft Ella, Keith's, ProTldeace, 20- 31. Gardner Bros., Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 20-31. Gardner, Jack. Orpheum. Omaha. Neb., 20-81. Go 1 lasher ft Wild. Moss ft Thornton Tour, Kaf., 26-Jan. 7. Gardner ft Gonlrr, Grand, Jollet, III.. 26-31. Oascb Sisters, H. ft 8., N. Y. O, 20-31. Gsylord, Bonnie, Unique, Minneapolis, Mlna., 26- 31 ; BIJou. Duluth. Jan. 2-7.^^ ' Gardner, West A Sunshine, London, Can., 26-31. Garry * Ftaser, Smith's, Grand Baplds. Mich., Jsn. 2-7. Gardner * Vluvcnt, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn,, 26- Gardner, Grace. Rhea's, Buffalo, 26-31. Gsgaoux, The, Lawrence, Mass., 26-81 ; Lowell, Jsn. 2-7. , Gardner ft Stoddard, Utalins, Bait Lake Olty, U., 26-31; Utahno, Ogden, Jan. 2-7. Galtney ft Grant, Casino, Manchester, N. H., 28- 31. Gardner, Willie, Mechanic, Salem, Maas., 26-31. Hensro A Theol, Casino. Paris, Ft., Jan. 2-14. Germmlunl, Sis., Proctor'e, Newark, N. J., 26-31. Gerard, Francis, Circle. N. Y. C. 20-31. Gensro A Bailey, Proctor's, Newark, N. J„ 28-31. Glrard A Gardner, Columbia, Cincinnati, 26-31. Gilbert, John D.. Q. O. H.. Pittsburg. 26-31. GlsSs, Jacob, Bon Ton. Phils., 20-31. Gleaaon, John A Berths, Orpbeum, Omaha, Neb., 26-31 ; Orpbeum, St. Joseph, Mo., Jan. 2-7. Gladstone, Lotta, Cook's, Rochester, N. Y., 20- 31. OUnserettls (0). Keith's. Providence, 26-31. Golden * Hughes, O. II.. Newport, B. 1.. 26-81 1 Woonsocket, It. I., Jan. 2 7. Gottlob, Mr. ft Mrs., ft Co., Orpheum, Lyna. Mass., 20-31. Gordon, Cliff, Keeney's, Bkln, 20-31; Cook's, Bo- chesten Jan. 2-7. Golden. Geo. Fuller, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. a, 20-31. Gordon, Don ft Mae, People's. Cedar Baplds, Is., 20-81 1 BIJou, Des Moines, Jsn. 2-7. Greens A Werner, Orpheum, Bkln., 26-81. Gross, Wtn.. Orsnd Victoria. Can., 26-31; Ever- etts, Wssa., Jan, 2-7. Grab, Frank, Yale's, Ksnsss City. Mo., 28-31. tlrirr Bros., Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn.. 20-31. Hayman ft Franklin, Resent, Salford, Eng,, 26- 31 ; Albaabra, Hull. Jan. 2-7. Hallen ft Fuller, Orpheum, Ksnsss City, Mo., 28- 81. Rallmsn ft Collins, Bradenburgh'a, Phlla., 28-81, Hanvey A Donne, Novelty, Vaflejo, Cal., 28-81. Hathaway A Walton, Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 20-81; Hslbaway's, Now Bedford, Mass,, Jan. 2-7. Hardle, Bob, Grand, Milwaukee, 28 31. Hayes A Healy, O. 0. H„ Indianapolis, .20-81. Hawkins, Lew, Newmarket, Chicago. 26-81. Hart ft Blair, Bon Ton, Phlla., 26-31. Harvey. May. Bon Ton, Phlla., 20-31. Hayes ft Hayes, Hob, Woonsocket. B. I., 20-81. Harris ft Walters, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 28-81 ; B. ft 6., N. Y. C. Jan. 2-7. Harvey, w. H„ ft Co.. London, Can.. 26-31. Harper, Desmond ft Bailey, Circle, N. Y. 0., 20- Hs'tt'. Lhals, Casino. Msnohealer, N. H.. 20-81. Harding A Ah BUI, Keith's, Phlla., 26-31. Hamilton, Wiley, Orlterton, Tamps, FIs.. 26-81. Hallen ft Hayes, Com, Lynn. Mass.. 26-81, Haskell. Lonoy, Wstaon's, Bkln., 2881. Harrington, Daniel,, Proctor's 120th St., N, X. a. 28-81! Proctor's, Albany, 2-7. Healys. The, Bradenbnrgh's, Phlla., 20-31. Herrmann, tbe Great, Orpheum, Loa Angeles, Cal., 28-Jan. 7. Henderson A Boss, Richmond, North Adams, Mass., 26-81. Ueclow, Cbas., Onluoe, F.au Claire, Wis., 28-81 1 BIJou, Dulufb, Minn., Jan. 2-7. Henry. Eugene, Grand, JoUet, 111., 28-31 ; Crystal, Uocktord, ill,, Jau. 8-7. nti'low, Marie, BUou, Dubuque, la., Jan, 2-7. Houmaus (3), 0. II., New Brunswick, N. J., 26- 31. Ilehnsns, The, Jacobs', Peoria, III.. 26-81. lleywood, the Croat, Dumont's, Phils., 20-81. Howes A Co., Stsr. Hamilton, Can., 20-81. Herbert, Mons., Novelty, Denver, Col., 20-81. Defren, Tom, Lyric, Denver, Col., 20-811 Em- pire, Col. Springs, Gol.i Jan. 2-7. Hllllard, Bob!., Keith's, Providence 2031. Hlekey A Nelson, Olympic. Chicago, 26-Jan. 7. Hill It Hylvlunl. Arcadu, Toledo, O., 26-81. Hill A Whlttaker. Keith's. Boston. 20-31. Hlnes A RemlnKton, Orpbeum, Bkln., 28-31. llodgs. R. H., it Co.. H. A B., Chicago,, 26-81, Howell, Ida, Main Street, Peoria, III.. 28-81. Holdswortba. The. BIJou, ICscanabs, Wis,, 26-81. Hope, Marjorle, London, Can., 2641. Howe ft Decker. Salem, Ore., 28-31. Howard & Alton. Bessemer. Oal., 26.81, Howard Bros., Chase's, Washington, D. 0.. 20-31| Cook's, Rochester, N. Y„ Jan, 2-7. .. _ „ Holeomb, Curtis ft Webb, Proctor's 23d St, V. Y. C. 26-31. . . Howord A Blnnd, Keith's, Boston, 26-81. .. Holmes * Waldron, Main Street, Peoria, III., 26- 31, Hoey ft Lee, Columbia, Cincinnati, 26-31. Hows ft Scott, Music Hall, Boston, 20-81; Co- lumbia, Boston, Jan. 2-7. Howard ft Bland, Keith's, Boston, 20-81. Howard's Dogs A Pdnles, Orpheum, Lea As- geles, Ok), 20-31. . _ , Buntington, Wright ft Co., Music Hall, Boston, Hunting's (4), Louisville, Ky., 26 31; Keith's, Glevelsnd, 0„ Jan. 2-7. Hughes, Chas. Only. Empire. Albany, N. 7., 26- 31. Hulli, Mamie, II. -A B., Bkln., 2631. Hyde ft Heath, Lyceum, Prnvo, Utah, 26-81. Innese A Rysn, Qarrlck. Wilmington, Del., 2041. Imperial Japanese Guards, Kolth T s, Olsvelaad, 38- Ilslbn Trio, Poll's, Bprlngfleld, Mass., 26-81. Innes ft Dsvey, Acme, Norfolk, Vs.. 20-81. Jscksons (3), Howard, Boston, 20-31. Jsntert, Herr ft Co., Salem, Mass., 20-81; Woresav teer, Jan. 2-7. Jackson Ic Douglas, Grand, Jollet, 111., 28-81. Jennings ft Renfrew, Colombia. St. Louis, 2611, Jenkins ft Clifford, Arcade, Toledo, O., 26-81. Jobsnn * Matt. Grand, Milwaukee, 20-31. Johnson * Perry. Ysle's. Kansas City. Me., 20-81. Johnson, II.. Howard, Potion, 26-31. Johnson ft Desn. Lelblcb, Breslan, Ger., 20-31; Wlnterfarten, Berlin, Jan. MB. Johnstons, Unices, Tirol), Sydney, N. 8. W., 20- Jan. 31. Josi-arya, The, Victoria, N. Y. a, 20-81. Joasclln Trio, Orpheum, Denver. Col., Jaa, 2-7. Jolson, Palmer ft Jolson, Poll's, Bridgeporti Conn., 20-31. Kane, George, Gem, Lynn, Mass., 20-31, Kb liftman Troupe, Circle, N. Y. C, 26-31. Kslroo Dancers, Grsnd, Victoria, Con., 28-81; Edison, Spokane. Wash., Jan. 2-7. ' - ' ' Keene, llattle, A Co., H, ft B., Bkln., 26-31, Kelcy, Mr. A Mrs. Alfred, H. ft B., Bkln,, Jaa. 3-7. ' Kennedy ft QunlreUI, Poll's, Brldgsport, Cobb* 20-31. Kennedy A neeoer, Hartford, Conn., 26-81 . Kennedy A Kennedy, Paslor's, N. X, '0., 26-31. Kcuo. Wsieb ft Uslroee, orpbsda, Utlja, N. Y., Jan. 2-7. -'- ' ■'■ •■ ■• - u . Kecnaa, Frank ft Co., rsrk. Worcester. Usss.. SO* Keateej (8). Pastor's, N. X. C. Jan. 3-7. K*n*e« ft m narmo, C, O. II.. Cbjcsss). 28-81. Kelly, Walter t}.. Maryland, Baltimore, Md„ 20. Kennedy, May, 0. H., Lancaster, Pa,. 28-31. ■HPfc ITi-t' "?***■ Kimball ft Donovan. O. O. U.. Plllshurg. 20 31; . Dockstader-H. Wllmlutltui, Det.. Jan. 2-7. Klein A Clifton. Columbia. Clacfnnsll, 26-31. Klein. Ott Bros, ft' KIchOlsM. Krlll •■20-81; Temple. Detroit, Jib; 8-7. • vies. R, c. Orphean, Bkln., 20 31 Klein. Ott Bros, ft' Nlchoisoa. Keith's, Cleveland, •■20-81; Temple. Detroit. Jin: " Knowles, R. c, Orphean, Bkn... Klelat, Musical. H. ft 8.. N. X. C. 20-31. Knlgbt Bros. A Rautclle. C. O. H.. Chicago, 20-81. Kolfins ft Wilson, Lyceum, San Fran., Oal., 20- Jan. 7. Kolfins A Marlon, Traymore, Baltimore, 20-31. Kurtls, Wm. J., Hopkins, Memphis, Term., 26* 81 1 G. O. II., Indianapolis, Jsn. 2-T. La Clair * West, Globe, Billings, Mont., Jan. 2-7. Lanwlll A Lee, Grand, Jollet, 111.. 80-81. . ls . vsnlo * Hard, York. St. Joan; Con.. 8041 : Rlslto, Elmlra. N. Y.. Jan. 8-T. La-Fleur, Great, Orphsum, New Orleans, La., 26- 21.' La Toska, Phil., Unique, Loa Angeles, Oal., 26-91. Lane, Frank, Lyric, Portland, Ore.. 20-81. Lane ft Sulnstta, Empire, Col, Springs, Oal., 28-81. i.amsen ft Noman, 0. O. II,. Indianapolis, Jaa. 2- 7. La Tell Bras.. Empire, Ho token, N. J., 20-81 1 Chase's. Washington, D. C , Jan. 2-T. La Ross, Harry, ft Co., Oolmnbla, Cincinnati, 18- 81. Lavender ft Tomson, Keith's, Trovldence, 26-81. Latins, Mile., Orphenm. Kansas Olty, Mo., 26-81 ! Orphenm, Denver, Col.. Jan. 2-7. La Mar ft Rehan, Pastor's, N. Y. 0.. 20-81, iamsr, Wayne, Cincinnati, 20-31. Latonn, Prank ft Jen, Orpheum, San Fran., Oal., 20-31. Law)6r, Chas., ft Daughters, Watson's, Bkln., 28- 31. Largan, Lottie, Keith's. Providence, 20-31. Lancaster, Freds, Bon Ton, Phlla., 20-31. Lloyd's Dogs, Proctor's Bib Ave., N. Y. 0.. 30-81. Lloyd, Herbert, Empire, London, Ens., 20 Ian. 18. Lemuels, Msy. Manhattan, Norfolk, Va„ 26-81. lo Roy A Clayton, Howard. Boston, 28-81. Le Roy, Lillian, II. A B„ Chicago, 20-31. Leonora, Mile.. Bbeedy's, Fall River, Mass., 20-31, Leslie. Geo. W„ Oolumhla. St. Louis, 26-31. Le Dent, P., BradenhurgVs, Phlla., 20-Jan. 7. U Roy ft Woodford, Yorkvllle, N. Y. 0., 20-81 ; Pastor's. N. Y. O, Jsn. 2-7. Le Bar, Elite, Davenport, la., 20-31; People's, Cedar Baplds, Jan. 2-7. Lewis. AI., Edison, Olympic, Wash., 26-31; Cen- tral, Seattle, Jan. 2-7. Leonbardt, People's. Cedar Rapids, la., 20-111. Lo Nolr, George, Lyrle, Denver, Col., 80-81; Lyric, Col. Springs. Col.. Jon. 2-7. Lea ft Porrlng, Winnipeg, Man,, 20-Jan. 7. Levitt. Joe, Sbeedy's, Fall River, Mass., 20-81. Leonard A Bostedo, Uulquc, Indianapolis, 16-81. Leo. Henry. O. O. U„ Chicago, 20-31. I.lltlencld, Chas.,- Loudon, Can., 26-31. I.lbley ft Trayer. Keith's. N. Y, 0., 2631. Llttlefleld, O. W., linden. Can,, 20-31 ( Tempi*, Detroit, Mich., Jan. 2-7. Lombard Bros., A, * B., Boston, 26-31. Lucy A Lucler, Castle, Bloomlngton, III,, 28-81. Lukena (4), Empire, London, Eug., 20-Jan. 7) Coliseum, London, 0-14, Lucler, Mr. ft Mrs. Fred, Keith's, Phlla., 20-81; Keith's, Providence, Jsn, 2-7. Lucy * Vtate, Orpheum, Son Fran., Cal., 20-31, Lyne A Leonard, Green Front, Dcadwood, 8. D„ 2631. Marlncllas, The, G. O. II., Pittsburg, 2031. MacOralb Bros., Park, Worcester, Mass., 26-81, Mason-Keeler Co., Orphenm, Bkln., 26-81. Mann, Danny, ft Co., Grand, Missoula, Mont., 20- 31 ; Edison, Helena, Jan. 2-7. Masse, Edward ft Nettie, Barraaford Tour, Eng., 26-Jan. 14. Marlowe, Plunkott ft Co., Keith's, Providence, 20- 81. Maxwell A Simpson, O. 0. H,. Pittsburg, 20-31. Mse ft Mac, Empire, Glens Falls. N. Y„ 8041; Darling. Oloversvllle, Jan. 2-7. Matthews * Harris, II. A B., Bkln., 20-81. Macy A Hall, Circle, N. Y. 0., 26-81. Marrlatt, Twin Bros., London, Can., 20-81, Madcaps (3). Keith's, Phils., 20-81. Martin A Ouigg, Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 20-81, Msrcus ft Gartello, Mohawk, Schenectady, N. X„ 20-31 1 Orpheum. Utlca, Jan. 2.7. Mamflsld A Wilbur, Keeney's, Bkln., 20-31. Majestic Musical Four, Umpire, Hoboksu, N. J., 28-31. Martin A RIdgway. Bradenburgb's, Phlla., 26-31. Mscilonald, Jas. F„ Orpbeum, Kansas Oily, Mo„ 26-81. May, Frances, Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn., 20-31. Msy, Ida, Casino. Manchester, N. Ht, 20-81. Marlon ft Deane, llstbswsy's, New Bedford, Haas., 26-31 ; Howard. Boston, Jan. 2-7. Marco Twins. Hopkins, Louisville, Ky„ 20-81) H. ft II.. Chicago, Jan. 3-7. Matthewa A Ashley, Keith's, Providence, 20-31. McKlnlar, Mabel, Olympic, Chicago, 28-31. MclMyre ft Heath, Orphean, Ban Fran., CaL, 28-81. McWtttori-Tyaon Co,, Hartford, Conn., 26-81. McCord, Lewis, ft Co., 0. O. II., Chicago, 26-81) O. 0. H., Indianapolis, Jan. 2-7. HcKlnnon ft Reed, Olympic, Oblcago, 20-81; Hsymarket, Chicago. Jsn. 2-7. McMahoa's Musical Maids. Columbia, OlaolnsnU, 20-31. McBans, Juggling, Victoria, N. X. C.. 26-81. Mclntyre ft IHce, Procter's, Newark. N. J., 28- 81: Proctor's, Albany, N. Y. Jsn. 2-7. Mctlas A Dog, Olympic. Chicago, 26-31. Melrose Tronpe, O. O. H., Indianapolis, 38-81, Messenger Boys Trio, Poll's, Bridgeport, 36-31; Poll's, Weterbury, Jan. 2-7. Mellnmoblle Trio. Bon Ton, Phlla., 30-81. Merrltt, Raymond, San Diego. Oal., 18-81 1 Loa Angeles. Jan. 2-7. Meflch, AlberUna, Orpheum, San Fran., Csl., 36- 81, Melfille, Jean. Berlin. Amsterdam. N. Y„ 26-81; Pslnce, Syracuse, Jan. 2-7. Mchsn's Dogs, |1. ft H., N. Y. 0., 20111. Meiers A Mora, Alhambra, Paris. Fr- Jan. 2-14. Minor ft Oalbreth, Unique, Minneapolis, Mini., 26-31. Mlgnanl Family, Poll's, Bridgeport. Conn., 20-81, Mlette'a Doss, 0. O. II.. Chicago, 26-81. Mlllmsn Trio, KolUi's. Phlla.. 20-31; Keith's, Providence, Jan. 3-7. Mlsco ft Idailne, Paator'a, N. X. C, 20-31) At- lantic Garden. N. Y. C. Jan. 2-7. Midgeley ft Oarllile, Empire, Hoboken, N. J„ 26- Mldgioys, The, Jseoh', Peoria. III., 20-81. Millward, Jessie, ft Co.. II. ft B., Chicago, 20-31. Mitchells, The, O. O. II.. Indianapolis, 26-31. Mitchell ft Matron, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 20-31. Mlllmsn Trio. Keith's, Phils., 28-31. Mills ft Morris, Pastor's, N. Y. O. 20-31. Mobllere Sisters, G. 0. II., Pittsburg;. 20-81. Motarlo, Proctor's r.ib Ave., N. Y. 0.. 2041, Morton, Temple A Morton, Bon Ton, Phlla., 20.81, Moonsy ft Holbein, Poll's, Bprlngfleld, Mass,. 20- Morrisey ft Rich, Keensy's, Bkln.. 26-31. Parker ft McOrevy, Bon Ton, Phils., 20-31. V The, Bheedy'a, raUTtlver, Mass.. 16 20- Phlfllpe ft Merrlt, Xetrt's. Pfoti*. H',. 29 ;2 1 j, Pleri-e A Males*. 0. 0. it 1 ., Indianapolis, 20-31 ; Columbia Cincinnati, Jan. 1-7. Plcailllly Girls. Proctor's 23d Street. N. X., C, Powell's Electric Theatre, Proctor'a Bth Ave., N. Y, 0., 28-31. Rlk ft Treak. Yorkvllle, N. X. C 2M1. Iter ft Hsrtwell, Poll's. Hertford. Conn., 20-81 ; KelthV Phlla.. Jan. 2-7. Probst, Orpbeum, Ban Frsn., Oal., 26-81. Pucks (2), G. 0. H ■, Indianapolis, 26-31, Sulnn Trio, O. O. H., Chicao. 20-81. ulaley Bros., Columbia, St. Lonls, 26-81 ; a O. Mologlrl, Msllnl, Hsnover, Ger., Jsn. 2-14. Moore ft Llttlefleld, Shea's, Buffalo, N. X;, 80-81 1 Bhea's, Toronln. Can.. Jsn. 2-7; Mortons (4). Poll's, Bridgeport, Conn,, 26-81. Morris, Jos A Nellie. 0. O. H„ Chicago, 26-31, Murphy, Mr. ft Mrs. Mark, Orpheum, Denver, Col,, 26-81; Orpheum, Omtha, Neb., Jan. 2-7. Murphy ft Frances, fl. 0. U.. Pittsburg, 20-81, Murrsy, Elizabeth, Shea's, Buffalo, 26-31. Murphy ft Nichols, Koltb's, Cleveland, 26-81. Murray, Edyth. Star, Hamilton, Can,, 26-31, Mudge, Eva, B. & 8„ N. Y. 0., 2681. Navajo Olds, New Orleans. La., 26-31. Naynon, Rose, Proctor's 23d St., N. Y. 0., 30-81, Narelle, Marie, Keith's, Providence. 26-81. Nelsofl-Farhnm Troupe, Proctor's, Newark, N. /., 2681. Newton ft King, Alhambra. Savannah, Oa., 2631. Nsw York Newsboys' Quartette, Olympic, Chlcsio, 2031. NIMo, Fred, Keith's. N. Y. 0.. 2681. Nlbbe ft Bordeaux, Unique, Winnipeg. Msn., 26-81. Nona ft Marabsw, National, Ksnsss Olty, Mo„ Nobles, 'Mr. ft Mrs. Milton. Poll's, New Haven, Conn., 20-31; Poll's, Burlngflsid, Mass., Jsn. 2-7. Nnwlln, Dave, Pnxrlor'a, Newark, N. J„ 2831. Norworth, Jack, Keith's, Clevelsnd. 3041, Nutxnt, J. C, ft Co., Hsthswsy'a. Now Bedford, Moss., 28-81 ; Orphenm, Utlca, N. X., Jan73.7. Olopos, lies. Proctor's 28d St.. N. X. . 20-31. Olive, Mile., Keith's. Phils., 20-31, Olsen Bros- Hartford, Conn , 26 31. Orvllle ft Frank, City of Mexico, Mex„ 26 Jan. 7. Oruisby, Wm., Natlmal, Kansas Clir. Mo., 26-HI. Orpheus Comedy Four, ' Keith's, Phils., 26-31 ; Keith's. Beaton, Jap- 2-7. O'Brtffi, Frank, .Bbja'a. BttfTaln. 20-31. O'Brien ft HsVcl, It. ft B~ Chicago, 26 31. O'DonnslI Bros., Proctor's gftt St.. M, T. 0., U- Ogden. Helen, BIJon. I.t Cress*, Wis,, 20-81. PspJata, Baltimore, aid., 20-31. Psion a, fli-scr, Psj iloita, fli-sce, A Mllllnrry Milds, Orphenm, Ran Frtn., Cal., 20-3.1. . ihlloii A Ddley, Caoso's, Washuiglog, D, 0., 20-31, L'rlo, a O. II.. Chicago, 20-81, Haley Broa., Columbia, If., Chicago, Jan. 2-T. Baymond ft Caterly. Chase's, Washington, D. 0„ 20-31 rtomiey' Sisters, naymarket. Chlcseo, 26-31. Baymond ft Trlcav, Orpbeum, Seattle, Wash., 25- Bastos ft B«nU, Emplra, London, Eng., 20-Jan. Rayn'o's. Al„ Canines, Auburn. N. Y„ 30-81. Banf, Claude, BIJou, San Diego, Cal., 20-31 ) Or- pheum, Riverside, Jan. 2-7. Radford ft Valentine, Circus Carre, Amsterdam, Hol„ Ian. 1-15. ' __ Bawls ft Voo Kaufman. Grand, Vancouver, Can., 26-81. Bene-* (3), Utahns, Ogden, U., 20-81. s, CbM. «.. Auditorium, Norfolk, Va., 88-81. By, Johnny, Brsdeoburgh's, Phlla.. 26-31. ft Shaw, Orphenm, Omaha, Neb., 20-31 ; Or- pPcum, Kanaas City, Mo„ Jan. 2-7. _. nemlngton, Mtyme, Temple, Detroit, 20-31. Rrvnsril. Ed. F., Hippodrome, Liverpool, Kng., 26-31; Tlvoll, Birmingham, Jan. 2-7; Lyceum, London, 0-14, Reno. Asorn ft Roberts, Main Street, Penrla, III., 26-31; Star, Hamilton, Can., Jan. 2-7. Rettlck, XIr. * Mrs. Carl V.. Bllon, Oshkoah, Wis., 20-81; Dulutb, Minn.. Jan. 2-7. Rice A Cady, 0. O. II., Chicago, 80-31. . _ Rlcd A Prevost, Keith's, N. Y. 0„ Jan. 3-7. . Blanos (4), Moore's, Portland,, Me.. 20-81; Keith's. N. Y. O. Jan. 3-7. Richardson. Lavender. Howard. Boston, 20-31. tiled A Elmer, Colonial, Lawrence, Mass., 20-81, Rio Bros.. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 20-81. " V" Rlchsrds, Ella. Pastor's^ N. Y. O, 20-31. Ige, Mr. mm. Illehnnls, Great, 0. II., Lancaster, Pa., 20-31. Rleblngs, Caroline, Casto, Fall Itlver, Mass,, 26- 81. Rice Rros., Keeney's, Bkln., 2031. Ron t lino A Dcmpacy, Empire, Hoboken, N. J., 26- Itohliison le Grant, Casto, Fall River, Mass., 26- 31, Roebefnrt, May A Blanche, Casino, Manchester, N. II., 26-81. Rosiilrc A Dorotto, Park, Worcester, Msss., 20-31, Rolfes, The, Oriibeum, Bkln., 20-81. Robinson ft Palmer, Unique, Indianapolis, 20-81. Bobbins ft Trensmsnn, Omaha, Neb., 26-31. Rogers, Wm., National, Kansas Olty, Ho., 20-81. Roberts (4), Broadway, Ban Diego, 10-81. Ross, Prof., Auditorium, Norfolk. Va., 26-31. Russell, Mae. Howard, Boston, 26-81. Bussell ft o'Neii, Chutes, Ssu Fran., Cal., Jaa. 2-7. Rutherford. Jim ft Lottie, Yale's, Kansas Olty, Mo., 20-81. Bussell. Phil ft Carrie, Elite, Davenport, la., Bulhorford's. The, Yale's, Kansas Olty, Mo., 20- 81. Ryan, Lester ft Ryan. Auditorium, Cedar Rapids. Is., 20-31. Ryun ft Rltehfleld, Oolumhla, 81. Louis, 26-31) O. O. II., Chicago, Jsn. 2-7. Ssuford, Mr ft sir*. Walter. Unique, ludlansp- oils, Jsn. 2-7. Sato. O. K., Apollo, Vienna. Aus„ 26-I1J. Danielle, tbe Great, 0. 0. 0„ Lowell, Mass., 86- 31; 0. II., nolyokc. Mass., Jan. 2-7. Salto. El, Main Street, Peoria, III., 26-81, Bavans, The, Arcade, Toledo, o„ 20-31. Sabcl, Josephine, Columbia, Ht. Louis, 26-81. Beholder. UsleD, Proctor's 23d St.. N, Y. 0„ 28- 31. Scott, Margaret, Keith's, Boston, 20-81. Schiller Bros., Hsymarket, Chicago, 20-81. Scott, Carrie M., Uolquo, Indlsiiapolla, 26-81. Scott A Noyes, Acme, Norfolk, Vs., 20-81. Rcdtf Bros., Keith's, N. Y. 0., 26-81. Seymours, The, Brook, Marlon, lnd„ Jan. 2-7. Seniou, diss. F.. Msryland, Baltimore, Md., 26- 81 : Victoria, N. Y. 0.. Jan. 2-7. Seeker, Wilkes A Co., Grand. Milwaukee, 26-81. Seymour, Arthur, Ysle's. Knnsss City. Mo„ 20-31. Shews. The, National, Ksuass Olty. Mo„ 2(181. ShSrman ft De Forest, H. ft B„ N. Y. C„ 20-81. Shsldon, Jo*. Bon Ton, Phils.. 20-81. Shtrldan ft Forest. Howard. Boston, 20-31. Shelly Trio, Oi»-ra House, Lancastar. Pa., 20-81. Hhsnlytown Trio, Wssst's, Prorls, III., 20-81. Sheldon. Wallace, 0. II.. Lancaster, Pa.,' 20-81. Slmen-Gardner Co., Bhea's. Buffalo, N. Y., 20-81. Simon ft Peril, 0. 0. H, Cblcsgo. 26-111. Siddon Bros., 0. II.. Lsncsster, Pa., 88-31; How anl, Boston, Jan. 8-7. Singer's Monkeys, II. ft B.. Chicago, 20-81. Silvers, The, Arced*. Toledo, O., 26-31. Blstsr ft Finch, Orphenm, Sprliigflnid, 0., 26-81 1 Garden, Canton, O., 2-7. m _. „. Bmirl ft Ksssoer. Orpheum. Sen Fran., 0*1., 26- 81. Smedley. Arlbor. Sketch Club, Portland, Port- land, M*„ 20-81; Mcchanlo, Salem, Mass., Smith' ft Fuller, Arcade, Toledo, 0., 20-81; Buf. fa lo. Jan. 2-7. Snyder ft Buckley, PoU's, Bridgeport, Conn., 26- 81; Poll's, Walerbury, Jsn. 2-7. Society Belles, Hsymarket, Chicago, 26-31. Spadont, Paul, Kslth's, N. Y. O, 20-81. Hlisulfllna, Watsoa's, Bkln., 20-31. Rptssio Bros., Empire, Holnkeu, N. J., 26-31. SpMsardy's Bears, orpheum, San Fran,, Cal., 26- Hparrow, Proctor's 33d fitreot, N. X. 0., 20-81. Splsull Bros.. Empire, Holwken. N. J„ 2681. BtalilT Vm» i Co., y/etorls.N.Y.C. 2tl-81. Slsloy ft Blrbeck, Victoria, N. Y. 0., 20-81. flletson, lienors, Auditorium, Norfolk, Vs., 20-31. Bluart, John V.. Memphis, Memphis, Tesn., 26- Jan. 7. Stuart, Yorkvllle, N X. 0., 20-31. Strand ft Strand, Jacobs', Peoria, 111,. ,20-31. Nlawart ft Raymond. Weaat'*, Paorls, III., 26-81. St. John ft Lafevr*. 0, .0. n., Oblcago. 20-31. Hull/. Lsw, 0. O. II., Indianapolis, 20-81. _ Ruglmsto Japanese Tronpe, Keith's, Phlla., 20-31, Sullivan A rasouelsai, Orpheum, Now Orleans, La., 20-81, Button ft Hamann, Portland, Ore., 20-31. Bwlckard, Mr. ft Mrs., Proctor's ISDth St., N. X. fl.. 26-81. Swift ft Burton, Pork, Worcester. Msss.. 20-31. Sylvia, Marguerite, Temple, Detroit. 20 31. Tslliot ft Rogers, Arcade, Toledo, 0., 26-31. Tskaaoma Jop Tronpe, U. ft B„ Bkln., 211-31. Teal. Raymond, Clenosraph, Hnoksne, Wash., 20- 31 ; Pantagea, Seattle, Jan. 2-7. Tecbow's flats, Hs>-msrk*t, Chicago, 20-31. Turler, Kliner, Keith's, Providence. 26-31. Thumb, Mrs. Gen., A Co., Brailtnburgh's, Phlla,! 20-31. Thurston, Howard, Circle, N. X. 0.. 28-31, Tbrrascs, The Qrsst, 0. O. H., Indlanspolls, 26- 81. Then, Jack, Trio, Proctor's I20th St.. N. X. 0., 26-31 1 Proctor's 88d St., N. Y. 0„ Jan. 2-7. VIppell ft Kllmsnt. Bell. Oskland. Csl., 20-81; Lyceum. Ssn Frnn,, Jan. 2-7. T^bfns..The, ^lympifl, Chicsgo. 20-31. Toosontn Arabs, The. Chaos's, Washington, D. C„ 20-81. Toledo ft Price, Casto, Fall River. Mass., 20-81. Trelosr, Arcsde, Toledo, f}.. 20-31. Keith's. Clevelsnd, Jan. 2-7. Trssk ft Gladden, Keith's, Boston, 20-31; Me. ebanles, Salem, Jan, 2>T._ Trnesdell, Howard, ft Co.. Haymarket, Chicago, Jsn. 2-7. , Trovnllo. Columhls, St. Ixiuis, 20-31 ; C. 0. H„ Chjcsgn, Jsn. 2-7. Troubadour Four. Palace. Leicester, Eng,, 20-81; Empire, Manchester, Jsn. 2-7. Tyre A Jerfnon, Orpheum, Ksnsss City, Mn., 26- 81 1 orpheum, New Orleans, La.. Jan. 2-7. Tyler, May, Osm, Lynn, Mass., 26-31. Units ft Paul, Allmmhrs. Belfast, Ire., 26-31; Tlvoll. Dublin. Jan. 2-7. Vance. Clarice, Orpheum, Ssn Fran., Oal., 26-81, Valdsres. The. ProcWs tib Ave., N. X. C, 26-' Valll Sisters. Keith's. N. V. O. 26 81. Van Oofrs ft Cotnlr, Orsnd, Reno, Cal,, 2681. ; Lyceum, pfden, u., Jan. 2-7, Vsassr OlrlS, Chase's, Washington, D. 0., 20* 81i Xletdria, N.Y C. Jan. J17, Vslvsao Bros., Keith's. Boston, 26-31; Keith's, Pruvldencw, Jsn. 2-7. VsUIngl, The, Park, Woreesler, Mass,, 20.81. Vernon, Orphenm. f/os. Angslss, Oal., 20-Jan. 7. ver&olo * to, flviuli Unarm* Oak, »H$ 1060 THE -NTKW YORK CLIPPER. December 31. IN WRITTEN, BY THEATRICAL MUSIC SUPPLY CO., 44 West 28th St., New York. lAmr^oT^^A^" *AKK - "HO,BY WAS MAJ1E FOR COO« TO SPEND." "BY THE LIGHT SJ^HkSoO(I," S DOWH 0,1 TBE AMAZON" and "I'M HaPPi WHILE I'M THINKING O* YOU." Bin.T FITTS' MlCROMIME COXCCBT COM- PANY closed twenty-five weeks In Michigan, to good : business, Zulelis. tbe lai'y magician, bein g tbe drawing card. Vm m Bill Posters. Notes from Local No. 17, Boston. — A dele- NEW YORK STATE. CONNECTICUT. PENNSYLVANIA. Buffalo.— At the Star (P. C. Cornell, Bridgeport— At Smith's Theatre (Ed- Ln»«Mt«r^At Fulton Oners, House manager) Kyrle Bellew 26-31. 'The Two ■ ward C. Smith, manager) "The Black Mask," (Cbaa. A. Jecker, manner) the Mu^y and Orpbana" Jan. 2-4. John Drew 5-7, "Cnpld Dec. 19, played to fair business. "A Race Mackay CoB ^^ ' *? «P£ to 2' bad * er f 33* with substantial .»££S ?r U^ 20. 21. dm well, ai d,d ^d - f^$?^^^^^^ last week. "Cinderella" 20-31 napped lb New York," 22-24. Booked : "Mrs. iuic tbe Mayor" 26, "Robert FiUslmmons. Vennette 4 Dlonne, OrnhSnm, Oris, Am., 50-31 ; Apollo; Vienna, Jan: 1-81. Vlrden' ft Dnnlop. London, Can., 20-81. . .. Von JvIelJi A Gibson. Orsbi-um, St. Joseph, Mo., 2d"31 ; Orfiheuia, Minneapolis, Minn.. Jan.;2-7. Weuwn's Farm Yarfl^ O. O. JH.. . P'"^*, 26-81. W/itMO A WaW E fH Colnmet, Mich., 26- :|1 ; BL!oii. Marionette, Wis., Jen. 2-7. Washer Bros., Koteltr. Oakland. CaL. 28-3I. Watfc, Chas. II.. Bradenborgh's Pblla., 26-31. Walboarn ft Whitney, MenUen. 0.. Jwl. \Vtur* 4 Donne. Blk. Poeatello. Ida. 2WAD..7. WestbTrb? a'o^^ R^rket, ChlSA iMi: James 'to^^J M ««<»^^>^^ t ^t Welsh; Chas. A Jennie. Crystal, Marton, Ind.. mas tree celebration, with n midnight repast l^laf'fel^tanfeir^t. M : «S waaa blg^ScceeSf j'a4 Singer, nSnWof the* chestra7"dlrecUon "of ". Caroline^. Nichols : JoiwnTcon^edyVTbe Magnanl "Family. W ^t«rV(ltoAte!. » Llfcliai: "' Stae IMB^*">» C»™ I^ls^lmon and Grace Gardner Moore and ..The Musical Barbers :" Griff Bros, g Webb's. Cipt., Seals, Proctor's, Newark,. M. 7., member of thta organization. Mr. Singer's 26-3L - .. . .,._ om, verdict Is that jio place can beat Boston for Weston's (8), Keith's. Providence, 28-3L Kay's" 27, "A Little Ootcast" 29, "Tn«j .Vol- Tf.c.k (Walter S. Baldwin, manager). — jute, t e .Mayor xn, -nooen i lusimmoaB. ^rf-z. rirmnlst" Hi -an innovation, for _,th. in ."A Ffcht-for Love,'; 27,,28 ;.;Tbe Second ""K^^rom* nocsn (Kd. Mo- No es f rom i» At »h» Rmsriwnv iv p u«. WhlM&ad 4 Dlsmood, Acie. Sacramentov Oil., %" M £ ,:» James Donworth, with ^^^A Work- Own A Woodhull's Hlgl Rollers this week, performers and members of the "Kidnapped _ "«~«'— A* »?e Bro idwny (B. P. Me- Wl: MoreWy. BtoektoKJin. 2-7. ls_?*oB?s Wrongs." and nlio " .member ^ of S R*e»» old hU usual fine business. £ New York" Co. attended the openlngof Court, manager) Frederick Ward.; and Rath- I.ocal No. 10, of Minneapolis: Emll Anker- ■ ' ■ th* Savoy ^Hotel, In this city, 22, .George erlne Kidder week of Dec. 20. William Mor- Wliltc i ' amnions. Pastor's, N. Y. 0., 80-81 ; t ineau, Keith's, % Y. 0„ Jan. -2:7. _ : ,_, with "Tl WUicheTrnanV Bears, niopodrorm;, London, Bag., WllUinu * Tucker, Haymartet, Chicago.M-Sl. Willnrd, The Great, Ljrcenn, Magara Ealla, M. Wills A Ilassan, Casto, Fall Hirer, Mass., 26- 31 ; Caato. Lawrence. Jsn, J-7.._ . • _,_,. WIIsod * Dsvls, Keith's, V. Y. 0-, 26SU Km Wllaon miller, for N. C. Goodwin, and Cbaa. White • Rochester. — At the Lyceum Theatre (M. Downing, formerly associated with John L. rls. In "Who's Brown?" did a good business er) Savase'a "Parsifal" was Sullivan, Is now Its owner, and caters to tbe 19-2-1. many of bis company for Henry Miller. Bro. ^Hrirry Jewell Is the- jr. Wo |ff mr ,nager) Savage's "Parsifal" was new door.tender at the Columbia. Bro. KU1 K ivc n Dec. 23. 24, for thr Merchant did banner work tor the Opera,' f | nr ge and thoroughly p, r . House last week. Bros. John Ells and Dave » .yvay Down East" 26, Mme. Sclrumann- ojoyed a One dinner . - . . Superior were. In charge at the Hub Theatre, Helnk, In "Love's Lottery," 27, 28; Bertha _ • elth's: Phlln;. Jarl. -ft. '" "• . ■ ' ' " .. for the returns of the ^rltt-Nelson flgbt fo> Oalland, In "Dorothy Vernon, of naddon . We— Haven — At the Hyperion (Bhn- ....«on & Moran, BIJou. Calnmet. Mlob., 26-81; Mlab Murray. Prank T. Perley, formerly of Hall," 20; Wm. Favcrsham, In "I.etty," 30, bert Bros., managers) Edna Wallace Hopper Bijou; Marinette, Wis., Jan. 2<7. the Hollls Street Theatre forces, Is In town jji, — . . l.ad ^ood returns 20. The Initial perform- Wllkfs, Alwander 4 Johnson, Proctors !M »W ns secretary of "The County Chairman" Co. - National (Max Hurtlg, manager). — unces of "In Newport," under the manage- Tabor Grand (E. F. McCourt, manager). — Lew Dockstader's Minstrels week of 26. "The Runaways" had packed houses week ot 19. Orphfim (Martin Beck, general mana- eor). — Week of 26: Webb's seals, Eleanor 1-nlke,' ChaBsino, H. V. Fitzgerald. Pete Baker, Cliff Dean and company and Klne 'Vlntlow. Wvnnt, ItsymarUet, Cbicago, 2641. the Donnelly BUI Posting Co., and Bro. Harry Wofcl ft Bar,' Moore's,' Portland; Me., 26-811 Corbett the superintendent. There has been rroetpr's _3 £v L i.'? JffmLS: i ? U o 7, J nana , ge J: ) -~r, or GEORGE C. TYLER RBTCRNS FROM lming, Oltle. A Bro.', Ornhenm, rrmshs. Neb.. 26- 31 : Orphenm, Ksnias City, Mo„ Jan. 2-7. Vorke A Adams, Victoria. N. Y. O., ..26-81. \olie. May, Kecney's, Bkln., 26-31. ' ' ., Zorrow Trio. Casto. Lawrence, Mass., 28-81! Cnsto, Lowell, Jan. 2-7. ... ' Zcnert's Mlilgets. OrjAetim, BUn., 26-31. Z«h. Great. XI. 0. H_;, ^Ms^^Bavn. zlSSermnii. WllUe, na'marHe't. Chlcaip.' 26-81. L fifltt, M. Berjen and I. Keeling.' The in- — Tbe'Ke'ntiVcky'neiies jjlayed"'to deservedly /.immemian Al. ft Pearl, Family, E. St. Louis, stallntlon of ofBcers will take place at our fine business week of 10, for they gate a week of 26: Frederick Bond and Co Mc 111., 20-31 Zoeller* (3), Bon Ton, Phlla.. 20'81 mucellaneous. next regular meeting. Jan. 8, 190B, at which good show. A word Is due John rf. Reld Walters-Tyson Co^ Kennedy and Roonev" al) members are requested, to attend. Head- -- A "• — m — -»- » « " •'-■* — ■ «■-— ■ ■>--•" ~'--.. qusrters, 04 Market Street, Newark, N. J. -*fiS ri . c ? ?• ,9*}°A ot \?^ x ty?,, 3 ' '". B - hM '? dl fl ftprobatlc turn ; 26 and week"; Al. Reeves' of r'Blght Balls" Co. : Robt. Mills, of Local Big Co. No. 88, is ahead of "The Peddler'' Co. ;Ar- Coloniat, Hall (Philip E. Hone, mana- thur Pearson, of Local No. 1, Is ahead of ger).— This is tbe latest addition to Ro- nnd Teny. The chorus was well trained and Olson Brothers? "ciiariM~Erae«t7"Potier<>an(i hard working.^ The Lulgl Bros, gave a^splen- Hartwell, Messenger Boys' Trio and electnp- graplu •■_ ■»»#>■ CALIFORNIA. ABROAD. George C. Tyler retnrned from Europe last week, and announced : "I secured a promise from George Bernard Shaw to come to New York when Arnold Daly makes bis first ap- pearance In 'John Bull's Other Island,' and he will likely . arrange to give a halt dozen lectures while here. — — — — — .„,«,,...„., tha "Alone in the World; Co.; Ed. Gestre. cheater's amusement enterprise^ and will* n „, , % ? .. lectures whlYe heVe K " PTe * ° aU a °" D tMWm*&>™.$?!&r^™£zZ mann f er -Pntnl Wedding" Co. had a pool run as a straight retlned vaudeville house, Onkl«n,l_At the Macdonough (Hsll ft "I am pleased over a staxrlne contract ■ jBJMfcJfc* OrM<,M!Wt^f;_P«Uee doff nd bowling, tournament n Cjeveland last under the . sole management of PbUlp B. Barton.* managers) "Over Niagara Falla" made wlth^lllTjerTre™ 'wh« "illP makl hfj ' 'Btro by n very Bran II margin. ' opening week. ■ col The' members of Local No. 15,' of Spring- and Dee, comedians, present making elaborate plans for Tbe George Family, Walter : ngetnent baB ever handled. Everybody parted In good -- by. toe I eral times ers. The k^Tw ..»7,iat.ii» Emm" mb nlaved The memDers or Locai no. io, or wpi I cheeh ' "Auld Lang^ Syne J**ffg* fl e )d, Mass., are making elaborate plans .„ „-i,r? d »th?«.nlr^viheMr7onn. their assembly in Apollo Hall, which will Alva, Simmons and Honam, Arthur E. Bar- nger).— Bishop's company of pUyers drew has sold me the rights of the new play, which &£fi3L3V23!%&wEKE2' ■•Jij'lBlluFSB'alr of If kind held In that rett. Perry and Dee W. E. Brown and Ellis satisfactorily In ".All the Comforts of Home" she. had written for the Haymartet : Co" he following people were mum cobi _.._.»_ The coram ttee on arramrem-—- '«*«~ *» — ' h * "«"~ » " "• k »' ll »- l « ""•- ■ — — -■-• ■ — ■ — - — ■- •-■•- ■ - "/•f"**'"- .vy-< _fi%S£fi_?_m^l<_lhsi?_A_S_ w bo have recently enjoyed their hospitality Griswoi.d Opbba Hodsb (M. Rels, mana- » D i„" no ^lng / Pictures. Business Is large? E£«J" tt Fre?b« ? Cnas? Dcm. IcXar are: John Shean; of 'lical No. 6, of Den- ger). -Viola Allen* In "The WlnS Tale" t JS^J%J^ Lubelskl, manager). -At- vSfit 'cSLf WrH_iV Bll*^ Ueath, Obere vor, Col. ; Xoots, of Paterson. N. J., Local Sad good bouses 23 and matinee 24. Bertha L ra S t 'S?;„? 6 „ an r d i weok . : The De Garros, Nor- l_r'*• Mr. and Mrs. Burcb, neasTs Immense pictures. Busl- Ha/7 M. Ashley. Herbert Swift. Mr. and tin. Alf. Sleers, Ben Dunham, Adelaide Herrmann, ' Eddie Leslie, Mile. Carrie, Marshall (the mystic), Imhoflf, Conn and Corlnne, tbe Greirt Marlnellas, Keely and Adams, tbe lilddletons, tbe Valdlngs. Clara Matbes, Car- roll and Clarke, Julc Delmar, Meany and Anderson, William B. Allen. Henri French, Koster and Clio, Edney Ridge, Cuahman and St. Claire, Chaa. T. Aldrlch, J. T. Arnold. P. Richards, Chas. F. Semon, Wll- . Dnbnnne. At th« r.ran* rin» n tr»,.». " am Collier, Dick and Alice McAvoy. Rob- ixyt* - ~- "— ~ T_! J?^ a House b ">s ('cyclist), Ed. F. Reynard, the Tossing (Vim. T. Roehl, manager) "The Royal Chef" Austins. Swan and Rnmhirrt. o B ii«Vm- snS cortpaiiy has been Incorporated In tho 8taw In touch with him at once. . Keafons and Little Buster. , .--. nii-iiV'S -sr ,—..—«» of 'Georgia m rleeman-Minican Mardl Graa m Notes from Local No. 12, Milwaukee.— ■ Star.— This house will change hands again 5, eas V a toree audlen< :e Dec 13. Hllman's Hejd, Richard Pltrot, Mr. and firs. Ian Co., with the right to Increase the capital The brothers here are all happy again, as .20; when Frances Mbrey, of Pbllsdelphla. Con J*dy Co., 15 and week, at popular prices, Locfhart, Howard Bros., I. T. Wolfing, Mc- ■ gone back to bill- will take charge. A stock company will fur- fared fairly well. Coming: "Out of the i'.m Rn £v and rt {, urI 2r!i 8lBt< ^ 8 Ma ,S? rte ',, All fS am. * p'old" 20. ''San TOv" 2T ■•iar^it iritJS-- Pnllbrooks and Sidney Reynolds, Gereld 20, "'An Am* >_J_^_3HB l ?i , __ «t» Gerald.^ Chester /. Hawkes, Belcher's Steer" Co., with tus right to Increase the capital rne nrotoers here are to $20,000, Tho company Is wintering M the theatres have the Exposition Building, Piedmont Park. At- Ing again. Bro. Dean Cntneron, of Local No. lar.ta, Ga., whcie we are making prepare- 1. agent of the Bijou, has three steady men ; tlons for tbe season of 100B. The executive Bro. Kd .Plpper, of Local No. 7, Is his first r.inff will remain the vame as last keuson: assistant, and Is well .known and liked A Seomao, ntansger ; Dr. Horace Grant, dl- throughout the country by the different locals rector general ; Fred 8. Mllllean, gvuernl su- and baa had charge of the banners of the perlnteadenf; J. Cross, assistant superln- Forepaugh & Sells Show for tbe post five nlsh tbe attractions. ■»•» NEW JERSEY. Bijou Thratrb (Joke Rosenthal, mana: _ . . ~~ ~~~ ~~~ If 1 '). — Good houses continue and dally Trenton. — At the Taylor Opera House vaudeville seems to please. The bill for tils (Montgomery Moses, manager) Henry Mil- 5f €ek includes, besides new blograph pictures : the human top; the Geromes. In y poses; Delmore and Darrell, Phil Carrie Russell, Mrs. Jules Levy and • and Gay, the handcuff king. DEATHS IN THE PROFESSION. ill. "Sky Belles" 6-7 Koxey Moork Ttas left the Billy Collins Bro. Gradner, of Local No. 3. . CU, to join the Dr. M. N. Levere Medlclna aoetld 01 "Recaped from tbe Harem, Co,, for the rest of the Winter season, but wc gave blm ri good reception. Bro. Chas. ;£•»'"! will, rejoin Mr. Collins the latter part ot Abbf, of Local No. 24, of Memphis. Tenr., SSSfl March, lhls company Is rlnylng Ohio. was acting as treasurer of '- Ths KiHENnABTH • Hbkdsrson Floatino Co. At the last meeting _ TflBATtiB closed Its season Dec. 1. Tn*«om- 5PJ » delegate to the convention at Pltte pany has sold much larger an M < anaKer ElBenbBrth I1 aa% fam(ly"ari" spending '""behalf bT'fical'No. 'if, on the 'reception 25? H «w' ?, 0Be ^'A?R ?. n ? c ?" !~ __* the holiday season at their home, New Mar- that they had given our representative aad-.-SffT. l ' r * a _ Ro »*i Gillette 1 dogs, Monroe, tlnsvllle, W. Va. ' especially our nntlonnl prcaldont, Charles H* c " an<1 . Lawrence, Melville and Stetson, NOTEH FROM THE HARSTN MOVIHO PlC- J°"? h ' "« ft.^l?™ 1 "':," h "»K UP £ n . h n " ^tto'Dtoa™* 11 * CUOn,nBnam and ^ ttoe Co.— We opened our Canadian tour S'^15?" '°„ r * t5'^M*t, m ii a,s i t0 !ha . nk ^*P • • " t "°» rapn ' ^»A a .W^eld bouse at Gananoque,_W, MUPBat-tftaJt,' ZSl£"8l *& in. — At the Grand (Cbambsrlln, Ing ft Rogers' Circus Co., managers) "Tried for Her for SnauTdlng ft Ro Col. Thomas A. Edwards, a well known showman, died at bis home In Corry, Pa., Dec. SM, aged seventy-three years. He was born In Ulster Co., N. Y.. July 21, 1832, and em- barked In the show business In 1840, bis first venture being as business manager for Spauld- gers' Mammoth Boat . S B *tte5^*S22a 83? DecM' g^««?« . DV^'l^lri.',?, 5th Jen"nle Shows, which "po-tlon Bo held-unUT 1867. In Thai? 21,, had good I buslnessf^'The Was of tho P 1 "- " " ^e title role, drew fairly well 10 1856 Tie presented the Spauldlng ft Rogers jSE,"- TransifeMoiV' 22-24. did well "comlnS" i^ 1 P i n , a,0 , re i«2 ln delighted a big crowd Circus at Niblo'e Garden lor a. snort season, theTft'inh tuSHi "The Sign if the Four" 26 "Fsme aid m atlnee 17, Maud Stelnhardt managing the and In the Spring of '67 he resigned to Join the Bro \Fick who Fortune's- 28 "'A Woman's'struggle" &. CT 8 i er8 , ln u "'IP* 1 * «""»■ The Flints cipedltion under General Albert Sidney John- venriun ■» pi?»!r Mi "Sky Farm" Jan 2-4 ''The Libert r ? ,,e S !£* bouse, 10, 20. Due: "Coon Hoi- son against the Mormons as Bcout and de- """• " *' low?' nmnrtwp.v r„h— .,.- «i n.- epatch bearer. He served with great credit through tbe Civil War and afterwards ss a scout and Indian fighter. In 1872 Col. Ed- wards toured tbe country with Donald Mc- Kay and a band of Warm Spring Indians In ths Indian war drama, entitled "Donald McKay, old Itn Btcamer and will place a burg, gavo Ma report, which was cheerfully "HfM-r 1» T„ ■_ . • and more powerful boat with tba »«S»* ■«<> toudly applauded, and he Is h,: 1 ^" 1 i2__ Re Sl?. D '- manager).— Good the orMnlngdato, April 1, 1906. naked to thank Local No. 8, of Pittsburg, SJJ? ? e ff '2 8t „ wwl t,. Bl " f ? r -, 20 , and week : low" 28, Broadway Burlesqners 31, Chas. Hawtrey Jan. 4, "Smart Set''' 12. < i I KENTUCKY 1 . K Camden.— At the Camden Theatre (M. Paducnh. — At ' tbo Kentucky ( Jag. E. tbe Hero of tbo Lava Beds," closing at tbe English, manager) "Under Southern Rki«>" Bowery Theatre. In 1874 be went to Eu- came Dec 10 "Th. Pl n ,!L" f» £* wm ro P« w "b the band of Warm 8prlng Indiana 8 _ ™ "• „. Tne RI °P er » 22 ' The Mid- a nld scouts, under the command of Donald Coming: Bam T. Jack's McKay. He retnrned In 1870 to tbe United .T booken "sottd for six 'tSalST^TtiS »«?: W\ h ™Z$ n Tltt>l% k W ES any consists of Chas. Heyman. tnanaser: fil* - / i Sialyl i a ~ a ^;.J t .2? d . m l m tuik. T. Merrltt, advance manager ; Carl K2 iL Mili. No J»»h'»5S?. , !32 Hted to ''L*' corwln, electrician; Frank Dee, musical dl- EffJ^.^^^J^USj^"?^ "^ rector; R. a Ferguson, lllostrated songa. ? a r™ M ^' r f„,f5?iii'J , .>, „'ii , SE. or ™ w 1? ■JifflBr* THB FOLtoWlNO Bll will be members of tb *»™ °a. "m«n ?. 8 im. C .'.^mJr SS 8 ' 8 *?i 1 = B0! h Edward White's Quaker Medicine Co. tn log year: M. T. Moran. Billy Bryant Marco, Doris White, Marie Mornn Teddy White. Dr. P. X. Emerson and _ 1. dward. Business tbe past year In Washing. , Tn« Blopobtt Sibtbrs vrlsb to state that nre bonis tor tbe Christmas holidays. They ton. Oregon and Idaho was exceptionally gooa, since Uiey. nave been reunited tbey have met will rejoin their company on New Year's Mister Willie Baum, boy cornettht nnd we are Intdrmed.' Tuts company will open with Instant success, their act being con- l'ay at l'lalnfield, N. J., wnere the new 1906 tenor vocalist, Is doing nicely with tbe eul- . the season ot 1003 In Idaho, and work Moo- sldered one ot tbe neatest and most refined booking starts. The company .is booked bane, Cbace ft Weston Minstrels. He has of Elks, under whose auspices tbe funeral t) UIVUIUTIB VI . Bllnmni, I. all I, I.Tk. TU.._^j ■ -S y» luo -.J1UUB. DWJUm ; A% lusa 01 MIS i Co. tne com- rv^wJJiSSfP V r !L l L»- Th A V»~» ra SST Ufe" 20-28, "At Cripple Creek" 29-31. x, Bryant. Leon Co. (Western), en rom«, as business maQv ,,.*}oa«j-Ned Nelson, principal comedian, h otan. Master "•". and Jess Johnson, the lending Juvenile of S nsu__»- «.». » «._.!. _»?_K»F_?_^js*srNm * Mme. Rejane, In "Z;ita, ' nusa. "The Holy rank Daniels 31. played to a full house. _"The Holy City" will be here Dec. 20. 4«» title ot tbe Oregon Indian Medicine Co.. which be managed until bis death. He has had as high as from forty to fifty companies out at one time. He was manager of a theatre lu Buffalo and also of tbe Mascot. In Erie, Pa., for two seasons. Colonel Edwards was a charter member of Erie Lodge taju and Utah during 'the year. of sister set a tbrengb the middle West, been fourteen weeks with the compan/. service! were held In Corry. DECEMBER 31. THE NEW YORK ~ CLIPPER. 1061 XTHT MEBIC PAUL CONCHAS (THE ORIGINAL ARMY HERCULES), TO MANAGERS, AGENTS, PERFORMERS AND EVERYBODY INTERESTED: There su for some time been carried on a llvelr sen-battle »i to the superiority or my act by fir'ies who etpect to benoflt ry : heir comparison Ui*nn»e, efldui order to nettle lata nutter one and for ill f u ure times, I accept this means of nabtishlng IV Dial declaration: Wao* oover Dots fortb the claim that I have ad- vertised the fact that I think my act better than t cat of any other performer In my line tell* a rilMhood. asl never take It ap«n myself to judge my own, work bat leave U to those who see me p Virions who feel slighted by the flattering man- ner In wbteh I have been treated by the press and manager! since my arrival la this country, should sect redress In other manner than by throwing stars at me. M aforesaid, this ta my final word In this matter, and 1 shall positively Ignore any farther SSggA PAUL OOHC BA8, SB READ WHAT THE NEWSPAPERS SATt HAMHEBSTEIS'S VICTORIA. Paul Conchas, the European Juggler and strong man. made his first appesrance in America and scored a decided sneoesa. Mr. Conchas la a man of remarkable physique, and, In spite of his size, Is Very graceful. He uses a stage setting that looks like a military camp, and wears the costume of a cavalry officer. The effect of his entrance is striking, and he performs a number of tricks before removing the more cumbersome part ot his elaborate uniform. Be was assisted by a comedian dressed as a private, and began by lifting him and supporting him on his chin while the man discharged a rtne. Be then supported oo bis cult) an immense apparatus consisting ot two wneelaand the shaft of agunoarruge,,which called tor a lot of skill and strength. A number of stage hand* hauled away on the end of a rope and raised a tally mounted cannon, apparently of great weight, which Conchas supported on his chin. Be next did a number of very difficult trloka with cannon-balls and did still more as- tonishing stunts with Krnpp shells, alleged to weigh i it and Its pounds respectively. Be caught a number of cannon bails on his neat. that were thrown quickly by hie aaslstant, and finished by catching on his vertebra a shell balanced on the end of a plank, which was thrown by his Jumping on the other end of the board. Ills encore la the moat startling thing In the act. There Is a sort of gutter suspended from the files, with a ourve at the end, and down his oame a number of cannon balls, which »t ruing the curve In the runway, were thrown high in the atr. Conohaa allowed them to hit him, one after another, In the spot where tho av.rage ottlasn buttons the back part or his col- lar. Tit* pu-rorraavnr *, t.k.n as Si whole, Mras on. of the most rrmnm.bl. ewer ■••a In this city, and It was received wvtla great enthusiasm at •vary per- formanee. Conchas' helper U a good come- dian, and raised manvahtarivLneh during the aot.-THE N. Y. DRAUAT1C MIRROR. PAUL CONOBAB, before [he goes on his Great Western Tour and ;the Orphem Circuit, plays only three weeks more mSew York; Deo.se, Orpheom, Brooklyn: Jan. % Hnrtlg • Seaffion; Jan. fl, Olrc'e Theatre. All Managers and the Profession are Invited to see this wonderful artist With bis great and original act and Jndge. They will quickly and out the dllT.rence between htm and lilts Imitator*. All on the Riaito say he Is the best of them all. Address all communlratioas to his lole and Kicloilr. Manager for America, PITPOT. Mrs. John Glendennino, the well known jrtress. died Dec. I' - .*, at her home In New York City, from a complication of disease*. She was fifty years of age, and was born In Jxmdon, her maiden name being Clara Louise Bralthwalte. Her debut on the stage oc- Hall Calne's "Good Old Times." For many tears Bhe hud plnyed In some of the principal companies ot Charles Frohman, and was en- gaged to understudy Mrs. O. H. Gilbert. Her last engnfjement was in support of Edna May, in "The School Girl," In which Bhe sppe.ired up to within two months of her death. Her husband, who Is with Henry Miller; her son, Ernest J., who Is with Mrs. Campbell, and one daughter, Jessie, survive her. Daniel Baal, a musician, died at his home In Peterson, N. J., Dec. 20, from asthma, aged fifty-four years. About twenty years ago, be, nine brothers and their father, or- ganized Seal's Band, which was entirely a family affair, and toured the country. A wife and nine children survive him. i'ait. Richard John Lowden, In his youth a tenor singer with Morris Bros., Pell & Trowbridge's Minstrels, died In New Orleans, i.a., Nov. 0, aged over fifty years. After leaving minstrelsy he became a steamboat captain, and was In the Spanish-American War as commander ot a steamer. He was at oue time manager of a theatre in Pensacola, Fla. Got Van Tress, who was formerly a mem- ber of the Empire Stock Co., Columbus, O., died from consumption on Dec. T2, In that city. Fred D. Mostow, nn actor, died In New York, nc I >ie Harrington Home, Sunday otter- noon. Dee. 18, and his remains were taken l.t Ills widow to his home In Kansas City. Mr. Mostow was a Western actor, and was last seen on the stage Tuesday, Dec. 13. when he acted bis original character of Zeb .stiles, in "Down Our Way," at the Third Avenue Theatre, New York City. Uaudeville mi minstrel Thd Cqmmebciaii Telegraphers' Union or America, New Orleans Lodge, No. 28, will give their second annual vaudeville en- tertainment and ball on Jan. 19, 1H05. For the vaudeville part they have secured the following talent: Wlllette, the Wizard, and ills own company of vaudeville stars, William A. Koepke, manager; Nellie Beddy, child vio- linist, assisted by: Marie Schneider; Ed. La- velle. Southern coon shooter and monologlst ; the Great Altken, contortionist; Eunice Levy, soprano s'ngerv and a tirst class orchestra. tub Fern Comedy Four write: "Our act is one of the greatest laughing hits that baa ever played .the coast. We have refused a lot of good time In the smaller houses, and are hooked solid until April, when we start East, playing return dates In the large houses. Lew 1 learn, of. Hcarn and Lewis, has joined us, making It one of the strongest comedy quartettes In this country." The wife or Billy . Link Is Improving rapidly In health. Clarence Powell, who Is this year star and stage manager of Richards 4 Prlngle's Original Georgia Minstrels, will pat out his own show next Summer, playing parks, with time nearly all filled. Zetta Herd fell and broke one of her legs while working at the Eden Theatre, Louis- ville, Ky. Notes frosi Barlow & Wilson's Min- strels. — This company continues to pack the bouses. ' Several musicians joined us at Little Bock, Ark. Our first band now num- bers twenty-one. men, and Is playing all the standard overtures, which makes quite a good Impression through the country. The Clip- veb can always be found on file In our private car. ' ... Addison and Livinoston write : "We are In our ninth -week on the Bijou circuit, and our comedy act. is. meeting with big success. We will spend Christmas at home, then play several weeks In Ohio,- after which we open on the Crystal, circuit for fourteen consecu- tive weeks." Potter and Harris have been spending the past four weeks at the home of Mrs. Potter, la Trenton,. N. J. They will open Dec. 26, with Frank's Concert Co., for the rest of the Winter season, to do their ring act. Jean Melville, the. dancer, opened on the New York circuit. at the Berlin Theatre, Am- sterdam, N. Y., Dec. 0, and met with suc- cess, lie has been engaged for two weeks longer. Uowinn McCarveb and Harrt Reed bave joined bands again, after being separated for two years. The team will be known as McCarver, Reed, Gnrcey and Bamboo, the Black Comedy Four. l.uci and lccier report success In their new act, entitled "A Fool's Errand," Intro- ducing piano playing, singing and dancing, with a comedy acrobatic finish. Barney First Is meeting with big success presenting his new eccentric Hebrew dancing act on the Crystal circuit. He has the Kohl & Castle clroult'to follow in March. Irene La Mar. ot Wayne and La Mar, wishes to state that since the death of her husband she has been at home, but will start playing engagements early next year. The team will still he known as Wayne and La Alar. Ferris J. Conner and Minnie Mat, who are presenting a new act, entitled "Murphy and the Dutch Girl," Informs us that they are a big success, and receiving return dates all along the line. Mr. Conner is seen as a funny little- Irishman, while Miss May as- sumes ber impersonation of a Dutch girl. Don and May Gordon, comedy bicycling duo, write : "We have not lost a week since May 30, and are booked solid for the season. We are meeting with big success everywhere." CitAs. mtiiHEH reports that he has been meeting with gratifying success ea "the M injurs Tubl Itcblbanc," in the Japekys, and at the close ot his engagement with that company will -soil for England, to visit his relatives, whom he' bas not seen for mnuy years. Ben Bter. comedy acrobatic 'cyclist, closed Oct.- 17 with the Walter L. Main Shows, at Churlestown, \V. Vs., and Joined Koyer Bret,' "N«t Door" Co. Dec. 10. Notes from Robert Fcltos's Jolly Grass Widows Co. — Robert Fulton tendered a grand Christmas dinner to the members of this company, In the banquet ball of the Teutonia Assembly Booms, Third Avenue and Sixteenth Street, Sunday, 25. Covers were laid tor fifty people, and a anmptuous dinner waa prepared by Caterer Anderson, with plenty of the choicest of beverages. A pleasant entertainment followed, with solos, duetts, quartettes, piano selections and overtures by the Jolly Grass Widows brass band. Dancing of every description was also Indulged in. Manager Gns W. Ilogan, act- ing as toast master, explained that Mr. Ful- ton was extremely sorry he could not be in their midst : however, everyone drank bis health and prosperity. Mr. Ilogan also men- tioned In his remarks that the company la one of the pleasantest and most sociable ones be has ever seen, and they proved it by hav- ing the greatest time that any organization could have. The party continued until the wee hours of the morning, and all departed wishing for a recurrence of the same event next season. Melville and Azelle closed a twelve weeks' engagement with the Fays Dec M On account of the continued illness of Mr. Melville thev have gone to their home at Cedar Springs, Mich., for the holidays and a rest. They expect to resume work Jan. 23, and are booked up till May. lUiiity Ward, the minstrel manager, who has been 111 for a year, bas gone to Cali- fornia, on the advlco of bis physician, for a year's rest. He has been compelled to give up business entirely. Hows and Decker report good success with their novelty Juggling and balancing act on the Coast circuit. Arthur H. Kiierns, of Kherns snd Cole, informs un that he has quit Work and can- celed all their time. "I am now at home at Wyoming, 0., a suburb of Cincinnati, to take a long and needed rest My phy- sicians have ordered me to do so. I am feeling better every day and we expect to return to our work about March 1. Byrne and West leave Christmas week open to jump from Portland, Ore., to San Francisco, C'al. This Is the first open week they have had since they opened on the Lang circuit, lost August. They are booked for a number of weeks In California. Dale Brothers, who are In their second season with "Her First False Step" Co., are meeting with good success. Cooi'ER, ventriloquist. Is meeting great success with his company of brown akin figures traveling through New Mexico. Tub Smiths, who recently presented their musical act at the Masonic Temple show, bave Cleveland and other good dates to follow. Mac and Mac, the equilibrists and ath- letes, are in their tenth week as the vaude- ville feature with the Fannie Ward Co. Wo are engaged with the same company for tho season. Frank Mac Is no longer connected with the team. John Mac and Frank Ken- nedy, formerly of the Kennedy Bros., era doing the net now, and It Is going better than aver. The team will use the same eld name, Mac and Mac. Br.aiNA Lynch, of the Lynch Sisters, la resting at her home In this city, on account of sickness. James B. Raimund, of Ralmund and Good, who was operated on Nov. u, for appendicitis, at St Joseph's Hospital, Chicago, la re- covering rapidly. The team will resume work Jan. 1, and will open on the Kohl ft Castle circuit ie. Jimmy Marnell is taking a much needed rest at his home In Detroit, after his con- tinuous performance on the Pike at the 8t Louis World's Fair, where be presented hie singing and dancing specialty. Racketi and Hazard write: "We topped the bill at the Star Theatre, Hamilton. Can., week of Dec. 12. Manager Appleton claimed the entire show was the beat he had ever played. The bouse was filled to Its capacity at every performance. We sailed for Europe 21." The Threb Tasmanians returned to New York and will play dates. Washer. Bros., boxing midgets, write ; "We opened our first engagement on the coast at the Grand Theatre, Fresno, Cal., Nov, 21. The actproves a big success from start to finish, we will play the coast until March, and then return East We are the feature of every bill." Dan J. Harrington, ventriloquist, met with his usual success at Proctor's, Newark ; the Colonial, Lawrence, Maes. ; Keeney's, i Brooklyn, and Hatbaway'a New Bedford, Mass. He has Albany, Trent Theatre, Tren- ton, and the Howard, Boston, to follow. Geo. W. Leslie reports meeting with suc- cess in his black face monologue on the Castle circuit, Martin and Risowat write that Little Paul Martin on Dec. 16, at Gloucester, Mass., won a handsome gold watch in a comedy dancing competition (thirty competitors), given by the Klark-TJrban Dramatic Co., at the Union Hill Opera House. Frank and Ida Adams write: "We are beading the bill this week at the Unique The- atre, Indianapolis, and are making a big hit The papers and the managers praise the act highly. We open next week at the Empire Theatre, Terre Haute, Ind., with Peoria and Springfield. III., to follow. The act is well booked In the leading theatres in the West." Keelt and Adams opened In St. John, N. B., Dec. 26, with the Caato circuit and other good dates to follow. The Great Marineli.as, male and female ring and triangle performers, are on the Keith circuit with bookings at Wilmington, Del. ; Tony Psetor's, the Empire, Hoboken, and other houses In the East They will then go West, where tbey are booked solid until 1007, snd have return dates everywhere they have played. Notes prow Hi Henry's Minstrels.— We are meeting with splendid success, and our attraction Is making a hit and giving the best of satisfaction wherever we appear. We do not lose auy time during the holidays as we sre booked for every day Eddie Cabboll and Aoner CiAtn are spending the holidays at the letter's borne, In McKeeeport, Pa. They play Pittsburg, week of Jan. fl, and are booked on the Kohl ft Castle circuit for return dates. Muse Gouruvof Shapiro, Remlck ft Co., was married tn Clarice Vance, the well known coon linger, at Indianapolis, ind., Dec. 7. Ed. C. Hats, of the Great Barlow Min- strels, will spend ten days during the holi- days at his home In Cincinnati. Tub Obcat Stewart writes that after two years of successful business, under Ida own management, be has gone Into vaude- ville. Mr. Stewart was doubled up with Billy Paradls, singing and dancing come- dian. They will be known as Stewart and Paradls and will present an act out of the ordinary. Uarby Thomson was a Clipper caller last week. He reports that he scored his usual success nt Hurtlg A Reamon's, this city, week of Dec. 12-17, and was also a feature of the bill at the concert on Sun- day, Dec. 18, at the Broadway Theatre, Brooklyn. He has not yet been deposed as the "Mayor of the Bowery." The Esher Sisters closed with the High Rollers Co. Dec. 3, in Chicago, and opened Dec. 4 with Billy Clifford, In the "How He Won Her" Co., with which company they report success. Thb Three Phelps were held over for another week at Smith's Opera Mouse, Ornnd Rapids, Mich. They report that they wore the hit of the bill. They will spend Christ- mas week at their home in Chicago. McCobmick and Barrows write that after playing fifteen straight successful weeks tbey wilt lay off in Milwaukee Cbrlstmns week. They will open Jan. 2 on II. C Dan- forth's Bijou circuit for five weeks, with the J. M. Nash Amalgamated circuit to fol- low. Weeks and Leiohton plnyed tor the tone- fit of the Lodge of Elks In Albert Lea, Minn., to large business. Tom Gillkn writes that he bas just closed six very successful weeks, ending at the Em- pire Theatre, Hoboken, N. J., where his set was a great success, and be is booked fat a return date. Following is the roster ot the William T. McDermott's Modern Minstrel Co. : Wm. T. McDermott, Mrs.' Francis McDertnott, Cbas. E. Rose, Col. C. W. Roberts, John Lemuels, Will Bag Monoban, Geo. H. Nolan, W. L. liroadwell, Jas. demons. Jas. MaBsey, Uurt i:. Cenley. Harry GUI, Dave Tope, Johnnie Whalen. John J. Price, Vic Llewellyn, Wli- ford Btroud. John Gnrtley, Thos. Webster, I'd. R. Ktinkle, V. H. Knee, Bert Bowman, E. P. Harrington. Henry Mohn, risk and McLean, J. C. Booth, Fred Duvall, Jas. Welt- iel, 8am West, Marry . E. Crohn, Larry Mr- Kane, Thomas Martin, ("has. Johnson and <'. M. Carrohl. The show has bad good business and fine weather. The following members of the company joined the Eagles In Olrrard, Kan., Grasshopper Aerie, No. SAO, Friday, Dec. 10: Jas. demons, Jas. Massey, Will Monohan. W. L. Broadwell, Dave Tope, Fred Duvall and Burt Conley. Bert McCi.ease has closed with the Dun- can Clark Lady Minstrels after thirteen week In Canada and the Eastern States, and has signed with the Alex Clifford Co., as ad- vance agent. Bates and Ernest, "upside down Dutch comedians." will prolong tbeir stay In the vicinity of Los Angeles, Cal., where a new house will open for burlesque. Arthur Eddy, a Hebrew impersonator, bad also been ea- Tjii: Wonderful Buses: Family, three In number, are playing the Middle West, hav- ing been on the coast for over one year. Mr. Busch states that his little boy, three years old. Is the comedy hit of the act Tbey In- tend to play parks next Summer, in the West. Minor and Galbbeth write: "We have met with remarkable success with our new act, 'An U ii- to- Date Swindle,' which has been featured In every bouse we have played since we left the Pacific coast. At the unique Theatre, Minneapolis, after the first per- formance, we were presented with a con- tract for a returne engagement for Christ- mas week. We sre booked up solid until April, 11)05." The Juggling Burkes have finished fif- teen weeks on the Ed. Lang Northwestern circuit, fourteen weeks on the Lang & Wes- ton circuit In California, «nd are now filling a twenty weeks' return engagement on tho Lang circuit Ada Mat, of the sister team, Rochefort and May, mourns the loss of her father, who died Dec 0, of pneumonia. LA Ci-aiu and West have completed a tour of the vaudeville theatres through the West and Northwest, and report success, They are on tbeir way. Fast and are booked solid to April 9. While playing Stockton, Cal., Lou La Clair was made a member of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Aerie No. 88. John R. Nalon, In his musical act, closed a two weeks' engagement at Austin ft Stone's, Boston, last week. On Jan. 2 be Joins Chas. J.. Walsbe's Vaudeville Co., at Red Hook, Henrt Fret and Dave Ferouson, 'The Fox Hunters/' are In their eighteenth week with the High Rollers Co.. and report tlielr act a big success. They havo added a lot of new features to the act. Geo. Ellis, German comedian, Is en route Fast, after playing through the Northwest and California. • Lew Welch, who has Just returned from a tour over the Western circuit, has started on the Proctor circuit, where be reports success. Next season he will appear In bur- leucine. The Misses Jackson and Douglas played a return date at the Unique Theatre, Indian- upolls. Dec. 12, having been gone from there only two weeks. The Great Alvora has signed with Wills' Musical Comedy Co. for eoubrette roles. Manager W. B. Watson bas signed a contract for six weeks, or more, to produce two burlesque companies to fill In the open time of the J. B. Sparrow Mualc Hall cir- cuit. Manager Watson's theatre, Brooklyn^ will stay as It Is, a stock house, as It line gained a reputation and Is doing finely. The circuit Is, so far, the Columbia Music Hall, Boston : Majestic Music Hall, Montreal ; Em- pire Theatre, Albany : Jacobs' Theatre, New- ark, aud Columbia Music nail, Brooklyn. Mr. Watson will look after the Interests of the Sparrow circuit. . . ..,•,' i„./ Wat. H. Fields Is in bis sixteenth week' with the "Why Women Sin" Co. (Western), doing the principal comedy port and his specialty, which, he writes, Is a success At the close of the present season be will go back lu vaudeville, under his new title, "The Broadway Pawnbroker." . . . Richard and Cathcart report soccers Is tbeir gymnastic novelty act. Nettie Fields opened on tho Hopkins circuit Dec. 25, with the Anderson, Castle and Orpheum circuits to follow. Her dancing, sho Informs us, was a success at the Howard, Boston, last week. Martin and Quioo ("a man and a halt") have concluded successful engagements of twenty-eight weeks In the middle West. They were last week at the Howard, Boston, wliu Pastor's to follow, It being their fare- well engagement previous to their sailing for Europe, Jan. 4. Ad. Carlisle sends word of praise for the kind treatment ot himself, likewise his troupe of animals, during bis recent trip to the coast, especially for the railroad accommoda- tions while in transit. He opened with his animals at Hopkins', Louisville, Dec, 20, anil will be in the middle West until April, play- ing the Kohl ft Castle, Anderson and other houses before going East. Manauek Chas. McAdamh, of Cycle Park, Dallas, Tex., has returned from his Eastern trip, and reports that he has secured a num- ber of first class attractions for bla park during next Summer. The season opens May 1, and closes Sept 10. Many Important Im- provements have been made since the season closed. Jim and Lottie Rutherford opened Dec. 18 ut the Crystal Theatre. St. Joseph, Mo., with the Yale Them re. Kansas City, to fol- low. They sre booked solid until April 1, 1UO0. Ella Shields writes: "I played the Birm- ingham, ling.. Hippodrome week of Dec. ,">, and on the bill, ten acts tn all, live were American acts. Hayman and Franklin topped the bill; 1 was on the hot loin of the bill, and llrown and Nevarro, Grunt And Harry Mear held the other positions of honor. We played to packed bouses all week, and every- body was well recelvel. During the week Mildred Franklin, of lluymnn and Franklin, bought a doll that stoud four feet high, and dressed and sent It to the States to my daughter Sue. The doll was a work of art All the Americans are doing nicely over here." I.ot'isn Ai.DRtcn sailed Dec. 24 for Paris for a brief visit to ber mother. Oborok .McFarlanu, ot McFarland and Murray, wna compelled to close his engage- ment with Miner's Americana on account ot Illness, and will go to his home In Chicago, liDWAUD) ij. 1'AHKr.ii, "the fellow that catches the- humps," wns made a member of Taunton Aerie of Eagles, No. 84T>, Mon- day night, Dec. 20. Edwin Woolley. singing and talking comedian. • has joined hands with his In-other, Harry, and the team will be known ns the Wooloy Brothers, German comedians, lu a new sketch, written for them by Charles Jonea. They are doing concert work in Phil- adelphia. Tub following were at the Stockholm Theatre, (treat Falls, Mont, week of Dec. II) : The Three Cllftons, Jones and Balvelle, Shaw Slaters. Murlell Le Hoy, Helen De Lorraine and A. K. Wolfenden. Tun Original Willaru Bros., singers, dancers and, banjolsts, opened on the Moss Goldsmith circuit, at the Family Theatre, Butte, Mont'., Dec. 11), for fifteen weeks. Kittie Leslie mourns the toss of a sister, who died with consumption on Nov. 21. The PAOLon Tiieatiie, nt Diiliiih, Minn., closed Dec. . 17, and will remain so until March 0. " During the closing, our In- formant states, it will be entirely renovated, newly decorated and the seating capacity en- larged. Manager Wm. J. Wells and wife will go to tlielr home at White Beaver Lake, Minn. The' bouse will, as usual, give bur- lesque and vaudeville attractions ns of yore, ana not dramatic productions, as has been reported. THE Two Macks have canceled their West- ern date to rejoin S. S. Baldwin's White Mauntina Co., us the vaudeville feature. Fiei.cs and Hanson, Golden and Hughes, Fox and Ward. Kelleber, the Oerrell Bros, and the Monople Quartet are among I he specialties with Fields ft Hanson's Minstrels. The Moriiays (Pete and Marie) report success for their new act over the New England circuit They are booked solid until March, 1005, after which they play over the Western circuit. They played the New Paw- tucket Theatre last week. This week they are at' the Palace Theatre, Worcester, with Lynn and the Sheedy circuit to follow. Etit.E Tiiuelkei.d, of Erie and Leo, bad nn attack of tonsllltts while playing at Sheedy's, New Bedford, Mass. The Giiy:Buos. write: "All shows report poor business through Pennsylvania und some parts of Now Vork State, around Buf- falo, although we find It fair." Owing to hickni:sh Charles 15. Royal, monologlst, will put his coast dates back u few weeks, and has gone to his home at Tacoma, Wash. Gavfy and Fhasbr have closed wllh the Big Sensation Biirlcsquers, at Hartford City, ind., and are playing dates, Miaco and Iuai.bnk report success In their new act. They play the Atlantic Garden, New York ; Howard, Boston, and have other dutcs to follow. The Howard IIros., banjolsts, write: "Our act is meeting with hlg success, snd our time is all booked solid. We have an offer for three years' bookings In Europe, but have only accepted a six witeks' engage- ment at the Coliseum, London. We will then return to America for one year, as our time for 1000-00 Is pretty well Riled In this country." ■: Nellie A. Hill Is taking a course ot treat- ment at ML Clemens, Mich. The TiiiiEu Tahmanians, female acrobats, met with pronounced success at their Amer- ican debut at Hyde ft Behman'e, Chicago, Nov. 28. They closed the show and held the audience to the finish. Tbey are booking up la the high class houses. Happy Jack ' Gardner has closed on the Kobl ft Castle circuit and ovens on the Or- pheum circuit Jan. 1. He reports continued success. His wife, Edna Beard Gardner, will travel with bin to the coast .. O'Brien and Buckle*, are with the Great -Lafayette Snow, William C. Casprji wtltes: "My Irish •Inglng and talking act has proven a success st ovary place I presented It. I open on the New England circuit at Austin ft Stone's, Boston, Jan. 2, with good work to follow," Uiiral alvin, proprietor of Alvln ft Davis' moving pictures, sends ua an artistic and unique calendar for the ensuing year, which we hereby acknowledge* . Dorothy Bunnell, daughter of l.llllnn lUisscll, who Is 111 nt St. Luke's Hospital, Denver, Col., wllh branchial pneumonia. !• improving rapidly. Mabel Cleveland (Mrs. Edward J. Tart- er), who underwent a surgical operation In Boston, has fully recovered, and Is resting ut her home In Taunton, Mass. The ihiiiwninuh are rehearsing a new comedy sketch, written for them by Arthur L.ltobb, entitled "Saved by Satan," and claim It Is the best vehicle they have ever used, as It fits them both admirably. It Is full of new, bright comedy surprises. They nre with the Gay Alnsqueraders, where their sketch is one of the bent acts ut the olio. Manager Rout. I). Hyde writes: "Tho York Theatre, St. John N, II., will close ns a vaude- ville theatre, Saturday, Jan. 7. The season has been a good one, but the skating season Is now coming on. and the opposition will be so strong I thought It advisable to close until Spring. I am going to open n Summer sen- son In June." Manager James I.owery and his wife (Nellie Hanley) were In New York this week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Lowery's mother, who died here. Dec. 24. Enw.vni) J. Parker informs us that he lias joined Fields ft Hanson's Minstrtils. A haiiy nor was born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Linton, nt Columbus, O., Dec. IT. Mrs. Union is professionally known as Anita i.iiu- rence, of the Laurence Sisters, Worn of niftri , — Ola Jane Humphrey has been engaged by Mortimer Snow to play thn two opening weeks with Ills hew stock company nt Nrrnn- tun, Pa., evenlug of Christinas Day. She will lie featured In "Tho Christian" and "Tim Cowboy aud the Lady," In which parts she has mm successful with the Murdiinl- Humphrey Co. Her vaudeville tour has been postponed until after the huHduyn tn allow her to fill this engagement . —Wo are Informed that "The Unwritten Law," lu whbh Murlau Shelby is starring, has not closed Its ueason. On Juu. 2 tho company begins lis Southern lour, and Kit- win Mordant, the New York representative of the company, has secured bookings hi the hlnw ft Erlnuger houses. — E. Jack Devlne, who for tho pnsi fif- teen weeks has been general agent (ot tin* Hun's American Minstrels, rlosod with that show Dec. 18, at Tiffin, 0., to accept lbs msnagemcut of Allan Vlllalr, In a tirrale production of the romantic drama, "Tim Heart of Texas." The show has a new scoalc outfit und Is playing, Mr, Devlne In* forms us, to a uulform good business In the State of Ohio, wllh good time booked In the Bast .. — . ■Jet B. Kennedy, comrtllnn, opens with the Ina Lehr Stock Co. Jan. 1. for tho rest of the season, touring the South. — Florence Davis, a young ni'tress, Is soon to appear us a star under the immune- men t of Mrs. H. C. De Mills. In a new So- ^S. D "'J.. colnw l'' ."* ''"Wise Mnlloy, cu'llliM "Tho Player Maid.' — Forfca uobertson, who will l» seen here this season In II. V. Esmond's new play, •Love awl the Man," will begin IiIh lour In Toronto Jan. 0. — The title of "Dealers In Whlfo Women" Ml been changed to "Dangers of Working Olrls." Carl Smith Searlo has Joined th* company ror the rest of I hit season. .. T. u ? ,}«wnaend Is now In advance, .if It. B. Mnntell. „ — J - A - Vounir, who was Inst with George Monroe, goes with "Beyond." " — Helen Oilman has joined "New York Day By Day. Chnlr" 1 Co DM ******* ,l! w " u ,h « "* Vacant .1L Cn . ar !?" 'I- noo 'h has become n member of the Da ley Stock Co.. In St. Johns, NL H, City " Vomon has Joined "The Holy »i7h ^ ar i , ,' n w Co F 1 . a , D < wu0 P'nyed Haridiis, gg. % ", Mantell last week, has been su^ Riige.il for the remainder of the season. ,,Z~? oi *? l ™. ni the "Iliunon Hearls" Co. iPt&Si.'- Wo 0l * tokln lf 0l »" holiday lay «»,i ! 2,in h i ca «° li .° W?" before Christ mas, a " wl" ""Pun Dec. 25, al Wiiukegan. in. elite : toast lour. Tho company la booked play all the best towns on the coast. The raster remulns tho unmu, anil Is as follows : (.laud Saunders, manager; Ed. Buckley, reii- MMBjalira, Tot Young,' stage manner; .■• i •. "Ortnnm, stngo carpenter; Fran* Huelshotr, properties, Kngww Phelps, J. S* !. Mc 1 **'. Jack B. Mugee. Maud Leone. Nellie Rotund, Lillian Tucfcr Isabella llnrr Dorlha Vauglit anil Mrs, (has. Vniight. — (Irnco Balrd. who Is playing Muilgs. with Hie "Over Niagara Kails" l'o„ closed nt Waiikegan. 111. Dec. 11, to loin the Jack Bessey Co. Tho nlgbt she left, Miss Balrd was called on the stage by Munugur It Q. Smith, who, tn the presence of tho company, presented her with a beautiful solid gold bracelet The present was a gift of the iiy-mhcrs of the ,r Niagara Falls" Co., In token of their esteem for Alius Balrd. .t.T Kd ,' I,ttrupl l> late of tbe Darnells, writes that when tho sensou cloned ho sold bla Joining theatre, "Twentieth Century," on 8** V'„ Mr. Darnell Is ut present with tbe Carroll Comedy Co., but expects to make a visit to his folks In the old country before the opening, of tho Summer season, — The Taylorvllle Amusement and Enter- prise Co,, of Taylorvllle, III., bas been lu- corporatvil at Springfield. The building will bo three stories, with nn opera house occupy- ng tbe ground floor. The Elks lodge will have tho third and a part or the second —'"The Minister's Sweethearts" Is the title of a new comedy drama Manager O. Harris Eldon launches early In January. The piece opens on the Htalr ft Havllu dr. cult Jan. It), at Hoboken, N, J„ nni ) i, booked nearly solid to June L Bessie Clif- ton wUl be foatured with the attraction In n role similar to the one she lias been star- ring In ("A Hoosler Daisy'') for the past three seasons. "At Pikes Peak," Mr. Ml- dons Western drams, opens for a Spring tour In February, and will play, the East exclusively. ,*.TP' t w w ISPUS ""M "F'BW from Parla" to Madison Corey, who wlirKnr the Weet with the musical comedy, 1082 the asraaw yobk ©IjIppeb. December 31. HEW TOIIK CITT. Review and Coaiase nt.— The week be- fore Christmas irf'iftrS'ji dreaded by" the average theatrical manager, and last weak ■bowed the usual falling off In attendance at t be' local hoiisca, with a few notable ezcep- tlone, where big bualneai ruled. Tfala week will reverse the order of things and big busi- ness is confidently expected by our managers. At the CSlTCBION Thbateb, Dec. 10, "A Wife Without a Smile," a coned;, In three acta, by A. W. Plnero, was given Its firat Amerl- I'rurlor ■ fifth Avenne Theatre (3. Austin Fynes, ! general manager). — "Captain IWpndence* Is this week's revival by the stock Company. Edwin Ardcn did his usual force Proetor'e Fltty-elchtli Street The- atre (J. Austin Fynes, general manager).— At this house Klrko La Bhellc presents "Checkers," whlcti was neir to tbi patrons of ney Ayres; Major Hr.nnlbai Bugg, Gerald Griffin ; Sergeant Tatters. George Howell ; Sentinel O'Brien, Arthur Shaw : Jovltn Tala- tnanca, Beatrice Morgan; Lueretla Bugg, Marlon Berg ; Mrs. Trigg, Oertrudo Berkeley, lh the vaudeville were Powell's electric thea added, all cleverly executed; Lloyd's dogs, In some away-froin-the-ordlnary tricks, which scored big; Mossit, In a line musical spe- cialty ; La Bolle Blanche, an Impersonator of well known players: Zlmmer. the "up-sldc- down" juggler: the Blodgett Sisters, singera and dancers; ltay Cox, singing comedienne; Dclchanty and Hackett.* with Illustrated songs, nnd the motion pictures. C«» inn (Sam H. A Lee Bhubort, mntin- gors).--Lllllan Rusacll made her New York re-entry na a alar, evening of Dee. 24. In "Lady Teazle," a two act musical version of Sheridan's comedy, "School for Scandal," In which she appeared to greater advantage than In any of her starring ventures during tho past decade. Her metropolitan Introduc- tion under the Shubort banners, which was plnys — with some tuneful and dainty solos and concerted numbers, the opening night encoring of which proved a delight, and not a bore, as la too often the case. The book of tho p|ece is by John Kendrlck Bangs and Roderick C. Peuflcld, nnd tho music was com- posed bv A. Baldwin' Sloane, the Initial pro- duction bclug'given lit the Academy of Music, Haltlinoro, lid., on Dee. ID. The authors have adhered closely to the scenes of Sheridan's play, the famous auctioning of the family paintings and tho great Bcrecn scene being given as we hnvo been accustomed to seeing them, but with musical dressing In this Instance. Mr. Hloauo's music was as a rulo bo good Mint he may readily be excused for carrying, nt I linen, the memory back to other operatic: scores III u few of Ills numbers. Upon Miss ltussell, however, honors wcro fairly showered, and beyond question she was 'deserving of theia. She looked younger by a nniubor of years than she did when New Yorkers had their lust stupe glimpse of her, and alio disclosed acting powers which few have given her the credit of possessing, her work hi the screen scene givlug keen de- can production. It failed to nnd favor tre, a beautifully set act of mannlkln enter- Other Monday night openings were: At tha talnment; the Tjirco Vnldarcs, in their groat PatNCEss Thmm Robert B. Msntell an- ^>"»* -■•». »."« »««!•»?. ***** l peared In "Iilchellen," at the poosTSBOTBt Htiieet Th rates Andrew Mack revived "Tom Moore," at the Third AVBNira Tiidame "At Risk of His Life," and at the Ibvino Fuca Tiieatbb a revival Of "Sodom's Endc." At the' last named house, Thursday night, 22, Gerbart Uauptmaaa's "Die Vorsunkene Glocke" ("The Sunken Bell") was revived. ......At the Madison 'Squabb Gaudd* an exhibition, entitled the Pike, was opened Monday, and drew good attendance through- out the week At the New AhstebdAm Tiibatbb, on Friday afternoon, 28, Eleanor Itobson gave a special matinee performance of "Merely Mary Ann," having just returned from her successful engagement In London, Eng. At tho Casino, Saturday, 24, Lillian ltussell and company gave the first New York City presentation of "Lady Teazle," a two act comic opera, book by John Kendrlck Bangs and Itoderlc Penfleld, nnd music by A. Baldwin Sloane. A review of the work, which Is founded on "School for Scandal," will be found elsewhere In this issue. . . . . .The continued attractlona for the week ending Dec. 24 wcro: Annie ltussell at 1110 Gamiick, "It Happened In Nordland" at the Lbw Fihldb, James K. Hackett at the I. vine, Charles Wyndham. at the New Li- cgum, "Humpty-Dumpty" at tlie New Am- ktuiwam, Ethel Barrjmore at the Hudson, "lltgglcdy-PIggledy" at tho Wfjbeii Music Ham,, May Irwin at the Bijou, "Tho siio- Guu" at Wallack'h, David Warfleld at n«- i.akco'8, "The College Widow" at the Gab- iiiin, Mrs. Flake and stock company at tha Manhattan, "Mrs. Wlggs of tbe Cabbage Patch" at tho Savor, the acrman' Stock Co. nt the Ibviko. Placb, "Tho Wlxard of Ox" at the At'Aimsiv of Music, ltoberb B. Man- tel I at the PniNCEHS, Nat C. Goodwin at the Knickkiuiockkii, John Drew at the i: units, Edna May at tho Hkrami Squaiu:, "Wood- land" at tho Nhw York, Oeorgo Cohan at the Liubrtv, llertha Galland at the Ma- jkhtic, the Itiiys at tho Amhiiican, and An- drew Mack at the Koubtbhntii Strbet, the nine last named closing on that date. At I'liecTim'a FiFTrr Avgncd and One Bundbbd UNI) TWKNTV-KIl-TK STREET THBATBB8 Stock productions, with vaudeville between acts, continued The one wook stands closing it wore: "At Risk of His Life" at tha Third Avenub "Why Girls Leave Home" at the Windsob, "The Female Detectives" at tho Giiand Opera Hodbb, Henry Miller »f Ihe HARU13I On: ha Ho t)8B, "Tbe Sign of the I'our" at the Wbst End, "Tracked Around the World" at the Metropolis, "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the Stab, and "Down by the Sea" at tho Olympic Variety entertainment was furnished at tho Victoria, the Yobk- villb, tho circle, Kami's Union 8qca«b, ritocTOR'B Twr.Ntv-THinD StbBet, Toftt Fab- mil's. Proctor's Fifti-eicihth Strbbt, the London, the Dhwbv, Miner's 1 Eighth Avb- hvk, Minrr's Bowsnt, Hun-no It Siauon'b and the Gotham. At Hubeb's Musxult tha usual long list of curios and vaudeville was offered For the week ending Dee. 24 (fifth week) the bills at the Metropoli- tan Opera Hovbb were: Monday night, II), "La Travlata," with tho following cast: Vlolctta, Mine. Sombrlch ; Aniiinu, Mme. Bnuermclster ; Flora Bc'rvolse, Mme. Jacoby; Alfredo, Mr. Caruso; Giorgio Germont, air. Scottl; Bsrone Duphol, Mr. Bars; Dottors Grenvll, Mr. Heguo ;' Marchess d'Oblgny, Mr. tiufricbe; Gastone, Mr. Glordaul. Arturo Vlgna conducted. Wednesday night, 21, "Illgolotto" was thus cast : Gtlda, Mme. Beta, bricli; Maddalena, Mme. Louise Homer; Glo- vnnna, Miss Bauermelster I La Contessa, Mme. Helen Maplcson ; Un Pagglo, Miss El- liot; II Duca, Mr. Caruso; Rtgoletto, Mr. Glraldonl; Bpnrafuclle, Mr. Journet; Monte- 'rono, Mr. Muhlmann ; Marullo, Mr. Bogus ; Borsn, Mr. Giordanl; Ceprano, Mr. Greder; Usclorc, Mr. Fanclll. Arturo Vtgna conduct- ed. It was the first performance of tha sea elgnullzcd on the above date, resulted in a complete personal triumph, equaled only by managers'!. — A typical the success of the piece Itself, which proved co ,^i a n, welcomed ■ the a work of rare Intrinsic merit in Its class. r _ , / r *_*.■,,. or vw Our music lovers whose tastes run to tbe *- m , f . . f* . ,nt , . , .' high class In their entertainment arc given McNally's latest musical play, entitled a double treat In this offering, which com- Newport,'' a lot of nonsense. In three act- bines a well told and interesting story — of W | tn lyrics and music by Cole and Johnson more body than la the usual order In musical 1{ < lrgt presented In New Haven Dec. -22. It ro Brabara Jr.: Judge Martin, W. T. Clark; "Uncle Jerry" Halter, Charles Witlard; Mur- ray Jameson, Howard P — dall, Wallace Worsley Joseph Wilkes ; the <_. . Cooper: tho Major, Giles B. Warren; the Colonel, Richard Lee ; Jasper, George Morrltt : "Chick" Allen, II. Simons: Rufe, Ar- thur W. Owen; Itastus, William loran; Philip Kendall. A. H. Symmons; Bud Ureckenrldge, Claude II. Cooper ; HI Pren- dergast, lllchard Lee ; Lem 8tevens, Giles R. Warren; Tube, George Merritt; Jim Brown. A. 11. Symmons; "Splint" Egan, Ar- thur W. Owen; Barney O'Brien, James C. Shannon; Captain Tilton, G. It. Warren; Ed. Rnincs, Frank McCoy; Hank Winter, Itlchard Lee: Official Caller, J. C. Shannon; Slmpklns. Ralph Benton ; Pert Barlow, Kath- arine Mulklns l Sndie Martlu, Harriet Worth- Inaton : Cynthy. Lydla Dickson : Aunt pel), Kiln Sothcrni Mrs. Watson, Margaret Smith ; Mrs. Long. Ktliel Power; Gertrude Neville, Clare Armstrong; Clara Esmond,' Lydla Dickson. This piny, with Its present csBt, continues fot two weeks, after which a con- tingent of thp Proctor Stock Co. will pre- sent "Thelnia." Sunday's concerts attracted the usual large paying" crowds 25. Liberty Theatre (Klaw & Erlangcr, holldny audience Klaw & Erlangcr X, In John J. In acta. I'rorior'. TvreBtT-tblr* Street Tlse- Haw York Theatre (Ktaw & Erlangcr. at^ (J lustTnFy^s. general manager).- nrt M rr.).-"noB.e Folks," a four act com- The holldav crowds at this house on Dec. 20 edy drama, by C. ,T. Daisy, was given lis ^ w . liZr td BBMii applause was nr*t?New';]?ori< hearing; matinee of Dee. 20, Svcn a bg bm. SlwFuKr Zden head- W^M*1K> g,«Ven , hit talk was voted the'.WsInat Street Tb,6i»tre,' Philadelphia. pee, 12. It inaugtrflted at tho New York tho new scale of prices, and henceforth the beat orchestra seats will be sold at one dollar, with' the scale graded accordingly. A good sized audience sat In Judgment upon the play at the opening matinee, and plainly showed, by tbelr interest, laughter and ap- i', that Mr. Daiey has again ' struck . the right thins in his concoction of thrilling scenes, gooa comedy and generous ■ features. These features, by the way, are go better, while Wilkes. . Al « an ™ w tll ." n ." numerous and most entertaining, nnd In. Johnson, colored comedians, made things , j number of natural pranks by bare- lively and interesting during their time jon f fcJ ^ , ln rea , , b J t , Botany Class." went eve- — — was last shown at a city house, and Rosa German comedians i ! Carmen Staters, banjo, Mtanl fun and freedom about the pictures tats. Lew Welch, Hebrew Impersonator, and t IomplDg cul i d ( dn B „a homely country O'Donnell Brothers, In "Casey s Visit. The ||fe „_' tue older "folks" tbat the illu ' motion pictures continue. American Theatre (Klaw, Erlangcr & Wcls, managers). — A warm welcome was ex- tended to a drama, new to this city, on Dec. 20, entitled "Shadows on the Hearth." life by the older "folka" that the illusion was perfect in many of tbe scenes, and the story of the play was quite a thing snnrt, so far as the concern of the audience count- ed. This story, however, was most intense In Its thrilling developments, John Hclby, an Illinois farmer, risking his reputation and Iticlil. Her Hlugluu. too. was generally satis- factory. Van Itcusselacr Wheeler Bang well, pnrllciilnrly in the auction sveue, and bis acting was fully as good its his vocal effort*. Stanley Hawkins, however, made the singing success of the evening! with his clear, sweet voice and remarkably hue cuuncl- ation, and bis playing as Joseph Surface was natural and conv'ncTug. Elsa, Ryan won' a big triumph for her dainty, Ingenuous render- ing of tho sung, "In Dear Old Uvand-iua's Day," and her ro|n received a charming im- personation, .luliii Diaisnioro wos very well liked for his singing, and Lucille SHuudcrs also scored heavily for her vocal efforts. S'r Peter Tcaalo w»s capitally played by w. T, Cailoton, mid Sir Oliver Surface, rccclvcdi' at the bauds of Clarence Ilundysldes, so effective a .portruyal as to win special marks of favor from the audience. Augustus Bar- rett- and Phoebe Coyne wcro also proralucnt In tbe support, incidental to the library scene Nelllo McCoy danced with rare surlght- llncsx.-aud won marked appreciation for the specialty. Tbo co«tumcs wore dainty atid quiet ln coloring, and the scenery, particu- larly tho ballroom scene, which closed tho play, was tasty and pretty; The cast: Sir Peter Teestlc, W. T. Carloton : Sir Oliver Surface, Clarence Handysldes ; Sir llenjumln Backbite, Augustus Barrett: Sir Harry Bumper, Jack Taylor; Joscuh Surface. Stan- Iny'llawklns; Charles Surfaco, Van Ilcnsso- lacr Wheeler; Crabtroe, Owen Wcstford: Careless, Albert Wilder; Moses, Edmund Lawreuco; Hnako, John Dunsmure; Trip, Joseph's servent, Albert McGucklh; Mrs. Candour, Phoebe Coyuc : Marin, Elsa Rynn ; Molllo. Nellie McCoy : Lady Sueerwoll. Lu- cille Saundora ; Lady Tcaslc, Lillian Russell. Circle Theatre (Percy G. Williams, man- ager).— Manager Williams Is presenting his patrons this week with one of bis best offerings lu the way of a carefully prepared programme of vaudeville specialists, capi- tally suited to tbo holiday season. At both shows on Monday, Vce. 20, tho bijou theatre was crowded with patrons, who enjoyed the re- ceived" the stamp of approval which wns more thoroughly sealed- In the big' elty. Of plot there is little, being merely tho story of the efforts of Alert Piuchcrton to sccuro two packets of letters from Fleurctte, a Kronen maid, who bus stolen them, one each, from John Bnnkwcll and his wife. Of course the correspondence Is not such as cither would wish tbe other to know of. From this' thread hangs a lot of songs, dances and rapid fire Jokes. Truth com- pels the statement that, divested of the ser- vices of Fay Toniplclon, Peter l>alley, Vir- ginia Karl and- Joseph Coyne, the perform- ance would fall considerably below the stand- ard of success given It. Fay Tcmplctou,' as Kli'uretti'. was. ns- always, gracious-, charm- ing. Insinuating, alluring and rfvqiir — Just n shade. Hb« never worked better nor ■rand more heavily. Hoe Arab costume was one of the most, gorgeous affairs seen in years, and she surprised many In her re- appearance in male' attire, rotcr Dalley, as Alert, was himself, und that covers a multitude of sins and remarks: he Is as strong n favorite as ever and had everyone happy while on tho stage. Joseph Coyne re- ceived by far tbe most demonstrative wel- come of the Jolly quartette, and again proved his right to be culled an adept In English chiipplc parts. His monocle song was a decided success, owlug' entirely to his sonalltv and clever handling of It. g i uia Earlo, looking prettier and daintier than evor, sppr and anted herself deep In the hearts of her auditors, and wore some stunning gowns. The other mciobers of the case wcro fully competent, and the chorus was well -drilled. The lluw settings were very handsome, and tbe costumes were line. Of the songs, the sucecsscs of which were In every Instance due to the ef- forts of the^ singers, "Don't (j Too Dan- gerously Nigh" (Miss ESrlc nod Mr. Coyne), pcr- Vlr- When'I Am Chief of Police" (Mr. Dslley), Ml. Nobody But- You" (Miss -Templeton and Mr. Der. Xlckclmann, Coyne) and "Peggy Is a New Yorker Now" were eminently successful. The piece do icKlstcnoe, however, was tho '"Zcl S5el" of Misses Templeton and Earle, than which no more striking effect has 'been : seen ln many a day. Success is spelled large for the play. A special word of praise Is duo Herbert Gresham and Ned Way burn for their clever handling of the ensembles. The cast In full : Alert Plnchcrton. Peter V. Dalley : Percy i Von Alatync, Joseph Coyne; John Bankwcll. Lee Harrison; Nell Nelson, Charles F. MaeDonald : Burton. Alfred Fisher; Harvey Hawes. Louise Kelso; Jim Props, Frank Todd: Viola Cartwrlght, Vir- ginia Earle ; Mrs. Jack Bankwell, Edith Ycr- rington; Belle Martelle, Sue Stuart: Malzle Mason, Lillian Hudson : Lillian Balkwell, Elphyo Snowden : Piano Girl, Florence Brcn- nan : May. Alice Palmer ; Fay, Irene Palmer ; Dnlsy, "Peggy" Lawton ; Millie, Gussle Ren- net: Carrie,- Mildred Claire; Lorette, Edith Mllward, and Mile. Ficurettc. Fay Templeton. Broadway Theatre (A. W. Dingwall, mnungcr). — After one week of darkness, dur- ing which Frjtzl Schcff and her company laid off for rehearsals, this house was reopened Monday night. Dec. 20, with tbe resumption of Mme. Scbeff's engagement. Tbo bill chosen *.v, — .»-..-.— — — - llllUUIB, l^lMCli lw»'U(, "»o ivjiuiouuil „|jl Is from the pen of Louis Egan, and was first his life In the defence of youn^ Walter Clay produced at the Opera House; Holyoke, Mass., Nov. 21, of this year. The story of Mr. Egan's drama has appeared in these columns. Mau- ager Arthur O. Alston controls Its destiny, and he has selected it as a vehicle to exploit the talents of James M. Brophy as leading man, and has selected a canablo company for bis support. The drama met with the warm ap- proval of the large audlenco of Monday, and as tho story In its unfolding roveals the complete triumph and vindication of a woman suspected of wrong doing, there was never a moment of doubt regarding Its successful appeal along those lines, wllh an American audience as Its censors. Mr. Brophy was entirely capable, whether as Tom Eaton, the mill band, or when returning as a major froin thO'War. In the opening scenes he was natural and easy In tlie role, and in tbe later -scenes, requiring force, patlios and In- tensity, he fully met every requirement of the lines and situations. • The- drama Is prettily staged, and Manager Alston lias a capable company to Interpret Mr. Egan's drama, which is produced here under the direction of Kstha Williams. Tbe enst: Ton! Easroii. James M. Itrophy; George' Ber- rk-k, John J. Plersoii : Rev. Arthur Irving, Ben S. Meats: 'Fred Vaugbsn. Thos. U. Ince; Corporal Berrlck. Maurice Hedges i Amos Pol- lock, Percy Plnukctt : Hungry Jasper, Charle) Avnrv : Ned Berrlck, J. Frank Gibbons ; Heury Derrick, Will Emerson ; Jack Holloway, Frank Mackln : Hill llartlctt, William J. Malson ; Deacon Rurns, Frank Gibbons: Kate Berrlck, (IcrtrudJ O'Mallev: Nell Berr|ck, Adeline Muun: .Mnriii Berrlck, Rita Harlan; Mrs. Pollock. Annie Mortimer: Mrs. Eaton, Eliza- beth Morgan. Moll MoMsnus, Louise yal- icntinc.' Business staff: Arthur C. Alston, proprietor and manager; George 8. Abbott, business manager ; John J. l'lerson, stage manager; Charles Devlin, carpenter: Harry Abbott, property man. Next week, "Mo, Him and I." IrviiiK Place Theatre. — Manager Con- rled revived "Die Vcrsuokeno -Glocko" ("The Sunken Bell") Thursday' evcBlngV Dec. 22, with a splendid production. Hedwh; Von Ostermann was excellent as Rauteudclcln. Others in tlie cast were; Hclnrlch, Paul Ilageu'ann : Magda, Mnrgaretlie Ruhuikorf; Kinder belder^ Clara KOst and Olga nodon- hauser ; Den Pfarrer, Otto Meyer : Der Scbul- meister, Hermann Gerald ; ' Der ' Bkrbler, Will* Prey: 'Die Naehbarln, Marie v. Wc- lllc alto Wlttlclietn Elisabeth Arluans; Nlckclmann. Hclnrlch Marlow: Eln Wald-'cbrat. August Mcyer-Elgen ; Erstc Elfe, Magda Norm an u ; Zivelte Wife, Fellaltas Ru- dlgur; Dritte Elfe, Rose Bosec: Vlerte Elfe, Hilda Rraun. iicivcy Theatre (Sullivan & Kraus, man- agers).— Fred '.Irwin's New Majesties Bur- lesque Co. started the week here Monday, Dec. 20, to two- packed houses, and 1 tbe show gave the best of satisfaction. Two bur- lesques were given, both of which were pre- sented with very competent casts. There wcro no dull moments while tbe show was In progress. Both burlesques were extreme ton, who has escaped from Dan Klntroll's gang of desperados, aqd is hidden In John's house. Ruth Clayton, Walter's sister, Is loved by John, who naturally exhausts every means within his power to save tbe brother. He outwits a gang of lynchers who have been erroneously led to believe by Paul Nlles, a no-account suitor for tbe hand of Ruth, that Walter Is a horse thief, and finally makes It possible for Walter to leave the country. John then traps Paul and Dan Kintrell, prov- ing tbe former to be the real thief and spy, thus clearing Walter's name of all suspicion. The final curtain leaves the patb smooth for John and Rutb to tread it straight to the al- tar, and Walter's little sweetheart, a reformed girl, who has formerly been In the Kintrell gang, Is also lifted to a better life, with marriage bells as a not far distant prob- ability. The stage management was re- markably good, and E. W. Presbrcy, who had that department ln charge, may well feci proud of his' work, a big corps of boys and girls being handled cleverly In many big scenes where the stage was crowded with people. The verdict of the audience at the opening performance was distinctly favorable, and If the work receives its just deserts it will remain in this city for the rest of the season. William Ingcrsoll played John Sclby with quiet forceful ness. arid Crystal Heme whs demure and decidedly charming as Ruth. Julie Heine made an especially attractive figure ns the uncouth and unkempt girl of Kldtiell's gang, acting with marked ability. Thomas A. Wise made a comedy success in Ills role, and Arthur Saunders, whose crabbed old man was a clever bit ; Samuel Reed and diaries Stedmau ail scored big successes in character roles. The role of the villain was excellently handled by W. S. Hart, and tho youthful Walter was played with ability by Walter Thomas. Frances Stevens gave to the character of Polly, the hired girl, dis- tinctive marks of ekllliulnoss. and Ida Water- man won a success as John's mother. The children's roles were all well played, but Jack Ryan, as Bert, and Howard Sloat, ns Bud, deserve special mention, because they were good beyond the usual as buys Just well Into their teens. Tbe cast: John Selby, William Ingersol! ; Joe Haa-klns, Thomas A. Wise! Squlro Andrews, Samuel Reedi Old Mat Nlleu. Arthur Sanders; si Heckle, Charles Stodman t Paul Mies, W. tj. Hart; Walter Clayton, Walter Thomas: Pan Kintrell, ChSrles Lamb: Lem Brown. Charles Mason: Hank' Hosklos, Morton McKlui; Bert. Hopkins. Jaekf Ryan; Bud Heckle, Howard Sloat : Rutb Clayton, Crystal Heme ; Mrs, Martha Belby, Ida Waterman ; 81s Dur- kee, Julia Herns; Polly Hopkins, Frances Stevons; Sadie -Heckle, Rosa Marston; Pearl Snyder, Alice ' Brabam ; Suslo Galloway, Dcslflo Lasard: Maud Miller, Belle Daubc; Mrs. Jaae Penlck, Myra Brook. Pastor's Theatre (Tony Pastor, mana- ger).— A' Merry Christmas matinee audience assembled, Dec 20 to witness a flnb bill on which tho Empire City Quartctto held the headline position. Their act invariably scores heavily, and this was no exception. Gus Wil- liams" was as laughable- as ever, telling ly well staged. The first Is entitled "Is tho clever stories and Jokes, and won well earned i ' In which the following take applause. He Is always sure of a hearty Tenderloin, excellent "MU to the full. Particularly wol come and appropriate at this time Was the was Franz Von Suppe's three act comic opera, magical act of Howard Thurston. With entitled "Fatlnltta. ' in which the fair star sung the rolo of Gllda, but owing to her Indisposition Mme. Bcmbrtch took her place. Eugcnlo Glraldonl sang the title-role for Ills first time lu America, and Adolph Muhl- mann was heard tor the drat time lu this city ns Moutcroue. Thursday, 22, "Parsifal" was given lis last evening performance this season. Mme, Nordica sang the role of Kundry, and Andreas Dlppel made his first appearance this season In Parsifal, Marcel Journet was tlie Gurnemans, Anton Van Rooy was tbe Ainfortas, and Adolph Muhl- aunni was tho Tlturel. Friday night, 21), "Faust" was glvon for the first time this ptason, with this cast: Marguerite, Mme. Kmtna Eames ; Slobol, Mme. Jacoby ; Marthe, Miss Bauermelster; Faust, Mr. Salens; Me- nu Istophclcs, Pol Ptancen; Valentin, Mr. Gl- raldonl ; Wagner, Mr. Rogue, It was Eu- gculo GIraldlno'a first American appearance ns Valentin. Nabaa Franko conducted. Saturday matinee. 24, "L'Kllsir D'Amorc" was given, with this cast: Adlna, Mine. Scmbrkhi Gluuetta. Miss Mulford; Nemo- rlno, Mr. Caruso; Bclcore, Ml*. Scottl; Dul- camara, Mr. Roast. Arturo Vlgna conducted. langlcal .. ft stage sotting, of mystical splondov and the truly Eastern atmosphere which seemed to exist, Mr. Thurston performed Gtcmlngly Impossible feats of legerdemain, and llluslous of his own creation, which fairly surprised his audiences. The splen- did bill also Includes tha Kauffman Troupe, eight In number, who do tho most surprising feats of 'rvclc riding with such unlquo grace and facility ns to almost detract from Its u - bill ; Carl- appeared fan clover playlet, cntltlcd""AJrlmely A.wak ea. it wns ino nrsi performance ox uio oca- "-",.• -" ■ "", " , tl s~ f„„,„ii n t th.i tea of "Rlgoletto." Mme. Melba was to have J n r,1 M a«y a and Ida? May° f Hall «,.- _«i — . n>u. ■...>. —.1— »~ ■... (u „ t ,| 0VCr playlet, entitled "A Timely Av cnlng," with tnarkml favor. Press Ehjrldgo scored his usual happy success in his original munolognc, his new sougs going particularly strong, as they are Biing by no one but him- self; tho Three Crane Bros, kept the audi- ence In roars of laughter during their entire act : Koran Bans sang sweetly ; Harper, Des- mond and Bullcy < their debut hero) proved to bo a trio of clever singers and dancers: Francis Gerard, also a debut here, appeared in a gymnastic novelty ; the Threo Barretts, expert Jugglers ; nnd the American vitagraph, Third Avenue Theatre (Martlu J. Dixon, manager). — Lincoln J. Carter's pro- duction, entitled "Too Proud to Beg," was the holiday bill 2fi and week. The ploy was cast as follows: John Corr, Fred Eckhart; Inspector Sharp. A. u. Lynds; Mark Klaw, the Spider, W. M. Sheldon: Myers, Chas. H. Gardner; Voders, i^owis. Chevalier j Isaac Blum. Jake Simons:- Pedro, James White; Willie CHrr, Arthur Boylsn; Vera Carr, Mil- dred Bovlsn : Spike, Clarence Dull ; Billings, W. J. Cmnmlngs ; Dawson. Jack Mason ; Police, Cal Spencer: Nellie Carr. Mary Ber- vhss: Bridget O' Rook, Nellie Fillmore; Maud Qulglcy, Estolln Vincent: Mother BCal, Stella iiovlan. Next week, "Escupod from Sing Slng.V Weber Music llnll (Weber & Zlcgtold, inagors).— "Higgledy-piggledy" Btartcd its ■-week Doc. 20. :Marle Dressier - mart , tenth - Move] ger-BetrUque) Mtrcelline, Bells Altsn ; Flo- roatan, W. Pliffpel: Pizarro. Mr. aorltt; Rnecri, Mr. Rlase: Jarqulno,- Mir. Relsa: Der Minister, Mr. Muhlmann. Alfred lfert* con- ducted. It was the llrst poifili'liiuuccs of these operas this acajou. played the title role. It has been a- number of years since this pleasing work has been presented lu this city, and never has it been more admirably presented than In the present Instance. Mme. Soheff lias firmly established herself ln public favor, a Just reward' tor her excellent work, but sho lias never had so good au opportunity aa tbat which "Fatinltza" offers her. Never has she bcon mora charming, and the salvos of applause given her wore hearty lu the extreme. Sho made a pretty figure In the Jaunty cos- tume of tha young Russian lieutenant, and there is little doubt that her pleasing per- sonality will lend new Ufo and popularity to Von Suppe's opera. Albert Hart was capital as the gruff old general, and Louis Harrison's humor found good vent in tho role of lszett Pasha. Richie Ling was excellent as the American ■ war correspondent, and Campbell Donald, except for au Inclination to overact the part, was good as Mustspha. The others did well. As. to the production Manager Charles B. Dillingham has glveu his star a handsome setting. The.. work is elaborately staged, the Winter sceno of act one (which Is a triumph of tho scene painters' art) being especially worthy of praise. The chorus Is well drilled and includes many pretty flrls, who sing well, Tlie cast In full : lieutenant Vladimir (Fatlnltxa), Fritzi Schcff : General Kantcbukoff, Albert Hart ; Princess Lydla, Elaine De Sellem : luzett Pasha, Louis Harrison ; Julian Sinclair, lttehlo Ling: Sergeant Stelpann, Arthur Cunningham ; Hassan Bey. Otto Wedde- meyer; Mnstaphn, Campbell Donald; Cap- tain Vassili, F. M Boyd; Lieutenant Osslp. Henry Cootc ; Vulka. A. Barbara; Hanna, Mabel Allen: Dlatilrl, Ida Hawley: Fedor, I.nulso I.e Baron ; Ivan, Ada Meade : Casl- mlr, Ha Nlles : Grcgor, Bertha Holly; Michel, draco Spencer ; Marahaldshi, Josephine Rart- lett: Murlsdah. Ida Hawlay : Dions, Louise i,e Baron: Zulelka, Ha Nlles: Ilesika, Ada Meade; Odalisque, May MoCoy. .- Victoria -Theatre (Oscar Hammersteln, manager).— The bill for week, of Dee. M Includes : Horse show, Staley and Birbaok, parf! Mike Clancy, Larry McCato; Myer Scliultz, Gus Fsy;' Untie lilram, T. J. Fsr- lou Jr. ; Dick Doom, Rich Anderson ; J6hn Rcllly, Billy Noble ; Willie Tinsel. Belie Wil- ton ; Oussie Spangle. Marie Harrison ; Dollle Dimples, Maude Harvey ; Jaunta Mann, Evelyn Walker; Tenderloin Liz, Ray Wal- lace: Annie Moslty, Myrtle Paul; Mary Gold. Kitty Ordon ; Sarah Nade, Etta GoOdrldae ; Jessie Mine. Harrlcttc Belmont ; Hester lclc, Mamie Mitchell : Annie Mation, Ethel Rosa ; Millie TSry,- Gertrude Bellatzcr ; Ella Phant, Mia Bcltaczer: Catlle Sthenics, Martha Bellatzcr; Polly Con, Francesca Bel- latzcr : Mcta Orlc. Edith Bellatzer. in tbe olio which was given between tbe burlesques, the following were seen to advantage. Harvey nud Walker, singers ; Anderson and Wallace, In a clever sketch, called "Professional Life; the Bellatzer Sisters, gymnasts, and Farron and Fay, German comedians. The show closed with "For Girls Only,'" and again the ser- vices of tbe whole company were enlisted. Wm, Morrison Is musical- director; Jttko Johnson, electrician : Tom Ross, stage manager, and Mme. De Young, wardrobe mistress. Next week, Bon Ton- Burlesquers. London Theatre (James II. Curtln, man- ager);— The Knickerbocker BurlesqncrB had excellent .houses 2(1, but tho matinee perform- ance was given with the house scenery,' as the sets for the show were delayed eit route from Boston, They arrived on time for the evening' show. "Riley's Speech," with Frank Finney ns ltlley. was u big laugh - producer. "The Musical Babies" and tha Church City Quartet's selections were acceptable Interpo- lations. "The Escaped Lunatic" film was applauded between tbo acts.' Act 2 Intro- duced "La Danse do Surprise," a, beautiful ballet; Frank Finney, with parodies of- funny calibre, and the Jewel Ballet, another showy display of terpslcbore. Next week, the Thor- oughbreds. Miner's Eighth Avenne Theatre (Ed- wlii D. Miner, manager). — Fulton's Jolly Grass Widows appeared matinee of Dec. 28 In a nonsensical bill of faro served up In courses to suit their listeners, who received them as only a burlesque hungry holiday crowd can. That the performance was a credit to the management goes without say- ing, and from curtain -to curtain It was a feast of laughter and a how of generous, spontaneous applause. Praise universal Is the fairest method, for otherwise one would simply have to mention every Individual and Include the scenery, costume's, music and effects. Tho two jierformaiices were a happy ■ opening and closing; : to a holiday show. Yorkvllle Theatre (Mayer R. BImberg, ' house was granted .Us full .r Main bIbiIm her nart. AUmc AruSles. Includes: Horee show, Stahw' aaa BUNcx, manager),-^b Is house was 'granted 't_ waVaSoouVof Tha otst rttuVnedaT : the B°«r» -«•»!■»»• ?? m P , SfaP M i:$ Jr ]2 "55 shitra'oFiolMay patronaSe. tE«7p«fil»l ™»U- r** So 80 °K fToiuiV of WidoWs." a Grace La RMie, Fred Nlblo and Yorire and nee of Monday ,*Dee. 2S, 1004, at ferry's Theatre. l*ondon, ling.. Knickerbocker Theatre (Al. Uajman & Co'.i managers).'— Viola Allen's ambitious attempt to win public acknowledgment of her skill In Shakespearean portrayal appeared to tre. Ed- be, amply Justified on Dec. 20, when she week the Swiuers present n |.lenRliiK.-«.n n whose played both Herm.one and Perdl.R. In a re- I^S^Ednatny -t^f»t& ross the vlval of "The Winter's lale, for the first tlm e .after her Illness In the dual role. tiiron Me.' Years previously be married an actress, who later rnn away from him be-. an rear., n __,.„ ,,.. _„_i, ,„„ 1.-..1 o„.. time before a New York audience. Applnnso which 'hnd the ring of sincerity alxnit It re- warded' her, while the beautleB of tta* pro- duction, from a spectacular point of view, and the generally tine work of the players who surround Miss Allen, also received high praise. In costuming and In staging n gen- erous hand was apparent, and the revival with Mr. Terry In the same role as that wa!) j n every respect one worthy of tbe work 'SfiZTSUt^tg ' he assumes he're. The story of the play, t"h¥ omission of"~somo portions of the play cause he bad made her work too bard. Bor-. wh ieh is light of texture, tells of BIciiard „J ma i » lb" linal curtain down In row and loneliness asslstedhlmln^ajloptlng Burnslde, a. wealthy shipowner of sixty %}&' '?^ f e t ^ i detracting In no years, who Is the proud founder of "The ■louse of Burnslde." iie has long built hopes that Richard Burnslde, a hoy whom he has alwnya believed to be his grandson, 1 shall succeed him In busi- ness, but his hopes are shattered hy the dis- covery that his son's widow, Marion, has bad a lover who Is the father season able time tlnd detracting In no respect from the beanty of the performance. Miss Allen's nctlUR as Hermlono, jh (he first half of the piny, must have' deeply F ratified and surprised her admirers, for t shrtWed remarkable strength and : dlgnliy, which formed a striking contrast to 1 ' her a daughter, itncbael. Newton Offutt, a fanner, Is treating his wife, Kate, In this identical manner, and Bruce warns him. Hlch- ard Saunders, a former sweetheart of Kate, inveigle* her Into running away to Boston wlili hlmi she to go through by train and ho to drive over to Hnllowell with a frisky team which he has purchased from Bruce. Morlan'.Osgood, a music teacher, Is accused two children (the other of having been an actress, acknowledges the He tries to force Marlon i» same and is practically driven out of town hi the Illegitimate child but hri the gossips, but Bruce defends her. Bob- obdurate. She acknowledges crt, Newton's brother, loves her, and she illegitimate but will not disclose goes to Boston on the seme train which the old man makes a will dlslnh en nies Kate, Hobert rnnnlng after the latter both, leaving his fortune and business to mliates In'the trial. Miss Allen did especially to save her from Saunders, who Ib thrown strangers, wlien she finally tells him Mar- we(1 expressing Intelligibly and with tin- from his carrlnge' before be leaves the i village garet Is bis grandchild, and for the sake of err |^ e tonx the despair and high minded and badly injured. Maddened by his fier future she decides to give her over to rogiaSntlon to her fate, and wltbal malfr her grandfather. Her son. Illchard, she In- \a\ D Tni a quiet dignity as became a queen tendB to send to his godfather In Brazil, and Ag i> er d>ta, however, she won even greater she, herself, will leave the place In company SUCC ess, giving herself up to the freedom of with her aged father, Robert Parminter. the wo0 3g w ]th an abandon that was al- who has long been the confidential clerk of When the head of tbe bouse of Park (Wm. Hyde, mtt"S» cr >'.^wPS.9j*Jj Automobile llystery'' 26-81. "The Factory Olrl" last vtrX was a big favorite. Next week Patrice. In "Driven from Home.' BMOU (M»ry 0. Spooner, mansRer).— This first ami Cecil is "neeu to odvantnae. Aum«tus ; Pli"- lips and Harold Kennedy an mil placed. list week. "Boh Kennedy 7 did good business. "The Cavalier" next week. .Osphbim (Percy t». Williams, manager).— The bill for the current week contains Paul Conchas, Zenerfs Midgets. It. li. Knowles, Mason-Koeler company-, n Alma's nog and Monkey Circus, Greene and Werner, the Cast- ing Dunbars, Hlnes and Remington, Nellie I'loredc, the Rnlfes and the, vltnKrapli. IItm: * Ueh man's (Nick Nnrlon. mana- ger).— Christmas week Iho bill contains tho Twelve Chnmpagno Dancera, from "The 811- ver Slipper:" Ella Rradna and her beautiful GiwiRU»*i CogittAS baa been engaged M leading 'laily wlttTftobert T. Haines In hla llrst starring tour, which opens Jan. 2 at the Berkeley l.vceum Theatre, this city, la "Once itimh a TMne," a new romaptlc com- •dy, written esis4lally for him by 'his wlf«k Oehevlcvc* O. Haines, author of "Hearts Aflame," etc. Miss Coghinn made her debut with her father, the fate Clmrles Coghinn. in "Tlio Royal Box." and has since) starred In sueh plays ns Irndy »t Quality." Becky Sharps".. and ''A She will play Dona Ana do "Cerbnilos, an Andaluslnn heiress, In "Dnce I'pon a Time." I'.. J. RatcllfTe Will be Mr. Haines' lending man, and other prom- inent inemiicrs In the cast are Tom UU'ketli, Arthur Hoyt and Mme. Cottrely. i;kmiii:e ii. l'RtMnosF.'a newly organised minsireiH are to make' their first New Yon amic-nranco on Jan. n, nt tho flrnrid Opera limise. . i ' HKiNRtcit CoNRirn has engaged, for a isa- son at the Irving lince Theatre, Mme. Agnlhe lliirseseit, the noted Itoiimnnlnn actress. Mme, llnrsescu will make her first appearance here as Magda, In the first, week In January. PuorvRSOR CoiiM-.i.n.'N ItimNKR, who was recently appointed to succeed II. A. Mno the cbalr of music nt Columbia Man- Staii "' ffin- ffered ' were Jew *n lids "ocnllty— »""'«. «be NRrrises, and Baron and Forrest lions offered were new in uiis .." . * , 'c».» nineb enmnnnv nresenls ths liiirlesnueH "Me, Him nnd 1," at the West. End ; "Cohen's Gotham (Charles Williams, manager),- "A Midnight Mnrrlnge" Is here this week. Business continues satisfactory. Next, "A Wife's Secret." , „. llNiqim (Frank R. Cnrr, mannger).— The Four Mistletoe Girls bend this week's hill. Others are: Amelia Adams, Devlne and 'rankl e.V, II aaoper).— The usiirI early opening of this „>„., engagement here at an extra matinee popular theatre on holidays was observed on Mundny, Dec. 26, and tbe occasion found the nsiifll large crowd of people Assembled In front of Its doors, patiently waiting for. admission. Mr. Keith has provided on attractive bill for this holiday time as tbe following enumera- tion .will show. Heading the bill Is Paul Spa- don!, whose marvelous feats of strength and dextrous manner in handling heavy objects has already entertained New York vaudeville patrons at otber city bouses for some time. Ills work on Monday wns a revelation to those who had not seen It, and was heartily applaudod by tbe large audiences. Frank Bush, the story teller ard mimic, wns wel- comed by old friends and added many new ones to his list by bis Irresistible drollery ; Bruno and Russell presented a delightful farcotto, entitled "Tricks of the Trade.' r their specialties being introduced in it quite clev- erly ; Fred Nlblo told his stories .to most will- ing cars nnd responsive hands gave quick ap- plause: dainty nnd petite Mary Dupont, capably assisted, charmingly enacted "A Leap Year Leap :" the ■ Fltzgihbons-McCoy Trio presented ''A Mischievous Brother" In snappy style, and others who contributed their full quota of meritorious work were : J. Aldrlcb l.lbijy and Katherlne Trayer, In vocallsms flnd character bits; Wilson mid Davis, singers nnd comedians ; Scott Bros., acrobats ; Sisters Vnlll, Swedish musicians ; Fred Brown, whose efforts pleased the audience: Cblc, comedy bicyclist, and the blogranh, with new comedy pictures. Lyric Theatre (Sam S. & Lee Shubert, managers).— James K. Hackett, In his latest Play "The Fortunes of tbe King," entered his fourtb week and last fortnight Dec. 26. A Kpcclnl nerformance wns given 21, benefiting the Babies' Hospital of New York, afld Rt tbe end of tbe third act Mr. Hackett was pre- seflted with a lovlRg cup. Academy of Music (Gllmore * Torap- k Rs, moRRgers).— "The WlzRrd of Oz," stfil playing to crowded houses, opened its eighth and last week,Dec, 26. "Siberia'' Jan. 2., Criterion Theatre. (Charles Frohmsn, manager) — >'A Wife Without a Smile" be- gan its second and last week Dec. 26. Fran- cis Wilson follows. Jan. 2, In "Cousin Billy." Belaseo Theatre (David Belasco, man- ager) — David Warileld, In "The Music nSraa be t an i"' 8 fourteenth capacity week Cnrrlok Theatre (Charles Frohman, nmuoger). — Annie Russell opened her fourth week In "Brother Jacques" Dec. 26. Manhattan Theatre (Harrison Grey I'lfke, manager). — Mrs. Fiske commenced ber ,!" rd _ weclj W success In "Leah Klescbna" Dec 20; H ltd. o„ Theatre (Henry B. Harris, maonger).— Ethel Barrymore, la "Sunday,'' began. De C . 20 her seventh week'. Wallnck*. Theatre (Mrs. Theo. Moss, manager).— "The Sbo-Gun" began Its twelfth week Dec. 20, with a Christmas matinee, at which performance John B. Uenshaw a)v K* ■I ' Spangle, and May Ten Brocck was on Dec. 20. The admirers of this charming actress turned ont in force, filling every part of the beautiful theatre, though the weather was decidedly unpleasant. Miss Adams had selected ber old success, "Tho Little Min- ister," ss the vehicle for the first four weeks of her engagement. It Is safe to say tbat there were few of the large audience who had not witnessed Miss Adams' delightful Impersonation of Lady Babble, so the as- sembling of the houseful of auditors wns intended as a demonstration of welcome to her. When she first appeared, In act ooe. the house raug with upplRuee, end it was some minutes before she could proceed with her Hues. At the end of each act the cur- tain had to be raised from four to eight times, and so great was tbe calls for a speech at tbe end of act three that the little lady very feelingly said : "I thank you, .1 thank you." Luck," at the Metropolis, and "The Woman Who Did," at the Star. 1IARI.R.U Opera IIourk (Alex. IJchtenstoln. mannger).— John Drew, In "The Duke of Kllllcranlile." opened lo a packed house 26, at advanced prices, with u large advance sale reported. Next week, Kyrle Hellew, lu "Raffles." Wkst End (George A. Iilumontbal, nana- ger). — "Me, Him and I," a musical comedy, with Blchcl, Wnlson nnd Wroth sharing honors, opened 20, nnd the performance proved a most satisfactory, one. It is full of good comedy, and there nre pretty girls, flflo costumes and /rood scenery, all of which occasioned delighted comments. It should prove a good box oflke attraction. Next week, Rice's "Merry Shop Girls.". Mutiioi'our (Henry liosenherg, mannger). — Joe Welch, In his new comedy drama, entitled "Cohen's Luck," pocked tills house 20, and his reception was an exceedingly cor- dial one. Tbe play is well suited to Mr. Welch's talents, and be will, no doubt, have ,.yn Roberts, El- liott Dexter, Felix' Hntiey, biitilcl (illfcatber. Helen MacOregor, Jessls Bonslellii anil Marian Chapman. Manaorrh WAoExrfAt.s & KBMi'RtinnnomiM Hint Blanche Walsh will play her annual en- gagement In New York at lbs Heruhl Square Theatre, beginning Monday, Jan, .'Id. Miss Walsh will Inaugurate her season with a new plnv, from the pen of Clyde ' Filch, entitled "Tlie. Woman Ih the Case," n drama or New YyTk society llfo. ■ ■ A hkiiikb op Graham Hiinrat Ninnr cox- The stock comPRuy presents the burlesques, "An Evenlug Soiree*' olitl "Dllggail's Pink Ten." LTCDWlf (Louis Phillips, manager).— Emma Bell And William HoldeR heed the slock compnnv which thlB week presents "Midnight in Chinatown." New scenery has been pointed. Notb.— Mrs. Isabel Slnn-Hecht, mflRRgor Doc. .11, will lie held the annual mesiiue unit of tba Montank Theatre here, announced a civic ball of the Maurice Krnus Dewey' The- short time ago (hat she proBposcd to build ntro Social Circle, nnd maoy prominent pro- a theatre nt Nevlns anil Llvlngslon Streets, fossionnls will he present. The rivalry flint She has declored that there will ho no theatre exists between the show girls of lh« vat-hum emiTH will be rovlvod at thn Herald Square Theatre, corutnonclng New Year's Night At TammaVt nAM„ on New. Yon Pa Eve, built under her direction, nnd thnt the gO.OOO option for the property has been forfeited. When the Montnuk Theatre Ir lorn down to ma lie way for Ilia Manhattan ' Rrldge ap- proach and the widening of Flntlnish Avenue, Mrs. Slnn-Hecht will go out of the theatrical business for good. NEW YOIIK CITY JOTTINGS. Eleanor Rorron'h Home-couino was ap- oTmIbb Adams' "portrayal' of a'go<^Veck."Nex"t"weok, The' RTyOn "Down prpprlately celebrated with a complimentary the character of Lady Babble It Is only necessary to note that she has never given a finer Impersonation of it Arthur Byron did well as the little minister; Mrs. W. G. Jones was capital as Nannie Webster; Margaret Gordon was very chic as Felice, Lady Babble's maid, and the remainder of tbe cast could hardly be lm- B roved upon. The cast follows : Oayln Dls- art, Arthur Byron ; Lord Rintoul, Eugene Jopson ; Captain Halllwell, George Irving ; Twnltu, butler, Lloyd Carleton ; Thomas Wba- mond, Charles Walcott: Bob Dow, Joseph Frnncoeur : Mlcab Dow, Violet Rand ; Snecky Hobart, William Henderson ; Andrew Meal- maker, Richard Pitman ; Sllva Tosh, Wallace Jackson; Sergeant Davidson, Charles Pitt; Joe Crulkshanks, T. C. Valentine; Nannie Webster, Mrs. W. Q. Jones ; Felice. Margaret Gordon ; Jean, May Gal yer ; Lady Babble, Maude Adams. Huber'a Museum (John II. Anderson, manager). — Manager Anderson has given tbe patrons here their first opportunity to wit- ness tbe giant Plesosaur, or giant elephantine tortoise, named Methuselah, which attracted n large holiday crowd. Others in the curio hall are : Ole -Olson, midget ; Prof. Ben nnd his troupe of educated dogs ; "Rubberneck" Joe, Athene and Le Brand, In their latest nov- elty, the talkaphonograpb, and Victor Basil. In the theatre, J. If. Moore's Minstrels and a bost of others please tbe many large audi- ences during the day and evening. Hern id Square Theatre (Charles Froh- man, manager).— "Woodland" moved to this house Monday, Dec. 20. and drew big audi- ences, matinee and night. Horry Bulger, Frank Doane, Emma Carus and tbe other favorites were well received. tbe Pike." matinee at tho New Amsterdam Theatre on Star (Wm. T. Keogh, manager).— "The D 23 Tlie lnrge theatre was filled In Woman Who Did," a melodrama, renamed, "*'" . . _" . ' r° „. .,„. " „,„ „_,,. n _ and formerly known as "The Vacant Chair,' 1 «™ry part, and from Miss MM first np- wlth carloads of wonderful scenery, made pearance until the cIobo of Kangwlll s coroody, Its first Harlem appcaranco 20. The play Is "Merely Mary Ann," there was no mistaking tic clfmnx— well provided "■•lib strong dramatic climaxes, and there Is plenty of comedy and pathos. It held the oudleuce from llrst to last and should prove a strong drawing card. Next week, Thomas E. Shea, In repertory. PaocTOit'n Onb Hundred and Twentt- riVTB Strfrt Theatre (J. Austin Fynes, fenerul manager). — "The Cricket on tbe (earth" Is the offering for this week. The play was well received by two large audi- ences 20, and the way It was presented won well merited' praise, Tbe vaudeville offered tbe following, which gave decided pleasure to the holiday audiences: The Ten Ichl Troupe, Jack Theo Trio, Mr. and Mrs. Swlck- ard, Dan J. Harrington and moving pictures. HtiRTia & Bkamo.n' Music IUli, (Ben Hurtlg, manager). — A most excellent bill met with the approval of a large audience 20, and gave satisfaction from utart to fin- ish. The bill included: Magglo Cllne (her first appearance at this house), Sherman and De Forrest, Barry and Ifalrers, Musical Idlest, Median's dogs, flasch Sisters, Yneger. companies ns to which one shall receive the present for the most boniillfiil gown Is Intense. Thn Judges of those 'gowns will bn theatrical managers from this city nnd vi- cinity, nnd they will certainly have their hands full. At A VAlltlKVII.I.B ES'TERT.WNMKNT, glVPR by Ilia Old Guard on Dec. 22, Iho following bill was presented, under the direction of Wright Huntington: A sennco of Hindoo Or- pheology, by Prof. Allen H. WUIIiunN: tho Idogrnpii. Mabel Johnson, Milt ami Mfiiul Wood, Wright Huntington, Mile. Egsocg Eils- rctlaw, Tom OiJIon, Grove nnd Green, IldLIKOIS . Peoria.— At the Orand I Chamberlln, Har- rington & Co., mnnagern) Ham T, Jnclt's Co., Dec. 10, entertained a fair House, William ColMcr nnd lino support, IT, gavu exvollont satisfaction. Tba Lyman Twins, D.1, had good attendance. "Tried for l\vr Life" failed to uiiiicrlnllze 10. Comluv: Broadwav Bur. icsqiieri 21), Innocent Maids .'10, 'San Tor" 111, Walker Whiteside Jan, 1. Ilia Flints 2-7. Main Street Tiieatki: ' , * f tlvltles. All tho others In the cast wore en- neeatur— At the Poweri tlroml 13 If gaged In this country, sod havo been rehears- »««»«»'•— « i (J. F, the gcnulnenoss and sincerity of the wel- come extended to her. As Miss Robson wat returning to America from a most success- ful London engagement to begin a Western tour in "Morcly Mary Ann," tho single per- formance was Intended to afford an oppor- tunity for Miss Rohson's legion of friends und admirers to give the little actress a hearty welcome, and they surely responded. Flowers, which came from nearly every Stoto In the Union, nearly filled the spacious foyer of the theatre. Miss Robson gave her usual artistic and sympathetic performance of tbe Innocent Mary Ann, and at the end of every act sbo wns obliged to respond to many enthusiastic Farmi Md»wSr*olarand luftur aid" fog here for some time. For a first perform- Given, manager) Grnco lluyw.ird, In DSfWr Yaegcr moving pictures. . Gothau l Bulll van & Krsus, m Tbe Trocadero Burlesquers opened packed bouse 20, and caught on making a splendid impression t the entire performance and meeting „.... Samuel Smcdgo, W. A. Hackett ; Ilerr Brnhm- son, Russell Bnssett ; O'Gorman, Charles Mar- tin : Jim Blaydes, Thomas Graham ; Lord Tot- tenham, Arthur Story ; Mrs. Leadhatter. Ada Dwyer; Itosie, Louise i.ovell: The Sisters roaring icceptlon. They fully merited the approbation shown them. Next week, Ful- ton's Jolly Grass Widows. oi,Ysin<: (Al. II. Woods, manager). — 'From Rags to Riches," which has played Jim. and weekc l i t WEST V IROIS1A. Daly's Theatre (Daniel Frohman, man a«r).— On Monday, Dec. 20, Edna May and several cugugemeDts In Harlem 1b Is season, Tlpplt, Laura Curtis and Violet Honk: Lady "The School Girl" returned to this house opened to n fine audience 20, and met with Chelmer, Mrs. Thomas Wlilffea; Countess of (where It was first presented In this country) approval throughout, and -was enjoyed by large andleuccB. after- The noon and night Tbe engagement Is for two weeks. Bllon Theatre (Henry B. Blre. mans- Kir). — May Irwin began let eighth week ec. 20. . J»«*r Amsterdam Theatre (K(aw AKr- tbo widow. • iangir, manaacrs). — "Hunip'fy Dumpty" coh- Uw fteldV Theatre (Hamlin. Mitchell «««"• l»» Jjwj» manner, entering Dec. 26 * Fields, manngers).— "It HappeRed in Nord- 'la seveRth week. load started In its fourth week of excellent Qarden Theatre (Henry W. Savage, business Dec. 20. May Robson will leave the manager). — "The College Widow" com SJf* J" "Ppear with' "Com* Billy." Brooklyn. — At tbe Montauk (Isabel Sinn- Heeht, manager) Lulu Glaaer, in "A Madcap Princess," . Dec. 26-31. Mine: Schuma'uu- H el nk pleased last week. Next week, Hot hern and Marlowe, . Z '■ . ;■' MAJEsnc (Charles R. Rttirgls, manager). —"The Eternal City," with Edward Morgan, 20-31. "A Chinese Honeymoon" last week played to excellent business. Next week, Ross and Fonlon in "Twirly Whlrly." Grand Opera Rodrk (Lew Parker, mana- Fotwell, Koto Pattlson Helton : Lady Gladys Totte uhnm. Ethel Strickland ; Hon. Mrs. Fltz- Sirsld, Helen Strickland; Itowena, Margaret tberton ; Lady Glvnp, Margaret l''uller; Howard, C,,L- Meeklng: Mary Ann, Merely, Eleanor Kobaon. Miss Robsuu and hor com- pany left tbe city for Bt. Louis the follow- ing day; Saturday, Dec. 24. Charles Frohman has completed tbe com- pany to lie seen in Augustus Thomas' new comedy, "Mrs. Lefflngwell's Hoots," at lbs Snvoy Theatre, Jan. IR. Th* players: Fay Davis, Margaret llllagton, J. II. Barnes, Wil- liam Courtenay, Ernest Lawford, Jessie Bus- Wheeling. — At (he Court (E. B. Franz- holm, manager) "Tho Burgomaster," Dee. 22, had good business. Madame Bejaiie, In "Xaru," 24, drew big. Coming! Mildred Hol- land 20, Howe's pictures 28, Adelaide Thurs- ton ill. Field's Minstrels Jan. 2. Grand Opkra Hi.uRe (Chss. A. Folnlss, mningar).— 'iWhy Girls Lenve Home." 111. 21, had big business. "The Moonshiner's Daughter," 22-24, hnd good returns. Com- ing- Chester De Vonfle To. 20.111. .. ' « » » . » ' . ' . Cakmrk, the ''Boy with Many IIoops," writes that be Is with Guy Bros.' Minstrels, this being his secosd season. His hoop roll- Francis Wilson, in menced Dec. 20 Its fifteenth week to the ca- ger).— Andrew Mack, In "Tbe Wsy to Ken- ley, Mrs. Annie Adams, Vincent Semite, log and double baton juggling ire DJNtlnsj paclty. out," 28-31. Next week, "Texti/ Dorothy Hammond sod «vrr»l othir*. ... with success. , . e 1064 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 31. & O 2MC IS T 3HL" I IW « HJ X2 "W I JXT V A. XT JT3 H3 V IIjTjE A T I* A. & T. A lilt I Well, ask Mk7cAI»L U, LOTIIROP, Manager or (he Howard, Boston, where we are featured « hta week, anil bli reply will be decidedly la the affirmative. HARRY MAYO PRESENTS TMK DIGK OOOLEY TRIO, DICK COOLKY, the crack ou til elder of the Boston Baseball Club, In lln.on.iui Comedietta, entitled JW A NIIM-rH INNING FINISH ATTHE POLO GROUNDS ■npported by the tinging Comedlani, HfK^flaa> Ja? VL^ CaVZXGL jfjCLACXa^Jba^Ce For Timo Addreaa \A/sVI. MORRIffj Under t»e Cgift. WHERE SHOWS WINTER. \ Wo nppend a partial list of the Winter ?part*N of tent shows concerning which ln- oriuuiiou in n i. UhiiU. Corrections and addi- tions are Invited <■> pnablc tlio puhllcatlon of amended lints In subsequent Issues, as It Is nur desire to catalogue tin; permanent head- •iiiartora of all tented organizations : Araent's - Hot Springs, Ark. llnrnum & Da I ley Hrldgeport. Coun_ Office, 25 W. mill HI., New York. Jlnchansn Bros Dos Moines, la. Itiisby Bros Fana, 111. Ilonheur Bros Augusta, Ok. Ter. Buffalo Bill's Wild We»t..Htokcou-Trfnt, Kiig. ItuikKkln mil's Wild West Paducah, Ky. ltnrtliies', Chan Conncrsvlllc, Ind. Burke'n Hie Show Lincoln, Neb. Brown's Combined Utile Rock, Ark. Chnpiielle, l*ii t Angnsla, tin. Colorado Grant Oswego, Kan. Clnrk. Bros. ; Atoka, - Bid. Ter. Clark's United Shows Alexandria, La. CHmpbell Bros Fnlrbury, Neb. Crawford's, Col Bo* 077, Bed Key, Ind. Canada Prank Tipton, In. Downlcs', Andrew Medina, N. V. Dock's, Snuv. Frederelksbiinr, Vn. linshlngton Bros : .Uam-HIc, Ill lily's, Geo. 8 Padurnh, Ky- Kwers Bros ,'..... West 1'olnt, la I "Into Shows Denver. Col. '■Vepnugh-Holls Bros ...Columbus, O. rlauco Bros Detroit, Mich. Kox, Hull ii. .Torre Haute, I ml. • Joutry'n Dog and Pony. . . nioomlngli-o. Ind. Orav'H, Jos. N... .Luverue, Minn. iiollmnr Bros .. Bamboo, Win. Mogenbeck. Bt. Louis, Mo. Hung. U,.', NUroveunrt, La. Haifa. Oeo. W.. Jr Hvansvlllc, Wis. UnrrlH* Nickel Pinto.". Lancaster, Mo. I In rBi-eavttV . . . ; Cheater, Pa, Hull's Show...'. l>*ond du Lac, Wis. Hall's, V. \V -.Goyvlllv, Kan, 1 town's Orent London Mucon, Ga. milliard's, C. A Newbury, Vt. Indian Blll'n Wild West. ..Clifton Forge, Vn. Kennedy Bros ., Ferry, Okln. Knight, C. II ..Dunkirk, O. L:imbrlggor's, Ous ; .Orvllle, O. Leo Bros Cranston. It. I, Lowery Bros Hlf/iiandouli, Pa. Lemon Bros Argentlno, Knn. Leu's Great London Wllkosbnrre, Pu. Lucky Bill Il.it )!02, Qucuenio. Knn Aliitn, Walter L. ;...-. .Geneva, Q, Mend Von nrtd Tony Show. . . Itrooklyu. N. Y. Norrls «* Itowc'a Noblh's, CUBS Nickel Pinto Shows, -MI Douglas Bldg.,Yiiicago Orion, It. Z. Ortouvllle, In. Pun-American Kliow Dodson, Mo. 1'nwnao Hill's Wild West Carnegie, Pn. Heed's, A. II Vernon, hid. lllngllng Bros Hnraboo, Wis. Robinson's, John ....Terrace Fiirk, O. Hiibblns. F. A. ....... 110 W. IMli Bt. N. Y. Bice's Do;? nnd Pony 8liows..Now Albany, Ind. Heed's liuropeon Show .C'llllllcotlie, O. Smith's, 15. O Uuckstowu, Fa. Silver Bros. .Acme, Mich. KoIIb & Downs ', .Topeka, Knn. Nlcolos' Chens. . .Box U10, Maurli Chunk, Pa. Stuwarl'H, Capt Fort Wayne, Ind Hun Bros. .....' Norfolk. Vni Silver, Bert Htundlsli, Mich. HcIIh'I Bros Wiitortown, N. Y. 'mil. Wm ..Clieirltoii. Vn. 'I eels Bros .Cliarlotlft Fnrnnoc, Ky. MM Bros Gordouvllle, Fa. Miilmco Hliows Peru, lud. Wluiormuto Bros Hebron, O. Whitney Bros , Attlen, O. 3J heeler, Al. F .Scbaucctndy, N. Y. Vi ashburn & D* Alma's Shows, Corono.L I.,N. Y. N'OTKs KnOM TItB Ftiis Geiui,d Bia Show. — This will bo the largest ten ceut tented vmidorllln show in tho world next season. Tho new top, which Is nu 80 foot, with two forty foot middle pieces, Is bolug constructed, nnd when Hie show opens. May 7, It will be n "thing of beauty." The stage, which will bn n complete novelty for n tooted show, hus been designed by Geruld I'lta Gerald, tin. well known theatrical und circus • inun, nnd will Im 18xU8 foot wide with electric foots, bor- ders, etc., und will coutaln n full quota of STOCJX CO. WANTKD, Performers for Medicine Business PBOF. W. F. WILKIN8, CLIPPER Office, N. Y. SKETCHBt, Travesties, Burlesques, etc., written to order. The highest standard of work- lurnlahed to prorcaslonsla. Address Joreph Ker Bhaw, 829 ■jgonwooa Bt, Philadelphia, Pn. HUNTING— Letter Heads, Envelopes, Pro- fessional Cards. 24c. Jier loo. Sample for aUni p. KORAN'S PRINTERY, 416 West 28th St.. N Y. WANTED «VTICK-Oornet to Doable Violin, Tuba to Doable Stage. Salary low but sure. Three nlgnt stand. 40ft. WANTED, F*OR THI Little Church Around the Corner," (OEO. B. HOWARD and 0. P. HAMILTON, Prop, and Mgr.) Juvenile Nan, Heavy Man, Woman for neat Irish part, Man ior Irish Comedy pare. Woman for neat old lady, a Clever Child (Girl), Alan for lilts nnd run nrout, 8»y all in iirnt letter. Salary mnat no low. Open Jan. 16. No time to tool. Address HOWARD k HAMILTON, Beaver Falls, Pn., week of Jan. 2. LESLIE VIRDEN nnd PAT KANE, write. FRANK L. BROWNE, AF-TKR JAM. 7. ISOIS. Can play any part oaBt for (except Leads, First Heavlca and Low Comprtv). Singing Snecla'iy. Address. BENNKTr A JJOULTON CO., Dec. 20, SIJAMOK1N, PA-fjanT';, Carbon- Jin. dalo, Pa. Can introdnce strong Have li«en with this company 24 weeks. (PROM C0LO0NE. GERMANY) NEW YORK 439 EAST 17h N'l-HKKT NEW YORK Manufacturer of GROANS FOIt MKKRY-GO-ROVNDS, SHOWS. Etc Flaying l»y ROLLER OR OAROBOARU MUSIC. NEW ROLLERS A SPECIALTY. ANY UP TO DATK TONE YOU WANT FOR CAVIOLI ORQANB, 40, 67 AND 87 KEYS. MR. M QROsSE. Lowell, MaSB., ssys: Yours received, and let you know that the music Is Hist class, as the peopto of Lowell and suburbs all prnlie It very much. Some have told mo that II Is tbo most perfect mimic they bave beard on llils k ind of an Instrument. Copyrighted by S, O. Copyrighted Copyrighted MAN FOR HEAVY STRONG PART IN BIO MELODRAMA. Must Join at once, Don't misrepresent. Responsible management. Addreen MELODRAMA, General Delivery , Sorantoo, Pa. BANDMASTER P. MILLER, AT LIBERTY ADOVT AUG. 1. WILL ACCEPT ANYTHING FIRMT CLASS. NOTHING TOO BIO OR PINE. ALSO DOUBLE FIRST VIOLIN, AddroKScare of CUPPER Ollloo, N. Y. City. "Ballad of Prudence Dcnne." In five scenes. Copyrighted by T. S. Dcnlson, Chicago, III. "Bluebeard'n Wife," In one act. Copy- 8ncred Sorpent" Copyrighted by r| l tut e ,, ffl Edgar B, Werner. N. Y. P.TIotJens. v " ' ™ " 7 ./'A Child's Love." Copyrighted by 0. H, _!..?.? ^ r JS? .? ro .V c *'" L" j? a » ««'• Copy- Imwiwi ^. y. "Tho vaudeville ucts Dl ^;y J*e"- , L which will bo ...".A I u 1 ut B? r „' 1 lured. This nt- rl «, 'JM »y }■'■ » ads exclUHlvoly, eJ^fflBEA™ righted by W. II. linker ft Co. • "All About I/)bstors," a sketch, In one act. Copyrighted by L. D, Grange. 'Tho Hlunchnrd Dlnmonds," In four acts. Copyrighted by. C. U. Plerson nnd It. I*. "Tbo^BIInd Gallery Boy." Copyrighted by Alarm," In one act. Copy. I. Strong. Straight Jackets," In one net Copyrighted by W. H. Baker & Co. .. "The Deaertois," u playlet. Copyrighted by T. P. Buyer. ... * .i-'i;} T^'v?' a .r cl l 5'" ln two actl '. Copy- lighted by Dure Davidson, ono act. Copy- "A Country Jlouse," In three seta, righted by Samuel French. New York. "Dinner For Two." In one act. Copyright- ed liy Samuel Fronrh, N. V. "Discipline," In three acts. Copyrighted by J. Thorel, Paris. France; "PJgMeen Miles fromjlomc." Copyright- "The Devil's Deputy," In righted by W. I. Flngg. .Dinahs Melon Putcli, Copy. In oun scene. Copy* " IM, . .-ctlng in.oiH iig. with tho Great Wniln.-c HhmvB, Is siieudlug the holidays At Ills home, Ogilonsburg, N. Y. Notes ran at., f. WiiKuLKirfl Nkw MOPHi 8HOWR.— At our .Winter i|nnrlors, Schcncctiidy, N. \'„ things nro fast uHKumlng i.hn|io for our next toutlnp senson. Several new wugous me being imlit and uli-oi' tho old ones are tielug vepulred. In our ring I'lim several new trnlucri nnluttl ucis bn well under way, and we will liav.i muny sur- prises to exploit In that depurtmcni when tho red wagons rolls out In the Bprliig. Prof. Clarcnco F. Brown, who for tho past Hoveral Rcesous has had charge of lliu bund with tho M. L. Clnrk Circus, will lie at tbo head of our musical depurirat'iit. Other Seoplo signed nro : Mile. Josephine. acrlulUl ; I'linlo Lower}' and the Russell Bros, The "Fthol Bowker," In three nets. Copyrighted by P. P. Annuls. "The Flghllug Farsou," In one act. Copy, lighted by II. c. MncCullough. w ■ t 1 .' 1 ? UHffn^OIH." In thrco acta Copy, rlgbled by Mntt Otl. " "Her Wedding Morn," a sketch, lu one act. Copyrighted by A. W. Since. »«■■". "Hie. Lady and tho I'ligllist," In one act. Copyrighted h.v A. N. Nicholson. "Life of Dam Thorn," In two acta Cony, righted by L. U. Barker. ™ "Cniituro of tho Colonel." In four nets. Coiiyr^bied.by C. A. Wllllums, Salt Lnke 'V'orlue.'n Soldier's Daughter" In one act Copyrighted by Mrs. A. L. Alnigron, New rk. Copy. Rdgar Copy Copyright Copyrighted by A. Copyrighted by Emnuucl Copyrighted by G. Gild- York "Cove Hom.." Copyrighted by Thomas Dickinson. Madison. Wis. "Ills Compensation,*; In one net. Couy. righted by B, Warren, Clovelund, Q. "An Honest Politician." lu ono net. Copy- Toledo, 0„ which, thoy luform us, Is '''BA'.Y" h K "• Gerard. New York. :u phonoiueiiul suceeiH. -K -la In a • ^■'l«n Hoyaea." Copyrighted by Mra S. • Ci'owliisbleld, Houbester, N. Y. "The Imperial Divorce." lu four acts. Copyrighted by John O. Wilson and W. J, udvanco biigudcH will again be 'run und n comuleto new lluo of special pictorial paper used. Our season will open about May 1, "H103. i'ur. Fi.'iaui Bnos. have opened a Winter boo nt '" ' proving spacious uud v\>ll lighted building and «ill reiiialii oiien until May yt). when they open their tt'uvellng. suusou of Jliori AND 8. Hall and 8.iHi > r.i"NoTN8. — F. W. Hall, of the Hall ft Sample united Wagon Shows, on Oct. SO bought Mr. Sample's Interest In the show, und It will be known as F. W. Hall's l.tullud Wagon Shows. Tho show closed Its toHuoii Nov. IS, nt Coyvlllc. Kun. It was the best season, financially, that this popular or- ftanltatlou has enjoysd sluco It was founded n 190S. It U uow lu Winter quarters at Cor- vllle, where It will op«u tho season of 1003 April 1. 'the show will be nularged und Im- proved und have ft. uow. "oft. big Ind, with two r.iift. middle pieces, n lux HO musiuim ami thirty head ot liorsea. . Humphrey. New York. "President of tlio Prttxet Trust.'" sketch, In 5.',"i. Vt , Copyrighted by C. G. Gaudy, I'h I la del nl i la. "A "Vioatern Wild Flower," skelch, In one act, Copyrighted by William G. Longi-Pblla- delpllo. •'Whou Women Rule," sketch, in ono act. Copyrighted by l'hlllp Cohen, Philadelphia. "The Yankee Amazon." In four acts. Copy- righted by V- 3. Dunuosue. New Ymk. ^"tlie ?.uo»«." AHcii, in dne net. Oop,«- rlghli'd by lYork. I'ed ro Hi. WHO CAN GET THE MONEY. Am working Southern States. Stato all In first let -or. Join lu two weeks. Write at onco so we can correspond. E. F. BARAY, The Bury Garmiclde Co., Care of General Dollvery, Memphis, Tenn. WANTED, OOOD DRAMATIC PEOPLE. Address HODT.BHEKIlliW, Winchester, Ind . Donges* New Theatre. Xtuai Week and New Year's Week Open. Oood for a two, oue nlgbt stands, or a week. Ana. right to OSCAR ALLEN. Manager. Mm, '!>, 86, U, 1%, Boxes $1.00. rOB SALE and WILL BD Y, One Top 33x65, complete; Ono Bet of o Tier Seaia, Lot or Small Tents, 8 Small Organa. Sot of MoAlostor Stercoptloon Views, new. Wilt Buy Horae Tent, DreaalugTent, one Black Tent, 7 or 8 Tier Seats. Bay Ponys, Dogs, Monkeys Can use several per- f urmors for medicine show till April JO John Staley, write. DR. C. o. SPANGLER, Utlieratown , Pa. WANTED, ATTRftCTiONS In Jan. One Nlghters and ono good Hop. Guar- antee for good big Musical Corned;. You can flx up good route from Danhury. New Britain, Rookvlllo, Will Imantlo, and Putnam and Hartford. and not get robbed. . . J. H. QUAY. Wllllmaatlc, Conn. WAN f KD TO BU V FOR CASH, 50, 60 or 70ft. Car COMBINATION BLEEPING, DINING AND BAO- GACE. Scud photograph and lowest: price. Address P. A. NIXON, 1S-JT William Bt., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED, LEADING MAN and REPERTOIRE PEOPLE. Charles Mortimer, write. Address • . CLAIRB TDTTLE OQ., Bfllngtnn. W. V>- and danoe preferred. Tell all first latter. KLUA E. WRIGHT. Delphoa, Kaa., 98 and weok; S olomo n i Kaa., Jan. 2 4. ..'■ Wanted, Good OperltFfwWng Plctan MACHINE. M ust be an Electrician.' Long Job to itii rtsiit partv Stale 'owest salary- ' Ada. MAN'- AOEU EDISON'S MOVING PIOTURHSOtagO.N. Y. WANTED, "Field Stock Co.," to Complete company, Oharaoter Man, Gen. Bua. Woman. Other repertoire people, write. Answer quick. Prank Sylveater, Mgr., New Hartford, Ark. (Gwynn P.O.) SOE1VBKY AND AUi TRJEATRIOAI, OOOD9. Sceaorj pauit*! cheaply and quickly. Amateurs suppled. 0RA8. E. MILLS, 4U; W. ■ilsl 8L, NuW Yor* cily. DECEMBER 31. THE JX-ETW YORK CLIPPER. 1085 REPRODUCTION OF* THE BRITT- NELSON FIGHT The Best 6 Rounds, About 600 Feet Long. The Greatest Fight Between the Greatest Lightweight Pugiliets in the World. Clear, Sharp and Distinct in Every Detail. BIG MONEY EASILY MADE WITH THESE FIGHT FILMS I XnXSBrCS-OC-XX^ ooo teest 10O ibw conic FIFTY KOOT FILMS. BJlvE>VB>]V CE>IMJT«S F»E>R FOOT EXPOSITION MODEL CINEOCRAPH WITH 8TEREOPTICON COMBINED INCLUDING CALCIUM LAMP, RLBCNIC UBP, ADJ1 »TAD] K PHBOSTAT. FUMN AND KMIIKH. STAR HODKL C1NKOUKAPH WITH 8TKHROPTICON COMBINED |M ®?5 MAHLER BROS.. 6th AVE. and 31st ST., N. T. TO THEaPROFESSION. WK AUK NOW SHOWING A COMI'I.KTK ABHOUTMK-tT a OK| GIFT THINGS FOK THE HOLIDAYS, -COMPRISING- TOYS, GAMES, TOILET CASES, JEWELRY, HDKFS., GLOVES, Etc., a^^TT e^Jp \J 1*4 \Ar bmw Lils S*^. T^S ^aeS ^drw f^S LbU W W* E^« I V.** WL. A call will demonittnto tbis. Wishing Ton the Compliments of the Beaton, we me yours to command, "A- WOBLD WIDE CIRCULATION." m OLDEST AMD HOST MMBBMEll a* THEATRICAL AID YACDSTTLLE JOURNAL. THE ERA. ESTABLISHED UST. 49 WELLINGTON STREET, 8TRAND, LONDON, W. O. VOBBIOB EDBSORIPTIUlf S, .... B.r ansae.. FROrSIBBIORAL ADVBKTIBB1MMNTB, 6d. per lta*. •JUmiOAl AHffflTEB TIBITUIO TBE HBTB0P0U8 USE THE HHA OFFiTJBfl U THEIB PBRMANBITi L0HD0H ADDBB88. tt.BOO ARTISTES APVERTI8E IN IT8 COLUMNS WEEKLY. TAYLOR Write for Catalogue if joudontgetenan Maaafaetared aad Hold Only by gWW C. A. TAYLOR TRUNK WORKS, vow mat hal been »• ■■ »»-<««»P» ■»-. Chicago. yonr m»u nu been delayed. 131 W. 38th St.. NEW YORK. ir any other stores otter then these three lay they eel! TAYLOR'S It ll a deception. AERIAL ACTS, ACROBATIC AOTO, SBNSATIOXAL ACT® _ _ mitw OF ALL KINDS, FOR MY CIRCUIT OF FAIHS, 10 WKKKB RAIN OR BHINK. Small lumps, l/o salary too high if yon oun dell/er the good.. NEED GOOD AERIAL AOT. ALSO GOOD TROUPE OF ARA1IS. Address . BARNES' WESTERS THEATRICAL 8XCBAM, m ^'^^S&S^ IMMBMk - Mr. I Mrs. Horace V. Noble w> SUPPORTING MISS FLORENCE HAMILTON. 100-I-lUOr.. ACTORB' SOCIETY. WIGS SHOES TOUPEES. GREASE PAINTS, ETC And the Latest and Nest Popular Stylet In Ladlei' Hair Drmlng. A. JML BUCII & CO., I US M. "lath Street, ..... I'MIad.lpaia N. T. Bep.: H. BALL1WELL, 100 E. 13th St. FOB 8TA0E, 'STREET AND EVBN1N0. EXCLUSIVE STYLES ANL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED. Short Vamp aad Btaf • Le.t. alwayn on hand. IUU Order. Filled. Fit Guaranteed. WILLIAM alBlRNSTKIN, Tel. MI Madison Square. Mt Sixth Are., ne»r mt Street. N. T. BANE AT LIBERTY. RESPONSIBLE Mgrs. ONLY. VENTRILOQUIST. Seven Figures. Old Illacv j"e. Walk lug Figure, riuy parts. Ill K. Mth St., K. Y., or AOENT8 g 21 East Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. FILMS FILMS Just received 500 FKET KINH FILM, nearly all utiraornuR, will eell at SIX CENTS l'EK FOOT. Send your order with Hat of those you now havo to avoid duplication. A de- poult MI/ST accompany all orders. ONE MOTION PICTURE CAMERA, Like Nev, - -_ • $35,00 ONE SET, LIKbl XEW, Mcintosh ens bass, Willi Pressure Bands, need no Board, Cest $35 shirt tine ige. Our pries, $20.00 BLUE BEARD, 700ft., like new, PERSONAL, 475ft., Ilka new, $50.00 $45.00 IMPORTED CONDENSERS, Each, - $1.00 BIRD'S Bast HirdUifls, per D.z , - $1.00 POFEBSIONAL HTNREOrTICONS FROM $20.0(1 SINGLE TO 8(10.00 DOUBLE. .NO BETTER MADE AT ANY PRICE. Picture Machines and Films wonted In any quantity. LEWIS IV. - 8WAAB, 338 Sprue.. St., Phllsdxl phi a, Pa. BIG SELLING Ooatala Song*. Jokee, rarest... Recltatloaa, Ktc., 75c. Per 100; $6 Per 1,000. Oa.h with ordar. No O. O. D. Samples, 10 Cent.. WEHMAN BROS., IBS PARK ROW, N. V. Tke Only Ttieittlctl Supply Hwee In Fallaselplila. pf OUR SPECIAL FOR NEXT WEEK, THE WAAS SUPPORTER, 45 Inch Web, 75c. Bood. sect everywhere O. O. l>. when deno.lt accompanies order. Send for Booklet. WAAB * BON, BBS North Klghtb St., PHI LA., between Race end vine St.. ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, PLANTS. PALMS, TREES. GRASS PLOTS, FOLIAGE tnd EVERYTHING FOB STAOR and LOBBY USE OONSTANI.Y IN STOCK. SEND FOR CATALOHVK AMI) FRIOE UST. DECORATIVE PLANT CO., 57 L.f.y.lt. Place, N. Y. CRACKER JACK A delicious popcorn confection, pot op la molitore proof packages that keep It freah a long time. A quick seller tor theatres, clrcu.es, traveling theatri- cal and medicine companies and all place, of public amusement. We alio make a lane line of PACKAGE CAN- DIES and the RELIABLE) POPCORN BniCK. Inform oe where you hold a confectionery conceulon and wa will .end .ample, and prlcea. BOBOEHEIM BHOB. & EOXBfBH, OIIIOAOO. I1.UUP1 OR \ It Aim ^1 M1KKOK, TBE NEW SLOT MACHINE THAT IS OETT1NO THE MONEY. ALSO THE Balloon Ascension Long Tester, THE MACHINE THAT DOES A STUNT. Write for partloularx, and If you are In the Blot Maohlno Business get your name on my mailing list. F. H. ZIMMERMAN, IsW.amti Street, New York. Films for Rent Writ* for mt. Term, rlghu C. E. VAN DU ZEE BSgX&S* ^f^tflfltJQFOR THE VlValWWE^Id STAGE. SUOBTLT USED. Alto BTBEET GOWNS. W. have on hand a large assortment of allghttrwon Evening Oowna, Dinner, Beoeptlon and Tua Oowna. Theae robe, are perfect In even reapeot, and an MpeetaUy .oltabl. for wear In BIOH 0LA8B URA- klATIO PROWCOTIONB. We hare a fall tin. oi Seal Skin Ooau and Fur. of all kin da. MM. H. STARR. MT Booth S late St .. OHH1AWQ. J. C. GOBS CO. J% ■alltlera at Ea B HOW CANVA S Oataiogw audi r r __ iirthoit tnd Band Uet| rFEB mini. d JUST OUT, I24PA6E ILLUSTRATED MAGIC CATALOOOH. 26c; HUP. CATAL., Be. Nou. free. Only N. M. Agent for Mahatme, 10c. W. D. LBROY, 103 Court 8t., Boitoo, SOMETHING NEW. McAllister's Best Dissolving View Stereopticon With Moving Picture Attachment. For ahowlng both Moving, riclurea .. well as Lanlern Slides, and producing beautiful Dissolving EOttcu. NirorKury where thn l>ent reaulia are dcalrcd. INSTRUMENTS OF ALL SIZES AND PRICES. VIEWS and F-|l_rV1S LAHORHT stuck at I.OWKST PRIORN lilnsirnt Inn overy sub.iect et Art, Travel and Lllurnturo and all timely lories. Luieit war scone., Si. Louis World'a Fair, lite. Popular and Rellgloun llluelralcd holiffa, I'tM. In fact, any aiilijcct adapted for ilioitlvlnflof Public KniorlHinmcnui. a-nTl PKOFITilBLK BUSIIiKSS FOR HEN WITH SHALL CAPITAU^n aim FOR lUAtnUTRD CATALOUCE — Krun— wltlijh tells Hie cost of an onlflt, e.xplatimand Inslruots you how to con- duct paying eumrtaluinouls. MCALLISTER, Mfg. Optician, 49 NASSAU STREET, NEW YORK. THE NEWEST THING OUT. Latent TJpto-Date Popular Beliotionn. FLASHY OOVERS. Hlr.u, oil J, OOO. per Hundred: 17.60 per Tliousaod. Large al/,e. 10x10, 11.60 per Hundred. lAHPLK. FEBB. wi; almi oaiiuv a UOMPLBTK LINE OF JOKK BOOKH, NOVKI.TIKK AND MA, Chase's. Wasliliigton, I) 0, caro of VasrtrUlrla; week Jan. A llammoniteln'e, N. Y., oaro of V««»ar flirts. Fur. addicas, wl.NTON 1'I.AUK, Cincinnati, O. CENTRAL TRUNKS. tain.. #7.00; i8lu., IS BO" aSln., ae.oO; aein., flO.BO; 40ln.,eiS.O0. Clrcu. Trunks, VM« 181 11, 17X0. IUU Trunks, 80.:»HG. Inside. 8J2.O0. Mtho Trook., 42>Ai38V4f U. In. Id., |10.U'I. Ih'pped un receipt of 88.00, b«i. C. O. D,. except over 80O milts, then remit whole amount. SIMONS A CO.. CBNTHAL TRUNK FACTORY, Cat, lgfll.B.W. cor. 7th and Arch Bt... I'hlla, SAVE YOUR CLAIM CHECKS «gJ2* »* TBlTNEB RTOMgu faaB. write 61 BaapHuiH and wa win iar«l .i.u at qfi vftoJt Telephone: NORTH It*). 1^ NOUTU CLARK STItKKT, CUK'AIIO, 1066 re NEW YORK jSjXvi. tetyiiiER^ Clipper JPosi Office, . . - i , ' I — -> In order to s/vold mliltktt »nd to insure .the prompt delivery of tbe letters advertised In this list,, on envelope plainly addressed most be sent rur «-n<-li (letter, and « written order (or the letter, signed with tho frill name and address and the line of business followed by the. sender, lunst also he enclosed, Please mention the date (or num- ber) of THU CLIPPER In Which tho letters sent for were advertised. I,AD1KS> LIST n, Violet S. Abbott, I'earl i: Allen, Violet Alien, Daisy A Unci, I'earl Allien, I'.lvlo Avnlo, Jenny Allen, Klcniior Allison, Llnl-e Ailillllfrloll Itlllll Aslttnu. .Mottle Arlington, liny A'lgle. »I|m .'."liluil LlltlSrtej Anlstim, Mnls-t Ileum It. Mnln'l i id' iii.. Mrs. O.I. Ilultncr, Ada llliilr, Mabel llidlnril (leorjtln lluker. Hemic ltrmlKlmw Kllxa llurlleit, Idall Hi-owning li'lnrn IVir.ni.i. llflllge J Ion nun. Helen llryant, Kir* Burns, Alvena n nylon. I.'llil flharller, Kva cilfTonl. Muinl ('lirllslc. Sybil iiuiiuicll. ilnlille M f.'lliplll, Jllllll-fil rolninn. Vert Clark, Mrs, i.'niinlnsiiiiiii, tfiMsle Clayton, Delia 1'nrran, Frances I'lurk. Maliel Condon, Alice (.'oiinnv. — Clausen, lint Carroll, Mrs. Charles cinrii Miirguerli liulr, Minnie Mull, Helen i in; ley. Unite liiinn. Victoria lieW'nlf, Driaa llnniililsnii lti'lm lilui'il, Mrs. H.I. Urdu l<:, A I inn lVI.'nye Sisters Hi lie, Dorothy Hester. li.-l '.iiili'imv, llnrlense iMiiiraii I'linnle Dtiinln, Bible Helinor, Mnilollnc Bom-gnu, Nellie Donovan I'linnl' lll-.\|oll. Heill.'ih 1 lretv, Rose Il-Aivllle. Jeanne! le Drake MIssK.C, J in ven i ii n I. .Mm II, ,1. Di-llniivlllc. Mailame (I. Dale, Vlrilltilii IMwarrls. Paula iM.Vlll, I Nisi l-'lnuime, ilinule liniell 1'rftiu In 1 lei, I, rrrincts I'm. klnilre t'illmnic Nellie Fnresl, Marie Kuril. Mil I'. I'lUtnlC!'*. Tliennn H. 1'leliln, Sadie Fischer, <;lrtrs In. I moo, Man Kuril Mniiil K'iril, L.lnrt Frances (torlimr i :. I llsMMtt Muelnrd, Mai tie Nichols NellleV Morris, Miinnnle II NVIIni.il, MlirleA Nichols Sister* Ouitnonv, rteile Cllhvn, Hndle North, Victoria linker, Jane l.lk'ileli. Vlvln nit, Mm. Mull. tlllver. .leinie ci:\ti,i:mi;\'s list. Pout, F.l»h> 0. 1'nlmcr, Melha i'atiee, Kllta Pnlrli-e, — Parker LotUe U Prlii-, Ronnalr I'anlfcr, I, Inn I'enley, I.illleB, Pelera, Mra. Will A. I'lnmer, lj-alle Powell, flraco I'elei*, MI»h I'nntter, Una Prlext, Uiirdon I'nri if , Allele V Ivlicnurd, .Madelyn IteyiinlilH, Uoy Itauney, Arilelle D. thodex. I.llliau ni'iiiiini. Msuii Kil-ee, l,e»lle SsekMt, I.llllan SuniDn-rvllle, Amelia Spencer. Helen Scott, Carrie Reoit, Mnnd Seymour, Hue Hliarp, Adelaide .Slnunonda, Lottie W. S'chwarla, Mrs. Jos. St. Leon. Mil flplca, Monde Sniifonl. Maud Htar, Dot Seymour Slaters Snyder. Llrale Steward, Ilnlilc HterllnK, Mm. Sweeney, Dalay Seliiisllnii, Cella Senbrl«lit Bessie Mtrntlon, Mm. A. M. Sconlau. Mra. I. W. Suraers, Lollle Sievens, Pearl 'I'aylor, Lottie Taylor Knthlen lln urn. Uerlhn 1'rcdwell Addell leiuiclt, Linn I'rlMin. Mamie Inwner, 'irai-e Tlcliennr ClnrnA Taylor, I-'.v.-i 'i'rocy, .Ml»» 'I'orrls. Mm. Dolly i'phnin, I'ltiffnle Krllno, l 'linn Vernon, Jules \ .-1112111111, llesHie Viclnrln, Kiln Verilicsseii. Knlhei-lne Van Slnddiriii'il, fli'tcn M'nrner, Julia Walker, Mauglo WoOd, F.ininu Wayne, Mrs. Al Wilson, lii-nei'M Weanrr, Kiln Wnren, Allen Wills. IMi-lla Wlalork, Kllra Wnikee, Mra. n. Woirie, Oall Wltln, Belle Weniworili. Mra , ii. H. Weatnn Mr*. Win Whyle. Heiiiin Wi-Hilake, Air*. 0. VniniK, Minnie Vnle, Annie Vniie, May Asheraft, Plilllji Andersuii, J, m, Allen, n'earl K Vlnlot Allen, Joe A hln. Mux Ailllllis, Adolpli Allen, V, M. • Anileraon, Gland Arinnnil, T. V. Ariiistruinr, Joa Allium', A i nly Alinnnil, Tulll Ahliey. L. It. Alipleijnte, Heorge Alexnuder, Unsscll Aide, Fred Aitklns, II. II. Alliey, A. 0. Antrim APttsH Adums, (I. A. Adniila Trio Htckett, W. IB. lii-uiiki, lli-rbert liiirrla Dr. II. D llnrden, J. II. Purrnii, Warren liiiruiiueo, 11. 0. Iiiirlilniiil Frank Uurke, V. llni-ke, J, F, Itnweru, II. W. llenilsli, At lliiiliiinnii. A, Iti-lolier, J. II. linnn, Hurry Halter, William lliilne, Harry llriiuiletli, It. J. Ilnrkera, Orcnt HiHine, J, A, Itl'lHtOl J. S. lluuiitmun, Claude Heard, Billy llnwinuii, I-'usl llinirileu. ltoHnrlo ltukcr, J. T. lliiH'lnilll, Fr-inl. Uuylim, P. A, l'liiuin, Lewln lliinnii, John T. itentley, Arthur lliin-iius Lull- i-imti'i' Co ItellliiK, Loula ltnrni'H, Slntirt Hi-neon, C, A. F.yi-. 0. II. Ilniiviti-dii, Klyliu r.elinnnr. II. P. Il.n., el, J. Ii ItCpCIHlVI'. ' llnvviiril Hrennen, 1-Mille Ih-ekwltli. William Kenton. P. II. Itiini, Maurice Itoniilnniii, Clam Ili-nrne, 3. It. UleUel, O. I.. Itiirke, Charles Pnrllelt, II. II. Itinwn, Harry Itrikika, Lnnl* liiviwn, Klrke Tinker. Mittiin l'nekiier, Oreat Ilruwn. John Illnndeli, (leorre Cromwell, R. A Cnoper. «. W. User, etlties, Three Meyers, Fdwonl Mtr'nn, Ltn-riell Marlon A Denne Muni:, C. A II. May, Fjirl Morrison, J. S. Mlnsy, Frank McMiinb-s It V,. M.ii-Orejsor, II.I) Marks. .Morris Mclntyre, A. C Marlines, .The Mnrris, Joe Hack, Cbnrlcs Miller, Mr. Momlnee, Alex Martin, T. 8. Melville, Jean Murray. Domlnlck Mounts ft Delmar .Miller, 1\ M, Montgomery, W. r. Miller, P.ftWIfe Munni. C. P, Maqnlre, II. S. .Miirplii, l-'rwl Meats A Llttlefleld Marcus ft Flora .Mendenahll, Freil Murphy ft Xnlan Mchee VloahsB Mnnlon, M. II, MiinniiiEft Drew Marinellns, Ureal Melrose. Krnest Mooney ft Holbein .Miinnln:-. Jownll Murks, II. H. Unyo, lelgnr . Morton. U. A. Mabara, Frnnk Moore. J. P. AlcCormlck, John N'orlh, South ft Dixie N'ewell, A. B. Nairn, W. B. Nnnn, Mr. Neler, J. II. S'ewion. C, J. Nello, Mr. Newton, Wm.M N'orlll, 11. II. Newell, U. I). Ni-fc-rnttn. J. II Nleliols ft Croix Orion, M. II. lelrlell. C. II. ' (la-rlmfer. Joseph iiifilen, Jul I; Osninii Hoyt Co I li-ner, Wesley lltrilen, C. Ti IMef, Henry Owens. 8. .1. Utile, 0. S. (liven*, John Orpliena Cum. • Powell. Hnlton Phillips. J. II. Parker, W. II. lenell, A. W. Pierce, Allien lis Parker. It. K. Phltlljiu, W. M I'lielieeo. Illllll, ^iitti-rsiiii. A. D 1'IUvlm. J.-- Piiltuii. 11. 0. '1'rkliiH, W. ft I'reiuli-p, V. A. Plnnnl. Al Prolwr, J, A. nwell, Paul Plank. Il<-rln-rt I'lieliin. W. II. Preston, J. A. Pat ton ft Ifrty. Pearl, t!. O. 'nller-i.ii Kildtr 1-niM'ln. <:. II. I'lillllps. J. II. I'SMIV. J. T. Parker, R. W. I'rlmv, ,1. It. Prlii-. K. L. 1'nKsoii, Percy iilce Stock iv. Reese, Harvey Riimeo, It. A. itolil'lus, A. D. ItiilH'l-ls, W. II. iu-ynnlds, Mnx llei-L-i-r, F. L. Itleel. Q. Itodm-ra, W. A. Rliodes, Arthur Rlttcr, .Max Rogers, F. J. Klva llroa. itosti-lle, It. V. Rockwell, J. 0. Robinson, II. I. llundall, nwly Itosell, J, IS. Itiiymoiid, It. It itoliliisun, W- A Iti-lln, Freil Held. II. M. Itockwell. Rny Itoblns. it. It. Itch, J. I,. Itlce. 1*. Rlchc, ¥>. R. Held, a. M. Itinisvll ft , Tlllync Zcno, Carlo ft Reynolds W. H.' Zeon llavnnlch, Zelder, Darwin Julio (10c) SKK NO TICK AT Hl-JAD OF LIST. <«» NinlltASKA. As .Veto Year ««J 6c celebrated Uondav, gn »#!JpfiJS*. f n J! I 3& "*' .ton, 8. tec iteilre, wherever U U pottiblf, E2£H*sJP8SSS SESSiSa that ah matter intended lor iheimie of THO W»V M S,ffi'.sd llamri Clipper dated Jan. 7. Khali reach thU office »»«J K"*}!*' "^"rTnlitS A ZtcfflJS"*'**" M 1 "**"*'™"** ' AA 'n$ S "und'the Wffi Good business R, ■ George Jlaley::w. V.' P.^HentyT & date of mne. , .. , . ,-. m&i, . raoureux ; W. C, James TJITany ;w c vi' Ntckr-toBhON (It. B. Walker, manager).— clld DcHtntirlers : W. S„ Ernest J Lefn,'?: Opening Monday mnMtng,-,Dec. 20, .curio W. T., Wilfred Ileaiiehemlu; trustees .jKfii hrtll : jqlene, snake effarmer ; flalrall, card T. Caser, William B. Klllott, Joha J.O'Bripn" Jenkins; phyRlclan.'T. T, i'y"fiv"'wa l » e w* •C .George Haley ; w v r. 'i*B„J! a ». Jr. MASBACHW8KTT8. Bnston^-nualnes* was light last week, as «i|Wser : J. W?"c6ffe>77 B ke"oton"dna'e: "Ivy f." 1 ^^~^'I^^MV6r'^.,*'t^^> Jean, magician, and a lar.viiXB (L. B. Walker. Worcester A new asbestos curtain JS manager). — A special holiday bill is offered hung In the Opera House, Dnlton bv Mr this week. Amateur wrestling Is proving; Couch, of this city, last week.. ' j ,. popular at this new resort every Thursday Burke, formerly manager of the Nelson „n,i New Gllmore Theatres, in now noklni «£S evening. Business continues .good. New (illmore Theatres, is now looklm/ "nfVi'i finasin.— Ccmcert bills Sunday, 25: O.oh« the Franklin Sqnnro Theatre, Worcester Theatre— Mr. and Mrs. Itobyns, Kltamura s •lap Troupe. Mrs. Tom Thumb, carlln nnd Olio, Hnsion Comedy Pour. Mnckle nnd Lynn.— At the Lynn Theatre (Frank n nt-rlcrirt mn nn o-fir \ tlm ilimmnii.' . *• '•„wooa efpUpped "stages In t&SSStif! ^S™* r.A l n,?.r~ l il W f ls orranged tho best that « ,7 pdQulgR. pov,,,,. of the architect, every nreca .ton Mae Russell, the Oinvs. Geo. B. Mclvenna. tern;, taken to prevent all causes foe n. Heeley and Meeley. Scott and Johnson. Wood p^. T c h(> SlnKS apponre, itbrcc? JS. shndn. /loiedblii Square — Geo. II Harper, Desmond and Iinllcy. Or Taylor, tho Pour Marvels, Martin nnd nnd Berry, Pat Dnlton and Sharpiey nnd b'lvnun.. .."Beyond," ,the biblical drama, re- turns to Stclncrt Hall week of Jan. 2 Ktbel Katie retires from tho Castle Square stock on Jnn. T I'Mwnrd Ahrnm was In town last week, In advance of "The Tender- fool." A Christmas tree on every floor Is one of i he features 'or the children this the lobby, ■ token of thanks from TlieVil, week nt Keith's.. .....U^e bank offlcers' ro (ne 'K nst ern Amusement Co for nit show thla yenr will be entitled "The PHI- fnvors. ' ' buster," n comedy opera B. B. Phil appeared three even- ings nnd one matinee. This week the Corse Payton Comedy Co. Is here, and the Thurher ft Nnsher Stock Co. opens tho new yenr wliii n week's engagement. Previous to the nei" formnnce on the opening night of the theatre Manager Harrison was presented bv bits Lodge of Klks with a fine murblc clock 1 or lips, of "The County Chairman" Co., was formerly n well known member of the Bow- favors. Gkm (Charles W. Sheafe, manager).— Rusl. ness continues big. Mario Janeson scored n big success here last week. Bill 20-31 • llnrrv Demonln aud Minnie Bell, Jack Hall'en nnd Sully Hayes, May Tyler, Slg. Krnl Flore ' Lowell. — At the Lowell. Opera House Foster, Gua Clifford and Lillian Hall and is (Pay Bros, ft Hosford, managers) Shepud's bioscope. mbylng pictures, Dec. 18, had good business. Irene Slyers 20 and week. Acahf.mv of Mt'sic (Richard P. Murphy, manageij. — "Tho Child Wife" played to fair business 22-24, and pleased. "East I.ynac" 20- 2S, sacred concert 25.' Casto (Al. Haynes, manager). — Business Is very good. Current : A lieu Doone, In "The Irlsb Piper;" May Curtis, Wm. A. finrinnii, Krancclll nnd Lewis, Chinese John- ny Williams, < ieorge nnd Harrington, Wil- 1 in ms- fill in in Trio nnd tbe blograpb. Boston (J. II. Tebbetts, muhnger). — Busi- ness has beeu all that could be desired the past Week. "Tho Country Store" Is still making n success. Current : Hacker-Lester Trio, PI Nino Kddlc, Haves and Hayes, Tom Howard Tnnnkss, The I'enkronk, (Unifies Trosk, Tom Trevcllluk. R.P. I'lilln ft Paul Van lessen ft MacCuiiiey Vcrvnllln. Clinuney Venle, 0. I. Vernon, M. Van, Joe Vnil, NelMui begins u three weeks' engagement. The sup- porting company Includes : lOdmuml Stanley, llenrv Normftn, Wm. Rock, C. A. Morgait, Ii'rnnces. Knight, Nellie Lynch, Beatrice Mc- Kenzle and .Minerva Courtney. "I'lff! Pnff! ! Kllleen, Lilltli itniutull und the Boston bio- exits, fire escapes und make oliicr Imnr ve Pouf!!!" closed ' Saturday, Dec. 2-1. Good scop*, fenturlug "The Stiburlmnlte." ments, It was opened 20 with a line vauda. week3. On Pi:ori.K's (Barry A. Woodward, mnunger). vine programme. OitriiKU.M (P. H. Clark, manager).— Rusl- ness Is constantly Increasing nnd Manager Clark will Introduce many novelties rlmini- the season. Faith Collins Is the musical di- rector pad pianist, and Is a grent favorite. Bill this week: Sir. nnd Mrs, Oottlob and company, Pearl Frailer, George Kalne, ihe Belfords, Williams nnd Dermody aud the motion pictures. Su.em TrnjATac, Salem (Geor"e II Cbcotham, manager). — The Corse Payton Comedy Co. played to good houses last week Prankle Carpenter Co.. under the mnnaite- meut of Jcre Grndy, 20-,'il. ! Mechanic Hall, Salem d\ r,, Mnnsey mnnngcr).— After having been closed fur several weeks lo equip the house with new houses ruled during the two Jnn. 10 Wright Larimer, In "The Shepherd King." retnniR for nn indefinite run. Tur.MON'r TiiEATiiE (,lno. It. Schoeftel, man- ager). — '"Tho County Chairman" Is now in Hip Ihlrd week of Its engagement nt the Tre- irinnt. Bti.'ilness holds 'up well. The end of the run is not yet nnnounced. i. K. Hnckctt will follow, In "Fortunes of tho King." Boston TlttLVrtUI (Lnwrenco ' McCnrty. mnn.iger).—" 'Way Down Past" enters upon Its third week Monday afternoon, Dec. 20. Vlrdeii ft Hiiulfui (iiiiul sized Houses should rule iliirliig the cur- \' ni i. inc. iiai-i rent holidays. Mine. Relane comes Jnn. 9. Ci.'uii: TlIllATio; (Stall- & Wilbur, innnn- ;:eru )- -Opening Ctit-lsl inns afternoon tin- llntilnn Bros, begin their fourteenth annual visit, lii;"Superbo." New tricks and scenery have brought Die piece up (o dale. Tin- Miudevllle part Includes: itndfnril nnd Win diesler, Prederlck Bros, nnd Burns, Belle Gold and Waltz. The engagement Is for two weeks. The Rays, In "Down the Tike," fallow Jnu. 0. CttAMi Oi'Lra llonsi! (Geo. W. Mngee. mnn- ngen).— "T'rncked Around the World" Is Hie current nltraetloh nt this bouse.. The piece abounds In thrilling scenes and should prove n strong drnwiug card. Last week "A Work- ing Girl's Wrongs" wns the bill. Next week "A Race for Life" In announced. Cahti.h Si)i:,tnu Tiikatiiu ,(.!,. 8. Deland, mnnngei-). — The stock company production this week Is "Under Two Flags." This play was second choice In the voting contest for tlm most popular piny, recently held nt thin theatre. Souvenirs will be presented to all those who voted for this piece. Lnst week "The School for Scandal" was well presented. Next week, "Saints nbd Sinners." BriwnoiM HQI'Ani? Tiifatiik (G. II I.ntlirop, manager). — "Jesse James" will thrill the na- trons tills week nt this house'. Chnrles Mil- ler will essay the title role nnd Wllmer Walter will be seen as Prank ,Tnme», "Chil- dren rehem Ki —The ami mnis nnd Bland, Worren mid Gardner, Juan Cnlccdo, Hill and Whltnker, Paul Barnes, Cooper nnd Iloblnscu, Vnlvcno Brothers, Trash and Gladden, Jennie Yeamans, Mar- garet Scott, Burke and Amlnto, Norman and Bryce nnd M children will Der Koor. II. K. Vernon, II. S. Vurney. V. ft, viimoiii, v; a. Vnlriltlees. Plying Warn, 0. B. Weaver, !•'. L. U'llbui-. II. -K. Will I, ,ui i. C. J. Wll.-mi. Jim Welch, lien tt'iini, II. T. Wood, A. H, Walsh. Willi, im Wi-liloii. Donald WllsOII, .liinies Wire, Will Wilson, (leurgo Wnlson, V. L. Wl'lKlll. M, J. Wcntworlh K. P Wlllielm, A. M. Wesselly, ' 1 Robert Wilson, Hurry Wesley, Louis Wclsiunn, II. L. Weaver, Hurry Wanner. Joseph Who. What ft When Minstrel Wood. Lewis Willie, It, H. Weal.. J., W. Willtnuis; (ins Wilson, J. r. Wilson ft Da via White, M. l f . Wilson. J.-R. WlmilnRn Prank White t'hnrleslO M'rlxht, Illllnrd Wriiiiit, l-:ilwui'd Wade, J. I'. White, 1*. J. Walters, P. H. Wesncr. Hurt West, Defiirest wade, Jack Wall, Howard WillUoil, .. nertiert M'llson ft Davis Young, Edward Young, Edwin Znrrlvee, A. 0. Zuiell ft Vernou Ziihiin, Joe Kara ft Stetson /tinuicraiun, WIlllo -Anolher week of big business and n good bill. Current: Pagan and Merrlman, Walter Wentworth, Cclburn nnd Gr^enarche, I'Mltli .May. l'earl Andrews nod Ik .y Woodward's moving pictures, with "Burned nt the Stake" featured. An added feature will be living pictures, and the burlesque Harry Burns' •Disturbed Slumbers." "This Junoi.e" (J. T. Benson, manager). Is doing n banner business. Mme. Scbell's pcri'nriiiing lions are a big drawing enrd. Till-: SiimiiMAS Ki.itiTltic CO. (Cen. W. Carney, manager) Is prospering finely, Willi Its moving pictures, snugs, stories and novel- ties. Muntion. — Steve O'Oonnell is the new pi- anist, at the Boston Theatre and is giving the best of satisfaction The next re- cital or the Lowell Orchestral Society will lie given m the opera House Jan. I. Mme. Lillian itiiiitvoit, soprano, will he the star. Manager J. ii. Tebbetts, of the Bos- ton Theatre, conducted nn athletic tourna- ment lu Associate Hull 21, to big business. Amanda Bailey, soprano soloist, died nt (be Salem City Hospital 2:1, after a linger- ing Illness. "Miss Bailey began her profes- sional work as n r.ololst here In JetlW, nt the l-'lrst Unitarian Church, and when the Father Kemp concert Cn. was organized she loinsd that company and- toured the New rhiglnnd Slates, ilie Nuuth and West. "■iiiriiiuiielil. — At the Court Snnnrc (D. O.'lllltrinre, manager) tbe Melha concert, -liec. _;!, diew a I'm i- house. The star was unable to Appear, her plnce. Icing taken hy Mme. Pnrklnn. (looked : Primrose Minstrels 20, ''The MoneyV Maker" 2S. Setbern nnd Mar- lowe 311. :}TliO, Second I'lddle" ail, 81, Nonce O'Netl Jad: 4. '* ' Ni:w Gu.Monr: (S. P. Callanan, manager). — "Tho Unmo Keener," 111-21, drew fair sized houses. Sadie Marlon, Louise Morris nnd programme. Nothr.- — Iteim Arnold, who nppenretl nt the Orpheum last week, is resting this week and opens at the York Theatre. St. John X ' I ?" Vi** AL 1 , Jn "' - Ma i' Morris Is passing the Christmas holidays nt her home In Boston. ..... I.'dniuiid V. l'licinn and .lere (irndy, managers, were nt their homes in this city last week. s Wor-eeKter — At the Worcester Theatre (Jns. P. Rock, resident manager), lifter a week of darkness, rnused by repaim made necessary by' enforcement of Are laws, l his house will open with Shepard's moving pic- tures Dec. 20. George Primrose's Minstrels .in, .'tl, William Fiiversbnm Jnn 4, Uuls Mann (I. Carletnn King, In -The Isle of Splcc." 7. - I'aiik ' (Alf. T. Wilton, manager).— This house opens Dec. 2(1, after a week of dark- ness, while Ihe house was. being renovated and new arrangements were being made In the management. .Mr. Wilton's (list offering in belmlf of ihe new mnuagemeut Is as fol- lows : Prank Keennn, supported by Franees Fontaine nnd Kate Long, in "The Actor nnd Ihe. Count ;" Swift and Barton. Rossalre and !?°rj t0 '" vi 2. ,et Dale ' < -' lnl ' k °ocle Josh Spruceby" played to light returns Dec. 20, 21, Zeynord's Llllputlans 2:t, 24. Due: Clnra Ttirncr, In repertory, week of 20, ex Poi.i's (Chns. W. Fonda, "mnnnjprj.— Bill twl l |ne n Stlch?n2 , ChMrl " N ' Duntnn nU week of .20: ':She," Callnlian and Vck, Joo C *c?J!, l i ,J4 ,ch / l ?«?*- Plynn, John Ford and Mnyme Gehruc, tha Italian Trio, Faust Trio, Mooney and Hoi- , Burke nnd Auiiiitn, Norman and belli and tbe electrograph. the blograpb. Pi-esents for tlio .\i:i.sun i z. T. Damon, 111 be given at all perforinaiicca BohTon BUrlcsrfucrs, 1U-24, manager). — Tho drew fairly well. SiiBBnr'8 (if. p. O'Brien, manager).— Business last week was good. Week of 20: Geo LevlU, Paraon Sisters, Doll Clifford, the Parkers, Earl and Leo, Mile Eitonon and vltngt-nph. > during the week. Irwin's Big Show 20-31, Loudon Belles Jan. Music Hall (C. W. Anderson, manager). 2-7. Lawrence.— At the Opera House tbe — IrolandVOwn" Buud Is the feature on Notes.— A, more rigid law In regard to K'arlte TJHier Co. held the boards week of the programme tills week. '■■ list are: Wrlghl " in "A Stolen K Scott. Alllcnl'i mnrello" .^ nnd, the Tltngrnpb. Louise Mont- unjr performance or exhibition therein from ™* Booked week of 20: The Oxavs,_ Ban' any bcln, rose, Sadie Mnrlluot nnd company and the being advertised by means of pictorial post- j n<1 I'-vnnB, C. W.. Williams, Went and Wll "Wutormclon Trust" were last week's feut- ers : or., placards which hnve not been. od- {'"ois, Mme. Herman, Four Kutpcrors ot urcM. proved by tho city marshal or some person M, lslc, 1'revost and Trevosl, Edison klucto- Columbia Mhhic Hall (Harry N. Fnrren, designated by him. and the marshal or person K r - 1 J ,| t. mnungor). — Watson's Oriental Burlesipu-rs so designated shall exclude such placards or ., ' AST0 TWBAMi (Al. Haynes,' manager). — furnlsli tho entertainment this week. "Sandy posters ns aro lewd, Indecent or vulgar, or J' 00 " business ruled week of II), Booked Bottom" mid "Krntisuiever's Alley" arc the which ptctorlnlly represent the commission )} <>( 'k of. 20: Fdward Hanlgan, the OagnouL musical skits by the coinpanv, aud the olio or attempt to commit a crime or bodily vlu- '"'"(ty and Lake, Loveland Family, Dixon mcullous: LiihsuuI Bros., West and Wll- lencc." James S. Fitch has beeu chosen """ Holmes, Harry La Marr, Mile. Kstellc Hums, Belle Gordon, Wilkes and Butler, tlm as Mr. Callannn'ti successor as manager of " ml ""' burrow Trio. I.lnuiilii.— At the Oliver (P. C. Zelirung, muuuger) Tliomas Jefferson, lu "Rip Van Winkle," did good business Dec. 12. Lew Dockstnder'H Minstrels pleased a packed home 18. "i i. Itn ring Gloria," with Dorothy Morton, did moderately well 14. "Snu Toy" drew great business 10. "A Texas St cor" did good business 17. Ben Hendricks, In "Ola Olson," drew his usual big business 23, 24. Dun: "The Runaways" 110, "A Hot Old Tluic" 27, "Our New Man" 88, Chas. H. Han- fiird 2!». 80, "Frits and Suits" Ml, "Peggy from Paris" Jan. 1 , J. II. Stoddard 4, "Pbcn Holdnn" .\ "Candida" 0, Lyric (H. M. Miller, 'nniinger). — Business Is good. Booked week of 20 : Chns. E. Dick- enson, Chen A. Munni, Edwin II. and Kntli- erlnc Deagau, Geo. Aukura, Japanese Jug- gler, and Frank Roberts, Nivi'Ks. — Manager F. C. Zobruog has re- turned from ii business trip In the South nnd Now York ...... Ilobt. S. lU'owu, assist- ant leader lu Dockstadcr'a hand, was calling ou his old friends lu Lincoln 13. ''Bob" has lived lu l.lui-uln for the. mist twenty years, when not on the road., .,.,». . 4>» , Hakhv s. Niivi.s, who wis with the t:. J. Aruold Carnival Co., tlie past season, as au- nounqer, Is wintering in Portland, Ore, Mrs. Noyes has returned lo Worcester, Mass., the Inline of her birth, nnd will remain there until Mr. Noycs goes East, Id March. 1'shers and Watson and Duprce. Last. week "Pousse Cafe" was the burlesque given. Howard Atiih.vaum (Carl D. I.otbrop, Iinslness innnnger). — The lilll'thls week Is up to the stundard set by the mituugenicnt and Includes: Lc Hoy nnd Clayton, tho "Dick" Cooley Trio, Dollnr Troupe. Geo. B. Alox- aiidcr, Caron nnd Fnrnuni. Three Jacksons, Tascott, Burke's dogs. "Honey" Johnson, Slierldnn aud Forrest, Mac Russell, Williams nud Aleono, Henry T. Wnlte, Cm-roll nod Baker, tho klnetograph und the burlesque company, with new faces, In "Under the Mistletoe." Bedlnl and Arthur's comedians, the New Gllnioro Theatre. Mr. Fltcli has been connected with the P. F. Shea ft Co.'s enterprises for a number ot years. Holyoke— At the Opera IIouso (8. P. , Cnlnltun, manager) Gllmore * Shea have 1 be (jumo Keener was tho last production taken possession of their recent purchase, to appear at 'the rutunm Opera House, the Opera House, nnd will open It Dec. 20. Orange, us tho owners do not think It will with "The Mlssourlan," for a three days' following officers being chosen : Northamu- ton, P. W. P., Fred It. Webster; W. P.. Wnl- ln "High .Tluks," were leaders Inst week, to In Western Massachusetts resulted In tho good houses. PAlaok Tiiratki. (Chns. 11. Waldron. manager). — The spoke In the ''wheel" this week Is Horry Bryant's Extravaganza Co. "Mr. Good Player" and "Hotel Glriy Glrly" nre the vehicles that Introduce the company. The .vaudeville part of the show names : Collins and Vnck, Berry and Rerry, Arling- ton and Detinore, Ernie and Ilennlger and Bessie Lamb. Last week Irwin's Majesties fared well. Next week. Irwin's Big Show. LvcEt'M Thbatiih (G. II. It«t diet lor, men- pay to make the changes desired by tbe engagement. The nctlne manager will State Inspector.. ...Colle Opera House. Tur- .S. IV Calanan, who Is at present mane net- s Falls, lias been ii " the orders of the State opened by "The Game The Kaufmann ire, signed for the Summer season with Hlngllug ot'Oiik" 20-28, "Dora .Thorue""2U-31, "What Bros.' Circus The election ot Eagles Women Will Do'' Jan.' 2-4, ♦»» TENNESSEE. Memphis. — At tbe New Lyceum (Frank Gray, manager) Frederick Wardo and Kutli- eryn Kidder presented "Salotmnbo" to splen- did Duslness Dec. 15. Nat M. Wills, In "A tor Stone; W. V. P„ L A. «. WMIard : chaplnln, William Lcfond; secretary, Horace H. Mes- f! er A.. t . r ! R8Urer ' .?• E > WW* '• conductor, E. 0. O'Brien ; inside snntd, Oerold I. Shaw ; ?. l, - t? nf»BJSJ3 ! "wiffSJJ^i.V JS&VSt Jaa ' 8on S'.B'wt," Deo- JO, 17, came to goo.1 RoireV" "SECLu- oKL 8 J5i n . n * M ' „°, em , yn hfislness. A concert by local talent filled Bgker. physician Osmyn Baker. Holvoke, the nouso 19. Coming "The Jewel of Asia" P W.. P. It. D. Moore ; W. p., T. J. O r Con- 20, . 27, "Dolly Varden" 30, 31, "Ho ty «gerJ.-Edw. P. .lush's Bon To«rho.d; fo?th S^S^5^^*1'^^ M^m^J&k. iSSSSs Lt^ . KJffl*. L?£» u 5 . u,lB ..?A' k '.. . T l'« "sna'Ptwo W. C, Georffe Heardonj 1. O,, Walter Du- lir," 10-24° by the regular stock com pony. December 3l. THE NEW YOtlK ijUTPPWR. 1067 OREGON. Portland.— At the Mnrquatn Grand (Cal- vin llolllj;, manager) Florence Coberts did eiiod business week of Dec, 12. (ladakc, in mmg recital 10, under the management of Lois steers. "A Chinese Honeymoon" 20, 21, "Princess Cblc" 22-24, Maxlne Klllott 20- 28. B<« Greet playcra 80, 81. Columbia (A. II. Ballard, manager).— "Cantllle," by the Columbia Theatre. Stock Co had two good houses 18. 1'hos. Q. Sea- brook* did big business 15, 10, In "The Bil- lionaire." Tho stock company presented "The Prodigal Daughter" to (air business. The Charity Ball" 25, houses 18. BttMM (George L. Baker, manager).— .jbore Acre*" had two capacity ■ houses 18. \ Little Outcast" did tafr business 11-14. ••The Fatal Scar" did very good business 15- 17 Black Pultl's Troubadours 20-24, "Yon Yonson" 25-28, "For Mother's 8ake" 29-31, • The 8how Girl" Jan. 1. , :•:■».«._, On\Nt> (F. Lincoln, manager). — R. E. El- drldge, the Anthou. Wilson and Clerk Com- er! v Co.. Daisy Harcourt. naymond and Tricev, the Curtis Sisters, Flood and Hayes, Aif. Bonner and the Grandlscope. Bakeh's (Keating & Flood, managers) — Three Meloorn Bros., Mile. Vita, Will Brown, College Trio, J. W. Roberts, the Mysterious jiga,°Salile Randall, R. G. Baldwin and blo- crnpb. Star c, Manning und Drew, Mclulyre and Rice aud Collins nud Hnwley. Notk.— Manager II. If. ilyums, of the Um- pire, has lust returned from a two weeks' sojourn In Florida. ■ ■ Jersey City. — The attractions finishing week of Dec. 10 were- "Fast Lite In New York," at the Academy; "Tho Great Auto- mobile Mystery," at the BlJou, nnd Miner's Bohemian Biirlcsqucra, at tho Bon Ton. Acaw.my (Frauk E. Henderson, manager). — christians week, with exira mntiuec, "Our New Minister;" New Year's week, Andrew Mack. Bijou (John W. Holmes, proprietor).— Opening 20, with extra matinee, "Texas; next week, "Wealth and Fame," Bon Ton (T. W. Dlnklns. manager). — Sam Dcvcre's Own Co. 20-31 ; the Majesties will follow. Note. — At the Academy nil tho employes nnd the press enjoyed a BUmpliious collation 23, as n Christmas offering from Manager Frank H, Henderson, at Hcury Myers' Acad- emy Cafe. Ilobokcn At the Lyric (II. P. Soulier, manager) "Cludorcllu," Dec. H, 24, staged under the direction of Otto Wlchcrs, formerly slugc manager at the Irving Place Theatre, Now York City, assisted by bis two talented children, Frlda -and. Amelia, proved a great magnet for the little ones. "A Wife's Se- cret" 25-28, "The Sign of tho Four" 20-31, "At Risk of His Life 1 ' Jan. 1-4, "The Game Keeper" 5-7. . , Empire (A. M. Bruggomon, proprietor).— For week of 25, opening with n matinee. Mldglcy and Carlisle, the Majestic Musical Four, Foy and Clark, Itonttlno nnd Dcmpsey. Emerson nud Omega, Splsscll Brothers and the Brothers Latell. Notch. — The Hobokcn Elks give the poor a generous Christmas dinner 20. n I Pnlcrsoii.— At Pnterson Opera House (John ,1. Goctsehlus, uiniingor) Iho Jcro Me- Aullffc Stock Co., Dec. 10-28, did fairly well. Chauuccv Olcott 24, "Sky Farm" 20-28. "Tho Lllllo Church Around the Corner" 20-31. "Tho Ninety nnd Nine" next. Bijou (J. Henry llowlcy, manager). — The Jollv Grass Widows last week pleased Im- mensely. The New York Stars 20-81. Pkncilinoh — It Is the intention of Stair tc Havlln, lessees cf Apollo Hall, to convert that structure Into n modern playhouse as soon as existing contracts have expired. This Is one of the largest dance halls In Pnter- son. It Is centrally located and will make an admirable site for a playhouse. t Elisabeth. — At the Lyceum (Elroy k Drake, manngcrs) the Loudon «?nlety Girls (Little Egypt), 10-24, did excellent business. '•The Game Keener" 20-29, "A Wife's Secret" 20-31, "A Girl of the Streets" Jan. 2-4, "At Ulsk of Ills Life" 5-7. Jacobs. — "A Country Mouse" came 20, followed by "An Imperial Divorce,'' 21. Quin- tan & ball's Minstrels 24, Dun Sully 20. »■» LOUISIANA. St. 1'niii,— At the Metropolitan Opera House (I,. N. Scott, manager) week of Dee. 18 was devoted to high class vaudeville, headed by Jessie Burtlctt Davis, nud Includ- ing: Tho Great Le Flenr, J. A. Murphy and Klolsc Wlllard, Armstrong and Holly, tho Kiuplro Comedy Co., Mile. Montcmcnzl a box- lug stallions and dogs nud tho kluodroino, to very good business. For week of 25, Robert . Kdesou, presenting "Hanson's Folly," 25-2S, and "Strong Heart" (for the first time on any stage) 20-31. William Collier next week. GtiAxn (Theodore L. Hays, manager). — James J.' Corbett, assisted by Hal Davis und Ines! Macuiiley, In "Pals," had very good huslncas. Florence Bindley, in "The Street Singer," 25-31 ; "After Midnight" next week. Star (J. c. Van Roo, manager). — Busl- ines was very good with the City Sports week of IS. For week of 25, Rose Hill's Co. The Merry Maidens follow. OiipiiEUM (John 0. Kane, manager). — Business wnB line week of 10. New people lor week of 20: Johnson, Swedish strong man: Chas. Frosto, the Lysle Sisters, Hub- hell and Nelson and Edison moving pictures. Those holding over: Chns. Stabl, tho Flecbtl Tyrolean Quartet, Flo Lysle, Mao Burns, Polly O'Neil, Lena Bollz, Fruuklo Evans, James ltoberlson and Chas. Piiecncy. Empire (A. Welubolzcr. manager)<-r- Busi- ness was fair week of 19. .Newjxjople for week of 20; Marie Mudgette, Brae Marlon. A, , Butler and , Montle Raymond, Holding 'over: Kittle Ransom, Bessie Ertrln. Frnnkie lleiiliv, Helen Stewart, Itiickwny and Conway and the stock. Mkntion,— it- is rumored that St. Paul U to uaTo a new viiuUeviila theatre, to tw Now Orleans. — At the Tuiane (W. II. Bowles, manager) "The County Chairman" proved a splendid drawing nttracllon Dec. 1S-24. "Tho Prince of I'llscn" 25-31. Cubscent «THB TROUPER" Is the title of an Intcistlna; pamphlet that has been Issued, by Brooks Brothers & Co. It contains a list of managers and agents, table of vail road fares to different points, a num- ber of funny stories and other entertaining and useful matter, and will undoubtedly be in great demand. . . .- . . . .,. ■>» > Column anii Ht'OliER have Just finished ten weeks of vundevllle dales, nnd have signed With Fields It Hanson's lilt" City Minstrel* for twenty weeks. TLcll' u'cw act, the/ write, la a hijj lucceaa, music ana jSgj. Mine. Adellna Paul gave a concert In St. Petersburg, Itussln. Dec. 14, for the benefit of the Iter) Cross Society, under the auspices of the Grand Duchess Maria Pnvlovna. Toe concert netted over ?87,ii Clarke's second slock season hero, and his popularity with Houston playgoers seems to huve no limit. St.< mm no (Alvldo ft Lnssarre, managers). — Bttslnr-H colli limes splendid. Crowded houses nightly. Tho people uro Iho same as Inst week. Mot, i. tc llAii.t'.r anii Sons.' Shows returned to tbclr Winter iiiuirlers HI, nflcr a sensoii of pheiiomeiiiil business. Thev will remain one month to repaint, ami III over every- thin? fur their early Spring tour. ■ Dnllsn.— At the Dallas Opera llnilse M.'eo. Attar, manager) "Tho Silver Sllpnei" pleased Dec. Ifi, 1(1. Murray nud Muck, played to grind hus'ness 17. "Tho Virginian drew u large audience 10. "Dolly varilmi" opened, to good business. 20. 21. ''Why Women Sin" 2,'l, "A Message from Mnrs" 21, Paul tlllinuru 211, "Italics In Tnylsnd" 27, 2fi. lltiHil TniiriH (W. II. McDiinli'ls, niiiiin- ger). — Week of 10 tho llrailnti-Bc Vermin Stuck Co. opened, for tho week, In "My I tuck from India." Tbls company Is liecninliig popular with HientregiM'rs of tills city mill Is drawing big crowds nightly. Tho caul Is : Lawrence Grntlan. Arthur Hill, ,1. Ukluiril St. Vrslii K) VIS., Saginaw, Mich AT LIBKHTY, EDITH MARTINOT, ingenues, Juvenile* and Heavies. Fine wardrobe and appearance. One night preferred. -SOUTHERN IIOTKL Jackson, Tenn. A-t Liberty, FANNIE HAMMOND CHARAOTEBB. Ability, Experience, Wardrobe. £. R. STANLEY Al A O KMT or BUI. MANAOBH. Plar Farts. Thoroughly reliable. One nlgbter or Al Rep. Joint only. B. R. HTANLF, r , orand Tbeatre, Salt Lake city, Dtah. ftW HH HOUSE SEATS 600. NEW HOUSE, BIO STAGE. OPEN TINE FROM SEPT. ON. JOS. JOHNSTON, Manaeer. Williams, Arizona. For Sale, loving Picture lacbioe. One Edison Exhibition Model Projecting Klneto- scope, complete, with improved lime light bur- ner; cost me, $116; 150ft, film, (0 to 200ft. lengths. Good subjects, good shape, cost S78; Screen, 12x12. and Hint bag, cost |3; total, tlM. Machine and dim only been need two weeks; In good sbape. $66 takes the lot. Not one-third first cost. Sent O. 0. 1)., snbjeot to ex. on receipt of $6. Kef.: Farmer's Bank, Bogard.Iio. L. J. ROGERS. Bogard. Mo. Wanted, for RINBLINB BROTHERS' World's Greatest Shows, BILL POSTERS. WAITED, FOB IEDICIHE 00., A No. I LECTURER One with Moving Picture Machine preferred ; one HI iu-1; Kaced and one Irish Comedian, also Lady t'lano 1'lnyer that can act on stage. Married people preferred. All Medicine Peo- ple write. No boosters wanted. Do not mis- represent. No It. R. tickets. CMFTON REMEDY CO., Box 100, Kewnnee, III. WANTED QUICK, I in amir vidomiifo oo. ■BOOK D ■BAMKT. Coilmar Bros.' Big. New Railroad Shows. WANTED, for the Side Show, Curiosities and Performers, Giants. Mldgeta. (Ulia Bertha Oarnahan, write). Strong Man or Woman, Knife Throwers. Long Haired Ladles. Any thing strange and curious, write. Address OBO. ll. IRVING, 174 Mc'k St., Room It, Haverhill, Mass. axartijv "i m m i ak» QUIGG, 11*11'" At Pastor's Theatre thla week. Will sail Jan. f for II A lis , England, to open on the Moss Tour. WIlBUR MACK 81111 CO. IN REPERTOIRE. Ingsnnes, l.riy*foVoonera* e BtlsineSK < I l.ady for Ingenues, ancTH.itibreltos with Hpeclatties, Man for Juveniles and Light Comedy, Oharacler M«n, General Bualnens Man with suoclaltlos, stage Director to play parts, I'lanlst (aisle), Advance Man. Address WILBUR MACK, General Delivery, Deo. 31, Danville, 111.; Jan. a, Goshen, Ind.; then Montpeller, Ind., for two weeks. Wanted, A BAND, K1QHT TO TEN PIK0EB; COMBINATION BAND l'OK ELECTRIC I'AHK. Buard can be procured at tit to tat) per month. Concessions granted to right devises and iittrantlons. .seventy-Ova thona- and people to draw from. Boason April is to ()"t. 16. Address MONTQ0MKR.Y AMllHKMV.N'I' CO., P. O. ii ix JM, Montgomery, Ala, W^ A NTKD, MINSTREL PEOPLE, SINGERS. DANCERS and MUSICAL ACT. Preforenco jilveu those pin ring biass. ALSO A FKWMIMI01ANS, INOLUIIlSil J.hiiDKR. Make salary low. J. w. uuyaN. Bryan's Until, 3 Ramble St., Hoi Upilugs, Ark. DOB AND PONY lRAINER-MlTu Break 8 l'ONY DRILL AMI Till OK HOUSE. Write fluid*. OEO. 8. ELY. ion; N. Sixth St , I'siltic-ah, Ry. , a» ummMirVt LEADER. jPItVJMlJSTe ARRANGER. HERMAN RHUAUBENT, 171 Adams Ave, Otuiru) Falls, R. I. FDEHISHED BOOB IS FLAT. Pour large tunny rooms, connecting or separate. Housekeeping or gent emen. All Improvements. 217 K. stt h Ht.,' New York, Onus. Duncan's bell. FIJLIHH FOII HAI.K. 10,000 FKKT In good coudltloii. Mostly Comic, II cent* per foot. TllOH. 11. KKI.I.KY. 11T^V.',Sl»th.at.. New York. Leo, tieorge Kiley or Melrose COMMI'NIOATK Willi YOUR I'AHKNTS OX HTAT BN ISLAND. ,IT I MlrltTV MUSICAL DIRECTOR (Violin), Al LlbLIUi, Double Alto In Band; reliable and experienced In all branches; oue ulgut sunils preferred. Address , M. I'. NARCOCU. No. 408 W. Main St.. Kt Wayne, lml. piifiy NEW ~ u " m.u T^,"orVroSJ! slonaJs and amauurs, aard at » Ann tTV. hv Tat*. tftitiSfi* A Good Start Usually make h a Una ending. Bright vaude- ville material is moro than several run'gs In tho ladder that leads to "Head-Hue" fame. You find It In Madison's Budget No. 9. World's greatest book of stAge fun, con- taining 21 Original Parodies. » new Mono- logues, 4 groat Sketches, now Dutch, Irish and Hebrew Specialties; Oomlo Poems, Toattn and Epitaphs; two roaring farces, two big .burlesques, besides hundreds or new Gags, Stories and Jeat*-80 big pages. One dollar per copy. Back numbers as fol- lows: any 8, tint); any a, U\ any 4, $3.w or Budgeta a, 4, 7. 6 and 0. $3. others out of print. Send all orders to my agent. i». J. K. u hill., 1404 Third Ave, New York. Also COMEDIAN to Double Cornet in Dnnu. Stale lowest salary In first letter. WILT, COXKX1XQ, Vlcksburg. Miss. WANT TO BUY. Edison Moving Piotoit Machine Late Model. Also Feature Films and Song Slides, FOR BALK, Fine Tremolo Mandolin Street Piano, perfect tune, $7S:f>aplerMache»tatue, tlo; Hand- some Front or Palming, lsx'.-s, $ao; Showmen's Wonderful Baby Upright Pianos, New, direct from factory, f 76. Address OAPT. W. D. amk.vt, Hot Springs, Ark. Address A. 6. RINGLING, Baraboo, Wis. PAYTON SISTERS CO. COOD HEAVY MAN TO DIRECT, A I LEADING LADY. Must have good wardrobe. Name lowest; pay own. COL. FRANK HOBBHTSON, Onlfport, Miss., Dec. 29, 30, ai; Blloxl, Mlxs., Jan. 2, 3, 4. LIBKRTY, ALFRED J. RUSSELL, LILLIAN CAVITTE, COMEDIAN. FEATDRK SPECIALTIES, RESPONSIBLE IS REPERTOIRE. Positively Sober. Good wardrobe. Experienced. SOUBRBTTKS. IN0EHUE8, BOYS. Reliable. Address REVERE HOTEL, Ohlotgo, HI. At Liberty, FILMS WANTED In any quantity, and EDISON EXHIBITION and UNIVERSAL. MODELS. We pay highest prices for Good Machines and Films. L. M. SWAAB & CO., 331 Sprue St., Philadelphia, Pa., THE ONLY LEGITIMATE BARGAIN HOUSE. FOR SALE. TWO CREAM COLORED MARES Seven years old, both with Silver Manet and Tails. They stand 10-3 bands high, and weigh 3,20ob. will make a great ad. for circus or Medl- otno Sbowt. For farther Information applv to ABE KLEK A SON, 373 N. Centre Avenue, Chicago, III. FRANK B. RHODES Comedy Old Men or Characters, Specialty, Double Band or Orchestra, Scenic Artist and Drop. Maker. One Piece Preferred. Address PRANK B. RHODES, WILJHOTU K1IOD EH Ingenues, Juveniles, Some Characters. No Fancy Salaries. General Delivery, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. LIBERTY -JiaVN 7 l* HUSTLING MANAGER or ADVANCE AGENT Locate or Travel. 30 TEARS' EXPERIENCE. SOBER and RELIABLE. If you bave the goods, make me an offtr. Address REFERENCES THE BEST. BOBT. D. HYDE, Tork Tbeatre, St. John, I.B., Canada. N. B — All acts booked here for week of Jan. 9 and later, are hereby canceled. • 1 161 ^A/ANTED, That can put on aula. Oilier Med. People, write. Oiiii use another Good Lecturer audC nice Worker, No deformities of h ii v kind. OI1AB BKKKELL. Falls City, Neb. MEDICINE PERFORMERS ALL KINDS WANTED. DIt. HI. r.TANT«N, nnatea llnuip, Kansit.t Qlty, Mo. THOMPSON'S GYMNASIUM, 117 W. 23d ST., NEW YORK (old Roster A Blal's), UALLKTT THOMPSON, Managor (isle Wood's Oym.) Sneolal rates to performers, tl a week. WANTED. SKETCH TEAM. Also Single Performers for Medlclno Show, mid MiisIcIiiiih fur Baud and Orchestra IlltADLEY liltoa.. Omwlu, 'Jama C o.. Iowa. BOSTON FILM EXCHANGE. Second Hand Films, Song Slides and Machines Bought, Bold and Kxohauged. Ms WASHINGTON ST.. Room jt. Boston. Mats., opp. Adams House. OIL SCENERY WANTED, FOR 10130 BTAOH, FOR CASH, RAV CHAMBERLAIN. Bo.t 8»S, Pelln, III. P. s— we opes May l, mot, tt rekto. NOTICED. V. H. BHADSTKRKT IS NOT OONNECTEil WITH TUB CRYSTAL THRATnE OR THE OIR- UUITIN ANY WAY. FOR BOOKINGS ADDRESS OEO. IRA ADAMS. Denver, colo. FjiWern acta write M. MAGNUS, 67 South Clark St , Chicago, 111. DoYouWANTMILITARYGOODS? I No matter what yon want In that line I can auppiy iu New or second band. Bend for oataioges. B. B. ABRAHAMS, tB South St, Philadelphia, Pu. PHOTOGRAPHS Onbtnot Photos of yonrsolf for onUIng or lobby, |3 per 100. Edona CARBON A finish. Samp.ioo. UDHBAND OR WIFE FBOTOSTlB.0* P07 1,000 jFORTUNKS, too.: Samp, loo, SUIHCC r ° I Fotnro Photogranot i l| CO and Lovers' P^tOflloa. ., 1MTW. WlUard St., Phlla., Pa. WANTED, Skrtoh Tvnui; must do Sliiglei; Novelty Ma-naail Piano Player tliat Can Read and Fake. Salary what you are worth. Tickets If re- qtitreit. Wt-tk stands. COY* HALL NOVELTY CO.. Rdlna, Missouri WE HAVG LOTS MORE Mechanical Fog Horns, Whistles, Automatic Banjos, Baby Pianos for Shows, Apartments, Yachts or Car ; Hand Organs, Folding Organs, Roll Strip Admission Tlcketa,Black or White Tents, Folding Chairs, Triangles, Bawbuck CotH and Canvas Covert SIilND FOR FIIBB LIST. H. U. AltMHItllBTElt, »07 S. 6th St.. Bprlngfleld, Illinois. PLAYS, CUAal Reading and Recitation Books. catalogue Free. All dramatlt capers on sale or mailed. BcbONALD * CO., N Waahlagtoa St, OHIOAOO. RICHARD and CATHCART, NOVELTY GYMNASTS, Will arrive Id New York Jan. 0, sfter a thirteen months' engagement with Orrln Bros., Mexico. We nave open time after the week of Jan. 16. The costumes worn In tilts) act are thB same as used by the Spanish bnll lighters. All first olaes agents. . Per. address »lfl EAST ism ST., NEW YOHK CITY. A HAPPr NEW YEAR TO ALL MANAGERS AND AGENTS FROM ■mi ■ ■■ y OAF^ EEI !■ EUROPEAN EQUESTRIENNE AND ANIMAL TR4INEH. Parni. Add., NKW YORK CLIPPER. Jolly Delia Pringle Co. BftND Mil URCHESIB*, TWENTY PEOPLE; KM FOB COMET, DOUBLE STAGE. No time tor correspondence. Wire lowest. WANT TO BEAR FROM OOOB PEOPLE AT ALL DssliLA PRINUL.K Co., Charlton, lows. Ueo, 49, 00, 31. TIMKS OPENS NEW YEAR, "CARMEN." All New and Special Scenery, Magnificent Costumes and Electrical Effects of the Famous SPANISH BUIVI/ FIGHT MANA6EMEHT KAPHAN SYNDICATE, Nr. 1931 Broadway, K.w Yirfc. WANTED, Lady for Understudy, anil Piano Player that can anange re-w good people, " Also* •set Theatre Lease and Fixtures for Sale* Population city, to.ooo. A GOLD MINE. Packed evety performance; three showt qstly, Ave on stt -, gpain " , carollotel Union, Toledo, O. rtrday; prices. 10 and It cenw. Only one other theatre in opposition. Oroond floor, nsln street Will ijssr most rsgld Investigation.' Will Fell at once account of disagreement of partosrt and other holi- ness. People with money meaning business Bddrcss — = BARNES' AIM.IV.AI-.S WKKK OF DKO. SO, UOUKSTADBIfK, WIHIIUOTON. People representing themselves as having Barnea' Ponies and getting work under lama oettar not do It again. "~ al. a. uahnb*. HARRY SS MAY HOWARD, Real Singing; and Danoing Artist*. ■'* JAN. 0, GRAND THEATRE, JOL1BT, ILL., JAN. If. Its 80. 1IALSTED ST., Chicago, ■', - b vi i-ii li H DECEMBER 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. 1069 AUCTION AUCTION Greatest Sale on Record or CircusiShowProperty WILL II SOLD WITHOUT BE8EBVE II SEPABATE LOTS 10 THE HIGHEST IDDIB, AT TIE WIITEB QDABTEB8, 00L0I1UB, OHIO. JAN. 10, II, 12, 1905, COMMENCING AT 10 A. I. TUB ConslitlDf la p*rt of 09 R B. Can, Sleepers, Box, Stock, Flat and AdvertUlng ; 102 Wagona, Tableaux. Band, Chariot, Music and Baggage : 81 Doable Cage*, carved and gilded, moat costly erer made; 18 Trained Elephants, 8 (operate performing groups; 26 Camels, 800 valuable Anlmala— all klnda ; 821 Horse*, Ring, Menage, Trick, Bareback, Race and Wagon ; 19 Poole*, Harriet*, Trappings and Saddles for BOO Horses. Tents of all alia*, Wardrobe of all klnda — beat quality. Portable Seats for 12,000 People, Pole* all klnde, Cbandelters, Candy, Hide Hbow and Cooking Outfit, complete : Pictorial Printing, Cats, Advertising outtit Mtc., Mtc.. Ktc, Bte. ntc. All can be seen and Inspected after DEC 27, AT COLUMBUS, 8 ALB roHiri m NO POSTPONEMENT. NO vVU'HDHA WALS. Lists on application by mall. Addreu AMI FOREPAUQH ft SELLS BROS., 1 123 Broadway, N. Y. * SUCCESS SUCCESS * IS I tvi A BIG MONEY EARNER, AN IMPOSSIBLE VOYAGE —If* 40 TAIILHAIU- THE MOST POPULAR MOVING PICTURE EVER SHOWN I LKltUTH, ISSOft. PRIOB, ISIO.OO. Write for Supplement n, wnloh oontaln* Half Tone* and roll Description. SPECIAL FOR CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS ANGEL. A HOST HKAUTIKIJl. AND PATHETIC PICTVRR IN SCRUBS. LENGTH, 616 FEET. PRI0E, $88.00. Ask for complete description. • gaston AiiirviKS, Gen, Mgr., ± »0* KA8T 38th ST., JEW YOHK CITY. f* J AMES i BONNIE FARLEY A Conefly Acrobatic Staging and Dancing Act with a Hovolty Acrobatic Finish. ADDBIM AL.C AOBBTS. CHRISTMAS WEEK AND MONTH OF JANUARY OPEN. This week, Columbia, Cincinnati. Permanent address, 2S8 EABT 82d ST., N. T. CITY. OP 1VKBT DKSCHIITIO!* KXOBPT JLITJIOUHAPIIB- THE EMPIRE CITY JOB PRINT, HBO. J. PHILLIPS. Manager, 340 PBARL ST. (Vox II o tiding), If. T. CITY. Stock Paper Por "When We Were »," "Wealth and Poverty," "Belle of Richmond," "Spotless Town. BOOKINO 8HEKT FOB 1MS-19M NOW BBADT. CIRCUS PIUKTEKG A SPBCIALTY. TUB UAKAT KSOLISH VAVDKVILLi: PAPBB. TIE AHD TM PORBItM ■CBSCBIPTIOBI . . . . PBOPBSSIOHAL ADVBRTIBBHBir». - HEW YORK OOBBBBPONDHNT AND B*V„ IDA ■BtB MJ B MM B wUl be received. Oople* on file. cviBtvwr, don, *a. M., Slngla OaJ.au. 114 OFflOB TO* ST. fAMMM IUN, IM NURRIS mANLEYa ud sneme coiebiib. ADDRESS ALL FIJtST CLASS AGIST*. UNrTED STATES AND FOREIGN PATENTS AND TRADE-MARKS And make too a fortune. It/oa have a PLAY, SKETCH, PHOTO, ACT, GONG or BOOK that It worth anything, jou ahoald copyright It. Don't take chances when you can iwcare oorsery- Icesat small coat. rJeodfor onr SWCIAl Of r I R TO IhVOTOtS before aPplTlng, for a patent, it mil pay you, rUMWOO* on talfntt irnUKt. We adrlec If patenta- ble or not. rREI. Ws Incorporate STOCK COMPANIES. Snail fee*. Consult a*, W0RMQ1E A VAN MATER, Manager*, Cila-lla Casrrls>l A Msst Ct. lac, *AS«f«TO*, s. a. ,UBUSHKO »r TMI Case publishing Company. LocuportT. new roan fob eaic at all wtw* evawoe. STERE- OPTI- CON, With Beotnc Are, Oalleoj* Qlostnted Song Slid**, ibi or Aoetylehelrlht. ate, eourea. nQu BODOHT A5I> I E Ham, m b. M street, lew Tor* CWf. Sllkollne Tight., |».0P) Wonted Tight*. •a.ODi Cotton Tl.hu, 81.D0| l/llb. Tlghta, from Sst.US api hlrto to motell nil akin* uric* ate tight at P urn pa, J,» rent a) G» It- er,. gl.OOl Klsatlo Bnuportera, $1| Clotb Supporters, as cent*. Send for catalogue and samples Of tight* free. Positively a do- Soal t required. BaUafaotlon guaran- cd or money refunded. SP10EB BROB., ts Woodblno St., Brooklyn, N. I. Old Bland bat new addreu. BAtlODA DIAMONDS Just discovered. Brilliant** tbo genuine; ouo-thirtleth the coat: aland aold teat and PUZZLE EXPEhYtB: SOLID GOLD MOUNTMO: thorough examination allowed before payment*. Write for cata- logue. THE BABODA CO., Dept c. W-71 Wabaaa Aye., Chicago, ni. STEREOPTICONS FROM $12.00 IIP. •mw S12.00 BP. NIW AND SECOND HANDS FILMS, alOVlHO PIOTUBJt MAOHINEB AND BONO SLIDES. PEABCEA80HEOK. 314 N. Calyert St., Balto.,Hd. ^ Sil-IO'fY.S- CAHNIVAlvS Tike ( A If SI 'VA I POST//? To I NNfA I'llllS VAN P tun 47 WEST 28th 8TUEET, NEW TORR. rflicR Again w* wlah to bring before the notice of ear friend* In the tantad shew ba*la*** the fact that we are equipped to aaanafaetar* anything needed In the line of Tents, Bte., for Olrou***. Wild We.t Shows, Black T.nta for Hovlng Picture Work, Merry-go-roand Topi. Bowling Alley Tend, Candy Top,, Flag, of all klnda. Klilrl and Dakar Llghta, Hope, Dark all wldlha and weight, Drill, Twine, Needle*, Palm*, Bte. and our if roa are deatrona of placing jour order where your Inatraetlona will be oarefniiy carried eat where your work will be pmperiy and promptly eietmted. and where your Inqolrl** will reoelTe ipeciai oonilderatlon and your bualne** will be appreciated, tend It to n*. Write (or oar 16 page Hit ol BEC0ID HAHD Tenli. BAKER & L0CKW00D MFG. CO., 415-417 Daliware Street, Kanttt City, Mo. Lagoon Island, on the Hudson •ETWEEl aLBMY IND TROY, N. Y., SEASON 1905, Desirable Privileges To Let. Having leased all privilege* on above bland, and with twenty year*' experience In Summer retorts, my intention I* to boom tbl* place with plenty of outdoor attraouoaa, big bluing and olroniar* to every society within W mile* for exonnloni. Clever pre** agent to look after newapaper work. Write me for ail prtvltoge*. HBHBBHT B. TOWNSBITD. Room la, ill Broadway, b.t. mn (ROFESSIONAL n e ,' re R|, r e TOUNKS Absolutely the Head, iner of Trunts. They are Different from All Others BEND FOB CATALOGUE "O" ^WIIvI^IA.JVI BAIv, Manufacturer, •f* Broad war, »•■' Third Street, Hew Yarn Jtmi BcstLLir, Theatrical RepreaentaUTe. ICTO ATE HALF-TONE 1 3 1 K/% 1 at PROCESS CO. ' PARK ROW BUILDING. N.Y. k m \ ritf . jScts. SQUARE INCH* ** * cut «f UNIQUE THEATRE J. J. OLUXTOBJ, Manager. Lob Angeles, Cal. SI HXNTZ Si ZAL1/KK, Proprietor*. :leot vaudbvilli Largest anil oldest Con. Vaud. Theatre In Boothern Otl. (la not » store room nor ball). IBLgt'T ACTS ALWAYS WAHTBD. Boollng* prlnclrally through Western Empire Circuit. San Francisco, alio direct. IIENTZ A zai.lkk being in How Yorf during December aud January, communications can be addreuod care olippek. ATTBRTIORI 11 '<€> '// DOCTORS, MEDICINE PEOPLE AND SHOWMEN Why handle rocky good* when yon can h*ndJ* good* that will tell th*a**lv**f |l.»seraom,ap. Urge Tarlety to select from. ■eeMe/sis, jolei, ItKo. do*, pain; Soap, tin gross; Flue Hedloal Battatlas. Send Tie. for sample Ho. it I. B., eip, prepaid. Latest out. One third cash rs- BeeMa Belt* from |i.w tto. dotj) tteotrlo inaoles, quired. Trial order will coailnc*. Largest haoufaoturtra of Utobi* Sell* aad IpplUaee* la V. S. A. IsUbUsbedltm. Lecture »nd price list free. TO ILICTUO APPUUei CO., Iirliiitu, lu, 1070 THE NEW YOEK CLIPPER. DEOEMBEB';n. kk HAVE YOU SEEN MAGGIE RILEY ?' I E ■VI 79 Originality pays. While the writers who use a camera to write their songs with, were still bnsy Imitating HARRY TON TILZER 8 previous pioneer waltt songs, he was busy Inventing something new. And, as always, the result Is a great big hit. A novelty; a well written song: a catchy melody, and a brand new bit ot thought In the lyric. Total: The only waltz song bit on the market today. The burning question of the show buslucss — "Have Yon Been Haggle Riley?" is OOAX IN/IE'-l °^ D COAX ME" •f COAX ME !• Twelve hundred MS. orchestration! In three weeks for thli song tell a Btory to the wise. We're used to sensational bits— but this one : It makes all the others look like a last year's anowflake. "MY PRETTY little SXCZAFOO" An Indian song 1 Yes. Like the others? No. In a class by Itself? Yes. "DOWN WHERE THE SWANEE RIVER FLOWS" A right song. Written right ; melodized right, and illustrated right. An Incubator of encores. .. ALEXANDER" ti COAX ME' j ■■"■Baaaaaaassss-r j, J So far ahead of the neit nearest coon song that poor "Alexander" Is positively loncsom "DOWN AT THE BABY STORE 7 ' At the beginning of the season three child songs started out. Where, oh where, are the otli/; ,* Also illustrated. (Sets IB.OO. This applies to all Illustrated songs). "WHEN THE FROST IS OH THE PUMPKIN (HP) The newest of the Harry Yon Tllzer pastoral ballads, but already standard. Worthily lllustnil.d. The above are all compositions of VON TILZER (Lyrics by ANDREW B. STEELING). For what yon need, send credentials and 10c. for mailing, to the HURRY VON TILZER MUSIC PUB. CO., 37 W. 28th St., N. Y. City. (Chloago Branoh, 67 OL.ARK ST.) CASEY'S THEATRICAL TRUNKS l WHY PAT MORE? Our XXX Trunk has no Equal. Its Superiority and Low Price gives It every advantage over any trunk made, be- ing built on well seasoned Basswood, with a Continuous Steel Binding, Canvas, Glued on, and over 800 Rivets used. Heavy Rawhide Handles, Yale Locks, Sin. Tray, made to Swing In the top, making In all the Best Theatrical Trunk. Guaranteed B Years. 28, f 10.76; 80, 811.20; 82, 811.70; 84, (12.70 ; 86, 13.76 | 88, 814.76 ; 40, $10.75. Our XX Trunk Compares Favorably with any Theatrical Trunk Made. Built on Basswood Box, Covered with Sail Duck, Glued on, Bound with Heavy Steel, Yale Lock, Dowels and Double Hinges Angle Edging, 1 Sin. 1 4ln. Tray, A Very Strong Riveted Trunk. 28, 80, (7,76; 82, 88.26; 84, (8.76; 86, $9.25; 88, 40, (10.26. STEEL CLAD.— Basswood Box, Covered with Cold Rolled Steel. I Deep Tray, Yale Lock, Large Bolts and Dowels. The Best Cheap Trunk on the MARKET. 28, (6.60; 80, (6.00; 82. 80.50; 34, (7.00; 86, (7.60; 88, (8.00; 40, (8.60. D. on receipt of (5.00. Write for Catalogue. " Y. Established 4T Years. Trav (7.26; (9.75; Shipped C. O. , S. CABBY, 441 Otb Ave., Bet. 20th and 27th Sta., N NECRESCOU HAIR CO.'S WICS, TOUPEES. PERFECT FITTOiO (or Stage and Street Wear Popular Prices. | Illustrated Catalogue Free 162 State Street, 5th Floor, Chicago. III. NC KEROSENE OR MANTLE. NOGASOLINE OR ETHER'. MORE IRELIABU THAN ELECTRIC mufiirf 1MB SEND FOR CATALOG. . STtREOPTICO.N AND FILM EXCHANGE PATENTED [BBIiHTER] THAN ICAUI1I. W.B.MOORE.MAHX'GEl I OS FRANKLIN 5T. CHICAGO. USB BUCKINGHAM'S DYE IF YOU WANT YOUR Moustache or Beard A BEAUTIFUL BROWN OR A DEEP RICH BLACK U your drunrlit cannot supply you send BO rents to H. f . Hall d> Co.. Nashua. IT. H. BLOOD POISON FACTS of Vital Importanoi to Every Sufferer of Blood Poison. fact one— it takes time to tell wheth- et jou are permanently cared tj a treatment or merely patched op (or the present PACT TWO— The Cook Bemedy Co. Is the only company or medical association In ox- letence that naa been treating Blood Poison loaf Moufb to know that its patients are cured to stay cured. FACT THBKB— The Cook Bemedy Co. baa many patients who were cured by Its mute remedy eighteen yean ago who are today sound and well. FACT POUR— Ths Cook Bemedy Co. la tht laneat and ths only successful company In the world that makes the ear* et Poison a specialty. FACT FITS— Patients cured by Cook Beat edy Co. are constantly panting successful!} ths yarlous rigid examinations ot ths aSst conaertatlTS life Insurance companies, sat 1 are passing the examinations (or admlsssss to the army and navy of the United States. fact six— if you take Cook Bemedy Os/i treatment under their guarantee you an as aolutely sure of a cure or your money task FACT seven— Erery other method « treatment known to tie medical profaaelsf gives but temporary relief. "The Girls in the Overalls' (COPYRIGHTED.) Tht Best Advertised Film on Berth. Ban a.Pa K e Illustrated Article In SKW YORK JOUBSAL, SAN PRABOISCO EXAMINES., BOSTON AMERICAN, CHICAGO TUIBUNB and CHICAGO AMERICAN, Etc., Snnday, Oet. IS. LENGTH, 350ft. PRICE, 842. SEND FOR OIROTJIaARS. TRACKED n BLOODHOUNDS A LYNCHING I HEADLINER OF ALL The Most Sensational AT CRIPPLE CREEK. | MOVING PICTURES.] Film Ever Made. Negative Aotuauj made in Colorado. Length, 460ft. Price 154. u •uT. * Mg*hit * n=» vj» iu» v» r- i w r-. i iw i ^ ^? j*± j-^ c <*_ „ ^ a fJ=mm ^ % v»* * ■ r. • ..+ Bmlla suited and Six Harsee Bored In Front of Causae**. LBieTH, eoort. prick, Sts.oo. ™ ■ ■■ w» •«— ^— < , i ' a»— sal -— ■ -™ — >■— ■— — — — — — — — •— w w _ waianvBan SMSMSiaaaf VVWBSW sanavasM u»a*w.ww« watch for greatest sensational film ever made. ready soolf. sbbd bake for advalf ck information. SEL1G POLYSCOPE CO., 43 Peck Court, CHICAGO, ILL. I H. H. BOOMWALTBB, Qeneral Western Agent, Deavrsr, Colo. ' . MAGICAL Goods and Illusions TOST 4 COMPANY, U N. Ninth St., (Established iaio.; Philadelphia. SB* Largs new catalogue (or stamp. SIEGMAN & WEIL, 77-81 WOOSTER ST. (Bet. Spring and Brooms), New York. Theatrical Supplies, Grease Paints, . . . Tights, Wigs, . . . Gold ft Silver Trimmings, Spangles, Etc., BEND 4 eta. FOR CATALOGUE BO. A Send tots. (or Catalogue Ho.!. We send goods C. 0. D., oubjaot te Inipietlen, buirtqulra sdepeeH on sj Orders. FACT BIGHT— -Good health Is ths most important thing In the world to any MOTE EIGHT FACTS ABE ABSOLUTELY! OHDEHIABLE. The Cook Remedy Co. solicit ths most obstinate cases, and challengs ths world (or a cast the; cannot cure. r la disease has al- ways baffled the skill of ths most eminent pbjalclaaa. Fm many years ths Cook Bern Sdy Co. OATS made • specialty of treatina this disease, sad they bare unlimited capital behind their unconditional guaranty. Ton can be treated at home (or tht pries sad with ths tarns guaranty. those who prefer to go to Chicago 1 to go contract same , icago*the Cook to curs them et pay railroad and hotel bills, and make at charge It they (all to curs. It you bars pimples, eruptions, taaeoa etches, pains, rh.umttlsm, etc., write fee ok Bemedy Co.'o free home treatment book and learn all about contagious Mood poised It you want medical advice, (Its a history af your case, and their physicians will faro Id all the Information you wish without onj charge whatever. Tour salvation depends on Cook Beneti Co., and 00 them alone. They will soreb curs yon. No other method of treatment wv cure yon. i Vb? lesattte He It' h fctfiijii til* WeilertU WHITE FOR FHHB 100-PAGE BOOK TO COOK REMEDY CO., 1111 Masonic Temple, CHICAGO, TJ. ■ A. 7 NEW DISCOVERY J fSAt Self-Feedlng Powder Handkerchief forcee the powder through the porue elastic fabric tearing no suspicion of powder alter nsJAg. Gives the face a soft, fresh and clear rnsajaeTinn Put up In combination 1 Bottle of Aoattican Beauty Kztract Amarsass Boaaty Co., 40 W. a8th St. , N. V [S2.00 «j Nr B ANDS.SCU0OLS.F1 BEH EH. M IUTABY and all others. Send for Catalogue and mention style wanted at we publish I several lists. WESTERN UNIFORM CO, HO Clark Street Chicago III. wKua teraai aruuna from a dltordcred rtomach ereraUerttl or eurod br Blpaai Tab- ■Jji. oni)»Ulii«OCT»u>«{r«r»u<« ■tWrVWwvvVVV VVWW WVVVW VWW VrVVI For KIDNEY TROUBLES and CATARRH at the BLADDER. Cures all I Discharges In SSHOSJS QAPSULES.-:. A? IDS; JTJST OUT, faWs.B. ^fH. n FB„ AN INTEREBTINO AND RIDICULOUS JOURNAL DEVOTED TO TBE Theatrical Profession PUBLISHED BV BROOKS BROS. & CO. Among the Leading Article* Are: If ABES AJID ADDBES8BB OF AIL THE ■ANAOBBB AMD AQBBT8 In the United States and England, RAILROAD FARES To all points from New Tort, Phila- delphia, Boston and Chicago, and 85 Fanny Stories and Incident! OF THE VAUDEVILLE PROFESSION. BIG VALUE FOR 10 CENTS For sale at all newsdealers or sent direct on receipt of 10 CENTS In sllTer or stamps by J. B. HAMM'S CLIPPER STAND, 45 Howard St., Boston, flass. TEN DOLLARS VALUE for 10 CENTS Brass Band Instruments You can play thorn on eight! No loarnlngl For Med. Shown, VandBvUlo Artiste, Burtosque Cos. raradlng Towns, OtO. BIU SPECIAL OFFER, 1 80IJD IIRASS CORHETTO.TfiO. POSTPAID. ■oJl JBk> ^d" FF"*> ^kB^ H ib>a Bays: "My Zobo Pcsui. Is j. howling sncceasl" BWB*«^ V 1 M^S. ^ff%7 y r^a stop wandering In tho dart, write us i today ZOBO sndgetwlso. BTHAC8S MFQ. 00^ Dopt. 87, 895 Broadway, New York OltT. OP ONE ACT PLAYS. 8KRTCHEH, q»n»Mii»u*5 Ete., OP WHICH THEY DESIRE TO DISPOSE, AND BIONOLOOVES . • r DINI UHK, Art *' VACDENII.LB ARTISTS WHO ARE IB REED OP NEW SIATERIAL, communicate with THE VAUDEVILLE AUTHOHS' BUREAU, ™ 1$&BS™- AUTHORS IAVI YOUR VALUAI II Our Steel, Combination Lock. Trunk Safe Weight a^B), fastens In your trunk. It Is a great worry saver. Send for details. PRICE, tS.OO. TBBjLofrBlB 8AFS AND LOOK 00., QAletbnrg, D.I., or VM FlaHron Blag.. B. T. PLAYS For Stock Coipuloi, for Ripirloln Conpinlis, fir Anitours LARGEST A8SORT1IENT IN THE WORLD. Books for home Amusement, Negro Plays. Paper. Scenery, Mrs. Jarley'a Wat Works. Catalogue Free I Free 1 Free 1 SAMUEL FRENCH, 17 W. 22d St., New York. « J )1 l 1 P£ 11 ' TeH BH8T COMEDY GHOTESQUH SKETCHES IN VADDBVILLB. „ C. E. kindly send address. WEEK OF JAN. 2 AND LATER OPBN. Address ACADEMY HOTEL, 119 B. 14th St., N. Y. City. DE0EMBEB 31. THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. A HAPPY TO THEPROi HITSI HIT8! HITSI I ITS I HITS! HITS! HITSI I. WHEN HARVEST MOON IS SHINING ON THE RIVER" THE GREATEST BALLAD HIT SINCE "SUNNY TBNNE88EE.' GREAT SLIDES READY. 85.O0 PER SIT. WANT TO BE SOLDIER SUNDAY «. CHURCHBELLS — RUSTIC COTTAGE THE STREAM PRODUCTIONS Pabll.b.d by THB I8LB OP BPIOE HUMPTY DOsTPTY A aUDOAP PBWCB88 RED PEATHEfl. LADY TEAZLE THE OPnCE BOY THE TWO HOSEB THE SOCEJNO B1BD HAHCY BBOWW THE JEWEL OP A8IA THB 8AHB0 OIBL wiibohe wmniE BMIUlia ISLAHD 111 IBWPOHT OEO. PRIBH08E M1HSTBEL8 D0CK8TADER K1HBTBEL8 ILLUSTRATORS ! ! Oreit Bona* With Brwt VMn. WHEN THE HARVEST MOON IS SHINING ON THE RIVER. SUNDAY MORNING WHIN TBI GHDBCB BILLS CHIME. ON THE PILLOWS OP DESPAIR LITTLE RUSTIC COTTAGE BY THE STREAK MY MARTHA JANE WONT TOD WAIT, NELLIE, DEAR? WHERE 8UN8ET TURNS OOEAN'S BLUE TO GOLD WHILE CONVENT BELLS WERE RJNGINO YOU'RE A8 WELCOME ABPLOWERSIKMAY Sltdu to »OT of »bor« teat oas receipt of •» per let ■ Copy »md owhwtr«tl«i, rati! «- 8*na for compile catalog or 6,000 np-t«-Ur»tli>i|ilir, TBc. per r 1,000. ■A- _ i#n 1072 THE NEW YORK CLIPPER. December 3i BOUND POBT ABTHUB. au. ocr run comb WITH ABO TITLES, AWD SnOW Ol'B TRADE 114ft. 147ft. 800ft 66ft. 787ft. 147ft. 426ft 608ft 657ft 377ft. 246ft 164ft 114ft 828ft 66ft 82ft 114ft 246ft **«oe h*«* RUSSIAN ANTI-8EMETIC ATIiOCI- TIBB VINTAGE i FIBBT HUNTING DAT PILGRIMAGE AT LOURDK8 SWING TOUB IN ITALY CHRISTMAS NIGHT FBOM CHBIBTIANA TO THE! NORTH CAPS ASCENDING MOUNT PILATUS A PRINCESS IN DISGUISE BULL FIGHT AUGUST, THB MONKEY , A CHEEKY TRAVELER BUTTERFLY BOABHUNT SMOKER TOO SMALL ICE CREAM EATER BEHIND THB LENS PAT BE FILMS First Glass. 12 Cents Per Foot. COM! AND LOOK AT OUR ORIGINAL FILMS AND YOU WILL NEVER BUY "DUPES." mvuiro Aonw, KLEINS OPTICAL GO. sa suite strat* CHICAGO. DRAMA IN THB A1B 180ft FANTASTIC FISHING 98ft FIGHT ON YALU 181ft IN A HUBBY TO CATCH THB TBAIN 181ft. NEST RpBIiEItS. 164ft GHBZZI AND HIS DOGS 278ft. OPRBA HAT 82ft JAPANESE AMBUSH 131ft THB STRIKE (A Social Drama) 442ft INDIANS AND COWBOYS (Attack On a Coach) 690ft. J08BPH SOLD' BY HIS BROTHERS. 828ft. ANNIE'S LOVB STORY . 764ft PUBS IN BOOTS 090ft GAMBLEB'S QUARREL 66ft HARNUM'B TBUNE. 410ft OUTLOOK AT PORT ABTHUB 131ft. BABIES BATHING 65ft DISAGREEABLE G O'CLOCK 98ft AG00D8T0BY 82ft WONDERFUL BEE HIVE ENTIRELY HAND-COLORED. 246 Feet LOUIS XIV 652 FEET. The Newest and Best Historical Film Ever Out. Part of this Film has been taken on ground at Ver- sailles. The last Picture "shows the Famous Water Fountains. bus jr m JUDGEMENT OF SOLOMON 196 f=-| NEW CMLOBUE, WITH 150 ILLUSTRATIONS. * 42 E. 231 Stmt, Mm Yin. Calolum Gas and Moving Picture Outfit [The Latest Vlotory, of Solano*. You Cm , Mat* Nil « on «r .nt.rt.lnln* th. Public We*tart you.f urnl.hlnn complete outfit! with almple and explicit Instruction*. Th* 'laid la Lara;*. comprl»lng the regular theatre and lecture circuit, al«o local field. In Chnrcho., Public School*, Lodge* and Oeneral Public Gathering*. Nothing afford, hotter opportunity, for «"u""pitai. Our Outfit Comprises th* O. P. CO.'S model, PURa OALOIUM CIAS OUTFIT, th* BTen teat oandl* power, the aof eat and moat*oonomloal ft-as-maklng outfit ever Invented, w.igai.oik*. Sttnoptfcu, Moilii Picture Hichlm, rllBJ, IIIRH goedod for cunipletn entertainment!. Abiolutely the late.t film, and vlowi on tbe markot. Including all aubjecti for tbe public'* enjoyment. SMI entertainment aupply catalogue and PKCIAL OFFIR fully explain* everything. C WCMO rHJtCTIaf CO.. m Durbor* It., Oipl. »7. CUtip. | Electric Cnrabon DIAMONDS. I The Latest rklentlUcDImoTery CP. I HrlKlil, ai'Aiallnpt.lrnillfiil. fo> I In-Ill laiicf tli" t Oi|U«l tilt ("u ii lua, iUliill i H all I'll fetid [i ii I ilr * 1,-arU. Ous-lwoolletU the eiptnM, Beat l>*.Wlti. r>rl«ll*M fir fiamliiatli-.n. Pur pirtlcuJin, prices, rla, tvddrtM flfCTWC DIAMOND CO, !37Reffl9«oSUCohoes.liY. ITCS. LITHOGRAPH ABOUT HALP THB PRIOR IE* LITHO-TIHT PAPER ■MO POM OATALOtU. Wofrisop Show Print 0tutl Rhonemus Leo Improver Pa touted. For Mem with bowed, crooked or oltow iegi. Make pant* hang par- wily straight, no matter how bowed or erooked the loga. Made of aluml nnmi Invltlblei no ir know yon na\ _ Dated with ordinary carter you never know ] TSar write** Ineonvenlaneti n have them oni _ - poitvalil.il .00 per pair. _JS today for F»aa Booklet. Consolidated Novelty Co., Box u. Springfield, Ohio. $800.00 CarforSale $800.00 eolL lone; sound and true. Equipped for fast passenger service, H. 0. 0. Can be aeon at ALA- MOSA, OOLO. Bli state rooms, kltolion, range, oto. will acoommodKto Is people Can be made to aooommodate eooreo. Add. GEO. DONAHUE, Care of Thorau A Foster, OUnton, Mo. KLEINE STERE0PTICON SAMPLR ADVERTISING bLIDB. FOR BUSINESS ADVERTISEMENTS We have some 250 different designs in advertising slides. Each slide has a blank space in which the name and address of the particular business to be advertised is written with an ordi- nary fine pointed pen, using liquid India ink. The body of the slide is taken up by some fancy design, letter- ing or sketch; some comic, some gro- tesque, and others ornamental. The India Ink can be trashed off Instantaneously, and some other name written. The Slides are sold colored only, and ore eiticmely effective In obtaining orders Ink, per bottle, 25c. ; fine pointed pens 6c. Price per slide, colored, 76c. ; In lota of 1! dozen or more, 00c. each. Price ot India for stereoptlcon advertising. each. To facilitate selection, we mall blue print reproductions of tbe slides In small size at 25 cents for the complete set, and 3 cents for postage. On receipt of sufficient remittance to cover express charges, a quantity of the slides will be shipped C. 0. D., with the privilege of selection. A NEW MOVING PICTURE LENS. FILMS FOR RENT SUPERIOR 04 WEEKLY NORTH SERVICE. CLARK ST., PROIPT CHICAGO, ATTENTION. ILL. The Film Rental Bureau Our new Moving Picture Lens Mo. 124 will project a picture 12%xO'A feet ot a distance of BO feet with an absolutely flat field and brilliant illumination. This lens embodies a new formula of ex- ceptional power, and will be shipped with privilege of 8 days' trial on receipt of value, payment to be refunded It the objective Is returned undamaged. It Is constructed with standard thread, and will fit either the Universal or the Exhibition Klnetoscope. Exhibitors, when In Chicago, are Invited to call at our address and see some recent feature film projected with this lens In our dark room. Each lens bears our monogram and tbe words "Special Klnetoscope." ■ , Mm Of the loving Picture Obleollva, Ho, 124 •• • $15.00 We carry In stock 82 varieties ot moving picture and stereoptlcon objectives which fit standardized machines. In ordering state site of picture wanted and distance from curtain to machine; also whether for moving pictures or stereoptl- con slides. NEW FEATURE FILMS ALWAYS IN STOCK, SHIPPED C. O. D., WITH PRIVILEGE OP EXAMINING IN EXPRESS OFFICE. We Po Not Sell Second Hand Goods of Any Description. KLEINE OPTICAL CO., iCIALI PROJECTION APPARATUS. 52 State St., CHICAGO, ILL HEW YORK BHAHCB, 127-120 West 321 Street. HAILBD KllKK. -Ni> w edition of oar tlalatogan, describing Bloving Picture Machines, Btereoptloons, Films and Slides. EUGENE CLINE [IVETW YORK. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES, STEREOPTICONS I MAGIC LANTERNS ALL ORDERS FILLED ■AMR DAY WR RSOB1VR TI1BM. THE OXHITH GAS OUTFIT, BEST COLORED SONG SLIDES. st/S" sm STOOK AI.Ii THIS IS THE PLACE YOU ME LOOKING FOR. aL.IIN.E. & 9 Doarborn St. IO fJC. 14th 01 FILM FRRR CATALOGS. c L.EV N D 144 BOWERY, NEW YORK CITV. Por a half century we have been giving real bargains In diamonds, it urlaloulon* to sup- pose that .tores located on Broadway, when enormous rents prevail, oan compete with as. A comparison ot goods and prices will .convince the most sceptical. ^ip* l VALUE SMS. HOW Soft. This la the ring we have been selling tor «1M, bnt for quick action we oiler a limited number at tea. Diamonds will be reset In gent', rtnga It deatred. Chance of a lifetime. Sand far oar Forfeited Loam Catalogs*. Hall Orders Filled. Inquiries Uollolted. C, W. PARKER. Abilene, Kan. Largest oxolualve manufacturer of Amuwment De- vices in the U. 8. HKunY-oo-Boiijl»s BHOOTINO VAI.I.KIIIKX, Military Band Orgajm,Cillndor Pianos, MIoJrio-lnBlot Pl*noa,eto. I*y. LEARN MIND READING ■v and how to control th. mind cl oth.n. Our book 1.10b. •> Ih. lubjul of rulnd r.iJIni. n»IM mtj UilD* to deir tbil »ny tt.rion cto DDd.rfUBdua M00Di..o.xp.rtmIod r.adtr In . short *!■.. ^•o ... nj lllrr J«» ftU.li. d" fbttl vkrklv ■nU U4 bilo innll H MM ul ta*M« o», book n*aH .u u» *»■ •! •? l>3 ■ ntUn M. Ufn lb. p.b». baatalaaaailli Sa» >)> > **■»»*' ■B ajfanaa J^nBJrnHh.Bi.ai.rub. *■* ^>**^ l *'^sw ll „ < , M ,,i^i > ^^ M aM.B«i. .rbiar* OLTDB PCB. CO., Grand Crossing, Chicago, IB. yr%* Scanned from microfilm from the collection of Q. David Bowers Coordinated by the Media History Digital Library www.mediahistoryproject.org Funded by Q. David Bowers and Kathryn Fuller- Seeley